How to use tangerine peels. Jam from tangerine peels What can be made from tangerine peels

There is nothing superfluous in nature. And sometimes what appears to be outright “garbage” at first glance becomes useful tool, helping to eliminate certain diseases, refresh or clean the house, clean personal plot specific pests and much more. In this article we will talk about the use of tangerine peels, which go into the trash in abundance.

Health benefits of tangerine peels

It would be fair to start with what are the real benefits of dry tangerine peels for general well-being person.

This by-product, we are not afraid to call it that, is used for the following purposes:

  • For the treatment of bronchitis, prepare the following citrus decoction: dry tangerine peel
    grind into powder, and add 300 ml of boiling water in the amount of two tablespoons. All this is put on low heat, simmered for 5-7 minutes, then infused for another hour and strained. You should drink it warm, half a glass 3 times a day, and certainly before eating.
  • Getting rid of flatulence and dysbacteriosis. For this purpose, powder from dried peels is added to any food consumed in the amount of 1 tsp.
  • Dry cough therapy. To do this, make a vodka tincture from a glass of alcohol and two tablespoons. fresh crushed peels. All this is infused in a dark place for a week. The drink is taken with water, 15-25 drops, three times a day and, again, only before meals.
  • Elimination of fungal pathology of nail plates. The latter are rubbed with fresh tangerine skins twice a day, morning and evening, immediately after washing the limbs.

Using tangerine peels in everyday life

Let's move on to what the use of dried or fresh tangerine peels can be:

  • They can be placed in the dishwasher, and even minimal residue will not remain on the dishes.
    stains and drips.
  • Table vinegar infused with peels can become a truly universal and trouble-free cleaning agent that costs mere pennies. And that’s all, because the citric acids contained in the peel can remove mineral deposits, soap deposits, and kill mold and bacteria.
  • In cooking, powder from dry tangerine peels can be an excellent addition to tea leaves, homemade vitamin mixtures, meat and drinks. Remember that almost all classic cocktails involve the presence of one or another citrus? So, they are not always in the refrigerator, but citrus powder will become their worthy and budget analogue.
  • Fresh peels can be used to make an excellent body scrub. For this purpose, they are grated on a fine grater, mixed with almond and olive oil, granulated sugar or coffee.
  • An alcohol tincture of healthy tangerine peels may well become the basis for homemade essential oil. For it, 20 skins need to be dried, ground into powder, and placed in a glass container. The latter is completely filled with vodka, sealed tightly and exposed to the sun for three days. Then the substance is filtered, the dust is thrown out, and the liquid remains in its container until the alcohol has completely evaporated.
  • If you are a true connoisseur of homemade alcohol, you can try making tangerine vodka. The recipe is simple: buy a liter of high-quality industrial alcohol, and mix it with strained juice obtained from 1.5 kg of fresh citrus fruits, and leave it all in a tightly closed glass container for just a couple of days.

The use of tangerine peel in the garden

Mandarin peel has also found its application in the gardening sector of human life, namely:

  • It can be decomposed into flower beds and pots with indoor plants. Summer residents
    prove that in this way you can protect the decoration of your yard and home from attacks by cats.
  • The following recipe for tangerine tincture helps save the crop from aphids, thrips and spider mites. This universal eco-insecticidal decoction is prepared from fresh tangerine peels taken from a couple of fruits. They are crushed, filled with a liter of heated water, and the container with the contents is sent to a dark and cool room for a week. Then the substance is filtered, flavored with liquid toilet soap, and you can begin processing the garden plantings. For thrips and aphids, three sprayings are carried out; for spider mites, their number increases to 5. In any case, the interval between treatments should be at least one week.
  • The great benefit of citrus peels is that their smell is unbearable for ants. Therefore, it would be advisable to prepare a puree from them, based on just a couple of ingredients: water and fresh peel. Then all that remains is to spread it out in places where ants gather and move. This method is bad because the pest will not leave the area completely, but will most likely simply relocate.
  • For indoor plants will come in handy next recipe: pour 200 g of crusts with a liter of water, put the container in a dark place for 5 days, and then strain. This remedy is used as follows: half ready-made tincture connects with 2 liters of settled or purified water, and tsp. laundry soap. The green mass of house plants is washed or sprayed with the resulting solution, which rids them of all types of aphids and mites.

Please note that this is not all possible ways using tangerine peel.

Many housewives throw away tangerine peels, the use of which at home is profitable and practical. Orange peel containing huge reserve ascorbic acid and essential oils, not only can make culinary masterpieces healthier, more aromatic and tastier, but also act as a separate dessert: jam or candied fruits.

What can you do with tangerine peels?

Tangerine peels, the use of which concerns many areas of human life, are of interest. You can create anything from the orange peel: when brewed it is used in cosmetology and medicine, when crushed it is used as a seasoning for baked goods, jam is made from fresh peels, candied fruits are made, and even air fresheners.

  1. You can brew tangerine peels with boiling water and get excellent prophylactic for colds and bronchitis. To do this, 40 g of tangerine peel should be poured into 500 ml hot water, simmer for 5 minutes on the fire and let it brew for an hour. After which, drink before meals three times a day.
  2. Dry tangerine peels, the use of which at home helps not only to enjoy the aromas of food, but also to improve digestive processes, are ground in a coffee grinder into powder and added a teaspoon to porridge and cottage cheese products.

Candied tangerine peels are the most popular way to utilize citrus peels. This is due to the fact that homemade delicacy, unlike store-bought analogues, has a natural composition, is low in calories, and thanks to amino acids and minerals, it is also healthy. In addition, you can not only eat it with a cup of tea, but also use it to decorate baked goods.


  • tangerine peels - 290 g;
  • sugar - 290 g;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • water for syrup - 110 ml;
  • water - 2 l.


  1. At 6 hour intervals, soak the peels twice in cold water.
  2. Pour in fresh water and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the water and dry the crusts.
  4. Make syrup from water and sugar.
  5. Place the crusts in it and simmer for an hour.
  6. 5 minutes before the end, pour in lemon juice.
  7. Place the candied fruits on parchment and dry in the oven.

Jam made from tangerine peels will help out at a time when summer preparations are already running out, and store-bought ones are not happy with the price. Everyone can enjoy this product winter time, because jam is easy to prepare and quickly turns into a richly sweet, concentrated aromatic mass that prolongs the New Year's mood.


  • tangerine peels - 350 g;
  • lemon juice - 40 ml;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • water - 3 l.


  1. Soak the crusts in water for 12 hours.
  2. During this time, change the water three times.
  3. Drain the water, sprinkle the crusts with sugar, add lemon juice, and cook, stirring, for 40 minutes.
  4. Transfer to a jar and refrigerate.

Tangerine zest can be used not only as a seasoning, but also as a base for baking. This is confirmed by the unique one, baked from citrus zest ground into flour. This product exudes incredible aromas and is distinguished by a piquant bitterness, which skillfully “hides” behind the sweet sour cream.


  • peels - 300 g;
  • sugar - 500 g;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • egg - 4 pcs.;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • slaked soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • sour cream - 500 g;
  • tangerine slices - 10 pcs.


  1. Grind tangerine peels into flour.
  2. Add 250 g sugar and hot milk.
  3. Add butter, eggs, flour, soda to the cooled mass and mix.
  4. Place in a mold and bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.
  5. Cut the cake into 3 parts.
  6. For the cream, beat sour cream with 250 g of sugar.
  7. Grease the cakes with cream and assemble the pie.
  8. Garnish with tangerine slices and refrigerate for 10 hours.

Using tangerine peels in baking allows you to avoid purchasing expensive food aromatic additives, which is convenient when it comes to food for the whole family. In this case, a few spoons of zest added to the flour will make the texture of the dough more expressive, and the finished product will be fresher and more fragrant.


  • tangerine - 4 pcs.;
  • flour - 240 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • starch - 40 g.


  1. Remove the zest from the tangerines and squeeze the juice out of two.
  2. Grind the flour with butter, powdered sugar and starch.
  3. Add zest and juice.
  4. Form the cookies and bake them at 180 degrees for 15 minutes.

Those who want to always have tasty and healthy treat, can make tangerine peels in sugar. Sugar not only softens the bitterness, but also acts as a preservative, increasing the shelf life of the product without losing taste and vitamins. The recipe itself is similar to cooking candied fruits, except that the peels are left in syrup for 12 hours.


  • tangerine peels - 300 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l.


  1. Soak the crusts in a liter of water for a day.
  2. Drain the water and cut the crusts.
  3. Stir in 600 g sugar, 500 ml water and cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Leave the peels in the syrup for 12 hours.
  5. After which, cook for 10 minutes and place on parchment.
  6. Roll in sugar and leave to dry for 3 hours.

Tangerine peels, which have surprisingly varied uses at home, can become the basis not only for desserts, but also for drinks. Thus, a concentrated syrup made from crusts, when diluted with carbonated water, quickly turns into vitamin-rich lemonade, which is an excellent alternative to harmful store-bought analogues.


  • peels - 450 g;
  • boiling water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • citric acid - 20 g.


  1. Place the crumbs in a jar, pour boiling water over them and leave covered for a day.
  2. Boil the resulting broth and refill the jar.
  3. After a day, boil the broth with sugar and citric acid.
  4. Pour into an airtight container and store the tangerine peel syrup in the cold.

One of the simplest and most budget-friendly options for using citrus peels, it is prepared very quickly, and even with a minimal amount of ingredients it turns out healthy and very tasty. In this case, all you need is to fill the crusts with water, add sugar and, after boiling the drink under the lid for 5 minutes, let it brew.


  • peels - 150 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • citric acid - 2 g.


  1. Pour water over the crusts, bring to a boil, add sugar and cook covered for 5 minutes.
  2. Pour in citric acid and remove from heat.

Tangerine peel tea is the most popular winter drink and requires properly prepared peels to create. This process involves brushing and fine slicing. Thus, the crusts release their flavor faster and look more attractive. Then everything is simple: boil the peels, pour in the tea and spices and let it brew.


  • black tea - 30 g;
  • peels - 40 g;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • cinnamon - 5 g.


  1. Pour water over the crusts and boil for a couple of minutes.
  2. Place tea, cinnamon in a teapot and pour in the decoction.
  3. Infuse tea with tangerine peel for 10 minutes.

Moonshine will appeal to lovers of strong and aromatic alcohol. A natural, soft and devoid of alcohol smell, the product is prepared simply, but not quickly, since it must steep for three weeks - this is the time required for the crusts to maximally saturate the drink with taste and aroma.


  • tangerine peels - 70 g;
  • honey - 40 g;
  • moonshine - 1 l.


  1. Pour moonshine over the crusts, add honey and seal tightly.
  2. Shaking occasionally, leave the product for 3 weeks.
  3. After which, strain and consume.

Homemade liqueur made from tangerine peels will give odds to store-bought alcohol. It's not even a matter of saving money, but the opportunity to experiment. So, knowing that liqueurs are characterized by a pronounced aroma, you need to add spices to the crusts. You can choose them based on personal taste or use available cinnamon and star anise.

An evergreen species of citrus trees brought to Europe in the 19th century from China. At good conditions can reach a height of 4 meters, producing up to 6 thousand bright orange fruits from one tree. The tangerine peel is easily peeled from the fruit and used for medicinal purposes.

Tangerine peel - 10 beneficial properties

  1. Help for cancer

    Research published in the journal Bio Med Center Dermatology claims that people who drink black tea with dried tangerine peels reduce their risk of skin cancer by up to 70%. The thing is that tangerine tea containing alvestrols has a detrimental effect on cancer cells, provoking neoplasms of the mammary glands, ovaries and prostate.

    The peel of the fruit contains significantly higher levels of antioxidants than the squeezed juice. This quality allows you to prevent cell mutation processes, protecting the body from a terrible disease.

  2. Reduces cholesterol levels

    Tea with tangerine peel prevents the risk of heart disease vascular diseases. It contains polymethoxylated flavones, which can reduce cholesterol by up to 40%. This fact was recorded in the laboratory during a study on experimental animals.

    By lowering blood sugar levels, a decoction of dry zest is perfect for people suffering from diabetes.

    Read also: What are the benefits of apples?
    The article presents the 20 most useful properties for human health. For what diseases is it especially recommended to consume these fruits? The benefits of apples for weight loss. What are the contraindications for use?

  3. Help the liver

    Cleansing detox diets actively include tangerine zest, which helps remove toxins from the liver. The zest, stimulating digestion, allows you to get rid of increased metabolism, strengthens immune functions, protecting the body from premature aging.

  4. Improves digestion

    Fragrant tea with tangerine zest will help with disorders intestinal tract, relieving nausea and vomiting.

  5. For stress

    Essential oils of the orange fruit have been used since ancient times to relieve nervous disorders. A warm cup of tangerine tea will have a relaxing effect and calm your nerves.

  6. For colds

    Tea made from the peel has high levels of antioxidants that promote quick recovery during seasonal illnesses accompanied by cough and runny nose. It quickly removes mucus from respiratory tract, preventing it from accumulating in the lungs.

  7. For stomach ulcers

    The benefit of tangerine peel also lies in the fact that it can suppress Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which cause stomach ulcers.

  8. For obesity

    The white veins of tangerine peels are used to treat obesity. In their chemical composition includes the substance nobiletin, which helps remove accumulated fat deposits not only in the muscles, but also in the blood vessels.

    Prepared gruel from fruit zest, which is applied to problem areas of the skin, will help in the fight against cellulite.

  9. Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties

    In folk Chinese medicine The anti-inflammatory properties of the peel are used in the treatment of colds and diarrhea. With their help, they detoxify the liver, reducing blood sugar levels. Tangerine peel oil, having antibacterial properties, is an excellent antimicrobial and antifungal agent traditional medicine. If you rub the fungus-affected areas with the peel 2 times a day, you can forget about the fungus. The substance gemperidin, which is part of the peel, helps cope with arthritis, relieving swelling and pain.

  10. Help for women's health

    Tangerine peel essential oil helps in treating acne problems. Cosmetologists actively use it to maintain the health of women's hair and skin. The oil has a relaxing and soothing effect on female body during a massage, and frozen cubes from a decoction of zest will return a radiant appearance to the skin.

    During pregnancy, infusions from the zest will help cope with the manifestations of vitamin deficiency.

Tangerine peels - contraindications

Tangerine peel can be harmful to people if:

IMPORTANT! Young children should be careful when introducing fruit and infusions from it into their diet. Excessive use it can be caused by diathesis.

In feudal China, "mandarins" were the name given to members of the highest nobility.

Among citrus trees, the tangerine tree is the most cold-resistant.

Thanks to high concentration essential oils, tangerine peel is used to flavor confectionery baked goods and alcoholic beverages.

In Southern California, the most popular spa treatments are those using tangerine peel.

In the 70s, the symbol of the New Year was fragrant, bright tangerine balls. Everyone associated their aroma with New Year holidays. Green Christmas trees were decorated with orange fruits, delighting the children.

If you love to cook and want to please your family with something tasty and unusual, try making candied tangerine peels. This option for using citrus peel is far from the only one. There are many recipes that help reveal the specific sweet and at the same time slightly bitter taste.

The benefits and harms of citrus peels

Citrus fruits are a real storehouse of vitamin C and other useful minerals and vitamins. It is very useful to eat a few tangerines from time to time. On New Year it is absolutely impossible to do without them.

It is also quite common for people to drink citrus juice for breakfast. Of course, fresh juice with pulp is much more beneficial than packaged nectar. It is known that the highest concentration useful substances concentrated precisely in the peel of tangerines. Therefore, many ways have been invented to use the zest for food purposes.

In home-cooked candied fruits, despite the sugar and heat treatment, there are still a lot of vitamins left. The zest also contains essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on the body and can even lift a person’s mood.

However, despite everything positive characteristics, it is also worth considering that crusts can have a negative impact on your health.

First of all, this is due to the fact that tangerine is a strong allergen and therefore can cause adverse symptoms in some people.

No one should even consume candied citrus fruits in large quantities. It is also important to consider that the peel is most often treated with wax, so you need to wash it thoroughly before further use of the peel.

The most important aspect that can have harmful effects on the human body - the use of nitrates to accelerate the growth of tangerines. These substances, which are toxic to the body, accumulate, as is known, precisely in the peel of the fruit.

Ways to use the peel

If you are sure that citrus peels can be used, then pay attention to how many other ways to use them further there are. Often the peel is simply dried and left as a room air flavoring, like a sachet. In fact, you can cook various delicacies from it.

What can you do with tangerine peels?

  • Candied fruit. Of course, first of all we are talking about candied fruits. These are healthy sweets, completely natural based. If purchased versions contain dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers and other preservatives, homemade product you can be absolutely sure. Therefore, it can be given even to children, because the cooking process is completely under your control;
  • Jam. By similar principle You can make flavored jams and preserves. This is a great addition to tea and cookies;
  • Lollipops. After boiling the zest with sugar, you can make sucking candies or boil the mass to the consistency of fudge with a citrus flavor.

Preparing the crusts

In order for the dessert to turn out delicious, it is important to properly prepare the products for further processing. Thus, before preparing candied fruits, you need to thoroughly rinse the peel of the tangerines, as they are treated with special substances to protect them from spoilage. Then you need to clean off the white threads from reverse side. The better you choose them, the sweeter the skins will be.

In order to remove the bitterness from tangerines and prepare the zest for further combination with sugar, you need to soak them in cold water. For achievement maximum effect It is recommended to add a pinch of salt to the water. You should also change the water regularly. This should be done 2-3 times a day for 3 days.

Cooking candied fruits

Finally, after you have changed the water for the last time, you can start cooking the candied fruits. First, fold back the crusts so that all the water drains through a colander. Lightly dab them with a napkin and place them in a cooking pot. Since candied fruits are essentially candied fruits, to achieve the desired effect, pour sugar syrup over them.

To achieve the desired consistency, it is recommended to make the syrup in advance. For it, take 1 part water and 2 parts sugar. All this is melted over low heat, and then cooked for several minutes until a string of syrup begins to stretch from the spoon. After this, cool it slightly and pour it over the crusts.

Let the tangerines soak in the syrup for a bit. The swollen crusts will quickly become saturated with sugar. To bring this delicious delicacy to readiness, place the pan on low heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Then, cool the candied fruits and repeat the procedure. As a result, the zest should become slightly transparent.

Next, drain the liquid and place the tangerines on a baking sheet to dry. It's better to let them dry naturally, but you can speed up this process by turning on the oven at 50 degrees for about 1 hour. Save the syrup for desserts.

You can also make a drink out of it, add it to a cocktail, or boil it down into candy.

Tangerine jam

In addition to candied fruits, you can make another delicacy from citrus peel - jam from

tangerine peels. This is a great option for New Year's gatherings with tea. In general, the cooking process itself is not much different from the usual one. You can use the same ingredients as for candied fruits: syrup and skins.

The main difference is that the jam remains with the syrup, so if you don’t want a cloying taste, adjust the amount of sugar in a timely manner.

You can start cooking the zest directly with the sugar itself, without pre-prepared syrup.

Once you boil the pan with the ingredients, you will need to skim off the foam with a slotted spoon. After this, reduce the heat and leave to simmer for 5-10 minutes, depending on the volume.

Then, cool it all down and repeat the procedure after a certain time. So you need to cook the skins 2-3 times until they reach the desired condition.

Pour the jam into jars and put the candied fruits in a bag, and you will always have healthy goodies at hand. Treat yourself and your loved ones with healthy sweets!

Do you throw away tangerine peels?
After this post you will stop doing this! I guarantee it.
After all, she can become an excellent assistant to the housewife.

Tangerine peels can be dried (for example, on a radiator or in the oven)

1. grind the dried peel in a coffee grinder or blender and add to baked goods, drinks, desserts for flavoring or grate it and freeze it

2. tangerine tea: Brew ground dried tangerine peel with tea. 1 tsp peels for 250-300 ml of water

3. tangerine tincture: tangerine peel + vodka, leave for a couple of weeks. Makes a product for flavoring desserts, cupcakes, and any dough

3. decoction of tangerine peels add to the bath - it will be an excellent remedy for stress and headaches

4. Place the dried crusts in the cupboard. This way you can protect your clothes from moths

5. You can infuse manadrine peels spray house plants, thereby protecting them from spider mites. Eco-friendly and free too

6. crafts: Christmas tree toys, candlesticks

You can cut out shapes from the peel using cookie cutters

7. candied fruit:

Zest from 1 kg of tangerines, sugar 1.8 kg, water 400 ml, citric acid 3 g
To remove bitterness, the peels are soaked for three days, changing the water three times a day. After three days, the water is drained, fresh water is poured in, the crusts are boiled for 10 minutes to give elasticity, and then discarded in a colander. After the water has drained, they are placed in an enamel basin.

Using the water in which the peels were boiled, sugar syrup of 80% concentration is prepared (for 1 kg of tangerine peels, 1.5 liters are needed sugar syrup from 1.8 kg of sugar and 395 g of water). The peels are poured with boiling syrup and left for 10 hours. After 10 hours, citric acid is added to the basin (3 g per 1 kg of crusts), boiled for 15 minutes and left for another 10 hours. During the third cooking, the candied fruits are boiled until tender, i.e. to temperature boiling syrup 108 °C.

The finished candied fruits, in a boiling state, are placed in a colander placed on a saucepan and left for 1-1.5 hours for the syrup to drain more completely. The cooled slices are laid out on a sieve and dried for 24 hours at room temperature. After a day, the slices are rolled in sugar, placed on a sieve and dried for another day. In order to protect candied fruits from drying out when long-term storage they are placed in clean, dry jars and hermetically sealed with lids. The remaining syrup can be used to re-cook candied fruits or for other purposes. It contains 75-80% sugar.

8. tangerine liqueur:

1 liter of good alcohol;
600 g sugar;
600 ml water;
18 ripe tangerines (peel).

1) Place the carefully peeled white tangerine peel into a jar and fill it with pure alcohol.

2) Leave the crusts for 2 weeks, filter and cook the syrup: dissolve sugar in water, boil a couple of times, carefully removing the resulting foam, cool.

3) Pour our tincture into the cooled syrup, the drink will become cloudy. This is normal. Pour into bottles, which are then placed in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. We drink chilled in small portions or make delicious cocktails.

9. Add some tangerine peels when frying meat or poultry, this will give the dish an original taste

10. Home scenting: Boil water in a saucepan and throw in a few tangerine peels. A pleasant aroma will quickly fill the entire apartment.

Do you throw away tangerine peels?

I’m already drying the peel on the radiator and putting the liqueur on.
