Autoradiography method in cytology. Autoradiography method in biology. in autoradiography of biological objects

Sometimes advanced forms of hemorrhoids are accompanied by an unpleasant symptom such as “wetting” - when liquid, mucus, and ichor are constantly secreted in the anal area.

This condition is typical for patients with hemorrhoids at the last, stage 4, and is called “wetting hemorrhoids.”

Causes of wetting

The development of weeping hemorrhoids is associated with a gradual weakening of the functions of the anal sphincter, which cannot close normally and retain the contents of the rectum inside.

This occurs due to the progression of hemorrhoids, resulting in:

  • The orbicularis sphincter obturator muscle is damaged.
  • Internal hemorrhoids protrude outward and prevent the sphincter from closing.


It is impossible not to notice weeping hemorrhoids. At first it appears as:

  • Involuntary release of feces and gases during sudden movements (coughing, sneezing, straining).
  • Excess moisture in the anus: traces of serous fluid, mucus or sanguineous discharge may remain on the underwear.
  • Pathological weeping around the anus leads to itching and dermatitis in this area.

Gradually, the symptoms of weeping hemorrhoids worsen and lead to the following:

  • Feces and gases can involuntarily pass away in a calm state, you just need to take a vertical position of the body. This is due to the loss of its functions by the sphincter - the anus gapes and does not close completely.
  • Hemorrhoids fall out and cannot be put back in. This further aggravates sphincter incompetence.
  • Perianal dermatitis is diagnosed, which spreads to the skin of the buttocks and inner thighs. In advanced cases, it looks like bedsores.
  • Colorless mucus is constantly secreted from the rectum, which is a natural reaction of the intestinal mucosa to contact with the environment.
  • Itching and discomfort increase many times over.
  • Possible abundant bloody issues from the anus, which is associated with a violation of the integrity of the hemorrhoids. In severe cases, an advanced form of hemorrhoids can lead to gradual necrosis of the tissues of the node, which is fraught with numerous complications and threatens the life of the patient.
  • Due to heavy blood loss With hemorrhoidal bleeding, iron deficiency anemia develops.


Weeping hemorrhoids occur only in the last stages of development of hemorrhoidal disease. This is a consequence of ineffective treatment and ignoring the state of one’s health over the previous years.

At the stage of weeping, conservative treatment will not give the desired effect and will not return all the joy of life to the patient. The very fact of the need to constantly use adult diapers for wet hemorrhoids critically worsens the quality of life and suggests that something needs to be done about it.

Hoping that you can get by only with strict hygiene, diet and constant enemas is simply reckless. The criticality of the situation can increase every day, and enemas and a laxative diet will only provoke constant uncontrolled passage of feces.

The only way out in such a situation is urgent surgical intervention. The operation to remove hemorrhoids - hemorrhoidectomy - is not too complicated, and often a minimally invasive surgical procedure. Most often it is carried out under local anesthesia, its duration entirely depends on the number of hemorrhoids and their condition.

The period of postoperative rehabilitation in the hospital is extremely important and recovery period at home: its quality determines how long the delicate hemorrhoidal problem will not return again and how fully the functionality of the anal sphincter will be restored.

Treatment with folk remedies

The use of traditional medicine recipes in this case is ineffective, so it will not be possible to cure weeping hemorrhoids at home.

The only thing they can do is help folk remedies for weeping hemorrhoids, this is to alleviate the condition of the skin (relieve itching and redness) near the anus and maintain the hygiene of this area.

To do this, you can make sitz baths and lotions.

Cold baths will help relieve itching and reduce rectal bleeding:

  • Pour cold water into a basin.
  • Immerse yourself in the anus area.
  • Sit like this for 5 minutes.

Technique for using lotions: soft tissue is moistened in a special solution and then applied to the hemorrhoids.

To prepare medicinal lotions for the treatment of weeping hemorrhoids at home, sea buckthorn oil, alum, propolis, and Birch tar.

In the case of internal hemorrhoids, a tampon is soaked in the solution and then inserted into the anus from evening to morning.

Beekeeping products - honey and propolis (read more), as well as onion juice - help to cope well with hemorrhoidal cones.

In addition, the excruciating pain of weeping hemorrhoids is noticeably reduced when using compresses and creams based on rowan berries, beets and carrots.


If surgical intervention is refused, weeping hemorrhoids can lead to a number of complications:

  • Severe bleeding from hemorrhoids.
  • Attachment of a secondary infection in the area of ​​weeping: since the skin in these places is damaged and its protective barrier is significantly reduced, it can easily become infected with any bacterial infection.
  • Infringement of hemorrhoids, which is accompanied by severe pain and can lead to necrosis and death of damaged tissue. This article describes strangulated hemorrhoids.

Phlegm in the anus: causes, photos

For stable functioning of the intestines, special glands are provided in its lower section that produce a small amount of transparent mucus. It is necessary to moisturize the surface of the intestine and help avoid injury during bowel movements. If a person has an unpleasant feeling of phlegm in the anus without apparent reason, you should pay attention to the health of all digestive system. This symptom also appears with exacerbation of hemorrhoids and inflammation in the perianal area.

Causes of phlegm in the anus

Stable bowel function is easily disrupted by the consumption of fatty or spicy foods, poor-quality water or sugary drinks. It responds to changes in diet by secreting increased amount mucus, which helps remove feces. This ends with diarrhea or bloating, discomfort and pain. Everything returns to normal immediately after eliminating irritants from the diet.

The appearance of wet discharge on linen or the toilet almost always tells a person that activity is impaired intestinal tract. If this condition is associated with pain, burning and itching, it is better to see a specialist: most likely it is associated with hemorrhoids. This unpleasant and common disease has many manifestations. Discharge of inflammatory exudate from the anus is one of the symptoms important for the doctor, indicating the formation of internal nodes. It is observed only in acute period causing inconvenience to the patient.

There are several other pathologies with similar complications that require complex treatment. Some of them are associated with hemorrhoids or are a complication of it:

  • Fistulas and paraproctitis: diseases are characterized by infection of minor injuries and scratches on the intestinal mucosa. When pathogenic microbes and bacteria get on wounds, they provoke the development of inflammation. The abscess accumulates a large amount of infiltrate, which, after opening, comes out through the anus. In this case, the liquid becomes cloudy, resembling mucus with a pungent odor.
  • Fungal diseases: Candida and yeast colonies may concentrate in the rectum. During active reproduction, whitish moisture is released around the anus. The diseases are accompanied by constant itching, which forces you to scratch the delicate skin of the perineum, creating additional microtraumas.
  • Inflammation of the pancreas or other organs of the gastrointestinal tract: with an exacerbation of such diseases, the patient may see yellowish streaks on the toilet bowl cover. This is caused by excessive secretion of bile, which leaves the body along with waste products. The patient needs the help of an experienced gastroenterologist to prevent transition to the chronic stage.
  • Polyp formation, anal fissures or tumors: when such neoplasms appear in the intestines, the glands can activate the secretion large quantity liquids. When passing feces, they are often severely injured and do not heal well. Therefore, the sputum in the anus takes on a pink tint, and bloody threads are observed on the underwear.

The irritating fluid is rarely released without other indirect symptoms. In most cases, patients complain of pain inside the intestines, itching and unpleasant distension in the anal area. There may be spasms and changes in the structure of feces, and a frequent urge to defecate.

Features and symptoms of weeping hemorrhoids

Very often, phlegm and itching in the anus are the main symptoms not only of the appearance of hemorrhoids. Discharge from the anus occurs even with advanced disease and chronic form. They are practically not observed at the first stage. There is even a medical concept of “wetting hemorrhoids,” which doctors use when making an accurate diagnosis.

When lumps appear inside anal passage The sphincter muscles gradually stretch. It stops holding the knots in place well, after which they fall out with the slightest strain. Over time, in the absence of treatment and prevention, the anus does not close tightly, and inflammatory fluid begins to leak from the glands and mucous membrane.

In addition to the sensation of phlegm in the anus, this form of hemorrhoids is often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • increased gas formation due to non-closure of the sphincter muscles;
  • constant clear discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • spontaneous itching and burning.

How to remove phlegm in the anus

The appearance of weeping in the anal area is characteristic of the second or third stage, which is accompanied by severe pain. The loss of cones is particularly dangerous: they are easily injured and thrombosis occurs. Therefore, treatment includes a whole complex:

  • The use of anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce pain and itching inside the rectal canal: multi-component suppositories are well suited, which include an analgesic, moisturizing and wound-healing components (Relief Advance, Proctosan, Procto Glivenol, Anuzol).
  • The use of angioprotectors in a course: such drugs are available in the form of tablets. They restore damaged areas of veins from the inside, strengthening the entire circulatory system(Phlebodia 600, Troxevasin, Venarus).
  • Carrying out special physiotherapy procedures, rectal massage under the supervision of a specialist. To improve blood circulation and prevent stagnation, therapeutic exercises are recommended.
  • A strict diet based on fiber-rich foods. This will solve the problem of increased gas formation and constant constipation, improve peristalsis and restore overall health.

Often weeping means that hemorrhoids have become too advanced and surgery to remove them is necessary. Modern methods allow you to do this without lengthy and complex preparation. The patient may be offered excision of nodes with a laser, cauterization liquid nitrogen or freezing at low temperatures. All these methods are equally effective and enable the patient to return to a normal rhythm of life in just a few days.

How to cure weeping hemorrhoids with folk remedies

At this stage, it is difficult to completely remove wetting in the perineum only with the help of homeopathy. But recipes with herbs and plant extracts can speed up healing and improve the condition of the intestines, supporting the immune system during the course of treatment. An effective remedy is a decoction based on several natural ingredients: husks onions, flowers of chamomile, calendula and St. John's wort. It cleanses and restores blood vessels, eliminates inflammation.

As a wound healing agent, douching with an infusion of burdock root with the addition of propolis is used. It is carried out before the introduction of rectal suppositories and after bowel movements. When nodes fall out, the skin and entire perineum are treated with sea buckthorn oil and compresses are made from birch tar. Sitz baths made from a decoction of oak bark or potassium permanganate effectively reduce the secretion of mucus from the anus.

The same recipes are used after surgery. Infusions of calendula or mumiyo perfectly destroy pathogenic microflora. The drying effect is given by the juice of beets, rowan berries or fresh potatoes, which are applied in the form of a gauze compress. This helps to avoid the development of infection in the rectal passage and speed up the healing process.

How to treat weeping hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids at various stages of the disease manifest themselves in the most different symptoms. Very often, at the third or fourth stage of hemorrhoids, painful and bleeding weeping hemorrhoids occur. To know why hemorrhoids become wet, you need to understand exactly how this complication manifests itself, as well as the reasons for its occurrence. Only after this can you begin correct treatment diseases.

Symptoms of weeping hemorrhoids

The third and fourth stages of the disease are characterized by pronounced dystrophic changes in the sphincter. Progressive hemorrhoids are accompanied by itching, discharge from the anus and involuntary discharge of feces and gases. Weeping hemorrhoids are manifested by constant leakage of mucus, which causes severe irritation skin near the anus. The skin softens and becomes loose due to regular exposure to rectal secretions.

The main symptoms of weeping hemorrhoids:

  • involuntary discharge of rectal masses;
  • formation of excess moisture in the anus;
  • discharge of mucus, serous fluid, ichor from the anus;
  • itching of the skin in the anal area.


In severely advanced forms of the disease, inflamed hemorrhoidal cones are located inside the anus. In an upright position of the body, when coughing or sneezing, hemorrhoids fall out. Usually they cannot be adjusted independently, which further aggravates the clinical picture. The intestinal sphincters lose their elasticity and are unable to hold rectal masses.

The causes of weeping hemorrhoids are:

  • weakening of the anal sphincter;
  • damage to the orbicularis sphincter obturator muscle;
  • hemorrhoids prevent the sphincter from closing.

Usually weeping hemorrhoids go away without pain. However, this complication is characterized by frequent heavy bleeding as a result of disruption of the integrity of the intestinal walls of the intestine and the hemorrhoidal formations themselves. With weeping hemorrhoids, anemia and subsequent thrombosis may occur.

Thrombosis is the formation of blood clots inside the hemorrhoid. This complication of the disease especially develops in the last stages of hemorrhoids. Further, the manifestation of necrosis of the node is possible - its necrosis. Necrosis poses a threat to the life of a person suffering from hemorrhoids.

The itching of the skin with weeping hemorrhoids noticeably intensifies. Perianal dermatitis is diagnosed, spreading to the buttocks and thighs. In an advanced situation, bedsores may appear.

With poor nutrition, lack of diet, consumption of alcohol or spicy foods, the symptoms of weeping hemorrhoids may intensify. Since weeping hemorrhoids are a dangerous complication and can lead to disastrous consequences, after carrying out the necessary diagnostics, the doctor prescribes a specific treatment for the disease. Typically, such hemorrhoids are treated with a variety of methods.

Surgical treatment

Treatment of weeping hemorrhoids can improve the patient’s condition and quality of life. Constant use of diapers only makes the situation worse. In no case should the development of complications be ignored - with weeping hemorrhoids, it is very important to promptly seek medical help.

Usually with weeping hemorrhoids conservative methods treatment is not adequate therapeutic effect. With this diagnosis, the doctor prescribes excision of the inflamed hemorrhoidal node - hemorrhoidectomy. The use of modern technologies makes it possible to reduce pain during this surgical intervention.

When this operation is traditionally performed, after excision, the hemorrhoids are not sutured and left open. The healing process occurs independently, and the rehabilitation period after surgery is up to five days. For surgical intervention, hospitalization of the patient is necessary. Surgery is performed using general anesthesia; epidural anesthesia is rarely used.

Modern technologies make it possible to perform closed hemorrhoidectomy. In this option, the wounds are sutured after surgery. This method was proposed by surgeons Heaton and Ferguson. The technique of the operation takes place in several stages.

Stages of surgery

At the preparatory stage, the patient prepares for surgery. A procedure is carried out to cleanse the intestines of feces - the patient is prescribed laxatives and given cleansing enemas.

Before the start of surgery, the patient is placed on his back, and his widely separated legs are fixed in special holders. The surgical area is thoroughly disinfected with a solution of betadine and iodonate. Next, local anesthesia is applied.

During the operation, the surgeon expands the anus with a rectal speculum and treats the intestinal mucosa with drying solutions. The internal hemorrhoids are grasped with clamps and pulled out. The captured knot is sutured, excised and firmly tied with thread. In this way, all hemorrhoids are gradually removed. To excise hemorrhoidal formations, a special surgical knife is used, which easily cuts the tissue and at the same time cauterizes the blood vessels. Thus, the development of bleeding during the operation is prevented. First, the internal hemorrhoids are excised, then the external ones.

The rehabilitation period after surgery requires strict adherence to the prescribed diet. It is very important not to injure the intestinal mucosa after surgery. The doctor recommends drinking plenty of fluids and eating only light foods. In the first days after surgery, painkillers are prescribed to relieve pain.

Treatment of weeping hemorrhoids at home

In the absence of indications for surgical intervention, a proctologist may prescribe treatment for weeping hemorrhoids at home. To relieve itching and redness of the skin in the anal area, special ointments and medicinal baths are prescribed. To eliminate the inflammatory process and reduce hemorrhoidal formations, various drugs and rectal suppositories.

Some traditional medicine recipes will help alleviate the condition and improve well-being. Various sitz baths and the use of lotions are very effective in treating weeping hemorrhoids.

Sitz baths

A cold bath will help relieve itching. To carry out the procedure you need:

  1. Pour cold water into a wide basin.
  2. Sit in the basin with cold water, immersing the anal area in water.
  3. The procedure takes no more than five minutes.

You can use a decoction of onion peels or diluted mummy instead of ordinary water. You can also do sitz baths using a weak solution of potassium permanganate or medicinal herbs(chamomile, knotweed, burdock root). Such baths are excellent for drying irritated skin around the anus.

To prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs, you need to take plants such as chamomile, burdock root, knotweed, and oak bark. Mix all components in equal quantities. Usually take two to three tablespoons of each medicinal herb. Pour the resulting herbal mixture with a liter of boiling water and place on low heat for water bath. Boil for about fifteen minutes, then let it brew. Cool the resulting medicinal decoction and pour it into a bowl of cold water for the procedure.

Medicinal herbs are very good at helping to cope with weeping hemorrhoids. Having an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, they effectively dry out weeping hemorrhoids, restore the epithelium of the skin of the anal area, and heal anal fissures.

Herbal baths can reduce anal dermatitis and reduce the size of external and internal hemorrhoidal formations. For a long time in folk medicine Knotweed was used to combat weeping hemorrhoids. This plant is rich in various active substances that produce an antiseptic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect on the entire focus of the disease.

If you don’t have all the plants at hand, you can use a sitz bath with one chamomile purchased at your nearest pharmacy. Chamomile is used in the treatment of many diseases due to its medicinal properties. The flowers of the plant contain essential oils and substances that eliminate the inflammatory process and promote rapid recovery from weeping hemorrhoids.

Application of lotions

For lotions, propolis, sea buckthorn oil, and birch tar are used. These components must be mixed in equal quantities. Then you need to take a clean soft cloth, soak it in the resulting mixture and apply it to the inflamed hemorrhoidal nodes. For internal hemorrhoids, a special tampon is made from gauze, which is soaked remedy and is inserted into the rectum overnight.

Propolis and honey are very effective products in the treatment of weeping hemorrhoids. They contain many useful vitamins and substances that can restore inflamed tissues and remove the source of inflammation itself. Having an antibacterial effect, beekeeping products effectively heal wounds due to hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and eliminate itching and anal dermatitis.

The strong restorative properties of honey in the treatment of weeping hemorrhoids and other diseases have long been known. The use of propolis and honey in home treatment helps prevent the development of complications, prevents further spread of infection and promotes rapid recovery.

In the process of home treatment of weeping hemorrhoids, compresses and creams based on onion, beet juice, and rowan are also used. The use of compresses and creams is very effective in treating the disease.

When refusing surgical intervention, it is important to know that weeping hemorrhoids lead to serious complications. Secondary infections may develop in the area of ​​weeping hemorrhoids, since the skin of the anal area is severely damaged and has a reduced protective barrier.

Strangulation of hemorrhoids can be fatal. It is very important to carry out ambulatory treatment weeping hemorrhoids at home only in agreement with the treating proctologist. Throughout the treatment, observation of the patient by the attending physician is mandatory. This is the only way to effectively eliminate the disease.

What does wetness in the anus mean?

With hemorrhoids, due to the predominance of certain symptoms, the clinical picture can be quite variable, depending on the stage of the disease and the location of the hemorrhoids. One of the varieties of this pathology is weeping hemorrhoids, which is usually observed in patients with advanced stages of the disease.

Clinical picture

This form of hemorrhoids manifests itself as colorless discharge from the anal canal, sometimes copious, as well as intense itching in the anus.

Involuntary passage of gases and stool may be observed.

Constant moisture in the skin of the perineum causes irritation, and dermatitis gradually develops. Areas of the skin directly adjacent to the anus may even become ulcerated.

Expressed pain syndrome Weeping hemorrhoids are usually not typical, but hemorrhoidal bleeding often occurs with it, since constant high humidity contributes to ulceration and damage to the walls of the superficial vessels in the anus. There is a high probability of thrombosis of hemorrhoids.

Pathogenesis of weeping hemorrhoids

Causing constant pressure on soft fabrics swelling and inflammation, coupled with impaired regional circulation due to blood stagnation, gradually lead to weakening of the orbicularis anus muscle. Dystrophic processes progress in it, ultimately leading to destruction muscle fibers. In addition, external hemorrhoids also prevent the orbicularis muscle from closing the anal canal tightly. As a result, the anal sphincter, which closes the lumen of the rectum, weakens and ceases to close completely. Ultimately, mucus leaks through the anus, and in the most severe cases, feces can even be released. This is further aggravated if the patient is forced to use laxatives or do enemas, which causes the intestinal contents to liquefy and pass more easily through an insufficiently closed sphincter.

Weeping hemorrhoids progress as the disease progresses, as dystrophic changes in the circular anal muscle gradually intensify. In this regard, weeping usually appears in patients with advanced forms of hemorrhoids.

Differential diagnosis

  • chronic paraproctitis,
  • coccygeal cyst,
  • anal fissure.

In addition, even in the presence of hemorrhoids, the simultaneous development of a neoplasm in this area cannot be ruled out, which can also lead to weakening of the anal sphincter.

In this regard, when making a diagnosis, it is always necessary, in addition to examination, to conduct a rectal examination, and in some cases, additional laboratory tests.

Treatment of weeping hemorrhoids

If, with hemorrhoids, the skin in the perianal area becomes wet, this is a signal that it is no longer possible to delay taking radical measures. Many patients tend to hope that everything will return to normal without surgery. However, in in this case It is impossible to achieve the desired result with conservative measures alone; the disease is already too advanced.

In this situation, it should be recognized that the time for conservative treatment is hopelessly lost, therefore, to return to normal life, surgical removal of the prolapsed inflamed nodes is indispensable.

Surgeries to remove hemorrhoids are not overly complex, and modern minimally invasive technologies can, in many cases, significantly reduce recovery time. Refusal to undergo surgery is fraught with severe bleeding with significant blood loss, strangulation and necrosis of hemorrhoids with the development purulent-septic complications, rectal prolapse and complete fecal incontinence. Therefore, proctologists try to refer a patient with a weeping form of hemorrhoids for surgery as early as possible.

Simultaneously with the removal of hemorrhoids, conservative treatment of developed dermatitis or eczema of the perianal area is carried out. It is usually sufficient to follow the hygiene rules of local remedies, including folk remedies, since after the nodes are removed and the function of the anal sphincter is restored, the cause of the development of these complications disappears.

What are weeping hemorrhoids and why is urgent treatment required?

The symptoms of hemorrhoids are largely determined by its stages. In particular, at the last, fourth stage, the phenomenon of weeping hemorrhoids is common. To properly treat this complication, you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence and the main symptoms.

Causes of complications

Many people wonder why hemorrhoids get wet? In the advanced phase of the pathology, inflamed hemorrhoids are localized inside the anus. When straining, sneezing, or defecating, they fall out of the anus. On late stages it is no longer possible to set them on your own, which aggravates the clinical picture. The sphincter loses elasticity and is unable to retain feces.

Over time, dystrophy of the circular muscles of the anus occurs. In addition, hemorrhoids hanging into the lumen of the anus also prevent the lumen of the anal canal from being completely closed. All this leads to leakage of mucus, and in severe cases, stool.

The patient’s condition is aggravated by the fact that to facilitate bowel movements, he often takes laxatives or does enemas, which causes the stool to liquefy and easily penetrate through an open sphincter.

Thus, the main causes of weeping hemorrhoids are:

  • sphincter incompetence;
  • incomplete closure of the sphincter due to hanging hemorrhoids;
  • sphincter damage.

Weeping hemorrhoids progress with the development of the disease, and the degenerative processes of the sphincter gradually worsen. Therefore, weeping is a common companion for patients with advanced forms of hemorrhoids.

Symptoms of weeping hemorrhoids

The most important manifestation of weeping hemorrhoids is constant loss hemorrhoids from the anal canal. On last stage disease, the nodes cannot be reduced and fall out even with the slightest cough or just walking. As a result, they constantly hang outside the anus.

Other symptoms of weeping hemorrhoids:

  1. Constantly open anal sphincter. This is due to loss of elasticity and decreased muscle tone in this area. So significant pathological change tissue leads to the fact that the sphincter is unable to perform its main function - to retain mucus and feces inside.
  2. Discharge of mucus from the anus. This is the outer layer of the mucous membrane, which thus reacts to contact with the external environment.
  3. Deterioration in the patient's quality of life. Due to the disease, he is unable to control the release of feces, especially in a liquid state, and gases. As a result, you have to wear special adult diapers.
  4. Wetting, which occurs as a reaction to a constantly moist environment in the anus. Moisture causes irritation and inflammation between the folds of the skin, so the patient has to rinse with water and dry the anal area several times a day (or gently wipe with soft paper napkins).
  5. Itching in the anus, which is a reaction to irritation of the perianal area.

Typically, weeping hemorrhoids are not accompanied by severe pain, however, they are characterized by regular copious discharge blood from the anus due to a violation of the integrity of the intestinal walls and the hemorrhoids themselves.

Possible consequences

Fecal incontinence and a constant humid environment lead to the appearance of erosions and ulcers on the skin near the anus, which significantly complicate the patient’s condition. Not only do they deliver painful sensations, they are also a gateway for pathogenic microbes, of which quite a lot are released during weeping hemorrhoids.

Regular and profuse bleeding may lead to the development of anemia and thrombosis. Thrombosis is the formation of blood clots inside the hemorrhoid. This complication is common in the later stages of hemorrhoids. Subsequently, necrosis of the node develops - tissue death. It poses a threat to human life.

Constant itching caused by weeping contributes to the development of perianal dermatitis, which spreads to the entire perineal area. In especially severe cases, bedsores may appear on the thighs and buttocks.

Thus, wetting in the anus is a dangerous complication of hemorrhoids, which can lead to undesirable consequences. It needs urgent treatment.

Differential diagnosis

Weeping also occurs with some purulent diseases of the anal area:

The presence of a neoplasm in the rectum, which contributes to the incompetence of the anal sphincter, cannot be ruled out.

Therefore, when making a diagnosis, the proctologist always conducts a thorough rectal and laboratory examination.

Treatment of weeping hemorrhoids

Most effective method treatment of weeping hemorrhoids - surgery to remove hemorrhoids. Weeping is a consequence of the disease, hemorrhoids are the cause. Only by eliminating the cause can you get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

The operation allows you to get rid of hemorrhoids and all the accompanying symptoms. While conservative treatment with the use of rectal suppositories and ointments, wearing diapers are only temporary measures.

The intervention to remove inflamed hemorrhoids is called hemorrhoidectomy. Modern medical technology allowed to significantly reduce the pain of the operation and the severity of the rehabilitation period.

There are two ways to perform hemorrhoidectomy:

  1. Open, when after excision of the nodes the wounds are not sutured, they are left open. The postoperative wound heals on its own.
  2. Closed when wounds are sutured after surgery. Recovery after closed surgery is faster, however, in this case, postoperative pain syndrome is more developed.

Hemorrhoidectomy is performed in several stages:

  1. Preparing the patient. It involves cleansing the intestines from fecal contents using cleansing enemas or laxatives.
  2. Start of the operation. The patient is placed on his back, legs spread wide and fixed in a special chair. In some clinics, the operation is performed with the patient in the prone position with the pelvis elevated - this facilitates outflow venous blood. The surgical area is disinfected, local, epidural or general anesthesia is applied.
  3. Operation. The surgeon expands the anus with a special mirror and treats the mucous membrane with special drying solutions. Using a clamp, the internal components are grabbed and pulled out. The surgeon sutures the artery feeding the node, excises it and firmly sutures it with absorbable thread (with a closed method of operation). He does the same with all existing nodes. A special surgical scalpel is used to excise the nodes. It simultaneously cuts tissue and cauterizes damaged vessels. This helps prevent bleeding. Internal nodes are removed first, external ones last.
  4. Recovery. Depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, the rehabilitation period lasts 1-2 weeks. During this time, the patient is prescribed a gentle diet, painkillers and laxatives, since it is important to avoid injury to the rectal mucosa.

Refusal surgical treatment is fraught with severe bleeding, strangulation, thrombosis and necrosis of nodes, absolute fecal incontinence and rectal prolapse. Therefore, weeping hemorrhoids should be treated immediately.

Simultaneously with hemorrhoidectomy, the patient is prescribed concomitant therapy aimed at eliminating dermatitis and eczema in the anus and perineum. In many cases, following basic hygiene rules is sufficient, since the cause of these complications after surgery is eliminated.

The operation allows the patient to completely get rid of the disease, however, if proper nutrition and an appropriate lifestyle are not followed, a relapse is not excluded. If you follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, the patient quickly returns to full life and forgets about the problem.

Application of conservative and traditional methods

If a patient has an inflammatory process in the hemorrhoids, hemorrhoidectomy is contraindicated for him. In this case it is assigned conservative therapy aimed at relieving inflammation. Special ointments, gels, and rectal suppositories are used. Drugs such as Hepatrombin G, Procto-Glyvenol, dull the feeling of discomfort, relieve inflammation and prevent the formation of blood clots.

At the same time, painkillers are prescribed to help get rid of the pain caused by an exacerbation of the disease.

Sitz baths

To carry out the procedure you should:

  1. Pour cold water into a basin.
  2. Sit in a basin, immersing the anal area in cold water.
  3. Sit for no more than 5 minutes.

Instead of ordinary cold water, you can use a decoction of onion peels and diluted mumiyo, weak solution potassium permanganate (will have an additional disinfectant effect) infusions of chamomile, burdock root, knotweed.

These sitz baths will help dry out the skin around the anus.

It is easy to prepare infusions from medicinal plants:

  1. Take chamomile, burdock root, and knotweed. You can use one medicinal plant, or all at once.
  2. Mix in equal proportions. You will need approximately 2-3 tbsp. mixture per liter of water.
  3. Pour boiling water and place in a water bath over low heat.
  4. Boil for about 15 minutes and let it brew.
  5. When the broth has cooled, pour it into a basin and carry out the procedure.

Medicinal herbs have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, therefore they are effective in eliminating symptoms of weeping hemorrhoids. Sitz baths will help dry the skin of the anus, restore the epithelium, and heal anal fissures.


For lotions, sea buckthorn oil, propolis, and birch tar are used. They are mixed in equal quantities, applied to a soft, clean cloth and applied to the anal area. For internal nodes, a gauze swab is made, which is soaked medicinal mixture and inserted into the anus.

Effective products in the treatment of hemorrhoids, including weeping ones, are honey and propolis. They contain vitamin components and beneficial substances that remove the source of inflammation and restore inflamed tissue. Beekeeping products have healing, antibacterial, and antipruritic effects.

The use of honey and propolis for weeping hemorrhoids helps to avoid the development of complications and prevents the spread of infection.

In the process of home treatment of hemorrhoids, lotions based on rowan, beet and onion juice are also used.

It is necessary to use folk remedies in the treatment of hemorrhoids only under the constant supervision of the attending physician. Do not under any circumstances start the disease, as the complications it causes pose a threat to life.


The presence of weeping hemorrhoids in a patient indicates that the moment when conservative treatment could be effective has been irretrievably missed. Unfortunately, many patients believe that they can cope with the problem by using previously tested methods that are effective on early stages diseases.

You need to understand that with weeping hemorrhoids, conservative and traditional treatment cannot bring long-term positive results. Only surgery will help get rid of the problem.

Therefore, after stopping the inflammatory process, doctors prescribe the patient a hemorrhoidectomy. Only this will help effectively eliminate weeping hemorrhoids.

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Clear discharge from the anus

Alexander B. 11:36

Hello. I am 20 years old, and fluid has been periodically leaking from my anus for a year. And it doesn’t exist for a couple of months, and then it starts again. At the age of 18, I had the same situation, but only for a week, and then it went away on its own.

Regarding the liquid, I can say that it has neither color nor odor. A lot of it comes out, so much so that your trousers are wet through. I don't feel any pain. At the same time, it seems to me that the secretion of this liquid directly depends on how much water I drank. And most of all, it begins to stand out if you drink yogurt, milk or kefir.

Life becomes very difficult, you constantly have to check your trousers and run to the toilet to wipe your anal area.

Evgeny Alekseevich Zagryadsky 12:28

You need to be examined by a proctologist to find out the cause of incontinence. Contact specialized proctology centers.

My mother-in-law constantly discharges clear liquid from her anus. It’s painless, but she has lost a lot of weight. Please suggest possible reasons.

Transparent wet discharge from the anus, wet anus and anal perineum!

Hello. I visited the proctologist. I have internal hemorrhoids of the 1st degree. Sclerotherapy was performed 4 times on 3 hemorrhoids for 3, 7, 11 hours. A month ago, the problem returned, the anus constantly gets wet, even my panties become wet, it goes away by night, and starts in the morning. There is no itching, bleeding, pain or urge to go to the toilet. I now live in another city and will be able to see my treating proctologist only in 3 months. Please tell me what I can do myself to get rid of this problem, namely to keep the anus dry? I read that the medicine Daflon 500 can help, but where I live in this country they don’t sell it. Are there other medications or drugs that could help me and eliminate this problem? I don’t have proctitis or other diseases, I had a coloscopy and swallowed the intestines. All blood and stool tests are normal. Could Candida fungus manifest itself this way, which may have settled in the gastrointestinal tract, although tests show nothing? Because I had unprotected sex, including oral sex, with a girl, and she had previously suffered from a fungus. I suspect this clear discharge from the anus is a fungus. This problem causes me constant weakness, lethargy and nervousness. Thank you very much for your attention, best regards Sergey

Good afternoon. Most likely, the problem with hemorrhoids has not been solved. As the nodes enlarge, the closing function of the anus is disrupted and liquid intestinal contents can partially penetrate outward. If possible, you can send a photo of the anus, because... It is not clear what color the discharge is. Is there any irritation around the anus?

Consultation is provided for informational purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation received, please consult a doctor.

Discharge from the anus, anus, what to do, which doctor to see

Mucous or purulent discharge on underwear. Often the main problem is not the discharge, but the itching it provokes. Usually the condition is not dangerous, but you should consult a physician, since cancer cannot be ruled out.

The main causes of discharge from the anus


Blood on toilet paper, less often in the toilet, and also on the surface of the stool. Nodes in the anus are soft, painless or hard, painful. Sometimes during bowel movements, the nodes fall out of the anus, as a result of which the pain can worsen.

Use antihemorrhoid ointments and laxatives. Increase your consumption dietary fiber. Contact your physician to clarify your diagnosis.

Anal fissure

Severe cutting pain when passing hard stools, and then during any bowel movement. Blood on the surface of the stool, as with hemorrhoids.

The same as for hemorrhoids. At severe pain Contact your therapist immediately.

Rectal prolapse

Mucous discharge, sometimes mixed with blood. During defecation, the intestine falls out of the anus.

Contact your therapist immediately.


Severe pain, mucous discharge, sometimes mixed with pus and/or blood.

Contact your therapist immediately.

Anogenital warts

Cauliflower-like growths of the skin of the perianal area, sometimes bleeding. Defecation is often painful. Hygiene is difficult.

Contact a proctologist immediately.

Uncommon causes

  • Rectal cancer
  • Rectal fistula
  • Hairy polyp
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases

Rare causes

Discharge from the anus, anus, what to do, which doctor to contact and other articles from the section Diagnosis of diseases by symptoms

Need help, contact:

Mucus from the anus

I was already tormented by the constant discharge of mucus from the anus. There are up to 40 discharges per day. I have been taking laxatives for over 20 years because I can’t go to the toilet on my own. I can't even sit quietly. Irrigoscopy revealed a lot of gases. Colonoscopy showed no results. She underwent inpatient treatment for 2 years, although it did not help much. Diagnosis: acute colitis. How can I continue to live?

Answers to the question

Discharge from the anus

IN modern world Quite often people face such a problem as discharge from the anus. This symptom always causes discomfort and alarms. Quite often a late visit to the doctor occurs due to a feeling of awkwardness. The symptom can manifest itself in different ways: discharge is noted as an independent phenomenon, occurs during bowel movements, or can be in the form of an admixture in the stool. They can be mucous, purulent, bloody or mixed. But such a symptom can indicate a number of serious diseases, so it is recommended not to delay a visit to the proctologist.

Possible causes of anal discharge

Discharge in the form of mucus and pus is more common than discharge of blood from the anus. Most often, discharge is detected during the process of defecation, although it can also be released regardless of the process of emptying. The reasons that influence the appearance of discharge from the anus can be quite varied. Among them are:

Insufficiency of the anal sphincter, which occurs in the following cases:

dysfunction of the internal sphincter;

prolapse of the rectal wall;

formation of fecal stones;

damage to the muscle that lifts the anus.

As a result, due to the large amount of moisture, the skin wrinkles, and deep and painful cracks can form in the anus. When mucus gets on the cracks, it causes irritation and the patient experiences a feeling of burning, itching, and tingling.

Various diseases of the anus, such as:

rectal ulcer;

rectal fistula;

epithelial coccygeal duct;

chronic and acute proctitis;

Discharge from the anus may be mixed with pus or blood, accompanied by a false urge to defecate, and have an unpleasant odor. Discharge in the form of mucus most often indicates that the patient has a disease such as internal hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis or fistula. When mucus is present in the stool, it is a sign of irritable bowel syndrome. The discharge may also be accompanied by diarrhea or constipation, bloating and constant feeling discomfort.

Diagnosis and treatment of anal discharge

If you detect the first discharge from the anus, you must immediately consult a proctologist for a face-to-face consultation. With early diagnosis, the disease will not be advanced and treatment will be easier and more effective. The specialist prescribes treatment based on:

specific reason for the development this symptom, that is, the underlying disease;

individual characteristics of the patient, for example, age, lifestyle;

the degree of neglect of a particular disease.

Brings especially good results complex treatment, which is aimed not only at treating the underlying disease, but also at further preventing its development, thanks to the restoration of the body’s defenses. In severe cases of the disease, surgical intervention may be indicated. To avoid this, as well as to prevent possible further complications, it is recommended to seek medical help in a timely manner.

Moisture in the anus

Anal itching, which predominantly affects men, can be very severe. It occurs with increased sweating, emotional and physical stress, in the heat, and with various manifestations of an active lifestyle.

Causes of itching in the anus

Excessive moisture in the anal area is a very common cause of anal itching. The cause of increased humidity may be sweat, or even a small amount of residual in the anal area, and as a result, itching in the anus.

Anal itching is divided into primary, as an option skin itching, and secondary, arising from diseases of the rectum. The itching usually gets worse at night.

Changes in the skin vary; it can be moist or dry, covered with scales.

The causes of itching in the anus can be both emotional and psychological factors (anxiety, xenophobia) and internal diseases, such as dermatoses, diabetes, candidiasis, diarrhea. Perhaps this is a consequence of taking antibiotics. Often itching in the anus occurs due to hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and genital warts.

Contact causes of this syndrome are also possible, such as excessive use of hygiene products, toilet paper, soap, powders and other products with additives and dyes, tight clothing.

Diagnosis and examination of itching in the anus

When itching appears in the anus, it is extremely undesirable to scratch the skin, even to the point of wearing thin cotton gloves, if the itching bothers you at night.

You should not indulge in long hot baths or stand in the shower for a long time and rub the problem area. Swap soap for a mild moisturizer.

How to get rid of itching in the anus

The skin in the anus area must be kept dry. After washing, gently and thoroughly, without rubbing, blot your skin with a soft towel or toilet paper, or even a hairdryer.

Achieve regular bowel movements through changes in your menu. Such stools are promoted by foods containing a lot of fiber, such as bran, fresh carrots, and apples.

After emptying, wipe the anus area with soft, non-colored toilet paper and then wash this area. warm water, using mild, non-scented soap, it is advisable to treat it with a tampon with moisturizing cream.

If it itches in the anus, do not use talcum powder, even for children.

There are a number of foods that increase the risk of anal itching when consumed. These include coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, dairy products, tomatoes, ketchup, cheese, chocolate, nuts, beer, alcoholic products, tobacco.

Cleanliness is a good thing, but some people, in their hypertrophied desire for cleanliness, wash the area too actively and often with soap and washcloths, which can damage the skin and wash away the protective natural oils, which can lead to increased anal itching.

Labeled atoms, i.e. atoms artificially introduced or created in the sample under study, differ from other atoms of the same element in the composition of the nucleus (isotopes) or the energy state of the nucleus (isomers). Ch. arr. radioactive isotopes or isomers, convenient for recording due to their radiation, and sometimes also stable isotopes, detectable by mass spectrography. analysis. Compared to chemical and spectroscopic Research methods using the tagged atom method, depending on the half-life of the radioactive isotope used, are millions and billions of times more sensitive.

The presence of radioactive isotopes of almost all elements (about 1,100 artificially radioactive isotopes and 250 stable isotopes are known) makes the tagged atom method very universal. Among the methods for recording radioactive radiation from tagged atoms, photographic methods are widely used. and electrical.

From photographic The most widely used methods are autoradiography and the method of counting traces. Both of them are based on the fact that radioactive radiation, like visible light, acts on photographs. emulsion, causing it to turn black. With electric methods, electrical energy is recorded. current or charge resulting from the interaction of radiation with matter (ionization, photoelectric effect, etc.).

The tagged atom method has been successfully used to study metals, in particular internal structure metallic alloys and processes occurring in them (distribution of elements in alloys, diffusion and interatomic interaction, phase analysis), processes of friction and wear of metal, for detecting metal defects, as well as in the study of metallurgical. processes, technological operations, etc.

Study of the distribution of elements in alloys. Real metals and alloys are heterogeneous in their structure, and the processes leading to changes in structure are local in nature.

An efficient and direct means of testing metal homogeneity. alloys - autoradiography method. In a sample of an alloy containing a radioactive impurity, after exposure and development, a picture of the distribution of the impurity in the alloy appears (autoradiogram).

To obtain results, i.e., a clear image with a sufficiently high resolution, during autoradiography it is necessary to ensure tight and uniform contact between the sample under study and the photographic emulsion; expose thin samples; exclude the possibility of chemical interaction of photoemulsions and metallic. sample; use photo emulsions, sensitive. to radioactive radiation and suitable for radiography. The commonly used emulsion layers differ thin thickness(3-10 microns), high concentration of silver halide (more than 80%) and small grain size (0.1-0.5 microns). To improve the contact between the sample and the photographic emulsion, the method of watering the sample with a liquid emulsion, removable emulsions, etc. is used. The most perfect contact provides a resolution of - 1 micron.

Chemical the heterogeneity of the alloy can be quantified. In quantitative autoradiography, either the trace counting method is used, when the content of a radioactive substance in the alloy is determined by the number of traces left in the emulsion by radiation, or the contrast autoradiography method, when the element content is determined by measuring the density of blackening, i.e., photometric autoradiography.

Alloys with radioactive isotopes can be prepared in various ways. The most common is the introduction of a radioisotope into the melt. metal. When using p-emitters, the alloy becomes quite active in many cases when 1 μCurie of the isotope is introduced per 1 kg of the alloy. The alloy can be made active

using electrodeposition of a radioactive element, saturation from the gas phase, by evaporating a radioisotope in a vacuum and depositing it on the test sample, preparing a mixture of metallic materials. powders containing radioactive isotopes. It is possible to irradiate a finished sample in a nuclear reactor, which makes it possible to use finished products and radioisotopes with a very short half-life. Based on the autoradiography method, a chemical determination is established. heterogeneity in various alloys (iron, nickel, aluminum, magnesium, titanium, etc.). The processes of crystallization and redistribution of elements during thermal processes were studied using the method of labeled atoms. processing, plastic deformation of the alloy, with certain technological operations (casting, welding), etc. The results of studying the structure of the metal by autoradiography are in good agreement with the results of metallographic. analysis.

Autoradiography method has high sensitivity. So, for example, when studying a lead-antimony alloy, the enrichment of grain boundaries with an impurity (polonium) is detected already at a content of one hundred millionth of a percent of the latter. Presence of k.-l. components simultaneously in several. phases, but in different concentrations is clearly detected and can be quantified.

The method of labeled atoms is detected chemically. heterogeneity of the metal within one phase, individual structural elements (different concentrations of alloying elements inside the crystal and along its boundaries, along the contour of grain boundaries, inside individual crystals).

Magnified 10 times. It is very difficult to eliminate such inhomogeneity due to the very low diffusion mobility of tungsten in nickel alloys (established using the radioactive isotope of tungsten). It is very long, annealing at 1200° does not eliminate the non-uniform distribution of tungsten and only after annealing at 1250° for 200 hours. succeeds, as shown by autoradiographic studies. research, to obtain a fairly homogeneous alloy. A non-uniform distribution is found at very low concentrations of the element. For example, with a content of 0.007% Nb in nickel (the limiting solubility of niobium in nickel is 6%), the enrichment of grain boundaries with it is clearly visible

A study of structural chromium steel (0.4% C, 2.45% Cr) by the method of labeled atoms showed that chromium is concentrated predominantly along the grain boundaries. Elimination of chromium segregation occurs only after diffusion annealing at 1300° for 2 hours. Based on the study, the optimal homogenization mode for chromium steel was selected. It is characteristic that the processes of chemical equalization. Inhomogeneities in cast alloys occur much more slowly than in deformed alloys.

As shown by autoradiographic research, impurities are concentrated mainly along grain boundaries and in interdendritic areas. For example, sulfur, phosphorus, tin, lead, and antimony enrich the grain boundaries of nickel and iron alloys. However, in the case of sulfur content below the solubility limit, a uniform distribution of sulfur in nickel is observed. The latter confirms that sulfur up to 0.006% does not increase the brittleness of nickel. At the same time, analysis of autoradiograms showed that after cold plastic. deformation (rolling) and subsequent diffusion annealing (700-1200°), sulfur is distributed unevenly inside individual nickel crystals, which is explained by uneven diffusion occurring preferentially in highly deformed (compressed) grains. Diffusion annealing, instead of increasing homogeneity, in some cases leads to an increase in the heterogeneity of the alloy. Thus, during prolonged annealing of the nickel alloy (1000°-100 hours), a gradual formation of a phosphide network along the grain boundaries was observed, which is explained by the enlargement of the grains during annealing and, accordingly, a decrease in the length of the grain boundaries. This fact explains why mechanical deterioration is sometimes observed after homogenizing annealing. St. in heat-resistant alloys.

Very small amounts of boron (less than 0.01%) have a very effective effect on the properties of iron and nickel alloys. It is not possible to establish the nature of the distribution of minute amounts of boron in alloys by the usual method of autoradiography due to the fact that the radioactive isotope of boron has a very short half-life (0.012 sec.). The research is solved by using a nuclear reaction based on the interaction of slow neutrons with boron nuclei.

The a-particles formed as a result of interaction with the photoemulsion show the distribution of boron in the alloy. Based on autoradiograms, it was concluded that small amounts of boron (approx. 0.01%) are distributed in steel mainly along grain boundaries.

Autoradiography study influence of plastic deformation showed that this process increases the homogeneity of the alloy, while the processes of composition leveling proceed faster than in cast alloys. When studying nickel alloys, it was found that the dendritic structure can be preserved after significant plasticity. deformations (50%), which cannot be detected by conventional methods. Research using radioactive isotopes of technology is important for practice. operations, in particular welding.

Study of diffusion in metals. The diffusion movement of atoms is the process underlying many of the structural changes observed in a metal. The rate of phase transformations during thermal processing, nonequilibrium states, in which alloys used in operation are usually found, and the stability of nonequilibrium states depend on diffusion mobility. The behavior of alloys under load and at high temperatures depends on the mobility of atoms.

The use of labeled atom methods has significantly expanded the study of diffusion processes, making it possible to directly determine the parameters of self-diffusion, i.e., the movement of atoms of elements in their own crystalline. lattice without changing the concentration. This method determines the self-diffusion of lead, tin, silver, gold, copper, iron, cobalt, nickel, chromium, molybdenum, tantalum, tungsten, etc. Methods for determining diffusion characteristics based on the use of labeled atoms can be divided into 2 groups. The fission method is used to study the change in the distribution of radioactive substances in a sample as a result of diffusion annealing. The absorption method determines the decrease in radiation caused by the penetration of radioactive substances into the depth of the sample. An important characteristic of the diffusion process is the activation energy of this process, which in pure metals is characterized to a certain extent by the strength between atomic bonds in the crystalline. lattice. It is usually accepted that the greater the activation energy of the processes of self-diffusion and diffusion, the higher the heat resistance of the metal. For example, the activation energy of self-diffusion refractory metals, as research with radioactive isotopes has shown, is very significant. For tantalum, molybdenum and tungsten it is equal to 110,000, 115,000 and 135,000 cal/g-atom, respectively, for iron 74,000 cal/g-atom. At 1000° coefficient. self-diffusion (D) of tantalum is 3 orders of magnitude less than the coefficient. self-diffusion of iron (10~13 and 10"10 cm2/sec). At the same temperature, the D of molybdenum is 8 orders of magnitude less than the D of nickel. All this, ultimately, determines the higher level of heat resistance of refractory metals. When compared pure metals - nickel and molybdenum - the first can withstand the same voltage (10 kg/mm2 for 100 hours) at 600°, and the second at 1000°.

The composition of the alloy has a significant influence on the diffusion parameters. Studies using the tagged atom method have shown that diffusion mobility, in addition to composition, depends on the structure of the alloy. Using radioactive isotopes, it has been established that the diffusion mobility at the interfaces between grains is significantly greater than in the bulk of the grains. So, for example, the activation energy of the process of self-diffusion of silver on the surface of the crystal, along the grain boundaries and inside the crystal is equal to 10,300, 20,200 and 45,950 cal/g-atom, respectively, i.e., significantly less than at the interfaces.

During self-diffusion, tin, zinc, iron, nickel, and chromium predominantly move along grain boundaries. This influence of boundaries persists up to very high temperatures: for self-diffusion of iron up to 1200°, for chromium - up to 1350°. The energy of the self-diffusion process along grain boundaries is much less than inside the grains. Based on an autoradiographic study, these values ​​are respectively equal: for iron 30,600 and 67,000 cal/g-atom\ for chromium 46,000 and 76,000 cal/g-atom. The application of stresses to the sample during diffusion annealing affects the rate of the process.

Another method is based on measuring the rate of exchange between two plates of solid solutions of the same composition, one of which contains a radioactive isotope of the component, and the other consists of a stable isotope. The rate of change in platelet activity depends on the vapor pressure and the coefficient. diffusion in solid solution.

Study of phase composition. The tagged atom method can be used to quickly and accurately study the composition of phases isolated from an alloy. Since a radioactive isotope is chemically identical to a stable isotope of the element under study, by monitoring the behavior of the first one, we can draw a conclusion about the behavior of the alloying element.

This method is a development of the Langmuir and Knudsen methods, in which the measured quantities are the rate of evaporation in a vacuum (in the 1st case) and the flow of steam passing through a thin hole located above the evaporation mirror. Determining the amount of substance condensed on the target from radioactive isotopes is simpler on the basis of chemical. analysis

Research of metal wear. The essence of various methods of tagged atoms when studying wear comes down to the following: A radioactive isotope is introduced into the material of the part (activated) by irradiation in a reactor, electrolysis, introduction of a radioactive substance into the melt. metal, diffusion, method of radioactive witness inserts, etc. The activity of wear products is recorded, which is especially convenient for circulation. lubrication system, when wear products are carried away with the oil, either on this path or directly. A meter is installed near the oil pipeline. Advantages of M.a.m. when studying wear, they consist in speed, high sensitivity (0.0001 zh), the possibility of continuous recording of wear (the counter is connected to a recorder) and its study in any conditions and under any operating modes. While during conventional tests, for example, an engine, parts are measured before and after testing, for which the engine is disassembled, and fuel and lubricant are consumed for testing.

When studying M.a.m. automatic pulse registration recorder using an auto-electronic potentiometer allows you to continuously record wear at different engine operating modes under road test conditions. This method revealed the phenomenon of delay during the transition from a high wear mode to a low wear mode - the “grinding in” period (30-90 min.).

When studying the wear of a surface coated with a protective metal. film, the coating is activated by adding to the electrolytic. bath of the appropriate isotope. For example, when studying the wear of chrome-plated piston rings, the amount of chromium transferred from the rings to the cylinder walls was determined autoradiographically. The high sensitivity of the method makes it possible to study the initial stages of wear, which is important for the mechanism of the phenomenon itself. M.a.m. studying the wear of refractories in a blast furnace. When constructing a blast furnace, ampoules with y-radiation are placed at different depths, which are recorded by external counters. By the disappearance of radiation, the destruction of the masonry is judged. With the help of radioactive isotopes, not only the wear of parts and mechanisms is studied, but also a number of other processes necessary to evaluate the operation of machines, for example, the rate of soot formation in the engine (in the combustion chamber).

Research of metallurgical processes. In the manufacture of steel, important characteristics are the coefficient. distribution of various elements between metallic. phase and slag and the kinetics of the transition of elements from one phase to another. Using radioactive isotopes of phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, it is possible to establish the distribution of these elements between alloys and slag, determine the temperature dependence of the distribution, the kinetics of dephosphorization processes, and establish the depth of desulfurization (up to 0.0001% ) when using certain types of slag, which is essential for improving the quality of the metal.

Non-metallic contamination is detected using radioactive isotopes. inclusions, e.g. calcium inclusions (in ball bearing steel), which greatly reduce the service life of ball bearings. For this purpose, a trace of calcium (Ca) is sequentially added to “suspected” sources of contamination (slag, crucible lining, siphon, ladle lining). It was found that the main “supplier” is non-metallic. The inclusions turned out to be the ladle lining. The kinetics of redistribution of the alloying element between phases at isothermal conditions is also studied using the method of labeled atoms. decomposition of supercooled austenite of chromium and tungsten steel. For this purpose, radioactive isotopes Cr51 and W185 are used.

Radioactive isotopes are used to mark various grades of steel. To do this, a certain amount of a radioactive isotope is added to the steel during melting. Using a y-counter, you can determine the grade of the alloy within several minutes. minutes. This method is especially important when using alloys in highly aggressive environments, high temperatures, in nuclear reactors, when careful control of all products is necessary.

In 1904, he developed a new original method of autoradiography, which made it possible to take into account which tissues absorb radium emanation to a greater extent. He found that under the influence of radium rays, the earliest and most pronounced pathohistological changes occur in the hematopoietic, genital and lymphoid organs. E. S. London, together with N. P. Kochneva, developed a method of vasostomy (angiostomy) - the imposition of permanent fistulas on large venous vessels, which makes it possible to study metabolism individual organs based on a comparative analysis of the blood flowing to and flowing from them in natural conditions and under various pathological conditions without disrupting the relationships between organs and nerves humoral regulation. A big impetus in the development of general pathology and the creation of a theoretical foundation clinical medicine served as the Moscow School of Pathologists and Pathophysiologists, founded by Professor A. B. Fokht. In 1890, he organized the Institute of General and Experimental Pathology at the Imperial Moscow University, and in 1912 - a similar institute of the Moscow Higher Women's Courses at the 2nd City Hospital (now the Department of Pathophysiology of the Russian State Medical University).

An attempt to establish general patterns characteristic of various diseases was made from the standpoint of nervism in the early 1930s. student of I. P. Pavlov A. D. Speransky. Based on a series of studies begun in 1927, he proved that reflex mechanisms, which are nonspecific in nature and cause stereotypical lesions of the corresponding organs, take part in the pathogenesis of pathological processes, including infectious and toxic ones. A.D. Speransky called these identical changes standard forms of nervous dystrophies.

A.D. Speransky focused on the study of not irritants, but irritations, taking into account the fact that the body’s reactions are the result of its biological integrity, which arose in the process of evolution in connection with the development of correlative systems, and especially the nervous one.

Dysfunction of nervous regulation...

Violation of nervous regulation In the mechanism of development of atrophy and dystrophy, an important role is played by disruption of the nervous and humoral regulation of cellular functions. The French physiologist F. Magendie in 1824 first established the presence of a direct effect nervous system on cells.


autoradiography, radioautography, a method of studying the distribution of radioactive substances in the object under study by applying a photoemulsion sensitive to radioactive radiation to the object. The radioactive substances contained in the object seem to photograph themselves (hence the name). The A. method is widely used in physics and technology, in biology and medicine - wherever isotope indicators are used.

After developing and fixing the photographic emulsion on it, an image is obtained that displays the distribution under study. There are several ways to apply photographic emulsion to an object. The photographic plate can be directly applied to the polished surface of the sample, or a warm liquid emulsion can be applied to the sample, which, when solidified, forms a layer tightly adjacent to the sample and is examined after exposure and photoprocessing. The distribution of radioactive substances is studied by comparing the blackening density of photographic film from the test and reference samples (so-called macroradiography). The second method consists of counting the traces formed by ionizing particles in a photographic emulsion using an optical or electron microscope (microradiography). This method is much more sensitive than the first. To obtain macroautographs, transparencies and X-ray emulsions are used, and for microautographs, special fine-grained emulsions are used.

A photographic image of the distribution of radioactive substances in the object under study, obtained by the A. method, is called an autoradiogram, or autoradiograph.

On rice. 12 And 3 examples of autoradiograms are given. The A. method can be used to detect the presence of radioactive elements in various ores, the distribution of natural radioactive elements in the tissues of plant and animal organisms, etc.

The introduction of compounds labeled with radioisotopes into the body and further study of tissues and cells using the A. method allows one to obtain accurate data on which specific cells or cellular structures certain processes occur, the localization of certain substances, and establish the time parameters of a number of processes. For example, the use of radioactive phosphorus and A. made it possible to detect the presence of intensive metabolism in the growing bone; the use of radioiodine and A. made it possible to clarify the patterns of activity of the thyroid gland; introduction of labeled compounds - protein precursors and nucleic acids, and A. helped to understand the role of certain cellular structures in the exchange of these vital compounds. The A. method makes it possible to determine not only the localization of a radioisotope in a biological object, but also its quantity, since the number of reduced silver grains of an emulsion is proportional to the number of particles acting on it. Quantitative analysis of macroautographs is carried out using conventional photometry techniques (See Photometry) , and microautographs - by counting silver grains or traces under a microscope that appeared in the emulsion under the influence of ionizing particles. A. is beginning to be successfully combined with electron microscopy (See Electron microscopy). See also Radiography.

Lit.: Boyd D. A. Autoradiography in biology and medicine, trans. from English, M., 1957; Zhinkin L.N., Application of radioactive isotopes in histology, in the book: Radioactive indicators in histology, L., 1959, p. 5-33; Perry R., Quantitative autoradiography, Methods in Cell Physiology, 1964, v. I, ch. 15, p. 305-26.

N. G. Khrushchov.

Rice. 2. Autoradiogram (fingerprint) showing the distribution of phosphorus (32 P) in tomato leaves. The plant was first placed in a solution containing radioactive phosphorus. Light areas correspond to increased concentrations of the radioactive isotope; it can be seen that phosphorus is concentrated near the stem and in the vascular parts of the leaves.

Rice. 1. Microradiogram of a nickel sample. The diffusion of tin labeled with the radioactive isotope 113 Sn in nickel is studied. The distribution of radioactive tin shows that diffusion mainly occurs along the boundaries of nickel grains.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


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    - (from auto... and radiography) a method of recording the distribution of radioactive substances in an object. A film with an emulsion sensitive to radioactive radiation is applied to the surface (cut). Radioactive substances seem to photograph themselves... ... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (autradiography), a method for measuring the distribution of radioacts. in in in the object under study (by their own radiation), which consists of applying a layer of nuclear photographic emulsion to it. The distribution is determined by the density of blackening manifested... ... Physical encyclopedia

    A method for studying the distribution of radioactive substances (isotopes) in the object or compounds under study. It consists of applying a photoemulsion sensitive to radioactive radiation to an object (or, for example, a chromatogram) and obtaining a print,... ... Dictionary of microbiology

    Noun, number of synonyms: 4 autoradiography (2) macroautoradiography (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    Autoradiography. See autoradiography. (Source: “English-Russian Explanatory Dictionary of Genetic Terms”. Arefiev V.A., Lisovenko L.A., Moscow: Publishing House VNIRO, 1995) ... Molecular biology and genetics. Dictionary.

    autoradiography- Method for studying the distribution of radioacts. components in the sample under study by their own radiation by applying a radioactivity sensitive to the sample. emulsion radiation. The distribution is determined by the density of blackening manifested... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Autoradiography- * autoradiography * autoradiography see ... Genetics. encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (from auto... and radiography), a method of recording the distribution of radioactive substances in an object. A film with an emulsion sensitive to radioactive radiation is applied to the surface (cut). Radioactive substances seem to photograph themselves... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Autoradiography in biology and medicine, J. Boyd, The book belongs to one of the creators of the autoradiography method. The first eight chapters are devoted to the theory of the issue. They discuss the theory of the photographic process, properties and features... Category: Basic medical knowledge Publisher:

Autoradiography method

Autoradiography, definition, history.

The autoradiography method is based on introducing into the object under study a compound “labeled” with a radioactive atom and identifying the location of its inclusion by photographic recording of the radiation. The basis for obtaining an image is the effect of ionizing particles formed during the decay of a radioactive atom on a nuclear photographic emulsion containing silver halide crystals.

The discovery of the autoradiography method is directly related to the discovery of the phenomenon of radioactivity. In 1867, the first observation of the effect of uranium salts on silver halides was published (Niepce de St. Victor). In 1896, Henry Becquerel observed the illumination of a photographic plate with uranium salts without prior exposure to light. This experiment is considered the moment of discovery of the phenomenon of radioactivity. Autoradiography in relation to biological material was first used by Lacassagne and Lattes (Lacassagne, Lattes 1924) in the 20s of the last century; The histological block from various animal organs, after the introduction of isotopes, was pressed with its flat side against the X-ray plate and exposed. A histological section was obtained in advance and subjected to a standard staining procedure. The resulting autograph was studied separately from the slice. This method allows you to estimate the intensity of incorporation of an isotope into a biological sample. In the forties, Leblond used autoradiography to demonstrate the distribution of the iodine isotope in sections of the thyroid gland (Leblond C.P. 1943).

The first attempts to combine autoradiography with electron microscopy were made in the 50s (Liquir-Milward, 1956). Electron microscopic autoradiography is a special case of conventional autoradiography, in which silver grains are also counted and their distribution is taken into account. The peculiarity of the method is the use of a very thin layer of emulsion. Currently, a resolution of about 50 nm has been achieved, which is 10-20 times higher compared to light microscopy.

Currently, the autoradiography method has been supplemented by the possibility of automatically assessing the number of silver grains using video analyzers. Often, to amplify the signal of a tag (usually these are isotopes with high energies), various types of scintillators are used, deposited on plates (intensifying screen with a phosphor coating), or impregnated into an emulsion (PPO) - in this case, photon radiation illuminates a regular photographic plate or film.

Photographic principle of obtaining an image, photo emulsion

In radiographic research, the role of a nuclear decay detector is played by a photographic emulsion, in which, when an ionizing particle passes, a latent image remains, which is then revealed during the development process, similar to the processing of ordinary photographic film.

A photographic emulsion is a suspension of microcrystals of silver halide in gelatin. Microcrystals have defects in their structure called sensitivity centers. According to the Gurney-Mott model, these disturbances in the crystal's ionic lattice are capable of capturing electrons released when an alpha or beta particle passes through the crystal's conduction band, causing the ion to transform into an atom. The resulting latent image can be revealed through a procedure that converts activated silver halide crystals into grains of metallic silver (a process called chemical development). Any agent with sufficient reducing activity can be used as a developer (typically metol, amidol or hydroquinone are used in photography and autoradiography). After the exposed crystals are developed, the remaining microcrystals of silver halide are removed from the emulsion using a fixative (usually hyposulfite). Nuclear photographic emulsions are characterized by resolution (grain) and sensitivity. The first is determined by the size of silver salt microcrystals and is inversely proportional to the latter. Photographic emulsion is characterized by reduced sensitivity to visible light, but working with it, however, should be done in the dark to prevent the appearance of artifacts.

The emulsion can be applied to the drug in the form of a finished film with a substrate or by immersing the drug in a heated liquid emulsion - this way a thin, uniform layer is obtained, which is developed in the usual way. Before applying the emulsion for light microscopy, the slide is usually stained with the required histological stain, but in a paler color than usual to allow counting of silver grains in all areas. The drug is exposed for a certain time and then developed.

Isotopes used in autoradiography.

In radioautography, depending on the purposes of the study and available materials, it is possible to use various isotopes. The image created by an ionizing particle on a nuclear photographic emulsion depends on the energy of the particle and the type of its interaction with matter.

Alpha particles emitted by identical radioactive nuclei have the same energy ( E) and the same path length ( R) , related by the following relation:

R = kE3/2

Where k a constant characterizing the medium in which particles propagate. The range of particles in the core is determined by its density and elemental composition. The Bragg-Kleemen relation allows us to estimate the range of alpha particles in air (R0) in a substance with atomic mass A and density d:

R= 0.0003 (R0/ d) A1/2

Since the ionizing ability of alpha particles is very high, this facilitates photographic recording of the isotope distribution, and also allows the use of non-emulsion materials for recording. A trace of alpha particles emitted by a single source appears on autographs as a beam of straight segments, usually 15-50 microns long, emanating from one point, which makes it possible to accurately localize the area where the radioactive tag is included. However, alpha particles are emitted by isotopes with high atomic numbers, which limits their use as a biological marker.

Alpha particle tracks are often observed in histological radiographs as an artifact - the result of the intrinsic emission of isotopes present in the slide.

Beta radiation is characterized by a continuous spectrum of initial particle energy - from zero to E max determined for each isotope. The spectrum shapes are significantly different. Thus, the most probable energy of particles emitted by tritem is 1/7 of E max, 14C is about ¼, 32P is about 1/3. The maximum energy of beta radiation of various isotopes varies from 18 keV to 3.5 MeV - within much wider limits than alpha radiation. As a rule, the maximum energy is higher for short-lived isotopes.

The passage of beta particles and monoenergetic electrons through matter is accompanied by two main types of interaction. When interacting with an orbital electron, a particle can transfer to it energy sufficient to ionize the atom (remove an electron from the orbit). In rare cases, this energy is so high that the track of the released electron can be observed. Due to the equality of the masses of the particle and the electron, a deviation from the initial motion occurs. The interaction of the second type, with atomic nuclei, leads to the appearance of bremsstrahlung X-ray radiation. Although the latter is not registered by the emulsion, the act of interaction of a particle with a nucleus can be detected by a sharp break in the trajectory.

Repeated interaction with orbital electrons results in a curvature of the trajectory, which usually looks like a sinuous line, especially in the final part, when the particle's speed decreases and its ionizing power increases. The length of the trajectory noticeably exceeds the distance from the start to the end point of the track - mileage. For this reason, even monoenergetic electrons are characterized by the presence of a range spectrum limited above by R max, characteristic of a given radiation. Due to lower ionization losses, beta particles are more difficult to detect than alpha particles. They do not form continuous tracks (except for the softest tritium radiation - however, in this case the probability of passing more than one emulsion crystal is low), the density and number of developed crystals vary within different limits. The range of a beta particle in another element can be estimated using the formula:

R = RA1 (Z/A)A1/ (Z/A)

Over a wide range of E values max The maximum mileage is related to the maximum energy by the relationship:

R m= 412 E max 1.265 – 0.0954 ln E max

Differences in the ranges, ionization capacity and density of the developed emulsion crystals of particles with different energies can be used to discriminate the distribution of elements if their isotopes differ significantly in E max, as is the case with tritium and 14C. Discrimination of the distribution of two isotopes is carried out by applying two emulsion layers to the sample, the first layer registers predominantly soft radiation, the second – hard radiation. According to some studies, different isotopes can be reliably distinguished by the size of the developed emulsion crystals - crystals affected by the tritium beta particle, which has a greater ionization ability, are larger.

Internal conversion electrons are formed by the absorption of a gamma quantum with a very low radiation energy and the removal of an electron from the inner shell of an atom. These electrons are similar to soft beta particles, but unlike the latter they are monoenergetic. The presence of internal conversion electrons allows the use of isotopes such as 125I.

Currently, the most commonly used isotopes are those that emit beta particles. As a rule, tritium is used for labeling in histological studies. The first autographs using tritium were made back in the 50s (Fitzgerald et al. 1951), but its widespread use began after tritium-labeled thymidine was obtained at the Brookhaven Laboratory. Since hydrogen is part of all organic substances, using tritium, it is possible to obtain a variety of compounds that carry a radioactive label. The lower the energy of the emitted particle, the shorter the track left by it when moving in the photographic emulsion and the more accurately the location of the labeled atom can be localized. The path length of tritium beta particles is about 1-2 microns, the most probable energy is 0.005 MeV, and the track consists in most cases of a single grain of silver, which makes it possible to localize the radiation source not only in relatively large cellular structures, such as the nucleus, but also in individual chromosomes.

The introduction of “labeled” metabolites into the body makes it possible to trace the incorporation of the isotope into animal tissue cells, which makes it possible to study a variety of biochemical processes in a living organism.

Obtaining absolute data - the concentration of a labeled substance in the object under study - is rarely the goal of autoradiographic research; this requires knowledge of a number of conditions, the determination of which is difficult. Therefore, quantitative autoradiography studies are usually carried out by comparing the concentration of silver grains over the object under study and the control, and it is convenient to take the control data as one, or 100%.

Characteristics of some isotopes used

in autoradiography of biological objects
