Stomach cancer without surgery prognosis. Stomach cancer: symptoms, treatment, causes, provoking factors. Surgical method of treatment

Prospect is the chances of improving the patient's condition. The doctor may call it a treatment prognosis. As with many other types of cancer, the outcome of treatment for stomach cancer depends on how widespread it is at the time of diagnosis.

How reliable are statistics on malignant diseases?

No statistics can tell you what will happen next. Statistics are unable to provide information about the different treatments that have been given to other people and the impact this treatment on their forecast.

Each case of cancer is unique. For example, at different people A tumor of the same type can grow at different rates.

The statistics are not detailed enough to describe the different treatments given to other patients. Some treatments help people live longer by reducing cancer symptoms. Many individual factors can influence your own prognosis and treatment options. If your physical state allows you to endure treatment, then perhaps the prognosis will be better than average.

Statistics on malignant neoplasms in general

Remember, statistics are averages that were obtained from a large number of patients. These indicators will not be able to tell what will happen to you next. No two people are exactly alike, and the response to treatment varies from person to person.

You are completely free to ask your doctor questions about the prognosis of your treatment, but even your doctor will not be able to predict what it will be. You may have heard a doctor use the term “five-year survival rate.” This does not mean that you will only live 5 years. This concept refers to clinical studies and the number of patients in them who are still alive 5 years after diagnosis. In any study, scientists study the health status of patients 5 years after treatment. This allows you to accurately compare results various methods treatment.

Clinical researches

Evidence suggests that participation in clinical trials can improve your life expectancy. Nobody knows exactly what this is connected with. This may be partly due to closer monitoring of patients who participate in clinical trials. For example, the patient is more often prescribed blood tests and instrumental examinations.


As with many other types of cancer, the outcome of treatment for stomach cancer depends on how widespread it is at the time of diagnosis. In other words, it depends on the stage of the disease.

Since most cancers are already advanced at the time of diagnosis, the overall 5-year survival rate is only 15% (that is, only 15 out of 100 people survive 5 years after a cancer diagnosis).

The 10-year survival rate is 11% (that is, only 11 out of 100 people survive 10 years after cancer diagnosis).

For persons young survival rates are generally higher than in older adults. For patients under 50 years of age, the five-year survival rate is 16-22% (that is, 16 to 22 out of 100 people survive after cancer is diagnosed), while for patients over 70 years of age the rate is 5-12%.

Stage 1

For patients with stage 1 cancer, the five-year survival rate is 80% (that is, 8 out of 10 people survive after cancer is diagnosed). Unfortunately, it is too rare for stomach cancer to be detected so early: perhaps only in 1 case out of 100.

Stage 2

At the time of diagnosis, six out of 100 cancers (6%) are stage 2. For patients with stage 2 cancer, the five-year survival rate is 56% (that is, slightly more than 5 out of 10 people survive after cancer is diagnosed).

Stage 3

Detection of cancer at the third stage is quite common. At the time of diagnosis, the cancer is stage 3 in every patient out of seven. As might be expected, survival rates for this more advanced stage of stomach cancer decrease. Patients with stage 3a stomach cancer have a 5-year survival rate of 38%. Patients with stage 3b gastric cancer have a 5-year survival rate of 15%.

Stage 4

Unfortunately, at the time of diagnosis, the cancer is advanced in 80% of patients. This means that the tumor has already spread to other organs. As a result, survival rates will be even lower than for stage 3 gastric cancer. Doctors consider a patient's condition to be very good if the patient is still alive 2 years after the diagnosis of advanced cancer. For patients with stage 4 gastric cancer, the five-year survival rate usually does not exceed 5%.

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Treatment of breast cancer in Israel

Today in Israel, breast cancer is completely curable. According to the Israeli Ministry of Health, Israel has currently achieved a 95% survival rate for this disease. This is the highest figure in the world. For comparison: according to the National Cancer Register, the incidence in Russia in 2000 compared to 1980 increased by 72%, and survival rate was 50%.

This type surgical treatment was developed by the American surgeon Frederick Mohs and has been successfully used in Israel for the past 20 years. The definition and criteria for Mohs surgery were developed by the American College of Mohs Surgery (ACMS) in collaboration with the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).

The main method of treatment for malignant neoplasms of the stomach is surgery. If a patient is diagnosed with I─ Stage III, then radical removal of all affected organs and tissues is the only real chance for recovery.

The choice of tactics and extent of surgical intervention depends on the location of the tumor and the extent of the oncological process. During surgery, the organ may be completely or partially removed.

In some situations, it is necessary to remove adjacent structures affected by the tumor (spleen, part of the pancreas, esophagus and liver, intestinal loop).

The goal of surgical treatment is complete excision of the tumor in healthy tissues with all ligamentous apparatus and nearby lymph nodes, which are primarily affected by metastases.

The success of the operation and the prognosis of survival largely depend on how many lymph nodes are removed. According to modern international recommendations, at least 15 regional lymph nodes are subject to dissection (removal).

Main methods of surgical treatment:

  • total gastrectomy;
  • subtotal (partial) resection, which is divided into distal and proximal.

Total gastrectomy – complete removal organ, both omentums, fiber and regional lymph nodes. The operation is indicated for a tumor located in the middle third of the stomach, cancer of a macroscopic growth form, hereditary diffuse cancer syndrome and undifferentiated forms of pathology.

As a result of the intervention, an esophageal-intestinal anastomosis is formed: the esophagus is directly connected to the small intestine.

Proximal subtotal resection is performed for exophytic tumor of the fundus and upper third of the stomach, which does not extend to the cardia rosette. At the end of the operation, an anastomosis is performed between the stomach and esophagus.

Distal resection is indicated for exophytic tumor process in the antrum (cancer of the lower third) or a small tumor in the middle third of the stomach.

The operation can be performed in two ways:

  1. according to Billroth 1─ 1/3 of the stomach is removed, an end-to-end gastroduodenal anastomosis is formed;
  2. according to Billroth 2 - 2/3 of the stomach is removed, a side-to-side anastomosis is applied between the stump of the stomach and the jejunum, with partial exclusion of the duodenum from the digestive process.

The surgical approach is selected taking into account the location of the tumor and general condition patient. An incision is made along the chest in the area of ​​the ribs (transpleural approach) or along the anterior abdominal wall(transperitoneal access). Postoperative scar can be located both on the chest and in the middle parts of the abdominal cavity.

Preparing for surgery

Before surgery, in order to clarify the stage of the disease and, a number of diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • History taking and physical examination
  • Detailed blood test (general and biochemical)
  • Clinical urine analysis
  • Fecal occult blood test
  • X-ray examination chest in two projections
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs
  • CT, MRI of the affected area
  • with biopsy histology
  • Analysis for tumor markers CA 72-4, CEA, Ca 19.9
  • Preoperative diagnostic laparoscopy indicated for patients with total and subtotal lesions of the stomach. This study is carried out to exclude peritoneal carcinomatosis and determine metastases in the abdominal organs that were not detected by non-invasive methods.
  • If indicated, additional clinical examinations and consultations with medical specialists are prescribed.
  • At increased risk infectious complications taking antibacterial drugs is indicated.
  • A few weeks before surgery, the patient must begin to adhere to special diet with refusal of aggressive food. Products are consumed mainly in crushed form, in small portions.
  • 7-10 days before the operation, anticoagulants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are discontinued.
  • Of no small importance is the patient’s psychological attitude and belief in a speedy victory over the disease. The support of relatives and friends helps to tune in positive result treatment.


Stomach surgery for cancer is not always advisable:

  • Distant metastases in organs and lymph nodes. In such a situation, surgical intervention is carried out only if there is vital signs, with the development of serious complications: bleeding, perforation, tumor stenosis. Lymph dissection is not performed in these cases.
  • Serious decompensated pathology of organs and systems.
  • Disturbance of the blood coagulation system.
  • Extreme exhaustion.
  • Peritonitis.

Age is not an obstacle to surgical treatment.

Consequences of surgery to remove the stomach for cancer

Removing the stomach is a technically complex and risky operation that can lead to a number of complications:

  • bleeding;
  • divergence of internal and external seams;
  • postoperative pneumonia;
  • thromboembolism.

After almost every operation on the stomach, various types of functional and organic disorders associated with the restructuring of the digestive process:

  • anastomositis;
  • adductor loop syndrome;
  • bile reflux;
  • hypoglycemic syndrome;
  • anemia;
  • small stomach syndrome, early satiety;
  • : nausea, belching, vomiting;
  • food allergy.

As for mortality, with gastrectomy it is about 10%.

Postoperative period

Adequate management postoperative period helps to avoid complications and promotes rapid rehabilitation.

Immediately after surgery, the patient should be provided with optimal care in the department intensive care, 24/7 surveillance vital functions and sufficient pain relief. Typically the patient remains in intensive care for 1 to 3 days.

In the first days, strict bed rest is prescribed.

To prevent congestive pneumonia, starting from the early postoperative period, breathing exercises are performed.

After total removal of the stomach, the first days are provided parenteral nutrition(intravenous drips), then the patient is transferred to enteral nutrition through a tube or jejuno- or gastrostomy tube.

Enteral nutrition ensures maximum sparing of affected organs and speedy healing surgical wound. At least 2-3 liters of nutrient solutions should be administered per day.

It is necessary to constantly monitor the level of electrolytes and acid-base balance and, if necessary, immediately correct them.

Cardiovascular and antibacterial drugs are prescribed according to indications.

Chemotherapy after stomach removal for cancer

Due to the high probability of hidden tumor processes, adjuvant chemotherapy is used to remove micrometastases that remain after radical tumor removal. It is optimal to start cytostatic therapy in the coming days after surgery.

Exist various schemes chemotherapy treatment. As a standard for advanced cancer, combinations of chemotherapy drugs are used, which, unlike monotherapy, significantly increase the survival rate.

Drugs are selected individually depending on the stage of the disease, histological picture, patient’s condition and concomitant pathology.

The main drugs for chemotherapy of stomach cancer:

  • Ftorafur
  • Adriamycin
  • 5-fluorouracil
  • Mimomycin C
  • UFT, S1
  • Polychemotherapy: FAM, EAP, FAP, etc.

It is recommended to carry out 6-8 courses of chemotherapy, followed by monitoring the dynamics. The duration of chemotherapy treatment is determined by cyclic cell division, as a result of which not all cancer cells can be simultaneously exposed to cytostatic drugs, which will lead to relapse of the disease.

Dispensary observation

Removal of the stomach is not a 100% guarantee of cure, therefore, in order to prevent recurrence, patients are registered with a dispensary and periodically monitored.

In the first 2 years after the operation, a preventive examination is carried out every 3-6 months, after 3 years - once every six months, 5 years after the operation, annual examinations or unscheduled examinations are indicated if there are complaints.

If the risk of relapse is increased, then the interval between preventive examinations is shrinking. The scope of preventive examination is determined individually according to clinical indications.

Cancer recurrence

Recurrence of stomach cancer after radical treatment is observed in 20-50% of cases. A second oncological process may develop several months or several years after the operation.

If the relapse is early, then the secondary tumor is most often identified in the area of ​​the anastomosis, if it is late, in the area of ​​the lesser curvature, cardia or stump wall.

Residual cancer occurs within three years from the date of surgery - early relapse. Recurrent cancer develops three years after removal of the primary tumor.

The main cause of relapse is cancer cells that were not removed during surgery. Probability of resumption tumor process depends on the stage of the disease and is 20% at stages I and II, 45% at stage III. Poorly differentiated ones are most susceptible to recurrence.

The prognosis for relapse is serious. Average survival rates do not exceed 25%.

Rehabilitation after surgery

The duration of recovery differs in each specific case. The minimum rehabilitation period is at least 3 months. If you follow the recommendations, you can live quite well full life, without serious restrictions.

In the first 6 months after surgery, severe physical exercise and lifting weights to prevent hernias.

For the same reason:

Constipation, severe coughing, and sneezing should be avoided. Physical exercises are performed without involving the abdominal muscles.

After the operation, a vitamin deficiency develops, which is replenished with the help of medications. During total gastrectomy, vitamin B12 injections are prescribed.

It is extremely important to maintain motor activity: light gymnastics, hiking on fresh air, feasible housework - all this contributes to speedy rehabilitation.

Strict adherence to the prescription is the main component of successful recovery. It is necessary to completely exclude prohibited foods from the diet.

The psychological aspect is of great importance. A person should not switch off from public life. Doing what you love, chatting with friends and positive emotions have a beneficial effect on the rehabilitation process.

Survival forecast - how long do they live after surgery?

The prognosis of life expectancy depends on the stage at which the disease was detected, the form of tumor growth, the presence of hidden metastases, the general condition and age of the patient. On average, the five-year survival rate after surgery is about 40%.

Gastric cancer is a serious, often recurrent pathology with an aggressive course, but with integrated approach to treatment and a positive psychological attitude of the patient, it is quite possible to achieve long-term remission, and in the initial stages even completely cure the disease.

Gastric cancer is a malignant tumor that forms from epithelial cells of the gastric mucosa. Over time, the disease may spread to other internal organs– esophagus, lungs and liver.

Today, stomach cancer is one of the most common cancers. and the survival prognosis is not always favorable, especially if stomach cancer is detected on late stages. As with many other types of malignant tumors, the outcome of treatment for the disease depends on its prevalence in the body at the time of diagnosis.

If we talk about what age people are most susceptible to such a disease as stomach cancer, then doctors have long noted the prevalence of this disease among older people (over 50-60 years old), but it can also occur in younger people, including occasionally in children.

How long people live with stomach cancer depends not only on doctors, but also on the patient himself, who must pay enough attention to his health and, at the slightest manifestation of symptoms, consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Symptoms of stomach cancer

As the stomach tumor develops and grows, the patient may experience:

  • a feeling of excruciating heaviness after eating, which does not subside even after taking antacids (medicines intended to treat acid-related diseases gastrointestinal tract by neutralizing hydrochloric acid);
  • frequent nausea and vomiting;
  • increased gas formation and heartburn, stool disorders - diarrhea and constipation;
  • fast saturation;
  • aversion to certain smells and previously favorite dishes;
  • pain in the upper abdomen or girdle pain if the pancreas is involved in a disease;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • an increase in body temperature observed constantly;
  • in the later stages of stomach cancer – development of gastric intestinal bleeding and vomiting" coffee grounds", i.e. digested blood.

Survival prognosis

In the first stage of gastric cancer, the five-year survival rate of patients is at least 80% (that is, 8 out of ten people survive).

In the second stage of stomach cancer, the five-year survival rate is 56% - approximately five out of ten people who get sick survive.

The third stage of the disease is characterized by 38% patient survival. At the same time, diagnosing cancer at the third stage is most common - at the time of detection, the disease is at the third stage in every seventh patient.

At fourth stage In cancer, the tumor most often spreads to other organs.

As a result, five-year survival rates for patients with stage IV gastric cancer are typically 5%. But in any case, at any stage of cancer, you should not despair, but you should try to fulfill all the doctor’s instructions and strictly follow all the prescriptions.

Signet ring cell cancer of the stomach

Signet ring cell cancer of the stomach– one of the histological forms of gastric carcinoma. The tumor consists of cells that, when stained under a microscope, resemble a ring, hence its name. This type of stomach cancer is characterized by very rapid growth and early metastases to other internal organs.

The survival prognosis when diagnosed with ring cell gastric cancer depends on the initiation of treatment and the correct selection of a cancer treatment plan, which includes surgical removal of the tumor, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. At ON CLINIC, experienced oncologists have the most modern equipment and successfully treat patients with all types of stomach tumors.

Cancer Bladder

At stage I, survival rate is 60 - 70%, at stage II - 40 - 80%. (At stage III 15 - 50%).

Cancer of the uterus

At stage I, survival rate is 70 - 73%, at stage II - 50 - 57%. (At stage III 31.5%).

Cervical cancer

At stage I, survival rate is 89 - 92%, at stage II - 74%. (At stage III 51.4%).

Ovarian cancer

At stage I, survival rate is 80 - 95%, at stage II 65 - 87%. (At stage III 22.7%).

Mammary cancer

For breast cancer, 5-year survival is not considered a criterion for sustained recovery. About 1/3 of patients die 5 years or more after the end of treatment.

At stage I, 5-year survival rate is 77.9% - 94.7%, at stage IIA - 65 - 83.6%, at stage IIB - 44.7 - 75.7%, at stage III - 35.2 - 43.7%. The overall 10-year survival rate is 48.5% (stage I - III).

The facts are in front of you. The prospect of survival is generally not bad, from 40 to 95% - depending on the type of tumor. On average, 70% of stage I cancer patients will live 5 years (although such averaging cannot be done - it turns out to be like the “average temperature in the hospital”). But that's in general. What if we take it from the patient’s point of view? Place in a row 10 treated women with cancer, for example, stage I breast cancer. Two of them, alas, will not live 5 years. How can you avoid being in their place? The only answer is to use medications antitumor herbs. Even after courses of the most modern and successful treatment As a rule, individual tumor cells remain in the patient’s body. They can be destroyed or kept in a dormant state by long-term intake of plant poisons in small non-toxic doses.

Why do oncologists, knowing full well that even with stage I cancer it is impossible to tell a patient about 100% cure, nevertheless do not advise him to use poisonous medicinal herbs?!

Yes, because they know very well what side effects has drug chemotherapy used in oncology, and they think that herbal chemotherapy has the same severe side effects, and therefore they strive to protect the patient from yet another “disastrous” treatment. After all, the main problem with cancer chemotherapy is toxicity. Medicines used for cancer chemotherapy are narrow in scope therapeutic action. The doses required to achieve an antitumor effect are not very different from the doses that can cause a toxic effect with a fatal outcome (unfortunately, this sometimes happens - the patient dies not from the disease, but from the treatment itself, or rather, from the side effects of chemotherapy). The main side effects of chemotherapy are suppression of hematopoiesis in bone marrow, damage to the liver, kidneys, lungs, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, heart with all the ensuing consequences. Those who have undergone “chemistry” do not need to explain what the consequences are; this word makes them tremble for the rest of their lives.

And when you tell the patient that herbal chemotherapy is comfortable chemotherapy, the drops are not at all difficult to take, there are no side effects toxic effects no - this is perceived with distrust, especially if the treating oncologist is also against plant poisons.

For suspicious patients and for vigilant oncologists who are worried that their patients do not get poisoned plant poisons, I give a detailed calculation of the poison according to medicinal tincture one of the most commonly consumed poisonous plants is spotted hemlock.

Treatment of inoperable stomach cancer

Oncology in the stomach is dangerous due to its prevalence and late detection due to hidden symptoms of the early stages. Inoperable stomach cancer is diagnosed when people seek help, but it is too late. At the terminal stage, surgery is considered inappropriate, and the 5-year survival rate is 5%. To alleviate the suffering of a cancer patient, palliative therapy is prescribed, which includes treatment with chemotherapy, radiation, followed by surgery.

General information

The diagnosis rate for inoperable gastric cancer is 60%. The reason for the poor statistics is late visits to doctors, when the cancer has reached the 3rd or 4th stage, that is, it has grown into neighboring organs, gave distant metastases. Due to the extensiveness of the process, it becomes impossible to remove the tumor and be cured, and then a diagnosis of inoperable cancer is made. In this case, palliative treatment is prescribed, prolonging life for a period of 3 to 5 months, but not improving the prognosis.

Inoperable stomach cancer is considered to be in stages when:

  • neighboring organs and several nearby lymph nodes are involved in the cancer process;
  • the tumor damaged all the gastric layers and affected 15 lymph nodes;
  • Secondary abnormal foci were found in distant areas of the body.
  • Inoperability is largely explained by deep metastasis against the background of the difficulty of identifying the entire number of secondary lesions, severe damage to the tissues of the stomach and other organs. Excision of metastases is considered objective only in the early stages, when the process has just begun. Depending on the nature of growth, several types of secondary lesions are distinguished, by which the type of palliative treatment is determined:

  • mixed;
  • lymphogenous;
  • hematogenous;
  • implantation
  • Symptoms of inoperable stomach cancer are as follows:

  • Constant subfebrile condition (temperature 37.2-37.8°C).
  • Chronic fatigue and weakness.
  • Pale skin due to anemia.
  • Constipation, diarrhea, partial loss of patency of the alimentary canal.
  • Treatment options

    Chemotherapy use

    Taking anticancer drugs is a medicinal type of treatment. A cancer patient is prescribed cytostatic drugs that destroy cancer DNA, which stops the rate of abnormal growth. As the DNA chain is destroyed, the abnormal cells stop dividing and begin to die. For maximum effectiveness, several cycles of such treatment are required, but more than 6. This is necessary so that the drugs work during the division phase, when cancer cells are most sensitive to chemotherapy.

    The number of cases of cancer of the gastrointestinal tract increases every year, which is why the questions: “How many people live with stomach cancer?” become quite vital.

    Reasons and influencing factors

    Symptoms of stomach cancer and its treatment

    Approximate survival rates for stomach cancer after surgery reach 20% of the total number of patients. Such small data primarily imply the difficulty of premature detection of the disease, which, as a rule, is asymptomatic or disguised as other ailments. But it should be noted that all episodes are personal, which is why any specific patient can live for a long time.

  • The zero stage, subject to prompt detection, proper healing and diet, is considered completely curable.
  • It should be noted that the percentage of 5-year survival is affected by a number of nuances:

  • Patient's age.
  • A positive result in cancer patients is determined, as a rule, by the removal of the neoplasm. Otherwise, the lifespan of sick people does not exceed the 5-year limit. If metastasis has progressed to individual organs, in this case it is difficult to answer how long the patients live. Since such episodes are considered more complex and do not require deletion.

    Four periods of cancer and life expectancy

    Stages of development of stomach cancer

    Stage 1 carcinoma can sometimes have a number of symptoms:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Lethargy.
  • But such clinical picture appears in other ailments as well. If the symptoms do not disappear for a long period, therefore, you need to visit the clinic for a full examination.

    First stage of stomach cancer

  • Endoscopic method, without dissection. This type of method is considered less traumatic and requires less time for rehabilitation.
  • Lacorascopic surgical treatment.
  • Successful treatment of oncology at stage 1 depends on what kind of person age category and, of course, what is his immune status. If therapeutic manipulations are carried out, then it is likely that the patient can live quite a long time without relapses.

    Stage 2 stomach cancer, how long do patients live, depending on the overall picture? It is customary to directly assess the results of treatment in relation to 5-year survival data, which includes the general group of patients who survived to this point.

    Life expectancy for stage 2 stomach cancer

  • Prolonged heartburn.
  • Feeling of full stomach.
  • Vomiting.
  • Existing types of operations:

  • Resection is the partial elimination of tissue with a tumor.
  • Palliative surgery.
  • After removal of the stomach for cancer, how many years a patient can live is of interest to every patient with such a diagnosis. Experts cannot give a definite answer to this question. Because forecasts regarding how long the patient has left to live are quite ambiguous. Equally, there may be a positive effect, or vice versa, the spread of the disease and aggravation of the patient’s condition. Survival depends entirely on the advanced stage of cancer. How long patients live after removal of the stomach depends on scrupulous adherence to the doctor’s recommendations.

    Life expectancy for stages 3 and 4 stomach cancer

    Stage 3 esophageal cancer is characterized by the fact that cancer cells are dividing quite actively, and aggressive tumor growth significantly reduces the patient’s chances of living a pain-free life. As a rule, stage 3 is inoperable stomach cancer, therefore, auxiliary therapy is prescribed, thanks to which the patient lives longer.

    Life expectancy with metastases and ovarian cancer

    How exactly the ovaries undergo the development of the tumor process has not been identified. As a rule, a disease with an early stage of development is asymptomatic. After the growth of a large tumor, pain and symptoms of distension begin. Treatment is aimed at decisive elimination of the tumor. The survival rate is about 80%.

    Most cancer patients are interested in the question: how long can a person live with lung cancer? As a rule, metastases in the lungs occur in the 2nd period of the disease. But, which is typical at this stage, cancer manifests itself like a common cold. Lung oncology occurs in most cases in smokers.

    At stage 2 of cancer development, metastases occur in the lungs and other organs. With such a development of the disease, specialists do not undertake to make any predictions. If metastases appear in the lungs, then in this case patients do not live more than 2 years. Hence, most patients are expected to die. But it should be noted that if the prognosis is as good as possible, then it is possible to live with such a disease for a long time.

    How long do you live after stomach cancer surgery?

    Causes and influencing factors

    The average survival rate for stomach cancer after surgery is 20% of total number cancer patients. This indicator is due to the difficulty of early diagnosis of the disease, which often occurs without symptoms or is mild, masquerading as other pathologies and disorders. However, all cases are individual, so each individual person can live a long time after medical intervention, not subject to general statistics.

    The reason is that when treated in countries with a high level of medicine and service, cancer is mostly detected in the first stages, therefore, statistics on death rates among patients and cases of positive prognosis are very optimistic. For example, the 5-year mark has passed, 85-90% of patients survive after curing stomach cancer in clinics in Japan.

    In Russia, statistics on the detection and survival of cancer patients are as follows:

  • Stage 0, subject to early diagnosis, proper therapy and a properly selected diet, is considered completely curable;
  • Stage 1 - with timely detection, which is possible in 10-20% of patients, 5-year survival rate reaches 60-80%;
  • 2-3 degrees, which are characterized by cancer affecting the regional elements of the stomach and lymphatic system - 5-year survival rate varies in the range of 15-50%, and detection is possible in 1/3 of all cancer patients;
  • Stage 4, found in 50% of cancer patients and characterized by metastases to nearby and distant organs - 5-year survival rate does not exceed 5-7%.
  • Along with the degree of neglect of oncology, the following reasons influence the 5-year survival rate:

  • nature and type of tumor;
  • localization of the tumor and its size. For example, blockage of the gastric lumen is an extremely negative signal for survival, but can be eliminated if radical excision is performed with the installation of a gastrostomy tube;
  • number and localization of secondary foci of abnormal growth;
  • the state of the body before the onset of cancer progression;
  • the presence of concomitant pathologies;
  • degree of gastrointestinal tract patency;
  • age category of the patient: patients in old age have worse prognoses than younger people;
  • type of treatment measures before and after surgery.
  • A positive outcome in cancer patients is determined by the resectability of the tumor in the stomach through radical excision. Otherwise, only a small number of cancer patients live more than 5 years. If metastasis has progressed to distant organs, life expectancy is greatly reduced. Such cases are considered complex because they do not require resection. On average, the disease ends fatally in less than 2 years.

    How long do they live if stomach cancer is diagnosed early?

    The survival rate of cancer patients for 5 years indicates that, provided that a course of treatment is carried out after this period, a relapse of the pathology is not detected upon re-diagnosis. Therefore, if general indicator of all cancer patients is 20%, then 5 cancer patients with previously diagnosed stomach cancer will live during the specified period.

    Statistics can be improved by early diagnosis of cancer pathology that is at the zero or first stage of development, when cancer cells are localized only in the mucous and muscular layer of the gastric wall. If taken in a timely manner therapeutic measures five-year survival rate - from 80%.

    The second stage of gastric cancer is early, but the positive outcome of treatment is lower than with stage zero and stage one. This is due to the fact that the tumor increases significantly and grows into the serous layer that covers the outer walls of the stomach. If cancer cells are not detected in regional tissues and lymph nodes, in 50% of cases after a successful radical surgery With complete excision of the tumor, patients recover.

    If complete removal of the malignant tumor is difficult, in the remaining 50% of cases patients do not survive the two-year mark after resection. This is due to the rapid progression of the tumor against the background of relapse and metastasis to other organs.

    Outcome at stages 3 and 4

    The lowest duration of further survival is characteristic of the last stages of gastric cancer. The insidiousness of tumors at this stage of development lies in the spread malignant process throughout the body with damage to distant organs by secondary foci of abnormal growth.

    The 3rd stage of cancer development in the stomach is characterized by metastasis to neighboring lymph nodes. With this diagnosis, people live more than 5 years in 40% of cases. It’s even worse to know how long patients with stage 4 cancer have to live, when the entire lymphatic system is affected, secondary lesions are found in the liver, kidneys, bones, lungs and even in the brain. Such patients do not survive in 96% of cases. Therefore, the forecast will be positive only for 4%. Often, death occurs in patients with oncological stages 3 and 4 within six months from the moment of diagnosis. Often such patients are considered inoperable.

    Gastric resection and survival

    Gastric resection - before and after surgery.

    Life expectancy after removal of the tumor along with the stomach depends on three factors:

  • stage of the disease;
  • quality of therapy applied;
  • the body's response to treatment.
  • In world-famous clinics that use advanced technologies, the number of deaths after radical interventions does not exceed 5%. The remaining 95% of patients do not complain of symptoms of relapse of the disease for at least a decade. If the surgery was performed on a subtotal principle, that is, complete excision of the affected organ occurred, survival rate for more than 5 years is 60-70%. But if such a resection was performed on late stages cancer process, the rate drops to 30-35% of survivors during the first five years.

    Ways to prolong survival

    Palliative techniques are used in relation to inoperable patients with stage 4 cancer. The following methods are used for this:

  • Chemotherapy involving systemic administration of powerful cytostatics. The action of such chemotherapy drugs is aimed at suppressing cancer cells that are in the active division phase. Therefore, chemotherapy stabilizes the abnormal growth of the malignancy.
  • Irradiation that is based on application ionizing radiation For local impact for a tumor. However, the technique is ineffective against glandular tumors in the stomach, which are resistant to radiation. But some patients may experience slight improvements after a course of radiation therapy.
  • A surgical intervention aimed at maintaining the patency of the gastrointestinal tract. Used as a primary treatment, in particular to eliminate incurable species carcinomas in the stomach. Surgery can be performed in several ways:
  • stenting, when a special mesh is inserted into the gastric lumen to hold the walls of the affected organ and tumor;
  • gastrostomy, when in case of inoperable cancer, during radical resection, a thin tube is implanted through the anterior wall of the peritoneum;
  • resection, when all or part of the tumor is removed along with surrounding healthy stomach tissue. Less commonly, subtotal excision of the affected organ is performed.
  • How long do people live with stomach cancer of different stages and after its removal?

    No specialist can give an objective answer to this question. Because there are different periods of cancer with different rates of formation. The prognosis for 5-year survival depends on the immediate method of treatment, the stage of oncology, and whether there are metastases or not.

    On the territory of Russia, regarding statistics, survival rate is various stages oncology shows:

  • Stage 1 stomach cancer – with prompt diagnosis of the disease, the 5-year survival rate can be about 80%.
  • Stage 2-3 of oncology development, which is characterized by cancer affecting the regional components of the stomach and lymphatic systems. The five-year ratio is about 50%.
  • Stage 4 is diagnosed in almost half of cancer patients and is characterized by metastases in other organs. Typically, survival is only 5%.
  • What are the different forms of stomach cancer?

  • Nature and type of neoplasm.
  • The immediate location of the tumor and its dimensions.
  • The number and location of secondary sources of pathological multiplication.
  • Presence of accompanying anomalies.
  • Type of therapeutic measures before and after surgery.
  • For cancer in the 1st period, the tumor is located only in the mucous layer of the organ, without damaging healthy tissues. This degree of development of oncology is often asymptomatic, therefore, the patient sees no reason to contact a specialist.

  • Intermittent indigestion.
  • Important! It should be remembered that if cancer is detected at an early stage of development, in this case it is possible to cure the disease even without severe surgical intervention.

    Staged classification of stomach cancer

    Treatment for stage 1 cancer is carried out:

  • Traditional method of surgical intervention. In this situation, an operation is performed to remove the stomach for cancer or the affected part. This kind of surgery is inevitable if infiltrative gastric cancer is determined.
  • Life expectancy for stage 2 stomach cancer

    In the formation of a cancerous tumor, a special role is played by the presence of Helicobacter bacteria in the body, heredity and ulcers, which can develop into cancer. As a rule, the second stage of the course of an oncological disease may not manifest itself at all for a long period of time. But sometimes patients may experience the following symptoms:

  • Painful sensations.
  • Nausea.
  • At the current stage of development of the disease, experts advise making a radical intervention that will have a positive effect. It is quite difficult to answer how long people with stomach cancer live. Because even at the initial stages of diagnosing stomach cancer, it does not exceed 50%. Reviews from doctors indicate that with metastatic stomach cancer, only 15% of patients can survive.

  • Gastrectomy should be used if there is a need to remove the entire stomach.
  • Lymph dissection.
  • Life expectancy for stage 3 stomach cancer

    The disease penetrates the lining of the organ and affects nearby tissues, affecting about 15 nodes. What is typical is that the tumor grows rapidly. The third stage has the following symptoms:

  • Dramatic weight loss.
  • Regular nausea, vomiting.
  • Intestinal dysfunction.
  • The fourth stage of the disease is the most difficult. Because stage 4 stomach cancer has many metastases that affect the entire body. Symptoms of stage 4 cancer with metastases, as a rule, combine all the previous ones. But it should be noted that when suffering from stage 4 stomach cancer, unbearable pain is added to all the symptoms, which most drugs cannot overcome.

    Symptoms of ovarian cancer and its treatment

    Metastases in stomach cancer

    Metastases in stomach cancer spread through the lymphatic tract or blood vessels. Cancer cells can grow into other organs (liver, pancreas, transverse colon, abdominal wall).

    Doctors pay special attention to metastases spreading through the lymphatic tract. There are three lymphatic channels through which lymph is drained from the stomach:

  • 1 – drains lymph from the right side of the stomach through vessels that carry lymph to the regional nodes to the cardia. Considering that gastric cancer metastases are most often detected here, it is important to promptly eliminate the regional lymph nodes of the 1st collector.
  • 2 - drains lymph from the lower part of the stomach towards the lymph nodes in the gastrointestinal ligament. In this case, gastric cancer with metastases is removed by cutting the ligament and removing the greater omentum.
  • 3 – drains lymph from the prepyloric region of the lesser curvature. Metastases are easily removed surgically.
  • How long do people live with metastases from stomach cancer?

    The prognosis of doctors for stomach cancer and metastases will be related to the stage of the disease, the presence of distant metastases, the chosen treatment method and the patient’s health status. At the beginning of the development of cancer, cancer cells are located only in the stomach - they affect the walls and mucous membrane. If you start treatment on time and choose a technique, the survival rate is high.

    In the second stage, malignant cells infect the serous membrane that covers the outer part of the stomach. For 50% of patients, surgery is recommended, and then it is possible to get rid of the tumor.

    If there is a contraindication to remove stomach cancer, metastases will lead to death within two years. As the tumor grows, it metastasizes to other organs. At stage 3 of gastric cancer, metastases spread to the lymph nodes, 40% of patients have a 5-year survival rate.

    When the disease progresses to stage 4, the entire lymphatic system is affected, gastric cancer metastasis spreads to the liver, kidneys, and other organs. Patients with stage 4 stomach cancer live for 6 months.

    Diagnosis of gastric cancer metastases

    To diagnose cancer and metastases, doctors use different types equipment and methods. This:

  • Ultrasound (the most accessible technique, characterized by high information content regarding the presence and location of metastases;
  • x-ray (a popular diagnostic method available in many medical institutions);
  • MRI, CT (modern research methods that provide detailed information);
  • cytology – taking a sample of cells from an affected organ for examination.
  • Metastases can spread not only through lymphatic vessels, but also through hematogenous, contact and implantation routes. First, metastases affect regional lymph nodes associated with the stomach, then malignant cells spread to organs and lymph nodes in the abdominal cavity.

    Distant metastases in stomach cancer are called: Virchow's metastases (above the collarbones, in the navel), Krukenberg's (in the ovaries), Schnitzler's (in the pelvic floor). Cancer metastasizes to the liver, lungs, and adrenal glands.

    Metastases to the lungs, brain in stomach cancer

    In case of stomach cancer, metastases can reach the lungs, brain, liver, and navel by hematogenous route. The most dangerous metastases are in the ovaries, navel, pouch of Douglas, and supraclavicular fossa.

    Metastases in stomach cancer spread without symptoms, only with a tumor large sizes patients complain of pain with right side ribs Even in difficult situations, timely diagnosis and treatment play an important role.

    Thanks to modern diagnostic measures Cancer can be detected in its early stages. If the patient undergoes examinations, he is not at risk dangerous form oncological diseases. At the slightest suspicion, the doctor refers the patient to a CT, MRI, or ultrasound.

    In the lungs, metastases are determined in parallel with alveolitis. Malignant cells affect the bronchial and subpleural lymph nodes. Metastases will cause symptoms: hemoptysis, shortness of breath, cough. Metastases are detected using X-rays and CT scans. They are treated with radiation and chemotherapy.

    Metastases to bone and spine

    In approximately 20% of cases, stomach cancer metastasizes to the spine and skeletal bones. Most often bones are affected by cancer of the breast, lungs, bladder, and kidneys. Metastases penetrate the bones hematogenously or during tumor growth into nearby bones.

    The presence of metastases can be either asymptomatic or accompanied by pain due to pinched nerves in the spine, pathological fractures, etc. Secondary lesions can be diagnosed in the skull, ribs, shoulders, but more often - near the vertebrae. Metastases in the bones are diagnosed using x-rays and scintigraphy.

    The tumor rarely affects the spine. After surgery on the primary tumor without radiation or chemotherapy, particles of malignant cells can travel to the spine. Metastases in the spine are manifested by neurological pain, akin to radiculitis, and when the tumor grows, it leads to paralysis of the limbs.

    How are metastases treated in breast cancer?

    The doctor selects the treatment method depending on the extent of the lesion, the patient’s health and age, and the chosen method of treating the primary tumor. When other organs are affected, as a rule, the disease is in the 4th, incurable, stage of stomach cancer.

    IN in this case treatment will be aimed at relieving symptoms, stopping the tumor growth process, and prolonging the patient’s life.

    Surgery for stomach cancer is rarely used to remove metastases, since they are scattered throughout the body. The operation is performed when it is necessary to eliminate intestinal obstruction, artificially connect the intestines and a healthy area of ​​the stomach to each other for the passage of food. In the presence of large number In case of metastases, microsurgical gastroma is indicated - the gastric fistula is removed to the anterior peritoneum under a food tube.

    Chemotherapy is given to stabilize pathological condition. Cytostatics are used latest generation, often against the background of radiation therapy. If the immune system the patient is weakened, then irradiation is contraindicated.

    During treatment, the patient is prescribed a set of medications. These will be painkillers and anticonvulsants, as well as medications to prevent cerebral edema. Additionally, gastric lavage is done with a solution of hydrochloric acid and potassium permanganate, since the neoplasm is disintegrating and the body is poisoned by decay products.

    Radiation therapy is aimed at stopping the growth and reproduction of malignant cells. For stomach cancer, radiation therapy is prescribed for brain metastases. How long a person lives after irradiation depends on the affected organ and other factors.

    The forecast is as follows:

  • for liver damage, treatment is aimed at relieving symptoms and prolonging the life of patients. Chemotherapy and radiation stop the growth of metastases and reduce their size. If the lesion is multiple, any methods are ineffective;
  • in case of damage to the respiratory system, treatment is also aimed at eliminating symptoms and prolonging the patient’s life. The operation is prescribed very rarely. Radiation and chemotherapy are used, sometimes the tumor is removed with a laser if the tumor grows into the throat and blocks the bronchi;
  • if the appendages are affected, an operation is performed, excising the affected tissue in parallel with resection of the stomach. An aggressive course of chemotherapy and radiation is then given to give the patient a chance of survival.
  • An unfavorable prognosis accompanies any stage of metastasis.

    The cause of metastases is in an advanced disease; in gastric cancer, metastases spread no earlier than the disease reaches stage 3. You need to listen to your body’s signals, monitor your health, and undergo examinations.


    From year to year oncological diseases gastrointestinal tract are more common. How long do people live with stomach cancer? - the question is relevant.

    Experts do not have an exact answer to this question, because there are many factors that influence the outcome of treatment, for example: at what stage of cancer the patient applied, how affected the stomach is and what is the rate of development of the tumor.

    The prognosis for 5 years of life depends on the patient’s health status and the presence of metastases.

    Classification of cancer diseases

    Experts classify malignant neoplasms according to three points.

    1. Histology of tumor cells.
    2. Symptoms.
    3. How does a tumor grow?

    Histological cell type malignant tumor The stomach is divided into:

    • cancer, which is formed from mucus-producing cells of the epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract mucosa;
    • cancer formed from degenerated gastric epithelial cells;
    • glandular cancer - a malignant tumor formed from the epithelium of the stomach;
    • undifferentiated tumor is a neoplasm that develops from cells that have not matured and differentiated cells of the gastric mucosa. This type of malignant tumor grows quickly, produces malignant metastases, and is fatal.

    The growth of pathology divides cancer into two types:

    • Intestinal. The neoplasm slowly penetrates into the stomach cavity, while the cells are associated with each other (glandular tumor and adenocarcinoma).
    • Diffuse. The tumor does not flow into the organ cavity and the cells do not communicate with each other (undifferentiated tumor).

    Stages of cancer development

    How long people with stomach cancer live depends on the degree of development of the cancer. Cancer is divided into five stages.

    1. Zero stage- a small neoplasm that does not grow into the thin acellular layer separating the connective tissue from the endothelium and epithelium. Metastases are not observed. If the tumor is removed at this stage, the prognosis is favorable.
    2. First stage. Does not extend beyond the gastrointestinal tract, and the lymphatic system contains tumor cells.
    3. Second stage. The tumor passes through the layer of muscle tissue of the stomach and is possibly located in some nodes of the lymphatic system. Experts predict a less successful outcome of the disease. IN mandatory Chemotherapy is performed and the tumor is removed.
    4. Third stage. The tumor passes through all walls and tissues, you can see it in 5 - 8 nodes of the lymphatic system, connective tissues and around the organ.
    5. Fourth stage. In this case, there is no point in removing the tumor. All lymph nodes are affected. It metastasizes to the pancreas, esophagus, and liver. Doctors provide pain relief therapy. The prognosis is unfavorable.

    Symptoms of stomach cancer

    Like cancer of other organs, stomach cancer does not make itself known for a long time and does not show any special signs.

    There are cases when a patient, based on symptoms, diagnoses himself not with cancer of the heart or gastrointestinal tract, but with cancer, for example:

    • Symptoms similar to heart disease. The tumor is localized in the cardiac region of the stomach. The patient feels discomfort and aching pain in the sternum area. This is due to the increase blood pressure(normal blood pressure is 120/80). Mainly occurs in elderly patients.
    • Symptoms similar to gastrointestinal intestinal diseases. Malignant neoplasm affects the intestinal part of the organ. Symptoms are similar to gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. Diseases cause painful sensations in the stomach, nausea, which progresses to gag reflexes (in vomit blood can be seen).

    Due to an erroneous diagnosis, the underlying disease may remain hidden for a long time. After a full examination of an elderly patient, specialists diagnose diseases, but not oncology.

    After treating diseases, the attending physician should be wary of:

    1. If after a course of therapy there is no effect.
    2. When studying the disease, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are discovered.

    Also, the doctor and the patient should be alert to signs that indicate small stomach cancer:

    • The patient constantly has abdominal discomfort, that is, a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the stomach.
    • It is difficult to swallow food, pain appears in the sternum, radiating to the back.
    • after eating and taking medications, the pain does not subside;
    • the patient quickly gets tired and feels weak even from little physical activity;
    • rapidly losing weight (about 15 kilograms in six months, with an average weight of 75-85 kilograms), loss of appetite;
    • there is an aversion to meat, although this was not the case before;
    • after eating a small portion of a dish, the patient feels overeated.

    According to the results clinical trial A pattern of symptoms has been established that identifies the symptoms of cancer:

    1. 55% of patients experience pain under the xiphoid process (anterior abdominal cavity).
    2. 40-50% of patients rapidly lose weight, and there are even cases of anorexia.
    3. Immediately after eating, the patient begins to feel sick, and in the future it can lead to vomiting, which occurs in 35% of cases.
    4. Blood stains are noticeable in the vomit - 20%.
    5. All mucous membranes begin to turn pale - 35%.

    Symptoms may vary. This depends on where the tumor is located (upper, lower or middle part of the stomach).

    If the tumor is localized in upper area, then the patient regularly experiences heart pain. While eating, problems with swallowing begin (in advanced cases, it is impossible to swallow).

    The body becomes dehydrated, which over time leads to disseminated intravascular coagulation. An insufficient amount of protein leads to disruption of nitrogen-containing compounds (nitrogen metabolism) and as a result - critical level under-oxidized blood substances.

    If the tumor affects the middle part of the stomach, then gastric bleeding begins, which causes anemia. IN middle region There are large vessels in the stomach. The doctor conducts tests to detect bleeding.

    If bleeding is present, the consistency and color of the stool changes significantly. The stool is liquid or mushy and black in color. sharp pain means the rapid growth of a tumor in the pancreas.

    A tumor in the lower part causes dyspepsia, that is, the patient has regular diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, stomach pain, belching with a rotten smell.

    The prognosis for stomach cancer depends on:

    • degree of development of the neoplasm;
    • structure of cancer cells;
    • size of tumors;
    • the patient's immune state.

    Stomach cancer, how long do you live with it?

    Let's look at common cases and what life expectancy is. After the course of treatment was successful, experts set the main prognosis - five-year cancer survival.

    Basically, when diagnosed with stomach cancer, the survival rate at an early stage is 90-99% of cases. After successful treatment, 90-99% of people live for five years. If a cancerous tumor is removed at the initial stage, a relapse is possible.

    Gastric cancer prognosis for the second stage of oncology - with successful therapy, a 5-year survival rate of 75-85%.

    At the third stage, the prognosis is no longer so favorable - only 20% of patients can live five years, but this is provided that metastases have already begun. If no metastases are detected, then the survival rate is 55%.

    It can be concluded that the earlier stomach cancer is diagnosed, the more likely the patient is to live.

    On average, at the third or fourth stage of tumor development (when the tumor cannot be removed surgically), patients live no more than six months.

    At an advanced stage of cancer, doctors are unable to remove the primary and secondary foci of the disease, so metastases and relapses begin. The patient's death occurs within 1-1.5 years.

    After the cancer is removed, which is accompanied by bleeding and penetration of all connective tissues, the patient manages to live for about 2.5 years.

    Five-year survival rate with rapid development of oncology is 40%, and with metastases - no more than 7%.

    We can conclude that if the tumor develops independently, then the prognosis is favorable, and if there are metastases, the prognosis is unfavorable.

    The prognosis is influenced by the location of the tumor. If the proximal part of the organ is affected, then the 5-year survival rate is no more than 13%, the prognosis is unfavorable. If the tumor is localized in the distal region, then the survival rate is approximately 45%, the prognosis is favorable.

    On this moment To determine the survival prognosis for gastric cancer, specialists need to know:

    1. The depth of damage to the gastric walls. It should be no deeper than T1.
    2. The presence of metastases in the lymphatic system. The norm of lesions is level N0, N1. Absence of cancer cells in fiber.
    3. The presence of secondary lesions in the liver, lungs, bones, brain and other important organs.


    To prevent stomach cancer, doctors recommend treating precancerous conditions. Gastric polyposis, chronic ulcers and anacid gastritis are considered precancerous.

    Eat right, eat foods rich in minerals and vitamins, stick to your diet.
