Is it possible to conceive a boy with one hundred percent certainty?

But many methods have been developed that increase the possible chances of having a boy.

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It's tried and proven scientific research way. Scientists have found that the sperm contained in the sperm that a man releases during copulation is divided equally into the content of X chromosomes and Y chromosomes. The latter are faster and more energetic, unlike the former, but less tenacious. To conceive a boy, the egg with the X chromosome needs to be reunited with the Y sperm.

To ensure that sperm with the right set of chromosomes survive in the vaginal environment and reach the egg to fertilize it, try to maintain a high alkalinity of the vaginal environment. For example, by douching with soda in a ratio of 1 to 17 with water before sexual intercourse. Under such conditions, the viability of Y-sperm increases, which means that the chances of fertilization by a boy increase.

The ideal time to conceive a boy is the day the egg leaves the ovary (ovulation) or the next day before or after it. The main thing is to correctly determine this date.

The day of ovulation is determined in several ways:

  • Over the course of several months, mark the days when your period begins. By analyzing statistics, identify the average cycle. Have active sex these days. Designed for ease of counting many different programs on the computer or mobile phone, or online calculators, in which the day of ovulation will appear automatically based on the entered indicators.
  • For a couple of months, every morning, without getting out of bed, insert a thermometer into the rectum to measure basal temperature. Record the received data in a graph, and at the end of the time, analyze the recorded information. The graph will show when the temperature at some times will be higher than at other times by a quarter or half a degree. These are the periods of ovulation.
  • Buy special ovulation tests at the pharmacy. True, the pleasure is not cheap.
  • Walk for the time specified by your doctor ultrasound examination to a gynecologist, who will show the moment of maturation of the follicle with the egg and whether the thickness of the endometrium of the uterus is sufficient for it to gain a foothold there after fertilization.

Create an alkaline environment in the body by consuming the following set of foods:

  • Meat, sausage, fish in different varieties and quantities;
  • Fruits, especially oranges, bananas, peaches, cherries;
  • Dried fruits, especially dried figs;
  • Cereals;
  • Almost all vegetables and greens are allowed, except: cabbage, dill and green salad.
  • Drinks allowed: mineral water with soda, black tea, coffee.

Correctly chosen positions during sex

In some positions during intercourse, the likelihood that secretion seminal fluid penetrates as deeply as possible into the cervix, higher:

  • Doggy-style or lying on its side, when the man is behind the woman and the penis is inserted deeply;
  • A position in which a woman sits astride a man, with her back or face to him;
  • Or a variation of the classic position, when the woman lies on her back facing the man, but at the same time a pillow or rolled blanket is placed under her buttocks to raise the woman's pelvis high for maximum penetration.

It is worth remembering that the chosen pose is not enough. It is important that the woman has an orgasm, which should occur simultaneously with the man's orgasm. The fact is that during orgasm, a woman secretes a liquid, which, with its composition, “kills” X-sperm, giving the surviving sperm a chance to fertilize the egg.

After orgasm, do not suddenly jump out of bed, it is better to lie down and rest for half an hour.

There are two of them: Chinese and Japanese.

Chinese table based on Chinese lunar calendar, it takes into account only the age of the mother. Knowing it, a favorable month for conceiving a boy is calculated.

The first column indicates the age number, and the first line indicates the possible month of conception; when crossing these two columns, the letter “m” or “d” is written, which corresponds to a boy or a girl. The method is designed for girls from 18 to 45 years old.

Japanese technique represents a duo of two tables that are interrelated. To calculate using this method, you need to know the month of birth of both intended parents. Based on this data, you look at the number given in the first matrix, which will be written in the intersection of the column where the month of birth of the intended father is indicated and the line where the month of birth of the future mother is indicated.

Knowing the number, select the desired column in another table; the names of the twelve months will be written under it. Those months that, when intersecting with the “boy” column, give a greater number of crosses in the resulting column than in the adjacent “girl” column are better suited for conceiving a boy.

These tables do not have scientifically proven evidence of their correctness, but statistics for many years show that a large number of couples, conceive a child of the desired gender, guided by them.

Of course, it won’t work without them. To increase the likelihood of conceiving a male fetus:

In general, thoughts materialize, so program yourself for success in advance and everything will work out! No method can guarantee a 100% result. Except, perhaps, IVF. The main thing is that the baby is born strong and healthy.

Before you think about conceiving a boy, watch the video:

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For many parents, it’s not enough to just find out the sex of the baby: they also want to “program” it. All over the world this happens for economic, psychological, social, religious and many other reasons. It is interesting that the desire to “order” a boy at all times and among all peoples is more common than the desire to plan.

Will there be an effect?

There is only one answer: perhaps. There are many techniques that, with less or more success, allow the expectant mother to carry a boy under her heart, some of which have been known for many centuries. But even now there is no method that would 100% guarantee the desired result. That is why anyone who seriously intends to take up planning the sex of their unborn child must be prepared not only for success, but also for failure. In any case, let the child be desired.

So is it possible to program the gender of the unborn child during conception, what is needed to conceive a boy? It turns out that in some cases, yes. There is plenty of evidence to support this theory. There are several methods based on the physiological characteristics of men and women. Yes and ethnoscience gives advice to a woman on how to become pregnant with a boy.

If a couple wants to conceive a son, then the woman’s first step is to visit a gynecologist. Take tests, get examined by a doctor, and if the mother is healthy and ready to bear a child, then all that remains is to choose the most appropriate tips on how to get pregnant with a boy.

How important are chromosomes?

Every person at least a little familiar with biology and physiology knows that the sex of a child directly depends on the set of X and Y chromosomes. The male sperm contains the Y chromosome. Spermatozoa with the Y chromosome are mobile, impetuous, fast, but they quickly lose the ability to fertilize. Sperm with a female set of chromosomes move imposingly, slowly, but they live much longer: they can fertilize an egg even 2 days after intercourse. So, if parents are interested in how to conceive a boy, then this information will help them do everything right.

First of all, we must try to ensure that sexual intercourse takes place at the moment of ovulation of the fertilized egg, and then the faster male sperm will get ahead of their slower rivals and will have time to fertilize the egg before they die.

To do this, you should create a menstruation calendar, which, using calculations, will help determine the approximate time ovulation in women eggs and most favorable time for conception.

A man needs to accumulate as many sperm with Y chromosomes as possible, so it is better to abstain from intercourse for a while.

There are also rules indicating what needs to be done to conceive a boy, which both spouses must adhere to:

  1. Neither a man nor a woman should take hot baths during the period of preparation for conception.
  2. It is important that at the moment of sexual intercourse the woman feels an orgasm before men. At the moment of orgasm, an alkaline environment is formed in her body, in which sperm with X chromosomes die. This eliminates competitors, and Y sperm receive an additional bonus.
  3. If partners use artificial lubricant, then this time they should refuse it.
  4. When the act is over, the woman should rest, just lie quietly for a while.
  5. For further intercourse, condoms must be used.

These simple methods helped many couples get pregnant and give birth to the desired boy.

Soda for douching

The next method is to create an alkaline environment in a woman’s vagina, which is more favorable conditions for Y chromosomes, and sperm with X chromosomes lose mobility and even die in it. A woman, immediately before sexual intercourse, performs the procedure of douching with a solution of tea soda.

An hour or an hour and a half before sexual intercourse, dissolve 2 tablespoons of soda in a liter of lukewarm boiled water. A syringe will do, but only if it contains all the solution. You can use Esmarch's mug. The syringe or cup tip must be sterilized. This method, based on intestinal microflora, will help you get pregnant with a boy.

Blood renewal method

The name is somewhat scary, but in fact the method is interesting; it will tell parents when is the best time to conceive a boy. It is based on a theory that involves cyclical renewal of blood. It says that a man’s blood is completely renewed every 4 years, and a woman’s blood is renewed after 3 years.

Calculations are quite simple to do: you need to write on a piece of paper the time of birth of the parents of the unborn child. Then add 3 years to the mother’s date of birth, and 4 to the father’s, until the time of future conception approaches. But if one of the parents had an operation or childbirth, abortion, or mother’s miscarriage, then the countdown time will begin from this date.

Here is an example of calculations that will help parents understand how to get pregnant with a boy using this method. The couple plans to conceive a child in 2015. Mom was born on April 15, 1992. She did not undergo surgery and did not give birth, then 1992+3+3+...= 2013.

And the future father had surgery on March 10. 2006. Then 2006 + 4 + 4 = 2014. The sex of the child depends on whose blood is younger. IN in this case the father's blood is younger, so it will be a boy.

But if the mother’s blood is Rh negative, then the timing should be calculated using older blood.

Ovulation occurs when a mature egg is released from the ovaries and is ready for fertilization. Typically, one egg matures in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

With a 28-day cycle, the egg will be ready for fertilization on approximately day 14. Coming out into the uterine cavity, it lives there for 2 days; a man’s sperm can remain active for up to seven days. It turns out that if you have sex 2 days before ovulation occurs, and after it, 2-3 days later, your chances of getting pregnant increase.

Charting your ovulation

Otfried Hudzold, a famous demographer who developed the theory of programming the future sex of a child, advises on which days are the best to conceive a boy. He recommends having sexual intercourse on the day ovulation occurs or a little later. And for the desired birth of a girl, copulate a few days before ovulation.

But this is all very conditional, because it is difficult to predict the exact moment of ovulation, and the behavior of sperm is impossible. But his theory of conceiving a child of a specific gender is quite logical. She bases her reasoning on the activity and motility of sperm. male type and survivability of female type sperm.

If the couple has chosen this type of conception, then they should be patient and keep a menstrual calendar for several months and measure the so-called basal temperature at anus. Small increase temperatures in the middle of the cycle for two or three days, over several months, and will indicate the maturation of the fertilized egg, that is, the moment of ovulation. This method helps to conceive a boy by ovulation and calculate the time of copulation as accurately as possible.

This technique is a table that covers a woman’s age from adolescence (18 years) to maturity (45 years). It indicates by month the possible sex of the child at conception. In this case, the month is determined , when can you get pregnant with a boy, and during these periods of time, future parents should have sex most actively. At other times, spouses need to protect themselves.

No one can say how effective this technique is, but many married couples claim that the table helped them a lot in getting pregnant with a boy.

Chinese conception chart

Poses for conception

Based on the theory of ovulation, which suggests increasing the possibility of faster penetration of type Y sperm into the uterus at the time of egg maturation, it can be proposed to use sex positions that accelerate the process of sperm movement. If we consider the question of how to get pregnant with a boy, positions should be chosen taking into account the greatest penetration of the man's penis into the woman's vagina.

The choice of such poses is quite wide; they can be varied and changed depending on the individual characteristics of the couple. Here are the main ones:

  1. The man sits on a chair, leaning on its back, and the woman sits on top, facing her partner.
  2. The woman stands bending over, resting her hands on the bed or other stable object, and the man sits behind her.
  3. The woman lies on her back, the pelvis must be raised. You can put a cushion or pillow. Man on top.

It is known that male sperm cannot tolerate even a slight increase in temperature, so warm underwear, baths, and saunas should be excluded for this period.

It is up to the future parents to decide in what position to conceive a boy; the main thing is to choose the one that is most comfortable for the woman and the possibility of obtaining an orgasm.

Giving advice on what to do to conceive a boy, traditional medicine Special attention pays attention to diet. A woman should eat foods that boys prefer and avoid foods that promote the birth of girls.

What products are these?

  • Meat and sausages of all varieties.
  • A variety of fish in any form. But seafood: shrimp, crabs, mussels should be excluded from the diet.
  • Only egg white. It is not recommended to add eggs to baked goods.
  • You should significantly limit flour. You cannot eat bread, pancakes, pies, or cakes. But rice, semolina, and cookies are allowed.
  • Vegetables will have to be sorted. You can eat potatoes, mushrooms, boil dried peas, white beans, and lentils. And cabbage, green salad of all kinds, dill must be said emphatically - no.
  • The consumption of peaches, oranges, bananas, dates, and cherries is especially welcome. You can also eat other fruits.
  • You are allowed to enjoy pure dark chocolate without adding nuts. You should completely forget about them until pregnancy occurs.
  • From liquid teas, coffee, but only black, mineral water with soda. You can't drink milk.

Eating a special diet

Traditional methods

What to do to get pregnant with a boy? In what month can you conceive a boy? They'll tell us about it traditional methods, which our great-grandmothers used when people did not know about chromosomes:

  • IN Ancient Egypt best time The full moon was considered to conceive a boy, and the culture of Ancient China recommended for this purpose to lie with your head to the north during intercourse. European peoples V different times they practiced drinking wine mixed with blood or sleeping with an ax under the pillow.
  • To conceive a son, you must choose an even year, and the month must be odd. But, if the year is odd, and the parents are looking forward to the birth of their son, then you can get pregnant with a boy only in those months that are odd: February...
  • If parents dream of an heir, then they need to love each other on a bright, quiet, windless and cloudless night, so that the moon shines brightly through the window.

Folk teachings about conception

  • During lovemaking, if you put some man's thing in the marital bed, a sword, for example, then the likelihood of the birth of a future warrior will increase significantly.
  • If the moon is full or a new one has been born, then you will not be able to get pregnant with a boy.

All these signs and methods, of course, do not give any guarantee that it will happen exactly this way and not otherwise, but this is what the people believed and, perhaps, there is a grain of truth here.

Birth of twins

Sometimes parents want the birth of twins, of course, each such couple has their own reasons for wanting this. But what about the boys? Is it possible? No one can answer in the affirmative. IVF can provide twin boys. In other cases, to have two children at once, prerequisites are needed, for example, genetics.

But if one of the parents had twins in the family, the chance can be increased. Use folic acid, food that stimulates the ovaries, a woman’s weight gain. This has a beneficial effect on the maturation of two or more eggs. And in order for boys to be born, you should use one or a set of methods indicated above.

Now parents must decide for themselves , how best to conceive a boy, choose which method is suitable for their family. But if someone says that he knows how to conceive a boy guaranteed, you should not believe him. Because no one can say exactly how to conceive a boy, since it is impossible to predict all the nuances. Perhaps the methods will help some, but will not work in another situation. But in any case, the birth of a baby is a great happiness for parents and does not depend on the gender of the child.

Finds of our time

With artificial insemination, it is possible to increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy based on the types of chromosomes. The fusion of an egg with a sperm carrying the Y chromosome will give the embryo a male sex. This means that carriers of the X chromosome must be removed from the seminal fluid.

This method, which gives a truly high probability, is used, however, exclusively for medical indications– for example, when the birth of a girl is impossible or dangerous due to serious genetic defects.

Italian scientists are confident that a woman weighing less than 54 kg has very little chance of giving birth to a boy. Japanese researchers noted an increased frequency of births of boys to non-smoking parents. And the Germans linked the gender of the unborn child with problems nervous system: in a calm state, conceiving a boy is more likely than under nervous tension.

Video: How to conceive a boy

2016-01-25 , 10306

People say that a son is the only man, whom a woman will love no matter what. A son is a father's pride and a mother's hope. This is why many married couples dream of conceiving a boy when planning a pregnancy. Is it possible to foresee and plan the conception of a child of a certain gender with a 100 percent guarantee?

Is it possible to conceive a boy

In this article common methods described, which with varying degrees of probability allow you to conceive a boy. Often the result depends on the heredity of the parents, but you can still correct it.

All methods of conception

Listed below are the most common ways to conceive a boy. They helped some women, others write that the methods “didn’t work.” But anyway the birth of a child is always a joyful event!

By ovulation

This the most popular way, which allows you to plan the conception of a future boy. It does not require any costs if the woman has a stable menstrual cycle and knows exactly when it will happen. If the cycle is fickle, then ovulation is determined using a special test, which is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Or according to schedule.

But the most accurate method for determining ovulation is folliculometry or ultrasound.

According to this method, You can conceive a boy only on the day of ovulation or in the first days after it. This fact is confirmed by physiological processes.

Among women XX-set of chromosomes, and in men - XY. It means that the probability of conceiving a boy is 50%. And here the laws of nature come into force human body. On the day of ovulation The egg is as ready as possible for fertilization. And sperm with a Y chromosome are fast, but less tenacious.

From all of the above it follows that to conceive a boy it is necessary that sperm with a Y chromosome reach the egg as quickly as possible.

By blood

The essence of this method is very simple: human blood has the ability to renew itself. So, in men, renewal occurs every four years, A woman's blood - once every three years. And whose blood is, so to speak, younger - a man or a woman - the child will be of that gender.

Determine the “youth” of blood can be done with a simple mathematical operation- divisions. The mother's age must be divided by 3, and the father's age by 4.

For example: Mom is 22 years old, and father is 24 years old. Let's carry out the calculations:

22/3=7.3 or 22/3=7*3+1,

where 1 is the age of the renewed blood, i.e. the mother’s blood was renewed 1 year ago.

24/4=6 or 24/4=6*4+0

It follows from this that the blood has recently been renewed.

If the father's age is a multiple of 4, then his blood is considered renewed.

Beyond the blood age reference point It is customary to take the person's birthday. For example, if the father turned 24 years old on October 1, and conception is planned for November 1, therefore, his blood age is only 1 month.

In some cases blood renewal date shifts. This is affected by significant blood loss: injuries, childbirth, donation of donor blood.

Despite precise calculations, this method also does not provide a 100% guarantee.

According to calendar and table

The most popular calendar among young couples is the Chinese gender planning table. The Chinese claim that this method gives 99% results, but in practice - a maximum of 70%.

This calendar is very easy to use. The table shows the months of conception horizontally, and the age of the expectant mother vertically. The gender of the child is indicated at the intersection of rows and columns.

The Japanese calendar is the second most popular- consists of two parts. In the first table, the months of birth of the father are indicated horizontally, and the months of birth of the mother are indicated vertically. At their intersection there are numbers (from 1 to 12). Having selected the desired number, you should move on to the second table...

In this table, the same numbers are located horizontally. The table itself is divided into two parts: on the left the months for conceiving a boy are listed in a special order, and on the right - for conceiving a girl.

There are crosses in the center. The more crosses, the greater the likelihood of conceiving a child of a certain gender.

Japanese doctors made an official statement that smoking father or mother reduces the likelihood of conception boy. Therefore, get rid of this bad habit urgently!

Another way to plan the gender of your unborn child is numerical. It is as follows:

if the mother’s age is odd (for example, 25 years), then you can conceive a boy in even months (February, April, June, August, October, December);

if the mother’s age is even (for example, 24 years), then it is necessary to plan conception in odd months (January, March, May, July, September, November).

According to the lunar cycle

This method was invented by the ancient Slavs. They believed that every woman has her own “moon” inside, which is responsible for the birth of healthy offspring.

New moon it was a kind of sign that the woman had begun, therefore, during this period (it lasted 1 week), there should have been no intimate relationships.

After this, the days for conception came. Moreover, each day had its own Patroness Mother. According to the Slavic conception calendar, on the 11th day of the lunar cycle you can conceive a boy, on the 12th - a girl, on the 13th - a girl, on the 14th - a boy, on the 15th - a girl, on the 16th - a boy, on the 17th - a girl. This period was called the “moon road”.

From 18 to 21 days, intimate relations were refused, since it was believed that on these days it was possible to conceive a sick child. And from the 22nd day there was "safe" period for love.

By pose

Sexual positions, according to our ancestors, also influenced the gender of the unborn child.

For example, the ancient Greeks believed that to conceive a boy it was necessary lie on your right side. And to conceive a girl - on the left.

And in China there is a sign that to conceive a future warrior, during sexual intercourse you need lie with your heads to the north. Accordingly, to conceive a daughter, go south.

The most comfortable position for conceiving a boy is doggystyle. It is considered the most naturally natural.

According to signs

In some nationalities under the bed for newlyweds they put an axe, a mace, a sword and other “male” attributes. It was believed that this contributed to the conception of an heir. Those couples who decide to try this method can put a toy soldier, robot or car under the bed.

Another one medical omen: Before sexual intercourse, the expectant mother should douche with a soda solution. This will neutralize the acidic environment in the vagina and allow sperm to freely reach the egg.

It is believed that if father is older than mother, then a boy will be born first. If a woman is a leader in the family, energetic and active, then she is more likely to have a son.

According to astrology

Planning the gender of the child according to the zodiac sign- this is also one of the popular methods. Signs are divided into male and female.

Male zodiac signs include:

  • Aries;
  • Twins;
  • Scales;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Aquarius.
  • Female zodiac signs include:
  • Calf;
  • Virgo;
  • Scorpion;
  • Capricorn;
  • Fish.

The essence of this method is that a woman who was born under a “male” sign will give birth to her first-born boy in the month when the “female” sign dominates. And vice versa, if a woman was born under a “feminine” sign, then a boy will be born in the month of a “masculine” sign.

For example, if a woman was born under the sign of Libra (a masculine sign), then one of the expected signs for conceiving a boy is Virgo. The sign of Virgo dominates from August 23 to September 22 - this is the period for the birth of a baby. IN reverse order count 9 months from this period (for gestation). It turns out that it is better to conceive a child from November 22 to December 21.

In psychology

Psychological attitude is also important. If a couple is thinking about their future son before conception, then this method may well work. However, a man should be more attentive to his woman and provide her with as much pleasure as possible in bed. Simply put, if the expectant mother experiences an orgasm, then the likelihood of conceiving a boy increases significantly.

Another opinion of psychologists: A confident man gives birth to daughters. This is explained by the fact that a son is his father’s pride, and an overly confident man does not need extra pride. Therefore, you need to tune in to the boy and change, albeit for a short time, your attitude towards life.

It is believed that you can invite a child of the desired gender into your family. So, you can “ask” the child from the water. For example, while walking along a pond, clearly say your desire.

By diet

Another way to conceive a child of the desired gender is to prepare your body special diet . This method is based on the theory that foods can influence biochemical structure of the egg. This means that she can be prepared to conceive a child of the desired gender.

Products for conceiving a boy:

  • potato;
  • eggs (preferably white);
  • pickles;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • fish;
  • meat and sausage;
  • any foods containing a lot of salt;
  • peaches;
  • prunes and dried fruits;
  • dates;
  • bananas;
  • fresh juices;
  • mineral water saturated with bicarbonate;
  • What foods to exclude:
  • dairy products and cereals;
  • green beans;
  • chocolate and cocoa;
  • baked goods containing eggs and milk;
  • nuts;
  • seafood;
  • mineral water containing calcium.

This diet should be started 4 months before planned conception and can then be discontinued.

On artificial insemination

In vitro fertilization is the most accurate method, which guarantees the conception of a healthy heir. To do this, the clinic selects sperm with Y chromosomes and fertilizes the egg with them.

This method was invented for couples who have a high probability of conceiving a child with various hereditary defects. It is also a very expensive pleasure. And whether it is worth using this method is up to you to decide.

However, no matter who you give birth to, remember that in our world there are higher powers that control our destinies. No one can accurately predict the gender of the unborn child before conception. Therefore, tune in to love your baby, because if you decide to plan your pregnancy, then he is already for you desired.

There are many ways to calculate the chances of having a male child. Using several methods simultaneously helps to increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy. Regardless of which method future parents resort to, the first thing to do is to go through medical examination. This will help you quickly get pregnant and carry to term healthy baby.


As practice shows, the conception of a boy is most likely during sexual intercourse exactly on the day of ovulation or a few hours later, while the conception of a girl is the day before ovulation.

This calculator will help you determine optimal time to conceive a boy (girl), according to the date of ovulation.

How to be guaranteed to conceive a son?

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It should be noted that there is only one 100% way to give birth to a boy the first time - IVF. This method of planning the sex of a child is used in extreme cases. There are more available methods, allowing you to calculate the sex of the child. It is recommended to treat them as a game, because the main thing is the birth of a healthy baby, although many parents point out the effectiveness of some methods.

According to the ovulation calendar

Planning the sex of a child using an ovulation calendar is only suitable for women with an established cycle. It is necessary to calculate the date of sexual intercourse so that it takes place the day before or in the first hours after the release of the egg from the ovarian follicle. If you have sex a few days before ovulation, even those sperm with Y chromosomes that reach the uterus die before meeting the egg.

According to Shettles' theory

This method is an improved option for planning a child using the ovulation calendar. According to Shettles' theory, sexual intercourse should occur 12 hours before the release of the egg from the follicle. Temporary abstinence helps you get pregnant with a boy. Avoiding sexual intercourse a few days before conception promotes the formation of sperm with Y chromosomes.

According to the lunar calendar

You can also calculate the birth of a future man using the lunar calendar. This probability increases when the moon is in the “male” signs of the zodiac: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

It must be taken into account that sex on the “wrong” days leads to the appearance of a baby with a difficult character or a difficult fate. Favorable dates for sexual intercourse are 11, 15, 19 and 21 lunar days.

According to the table of pair numbers

The top and side lines of the table list the birth months of the future parents, at the intersection of which is the couple’s number. Next, take a table divided into 2 parts: at the top the possibility of the appearance of a son is indicated, at the bottom - a daughter. In the middle of the picture is a graph, the deepest values ​​of which allow you to find out the chances of conceiving a baby of the desired gender in a certain month.

According to the mother's age calendar

When calculating the sex of the baby using this method, the age of the mother at the time of the expected birth is taken into account. The partner's age is indicated in the side column of the calendar, and the month of sexual intercourse is indicated in the top line. At the intersection of these indicators, the probable gender of the child is indicated. To reduce the calculation error, you should plan the time of birth of the baby not at the junction of gender transition.

Conception in Japanese

The Japanese method of conceiving a boy includes 2 tables. In the first table, the months of birth of the future parents are indicated in vertical and horizontal lines, at the intersection of which is the family figure. In the second table, divided into 2 parts, a certain number of crosses are drawn next to each month, allowing you to calculate the appearance of the boy.

Despite the popularity of this method, you still should not rely 100 percent on the Japanese table. According to this method, the highest chances of conceiving a child of the desired sex occur in a maximum of 2 months of the year. The rest of the time, the possibility of having a male or female baby is approximately the same. For the birth of a boy, it is better to combine this method with more precise planning methods.

Conception in German

According to German scientists, boys are most often born to women whose conception and pregnancy take place in a calm environment. This theory is based on statistical data on the birth of boys during the unification of western and eastern Germany in the early 90s of the last century. During the period of increased financial costs the overwhelming majority of citizens babies born made up of girls.

Conception in Italian

Italian scientists believe that boys are most often born overweight women. The researchers made this opinion after studying statistics, according to which most boys were born to mothers weighing more than 54 kg, with the average height of Italian women being 162 cm. Of course, you don’t need to gain weight sharply, but including pasta with various sauces and vegetables in your diet will help you get pregnant from the first times.

Traditional methods of conceiving a son

Popular traditional methods conception:

  • Before sex, a man needs to walk barefoot on the ground and grass to receive the power of nature. It is recommended that a woman wear woolen socks during sexual intercourse.
  • You can plan the birth of a male child using jewelry with “male” stones - garnet, rock crystal, tiger's eye, jasper, which should be worn by the partner during sexual intercourse.
  • The ancient Egyptians tried to conceive sons on the full moon. Conception should be carried out on a quiet and cloudless night, when the moon brightly illuminates the room.
  • The likelihood of an heir increases if you put a “manly” thing under the bed: an ax, saber or knife.
  • To give birth to a boy, a woman must become pregnant in even numbered years of her age.
  • According to the old Western European tradition, before sex you need to drink a glass of wine mixed with blood. If future parents are not fans of such exotic things, you can get by with a mug of cranberry jelly.

  • To alkalize the vaginal mucosa, some women douche with weak solution soda The likelihood of quick conception increases if you drink a decoction of boron uterus, red brush and sage before sexual intercourse.
  • You can often hear a family with children of different sexes say that the boy was born after sex in dry weather, and the girl was born in the rain.
  • Conceiving in an even-numbered year and an odd-numbered month helps plan the birth of a son.
  • The chances of getting pregnant the first time increase when a man initiates sexual intercourse. In this case, the future father must be older than the mother.
  • In Islam, in which the husband’s desire “I want a son” is the law, abstinence for several days before conception is common. The room should be clean, tidy and scented with saffron incense. In Islam, to conceive a boy, it is recommended to read surah 2 of the Koran. Parents who are desperate to give birth to an heir read dua - a direct appeal to Allah, which can be pronounced in free form.

Regardless of which method the couple chooses, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Conceive in a cool room. Heat harmful to seminal fluid, especially to sperm with Y chromosomes. Contrary to the old Russian tradition of conceiving children in a bathhouse, you should not have sex in a sauna or after a hot bath.
  2. Avoid using artificial lubricants. These substances change the vaginal environment and slow down the speed of sperm. If the partner is undergoing treatment and uses vaginal preparations, it is necessary to postpone conception until full recovery and restoration of the alkaline environment of the vagina.
  3. After sex, a woman needs to lie down for half an hour with her pelvis elevated. This allows sperm to enter the fallopian tube to meet the egg.

Will dietary adjustments and certain foods help you conceive a son?

For the birth of a boy, the expectant mother should be provided with a high-calorie diet and constantly maintain high blood sugar levels. Women who want to give birth to an heir to their husband as quickly as possible must definitely have breakfast.

In the morning mother-to-be For a boy, it is best to eat porridge with fruit or scrambled eggs and bacon. The daily diet should be divided into 5-6 small portions to provide a long-lasting boost of energy.

A special diet for conceiving a male child, first of all, is needed by the partner. A man needs a diet to improve the quality of seminal fluid. A diet for conceiving a boy is necessary to alkalize the vaginal mucosa and create favorable conditions for the movement of sperm to fallopian tube. No diet during pregnancy will help give birth to a baby of the desired gender.

  • pickled vegetables;
  • salty foods, but do not overuse salt, so as not to provoke a hypertensive crisis;
  • Coffee and tea;
  • fatty fish and meats, smoked meats;
  • mushrooms;
  • dried fruits;
  • high-calorie fruits - bananas, dates, peaches, pears.

  • milk and products based on it - cheeses, creams, ice cream, milk chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • bread and sweet pastries made with yeast;
  • cocoa;
  • seafood;
  • egg yolk;
  • legumes;
  • citrus fruits, sour fruits and berries;
  • greenery;
  • calcined water.

Does sex position matter when planning the gender of a child?

The gender of the child depends on the set of chromosomes received from the parents. The mother can only pass on the X chromosome, the father can pass on the X or Y chromosome, resulting in a boy being born. The difficulty of conception lies in the fact that most Y chromosomes quickly die before reaching the egg. You can increase your chances of becoming pregnant with your future man by using sex positions that allow the penis to penetrate deeper into the vagina.

Besides correct posture It is important that the partner experiences orgasm during intercourse, and before the man. In this condition, the female body secretes substances that alkalize the vaginal mucosa and make it unsuitable for X chromosomes. After sex, you need to lie down for half an hour, placing a pillow under your pelvis. You can increase your chances of having a baby boy by having sex in a cool room.

An ovulation calculator for conceiving a boy, as well as for a girl, is much more convenient than many tabular forms for making the necessary calculations for conception. Although many expectant mothers also often resort to using tables. However, the tabular method of calculating the possibility of getting pregnant is very labor-intensive. The same cannot be said about calculations made electronically and without unnecessary steps.

For those married couples who want to conceive a boy heir, you should know that their sexual intercourse for this must take place directly on the day of ovulation, neither earlier nor later. Until ovulation occurs, knowing its exact date, it is better to completely abstain from unprotected intimacy a few days in advance. A calendar for calculating the baby's gender will help you calculate this date. However, for the birth of a boy, only the recommendations of the calendar are not enough; a number of other conventions will have to be observed.

What determines the chances of conceiving a boy?

The desire of most parents comes down to having a boy - a future protector not only of the family, but also in a more global sense. And even more than mothers, future fathers in the depths of their souls cherish the hope of the birth of a son. But human nature has its own laws. According to them, the probability of conceiving a male child under normal conditions is approximately 50%, which is fully consistent with the principle of maintaining gender balance.

If you decide to take the issue of planning the sex of the child into your own hands, and not leave it to chance, then you will have to create a conception calendar for a boy. Through this, ovulation and the period for conceiving the future protector will be calculated. You should have sexual intercourse exclusively on the calculated days to obtain the intended result.

At the moment of conception, a feature appears that will ultimately play a role in the gender of the embryo. This is the relationship in behavior between female (X) and male (Y) sperm. The sex of the child will depend on what type of sperm merges with the egg. There is such a pattern in the behavior of sperm: Y-sperm are more agile and nimble, therefore, achieving the goal seems easier for them than for X-sperm. But at the same time, the endurance of Y-sperm suffers, which is why they die earlier in the alien vaginal environment. In this connection, if a man’s sperm does not connect with the egg in the first two days, then the chances of conceiving a boy are significantly reduced. Conversely, the capabilities of sperm with an X chromosome immediately increase.

In accordance with these features, the scientific calendar for conceiving a boy was built. And the calculator will calculate the date of ovulation and the hours when sexual intercourse should occur. The advantage of the calendar is that it provides a clear picture of the next month for conceiving a boy based on ovulation.

How to calculate ovulation?

The conception calendar is intended for women planning a pregnancy. He will calculate the days of ovulation and offer a personal conception schedule. The latter indicates the date of ovulation, as well as days favorable for conception, and specifically days for conceiving a boy. On this basis, you can draw up a schedule of your own menstrual cycle several months in advance. It is important not to confuse the duration of menstruation (periods) and the duration of the menstrual cycle.

The interactive calendar allows you to hover your mouse over the desired date in the calendar and read Additional information. If you have information about the start date of the previous menstrual cycle and, in general, about the duration of the cycle and the luteal phase, you can simply use the calculator.

Calculating ovulation is easy. To do this, you need to subtract 14 days from the period during which the monthly menstrual cycle lasts (in most cases it is 28 days) (which constitute the period of the luteal phase). For example, a woman's cycle is 30 days. Then 30-14=16. That is, ovulation occurs on the 16th day of the cycle. If a woman’s cycle is much shorter and corresponds to 25 days, then ovulation should be expected on the 11th day after the start of menstruation.

However, for those future parents who do not have regular monthly cycle, this technique will not help much. In this case, it is better to consult with your attending obstetrician-gynecologist and get advice from him on what to do in a particular case.

How to measure basal temperature and create a data table?

To calculate the day of ovulation, a method such as measuring basal temperature and compiling a table of the menstrual cycle. Why is the basal temperature table template useful (Fig. 1).

Finding out the day of ovulation by filling out tabular data is not difficult. Usually, just before the onset of ovulation, the temperature drops slightly, then, on the contrary, it rises and remains unchanged until the end of the menstrual cycle. Application this method involves measuring and recording temperature indicators over a two-month period. And then it will be possible to plan the next approximate date in order to schedule intimacy for the next two days before it.

The main rules for measuring basal temperature are the following:

  • You need to measure your temperature every morning at the same time (plus or minus half an hour);
  • you need to pick up the thermometer the minute you wake up (you can’t get out of bed, sit down, walk, etc.);
  • measurements must be carried out with the same instrument; a new one can only be used when next period menses.

You can feel the beginning of ovulation by the signals sent own body. Usually this is pain and discomfort emanating from the abdominal area. These symptoms last for several hours and then go away. Some representatives of the fair sex are able to accurately understand that they are ovulating. Others, on the contrary, may have no idea about it at all.

How to get pregnant quickly?

  1. Pay attention to the frequency of sex. There is more opportunity to get pregnant in the first 2 days before ovulation. But if the cycle is irregular, there is also a high chance of missing. Viability of spermatozoa in female body is no more than 5 days. Therefore, it makes sense to have sexual intercourse every day during the following period: three days before and three days after ovulation.
  2. You should give preference to quiet rest in a horizontal position after making love rather than rushing to the bathroom.
  3. In order to preserve the natural acidity of the vagina, which is necessary for the survival of reproductive cells, the use of artificial lubricants, scented tampons, vaginal sprays and douches should be avoided.
  4. Try, if possible, not to take part in conflicts and stressful situations. High level stress does not contribute to conception - this is research data. Walking in nature, any kind, will help reduce it. physical exercise and hugs with your loved one.
  5. You should normalize the weight at which you can live comfortably. Why experts recommend calculating your own body mass index and sticking to it. Since distortions in weight (lack of weight or, conversely, excess) can negatively affect ovulation and the production of special reproductive hormones in the body.

If you want to get pregnant with a boy, you need to consider that naturally it is simply impossible to do this with a complete guarantee. However, based on the results scientific discoveries It has been established that male sperm live less than female sperm.

For this reason, it is better to set the date of sexual intercourse on the day as close as possible to the day of ovulation.
