Treatment with the power of thought - human body - cognition - catalog of articles - rose of the world. Bioenergy treatment Energy treatment with hands for epilepsy

In addition to the help from the knowledge and experience of epileptologists, some of our patients and their relatives need spiritual support and faith in healing.

Who to pray to, asking to get rid of epilepsy.

In the Orthodox faith, people suffering from epilepsy cry with prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos and to the Lord God.

Heavenly Father, in the arms of prayer I offer You my loved one (name), who suffers from epilepsy. I believe that it is Your will to heal people because Jesus Himself did this while living on earth. Touch him with the Holy Spirit. Fill me with Your healing power. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I bind you, the spirit of epilepsy, and command you to leave his body forever. Lord, I ask you for a creative miracle - give him a new brain. Instill Your peace and tranquility in his heart. I believe, Lord, that everything is possible for You. Thank You for the complete healing of my (name). To you, my God, be glory, honor and majesty, in the name of Jesus. Amen. In the Catholic and Protestant faiths, the patron saint of neurological and mental patients (including epilepsy) isSaint Valentine . Valentine's Day is the day of all lovers, and also celebrated on February 14 .

Saint Valentine, Roman priest who accepted martyrdom in 270, during the time of Emperor Claudius II. People turn to Saint Valentine in prayer to recover from epilepsy.

One of the ancient names for epilepsy is “St. Valentine’s disease.” Traditions say that Saint Valentine relieves love fever and torment, and a prayer at the grave of Saint Valentine healed a young man from epilepsy. There is a well-known image of Valentine - a miracle worker - a deliverer from mental wounds and convulsions.

In Russia, the holy martyr Tryphon is called the patron of patients with epilepsy. Saint Tryphon's Day is also celebrated by the church on February 14th.

Since childhood Tryphon delivered with prayer fields from crop-destroying insects. They say that he performed a miracle of driving out a demon from the daughter of the Roman emperor. He could help with prayer against epilepsy, as well as in grief, loss, and difficult life circumstances.

Currently, parts of his relics are kept in Moscow, in the Church of St. Tryphon in Naprudny, in the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral, in the Intercession Cathedral of the Russian Panteleimon Monastery on Athos.
They pray to the Holy Martyr Tryphon for healing various ailments(especially epilepsy and sleep disorders).

Prayer for epilepsy to Saint Tryphon

Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you, and to those who pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, who honor your holy memory in this all-honorable temple, (by creating for the praise of your holy name), and intercede for us before the Lord in every place. You, the saint of Christ, the holy martyr and wonderworker Tryphon, who shone forth in great miracles, before your departure from this corruptible life, you prayed for us to the Lord and asked him for this gift: if anyone is in any need, trouble, sorrow or mental or physical illnesses will begin to arise holy name yours, he will be delivered from every excuse of evil. And just as you were once the daughter of the Tsar, in the city of Rome I was tormented by the devil, you healed her, her and us from his fierce machinations all the days of our life, especially on the day of our last breath intercede for us. Be then our helper, and a quick drive away of evil spirits, and a leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand among the saints at the Throne of God. Pray to the Lord, that we may also be worthy to be partakers of everlasting joy and joy, and that together with you we may be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

By receiving spiritual support and believing in recovery, it is easier for patients with epilepsy and their relatives to cope with life circumstances caused by the course of the disease. Faith gives strength and strengthens the will to live. Patients accept difficulties and are ready to do whatever is necessary on the path to freedom from epilepsy attacks. But we must remember that the path to recovery is associated with correct antiepileptic treatment, which is dangerous to abruptly cancel therapy on your own. Prayers for epilepsy will help you cope with soul-destroying emotions, strengthen your spirit, gain strength and move towards getting rid of the disease.

1. EPILEPSY- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Persecution mania. Giving up life. Feeling of intense struggle. Self-violence.

From now on I consider life eternal and joyful.

2. EPILEPSY- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Feeling of persecution. Denial of life. Feeling of a huge struggle. Violence towards oneself.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I choose to view life as eternal and joyful. I am eternal (eternal), I am filled with joy and peace.

3. EPILEPSY- (Valery Sinelnikov)

Description of the reason

This is a consequence of strong mental stress. Such tension can be generated by subconscious panic, mania of persecution, a feeling of strong internal struggle, and a desire to commit violence. A person inflates himself so much with his thoughts that the body at times refuses to listen to him and makes erratic movements. During a seizure, consciousness is completely or partially switched off. This once again emphasizes that the causes of the disease are hidden in the subconscious.

I have found that those people who are prone to seizures have a high level of subconscious aggression towards the world around them and towards people. This aggression can be expressed in hatred, contempt, jealousy.

I treated a 17-year-old girl for epilepsy. Her attacks began some time after her menstruation. Doctors, of course, did not try to find out the reasons and attributed everything to adolescence. The girl's consciousness blacked out for a short time, convulsive syndrome was expressed slightly, but it really frightened her and her parents. She tried taking pills prescribed by a neurologist, but after a while she gave up on them. As she said: “After taking them, some strange, clearly abnormal changes in my psyche began to occur.”

We began to find out the subconscious causes of the disease, and it turned out that this was very strong aggression towards parents and men. These programs were silent while she was a child, and began to actively work during her puberty. I spent two sessions with her, and the attacks stopped.

A year and a half later she came to me again.

— Doctor, you know, for a year and a half there were no attacks and I felt great, I graduated from school with excellent marks. But recently I felt that my consciousness seemed to be turning off. It only happened once. There are no seizures. But I became wary and decided to come to you right away.

“Maybe you can tell me the reasons yourself,” I suggested to her. — After all, during our work together you have learned a lot.

“Yes, I can guess what the reason is,” the girl said slowly. “This year I decided to go to college in another city, but my parents insist that I study near them. And it was on this basis that we had a conflict with them. Yes, now I understand, I have old thoughts again.

Once, when I was just starting my medical career, I witnessed how a traditional healer treated epilepsy in a young guy. He sat him in a circle and began to read certain prayers. The guy began to twist, to turn inside out. The male healer walked in a circle and said prayers, and the guy sat in the circle and writhed. The spectacle was truly dramatic. Finally the healer stopped, raised his hands in the air and shouted: “Get out, Satan!” The guy, twisting his lips and clearly not obeying his will, groaned: “I won’t go out.” The man again began to read prayers and walk in a circle with a candle. At the end of the ritual, he shouted the same words again. The guy moaned again, but quieter. It all happened again. And after the third time, the guy sank to the floor, exhausted, and fell asleep. He slept for a very long time and then went home. The attacks did not recur. I was amazed. “A powerful healer,” I thought. “I want to learn this too.” Just like in the New Testament when Jesus cast out demons!”

I decided to watch this guy. For six months he was in good health and had no seizures. But then one day he came again. The attacks began and became even stronger than before treatment. The healer performed the same healing ritual. Improvement came again, but not for a long time, but only for one day, after which the attacks recurred. Subsequently, the same prayers no longer helped, and the parents young man were forced to seek help from official medicine, although they already knew from experience that it was impossible to cure this disease with pills.

After this incident, I realized that it is impossible to cast out a demon or Satan, that is, a disease, from the soul. The cause of the disease must be eliminated. Jesus Christ warned about this. He said that the demon, which had been driven out, would return again and bring with it seven more, more terrible than the first. And a few years later I came to the conclusion that there are no dark or light forces at all. Any power can be used to benefit yourself and those around you.

What about this guy? I had several sessions with him. I managed with the help homeopathic medicines and hypnosis significantly alleviate his condition. Then I lost sight of him. Later, I examined his subconscious programs and found out that the cause of his seizures was a strong subconscious aggression towards the world around him.

Epilepsy is often found in adolescence, just at the time when it begins puberty. This sets into motion certain negative subconscious programs. Internal tension is growing.

Recently, a mother and her 15-year-old daughter came from the area for an appointment. Three years ago, a girl had a seizure at night, which was accompanied by loss of consciousness and convulsions. Subsequently, these attacks were repeated. Doctors diagnosed epilepsy and prescribed chemicals.

“Tell me,” I turned to her mother, “did the girl have her period?”

“She still doesn’t have them,” she answered. “In addition, the ultrasound showed that she has a very small, underdeveloped uterus.

- I’ll give you special ones now homeopathic remedies, - I said, - which you will take strictly according to the scheme. At first there will be a deterioration in the condition, attacks may intensify and be more frequent. But then she will start menstruating and the disease will disappear. Irina,” I turned to the girl, “did your mother tell you anything about menstruation, about sexual development?”

“No,” she answered embarrassedly.

“Then I’ll tell you, and at the same time mom will listen.”

After that, I gave the girl a whole lecture about sexual development, the function of a woman in this world, the joys of motherhood and marriage.

A month later they came for an appointment again.

- How are you doing? - I asked.

“Doctor,” the girl’s mother began her story, “everything was as you said.” At first there was an aggravation. It lasted three days, or rather three nights, and then everything stopped and a week later my period began. Now she feels great. There were no attacks during this time. Urination returned to normal and swelling went down. And we would like to consolidate our success.

Let's look at the concept of epilepsy. If we take the electrical component as a basis, it turns out that with this disease there is a pathological focus in the cerebral cortex. Electrochemical impulses cannot pass through it freely. The charge gradually accumulates, and at some point a “breakdown” of the entire system occurs. A powerful impulse goes to the membranes of the brain and to the whole body. This is manifested by convulsions and loss of consciousness.

Chemical drugs suppress not only the painful focus, but also the entire cerebral cortex with all the ensuing consequences.

I developed fundamentally new approach in the treatment of this disease. Why suppress the pathological focus? It is necessary to create new lines and feedbacks in the cerebral cortex, and electrical impulses will go around this outbreak. And gradually this part of the brain will be completely restored and will be able to take on its functions again. I have tried this model on several patients and the results are excellent.

4. Epilepsy- (Baginski Bodo J, Sharamon Shalila)

Description of the disease

An epileptic seizure is an experience and liberation from previously suppressed forces and aggression. A seizure forces you to stop holding yourself in control, and thus free yourself from memories and your consciousness.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

Respect the energies within you, do not judge them and do not try to repress them into the subconscious. Take a conscious look at yourself. Try to be conscious in your sleep too. Experience and accept everything that comes to your mind while falling asleep, and let it happen. This way you will learn to give and leave behind, and you will not have to be forced into it by fits.

Under bioradiological treatment, in other words, biofield treatment. imply a technique of bioenergetic influence on diseased human organs through the laying on of hands.

Bioenergetic treatment of ailments has been known since ancient times. This method of treatment is still used by many tribes that are at a very low level of development and have preserved their customs and rituals since ancient times. The ability to provide a healing bioenergetic effect is inherent in any person, however, as an integral teaching, bioenergetic techniques were formulated by yogis in ancient India.

Indeed, the method of bioenergetic treatment is an integral part of yoga and has a history of more than a thousand years. From India, the practice of bioenergy treatment came to China and the countries of the Middle East.

Some idea of ​​the methods of bioenergetic treatment using the laying on of hands can be gleaned from the Gospels - this is exactly how Jesus Christ carried out the treatment. Jesus had a huge supply of energy. The Gospels do not indicate how Christ restored his energy potential, but it is mentioned that in order to restore energy, he regularly fasted and even taught his students some sacred exercises. During his earthly life, Jesus Christ was able to carry out treatment and diagnosis not only through direct contact, but also remotely, at a distance. The healing effect is enhanced by faith in the healer. Jesus cured blindness, tongue-tiedness, dumbness, paralysis, epilepsy, all kinds of mental disorders, dropsy, bleeding, leprosy, joint diseases and fever. He treated the blind by laying on hands and at the same time washing his eyes with saliva. Sometimes the treatment had to be repeated. When treating epilepsy, the patient was put into a state of shock. Treatment was carried out taking into account biorhythms; some diseases were treated only after sunset. During treatment, a kind of medical ethics was observed. For example, in the treatment of blindness, when the eyes were washed with saliva, patients were treated without witnesses, usually outside the village. Treatment was carried out not only by laying on of hands, but also by breathing. Sometimes the cure was immediate. Jesus had seventy disciples, he taught them how to heal and sent them to different cities. The texts of the Gospels show us that by the beginning of the first year of the new era, a doctrine of bioenergetic treatment had developed, which included rules for treating an extensive list of diseases, techniques for gaining energy, as well as a theoretical basis and philosophy.

Treatment with magnetism was known in medieval Europe. Some priests had magnetic powers. The monks firmly believed in the healing power of the laid hands, and some of them themselves possessed such an ability. However, if in India the process of study was hidden, but not the treatment itself, then in inquisitorial Christian Europe it was dangerous even to treat in this way. Only the church had the right to determine whether this gift came from God or the devil, and recognized bioenergetic abilities only for clergy or kings.

Treatment by laying on of hands is also known in Russia. Archpriest Avvakum treated in this way. Many Russian healers also mastered this type of treatment. The secrets of treatment methods have been passed down from generation to generation and have survived to this day. Who has not heard of the spell of blood and various diseases? And this is magnetism treatment. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, the doctrine of treatment with magnetism ceased to be a secret. Ramacharaka's book "Occult Treatment of Yogis" (1909) is published. The first textbooks, such as “Healing Magnetism” by Vep-Ness Stillman (1909-1910), also began to be published. At the same time, the beginning of the training of doctors who know the methods of treatment with magnetism should be attributed. Many laboratories have been founded. To date, significant progress has been achieved in this area, and special laboratories are being created to study biofields. However, much remains unclear.

What modern science knows about magnetic healing, and how she views this problem? Normal operation human body is ensured not only by the external supply of various chemical compounds and elements of organic and inorganic origin. For life support, it is also necessary to receive energy from external environment. This energy does not appear as a result of any chemical or physical processes, but is the fundamental basis of the material world, present in any object or phenomenon. Any living organism has a developed bioenergetic system with its own inputs and outputs, capable of absorbing and accumulating energy, distributing it between organs and individual cells. Bioenergy, like any energy, in its transformations is transformed into a biological field, and, in turn, the biofield can be transformed into bioenergy; each cell, organ, part of organs and the organism as a whole generates a biofield, which forms a specific structure for each organ.

A healthy person has three different types of biofield, each of which changes in a certain way depending on the disease of a particular organ, thus reflecting a violation of their energy. It is by energy changes that one can determine what happened to a particular system in the human body. On the contrary, restoring energy balance means curing the disease. Possessing hypersensitivity to fields, sensitives, when their hands approach a person’s body, at some distance from it they feel the biofield in the form of various weak manifestations: heat, cold, tingling, etc. And highly sensitive sensitives in a certain state can see the biofield1 (aura) surrounding a person . Aura colored in different colors, creates a luminous halo around a person. The sensations obtained upon contact with the field can be differentiated in relation to certain diseases. During treatment, an energetic effect is applied to the diseased organ. During the process of bioenergetic treatment, the patient’s energy level increases, and the healer’s temporarily decreases according to the energy expended. Each person has a biofield, but usually its energy is only enough to satisfy the needs of his own body.

Special exercises make it possible to increase the body’s energy to such an extent that it has the ability to treat not only its own diseases, but also the diseases of another person.

Thus, the essence of bioenergetic, or magnetic, treatment consists in the ability to gain and transfer energy to a diseased organ or the body as a whole. This method of treatment has wide possibilities and high efficiency, helping to cure radiculitis, migraines, endocrine diseases, myopia and farsightedness, various inflammations, paralysis and strokes, asthma, flu, dropsy, mental illness, trophic ulcers, promotes blood clotting during cuts, treats rheumatism and many other diseases. In addition to the universality of the effect, a complete cure or dramatic improvement is achieved in some cases almost instantly. Diagnosis and treatment of the disease are carried out both in direct contact with the patient and at a distance of tens of kilometers in the patient’s image using the so-called resonance method.

Treatment can also be carried out through objects saturated with the healer's field. Moreover, diagnostics can be carried out using only photographs or sculptures. Compared to others therapeutic methods Bioenergy treatment has a huge advantage due to the absence of any complex medical equipment, accessibility to almost any person and the ability to do without pharmacological drugs.

Bioenergy therapy using hands

The energetic and physical structure of the human body is closely interconnected. Pathological changes in the internal organs, tissues and systems of the body necessarily lead to changes in the bioenergetic picture: energy flows, chakras and biocurrents pass into a low-frequency mode of functioning. On the contrary, external energy influence can lead to disruptions in the energy system, causing physical illness.

Healers-bioenergy therapists are able to sense problems in the energy state of other people - uneven density of the aura, changes in its color scheme, disturbances in the functioning of the chakras. In addition, bioenergy therapists can, through an effort of will, change their own bioenergy flows and direct them towards the patient, actively influencing his energy in a positive way. Therapeutic energy injections into areas with low energy density lead to an increase in the protective forces of the corresponding organ, and dissipation of energy in an excess area suppresses the hyperfunction of organs and cleanses the chakras, thereby normalizing the regulatory functions of the entire body. Below are a number of examples of the use of bioenergetic techniques in treatment traditional healers a number of diseases.

Bioenergy treatment for headaches

The method of "sealing" energy for the treatment of headaches

Place your palms at the patient's temples. The left one screens, the right one acts. The active hand makes circular movements, “sealing” energy to the temple. The exposure continues for 1 minute, then the influencing and shielding hands should be changed. Before this, you need to reset the energy (shaking the brush). Each temple is exposed alternately. At the end of the session, you should click on three points located on the same line between the outer corner of the eye and the temple. And also at two points in the occipital area.

The "pull" method for the treatment of temporal headaches

Both palms are located at the temples. The active hand performs “pulling” movements. Each stretch is accompanied by a release of energy. Then the hands change. The session lasts about 15 minutes.

The "pull" method for treating influenza headaches

The active hand works opposite the points on the side of the head, the passive hand screens to the left. Each stretch ends with a release of energy.

The "pull" method for ear pain

The active hand works only from the side of the sore ear, directing energy to three points, the passive hand shields on the side of the place of influence.

Treatment with bioenergy for colds

Treatment for flu and runny nose

Two hands work. The active palm is located on the patient's face or at a minimum distance from it. The shielding hand is located at the back of the head. The active hand begins to make circular movements clockwise, as if washing the face. The exposure lasts 2-3 minutes. A combination of bioenergy therapy and acupressure can be of great help. If you have the flu, acupressure can be applied to paired points above the eyebrows, at the outer corners of the eyes, under the pupils and near the wings of the nose. If you have a runny nose, it helps to act on the indicated points at the wings of the nose, as well as paired melancholy under the corners of the lips. The impact is performed in a pulse rhythm - 60 circular movements clockwise.

Treatment of sore throat

The energy emanating from the palm is directed to the jugular fossa. A beam of energy describes circles around it for 2-3 minutes. And then performs the same movements around two points located below the jugular fossa. Relief comes from an energy compress - the healer places an open palm on the indicated points, then applies the “pulling” method. This method is complemented by acupressure on a point located at the outer edge of the nail. thumb hands.

Cough treatment

When treating a cough, you should first treat acupuncture point, located on the bone at the bottom of the jugular fossa. After which the healer acts on the chest and back, their upper parts, using the “pulling” method.

Bioenergy therapy for the treatment of asthma

When treating asthma, special attention should be paid to the patient's breathing: inhale - 4-6 seconds, holding the breath and exiting take the same amount of time. During exhalation, the healer sends solar plexus patient energy flow. Treatment of asthma begins with pumping up energy, then acupressure is needed on two points: on the bend of the elbow, with inside, and a point located 1 cm from it. Then the healer acts on two points at the bend of the hand, on the inside of the arm. Next, the impact is carried out on points above and below the Adam’s apple, and on paired points located at the wings of the nose. After these procedures, the energy impact begins. With an active hand, the healer uses a circular motion to treat the jugular fossa with a beam of energy. The exposure lasts 3-4 minutes. The other hand shields the upper back. After this procedure, the shielding hand performs a “stretch”, the active hand performs the screen. After each “extraction” it is necessary to reset the energy. The session ends with the laying on of hands for 30 seconds on the upper back and chest.

Treatment for blood pressure disorders and heart disease

Treatment of hypertension

The patient is impacted from the back. The healer raises his hands up from the sides, at first they are clenched into fists, but as they move upward the fists open. By the end of the movement, a dome forms above the patient's head. The palms, connected by a boat, move along the spine, the movement ends at the patient’s heels. After finishing the healing movement, you need to reset the charge. Then the reverse movement follows, the palms open at the top. The movements are repeated 4-5 times (but no more than 8). You need to end the session with a downward movement of energy. To achieve the best result, you should act on the acupressure point above the armpit. During treatment, it is recommended to drink hawthorn or garlic juice with milk.

Treatment of hypotension

For hypotension, a healing session begins with acupressure on paired points located at the junction of the back and neck. The points are massaged simultaneously for 1-2 minutes. The energy impact begins from below, the hands of the cylitel are folded in a “boat”. Rising from the heels to the head, opening, the hands throw out a charge, and then rise above the head and, closing, go down. The movements are repeated 4-5 times, the session ends with the energy moving upward.


In mental healing, words are almost not used at all; treatment occurs through the transfer of thoughts or telepathy.
The “thought” of cells, cell groups, nerve centers, ganglia, etc. is amenable to strong mental suggestion from the outside, especially if the thought is permeated with prana. In this way, all parts are reached in a direct way, and not through subconscious thinking, as in true mental healing.
When used correctly, this method of treatment produces an amazingly fast and successful effect and is therefore one of the simplest and best methods mental healing

The theory of healing by the power of thought is to conquer the thoughts of the cells, to force them to resume normal activity. When healing with the power of thought, one should discard existing ideas from thought. Here you are not using thoughts against essence, but thought against thought. The strong-willed thought against the thought of the cells. This serves as the basis for the entire treatment system. Remember that the doctor is pursuing the “unruly thoughts” of the body particles. When the normal thinking of the cells is restored, the painful condition disappears.

The doctor directs the power of thought to the “thought” of the parts of the body and addresses them, pronouncing words out loud or ordering them mentally in the same way; “The thought is, you’re behaving badly, you’re acting like a spoiled child, you know you should do things differently, and I expect you to improve.” Such orders and reasoning will give you ideas about this healing. Try to tell the particles of your body what is required of them, and you will be surprised how quickly they will obey you. A rebellious thought particle acts like a child who is sulking and generally out of sorts. He needs to be caressed, scolded, directed on the right path, depending on the circumstances, of course, as when communicating with a child, love and affection are needed here. The cell's thought is essentially undeveloped, like a child's, and this must be taken into account when treating. Awaken the attention of cellular thought, and you will notice that it listens to your orders.

Quality of thoughts various organs one is very different from each other, just as children are from each other, for example, the heart is very smart and quickly perceives the order of the central thought. The liver, on the contrary, is a stupid, dense mental organism, and it must be forced, like a sheep. Children are the same way - remember this.


Stomach ailments. Most diseases come from the stomach, and the rest are the consequences of the main gastric ailment. Therefore, it is better to always start treatment with healing the stomach. Basically, nine-tenths of all stomach ailments come from poor digestion and malnutrition. When these causes are removed, the symptoms of the disease disappear.

The way to self-medicate the stomach is as follows: lie straight on your back. Then strike the stomach several times quickly but lightly, saying, “Thought, wake up!” Then place the palm of your right hand on your stomach, saying to it: Well, stomach thought, I wish you to wake up and take good care of your organ. You acted incorrectly, you did not perform your duties carefully enough. I now demand correct action so that the organ becomes strong, fresh and healthy.
You can repeat this in your own words, but make sure these words are clear and full of energetic command.
Treat the stomach daily for 5-10 minutes. The success of treatment will usually be seen in one to four weeks, depending on how long the illness lasts and your mental and emotional state.

Liver ailment. Treat the liver in the same way as the stomach. But since the liver is a poorly thinking, stupid organ, it must be addressed energetically and sharply - imagine a stubborn donkey. The liver cannot be touched with affection, it must be forced. When we talk about the liver, we, of course, mean its “thought”. Give the liver instructions on how to act correctly, secrete the right amount of bile, but not more, give the bile the opportunity to flow freely and perform its duties, etc.

Kidneys are treated like the liver: strike several times, and then order the kidneys (thoughts) to perform their duties correctly and naturally. Treat daily for 5 to 10 minutes. Continue treatment for a month

Rheumatisms are treated in two connected ways. The first thing to treat is the kidneys, and the kidney thoughts are ordered to destroy impurities and uric acid in the body. Failure to do this leads to rheumatism, therefore, eliminating this ailment will lead to a good result. At the same time, it is necessary to treat the parts of the body affected by rheumatism. Tell them to drop the uric acid and straighten out so that the contraction disappears. Treat the stomach in the same way, since the main ailment often depends on poor nutrition and poor digestion.

Heart diseases. The heart is the most intelligent of all organs. The image of his thought is the most sublime; one must approach him only with kind and affectionate words. In case of palpitations, you address him calmly and confidently:
“Calm down, calm down, strike correctly and calmly, settle down, settle down.” And you will notice: the heart will gradually calm down and begin to beat evenly.

Nerves. Nervous diseases should be treated, starting with healing the stomach and liver, so that their action is correct. Then work on the nerves along the spine, giving them the necessary instructions depending on the need.

Equalizing blood circulation. You need to say to the thoughts of the arteries:
“Flow freely and evenly, calmly and constantly, flow, move, flow!”
It is very useful to turn to this method of equalizing blood circulation in almost any healing, since it greatly contributes to the restoration of normalcy and healthy activity.

Headache They are treated first by healing the stomach, then by equalizing the blood circulation, and after all - local treatment of the head (sore spot), saying the words mentally: Well, calm down, calm down, until your thoughts come into order.

Women's diseases The first step is to treat the stomach so that the patient eats well and can thus transfer strength and energy to the diseased areas. Place your hands on your lower abdomen and command your thoughts: “Give strength, health, act correctly,” etc. When heavy bleeding add words:
“Calm down, stop flowing.” When the uterus prolapses, order: hold on tightly, tightly, tightly... All this produces a very strengthening effect.

Other ailments. There is no need to analyze all the diseases, which are essentially different types of wrong action of thought. The treatment is almost always the same - do general healing and then make your mental orders, depending on the circumstances, i.e. explain to the thoughts what is required of her, talk to her as with a child, reason, give instructions or force her. With the right pressure or thoughtfulness, you will soon master the art of giving correct instructions. But remember that you are addressing the thought of a particle, and not a soulless, lifeless being. There is nothing dead in a living body; a thought lives in every particle and cell. Remember that thought turns to thought and this is where the whole secret of this method of healing lies.

Also remember that most diseases occur from the stomach and improper circulation. Restore normal activity in the stomach, restore proper blood circulation, and this will destroy the cause of the disease. Don't forget this, because... it makes a big difference. Talk to the thought as to a person, a child, and tell it what you think can best influence it. With some skill you will quickly learn this and learn the different types of thoughts of individual particles, and they will soon feel that you know them, like a horse recognizing people accustomed to handling them. The same can be said about dogs. This method of treatment applies to animals as well as to people.

Remember that the thoughts of cells or parts do not understand the words addressed to them, because they do not have such knowledge, but they fully understand the thought behind the words and obey it. Words only contribute to the clear transmission of thoughts. They are symbols of thought; behind each word there is one thought or several.
A German can treat an Englishman who does not understand a single word of German. But the thought of the cell understands the thought hidden in the word, no matter in what language it is expressed. The spoken word helps formulate thoughts. Remember that we think in words. We even use words in our sleep.


Healing by suggestion is based on the action of mental force on subconscious thinking. Just as your own bad thoughts or the thoughts of others can create abnormal conditions in the body through subconscious thinking, so good thoughts can restore normal condition.. .

Outstanding psychologist prof. James said, “The fact is that there is no consciousness, whether it be a sensation, a feeling, or a thought, that does not translate directly into some action. The latter may not be external, it may only consist in a change in the heartbeat or breathing, in a change in the distribution of blood, causing blush or pallor on the face, or in something else. In any case, with any consciousness this action occurs one way or another. And in modern psychology they have finally come to the basic conviction that all consciousness must lead to overt or secret action.”

Wen says: "It has often happened that death or insanity occurred from great grief, misfortune or calamity, which is in accordance with the universal law."

Darwin said: “With prolonged grief, the blood circulation slows down, the face turns pale, the eyelids droop, the head hangs over the sunken chest, lips, cheeks, lower jaw fall from their own gravity. And the expression of a person who is in a good mood paints the opposite picture of one who is immersed in grief.”

Olstog says: “According to general laws, it follows that vigor, hope, joy, love and the desire for health and happiness give rise to the growth of tissues, strong and normal action of the body, and this gives general health. Emotions opposite to this cause destruction of the body as a whole. I believe that these facts should arouse extreme interest in the reader."

Flammarion says: “Some completely secret thought or impression, excitement can produce a more or less physiological effect and can even lead to death. People often die suddenly due to great unrest. The effect of the power of imagination on life has long been recognized. A well-known case that happened in the last century was when doctors studied a person sentenced to death. The convict was tied tightly to a post, blindfolded. He was told that he would be bled until the last drop of blood was drained. After this, they made a slight puncture on him with the tip of a needle and placed a siphon at his head so that the water flowed down his neck and fell into a basin placed on the floor. Six minutes later the condemned man died in fright, fully convinced that he had lost at least all the blood."

Maudsley says: “Excitement certainly acts on nutrition, either by favoring it or by discouraging it, and by not excreting it, increasing or decreasing it, or simply changing it. At the same time, there is reason to believe that excitement not only expands or contracts blood vessels, which manifests itself when a person blushes with shame or turns pale with fear, but also acts on the organic elements of parts of the body, which, with the help of nerves, according to the latest scientific research, ending, sometimes turn into matter. It seems to me quite reasonable to assume that thought can transmit its mood to individual elements of the body, inspiring despair and weakness in them.”

Darwin speaks of the effect of grief on physical poisoning and especially on the circulation of the blood. He points out that homesickness can disrupt the proper functioning of the body. Good news promotes digestion, bad news delays it. Disgusting sights cause a feeling of nausea. Sir Samuel Baker says: "In some parts of Africa deep grief or intense anger always gives rise to fever.”

Sir B.V. Richardson says: "Sudden mental shock sometimes causes diabetes; this is an example of a physical disease of mental origin."

Sir Jerome Nadelet says: “In many cases I have had reason to believe that the cause of cancer was prolonged mental anxiety.”

Murchison says: “In many cases I have had reason to believe that the cause of cancer was mental anxiety.”

Many eminent doctors report that cancer, especially of the uterus or breast, often arises from mental restlessness. Others talk about jaundice for the same reason. Anemia comes from worry and worries.

Sir B.V. Richardson says: “Strong mental mood affects the appearance of skin rashes. In this case, the same as with cancer, epilepsy and insanity, based on mental reasons, there is usually already a predisposition. It is surprising how little has been studied about the issue concerning physical illnesses, based on a mental phenomenon."

Professor Elmar Goethe says: “I know from experience that irritations, ill-willed, depressed feelings cause all sorts of harmful complications in the body, some of them are extremely poisonous, but pleasant, cheerful feelings produce chemical compounds nutritional properties stimulating cells and energy."

In his book “The Influence of Thought on the Body,” Prof. Tyuk gives many examples of diseases resulting from fear, the main ones being insanity, idiocy, paralysis of various individual muscles, severe sweating, jaundice, early gray hair, baldness, tooth loss, nervous shock, the consequence of which is acute anemia, eczema, etc. d. The same scientist points to the influence of fear of common diseases (cholera). The cholera epidemic used to spread so quickly primarily because of the fear of the people.

Prof. Massot claims that the dance of St. Vitus, mourning, epilepsy and other similar diseases arise from fear.

From all of the above it follows that any method that frees from fear or destroys it would very successfully heal many diseases. This is true: almost all methods of mental healing create a new mental atmosphere and a different mental state of the patient. Fear is replaced by trust, fearlessness, hope, and this affects the physical condition of the patient. The axiom of suggestion therapy is; “Thought turns into action, and as a person thinks intimately, so is he.”

General suggestion has a beneficial effect not only on the entire organism, but also reinforces and leads individual organs back to proper functioning. The subconscious mind perceives the suggestions transmitted to it, and they turn into actions. Even the cells of the body respond to suggestions through subconscious thinking, and in this way you can excite and strengthen every organ and, in general, the entire organism.
The use of suggestion by therapists has spread greatly over last years and under one guise or another it is rapidly increasing. Many doctors adhere to the so-called. “hidden” suggestions, by which are meant suggestions used in connection with some material means, and the patient is positively told that the medicine or treatment will produce “this” and “that” effect: this suggestion is repeated in different forms, and the patient’s thought is trusting prepares for the promised result, and “thought turns into action.” It doesn’t matter how the suggestion is conveyed - it’s still a suggestion!


Physical condition can improve or worsen depending on the mental state. Health is as contagious as illness, and the words: “As a man thinks inwardly, so is he,” apply equally to right and wrong thinking. And suggestion therapy is based on this theory. The doctor who resorts to therapeutic suggestion has to establish normal and mental conditions in those who are accustomed to thinking abnormally about their body, and also achieve a normal state through the influence of thought on the cells and particles that make up the body.

The main difference between mental healing and suggestion therapy is the way the treatment is applied. In mental healing, words are almost not used at all; treatment occurs through the transfer of thoughts or telepathy. And with suggestion therapy, the patient is treated through verbal suggestion. Of course, even when healing by suggestion, the doctor’s thought acts directly on the patient’s thoughts, as in mental healing. Most who resort to healing by suggestion do not admit this, but it is still true and in fact is even very important for treatment. Suggestion by word is often necessary to make a greater impression on the patient, but the mental power of healing accompanies these suggestions with or without the knowledge of the person being healed. This is confirmed by the fact that there is a great difference in the work of different doctors, despite the fact that they follow the same method of treatment and even use the same words. To avoid any misunderstanding, we want to make it clear from the very beginning that true simple suggestion therapy does not involve hypnotic suggestion. Of course, there are doctors who combine both, but this is not at all required, and one can argue a lot against it. When using suggestion therapy, hypnotism does not play a role. Hypnotists noticed that, having achieved a state of hypnosis, they could successfully instill health in the patient and, naturally, concluded from this that hypnotism should precede this method of treatment. But upon detailed study of this issue, it turned out that suggestion works just as well on a awake patient who is fully conscious and not subject to hypnosis at all. We advise the reader to mentally separate the concept of hypnosis from suggestion therapy. There is no real connection between them and for many reasons they should not be confused.

Patient's sensitivity. When healing by suggestion, the best results can be achieved by arousing receptivity in the patient. Just as when having a serious conversation about some important matter, one tries to speak with the interlocutor when he is in a calm, thoughtful mood, and not when he is distracted by worries or difficulties, etc., and his attention cannot concentrate entirely on the topic under discussion. . The doctor should also try to keep his patient in a calm state.

Attention. It is necessary to attract the full attention of the patient, since the success of treatment largely depends on this. Therefore, it is recommended to reassure the patient before starting treatment. The doctor can talk to him quietly, ask him to relax, not to tense up. A conversation should be held about the patient’s personal needs, touching only on what can only help to calm the patient and diligently avoid disturbing questions that cause antagonism on his part. Remember that you are not ordered to lead the patient to your own beliefs, but to cure him by acting kindly and soothingly on him.

Voice. The doctor must take care of developing a good voice “for suggestion.” It is difficult to explain, but perhaps our explanation will still be of some use. It does not require much eloquence, but you need to put feeling and persistence into the sound of your voice. We must try to ensure that the doctor’s voice is so imbued with thought and desire that the patient should feel its vibrations. The voice must be resonant and strong: it does not need to be particularly loud, but it must be imbued with force, the words must vibrate and penetrate the patient's thoughts. To achieve success, one must indulge in self-forgetfulness and fully concentrate one’s thoughts on the meaning of the words used. The voice must be very convincing. Imagine that you are treating a patient through suggestion.
Imagine the patient sitting in front of you on a chair, yourself standing or sitting next to you. Then give him a suggestion according to his illness, telling him what you are seeking, and announce to him firmly and positively that the result will be achieved. Choose expressive, vibrating words that are important for you to imprint in his memory during and after treatment and repeat them until you feel that the words are vibrating, intense and convey your intention perfectly. Take for example the word “strong”, this word should be used often in suggestion. Repeat this word several times, more persistently and convincingly. Thus: “strong, strong,” etc. Practice until you feel the vibration of this word throughout your entire body, until this word truly becomes for you a representation of the thought hidden behind it. Then take the word “healthy” and exercise in the same way. You should not repeat these words like a parrot, but you should try to feel them. When trying to achieve the correct intonation, do not forget the words “perseverance”, “persuasion”!

Eyes. The doctor must develop a firm, serious look in himself, without widening his eyes, but he must look firmly and with authority. This is achieved through thought exercises. A person always looks carefully at what interests him, so if you train yourself to look carefully and with interest, you will easily achieve the right look. We strongly advise you to develop this look in yourself, not for hypnotic and similar purposes, but to concentrate thoughts and attract the attention of the patient. In addition, this arouses the patient’s trust if he more or less doubts success and has a certain distrust of you. Without complete trust on the part of the patient, you will not be successful in treatment and it will be very difficult to help the patient.
He must act with a specific purpose, and not get upset over some trifles. We do not mean by this that a doctor should devote himself entirely to work and no amusement. On the contrary, we believe that work, entertainment, and rest are equally necessary to a normal person. We only want to say that the doctor must have a certain goal and act accordingly.
He must concentrate on his work. Inattention and lack of concentration hinders good action suggestions. Not only does the suggestion fail to achieve its goal, but the patient instinctively feels that something is missing and is not receiving the correct vibration. Use your will and focus your thoughts on work.
You must have faith in yourself, and if you lack it, you must restore it through self-hypnosis. Without faith in yourself, you cannot expect trust in others. Trust is contagious, but so is mistrust. Remember this.

Patient position. The patient should be in a comfortable position; It is better to place it on the couch or in a comfortable chair. The patient must be taught not to strain his muscles. To do this, ask the patient to keep his hands completely free, then raise them, the doctor should let them fall under their own weight and tell the patient to try to bring his body into a similar state.
Use the suggestion: “Now make yourself comfortable, calm, calm, calm. Relaxed and comfortable." In this case, suggestion should contribute not only to physical peace and comfort, but also to the mental elimination of nerve tension. It is better for the doctor to sit on a low chair next to the patient or stand next to or behind him. This should be done according to your own intuition; for this you do not need to follow certain rules.

Repetition. One of the foundations of suggestion therapy is the power of suggestion, which increases with repetition. Constant repetition suggestions are confirmed in his (the patient’s) memory, so the doctor should often repeat the main idea or the main suggestion, but not monotonously, but in a different word order, always remembering to include the main suggestion in them. Remember that what is imprinted by suggestion resembles a verbal attack on a fortress. We have to attack from all sides, so repeated suggestions in various types very important. When repeating, speak loudly and vibrate the main words.

Wednesday. For healing, one should, if possible, choose an environment in which the patient’s attention is not diverted from the suggestion. Try to exclude all noise and all impressions, so that the patient can concentrate on the suggestion. Lower the curtains so that it is semi-dark. All this has a positive meaning.

Image of upcoming state. When making suggestion, it is important to imagine the patient’s thoughts, the desired state, i.e. the state that you are trying to achieve. Do this gradually, depicting to the patient each degree of expected healing and ending with the mental image of him already completely healthy. When we indicate general healing techniques, you will more accurately understand what we mean. Here we only mention it so that you understand why such an image is given. Thought turns into action and the patient’s thought, step by step, following the image, unconsciously contributes to the physical manifestation of the mentally suggested idea.

General Notes. The words spoken by the doctor do not contain any special magic, and all the power of suggestion lies in the thoughts hidden behind the words. The degree of success of healing depends on the degree to which the patient is penetrated by these thoughts. It follows that success depends on the energy and attention the doctor puts into his thoughts. And from this attention and energy, through which thought is transmitted in words. Of course, in this case there is a constant mental or telepathic transmission of thought, but its influence is enhanced by the utterance of convincing words of suggestion, and the connection of thought and word produces strong effect.


During suggestion, do not mention the disease itself, but talk about the state that you are trying to achieve. Try to distract your thoughts from the illness and focus them on the expected recovery. By doing this, you will create an “ideal” in the patient’s thoughts, towards which he will involuntarily strive. Do not resort to negative suggestions or “denials,” but always stick to positive suggestions or “affirmations.” For example, do not suggest “you are not weak”, etc., but on the contrary: “you are strong.” By denying you confirm existence this state and prompt the patient's thoughts.

Suggestion Techniques

When treating by suggestion, the doctor must always mentally imagine what he wants to achieve. This mental representation makes it easier and more instinctive to apply correct suggestion, and it has the same effect on the patient as the transmission of thoughts.

At the beginning of the first session it is always useful to enter into a conversation with the patient about the influence of thought on the body and the amazing effect of mental suggestions on sore spots. Be careful not to go into theories or complicated details, remember that the patient has not studied these issues as thoroughly as you have, and that theories and details only serve to confuse him. Talk about “results” that can be achieved and touch only on the influence of thought on bodily organs and so on, without going into detail about theories. The main thing is that the patient knows what you are going to do and what you want to achieve and that, to the extent possible, he helps you in this, mentally imagining what you are instilling in him.
You will see that here we have included in the general methods of healing suggestions that give the patient an additional idea of ​​​​the power of mental influence. Sometimes it is useful to use such suggestions to maintain the patient’s interest, which is very important, since the degree of receptivity to the suggestion often depends on the degree of interest shown. Do not try to repeat exactly the words we quote, but cover only the main idea and develop it in your own words. It will be easier for you.


After the patient lies down calmly and comfortably, without straining, I will tell him:
“Now you lie comfortably and calmly, your whole body is rested, you feel calm, carefree, your thoughts are calm. And you allow my healing suggestions to penetrate deep, deep into your subconscious thinking so that they give you health and strength. They will grow like a seed thrown into good soil and bring you the fruits of health and strength.
I will start by strengthening your stomach and digestive organs, as they nourish you and bring you fresh strength. I will force your stomach to take in the right amount of food, digest it and transform it into nutrition that is distributed to all parts of your body, you need solid nutrition and I will force your organs to give it to you.
Your stomach has strength, strength, strength, it is able and willing to work and digest the food required for your nutrition. Today, he will begin to show his strength today, he agrees to work. You will soon feel an influx of strength in your stomach. You are already starting to feel this power. And you will notice how these forces will increase day by day. Your stomach will work more and more often. All your digestive organs agree to deliver nutrition to your entire body, and you already feel strong and healthy.
I hope you will help me, that you will indulge in joyful, cheerful, comforting thoughts, and they will drive away the disease. They'll drive you away! Trust me!
Now we will work on equalizing your blood circulation. Just like nutrition, it is of great importance. You will immediately begin to experience proper blood circulation throughout your body from head to toe. Your blood flows easily and freely, bringing nutrition and strength to every cell, every particle of your body. On the way back, it will take with it everything unnecessary from the body's cells, all of this will be destroyed in the lungs and thrown out of the body. Breathe deeply, this will burn you harmful substances released by the blood into the lungs. By inhaling deeply, you take in oxygen, which helps burn waste from the body. Think about this, promote proper breathing.
To get rid of unwanted products from the body, you must drink a certain amount of water daily. You must replenish your fluid supply. Place yourself a glass of water and drink in small sips, saying:
“I drink this water to cleanse my body of everything harmful and to restore it to a normal and healthy state.”
Increased fluid intake will help cleanse the body of toxins and promote proper functioning. intestinal tract. I focus your thoughts on the correct action of the intestines and stomach.
Now we have begun to act correctly and you must contribute to this work. When correct action is restored digestive organs you will get proper nutrition from the food you eat. Every part of your body is strengthened, every day you will get better and better. You will begin to breathe easily, and this will burn off all harmful substances. You will become cheerful, vigorous, happy, strong and healthy. Your whole body has become stronger, from head to toe, and every organ, every cell is now functioning correctly. You gain new strength and energy!”
You will see that the above techniques general treatment will have a very good effect on the patient, regardless of the local nature of their disease. The secret of this healing is that once proper nutrition, digestion and elimination are successfully restored, the rest will take care of itself. A person whose digestion and elimination are normal cannot be sick.
There is no point for us to go into detail about healing by suggestion of all various diseases. We have given you general instructions. And you can easily use them in any case.
Remember, however, that you should insist on proper nutrition with bowel movements and on proper blood circulation associated with breathing, since all this constitutes a universal panacea.


“As a man thinks sincerely, so is he,” says an ancient proverb. Physical health a person largely depends on self-hypnosis. If he maintains a mental state of health, strength and fearlessness, then he manifests them accordingly. If he succumbs to depressing thoughts and despondency, then this affects his body.

One of the main causes of cell disease is fear. It poisons the body, and its consequences manifest themselves in various directions. Destroy fear and by doing so you will destroy disease. Now the question is how to treat yourself. The answer is very simple: the person in question must instill in himself exactly what he would instill in his patient.

Your “I” can apply suggestion to the thoughts that control the physical organism and are in charge of the whole body. If the suggestion is conveyed seriously and persistently enough, it will produce the desired effect. There is no secret in this, since this is a fully established psychological law.

If you need self-hypnosis, then begin a course of treatment by first carefully reading our book “Hatha Yoga,” which contains information about the correct lifestyle. Once you are familiar with these rules, get into the right mindset.
The latter consists of maintaining the correct mental state of vigor and fearlessness. This is the main strength. If you are not completely healthy, then rest assured that this is due to a violation of some natural law. According to the instructions of Hatha Yoga, you can identify exactly what this harmful influence is and restore correct activity through self-hypnosis or correct thinking. Nine times out of ten you will find that the root of the evil lies in poor diet or insufficient bowel movements. Don't you believe it? In this case, we will tell you your symptoms and you will see that they correspond to your condition.

First of all, you have poor appetite and imperfect digestion or dyspepsia. You then suffer from constipation and, if you are a woman, have insufficient and irregular menstruation. Then your hands and feet are cold, which proves that your blood circulation is not working properly. Then your vision and hearing are affected, you have ringing in your ears and your vision becomes blurred. Your sense of taste is dull, your sense of smell is weakened and subject to catarrhal symptoms. But your sensitivity is not weakened, it is supernaturally developed and you are considered “nervous”. Sleep is restless, you feel tired, your skin is transparent, your lips and nails are not pink, etc. Doesn't this sound like your condition?
Isn't it strange that we identified your illness without knowing it? But this is not a miracle, we have simply given your symptoms, caused by a typical case of malnutrition and improper elimination, the latter being the root cause of your disease.
Now treat yourself, following the instructions of general healing under the heading “Techniques of Suggestion.”
Imagine yourself mentally as you would like to be. Then convince yourself that you have become like this and are living the way you are supposed to live. healthy person. Then talk to yourself, tell your subconscious mind what you expect from it, make it control your physical body, create new cells, discard worn-out ones. It will listen to you, and you will soon become healthy and strong. There is no secret hidden in such self-hypnosis. It’s just that your “I” conveys to the subconscious thinking that it is obliged to act and do its job correctly. By leading a correct lifestyle, you give the subconscious thinking the material it needs and create favorable conditions for work.
Show seriousness while doing this without any embarrassment. Say: “I’m tired of my illness, I want to get rid of it, and I insist that my stomach works properly and immediately gets rid of toxins, and that we (thinking) monitor this. I drink enough water. I breathe correctly so that unusable substances are burned with oxygen, etc.” Add to this any instructions that you find useful, and watch how the subconscious mind “gets to work.”


Wrong thinking affects the physical body.
The theory and system of mental healing is based on the influence of thought on the body in connection with the idea that thought can not only harm the functioning of the body, but also contribute to the restoration of health and correct action.
Suggestion and mental healing are twins: each represents one aspect of the same thing. The main difference lies in the manner in which force is applied. Suggestion depends almost entirely on verbal suggestions, while mental suggestion is based on telepathy or thought transmission.
It is best to combine both methods. If you want to heal another person, then during mental healing the presence of this person is not necessary.
Once considered fantasy, telepathy is now gaining acceptance in scientific world and will soon be passed into law. I will give several examples showing that telepathy is generally recognized among outstanding scientists of our time.

T. Bennett, Secretary of the Society for Psychical Research, says: “We are led to the inescapable conclusion that knowledge does not penetrate into our minds only through the five senses.” In other words, the researcher is forced to conclude that thought transmission or telepathy should be accepted as a scientifically verified fact.

Prof. Dolon D. Klekenborg, an American scientist, says: “According to the predictions of Maeterlinck, the time has come for the mutual interrogation of souls, without the mediation of the five senses.”

Clark Bell says: “As it is recognized by scientists who take it into account as a fact, telepathy is some unknown feeling, an unknown force of the human body, through which communication between different brains human body, like physical phenomenon, - some way of knowing, similar to the well-known and studied transmission of electric current or to the force of gravity, which we know that it exists, but are not yet able to understand how it operates and understand its system.

The famous English scientist William Crookes says: “If we accept the theory that the brain consists of individual particles nerve cells, then we must assume that each of these particles, like any smallest matter, has the ability to vibrate, and when known conditions will vibrate, just as, for example, the nerve of the retina is subject to vibration contained in the ether.”

Dr. Deldon Leovit says: “It is an indisputable fact that all who have carefully studied and researched telepathy are convinced that it exists and can be applied. I was finally convinced of this from my own experience. I know that in some way a thought can be transmitted from one person to another when both are fully conscious, and I have reason to believe that it is even better transmitted to the unconscious thought of the one who perceives it.

French astronomer Camille Flamarion says: “As a result of our observations, we conclude that the thought of one can influence another person at a distance, without the help of words or other visible means of communication.
There is nothing contrary to science, nothing romantic about recognizing that a thought can influence another brain from afar. Science has recognized that one person can influence another at a distance, this is as true as the existence of Paris, Napoleon, oxygen or Sirius. There is no doubt that our psychic power produces a movement in the ether, transmitting, like all movements of the ether, captured by the brains, which are in harmony with our brain. The transformation of psychic action into etheric movement with a telephone, when the receiver, being identical with the receiver at the other end, reproduces the transmitted sound movement not through sound, but through electricity, but this is only a comparison.

This telepathy serves as the basis for the “correspondence healings” performed by mental experts in cases where they are not applied through direct verbal suggestion.

The principle of mental healing is based on the manifestation of thoughts through organs, cells and parts of the body. The situation is perceived by the mental states of the central thinking, and everything that harms the latter harms me. The doctor tries to restore a normal mental state in the central thinking. This normal state brings a person awareness of his power over the body and over the entire organism. Restoring this mental state leads to recovery if the disease has already established itself. Her healing power depends on the degree of awareness of the power of his thoughts demonstrated by a given person.

Usually this basis is not sufficiently developed in the majority who have descended to lower mental planes and for some reason have allowed their awareness to weaken. This is where the help of a doctor is required. If the thought remains positive and alive, and he has gained experience in transmitting thoughts, the doctor, starting to treat the patient, increases his “vibrations” to the required state and then transfers them to the patient, by whom they are perceived, influencing his central thinking, which revitalizes the patient’s body through the action on the “thoughts” of its particles.


Anyone who wants to become a healer can take from each method of treatment what they like. In this case, you need to be guided by intuition. This will be in your best interest and will lead you to success.

In mental healing, the doctor must be able to imagine to the patient the state he is seeking; he must mentally contemplate that the patient is already healthy and all the particles of his body are functioning normally. In other words, the success of mental treatment depends on the doctor’s ability to mentally imagine his recovery. Cast aside all doubts and train your thoughts to imagine the desired state, as if you saw it with your own eyes. Practice this daily and you will be amazed at your success, and in the end you will feel the power of healing washing over you like a wave.

The transmission of thoughts itself does not require much effort on the part of the doctor. The main difficulty lies in the ability to imagine the mental image described above - having achieved this, it is not difficult to convey the thought simply by imagining that it is being carried out.

The latter may seem strange to many of you who are accustomed to thinking that a great effort in concentration is required to transmit thoughts, but this is not so. In reality, concentration is required only to generate a clear mental image, and once this is achieved, transmission is effected only by an act of will or desire, in other words, by thought. Some doctors and practitioners of thought transmission prefer to imagine that they are seeing the thought actually leaving the brain, actually being thrown through space, and actually being received by the patient's thought. This method makes it easier for the mind to hold on to the mental idea until it comes true.

When treating a patient in his presence, the first duty must be to calm him down, try to ensure that, if possible, he surrenders to complete silence. He does not need to sleep or doze, he just needs to calm his thoughts and, if possible, distract them from objects and ideas of the outside world. To best achieve this, you should try to keep the room quiet and calm, and avoid bright lighting so as not to distract the patient’s attention.

Having fulfilled the required conditions, sit quietly until you feel that your own state is mentally suitable for starting healing, and that your vibrations are sufficiently strengthened (you yourself should feel this), and then you can begin treatment. Imagine mentally the ideal of the desired state and then “think” that this state is transmitted to the patient’s thoughts. Give him a mental photograph, so to speak.

When making a mental image you can use words, but silently; Of course, the most important thing is to imagine the mental image of the patient that you are trying to achieve. Remember this forever. Try to mentally imagine that the patient has completely recovered, and try to mentally hold this idea for the entire duration of treatment. In addition to treatment, it is useful to give the patient some advice, encouragement and point out that his own thought power can contribute to the successful work of your thoughts.

When “absentee healing” or “distance treatment” the doctor must act in exactly the same way as in the presence of the patient. He must imagine that the patient is next to him in the same room, and he must begin treatment in the same way as with the patient. He must imagine that he “sees” his thoughts leaving, wandering and reaching the patient. He must “see” and feel the presence of the patient near him.

Many doctors mentally talk with their patients, telling them everything they need, because they were personally present with him. Such healing may consist only of suggestions regarding health, strength, restoration of vitality, etc. It goes without saying that thoughts of love surround the thoughts of the patient and drive out all harmful and negative thoughts.

In case of correspondence treatment, it is better if the patient is in a calm, receptive state during healing: for this, you must henceforth agree with him at what time you will begin healing. But this is optional. Many treat their patients, choosing, in their opinion, the most suitable time and condition for this.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

These exercises must be done by the patient himself. If you are sick Small child and he himself cannot do these exercises due to his age, then mom and dad should do these exercises instead of him, that is, with thoughts of him.

A positive psycho-emotional attitude towards recovery has a positive effect on success and speeds up the treatment process.

Our thoughts depend on our mood, our thoughts lead us to certain actions. Our actions give the result we have now. I recommend you watch the movie The Secret on this topic. and read the book “The Subconscious Can Do Anything.” The book is freely available on the Internet and can be downloaded for free.

I also recommend doing one very effective exercise every day:

Imagine that your head is a big and beautiful planet, where tropical forests grow and animals and birds of unprecedented beauty live. Your disease is an alien evil civilization that is trying to enslave and take over your planet. You are a superhero, you have the strongest weapon in the entire galaxy, which no one else has. Imagine in your thoughts how your enemies get scared and run away from you, imagine how you kill and destroy them, imagine how they die, run away themselves and there are fewer and fewer of them, and then they disappear altogether and never return again because they are afraid of you and they know that they will never defeat you. Imagine how your enemies told everyone around what a strong and dangerous opponent you are and now everyone is afraid to even think about attacking you. And as a result, peace comes again on your planet, love and harmony, and the world lives there happily ever after.

Do this exercise as often as possible, whenever you have a minute of free time. Do it when you wake up and when you fall asleep before going to bed. Do it when you're in an elevator, on a bus, or when you're standing in line. And in a month and a half you will feel how your life has begun to change for the better! The main thing in this exercise is frequency and regularity of execution!

Exercise No. 2

Sit in a calm environment and imagine how your life would change if you did not have this disease: for example, maybe you would take up sports or dancing, or for example you could find another better job, or maybe you would improve your relationships with family/friends or for example, they would give birth to another child…. In general, whatever you want. Imagine clearly and clearly in your head what you can achieve if you do not have the disease. The picture in your head should be bright and colorful and don’t be afraid to imagine. Fantasize all your wildest desires. And that's when you imagined it - imagine that you already have it. There is no need to worry about whether it will work or not, just take a deep breath and exhale calmly. since you already have THIS. And live with this thought. If, for example, you want to change your job, imagine how you work where you have always dreamed, imagine what successful results you achieve in the workplace and how everyone admires you, etc. Do this exercise every day throughout the course of treatment.

With such exercises you set your brain a goal, a task, you give instructions on what it should strive for!

It is also recommended to go to church, take the rite of communion and confess to a priest. Stand under the dome, make a wish and light 10 candles for the health of your living relatives and 10 candles for the peace of your deceased relatives.

Also try to communicate less with negative people who complain a lot, criticize everyone, and are always dissatisfied with something. Save your energy!
