Cod liver for vision. Composition, benefits and harms of canned cod liver. Contraindications for the use of vitamin D

Olga Popova

Stage 1: Performance plasticine painting techniques.

When a person is born, he begins to explore the world, and he does this in the most effective and trouble-free way - everything needs to be seen, heard, touched with his hands and tasted. A child learns about the world through manipulation, that is, actions with various objects that allow him to recognize and study their properties, while learning his own Creative skills, change what it touches.

One of the child’s assistants in this most important matter for his development is plasticine. (Slide-1)

Before talking directly about plasticine, about drawing with this material. It must be said about which aspects of the child’s developing personality it exerts its beneficial influence on. Tactile activity, especially clearly demonstrated by children when playing with plasticine, directly affects the formation of fantasy. Thus, stimulating with the help of counterfeits from plasticine the development of the child’s imagination, his ability to imagine images of objects that are not actually before his eyes in this moment, we lay the foundation for the development of the child’s intelligence.

Yes, plasticine you can draw pictures. (Slide 2,3). This is one of the youngest types of painting that has become used by artists most recently.

Drawing plasticine wonderful view visual arts . It allows the child to master the volume, make the picture in relief and, due to this, more expressive and lively. But, in addition, this is also a way to give children’s fingers a good muscle load. Especially where it is necessary to smear plasticine on a plane

Drawing plasticine paintings with children early age You can start by creating collective compositions in collaboration with the teacher. Since in children of this age, substantive thinking predominates, due to poor life experience, then drawing is substantive. (Slide-4,6,7) However, gradually we can expand these boundaries to a simple plot.

Initial learning techniques in drawing are:

Rolling up plasticine balls, very small sizes (no more than 3);

Their pressure;

Smearing on the surface of the base (thick cardboard) to create flat or semi-relief Images. (Slide-8)

Tasks with using The described drawing techniques can be divided into

1. Usage only applying pressure.

2. Usage only the technique of smearing.

3. Using both techniques.

Training occurs in stages with an increasing level of complexity - from simple to complex.

When developing the skills of pressing and smearing, it is important to teach children to apply force with their fingers. The teacher shows the techniques, and if necessary, takes the child’s index finger and helps to draw plasticine line, turns the finger in the desired direction.

The main directions of smearing are from top to bottom, from left to right.

During work, it is necessary to ensure that the child’s finger does not bend, but remains straight and tense; so that he acts with the pad of his finger, and does not scratch plasticine with fingernail. Depending on the topic of the lesson, give children the opportunity to choose their own color. plasticine.

Plasticine is a voluminous material, which means it has weight. Therefore, to work you should use non-thin sheets, but thick cardboard so that the base does not deform when performing techniques of pressing, smearing, smoothing surfaces created from plasticine volumes.

To ensure that the picture does not lose its attractiveness over time, the base with or without a pre-drawn outline should be covered with tape. This will help avoid the appearance of greasy stains, it will be easier to work on a slippery surface and it will be easier to remove excess with the help of a stack. plasticine without leaving any traces. Outlines in in this case are performed normally felt-tip pen, which can also be easily washed with a damp cloth if the child makes a mistake image of the object.

Also when creating plasticine paintings, it is necessary to have available materials to give volume and decorativeness: caps from felt-tip pens, tubes, toothpicks, combs, stacks. These items help develop fine motor skills.

Stage 2: Imitation game.

Dear Colleagues! You are no longer adults, but children. Now I will conduct part of the lesson with you.

Educator: Just recently, guys, we celebrated Water Day. Today we will have a guest who is very closely connected with this element, this is her home. Who do you think it is? (adults' answers) Look kids, this is gold fish. (Slide-9)

The goldfish has settled in a new aquarium and wants to make new friends. She turned to us for help. Let's help her find new friends?

How will we do this? (suggested answers)

Great, Katya, of course we can make some blinds.

Guys, what sculpting techniques do we know? (rolling, rolling, flattening, pinching, stretching)

I suggest you create fish friends using plasticine painting. Who can explain what this is plasticine painting?

That's right, this is creation artistic images using plasticine.

Our main technique today will be stretching. (display on easel)

Take a small piece plasticine and stretches into one or different sides. We will use this technique today. (Slide 10 appears on the screen fish image)

Please look at the screen. Nature spared no flowers to color the aquatic inhabitants. What will we do to create an unusual color for the fish?

Children: Let's mix plasticine of different colors.

Educator: Select the fish silhouette you like and get to work.

Using scrap materials, create volume and expressiveness for your fish. (children are engaged in completing the task and showing creativity)

Now place your fish. (there is an aquarium and a goldfish on the easel)

Activity analysis is being carried out: What is the name of plasticine drawing technique? What technique plasticineography we depicted fish?

Educator: Colleagues, our work is over. You have turned back from children into teachers.

Stage 3: Modeling.

I suggest doing this exercise: - Lay out the stages of working with children sequentially and come up with a schematic image of these stages, which used in teaching children.

1- Trace the silhouette with a pencil.

2- Take plasticine of different colors(or mix).

3- Creation artistic images.

4- Add additional details.

5- Reflection.

(appears on the screen Slide 11)

Stage 4: Simulation demonstration.

In order to be healthy and beautiful, it is important to saturate your diet with healthy foods and exclude harmful ones. Healthy foods determined by rich composition necessary for the body substances and positive influence to your health. Among such important and beneficial products for the body are: It can be included in the diet of people of any age, starting from three years. It is recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women, as well as people after past diseases and with signs of physical exhaustion.

People who know the benefits of cod liver try to include it in their diet at least once a week. You can cook from it delicious salads, sandwiches and snacks.

Composition of cod liver

The composition of cod liver will depend on the method of processing and storage or harvesting. The most useful and rich nutrients is cod liver, which was preserved immediately after the fish was caught. By consuming such liver, we can saturate the body with substances important for health:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids;
  • vitamins: A, E, PP, C, D, group B;
  • minerals: calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, fluorine, magnesium.

Although many doubt the usefulness of canned cod liver, in this case it is best way conservation useful substances. Frozen liver retains minimal amounts of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, after defrosting, the product turns out to be tasty, but not very healthy.

Beneficial properties of cod liver

Cod liver has many beneficial properties:

  • improves the biochemical composition of blood;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • improves heart function;
  • is a prevention of Alzheimer's disease;
  • improves the condition of the musculoskeletal system;
  • increases the overall tone of the body.

Benefits of cod liver oil

Cod liver is preserved in own juice with added seasonings. Therefore, together with healthy liver We get real fish oil from cans. About the benefits fish oil everyone knows. Its composition is rich in fatty acids, vitamins and mineral elements. Consumption of cod liver oil helps improve attention and thinking, stabilize mood, and improve health skin, reducing muscle and joint pain, stabilizing cardiac activity, improving vision.

In order to experience the benefits of cod liver, you need to buy a premium product without additional additives.

The main value in cod liver is fish oil, which can be taken even in its pure form, purchased at the pharmacy. Regular intake of such fat or consumption of canned cod fish liver has benefits for the body, but there are also potential side effects, which you need to know about.

Cod liver is valued for high content fish oil.

Fish oil contains a lot of:

  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin D;
  • docosahexaenoic acid (DHA);
  • eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA);
  • omega-3 fatty acids.

Each of these components is necessary for the body to maintain normal functioning all systems to fight diseases and strengthen the immune system.

Improvement in chronic arthritis

Regularly eating cod liver or taking fish oil is a great way to prevent inflammatory processes in joints or relieve arthritis symptoms.

Reducing muscle pain

One of the most common signs of vitamin D deficiency is bone and muscle pain. Research shows that just 2 teaspoons of fish oil per day helps maintain normal vitamin D levels, relieve pain and increase strength.

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

A large amount of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in cod liver reduces the level of harmful (low-density lipoproteins), helps restore the vascular wall and provides quality food heart muscle.

Type 1 diabetes

Meta-analysis large number Observations showed that women who took cod oil during pregnancy were much less likely to have children with type 1 diabetes. If you are expecting a baby, be sure to consult your gynecologist whether you need to take fish oil. You may have already been prescribed medications containing vitamins A, D and omega-3 acids.

Good memory

The high concentration of omega-3 fats makes cod liver an indispensable product for maintaining health. nervous system, improving cognitive functions and developing intellectual abilities. Many psychiatrists have noted significant improvements in their patients with bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive syndrome after a course of taking cod oil.

Other useful properties

  • prevention of inflammation of the inner ear;
  • decrease in triglyceride levels in the blood;
  • prevention and treatment of psoriasis;
  • prevention of pathologies of fetal development caused by deficiency of vitamins A and D;
  • good alternative treatment Crohn's disease;
  • maintaining the level blood pressure within normal limits;
  • relief of migraine symptoms;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stimulation of the immune system;
  • improvement in bronchial asthma;
  • improvement in early stages kidney diseases.

Potential Harm

Cod liver, despite all its beneficial features, may cause side effects, the risk of which is directly related to the frequency and amount of the product eaten. Particularly dangerous uncontrolled reception fish oil capsules. Hypervitaminosis A and D can have very sad consequences. Among them:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • nosebleeds;
  • hair loss;
  • osteoporosis;
  • angina pectoris;
  • disturbances of consciousness;
  • toxic liver damage.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should always consult their doctor (gynecologist, pediatrician) before taking fish oil supplements. If we are talking about cod liver, then it is better to eat it in small quantities and not every day.

People taking medications for arterial hypertension(capoten, enalapril, losartan, valsartan, diltiazem, amlodipine, hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide), you should be careful, since cod liver oil indirectly reduces blood pressure. Ask your cardiologist if you need to reduce your dose to avoid possible hypotension.

If you are taking anticoagulants (aspirin, clopidogrel, Plavix, heparin, warfarin) and/or drugs that reduce blood viscosity (diclofenac, ibuprofen), then be vigilant, as fish oil reduces the ability of the blood to form blood clots, which in combination with your therapy may lead to serious bleeding.

Composition of cod liver (per 100 grams)

Energy value613 kcal
squirrels4.2 g
fats65.7 g
vitamin A100,000 IU
vitamin D10,000 IU
saturated fatty acids22.608 g
monounsaturated fatty acids46.711 g
polyunsaturated fatty acids22.541 g

Cod liver is a storehouse of vitamins and the main source of fish oil, which, despite its specific taste, has a lot of useful and essential substances for the body. What are the benefits and harms of the product? Who is recommended for use? The answer to these and other questions is below.

What does cod liver contain?

Cod liver can be called one of the healthiest canned food products in Russia. It contains the following substances and vitamins that are beneficial to the body.

Table: composition (vitamins, dietary supplements, macro- and microelements) and calorie content

* This sign means that the exact norm for a person cannot be determined. It is calculated depending on age, gender and body type.

Product benefits

By including dishes that contain cod liver in your diet, you:

Benefits for women

  • The fat contained in cod liver will help you normalize menstrual cycle if there were problems of this nature.
  • The microelements contained in the liver will help you become the owner of beautiful curls, strong nails and teeth.
  • Your skin will become younger.
  • You will forget about the blues and your emotional condition will improve noticeably.

Important properties for men

Is it possible for children

  • If you consume cod liver in the right amount, the child’s vision, brain and bones will be fully developed. Cod liver prevents the development of rickets and also helps in the formation of a young body. We introduce it into the child’s menu gradually, starting with small amounts: it can be given once every 10 days on sandwiches or as one of the ingredients in a salad with vegetables.
  • During puberty Calcium is especially necessary, because this is when increased growth begins.

Features of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

  • to prevent anemia;
  • For normal development the fetal neural tube, which will later become the brain and spinal cord;
  • for a favorable pregnancy.

IN postpartum period and at the stage breastfeeding it will help:

  • cope with postpartum depression;
  • get rid of problems with high blood pressure after childbirth.

Contraindications and possible harm

  1. Individual intolerance (allergic reactions).
  2. People with stomach and liver diseases are not recommended to eat it in large quantities and without bread.
  3. Its use is undesirable for hypotension.
  4. It is also not recommended for pregnant women to consume it excessively, as great content retinol may have a harmful effect on fetal development.

Precautions in choosing cod liver

Take your choice seriously
  • Unfortunately, cod liver can retain its beneficial properties only when preserved, since most of them will be lost when frozen.
  • To be safe from counterfeits, you need to carefully inspect the jar. It should bear the inscription “highest grade” and GOST; the absence of these marks indicates that frozen liver was taken for the manufacture of this product.
  • Conscientious manufacturers place the pieces of liver very tightly together, and if you shake the jar, no gurgling will be heard.
  • You should also pay attention to the expiration date and the integrity of the tin can.

About the product in the program “Live Healthy” (video)

Cod liver is a wonderful gift from nature, which correct use will help many people improve their health and maintain it in excellent condition for many years.

The site has already written a lot about the benefits of fish such as cod. For those who are not yet familiar with all its beneficial properties, I recommend reading the article about cod:. However, cod is extremely lean fish, it only contains 2 grams. fat (per 100 grams of product). But there is also a fatty part in it, this is cod liver. And yet, despite the high calorie content and the presence of fat, cod liver is very important to include in the diet. But let's take a look at all the beneficial properties of cod liver in order, find out about its calorie content and why cod liver salad is healthy food for almost everyone, including pregnant women.

Benefits of cod liver. Vitamins

Cod liver contains great amount vitamins and nutrients.

First of all, cod liver contains a huge amount of vitamin A, much more than the required daily requirement. They say that the ancient Scandinavians ate cod liver in large quantities, knowing about its ability (thanks to vitamin A, but the Scandinavians, of course, could not know this) to improve vision at night and twilight. This is due to the fact that vitamin A is a precursor of the main visual pigment rhodopsin. By the way, it has been noted that it is vitamin A deficiency that is often the cause of the inability to see in the twilight, the so-called. night blindness.

The second vitamin that cod liver is extremely rich in is vitamin D. Without this vitamin, calcium, so necessary for nutrition and growth bone tissue body, is poorly absorbed. And although there is quite a bit of calcium in cod liver, the presence of vitamin D far exceeds the required norm.

More than half of the daily value of vitamin E can also be obtained from 100 grams. cod liver But vitamin E is the strongest antioxidant, i.e. prevents cell oxidation by free radicals. Vitamin E fights negative impact free radicals, protects the walls of blood vessels from their destructive activities, and, accordingly, is the prevention of atherosclerosis.

The presence of vitamins such as vitamins B2 and B9 (more than a fifth daily norm) will also undoubtedly benefit from the use of such nutritious product like cod liver. After all, vitamin B2 is important for the production of red blood cells; it takes part in oxidative processes body and is simply necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. And with a lack of vitamin B9 ( folic acid) the body may generally develop anemia. In addition, vitamin B9 is recommended for use during pregnancy and, moreover, even before pregnancy, in order to create reserves of this vitamin in the body. And cod liver has all this.

More about the beneficial properties of cod liver. Omega3 PUFAs and chromium

Cod, as a low-fat fish, cannot boast of the presence of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. But cod liver contains sufficient quantity Omega3 PUFAs, which have a positive effect on blood cholesterol levels, because... help reduce it. In addition, there is evidence of the beneficial effects of Omega-3 PUFAs in Alzheimer's disease. But Omega3 fatty acids are not formed in the human body; they simply need to be obtained from food. (Read more about the benefits and necessity of Omega 3 fatty acids on the page).

Now about chrome. 100 gr. cod liver contains more than the daily value of this important trace element, the deficiency of which often causes diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, obesity. Chromium regulates metabolism in the body and the transit of glucose into cells. With chromium deficiency, cells begin to experience nutritional deficiency, and blood sugar rises. And cod liver will more than saturate the body with this an important component nutrition.

Of course, in addition to the above, cod liver also contains many other vitamins and minerals. Due to lack of space and time, you will have to leave them aside.

Calorie content of cod liver

Due to its high fat content, cod liver is a high-calorie product. Let's look at the calorie content table:

Undoubtedly a large number of fat provides almost 98% of the calorie content of cod liver. But thanks to him, we get so many useful and necessary nutrients from this product.

Cod liver during pregnancy

Nutritionists recommend eating cod liver during pregnancy for the amount of nutrients (primarily vitamins A and D) it contains. However, it is advisable to limit the inclusion of cod liver in your diet to only one day a week. Still, this is a very fatty product, and excess fat (especially with protein deficiency) can lead to such serious consequences, like vascular atherosclerosis. Yes, and it’s harmful to the liver.
