Types of infertility (impotence) in males and their causes. The use of male probes in cattle breeding (stimulation of sexual function, diagnosis of heat, pregnancy and infertility). Nutritional infertility of farm animals. Causes, diagnosis and

Andrological medical examination

Andrological medical examination is a study of producers, the purpose of which is to establish the state of their health and potency, and, if necessary, diagnose a form of impotence. The tasks of medical examination include the forecast of the use of males for reproduction, as well as the choice of methods of treatment and prevention.

Scheme clinical trial male:

1. Registration.

2. History.

Information about registration, feeding, care, diagnostic tests and preventive treatments, mode of sexual use, volume of ejaculates, quality of sperm and its fertilizing ability, number and quality of the resulting offspring, manifestations of sexual reflexes by the male during sexual intercourse or receiving sperm for an artificial vagina.

3. General research. Determination of physique, fatness, temperament of a male. Measurement of temperature, pulse, respiratory rate, examination of the circulatory, respiratory, nervous, and digestive systems.

4. Special study– study of the male reproductive system.

Inspection, careful palpation of the scrotum, testes and their appendages, inguinal rings, penis (through the walls of the prepuce) and prepuce give a general idea of ​​the development, symmetry, topography, and pain of the genital organs. If the male is restless and shows aggressiveness, then before the study he is administered antipsychotics (aminazine or combilene). After the administration of these drugs, spontaneous protrusion of the penis from the prepuce is noted in males after 5-30 minutes for 1-3 hours, which facilitates examination of the organ.

In large animals, the condition of the accessory sex glands is examined rectally.

5. Reflexological examination of the male (test cage). Sexual reflexes of males are determined by test cages

On clinically healthy females in heat. The fullness of the manifestation of sexual reflexes is taken into account: erection, hugging, copulatory, ejaculation.

6. Laboratory research.

The collected sperm is thoroughly examined. Samples of feed, water, blood, urine and feces, as well as swabs from the male’s prepuce, are sent to the veterinary laboratory.

Congenital impotence

Congenital infertility of males is a consequence of abnormalities in the development of their reproductive apparatus that arose during embryonic or fetal development as a result of inferiority of sperm, egg or zygote.

Congenital infertility manifests itself in males in the form of infantilism, cryptorchidism, and hermaphroditism.

Infantilism. It is characterized by underdevelopment of the genital organs and the absence of sexual reflexes in males who have reached the age of puberty. It is clinically manifested by testicular hypoplasia. For infantilism in males, some authors recommend communication between males and females, grazing, massage, and the use of tissue preparations as a therapeutic method.

Cryptorchidism. It manifests itself as a violation of the descent of the testes into the scrotal cavity and their retention in the abdominal cavity. For this reason, spermiogenesis is absent, although sexual reflexes are sometimes pronounced. The causes of cryptorchidism are usually associated with a special recessive gene that can be transmitted in a direct line. Cryptorchidism can be unilateral or bilateral. Unilateral cryptorchidism does not interfere with fertility - it is maintained due to the function of another, normal testis. Bilateral cryptorchidism leads to infertility; such males usually have aspermia. The testes lingering in the abdominal cavity are reduced in size and have a soft consistency.

Hermaphroditism. It is relatively rare and involves the development of gonads consisting of ovarian and testicular tissue. Pseudohermaphrodite males have more or less normal testes, and the accessory sex glands are similar to the female genitals. In hermaphrodites, in most seminiferous tubules the layer of Sertoli cells contains only single spermatogonia. Therefore, spermiogenesis does not occur.

Measures to prevent this form of impotence come down, first of all, to planned work on breeding animals, taking into account the origin of the parents and the compatibility of lines and families, and limiting inbreeding.

Nutritional impotence

Symptoms of nutritional impotence are nonspecific: weak sexual reflexes or complete absence, aspermatism, aspermia, teratospermia, necrospermia, oligospermatism, oligospermia, presence ketone bodies in sperm.

Clinical signs. Lesions of the genital apparatus may be absent. Of decisive importance is an examination of the manufacturer (poor nutrition or obesity), as well as the study and analysis of his diet in the last 2-3 months.

During the sexual season, the producer produces a large number of sperm, secretions of the accessory sex glands, spends a lot of energy on neuromuscular work during

Sexual intercourse. All these costs can be compensated only by including in the diet the required quantity and a certain quality of feed.

Insufficient protein content in the diet disrupts spermiogenesis and the activity of the accessory sex glands; the producer develops aspermatism, aspermia, teratospermia or decreases sperm resistance. Adding meat and bone meal, milk, and eggs to the diet has a beneficial effect on producers. When feeding vegetable proteins it is necessary to diversify them by combining various types concentrates (oats, bran, cakes, peas, etc.). However, excess protein and unilateral feeding may impair sexual function due to obesity or spermiogenesis disorders.

The inclusion of a significant amount of sour pulp and poor-quality silage in the diet causes the formation of poor-quality products, the presence of which can be judged by testing the producer’s urine for acetone.

Climatic impotence

Climatic impotence manifests itself in the form of weakening or cessation of sexual reflexes or a decrease in the quantity and quality of sperm (oligospermia, oligospermatism, aspermia or necrospermia). For example, in a ram with long daylight hours, spermiogenesis is disrupted; the number of sperm cells formed from spermiogonia decreases to 10 or less (instead of 16).

Climatic factors influence sexual function through the nervous system. Thus, with changes in temperature and air pressure, excitability increases parasympathetic division nervous system, and the volume of ejaculate and the density of sperm change. Heat, rain, and strong wind have an unfavorable effect on these indicators and reduce sexual activity in bulls.

Prevention. Creation of an appropriate microclimate for the manufacturer.

Exploitative impotence

Exploitative infertility most often occurs due to excessive muscular work or sexual overload. Excessive work(transport work, intensive training, use in field work, etc.) has a depressing effect on the manifestation of sexual reflexes, the quantity and quality of sperm obtained (necrospermia). On the other hand, lack of exercise causes obesity, general lethargy, decreased ejaculate volume and weak sperm activity. High sexual load in stallions, bulls, boars and rams causes operational infertility, which is manifested by a violation of spermogenesis and is expressed by aspermia, oligospermia, aspermatism, necrospermia, teratospermia, and then sexual reflexes are impaired. A disorder of sexual reflexes can be expressed in their excessive strengthening, inhibition, weakening or perversion.

The prognosis is favorable.

Treatment. It is necessary to stop using the manufacturer for a while or significantly reduce the number of coitus; normalize feeding and maintenance.

Symptomatic impotence

Symptomatic impotence is a violation of the reproduction of offspring due to diseases of the genital organs or other organs and systems of the male.

The development of inflammatory processes in the genital organs of males, a general disease of the body caused by the pathogenic action of microorganisms, as well as chemical, mechanical and other factors, often causes impotence and manifests itself as a violation of the dynamics of sexual function. Painful sensations that occur when pathological processes in the area of ​​the pelvic limbs, croup, lower back, can disrupt the hugging and copulatory reflexes.

Disruption of the process of spermiogenesis in producers occurs with diseases of the skin of the scrotum, periorchitis, orchitis and epididymitis, testicular cysts and leads to impotence.

Defeat spermatic cord, inflammation of the sperm ducts, damage to the penis and prepuce – common reason manufacturer's impotence.

Deep lesions of the accessory gonads serve as a direct indication for culling the manufacturer.

The main measure to prevent symptomatic impotence is timely andrological examination.

Senile impotence

In producers who have reached the age limit for breeding service, sexual energy decreases, the quantity and quality of sperm decreases. Aspermatism, aspermia, necrospermia, oligospermia and teratospermia are often observed. Many manufacturers, despite their old age, clinical examination Often it is not possible to establish any morphological changes in the reproductive apparatus. In such cases, assessing the quality of sperm becomes crucial. The conclusion about the unsuitability of a valuable sire due to his reaching the age limit must be made with great caution, since some animals (especially stallions) retain their reproductive ability for a very long time.

Artificial impotence

Artificially acquired impotence

Artificially acquired infertility is a violation of the fertility of males due to the layering of vicious conditioned reflexes to unconditioned sexual reflexes (embracing, copulatory, erections, ejaculation).

Violation of the hugging and copulatory reflexes is caused by blows inflicted on the breeder by the female, improper preparation of the artificial vagina, the presence of strangers, a change of room, the color of the female and other factors.

Clinical signs. Hugging and copulatory reflexes during in good condition reproductive system and other body systems are inhibited or do not appear.

Treatment. First of all, factors that inhibit sexual intercourse are eliminated. The producer is kept in isolation for some time in order to achieve the extinction of perverted conditioned reflexes, and is tested in a different, unusual environment for him.

Impaired erection reflex. Occurs when vicious conditioned reflexes are layered due to errors during insemination or obtaining sperm. Often, a sluggish erection or its complete disruption is accompanied by a disorder of other reflexes.

Clinical signs. Violation of the erection reflex is manifested by the absence or weak tension of the penis.

Violation of the ejaculation reflex occurs from the same reasons as violation of the erection reflex.

Clinical signs. Violation of the ejaculation reflex can be observed in two forms: disturbance of the dynamics of ejaculate secretion (aspermatism and oligospermatism) and inferiority of the ejaculate (aspermia, oligospermia, necrospermia, teratospermia).

After repeated fruitless cages, the producer develops indifference to the female, i.e. other reflexes also weaken. Often ejaculate is released after coitus.

Treatment. The main element of therapy is proper maintenance of the animal. A manufacturer who came to a very strong excitement, it is necessary to distract with wiring. Some producers perform sexual intercourse well after a distracting run.

Artificially induced impotence

Artificially directed impotence is a purposeful violation of the fertility of males in order to obtain products from them in maximum quantity and better quality.

Infertility of males is achieved by surgical methods (castration, vasectomy, etc.). The importance of castration of males is to improve the breeding characteristics of the herd, since castration of males is the best preventive measure against inbreeding.

An artificially directed form of impotence is used in the preparation of male testers.

Control questions

1. What is the essence of the classification of infertility according to A.P. Student?

2. What is the procedure for a gynecological examination?

3. How is an andrological study performed?

4. What are the characteristics of congenital, senile and symptomatic form infertility?

5. What therapeutic techniques are used for symptomatic infertility?

6. What is symptomatic impotence? What treatment methods are used to treat males with inflammatory processes in the genital organs?

7. What are the main measures to prevent nutritional, operational, climatic and artificially acquired infertility?

8. What is artificially induced infertility?

9. What is the purpose and method of using probe males?

10. What does a set of measures to prevent infertility in females and impotence in males include?

The invention relates to veterinary medicine and can be used to stimulate females and obtain multiple pregnancies. Male probes are prepared by dissecting the tissues of the prepuce and abdominal wall along the linea alba towards the anus. Prepare a skin flap in the form isosceles triangle and stitch the edges of the tissues of the abdominal wall and prepuce. During mounting, the penis extends beyond the prepuce with a deviation of up to 90 o from the natural one, which makes the male incapable of copulation. The method ensures the production of sample nutria males with high sexual activity. 4 ill.

The invention relates to veterinary medicine, in particular to veterinary andrology, and can be used in the preparation of male nutria samplers. The Reshetnik-Pasechnik-Shinkarev method is known (V.A. Akatov, N.M. Bulgakov, G.V. Zvereva, L.G. Subbotina, V.S. Shipilov "Workshop on obstetrics, gynecology and artificial insemination of farm animals", Moscow, " Kolos", 1973, pp. 43-46), which consists in the surgical formation of a new preputial foramen (preputiotomy). Males after such an operation are unable to copulate, since during mounting, through a new artificially formed ring of the preputial sac, the penis emerges at a different angle, different from the natural one, without touching the female’s genitals. To prevent impotence, it is recommended to periodically take sperm from an operated male into an artificial vagina. The disadvantages of this method are the rapid adaptation and adaptability of the operated producer to normal sexual intercourse, the proliferation of microorganisms and the development inflammatory process in the blind sac formed from the anterior part of the prepuce. There is a known method for preparing sample males according to B.C. Shipilov (V.A. Akatov, N.M. Bulgakov, G.V. Zvereva, L.G. Subbotina, V.S. Shipilov “Workshop on obstetrics, gynecology and artificial insemination of farm animals”, Moscow, “Kolos”, 1973, p. . 39), which consists in the operative movement of the prepuce and penis into left side from its natural position, which makes the male incapable of copulation. The disadvantage of this method is labor intensity and high injury rate. To maintain sexual activity, it is recommended to periodically take sperm onto an artificial vagina in order to prevent impotence. In nutria farming, it is not advisable to use the proposed methods, which is associated with pronounced features in the structure and topography of the prepuce and penis. The prepuce has a rather large free part (not connected to the abdominal wall). The penis has a V-shaped bend and, when urinating, is directed caudally, towards the anus (tail). The purpose of the invention is to increase efficiency, taking into account the anatomical and physiological features of the structure of the genital organ in nutria. This goal is achieved by the fact that, according to the method of preparing the male probe, the outer layer of the prepuce (skin) and the skin of the abdominal wall are dissected along the white line, towards the anus. A skin flap is prepared in the shape of an isosceles triangle, and then the skin of the abdominal wall and prepuce are sutured. The penis extends beyond the prepuce during mounting, but due to a significant deviation of the angle (about 90 o) from the natural one, it does not touch the female’s genitals, which makes the probe male incapable of copulation, although sexual activity remains. In fig. Figure 1 shows the position of the free part of the prepuce in a calm state of the animal and during urination; in fig. 2 - position of the free part of the prepuce during erection of the penis and during coitus; in fig. 3 - incision line and contour of the prepared skin flap; in fig. 4 - position of part of the prepuce after surgery and the penis during erection. The method is carried out as follows: to calm the male, a 0.2% solution of Rometar is administered intramuscularly at a dose of 0.15 ml per 1 kg of live weight. Fixed in a dorsal position in a pen for small animals. A tube with a diameter of 0.5 cm is inserted into the preputial sac. A 0.5% solution of novocaine is infiltrated along the incision line. The first incision is made 1.5-2 mm from the preputial opening, not reaching the anus 5-8 mm, directing it slightly to the left of the white line of the abdomen (10 o), and the second incision is made slightly to the right of the white line of the abdomen (10 o). The longitudinal incisions are connected with a third transverse one, and a skin flap is prepared in the form of a triangle. The skin of the prepuce and the greater wall is connected with an intermittent angular suture (5-7 stitches). Treat with Chemis spray. Sutures are removed 8-9 days after surgery. Example: male nutria, 6 months old, well developed, sexually active. The objects of inspection are the prepuce and penis. The operation was performed according to the method described above. The postoperative period proceeded smoothly, healing proceeded according to primary intention. The observation period for the sample male is 0.5 years. After the operation, at 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 months of age, the male’s sexual reflexes are clearly manifested, and copulation is absent. Thus, thanks to the operative fixation of the free part of the prepuce caudally, an obstacle to copulation is created, however, all other sexual reflexes in the male probe, prepared according to the method described above, appear normally. The proposed method was tested on six male nutria. The observation period covers 0.5 years. During this period, males were examined 4-5 times. The operation is not labor-intensive, the time required for the operation is veterinarians is 0.3-0.5 hours, total length incisions - 6-8 cm, 5-7 suture stitches are applied to the skin wound. Males prepared by anopreputioplasty are the best probes for nutria breeding, have high sexual activity, and there is no copulation reflex. The use of the proposed method will make it possible to obtain test males for physiological stimulation and to obtain multiple births of nutria females.


A method for preparing male nutria samplers, including dissection of the tissues of the prepuce and abdominal wall, characterized in that the tissues are dissected from the preputial ring to the anus along the white line of the abdomen at an angle of 10 o on both sides from it, a skin flap is excised in the form of a triangle and the edges are sutured tissues of the prepuce and abdominal wall.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Dissertation - 480 RUR, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

Khizhnyakova Natalya Leonidovna. Preparation and use of male nutria samples operated on by epididymitomy: Dis. ...cand. vet. Sciences: 16.00.07: village. Persianovsky, 2003 164 p. RSL OD, 61:04-16/47-4


1. Brief biological characteristics of nutria 12

1.2. Sexual and physiological maturity - 18

1.3. Sexual cycle, its regulation. Features of manifestation of sexual function in nutria 20

1.4.The influence of various factors

1.5. Preparation and use of probe males 34

2. Own research 46

2.1.Materials and research methods 4 6

2.2. Development of a method for preparing a sample male in nutria 51

2.2.1.Anatomical and morphological characteristics of the reproductive system of male nutria 51

2.2.2 Technique for performing epididymytomy 61

2.2.3. The influence of epididymitomy on the morphological parameters of the genital organs of male nutria.66

2.2.4. Hematological parameters of epididymitised males 74

2.2.5. Sexual reflexes of epididymitised males - 76

2.3. The use of operated males "to study the stage of arousal of the sexual cycle in females. 80

2.3.1. Formation of phenomena of the stage of excitation of the sexual cycle of nutria in the presence of epididymytomized males 80

2.3.2. Sexual behavior of females in the presence of an epididymitised male during dosed contact

2.3.3. Sexual behavior of females in the presence of an epididymitised male when kept together

2.4. Using operated males for stimulation purposes reproductive function females

2.4.1.Macro-micromorphological indicators of the reproductive organs of females under the influence

2.4.2. Hematological parameters of females kept with an epididymitised male

2.4.3. The influence of the sampler male on the reproductive rates and milk production of females.

2.5.Economic efficiency of using probes

2.6. Testing a method for keeping nutria puppies of different sexes together until they reach physiological maturity.

2.7.Testing epididymitised males under production conditions


Introduction to the work

The implementation of state agricultural policy involves the creation modern technologies production of products based on fundamentally new theoretical research and scientific and technical solutions that ensure the dynamic development of various sectors of livestock farming. Along with the reduction and destructuring of cattle breeding, pig farming, and poultry farming,

V# the spread of non-traditional livestock farming, which includes nutria farming.

Nutria farming is a promising branch of fur farming, which is an important reserve for the growth of production and expansion of the range of furs. Nutria fur is distinguished by its silky down, strong guard hair, lightness and high heat-protective properties. In terms of wearability, it is not inferior to the fur of a silver-black fox, blue fox and is approximately ten times superior to rabbit fur. Thus, in terms of strength, otter fur is taken as 100%, natural sable - 80, mink - 70, natural nutria - 50 and plucked - 25, natural fox - 40, plucked - 25, blue fox - 20, chinchillas - for 15 and rabbits - for 5 (57).

Nutria skins have different colors: gray-brown, black, pearlescent, pastel, golden, silver and white. Beautiful, durable products are made from natural and plucked skins, which are much cheaper than similar products from the skins of carnivorous animals.

Unlike minks, foxes and other fur-bearing animals, growing nutria requires mainly cheap plant feed. In addition, high-quality meat is obtained from nutria, which is not inferior in nutritional value and dietary properties to poultry and rabbit meat. It contains a lot of nitrogenous extractives and muscle hemoglobin (0.8-1.2%), which gives the interior an intense pink color, stimulates the appetite and secretion of the digestive glands in humans (12).

Nutria is fertile: in one or two years the female gives birth to 6-10 puppies, which can participate in reproduction in the same year. However, the results of an analysis of the breeding use of nutria on farms showed that the potential reproduction abilities of these seasonally polyestrous, prolific animals are not fully used.

According to L.V. Tolstenko(128), N.A. Tsepkova et al. (ІЗб), when breeding nutria in closed premises, the fertility of young females during shoal mating decreases by 20-30%. One reason for this may be the lack of an effective method to determine optimal time covering and insemination of females in the widely used harem or group breeding system of these animals (155).

Of great importance in the complex of measures for the prevention of infertility and infertility, along with the organization full feeding, maintenance, preparation of producers for mating, has the activation of the function of the female genitals natural factors and, above all, contact with the male (106,154). But contact with a male can lead to unwanted early pregnancy. To avoid this, operated males, so-called probes, are used in animal husbandry. The probes stimulate physiologically full sexual functions in the female and help accurately determine the time of her sexual heat. The use of probe males has been practiced for quite some time. Various methods for their preparation and use have been developed.

Along with this, physiological stimulation by the male is environmentally in a clean way compared with hormonal method stimulation, since biologically active substances are produced naturally in the body, and are not introduced from the outside, like their synthesized A analogues.

An analysis of the literature available to us indicates insufficient knowledge of the physiology of nutria reproduction, in particular, the influence of the male on the sexual function of females. There are no data in the literature on methods for preparing male nutria samplers and their use.

In this regard, the goal of our work was to develop a method for preparing a male nutria sampler and to find possible aspects of using operated males to improve the reproductive potential of females.

To achieve this goal, we set the following tasks to be resolved:

1. Study the anatomical and physiological features

reproductive system male nutria.

2. To develop a surgical method for preparing a male nutria sample by resection of the tail of the epididymis (epididytomy).

3. To study the effect of epididymitomy on the morphology of the organs of the reproductive system, sexual behavior and hematological status of male nutria.

4. To establish the influence of the operated male on the morphological, hematological parameters and sexual behavior of females.

5. To study the formation of phenomena of the stage of excitation of the sexual cycle in the presence of an operated male and the sexual behavior of females during dosed contact and joint keeping with an epididymitised male.

6. Determine the effect of the operated male on the reproductive function and milk production of females. 7. Develop and introduce into production a method for keeping nutria puppies of different sexes together until they reach physiological maturity.

SCIENTIFIC NOVELTY. Based on the study of the anatomical features of the reproductive organs of male nutria, a surgical method for preparing male nutria samplers by resection of the tail of the epididymis was developed for the first time; Macro- and micromorphological changes in the organs of the reproductive system, hematological parameters and sexual reflexes of epididymitised males were studied. The influence of the operated male on macro- and micro-morphological indicators of the organs of the reproductive system, hematological indicators, the formation of phenomena of the stage of excitation of the sexual cycle, sexual behavior, reproductive function, milk production of replacement females has been established. A method for keeping nutria puppies of different sexes together until they reach physiological maturity has been proposed; an original application has been submitted for the originality of the method of joint keeping.

PRACTICAL VALUE OF THE WORK. An operative method for preparing a sample nutria male - epididymitomy - has been developed, tested and put into production; the stimulating effect exerted by epididymitised males on the reproductive function of females and the possibility of selecting them in heat for the purpose of effective insemination and the formation of families, taking into account the close dates of whelping, has been proven. Developed and put into production new way"9 g of the joint keeping of different-sex nutria puppies until the onset of physiological maturity, which allows rational use of cage areas (enclosures) to significantly reduce labor costs for caring for animals, to raise high-quality replacement females, to increase their fertility and milk production. The experimental results and conclusions can be used in the study students of veterinary specialties in the following courses: “Veterinary obstetrics and biotechnology of animal reproduction”, “Animal husbandry”, “Diseases of fur-bearing animals”.

APPROBATION OF THE WORK. f The results of the dissertation work were presented and discussed at: 1. International scientific conference " Current issues morphology and surgery of the XXI century", Orenburg (2001); 2. Youth scientific conference “Current environmental problems in agricultural production”, Persianovsky village (2001, 2002); 3. Scientific and industrial conference on current problems of veterinary medicine and animal science, Kazan (2001); 4. International scientific and industrial conference on obstetrics, gynecology and biotechnology of animal reproduction, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor I.A. Bocharova, St. Petersburg (2001); 5. All-Russian scientific and practical conference of young scientists “Biotechnology - the revival of Russian agriculture in the 21st century”, St. Petersburg (2001); 6. All-Russian Scientific and Industrial Conference on Current Issues of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Kazan (2002); 7. International scientific and practical conference “Current problems of diseases of young animals in modern conditions”, Voronezh (2002); 8. Extended meeting of the Department of Obstetrics and Surgery of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "DonGAU", protocol No. 5 of March 20, 2003. Based on the materials of the dissertation work, a competition was won in 2002, announced by the Federal Target Program “Integration of Science and higher education Russia f for 2002-2006". As a reward, a paid three-month internship was awarded to a leading research institution studying the problems of fur farming - the State Scientific Institution “Research Institute of PZK named after. V. A. Afanasyeva"

IMPLEMENTATION OF RESEARCH RESULTS. The developed/practical proposals are implemented in production (see the acts in the appendix). These dissertations are used in the educational process when conducting classes in the courses “Veterinary obstetrics and biotechnology of animal reproduction”, “Diseases of fur-bearing animals” at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Donetsk State Agrarian University, and are presented scientifically practical recommendations“Anatomical and topographical characteristics of the reproductive system of male nutrias and operations on the genital organs,” approved and recommended for implementation by the Veterinary Directorate Rostov region(Minutes No. 51 of October 19, 2001).

PUBLICATION OF RESEARCH RESULTS. The main provisions of the dissertation work are set out in 13 printed works, including in recommendations for veterinarians and students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine “Anatomical and topographical characteristics of the reproductive system of male nutria and operations on the genital organs.”

MAIN QUESTIONS FOR DEFENSE 1. Epididymytomy - a method of surgical preparation of a male nutria sample and its effect on the body and sexual behavior of the operated animals. 2. The influence of an epididymitised male on morphological, hematological parameters, the formation of phenomena of the stage of excitation of the sexual cycle, sexual behavior, reproductive function and milk production of females. 3. A method of keeping nutria puppies of different sexes together until they reach physiological maturity.

SCOPE AND STRUCTURE OF THE DISSERTATION. The dissertation is presented on 150 pages of typewritten text, illustrated with 11 tables and 35 figures, consists of the following sections: "introduction, literature review, own research, discussion of research results, conclusions, practical suggestions, bibliography, including 197 sources, of which 4 3 foreign , applications.

Preparation and use of probe males

With the development of breeding and the introduction of artificial insemination into animal husbandry practice, the need arose to develop in various ways preparation of male probes and their use as a reliable way to detect sexual heat and stimulate sexual function. Depending on the anatomical features of the male reproductive system different types In animals, a number of methods have been developed for preparing test males. All methods can be divided into two groups: conservative and surgical (22).

Conservative methods of preparing probes include: tying an apron to males, treatment with testosterone or testosterone in combination with estradiol (androgenized animals), a probe with a tap.

A whole group of operational methods for preparing tester males has been developed, the main purpose of which is to prevent the male from being able to inseminate a female. Operational methods for preparing samples are divided into two groups. Without maintaining the ability to coitus: plastic movement of the penis; suturing the penis to the aponeuroses of the abdominal muscles; stitching S-bend penis; excision of the penile retractor muscle; penectomy; separation of part of the prepuce from the abdominal wall; creation of a fistula of the preputial sac; suturing to the tissues of the body of the penis; narrowing the external opening of the prepuce or blocking the penis in the preputial sac using the Pen-O-Block device;

With preservation of the ability to coitus: vasectomy; epididectomy; preparation of cryptorchids(73,76). The listed methods of preparation have their advantages and disadvantages and differ from each other in complexity, labor intensity and influence on the sexual activity of the male.

From conservative methods/ according to foreign scientists, androgenic females are most often used (165,191).

Detector females can be culled non-lactating cows or ovariectomized heifers and freemartin heifers treated with androgenic and estrogenic drugs. With repeated administration of androgenic and estrogenic hormones, females develop sexual behavior characteristic of the other sex. They actively sniff the external genitalia of cows and heifers with signs of estrus, sexual arousal and hunting, and jump on them. These signs begin to appear in females from the second to third week after the start of hormonal treatment (179,190). The load on a detector with a tag is 30-40 cows or heifers.

Literature data on the effectiveness of this method of choosing the time of insemination in cows and heifers is ambiguous. According to some authors, its effectiveness is 84-95%, others - only 23-51.5% (26).

There have been attempts to use castrated males as samples. For this purpose, castrated bulls were treated with androgenic and estrogenic hormones, inducing in them sexual desire and even the manifestation of a copulatory reflex on cows and heifers with signs of heat. Moreover, it was noted that the age of castrated animals does not affect the effectiveness of hormonal treatment (156).

According to E.A. Karavaeva et al. (49), V.E. Sokolov(119), not registered in castrated bulls treated with sex hormones aggressive behavior, and they are safe to handle. At the same time, they are less effective in determining heat in cows and heifers than uncastrated test bulls. The effectiveness of the method is 79.0%.

As noted by A.Ya. Krasnitsky (63), operational methods of preparing probes are more effective.

Of all the many ways to prepare probes, vasectomy is the simplest and most quickly performed operation available in any household. The male retains the ability to have sexual intercourse, but fertilization does not occur, since the ejaculate contains only the secretions of the accessory glands. Physiologically, vasectomized males are the best probes, as they retain the ability to coitus. When used in females, all processes associated with the act of mating normally manifest themselves, due to which the sexual heat is shortened, the ovulation process is accelerated, uterine motility and other functions are enhanced, which leads to an increase in the fertility of females (146). This operation was first described by A.Ya. Krasnitsky (63), who proposed making two incisions on the back of the scrotal neck.

The sexual activity of vasectomized bulls persists for quite a long time, and their role as active stimulators of sexual function in cows and heifers is enormous (82,98,141, 86, 39,138,83,110,11,36).

In 1955, V. Ya. Andreevsky and Rosenberg developed a method that involved removing the tail of the epididymis. Such bulls successfully served as probe-stimulants for up to four years of age (7). Male cryptorchids can also be used as probes capable of sexual intercourse. Fertilization does not occur after such sexual intercourse, since only the secretions of the accessory sex glands enter the female genitals (154).

According to R.A. Vasilyeva, T.R. Leshchenko (24), cryptorchid bulls had good sexual activity and clearly demonstrated sexual reflexes. When studying ejaculates obtained from cryptorchids on an artificial vagina, aspermia was established.

Development of a method for preparing a sample male in nutria

For the rational organization of animal reproduction, detailed knowledge of the morphological and functional characteristics of the reproductive system is necessary. In existing manuals, the structure and topography of the reproductive organs of nutria are not fully described

The reproductive organs of male nutria include: testes, epididymis, sperm ducts, urogenital canal, accessory sex glands (prostate, vesicular, bulbous and urethral), penis, prepuce (Fig. 1).

The scrotum (Scrotum) is absent. The common tunica vaginalis is a powerful sac-like formation with a well-developed muscular layer. In the area of ​​the external inguinal ring it is attached to abdominal wall and has the property of being screwed into abdominal cavity through the wide inguinal rings and the short inguinal canal along with the testis and its appendage. At the point of transition into a special membrane, the testis and epididymis are closely connected by a transitional ligament with the common vaginal membrane in the area of ​​its saccularly protruded apex. In the extreme caudal position, the testis in the cavity of the common tunica vaginalis is located under the skin in the area of ​​the external inguinal ring and is easily palpable. The thermoregulatory function is performed by a powerfully developed layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue located between the skin and the common vaginal membrane. Testis (Testis) - paired parenchymal organ, performing hormonal and generative functions. The testes are ovoid in shape, located almost horizontally, 3.1 + 0.9 cm long, 2.4 + 0.7 cm wide. Weight ranges from 4.3 to 7.0 g. Small blood vessels. The testis is a complex branching tubular gland. On the outside, it is covered with its own tunica vaginalis; underneath it is the tunica albuginea, which, penetrating inside, forms the mediastinum of the testis - the maxillary body. Trabeculae diverge radially from the mediastinum, dividing the testis into many lobules. Each of these lobules blindly begins with 3 to 5 seminiferous tubules. Between the tubules are interstitial or Leydig cells rich in cytoplasm.

These cells produce the male sex hormones androgens. The wall of convoluted tubules consists of connective tissue and epithelial sections (Fig. 2). The latter is represented by Sertoli syncytium (Sertoli cells), in the outgrowths of the cytoplasm of which sperm develop (Fig. 3). In a functioning convoluted tubule, the spermiogenic epithelium is located in 3-7 rows. Each subsequent row in the direction from the membrane to the lumen of the tubule corresponds to a certain stage of division of the spermiogenic epithelium. The convoluted tubules narrow towards the mediastinum of the testis, become straight tubules and form the testicular network. The straight tubules serve as excretory ducts and are lined with single-layer cuboidal epithelium.

The epididymis (Epididimis testis) is attached to the lateral surface of the testis.

The epididymis consists of a head, body and tail. There are no clear anatomical boundaries between these parts.

The head of the epididymis is located at the anterior pole of the testis, formed by 13-14 seminiferous tubules, which merge into one canal of the epididymis. The canal of the epididymis, twisting strongly, forms the body and tail of the epididymis. The largest diameter of the canal of the epididymis (1 mm) is in the region of the caudal part. Species feature is that the head and body of the appendage are located at a fairly large distance from the testis (7-10 mm), connecting to the testis with a special ligament. In the mesentery of the testis there is a significant deposition of fat, which performs a thermoregulatory function.

The close fit of the compactly located numerous loops of the tail of the epididymis to the common tunica vaginalis ensures its constant presence outside the abdominal cavity, regardless of the location of the testes, which migrate into the abdominal cavity and into the cavity of the common tunica vaginalis with the latter exiting under the skin.

The epididymal canal has a tortuous course, so in the section it is represented by a large number of tubules of transverse and oblique sections. The epithelium of the appendage consists of two types of cells. Single-layered double-row glandular (pseudo-multilayered), which are columnar secretory cells. These cells have oval nuclei located at the same level from the basement membrane. Another type of cells is cubic. Their nuclei are located next to the basement membrane, they are round and form their own row of nuclei. These cells are called basal cells. Outside the basement membrane lies a connective tissue layer. Smooth muscle cells and connective tissue form a single layer. The spermatic cord (Funiculus spermaticus) is absent.

The sperm duct (Ductus deferens) starts from the tail of the epididymis and goes to the dorsal surface of the bladder. Blood vessels and nerves within the mesentery of the testis run parallel to the sperm ducts at a distance of 1.5 cm. The length of the sperm tube is 12.3±0.2 cm, diameter 1-2 mm. The sperm ducts merge into one ejaculatory duct and unite with the ducts of the vesicular glands; later, when merging with the urinary canal, the urethra is formed, which passes in the ventral groove of the body of the penis. On the outside, the sperm duct is covered with a serous membrane, under which there are longitudinal and annular layers of smooth muscle. The mucous membrane of the sperm duct is covered in the initial part with double-row ciliated epithelium, and then with single-row prismatic epithelium (Fig. 4). The hollow member (Penis) is an organ of copulation with a length of 14.5 ± 0.5 cm, a diameter of 7-8 mm, consists of a root, body and head. The root (Radix) of the penis consists of two muscular legs attached to the ischial tuberosities, inside of which there are powerful cavernous bodies. The body (Corpus) forms a U-shaped bend, due to which the head of the penis is directed caudally towards the anus. During erection, the U-shaped bend straightens, the head of the penis extends beyond the prepuce, and deviates towards the male's head at an acute angle to the sagittal line. On a cross-section of the body of the penis, the tunica albuginea and the semilunar-shaped corpus cavernosum are clearly visible; the ventral groove contains the urethra, which has its own cavernous body.

The use of operated males "to study the stage of arousal of the sexual cycle in females

Knowledge of the reproductive cycle is necessary for organizing and maintaining controlled and regulated reproduction of the herd. There is data in the literature on identifying the stages of the reproductive cycle in nutria using laboratory methods. Thus, O. Shcheleschuk (155) established the relationship between the stages of the reproductive cycle and the cytogram of the vaginal epithelium. In our experience, we set the task of identifying a pattern between the cytogram of the vaginal epithelium (mucus) and the reaction of the female to the male in different periods stage of initiation of the sexual cycle, and also study the time of ovulation.

A group of 10 females was formed for the experiment. standard breed at the age of eight months. Every day the females had contact with the probe male for 2 hours in the morning and evening.

The animals were subjected to daily clinical observations. At the first signs of estrus and then at daily intervals until the end of the arousal stage, then on the 13th day of the sexual cycle, vaginal mucus was taken from females, from which fingerprint smears were made, fixed, and stained according to Pappenheim. The cytogram was calculated based on 100 cells, taking into account basal, parabasal, superficial non-keratinized and keratinized cells. In addition, the morphology of neutrophil leukocytes was studied and their number per 100 cytogram cells was calculated. We paid attention to the nature of the location of the mucus veins relative to each other.

During the inhibition and balancing stage, the animals spent most of the day quietly awake or in a semi-drowsy state. An increase in activity was observed only during feeding. In the presence of a probe male, the females made threatening sounds; when the male approached, they snapped and tried to run away.

The cytogram of the vaginal epithelium in the resting (equilibrium) stage was as follows; cells of the deep layers - basal (Fig. 20), having a round shape, a large, chromatin-rich nucleus, and uniformly colored cytoplasm in the form of a narrow strip between the nucleus and the cell membrane - 25.2%; cells of the middle layers - parabasal, winged (Fig. 21), oval in shape, a slightly smaller nucleus compared to basal cells and a wider strip of uniformly colored cytoplasm with outgrowths - 51.4%; cells of the surface layers with the ability to adsorb - superphytic non-keratinized (Fig. 22) - 22.0%; keratinized cells of the surface layers - scales (Fig. 23), without nuclei, stained unevenly pink - 1/4%.

The first signs of the arousal stage in females were barely noticeable. A slight increase can be noted motor activity some females, mild anxiety. Some females tried to be alone. During external examination of such females it was noted clinical manifestation onset of estrus: weak, often barely noticeable A swelling of the labia (slight enlargement of the loop), slight highlight transparent mucus, the vulva became moist, but there was no hyperemia of the labia and mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule. These signs appeared on average 2-3 days before the start of the hunt.

The cytogram of the vaginal epithelium was as follows: cells of the deep layers (basal) - 12.2%; cells of the middle layers (parabasal, winged) - 15.8%; cells of the superficial layers (superficial non-keratinized) -46.4%; superficial keratinized cells (scales) -25.6%. There were several (3-7) segmented neutrophilic leukocytes per 100 epithelial cells (Fig. 24). The mucus strands were colored pale pink and were randomly located relative to each other (Fig. 25).

During this period, the probe male became more active, sniffing the air around the females, their genitals, and the male’s persistent courtship was manifested by characteristic touches and calling sounds. The female, in whom the male showed persistent interest, behaved restlessly and made characteristic sounds. loud sounds, tried to escape from the male.

The next day (after 24 hours), along with a slight increase in swelling of the labia, slight hyperemia of the vaginal vestibule was noted. The vulva was moist and discharged clear mucus.

The probe male persistently courted the female. The female reacted favorably to the male's touches, made loud, drawn-out sounds, but did not allow coitus and ran away from the male. Such signs were observed 24-30 hours before the start of the hunt. Cytogram of the vaginal epithelium: cells of deep layers (basal) - 6.2%; cells of the middle layers (parabasal, winged) - 10.0%; cells of the superficial layers (superficial non-keratinized) - 47.4%; superficial keratinized cells (scales) - 36.4% (Fig. 26). There were 25-30 segmented neutrophilic leukocytes with clearly defined nuclei and uniformly colored cytoplasm per 100 epithelial cells.

The mucus strands were painted a more intense pink color and were located more orderly relative to each other.

A day later, the female had slight swelling of the vulva and abundant moistening with transparent (in some females slightly cloudy) mucus. In the area of ​​the vaginal vestibule, a small amount of mucus accumulates in the form of a small mucous strand. The mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule is hyperemic (pink, in some females bright pink).

Cytogram: cells of deep layers (basal) -2.0%; cells of the middle layers (parabasal, winged) 4.4%; cells of the superficial layers (superficial non-keratinized) - 45.2%; keratinized cells of the surface layers (scales) - 48.4%. During this period, there were 55-60 neutrophilic leukocytes per 100 epithelial cells, in some of them the nuclei were fragmented and disintegrated; others have inclusions. The mucous cords are colored intensely pink and are located parallel to each other (Fig. 27). When a probe male approached, the female responded favorably to courtship/allowed him to sniff and lick the external genitalia; standing on all fours, she rose up on hind legs, moved her tail to the side, taking a characteristic pose, and allowed coitus. Thus, the hunt was characterized, as a rule, by interest in the tester male and readiness for coitus.

Cytogram of the vaginal epithelium one day after coitus: the nuclei and cytoplasm of parabasal and superficial non-keratinized cells are vacuolated, unevenly and weakly stained, their boundaries are not clearly defined (Fig. 28); the nuclei of most neutrophil leukocytes have broken up into clumps, are weakly stained, and basal cells are not found (Fig. 29). The mucus in the smear is located in the form of a compact mass (individual strands are indistinguishable) with an intense pink color.

Ovulation was studied by slaughtering females 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 24, 26 hours after coitus; Copulations, as a rule, were 3-4 with a 10-15 minute interval. 8 and 10 hours after coitus, no ovulated follicles were found in both ovaries.

12 hours after coitus, it was noted that there was one ovulated follicle (hemorrhagic follicle) in the right ovary, none was found in the left ovary

Using operated males to stimulate the reproductive function of females

One of the reasons for the infertility of animals, especially replacement females, is the underdevelopment of the genital organs, their low physiological activity due to the lack of natural stimuli, one of which is the male (31).

All this indicates the need for joint maintenance of replacement females with males, and in order to avoid early unwanted pregnancy with operated males (probes).

To study the effect on the organs of the reproductive system of repair females of a male probe prepared by epididymitomy, an experiment was conducted. Two groups of standard breed animals were formed: experimental and control. The experimental group included 6 four-month-old females with a live weight of 2,300-2,500 kg and an operated male at the age of 6 months (one month after the operation). The control group included six females of the same age without a test male. Both groups were kept under the same conditions. Four months later, all females of the experimental and control groups were killed for macromorphological studies of the organs of the reproductive system, the summarized results of which are shown in Table 5.

Analyzing the materials in the table, it was found that the total mass of the genital organs of the experimental females was 2.1 g greater than the control (P 0.001). The length of the vaginal vestibule in females of the experimental group is greater compared to the control group by an average of 1.0 cm (P 0.05), the length of the vagina is greater by 1.25 cm (P 0.05), the length of the cervix is ​​by 0.44 cm (p 0.001), the length of the uterine horns - by 1.27-2.25 cm (p 0.05), the total length of the uterus - by 1-1.16 cm (p 0.05).

During slaughter, the right and left ovaries, pieces of tissue for histological examination were selected from the middle part of the right and left horns of the uterus and the middle part of the vagina.

According to Table 6, most morphometric indicators in experimental females were significantly greater (P 0.05) compared to similar indicators in control animals: the number of primary follicles in one field of view of the microscope was 1.38 times, both in the right and in left ovary; the height of the epithelium of the uterine horns is 1.4, the diameter and height of the epithelium of the uterine glands is 1.2-1.36 (Fig. 32-35). This is consistent with the results of a macromorphological study of the reproductive organs of experimental and control females and indicates that joint rearing of replacement females with a test male has a positive effect on the development of their reproductive system. 2.4.2. Hematological parameters of females kept with an epididymitised male

Along with morphological studies of the genital organs of replacement females, the task was set to study the indicators of the morphological and biochemical composition of the blood, the level of body resistance of female nutria kept with an epididymitised male for four months. For the experiment, we selected 12 standard breed females of four months of age, similar in body weight and development, from which two groups were formed: experimental and control, six animals in each. An epididymitised male, seven months old, was placed with the females of the experimental group. Females of the control group were kept in similar conditions without a male.

Four months later, the females of the experimental and control groups were killed; during slaughter, blood samples were taken, in which the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes, leukogram, and hemoglobin content were determined; in blood serum - levels of phosphorus, calcium, reserve alkalinity, alkaline phosphatase, content total protein and its fractions (Tables 7,8).

From the materials presented in Table 7, it follows that in females kept together with a test male, the content of erythrocytes (p 0.001) and hemoglobin level (p 0.001) were significantly higher than in animals in the control group. The structure of the leukogram of experimental and control animals did not have significant differences (p 0.05). The levels of calcium, alkaline phosphatase, and a-globulins in experimental and control females are close (p 0.05).

According to Table 8, the indicators of reserve alkalinity (p 0.05), total protein (p 0.05), calcium (p 0.001), p- (p 0.001) and glbulins (p 0.001) in the blood of experimental females are significantly higher in compared with those in the control. The levels of phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, albumin and a-globulins in the blood of experimental and control females are close (P 0.05).

into a foam cuvette filled with liquid nitrogen, and then thawed in small portions using special devices that allow you to quickly supply a large amount of heat without exceeding the temperature of the coolant above physiologically acceptable limits (+42°C). In addition, the devices allow the resulting melting liquid phase to be separated from the solid phase, which accelerates heat transfer and prevents repeated cooling and heating of the liquid phase.

The devices are powered by standard ultra-thermostats equipped with fairly powerful pumps, for example: UTU-4,

UT-2, ITZh-0-03, etc.

Before thawing the seed, set the temperature in the thermostat to +42°C and turn it on for heating. Before thawing the seed granules, turn on the ultrathermostat pump and warm up the defrost for 1-2 minutes. Then, in small portions of 10-20 granules, the granules are transferred from the cuvette with liquid nitrogen to the device using a special spoon. The thawed seed is collected in a graduated vessel with a funnel. Take the thawed seed to a volume of 25-5 ml (1 dose). After thawing, the seed is assessed according to the generally accepted method for motility. Seed containing at least 30% rectilinearly progressively moving live bait is suitable for use.

Thawed seed suitable for insemination is diluted with an isotonic (2.9%) solution of sodium citrate and used for insemination (if survival is less than 4 hours, the seed is discarded).

Control questions

1. How are sperm resistance determined?

2. How is the reducing ability of sperm determined?

3. How to freeze the sperm of a bull, ram, stallion, boar?

4. How is sperm frozen in granules and fluoroplastic plates?

5. Explain the method of freezing sperm in lined pellets.

6. How is sperm frozen in straws (payettes)?

7. What methods are used to determine the activity of frozen sperm?

in a bull, stallion?

8. What are the safety rules when working with ships?

9. Explain the technique for thawing frozen sperm.

Lesson 10. Operative methods training male probes

Purpose of the lesson: to master the technique of performing an operation to prepare test males to detect sexual heat in females.

Materials and equipment: males who have reached sexual maturity, set surgical instruments, suture material: silk or nylon No. 6, 7, 2% solution of Rometar, 2% solution of novocaine, injection syringes 10-20 ml, injection needles, sterile gauze swabs, tricillin, streptocide, 5% tincture of iodine, general belt.

Assignment: study the methodology for performing the operation to prepare a sample male.

Sexual heat is a strictly specific reaction of a female to a male, so it can only be reliably determined using a probe. In cases where the time of insemination is determined by signs of estrus or sexual arousal, during insemination more than 30% of animals are found that have not yet come into heat. In this case, missed sexual periods are inevitable. Even with 4-5 visual observations of the herd, missed heat in cows reaches 20%, and in the absence of signs of sexual arousal (areactive cycle) - 40% or more.

The probe accurately detects heat, which eliminates frequent cases of missing it, in addition, it is a powerful natural stimulant, causing the full manifestation of the arousal stage of the sexual cycle soon after birth.

In addition, a correctly organized sample of females after their insemination makes it possible to reliably diagnose pregnancy and infertility. Samplers are prepared from bull calves intended for raising for meat (fattening). Of these bulls aged 8-10 months. they select the best, most developed, and most importantly, sexually active. Selected animals must be healthy and specifically tested for brucellosis, tuberculosis, trichomoniasis and campylobacteriosis.

It is advisable to use sample bulls for one, maximum one and a half years, and then sell them for meat. Bulls-

Probes grow faster than castrated animals and produce more meat and better quality skins. By the time of culling, sample bulls reach a weight of more than 500 kg. Test bulls do not require any additional costs, while their benefits are very great, the main of which is the high efficiency of infertility prevention. Many reliable operational methods for preparing test bulls have been developed. You can operate on any bull, but it is easier, faster and more convenient to do it at 8-10 months of age. Sampler bulls are prepared at the rate of one sampler per 150-200 cows.

Bovine vasectomy. Of all the many ways to prepare test bulls, vasectomy is the simplest and most quickly performed operation available on any farm. It involves excision of the sperm ducts. As a result of this, the male retains the ability to have sexual intercourse, but fertilization does not occur, since the ejaculate contains only the secretions of the accessory glands. Therefore, vasectomized bulls cannot be sires either through natural or artificial insemination. They are used only as samples.

Physiologically, vasectomized males are the best probes. When they are used, females normally exhibit all the processes associated with the act of mating, due to which sexual heat is shortened, the ovulation process is accelerated, uterine motility and other functions are enhanced, which leads to an increase in the fertility of females. There are several methods for vasectomizing bulls, which should first be practiced on fresh genitals and then on animals.

This operation was first described by A. Ya. Krasnitsky (1946), who made two incisions on the back of the scrotal neck.

Shipilov's method. In contrast to A. Ya. Krasnitsky’s method, incisions are made on the anterior (and not on the posterior) side of the scrotal neck. In this case, the fibers of the muscles of the levator testis are not cut, which greatly facilitates the location and removal of the sperm duct. A vasectomy is done through one or two incisions.

A bull taken for the operation at the age of 8-10 months. with well-defined secondary sexual characteristics, they are fixed in the dorsal position. For this, a wooden “goat” type machine is used, 2.5 m long, 1 m high and 65 cm wide at the top. Such a machine can be used for fixing steers

not only with vasectomy, but with all other methods of preparing sample bulls. After fixation, the surgical field is prepared. Remove hair, clean, thoroughly wash the scrotum warm water with soap and wipe with a clean cloth. The skin of the cervix of the scrotum is wiped 70% ethyl alcohol. The front surface of the scrotum (where the incision will be) is lubricated twice with tincture of iodine. The testes are pushed as far as possible to the bottom of the scrotum; as a result, the skin of the scrotum is stretched and its incision is made easier, which is made by retreating from the seam of the scrotum. In bulls, the length of the incision is 5-6 cm. For pain relief, a 1% solution of novocaine is used.

After anesthesia, the skin is cut, the muscular elastic membrane, fascia and common vaginal membrane are dissected. Then the index finger is inserted into the wound and, bending it hook-shaped, the spermatic cord along with the sperm duct is brought out, released from the mesentery and an area of ​​at least

2 cm (Fig. 10).

This must be done without fail. If we limit ourselves to only cutting the sperm duct, then it is possible to restore its patency. Therefore, for reliability, a ligature is first applied to the sperm duct (closer to the inguinal canal), and then a part of the sperm duct is excised below it. After this, the longitudinal septum of the scrotum is cut, the muscular-elastic membrane and fascia are dissected. The common tunica vaginalis of the second testicle is exposed, its spermatic cord is removed and the sperm duct is excised.

Rice. 10. Single incision bull vasectomy:

A – the testes are retracted to the bottom of the scrotum, a skin incision line 6 cm long is outlined; B – spermatic cord with isolated sperm duct (a),

subject to resection

The wound is sprinkled with white streptocide and 5-6 stitches of a knotted suture are applied to the skin. The edges of the wound are smeared with tincture of iodine, covered with a thin layer of absorbent cotton wool and filled with collodion or sealed with an adhesive plaster. Single-incision vasectomy is best performed on young bulls. In large animals, vasectomy is performed through two incisions made on the anterior surface of the neck of the scrotum.

Andreevsky method. The animal is fixed on its left side. The scrotum is thoroughly washed, its lower part in the area of ​​the tail of the epididymis is cut off and lubricated with iodine tincture. For anesthesia, a 3% solution of novocaine is used, which is injected into the skin layer of the scrotum of the lower pole of the testis and into the thickness of the tail of the epididymis in a dose of 2-3 ml. The total amount of novocaine solution administered should be on average 8-10 ml. After anesthesia, which occurs after 5-7 minutes, the operation begins. First, the lower and then the upper testis are operated on. They do it like this. Squeezing hand top part scrotum, strongly pushes the testis down to its bottom. The contours of the tail of the epididymis are clearly visible through the stretched skin of the scrotum. They step back from the scrotal suture by 3-4 cm and cut parallel to its suture in the area of ​​the lower end of the testis, the skin, the muscular elastic membrane, the fascia and the common vaginal membrane. The incision is made so long that only the tail of the appendage can come out into the wound.

Then the tail of the epididymis is grasped with surgical tweezers, carefully separated from the testis and cut off along with the initial part of the sperm duct (Fig. 11).

b a

Rice. 11. Scheme for removing the tail of the epididymis:

a – tail of the epididymis; b – place of cutting off the tail with a scalpel

appendage (according to Andreevsky)

Several stitches of a knotted suture are applied to the edges of the wound. The wound is lubricated with tincture of iodine, covered with a thin layer of gauze and filled with collodion.

Vasectomy on rams and bucks is done in the same way as on bulls. Vasectomy of boars. There are several ways. Shipilov's method. Khryakov, having endured a day on a fasting diet,

those are fixed in a dorsal position and resection of the testes is carried out in the same way as in bulls (Fig. 12).

Stitching the upper and lower knees of the penis (Shipi method)

fishing). The bull is kept on a starvation diet for 10-12 hours before the operation; fix it in the same way as during castration. In the perineal area, at a distance of 3-4 cm from the caudal part of the scrotum, the surgical field is prepared in the usual way.

Local anesthesia is performed with a 0.5% novocaine solution. By midline The skin, subcutaneous tissue, and loose connective tissue are cut into 5-7 cm in length from the perineum and the S-shaped bend of the penis is removed. Notches are made 3-4 cm from the bend tunica albuginea on the inferolateral surface of the ventral knee of the shaft of the penis. The stitched sides of the penis are powdered with penicillin powder and pushed back through the skin wound, onto which several stitches of a knotted suture are applied.

Rice. 12. Diagram of the location of the testis and its appendage in the scrotum of a boar; surgical access for vasectomy:

1 – tail of the appendage; 2 – testicle; 3 – spermatic cord; 4 – external opening of the inguinal canal; 5 – sperm tube; 6 – ligature applied during vasectomy to the cranial part of the sperm duct; 7 – place of incision according to Shipilov; 8 – scrotal septum

The edges of the wound are lubricated with tincture of iodine, covered with a thin layer of absorbent cotton wool and filled with collodion. This operation is almost bloodless, since large vessels are not damaged, and lasts 10-15 minutes. The wound heals by primary intention. Postoperative swelling, as a rule, is insignificant and disappears on the 3-5th day. A trained test bull is good at detecting cows in heat and mounting them, but the penis not only does not come out of the preputial opening, but does not even reach 6-8 cm to it.

Vasiliev's method consists of suturing the S-shaped bend of the penis with the imposition of not knotted, but two loop-shaped horizontal sutures, which also ensures reliable fusion of the upper and lower knees of the penis, as a result of which it does not come out of the preputial sac, and therefore coitus is impossible. Then, near the bend, 2-3 knotted sutures made of silk No. 8 are placed on the penis on each side, due to which the upper and lower knees of the penis are firmly fused with scar tissue. The threads are inserted into the penis from the side so as not to damage the urogenital canal passing from the lower side of the penis, and the blood vessels from the upper side. Do this carefully under supervision index finger hands. You can limit yourself to applying 3-4 knotted sutures to the upper and lower knees of the penis on one side only (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. Stitching of the penis in the sigmoid flexure (according to Shipilov)

In this case, the operation is easier, and most importantly, there is less risk of damage to the genitourinary canal.

Surgical methods for retracting the penis to the side.

In practice, the value of a probe with the penis retracted to the side is that in the absence of sperm or its poor quality, it is possible to obtain sperm from a probe bull using an artificial

sexual vagina and inseminate cows with it. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare such samplers from among animals of a planned breed. There are several ways to prepare such bull samplers.

Shipilov's method. Before the operation, the animal must be kept on a starvation diet for a day and without water in order to ease the tension of the skin on the abdomen and avoid possible act urination and urine getting into the wound. To secure the bull, a wooden goat-type machine is used, as in a vasectomy. In the absence of a pen, the animal is brought close to a wall or fence and the front and hind limbs are fixed to it in an extended position. After fixing the animal, the surgical field is prepared.

The hair is cut and shaved on the front of the abdomen around the prepuce, behind at a distance of 12 cm from its opening and in front to the umbilical tubercle.

The shaved surface is thoroughly washed with a brush with warm water and soap. The skin is wiped and dried. Then wipe the skin with 70% ethyl alcohol and lubricate it twice with tincture of iodine.

The hair around the opening of the prepuce, in order not to cause unnecessary irritation in the postoperative period, is not shaved, but shortened with scissors to 1-2 cm. Using tincture of iodine, mark the line of the initial skin incision in the area of ​​the preputial opening and the initial part of the preputial sac.

The preputial sac, which runs along the lower wall of the abdomen, is surrounded by very loose connective tissue; as a result, in the middle and caudal parts it easily moves under the skin in any direction. In the area of ​​the preputial foramen, the preputial sac is fixed by the cranial and caudal preputial muscles, pulling the prepuce forward or backward. Therefore, it is enough to move to the right side at an angle of 70°-80º (at a smaller angle coitus is possible) only the front, very small part of the preputial sac (no more than 12 cm from the opening of the prepuce in a one-year-old bull) to make sexual intercourse impossible.

After local anesthesia with a 2% novocaine solution, the skin and subcutaneous tissue are cut, the initial part of the preputial sac with the preputial opening is dissected

Rice. 14. Scheme of displacement of the preputial sac in a bull (according to V. S. Shipilov):

1 – incisions on the sides and in front of the prepuce; 2 – displacement of the prepuce into the skin wound on the side of the prepuce; 3 – suturing the skin

Due to the presence of loose subcutaneous connective tissue the dissection process proceeds easily and quickly, bleeding is insignificant (drip); if necessary, when operating on large bulls, a ligature is applied to the vessels.

The resulting small wound is powdered with penicillin powder and stitched with a knotted suture. At an angle of 70°-80° to the right of the abdominal line, a new location for the initial part of the preputial sac is marked.

After local anesthesia, a linear skin incision is made and subcutaneous tissue, equal to the length of the prepared section of the prepuce. The wound is powdered with penicillin powder and then the prepared prepuce is placed into it. The edges of the wound and the skin of the prepared prepuce are connected with knotted sutures, lubricated with tincture of iodine and covered with a colloid bandage. Small wounds heal by primary intention. Swelling is minor. On the 12-13th day after surgery, the sutures are removed.

No post-operative complications are observed and sample bulls can be used on days 18-21.

Method of Reshetnyak, Pasechnik, Shinkarev. After fix-

tion of the animal in the dorsal position and treatment of the surgical field, a rubber hose with a diameter of 3-4 cm is inserted into the preputial sac. Using tincture of iodine, stepping back 9-10 cm from the opening of the prepuce towards the testes, mark an incision line 8-10 cm long. At the site of the intended incision 1% is administered subcutaneously

solution of novocaine with penicillin (per 500 ml of novocaine solution 1 million units of penicillin). This ensures a painless operation. Then, along the marked line above the rubber hose, the outer and inner leaves of the preputial sac are cut. The mucous membrane of the inner leaf of the preputial sac is sutured to the skin with silk using a knotted suture.

Rice. 15. Preparation of a test bull using the preputiotomy method

After this, the rubber hose is removed. In the anterior corner of the wound at the peripheral end of the preputial sac, a silk ligature is drawn around the mucous membrane and pulled up to the skin, thereby tightly closing the canal.

The ends of the ligature are tied. A layer is applied to the embroidered mucous membrane and skin of the preputial sac ichthyol ointment. The sutures are removed on the 10-12th day.

As a result of this operation, an artificial opening of the preputial sac is formed, from which, during mounting of the bull, the penis emerges without touching the female’s genitals.

Methodology for using test bulls. Prepared-

Surgical test bulls are used on heifers

at the age of 13-14 months, on cows - 15-16 months. Cows may be aggressive towards probes with low body weight, especially

V the first days of their use. With the help of such probes, cows are tested for hunting “by hand.”

Before using the vasectomy probe

the secretion secreted by it should be obtained twice using an artificial vagina and checked under a microscope: if the operation is done correctly, there will be no sperm in the secretion. The use of any probes will be effective only if the work with them is properly organized. The main thing in this is

Indications. Sexual hunting cows are determined by milkmaids, artificial insemination technicians by visual observation of the animal’s behavior or by estrus. As noted by R. A. Vasiliev and other researchers (1982), often estrus and sexual arousal do not coincide with sexual heat. In addition, in winter, 50% of cows have sexual cycles without signs or they are weakly expressed. In such cases, cows are not inseminated or it is done untimely, which leads to missed sexual cycle. Therefore, in order to timely identify heifers and cows in heat, bull samplers are used. For this purpose, bulls are selected that have reached puberty, are quite active, and are physically well developed.

Fixation and anesthesia. The operation is performed on the operating table with the animal in a supine position. A 0.5% anesthetic solution is injected at the incision site.

Operation technique. Many methods have been proposed for the rapid preparation of bull samplers. However, the methods of suturing in the S-shaped bend and displacement of the penis deserve the greatest attention.

S-curve stitching. R. A. Vasiliev (1966) proposed the following method. The bull is fixed in the left lateral position. The left pelvic and thoracic limbs are tied to the operating table, and the right pelvic limb is fixed in the chest area behind the scapula. Online access carried out in the perineal area. The surgical field is prepared according to the rules of surgery. After anesthesia of the tissues, stepping back 2-3 cm from the scrotum along the midline of the perineum, the skin and fascia are dissected. The length of the incision does not exceed 6-7 cm. On the right side, directly above the penis, after separating the loose tissue, the ventral knee is removed from the wound.

After disconnecting the loose connective tissue surrounding the penis on the right side, a ligature-holder is applied to its superolateral surface. The thread is used to stitch 1/3 of the thickness of the penis. An incision is made in the fascia 10-12 cm long and shifted to the side and down. Caudal from the ligature, two incisions of the tunica albuginea 3-4 cm long are made: one on the superolateral surface of the ventral bend, the other on the superolateral surface of the dorsal bend, trying not to damage the blood vessels. The wounds of the tunica albuginea formed during its excision are stitched with two vertical and horizontal loop-shaped sutures (Fig. 15). The distance between the seams is 1-1.5 cm. To avoid suturing the urethra, a needle injection into the wall of the penis is made slightly away from the urethra.

Antibiotics are applied to the stitched areas of the penis and it is set into depth. Knotted sutures are placed on the skin. The tissue swelling that occurs after surgery disappears after 3-5 days. Skin sutures are removed on the 8-10th day.

After separating the perineal tissue 10-12 cm long at the junction of the ventral knee of the bend of the penis, the fascia is cut with a scalpel from its lateral surface. Then the body of the penis is pulled caudally and sutured to the edges of the surgical wound with knotted sutures, 4-6 stitches on each side. However, this method of operation does not always ensure reliable fixation of the penis (X. I. Zhivotkov, 1965).

Plastic displacement of the prepuce and penis. V. S. Shipilov (1964) proposed the following technique for this operation. The animal is fixed in a dorsolateral position. The pelvic limbs are retracted. The surgical field is prepared on the ventral abdominal wall, starting from the scrotum and on the palm from the cranial opening of the prepuce. Stepping back 1-2 cm from the prepuce, one incision 10-12 cm long is made to the right and left of it, leading from the prepuce in the caudal direction. These incisions are then connected in front of the prejuiceal foramen.

The part of the prepuce separated by such an incision is covered with a napkin. After this, from the base of the prepared area of ​​the prepuce at an angle of 70-80° relative to the white line of the abdomen on the right or left, the skin is cut in a straight line, the length of the cut corresponds to the length of the prepared section of the prepuce. The wounds are closed with knotted sutures.

R. A. Vasiliev (1982) suggests transplanting the prepuce and penis in a closed way. Its essence is as follows: prepare the surgical field, starting from the navel, 15-18 cm wide and up to 35 cm long in the direction of the rudimentary nipples. Before surgery, a thin-walled rubber tube is inserted into the prepuce to provide orientation when applying the clamp and sutures. Anesthesia is administered along the edges of the surgical field. Then the assistant with both hands grabs the intended strip of skin with the prepuce, penis and surrounding tissue into a fold. Subsequently, a special surgical clamp is applied to this part. At the base of the fold in the transverse direction, 1 cm below the clamp, 15-20 stitches are applied along the entire length with thick silk. Then, using a saw-tooth movement of the scalpel between the sutures and the surgical clamp, the fold of skin is disconnected from the abdominal wall. After cutting, a skin flap is obtained, connected at its base to the tissues of the ventral abdominal wall.

How surgical wound, thanks to pre-applied sutures, the severed skin wound does not gape, since the latter is fixed along its entire length with a surgical clamp.

Subsequently, this operation ends in the same way as in the previous method, i.e., taking into account a deviation of 70-80°, the skin fold with its contents is moved, the clamp is removed, and the skin is sutured with knotted sutures. The stitches are removed on the 8th day. 2-3 weeks after surgery, males can be used as probes.

Resection of sperm ducts. This method of preparing bull samplers with various modifications has been described a long time ago. Thus, A. Ya. Krasnitsky (1945) proposed the following method. In the area of ​​the cervix of the scrotum, all tissues are dissected down to the sperm ducts. Then they are separated from the surrounding tissues and a piece 2-3 cm long is cut out. The scrotal wound is sutured with knotted sutures.

The disadvantages of this method, according to V.R. Andreevsky (1955), include the difficulty of finding sperm ducts. Therefore, it is proposed to perform a vasectomy by resection of the tail of the epididymis. After cutting the tissue of the scrotum at its apex, the tail of the epididymis is grabbed with tweezers, separated from the testis and cut off with part of the sperm duct. The wound is closed with interrupted sutures.

Treatment. In the postoperative period Special attention pay attention to urination, especially in bulls when suturing the S-shaped bend (the urethra can be sutured). Typically, after these operations, wounds heal by primary intention.
