Recipe for a mixture with ginger, lemon and honey to strengthen and improve immunity - text and video instructions. How a useful drug helps with colds. Dosage for adults and children

It should be carried out for every adult who is exposed to stress, colds, and who is often outdoors in bad weather conditions. And doing this at home is quite simple using natural ingredients.

A recipe for boosting immunity with honey, lemon and ginger will become a real lifesaver for every person. A similar mixture can also be given to children to prevent viruses and infections.

Depending on the variation of the recipe, it may include others healthy foods, - for example, prunes or walnuts, dried apricots or raisins for sweetness. But the main benefits will come from honey, lemon and ginger.

Useful properties of ginger:

Beneficial properties of lemon and honey:

  • lemon contains essential oils and vitamins that slow down cell destruction;
  • lemon helps reduce fever;
  • honey smoothes out the effects of stress, calms nervous system;
  • honey supplies the body with an excellent set of natural vitamins, which are incomparable in quality to synthetic ones.

As part of mixtures, these ingredients work well with other unpleasant symptoms diseases, quickly restore strength and strengthen human immunity.

Features of storage and preparation of mixtures

It is not recommended to store medicinal drinks containing honey, lemon and ginger for more than a day. If the recipe is for 3-4 servings, then you need to drink them a day.

When preparing hot teas and infusions with honey and lemon juice, you need to take into account that the beneficial components of products begin to rapidly deteriorate under the influence of high temperatures, so honey and lemon juice you need to add it to the finished drink at a maximum of 35-40 degrees.

Vitamin mixtures are prepared from fresh, well-washed ingredients. They are stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time - at least 2-3 weeks, but it is better to prepare the composition without such a large supply.

To prepare a tasty and healthy mixture, you need to properly process the lemon. Place it in boiling water for 2 minutes, then leave to cool. The procedure will remove excess bitterness and make the skin soft, preserving valuable oils and the benefits of lemon juice.

Before adding nuts to the mixture, if they are in the recipe, wash and heat in a frying pan for 10-20 minutes. This will eliminate harmful substances and enhance the benefits of the fruit. But dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins and prunes - are soaked in cold water for 1-2 hours and then washed with boiling water.

Choose to create delicious recipes ingredients that have not been treated with sulfur! They do not shine, dried apricots have a grayish or dark tint.

Contraindications to the use of mixtures

You should not drink tea or take mixtures in too large quantities, because they can cause allergies (all components are characterized as very strong allergens). This should also be taken into account if you are allergic to nuts, various fruits and other foods.

There are also direct contraindications to the use of vitamin mixtures:

  • gastritis and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • ulcers;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • stones in organs;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • heart diseases.

Some forms of illness allow the use of mixtures and drinks, but all this should be discussed with a doctor.

Natural formulas for children

Honey, ginger and lemon in combination can only be given to children over 5 years old. If for an adult the norm is 1 tablespoon per day, then for a child it will be 1 teaspoon. If ginger is removed from the mixture, it can be given to children from 3 years of age.

The most useful mixtures for immunity

There is a classic recipe for ginger-honey- lemon mixture, which is easy to prepare at home. You can add cinnamon powder, a little crushed black pepper, and other healthy spices as desired.

Recipe one: classic

  • you will need 200 g of natural honey;
  • not less than 120 g fresh root ginger, grated on a fine grater;
  • 4 large lemons with beautiful and smooth peel without a hint of rotting.

The peel is removed from the ginger, the lemon is cut, and the seeds are removed. All components are crushed in any convenient way - a food processor, a meat grinder, a blender. Everything is mixed well with honey and ground spices. Transfer to a glass jar and store in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.

You can put such a mixture in a sterile jar and roll it up, then it will last much longer, but due to the ease of preparation of the recipe and the availability of ingredients, this method of preparation is not relevant.

During the period of illness, ginger-honey-lemon mixture can be taken 2-3 tbsp. l., and for prevention various infections and strengthening the immune system, 1 spoon per day is enough, but just do not stir the product in a hot drink!

Recipe two: dried fruits and nuts

In this version of the super-healthy mixture, you will need about 100 g of a mixture of dried fruits, or one type of choice (dried apricots, prunes, dates), as well as 200 g walnuts- the most useful for immune system– and 250 g of honey. Ginger is used here as desired, you can add about 100 g.

Grind everything thoroughly, mix it, put it in a glass container and close it tightly. . This mixture must be infused for 7-10 days.

Third recipe: tart garlic for quick help

The health benefits of garlic are enormous, as it is a natural antibiotic. Therefore, a mixture with garlic serves as an excellent disease prevention and improves the overall tone of the body:

  • take 3 lemons, process them and put them through a blender;
  • clean 2 heads good garlic and add them to the mixture, beating a little more in the blender;
  • pour in 250 g of honey and stir again;
  • add 50 g of raisins and 50 g of fresh ginger, grated;
  • transfer to a jar and leave for a week, closing the lid;
  • product dosage - up to 1 tsp. per day for adults;
  • It is better not to give this mixture to children.

Drinks that are good for the immune system

When preparing tea with lemon, ginger and honey, you can show all your imagination - add a pinch of various spices or even throw in 2-3 peas of allspice, which perfectly stimulates the body:

  1. "Traditional" tea. To prepare it you need 1 tsp. ginger, a crushed slice of lemon and a glass of boiled water. Leave until completely cooled and add honey. It’s better to drink an hour before meals, but not before bedtime!
  2. "Drink with ginger". Mix 1 tsp. squeezed ginger juice and the same amount of lemon, diluted with 70 degree water (no more than 1 liter). When the mixture has cooled, add 1 tsp. honey. Leave for 15 minutes and drink throughout the day.
  3. "Super vitamin". Add 1 liter of boiled water to 100 g of chopped ginger and leave for 30 minutes. Add lemon slices and honey to taste into the cooled mixture and leave for about another hour.
  4. "Reusable" mixture. Add 1 chopped lemon to 100 g of peeled ginger. Pour honey and leave in the refrigerator for about 2-3 days. The mixture can be stored for about a month without losing its properties. A delicious tea is prepared from it by adding 1 tsp. for 250 ml of water (up to 40 degrees). You can decorate with this mixture and simple green or black tea.

Drinks and mixtures with ginger, lemon and honey have successfully proven their effectiveness: hundreds of blogs of women and men who monitor their health tell exciting stories about how they gradually managed to get rid of not only constant colds, but also feelings of fatigue, chronic depression and stress.

A miraculous composition including ginger root, lemon and honey is tasty treat, and good remedy to improve immunity. The properties of these three products help to successfully use them to improve health.

Beneficial properties of ginger, lemon and honey

Viral infections and influenza often occur in autumn or winter. To prevent these diseases, it is necessary to increase the body's resistance and strengthen the immune system. This can be done using commercially available immunostimulating drugs, but it is better to choose natural remedies, containing components that stimulate the production of interferon. For example, ginger, lemon and honey play an important role in immunity. These products, in harmony with each other, form a vitamin magic cocktail that helps fight colds. Useful properties of the products:

  • The beekeeping product has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, and increases the protective properties of the body. It is rich in vitamins and amino acids. You can even give it a teaspoon small child, if there is no allergy.
  • Ginger root cleanses the blood well, improves appetite, and stimulates brain activity. It contains many vitamins, pyridoxine, choline, folic acid, retinol. The root should be taken with caution for gastritis.
  • Lemon is a source of vitamin C. This fruit is rich in pectin, organic acids, beta-carotene, fiber, and minerals. Citrus can cleanse the body of toxins, stabilize metabolism, and strengthen the immune system.

How to use ginger with honey and lemon for immunity

The combination of honey with ginger root and lemon has excellent immunostimulating properties. In addition, this medicine helps in the fight against extra pounds. Together with the healthy good nutrition, physical exercise This mixture helps the body resist pathogenic microbes. The products can be consumed in their pure form, i.e. Everything needs to be finely chopped, mixed and taken a teaspoon every day. You can also prepare a healing drink or tea with them.

Delicious ginger drink with pleasant taste is considered a real elixir of health, helping the body cope with viral infections. It warms you up in frosty winters and damp autumn days. In addition, this tea is used as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. There are several recipes for making the drink. The classic version of tea includes products in the following proportions:

  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice – 70 ml;
  • hot water – 500 ml;
  • ginger root – 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Grated ginger must be mixed with juice and brewed with boiling water.
  2. Add honey to cooled tea.
  3. You can drink the drink.

Ginger drink with lemon and honey

A harmless folk remedy, ginger drink is often used for colds, headaches, muscle pain. It is not difficult to prepare if you use the classic recipe for which you will need.

Hello, dear readers. With the onset of cold weather, most of us begin to think about strengthening our immunity. Of course, this does not apply to us, we always remember this and try to remind our blog readers. We have already written a lot about this, we even organized a competition on this topic. So today we will touch on the topic of health and show you how to make a ginger-lemon mixture for immunity. I won’t say that we do it often, but at least once a year, usually in the fall, as we do now. Children just don’t like to drink such “hot” tea. After all, it burns afterwards, and I will not be mistaken if I say that all children will drink this tea without much enthusiasm. If at all of course there will be.

Usually we don’t adhere to special proportions in ingredients, but today we decided to show you in detail.

Ginger mixture for immunity ingredients

I won’t say that it’s in every home; not everyone likes or buys ginger. But this should be in every home, especially in the fall.

  • Ginger root 100 - 150 grams
  • Lemon 2 pieces (about 400 grams)
  • Honey 400 grams

You can take other proportions, depending on what you will use this mixture for. We will make a ginger drink from this mixture to strengthen the immune system. First, let's prepare our ingredients for the mixture.

The ginger must be washed, dried, and all dried or spoiled parts must be trimmed. You can, of course, completely peel the ginger, which some people do. But we usually don’t do this, and this time we didn’t clean it. We still strain the drink before drinking.

We don’t just wash the lemon, but place it in boiling water for 2 minutes. Of course, you could peel it, but lemon skin contains a lot essential oil which we don't want to throw away. Many may object, because now many fruits are not processed very well useful substances, so that they are better stored.

That's why we put the lemon in boiling water for 2 minutes. Try it and see for yourself. After 2 minutes, the lemon becomes fragrant, and it smells like lemon, and not formaldehyde or any other chemical. And for some reason these lemons smelled like formaldehyde to me. I tried just pouring boiling water over the lemon, it didn’t help, I tried boiling water for 1 minute - the smell still remained. Only after 2 minutes the “extra” smell went away.

During this time, nothing will happen to the lemon, it will not cook and will not lose its useful properties, and we will get more vitamins.

When we have prepared the lemons and ginger, we need to chop it. This can be done by any means, the fastest are a meat grinder or a blender. Although I admit honestly, this is not so easy to do. For example, if using a blender, it is advised to immediately add honey, this will make it easier to grind.

Well, if you use a meat grinder, as I did, then you can install a large mesh, and it’s not a fact that you won’t have to clean the meat grinder, especially if the ginger is no longer fresh. The fibers clog the meat grinder so much that the juice does not come out through the mesh. I cleaned it myself.

Now you need to mix the resulting mixture with honey. We take an approximate amount equal to the resulting mixture. As you can see in the photo, we got a little more than 400 grams of the mixture; the photo shows the weight including the plate.

I did not add everything that was left in the meat grinder to the general mixture, I brewed tea separately and drank it with honey. In the photo it stands separately in a small plate. I drank this tea for almost two days. No one except me wanted to drink this bitter tea.

But this tea is already from our ginger-lemon mixture. Although this can no longer be called tea, but a drink. We just pour a tablespoon of the mixture into 0.5 liters warm water and leave to infuse. Not boiling water, but not more than 50 degrees. All this is explained by the presence of honey in the mixture.

I tried pouring boiling water over it, but I liked the drink more than the tea. And I liked it cold more than warm or hot. But if you need to warm up, you can drink a hot one. This mixture can also be added to tea. In general, the spiciness of the drink depends not on what kind of water you add, but on the infusion time.

I found it for you similar recipe on YouTube, where they grind and peel ginger.

After this magical mixture for immunity ends, after a short break, I will begin to further strengthen my health with nettle infusion. I wrote about him in the article “.”

Ginger with lemon and honey contraindications

Even this healthy drink how ginger tea can have its contraindications. The first thing you need to remember is that bigger is not better. Drink ginger tea Small sips are recommended. You shouldn't drink ginger tea yet. empty stomach. The walls of the stomach are irritated, and if there is more inflammatory processes or ulcers, then such tea is generally contraindicated. You will know about this immediately after consumption by a burning sensation in the stomach area.

You should not drink ginger tea before bed. This drink has a tonic effect, raises blood pressure and increases blood flow. It can even raise a person’s temperature, so when high temperatures Avoid drinking ginger lemon tea.

This tea thins the blood, so you need to be be careful people With open wounds and prone to nosebleeds and hemorrhoids.

Well, we probably shouldn’t forget about allergic reactions for ginger. He can call general deterioration health status, with unpleasant sensations in the stomach area. It may even cause stomach upset.

Ginger tea has a tonic effect, thins the blood, enhances metabolism and the flow of bile. Therefore, it is contraindicated for people with gallstones.

Well, if this mixture is too spicy for you or your children, then here is a sweeter option, with nuts, dried fruits and honey.

Ginger can be used not only to strengthen the immune system, but it can also be used. Always keep ginger in the refrigerator, and over time you will not need your first aid kit. Be healthy and all the best to you.

Honey, ginger, lemon - a magical trio of natural ingredients with a powerful dose of vitamins. Firstly, this is an incredibly tasty sweet with spicy aroma and sourness. Secondly, this compound is a real medicine against various ailments and even excess weight. These three products, combined into one mixture, strengthen and mobilize the immune system. They effectively fight acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, relieve fatigue, cleanse blood vessels and speed up even the most problematic metabolism. We have prepared a series of articles for you about this magical combination of products. Today we’ll talk about immunity and a thin waist.

Composition and beneficial properties

The components contained in this mixture have a lot of useful properties. Ginger cleanses and speeds up the blood, helping it renew itself faster. Consuming this root improves metabolism, awakens appetite, and speeds up the digestion and absorption of food. The product has a tonic effect on the nervous system: invigorates, improves memory, stimulates thinking. Retinol, which is contained in the root, helps damaged cells recover. It contains vitamins, acids, micro and macroelements.

The honey can boast no less of a set. This sweet bee product has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is eaten for general strengthening of the body and the production of interferon, which increases defenses.. The beekeeping product contains a complex of vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, K, E, P), amino acids, glucose, etc.

Lemon is a natural storehouse of vitamin C. But it is useful not only for this. This citrus contains fiber, beta-carotene, pectin, minerals and other vitamins. Even one piece of lemon a day will be enough to cleanse toxins and waste, strengthen the immune system and speed up metabolism.

Secrets of preparation and storage

Making lemon-ginger honey has its own secrets and wisdom. And the mixture must be stored under certain conditions.

  1. Only natural honey should be used. Best source for this purpose - a farmer with a good reputation. The contents of jars on supermarket shelves are subject to heat treatment;
  2. It is better to take a liquid bee product. This will make the mixture easier to prepare. It is better to take acacia - it does not lend itself to crystallization for a long time;
  3. It is better to take lemons that are hard and have thick skins. without external damage and dark spots. The color of citrus fruits should be bright yellow;
  4. Good Ginger Root - Firm and Smooth. A bad root has spots and wrinkles, mold, looseness and soft spots. To check the freshness of the root, you can lightly pick it with your fingernail;
  5. The mixture is best stored in a glass container., tightly closing the lid. Store it in the refrigerator or in a dark and dry cellar.

Miracle bomb for immunity

Lemon-ginger-honey jam - real vitamin bomb, which significantly improves the functioning of the immune system. It's quite simple to prepare.


  • Honey - 300 g.
  • Ginger - 600 g.
  • Lemons - 6 pcs.

Wash the lemons thoroughly and cut into slices along with the peel. The pieces should be of such a size that they can easily pass into the meat grinder. Wash the ginger, peel and cut into small cubes. Grind the prepared ingredients in a meat grinder. You can also use a blender or even a regular grater for this. Pour the mixture with liquid beekeeping product, mix well and leave for a week in a dark and cool place.

If there are no health complaints, take 1 tbsp of lemon-ginger honey once a day. l. half an hour before breakfast. This will increase the body’s defense against infection, cleanse blood vessels, and normalize metabolism. During a cold, the remedy is taken several times a day with tea.

For a thin waist

To combat overweight It is recommended to drink a basic drink made from these 3 components. To do this, grate 4 lemons and 300 g of ginger, add 4 liters of water and bring to a boil. After boiling, the drink should be kept on the fire for 5 minutes, removed, and cooled. After this, add 200 g of honey to the liquid. You should drink 250 ml of ginger-honey lemonade in the morning.

This miracle mixture also has its contraindications. They are directly related to the properties of the components. It should not be used by those who suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes mellitus, allergies to citrus fruits, hypertension. It is also not recommended to prepare lemon-ginger honey for those who have suffered a heart attack or stroke.

As soon as the cold weather sets in, everyone around us begins to suffer from various colds. Many people think to themselves - “I don’t want to get infected!” Let us tell you a secret - in order not to catch the virus, it is enough to prepare a product based on ginger root, lemon and honey for immunity. This trio not only tastes great, but is also great for strengthening the body and enhancing its protective properties. Each of these products has a unique composition, and thanks to their harmonious combination, an excellent vitamin cocktail is formed that protects against viruses, copes well with colds, helps to lose weight, tones and cleanses blood vessels.

Immunity remedy - ginger, lemon, honey

The combination of these products is such a beneficial mix for the body and immune system. But in order to begin treatment, we will analyze each product separately and try to understand why exactly they are so useful for our body.

Bee products have been used since ancient times traditional healers, as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Honey increases the body's defenses by stimulating our body to release interferon. IN folk medicine honey is used as a tonic, restorative and nutrient. After all, it is rich in useful micro- and macroelements, vitamins A, B, C, P, E, K, natural sugars and amino acids.

The medicinal properties of ginger are more diverse. This product promotes blood renewal and cleanses it. Ginger also normalizes digestion, improves metabolism, memory mechanism and overall brain function. Just like honey, it contains a large number of vitamins, pantothenic, folic acid, choline, pyridoxine, and also a special substance - retinol, which has an excellent effect on affected cells. He renews or heals them.

Lemon is a recognized source of vitamin C. But this is not the only advantage. This citrus contains different groups vitamins (A, C, E, B, P), minerals, organic acids, beta-carotene, fiber, pectin and much more. If you eat at least a small piece of this citrus every day, then you can completely stabilize all processes in the body, improve hormonal background, improve health, cleanse yourself of toxins and impurities.

Useful properties of the recipe for boosting immunity - lemon, honey and ginger

The vitamin trio has a beneficial effect on the body of every person. At the same time, it can perform the following tasks:

  • eliminates inflammation or inflammatory processes in respiratory tract and throat with sore throat or flu;
  • repels the attack of viruses, strengthening protective functions body;
  • accelerates metabolism throughout the body;
  • provides the body with vitamins;
  • prevents penetration and destroys pathogenic bacteria;
  • removes pain symptoms for flu, colds, sore throat;
  • gives energy and reduces body temperature during acute respiratory infections.

Besides all of the above useful remedies Based on these products, they help in the functioning of the kidneys, liver and heart. The mixture perfectly cleanses the blood, normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and also saturates the brain with oxygen. But that's not all. Representatives of the fair sex will find in it a wonderful means for losing weight.

Tea recipe for immunity - ginger, lemon, honey

To strengthen the immune system, 2 are usually used classic recipe with vitamin trio. The first is a strengthening, warming tea, and the second is a vitamin gruel. Both recipes have almost the same properties and have the same effect on human health.

We cook very healthy tea. For cooking healing drink You will need honey, lemon, ginger root. If you care about your health, use clean water for a drink. So, we clean the ginger and remove the peel from it. If the product is still too young, the peel can be scraped off. Next, cut the root into small slices (straws). You can also grate it, but experience shows that this will take longer.

Then take a regular teapot. We put our chopped ginger into it, squeeze out lemon juice and pour boiling water over it. Let the product sit for 15-30 minutes.

At the very end, add 20-30 grams of natural honey to the warm drink. It is not recommended to add sugar to this product. If you like to drink very sweet drinks, add more honey. Also, experienced experts do not recommend adding honey to hot water, since in this case it will lose all healing properties.

Vitamin mixture - recipe

Recipe proportions for immunity with ginger, lemon and honey the following:

  • you will need 150-200 grams of ginger;
  • 200-250 grams of natural honey;
  • lemon in the amount of 4 pieces.

This will be a very useful jam for good health and immunity. We also need a jar with a lid that screws on.

Where do we start? Let's prepare the root first. We rinse and clean it. Next, cut into small pieces. Just like in the previous recipe, you can grate it, but this is not as easy to do as it seems. After all, ginger will clog the grater when grated. Therefore, it will be easier to cut it.

We wash all the lemons and grind them in a meat grinder. You can also add chopped ginger to the lemons in the meat grinder. In addition to a meat grinder, you can use a shaker or blender.

Place the resulting pulp in a jar and add honey to it. In the jar, the mixture must be mixed thoroughly. Next, close the jar and put it in the refrigerator for 7-10 days.

Contraindications for the immune system recipe with ginger, lemon, honey

  • allergies;
  • high pressure;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • hepatitis or other liver diseases;
  • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • serious illnesses heart and cardiovascular system.

It is also better to avoid the mixture during pregnancy.
