After abdominoplasty. Recovery after tummy tuck Why is there a bloated and hard belly after abdominoplasty?

It is aimed at removing fat folds and sagging skin on the abdomen and is considered one of the most difficult plastic surgeries in terms of rehabilitation. Duration full recovery depends on many factors, and only the attending physician can tell you when it will be possible to sleep on your stomach after abdominoplasty.

How is rehabilitation after abdominoplasty?

You will have to spend several days after the operation in the hospital under the supervision of a surgeon. According to modern data, early activation contributes to fast healing and reduces the risk of thromboembolism. On the first day in the evening, it’s good to start getting up slowly, you can only sleep and lie on your back. On the second day the swelling increases, but you will have to walk with all your might. On days 3-4, you can try lying on your side with your legs bent. Stitches are usually removed after 10-14 days. Be prepared for the fact that in the next few months your lifestyle will be subordinated to only one goal - the proper healing of tissues and sutures.

After 7-10 days, patients begin to straighten up and, as a rule, walk well after 2 weeks. At this time, you can start lying on your stomach, as you feel, if it is comfortable and there is no feeling of tension. Moreover, in the case of fluid accumulation (seroma), in this position the tissues grow even faster, and the cavity for fluid accumulation closes faster.

If all recommendations are carefully followed, complete tissue healing occurs within 3-4 months. Throughout this period, you should regularly come to the doctor for follow-up examinations. He will see how the tissues are healing and will let you know when you can sleep on your stomach afterwards without fear of the stitches coming apart or rough keloid scars forming.

Interview with Moscow cosmetologist Irina Tkacheva.

- Let's explain why it is necessary to carry out rehabilitation procedures. Many plastic surgeons believe that cosmetology is not necessary during rehabilitation; it is enough to simply wait until the swelling subsides.

- U It’s surprising how often surgeons neglect rehabilitation procedures, the purpose of which is to resolve swelling and correct formation seams. According to my observations, it is mainly male surgeons who rarely prescribe rehabilitation, since the outcome is important to them and the aesthetic part - the condition of the patient’s skin after surgery - is less important. Even the calmest patients experience a kind of neurosis during the recovery phase, when rehabilitation seems to take an eternity. Bruises do not go away, they are replaced by stagnant spots, the skin after prolonged swelling is dehydrated and wrinkled. I would not like to generalize, but female surgeons are more scrupulous and attentive to issues of skin aesthetics in the postoperative period.

TO osmetologists work with one of the most serious problems of patients - postoperative ecchymosis and lymphostasis. Ecchymosis is the sweating of red blood cells through the walls of blood vessels, diffuse saturation of blood into the deep and superficial layers of the skin. That is, simply put, diffuse bruises that may have different shapes And different colour. And, most importantly, they can cause post-traumatic pigmentation. Ecchymosis can only be influenced by physiotherapeutic methods. It is a pity that surgeons avoid this issue, when this is one of the main problems rehabilitation period: a person cannot look at himself in the mirror because of terrible bruises, despite the fact that the operation was performed perfectly. You can wait: a month will pass, the body’s regenerative abilities will turn on, and everything will heal, but in what form? Prolonged swelling can stretch the skin, which will contract worse than if the swelling had gone away faster and the tissue had already begun its active restoration.

- If you carry out rehabilitation, will the swelling and bruising simply go away faster, or can we say that the result of the operation itself will be better?

- B Of course, the most important thing is the quality of the operation performed. However, rehabilitation also affects the outcome. How a person will look and how their face will “sit” also depends on the duration of the swelling. If heavy bruising appears after a SMAS facelift, the tissues become pigmented and the face may remain spotty for up to a year. The breakdown of red blood cells and the sweating of capillaries takes a very long time: the person has already been discharged, but the microcapillaries continue to fade and the face changes color. If the patient has a certain phototype and is prone to pigmentation, the bruises will become pigmented and it will take another year of work to remove the marks. In addition, if swelling persists for a long time, it is difficult to go out into society.
The next point is a violation of innervation: it is extremely unpleasant when one cheek is not felt. And only physiotherapy can influence this process. How can a surgeon reject rehabilitation in this case if it is used after all injuries? After a major rejuvenation operation, innervation is restored within three months, and with the help of physiotherapy - after a month and a half, that is, the period is halved.

N We must not forget that after surgery the skin suffers: loss of moisture and impaired regeneration occur. All the regenerative abilities of the body at this moment are directed to the injured area - the site of the operation, while the outer part of the skin is restored last. Therefore, not only rehabilitation procedures are needed, but also quite active care. Not only professional care in the salon, but also at home: special preparations for recovery after plastic surgery, peelings, restorative serums, preparations with a stable formula ascorbic acid- everything that works with hyperpigmentation, resorption of bruises. This professional products, which can be purchased from a cosmetologist. Now there are excellent home peelings with a low percentage of acids, a combination of enzymes and acids. The cosmetologist will prescribe a drug that specifically works with the desired problem, and not just a lifting or moisturizing cream, or the drug Sinyakoff, beloved by many.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

P With plastic surgery we do not remove wrinkles. Wrinkles are deep structural changes skin. With age, wrinkles penetrate into the inner layers. The wrinkle is removed externally: the skin is tightened, the folds that accentuate the wrinkle are removed. However, the wrinkle itself remains, since this is an irreversible change in the skin structure, and after some time it will be noticeable again in the same place. We remove excess skin, folds, but not wrinkles.
A wrinkle is formed from active facial stress, when the muscle constantly presses against the skin. And, most importantly, the energy of the cell decreases and fibroblasts lose their ability to retain water, produce high-quality collagen and elastin fibers, and the ability of the epidermis to renew itself qualitatively is impaired. In order for the result of the operation to satisfy the patient, it is necessary A complex approach, the right combination operational methods rejuvenation with modern cosmetological techniques.

ABOUT It is also very important what the person does at home in the first two to three weeks after surgery. It is advisable to take arnica preparations from the first day (internally or externally, this will be advised by a cosmetologist) - with them there will definitely be fewer bruises and it will pass faster recovery. It is very important. We also prescribe these medications two weeks before surgery.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Preparing for surgery

- Z and five to seven days before any plastic surgery should be pierced Mezovarton. This drug has a unique composition for healing and scar formation; it has long been used in American practice. In particular, in obstetrics and gynecology, since women nowadays are interested in the type of suture after a cesarean section. Mesovarton is also widely used in the practice of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. The drug significantly speeds up the rehabilitation time in all respects: swelling, resorption of bruises, scar formation.

Polypeptide "Meso-Wharton P199" - injectable drug for recovery cellular composition skin, new method in complex “anti-age” therapy.
The discovery of the polypeptide “Wharton Jelly Peptide P199” is associated with the activities of the famous obstetrician-gynecologist surgeon, Doctor of Medicine, Professor Boris Petrikovsky. Dr. Petrikovsky noticed that tissue healing in the fetus always proceeds effectively and without scar formation, and found that this healing process is due to the high proliferative activity of embryonic stem cells in the jelly-like embryonic substance of the umbilical cord “Wharton’s Jelly”. As a result of research, a polypeptide was isolated that stimulates cell division. In collaboration with the laboratory of University Medical Center, Long Island, N.Y. Professor Petrikovsky created a synthetic analogue of this peptide, which was named “Wharton Jelly Peptide P199”. For four years, Russian doctors, together with the Fijie Institute (representatives of Meso-Wharton P199), the Institute of Developmental Biology. Koltsova, RAS, results were obtained not only for skin rejuvenation, but also for the treatment of rosacea, skin restoration after laser procedures. The best anti-aging effect was determined in the category of patients 35-48 years old. In addition to the synthetic analogue of the embryonic peptide, the Meso-Wharton P199 drug contains a biosynthetic high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which creates a hydroreserve in the intercellular matrix, as well as a complex of amino acids, vitamins, growth factors encapsulated in nanosomes: everything that is necessary for the direct rejuvenation of skin cells and provides a visible lifting effect.

T Botox is also indicated. Previously, Botox was not injected before surgery, but now it is recommended to do it before in order to relax the muscles, the tension of which provokes tissue compression, which also forms an irregular scar. After the operation, Botox can be injected three months later, when the swelling has completely subsided. Previously, it is advisable not to inject, since Botox itself in some cases causes swelling, which can complicate rehabilitation.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty

- From what day after surgery should you start rehabilitation?

- E If both the upper and lower eyelids are being operated on, it is advisable to begin rehabilitation after removing the stickers on upper eyelid, that is, on the sixth or seventh day. If blepharoplasty is transconjunctival and there are no stitches, then rehabilitation can be carried out from the second or third day.

- What procedures are prescribed after classical blepharoplasty and which after transconjunctival?

- IN In all cases, first of all, magnetic and microcurrent therapy are needed, which come in pairs after almost all plastic surgeries. Microcurrent therapy is an electrotherapeutic treatment that uses a weak pulsed current. These currents are capable of increasing the cell’s own energy, affecting all metabolic processes in it. They improve venous and lymphatic flow, and are also able to relieve painful sensations. The course consists of at least five procedures, preferably twice a week. You can do it once a week, but the result will be noticeably less.
For more later we connect therapeutic ultrasound. It must be said that therapeutic ultrasound used in rehabilitation differs from cosmetic ultrasound, which is performed with a spatula. Therapeutic ultrasound has a round handpiece and is carried out using special cosmeceutical preparations that have absorbable and anti-inflammatory properties. They are also used with therapeutic ultrasound medicines, for example Diprospan, Lidaza, Madecassol.

- At what point can we conclude that the seam is rough?

- E There are stages and types of scar formation: normotrophic scar, hypertrophic and atrophic. It very rarely happens that the entire scar has only a normotrophic or hypertrophic state; a mixed formation can almost always be seen. If the formation proceeds normotrophically, everything is smooth - excellent. But very often we see hypertrophy: dense, knotted tissue, the seam is more red and rises above the skin. Hypertrophy should not be confused with keloid. Keloid is a fairly rare suture condition. The keloid progresses - the seam grows. Hypertrophy is the incorrect formation of a seam when normal skin cells are replaced by pathological ones with high activity of collagen synthesis. In this case, a rough fibrous scar is formed. Even if the surgeon did his best, performed the operation well, sewed the tissue into the tissue very thinly, after two to four weeks it may happen that the suture thickens, begins to tighten nearby tissues, and we can judge the hypertrophic formation of the suture.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Scar formation goes through several stages:

First stage - inflammation and epithelization on the seventh to tenth day after surgery. The edges of the wound are connected by fragile granulation tissue; there is no scar as such yet. This period is very important for the formation of a thin and elastic scar, so it is necessary to prevent suppuration and divergence of the edges of the wound.

Second stage - formation of a young scar on the tenth to thirtieth day after surgery. Collagen and elastin fibers begin to form in the granulation tissue. Increased blood supply to the tissue is maintained - the scar is deep pink in color. The process of epithelization of the wound is completed.

Third stage - the formation of a “mature” scar in the period from one to three months after injury: the vessels completely disappear, collagen fibers line up along the lines of greatest tension. The scar becomes light and dense.

Fourth stage - final transformation of the scar four to twelve months after the injury. The scar brightens, becomes softer and flattens.

M We can influence the formation of scars using microcurrents: by improving blood microcirculation and improving cell division. Magnetic therapy also perfectly softens sutures.

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E there is one more important point. Surgeons say: “You don’t need to do anything, the suture will dissolve on its own.” Yes, over time, the scar will still turn into atrophic, but the greater the hypertrophy, the higher the seam above the skin, the greater the atrophy will be, that is, the wider the scar will spread. This is also true for the skin of the eyelids. Any surgeon will note that one eye always lags behind the other in rehabilitation, this is a feature of the body. One eye is healing perfectly, but on the other the corner has come apart and the seam has begun to hypertrophy.
As soon as we see that a scar has begun to form, we can begin physical therapy. This usually happens within two weeks. Hypertrophic scar formation is a feature of the body, and we cannot completely eliminate it, but it is possible to influence the course of scar formation. And this is where physiotherapy will help, as well as the combined use of physiotherapy and drugs for physiotherapeutic administration. Special lines have been created, in particular, the American company Medicalia has created a number of drugs that affect scar formation.

AND So, we start with microcurrent therapy and perform lymphatic drainage. After the swelling goes away, this happens in the first two weeks after the operation - despite the fact that with the help of microcurrents the swelling can go away in a week - a scar begins to form: it is by two weeks that the seam turns red. At this stage, we add drugs to the microcurrents that directly affect the seam. It is during this period that drugs such as Kelo-cote can be prescribed: it contains silicones that prevent the formation of hypertrophic scar. In some cases, we use cosmeceuticals from Medicalia, which can soften the scar. As soon as we have affected the seam, carried out a minimum course of five procedures (five microcurrents and five magnetotherapy), we connect ultrasound, which promotes the penetration of cosmeceuticals. It turns out about ten procedures. This is the minimum after which you can rest assured that the seam will form better.

- Is it possible to say that in any case it is worth carrying out some procedures after the operation, even if the suture looks perfect?

- N undoubtedly. It is also worth mentioning separately about the condition of the skin after surgery: when the swelling subsides, the patient sees many wrinkles and sagging eyelid skin. This happens because the tissues were stretched by swelling, there was a traumatic load, after which the result is a collected, wrinkled eyelid. Moreover, it is at this moment that brown spots remain from the bruises. And here the indications for microcurrent stimulation are obvious.
The patient says: I had surgery, but I have wrinkles. Yes, you can say: “Wait, the skin will shrink.” Indeed, it will decrease, but it will take time, and a person needs to go out into society. Therefore, after lymphatic drainage and swelling removal, we connect microcurrent dermostimulation, which promotes tissue contraction and toning, and we will see a smooth eyelid quite quickly. We use both ascorbic acid preparations and preparations that affect resorption and lighten congestive circles under the eyes.

P The example of two women from my practice is instructive: one is older with a large volume of surgery, and the other is young, with transconjunctival removal of hernias of the lower eyelid. The young patient decided that everything would heal anyway - she left, refusing reconstructive procedures. And the elderly woman was prescribed rehabilitation, as she had significant bruises. We performed nine procedures: the bruises disappeared, the swelling subsided, and tissue contraction began. A young girl contacted us a month later: the swelling subsided quickly, but there were circles and spots under her eyes. Not always and at a young age the skin copes well with recovery. Therefore, in our clinic, a minimum of rehabilitation procedures are prescribed to absolutely everyone. If there are bruises and swelling - five procedures, or at least three. But the standard course is ten to twelve procedures.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

- Is it possible to correct some forms of a round eye and, if so, which ones?

- M We can only work on the seams. If the operation is performed poorly, nothing can be done: with true eversion of the eyelid, only reoperation. If the inversion provokes a roughly formed seam, pulling the lower eyelid down - in this case, yes, we can partially influence the scar. With the help of microcurrent therapy, the scar softens, relaxes, and the eyelid is raised to its original position.

Rehabilitation after a facelift

- What are the features of rehabilitation after a facelift, apart from swelling and bruising?

- B It happens that the swelling has subsided, but the person feels the pastiness and stiffness of the tissues, because internal formation Scarring is also a very disturbing process. It begins approximately from the third week after the operation, if its volume was large: not only tightness of the skin is felt, but also thickening and infiltration. These seals are hard and nothing can be done with them either with drugs or with your hands. In this case, in addition to the already mentioned recommendations for physical therapy, we use ultrasound: it can soften the swelling and provide additional outflow of fluid, significantly reducing the recovery time of innervation.

- How does rehabilitation during endolifting differ from rehabilitation after SMAS?

- P After a facelift, we carry out rehabilitation at a very early stages when the person is still in the clinic. With SMAS lift, on the second day after surgery, we begin magnetic therapy, which is carried out once a day, for a total of ten procedures. We work with swelling, bruising, restoration of sensitivity and, especially, with stitches, because there are a lot of them and the scars are formed quite roughly.
With endolifting there is a minimum number of stitches and they are located in an invisible place - in temporal zone with a central lift, or in the scalp above the forehead, if tightened upper zone. Therefore, there is much less work with seams here.
In mixed operations, SMAS and endo together, we work in the same way as with SMAS: magnetic therapy, active drainage, impact on bruises and then on sutures. Number of procedures: magnetic therapy - ten sessions, microcurrents - five to ten sessions. We perform microcurrents on the fifth to seventh day. We start ultrasound therapy on the tenth to fourteenth day.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

- Can we say that the cost of rehabilitation will be almost half the cost of the operation?

- N et. Firstly, in many clinics a minimum of rehabilitation procedures are planned; this is included in the cost of the operation, and rightly so. Secondly, the entire rehabilitation consists of about twelve procedures (the minimum is three magnet sessions and three microcurrent sessions). Ultrasound and UHF ( electric field ultra-high frequency) are connected later, since ultrasound does not work with hematomas. In the later stages of recovery, after two months, during major operations, if fibrous compactions form in the area of ​​the chin and cheeks, then continued physiotherapy (ultrasound and microcurrents) is not only indicated, but also necessary. Number of procedures: from three to twelve, cost: from 1500 to 4000 rubles per procedure.

- If a person gets to a not very a good specialist, can microcurrents or ultrasound somehow harm it? Or is the procedure useful in any case, but the effect will be less?

- TO Of course, you need to choose a specialist, but when choosing, I would also focus on the quality of the device. Microcurrents will still have an effect, but to what extent depends on the quality and compliance of the device with the specified parameters. Excellent equipment is produced by Germany and America, the companies Ionto-Comed and Bio-Therapeutic. In Moscow, for example, there are a lot of salons and clinics working for Bio-Therapeutic. When a specialist learns to work with microcurrents, he receives a certificate and follows the protocol that he was taught, observing a certain sequence. Another thing is that not everyone has a feeling of the skin: to understand when more attention needs to be paid to lymphatic drainage, when stimulation, whether you have overloaded, whether you worked longer or less, this is all about the feeling of the skin and the professionalism of the specialist. It is almost impossible to harm or spoil the result of an operation with microcurrents, since this is a small physiotherapeutic effect, but you can get a good restorative result only if you have a high-quality device and experience post-operative rehabilitation. Therefore, of course, preference should be given to specialists from plastic surgery clinics.

- Does it matter whether therapy is performed with sticks or gloves?

- M We cannot work with gloves in all cases. For example, during blepharoplasty and anti-aging operations, it is most convenient to work first with gloves and then with samples. Samples are maniples in the form of sticks. During rhinoplasty, tests are necessary; they allow for convenient and high-quality drainage in the nasal area. In some cases, a microcurrent mask is needed: for example, in the early stages of rehabilitation with circular lift face, when the dressing still interferes with lymphatic drainage with gloves. These are the subtleties of rehabilitation. Now you understand why quality and ease of use of the device are so important. There are microcurrent devices that have only two sticks, two maniples, with round balls, and, of course, this is not enough to provide the entire range of rehabilitation measures. Selection is also important cosmetics for drainage and restoration procedures. Specialists in the field of postoperative rehabilitation will agree with me that sometimes it takes enough time to gain experience to know in which cases which drug to give preference to. These cannot be cosmetic products for aesthetic care. These are drugs that can influence capillary and lymphatic flow, dissolve and anesthetize.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Rehabilitation after rhinoplasty

- R We begin rehabilitation after rhinoplasty after the cast is removed: for some it’s the seventh day, for others it’s the tenth. On the day the plaster is removed, we do drainage. It is very important to start on this very day, because as soon as the plaster is removed, the swelling increases sharply and the person sees a completely different picture by the evening or morning of the next day.

The question of rehabilitation after rhinoplasty is very serious. Many surgeons say: “What to drain there, it’s the nose, it’s separate, there’s no need, everything will be restored.” But the fact is that under the influence of gravity, when a person is in an upright position, the liquid rushes down, and if the swelling from the back of the nose and bridge of the nose goes away well, then, as a rule, it lingers at the tip. And here begins the story of dissatisfaction with the result of the operation, since swelling can cause high magnification tip of the nose. In addition, the nose feels very hard, the innervation is disturbed and a person may not feel it at all, the lymphatic flow is disturbed, and in winter the nose changes color.

R rehabilitation during rhinoplasty should have the following order: after removing the cast, about 5 lymphatic drainage procedures every 2-3 days, and after that regular lymphatic drainage sessions for a month and a half every 1-2 weeks. Lymphatic drainage is used to soften the tip of the nose. Swelling definitely contributes to the deterioration of the process of scar formation, especially inside the nose, making them rough and hypertrophic. In no other way can you influence the mucous membrane from the inside. Although sanitizing and washing are naturally prescribed, they have little effect on the tissues and scars.

- The swelling will go away on its own sooner or later, or rehabilitation may affect final result, on the shape of the nose?

- IN rhinoplasty rehabilitation can definitely affect the final shape of the nose. No one will argue that impaired restoration of venous flow affects the outcome of the operation. Very long-term swelling can change tissues and their shape. In addition, prolonged stagnation leads to active fibrosis of tissues. The mucous membrane can also change due to swelling. The prescribed rehabilitation - diprospan injections and parallel physiotherapy - will provide very good softening.

IN An important point that women especially pay attention to: after the cast is removed and swelling occurs, patients, even those who have not previously had such problems, see enlarged pores on the nose. This happens because the normal size of the pores is maintained due to the tone of the skin, and they become loose due to swelling. Being under a cast for a long time, the nose becomes hard and comedones appear. And here, too, a cosmetologist should get involved and conduct physical therapy and non-aggressive acid peels.

N Undoubtedly, the most important thing is the quality of the rhinoplasty performed, but the condition of the face is also very important, because a person sees not only the shape of the nose, but also the quality of the skin, which recovers very poorly on its own.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

- Tell us about Diprospan.

Diprospan is used in injections by a surgeon if he sees rough formation of a suture, and cosmetologists use it in physiotherapy. Diprospan injections are carried out only by a surgeon; a cosmetologist should not do this, even if he knows the technique of administering the drug: the surgeon knows the course of the operation, knows where the suture is located, especially in closed areas.
Physiotherapy with Diprospan can be carried out in parallel with injections. For physiotherapy, we take an ampoule of the drug, mix it with a conductive gel and perform sonophoresis: four to five procedures in the suture area. We use conductive gels, which also affect the resorption of the suture - Cell Fusion C has the corresponding preparations: a large number of whey Of course, there is not complete, but partial penetration of the substance, but due to the ultrasound itself, micromassage of scar tissue and the introduction of the drug, the seam is softened. In addition, Diprospan has a good effect on fibrosis. In physiotherapy, you can alternate Diprospan with cosmetic preparations that affect the sutures.

Rehabilitation after mammoplasty

- Are rehabilitation procedures necessary after breast surgery?

- P Almost no one prescribes rehabilitation after mammoplasty, but the quality of the scars after this operation is great value. Therefore, it is very important to have the ability to work with the body using a microcurrent device. Bio-Therapeutic devices have a body lymphatic drainage program: electrodes are separately glued and gloves are used. Microcurrent breast drainage is almost never done anywhere, but when pain begins, it’s not the chest that hurts, it’s neurological pain due to long-term swelling, and microcurrents can relieve these sensations.
Rehabilitation is indicated if very severe swelling, a lot of bruises. In other cases, microcurrent therapy may not be performed.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

- Very often, at one month, people have a beautiful thin seam, but at six months, it falls apart. Can this spread be prevented somehow?

- IN Control is very important in mammoplasty. The cosmetologist should examine the breasts every month to capture the period when the seam is formed. If there is no swelling, there is basically no need to start early rehabilitation. We look at when the time comes for scar formation, at about three weeks, and, if necessary, add standard treatment. This may no longer be microcurrents, but sonophoresis or magnetic therapy. We can influence hypertrophy, which increases the likelihood of suture unraveling.
However, it happens that the suture is normotrophic and does not foreshadow any problems, but over time the suture begins to creep apart - this is a transition to an atrophic scar. In this case, unfortunately, nothing can be done.

Rehabilitation after liposuction

- Can drainage and removal of swelling affect the outcome of this operation?

Yes, it definitely can. There are recommendations for microcurrent drainage after liposuction. Low-frequency ultrasound devices have now been released, such as Proslimelt, which simultaneously relieve swelling, soften tissue and act on fat cells. It is shown after removal compression garments. With its help, you can smooth out the boundary between the areas where liposuction was performed and where there was no intervention. This is an excellent technique, the main thing to do after liposuction. Injection techniques can be used later, any mesotherapy is good, but later, and at the initial stage low-frequency ultrasound is optimal.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Rehabilitation after abdominoplasty

- Are rehabilitation procedures prescribed after abdominoplasty?

- Sh during abdominoplasty plays almost a primary role. In order to help it develop normotrophically, I would make it mandatory to pre-administer the drug Mezovarton to the operation area. At least once, and preferably three times at intervals of a week - a month of preparation for the operation. This technique has been tested on caesarean sections and others abdominal surgeries. Mesovarton has an exceptionally good effect on seam formation.

P After surgery, microcurrents (sticks) and therapeutic ultrasound should be used to soften the suture. With their help, tissue micromassage occurs and appropriate medications are administered, including Diprospan. After abdominoplasty, hypertrophy very often forms, since there are very heavy tissues in this area, and a wide scar is obtained.
It is also possible to prevent and avoid fibrous changes when compactions and clumps form. About ten rehabilitation procedures are prescribed, starting from the very beginning of the formation of the suture, that is, approximately two weeks after the operation.
It is a pity that rehabilitation after abdominoplasty is often ignored, because during such operations, work with sutures is simply necessary.
Three months after physical therapy, we carry out fractional laser exposure - and the stitches can be improved by fifty percent, almost guaranteed.

Almost everything rehabilitation measures, no matter what operation is performed, they have the same sequence, and the same physiotherapeutic influences are used. It is important to start them on time and take into account the body's individual reactions to injury.

This is not a public offer! There are contraindications. Before use, consultation with a specialist is required.

Often, only with the help of abdominoplasty can the figure be restored to its former grace. Plastic surgery eliminates sagging, excess fat, and returns beautiful waist shapes.

This method is known for its effectiveness, but is technically difficult and is therefore often accompanied by complications. They may go away on their own or require additional surgical intervention.

Using advanced surgical methods, you can reduce the possibility of such troubles, although you won’t be able to get a 100% guarantee.

Although the mood and individual predisposition have a great influence.

Abdominoplasty is characterized by the following complications:

  • General, related to body systems.
  • Local, directly related to the wide section.
  • Aesthetic, consistent with the scar formed after surgery.
  • Personal characteristics such as genetic predisposition, allergic reactions for medical drugs.

Health-threatening complications after abdominoplasty are rare. They include organ damage, stagnation of fluid, and pulmonary edema. An overdose of antibiotics is quite dangerous, but only a lack of professional skills on the part of the surgeon can lead to such consequences. Many severe complications can only be eliminated by additional surgical intervention.


You should be wary of the clinic’s promise to eliminate fat in a large volume at once, because this may cause organ displacement.

It happens that individual fatty particles can get into the lungs, contributing to swelling. If this is accompanied by an excess dosage of lidocaine, death is possible.

The first time after surgery, sensitivity in the area where it is performed may change. Also, bumps and looseness sometimes appear on the skin. This can only be removed by performing an additional operation.

It happens that the skin may sag. This happens due to the individual properties of tissues when elasticity is impaired.

Scar formation after abdominoplasty

Many plastic surgery have the appearance of scars as their main disadvantage, and abdominoplasty is no exception. However, the full appearance of this surgery will have a more noticeable scar than a mini tummy tuck. Less scarring occurs when surgery is performed with an endoscope.

U 3-6 Period scars are often more noticeable in appearance. Subsequently, they fade and become less pronounced.

In a typical operation, an incision is made along the bikini line, which is usually hidden by clothing. When an endoscope is used, the scar is retracted into the umbilical area, making it virtually invisible.

Scar after abdominoplasty, which was held standard method, goes from one edge of the thigh to the other. There is also a scar surrounding the navel (when abdominoplasty is done, the navel is reshaped). With the help of such incisions, excess skin is removed, muscle tissue is tightened and liposuction is performed.

Mini abdominoplasty leaves less noticeable scars in the form of a horizontal scar located below the umbilical area. The navel does not move, so there are no scars in this area. This happens because mini abdominoplasty leaves the navel in place and is performed in order to remove excess skin on the stomach.


Scars are not the only aesthetic disadvantage of abdominoplasty. Often after this operation, especially if it was performed in conjunction with liposuction, the skin remains uneven.

Rough or keloid scars also cannot be completely excluded. Rough scars appear as a result of various postoperative complications, for example, hematomas, wound suppuration, suture dehiscence (these side effects don't happen very often).

The appearance of keloid scars after abdominoplasty occurs in individuals with an individual predisposition to this. In such cases it is better to use surgery, suggesting a minimal risk of scarring.

There are other aesthetic phenomena that can complicate abdominoplasty; bruising or swelling may often appear in the surgical area. They usually last no more than one month, but most often go away within 1-2 weeks.

Why does the stomach stick out after abdominoplasty?

Swelling after abdominoplasty is considered normal, this is how the body reacts to surgical intervention. Swelling can appear at any time. Usually in the morning it is practically invisible, and in the evening the patient observes a swollen abdomen after abdominoplasty.

Swelling can last up to six months, so it is recommended to wear post-operative underwear around the clock, which can reduce swelling and cope with a protruding belly after abdominoplasty.


You need to eat right. Do not eat spicy, salty, fatty, smoked foods and do not drink carbonated drinks. This will keep swelling to a minimum.

After the operation, the patient is given a bandage that will need to be worn for a long time. The bandage allows you to support your stomach and tightens it. This makes it possible to form a new figure without flaws.

What does unsuccessful abdominal liposuction lead to?

The most common complications after failed liposuction abdomen are considered:

  • Hematomas and seromas, which appear due to the fact that blood or serous fluid collects in the wound. In order to remove this problem, it is necessary to puncture periodically abdominal cavity or apply a second suture.
  • Skin necrosis in the suture area. Most often it affects those who smoke. To solve this problem, it is necessary to cut off the dead tissue and suture the wound. This in turn can lead to serious scarring, which will also need to be corrected.
  • Inflammation and suppuration. To treat them, a course of antibiotics is prescribed.

Consequences after abdominoplasty

After abdominoplasty, the volume of the abdominal cavity decreases, as well as chest cavity. For some patients this serious problem, as the load on the pulmonary circulation increases and it becomes difficult to breathe. At serious complications Pulmonary edema may develop - this is serious consequences after abdominoplasty.

It is dangerous to perform abdominoplasty at the same time as liposuction. This may cause heavy bleeding, and also develop iron deficiency anemia And renal failure. However, such complications appear extremely rarely and most often develop due to the fact that plastic surgeon does not have the proper experience and makes mistakes during the operation.

Complications also often arise as a result of the patient not moving after surgery. This leads to stagnation of blood in the lungs and hypostatic pneumonia. In addition, this operation increases the risk of developing vein thrombosis in the legs. To prevent such complications from arising, within a day you need to get up and start walking, and also take special medications as prescribed.

If you comply preventive actions, then you don’t have to worry about complications.

  • To do this, you must adhere to all the doctor’s recommendations, treat the suture every day and change the bandages, and be under the supervision of doctors.
  • In addition, you need to take antibiotics and painkillers.
  • During rehabilitation, it is worth wearing special compression garments, which helps to avoid the formation of blood clots in the legs.
  • Be sure to start walking no later than 24 hours after the operation so that the blood circulates well and does not stagnate.
  • When you return home, you should not take a bath until all stitches are removed.
  • Lifting weights and playing sports is prohibited for a month.
  • We need to fix it proper nutrition and do not go on diets, take all medications.
  • It is not recommended to become pregnant for several years after the operation.

After abdominoplasty, all sorts of complications can develop, some of which are not very scary, but some that can lead to the death of the patient. However, if you entrust your body to an experienced surgeon and follow all his instructions during rehabilitation, the procedure will pass successfully and you can forget about your sagging belly for a long time.

  • Exclude thermal procedures, hot baths, saunas, baths, do not travel to countries with hot climates for 2 (two) months.
    You can’t sunbathe or visit a solarium until you turn pale. postoperative scars(for 3 (three) months or more).
  • You can take a warm shower on the 5th - 6th (fifth - sixth) day or the next day after the drainage is removed.
  • Wear compression garments continuously for 4 (four) weeks, then for another 2 (two) weeks only during the day, removing them at night.
  • For pain, take “Ketonal” or “Nise” tablets.
    “Lyoton” (gel) or “Essaven - gel” or ointment “Traumel S” and “Bepanten” mixed in a 1:1 ratio, applied to areas of swelling and bruising 2 - 3 (two - three) times a day for 10 - 15 (ten - fifteen) days, first remove the ointment base from the previous application with a damp cloth.
  • Treat seams on the skin cotton swab soaked in aqueous solution“Chlorhexidine” or “Miramistin”, wipe dry, and then treat with a cotton swab with a 40% alcohol solution or vodka, and then with a strong solution of potassium permanganate 2 - 3 (two - three) times a day.
    Wounds to which special medical glue is applied do not need to be treated or bandaged! The glue will come off on its own in 3-4 weeks. after abdominoplasty.
  • Make sure the seams are always dry!
  • "Traumeel S" 1 tablet under the tongue every 1.5 hours for 10 (ten) days (6 - 8 tablets per day), then 1 tablet 3 times a day - 5 (five) days.
  • "Ascorutin" 1 tablet 3 times a day for 2 (two) weeks.
  • "Detralex" 1 tablet per day (with meals) for 5 (five) days, then 1 tablet 2 times a day for 3 (three) weeks.
  • "Lymphomyosot" 15 - 20 drops 3 times a day for 7 (seven) days.
  • Antibiotics only as prescribed by the attending physician.
  • Lymphatic drainage procedures: microcurrent, magnetic therapy, light therapy on areas of liposuction and lipofilling must be performed from the first days after surgery, every 1 day for 2 (two) weeks after abdominoplasty.
  • Manual massage, SPA procedures (wraps), magnetic laser therapy, electrical myostimulation, local dynamic micromassage on the abdominal area should be performed 3 - 4 (three - four) weeks after surgery with an interval of 1 - 3 days for 1 - 2 (one - two) months.
  • After removing the sutures, stick adhesive plaster Steri-Strip stickers 5-10 mm wide on the suture area in the transverse direction for 2 - 6 weeks with an interval of 1 (one) cm.
  • After 4 (four) weeks after abdominoplasty daily apply silicone-containing gels “Dermatix” or “Kelo Cote” or adhesive plaster “Mipiform”, etc. to the seams. for 3 - 4 months, until the scars completely fade.
  • You should refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking, as the recovery process may be somewhat worse, and swelling may increase.
  • Be sure to consult your doctor before starting new medications. Important: liposuction and abdominoplasty are not a method of losing weight, but a method of body shaping. After this operation, it is necessary to control your weight and maintain it at the same level, because... otherwise, fat in the treated areas may be deposited unevenly again, creating unevenness, defects in body contours, simulating cellulite and worsening the result achieved through surgery.

If you have any complaints or questions, you must consult with your doctor and follow only his instructions!

Follow-up visits: 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, 6 months.
