Aquamaris spray from a year. Instructions for use of Aquamaris for children and adults. Possible complications caused by the drug

Aqua Maris is sea water in the form of a hypertonic sterile solution. Used with therapeutic and for preventive purposes for cleaning and protecting the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, nasopharynx and larynx. The microelements included in the solution enhance the stability of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract to pathogenic microorganisms and viruses, help strengthen local immunity. Washing sea ​​water The nasal cavity has been used in medicine since the time of Hippocrates. Today, elimination therapy with saline solutions is perhaps the main way to treat runny nose and colds at home without using “heavy artillery” in the form of antibiotics. According to the manufacturer of Aqua Maris - the Croatian pharmaceutical company Jadran - medicinal raw materials The preparation is based on water from the Adriatic Sea, which has a unique composition of microelements that remains unchanged during technological process and sterilization. Fence sea ​​water carried out at a depth of 5-10 meters as far as possible from large settlements and industrial enterprise zones. Water is purified from impurities using the method of bacteriological ultrafiltration, because traditional methods sterilization may disrupt its composition. At all stages of the technological process, complete sterility is ensured, which allows you to preserve all natural salts and trace elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Se, etc.) of sea water in their original form. Iodine-fortified sea salt is natural antiseptic, preventing the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. Zinc and selenium promote the secretion of the enzyme lysozyme, which destroys the membranes of bacterial cells; activate the production of interferon and immunoglobulins, thereby increasing local immunity, and increase the resistance of the mucous membrane to bacterial and virus attack. Magnesium and calcium ensure the mobility of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium, the active movement of which prevents the accumulation of mucus and blockage of the nasal sinuses. The effectiveness of the drug Aqua Maris was studied, among other things, by Russian clinicians.

Thus, scientists from the Kemerovo State medical academy studied the effectiveness of Aqua Maris in kindergartens. Of the five hundred children who took part in the study, two groups were formed: participants in one of them were irrigated twice a day with the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity with an Aqua Maris solution, while the second group was the control group. The duration of the disease in the Aqua Maris group decreased to an average of 2.9 days, while in the control group it was 4.1 days with a significantly higher number of complications, which allowed scientists to conclude that the Aqua Maris drug is effective in treating colds in patients childhood. Another study was conducted on the basis of the Russian State medical university them. N.I. Pirogov. As a result of observing children who took Aqua Maris, scientists noted the following: positive effects like a relief cold symptoms(observed in 80% of patients), reducing the duration of the disease by an average of 3 days, reducing the risk of relapse and development of complications by 1.5 times. Both of the above studies, in addition to the high effectiveness of Aqua Maris, demonstrated the absolute safety of the drug and practically complete absence side effects. Scientists also managed to find out that Aqua Maris helps to defeat acute respiratory viral infections caused by the most wide range pathogens, thus being a universal antibacterial drug.

Aqua Maris is available in three dosage forms: nasal spray, spray for local application and nasal drops for children. There is no systemic component in the effect of the drug on the body. It can be used with other drugs used to treat infectious diseases. inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract. Aqua Maris can be used even in newborns, however, the solution must be instilled in them nasal cavity should be used with extreme caution, applying minimal pressure to the bottle.


A preparation based on a hypertonic sterile solution of sea water. It is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to cleanse, relieve irritation and protect the mucous membrane of the pharynx and larynx.

The microelements included in the drug increase the resistance of the pharyngeal mucosa to pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and contribute to increased local immunity.


Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug Aqua Maris are not provided.

Release form

Spray for topical use in the form of a colorless transparent solution with a faint characteristic marine odor.

30 ml - dark glass bottles (1) with a spray device - cardboard packs.


Adults and children are prescribed 4-6 times a day, 3-4 injections, pointing the sprayer at back wall throats.

Before use, turn the sprayer to a horizontal position. When using for the first time, press the lid several times.


To date, no cases of overdose of Aqua Maris have been reported.


There are no drug interactions noted with Aqua Maris.

Features of application

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is possible to use the drug Aqua Maris during pregnancy and lactation ( breastfeeding) according to indications.

Use in children

Possible use according to indications according to the dosage regimen.

special instructions

The drug does not have a systemic effect on the body.

It can be used with other drugs used to treat inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and larynx.

A product available in the form of a dosed nasal spray or drops. The use of this drug is permitted both among adults and in the treatment of children. The drug is intended for the treatment of runny nose, prevention of flu and colds, as well as allergic inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis).

What are the indications for taking this drug?

  • Acute, vasomotor rhinitis
  • Allergic inflammation of the nasal mucosa (allergic rhinitis)
  • Chronic diseases of the nasal cavity
  • Cold prevention

  • Dry nasal mucosa
  • Maintaining acceptable sensitivity of the nasal mucosa in smokers and transport drivers; people whose activities involve staying in workshops with dusty air.
  • Recovery period after operations in the nasal cavity.

Pharmacological properties of Aqua Maris:

Aqua Maris - medicine natural origin. The drug contains sterilized sea water, which maintains the physiological state of the nasal mucosa in a normal state.

Aqua Maris thins mucus and normalizes its production in the nasal mucosa. Also, the components of the drug have a beneficial effect on the function of the ciliated epithelium.

The medicine removes dust and allergens from the nasal mucosa.

Directions for use and dosage of Aqua Maris:

This drug is available in 30 ml bottles. One bottle contains up to 200 doses of the drug.

For correct application spray follow these rules:

  • Clear your nasal passage.
  • Before using the spray, apply gentle pressure to one nostril with your finger.

  • Place your thumb at the base of the spray pump. The passage on top of the vessel will need to be located under the open nostril.
  • Press down on the pump. Take a light breath.
  • Do the same with the other nostril.
  • It is advisable to keep the drug in your nose - do not sneeze or blow your nose in the first minutes after taking it.

Dosage for use of the drug:

Aqua Maris drops can be used to treat children under 1 year of age: no more than 3 times a day, 1-2 drops in each nostril.

Aqua Maris spray can be used:

  • For the treatment of children aged 1-7 years: 2 sprays in each nostril up to 4 times a day.

  • Children aged 7 to 16 years should use the spray up to 6 times a day, 2 sprays into each nostril.
  • Adults – up to 3 injections into each nostril up to 8 times a day.
You can repeat the course in a month.

To cleanse the nasal cavity of nasal secretions and various contaminants, the drug is injected as much as is considered necessary. After using the spray, you can remove excess fluid from the nose using cotton wool or a napkin. The procedure can be performed multiple times until the nasal cavity is completely cleansed.

Composition of the drug (taken from the manufacturer’s website):

100 ml of solution contains:
30 ml of Adriatic Sea water with natural trace elements and 70 ml of purified water.
Does not contain preservatives.
Presence of ions:
  • Na+ - not less than 2.50 mg/ml;
  • Ca2+ - not less than 0.08 mg/ml;
  • Mg2+ - not less than 0.35 mg/ml;
  • Cl- - not less than 5.50 mg/ml;
  • SO42- - not less than 0.60 mg/ml;
  • HCO3 - - not less than 0.03 mg/ml

Contraindications for taking Aqua Maris:

  • Age up to one year (for Aqua Maris spray).
  • Hypersensitivity to Aqua Maris components.

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It is used for prophylactic purposes colds- ARVI, acute respiratory infections and influenza, as well as for daily hygiene procedures- cleansing the nasal cavity. The drug can be used by both adults and children. This is me about Aqua Maris. Nasal spray is also effective in the treatment of rhinitis and rhinosinusitis. What is it? What properties does it have? Let's read the instructions for the drug:

The first thing we learn from the paper description is that this is a high-quality product, which is a solution from purified, sterilized water of the Adriatic Sea.

What are the properties of the drug Aqua Maris spray?

Sea water high degree Cleansing helps cleanse the nasal cavity and effectively moisturizes its mucous membrane. Microelements contained in the seawater solution help restore the protective, barrier properties of the nasal mucosa. As a result, local immunity is strengthened.

The spray improves the physiological condition of the mucous membrane. The product makes mucus less thick and also normalizes the amount of mucus produced. Mucus is produced by goblet cells located in the lining of the nose.

Microelements and salts contained in the nasal spray have a positive effect on the functioning of the ciliated epithelium. These substances have a restorative and stimulating effect on the mucous membrane.

The drug is used for hygienic purposes for daily cleansing of the nasal mucosa from pathogenic street dust that accumulates on it, as well as very harmful indoor dust.

What are the indications for use of Aqua Maris spray?

The spray may be prescribed for use in the period after surgery on the nasal cavity.

The drug is prescribed for the complex treatment of rhinitis with allergic and vasomotor causes. The Aqua Maris spray drug is especially indicated for the treatment of infections in persons with particularly hypersensitivity to others medicines. This applies in particular to pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The drug is effective for increased dryness of the mucous membrane, as it moisturizes it, eliminating discomfort and pain.

Aqua Maris for nasal rinsing is prescribed to prevent increased nasal dryness under certain climatic conditions caused by increased dry air. The product is recommended for use by people who are in rooms with operating air conditioners, or in rooms with central heating radiators that are too hot. They are known to often dry out the indoor air, making it difficult to breathe through your nose.

Doctors recommend using Aqua Maris spray for people working as transport drivers and people working in hot, dusty workshops. It is useful to use the spray for residents of regions with harsh (too cold, hot or windy) climates.

What is the use of Aqua Maris spray?


For the treatment of children from one year to 7 years of age, the spray is used up to 4 times a day. It is injected 2 times into each nostril.
For the treatment of children from 7 years to 16 years of age, the spray is used 4 to 6 times per day. Inject 2 times into each nostril.
Adults can use the spray 4 to 8 times per day, 2 full sprays per nostril.
Treatment usually lasts from 2 weeks to a month. If there is such a need, the course of treatment and prophylaxis can be repeated after a month.

When treating rhinitis in newborn babies, doctors prescribe using the spray only medical indications. It should be used very carefully. Do not press the bottle with force. Sufficient for a baby minimum dosage, provided by light, weak pressure on the bottle. In addition, pressing hard, squirting large quantity the drug may injure the middle ear.

Other medications for the common cold can be used with this drug.

How to use Aqua Maris spray for prevention?

To prevent colds viral diseases, for hygienic procedures for cleansing the nose, this drug prescribe:

Children from one year to 7 years of age - from 1 to 3 times per day. Inject 1 to 2 times into each nostril.
Children from 7 years to 16 years of age - from 2 to 4 times per day. Inject 2 times into each nostril.
For adults, it is recommended to apply 2 or 3 sprays per nostril 3 to 6 times per day.

To soften, liquefy and remove nasal secretions from the nasal cavity, if there is significant accumulation there, as many injections are performed as necessary for the procedure to be effective. Residues of the product along with secretions are removed using cotton swab. The procedure is repeated until the nasal passages are completely cleansed.

Pregnancy, breastfeeding

The drug can be used by pregnant and lactating women. However, this requires compelling reasons, indications and a doctor’s recommendation.

What are the cork effects of Aqua Maris spray?

Rare allergic manifestations are possible.

What are the contraindications for Aqua Maris spray?

Contraindication is hypersensitivity or intolerance to the components of the spray.


We got acquainted with such a drug as Aqua Maris “Nasal Spray” - its instructions are given here for your information. Therefore, I ask everyone to carefully read the paper leaflet from the box with the drug before using it.

Instructions for use Aquamaris characterizes this product as completely safe, natural preparation based on sea water. Sterilized sea water in an isotonic state eliminates nasal congestion, helps cleanse it and restore the normal physiological state of the mucous membranes.

Aquamaris - description of the drug and its composition

Aquamaris is a remedy for local, nasal use, intended to combat difficulty in nasal breathing during rhinitis and alleviate conditions in acute or chronic diseases-organs This product was developed and produced by a Croatian pharmaceutical company. The composition of any of the presented forms is sea water of the Adriatic Sea, rich in salts and microelements.

In fact, it is a small bottle of the sea. Everyone who does not live in coastal regions, once on the seashore, notices how much easier it becomes to breathe. The same effect is achieved by hypertonic solution which contributes quick elimination swelling of the mucous membranes, accelerates the removal of mucus, washes away pathogenic microorganisms and makes breathing free.


The therapeutic effect of Aquamaris for nasal rinsing is due to chemical composition sea ​​water. The drug has a number of unique properties:

  • exhibits a pronounced anti-edematous, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stimulates the activity of local immunity and promotes the formation of antibodies to viruses;
  • characterized by a good antiseptic effect, quickly flushes out all types of bacteria from the nasal cavity;
  • protects mucosal tissue from drying out, that is, prevents cell dehydration;
  • stimulates metabolic processes in cells and accelerates their regeneration.

The most important property of Aquamaris preparations for the throat, ears and nose is that this remedy is not addictive, so you can use it for a long time.

Types of medicine

Few nasal medications can be presented in such a variety of popular forms as the drug Aquamaris. It is produced in the following varieties:

  • children's nasal drops;
  • spray of several varieties, for local and nasal use (Aquamaris Strong and Aquamaris Plus);
  • Aquamaris Baby, an irrigation spray for children, is available with already “built-in” nozzles;
  • Aqua Maris Norm - spray for rinsing and irrigating the nose in adults;
  • Aqua Maris Otto - solution for ears.

Not long ago, Croatian pharmacists launched a cosmetic series under the same name, designed for cosmetic skin care and relieving it of problems associated with hypertrophied activity of the sebaceous glands.

The most common and popular types of the drug:

  1. Aquamaris sense;
  2. Aquamaris Classic;
  3. Aquamaris ectoine.

The products are available in dark bottles with a nominal volume of 30 ml, equipped with a sprayer for ease of use.

Aquamaris for older children is equipped with a special attachment, referred to in the description as “product” and designed to prevent damage to the delicate mucous membrane of the nasal passages and facilitate the use of the product.

Aquamaris spray, produced for irrigating the throat or oral cavity equipped with a dosing and spray nozzle, sold in 30 ml bottles.

Aquamaris ointment - new on pharmaceutical market, however, this is a product that, in addition to sea water, uses white Vaseline and Vaseline oil, well softens and soothes irritated, inflamed skin. It is produced in tubes with a nominal content of 10 ml.

Aquamaris, intended for cleansing the ears, is sold in 100 ml bottles with a dropper.

Classic drops with the most high concentration saline solution, are available in 10 ml bottles, with a pipette included in the package.

All varieties are packaged in cardboard boxes and equipped with “double” instructions, a classic familiar insert and an abbreviated description on the packaging itself.

Purpose of Aquamaris

Indications for use of the drug based on sea water are very diverse.

For nasal spray;

  • for the treatment of acute and chronic nasal diseases, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx and;
  • for the treatment of allergic rhinitis;
  • for moisturizing mucous membranes when working in rooms with central heating or air conditioning;
  • for cleansing mucous membranes when working in dusty rooms or hot workshops;
  • for the prevention and treatment of infectious and colds during the period;
  • in the postoperative period.

For ear spray with special nozzle:

  • removal and prevention of wax plugs;
  • for hygienic purposes when wearing headphones, hearing aid, working in dusty industries.

Aquamaris for throat:

  • for the treatment of acute infectious diseases of the throat (tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, adenoiditis);
  • as part of complex treatment throat with ARVI;
  • with dryness of the mucous membrane of the back of the throat.

Instructions for use

The method of using the drug depends on the type of product used, the age of the person using Aquamaris and the purpose of use (for prevention or treatment). In each version of the drug, regardless of whether it is a nasal spray, drops or an irrigating solution, recommendations for use are written twice - in the insert and on the packaging.

Apply nasally or inject externally ear canal using a special nozzle. The bottle should be held vertically; before the first use, you need to make several injections into the air (to equalize the pressure in the bottle).

Children (from 2 years old) and adults can use the drug up to 4 times a day. When injecting remedy into the nasal passage, it is enough to press the spray cap 1-2 times, while holding your breath.

Aquamaris nasal drops

It can be used not only for treatment, but also for diseases in children from birth until the age of 1 year. 1-2 drops of the drug should be instilled into each nasal passage, after warming it to body temperature. The procedure can be repeated up to 4 times a day, the course of treatment takes on average 2-4 weeks.

Spray for the throat

Can be used more often, up to 6 times a day, when processing, directing the stream of the drug to the back wall of the pharynx. For elimination discomfort It is enough to do 3-4 injections in one procedure.

Aquamaris Otto

It is used to care for the ear canal and is used in adults and children from 3 years of age. The instructions recommend using the drug once a day, twice a week.

To relieve acute processes, the product is used daily. The procedure should be done while leaning over a sink or bathtub. The head is turned to the side, the tip of the bottle is carefully inserted into the ear canal and the sprayer cap is pressed. Blot the leaked liquid with a clean napkin.

Aquamaris ointment

Used to care for irritated skin. Before application, the skin area should be washed, blot dry and only then treated with ointment. If the ointment form of the drug is used to protect the skin from adverse external influences, treatment is carried out half an hour before leaving the room.


The natural remedy Aquamaris has no contraindications for use and does not provoke adverse reactions. Only in exceptional cases In persons with hypersensitivity, this drug may cause allergic reactions.

Good to know

Aquamaris drops can be used to treat the nose of newborns from the first day of life.

When asked whether Aquamaris can be used, doctors answer that this remedy is just sterile sea water, which cannot harm the health of the mother and the unborn child. All forms of the drug can be used without fear during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


Despite the absolute simplicity and safety of the composition, pharmaceuticals do not produce very many analog products. You can replace Aquamaris with the following drugs:

  • Aquamax;
  • Morenasal;
  • Salin;
  • Physiometer;
  • Marimer;
  • Fluimarin.

Similar preparations often contain not only sea water, but also various additional components, the action of which is aimed at strengthening therapeutic effect, that is, in fact, these products are not completely natural and safe.


All forms of Aquamaris are in a very affordable price category. Average prices for the drug:

  • from 270 to 320 rubles for sprays;
  • from 138 to 179 rubles per drop;
  • from 239 to 286 rubles for solutions for the nasopharynx or throat;
  • from 147 to 173 rubles per ointment;
  • from 193 to 237 rubles for ear canal product.

Any type of drug should be completely used within 45 days after opening. The medicine is sold without any restrictions or prescriptions, and the shelf life varies from 3 to 4 years, depending on the version of release.

  • Spray Aquamaris , Aquamaris Oto And Aquamaris Baby contain sea ​​water from the Adriatic Sea , rich in microelements and salts. A 100 ml bottle contains 30 ml of sea water + ordinary purified water.
  • Part Aquamarisa Plus includes (per 100 ml): sea water – 25 ml + dexpanetnol 75 L, purified water.
  • Aquamaris nasal drops 1 ml of medicine contains 0.3 ml of salted sea water + purified water.
  • Spray for the throat consists of 100% purified sea water rich in minerals and trace elements.
  • Compound Aqua Maris Sens also not very different from this line of drugs. Spray contains (per 100 ml): 0.9 g sea salt, purified water, 2 g ectoine.
  • Also, preparations with this active substance are produced in the form washing devices with a sachet containing salt enriched essential oils Italian immortelle and common myrtle.
  • You can also buy it at the pharmacy cosmetic product for skin care around the nose and lips Aquamaris which contains: panthenol, methylparaben, ethylparaben, isobutylparaben, vitamin E, white petrolatum, sorbitan stearate, oil, propylparaben, butylparaben, purified water, vitamin A.

Release form

Aqua Maris, Aquamaris Plus And Sens They are produced in bottles with a capacity of 30 ml, with a special sprayer, one bottle in a cardboard box.

Children's Aquamaris has a special nozzle so as not to damage the child’s nose, and is sold in the same packaging.

Ear cleanser also has a special nozzle.

Aquamaris drops are sold in bottles of 10 ml, one bottle per package.

Spray for the throat has a nozzle convenient for irrigating the nasopharynx, bottle capacity is 30 ml.

Aquamaris Oto– bottle with a capacity of 100 mg.

All of the above dosage forms - colorless liquids, with a slightly perceptible salty taste.

Ointment for external use Sold in tubes of 10 grams, one tube in a cardboard box. The ointment is white, with a specific odor.

pharmachologic effect

Local anti-inflammatory effect.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

All dosage forms and variations contain sterilized salty water, enriched with Na+, Ca2+, Cl−, HCO3−, SO42−, Mg2+ ions. Water is obtained from the Adriatic Sea.

Magnesium ions And calcium stimulate the work of the ciliated epithelium, zinc And selenium stimulate production and local sodium chloride And iodine act as antiseptics and catalysts for the work of goblet cells.

The drug has a mild anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, gently softens crusts and removes bacterial waste products. The effectiveness of the use of other medications increases, the risk of spreading infection decreases, the production of mucus or sulfur in the ENT organs .

Included in Aqua Maris Sens ectoine protects tissues and cells from dehydration, acts as a bioprotector for mucosal cell membranes.

Essential oils in the composition of salts for diluting and washing the sinuses, they have a softening and antiseptic effect.

Dexpanthenol stimulates mucosal regeneration processes, normalizes, increases the strength of cell membranes.

The drug acts predominantly locally and is not subject to systemic absorption. It does not accumulate in the body and does not contain preservatives, which is very important when using Aquamaris preparations for children.

Indications for use

Aquamaris nasal spray prescribe:

  • for acute and chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, nose and paranasal sinuses;
  • for the prevention or treatment of infections that develop in the autumn-winter period and are accompanied by inflammation of the nasal cavity;
  • for dry nose in rooms with air conditioning or central heating, in harsh or dry climates, when working in dusty rooms;
  • for smokers and workers in hot shops;
  • when, especially in pregnant or lactating women;
  • in the period after nasal surgery;
  • at .

Medicine with a special nozzle for rinsing the ears apply:

  • for removal and softening;
  • as prophylactic from sulfur plugs;
  • V for hygienic purposes when wearing a hearing aid, headphones, headsets, after a long stay in a dusty place.

Aquamaris for the throat prescribe:

  • for acute inflammatory and infectious diseases throat (at , );
  • as part of complex therapy for the throat during;
  • persons suffering from dryness of the mucous membrane of the back of the throat, located in dusty, dry rooms, in unfavorable climates.


The product is contraindicated:

  • when on any of its components;
  • with frequent nosebleeds;
  • when tumors appear in the nasal cavity;
  • if the nasal passages are completely obstructed.

Nasal, metered-dose spray should not be administered to children under one year of age.

Side effects

May develop allergic reactions to the drug, mainly of a local nature.

Instructions for use Aqua Maris (Method and dosage)

The spray is used intranasally or into the external auditory canal (if there is a special nozzle).

Spray Aquamaris, instructions for use

Adults and children over 2 years old are prescribed 1-2 sprays into each nasal passage, 4 times a day.

More allowed frequent use spray.

Before first use, you should make several idle injections into the air to equalize the pressure in the bottle.

The sprayer only works in a vertical position.

After using the drug, wipe the spray nozzle with a damp cloth and close tightly.

Aquamaris drops, instructions

Drops are most often used for newborns and children under one year of age.

The duration of treatment is from 14 to 30 days. The course can be repeated in a month.

The medicine can be injected or dropped into the nose until specific accumulations and excess nasal secretions are removed.

The throat spray is used 4-6 times a day, 3-4 injections. The sprayer must be directed behind the back wall of the pharynx.

Instructions for Aquamaris Oto

The product is usually used to care for the external auditory canal. The drug can be used in children over 3 years of age.

The medicine is used 2 or 3 times a week, once a day. In case of urgent need, the drug is approved for daily use.

The procedure should be performed over a sink or bathtub. Tilt your head to the right, insert the tip into the right ear canal (for the left, tilt your head to the left) and slowly press the nozzle. Excess liquid can be wiped off with a napkin.

Repeat for the left ear.

How to rinse your nose with Aquamaris sachet 30 with your own hands?

The drug effectively and safely cleanses the nasal passages of impurities.

Some analogues of Aquamaris are cheaper than the original.

The closest analogues of Aquamaris for children are Septoaqua for children , , Aqualor Baby spray , .

Aqualor or Aquamaris - which is better?

In fact, both drugs contain the same release form and active substance. According to posts on the forums, Aqualor is more popular because of its low cost. Many people prefer the nozzle on Aqualore .

Aqua Maris for newborns

Children who have not yet turned one year old are prescribed Aquamaris drops for newborns.

This dosage form Safely and effectively removes various contaminants from the nasal passages of young children.

Aqua Maris during pregnancy and lactation

The medicine is often prescribed to women during pregnancy. Aquamaris does not contain preservatives, substances that are toxic or harmful to the unborn child. According to the instructions, the dosage and regimen for pregnant and lactating women are the same as for everyone else.

Reviews for Aqua Maris

The most popular of the drugs produced under this brand are spray and nasal drops.

There are many on the Internet positive feedback about Aquamaris:

... helps instantly, literally on the first day of use”;

the best remedy to cleanse the nasal mucosa from bacteria, viruses and allergens”;

« ... using the spray is pleasant, convenient and the nasal mucosa feels comfortable”.

Many people like that the medicine does not contain preservatives and is approved for use by pregnant and lactating women.

Parents also often wash their children’s noses with Aquamaris drops. Some are unhappy high cost drug.

Aqua Maris price, where to buy

Price Aquamaris spray usually from 250 to 300 rubles.

Price drops in the nose– approximately 130 rubles, for 10 ml. How much does it cost to buy nasal drops for infants in Kharkov? The price of Aquamaris drops for newborns is about 40 UAH.

Price throat remedies– 230 rub. for 30 ml of the drug.

Lip and nose care product for children and adults it costs 150-165 rubles, for a 10-gram tube.

Price for Aquamaris children's spray– 279 rubles, 50 milliliters.

Price nasal rinsing devices sea ​​salt(in sachet)— 270-290 rub.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


    Aqua Maris sea salt for nasal rinsing 2.97g n30 Jadran

    Aqua Maris norms for rinsing and irrigation of the nasal cavity for adults 50ml

    Aqua maris drops called for children 10ml n1 Jadran

    Aqua maris ectoin nasal spray vial. 20mlYadran Galensky Laboratories OA

    Aqua Maris baby solution for rinsing and irrigating the nasal cavity for children 50mlYadran Galensky Laboratories OA

Pharmacy Dialog

    Aqua Maris (strong spray for throat 30ml)

    Aqua Maris (plus spray 30ml)

    Aqua Maris Ectoin nasal spray for rhinitis and allergies 20ml

    Aqua Maris Lake nasal rinsing device + sea salt No. 30

    Aqua Maris (strong spray called 30ml)

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    Aqua Maris baby nasal spray 50 mlJADRAN-GALENSKI LABORATORY j.s.

    Aqua Maris baby intensive rinsing nasal spray 150 mlJadran Galenski Laboratorij d.d.
