Presentations on the topic: healthy generation, strong country. Presentation "A healthy generation is a strong country!" Weight of educational supplies, g

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Seminar with parents “HEALTHY GENERATION”

The goal is to form in parents a correct and conscious attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. Objectives: 1. To form in parents the concepts of “health”, “healthy generation” 2. To formulate a definition of the term “healthy lifestyle” 3. To consider physical activity (MA) as one of the factors influencing the health and performance of a growing organism 4. Consider the forms of organization of children's education in preschool educational institutions

A human child is healthy...developed... This is not only an ideal and abstract value, but also a practically achievable standard of living. How to achieve this? The answer concerns us first of all as parents, and only then as researchers and practitioners.

Health is the correct, normal functioning of the body ( Dictionary S.I. Ozhegova) Health - complete physical, mental and social well-being (World Health Organization)

1.Physical health is a state in which a person has harmony physical processes and maximum adaptation to various factors external environment. 2. Mental health is a state of the mental sphere, the basis of which is the status of general mental comfort and an adequate behavioral response. 3. Social health- social status, optimal place person in society, his significant role V interpersonal relationships, depending on the health of society, as well as on environment for every person.

Criteria for assessing health may be: the level of physical performance and morphological development at a given stage; Availability chronic diseases, physical defects that limit social capacity; social well-being, the ability to adapt to changing living conditions and maintain a certain resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors.

HEALTHY LIFESTYLE - maximum amount biologically and socially appropriate forms and ways of life, adequate to the needs and capabilities of a person, consciously implemented by him, ensuring the formation, preservation and strengthening of health, capable of prolonging the race and achieving active longevity.

Practical aspects of healthy lifestyle: Optimal motor mode Personal hygiene Correct breathing Hardening Prevention of diseases in preschoolers Prevention of injuries and injuries in preschoolers Providing first aid first aid for injuries Conducting exercise therapy classes Conducting outdoor games

Movement is a means of understanding the surrounding world and satisfying the biological needs of the body. It is difficult to overestimate the role of physical activity in expanding the functional capabilities of the developing organism and in improving motor activity. Physical activity(DA) - the total number of motor actions performed by a person in the process of everyday life.

Physical activity contributes to: increasing the body’s resistance to various diseases; increase in physical performance; normalization of activities individual organs And functional systems; emergence positive emotions that promote mental health.

First place in motor mode children belong to physical education - health activities: - morning exercises- gymnastics after nap- outdoor games and physical exercises during walks - physical education minutes in classes with mental load The second place in the motor mode of children is occupied by training sessions in physical education - as the main form of teaching motor skills and developing optimal DA in children. Third place is given to independent motor activity that occurs on the initiative of children

Parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations of physical, moral and intellectual development personality of the child in infancy. Raising children is a great joy and a great responsibility, a lot of work. It is not enough to provide material well-being. It is necessary that every child grows up in conditions of spiritual comfort and integrity. Being healthy is a natural human desire. Health means not only the absence of disease, but also mental and social well-being! After all, the main thing for us is to raise and educate a healthy, intelligent person!

Municipal educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 3"

village of Argudan, Leskensky district

Project work on the topic: “How to choose the right backpack for a first-grader”

Work completed

student of 1st "B" class


Aiza Muratovna



Radima Ruslanovna

How does a heavy backpack affect

on the child's posture?

Why is this so important?

Schoolchildren's health -

future health


1. Choosing a topic .

I am concerned about the health of schoolchildren – the health of the future generation.

In my project I consider the following questions: How does a heavy backpack affect a child’s posture? How much should a backpack weigh? How to choose the right backpack?

2. Purpose project:

Find out what weight classmates’ briefcases should have;

why are their briefcases so heavy;

what design should our portfolio have?

3. Tasks:

1. Describe how heavy backpacks affect a child’s growing body and what consequences this leads to.

2. Prove that a heavy briefcase is harmful to health.

3. Suggest your own ways to solve the problem.

4.Object, subject and basis of research.

Object of study: human.

Subject of research: schoolchildren’s posture is the basis of health.

Study participants: students of 1st “B” grade

MKOU Secondary School No. 3, Argudan village

5. Research hypothesis.

I guess a heavy backpack is bad for your health.

6. Research methods.

Analysis; survey; observation; collecting information from books, magazines, newspapers; experiment.

- Correct posture is formed from 4 to 10 years

(the most important period)

- Incorrect posture.

Chronic diseases;

Insufficient rest;

Passive forms of recreation;

Incorrect body position during exercise;

Furniture inappropriate for height;

Uncomfortable shoes and clothes (large or small);

Overloading the school bag with educational textbooks


- At-risk groups:

Myopic children;

Fast growing children;

Children with frequent abdominal pain;

- Heavy packs

Formula: The weight of the backpack is less than 10% of the student’s weight, i.e. The student's weight must be multiplied by 10 and divided by 100.

The weight of the backpack with accessories in 60% of children exceeds the norm. 40% have normal backpack weight .

40% - backpack weight is normal

60% - backpack weight is above normal

Weight of the backpack without training accessories

Student's full name

Backpack weight (kg)

Afashagova Samira


Ashurokov Astemir

Too heavy

Bazheva Amina

Bazhev Ratmir

Bitov Islam

Too heavy

Dudayeva Milena

Too heavy

Zhigunova Aiza

Zhugova Inna

Too heavy

Kazakova Zarina

Kumykova Admin

Too heavy

Sunsheva Alina

Sunshev Idar

Tatarov Aslan

Tatarov Atmir

Too heavy

Khutezhev Temirlan

Too heavy

Khutezhev Eldar

Shogenov Albert

Too heavy

Too heavy

Weight of educational supplies, gr.

Name of accessories

4th grade

School of Russia

Literary reading (school)

Russian language (educational)

Mathematics (school)

Mathematics (r/t)

Kabardian language

Kabardian reading

The world around us (uch)

The world around us(r/t)


Everything has its own rules .

1998 – " Hygienic requirements to the publication of textbooks for general and vocational education"

(rules and regulations).

Weight of one textbook:

- 1st-4th grades – 300g;

- 5-6th grades - 400g;

- 7-8th grades – 500g;

- 10-11th grades - 600g.


According to sanitary and hygienic standards, the weight of a backpack with educational supplies should not exceed 10% from the student's body weight

For a visual representation, we provide photographs of the lightest and heaviest backpacks

The heaviest backpacks:

1000 gr 800 gr

The lightest backpacks

400 gr ( LEADER)

  • Don't carry too much in your backpacks.
  • Check your backpack daily and

don't forget to pull it out

unnecessary textbooks.

Please don't buy heavy ones

empty backpack for a primary student

schools - 300-500 grams.

  • Your children have heavy loads

posture deteriorates.

  • Your children get tired faster when dragging

with your back, heavyweights.

  • Please take care of your children

and about their health!

  • Reduce the weight of school bags and promote,

thus, the prevention of orthopedic and

cardiovascular diseases in students can be

in several ways:

  • use only those textbooks and manuals

who have passed a hygienic examination;

  • find an opportunity (in elementary school)

use two sets of textbooks (one at school

alone at home);

  • when drawing up the school schedule, take into account

hygienic requirements for daily weight

educational kits;

Organize a library of necessary books in the classroom

for further reading.

We live with you in a huge country whose name is Russia.

  • We live with you in a huge country whose name is Russia.
  • And the main value of our state is the people living in it. Small and big who have lived most our lives and just taking our first steps - we are all parts of one big state.
  • We live in a wonderful country in peacetime, study and work, enjoy the beauty of this world.
we have something to be proud of! Russia is a special country. It is huge not only in geographical extent, but also in the fact that it absorbs many peoples, ethnic groups, cultures, traditions, and beliefs. Its natural, cultural and political potential is enormous. It is difficult to overestimate its influence on Europe and the world as a whole. we have something to be proud of! Russia is a great country with talented people and its wonderful cultural heritage– has always been and remains one of the leading locomotives of world progress and art - in music, literature, philosophy, painting, and theatrical art. The Russian language and Russian culture have been and remain for peoples a means both for self-development and for integration into world civilization and world culture.

For the younger generation -

the future of our country!

The younger generation is obliged to protect, strengthen and develop their state.

  • The younger generation is obliged to protect, strengthen and develop their state.
The question inevitably arises...
  • The question inevitably arises...
  • What should you guys be like to ensure a bright future for our country in the coming decades?
  • (Smart and morally developed, to be patriots of your country, to receive a good education, be able to realize your potential, be cultured...)
  • And we must ask ourselves: what is the main thing, paramount for the implementation of all of the above?
In order to live, study well and create something, a person needs health.
  • In order to live, study well and create something, a person needs health.
  • To be happy, you also need to be healthy.
  • Beauty is also health, it is inseparable from health: without it it withers and turns pale.
  • The owner of good and good health is considered not just someone who is not sick, but who is physically strong, spiritually strong, and who maintains high performance.
  • The health of the nation is one of the conditions for the successful development of the state. Any civilized state pays attention to this problem, and our government and president are also interested in a healthy generation.


quotes about health Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing.(Socrates) Health so outweighs all other blessings of life that a truly healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.(Arthur Schopenhauer) Nine-tenths of our happiness depends on health.(Arthur Schopenhauer) Health- this is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, accompanied by the virtual absence of illnesses and individually frustrating (removing from a state of inner peace) shortcomings.
  • To be healthy- means not having problems with well-being, being a physically and spiritually complete person.


generation -

strong country!

a healthy generation is a strong country! The country and people give you the opportunity to grow, learn, and choose a path to your liking. Sooner or later the time comes to pay for this care. Those on whom the future of the country depends must be strong and seasoned, so HEALTH becomes one of the first places in its importance.
  • Taking care of own health, we care about the good of Russia, because it is physically strong people who work every day in education and science, in factories and agriculture... To create successfully, you need to have good health. What does it consist of?


Rules healthy image life

What helps maintain and improve health:

  • Proper nutrition
  • Hardening
  • Compliance with the work and rest schedule
  • Mental and emotional stability
  • Personal hygiene
  • Optimal level of physical activity
  • Safe behavior at home, at school, on the street
  • Avoiding self-destructive behavior
“If people ate only when they were very hungry, and if they ate simple, clean and healthy food, then they would not know diseases and it would be easier for them to control their soul and body,” said L.N. Tolstoy
  • The most important element of a healthy lifestyle is balanced nutrition.“If people ate only when they were very hungry, and if they ate simple, clean and healthy food, then they would not know diseases and it would be easier for them to control their soul and body,” said L.N. Tolstoy
Proper nutrition.
  • Strict adherence to the rhythm of eating.
  • Unlearn to satiate yourself with food to the limit.
  • Food should be eaten with attention and pleasure, slowly chewed and tasted.
Eat raw plant foods.
  • The importance of vegetables in nutrition is very great because they are a valuable source of vitamins, carbohydrates, organic acids, mineral salts, various flavoring substances, without which food becomes tasteless and of little use.
  • Hardening is one of the forms of strengthening human health.

1000 years ago a great doctor Ancient East Avicenna wrote:

Be friends with gymnastics,

Always be cheerful

And you will live 100 years,

And maybe more.

Potions, powders –

The wrong path to health.

Heal yourself with nature -

In the garden and open field.

There are many ways to harden.

  • Very simple and effective method hardening means walking barefoot. The fact is that the soles of our feet are a somewhat unusual part of the skin of our body. There are points there - projections of our internal organs. By pressing them, you can relieve pain, provide therapeutic effect to certain organs.
Water procedures.
  • Swimming brings a lot of joy. Through nerve endings located in the skin, water treatments have a beneficial effect on the entire human body.
Physical activity.
  • “Physical activity is a key component of staying healthy, and we need to make every effort not to sit or nurse our illnesses, but to prevent them ourselves through enjoyable exercise,” says Professor Ken Fox.
Physical exercise do it little by little, but every day. Do physical exercise little by little, but every day. You can do walking, running, aerobics, yoga - it doesn’t matter what exactly you do, as long as you exercise daily! IN healthy bodyhealthy mind. Nature has a law: only those who preserve their health will be happy. Drive away all the ills! Learn to be healthy!

A person is born into the world to create, to dare - and nothing else! To leave a good mark in life and solve all difficult problems. A person is born for what? Look for your answer.

Solution: conduct a series cool hours"The ABC of Health." Performed by Rimma Anatolyevna Burmistrova.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Health is the state of any living organism in which it as a whole and all its organs are able to fully perform their functions. “A person can live up to 100 years,” said academician I.P. Pavlov. “We ourselves, through our intemperance, our disorderliness, our disgraceful treatment of our own body, reduce this normal period to a much smaller figure.”

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An ugly attitude towards one’s health is most often expressed in the presence of bad habits - alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction.

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Think about it: in Russia, 80% of murders and 60% of fatal road accidents occur due to alcohol consumption. Alcohol penetrates all organs, affects the brain, delays mental development, growth, leads to paralysis of organs. During alcohol intoxication immoral acts and crimes are committed.

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Tobacco use is another of the most important causes of premature death. Natural tobacco contains 250 compounds and substances, more than 30 of which have a detrimental effect on the body, causing such terrible diseases as lip cancer, premature birth or miscarriages in girls, the birth of sick children, etc.

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Nowadays drug addiction has taken over modern Russia, which results in deaths every year a large number of young people.

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The problem of “behavioral diseases” and bad habits remains relevant for modern society, especially for the younger generation. The cult of health and a healthy lifestyle is now in fashion among the “new Russians”, among wealthy people. Nowadays in Russia it is considered good form to pay great attention to health and appearance: open fitness clubs, fitness bars, swimming pools, etc. Walking and jogging fresh air, giving up alcohol and tobacco is becoming the norm for people in this circle. But we need to make sure that taking care of your health – physical and mental – becomes a concern not only for “new Russians”, but also for every young Russian from childhood, so that taking care of your health is not a fashion, but truly a necessity, a primary need of people. We know that many of our peers play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle.

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Meanwhile, in Russia there are still a large number of young people who have bad habits who do not think about the consequences of this lifestyle. What benefit can they bring to themselves and their state?! We are convinced only healthy man can build a strong, developed state. A person who is not involved in maintaining his health begins to aggressively use all his energy against himself - hence alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, and aggression. We think that health today should be considered a national value. At the same time the means mass media They are doing their best to promote “the opposite”. The heroes of TV series and talk shows are not shy about demonstrating a completely wrong way of life!

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Energetic bravado coupled with media recognition and popularity bad habits does his dirty deed: if the heroes of these TV shows are successful, then why can’t we do the same? – many young people think. In this regard, I would like to remind everyone present of the words of the famous Russian film actor Alexander Gavrilovich Abdulov, which he wrote, already being terminally ill, from the clinic to his colleagues and which he would never have written in his life before his illness: “I conjure you - do not smoke! This kills! And remember: love not yourself in art, but the health in yourself!”

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In the Russian language, which is rich folk wisdom, there are great sayings: “Take care of your dress again, but take care of your health from a young age”, “Illness will not catch up with the quick and clever”, “A healthy mind in a healthy body”, “If you want to be healthy, toughen up”, “Who doesn’t smoke, who doesn’t drink” , he protects health”, “Cleanliness is the key to health”...

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Every person knows everything about himself: how many hours of sleep makes us alert, what food our body does not accept, what habits ruin our health. To be healthy means, first of all, to love yourself and treat yourself wisely. We urge all young people: - find something you like, and then you will have no reason to kill time. - Do sports and physical labor! - Take walks before bed, spend as much time as possible not in front of the TV screen, but in the fresh air!

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It is probably no coincidence that the rule is very popular in Japan: 10,000 steps every day. With their characteristic punctuality and discipline, the Japanese carefully measure this daily norm. It is quite possible that 10,000 steps is one of the conditions that Japan ranks 4th in the world in terms of life expectancy.

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We understand that the development of our country depends on us. To increase the life expectancy of Russians, it may be, to some extent, sufficient to adhere to the simplest rules in relation to one’s own health.

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“HEALTHY GENERATION OF THE 21ST CENTURY” METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF HEALTH-SAVING PEDAGOGY Vasenin Georgy Andreevich, Deputy Director for experimental work, teacher physical culture, laureate of the Prefect's Grant 2007, Mayor's Grant 2010, the highest qualification category.

Her main distinctive feature– priority of health, that is, competent health care as a prerequisite educational process, which determines the consistent formation of a health-saving educational space at school, in which all teachers, specialists, students and their parents unanimously decide general tasks related to health care and take joint responsibility for the results achieved. The goal of health-saving pedagogy is to ensure that school graduates high level real health, equipping him with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, and cultivating in him a culture of health. HEALTH-SAVING PEDAGOGY

These are pedagogical, psychological, sanitary and hygienic, physical education, health, and environmental conditions conducive to successfully mastering learning programs without harming health, strengthening and maintaining the level of health of students at school, family, and in society.

Signs of individual health: Somatic component (parents) Physical component (physical education teachers, preschool teachers, therapeutic physical education instructors) Mental component(psychologists, speech therapist, social teacher) Moral component (deputy directors for educational work, class teachers, GPA teachers)

PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH SAVING PEDAGOGY. 1. The principle of no harm. 2. The principle of priority of effective care for the health of students and teachers. 3. The principle of the triune concept of health. 4. The principle of continuity and continuity. 5. The principle of subject - subject relationship with students. 6. The principle of correspondence between the content and organization of training age characteristics students. 7. Comprehensive interdisciplinary approach. 8. The principle of medical and psychological competence of a teacher. 9. A combination of teaching, educational and developmental pedagogical influences. 10. Priority positive impacts(reinforcements) over negative ones. 11. Priority of active teaching methods. 12. The principle of combining protective and training strategies. 13. The principle of forming students’ responsibility for their health. 15. The principle of monitoring results.

Spring tourist rally in the Moscow Region station "Ovrazhki" Winter away camp in the Moscow Region (camp sites) Autumn tourist rally in the Bronnitsy Moscow Region (in memory of the Second World War) Autumn offsite "Moscovia" Summer offsite (recreational) in Evpatoria Summer city (recreation) on based on the school Summer field trip (ecological expedition) on Lake Seliger SCHOOL OF HEALTH 27
