Comparative characteristics of the main educational programs of preschool educational institutions. Material on the topic: Comparison of educational programs

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Completing the preschool period and entering school is a difficult and important stage in a child’s life. Creating conditions for the successful adaptation of younger schoolchildren is our common task. “School should not bring a sharp change in life. Having become a student, the child continues to do today what he did yesterday. Let new things appear in his life gradually and not overwhelm him with an avalanche of impressions” (V.A. Sukhomlinsky).

The problem of continuity and succession has always been one of the most pressing and important in education. Readiness for school is often considered as a certain amount of acquired knowledge and skills.

To the question “How would you like to see a kindergarten graduate on the threshold of school?” teachers often answer like this: “reads well”, “knows the composition of numbers”, “knows how to solve logic problems", "able to compose a story, retell it", "able to write out the text in block letters without errors." Thus, already at the entrance to school life, they place inflated demands on children and, despite all the prohibitions, pass them through entrance tests.

Parents, afraid of not meeting school entrance tests, try to teach their children to read, write, and solve complex problems fluently. They believe that this will be the key to their successful studies.

To please the school and parents, many preschool educational institutions began to duplicate the goals, objectives, forms and methods of operation of the primary school. This led to the displacement of a specific form of active child activity in kindergarten - games. It is increasingly giving way to “learning in the classroom.”

These problems place a heavy burden on the child’s shoulders. Increased stress, overwork, deterioration in children's health, decreased educational motivation, loss of interest in learning, lack of creativity provoke children's neuroses and other undesirable phenomena during the transition to school education.

That is why building continuity between kindergarten and school in matters of preparing children for school today requires a new approach.

One of the tasks of a preschool institution is to prepare children for school. The problem of continuity between preschool and primary education is relevant at all times. It was considered in the works of A.F. Govorkova, Ya.L. Kolominsky, A.A. Lyublinskaya, A.M. Leushina, V.D. Lysenko, N.N. Poddyakova, V.A. Silivon, A.P. Usova and others. Modern teachers and psychologists in the educational environment are trying to solve the same problem.

preschool learning educational

1. Theoretical foundations of continuity in the work of preschool educational institution and primary school

1.1 The concept of continuity in preparing a child for school

The concept of continuity in the philosophical dictionary denotes the continuous process of raising and educating a child, which has general and specific goals for each age period, i.e. - this is a connection between different stages of development, the essence of which is the preservation of certain elements of the whole or individual characteristics during the transition to a new state.

Continuity is understood as a consistent transition from one stage of education to another, expressed in the preservation and gradual change of content, forms, methods, teaching technologies and upbringing.

The goal of continuity is to ensure the full personal development, physiological and psychological well-being of the child during the transition period from preschool education to school, aimed at the long-term formation of the child’s personality based on his previous experience and accumulated knowledge.

Senior preschool age is an important stage in the development of a child with its inherent patterns of mental development. Ignoring this fact, namely an attempt to intensify the development of a child by starting it earlier, teaching him, according to the school type, leads to distorted development of children, in this regard, it is necessary to take into account the provision on the leading activity, which at an older age is play.

The task of a kindergarten is to educate and develop a child (the development of his motivational sphere, thinking, memory, attention, etc.), and not to teach him the simplest school skills. Without play activities in older preschool age, the full mental development of a preschool child is impossible. Readiness for school education arises as a result of a child’s full-fledged experience of the preschool period of childhood, which presupposes the presence of leading play activities. As well as all traditional types of children's activities that children do in their teams independently and with adults.

It is necessary to strive to organize a unified developing world - preschool and primary education. It was with the release of federal state educational standards for primary general education and federal state requirements for the basic general education program preschool education a start has been made to ensure the continuity of the two parts of the education system. Common theoretical foundations, principles of organizing educational work with children, continuity and consistency of goals, objectives, methods, means, forms of organization of education and training that ensure the effective progressive development of the child are the basis for implementing in practice the solution to the problem of continuity.

Continuity in the work of preschool educational institutions and primary schools lies in the fact that children who want to study and can study come to the first grade, i.e. they must have developed those psychological prerequisites for mastering educational activities, on which the first-grade school program is based. These include: cognitive and educational motivation, the emergence of subordination of motives of behavior and activity, the ability to work according to a model and according to a rule associated with the development of voluntary behavior, the ability to generalize usually appears no earlier than by the end of senior preschool age. And if the game is replaced by school-type activities, it will happen even later. Therefore, it is not advisable to shorten the preschool period with children's activities and leading play activities.

Preparing for school and, more importantly, the comprehensive development of a child is a process that requires close attention and a long time.

The following are the grounds for implementing continuity between preschool and primary school education:

1. The state of health and physical development of children.

2. The level of development of their cognitive activity as a necessary component of educational activity.

3. Mental and moral abilities of students.

4. The formation of their creative imagination as a direction of personal and intellectual development.

5. Development of communication skills, i.e. ability to communicate with adults and peers.

The key point in implementing continuity is determining the child’s readiness for school. Psychologists and teachers distinguish general and special readiness for school. Consequently, general and special training should be provided in a preschool institution.

1.2 General and special preparation for training

One of the tasks of a preschool educational institution is to prepare children for school. A child’s transition to school is a qualitatively new stage in his development. The result of preparation is readiness for school. These two terms are interconnected by cause-and-effect relationships: readiness for school directly depends on the quality of preparation.

General preparation (readiness).

1. Physical readiness: general physical development: normal weight, height, chest volume, muscle tone, proportions, skin and other indicators that meet the standards physical development boys and girls aged 6-7 years in the country. Condition of vision, hearing, motor skills (especially small movements of the hands and fingers). The state of the child’s nervous system: the degree of its excitability and balance, strength and mobility. General health. Physical readiness for school presupposes general good health, low fatigue, high performance, endurance. Weakened children will often get sick, get tired quickly, their performance will decline, which cannot but affect their learning results at school. Therefore, from a very early age, teachers and parents should take care of the health of children.

2. Intellectual readiness: the content of intellectual readiness includes not only lexicon, outlook, special skills, but also the level of development of cognitive processes; their focus on the zone of proximal development, the highest forms of visual and figurative thinking; the ability to isolate a learning task and turn it into an independent goal of activity.

3. Social-psychological, moral-volitional readiness for school: the formation of a new social position (“internal position of the student”); formation of a group of moral qualities necessary for learning. The group of moral qualities necessary for learning includes independence, responsibility, the ability to complete a task, overcome difficulties, discipline, perseverance, and an interest in knowledge. Also, readiness for a new way of life presupposes the ability to establish positive relationships with peers, knowledge of norms of behavior and relationships, and the ability to communicate with children and adults. A new way of life will require such personal qualities as honesty, initiative, optimism, etc.

4. Psychological readiness to school presupposes the formation of a learning motive.

Special preparation for school:

Only those children who already have basic knowledge of the school curriculum can successfully master the first grade curriculum. However, our task as teachers is not the quantitative accumulation of children’s knowledge, but the formation of the skills to analyze, compare, generalize, and draw independent conclusions. We can teach a child to count to 100, but this does not guarantee his success in learning mathematics. What is important, first of all, is awareness of knowledge and skills, understanding of cause-and-effect relationships, and the ability to identify and retain a learning task.

The following indicators can be taken as criteria for a child’s readiness for school:

1) normal physical development and coordination of movements;

2) desire to learn;

3) managing your behavior;

4) mastery of mental activity techniques;

5) manifestation of independence;

6) attitude towards comrades and adults;

7) attitude towards work;

8) ability to navigate space and notebooks.

So, based on all of the above, we can argue that preparing children for school should be comprehensive and begin long before children enter school.

Preparing children for school is carried out simultaneously by two educational institutions: preschool educational institutions and the family. Only through joint efforts can we achieve the desired result.

In implementing succession, it is important to pay attention to the teacher’s performance of the functions assigned to him (health-improving, organizational, educational, etc.), to his knowledge of pedagogy, psychology, educational methods, and his erudition.

1.3 Forms of succession

In order to make the transition of children to school smoother, to give them the opportunity to quickly adapt to new conditions, teachers should become familiar with the forms and methods of work in preschool institutions, since the psychological difference between a six-year-old and a seven-year-old child is not so great. And familiarizing preschoolers themselves with school, the educational and social life of schoolchildren, makes it possible to expand the corresponding ideas of kindergarten students, develop their interest in school, and the desire to learn.

The continuity mechanism and its components function using certain forms and methods, implemented in the process of specially organized activities of the administration, kindergarten teachers, and primary school teachers to create conditions for the effective and painless transition of children to primary school.

Forms of succession ties

Pedagogical councils, seminars, round tables for preschool teachers, school teachers and parents topical issues continuity;

Planning and implementation of joint practical activities of teachers and teachers with children - preschoolers and first graders (holidays, exhibitions, sports competitions);

Psychological and communication trainings for educators and teachers;

Interaction between medical workers, preschool and school psychologists;

Holding “graduate days” at preschool educational institutions;

Jointly with the school, recruiting 1st grades from pre-school graduates and conducting diagnostics to determine the readiness of children for school;

Meetings of parents with future teachers;

Questioning and testing of parents to study the well-being of the family in anticipation of the child’s school life and during the period of adaptation to school;

Game trainings and workshops for parents of preschool children.

Successful work on succession can only be carried out when the teacher and educator work together.

The main objectives of cooperation between preschool educational institutions and schools are:

Creation of psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure a favorable course of the process of adaptation of first-graders to school education (the natural transition from kindergarten to school);

Improving the preparation for schooling of 5-6 year old children;

Deepening interest in life at school;

Providing assistance to the family in a new situation that arises when preparing for school and when the child enters school.

Mutual visits to school and kindergarten by teacher and teacher,

Participation in pedagogical councils,

Mutual consultation, seminars, master classes;

Joint holding of parent-teacher meetings by teacher and teacher, organization of conferences,

Study of educational programs in preschool institutions and first-grade school programs, etc.

Psychological and communication trainings for educators and teachers;

Conducting diagnostics to determine children's readiness for school;

Interaction between medical workers, preschool and school psychologists;

Open demonstrations of educational activities in preschool educational institutions and open lessons at school;

Pedagogical and psychological observations.

At school, a first-grader is bombarded with everything at once: new rules of conduct, educational information. Therefore, it is better to prepare the baby for the upcoming changes in familiar conditions, gradually introducing new settings that meet the new requirements, step by step.

Forms of acquaintance of preschoolers with school.

Role-playing games, in particular the “Back to School” game, can be of great help.

Any role-playing game includes five components. This includes:

1. Things - physical, natural or man-made surroundings.

2. Place - the arena in which the action takes place.

3. Cast - the people involved.

4. Organization - norms and rules that regulate the actions of people, information.

5. The meaning of the ideas to be learned.

The role-playing game “Back to School” helps the child successfully enter school life and gain the necessary experience. The game develops the ability to use speech, the ability to negotiate (establish rules, distribute roles), the ability to manage and be managed. The child actively masters the “world of things” (cognitive and objective practical activities) and the “world of people” (norms of human relationships). All this is necessary for a future first-grader.

It is important that the information provided about the school is not only understandable to the child, but also felt by him. For this use:

1. Excursions (to the school building, then to the library, to the gym, to the classroom, to the dining room).

2. Examination of the painting “School”

3. Reading and analysis of children's fiction about school life, memorizing poetry.

4. Drawing on the topics: “School building”, “My impressions from an excursion to the school library”, “Class”.

5. Conversations, stories from adults about their studies and favorite teachers.

6. Familiarization with proverbs and sayings that emphasize the importance of books, learning and work.

7. Looking at school supplies and asking riddles about them.

8.Verbal and didactic games on a school theme.

9. Acquaintance and interaction of preschoolers with teachers and primary school students;

10. Participation in joint educational activities, game programs;

11. Meetings and conversations with former kindergarten students (primary and secondary school students);

12. Joint holidays (Day of Knowledge, initiation into first-graders, graduation in kindergarten, etc.) and sports competitions for preschoolers and first-graders;

13. Participation in theatrical activities;

14. Attendance by preschoolers of an adaptation course of classes organized at the school (classes with a psychologist, speech therapist, music director and other school specialists).

It is advisable not to bombard the child with all school innovations at once, but to pay attention to some or one of the aspects of school life, and not touch on the other components of the situation for now. Let it be things, school supplies, school uniform, which you can look at in pictures, and then go to school and sit at a desk.

The child, in a gentle manner, without time restrictions, will become familiar with the type and purpose of things that will soon become his permanent environment. Another time, it’s worth dwelling on the norms and rules, trying in the game on behalf of the “teacher” to present certain requirements to the “student”. Next, the object of attention can be textbooks, which are useful not only to look at and leaf through, but also to try to “pretend” to complete some simple task.

The importance of the problem of cultivating a positive attitude towards school is beyond doubt. Its success and effectiveness will depend on how our work is carried out. “School should not make drastic changes in children’s lives. Let the child, having become a student, continue to do today what he did yesterday. Let new things appear in his life gradually and not overwhelm him with an avalanche of impressions,” wrote V.A. Sukhomlinsky about introducing children to school in preschool education.

Nurturing a positive attitude towards school in preschool children is one of the pressing problems of modern pedagogy.

But we cannot fully prepare a child for school if we do not act in the same spirit with parents.

Pedagogical education of parents.

Parents play an important role in fostering a positive attitude towards school. Without a close relationship with your family, it is impossible to build your work. When working with parents, you can use the following forms of work:

Joint parent-teacher meetings with preschool teachers and school teachers;

Round tables, discussion meetings, pedagogical “living rooms”;

Parent conferences, question and answer evenings;

Consultations with preschool and school teachers (Consultations on the topic: “How to choose a school”, “What to do if your child is not accepted into school”, “A little about the game”, etc.).

Meetings of parents with future teachers;

Open days;

Creative workshops;

Questioning, testing of parents to study the well-being of the family in anticipation of the child’s school life and during the period of adaptation to school (Questioning of parents on the topic “How to help learn”);

Educational and game trainings and workshops for parents of preschool children, business games, workshops;

Family evenings, themed leisure activities;

Visual means of communication (poster material, exhibitions, Q&A mailbox, etc.): Oral journal

- “Your child is a future first-grader”

- “Knowledge, abilities and skills necessary for a future first-grader.”

- “8 tips for parents of future first-graders.”

Exhibition on the theme: “This is necessary for school.”

Publishing a newspaper that helps inform parents about the child’s life in the institution.

Meetings of parent clubs (classes for parents and for child-parent pairs).

An important role in ensuring the continuity of preschool and school education is played by a detailed study of the ideas of parents and teachers about each other, which will lead them to interaction and the development of joint recommendations.

It is known that there is no “smooth” continuity in human development and any transition to a new state, even the most pleasant one, is always stressful.

Since it is almost impossible to do without stress, we must try to “make” it less harmful and more beneficial for development.

Continuity is a smooth transition from preschool to school.

A child should not be afraid of a new building, but should not get so used to it that the effect of novelty, surprise, and attractiveness disappears.

2. Preschool program

2.1 Comparative analysis of the FGT and Federal State Educational Standards programs

After performing a comparative analysis of the two programs, the following conclusions can be drawn.

1) FGT and Federal State Educational Standards are based on a single theoretical and methodological basis - a system-activity approach, which assumes:

Education and development of personality traits that meet the requirements of the information society and innovative economy;

Formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education;

Active educational and cognitive activity of students;

Construction of the educational process taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students.

2) You can also notice that the educational process uses uniform forms of work:

Joint activities of children

Joint activities between adults and children

Independent activity

3) The following: the goals of the Federal State Educational Standard are, as it were, a continuation of the goals set by the FGT:

Development of physical qualities - strengthening physical health

Formation of prerequisites for educational activities - formation of the foundations of the ability to learn and the ability to organize one’s activities

Formation of a common culture, development of intellectual and personal qualities - spiritual and moral development and education.

Thus, in our understanding, kindergarten is the foundation of education, and school is the building itself, where the development of educational potential and the basic culture of the individual take place.

4) The main purpose of the Federal State Educational Standard and FGT is the formulation and provision of a system of three interrelated requirements established at the federal level: for the results, structure and conditions for the implementation of basic educational programs.

5) Let's compare program structures. In a programme preschool institutions 5 points have been defined, in the elementary school program - 11. Let's consider the points of contact between the two programs.

Planned results of students mastering the basic educational program of primary general education Planned results of children mastering the basic general education program of preschool education

System for assessing the achievement of planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education System for monitoring the achievement of planned results by children; organization of the regime of children’s stay in an educational institution

Subject programs:

- "Russian language"

- “Literary reading”

- "Mathematics"

- "The world"

- "Art"

- "Music"

- "Technology"

- "Physical Culture"

- "Foreign language"

- "Physical Culture"

- "Health"

- "Safety"

- "Socialization"

- “Cognition”

- "Communication"

- “Reading fiction”

- “Artistic creativity”

- "Music"

Corrective work program Contents of correctional work (for children with disabilities).

Plan of extracurricular activities Organization of the regime of children’s stay in an educational institution.

I would like to draw your attention to three areas that require special explanation: “Socialization” - the content of the educational field is aimed at achieving the goals of mastering initial ideas of a social nature and including children in the system of social relations through solving the following tasks:

Development of children's play activities;

Introducing basic generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral ones);

Formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community.

“Cognition” - the content of the educational field is aimed at achieving the goals of developing children’s cognitive interests, intellectual development of children through solving the following tasks:

Sensory development;

Development of cognitive-research and productive (constructive) activities;

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts;

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children.

“Communication” - the content of the educational field is aimed at achieving the goals of mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with other people through solving the following tasks:

Development of free communication with adults and children;

Development of all components oral speech children (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; coherent speech of dialogic and monologue forms) in various forms ah and types of children's activities;

Practical mastery of speech norms by pupils.

6) In connection with the transition of primary schools to new educational standards, the issue of the formation of universal educational activities is of particular importance.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, UUD is a set of methods of action, thanks to which a child masters all components of educational activity.

As a result of studying all subjects in primary school, graduates should develop universal learning activities as the basis of the ability to learn.

At preschool age, only the prerequisites for universal educational activities are formed.

In relation to the moment a child enters school, the following prerequisites for regulatory universal educational actions can be identified.

Prerequisites for children's educational attainment when entering school Planned results by the end of 1st grade

Knows how to have a positive attitude towards himself, has a feeling self-esteem- understands the suggestions and assessments of teachers, comrades, parents and other people, knows how to evaluate himself according to the criteria proposed by adults

Has a positive attitude towards school

Able to treat others kindly and responsive to the experiences of another person

Knows how to respect the dignity of others - knows how to navigate the moral content and meaning of both his own actions and the actions of those around him

Able to respect other people's opinions

Able to understand other people's feelings and empathize with them

Knows how to take care of his things - knows how to treat material values ​​with care

Respects and accepts the values ​​of family and society

Loves his homeland and his land

Able to interact with adult peers through participation in joint games and their organizations, negotiate, come to agreements in the game, take into account the interests of others in the game, restrain one’s emotions in the game

In a society of peers, he knows how to choose his own occupation, partners - he knows how to interact with peers in joint activities, negotiate, take into account the interests of others, restrain your emotions

Able to discuss problems and rules

Can carry on a conversation on a topic that is interesting to him - knows how to discuss problems that have arisen, rules

Can support a conversation on an interesting topic

Able to demonstrate independence in various types of children's activities

Able to self-evaluate both himself and his actions - able to demonstrate independence in various types of children's activities

Able to self-assess himself and his actions

Able to relate openly to the outside world and feel confident in one’s abilities - able to adapt to some difficult situations

It can be seen that the prerequisites for universal educational activities of a preschooler find their development at the initial stage of education.

7) Now consider the requirements for the results of the two programs.

The final result of mastering the basic general education program of preschool education is the developed integrative qualities of the child. The dictionary specifies the concept of integration - this is the process by which parts are combined into a whole. At the personal level, it is a state of the body when all the constituent elements of an individual, his traits or qualities act in concert as a single whole.

By summarizing and comparing the requirements for a preschool educational institution graduate in accordance with the FGT and the requirements for the results of students of primary general education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, we can trace a clear continuity.

To summarize the comparative analysis of FGT and Federal State Educational Standards, we can say that both of these documents are closely related to each other. A start has been made to ensure the continuity of the educational program of preschool educational institutions with exemplary basic general education programs of primary general education. Duplication of program areas of knowledge is eliminated, and the implementation of a single line of general development of the child at the stages of preschool and school childhood is ensured.

This approach to implementing a single line of child development at the stages of preschool and primary school education can give the pedagogical process a holistic, consistent and promising character.

And, finally, the two stages of education will not operate in isolation from each other, but in close interrelation, which will allow the school to rely on the child’s development received in a preschool institution.

2.2 FGT and Federal State Educational Standards programs

“Program of cooperation of educational institutions on the continuity of preschool and primary general education within the framework of the implementation of FGT and Federal State Educational Standards.”

Introduction of Federal State Requirements (FGT) to the structure preschool program, the conditions for its implementation and the adoption of new Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) for primary school education is an important stage in the continuity of the activities of kindergarten and school. The introduction of education standards approved at the state level significantly contributes to ensuring continuity and prospects for improving the quality of education in the holistic education system. An analysis of the situation shows that this trend should remain a characteristic feature of the education system in the future.

Preparing for school is often considered as an earlier study of the first grade curriculum and comes down to the formation of subject-specific knowledge and skills. In this case, continuity between preschool and primary school age is determined not by whether the future schoolchild has developed the qualities necessary to carry out a new educational activity, whether its prerequisites have been formed, but by the presence or absence of certain knowledge on academic subjects. However, numerous studies by psychologists and teachers show that the presence of knowledge in itself does not determine the success of learning; it is much more important that the child be able to independently obtain and apply it.

This is the activity approach that underlies state educational standards.

What is the activity approach? Teaching activities in an educational sense means making learning motivated, teaching the child to independently set a goal and find ways, including means, to achieve it, helping the child develop the skills of control and self-control, assessment and self-esteem.

Therefore, the leading goal of preparation for school should be the formation in a preschooler of the qualities necessary for mastering educational activities - curiosity, initiative, independence, arbitrariness, creative self-expression of the child, etc.

Meanwhile, we must remember that continuity between the preschool and school levels of education should not be understood only as preparing children for learning. It is important to ensure the preservation of the self-worth of preschool age, when the most important features of the future personality are being laid. Should be formed social skills and the skills of the future student necessary for successful adaptation to school. It is necessary to strive for the organization of a unified developing world - preschool and primary education. The solution to this issue is also included in the program.

Considering that lifelong education acts as a connection, consistency and perspective of all components of the system (goals, objectives, content, methods, means, forms of organization of education and training) at each level of education, we see a solution to the problem of continuity in the creation of a program of cooperation between primary schools and kindergarten, which would reflect this connection, consistency and perspective. We have defined the goal and objectives of the program.

Goal: to implement a unified line of child development at the stages of preschool and primary school childhood, giving the pedagogical process a holistic, consistent, promising character.

The main objectives of cooperation between preschool educational institutions and schools:

Establishing unity of aspirations and views on the educational process between kindergarten, family and school;

Development of common goals and educational objectives, ways to achieve the intended results;

Creating conditions for favorable interaction between all participants in the educational process - educators, teachers, children and parents;

Comprehensive psychological and pedagogical education of parents;

Providing psychological assistance in understanding one’s own family and social resources that help overcome problems when a child enters school;

Formation in families of a positive attitude towards active social and social activities children.

The most important condition The effectiveness of work to establish continuity between kindergarten and school is a clear understanding of the goals, objectives and content of succession.

General goals of education for children of preschool and primary school age:

Raising a moral person;

Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children;

Preservation and support of the child’s individuality, physical and mental development of children.

Continuity of preschool and primary education involves solving the following priority tasks:

At the preschool level:

Introducing children to the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle;

Ensuring the emotional well-being of each child, developing his positive sense of self;

Development, initiative, curiosity, arbitrariness, ability for creative self-expression;

Formation of various knowledge about the world around us, stimulation of communicative, cognitive, play and other activities of children in various types of activities;

Development of competence in the field of relationships to the world, to people, to oneself; inclusion of children in various forms of cooperation (with adults and children of different ages).

In accordance with the Standard, at the primary school level the following is carried out:

Formation of the foundations of civic identity and worldview of students; formation of the foundations of the ability to learn and the ability to organize one’s activities,

The ability to accept, maintain goals and follow them in educational activities, plan your activities, monitor and evaluate them, interact with the teacher and peers in the educational process;

Spiritual and moral development and education of students, providing for their acceptance of moral standards, ethical guidelines, and national values;

Conscious acceptance of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle and regulation of one’s behavior in accordance with them; improvement of preschool development achievements, special assistance on the development of qualities formed in preschool childhood;

Individualization of the learning process, especially in cases of advanced development or lagging behind.

Expected results.

The result of the implementation of the cooperation program should be the creation of a comfortable, consistent subject-developing educational environment:

Ensuring high quality of education, its accessibility, openness and attractiveness for students, pupils, their parents (legal representatives) and the whole society, spiritual and moral development and education of students and pupils;

Guaranteeing the protection and strengthening of the physical, psychological and social health of students and pupils;

Comfortable in relation to students, pupils (including those with disabilities) and teaching staff.

The result of fruitful cooperation between teachers of primary schools and preschool institutions, parents (legal representatives) of pupils and students should be the development of integrative qualities of a preschooler, which serve as the basis for the formation of competencies necessary for learning at school.

The integrative qualities of a preschool child, which are outlined in the Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education, can be designated as a Portrait of a preschool educational institution graduate.


1. R.A. Dolzhikova, G.M. Fedosimov, N.N. Kulinich, I.P. Ishchenko “Implementation of continuity in the teaching and upbringing of children in preschool educational institutions and primary schools”, Moscow, School Press, 2008.

2. Vygotsky L.S. “Selected psychological studies” (The problem of learning and mental development of a child at school age), Moscow, 2009.

3. Elkonin D.B. On the problem of periodization of mental development in childhood. - M., 2008.

4. Bezrukikh M.M. Steps to the school. A book for teachers and parents. M.; Bustard, 2010.

5. Idbina M.N. Preparation for school. Developmental exercises and tests. 2011.

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    The concept of a system-activity approach to learning. System of work and achievement of quality results of educational activities. The use of modern developmental technologies by educators and specialists from the perspective of a system-activity approach.

    abstract, added 12/13/2014

    Federal state standard of preschool education, its essence and objectives. Requirements for the structure and conditions for the implementation of the educational program of preschool education. Ideas about the content of preschool education proposed in the Standard.

    presentation, added 05/05/2016

    Study of methods and technologies for teaching safe behavior in preschool children in a preschool educational institution. Characteristics of the main sections and content of the program "Basics of safety for preschool children."

    abstract, added 11/03/2014

    Methods of teaching mathematics in primary school. Multiple interpretation natural number, analysis of preschool and primary school programs according to its continuity. Methodology for developing mathematical skills at primary school age.

    thesis, added 03/14/2011

    Comparative analysis of the goals, objectives and content of regional preschool education programs. The main ways, means, methods of implementing the regional component of preschool education based on Vasilyeva’s program in early preschool age.

State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Omsk State Pedagogical University"

Department of Pedagogy and Childhood Psychology.

Comparative analysis

modern programs.

Speech development in preschoolers.

Completed by a student:

3 correspondence courses

Faculty of DPiP

Scientific adviser:

OMSK 2010

Introduction........................................................ ........................................................ ....... 3

CHAPTER I. Software in the field of preschool education .. 5

1.1. General requirements to preschool education programs........ 5

1.2. Basic preschool education programs.................................................... 6

1.3. “Harmony of Development” program................................................................. ........ 7

1.4. Program "Origins"................................................... ............................ 8

1.5. Education, training and development program in kindergarten........ 10

1.6. Comparative analysis of preschool education programs........ 12

Conclusions on Chapter I:................................................... ....................................... 14

CHAPTER II Speech development program for preschool children......... 15

2.1.Purpose of the program:................................................. .................................... 15

2.2.Program concept:................................................. .......................... 15

2.3. Theoretical foundation of the program.................................................. 15

2.4. Sections and tasks on speech development.................................................... 17

2.5. Objectives of educating the sound side of speech.................................................... 17

2.6. Vocabulary work tasks.................................................................. ............... 17

speeches of preschoolers.

Determine speech development goals

Identify some ways to develop a preschooler’s speech.

CHAPTER I. Software in the field of preschool education.

1.1. General requirements for preschool education programs.

General requirements for preschool education programs (comprehensive, partial) are contained in the methodological letter of the Russian Ministry of Defense dated April 24, 1995 No. 46/19-15 “Recommendations for the examination of educational programs for preschool educational institutions.” However, in this document the requirements are set out without taking into account modern species diversity programs that are defined in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. In accordance with Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, general educational programs are implemented in preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation, which are divided into basic and additional.

The starting point when choosing any general education program (main, additional) should be considered the presence in it of the conditions necessary for the implementation of the child’s constitutional right to the protection of life and health, the receipt of an education that is humanistic in nature, respect for his individuality, and the adequacy of the content of education to age-related capabilities. and psychophysiological characteristics of preschool children.

In accordance with Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, all Russian general education programs, including preschool education (basic and additional), are aimed at solving the problems of forming a general culture of the individual, adapting it to life in society, and creating the basis for informed choice and mastering professional educational programs. Basic and additional preschool education programs are focused on universal human values ​​in raising children and at the same time take into account the best traditions of domestic preschool education, create conditions for the formation of a highly moral, spiritually rich personality - a person and citizen who loves his family, his Motherland, and respects its original national culture.

Basic and additional programs are based on the leading principles of modern preschool education: the implementation of an approach to preschool childhood as a valuable period in a person’s life, personality-oriented interaction between adults and children, the developmental nature of upbringing and education, comprehensive consideration of age-related and psychophysiological patterns of child development.

1.2. Basic preschool education programs.

The main preschool education programs determine the content of the preschool level of education, its level and focus, based on priority goals and objectives; they guarantee a necessary and sufficient level of preschool education for the comprehensive development of the child.

The modern era of preschool education is characterized by richness of content and variety of core programs. They are a key tool for updating the content of preschool education.

Each of these programs has a certain “backbone” - a mandatory part that provides basic preschool education, regardless of the type and category of preschool institution in which it is implemented, and also includes a variable part necessary for implementation, which is built taking into account the specific nature of the content of the program.

The content of the main program meets the requirements of complexity, i.e. it includes all the main directions of development of the child’s personality: physical, cognitive - speech, social - personal, artistic - aesthetic, and contributes to the formation of the child’s versatile abilities (mental, communicative, regulatory, motor, creative) , the formation of specific types of children's activities (subject, play, theatrical, visual, musical, design, etc.).

The main programs determine the features of organizing children's lives in the context of providing for all its aspects, taking into account the use of the following three forms:

· Classes as a specially organized form of training;

· Free time provided for the child in kindergarten during the day.

One of the main requirements for basic programs is maintaining continuity with general education programs. In addition, they should contain indicators of the levels of development of children at certain age stages of preschool childhood.

Taking into account these requirements, the following programs can be classified as the main comprehensive programs of preschool education:

· “Rainbow” - edited by;

· “Childhood” -, etc.;

· “Program of education and training in kindergarten” - ed. , ;

· “Development” - ed. ;

· “Harmony of Development” - ;

· “Origins” - ed. ;

· “Kindergarten is a house of joy” - ;

· “Krokha” -, etc.;

· “From childhood to adolescence” - under. Ed. ;

· “Golden Key” - etc.

These programs are certified by the Russian Ministry of Defense or the Russian Ministry of Education and Science. In addition to those listed as the main comprehensive programs, you can use others that do not have the stamp of the Ministry of Education, including those from the lists recommended by territorial education authorities.

1.3. Program "Harmony of Development".

The main idea of ​​the program is the comprehensive, harmonious development of a child aged 2–7 years, maintaining and strengthening physical and mental health; equivalent development of the intellectual, emotional and moral-volitional spheres of the personality of a preschool child; creating the necessary conditions for the full development of the creative potential of the child and teacher.

Built on traditional domestic culture and the achievements of the methodological system of Russian preschool education; on the principle of integration of different content types of children's creative activities (play, cognitive, speech, design, natural history, mathematics, etc.). At the same time, the main activity is fine art and various types of art, which makes it possible to organize artistically in a fundamentally new way. creative activity the child himself and the entire pedagogical process as a whole.

The program defines a number of pedagogical conditions that help the child independently and with the help of an adult to master certain material and spiritual values, to learn the world and yourself in it; develops the ability to build relationships with the living and inanimate world.

The structure of the program provides for work in two interrelated areas: the accumulation of social experience of knowing oneself and the world around us (see, hear, play) and the implementation of this experience in conditions of independent creative activity (do, create). The transfer of social experience (knowledge, abilities, skills) is carried out in classes and in free activity. Training in classes is carried out with small subgroups of children (5 - 8 people) with the definition of a mandatory minimum of program material that each child can learn, taking into account his age and individual capabilities.

Focused on the child’s creativity, this program is also aimed at the teacher. It not only gives him ample opportunities to create favorable pedagogical conditions that ensure the development of the preschooler’s personality, but also rebuilds the teacher’s thinking, allowing him to realize the idea of ​​the child’s subjective position in cognitive and creative activity. The teacher is given the opportunity to actively engage in pedagogical search, master new ways of acting, solve non-standard pedagogical situations, creatively varying and predicting the result.

The teacher has the right to independently construct on the proposed basis other variable content and developmental environment, maximally adapting them to the specific conditions of the kindergarten, group and the tasks of the child’s upbringing and development. The program takes the teacher on the path of self-education, opens up the possibility of solving organizational and methodological problems that improve the quality of his professional activity.

“Harmony of Development” is an open-type program, so the teacher has the opportunity to use any teaching aids and teaching materials.

1.4. "Origins" program

This program defines the content and nature of the modern pedagogical process aimed at developing the basis of personal culture in a preschool child in kindergarten. It implements the most important principle of humanistic pedagogy - the principle of dialogue between an adult and a child, children among themselves, teachers with each other, and a teacher with parents. As an educational program of a new generation, “Origins” reflects the enduring importance of preschool childhood as an extremely important, basic period for subsequent human development.

The main goal of the program is the formation of a well-rounded personality from birth to 7 years, its universal, including creative, abilities, their development to a level corresponding to the child’s age capabilities: providing each child with an equal start in development; maintaining and promoting health.

The basis of the program is the concept of psychological age as a stage of child development, which has its own structure and dynamics, as well as the scientific position on the amplification (enrichment) of child development, the relationship of all its aspects.

The program highlights the following age stages:

· early childhood – infancy (up to one year);

· early age – from 1 year to 3 years;

· junior preschool age – from 3 to 5 years;

· senior – from 5 to 7 years.

For each age stage, the program identifies four leading areas of development:

· social;

· educational;

· aesthetic;

· physical.

The features of the development of these lines in infancy, early, junior and senior preschool age are revealed; a hierarchy of main types of activity is set (communication, objective activity, game). The program gives a special place to play activity as the main one in the development of the personality of a preschool child. The game permeates all structural components of the program and its content as a whole.

The program contains new, independent sections “Health”, “Speech and speech development”, “The world in which we live”, “Nature and the child”, “Culture of everyday life” and others, which significantly complement and enrich it.

The “Origins” program highlights basic and variable content of education.

The basic part, along with tasks for each area of ​​child development, includes:

· characteristics of the age-related capabilities of children;

· general development indicators;

· basic personality characteristics;

Variable approaches to program implementation are disclosed in the section “Content and conditions of teaching work.” They provide for the possibility of adjusting the content of the pedagogical process taking into account the specific operating conditions of the kindergarten.

The appendix to the program contains optional sections; “Teaching a second language”, “Computer in a preschool institution”, “The living world of nature in the City and the child”, which are intended for preschool educational institutions working in these areas.

Teachers, at their own discretion, taking into account their own professional experience and capabilities, focusing on the goals and parameters of the child’s development specified in the program, can, in the process of its implementation, use not only the methodological and educational literature recommended by the authors, but also creatively apply other teaching aids.

1.5. Education, training and development program in kindergarten.

The team of authors views basic preschool upbringing and education as introducing children to the main components of human culture (knowledge, art, morality, work). As the basis for the content of preschool education, it is advisable to take the social and historical experience of mankind, selected and adapted by scientists (teachers, psychologists) - taking into account the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of children, which, according to domestic scientists, etc., includes four components: knowledge, skills and abilities, experience of creative activity (based on knowledge, skills and abilities, but not identical to them) and experience of emotional attitude to the world.

The formation of knowledge, skills and abilities is provided in a volume that will ensure the child’s comprehensive development. The program is primarily aimed at creating conditions for mastering a creative way of acquiring any knowledge, developing individuality, strengthening the physical and mental health, and emotional well-being of children (taking into account their age-related capabilities with an optimal combination of individual and joint activities of children).

Particular attention in the program is paid to:

· Education as a means of child upbringing and development;

· Personally-oriented, individual approach of the child;

· Development of abilities – physical, intellectual, artistic;

· Development of curiosity as the basis of cognitive activity;

· Formation of different types of creativity - visual, musical, etc.;

· Formation of moral principles of personality, labor skills, social behavior;

· Formation of the beginnings of national culture and the foundations of world culture.

The program is based on the following principles:

· Recognition of the intrinsic value of preschool childhood as the most important period of human personality development;

· Ensuring a happy childhood for every child, taking care of his health, emotional well-being, timely all-round development;

· Creating in each age group such living conditions that will provide the child with comfort and security, emotional and psychological well-being, which will allow raising a sociable child, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity.

· Formation and development of the child’s personality in traditional activities.

· Use of forms, means and methods developed by pedagogical science and corresponding to the logic of personality development in the early and preschool periods of childhood.

· Interconnectedness of training and development. The program provides training that is developmental in nature, that is, it ensures timely physical, sensory, mental, speech, aesthetic, moral development of children, and creates conditions for their labor education.

· Integration of different types of activities in order to increase the effectiveness of pedagogical efforts, as well as save time for both children and teachers. It promotes the establishment of connections and interdependencies between objects and phenomena, contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world around us, and provides a reserve of time for children to play and engage in independent creative activity.

· Variability of tasks within the same content, allowing the child to learn what he can do and to be creative in accordance with his interests and inclinations.

· Respect for the results of children's creativity. The use of children's works in the design of a home, group, institution, in everyday life, on holidays and leisure.

· Coordination of approaches to training and education in a preschool institution and family for the productive construction of communication between adults and children (teachers - children - parents), which will ensure wider participation of parents in the life of the group and institution and their successful acquaintance with the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of children.

· Providing conditions for the continuity of preschool and primary general continuous education, allowing for the successful adaptation of a preschooler to new conditions. Continuity in the work of the two links is ensured by scientifically based preparation of preschool children for school, eliminating mental and physical overload. Preparation takes place in three directions (general comprehensive education and development of the child: psychological preparation and subject preparation) by selecting the content of training, developing children’s activity, creativity the child, his communication skills and other personal qualities.

1.6. Comparative analysis of preschool education programs.






Education, training and development program in kindergarten


comprehensive, harmonious development of a child 2–7 years old, preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health; equivalent development of the intellectual, emotional and moral-volitional spheres of the personality of a preschool child; creating the necessary conditions for the full development of the creative potential of the child and teacher.

the formation of a well-rounded personality from birth to 7 years, its universal, including creative, abilities, their development to a level corresponding to the child’s age-related capabilities: ensuring each child has an equal start in development; maintaining and promoting health.

creating conditions for mastering a creative way of acquiring any knowledge, developing individuality, strengthening the physical and mental health, and emotional well-being of children (taking into account their age capabilities with an optimal combination of individual and joint activities of children).

Conceptual Framework

Built on traditional Russian culture and the achievements of the methodological system of Russian preschool education

The basis of the program is the concept of psychological age as a stage of child development, which has its own structure and dynamics, as well as the scientific position on the amplification (enrichment) of child development, the relationship of all its aspects.

As the basis for the content of preschool education, it is advisable to take the social and historical experience of mankind, selected and adapted by scientists (teachers, psychologists) - taking into account the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of children, which, according to domestic scientists, etc., includes four components: knowledge, skills and abilities, experience of creative activity (based on knowledge, skills and abilities, but not identical to them) and experience of emotional attitude to the world.

Leading areas of development

accumulation of social experience of knowing oneself and the world around us (seeing, hearing, playing) and implementing this experience in conditions of independent creative activity (doing, creating). Transfer of social experience (knowledge,

skills) is carried out in classes and in free time


four leading areas of development:





Education as a means of child upbringing and development;

Personally-oriented, individual approach of the child;

Development of abilities - physical, intellectual, artistic;

Development of curiosity as the basis of cognitive activity;

Formation of different types of creativity - visual, musical, etc.;

Formation of moral principles of personality, labor skills, social behavior;

The formation of the beginnings of national culture and the foundations of world culture.

Guiding Principles

the principle of integration of different content types of children’s creative activities (play, cognitive, speech, design, natural history, mathematics, etc.

The most important principle of humanistic pedagogy is the principle of dialogue between an adult and a child, children among themselves, teachers with each other, and a teacher with parents.

Ensuring a happy childhood for every child, taking care of his health, emotional well-being, timely all-round development; The interconnectedness of training and development. The program provides training that is developmental in nature, that is, it ensures timely physical, sensory, mental, speech, aesthetic, moral development of children, and creates conditions for their labor education. Integration of different types of activities in order to increase

the effectiveness of pedagogical efforts, as well as saving time for both children and teachers. It promotes the establishment of connections and interdependencies between objects and phenomena, contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world around us, and provides a reserve of time for children to play and engage in independent creative activity.

Variability of tasks within the same content, allowing the child to learn what he is able to do and show creativity in accordance with his interests and inclinations.

Respect for the results of children's creativity. The use of children's works in the design of a home, group, institution, in everyday life, on holidays and leisure.

Coordination of approaches to training and education in a preschool institution and family for the productive construction of communication between adults and children (teachers - children - parents), which will ensure wider participation of parents in the life of the group and institution and their successful acquaintance with the age-related psychophysiological characteristics of children.

Providing conditions for the implementation of continuity of preschool and primary general continuous education, allowing for the successful adaptation of a preschooler to new conditions. Continuity in the work of the two links is ensured by scientifically based preparation of preschool children for school, eliminating mental and physical overload. Preparation takes place in three directions (general comprehensive education and development of the child: psychological preparation and subject preparation) by selecting the content of training, developing children’s activity, the child’s creative abilities, his communication skills and other personal qualities.

Recognition of the intrinsic value of preschool childhood as the most important period of human personality development;

Pedagogical opportunities to create teacher-friendly opportunities. material that every child can learn, taking into account his age.

Age stages

child development 2–7 years old,

age stages:

Early childhood - infancy (up to one year);

Early age – from 1 year to 3 years;

Junior preschool age - from 3 to 5 years;

Senior – from 5 to 7 years.

From birth to 7 years

Conclusions on Chapter I:

1. All the programs presented are developed on their own conceptual foundations, but they all work towards the same goal: the formation of a well-rounded, developed personality, its creative abilities, taking into account age-related characteristics, maintaining and strengthening health.

2.Each program is based on its own principles, but they do not contradict each other.

3. The leading directions of development overlap with each other.

The main thing is that when selecting programs, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the educational process, the personnel potential of preschool educational institutions, as well as problems of program compatibility.

CHAPTER II Speech development program for preschool children.

2.1.Purpose of the program:

· Development of the ability to form names for baby animals (cat - kitten, dog - puppy, hen - chick)

· Teaching the ability to correlate the name of verbs - movements with the action of an object, person, animal;

· Compose sentences of different types - simple and complex.

2.8. Tasks for the development of coherent speech.

The tasks of developing coherent speech are as follows:

· Formation of elementary ideas about the structure of the text (beginning, middle, end);

· Learning to connect sentences using different communication methods;

· Development of the ability to reveal the topic and main idea of ​​a statement, to title the story;

· Training in constructing statements of different types - descriptions, narratives, reasoning; bringing to awareness of the content and structural features of a descriptive, including literary text; compiling narrative texts (fairy tales, stories, histories) in compliance with the logic of presentation and using means of artistic expression; training in composing arguments with selection for proof compelling arguments and precise definitions;

· Using different types of appropriate models (schemes) for statements that reflect the sequence of presentation of the text.

2.9. Some ways and techniques for developing speech in preschoolers.

The leading line of development for children 3–4 years old is education correct pronunciation. To develop the articulatory apparatus, onomatopoeic words and animal voices are used. For example, children are given musical instruments - a pipe and a bell, the pipe plays “doo-doo”, the bell rings “ding-ding”. Thus, the pronunciation of hard and soft sounds is reinforced.

Diction (distinct and clear pronunciation of words, syllables, sounds) is practiced with the help of jokes - pure sayings (“if - if - if - there is smoke coming from the chimney”), nursery rhymes, sayings, phrases containing a certain group of sounds (“The sleigh rides itself” ), exercises for finishing syllables, names of words that sound similar (mouse - bear).

Games and exercises on the same topic are created for the pronunciation of hissing sounds. For example, after looking at the picture “Hedgehog and Hedgehogs,” children are asked to clearly pronounce phrases with the sounds sh and zh. (Sha-sha-sha we bathe the baby; shu-shu-shu I’ll give the baby a mushroom; shi-shi-shi - where do the kids walk? Zha-zha-zha - we saw a hedgehog; zhu-zhu-zhu - we’ll give him a mushroom: zhi - zhi - zhi - zhi - where hedgehogs get mushrooms.)

To develop intonation sense, tempo of speech, and strength of voice, games “Recognize by voice”, “Whose voice is this?” are played.

In order to make sound statements, children need to be offered pure sayings, phrases from poems, so that they pronounce them with different voice strengths.

In vocabulary work, the main attention is paid to the accumulation and enrichment of vocabulary based on knowledge and ideas from the life around the child.

The main ways to determine the essential features of an object, characteristic features and qualities, actions are children’s ability to answer the questions: What is this? Who is this? Which? What is he doing? What can you do with them?

To form elementary ideas about the structure of the text, games with pictures “What first, what next?” are used.

Illustrated material is the main means for developing an understanding of words with opposite meanings (large - small), for understanding and the ability to use general concepts (clothing, toys, dishes, etc.), for familiarization with polysemantic words(sewing needle - needle at the hedgehog - needle at the Christmas tree)

Learning to change words by case, agreeing nouns in gender and number is carried out in special games and exercises (small horse, long tail, long ears). The game of hide and seek makes it possible to master grammatical forms. Children hide in different places and name words with prepositions correctly: in the closet, on a chair, behind the sofa, near the bed, under the table.

To get acquainted with the methods of forming verbs, onomatopoeic material is used (sparrow chik - chirp - chirp), the name of musical instruments (dudochka - dudit).

Working on speech syntax develops the ability to offer different types of sentences - simple and complex. The technique of using game plots helps children finish sentences started by the teacher.

The development of coherent speech is achieved through retelling literary works and the ability to answer the question posed.

The development of the ability to see the beginning and end of actions is facilitated by tasks of arranging pictures depicting the actions of characters in their sequence.

The development of monologue speech is facilitated by the game “Train”, where children play the role of trailers and consistently compose a story, offering their statements.

Work on the development of children's speech takes place in a certain sequence according to the planning proposed by the program. At the same time, all speech tasks are solved: education of sound culture, formation of a dictionary, grammatical structure of speech. Work on developing the sound culture of speech includes:

· Formation of correct sound pronunciation;

· Ability to use speaking tempo.

The basic techniques for developing speech in the middle group are the same as in the younger group, but there are also some specific ones. Since in the middle group special attention is paid to the intonation expressiveness of speech, games - dramatizations, guessing riddles - help at this age. Understanding the meaning of riddles, comparing objects by size, color, and the ability to select not only actions to an object, but also an object to a particular action increase the volume of vocabulary.

Unlike children junior group, which retell literary works, children in the middle group compose short stories and learn to compose stories from personal experience. At this age, it is necessary to learn to include descriptive elements in the narrative, dialogues of the characters, diversify the actions of the characters, and observe the temporal sequence of events.

The main task in working with children of senior preschool age in mastering the phonetic side of speech and the correct pronunciation of all sounds is to further improve speech hearing and consolidate the skills of clear, correct and expressive speech. Older preschoolers learn to select not only words that sound similar, but also entire phrases that rhythmically and intonationally continue a given sentence (“Bunny - bunny, where did you walk?” - “Danced in the clearing”). Children pronounce tongue twisters and couplets invented by them not only clearly and distinctly, but also with varying degrees of volume (whisper, sotto voce, loud) and speed (slow, moderate, fast).

In the preparatory group, sound pronunciation is improved, special attention is paid to the differentiation of certain groups of sounds (whistling and hissing, voiced and deaf, hard and soft). To develop the vocal apparatus, children pronounce tongue twisters with different voice strengths and at different tempos. At the same time, the ability to change intonation develops: children pronounce a given phrase with a questioning or exclamatory intonation (affectionately, angrily, plaintively, joyfully, sadly). Particular attention is paid to developing the child's creativity when they complete a rhythmic phrase started by adults. The types of classes for the development of coherent speech remain the same as in previous age groups - retelling literary works, telling stories from pictures and about toys, on topics from personal experience, creative writing on a independently chosen topic, but the goals of the classes become more complicated.

In storytelling based on a series of plot pictures, children compose the text collectively. At the same time, the options for displaying the paintings change each time: at first, only one painting is shown to the children, the rest are closed. Then, when the first group of children has composed a story, the next picture opens and another group of children composes a story. And then all the pictures are revealed, and the children make up a story based on all the pictures.

Children can draw the missing structural parts to the proposed picture.

The preparatory group uses all traditional forms of organizing work to develop children's speech. But the main thing is that the children’s motivation does not fade, the teacher needs to create problematic situations, pose search questions to the children, involve children in independently searching for a solution to the problem, rely on the children’s personal experience and previous knowledge, not rush to conclusions, but give children the opportunity to make their own decisions. encourage you to justify your judgments, help you master the norms of polite speech communication.

It is necessary to maintain children's active interest in literary works, help children learn to understand the actions of heroes, pay attention to literary language, and understand the means of verbal expression.

Conclusions on Chapter II:

At senior preschool age, one of the most important periods of a person’s life, his first “university,” ends. But unlike a student at a real university, a child studies in all faculties at once.

He comprehends the secrets of living and inanimate nature, learns the basics of mathematics. He also takes an elementary course in public speaking, learning to express his thoughts logically and expressively. He also becomes familiar with the philological sciences, acquiring the ability not only to emotionally perceive a work of fiction and empathize with its characters, but also to feel and understand the simplest forms of linguistic means of artistic expression. He also becomes a little linguist, because he acquires the ability not only to pronounce words correctly and construct sentences, but also to realize what sounds a word is made of, what words a sentence is made of. All this is necessary for successful studies at school, for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality.

In the development of children’s speech, the leading role belongs to adults: the teacher in kindergarten, parents and loved ones in the family. The success of preschool children in language acquisition largely depends on the culture of speech of adults, on how they speak to the child, and how much attention they pay to verbal communication with him.

It is necessary that the teacher’s speech corresponds to the norms of the literary language, literary colloquial speech, both in terms of the sound side (pronunciation of sounds and words, diction, tempo, etc.), and in terms of the richness of the vocabulary, accuracy of word use, grammatical correctness, coherence. Special attention should be paid to the sound side of speech, since its shortcomings are overcome by the speaker himself worse than shortcomings in word usage.


The starting point when choosing any educational program should be the presence in it of the conditions necessary for the implementation of the child’s constitutional right to the protection of life and health, for him to receive an education that is humanistic in nature, and respect for his individuality: the adequacy of the content of education to age-related capabilities and psycho-physiological characteristics preschool children.

In accordance with Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, all Russian general education programs, including preschool education, are aimed at solving the problems of forming a general personal culture, adapting it to life in society, and creating the basis for an informed choice and mastery of professional educational programs .

The quality of preschool education and its relevance depend on the professionalism of teachers, their conscious choice and competent implementation of educational programs. In this, it becomes obvious how important it is to correctly ensure the development and balance of various programs with a focus on creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the abilities and interests of a preschool child.

In the context of the new educational policy, the diversity of programs is considered as the most important condition for compliance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Only the implementation of the principles of education differentiation and variability of its content can ensure the development of the child’s individuality, take into account the educational needs of each family, the level and focus of the work of a preschool educational institution, and contribute to the development of initiative and creativity of teachers.

As practice shows, when selecting programs, specialists from preschool educational institutions experience certain difficulties or do not always take into account the specifics of the educational process, personnel potential, as well as the problem of program compatibility.

Another problem of modern software is the independent development by specialists of a preschool educational institution of their own programs and technologies. In general, this progressive process has a positive effect on the development of teachers’ professional thinking and contributes to the growth of their creative initiatives. However, one cannot help but note the fact that independent development of programs is an extremely complex matter and is not always carried out by teachers at a sufficiently high scientific and theoretical level, as well as taking into account the new regulatory and legal framework of education.

Thus, the main programs determine the entire range of general developmental (including correctional) tasks and all substantive aspects of the educational activities of a preschool educational institution within the framework of the implementation of basic educational services.

Language learning and speech development are considered not only as mastering language skills - phonetic, grammatical, lexical, but also in the context of developing children's communication with each other and with adults, as the development of communicative abilities. Therefore, an essential task of speech education is not only the formation of a culture of speech, but also of communication.

The main thing is that the child creatively master the norms and rules native language, knew how to apply them flexibly in specific situations, and mastered basic communication skills.

The development of speech is organically connected with mental education, since a person has verbal, verbal and logical thinking.

Speech education is closely related to artistic activity, i.e., aesthetic education. Proficiency in the expressive means of the native language is formed by familiarization with folklore and literary works.

A high level of speech development in a preschooler includes:

· Knowledge of literary norms and rules of the native language, free use of vocabulary and grammar when expressing one’s thoughts and composing any type of statement;

· Developed culture of communication, the ability to make contact and conduct dialogue with adults and peers: listen, ask, answer, object, explain.

· Knowledge of the norms and rules of speech etiquette, the ability to use them depending on the situation.

Thus, full mastery of the native language and the development of linguistic abilities are considered as the core of the full formation of the child’s personality.


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11. Development of speech and creativity in preschool children. Games, exercises, lesson notes./Ed. .- M: Sphere shopping center, 2007 – 144 p./

12. Speech development. Notes for classes with children of senior preschool age./Compiled by. L.E. Kylasova – Volgograd; Teacher, 2007 – 288 pp./

13. Development of speech in preschool children./Ed. , M: Education, 1984.

14. Speech development. The world. Didactic material for classes in the preparatory group./Compiled by. O.V. Epifanova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2008 – 217 p./

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16. About the program for the development of speech for preschool children./Management of preschool educational institutions - 2006 - No.: p.64./

17. Falkovich speeches Preparation for mastering writing./, –M: Vako, 2007 – 235 pp./.


Kazarina Daria Nikolaevna

5th year student

LPI-branch of Siberian Federal University

In modern conditions, preschool educational institutions are transitioning to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. We analyzed several preschool education programs for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. In the analysis we used the following programs: “Childhood” edited by T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva, “Origins” T.I. Alieva, T.V. Antonova, L.A. Paramonov, “Dialogue” edited by O.L. Soboleva, O.G. Prikhodko, “From birth to school” N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, “Birch” by V.K. Zagvodkina, S.A. Trubitsina.

The Federal State Educational Standard has replaced the federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education, introduced in 2009. The new standard is intended to bring the structure of the program and the conditions for its implementation in kindergartens to uniform requirements, which will ensure continuity between preschool and primary education programs. The standard determines the status of kindergartens as entry-level institutions in the general education system: by the first grade of school, the child will have to reach a certain level of development. Preschool teachers face a difficult task - to teach and develop students in accordance with standards, but not to forget about the individuality and personality development of each child, which remains the main goal of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard.

The main emphasis in the standard is on the development of students through play, free conversation, dialogue, through communication with peers, older children, family, and teachers. The teacher must take a position of partnership, comprehend new things together with the child in the form of cognitive and research activities, in the form of creative activity that ensures the artistic and aesthetic development of the child.


Program "Childhood"

"Origins" program

Dialogue program

Program "From birth to school"

Program "Berezka"


    increasing the social status of preschool education;

    ensuring by the state equal opportunities for every child to receive quality preschool education;

    ensuring state guarantees of the level and quality of preschool education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of educational programs of preschool education, their structure and the results of their development;

maintaining the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation regarding the level of preschool education

to create for each child in kindergarten the opportunity to develop abilities, broad interaction with the world, active practice in various types of activities, and creative self-realization.

The program is aimed at developing independence, cognitive and communicative activity, social confidence and value orientations that determine the child’s behavior, activities and attitude to the world.

Ensuring the full, comprehensive development of each child,

Formation of basic trust in the world and universal, including creative abilities to a level corresponding to age specifics and the requirements of modern society;

Creating equal conditions for the development of children with different capabilities.

to provide each child with the highest development dynamics appropriate to his age, the opportunity for self-affirmation: perception of himself as an individual, as a capable person, a confident start before entering school life.

1.creation of favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, 2.formation of the foundations of basic personal culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, 3.preparation for life in modern society, 4.formation of prerequisites for educational activities , 5. ensuring the life safety of a preschooler.

design social situations child development and developing subject-spatial environment, providing positive socialization, motivation and support for the individuality of children through communication, play, cognitive-research activities and other forms of activity using Waldorf pedagogy.


    protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

    2) ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities);

    3) ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs at various levels (hereinafter referred to as the continuity of the main educational programs of preschool and primary general education);

    4) creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world;

    5) combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, and society;

    6) the formation of a general culture of children’s personality, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities;

    7) ensuring variability and diversity of the content of Programs and organizational forms of preschool education, the possibility of creating Programs of various directions, taking into account the educational needs, abilities and health status of children;

    8) formation of a socio-cultural environment that corresponds to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children;

    9) providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.

1)protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being; 2) ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of every child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psychophysiological and other characteristics (including disabilities); 3) ensuring the continuity of the goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs of preschool and primary general education; 4) creating favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, developing the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relationships with himself, other children, adults and the world;

5) combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, and society; 6) the formation of a general culture of the personality of children, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities; 7) ensuring variability and diversity in the content of programs and organizational forms of preschool education, the possibility of creating programs of various directions, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of children; 8) formation of a socio-cultural environment that corresponds to the age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics of children; 9) providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children’s health.

enrichment of child development, the interconnection of all its aspects. The implementation of the basic educational program ensures the child’s rights to physical, intellectual, social and emotional development (“Convention on the Rights of the Child”, Federal State Educational Standard for Education) at the preschool level and during the transition to primary school.

1. Formation of a child’s personal qualities based on the transfer of spiritual, moral and sociocultural experience of family and society, interaction with adults, other children, nature, and the world.

2. Targeted strengthening of the child’s physical and mental health; formation of stable positive ideas about the values ​​associated with a healthy lifestyle.

3. Formation of the child’s general culture based on his familiarization with universal human values, art, the aesthetic side of life.

4. Formation in a child of stable positive motivation for various types of children's activities based on awakening interest in the objects of this activity and in activity as a process.

5. Formation of creative activity - based on amplification (enrichment) of child development.

6. Ensuring positive socialization - based on the development of cooperation, communication activities, as well as familiarization with various ways of handling information (taking into account the characteristics of the age stages of preschool childhood). 7. Implementation of the “algorithm for speech emancipation and development”; release and activation of the child’s speech resource; formation of creative speech behavior.

8. Implementation of the necessary prevention and correction of the psychological development of preschool children using neuropsychological methods.

9. Adequate satisfaction of the special educational needs of children with disabilities - based on a correct approach to creating special conditions for their educational activities.

10. Providing each child (taking into account his individual characteristics and inclinations) the opportunity to assert himself and increase self-esteem in the process of forming the self-concept.

11. Providing the child with opportunities for multifaceted choice: in play, cognitive, research and other activities, during routine moments, in free time; supporting children's initiative and independence in various activities.

12. Achieving the necessary degree of continuity of goals, objectives and content of education implemented within the framework of educational programs of preschool and primary general education.

13. Creation of necessary and sufficient conditions for the implementation of the optimal variant of interaction between subjects of educational relations - interaction in which the interests of the child, teacher, and parents must be ensured.

creation of a program document that helps teachers organize the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and allows them to write their own educational program based on the Model Program.

Creating conditions for the maximum possible integration of educational content into various areas developments provided for by the standard;

Including the content of education in the context of the group’s daily lifestyle, using the educational potential of so-called regime moments;

Formation of a social and subject environment that promotes the assimilation of moral values ​​and norms of interpersonal communication through high-quality interaction and communication between children, as well as between children and adults;

Reviving the experience of children's mixed-age groups;

Development of free spontaneous children's play in a kindergarten;

Conscious partnership with the families of pupils.


1) full-fledged experience by the child of all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development;

2) building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes a subject of education (hereinafter referred to as individualization of preschool education);

3) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations;

4) supporting children’s initiative in various activities;

5) cooperation of the Organization with the family;

6) introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state;

7) formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various types of activities;

8) age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics);

9) taking into account the ethnocultural situation of children's development.

1. The principle of full-fledged living by a child at all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development.

2. The principle of constructing educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education and becomes the subject of preschool education. 3. The principle of assistance and cooperation between children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations. 4. The principle of supporting children’s initiative in various activities. 5. The principle of cooperation with the family.

6. The principle of introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state.

7. The principle of forming a child’s cognitive interests and cognitive actions in various types of activities.

8. The principle of age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics).

9. The principle of taking into account the ethnocultural situation of children's development.

1. Implementation of the principle “from the general to the particular,” the specificity of which at this age is that every particular should appear to the child as a manifestation of something general, i.e. not in itself, but in a system of other objects or phenomena, on the basis of which their various properties and interdependencies are learned. As a result, children in older preschool age master the ability to “integrate” objects that are new to them into their already established systems and use this skill as a means of cognition. All this allows children to go beyond the specifics, which in themselves often do not make sense to the child, to make generalizations, conclusions, predict certain results and find creative solutions. This provides a systematic approach to organizing content.

2. An integrated principle of organizing the development of the proposed content, which, on the one hand, does not violate the integrity of each of the areas of knowledge (nature, native language, drawing, etc.), and on the other hand, significantly enriches them, contributes to their semantic deepening, expands associative information field of children. This activates children’s own interpretation of various phenomena 8 by both verbal and non-verbal means. Children develop broad semantic connections based on the “unity of affect and intellect” (L.S. Vygotsky).

3. Creation of problem situations characterized by a certain level of difficulty associated with the child’s lack of ready-made ways to resolve them and the need to search for them independently. As a result, children develop search activity, focus on achieving a goal, and the methods they find are generalized and freely used in new situations, which indicates the development of their thinking and imagination.

4. Visual modeling, showing children some hidden dependencies and relationships, for example, mathematical (part-whole, one-half, one-fourth, etc.), which contributes to the beginning of the formation of general categories, the formation logical thinking. 5. Creating conditions for practical experimentation with different materials: both independent, before presenting any task to adults, and dictated by the conditions of the task proposed by the teacher. A broad orientation in the properties of the material significantly activates the search activity of children aimed at finding different solutions, which is one of the indicators of creativity.

6. Taking into account individual characteristics, both personal (leadership, initiative, confidence, determination, etc.), and differences in capabilities and pace of completing tasks, etc. This contributes to the successful development of each child and his emotional well-being.

7. Taking into account the basic styles of perception: some children better assimilate content based on visual perception (visual), others - on auditory (auditory), and still others - on motor and tactile (kinesthetic). And it is very important when the same content is told, shown, and played out by children through movements. In this case, children will be able, firstly, to better understand the material and assimilate it, and secondly, all children will gradually develop types of perception that are weaker for them.

8. Creating conditions for the children themselves to use the content mastered in classes in further free activities (playing, drawing, designing, creating carnival costumes, etc.), which contributes to both the development and self-development of children.

9. Taking into account the specifics in the development of boys and girls. So girls are more successful in a small space and therefore they can easily do small jobs, unlike boys; when perceiving texts by ear, girls react to how it is said (emotionally or not), and boys react to the meaning; in movement, girls are more expressive, and boys are more resilient, etc. (T.P. Khrizman). However, the excessive emphasis on gender orientation in education today is very alarming, which can lead to distorted ideas.

10. The current emphasis in current preschool education on organizing productive, result-oriented actions of children significantly impoverishes the result itself. In this regard, a balance is required in organizing the process of perception and productive actions.

1. Standard: a child’s full experience of all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development. In the program the following principles correlate with it: positive preference; natural play; the predominance of novelty; optimal variety; “end-to-end” visualization; based on impressions.

2. Standard: building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes a subject of education (hereinafter referred to as individualization of preschool education). The program correlates with it: the principle of taking into account individual educational standards; the principle of “shifting layers” (“educational elevators”); the principle of the path from the child (and not to the child).

3. Standard: the principle of assistance and cooperation between children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations. The program correlates with it: the principle of emotional equality of a child and an adult; the principle of joint “educational navigation”.

4. Standard: the principle of supporting children’s initiative in various activities. The program correlates with it: the principles of voluntariness and alternative actions of the child.

5. Standard: the principle of cooperation between the Organization and the family. The program correlates with it: the principle of productive activity of the Educational Community.

6. Standard: introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state. The program correlates with it: the principle of development of sociocultural creativity.

7. Standard: the principle of forming a child’s cognitive interests and cognitive actions in various types of activities. The program correlates with it: the principle of free educational design.

8. Standard: the principle of age-appropriate preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics). The program correlates with it: the “crystal slipper” principle (disclosed, like the others, in the methodological Appendix to the Model Program). 9. Standard: the principle of taking into account the ethnocultural situation of children’s development. The program correlates with it: the principle of priority of national tolerance.

    corresponds to the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child;

combines the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (the content of the Program corresponds to the basic principles of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy and, as experience shows, can be successfully implemented in the mass practice of preschool education);

meets the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (allowing one to achieve the set goals and objectives using a reasonable “minimum” of material);

ensures the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education process for preschool children, during the implementation of which such qualities are formed that are key in the development of preschool children;

is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas;

is based on a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process;

provides for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of adults and children and the independent activities of preschoolers, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education;

involves building the educational process on age-appropriate forms of working with children. The main form of work with preschoolers and their leading activity is play;

allows for variations in the educational process depending on regional characteristics;

is built taking into account continuity between all age preschool groups and between kindergarten and primary school

    Imitation and example

    Rhythm and repetition

    Principle of integrity

    Reliance on the child’s experience of the world and himself

    Artistic and aesthetic general background

    Requirements for the quality of the subject-development environment

    The principle of a group of different ages

    Cooperation with children's families

    Integration of elements of traditional folk culture

Content Analysis


pp. 230-231

Thus, having analyzed preschool education programs for compliance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, we came to the conclusion: educational programs do not contradict the federal state educational standard for preschool education.

Organizational and content conditions for spiritual and moral education of a preschool educational organization

graduate work

2.1 Comparative analysis of the “From Birth to School” and “Childhood” programs

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” establishes that “the basic general educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education ensure the implementation of the federal state educational standard, taking into account the type and type of educational institution, educational needs and requests of students, pupils and include in itself curriculum, work programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) and other materials that ensure the spiritual and moral development, education and quality of training of students.”

As noted above, the educational process in a preschool educational organization is built on the basis of the educational program of preschool education, developed by each preschool educational institution independently. The structure of the program is represented by a mandatory part (invariant), which is based on one or another exemplary educational program of preschool education, as well as a variable part (formed by participants in educational relations). The spiritual and moral education and development of preschool children is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Below is an analysis of exemplary educational programs for preschool education of the new generation, the process and content of spiritual and moral education in which are reflected in the content of the section “Socio-communicative development”. This analysis was carried out in order to identify the most practical program for working on the spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

Program "From birth to school"

Program "Childhood"

Junior group

Strengthen the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten, at home, on the street. Continue to form basic ideas about what is good and what is bad. Provide conditions for the moral education of children. Encourage attempts to feel sorry for a peer, hug him, help. Create game situations that promote the formation of an attentive, caring attitude towards others. Teach children to communicate calmly, without shouting. 49 Develop a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to share with a friend, experience in correctly assessing good and bad deeds. Cultivate an attentive attitude and love towards parents and loved ones. Teach children not to interrupt a speaking adult and develop the ability to wait if the adult is busy.

Learn to live together, use toys and books together, help each other. Teach children to be polite (teach them to say hello, say goodbye, thank you for their help).

1. To promote the establishment of positive contacts between children based on common interests in activities with toys, objects and mutual sympathy.

2. Develop emotional responsiveness, love for parents, affection and trust in the teacher.

3. Help children learn ways to interact with peers in play, in everyday communication and everyday activities (play calmly side by side, exchange toys, unite in pair play, look at pictures together, watch pets, etc.).

4. Gradually accustom children to follow the basic rules of culture of behavior in kindergarten.

Middle group

Contribute to the formation of the child’s personal attitude towards compliance (and violation) of moral norms: mutual assistance, sympathy for the offended and disagreement with the actions of the offender; approval of the actions of the one who acted fairly, gave in at the request of a peer (divided the cubes equally). Continue to work to form friendly relationships between children, draw children’s attention to each other’s good deeds. Teach collective games and the rules of good relationships. To cultivate modesty, responsiveness, the desire to be fair, strong and courageous; teach to feel a sense of shame for an unseemly act. Remind children of the need to say hello, say goodbye, call preschool employees by name and patronymic, not interfere in the conversation of adults, politely express your request, and thank them for the service provided.

1. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards adults and children: be friendly, show interest in the actions and deeds of people, the desire, following the example of the teacher, to help, to please others.

2. Develop emotional responsiveness to adults and children, empathy for the characters of literary works, and a kind attitude towards animals and plants.

3. Foster a culture of communication with adults and peers, the desire to follow the rules: say hello, say goodbye, thank you for the service, address the teacher by name and patronymic, be polite in dealing with elders and peers, learn to restrain negative emotions and actions.

4. Develop a desire for joint games, interaction in pairs or a small subgroup, and interaction in practical activities.

5. Develop in children confidence, desire for independence, attachment to the family, to the teacher.

Senior group

Foster friendly relationships between children; the habit of playing, working, studying together; the desire to please elders with good deeds; the ability to independently find common interesting activities. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards others. Teach to take care of the younger ones, help them, protect those who are weaker. Develop qualities such as empathy and responsiveness. Cultivate modesty, the ability to show concern for others, and be grateful for help and signs of attention. Develop the ability to evaluate your own actions and the actions of peers. To develop children’s desire to express their attitude towards the environment, to independently find various speech means for this. Expand your understanding of the rules of behavior in public places; about responsibilities in the kindergarten group and at home. 50 Enrich children’s vocabulary with polite words (hello, goodbye, please, excuse me, thank you, etc.). Encourage the use of folklore in speech (proverbs, sayings, nursery rhymes, etc.). Show the importance of the native language in the formation of the foundations of morality.

1. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards people, respect for elders, friendly relationships with peers, and a caring attitude towards children.

2. Develop good feelings, emotional responsiveness, the ability to distinguish the mood and emotional state of people around you and take this into account in your behavior.

3. Foster a culture of behavior and communication, the habit of following the rules of culture, being polite towards people, restraining immediate emotional impulses if they cause inconvenience to others.

4. Develop positive self-esteem, self-confidence, self-esteem, the desire to follow socially approved norms of behavior, awareness of the growth of one’s capabilities and the desire for new achievements.

Preparatory group

Nurture friendly relationships between children, develop the ability to independently unite for joint play and work, engage in independently chosen activities, negotiate, help each other. Foster organization, discipline, collectivism, and respect for elders. Foster a caring attitude towards children and the elderly; learn to help them. Develop qualities such as empathy, responsiveness, fairness, modesty. Develop strong-willed qualities: the ability to limit one’s desires, fulfill established standards of behavior, and follow a positive example in one’s actions. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards others. Develop the ability to listen to your interlocutor and not interrupt unnecessarily. Develop the ability to calmly defend your opinion. Enrich your vocabulary with formulas of verbal politeness (greetings, farewells, requests, apologies). Expand children's understanding of their responsibilities, primarily in connection with preparation for school. To develop an interest in learning activities and a desire to study at school.

1. Develop a humanistic orientation of behavior: social feelings, emotional responsiveness, goodwill.

2. Develop habits of cultural behavior and communication with people, basic etiquette, rules of behavior in public places.

3. Enrich the experience of cooperation, friendly relationships with peers and interaction with adults.

4. Develop the beginnings of social activity, the desire to participate in the life of the kindergarten as elders: take care of the kids, participate in decorating the kindergarten for the holidays, etc.

5. Contribute to the formation of positive self-esteem, self-confidence, awareness of the growth of one’s achievements, self-esteem, and the desire to become a schoolchild.

6. Cultivate love for your family, kindergarten, hometown, country.

Thus, based on the analysis of two general education programs, we can conclude that the program “From birth to school” in the field of “Socio-communicative development” is aimed at introducing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral ones) , its regulations do not have strict boundaries, which provides an opportunity for a creative approach in the organization educational process.

The program is aimed at developing the child’s personality, and not at acquiring a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities. The most important condition for the implementation of the program is person-oriented interaction between adults and children. Space is provided for children to independently engage in activities.

The exemplary general education program “Childhood” in the field of “Socio-communicative development” is aimed at the socialization of the child, i.e. a child’s entry into culture through his awareness of his capabilities and abilities has more regulated tasks.

The program offers rich educational content. Meaningful connections between sections make it possible to integrate educational content in psychological and pedagogical work. Planning for this program is flexible; the program itself does not contain conventional diagrams, tables, etc., which gives room for teachers’ creativity.

Analyzing the program data, we can conclude that the “From Birth to School” program is more extensive and functional for the work of a teacher, its content is easy to understand.

2.2 Analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment in a preschool educational institution

According to the basic provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, the developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational organization must meet the following requirements: - safe; - content-rich; - transformable; - multifunctional; - variable; - aesthetically attractive; - health-saving; - satisfies the needs of preschool children.

The developing subject-spatial environment created in the institution allows teachers to: ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives when organizing the educational process;

Combine the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability;

Provide for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of adults and children and the independent activities of preschoolers; be based on a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process;

Build training taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas.

Adequate organization of a developing subject-spatial environment stimulates the development of self-confidence in children, forms cognitive interests, encourages a willingness to cooperate and support another in a difficult situation, that is, ensures the successful socialization of the child and the formation of his personality.

This analysis was carried out to visually compare the subject-developmental environment organized in different age groups of a preschool educational organization and helped determine the level of accumulation of equipment, as well as the formation of a subject-developmental environment for the spiritual and moral education of preschool children.

Analysis of the developing subject-spatial environment of preschool educational institutions and its characteristics in educational programs made it possible to compile the following comparative table.

Age group

Subject environment of an exemplary general education program for preschool education

"From birth to school"

Subject-spatial environment of preschool educational institutions

Junior group

Corner of didactic games: games for moral and ethical education.

Book corner: books Kuban writers children.

Music corner.

Role-playing games corner:

1. Doll furniture: table, chairs (4 pcs.), bed (2 pcs.), sofa, cabinet for doll linen, kitchen stove

3.Dolls: large (3 pcs.), medium (7 pcs.).

4. Stroller for dolls (3 pcs.).

1. Doll furniture: table, chairs (4 pcs.), bed (2 pcs.), sofa, cabinet for doll linen, kitchen stove.

2. Toy dishes: a set of teaware (large and medium), a set of kitchen and tableware (large and medium), bowls (basins) (2 pcs.), buckets.

3.Dolls: large (4 pcs.), medium (7 pcs.).

4. Stroller for dolls (2 pcs.).

5.Attributes for the games “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Family”, “Kindergarten”, “To the dacha”, “Hairdresser”, etc.

6.Various attributes for mummers: hats, glasses, shawls, skirts, capes, etc.

7. Soft toys: large and medium.

Middle group

Book corner:

Theater area:

2.Small screens for table theater.

3.Various types of theater: plane, rod,

puppet (bi-ba-bo dolls: family and fairy-tale characters).

4. Costumes, masks, attributes for acting out fairy tales.

5. Animals and birds, three-dimensional and flat on stands, small, 7-10 cm.

6. Figures of fairy-tale characters, flat on stands (small).

7. Thematic set of fairy-tale characters (large, medium and small).

8. Set of figures: family.

9. A set of masks: animals, fairy-tale characters.

Role-playing game corner:

1. Doll furniture: table, chairs, bed, sofa, kitchen stove, cabinet, furniture set for medium-sized dolls, doll house (for medium-sized dolls).

3. Set of doll bedding (3 pcs.).

5.Doll stroller (2 pcs.).

6.Attributes for games with

production plot,

reflecting the professional work of people: “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Hairdresser”, “Salon “Charm””, “Cafe”, “Steamboat”, “Sailors”, etc.; with everyday plots “Family”, “Kindergarten”, “To the dacha”, etc.

Book corner:

1. A bookcase, a table and two chairs, a soft sofa, a screen separating the corner from the outdoor play areas.

2. Children's books according to the program, children's favorite books.

3. Albums for viewing: “Professions”, “Family”, etc.

Role-playing game corner:

1. Doll furniture: table, chairs, sofa, kitchen, cabinet, furniture set for medium-sized dolls, doll house (for medium-sized dolls).

2. Toy dishes: a set of teaware (large and medium), a set of kitchen and tableware.

3. Set of doll bedding (1 piece).

4. Large (2 pcs.) and medium (6 pcs.) dolls.

5.Doll stroller (1 pc.).

6.Attributes for games with

production plot,

reflecting the professional work of people: “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Hairdresser” - “Salon “Charm”, “Cafe”, “Steamboat”, “Sailors”, etc.; with everyday plots “Family”, “Kindergarten”, “To the dacha”, etc.

7. Various attributes for mummers: hats, glasses, shawls, skirts, helmet, cap/visor, etc.

8. Soft toys (medium and large).

Senior group

Book corner:

Theater area:

6.Crown, kokoshnik (2-4 pcs.).

7.Tape recorder.

Role-playing game corner:

5. Strollers for dolls (2 pcs.)

8. Substitute items.

9.Set of furniture “School”.

10.Attributes for the games “Daughters”

Mother", "Kindergarten", "Shop", "Hospital", "Pharmacy",

“Hairdresser”, “Cook”,

"Sailors", "Pilots",

“Library”, “School”, “Station”, “Bank”, etc.

A corner for privacy.

Book corner:

1.Book rack, table, two chairs, soft sofa.

2. Children's books according to the program and children's favorite books, two or three constantly changing children's magazines, children's encyclopedias, reference books on all branches of knowledge, dictionaries and dictionaries, books on interests, on the history and culture of Russian and other peoples.

3.Illustrative material in accordance with the program recommendations.

Role-playing game corner:

1. Doll furniture: table, chairs, sofa, wardrobe.

2. Toy tableware: a set of teaware (medium and small), a set of kitchenware (medium), a set of tableware (medium).

4.Dolls dressed as boys and girls (medium).

5. Strollers for dolls (1 pc.)

6. Sets of clothes and bedding for dolls.

7.Attributes for mummering (hats, glasses, beads, scarves, sundresses, skirts, etc.)

8. Substitute items.

9.Set of furniture “School”.

10.Attributes for the games “Daughters”

mothers", "Kindergarten",

"Shop", "Hospital",


“Hairdresser”, “Cook”,

"Sailors", "Pilots",

“Builders”, “Zoo”, etc. Games with a social plot:

"Library", "School", "Bank"

Preparatory group

Book corner:

1. A shelf or open display case for books, a table, two chairs, a soft sofa.

2. Children's books according to the program and children's favorite books, two or three constantly changing children's magazines, children's encyclopedias, reference books on all branches of knowledge, dictionaries and dictionaries, books on interests, on the history and culture of Russian and other peoples.

3.Illustrative material in accordance with the program recommendations.

4. Albums and sets of postcards with views of the sights of Kuban.

Theater area:

1. Screen, two small screens for a tabletop theater.

2. Costumes, masks, attributes for staging fairy tales.

3.Dolls and toys for various types theater (flat, rod, puppet (bi-ba-bo dolls), tabletop, finger).

4.Attributes for shadow theater

5. Sets of masks (fairy-tale, fantasy characters).

6.Crown, kokoshnik (2-4 pcs.).

7.Tape recorder.

8.Audio cassettes with recordings of music for performances.

Role-playing game corner:

1. Doll furniture: table, chairs, sofa, wardrobe.

2.Kitchen set: stove, sink, washing machine.

3. Toy tableware: a set of teaware (medium and small), a set of kitchenware (medium), a set of tableware (medium).

4.Dolls dressed as boys and girls (medium).

5. Strollers for dolls (2 pcs.)

6. Sets of clothes and bedding for dolls.

7.Attributes for mummering (hats, glasses, beads, scarves, sundresses, skirts, etc.)

8. Substitute items.

9.Set of furniture “School”.

“Hairdresser”, “Cook”,

subject: “Library”, “School”, “Car service”, “ Sea port", "Railroad station",

“Fire Station”, “Rescuers”, “Bank”, etc.

Book corner:

1. A shelf or open display case for books, a table, two chairs, a soft sofa.

2. Children's books according to the program and children's favorite books, two or three constantly changing children's magazines, children's encyclopedias, reference books on all branches of knowledge, dictionaries and dictionaries, books on interests, on the history and culture of Russian and other peoples.

3.Illustrative material in accordance with the program recommendations.

4.Attributes for shadow theater

5. Sets of masks (fairy-tale, fantasy characters).

6.Crown, kokoshnik (2-4 pcs.).

7.Tape recorder.

8.Audio cassettes with recordings of music for performances.

Role-playing game corner:

1. Doll furniture: table, chairs, sofa, wardrobe.

2.Kitchen set: stove, sink, washing machine.

3. Toy tableware: a set of teaware (medium and small), a set of kitchenware (medium), a set of tableware (medium).

4.Dolls dressed as boys and girls (medium).

6. Sets of clothes and bedding for dolls.

8. Substitute items.

10.Attributes for the games “Mothers and Daughters”, “Kindergarten”, “Shop”, “Hospital”, “Pharmacy”,

“Hairdresser”, “Cook”,

“Pilots”, “Builders”, “Zoo”, etc. Games with the public

subject: “Library”, “Railway Station”,

"Fire station" etc.

Analyzing this table, we can conclude that the content of the developing subject-spatial environment in preschool educational institutions is partially implemented in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Institution. The preschool institution does not have enough equipment to organize education in the educational field of “communication”, namely in spiritual and moral development.

2.3 Thematic and event planning including work on the spiritual and moral education of preschool children

The analysis of planning documentation made it possible to get acquainted with the content of the work on the spiritual and moral education of children in a preschool educational organization. Please note that certain forms of work are implemented in agreement with parents ( legal representatives) pupils.


1. Diagnosis of children’s knowledge about spiritual and moral values.

2. Questioning parents about spiritual and moral education in the family and the direction of the educational process in an educational institution.

3. Consultation for parents: “Features of spiritual and moral education of preschool children.”

4. God. Creation of the world. Reading a story from a children's Bible.

1. Feast of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Puppet show - fairy tale “Scarf - Cover”.

2. Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: “Scarf (veil)”, “Autumn”.

3. Conversation about honesty, love, kindness.

4. Icons. Difference between icons.

1. Examination of illustrations and icons about the childhood of the Virgin Mary.

2. Directly - educational activities on the topic: “From the heavenly mother to the earthly mother.”

3. Who are angels. Handmade “Angel”.

4. Excursion to the temple. Conversation “The Temple is the House of God.”

1. Feast of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary into the Temple. Puppet show - fairy tale “Three Steps”.

2. Reading and discussion of literary works about St. Nicholas.

3. Game of spiritual and moral orientation “Helpers of St. Nicholas.”

4. Preparing for the Christmas tree.

1. Reading and discussing literary works about Christmas, learning poems.

2. Design on the topic: “The Eight-Pointed Star of Bethlehem.”

3. Matinee “The Feast of the Nativity of Christ”

4. Exhibition of children's works: “Christmas card”

1. Holiday - Presentation of the Lord. History of the holiday. Conversation.

2. Outdoor games: “Help grandma and grandpa.”

3. Conversation on the topic: “Rules of honoring and respecting elders.”

1. Entertainment Maslenitsa. Puppet show - fairy tale “Adventures on Maslenitsa” (the week before Lent).

2. Visual activity on the theme: “Maslenitsa has come to us”

3. Game "Mirilka".

4. Direct educational activities on the topic: “In a world of kindness.”

1. Gatherings. Palm Sunday

2. Conversation. "What is Easter?" The history of the origin, traditions and customs of the holiday.

3. GCD on artistic creativity on the topic: “Easter card.”

4. Competition for parents: “Easter card”.

1. Thematic entertainment: “Feast of Folk Games”.

2. Conversation: “Good and bad deeds”

3. Final diagnostics

1. Entertainment - Trinity. Puppet show fairy tale - “The Adventure of Little Red Riding Hood”.

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Non-state educational institution of higher professional education

Eastern Economic and Legal Humanitarian Academy (VEGU Academy)

Specialty 050707. “Pedagogy and methods of preschool education”

Specialization - Preschool education


On methods of training and education in the field of preschool education

Analysis of educational programs in preschool educational institutions

Gimaletdinova Zinfira Zauzyatovna

Raevsky 2012





The modern system of domestic preschool education is built on the principles of dynamism, variability of organizational forms, flexible response to the needs of society and the individual, and is characterized by the emergence of new types of educational institutions for children and a variety of pedagogical services.

Among the factors influencing the effectiveness and quality of education of children in preschool educational institutions, an important role belongs to the educational program. It is a guideline for the creative activity of educators: it determines the content of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, reflects the worldview, scientific and methodological concept of preschool education, and records its content in all main areas of child development. In accordance with the focus and level of implementation of the program, the type and category of preschool educational institution are established.

Modern differentiation of preschool education and the variety of types of preschool educational institutions imply significant variability in the use of programs and pedagogical technologies while maintaining the unity of the main goals and objectives of preschool education.

1. Modern educational programs for preschool institutions

educational program preschool children learning

The main preschool education programs determine the content of the preschool level of education, its level and focus, based on priority goals and objectives. They guarantee a necessary and sufficient level of education for the comprehensive development of the child.

The integrity of the educational process can be achieved not only by using one main program, but also by the method of qualified selection of specialized programs, each of which includes one or more areas of child development. The main programs determine the features of organizing children's lives in the context of providing for all its aspects and taking into account the use of the following forms of children's activities: classes as a specially organized form of education; unregulated activities; free time during the day.

2. Variety of programs and their classification

Currently the main organizational form preschool education are preschool educational institutions of six different types, as well as educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age. Accordingly, the bulk of preschool educational programs developed so far are aimed specifically at preschool educational institutions.

At the same time, due to the sharp reduction in the network of preschool educational institutions and the impossibility of accepting all preschool children in them, variable and alternative forms of preschool education began to develop since 2000.

Recent years in Russia have been characterized by the emergence of new types of educational institutions for children, a variety of pedagogical services that are offered to children and their parents. Along with state ones, there are non-state kindergartens. Most of children's institutions solve the problems of the general development of children, but there are already institutions that aim at the early development of special abilities of preschoolers (aesthetic centers, preschool groups and kindergartens at lyceums, gymnasiums, etc.); integration of raising healthy children and children with certain physical development problems; creation of preschool groups working in bilingual conditions, and others. This state of affairs in preschool education is directly related to both the increasing demands of parents who want to raise the general level of development of children, to reveal certain abilities in them, to prepare them for studying in a particular school, and to changes in school education itself.

All preschool programs can be divided into comprehensive and partial.

Complex (or general developmental) - include all the main areas of child development: physical, cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic; contribute to the formation of various abilities (mental, communicative, motor, creative), the formation of specific types of children's activities (subject, play, theatrical, visual, musical activities, design, etc.).

Partial (specialized, local) - include one or more areas of child development.

The integrity of the educational process can be achieved not only by using one main (complex) program, but also by the method of qualified selection of partial programs.

Comprehensive preschool education programs:

* Education and training program in kindergarten Team of authors, ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova.

Partial preschool education programs

* Health-saving program “Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children” Authors: R.B. Sterkina, O.L. Knyazeva, N.N. Avdeeva.

Environmental education programs

* “Young Ecologist” program

* Program "Spiderweb"

* Program “Our home is nature”

* Program “Design and manual labor in kindergarten” Author L.V. Kutsakova.

Programs for the social and moral development of preschool children

* Program “Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture” Authors: O.L. Knyazeva, M.D. Makhaneva.

* Program “Development of children’s ideas about history and culture” Authors: L.N. Galiguzova, S.Yu. Meshcheryakova.

Programs for physical development and health of preschool children

* The “Play for Health” program and the technology of its application in preschool educational institutions. Authors: Voloshina L.N., Kurilova T.V.

* The author’s program “Play for Health”, it is based on the use of games with elements of sports. The program was created on the basis of meaningful experimental work at preschool educational institution No. 69 in Belgorod. It is addressed to kindergarten teachers, physical education instructors, coaches of children's sports schools, centers, and health camps.

Brief overview of programs

“Rainbow” is a comprehensive program for the upbringing, education and development of preschool children, according to which kindergartens in Russia operate. The program ensures the comprehensive development of the child; its most important components are play and physical development, the formation of healthy lifestyle habits, and provision of mental comfort for each child.

The program is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. For all main types of activities of preschoolers, sets of manuals are provided for children of various age groups and recommendations for teachers.

For classes under this program, sets of manuals for preschoolers on all types of activities and methodological recommendations for educators have been created.

Main goals of the program:

providing the child with the opportunity to live the preschool years joyfully and meaningfully;

ensuring the protection and strengthening of his health (both physical and mental);

comprehensive and timely mental development;

formation of an active and careful and respectful attitude towards the surrounding world;

familiarization with the main spheres of human culture (work, knowledge, art, morality).

Red color - Physical Culture: during classes, habits are formed to protect one’s health, to cleanliness, neatness, order, cultural and hygienic skills and elements of self-control during movements, skills of correct behavior in situations that threaten life and health, and their prevention are developed;

orange color - play: play is considered the leading activity of work; it allows you to provide psychological comfort, create an atmosphere of emotional warmth, security, and relieve excessive organization and neuroticism in children. It allows a feeling of sympathy and interest in the playing partner to arise;

yellow color - visual activity and manual labor: - teaching visual activity and artistic labor occurs through introducing children to examples of folk and decorative arts (works of Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymkovo toy, etc.). Children are taught to draw with pencils and paints, sculpt based on familiarity with folk sculpture;

green color - design: makes it possible to develop imagination, imagination and mentally educate the baby; children learn to build from building materials, develop constructive prerequisites, and become involved in the process of creativity in design;

blue color - musical and plastic arts classes: they allow you to develop aesthetic experiences, form an interest in music, develop the child’s musical and sensory abilities, the ability to move to the beat, spatial coordination;

blue color - classes on speech development and familiarization with the environment: learning native and foreign languages ​​occurs through familiarization with works of folk art and fiction;

purple color - mathematics: teaching mathematics takes place in an atmosphere of goodwill, support for the child, even if he has made a mistake, the desire to express his opinion is encouraged; Children not only learn mathematics, but also master the skills of educational activities: they determine the task, the direction of the search, and evaluate the results.

The “Childhood” program is a program for the enriched development of preschool children, providing a unified process of socialization and individualization of the individual through the child’s awareness of his needs, capabilities and abilities.

Developed by a team of teachers from the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen /V.?I. Loginova, T.?I. Babaeva, N.?A. Notkin and others, edited by T.?I. Babaeva, Z.?A. Mikhailova / Program motto: “Feel - Cognize - Create”

Program objectives:

To develop in children, on the basis of different educational content, emotional responsiveness, the ability to empathize, and readiness to demonstrate a humane attitude towards children’s activities, behavior, and actions;

To promote the development of cognitive activity, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, the development of mental abilities and speech;

Awaken children's creative activity, stimulate imagination, desire to engage in creative activities;

Strengthen the physical and mental health of the child, form the foundations of motor and hygienic culture.

“Origins” program (L.A. Paramonova, T.I. Alieva, A.N. Davidchuk, etc.)

Comprehensive regional program. Developed by order of the Moscow Education Committee. Based on many years of psychological and pedagogical research; takes into account modern trends in the development of public preschool education. The goal is the versatile education and development of a child up to seven years old. The program identifies the following age stages: early childhood (represented by infants / up to 1 year / and early age/1-3 years/) and preschool childhood (represented by junior preschool age /3-5 years/ and senior preschool age /5-7 years/). The program has basic and variable components. It is an open-type program that involves the use of a wide variety of pedagogical technologies.

Development program (L.A. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko, N.S. Varentsova, etc.)

It is one of the first variable preschool education programs. The fundamental principle is developmental education based on the psychological theory of L.A. Wenger on the development of children's abilities in preschool childhood. A specific difference from other programs is the increased attention to learning tools, the formation in preschoolers of ways to solve cognitive and creative problems. The main goal is the mental and artistic development of children. Designed to work with children aged three to seven years. In addition to the traditional sections, it contains non-traditional ones: “Expressive movement”, “Artistic design”, “Director’s play”, the choice of which is carried out by preschool institutions independently. Advantages of the program: clear structure, detailed elaboration of educational material, provision of each lesson with a specific detailed work plan, teaching tools.

Goal: comprehensive development, education and training of children under 3 years of age. Developed in the spirit of the ideas of humanizing family and public education of young children.

The uniqueness of the program lies in its wide range of coverage of the child’s development period, from prenatal (including the mother’s preparation for the birth of a child) to his adaptation to entering a preschool educational institution.

The program is addressed primarily to families and preschool teachers.

The program contains information materials on all areas of personality development of a child under 3 years old, as well as methodological recommendations.

Along with traditional sections (physical education, health protection and promotion, movement development, self-care skills, speech development), some sections reflect new developments in the field of pedagogy (for example, a section devoted to environmental education of young children).

For the first time, a section on the psychological preparation of parents for the birth of a child is presented.

“Gifted Child” program (L.A. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko, etc.)

It is a level version of the Development program. It has a common conceptual basis with it and is based on the theoretical principles of the scientific school of L.A. Wenger on the development of children's abilities. Designed for educational work with gifted children of the sixth and seventh year of life (for two years). Contains material that helps enrich the development of abilities (intellectual, artistic) of mentally gifted children, as well as a unique technology for teaching such children.

The mathematical cycle “Mathematical Steps” has found wide recognition in the practical activities of preschool institutions. (This series is the author’s own and is presented as didactic manuals on the formation of mathematical concepts in preschool children from 3 to 7 years old. The author has developed training content for each age group.

The cycle “Mathematical Steps” implements the main ideas of the concept of developmental education by D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov, in which the content, methods and forms of organization educational process directly consistent with the patterns of child development.

It should be emphasized that the program for children of the seventh year of life is quite informative and involves the formation of knowledge and skills necessary for further schooling.

Much attention in the program is paid to teaching children to write numbers and signs, which, as we noted above, distinguishes this program from others.

Work on the formation of geometric concepts involves not only familiarity with geometric shapes, but also their analysis associated with the identification of their constituent parts.

Program “Speech development of preschool children in kindergarten” (O.S. Ushakova)

The goal of the program is to develop preschoolers’ speech skills and abilities, to form their ideas about the structure of a coherent utterance, as well as about the methods of connection between individual phrases and its parts. The program covers the theoretical foundations quite fully and describes the directions of work on the speech development of children.

Program “Design and artistic work in kindergarten” (L.V. Kutsakova)

The goal of the program is the development of constructive skills, artistic and creative abilities, and artistic taste. The program is also aimed at developing such mental processes as imagination and associative thinking, to instill in them hard work, perseverance, and patience. During classes, teachers introduce children to various design and modeling techniques. The program allows you to apply a differentiated approach to children with different levels of intellectual and artistic development.

This program is carried out in the first junior, second junior, middle and preparatory groups.

Program “Development of ideas about man in history and culture” (I.F. Mulko)

The goal of the program is the moral, patriotic and mental education of preschool children. The development of their ideas about the foundations of legal and social consciousness, as well as the place of man in culture and history, his role in technical progress.

This program is carried out in the second junior, middle and preparatory groups.

The program “Introducing children to the history of Russian folk culture"(O.L. Knyazeva)

The goal of the program is the moral and patriotic education of preschool children, through introducing children to Russian folk culture. Teachers introduce children to the life and everyday life of people, their character. They are introduced to the moral values, traditions inherent only to the Russian people, and the characteristics of their spiritual and material environment.

According to the program O.L. Knyazeva “Introducing children to the history of Russian folk culture” is being worked on in the second junior, middle and preparatory groups.

Program “Learning to live among people” (N.I. Zaozerskaya)

The program is aimed at the social, moral, moral and aesthetic development of preschool children.

This program is carried out in the second junior, middle and preparatory groups.

All of the above partial programs are recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Program “Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children” (R. B. Sterkina, O. L. Knyazeva, N. N. Avdeeva)

The program involves solving the most important social and pedagogical task - developing the child’s skills of adequate behavior in various unexpected situations. Developed on the basis of the draft state standard for preschool education. Contains a set of materials that provide stimulation in preschool childhood (senior preschool age) of independence and responsibility for their behavior. Its goals are to develop the child’s skills of reasonable behavior, to teach him to behave adequately in dangerous situations at home and on the street, in city transport, when communicating with strangers, interacting with fire hazardous and other objects, animals and poisonous plants; contribute to the formation of the foundations of environmental culture and introduction to a healthy lifestyle. The program is addressed to teachers of senior groups of preschool educational institutions. It consists of an introduction and six sections, the content of which reflects changes in the life of modern society and thematic planning, in accordance with which educational work with children is built: “Child and other people”, “Child and nature”, “Child at home”, “Child’s health” ", "Emotional well-being of a child", "Child on a city street". The content of the program reserves for each preschool institution the right to use various forms and methods of organizing education, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, sociocultural differences, the uniqueness of home and living conditions, as well as the general socio-economic and crime situation. Due to the special importance of protecting the life and health of children, the program requires mandatory compliance with its basic principles: completeness (implementation of all its sections), systematicity, taking into account the conditions of urban and rural areas, seasonality, age targeting.

Program “I, You, We” (O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkina)

The proposed program is relevant for all types of preschool educational institutions and can effectively complement any preschool education program. Provides the basic (federal) component of the state standard of preschool education. Developed in order to fill a significant gap in traditional domestic education related to the socio-emotional development of a preschool child. Aimed at solving such important problems as the formation of the emotional sphere and the development of the child’s social competence. The program also helps to solve a complex of educational problems related to the development of moral standards of behavior, the ability to build relationships with children and adults, respectful attitude towards them, a decent way out of conflict situations, as well as self-confidence and the ability to adequately assess one’s own capabilities.

Program “Discover yourself” (E.V. Ryleeva)

Dedicated to the most important problem of modern preschool education - the individualization of personal development of children two to six years old and the inextricably linked task of developing self-awareness in preschoolers through speech activity. The program is based on the principles of humanistic psychology and the author’s technology based on them, which allows you to personalize educational content, make it more flexible, adequate to the needs and interests of children with different levels of personality development and abilities. Covers several leading areas of the state standard of preschool education: “Speech development”, “Development of ideas about man in history and culture”, “Development of natural science concepts”, “Development of environmental culture”. It has a block structure, a concentric layout of educational material, which allows children to selectively assimilate the educational content of the program. The main thematic blocks of the program: “This is who I am”, “The world of people”, “The world not made by hands”, “I can” - ensure the formation of ideas about significant areas of human life, allow for the correction of self-esteem, and prepare children to independently overcome difficulties. The program provides for the possibility of actively involving parents of students in the pedagogical process. Addressed to teachers of preschool educational institutions, teachers of educational institutions such as “Primary school - kindergarten”, psychologists, tutors, parents.

Program "Harmony" (D.I. Vorobyova)

The main idea of ​​the program is the holistic development of the personality of a child aged two to five, his intellectual, artistic and creative potential. The leading principle is the multi-stage integration of educational and educational tasks of various types of activities with an emphasis on the productive activities of children (visual, constructive, artistic speech, theatrical). The structure of the program provides for work in two interrelated areas: the accumulation of social experience of knowing oneself and the world around us (seeing, hearing, playing, creating) and its implementation in conditions of independent activity of children. The program contains new original technologies, which are based on the child’s search activity, providing him with a subjective position in the cognitive and creative process. An integral part The “Harmony” program is a subprogram for the development of a child’s rhythmic plasticity “Rhythmic Mosaic”, built on a single conceptual basis.

Program "UMKA" - TRIZ (L.M. Kurbatova and others)

The program contains a dialectical approach to the formation of the creative abilities of children three to six years old based on the development of active forms of thinking in unity with creative imagination. The program creates the prerequisites for a systematic vision of the world and its creative transformation. Provides for the development of children's imagination; enriching the subject-spatial environment of a children's educational institution and determines the conditions that facilitate the solution of inventive problems by preschoolers (fairy-tale, game, ethical, environmental, technical, etc.). Provides for the widespread use of interactive forms and teaching techniques. Basic principles: humanistic orientation, cross-cutting, multi-stage nature (covers junior, middle, senior preschool age, junior school age), psychological support gifted children, variability of use in the system of basic and additional education. Consists of three relatively independent parts:

programs for the development of thinking and creative abilities of preschool children - “Umka” - TRIZ;

a program option that includes educational content for organizing work with children in intellectual and aesthetic development studios;

subprogram that prepares teachers of preschool educational institutions to implement the program for developing the thinking and creative abilities of preschool children “Umka” - TRIZ.

Program “SEMITSVETIK” (V.I. Ashikov, S.G. Ashikova)

This program is designed to solve the problem of cultural and environmental education of preschool children - the initial stage of the formation of a spiritually rich, creative, self-developing personality. His actions and actions will depend on how a child learns to think and feel. The authors see the solution to this problem in the little person’s awareness of the sublime, refined and beautiful that the surrounding world, nature and world culture provide. Education of morality, broad outlook, development of creativity through the perception of beauty is the main feature of this program. Much attention in the program is paid to the joint creative activity of children and adults. The program is designed for use in kindergarten, various art and creative children's studios, as well as in home education.

Program “BEAUTY - JOY - CREATIVITY” (T. S. Komarova and others)

It is a holistic integrated program of aesthetic education for preschool children, effectively promoting the spiritual and intellectual development of children in preschool childhood. It is built on the author’s concept of aesthetic education and the development of children’s artistic and creative abilities, based on the principles of nationality, the integrated use of different types of arts (musical, visual, theatrical, literature and architecture), and the sensory development of the child. It has a clear structure and takes into account the growth of creative capabilities of children from two to six years old. Includes all sections of work on aesthetic education in kindergarten. Along with traditional ones, the program also widely uses non-traditional educational means for aesthetic education - leisure and entertainment.


Based on the concept of artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children. The main goal is to develop children's constructive skills and artistic and creative abilities, to introduce them to various modeling and design techniques. Built on integrated use all types of design and artistic work in kindergarten. Designed for the entire preschool age - from three to six years. Provides a differentiated approach to children with different levels of intellectual and artistic development, including children with weak and strong motivation, as well as gifted ones. The selection of educational material for creativity meets the principles of preschool didactics and the age capabilities of children. Contains technologies based on the use of non-traditional teaching methods and techniques, allowing the teacher to develop in children associative thinking, imagination, creative skills, practical skills, artistic taste, aesthetic attitude to reality. Much attention is paid to the creative nature of the joint activities of the teacher and children.

Program “NATURE AND THE ARTIST” (T.A. Koptseva)

The program is aimed at developing in children four to six years old a holistic understanding of nature as a living organism. The natural world acts as a subject of close study and as a means of emotional and imaginative influence on the creative activity of children. By means visual arts problems of environmental and aesthetic education are solved, methods of dialogue between cultures, spiritualization of natural phenomena, fairy-tale play situations, etc. are used. Children are introduced to world artistic culture as part of spiritual culture. The program has a block-thematic planning. The main blocks “Natural World”, “Animal World”, “Human World”, “World of Art” contain a system of artistic and creative tasks that contribute to the transfer and accumulation of experience in preschoolers of an emotional and value-based attitude to the world, increasing the experience of creative activity, and developing skills and skills in fine, decorative and constructive activities, taking into account the age characteristics of children.

Program “OUR HOME IS NATURE” (N.A. Ryzhova)

The content of the program ensures that children are familiarized with the diversity and richness of the natural world, and promotes the development of basic natural science concepts and environmental concepts. Designed for the purpose of educating children of senior preschool age. Provides continuity with primary school education in the courses “The World Around You” and “Nature”. The main goals are to educate from the first years of life a humane, socially active personality, capable of understanding and loving the world around us, nature, and treating them with care. The peculiarity of the program is to develop in the child a holistic view of nature and man’s place in it, as well as environmentally literate and safe behavior. Elements of environmental knowledge are organically integrated into the general content, including natural and social aspects, which is determined by the structural features of the program, educational material which includes teaching and educational components. The program provides for the widespread use of a variety of practical activities of children in matters of study and protection environment. The content of the program may be adjusted in accordance with local natural and climatic conditions.

Program “LIFE AROUND US” (N.A. Avdeeva, G.B. Stepanova)

Developed in accordance with the content of the state standard of preschool education in the section “Development of environmental culture of children.” Provides for environmental education and upbringing of children of senior preschool age, the study of the relationship between nature and social phenomena that is understandable to them. The theoretical basis of the program is the concept of person-centered education, the center of which is the creation of conditions for the development of the child’s personality. Provides the child with an opportunity to game form master environmental information, form an emotionally positive, caring and responsible attitude of children towards living nature. The program is supplemented by an approximate thematic lesson plan and organizational and methodological recommendations for its implementation.

Program “YOUNG ECOLOGIST” (S.N. Nikolaeva)

Aimed at developing the beginnings of ecological culture in children two to six years old in a kindergarten. Has a theoretical basis and detailed methodological support. Ecological culture is considered as a conscious attitude of children to natural phenomena and objects that surround them, to themselves and their health, to objects made from natural materials. It consists of two subprograms: “Environmental education of preschool children” and “Advanced training for employees of preschool educational institutions.” The structure of the first subprogram is based on children’s sensory perception of nature, emotional interaction with it, and basic knowledge about life, growth and development of living beings. The ecological approach to introducing children to nature and the ecological content of all sections of the program are based on the main pattern of nature - the relationship of living organisms with their environment.

Program “SPIDER WEB” (Zh.L. Vasyakina-Novikova)

The goal of the program is to develop in children the foundations of planetary thinking, to develop a reasonable attitude towards the world and towards themselves as an inhabitant of planet Earth. The program offers a new original system for the development of environmental ideas, based on the principle of centering the content of the work on the child with the widespread use of search methods of teaching and play activities. It is presented in four blocks: “Where do I live?”, “Who do I live with?”, “How do I live?”, “When do I live?” Through knowledge of his “I”, his life needs, the child comprehends the diversity of relationships between nature and people. Designed to work with children of all age groups in preschool educational institutions.

Program “HARMONY” (K.L. Tarasova, T.V. Nesterenko, T.G. Ruban / Edited by K.L. Tarasova)

The program implements a comprehensive, holistic approach to the musical development of a child in preschool childhood. The goal of the program is the general musical development of children, the formation of their musical abilities. The content of the program is determined by the logic of the development of musical abilities in preschool childhood at each stage. It includes all the main types of musical activities available to preschool children: listening to music, musical movement, singing, playing children's musical instruments, musical drama games. The central place in the program is given to the formation of musical creativity in children and the improvisational nature of classes. The musical repertoire of the program, new and extensive, is selected based on a combination of highly artistic and accessible to children works of classical, modern and folk music from different eras and styles; organized into blocks of topics accessible and interesting to children, fully presented in anthologies of the musical repertoire and partially in recordings on audio cassettes.

Program “SYNTHESIS” (K.V. Tarasova, M.L. Petrova, T.G. Ruban, etc.)

This program aims to develop the musical perception of children from four to seven years old. Has a broad educational aspect. Its content introduces the child not only to the world of musical art, but also to artistic culture in general. The program is based on the principle of an integrated approach, in which musical works are considered in a single complex with works of fine art and fiction. At the same time, the core art form in the program is music. The program included works of classical art and folklore accessible to children. For the first time, along with chamber and symphonic music, synthetic genres of musical art - opera and ballet - are used in teaching.


The goal of the program is to teach children aged three to six years old to select melodies by ear and play children's musical instruments (in an ensemble, orchestra). The program is distinguished by a fundamentally new method of teaching children to play musical instruments, based on selecting melodies by ear. Along with the development of an ear for music (timbre, sound, melodic) and a sense of musical rhythm, the program comprehensively addresses the issues of the general development of the child as an individual. The musical repertoire of the program consists of works of classical, modern and folk music, including new ones specially written for this program.

Program “BABY” (V.A. Petrova)

The program provides for the development of musical abilities in children of the third year of life in all types of musical activities available to them, and contributes to their introduction to the world of musical culture. The program is based on works from the classical repertoire, the rich range of which presupposes the teacher’s freedom to choose one or another piece of music, taking into account the level of preparation and development of a particular child. The program has significantly updated the repertoire of musical games.

Program “MUSICAL MASTERPIECES” (O.P. Radynova)

The program contains a scientifically based and methodologically constructed system for forming the foundations of musical culture for preschool children (three to seven years old), taking into account the individual and psychophysiological characteristics of children and interconnected with all educational work of the kindergarten. The program is based on the use of works of high art, authentic examples of world musical classics. The fundamental principles of the program (thematic, contrasting comparison of works, concentric, principles of adaptability and syncretism) make it possible to systematize the repertoire of musical classics and folk music in order to accumulate intonation experience in the perception of music, develop creative abilities in different types of musical activities, flexible application of forms, methods and techniques of pedagogical work depending on the age and individual characteristics of the children. The program provides an interconnection between children’s cognitive and creative activities in the process of forming the foundations of musical culture.


This program defines new guidelines in the moral and patriotic education of children, based on their familiarization with Russian folk culture. The main goal is to contribute to the formation of a personal culture in children, to introduce them to a rich cultural heritage of the Russian people, to lay a solid foundation in the development of national culture by children based on familiarity with the life and way of life of the Russian people, their character, their inherent moral values, traditions, and characteristics of the material and spiritual environment. At the same time, the program addresses issues of expanding the basic personality culture of teachers in preschool educational institutions. Theoretical basis program is a well-known position (D. Likhachev, I. Ilyin) that children, in the process of becoming acquainted with their native culture, become familiar with enduring universal human values. The program is designed to work with children three to seven years old, and includes long-term and calendar planning. Offers new organizational and methodological forms of work; contains information materials from various literary, historical, ethnographic, art and other sources.


Dedicated to the historical and cultural aspect of child development between the ages of three and seven years. Created on the basis of the achievements of modern science and advanced pedagogical experience of preschool educational institutions in the Ivanovo region. Determines the content and necessary conditions for the formation at the early stages of the civic foundations of the individual, its patriotic, moral, ethical and aesthetic orientation, nurturing love and respect for one’s people, their cultural wealth and versatile talent. The peculiarity of the program is the integration of the child’s historical, environmental, aesthetic, and ethical ideas based on broad familiarization with the cultural heritage of his native land, folk traditions, the original nature of the native land. The main criterion for selecting material is local history culture, art and history, facts and events as components of the general national culture of Russia. The program includes three blocks that contain a wide range of topics that provide for the introduction of children to their native land, its history, folklore, folk and fine arts, etc. in specially organized classes and outside classes. The program determines the content of joint activities of the teacher and children, and provides for the organization of free independent activities within which the creative activity of each child develops.


Developed in accordance with the structural component of the state standard of preschool education “Development of ideas about man in history and culture.” Particular attention in the program is paid to the enduring values ​​of world civilization. The main goal is to form in children of senior preschool age the foundations of spiritual culture, a humane attitude towards people and their work, respect for the cultural values ​​of different peoples, the development of cognitive activity and creative abilities. The content of the program, at a level accessible to children, introduces them to the lives of people in different historical eras and gives them a basic understanding of technological progress.

Program “THEATRE - CREATIVITY - CHILDREN” (N.F. Sorokina, L.G. Milanovich)

The goal of the program is to develop children's creative abilities through theatrical art. It scientifically substantiates the stage-by-stage use of certain types of children's creative activities in the process of theatrical implementation; means and methods of theatrical and play activities are systematically presented, taking into account the age of children; Parallel solution of problems of artistic speech, stage and musical art is provided. The leading principle of the program is to involve children in productive theatrical and playful creative activities, creating stage images that evoke emotional experiences. The program is partial and can serve as a supplement to comprehensive and basic programs.

Program “LITTLE EMO” (V.G. Razhnikov)

The goal of the program is the emotional and aesthetic development of preschoolers five to six years old, introducing the child to a full-fledged emotional and aesthetic culture: the child will be able to look at the world through the eyes of a poet, artist, musician; learn to compose and perform simple works of art. The program is based on children's mastery of artistic moods common to all aesthetic phenomena. Emotional and aesthetic culture is not forcibly mastered in its simplest forms artistic activity, accessible to almost every child. These are rhythmic-sound improvisations, color improvisations and syllabic poetic rhythms; In artistic games, the child masters the creative positions of the author, performer and viewer (listener). The program provides for parallel training for both the child and the teacher. Intended for teachers of preschool educational institutions and art education teachers, as well as parents.

Educational program “Kindergarten - House of Joy”.

This program was created by Natalia Mikhailovna Krylova, associate professor of Perm state university and Valentina Tarasovna Ivanova, an innovative teacher in 1985 at the Perm State University.

The program is built on a sound philosophical, physiological, hygienic and psychological foundation. The scientific basis of the “Kindergarten - House of Joy” program is Model program education and training in kindergarten, edited by R.A. Kurbatova and N.N. Poddyakova. The program reflected all the best created by domestic and foreign teachers and psychologists. Its tasks are:

Caring for the health of the child and promoting the enrichment of the mental and physical development of each child;

Promoting the child’s mastery of various types of activities at the level of independence and the development of his creative potential;

Promoting mastery of the basics of spiritual culture.

The central core of the program as a system is the moral and labor education of a small child, which contributes to the formation of value orientations of the child’s personality.

What is this - the House of Joy?

The concept of “Home” denotes the opportunity for each child, taking into account his age, gender and individuality, to live every day of his life as actively as possible, satisfying his needs: physiological and spiritual. In our “home” there is such an atmosphere, such a relationship between adults and children, when everyone is understood and accepted, loved and respected for being an individual.

“Joy” - this word denotes an emotion that arises at a moment of great mental satisfaction and pleasure, if the activity that a person carries out has a positive result.

Thus, living in the “House of Joy” means being in a state of activity every conscious minute, the success of which is confirmed by the emergence of the emotion of joy.

For a teacher, to educate in the “House of Joy” means to contribute to the enrichment and development of the unique individuality of each child. The child is accepted by the educator as a system that has the right to preserve its autonomy, originality and uniqueness.


Thus, a large number of educational programs make it possible for a modern preschool institution to solve problems not only educational.

Today, we can confidently state the fact of the formal or substantive transition of most preschool educational institutions into search mode. This regime is transitional on the path to qualitative changes and the transfer of preschool educational institutions to development mode. Another aspect is related to the qualitative characteristics of this transition: the extent to which the innovations implemented in the preschool educational institution correspond to the urgent needs and opportunities for its development, satisfy the interests and needs of children, parents, teachers, and contribute to the achievement of sustainable high development indicators. Therefore, the issue of identifying current problems in the development of preschool educational institutions becomes the most important.


1. Modern educational programs for preschool institutions: Textbook. aid for students ped. universities and colleges / Ed. T.I. Erofeeva. - M., 1999.

2. Getting ready for certification. Methodological manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions. St. Petersburg: Detstvo-press, 2005 (1st ed., 1999)

3. Website for preschool education workers

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