Symptoms and causes of enterovirus infection - when the purity in the room and high-quality food is not enough? Signs and methods of treatment of enterovirus infection in children

Enterovirus infection In children - symptoms of numerous types of disease. There are infections that are more susceptible to children than adults. In particular, such an infection is enterovirus.

What is the essence of the disease?

Enterovirus infection is a group that combines several infectious diseases with one causative agent and the same infection mechanism. These diseases are distinguished by polymorphism of clinical manifestations.

The causative agent are viruses related to Enterovirus. The localization site of viruses is the intestine. Among the viruses, several groups are distinguished: polyoviruses, cokes and viruses, Esno-viruses and 68-72 type enteroviruses.

  • Each type of pathogen is striking a certain organ.
  • The viral particle has small size - 15-35 nm.
  • Genetic material is contained in RNA.
  • A viral particle is surrounded by a protein molecules along the periphery.

The virus is highly stable - able to maintain its properties when low temperatures, exposure to 70% ethyl alcohol. The destructive effect on it is: high temperature and boiling, formaldehyde, oxidizing agents and chlorine, ultraviolet irradiation.

Who can get sick?

The only source of Entero viral infection In children (photo) - infected man.

For young children, there are often only virosonia, without any clinical manifestations.

The most susceptible to the disease children aged 3 to 10 years.

Babies up to 3 months can't get sickBecause they are protected by maternal antibodies.

Transmitted virus water and food Paths, Possible contact path through contaminated hands.

The transmission of the virus through the placenta and infection of the fetus is noted.

How the disease is developing

The virus can be in the child's body for a long time In sleeping condition. When declining for any reason, the organism resistance is activated by the virus and the appearance of symptoms of enteroviral infection.

The virus applies to lymphatic nodes where its reproduction occurs. After its access to the blood, the defeat of various organs is observed.

Each type of virus has tropiness to certain tissues, which contributes to a polymorphism of the disease.

Features of a clinical picture

Incubation in all viruses is the same and is about 5 days. First observed nonspecific symptomscommon for all types of disease.

There is a sharp start with a sharp rise of temperature to 40 * p. The phenomena of general intoxication are observed:

  • headache;
  • lowering appetite;
  • lubrication in body and malaise;
  • part of the children may develop nausea and vomiting.

All types of disease are accompanied by redness of the skin of the face and the upper half of the body.

4 forms of the disease

Enterovirus infection in children - Komarovsky, a pediatrician, distinguishes 4 typical forms of the disease.

① Serous Meningitis

Caused by viruses of Coksaki groups and Esno. The headache comes out here, which gradually increases. The temperature rises to 40 * C, there is a multiple vomiting.

The child is excited, can not find a place. The face is bright hypereced, the sclera is injected. Moreover, the symptoms are very similar to the classic one.

In most cases, meningeal symptoms begin to appear. However, sometimes they may not be, which makes it difficult to diagnose.

The damage to the nervous system also includes the paralytic form of enterovirus infection. It is characterized by the appearance of fast passing valid paralysis. More often occurs in children up to the year.

② Herpetic Angry

The variety of enterovirus infection, as caused by the viruses of Coxaki and Esno. After 1-2 of the onset of illness, it is possible to detect pronounced changes in Zeva. The mucous membrane of the rotogling is brightly hyperemic.

Against this background, rashes appear - first it is small papules of red, which are transformed into bubbles. The amount of them may be different. Bubbles are always located apart, do not prone to merge.

After opening the bubbles in their place, erosion is formed. Rash with enterovirus infection in children, photo in the mouth, shows that after treatment they pass.

The child will complain about the pain in the throat, difficulty in swallowing. When palpation is found to increase the cervical lymph nodes And their pain.

③ Epidemic Malgy

Caused by the viruses of the cokes group. The main symptom is pronounced pain syndrome in muscles.

It arises and disappears always suddenly, it is impossible to predict the appearance of an attack. Accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • pallor and humidity of the skin;
  • the increase in heartbeat and respiration;
  • the tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall.

Pains arise parodially, the strengthening of them is observed when moving. Duration is 1-2 minutes.

④ Heart defeat

Dyspnea may be a sign of heart disease

Enterovirus myocarditis in most cases is a congenital form of infection, after intrauterine infection. The child is sluggish, eats badly.

Gradually appear signs of heart failure:

  • cyanosis of the skin;
  • pronounced shortness of breath;
  • heart palpitations;
  • arrhythmia and appearance;
  • heart borders expand.

The child's condition is severe and requires immediate treatment, otherwise a fatal outcome is possible..

Symptoms of atypical shapes

Enterovirus infection in children, including adults, is atypical. There are 5 species of atypical forms that are characterized by certain symptoms:

⑤ Defense of the intestine

Esno viruses are dominated here. Three days from the beginning of the disease, the child will complain about abdominal pain, meteorism. A liquid non-smoke stool with admixture of mucus appears.

Can join nausea and vomiting. The belly when palpation is painless, slightly urchit. The protective tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall is not marked.

⑥ skin damage

Rash when enterovirus infection occurs and passes independently

Enterovirus Exanthema - Two days from the beginning of the disease, rash appears on the skin.

Localization of rashes - face and torso, much less frequently.

Enterovirus infection in children - rash reminds such at or.

Disappears quickly, sometimes even on the day of appearance. No traces leave no. However, it requires attention from parents and should be a reason to appeal to the doctor.

⑦ Life damage

Another variety of illness can be acute enterovirus hepatitis. The skin of the child becomes yellow, the pronounced itch appears. The liver is increasing, sometimes a spleen. All this is accompanied by symptoms of general intoxication.

⑧ Eye defeat

Enterovirus 70 type often causes. The disease proceeds - Suddenly arises sharp pain in eyeballsaccompanied by a tear and light-wide.

The following symptoms are observed outwardly:

  • eyelids edema, hyperemic;
  • in conjunctiva, small hemorrhages;
  • schlera injected;
  • there is an abundant separated from the eyes,
  • when attaching a bacterial flora, it acquires purulent.

⑨ Enterovirus fever

Body temperature rises to 38-39 ºС, which greatly exits the child

It is caused by the viruses of the Koksaki group and the Esno. Fever usually short-term and continues no more than 4 days.

In addition to lifting temperature, the following symptoms will be observed:

  • headaches;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • muscle pain and malaise;
  • redness of the skin of the face and body;
  • sclerit and zea hyperemia;
  • an increase in all groups of lymphatic nodes;
  • increase the liver and spleen.

Who will help with enterovirus infection?

For the diagnosis of enterovirus infection in children, symptoms and treatment should be contacted to the infectious doctor.

The treatment can be carried out outpatient, but there are certain indications in which hospitalization is necessary in the hospital.

  • children under the year with any form of the disease;
  • damage to the heart and nervous system;
  • intestinal form with dehydration 2 degree and above;
  • children from socially disadvantaged families.

Enterovirus infection - treatment may require consultation of related specialists:

  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • okulist.

Diagnosis of the disease

When symptoms are found, the disease should immediately contact the pediatrician

To form a diagnosis, the data of epidemiological history, clinical inspection data is taken into account.

Of laboratory methods Use setting serological reactions to detect antibodies or polymerase chain reaction To identify RNA virus.

Material for the study is mucus from the nose, blood, feces, lycvore.

Instrumental research methods are prescribed for meningeal and heart shapes.

How to cure a child?

Specific etiotropic treatment of enterovirus infection in childrent, therefore, only symptomatic and pathogenetic treatment is carried out.

With mengial form:

  • dehydration using osmodioretics - mannitis;
  • hormonotherapy - dexamethasone;
  • means for improving microcirculation - pentoxifillain, trental;
  • means for improvement brain circulation - Cavinton, Vinpocetin.

Myalgic form is treated only symptomatically using analgesics - ketorol, nimesulide.

For treatment apply:

  • - Zirtek, Zoda;
  • antiviral droplets in the eye - Ophthalmferon, halfda;
  • when the purulent discharge is added antibiotics - instrument, uniflox.

When myocardis, disintellation therapy is prescribed using salt solutions and support for cordial sympathomimetics.

Skin shape usually passes independently and does not require treatment.

In case of intestinal form, sorbents are appointed - smecta, enterosgel and rehydration therapy - Bio regiders.

Enterovirus infection in children is one of the most common diseases. Enteroviruses ranked second in the list of ARVI's causes. Surprisingly, but, despite the fact that this infection was picked up almost all children, many parents still do not know what enterovirus infection is.

Enterovirus infection - acute diseases gastrointestinal tractwhich are caused by enterovirus. On the this moment There are more than 60 species of pathogens enterovirus infection. Depending on the serotype (group of microorganisms of one species, which are combined with the general antigenic structure and are determined by serological methods of diagnostics) them are divided into 4 groups. The most common enterovirus infection is caused by cokes and poliomyelitis viruses.

The danger of enterovirus infection is that its pathogens are very stable: they can for a long time Save in wet soil and water, then get into the human body through water pipe or infected food.

We collected 10 facts about enterovirus infection in childrenYou should know every mom to help your child in time.

1. Enterovirus infection is transmitted through the mouth, airborne, through infected water and food, as well as a contact-household.

2. Enteroviruses can multiply in almost all organs and body tissuesWhat explains the variety of symptoms. The most common symptoms of enterovirus infection in children: fever, headache, pain in the abdominal area, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, body temperature increase, the appearance of raishes and legs, edema extremities, ulcers in oral cavity. Enterovirus infection in children can proceed asymptomatic or marked only by increasing temperature.

3. Danger of enterovirus infection It is that it is capable of spreading in various organs and maintained in the human body for many years, which can lead to prolonged disease after primary infection.

4. Enteroviruses are quite stable.They remain viable with room temperature For several days and can survive in an acidic stomach environment.

5. Enterovirus is sensitive to: Formalin, chlorine, high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation.

6. As a rule, enterovirus infection in children proceeds easily and does not lead to serious complications. but launched forms Enterovirus infection amaze various organs and systems provoking development severe diseases, in some cases, may end with fatal outcome

7. The most severe forms of enterovirus infection - meningitis and encephalitis, which begin acutely with an increase in temperature to 39-40 ° C, severe headache, multiple vomiting, not related to meals; Also pain in the abdomen, nonsense, convulsions, the appearance of rash is also possible. Recall that not so long ago in Ukraine, an outbreak of viral meningitis was recorded.

8. Does the child need antibiotics in the treatment of enterovirus Only a doctor can define. However, according to Dr. Komarovsky, in the Instructions WHO it is written that antibiotics can be used with intestinal infections Only in three cases: if diarrhea does not pass for 2 weeks and lamblia detected, if blood was found in the feces, if it is cholera.

9. Treatment of enterovirus infection in children It is to prevent the body's dehydration. For this child, it is necessary to disappear to the tool for oral rehydration (for example, with a regiment). This solution can be prepared independently: in 1 liter of water add 2 tbsp. Sugar spoons and 1 tsp salt. Give on a tablespoon solution every 5-10 minutes. No specific antiviral drugs For enterovirus infection does not exist. At high temperatures, the antipyretic, appointed by the doctor, is given. heavy cases Hospitalization is held.

10. Efficiency of vaccination from enterovirus infection Proved by the example of polio. However, to create a vaccine capable of developing immunity to all enteroviruses has not yet been possible, which is associated with a huge variety of viruses and their ability to modify. However, work on the development is carried out, and the first vaccines are already undergoing clinical studies.

Dr. Komarovsky: Enterovirus infection in children (video)

It has features of rash with enterovirus infection. It develops on the second day of the disease, localized on the body, limbs, face, footsteps. It has a kind of small spots, dots and papules.

There is a lot of viruses causing different diseases in humans. Enterovirus infections live and actively multiply in the intestine of a person. It is possible to get sick regardless of age or floor. What is a rash when enterovirus infection and how to carry out treatment?

Enterovirus rash is a very common disease. Most often, the disease is striking children aged 3-5 years. In adults, non-viruses occur much less often. Since the virus is sufficiently stable, treatment is usually symptomatic.

Rash at enterovirus infection in children appears on the second day after infection. This phenomenon is considered a symptom of the disease and helps doctors to rather identify the disease.

Enterovirus is able to maintain vital activity even outside the human body. It does not die under the influence of water, air, washes or chemical substances. Even long-term freezing does not destroy this virus.

To infected the child with the child, both from the mother and from other people. Sometimes a virus woman can be a person with strong immunity. He has no symptoms of the disease, but it is infectious for others.

Manifestation of disease in children

To start timely treatment And to help the child, you need to carefully observe its condition and when the first symptoms of the disease appear, contact the doctor. Already on the second day of the disease, such signs of enterovirus infection may occur:

  • general weakness;
  • high body temperature;
  • characteristic rash;
  • muscle pain;
  • attacks of headaches.

In some cases, enterovirus infection was accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Rash left small spots. However, in a few days, pigmentation disappeared. The rashes outwardly resemble those that happen during rubella, measles or scarlet. Spots are small, places reach the size of a small dot. Papula can be formed. Most often, it can pour throughout the body, even in the face and footsteps.

Manifestation of sudden examinee

- This is a kind of viral infection that amazes young children. Most often, the disease is diagnosed between the ages of 9 months to a year. The greatest surge of infection falls during the cold season, which is associated with a decrease in the resistance of the body to disease.

It is possible to get sick with a sudden examination only once. In the course of the flow of infection in the body, antibodies are produced, so that this disease is not repeated throughout the life.

The main symptoms of Exantheme include:

  • a significant increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of spotted rash throughout the body;
  • strong fever;
  • nausea and vomiting.

During the illness, children are pronounced by the symptoms of intoxication, which are usually not more than 3 days. In rare cases, catarrhal phenomena can join. After after 3 days the temperature will decrease to the norm, the body will begin to be covered with rash.

About a third of children in early age Transfers this disease. In the risk group on equal footers are both boys and girls. Sudden Exanthema May develop even in newborns.

After transferred disease At the kids almost no complications arise. They are only possible if the level of immunity is too low or the treatment is completely absent. Still possible cold illness and inflammatory processes in the throat.

The nature of the disease in adults

Enterovirus infection in children proceeds almost the same as in adults. However, in the second case, the risk of developing complications and serious diseases is high.

A person can infect infection when contacting public utilities. Since the virus does not die in the air, it can stay on the surfaces for years. You can get an enterovirus infection when visiting a sauna, pool or bath. Viruses can live in drinking water and on products. Even running B. public transport, you can get infected.

A man with a strong immunity can be a carrier of the virus, while staying completely healthy. At the same time, people around him can easily get infected.

If the Esno virus fell ill in mature age, such diseases may develop:

  • polio;
  • boston fever.

Although acute symptoms Diseases take place in a few days, the consequences of this group of viruses can make themselves known for a long time. The emerging complications should be treated under the sensitive control of the doctor.

Treatment rash

Treatment of rash is often complicated by the fact that it is difficult to accurately determine the type of causative agent of the disease. The essence of therapy is usually reduced to the elimination of symptoms and facilitating the patient's condition. In most cases, treatment is carried out at home. Hospitalization may be required only in exceptional casesWhen the disease is accompanied by a severe fever, life-threatening temperature or kidney and liver lesions.

To facilitate the state of the patient, it is prescribed drugs that reduce the temperature. It may be paracetamol, aspirin or nimesil.

If we are talking about treatment little childIt is important to coordinate the choice of the drug with your doctor, and then strictly observe the specified dosage. Careful hygiene is extremely important.

At high temperature, which always accompanies enterovirus infections, dehydration can occur. Therefore, the patient is extremely important to provide abundant drink. To restore it is extremely necessary pure water. The use of unsweetened tea or domestic compotes is also allowed.

To rather cope with the disease and unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to send strength to strengthening immune system. You need to adjust the power. The diet should include as much fresh vegetables and fruits. After consulting with the attending physician, you can start receiving vitamin complex. Antihistamines can also be appointed antiviral tools.

Enterovirus infection relates to a group of acutely occurring infectious diseases, developing in the penetration of different strains of intestinal virus. Depending on the type of microorganism, the disease may proceed with different symptoms, in most cases there are damage to the digestive tract, respiratory disorders.

In severe cases in pathological process Muscles, heart, central nervous system. Enterovirus infection more often develops in children younger age.

Types of disease

Enterovirus infections, developing in children, depending on the main manifestations of the disease, are divided into typical and atypical. The group of typical lesions belongs:

  • herpety angina;
  • qatar of the upper respiratory tract;
  • enterovirus fever;
  • epidemic Malgia;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • hepatitis.

The nervous system is stronger - meningitis develops, encephalitis. Heart damage to the virus leads to pericarditis and myocarditis. Penetration of the virus B. urinary system Causes jade, cystitis, boys orchit. With eye damage, conjunctivitis occurs more often, it is less likely.

Atypical manifestations of infection in children include cases of asymptomatic or erased disease.

According to the severity of symptoms, enterovirus infection is divided into light, medium and heavy molds. The disease can be uncomplicated and complicated.

The reasons

Enterovirus infections are developing under the influence of different causative agents. Most often these are coking viruses, enteroviruses, just. Hazardous microorganisms are distinguished by people or virosters with infection. Infection occurs in several ways, the main way of transmission of fecal-oral infection - viruses can be located on food products, in water.

It is less likely to infection by air-drip and contact path. Infection among children is often applied when using some toys, towels, dishes.

Enteroviruses perfectly retain their vitality in the soil, water, well tolerate freezing and stable even before some disinfectants. For a group of these microorganisms no danger represents aclest medium The stomach, so they do not die in it, and the organs of the gastrointestinal tract are developing and affected.

Viruses fall into the body through the respiratory tract or through the mouth. Initially, they are localized on mucous membranes, but then transferred to lymph nodes, where they are reproduced.

The symptoms of enterovirus infection in the child will depend on the strain of the microorganism, its ability to affect certain organs and tissues and on the number of causative agents in the lymph nodes. Not the last role in the development of infection is played by immune, with excellent work of the immune system, the child is ill in easy form.

Clinical manifestations of disease

Enterovirus infections appear nearby common symptoms.

The manifestations of the disease depend on what organ or system of the body is amazed by viruses.

The general manifestations of the disease include:

  • Availability incubation periodOn average, it continues from 2 and to 10 days.
  • A keen beginning of the disease. Fever appears sharply - the temperature rises to 39-40 degrees, chills are observed, headache. The baby is sluggish, capricious, refuses to eat, may be vomiting.
  • Hyperemia of the skin of the upper half of the body, face. You can see redness of the scool and conjunctiva.

Different types of enterovirus infection are often manifested by the appearance of a rash on the body, increasing cervical lymph nodesWhen inspection of the throat marks redness of the tonsils and pharynx.

Specific symptoms Infections depend on the form of the disease:

  • Respiratory or catarial form Infection proceeds almost the same as ORVI. The child may have a short-term body temperature increase, sore throat. The development of laryngitis can cause laryngospasm.
  • Enterovirus fever Or summer flu is manifested by feverish syndrome, pain in the muscles, headache. Catarial changes are revealed in the throat, the face and scler has been reddening, in some cases the spleen and the liver increase. This form of the disease usually proceeds easily and continues not more than 4 days, although in some children the infection has a wavy flow. That is, changes in well-being can stop or sharpen again for 7-10 days.
  • Gastroenteric form Mostly detected in children of preschoolers. Catarial phenomena appear in the child, rhinitis with nasal strokes is developing, cough appears. Against the background of these symptoms, nausea, vomiting, spasms and abdominal pain, bloating and diarrhea occur. Usually heavy signs There is no intoxication and dehydration, the body is restored over one or two weeks.
  • Enterovirus infection manifest skin rampappearing on the body at high temperatures. The rashes cover the torso and face, less often detect on the mucous membrane. All changes are held in two or three days.
  • Epidemic Malgy It is characterized by strong muscle pain and high temperatures. Children can complain about pain in the chest, back, stomach. When driving, pain is enhanced and causes abundant sweating, skin pallor, respiratory impairment.
  • Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis It is manifested by light, redness of the scool, pain in the eyes and tearing.

Heavily flowing enterovirus infections include myocarditis, paralysis, meningitis, hepatitis. The defeat of the brain shells is manifested by strong headache, vomiting, high temperature, cramps and loss of consciousness are possible. Boys may have the development of inflammation of the testicles, the lack of treatment of the orchita can cause infertility.

An enterusive infection for infants and children up to two years is dangerous. It is at this age that the heart, CNS, muscles are affected more often. All symptoms grow quickly and develop severe intoxication.

Principles of treatment

Specific drugs for the treatment of enterovirus infection have not yet been developed, so medications are selected depending on the symptoms of the disease.

TO general principles Treatment of the disease belongs:

  • Compliance bed regime Until temperature normalization. Compliance with this condition reduces the likelihood of development heavy complications.
  • Abundant drink. A sufficient flow of fluid into the body contributes to the removal of symptoms of intoxication and prevents dehydration in the intestinal form of infection.
  • Isolating a child for a time of illness in order to prevent infection of other family members.
  • Selection of a patient of a separate dish, towels.
  • Compliance with diet. The dishes should be lightweight in digestion and vitaminized, while the digestive organs are damaged by gentle food. Feed better small portions.

Medicase treatment is selected by a doctor on the basis of a child inspection. With increasing body temperature, antipyretic agents are used, during catarrhals in the upper respiratory tract Used local antisepticsIt is recommended to carry rinsing. The doctor may appoint antiviral tools.

In enterocolite should be restored water salt balance. Rehydration solutions, fixing drugs, parents must ensure that he drinks after each visit to the toilet.

Antibiotics are prescribed if there is an assumption about joining bacterial infection Or maybe the development of complications. With severe forms of damage to the central nervous system, hearts, respiratory failure And with a poorly reduced child, the child's temperature is hospitalized into an infectious compartment. Some children may need intensive therapy in resuscitation compartment.


Specific prophylaxis Enterovirus infection is not.

In order to reduce the risk of infection in his child, parents should teach it to comply with hygienic standards. That is, the kid must always wash his hands after visiting the toilet, drink only boiled water or water in bottles, use to wip the face and hands in the garden with their own towel.

Danger represents and swimming in natural reservoirs, especially with standing water. Good condition the immune system is also the key to the absence of a disease or at least it light flow.


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All information is presented for educational purposes. Do not self-medicate, it's dangerous! Accurate diagnosis Can only put a doctor.

How does enterovirus infection in children make himself anything? The symptoms of this group of diseases are very diverse, and not always to parents manage to quickly recognize the cunning virus. How does the disease occur in children? What is dangerous enterovirus infection for a child?

General information about the causative

Enterovirus infection is a whole group of diseases caused by certain intestinal viruses (enterovirus). Enterovirus is common everywhere and occurs even in the most remote corners of the globe. IN last years There is a tendency to activate enterovirus infection around the world.

The pathogens of the disease are various representatives of the genus Enterovirus. This numerous group includes such well-known viruses as Koksaki and Esno. Enterovirus has more than 100 potentially dangerous infectious agents. Viruses are very resistant to environmentthat partly explains the widespread prevalence of infectious diseases caused by them.

A feature of enterovirus infection is a healthy virus content. In the intestine of a person, the virus can exist up to 5 months without losing its properties. Thus, the source of infection can be completely healthy person, not even suspect of settled inside dangerous viral agents.

The disease is transmitted in three ways:

  • airborne drip;
  • fecal-oral;
  • vertical (from mother to the fetus).

Enterovirus infection is more common in children and adolescents. The peak of morbidity falls for the summer and autumn. After recovery, a long immunity remains for several years.

Basic forms

Enterovirus, penetrating the child's body, can settle in a variety of fabrics. Epithelial I. muscular cells, nervous system and internal organs Not protected from the destructive effects of the virus. Quite often, the disease proceeds without pronounced symptoms, forming a stable type-specific immunity. The body's protective reaction is produced only in response to the type of virus, which got into the cells and caused a certain immune response.

The incubation period lasts 2-10 days. There are many forms of enterovirus infection. Special attention Deserve the following varieties:


The causative agent is cokes viruses. The first signs of the disease occur sharp after 3-4 days from the moment of infection. The symptoms of Gerpentane refers:

  • high body temperature (up to 40 ° C) with relatively good self-adherence;
  • moderate or weak throat pain;
  • typical changes in the language.

Fever lasts from 2 to 5 days. During this period, the mucosa of grease becomes hyperemic (red), after which single bubbles filled with transparent content appear on it. Bubbles are quickly opened, and in their place there are ulcers covered with a typical gray raid. Separate ulcers can merge among themselves. Several changes are preserved within 7 days from the beginning of the disease.

Do not open bubbles yourself in order not to make a secondary infection in the oral cavity.

Serous Meningitis

Meningitis is inflammation of the brain shells. Called by all groups of enteroviruses. The disease begins suddenly with a sharp rise in body temperature, weaknesses and chills. In the future, signs of lesion of brain shells are joined:

  • rigidity of the occipital muscles;
  • strong sawing headache;
  • vomiting;
  • violation of consciousness;
  • the intolerance to noise and bright light.

For the diagnosis of meningitis, a cerebrospinal fluid is taken. For some children, against the background of the appearance of meningeal symptoms, the second wave of fever occurs.

Epidemic Malgy

Another name of this pathology is Bornholm's disease. Cascake viruses are considered to be causatives and some Esno serotypes. Signs of viral infection occur suddenly on the very first day of the disease:

  • high body temperature;
  • strong muscle pain (abdominal area and chest);
  • strengthening pain at any movement.

Pain attacks occur every hour and last no more than 10 minutes. Fever is preserved within 3 days. Many children on the background of Malgia appear typical symptoms of meningitis.

Consult a doctor when the first signs of the disease appears!


Inflammation spinal cord It is found at the defeat of Coxaki viruses and Esno. The disease proceeds in the form of light form of paralysis. Recovery after the disease occurs fast enough. Resistant paresis and paralysis are not typical.

Defeat of the heart

Myocardits (the lesion of the muscular shell of the heart) and pericarditis (inflammation of the heart bag) are characterized by a favorable flow. Against the background of fever arise moderate pain in the heart. When inspection, attention is drawn to the muffling of cardiac tones. The recovery after the disease occurs quite quickly. Serious consequences not visible.

Enterovirus diarrhea

Signs of intestinal infection are known to all parents:

  • frequent watery chair;
  • moderate abdominal pain;
  • rare vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • high body temperature.

In children under 2 years old, diarrhea is often combined with a runny nose, in the throat and other signs respiratory infection. The duration of the disease is no more than 7 days.

Enterovirus fever

Another name of this form of infection is "Small Disease". Characteristic of a moderate increase in body temperature without pronounced violation general status. Weak catarrhal phenomena are possible in the form of a minor cold and redness of the throat. Recovery occurs within 3 days. The disease is rarely diagnosed due to very nonspecific symptoms.

Enterovirus Exanthema

"Boston Fever" is manifested by typical rash in the form pink spots on face, limbs and torso. Rash arises on the background high temperatures Body per 1-2 day of the disease and keeps no more than 3 days. After the disappearance of rashes on the skin there is no trace.

Various forms of enterovirus infection are often combined with each other. At the same child, you can meet the manifestations of Gerpengina, Malgia or meningitis at the same time. In most cases, the diagnosis is made on the basis of typical symptoms Diseases.


Enterovirus infection in any form can cause the following pathology:

  • myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation);
  • pericarditis (damage to the shallower shell);
  • violation of the work of the heart valves;
  • change cardiac rhythm.

The severity of complications may be the most different, from minor functional disorders In the work of the heart before the formation of serious vices. Predict in advance how the virus will behave in the body of the child, quite difficult. Do not confuse complications on the heart with a special form of enterovirus infection - sharp MIO and pericarditis. In the latter case, the disease passes within 7-10 days without any consequences for the child.

Principles of therapy

Treatment of enterovirus infection in children, regardless of the form of the disease, there can be only symptomatic. Currently there is no effective medicinescapable of cope with the cause of the disease - enterovirus. To increase nonspecific immunity, drugs are actively used human interferon. Sustainability to interferons in the virus does not arise, which allows similar drugs Even with a re-infection.

For non-specific therapy Enterovirus infection also apply immunoglobulins. These funds increase the immunity of the child, allowing the body to cope with dangerous virus and its consequences. The most efficient use of interferons for the treatment of infection in newborns and children of the first year of life.

Antibiotics do not apply in therapy of enterovirus infection. These drugs can be appointed by the doctor only when the secondary infection is connected. In most cases, such a treatment scheme is applied in weakened and premature children.

Diet with enterovirus infection in children is of particular importance. When defeating the gastric intestinal tract, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. The child's nutrition must be diverse and balanced by major vitamins and trace elements.
  2. Food rate - up to 6 times a day with small portions.
  3. In the first days of the disease, it is not recommended to use roasted, acute and spicy food. All dishes must be prepared for a couple or baked in a brass. For kids, it is best to serve familiar dishes in a puree.
  4. On the first day of the disease, food volume decreases by 50%, on the second and third - by 30%. In the future, it is recommended to gradually return to the usual diet.
  5. The whole period of the disease, the child should drink as much as possible. It can be ordinary water natural juice, Morse or compote. Sweet sweet tea is allowed. In pronounced dehydration, saline solutions are prescribed.

If enterovirus infection did not hide digestive tract, special diet not required. A child can have everything he is used to, subject to good well-being.


Specific prophylaxis of enterovirus infection is not developed. Some experts recommend using interferon drugs to protect against possible infection. Before applying interferon, consult with the doctor.

Nonspecific prevention includes daily ventilation and wet cleaning of the premises in which the child is located. Compliance with the simplest personal hygiene rules and eating only proven foods significantly reduces the risk of developing infection in children and adults.

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