Psychotherapeutic and psychological assistance. Psychotherapeutic assistance Psychotherapeutic methods in the treatment of mental disorders

Modern society of the twenty-first century drives a person into conditions that he cannot cope with on his own. This has a negative impact on psychological health individual. If a person is sufficiently impressionable, receptive, and vulnerable, then over time he may develop a state of apathy, and then depression and addiction. And the most effective thing that can help in such a situation is psychotherapeutic assistance.

The easiest way to help a patient is not in the early stages of the disease, when he only shows the first symptoms of depression: frequent mood swings, apathy and indifference to the entire world around him, daily anger, attacks of aggression. These are already the first urges to someone who needs help, even if he himself does not realize it or denies it.

Such a concept as “psychotherapy” arose on the basis of connecting sciences - psychology and psychiatry. From each of them, this industry learned the basic theories, systems, and developments of researchers and experimenters. But the principles, methods and methods of treatment in psychotherapy are completely unique.

Psychotherapeutic assistance is to rid a person of addiction, voluntarily or forcibly. This type of treatment is selected individually for each patient, since the object with which the doctor works is not an organ or part of the body, but the human mind. The doctor needs to influence a person’s subconscious in all available ways.

Psychotherapeutic assistance can be:

  • Group. This type of treatment involves bringing people with the same problems together into one group for more effective treatment. The emphasis here is on the relationships between group members, their interaction and helping each other.
  • Individual. This type of therapy is used when the disease is at a severe stage or the patient has strong resistance. The doctor carefully studies the causes and problems of the disease and selects an individual approach to the patient.
  • Rational. This type of psychotherapy is used for initial stages diseases. They help a person rethink his way of life, his relationship with the world around him, learn a lesson and understand how to live correctly.
  • Sugestive. In other words, this is hypnosis. With its help, the human mind “restarts” and gets rid of harmful thoughts, habits, and preferences. The mind is influenced by the power of words.
  • Gestalt therapy. A philosophical approach to getting rid of psychological diseases. With its help, a person gains his integrity.
  • Color therapy. Type of non-traditional psychotherapeutic assistance. Specialists select a color in which the patient feels comfortable. He lives in a room that suits him. Some experts believe that this has a beneficial effect on people's subconscious.

These are only the most basic types of psychotherapy. And only after a thorough examination, the doctor selects it individually for each patient.

Also in psychotherapy there are several methods on which all treatment is based:

The first method is cognitive behavioral therapy. It helps to determine the reasons for the patient’s abnormal behavior and learn about all psychological traumas and disorders. Then the patient is taught to look at the world differently and independently find a way out of difficult situations.

Second method - interpersonal or interpersonal treatment. Very effective for social phobias and those who do not know how to live and survive in modern world. This therapy teaches the patient to interact with other people, to feel comfortable among large quantity of people.

Next, existential method, allows the client to rethink his life, understand what his mistake is and learn a lesson. The patient learns to take responsibility for his actions.

Fourth method psychodynamic treatment helps the patient leave negative, painful situations and memories in the past and start living with a clean slate.

And last, client-centered method - This individual treatment. The doctor must enter the patient's circle of trust, become his friend and advisor, in order to easily influence the subconscious and actions.

Providing psychotherapeutic assistance

The NP-Clinic provides psychotherapeutic assistance, each patient can receive qualified assistance from a specialist.

It begins with a thorough examination and diagnosis. As a result, the doctor selects an individual approach, method and methods of treatment. After which he begins the therapy process itself.

At this time, the patient should be in the hospital so that the surrounding society does not affect the course of treatment. Length of stay medical institution depends on the stage of the disease and on the patient’s desire to be cured. Therefore, if you have any problems, contact professionals immediately and enjoy life!

It has long been known that psychotherapeutic help is periodically necessary for the majority of absolutely healthy people. It is difficult to find a person who is unfamiliar with the feeling of fear, difficulty controlling one’s own behavior, depressive states, low self-esteem. Much has been experienced personally, or is familiar from the example of others. But in most cases, qualified help is not often sought, since strong individuals are able to solve the problem on their own. However, even such people have situations that are not easy to cope with alone. In this case, the help of a psychotherapist who uses a wide range of methods and techniques is very helpful.

It should be emphasized that psychotherapeutic assistance is extremely multifaceted, so it is impossible to name problems that would be beyond its power. People are suffering various dependencies, depression, neurotic disorders, have personal problems, and this is only a small part of the indications for psychotherapeutic sessions. In addition, psychotherapeutic assistance is highly effective in a number of cases. psychosomatic diseases, for example, when hypertension, dermatology, endocrine disorders, chronic pain syndromes, dermatological and gastroenterological disorders, and in many other cases.

Each voiced problem has its own solution, and psychotherapy will find the right option. It is known that this method treatment is divided into its main approaches, and each of them has its own characteristics and characteristic differences. For example, when used in psychotherapy systematic approach the action is focused on marriage, partnership, family, certain groups that are accepted as independent organisms. It is understood that they have their own history, stages of development, an integral system consisting of internal patterns in the presence of dynamics and holistic orientation. The humanitarian approach is aimed at rethinking existing life experience.

Providing psychotherapeutic assistance to a patient also includes such an item as teaching a person the correct skills to control emotions and thinking. Currently, the science of psychotherapy includes approximately four hundred and eighty known psychotherapeutic techniques, so the choice is huge. Psychotherapeutic assistance can be provided not only using a specific method, but also a combined approach is used. As a rule, psychotherapy is carried out as a separate method of treatment, but if necessary it is supplemented using medicinal methods. It depends on the task and the purpose of the impact.

When providing psychotherapeutic assistance, the doctor always chooses a course for the patient individually, and such treatment cannot be applied to another person, since there are so many different personal details. It can be assumed that two patients have similar problem, for example, suffer from low self-esteem. However, the therapy will still have significant differences, since this problem has completely different origins. To choose the right treatment method, one consultation is enough for a specialist. Based on the conversation with the person and all available information, the psychotherapist chooses the most effective approach that is effective in this case.

Types of psychological assistance can have different directions. For example, psychological education is used in counseling, but psychoprophylaxis consists of lectures on the desired topic, and assistance in the form of seminars. During psychodiagnostics, existing problems are identified and many psychological indicators are determined. If we are talking about psychological counseling, then it is implied that it turns out psychological help patients whose condition is within the normal psychological norm. Basically, psychotherapeutic methods are aimed at directly solving deep-seated personal problems. Psychotherapy also distinguishes between clinical and non-clinical methods.

When applying any type of psychotherapeutic assistance, the specialist views the patient not as seriously ill, but simply as a person with a different worldview. Therefore, medications are used very limitedly, that is, treatment is carried out precisely psychotherapeutically. Initially, the psychotherapist seeks to restore the norm, defined as emotional state, and personal characteristics of a person. Psychotherapeutic assistance can be a crisis intervention, when it is needed immediately, or it can be carried out as planned, in the form of psychological training, which is mainly preventive measure. Scientists argue that it is impossible to make a strict distinction between the types of psychological assistance provided, since there are areas of overlap that are difficult to define.

As in other areas of activity, when providing psychological assistance, a number of professional requirements are presented to a specialist, and their implementation is mandatory. There are specific ethical codes associated with the work of a psychotherapist. It is known that there are no simple and unambiguous solutions applicable to moral and ethical issues arising in psychotherapeutic practice. Compliance with such principles is considered a prerequisite; treatment must not only be effective, but also socially acceptable. Traditionally, a friendly attitude towards patients is in the foreground, which involves a comprehensive professional behavior providing the client with comfort and confidence. A person should have no doubt that he will receive psychotherapeutic assistance.

    To familiarize students with the basic theoretical positions of psychotherapy for crisis conditions associated with loss, the grieving process and suicidal behavior.

    Provide an overview of existing models of therapeutic care.

    To develop basic skills in the adequate selection of methods of psychological assistance.

Designed for clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, students of psychological faculties, employees of crisis centers.

Training seminar, does not involve therapeutic treatment of listeners’ crisis states and is not intended for bereaved people in a state of acute grief.

    Grief, as natural and necessary process experiences of loss. The main stages of the experience.

    The concept and psychological picture of acute grief. Normal dynamics and pathological grief. Factors influencing the grieving process. The tasks of grief. Understanding the essence psychological processes upon loss.

    Conditions in the grieving process that require psychotherapy. Models of psychological assistance. Goals of consultation and psychotherapy. Basic techniques for establishing contact and interaction, principles of working with a grieving client. Pre-grief.

    Working with bereaved children loved one. Grief in the family system.

    The phenomenon of suicidal behavior. A variety of theories explaining the formation of this type of deviation. The theory of microsocial maladjustment as a leading integrative model.

    Analysis of the stages of suicidal behavior. Opportunities and tasks of psychological assistance at each stage.

    Suicidal risk factors.

    Suicidal motivation. Anti-suicidal factors. Prevention.

    Psychological rehabilitation of suicide victims. Features of the course of the post-suicidal period.

    Individual and group model of psychotherapy. Rehabilitation opportunities in inpatient and outpatient psychological services.

    The main methods used to practice acquired knowledge:

Didactic training:

    analysis of lecture material and theoretical discussions;

    case studies;

    supervision of cases presented by trainees;

Psychotherapeutic and psychological assistance is based on the use of a set of methods, in particular, during regular personal interaction, the patient’s condition significantly changes and the problem is overcome in the desired directions. This type of medical care is aimed at improving the individual, restoring his mental health, and returning to good health.

Providing high-quality psychotherapeutic assistance allows you to solve or mitigate restless, anxious behavior, beliefs, intrusive thoughts or emotions, and improve relationships and social skills. In some cases, a psychotherapist, after analyzing the evidence obtained, can make recommendations for the treatment of diagnosed mental disorders. In particular, when providing psychotherapeutic assistance, much attention is paid to clients with borderline disorders.

There are hundreds of psychotherapeutic methods that are based on different concepts. But only an experienced psychotherapist will be able to use this subtle instrument skillfully enough to provide effective psychotherapeutic assistance with various problems. In most cases, this type assistance is provided during individual sessions. But in some situations, group sessions are recommended, for example, when providing psychotherapeutic assistance to a family.

A separate area is providing psychological support to adolescents and children. Counseling and psychotherapy for children should be carried out in an adapted form. In addition to working with the child, it is necessary to conduct consultations with parents, who should talk to a psychotherapist, visit group classes for parents, you may need psychotherapeutic help with the loss of a loved one or any other actions that will solve stressful situation that has an impact on the child.

You and your psychologist at the IMMUCOR Psychological Assistance Center will work together to identify and change the thinking and behavioral patterns that reduce your quality of life. By the time you will take the course Not only will you solve your core problem that was particularly painful, but you will know and apply new skills to better cope with future problems. People often don't get the mental health services they need because they don't know where to start.

If you are worried about someone, you can do the following:

Show your concern and willingness to help. Tell the person, “I care about you and I want to help you,” or “Whatever is bothering you, we can get through it together.”
don't be afraid to discuss suicide, ask about it. You could say something like, “Are you trying to hurt yourself?” or “Do you feel the end of your life is near?”;
call for help and support a person who is seeking emergency psychological help. Say: “You are not alone, there are people who can help you get out of this situation” and/or “I will stay with you until help arrives.”

The whole family may need psychological help during a crisis. In our center you can get support for the whole family, don’t be shy about your problems, we work ANONYMOUSLY!
