What vegetables cause allergies? Products that cause allergies - a complete list. Sample weekly menu for allergy sufferers

Plant and animal foods contain a considerable amount of proteins that are foreign to the human body. Many people who suffer from allergies know from childhood what food products they should not consume, and some do not even suspect which foods contain their allergen.

An allergy can be to any food, and some of them should be treated with special attention.

Products, causing allergies: Which ones are the most common?


Milk allergy affects 1.5% of people. To get rid of it, you should exclude from your diet not only milk itself, but also all the products that are made from it - cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter.

You should also not consume products that contain a very small amount of milk, because for an allergic reaction to occur, the very fact of the presence of an allergen is enough, and it does not matter in what quantity. These products include: pasta, pastries and cakes, sweets, bread and baked goods. Note that beef (and, to an even greater extent, veal) has composition properties similar to milk, so it should also be abandoned.

Diet in in this case may include:

  • pork and lamb;
  • boiled low-fat fish;
  • bird;
  • only olive, sunflower or corn oils;
  • bakery products that were baked without the use of milk and its derivatives;
  • legumes and cereals.


Wheat, oats, rye, corn, rice, barley are all foods that cause allergies in those who suffer from grain intolerance. No bread, no pasta, no pastries, no pancakes. But you can:

  • buckwheat;
  • meat;
  • peas, beans and soybeans;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • soups.

Fruits and vegetables

Allergies to fruits most often occur when eating apples and pears, stone fruits (cherries, apricots, peaches, etc.). Allergens are also often walnuts, peanuts, almonds.

Among the vegetables, tomatoes, celery and parsley stand out. Fortunately, allergens in vegetables and fruits can be destroyed through heat treatment.


Here you will have to do without bread, sauces and mayonnaise, pasta and baked goods. Without the risk of allergies you can consume:

  • baked goods in the preparation of which eggs were not used;
  • milk;
  • low-fat fish;
  • pork, beef and poultry;
  • cereals;
  • fruits and vegetables.


An allergy to fish also implies an intolerance to all seafood. It is necessary to avoid lobsters, oysters, crabs, etc.

Seafood is the main source of iodine, so if you give it up, you need to replenish it from other sources.

How to calculate an allergen?

It sometimes happens that your eyes and skin itch, but what causes this is quite difficult to immediately understand. However, you should not ignore such manifestations, because there is a much more acceptable way out of this unpleasant situation. It consists of choosing a diet that excludes foods with increased allergenicity.

The list of such products is quite long: nuts, fish, citrus fruits, poultry and poultry, coffee, chocolate, seasonings and spices, smoked meats, mayonnaise and mustard, marinades, vinegar, radish, horseradish, eggplant, tomatoes, eggs, mushrooms, milk and dairy products, melons, strawberries, pineapples, baked goods, honey.

You can eat beef, cereal and vegetable soups, potatoes, vegetable and butter, rice, rolled oats, yoghurt, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, cucumbers, fresh herbs, baked apples, apple, plum or currant compote, unbaked bread, sugar.

Allergy symptoms

  • Symptoms of food allergies are varied:
  • digestive - abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting;
  • respiratory - bronchospasm, rhinitis, conjunctivitis;
  • skin - swelling, itching, urticaria.

If the esophagus is affected, dysphagia and chest pain when swallowing may be observed. Abdominal pain is noted when affected gastrointestinal tract. When the liver is damaged, its enlargement is observed, as well as jaundice and changes in biochemical parameters.

Symptoms occur either immediately after contact with the allergen or with a delay.

The diagnosis can be established on the basis of a clear connection with a certain factor in a number of cases, allowing one to suspect that the nature of the disease is allergic in nature. This could be taking medications or eating foods such as strawberries, oranges, seafood, etc. You should carefully monitor what is included in your diet.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment primarily involves eliminating the allergen and prescribing a suitable diet.

Desensitizing therapy is carried out. In particular severe cases that are not amenable to conventional therapy, it is possible to prescribe medicines.

Actual food allergies occur in less than 2% of the population. Its most common cause is heredity. In children, allergies most often manifest themselves in early age, but over time they outgrow it. In adults, food allergies are very rare; more often it is simply an intolerance to certain foods.

In this article, we will analyze in detail which foods are ok for allergies, and which foods are not, and consider which foods trigger allergies.

The main cause of allergies can be heredity. A child whose parent is allergic is at greater risk than one whose parents do not suffer from allergies. And if both parents suffer from allergies, then the risk of developing allergies in the child increases twofold. However, allergens in a child and parents can differ significantly from each other.

IN infancy the child rarely has allergic diseases, but the symptoms of the disease can be provoked by improper nutrition of a nursing mother or a child. How food allergies manifest in children is shown in the photo below.

Photo: Rash on the face of a child due to food allergies

Video: Breastfeeding: Mom's nutrition and baby's allergies

Video: Food allergies in a child

Causes of food allergies in adults

Any product can be an allergen. But most often the food products that provoke the disease are such as,. There is also an allergy, which develops following a reaction to an allergen. Some people may develop a reaction to sulfites. It may cause shock. Sulfites can also cause asthma attacks.

Do not forget that the treatment of allergies that occur upon contact with an allergen, and diseases with genetic predisposition will vary significantly. In general, therapy for allergies consists of stopping contact with the allergen, and also includes a diet, drug therapy and hypoallergenic living.

Video: Food allergies, what foods you are allergic to

List and table of products for allergies

Allergens of animal origin Plant allergens Fish and seafood
Cow's milk and its derivatives Legumes (beans, lentils, peas, soybeans, nuts) Shellfish (squid)
Goat milk and its derivatives Cereals (wheat, corn, rye, barley) Crustaceans (crabs, shrimp)
Chicken eggs Vegetables and fruits red and orange color, avocado, kiwi, strawberries, grapes, peaches, citrus fruits, pomegranate, carrots, beets Fish (eel, catfish, tuna, salmon)


An allergic reaction to milk occurs in approximately 1.5% of the population. To stop it, you need to exclude not only milk itself, but also all dairy and milk-containing products from your diet.

You should not consume even those products that contain even a small amount of milk. Beef should also be excluded from the diet.

In this case, the diet may include:

  • Pork and lamb.
  • Low-fat boiled fish.
  • Olive, corn or sunflower oil.
  • Bakery products that do not contain milk.
  • Cereals and legumes.


These allergy-causing foods include wheat, oats, rye, corn, and barley. People who are allergic to grains should not eat any baked goods. But you can:

  • Buckwheat.
  • Meat.
  • Legumes
  • Milk
  • Vegetables and fruits

Fruits and vegetables:

Food allergies most often occur when eating apples, pears, stone fruits, as well as tomatoes, celery and parsley. Allergens of vegetables and fruits can be destroyed by heat treatment. Peanuts, almonds, and walnuts can also be allergens.

In this case, you will have to do without all products that contain eggs. But without risk to health you can consume:

  • Bread and bakery products.
  • Milk
  • Lean fish
  • Meat and poultry
  • Cereals
  • Vegetables and fruits.

Fish and seafood:

In this case, you need to avoid lobsters, crabs and other seafood. But since they are a source of iodine, if you refuse these products, you will need to look for another source of replenishing iodine in the body.

The list of foods that cause allergies in children is not much different from the list of adults. The only difference is that parents need to keep a health diary, in which every day they will record the foods that the child ate and his reaction to these foods.

Nutrition outside of exacerbation

Agree with your doctor on the list of foods allowed for allergies and the list of foods prohibited for allergies. Maybe to determine the list of products to which you are allergic, skin prick tests or special LgE blood tests will be prescribed. The main rule in treating food allergies is following a diet, but there are a few more points:

  1. New foods should be tried very carefully.
  2. Prepare your own food from ingredients. Take meat and fish only in whole pieces.
  3. Do not eat processed foods, canned foods, mayonnaise or other sauces.
  4. Carefully study the composition of any food you want to eat.

During an exacerbation, when the body is in a state of hyperactivity, even a minor irritant can provoke a new allergic reaction. Therefore, at this time, you must strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Treatment methods

If for any reason an allergic reaction nevertheless develops, then first of all you need to take an antihistamine, such as, according to the age-specific dosage indicated in the instructions for the drug, and consult a doctor.

If you suspect a first-time bronchial attack or edema, then immediately call an ambulance. If you have been diagnosed with bronchial asthma, then during an attack you should strictly follow all the instructions of your doctor. Also, one should not forget that the doctor prescribes therapy, depending on the severity of the disease.

Allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT)

The basis of one type of treatment for food allergies is special immunotherapy. SIT involves the introduction of increasing doses of an allergen into the body of a sick person. The result of treatment is a gradual increase in the body's tolerance to this allergen.

Allergy is a disease that cannot be cured. However, you can take care of yourself in such a way that its manifestations are minimal or do not exist at all. To do this effectively, you need to know what most often causes sensitization. They will help us diagnostic studies, as well as knowledge of what is a potential threat.

Allergenic products

Anything can be an allergen. It happens that its role is played by components that seem practically safe, for example, apples or carrots. But most often, allergies occur as a result of consuming the following products:

  1. Cow's milk, or rather its protein. Young children usually suffer from this type of allergy. Fortunately, the vast majority outgrow it. It is worth noting that cow's milk is also harmful to older people.
  1. Often we deal with intolerance to milk sugar, that is, lactose. People suffering from this disease cannot consume unfermented dairy products. But yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, buttermilk, etc. are completely safe for them.
  1. A chicken egg is much more likely to sensitize the white than the yolk. If such an allergy appeared in childhood, there is a high probability that the child will outgrow it. Cooking, freezing, and baking do not reduce the allergic properties of eggs.
  1. Fish and seafood— you should be very careful about this type of allergy, because it can cause severe reactions, including anaphylactic shock(characterized by a sharp drop in pressure and loss of consciousness). Moreover, even a small amount of allergen can cause a reaction.

    Fish and seafood can be very severe allergies up to anaphylactic shock!

  1. Meat - of all varieties, beef allergies occur most often, less allergenic are rabbit, turkey, and lamb meat. But be careful: if you are allergic, for example, to rabbit fur, there is a chance that you will also have to suffer from animal meat.

    An allergy to animal fur (rabbit, sheep) often means an allergy to meat. Be careful!

  1. Vegetables and fruits (citrus fruits, kiwi, strawberries, tomatoes, celery, parsley usually cause allergies). Fortunately, in general, the reaction to fruits and vegetables is quite mild and is limited to the mouth area (the skin around the lips peels and cracks, sores appear). Many allergens are destroyed when fruits and vegetables are cooked, so they are much safer for many people in this form.
  1. Legumes - This group includes soybeans and peanuts. You should know that peanuts are one of the most dangerous allergens. And if it turns out that the child is sensitive to them, then probably nothing will change with age. Peanut allergies can be very severe, caused by even small amounts, and can cause life-threatening reactions.

    Peanuts are one of the most dangerous food allergens.

  1. Nuts - if a child has an allergy to them, it will likely remain allergic throughout his life. But you should know that the allergens present in nuts can be destroyed during cooking. On the other hand, roasting nuts is dangerous because it can introduce new allergens.
  1. Cereals - usually wheat, barley, rye, oats. This is due to gluten, a protein found in these crops.

    In addition, it very often sensitizes cocoa, chocolate, mushrooms, mustard.

Insidious cross-allergy

In the mid-90s, researchers noticed that sometimes the same allergy sufferer experienced the same symptoms when seemingly different substances entered the body. For example, people with a milk allergy react similarly to beef, and those with tree pollen allergies report the same symptoms after eating celery. This type of allergy is called cross allergy. Here are the allergens that most often act cross-acting:
  • Birch pollen - pollen from hazel, alder, oak, hornbeam, beech, stone fruits (apple, pear, apricot, cherry, sweet cherry), kiwi, peach, mango, celery, carrot, poppy, pepper.
  • Hazel pollen - pollen of birch, alder, oak, hornbeam, beech, walnut.
  • Herbal pollen - melon, watermelon, tomato, flour (rye, wheat).
  • Tree pollen - celery, carrots, spices.
  • House dust mites are crustaceans: shrimp, crabs, oysters, snails.
  • Feather - chicken eggs, chicken meat.
  • The cat's fur is pork.
  • Natural latex - banana, avocado, kiwi, papaya, pineapple, melon, mango, chestnut, almond, grapefruit, celery, potato, tomato, carrot, Bell pepper, spinach, lettuce, spices.
  • Cow's milk - goat's milk, sheep's milk, beef.
  • Apple - apricot, peach, pear, plum, cherry, sweet cherry, rowan, black currant.
  • Parsley - anise, celery, dill, caraway seeds, carrots, parsnips.
  • Cucumbers – melon, pumpkin, watermelon, zucchini.
  • Onions - garlic, leeks, asparagus.
  • Wheat - other types of grains, millet, corn.
  • Green peas - beans, soybeans, lentils, peanuts.

The body reacts to certain stimuli to haptens and antigens. Antigens include:

  • Dust.
  • Pollen.
  • Components of chemical origin.
  • Wool.

Haptens include:

  • Allergens of various food products.

When a person has a tendency to allergies, when polysaccharides and proteins enter the body, they are accepted as foreign, and antibodies to them begin to be produced for protection, and subsequently neurotransmitters. These substances provoke the development of allergies in the form of skin rashes and malfunctions. digestive tract and respiratory organs. What can and cannot be eaten by people with allergies? This is exactly what we will talk about.

Main allergen products

Basically, allergies can be to following products:

  • Seafood.
  • Dairy products.
  • Fish.
  • Eggs.
  • Legumes.
  • Nuts.
  • Chocolate.
  • Some types of fruits and vegetables.
  • Celery.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Certain varieties of meat.
  • Peanut.

A large place among allergies falls on semi-finished products, canned food, food instant cooking, various smoked meats, sweet carbonated drinks, sauces. They are the ones who cause bad feeling in a person, skin rashes and other symptoms inherent in allergies. But what can you eat if you have allergies? You will learn more about this further.

What can you eat if you have some allergies?

At bronchial asthma You can eat almost all foods, except:

  • Wheat bread.
  • Orekhov.
  • Honey.
  • Some fruits that contain salicylic acid.
  • Raspberries.
  • Abrikosov.
  • Oranges.
  • Cherries.

What can you eat if you are allergic to wool? You can eat almost all foods except pork and beef.

If you are allergic to mites, dust, daphnia, or cockroaches, you should avoid consuming the following foods:

  • Shrimp.
  • Crabs.
  • Lobsters.
  • Langustov.
  • Snails.

Ragweed and hay fever type should exclude the following foods:

  • Sunflower oil.
  • Seeds.
  • Watermelon.
  • Melon.
  • Strawberries.
  • Citrus.
  • Celery.
  • Dill and parsley.
  • Spices.

What can you eat if you are allergic to milk proteins? Avoid:

What can you eat if you have allergies: list

The list of foods that are allowed to be consumed if you have allergies is:

  • from beef, chicken, turkey.
  • Vegetarian soups.
  • Olive, vegetable and sunflower oils.
  • Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal porridge.
  • Curdled milk, cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt without flavorings.
  • Brynza.
  • Cucumbers, cabbage, greens, potatoes, green peas.
  • Green apples and pears (bake before use).
  • Weak tea without additives.
  • Dried fruits compote.
  • Not fresh bread unleavened cakes, lavash.

What pills to take for allergies

Medicines that are used to relieve allergy symptoms belong to the following groups:

  • Antihistamines. These drugs prevent the release of allergy and histamine mediators.
  • Systemic glucocorticoid hormones.
  • Membrane stabilizers. They reduce the excitability of cells that are responsible for the development of allergies.

Antihistamines are used to eliminate allergy symptoms in a short period. New generation drugs reduce sensitivity to histamine, so they need to be taken several times a day at equal intervals.

Which ones are possible? Allowed drugs include: Suprastin, Tavegil, Dibazol. Don't forget to consult your doctor. During pregnancy medicines for allergies can only be used in exceptional cases.

What else can be used for allergies? Drugs latest generation from an allergic reaction simultaneously affect histamine receptors and lose sensitivity to the allergy mediator. Even with high level histamine in the blood, the allergic reaction will not develop in the future. The advantage of new generation tablets is that they do not cause sedative effect and are taken only once a day. These drugs are: Ketotifen, Cetirizine, Claritin, Loratadine.

Membrane stabilizers are used to strengthen the basophil membrane, and they do not destroy the allergen that has entered the body. Basically, this group of drugs is prescribed for the treatment of chronic allergies.

Glucocorticoid hormones are prescribed for severe allergies when other methods and medications have not given the desired effect. They are considered analogues of adrenal hormones and have anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. These hormones should be discontinued after treatment, gradually reducing their dose.

Allergy tests

If you have allergy symptoms, you need to get tested to find the cause. Where can I get tested for allergies? To do this, you need to contact the laboratory. Analyzes can be taken using the following methods:

  • Scratch method. During the diagnostic process, an allergen is placed at the puncture site. After some time, redness or swelling may occur. The test is positive if the papule is more than 2 mm. About 20 samples can be made at one puncture site.
  • By injection method.
  • Intradermal tests with various allergen components.

It is necessary to get tested if allergies occur after eating food, medications or on household chemicals. Staging skin tests is considered a reliable and proven method for diagnosing all allergic reactions to which increased sensitivity organism. Three days before the diagnosis, you need to stop taking antihistamines.

Diet for allergies: features

  • On allergy days, eat at least 4 times a day.
  • Use boiled beef, chicken and pork for food.
  • During this period, eat pasta, eggs, milk, sour cream, kefir (if there are no contraindications).
  • Cucumbers, zucchini, greens.
  • It is recommended to avoid fruits, berries and mushrooms.
  • You should not eat sugar and honey, as well as products containing these components.
  • Exclude dough products, alcoholic beverages, coffee, cocoa, smoked foods, and pickles.

All products and medications can be prescribed and adjusted only by a doctor. There is another type of hypoallergenic diet. They are used not for the purpose of treatment, but for the purpose of prevention, to eliminate the allergic irritant. If allergies bother you quite often, then such a diet must be followed constantly. Doctors identify several appropriate techniques. They are used for allergic reactions to various irritants.

Nutrition after allergies

What can you do after an allergy? When the symptoms of the disease begin to subside, you can gradually add some foods to the diet. This is carried out according to a special scheme from low-allergenic to highly allergenic. Each new product is introduced once every three days. If the allergy begins to worsen, it means that the last product was found to be allergenic. List of products that can be used after allergies:

  • Low-fat and boiled beef, chicken or pork.
  • Soups on secondary broth with the addition of cereals.
  • Vegetarian soups.
  • Vegetable oil and butter.
  • Boiled potatoes.
  • Various porridges.
  • Lactic acid products.
  • Cucumbers, greens.
  • Watermelon and baked apples.
  • Herb tea.
  • Compotes of berries and dried fruits.
  • White bread without yeast.

Diet for exacerbation of allergies

During an exacerbation, you need to consult an allergist. Here the doctor will be able to do tests that will identify the allergen. You also need to follow a strict diet. It is based on several stages:

  1. Starvation. For two days the patient should drink only water. You should avoid tea, coffee and carbonated drinks altogether. During the day you need to take up to 1.5 liters of clean water.
  2. Can be added to some products. They should be the least allergenic. These are porridges, yeast-free bread and vegetable broth.

You can stay on this diet for a week and eat up to 7 times a day in small portions. Next, you should stick to the basic diet for another two weeks until the symptoms of the allergic reaction completely disappear. If you have allergies, you can drink purified or mineral water no gases. Also shown are tea without flavors and additives, dried fruit compote, and rosehip decoction. You cannot drink coffee, cocoa, beer, kvass, carbonated drinks, as well as grape wines, vermouth, liqueurs, liqueurs.

Bottom line

Allergies - enough serious pathology which can lead to complications. Patients who suffer from this disease are advised to follow a certain diet and know the permitted and prohibited foods for a particular irritant. Together with treatment and use antihistamines The doctor prescribes a hypoallergenic diet to the patient. You need to follow it for about three weeks until the allergy disappears completely. The latest generation drugs are prescribed once a day and can be used long time without developing addiction syndrome. People who are prone to allergic reactions, do not abuse alcoholic beverages and smoking. These factors provoke the occurrence of the disease. Be healthy!
