When a cat's belly drops before giving birth. How to understand that a cat is giving birth, and does the tailed mother need the owner’s help? The cat does not have milk after giving birth

Waiting for children is always accompanied by a certain trepidation; the birth of kittens is the same special process as the birth of a child. Hosts expectant mother, they are worried and afraid of missing the first signs of the onset of labor in a cat. If the mating was planned, then the situation is simpler - the expected range is reduced to 24–72 hours, guess the “date X” of a cat who became pregnant on her own. In any case, when caring for a mother-murka, you need to know about the harbingers of childbirth and the events that will have to be experienced.

In a healthy animal, the process of pregnancy and childbirth occurs without the need for intervention or assistance. In purebred, small, problem cats, childbirth may occur with complications. In more developed countries There is a special profession - zooobstetrician, a specialist responsible for the favorable course of childbirth, preserving the life and health of the mother and offspring. In “our realities,” all responsibility falls on the shoulders of the owners and general veterinarians.

Average, normal pregnancy cats last 60–65 days, but the period can vary by 7–10 days depending on the breed and body constitution of the expectant mother. Conventionally, pregnancy is divided into 3 stages:

  • Mating – 3 weeks: after mating, the cat experiences swelling of the mucous membranes of the genital tract, but this does not guarantee pregnancy. Distinct signs are observed from the third week:
    • Drowsiness, decreased appetite and activity.
    • Requires affection and attention.
    • Vomiting (no more than 3 times a day, no longer than 2-3 days).
    • Distinct pigmentation of the mammary glands - from light to bright pink.
    • An enlarged uterus, which can be detected by a veterinarian by palpation.
  • 4–6 weeks:
    • Rapid growth of “babies” and “rounding” of the cat. By week 6, the amount of fluid in the uterus increases, and the kittens begin to make their first movements.
    • Kittens can be “felt” when gently palpated.
    • The cat eats and sleeps more, otherwise behaves as usual.
  • 7–9 weeks:
    • Kittens are actively moving. The movements are clearly visible to the naked eye, especially if the cat is sleeping.
    • Swelling of the mammary glands, release of colostrum.
    • Some cats have whitish hair, which is normal.
    • Increased anxiety and making a “den”.

Important! “Nesting” is not observed in all animals. A cat with increased social activity will benefit from the foresight of the owners in arranging the place and assisting in childbirth. “Tethered cats” need to be monitored especially carefully; hormones and a “naughty” character can lead the animal to a “breakdown” and rash actions, which can lead to abandonment of the kittens.

Read also: How does a cat give birth: preparation, process and its stages

Preparing for childbirth, behavioral changes

If the pregnancy is normal and there are no health problems, by the 50th day of pregnancy the following set should be prepared in the house:

  • Sturdy box with low side. The cat should freely enter and exit the “nest” without clinging to the side with its belly.
  • Several pairs of sterile, latex surgical gloves.
  • Medical pipettes or suction, for forced cleaning of the respiratory tract if the kitten does not cough on its own.
  • Sterile or boiled thread.
  • Surgical or antiseptic-treated cosmetic scissors.
  • Liquid and powder antiseptics purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. Human medications can be toxic to mother and kittens.
  • Zelenka and cotton buds to lubricate the umbilical cord.
  • Clean cotton diapers, flannel. Several small terry towels for rubbing kittens.
  • Levomikol ointment or an analogue - in case of stoppage of fetal movement in the birth canal.
  • Clean water bowl.
  • Powdered infant formula from 0 months is a cat milk substitute.
  • Pre-agreed conditions for the veterinarian’s visit and a telephone number for remote consultation.
  • Oxytocin or analogue – stimulation of contractions and labor activity.
  • Sulfocamphocaine – stimulation of cardiac activity.
  • Potassium gluconate – support in case of prolonged labor. A solution of up to 10% can be administered subcutaneously; above that, only intravenously!

Take note! For fluffy and “hyper-clean” cats, be sure to prepare: dry and wet wipes, moisture-absorbing diapers. If you don’t provide the “fastidious” with cleanliness, she will wash herself, crawl from place to place, and childbirth will become an afterthought.

You may not need anything other than a box and diapers, but you need to be prepared for everything. From a behavioral point of view, changes may not be noticeable, especially for cats of the “noble” breed. From a physiological point of view, there are following signs approaching birth of a cat:

  • 24–72 hours before labor begins, body temperature drops to 37 °C.
  • Within 24–48 hours, the cat actively licks the genitals, the mucous membranes turn red or pink.
  • Not always - the mammary glands become very engorged, and the skin around the nipples becomes hotter.
  • The cat may become “disengaged” and inactive.
  • 4–8 hours before contractions, the cat “hunches over” - this is due to “training” contractions of the uterus. During this period, the pet becomes very worried and may “call for help” or hide.
  • A sharp decrease in appetite. Water or milk is consumed in normal quantities.

Important! A pregnant cat chooses where to build her nest. If the animal does not treat the box well and stubbornly settles down in the closet on your favorite shirts - give in, free up the place you like and arrange it comfortably, the cat will still do it in its own way. Some cats, especially first-time cats, give birth “wherever necessary” - be prepared.

Read also: Body temperature in a cat before birth: norm and pathology

Harbingers of childbirth

Harbingers are considered to be changes in the animal’s vital activity within 24 hours before birth. The cat's uterus is arranged in the shape of the letter “Y” - the “horns” are the place of the kittens, the “tail” is the cervix. The main changes occur precisely in it, accompanied by discomfort or pain. Miscarriage and spontaneous childbirth are accompanied by the same symptoms, with one difference. Signs premature birth in cats, most often occur 1–2 times faster.

As soon as you notice your cat's anxiety, pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Most often, before contractions begin, a mucus plug comes out of the cervix - a small clot of transparent, yellowish, greenish color, small brown spots are considered normal. You need to understand that the cork’s rejection may not be noticed. It can come out during urination or be torn off in parts - the cat licks itself, the discharge is unnoticeable.
  • During pregnancy, kittens lie according to the “compact” principle, and for proper birth they need to turn their heads down. Large “babies” may not have time to do this, but during the process there is active movement of the fetuses - the kittens turn and push, causing the mother a lot of inconvenience.
  • The first contractions are barely noticeable, but can be felt if you put your palm on the cat’s stomach - the opening of the cervix begins, the process can take up to 8 hours.

Preparedness #1! Signs imminent birth in a cat - strong contractions, noticeable without palpation, the cat lies on its side or squats and arches its back - in the period from 5 to 60 minutes the first “baby” will appear.

The birth process - stages, possible problems

Once the cervix is ​​completely open, the process of “expulsion” of the kittens begins. Remember without prejudice or arrogance - the cat is in pain, it has lost a lot of strength in contractions, the animal is very worried. It is important to follow the following rules:

  • Calm and support the animal no matter what happens.
  • Keep yourself in control, even if this is your first birth and you don’t really understand what’s going on. The cat senses your panic and confusion well.
  • Do not fuss, do not allow strangers, children, or other animals into the room.
  • Ensure supply fresh air into the room, but not a draft.
  • Offer to the cat warm water or milk, 90% of cats become thirsty during labor.
  • If you're worried that you won't be able to cope, enlist the support of another person. But (!) there must be one person directly next to the cat. The “Assistant” will help in case of complications.
  • Don’t be alarmed when the cat eats the kitten’s “place” - this is a physiologically correct process of recuperation.

Childbirth is an unpredictable process in both humans and animals. Even the vet can't tell when they will start. The behavior of a cat before giving birth becomes unusual: its appearance and character change. By these signs you can determine when the animal will need help. The owners also need to prepare: watch a video of the birth process, study specialized literature. You must have the veterinarian's phone number at hand.

Cat pregnancy

The average gestation period for cats is 60-70 days. It may vary depending on age, health status, and the course of pregnancy. This is why owners are worried if 2 months have passed and the kittens have not appeared. Don't be nervous - prepare in advance everything you will need during the birth process.

Take your pet to the vet if you are unsure, as labor can sometimes be difficult. It is not always possible for a cat to do everything on its own. In order to take her to the doctor in time, you need to familiarize yourself with the signs of imminent labor.

Changes in appearance before childbirth

Already in the second week it is clear that the animal is pregnant. The belly becomes larger and the nipples become bright pink. This is becoming more noticeable every week.

It is necessary to measure the animal's body temperature. Usually it is 38-39 °C. Before birth it drops to 37.5 °C. By this sign you can determine that kittens will appear soon.

Changing behavior before childbirth

Throughout pregnancy, your cat walks affectionate and gentle. Even if before she did not always go to her hands, now her need for care increases. Like people, her appetite grows - it must be satisfied.

It is important to take care of a varied diet. If your cat is an indoor cat, plant grass for it or buy it at the store. You can purchase a complex of vitamins for pregnant cats.

A few hours before the birth process, behavior changes dramatically. The animal begins to get nervous, walk around the apartment, and tremble. At this time, she scrubs the furniture and floor. In this way, the cat is looking for a secluded place where it could give birth.

Additional signs:

  • active licking of the genital area;
  • rolling from one side to the other;
  • yellow-brown discharge.

Be careful: if the discharge smells bad or is black, you should contact your veterinarian.

Right before giving birth, cats have a drop in temperature and weakness. You may start vomiting, but don't panic - it's normal process. From fear, breathing quickens, the animal shakes. Body tremors begin from stress. You need to try to calm your pet down, to seem like the owner is nearby and you can rely on him.

On average, pregnancy in cats lasts 65 days (plus or minus 5 days). This period usually guarantees the birth of healthy kittens. But how to know that a cat is giving birth - not every person knows the signs of this event. Many inexperienced owners begin to worry about the upcoming event as soon as they notice that their pet is pregnant. The owner of a cat who is about to give birth for the first time experiences special experiences. And the pet itself often shows anxiety. And I must say: not in vain.

But don't worry too much. You will have enough time to become familiar with the cat's behavior during this period and prepare the necessary supplies for giving birth at home. First, let's try to understand what signs can be used to guess that a cat is pregnant. It will be easiest to recognize " interesting situation"and calculate the date of fertilization if the mating was planned, and you know from what point to keep a record of the pregnancy, which is conventionally divided into three stages with characteristics characteristic of each.

A cat can become pregnant for the first time at the age of six months, when the first heat usually appears. But most veterinarians believe that only a strong female who is at least 12 months old can bear healthy kittens. Pregnancy occurs in 3 stages:

After mating, the cat's genital swelling is visible, but this does not mean that she is fertilized. The first signs will clearly appear from the 3rd week:

  • the pet becomes lethargic, eats poorly, moves little, sleeps more;
  • within 2-3 days she vomits repeatedly;
  • nipples enlarge and acquire a bright pink color or, conversely, become lighter;
  • When palpating the cat's genitals, the veterinarian notices an enlarged uterus.

During the middle period of pregnancy, the animal noticeably gains weight as the fetus actively develops. By the 6th week, the amount of amniotic fluid increases and the kittens begin to move for the first time. By stroking your pet's belly, you can carefully “feel” the future children.

At 7-9 weeks, the cat’s excitement intensifies, she fussily rushes around the apartment in search of a future “nest”. Kittens move actively, which is especially noticeable in a sleeping cat. The animal restlessly licks its genitals.

Preparing for childbirth

Often pets give birth so quietly and carefully that the owner does not even have time to notice any traces of the event. But in case of complications, the pet may need human help, so it is better to find out in advance how to determine that a cat is giving birth and carefully prepare for this event.

By the end of the third trimester of pregnancy caring owner should stock up on items and medications that may be useful during childbirth, as well as immediately after it. So, if you are worried about the health of your pet and her future children, you should definitely have on hand at the time of lambing:

  • Oxytocin is a drug that stimulates labor in case it is delayed.
  • Sterile latex gloves.
  • Sterile scissors and thread.
  • Antiseptics in powder and liquid form intended for animals.
  • Zelenka and cotton balls for treating the umbilical cord.
  • A special suction, bulb or pipettes to remove fluid from the kitten’s respiratory tract if it begins to choke.
  • Clean terry towels for drying kittens.
  • Phone veterinarian for urgent consultation.
  • Cat milk replacer (she may not get it).
  • A durable cardboard box for kittens with low sides (it doesn’t matter whether you buy it at a pet store or make it yourself - the main thing is that the cat can freely “travel” from and to it without disturbing the kittens).

Signs of approaching labor

So, you have already purchased and prepared everything you need, all you have to do is wait for the birth to begin. And here the question arises again: how to understand that a cat is giving birth; signs of the end of pregnancy seem to be obvious, but an inexperienced owner needs additional information in order to have time to come to the pet’s aid at the crucial moment.

Signs that a cat is about to give birth are:

  • the animal shows strong anxiety, meows loudly, looks for a comfortable, often hidden place to relieve itself of the burden;
  • the mammary glands greatly increase in size, the skin around the nipples dries and peels;
  • 24 hours before lambing, the pet experiences lactation;
  • body temperature drops to 37 degrees and below;
  • on the day of lambing, the pet completely loses interest in food;
  • a few hours before lambing, the cat begins to bend its back frequently;
  • the animal licks the genitals, from which a malicious odor often emanates (sometimes you can notice the release of the birth plug, which is a mucous clot - transparent or having a pinkish, yellowish and even greenish tint, but usually the animal “tips up” the plug, which comes out in parts, along with the secretions ).

The removal of the plug and an actively “moving” belly indicate that the pet is about to begin or has already begun contractions.

How can a person help a giving birth cat?

If a cat, on the eve of lambing, has burrowed away from you in a far, secret corner, there is no need to disturb her. Just be prepared to quickly come to the rescue if trouble arises. But when your pet is nervous and doesn’t leave your side, she definitely wants help immediately.

In this case, you should definitely calm her down and caress her. Don't let your cat squat: this could harm her babies. Try to lay her down on her side by cuddling her and encouraging her with warm words. In addition, you can stimulate labor yourself by stroking your tummy and spine. When your pet pushes, allow her to rest her hind legs on your hand. Always keep clean, warm water on hand: an exhausted woman in labor will often experience increased thirst.

The birth process

Kittens ready to be born line up to be born in the animal’s two-horned uterus. The birth process is divided into 3 stages:

  1. The cat feels contractions of the uterus and at the same time the urge to have a bowel movement. The cervix begins to open slightly. Often at this stage the birth plug comes out along with mucous secretions.
  2. In the second phase, contractions become more intense and painful, the cervix opens completely, preparing to let the kittens move through the birth canal. The cat strains, trying with all her might to “push through” the cubs. This is how a healthy kitten is born with a favorable course of labor. If about amniotic sac did not burst earlier, the baby is born in it. Usually the woman in labor frees the kitten herself by gnawing the shell. But it happens that she leaves the place of birth in fright or gets lost during the first lambing, and then you must come to the rescue by cutting the bladder with sterile scissors so that the baby does not suffocate. The next cub should emerge 15, maximum 40 minutes after the first.
  3. At the final stage of labor, the placenta is separated from the mother. The cat must eat one of the nursery places - this will help her quickly realize that she is a mother and speed up lactation. Make sure that after each kitten there is an afterbirth. The placenta remaining in the pet’s body can rot, which will lead to severe inflammation and even death of the animal. At the same time, the cat may eat a stillborn or too weak kitten, which is best avoided.

Well, the birth is over. Make sure your pet has given birth to all the kittens by feeling her belly: it should be soft and empty. If you still have doubts, and the cat is in no hurry to feed and caress the cubs, but still shows signs of anxiety, seek advice from a specialist.

You can also ask a question to our site's staff veterinarian, who as soon as possible will answer them in the comment box below.

Extending the family line of a beloved cat - an important event for every owner. Waiting for kittens is accompanied by worries and worries, fears of missing the onset of labor. How to understand that a cat is giving birth and help your pet in time? To do this, you need to know some of the nuances of cat behavior before giving birth.

Cat behavior before giving birth

The cat will begin to prepare for childbirth 60-65 days after mating. An attentive owner will immediately notice changes in the behavior of his pregnant pet, which will indicate that kittens will soon be born. You can understand that a cat is about to give birth 1-3 days before birth using these signs:

  1. The cat starts looking comfortable spot for childbirth. She often lingers in secluded places (under beds, sofas), and can climb into closets and bury herself in things. The animal rakes the clothes around itself under itself, as if arranging a cozy nest.
  2. Behavior changes. Its features depend on its character: some cats become too affectionate, require constant attention to themselves, actively “talk” to the owner, as if asking him for help and protection. Some, on the contrary, become aggressive, avoid people, and do not allow them to touch themselves.
  3. The mammary glands change. Before a cat is about to give birth, her mammary glands become enlarged and painful.
  4. The cat becomes cleaner. Shortly before lambing, the cat begins to carefully lick itself in the area of ​​the external genitalia, doing this countless times a day.
  5. Change in appetite. A sign that indicates that a cat will give birth today is refusal of food, even her favorite one.
  6. Decrease in temperature. Characteristic sign, which indicates that the labor process will begin within 24 hours - a decrease in rectal temperature to 37°C.
  7. Plug coming out. One to two hours before birth, mucous discharge appears from the vagina, but due to the fact that the cat often licks itself, this sign may not be noticed.

What to prepare for childbirth

Every owner whose cat is about to give birth should prepare for this event. You need to prepare especially carefully if the cat gives birth for the first time: it is unknown what complications will be encountered during childbirth. A pet may require help from its owner, so you need to make sure you have the following items in the house:

  • soft disposable diapers;
  • scissors;
  • antiseptic solutions: chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate solution, brilliant green;
  • petrolatum;
  • sterile gauze wipes;
  • clean pieces of cotton fabric;
  • small syringe;
  • sterile medical gloves.

It is imperative to arrange a nest in which the cat should give birth and then feed her kittens. To do this, use a cardboard box or a ready-made house purchased at a pet store. An oilcloth is placed on the bottom of the house or box, then soft cloth, on top - disposable diapers. The house must be shown to the cat in advance so that it gets used to it. Place the pet's future home in a warm, secluded place, but it should not be placed close to heating appliances.

If the owner sees signs of giving birth to a cat and knows for sure that she is going to give birth in the next 24 hours, it is necessary to notify the veterinarian about this so that he can arrive on the first call. This is needed in case emergency situation when the animal may need the help of a specialist. Typically, difficulties may arise purebred cats who are giving birth for the first time. Outbred cats tolerate this process more easily; most likely, the owner will not have to do anything - the pet will cope just fine on its own.

How does childbirth occur and proceed?

If the owner sees signs that his cat is beginning to give birth, he should not go anywhere, but be close to his pet in order to come to her aid if necessary. Childbirth takes place in several stages; there is no need to interfere with the birth process unnecessarily. There is no need to check every minute whether the cat is giving birth, because anxiety and excessive attention can make the animal nervous. Monitoring your pet should be discreet.

Stages of labor:

  • Preparatory. The cat begins to experience contractions in the form of tension and wave-like movements of the abdomen.
  • Start of labor. The amniotic sac bursts, the water breaks, and the animal begins to push. It can take several hours from the time your water breaks until the first kitten is born.
  • Childbirth. Babies are born. Each kitten should emerge within 10-15 minutes, which includes the appearance of its head and its complete emergence from the womb. If there is a delay that lasts more than half an hour, you need to urgently call a veterinarian. The cat gnaws the umbilical cord, eats the afterbirth, and licks the kitten. The break between the births of babies is from 15 minutes to several hours.

When the cat has given birth to all her kittens, she begins to perform her maternal duties. If there are no deviations in the health of the animal and kittens, veterinarians do not give special recommendations care - the cat will do everything that is needed, guided by maternal instinct. The owner’s task is to provide his pet with proper nutrition and peace.

The first part of the exciting period is coming to an end - the cat carried kittens and is preparing to give birth to them. Giving birth to a cat is a difficult stage, so the owner must facilitate the process in every possible way, and, if necessary, even help the pet in this difficult matter.

The last two weeks of a cat's pregnancy are bound to be filled with excitement. Both the animal and the owner are worried. Towards the end of the term, the cat feels the activity of the kittens and begins to look for somewhere to retire. She definitely needs help with this by providing a safe corner with warm bedding and maximum peace of mind.

The closer the date gets, the more time the cat spends in its shelter. Her character has already changed beyond recognition, and before the birth itself, the cat falls into a kind of panic. The main symptoms of the imminent onset of labor include:

  • Cat's excitement. She runs around the house restlessly, rushing about. May actively lick the belly. Also shows great attention to the genitals.
  • When contractions appear and become more frequent, the cat begins to breathe heavily and frequently.
  • Body temperature drops below 37 degrees.
  • Changes appearance genitals, discharge is possible.
  • The nipples also swell.
  • A cat can attract the owner’s attention in every possible way and call to the “nest”. Don't ignore her requests.
  • Some cats hide from people when they feel pain.

Preparing the birth site

A box or basket for the future cat family must be prepared in advance.
The cat will spend a lot of time there. The home must be clean, without foreign odors, but be in a quiet corner without drafts. Also, the cat will be grateful to the owner if she is not disturbed too often while she gets used to the shelter.

Immediately before giving birth, you need to arrange the house properly. You should have at hand:

  • Litter. After childbirth it will become unusable, so it is better to use cheap materials.
  • A bed on which the cat and kittens will move after the birth is complete. The best thing white-to control discharge. It will need to be changed at least once a day.
  • Towel and napkins.
  • You need to place a cup of water near the house so that the cat can drink without being distracted for a long time.

Stages of birth in cats

The average length of pregnancy in cats is 60-65 days. Deviations of several days are acceptable depending on the breed or characteristics of the organism.

Labor takes place in three stages. To help the cat as much as possible in the process, the owner needs to know the characteristics of each of them.


Before the birth itself, you may notice that the cat's belly becomes elastic. Minor discharge from the genitals may appear. During this period, the cervix opens and contractions begin. Muscle contractions weak, they will help the kittens move along the birth canal.

The cat feels pain, which causes it to meow and strain. The presence of the owner will help alleviate the pet's condition. It is necessary to stroke her and speak to her in a calm voice. The onset of labor can last up to a day, but if the cat cannot begin to give birth for longer, it is worth calling a veterinarian to your home to provide assistance.


The next stage begins when the baby enters the birth canal. The time between the appearance of kittens can vary from a few minutes or longer. Sometimes it takes a couple of hours. Long labor occur in primiparous cats, as well as in some breeds. The reason for this is stress, which forces the cat to deliberately delay the process.

Kittens can appear either head first or hind legs. This is normal and there is no need to worry. The time from the kitten's arrival to its complete exit usually takes about 15 minutes. If the process is delayed, you must urgently call a veterinarian.

A born kitten needs help: it needs to be freed from the film - the bubble. If the cat did not do this or did not bite the umbilical cord, the owner must take care of the baby. It is necessary to wipe the kittens and release them Airways. Also, after giving birth, you need to count the placenta: so that there are exactly as many of them as there are kittens. The afterbirth left in the uterus can threaten the life of the cat, so you should immediately consult a doctor.


During this stage, the cat rests between kittens. She takes care of already born babies,
licks them and himself. At this time, it will be very helpful to offer water to the exhausted mother. The presence of the owner during childbirth is mandatory, since an animal experiencing stress may behave unpredictably. Outbreaks of aggression towards cubs are rarely observed, so the owner needs to monitor the progress of events.

Possible problems

Problems during childbirth do not occur often. However, the owner must be aware of the responsibility and prepare properly. You also need to be prepared to accept kittens if difficulties arise and the veterinarian cannot arrive on time. Before labor begins, you need to prepare:

  • napkins, preferably soft cloth,
  • scissors with blunt tips,
  • medical gloves,
  • brilliant green,
  • Oxytocin drug and syringes,
  • a thread,
  • petrolatum,
  • Leave a doctor's business card in a visible place for an urgent call.

Need for medicines rarely occurs, but they should be at hand. In addition to oxytocin, which stimulates labor, you need to have Sulphocamphocaine - it supports the functioning of the heart.

If the fetal head is visible, but the cat cannot push it out, it is necessary to lubricate visible part kitten with Vaseline. This should fix the problem.

It happens that the cat does not have time to free the baby from the bladder. This needs to be done within a minute. Then you need to force the kitten to breathe by carefully bending it into an arch so that its hind legs reach its chest. Use a pipette to remove fluid from the nose and mouth.

If the kitten is born, but the placenta does not appear, you need to remove it manually by wearing gloves or gently pulling the umbilical cord.

If the baby is too big, has already begun to appear, or due to its incorrect position the cat cannot give birth, in no case should stimulation be carried out with drugs. You need to urgently call a doctor.

When the uterus is weak and cannot push out the kitten, it is necessary to resort to oxytocin. The injection can be done at home. 0.2 ml of the drug is injected intramuscularly. If there is a need for a second injection, the interval between them should be at least an hour.

There are cases when the help of a veterinarian is necessary. If a cat gives birth for more than a day, loses consciousness, has a fever, or has saturated bleeding, you should seek help immediately. If the doctor does not have time to arrive, you need to carry out all the manipulations that he dictates over the phone.

First birth

Often, cat birth occurs without human intervention. Complications are rare and most often resolve quickly. An exception may be the first birth of a cat. This is a huge stress for her psyche and body. No less stressful situation is also for the owner, especially if he has not previously taken part in the birth of kittens. The owner must be prepared for any situation if his pet is pregnant for the first time.

It is important to know that a cat’s first pregnancy should occur only when she can bear kittens and then feed them. The cat must be physically developed and healthy. It is advisable to breed a cat only after the third heat and at the age of no earlier than one year.

During childbirth, the owner's main help will be his presence. The cat is under stress, so the attention given to the pet will be worth its weight in gold. It is worth talking to the cat, calming it down and stroking its belly and sides clockwise. This will help an agitated animal calm down.

Often, when giving birth for the first time, a cat is very tired, so the owner may need help in the first minutes after the kitten appears. Control over the situation is also necessary, especially over the well-being of the expectant mother.

Owner participation in the process

During the birth process, the owner may be required not only to be present and provide “moral” assistance to the cat. Sometimes complications arise and you have to interfere with the natural process.

Another factor is instability emotional state cats. It's good if she meows and asks for help. But there are situations when a cat, due to stress, shows aggression towards a person, hisses and does not allow him to approach him. Then there is nothing left but to observe and be ready to call a doctor. In rare cases, the veterinarian may use sedatives to calm down the expectant mother.

At the very beginning of labor, you should not put your cat down by force. She has a better feel for what will be more comfortable for her. When the kitten is directly passing through the birth canal, there is no need to rush. One contraction can push the baby halfway out, then the cat sometimes waits for a second contraction to fully deliver the baby. It is worth intervening only if the kitten is in this position for too long - from 15 minutes.


If the kitten remains halfway in the birth canal for too long and the amniotic sac is ruptured, you need to gently pull the kitten down toward the belly with a napkin. It is necessary to carry out the procedure in rubber gloves, and if there are none, you need to treat your hands with alcohol and trim your nails short.

If the baby is not completely out of birth canal and stopped with his butt forward, and the bubble was ruptured, you need to act extremely quickly. This situation is dangerous: the kitten may suffocate. You can only pull the baby during a contraction, and not hold it by a part of the body, but grab it as much as possible.

If the kitten is too big and constantly "slips away" after the contraction stops, you need to intervene. After waiting for the next muscle contraction, you need to pull the lower part of the vulva towards the anus, thereby expanding the passage. When the head and at least one shoulder appear, you need to gently pull (not by the head!) the kitten in an arc down to the stomach with rocking movements. You need to help slowly and extremely carefully.

If the kitten is in the wrong position and the cat cannot cope on its own, it is necessary to turn the baby around. To do this, you should lightly press the visible part of the body with your finger and, using stroking movements, rotate it to the position that is closer. If you act with extreme caution, the cat will soon be able to push out the baby on her own.

If the cat is confused or unable to take care of the baby, then, in addition to freeing the bladder, it is necessary to cut the umbilical cord. This is done with small scissors with rounded tips. First you need to clamp the umbilical cord at a distance of a few centimeters from the tummy. After 20 seconds, cut it at the point of compression. If the bleeding does not stop, you should tie the umbilical cord with a disinfected thread and burn the tip with brilliant green.

Are all the kittens born?

The first sign that not all kittens have been born will be the behavior of the mother cat. If she doesn’t get up and start caring for the offspring, then most likely the birth is continuing, there’s just a pause. This happens when the process lasts for a long time, and the cat manages to get tired.
You can also palpate the mother's belly for remaining babies. The uterus and its cervix can easily be confused with a kitten, but they are usually not difficult to distinguish.

It is worth calling a doctor when the cat does not pay attention to the kittens for a long time, but does not begin to give birth to another baby. Also a wake-up call There should be an increase in body temperature and excessive discharge from the genitals.

Determining the end of labor is most difficult when the cat has already given birth to 5 or more kittens. Because even if there are babies in the womb, the animal will need rest. It is necessary to monitor her condition and take decisive action as soon as necessary.

A cat's pregnancy is an exciting time for everyone in the household. In order for it to end safely, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the expectant mother and provide all necessary help during the birth of kittens. After reading the information provided in the article, the owner will be able to become a reliable companion for the pet in this difficult matter.
