Blue nasolabial triangle in a newborn. Why does a baby have a blue nasolabial triangle?

When a baby is born, mothers are often frightened by the bluish color of the newborn's skin. This is not surprising, because in feature films, in glossy magazines and all kinds of books on caring for a newborn, children are always pink and beautiful in the photo. However, in life everything is a little different. Why does a baby look strange immediately after birth? And why is he born blue? The answers to these questions are given by specialists - pediatricians.

Blueness at birth

According to pediatricians, in most cases, the blue color of a child’s skin is not a pathology. At the birth of a baby, doctors immediately assess the condition skin according to a special scale. It is designed to assess the color of a child's skin and reveals possible pathologies development in the first minutes of a baby’s life.

Normally, for some time after childbirth, the cyanosis disappears and the skin becomes pink. In this case, there is no reason to worry. If the blue color of the skin does not change, doctors may assume oxygen starvation, which the baby experienced in the womb. Bluishness of the face indicates that the newborn is entangled in the umbilical cord during childbirth.

Also, persistent blue discoloration of the skin may indicate trauma during childbirth, neck injury, adrenal insufficiency, certain types of heart muscle defects, or anemia. Modern methods diagnostics make it possible to identify all these pathologies in the first hours after the baby’s birth and take timely measures to timely treatment crumbs.

Healthy baby skin

Almost all babies are born pale blue. After the child begins to breathe on his own, and not with the help of the umbilical cord, the baby’s body turns pink and he acquires his usual skin color. The baby's skin is elastic, soft and velvety to the touch.

At birth, the baby's skin is covered with a special lubricant, a white coating that protects the skin from getting wet during life in the mother's womb. Once the baby is born, the lubricant can be wiped off with diapers. It is necessary to carefully remove it in the folds so that the baby’s skin does not rot.

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Spots on the body of newborns

If a baby was born with various spots on the skin, this is also a cause for concern for parents. Pediatricians assure that there is nothing wrong with the appearance of these marks, and in most cases they go away on their own.

Red spots

Bruising and red spots may appear on the newborn's skin where it lies against the wall of the uterus. Such phenomena do not require medical intervention and go away on their own over time. Red spots form due to increased vascular permeability, and as soon as vascular system The baby adapts to the world around him, everything will pass. Also, swelling may form in the places of presentation, which also does not require additional treatment. This swelling is often called birth swelling.

Black spots

Blue or black spots are called Mongolian spots. These marks received this name due to the fact that they are more often observed in children of the Mongolian race. If your baby was born with such a spot, don't worry. Mongolian spots are not dangerous to the baby's health. However, doctors can prescribe treatment for these marks, because they go away on their own within a few years.

Watery rash

In rare cases, the presence of bubbles with liquid can be observed on the child’s body. As doctors say, these bubbles arise due to imperfections in the sweating system. As soon as the sweat glands work better, the bubbles will disappear.

Pale feet and palms

Due to the adaptation of blood circulation, the baby may experience cyanosis of the extremities. This phenomenon is especially evident after long sleep child. As soon as the baby begins to move, the arms and legs turn pink. This phenomenon is absolutely normal and does not require treatment.

Red skin

Red skin color is observed at birth in premature babies. Why are premature babies red? It's the thin one's fault fat layer under the skin of premature babies. They simply did not have time to gain the required weight, being born prematurely. After a few weeks, when the baby has gained the missing grams, he will become a normal pink color.

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In obstetrics there is such a thing as infant jaundice. During the period of restructuring of the baby’s body and its adaptation to the outside world, an increased content of bile pigment may be present in the baby’s blood after birth. Jaundice appears on the second day of birth and disappears without a trace in the second week of the baby’s life.

If the yellow color of the skin does not go away more than 2 weeks after birth, you should consult your pediatrician. Prolonged jaundice may indicate the development of diseases such as:

  • Breakdown of red blood cells in the blood
  • Hepatitis
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Toxoplasmosis
  • Cytomegaly
  • Sepsis

All these diseases can be easily treated if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. If you notice that infant jaundice does not go away, the skin becomes more and more intense yellow color, contact a specialist immediately. He will conduct an examination and identify the cause of the deviations.


Foci of peeling on the skin of a newborn may appear in the first days after birth. This phenomenon is in no way connected with any diseases and is considered the norm. Most often, a newborn's skin on the abdomen and back peels off, which means that the skin is adapting to new living conditions. This symptom does not require medical intervention.


Birthmarks may be present on the baby’s skin at birth, or may appear in the first months after birth. If the baby was born with birthmark any color, it must be shown to a dermatologist. Only a specialist will be able to determine the origin of the spots and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The baby's skin, especially in the first months of life, is very vulnerable. There is a high risk of developing all kinds of infections on the baby’s body. In order to avoid infection, it is necessary to carefully and carefully care for the skin of a newborn.

If you are concerned about the condition of your baby’s skin and you are not sure about the safety of the symptoms, do not waste time, immediately seek advice from a specialist. The future health of the baby often depends on this.

Feeding system for children over 6 months

Follow all the pediatrician’s recommendations and do not use questionable hygiene products to care for your baby. Today, experts recommend stopping the use of baby powders and oils. These products can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Follow the rules of hygiene and your baby will be healthy.

Blue lips in a child is a symptom that indicates internal violations or illness. The shade changes due to fluctuations in the level of hemoglobin in the blood and its oxygen saturation. Such manifestations in children become common cause diseases respiratory system and hearts. First you need to provide first aid, then contact a medical facility.

Common reasons why lips turn blue are heart failure and blockage of blood vessels. The phenomenon is caused by tissue hypoxia. If the bottom one turns blue, upper lip, then a violation occurs as a result of weak outflow venous blood and imbalance of arterial inflow.

The cause is subcutaneous tumor, inflammation. The process is caused by nearby vessels in the lip muscle. Such manifestations occur in a child when swimming in cold water or when it is hypothermic.

When crying, often small child lips turn blue. If baby will cry for a long time, this provokes a flow of blood into the area of ​​​​the lips and chin, the spraying of oxygen accelerates the pace as a result of the high activity of the lungs. If the child has calmed down and the cyanosis has subsided, there is no need to worry.

Reasons why a baby’s lips may turn blue that are not related to illness:

  • lack of oxygen in enclosed spaces;
  • hypothermia while walking at low temperatures;
  • strong physical activity.

A possible cause of lip discoloration is a combination of all factors.

The main causes of blue lips in a child:

  • pneumonia;
  • pneumonia;
  • asthmatic attack.

If the baby has no appetite, is losing weight, is lethargic, is crying, coughing, has a fever, then you need to urgently contact an ambulance.

There is such a reason for the blue triangle near the mouth as respiratory syndrome. The disease is not very dangerous, direct relation has to age-related changes. Associated with overexcitation.


  • the lower lip turns blue;
  • triangle near the mouth;
  • face;
  • throat spasms.

There is a lack of calcium in the child's body. In children over 4 years of age, the disease goes away on its own.

Metabolic cyanosis can cause blue lips in newborns.

In such cases, an excess of phosphates occurs in the body, a lack of sufficient quantity calcium. Such phenomena occur after hemorrhage inside the skull or cerebral edema.

Congenital heart disease in infants causes blue lips. A sign of pathology is poor circulation. These babies develop the following symptoms by 9-12 weeks:

  • dyspnea;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle;
  • convulsions.

Treatment requires surgical intervention aged 3 to 6 years.

Cyanosis occurs due to the presence respiratory disease- croup Children under 3 years of age are susceptible to it.


  • dry cough;
  • wheezing;
  • heat.

A dangerous condition is accompanied by salivation, choking, and the upper lip turns blue.

What danger cyanosis poses is determined by the condition of the baby’s tongue and nails.

If they have a pink tint and a healthy appearance, there is a possibility of perioral cyanosis, which is not dangerous.

If a bluish tint appears on the tongue, nails, or lips, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Possible complications

If a child's lips turn blue, this may be due to asphyxia. It causes the following complications:

  • suffocation;
  • blockage of blood vessels by a thrombus.

It is urgent to call an ambulance.

When determining shock, a baby may have:

  • weakness;
  • hard breath;
  • pallor, grey colour skin;
  • acceleration of pulsation;
  • weak consciousness.

Poisoning of the body, an attack of bronchial asthma are accompanied by an increase in symptoms within 24 hours:

  • shortness of breath appears;
  • dizziness occurs;
  • blue discoloration of mucous membranes and nails.

The presence of signs of blueness for a long time may indicate chronic diseases.

Complications associated with methemoglobinemia:

  • antibiotic overdose;
  • hereditary pathology.

In a child whose lips turn blue during the first weeks of life due to a hereditary pathology, there is a change in the color of the earlobes, nails and triangle. Complications – subsequently, such children often lag behind in psychomotor development.

If treatment is not prescribed on time, the baby may subsequently develop the following complications:

  1. Psychoneurosis.
  2. Damage to the brain structure.
  3. Asomnia.
  4. Are decreasing protective functions body.
  5. Loss of appetite.

IN severe cases possible coma.

How to eliminate blue lips

If cyanosis is accompanied by a lack of air, the child’s breathing becomes more frequent and the child feels unwell, first aid at home:

  • open the collar and chest so that clothes do not squeeze;
  • provide air flow by opening the window;
  • rub your legs and arms;
  • call emergency help.

In a hospital setting, the child is examined by a pediatrician and specialized doctors to determine the cause of blue lips.

What will help make your lips pink:

  • restore blood flow;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • prevent a seizure.

These steps will help avoid complications. Then you need to find out the reason that caused the blueness.

The following diagnostic methods are used:

  • blood analysis;
  • x-ray of respiratory organs;
  • tomography;
  • calculation of blood flow speed;
  • determination of the composition of exhaled air;
  • electrocardiography.

The treatment method will depend on the diagnosis. The goal of therapy is to eliminate oxygen deficiency.

After hypothermia, the following measures must be taken for a crying child:

  1. Wrap your body in a warm blanket.
  2. Give warm tea.

Such actions will help you warm up faster, blood circulation will resume, and blood flow will provide a pink color to your lips.

If your lips turn blue at fever, you should immediately consult a doctor. Children under 1 year of age are prescribed special medicines in extreme cases.

Drug treatment for older children will allow:

  • improve air flow to the lungs;
  • increase blood concentration.

The influx of a sufficient amount of hemoglobin with oxygen leads to normalization of color and eliminates cyanosis. For hypoxia and heart disease, a hardware procedure is prescribed - inhalation of concentrated oxygen.

Positive action:

  • improves blood flow to distant tissues;
  • improves the condition of the respiratory system.

The doctor may prescribe oxygen cocktails:

  • the components are aimed at increasing the concentration of oxygen in the blood;
  • cyanosis near the oral triangle disappears;
  • absolutely safe for the body.

You can use cocktails at home without medical care. In some cases, it is possible to use traditional recipes.

Most often, situations where a child rolls up and turns blue are observed between the ages of 6 and 18 months, less common in children under three years of age and a little older. This condition is called an affective-respiratory attack (attack of breath holding), occurs occasionally and in most cases disappears with age without consequences.

Why does a child roll up and turn blue when crying?

Attacks of breath holding and bluish skin (and sometimes paleness) in young children occur as a result of severe pain, which can be caused by injury, resentment, dissatisfaction, fatigue, or fear. This occurs due to the fact that the child experiences a lack of air. When from the lungs crying baby almost all the oxygen comes out, it seems to freeze with open mouth without making a single sound. This can also happen:

  • short-term delay in heartbeat;
  • fainting;

But more often the attack lasts no more than 30-60 seconds, after which the child takes a breath and starts screaming and crying again.

What to do when a child rolls up?

The main thing in such a situation for parents is not to panic, so that this is not passed on to the baby, who is already overwhelmed negative emotions. The most effective will be to direct a stream of air into the child's face, as well as spraying the face with water. This way you can help bring your breathing back to normal faster. You definitely need to hug the child, caress him, try to calm him down, and distract his attention.

If the child has rolled and lost consciousness, it is also recommended to lightly pat him on the cheeks. If the attack progresses to a more severe phase and acquires epileptic signs, the child should be placed on his side to avoid asphyxia due to possible vomiting or tongue retraction.

Such attacks in children require consultation with a neurologist, because Similar symptoms can also be observed in serious illnesses.

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Often young parents notice that some areas of the baby’s skin are the “wrong color”, and turn to the pediatrician with a question - why is it turning blue? nasolabial triangle at the baby. Blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle occurs in the vast majority of infants and is usually not alarming symptom. But sometimes it can still mean a pathology of the cardiovascular or respiratory system or have other serious causes.

What is cyanosis, its types

Cyanosis (blue discoloration) is a sign of a lack of oxygen in the body, as a result of which the production of reduced hemoglobin (methemoglobin) increases. He gives dark color skin or mucous membranes.

If cyanosis is observed in the perioral area, on the hands and feet, this is peripheral cyanosis, or acrocyanosis. It can mean both normal and pathological. More common in. But if the blue discoloration extends to the head, torso, or mucous membranes of the oral cavity, this is central cyanosis, which almost always indicates a pathology of the blood, heart, or lungs. Here you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

The causes of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in infants can be either physiological (normal) or a sign of a serious systemic disease.


In most children, the nasolabial triangle becomes bluish as a result of increased physical activity.

  • For a long time. While crying, the child exhales a lot and inhales little, as a result of which the amount of oxygen in the blood decreases slightly, which leads to the blueness of the nasolabial triangle.
  • At . Sucking at the breast is a serious burden for a newborn, during which the superficial vessels dilate and become more noticeable.
  • Height . When the child is high above sea level long time, the amount of oxygen in the blood decreases slightly, but this is not dangerous.
  • Hypothermia. If the room is not warm enough when changing clothes, the child may freeze, which will lead to cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle. Warm your baby immediately after bathing - if the blue discoloration disappears, it means normal physiological cyanosis.

If the darkening of the nasolabial triangle does not go away for a long time after feeding or when warming up, and is also combined with a blue discoloration of the tongue, nail phalanges of the fingers, toes and other parts of the body, contact your pediatrician immediately.


Depending on the mechanism of origin, pathological cyanosis is divided into three main types.

  1. Permanent (central origin). It can be observed after birth trauma, with increased, immaturity of the respiratory or vasomotor center of the brain. The nasolabial triangle in infants often turns blue with such pathologies, in combination with a decrease in the sucking reflex and tension in the large fontanel.
  2. Respiratory (pulmonary) origin. In this case, blueness near the nose and mouth is usually combined with blueness around the eyes and pale skin. Sometimes when breathing, retraction of the intercostal muscles is observed. This condition occurs with bronchitis, bronchial asthma, diaphragmatic hernia, aspiration respiratory tract(foreign body entry), inhalation or carbon monoxide, and even with a common runny nose.
  3. Cardiovascular origin. For congenital heart defects (for example, patent oval window interatrial septum) the nasolabial triangle of a newborn often turns blue already in maternity hospital. But due to the nature of the baby’s heart, murmurs cannot always be heard in the first weeks after birth. Therefore, it is so important to go for routine examinations in the first year of the baby’s life in order to identify possible developmental pathologies in time. of cardio-vascular system and other parts of the body.

Normal or pathological?

Before you panic, try to analyze your baby's health by answering the following questions.

  • Is the child growing and developing normally?
  • Have any heart murmurs been detected previously?
  • Is there difficulty breathing during periods of cyanotic nasolabial triangle?
  • Do other parts of the body turn blue along with the perioral area?
  • Is the baby active enough, does he get tired too quickly compared to his peers?
  • Isn't he experiencing constant drowsiness and lethargy?
  • Does he have pale skin?

If at least one item on this list raises even the slightest doubt, you should consult your pediatrician as soon as possible. He will be able to figure out the situation on his own, or he will refer you to a neurologist or cardio-rheumatologist.

Necessary actions

If you observe cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle in your child, first of all you should pay attention to the conditions under which this happens and how quickly it goes away. If a symptom is visible, for example, during bathing, but then quickly passes, then there is nothing to worry about. But if this phenomenon is observed constantly, measures must be taken.

  • Consult a doctor. At the clinic, you may be given an ECG (electrocardiogram), ECHO ( ultrasonography heart), radiography chest. You may be referred to a neurologist for a more extensive examination.
  • Lifestyle . Support him at home, walk with your baby more often, try to make him cry less often (be more attentive to his comfort). All this must be done even when the child is completely healthy.
  • Massage . After consultation with a specialist, perform a daily massage - it will help stimulate nervous system and improve the functioning of the respiratory center.

If a foreign body gets into the child’s respiratory tract, you need to act without delay: place the baby on your knee with his stomach and hit his back several times. The blows must be strong enough, otherwise the foreign body will not move. If this does not help, call an ambulance immediately.

A blue nasolabial triangle in a baby is a symptom that always deserves the attention of parents. Analyze your child's condition and be sure to share your concerns with your doctor. Timely measures taken minimize the consequences of any disease.


In the photo, the blue discoloration is caused by bronchiolitis - inflammation of the smallest bronchi, which is accompanied by breathing problems. The disease itself usually goes away in 2-3 weeks, but you need to monitor the child’s breathing.

Parents of newborns, as well as children in the first year of life, can often observe blueness of the nasolabial fold or nasolabial triangle in their baby. A similar phenomenon can be encountered by both absolutely healthy children and those suffering from certain diseases of organs and systems.

Normal indicators Blood oxygen saturation should be at least 95%. The crying and screaming of a child is a stressful situation for child's body, as a result of which there may be a decrease in this indicator to 90-92% ( critical level). It is the drop in blood oxygen saturation that causes blueness in the nasolabial triangle area in children of different ages.

Below we will describe in detail the main causes of physiological and pathological blueness of the nasolabial area in children of different ages.

Physiological blueness

From the moment of birth and in the first 2-3 weeks, a newborn baby may experience blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle, which occurs against the background of incompetence of the respiratory system. This condition is especially pronounced during the screaming and crying of a child, when there is a drop in oxygen saturation of the body. In the process of growing up, this phenomenon goes away on its own.

If the blueness of the nasolabial triangle does not disappear on its own after 2-3 weeks from the birth of the child, then this is a good reason to seek treatment. medical consultation. It should be borne in mind that such a condition can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the child, so postponing medical examination unacceptable.

Long and complicated labor can also cause blueness of the nasolabial triangle in a newborn. The reason for this may be short-term hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the child’s body in the process of passing through birth canal.

Another reason for the physiological blueness of the nasolabial triangle in children may be the increased transparency of the skin in this area, especially in newborns. Through thin skin, vascular (venous) plexuses can be seen, giving a blue tint.

Pathological blue discoloration

One of probable causes this state may be a disease of the child's respiratory system. As an example we can highlight acute bronchitis and pneumonia (pneumonia). How additional symptoms With these diseases, pale skin of the child, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing, as well as coughing attacks may be observed. The more pronounced such symptoms are, the more intense the blueness of the baby’s nasolabial triangle. The appearance of this symptom in a child aged 3 years can be observed both in case of untimely diagnosis of cardiac pathology and in cases of respiratory diseases.

Foreign body in the respiratory tract can also cause this condition.

Special attention You should also pay attention to the child’s body temperature, since hypothermia can cause cyanosis (blue discoloration) in this area.

To more serious reasons appearance this symptom include congenital defects of the heart and large vessels ( pulmonary artery), as well as the phenomenon of heart failure. Accurate diagnosis of such conditions is only possible with the use of special medical equipment and with the participation of qualified medical specialists.

By many medical specialists It was noted that blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle in a child, associated with malformations of the cardiovascular system, is accompanied by the appearance of blue in the area of ​​the orbital sockets, which is not observed in pulmonary pathology.

The reason for urgent consultation with a doctor is the presence of blue discoloration for 3 weeks from the moment of birth, and at moments when the child is completely at rest.


The main methods for determining cardiac malformations are ultrasound, electrocardiogram, and chest radiography. Provided that pathologies from the cardiovascular system are excluded, the pediatrician may recommend additional consultation with a pediatric neurologist. During this consultation and additional methods studies, the child may be diagnosed various disorders from the respiratory system.

Prevention of the formation of abnormalities in the cardiovascular system in a child begins even during the period intrauterine development. The woman’s compliance with the prescribed regimen during pregnancy (quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, good nutrition) is a guarantee of reducing the risk of developing undesirable consequences.

Treatment of cyanosis (blue discoloration) of the nasolabial triangle in children is permissible only after an accurate determination the real reason. If heart defects are excluded, the child can only be recommended a restorative massage, walks on fresh air, and water treatments.

The most common congenital defect heart is "open" oval window”, a pathology in which mixing of arterial and venous blood occurs in the child’s body. The result of this process is persistent oxygen starvation of the entire body. If the blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle occurs against the background of this defect, then the child needs the following regimen:

  • daily long walks in the fresh air;
  • complete restriction stressful situations;
  • complete and proper nutrition.

The appearance of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle can be observed in children 5 years old, when the defect was not diagnosed immediately after birth.
If this symptom is present in children 1-3 months of age, parents should adhere to the following tactics:

  1. Get advice from your attending pediatrician regarding possible reason appearance of blue discoloration, and also receive a referral for examination.
  2. To get a consultation pediatric cardiologist for the purpose of exclusion congenital pathology heart and blood vessels.
  3. Consult a pediatric neurologist if cardiac pathology is excluded.

Timely request for medical care and carrying out the necessary therapeutic measures is the key to a positive outcome of this process.
