Vision diagnostics (computer and others). Comprehensive vision diagnostics and treatment of diseases of the visual system. What is included in vision diagnostics

Regular and thorough examination vision - best prevention eye diseases. Vision testing in patients under the age of 40 in the absence of complaints and hereditary risk factors should be carried out every 3-5 years. Vision diagnostics in patients aged 40-60 years is carried out once a year. After 60 years, ophthalmologists recommend having vision examinations 2 times a year.

However, if you have such aggravating factors as a hereditary predisposition, previous inflammatory eye diseases or eye trauma, concomitant general somatic diseases (diabetes mellitus, rheumatism and others), vision diagnostics should be carried out more often.

A thorough vision diagnosis includes a number of instrumental and hardware examination methods. And if you have never had your vision tested, now is the time. Diagnostic equipment latest generation allows you to measure most of the necessary parameters of the eye completely painlessly, without touching the surface of the eye. This significantly reduces the risk of any eye inflammation and shortens the time of the vision examination procedure itself.

So, ten reasons to see an ophthalmologist:

  1. Wide range of ophthalmological services provided.
  2. Using the most modern scientific developments, professional modern equipment, high-quality consumables.
  3. Full vision test comprehensive examination vision and diagnosis on the day of treatment.
  4. Individual approach to patient examination.
  5. A unified computer system for processing and storing patient information.
  6. Accurate calculations parameters of operations for myopia, cataracts and other diseases of the organ of vision.
  7. Vision diagnostics, initial consultation, surgery and treatment until complete recovery with one specialist.
  8. Consultations with the involvement of related specialists (neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, nephrologist) according to indications.
  9. Preparation for surgery and postoperative rehabilitation.

Thanks to our advanced examination and treatment methods, we are able to preserve vision and joy in life for most patients.

Deterioration of vision can be caused by many reasons. Vision diagnostics using modern equipment allows us to identify these causes, make the correct diagnosis, decide on the possibility and feasibility of carrying out a particular operation, and determine tactics conservative treatment patient. Below we will try to give brief description main and most informative methods examinations of an ophthalmological patient performed in our eye clinic.


Computer diagnostics of refraction - definition optical power(refraction) of the eye. The vision test is carried out using an autorefkeratometer, which allows you to objectively and accurately determine the degree of refraction of the eye (myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism), measure the radius of curvature and refractive power of the cornea, the diameter of the pupils (which is necessary to determine the laser exposure zone for excimer laser correction). Survey data obtained on an autorefkeratometer are necessary for calculating artificial lens eyes (IOL) for cataract removal, refractive surgery for myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, selection of contact lenses and glasses.

Measurement intraocular pressure It has great importance in the diagnosis of glaucoma, as well as a number of eye diseases accompanied by an increase or decrease in intraocular pressure. In clinical practice, tonometry is performed using applanation (non-contact) and impression (contact) methods. With non-contact tonometry, a pneumotonometer, using a directed stream of air, without touching the surface of the eye, quickly and safely measures intraocular pressure. This technology makes the measurement process more comfortable for the patient. The procedure speed is only 3 ms. If necessary, measurement of intraocular pressure is carried out with a Maklakov contact tonometer or Goldman tonometer, which consists of instilling anesthetic drops and measuring the degree of deflection of the cornea under the pressure of a weight (plunger) lowered onto the surface of the eye.

Biomicroscopy of the eye is a method of visual examination of the optical media and tissues of the eye using a slit lamp, based on creating a sharp contrast between illuminated and unlit areas, which allows you to study in detail the condition and identify diseases of the auxiliary apparatus of the organ of vision (eyelids, lacrimal organs, conjunctiva), pathology of the cornea , opacities in the lens under high magnification. The use of special lenses makes it possible to perform gonioscopy (examination of the drainage system of the eye) for glaucoma. Biomicroscopy of the eye makes it possible to study the condition of the vitreous body during hemorrhages and opacities in it, to assess the nature, scale and prospects for subsequent treatment of such pathologies of the retina as vascular lesions of the retina, hereditary diseases retina, retinal detachment (retinal detachment), retinal dystrophy, retinopathy.

Ophthalmoscopy is a method for examining the choroid, retina, optic nerve in rays of light that is reflected from the patient’s fundus. In the clinic, ophthalmoscopy is performed using a direct ophthalmoscope, a head-mounted binocular ophthalmoscope, or using a slit lamp and aspheric lenses or contact lens Goldman. Ophthalmoscopy is carried out under conditions of the widest possible pupil, which allows for a qualitative examination of not only the central parts of the fundus of the eye, but also those difficult to access for examination. peripheral parts retina, identify peripheral retinal dystrophies, retinal dissection (retinoschisis), subclinical forms of retinal detachment (retinal detachment), that is, pathology in the fundus, which is not clinically manifested, but requires compulsory treatment. Short-acting mydriatics are used to dilate the pupil.

This is the so-called “standard complex” primary diagnosis" If necessary and in agreement with the patient, vision diagnostics can be expanded with additional studies.


Tonography is a method for studying the hydrodynamics of the eye, which consists of graphically recording the results of repeated measurements of intraocular pressure against the background of prolonged compression eyeball tonometer. Tonography allows you to measure fluctuations in intraocular pressure, production and outflow rates intraocular fluid for a given period of time. Conducting this study is especially important for verifying the diagnosis when glaucoma is suspected and as a control of the effectiveness of treatment for those patients in whom glaucoma was previously identified.


Perimetry is intended to diagnose the state of the visual field - the space that the human eye sees when fixed. Often a person does not notice the appearance of defects (losses) in the field of vision due to the ability given by nature to look at the world with two eyes. Modern models perimeters have a wide range of threshold studies and highly specialized tests, which makes it possible to identify initial stages such eye pathology as glaucoma, retinal dystrophy, retinal vascular pathology (occlusions and thrombosis of retinal vessels), retinopathy, retinal detachment. Diagnostic capabilities for inflammatory and vascular pathology optic nerve, optic nerve atrophy, neuro-ophthalmological pathology. Perimetry with short screening testing methods is reliable enough to detect even minimal visual field defects without a large investment of time.

Ultrasound examination of the eye and orbit

Ultrasonography eyes and orbits - a highly informative, safe, non-invasive instrumental research method that allows you to obtain a two-dimensional image of the vitreous cavity, the posterior segment of the eye and the orbit. A/B scanning provides high-resolution images and allows measuring the size of intraocular structures with an accuracy of 0.01 mm. Ultrasound examination of the eye is performed for the following main indications:

  • Measuring the thickness of the cornea, the depth of the anterior chamber of the eye, the thickness of the lens, the size of the vitreous body, anterior-posterior size eyeball. This information is necessary when performing a variety of operations, including cataract removal.
  • Identification and determination of the size and topography of neoplasms of the ciliary body, choroid and retina, retrobulbar tumors. Quantification their changes in dynamics. Differentiation clinical forms exophthalmos.
  • Identification, assessment of the height and extent of retinal detachment, detachment of the ciliary body and choroid and their relationship with the vitreous body. Differentiation of primary retinal detachment from secondary retinal detachment caused by tumor growth.
  • Detection of destruction, exudate, opacities, blood clots, mooring in the vitreous body. Determination of their localization, density and mobility, relationship with the retina of the organ of vision.
  • Detection in the eye foreign bodies in case of injury to the organ of vision, including clinically invisible and X-ray negative ones. Determination of their location in the eye and relationship with intraocular structures.
  • Calculation of the refractive power required for implantation of an artificial eye lens (IOL).

IN Lately V clinical practice being implemented new method acoustic visualization of intraocular structures of the anterior segment of the eye - ultrasound biomicroscopy. This method allows you to examine the anterior segment of the eye at the microstructural level. Ultrasound biomicroscopy is a B-scanning ultrasound immersion diagnostic procedure with linear scanning, which provides quantitative and qualitative information about the structure of the anterior segment of the eye (cornea, iris, anterior chamber angle, lens) for the purpose of diagnosing glaucoma and neoplasms anterior section, consequences of eye injuries.

Fluorescein angiography with computer registration

Today, not a single clinic in the world can do without this informative diagnostic study. Fluorescein angiography, based on contrasting retinal vessels with a special dye, is the only method of its kind for accurate and effective diagnostics diseases of the retina, optic nerve and choroid. It reveals the structure of the retinal vascular bed, gives a clear idea of ​​hemodynamics, the state of permeability of the vascular walls, pigment epithelium and Bruch's membranes, allows you to differentiate inflammatory changes from vascular, dystrophic and tumor processes.

Fluorescein angiography is performed on the retinal camera with both diagnostic purpose, and to determine the indications, tactics and timing of laser treatment, as well as to evaluate the results of the treatment. This study allows you to identify ischemic zones and newly formed vessels, which is important to identify in diseases such as diabetic retinopathy, thrombosis central vein retina and its branches, occlusion of the central retinal artery and its branches, vasculitis, anterior ischemic neuropathy, pathology of the central zone of the retina (edema, cysts, ruptures), recurrent hemophthalmos and a number of other diseases.

Electroretinography (ERG) is a method for recording changes in the bioelectric potential of the retina, graphically expressing the electrical activity of the cellular elements of the retina in response to light stimulation. Electroretinography allows one to judge the functional state of the photopic and scotopic systems of the organ of vision, regardless of the transparency of the optical media of the eye. Study of electrical sensitivity thresholds and electrical lability visual analyzer allows you to evaluate functional state inner layers retina and axial fascicle of the optic nerve.

Electroretinography is performed:

  • if it is impossible to visually assess the condition of the retina,
  • in the presence of inflammatory process in the eye
  • if sympathetic ophthalmia is suspected,
  • for early diagnosis of retinitis pigmentosa,
  • For diagnostics of macular degeneration,
  • at acute disorders blood circulation in the retina,
  • for early diagnosis of metallosis,
  • in case of poisoning with neurotropic poisons.


Optical coherence tomography (OCT)

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive method for visualizing biological structures that allows one to obtain in vivo (“intravital”) two-dimensional images of transverse optical sections of biological tissues with a resolution approaching the cellular level (10-15 microns). Technological basis this method is the measurement of optical reflectivity (reflectivity) of biological structures. The device is based on a new diagnostic technology that allows you to obtain a high-resolution two-dimensional image of a section of the membranes of the eyeball and optic nerve, and measure the thickness of their longitudinal section by analyzing the light signal reflected from the boundaries of biological layers. The device makes it possible to conduct a vision examination even in cloudy environments with minimal strain on the patient’s eye.

What after vision diagnostics?

So, the vision test is completed. What's next? After careful and full examination Our specialist will have a conversation with you and, based on all the diagnostic data received, will prescribe the appropriate conservative or

Vision is considered one of the greatest values ​​in a person’s life, and few people think about it when they are in good health. But as soon as you encounter any eye disease at least once, you want to give all your treasures for the very opportunity to see clearly. Important here timely diagnosis- vision treatment will be effective only if the correct diagnosis is made.

IN modern world exists a large number of a variety of techniques that allow you to identify any problem with the eyes at the first signs of the disease. All of them make it possible to determine the nature of the threat and tactics further treatment. Such studies are carried out using special equipment in ophthalmology clinics.

Despite the fact that the process of a complete examination by an ophthalmologist takes only an hour, for additional diagnostics It’s better to allocate more free time. The whole problem lies in the fact that during the period of the study, the eyes are instilled with a special solution that dilates the pupil. It helps to see most lens to conduct a better examination. The effect of these drops can last for several hours, so during this period you should avoid any activity.

Why see an ophthalmologist?

There may come a time in any person’s life when they have to seek help from an eye doctor. Such a decision is determined by a number of factors that become possible during a visit to the ophthalmologist.

  1. Comprehensive vision diagnostics.
  2. Professional equipment and high-quality consumables.
  3. Reasonable price for the services provided.
  4. and choice of treatment method.
  5. The presence of a special database where all information about any patient is stored.
  6. Individual approach and appointment of required examinations.
  7. Surgery followed by rehabilitation.
  8. Consultation of related specialists.

It should be remembered that a person’s vision can deteriorate due to various reasons. Only a modern examination will help to find and eliminate them.

General information

Vision diagnostics are necessary for staging accurate diagnosis or simply identifying the causes that impair vision, as well as to select the optimal course of treatment for each individual patient. An integrated approach to this issue will help identify the real reason poor eyesight, because many eye diseases have similar symptoms.

To do this, a comprehensive vision diagnostics is carried out, studying a whole list of various indicators:

  • visual acuity test;
  • finding the refraction of the eye;
  • establishment;
  • condition of the optic nerve;
  • measuring the depth of the cornea of ​​the eye, etc.

Also, the list of comprehensive examinations must include an ultrasound of the internal structures of the eye to check for the possibility of pathologies.

Preparing for the examination

Complete vision diagnostics or partial examination can only be carried out after proper preparation. To do this, you should initially consult a doctor who can see if there is a vision problem accompanying symptom some other disease. This applies to diabetes mellitus or the presence of a chronic infection in the body. When compiling an anamnesis, it is necessary to take into account the issue of the patient’s heredity, which can affect his well-being at a certain period of life. Before going to the ophthalmologist, no special training is not necessary, except that it is better to get a good night’s sleep so that you can adequately interpret the results obtained during the examination.

Vision diagnostic methods

On this moment Ophthalmology has made great progress in understanding the eye as a separate element of the whole organism. Thanks to this, it is possible to more accurately and quickly treat many different eye problems what are they used for innovative techniques. It’s simply impossible to list them all, but it’s worth taking a closer look at the most popular and popular ones.


Vision diagnostics begins with traditional method- determination of acuity and refraction. For this, special tables with letters, pictures or other signs are used. The most common in this case is considered to be, although last years In first place were halogen sign projectors. In the latter case, doctors are able to check the acuity of binocular and color vision. Initially, a check is carried out without correction, and then together with a lens and a special spectacle frame. This solution allows the doctor to diagnose the problem as accurately as possible and select optimal treatment to eliminate it. Patients can usually regain 100% vision after this.


The most common procedure of ophthalmologists, which involves measuring intraocular pressure. Such vision diagnostics are very important when glaucoma appears. In practice, such research is carried out by contact or non-contact methods. In the first case, a Goldman or Goldman is used, which needs to measure the degree of deflection of the cornea of ​​the eye under pressure. At non-contact method A pneumotonometer determines intraocular pressure using a directed stream of air. Both methods have a right to exist and can make it possible to judge the possibility of a number of specific eye diseases. This procedure is considered mandatory for people over 40 years of age, since it is at that age that the risk of developing glaucoma increases.

Ultrasound examination of the eye and orbit

Ultrasound of the eyes is considered a non-invasive and highly informative research method, providing the opportunity to examine the posterior segment of the eye, vitreous and orbit. This technique is carried out solely on the recommendation of the attending physician and is considered mandatory before performing certain operations or cataract removal.

At the present time, conventional ultrasound has been replaced by ultrasound biomicroscopy, which studies the anterior segment of the eye at the micro level. Using such an immersion diagnostic procedure, you can obtain comprehensive information about the structure of the anterior part of the eye.

There are several techniques for performing this procedure, depending on which the eyelid can be closed or open. In the first case, the sensor moves over the eyeball, and in order to avoid discomfort superficial anesthesia is performed. When the eyelid is closed, you only need to apply a little special liquid to it, which is removed at the end of the procedure with a regular napkin.

In terms of time, this method of studying the condition of the eye takes no more than a quarter of an hour. Ultrasound of the eye has no contraindications regarding its purpose, so it can be performed on children, pregnant women and even people with serious illnesses.

Computer vision diagnostics

The noted method of diseases is considered one of the most accurate. Thanks to his help, you can find any eye disease. The use of specific medical devices makes it possible to assess the condition of all structures visual organ. It is worth noting that such a procedure is performed without direct contact with the patient, and therefore is completely painless.

Computer diagnostics, depending on the patient’s age, can last from 30 minutes to an hour. To do this, the person applying for the announced study will have to take a position near a special device that will fix their gaze on the image that appears. Immediately after this, the autorefractometer will be able to measure a number of indicators, the results of which can be used to judge the condition of the eyes.

Computer vision diagnostics can be prescribed by an ophthalmologist to assess the patient’s eye condition for the presence of diseases or pathogenic processes, determine the most optimal treatment plan, or confirm the need for further follow-up surgical intervention.


Another method for studying the human eye, in which particular importance is attached to choroid marked organ, as well as the optic nerve and retina. During the procedure, it is used special device An ophthalmoscope that shines a beam of direct light onto the eye. The main condition for this method is the presence of a maximum that makes it possible to examine the hard-to-reach peripheral parts of the retina. Thanks to an ophthalmoscope, doctors are able to identify retinal separation and peripheral dystrophy, as well as pathology of the fundus, which does not manifest itself clinically. To dilate the pupil, you just need to use some short-acting mydriatic.

Of course, this list of existing methods for diagnosing visual problems is far from complete. There are a number of specific procedures that can only detect certain eye diseases. But only the attending physician can prescribe any of them, so at the very beginning you just need to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.

Diagnosis of eye problems in children

Unfortunately, eye diseases can occur not only in adults - children also often suffer from similar problems. But in order to conduct a high-quality examination of a baby frightened by the mere presence of a doctor, you need to have an assistant. Vision diagnostics in children is carried out in almost the same way as in adults, but the child’s head, arms and legs must be fixed in one position to obtain the most accurate results.

It is worth noting that the diagnostic methods in this case will be identical to those stated above, however, an eyelid lifter may be needed. Children from 3 years old undergo pyrometry in the form of a fun game with colorful pictures. If it concerns instrumental research, you should use pain-relieving eye drops.

For a better examination of the child, you should consult with pediatric ophthalmologist who has special training.

Where to go for diagnostics?

If the question of carrying out one of the methods for diagnosing eye diseases has become a priority, it’s time to contact an ophthalmologist. But where can a vision diagnosis be made so that it is accurate, correct and really makes it possible to understand the root causes of vision problems?

Of course, the most experienced specialists in this regard are located in the capital, where many ophthalmological clinics are located medical institutions with special innovative equipment. This is why even regional ophthalmologists prescribe vision diagnostics in Moscow. Best clinics Russians located in this city will help you make the correct diagnosis as quickly and accurately as possible and decide on subsequent treatment tactics. Considering the reputation of modern medical institutions in the capital and the number of clients turning to them, it is worth highlighting the following options.

  1. Moscow Eye Clinic.
  2. Konovalov Ophthalmological Center.
  3. MNTK "Eye Microsurgery".
  4. Excimer Medical Center.
  5. Medical center "Okomed".

All that remains for a person who has vision problems is simply to contact one of the indicated institutions and get the necessary help.

Preservation good vision requires regular examinations by an ophthalmologist. Even if nothing worries you, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive eye examination once a year so that a possible disease can be detected. early stage, and his treatment did not cost a significant amount.

Modern high-tech equipment of our ophthalmological center and highly qualified ophthalmologists allow us to identify possible pathological changes eyes already at the earliest stages of the disease.

The Moscow Eye Clinic provides diagnostics for adults and children (after 3 years):

  • refractive errors (myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism),
  • disorders of the oculomotor system (strabismus, amblyopia),
  • pathologies of the anterior segment of the eye of various origins(diseases of the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, sclera, iris, lens),
  • pathologies of the posterior segment of the eye (vascular and inflammatory diseases of the retina and optic nerve (including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, glaucoma)
  • traumatic lesions of the organ of vision

    The Moscow eye clinic is under the direction of a doctor of the highest qualification category, a member of the Russian Association of Ophthalmologists

    A unique team of doctors, where each doctor has his own narrow specialization, which guarantees an accurate diagnosis and competent treatment. MGK doctors undergo regular internships abroad.

    We use only the latest ophthalmic equipment and materials from leading ophthalmic brands.

    We guarantee the quality of all manipulations performed and the full control of the doctor and anesthesiologist at all stages of the work.

Comprehensive vision diagnostics - in 1 hour!

Sign up for initial consultation ophthalmologist
for only 2000 rub.

We save your time and money

Maintaining good vision requires regular examinations by an ophthalmologist. Even if nothing bothers you, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive eye examination once a year so that a possible disease is detected at an early stage and its treatment does not cost a significant amount.

Safety and guarantee

The modern high-tech equipment of our ophthalmological center and the highly qualified ophthalmologists allow us to identify possible pathological changes in the eyes at the very early stages of the onset of the disease.

Painless and fast

Carrying out all necessary examinations in one place, in 1 hour, on the day of treatment!

In what cases is vision diagnostics needed?

An ophthalmological examination is necessary to assess the general state of visual functions, prevent eye diseases, and also to monitor the progression of the disease. In the latter case, diagnosis helps to select optimal treatment regimens for existing diseases, as well as to avoid serious complications and loss of vision. The examination is also necessary in cases of making decisions about the advisability and type of surgical interventions, if patients need them, in order to provide an opinion to other specialists (in antenatal clinic, neurologist, cardiologist, etc.).

How is an ophthalmological examination performed?

"Moscow Eye Clinic" has everything necessary equipment for diagnosing any eye diseases.

Diagnostic procedures can last from thirty minutes to one and a half hours, depending on the nature of the patient’s complaints, objective indications and his age.

Additionally, the thickness of the cornea (pachymetry) and the length of the anterior-posterior axis of the eye (PZO or echobiometry) can be measured. Hardware research also includes ultrasound diagnostics eye (B-scan) and computer

Used in ophthalmology instrumental methods achievement-based research modern science, allowing for early diagnosis many spicy and chronic diseases organ of vision. Leading research institutes and eye clinics are equipped with such equipment. However, an ophthalmologist of various qualifications, as well as a general practitioner, can, using a non-instrumental research method (external ( external inspection) of the organ of vision and its adnexa) to conduct express diagnostics and make a preliminary diagnosis for many urgent ophthalmological conditions.

Diagnosis of any eye pathology begins with knowledge normal anatomy eye tissues. First you need to learn how to examine the organ of vision in healthy person. Based on this knowledge, the most common eye diseases can be recognized.

The purpose of an ophthalmological examination is to assess the functional status and anatomical structure both eyes. Ophthalmological problems are divided into three areas according to the place of occurrence: the adnexa of the eye (eyelids and periocular tissues), the eyeball itself and the orbit. A complete baseline survey includes all of these areas except the orbit. For its detailed examination, special equipment is required.

General examination procedure:

  1. visual acuity test - determination of visual acuity for distance, for near with glasses, if the patient uses them, or without them, as well as through a small hole if visual acuity is less than 0.6;
  2. autorefractometry and/or skiascopy - determination of clinical refraction;
  3. intraocular pressure (IOP) study; when it increases, electrotonometry is performed;
  4. study of the visual field using the kinetic method, and according to indications - static;
  5. determination of color perception;
  6. determination of the function of extraocular muscles (range of action in all fields of vision and screening for strabismus and diplopia);
  7. examination of the eyelids, conjunctiva and anterior segment of the eye under magnification (using loupes or a slit lamp). The examination is carried out using dyes (sodium fluorescein or rose bengal) or without them;
  8. examination in transmitted light - the transparency of the cornea, chambers of the eye, lens and vitreous body is determined;
  9. fundus ophthalmoscopy.

Additional tests are used based on the results of anamnesis or initial examination.

These include:

  1. gonioscopy - examination of the angle of the anterior chamber of the eye;
  2. ultrasound examination of the posterior pole of the eye;
  3. ultrasound biomicroscopy of the anterior segment of the eyeball (UBM);
  4. corneal keratometry - determination of the refractive power of the cornea and the radius of its curvature;
  5. study of corneal sensitivity;
  6. examination of fundus parts with a fundus lens;
  7. fluorescent or indocyanine green fundus angiography (FAG) (ICZA);
  8. electroretinography (ERG) and electrooculography (EOG);
  9. radiological studies (x-ray, CT scan, magnetic resonance imaging) structures of the eyeball and orbits;
  10. diaphanoscopy (transillumination) of the eyeball;
  11. exophthalmometry - determination of the protrusion of the eyeball from the orbit;
  12. pachymetry of the cornea - determination of its thickness in various areas;
  13. determining the condition of the tear film;
  14. mirror microscopy of the cornea - examination of the endothelial layer of the cornea.

T. Birich, L. Marchenko, A. Chekina

To maintain high visual acuity, each of us needs to undergo regular ophthalmological examinations. An annual comprehensive eye examination should become the norm, even if nothing is bothering you yet. After all, a disease identified at an early stage will be easier and cheaper to cure without resorting to emergency or radical measures.

Modern high-tech equipment and highly qualified specialists of the Virtual Eye Clinic allow us to identify possible pathologies eyes in the initial stages of the disease. In our Clinic, adults and children (over 3 years old) are offered to undergo diagnostics of the visual organ to identify:

  • pathologies ( , ),
  • pathologies of the oculomotor system (,),
  • changes in the anterior segment of the eye of various nature (diseases, conjunctiva,),
  • changes in the posterior segment of the eye due to vascular or inflammatory diseases, as well as the optic nerve (including conditions with hypertension, diabetes mellitus,),
  • injuries to the organ of vision.

When is vision diagnostics necessary?

Data diagnostic examination necessary in assessing the general state of eye function, as a control of disease progression and in the prevention of eye diseases. Timely diagnosis will help to select optimal treatment regimens that prevent serious complications which can lead to vision loss. The examination is also mandatory in cases where a decision has to be made on the need and type of surgical intervention or to provide an opinion at the place of request (to the antenatal clinic, neurologist, cardiologist, etc.)

Ophthalmological examination procedure

The diagnostic procedure can take from 30 minutes. up to 1.5 hours, which depends on the nature of the complaints and the age of the patient, as well as on the objective indications that served as the basis for the examination. During the diagnosis, visual acuity, changes in refraction are determined, and intraocular pressure is measured. The specialist examines the eyes using a biomicroscope, examining (the areas of the optic nerve and retina) with narrow and dilated vision. Sometimes the level is determined or visual fields are examined in detail (according to indications). Additionally, the thickness of the cornea () or the length of the anteroposterior axis of the eye (echobiometry, PZO) can be measured. Hardware studies also include ultrasound diagnostics (B-scan) of the eyes and computer keratotopography. However, other types of studies can be carried out if indicated.

Capital ophthalmology clinics have all the equipment necessary for high-quality vision diagnostics.
At the end of the examination, the ophthalmologist must explain the diagnostic results to the patient. As a rule, after this an individual treatment regimen is prescribed or several possible regimens are offered to choose from, and preventive recommendations are given.

Video about comprehensive vision diagnostics

Cost of vision diagnostics in Moscow

The final cost of the examination is the sum consisting of the volume of prescribed diagnostic procedures, which is due to the patient’s objective complaints, previously established diagnosis, or an upcoming planned operation.

The price of standard primary eye diagnostics, including studies such as determination of visual acuity, measurement of intraocular pressure, autorefractometry and examination of the fundus with a narrow pupil, starts from 2,500 rubles. and depends on the level of the clinic, the qualifications of the doctor and the equipment used.

By visiting a specialized eye clinic for vision diagnostics, the patient receives the following advantages (compared to seeing an ophthalmologist in a clinic or having an examination at an optical office):

  • each visitor can use any necessary equipment located on the premises of the clinic;
  • highly accurate, detailed diagnostics of the organ of vision, including examination of the fundus, will not take more than 1-2 hours;
  • an extract with the diagnostic results will be handed to the patient, along with detailed recommendations on the treatment and prevention of existing diseases;
  • if necessary, the patient will be referred for consultation to an ophthalmologist who specializes in the identified pathology.

Remember that timely diagnosis is half the success of treatment for any disease. Don’t skimp on your vision, because losing it is much easier than regaining it!

Additionally, the following diagnostic studies can be performed:

  • determination of the angle of strabismus
  • ophthalmometry
  • tonography
  • (including computer)
  • pachymetry
  • echobiometry
  • determination of CFC (Critical flicker fusion frequency)
  • study of visual acuity in conditions of cycloplegia
  • determination of the nature of vision
  • determination of the dominant eye
  • fundus examination with a wide pupil

The best eye clinics in Moscow specializing in vision diagnostics

Average cost of some vision diagnostic services in Moscow clinics

Name of diagnostic procedure

Price, rub

Initial consultation with an ophthalmologist (without examinations)

Repeated consultation with an ophthalmologist (without examinations)

Fundus examination with a narrow pupil

Computer perimetry
