Is pregnancy possible while taking duphaston? How to take duphaston when planning pregnancy

It’s great when your menstrual cycle is stable and you don’t need to take anything to ovulate. But if you look around, you can see a lot of girls attending antenatal clinics, undergoing tests, and undergoing treatment courses. Problems with conception are often caused by hormonal disorders, and one of the drugs that solves these problems and is prescribed when planning pregnancy is Duphaston. Let's talk about him.

When tests show that there is little in the body, doctors recommend the drug Duphaston. This remedy helps restore normalcy and helps you get pregnant.

The medicine is prescribed when the body does not produce the required amount of progesterone. Sometimes it is not canceled until the third trimester - at this time it is already formed, producing progesterone. The drug is absolutely safe even for a pregnant woman and baby. It also does not affect blood clotting and does not negatively affect the liver.

Is it possible to get pregnant after taking Duphaston? Yes, many gynecologists recommend this remedy, as it has shown excellent results.

You can get pregnant on Duphaston - it compensates for the lack of progesterone and is its synthetic analogue.

Doctors prescribe the drug in cases where problems with conception are associated with a lack of the hormone:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • amenorrhea.

It is important for the patient to know exactly how to drink Duphaston in order to become pregnant. The drug must be taken on certain days menstrual cycle, otherwise it may act as a contraceptive.

Does Duphaston help you get pregnant? Yes, because it contains artificial progesterone, called the “pregnancy hormone”. IN natural conditions its production occurs on the postovular days of the cycle, preparing the uterus for possible conception. To determine whether the cause of problems with conception is really deviations in hormonal background, you need to contact antenatal clinic and get tested.

How to drink medicine Duphaston when planning a pregnancy in the near future? Usually they start taking it from the 16th to 25th day of the menstrual cycle. If pregnancy has occurred, then use continues until week 20, after which the dosage is gradually reduced.

Doctors prescribe the drug for at least three months. If conception has not occurred during this time, Duphaston can be taken for up to 6 months.

Effect of the drug on the cycle

U healthy woman Menstruation should be monthly. Occasional cycle failures may be acceptable as long as they are intermittent. Long delays may be caused by insufficient progesterone. The indication for taking Duphaston is amenorrhea, which is caused by a malfunction of the ovaries. When a diagnosis of “secondary amenorrhea” is made (no periods for more than 6 months), doctors prescribe hormonal treatment, which is combined with physical activity and diet.

They drink Duphaston in the second phase of the cycle, replenishing the progesterone deficiency. Menstruation should become regular while taking the drug.

Sometimes women themselves begin to take the drug to combat amenorrhea, without first consulting a doctor. This cannot be done, because even greater violations may appear in endocrine system, which will be very difficult to cope with.

The drug can help prevent bleeding that occurs in the middle of the cycle, and it also reduces pain during menstruation. But to be positive effect, you need to drink it regularly.

Contraindications for use

Will Duphaston help you get pregnant? Of course, yes, but doctors must take into account both indications and contraindications for its use. An incorrect attitude to this issue can negatively affect a woman’s health.

The main contraindications are as follows:

  • chronic renal failure;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hereditary pathologies, for example, Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes.

Before taking the drug Duphaston when planning a long-awaited pregnancy, you need to pay attention to your health. For example, if a patient has problems with cardiovascular system or diabetes, she needs to be careful when taking this drug. The doctor must constantly monitor her health.

You can take Duphaston to get pregnant with peace of mind, as it is safe. The same applies to the period of pregnancy itself. But during lactation, it is advisable that the patient does not drink it. The main component of the drug, dydrogesterone, is excreted in mother's milk and makes it impossible breast-feeding baby.

Taking the drug correctly

Before taking the drug Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, you need to read the instructions and remember that only a doctor can prescribe it. He monitors the patient and is familiar with the peculiarities of the course of the disease.

Rules of admission for various pathologies:

  • PMS and irregular critical days- from 11 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle. When planning pregnancy, Duphaston is taken in a dosage of 10 mg twice a day.
  • Dysmenorrhea (mild critical days) - from 5 to 25 days. Dosage: 10 mg twice a day.
  • How to take Duphaston to get pregnant with amenorrhea? From 11 to 25 days of the expected cycle. Dosage: 10 mg twice a day. Additionally, you need to take estrogen.
  • Duphaston for endometriosis during pregnancy planning is taken from 5 to 25 days. Dosage - 3 times a day, 10 mg.
  • In case of infertility due to a lack of progesterone, the drug is taken from the 14th to 25th day of the cycle. When planning pregnancy, the dosage of Duphaston in these circumstances is 10 mg once a day. The course lasts 6 cycles in a row. If Duphaston helped you get pregnant, then you should not stop taking it for another 3 months.
  • The drug copes well with uterine bleeding. In this case, you need to take it for 7 days, 10 mg twice a day.

Use during pregnancy

So, you can get pregnant while taking Duphaston, but is it allowed to take it after conception? Pregnancy sometimes occurs with complications, so it is necessary to take this remedy in order to safely carry the baby. If uterine bleeding is observed, the doctor may extend the course of therapy.

Discontinuation of the drug is developed by a doctor, since abrupt withdrawal often provokes a negative reaction. If the pregnancy is progressing normally, the dosage of the medication is reduced by half, and the woman’s well-being is monitored by the attending physician. If there are fluctuations in the level of the hormone progesterone due to a decrease in dosage, the process of stopping the medication will continue for another 2-3 weeks.

Those who have been helped by Duphaston to become pregnant should remember that they should not drink it after childbirth, because it has a negative effect on the baby’s body, getting there along with mother’s milk.

Duphaston or Utrozhestan - which is better?

The role of the first drug in planning conception and a successful pregnancy is well known. However, there are also effective analogues.

The main competitor of this drug is also very effective when planning conception. The drug contains progesterone, made from plant materials. For this reason, it is used in exactly the same way as its counterpart described above. There is no big difference in what to use when planning pregnancy - Duphaston or Utrozhestan. The doctor decides which specific drug to give preference to.

The difference between these medicines is that Duphaston - synthetic drug, and Utrozhestan is natural. But the first one has much less side effects.

The significant difference between these drugs is that Utrozhestan can not only be drunk, but also injected directly into the vagina, which prevents the development of allergic reactions. The doctor will decide which drug to prescribe for therapy.

Side effects from taking Duphaston

Duphaston can be used when planning pregnancy because it has few side effects. It does not affect ovulation, and conception often occurs when taking it. But it is not 100% safe. Side effects such as nausea, dizziness, and bloating occur.

Taking Duphaston when planning pregnancy in rare cases can cause liver dysfunction and anemia. It is not recommended for women with pathologies of the heart, liver, kidneys, or pancreas.

To prevent side effects, you need to know how to take synthetic Duphaston correctly when planning a pregnancy. First, an examination is carried out, based on which the gynecologist determines the duration of treatment and the required dosage.

When a doctor recommends taking Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, there is no need to refuse - the drug is safe if you follow the instructions for its use. The medicine has proven itself well. If a woman is wondering whether it is possible to get pregnant on Duphaston, then she needs to know that only correct application This drug, under the supervision of a specialist, will help solve the problem.

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In recent decades, everything larger number married couples have difficulty conceiving a child. One of the reasons for such failures is the insufficient production of the hormone progesterone in a woman’s body, which contributes to the onset and maintenance of pregnancy in the early stages. In this case, you cannot do without external hormonal support. That's why doctors prescribe Duphaston when planning a pregnancy.

"Duphaston" is a hormonal medicine containing the progesterone analogue dydrogesterone. The peculiarities of the chemical structure allow it to be quickly absorbed into gastrointestinal tract and actively interact with specific progesterone receptors in the body. Thanks to it, a woman experiences a number of positive effects:

  • are created in the endometrium optimal conditions for egg implantation;
  • the contractile properties of the uterus decrease;
  • pregnancy continues.

Advantages of the drug

Despite the fact that Duphaston belongs to hormonal drugs, it does not affect different kinds metabolism in the body, including carbohydrate and mineral. In addition, dydrogesterone does not have any masculinizing effect on a woman’s body, unlike other synthetic progestogens. This medicine also does not harm the liver.

An important property of the drug is its lack of effects affecting blood clotting parameters. Therefore, when using it, the risk of thrombosis is excluded.

Release form and composition

"Duphaston" is available in tablets of 0.01 g, ten pieces per plate. The package contains 20 tablets, each of them has a special separation line for convenient dosing.

In addition to dydrogesterone, the drug contains a number of additional components:

  • lactose;
  • starch;
  • silicon compounds;
  • magnesium salts;
  • hypromellose (a type of cellulose).

Since the drug does not contain sugar, it can be used by women suffering from diabetes.

"Duphaston" and pregnancy planning

Normally, after the release of the egg from the follicle (ovulation), on the 11-14th day of the cycle, a corpus luteum, which actively produces progesterone. It is thanks to it that the conditions for implantation are created - the endometrium becomes looser, and a fertilized egg can easily gain a foothold in it and continue its development.

By various reasons Some women have decreased production of this hormone. With a low level of progesterone in the body, the egg either cannot implant or does not have sufficient conditions for further development. As a result, pregnancy either does not occur or a spontaneous miscarriage occurs.

Taking Duphaston allows you to solve this problem and maintain the desired pregnancy. By increasing progesterone levels to optimal levels, the medicine creates the most comfortable conditions for implantation and maturation of a fertilized egg. Therefore, the answer to the question “is it possible to get pregnant while taking Duphaston if there is insufficiency of progesterone?” the answer will be in the affirmative - yes, it is possible, but under the condition correct selection dosages and regimens.

Indications for use

"Duphaston" is indicated to stimulate pregnancy if a woman has the following pathological conditions:

  • infertility caused by progesterone deficiency;
  • spontaneous termination of previous pregnancies;
  • menstrual disorders;
  • endometriosis.

In order to correctly determine the cause of pregnancy failure and start taking Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, you will need to undergo an examination, including a mandatory determination of the level of progesterone in the body. You should not rely on information from online forums where it is discussed whether Duphaston helps you get pregnant and how to use it. Only a gynecologist, based on the results of examination and tests, will be able to determine the indications for taking progesterone or its analogues.

Dosage and regimen

Typically, hormonal medication is prescribed during pregnancy planning. How to drink Duphaston to get pregnant, the dosage and regimen for taking it are determined by the attending obstetrician-gynecologist based on data on the level of progesterone in the blood and the characteristics of the woman’s menstrual cycle. The instructions for use recommend taking Duphaston 0.01 g per day.

Start taking pills immediately after ovulation. A gynecologist will help you determine exactly what day to start taking the medicine. You can start taking it as early as the 11th day of your cycle. For women with a longer menstrual cycle, tablets can be prescribed from days 16 to 25 of the cycle. The treatment period is a minimum of three monthly cycles and can last up to six months.

If you manage to get pregnant, then perhaps your doctor will recommend further taking the pills. This is necessary in cases where progesterone levels remain low, or there is a risk of spontaneous abortion. The medicine is most often prescribed:

  • up to 20 weeks;
  • or until the threat to the unborn child no longer exists.

Cancellation is carried out gradually, gradually reducing the dosage. Otherwise, if you abruptly stop taking the pills, the risk of miscarriage increases.

special instructions

Dydrogesterone can be combined with other medications, including hormonal ones. So, with a simultaneous decrease in progesterone and estrogen in a woman’s body, it is prescribed with estrogen-containing drugs, for example, Proginova.

When using Duphaston, you should remember that it contains the artificial hormone progesterone, and therefore you must strictly adhere to the dosage and dosage regimen prescribed by your doctor.

Side effects

According to reviews from gynecologists, Duphaston is usually well tolerated by patients. It does not affect reaction speed, and therefore is not contraindicated for women driving. Relatively rarely used of this medicine may cause the following side effects:

  • headaches, dizziness;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • anemia;
  • allergic reactions.

If the above side effects You should contact the doctor who prescribed Duphaston. Dosage adjustment or discontinuation may be required.

Some women may experience so-called breakthrough bleeding from the uterus while taking dydrogesterone. If they occur, it is also necessary to contact your doctor, who will adjust the dose of the medication. Additional examination may be required to exclude endometrial pathology.

In some reviews, women indicate that when pregnancy occurs while taking Duphaston, an increase in body weight is observed. However, this may be due to physiological characteristics metabolism in the body of a pregnant woman and is not a pathology.

In what cases is the drug contraindicated?

Duphaston is not prescribed if you are hypersensitive or have allergic reactions. Since the metabolism of the drug occurs in the liver, it should be prescribed with caution in case of pathology of this organ.

A similar situation arises when simultaneous administration dydrogesterone with drugs that affect the activity of liver enzymes. Also a contraindication to taking the medicine is lactose or galactose intolerance. Its use is also not recommended for malabsorption syndrome (impaired absorption of substances in the intestine).

Where to buy and analogues

"Duphaston" is available for free sale in the pharmacy chain. You do not need a prescription to purchase it, only a doctor's recommendation. The cost in pharmacies ranges from 470 to 540 rubles (data as of June 2017).

There are also analogues that contain synthetic progesterone:

  • "Prajisan";
  • "Utrozhestan".

These drugs are also used to treat progesterone deficiency, including during pregnancy planning. However, it is not recommended to independently replace one drug with another, since, despite the similar effect, each of them has its own characteristics and requires careful selection of the dosage.

Thus, the drug is an effective protector of pregnancy, has a minimum of contraindications and, in therapeutic dosages, does not have a negative effect on the woman’s body. However, in order to really get pregnant on Duphaston, its use must be strictly justified and under the supervision of a gynecologist.


As one proverb says, “without difficulty...” well, in general, you will be left without fish. The same thing happens with toddlers. Sometimes a couple has to get nervous and run to doctors to look for the reason why they cannot conceive a baby.

One of the causes of infertility is a lack of the hormone progesterone. It is deservedly called the pregnancy hormone. It ensures the preparation of the inner layer of the uterus to receive a fertilized egg, promotes normal course pregnancy.

The pharmaceutical industry produces several drugs that contain either progesterone or its synthetic analogue, dydrogesterone. If for some reason a woman cannot use drugs that contain natural progesterone, she has to use synthetic one. This is Duphaston.

Is it possible to get pregnant on Duphaston?

Let's find out! The positive qualities of dydrogesterone, it is important to remember that synthetic progesterone is not contraceptive and does not stimulate ovulatory processes.

Its task is to prepare the surface of the uterus for implantation of a fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur, then the unnecessary mucous membrane is rejected and menstruation begins.

If a woman’s cycle is disrupted without influence external reasons- stress or moving, then the hormonal balance is clearly out of whack. Using Duphaston tablets, you can regulate your menstrual cycle, which will help equalize hormone levels.

How much do you need to drink Duphaston to get pregnant? Doctors prescribe the drug for at least 3 months. Don't despair if nothing happened during this time. Some gynecologists believe that dydrogesterone is necessary and can be taken for up to six months.

Pregnancy planning. Rules

How to take Duphaston to get pregnant? The instructions for the drug state that it should be taken in the second half of the cycle.

Why is the pill prescribed this way? Dydrogesterone does not affect ovulatory processes. The drug does not inhibit ovulation. With the help of Duphaston, the endometrium is prepared to receive a fertilized egg. And if pregnancy has already taken place, then taking the drug can improve the process of implantation of the future toddler to the uterine wall.

So, the rules for taking Duphaston:

  • if there is a proven lack of progesterone, 1 tablet is prescribed 2 times a day from days 14 to 25 of the cycle;
  • if pregnancy has not occurred, then normal periods will begin after taking the drug;
  • if pregnancy does not occur within 3 months, then, after additional examination, the dose of the drug is doubled - 2 tablets per day from 14 to 25 days of the cycle;
  • If a diagnosis of “recurrent miscarriage” is established, then the woman is prescribed 2 tablets per day at once - morning and evening. After pregnancy, a woman should continue taking the drug until the 20th week. After the dose is gradually reduced.

If after a course of Duphaston the desired pregnancy does not occur, the drug is discontinued. There are no undesirable hormonal changes after taking the drug.

Important! You cannot diagnose yourself and take Duphaston after visiting the pharmacy. The drug can be taken only as prescribed by a doctor and after examination.

Contraindications - please note

In front of everyone positive qualities The drug still has contraindications for use. You should definitely notify your doctor if:

  • history of allergies to progesterone or other prostagens;
  • During previous pregnancies there were neurological reactions in the form of skin itching.

Adverse reactions with Duphaston are extremely rare, but if something bothers you after taking the drug, you should tell your doctor about it.

Side effects of Duphaston:

  • acquired anemia;
  • individual intolerance to dydrogesterone and others excipients, which are included in the tablets;
  • headache, migraine experienced for the first time;
  • irritation of the liver and gallbladder with symptoms of jaundice, abdominal pain;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • allergy to dydrogesterone or progesterone.

If you notice any side effects while taking the drug, then you need to stop drinking Duphaston.

Many women are interested in whether it is possible to get pregnant while taking Duphaston. There is no definite answer to the question, since there are many reasons for infertility. To determine the type of infertility in a particular patient, it is carried out comprehensive examination. After installation accurate diagnosis Treatment is prescribed, which may include a hormonal drug.

IN modern world girls are influenced by many negative factors, due to which reproductive capacity is reduced. The main cause of problems in women is considered to be an imbalance of hormones, especially sex hormones.

If infertility is caused by progesterone deficiency, then you can sometimes get pregnant with Duphaston. However, the diagnosis must be made by a professional gynecologist. Treatment is also prescribed by a doctor who can determine the adequate dose of the drug and the duration of the course.

Why does Duphaston help?

Duphaston is a potent hormonal drug. His active substance is a synthetic dydrogesterone, which in structure and pharmacological properties corresponds to progesterone.

Effects of the medicine:

  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • restoration of menstruation in the absence of menstruation;
  • improving the properties of the endometrium and preparing it for implantation after conception;
  • while taking Duphaston, the risk of miscarriage is reduced;
  • preparing the mammary glands for lactation;
  • elimination of hormonal infertility;
  • treatment of endometriosis;
  • elimination of cystic cavities in the ovaries.
At the same time, Duphaston does not produce dangerous side effects, and therefore is successfully used at the planning stage of pregnancy and during it. However, many girls doubt whether it is possible to get pregnant on Duphaston tablets. Majority hormonal drugs suppress ovulation and make fertilization impossible. Duphaston is not one of these medications, so if your period is delayed by more than two weeks, you should immediately take a pregnancy test.

U this drug There are practically no contraindications, but it cannot be taken independently. Despite high recovery rates and normal pregnancies, uncontrolled reception may result in complete infertility. Therefore, the answer to the question: is it possible to get pregnant if you take the medicine without a doctor’s advice?

Reception features

Progesterone begins to be produced in large quantities in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, so it is taken during this period. Also, gestagens are responsible for the course of pregnancy in the first trimester, so Duphaston is drunk on average until the 20th week.

To ensure a high chance of becoming pregnant while taking Duphaston, a woman must first undergo a comprehensive examination by a gynecologist. The doctor, based on the test results, will prescribe a dosage regimen. You should start using the medicine several months before the expected pregnancy.

To get pregnant while using Duphaston, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • take pills on strictly established days– from 11 (14) days of the cycle to 25;
  • do not miss not a single reception;
  • On average, the dosage of the drug is two tablets per day, which should be taken take morning and evening(the dose is doubled if pregnancy does not occur after three months, and additional examination is carried out);
  • If a woman is diagnosed with a recurrent miscarriage, then she should take 2 tablets medicines morning and evening.
If you take the drug, you can become pregnant within several menstrual cycles. After this, the woman continues to take the medicine until the doctor writes a withdrawal plan for the drug. If you stop using Duphaston immediately after pregnancy, the risk of spontaneous abortion increases.

There are some peculiarities in completing the course of taking the drug. Abrupt withdrawal of the drug can cause a miscarriage or cause another negative reaction of the body. To avoid harmful consequences the doctor gradually reduces the dose of Duphaston until the woman reproductive system will never stop needing it. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the placenta copes with the production of progesterone.

Often modern women facing the problem of infertility. In most cases, infertility or recurrent miscarriages are associated with a disorder hormonal balance in a woman's body. And, as a rule, the reason is the lack of such important hormone, like progesterone. In this case, the doctor prescribes the drug Duphaston to a woman who wants to become pregnant. In what case is this medicine prescribed and how to take it? Let's figure it out.

Why does a woman need to take Duphaston to get pregnant?

Progesterone, or the “pregnancy hormone,” is produced by a woman’s ovaries. Together with another hormone, estrogen, it affects the lining of the uterus, changing its structure depending on the menstrual cycle. At the beginning of the cycle, the level of progesterone in the blood is relatively low, but the amount of estrogen is high, which is necessary for the growth and reproduction of uterine epithelial cells. After the ovulation process, the egg is released from the ovary and a corpus luteum is formed in place of the follicle, which produces the hormone progesterone. The level of progesterone increases very quickly, and under its influence the growth of epithelial cells stops, and inner layer lining the uterus becomes loose, with many blood vessels. Such changes are necessary so that the fertilized egg can attach to the uterus and receive from it nutrients. As is already clear, with progesterone deficiency, pregnancy cannot occur or is interrupted early. Therefore, in this case, the doctor prescribes Duphaston.

The active ingredient of Duphaston is dihydrogesterone, a synthetic analogue of the hormone progesterone. This substance affects female body similar to a natural hormone.

Duphaston is prescribed when planning pregnancy in the following cases:

  • a deficiency of the hormone progesterone in the female body has been established;
  • previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage or recurrent miscarriages;
  • A woman has an irregular menstrual cycle.

In any case, you cannot prescribe this for yourself. medicinal product. This can only be done by a doctor and only if a blood test for hormones shows a lack of progesterone.

How to take Duphaston to get pregnant

It is important to take this medication in the second half of the cycle, after ovulation. If you take it in the first half of the cycle, you can achieve the opposite, contraceptive effect.

Usually, for infertility due to progesterone deficiency, the medicine is prescribed to be taken on days 11-25 monthly cycle 10 mg twice a day. The course of therapy is 3-6 months. After pregnancy occurs, the woman undergoes a blood test to check the hormone level and adjusts the dosage of Duphaston, which still has to be taken for some time.

At habitual miscarriage During pregnancy, the medicine is prescribed to be taken from the 11th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle twice a day, 10 mg. After conception, as a rule, Duphaston is taken in the same dose until the 20th week of pregnancy. Then after carrying out necessary tests, the doctor adjusts the dose, which is gradually reduced until the drug is completely stopped.

In case of an irregular menstrual cycle, in order to become pregnant, Duphaston is most often prescribed to be taken from the 11th to the 25th day of the monthly cycle, 20 mg/day, dividing the dose into two doses (morning and evening).


Cardiac pathologies, liver diseases, in particular, Dubin-Johnston and Rotor syndromes, individual intolerance active substance and additional components of Duphaston.

Side effects

Taking the drug is usually not accompanied by side effects. However, in some cases it is possible that uterine bleeding, nausea, dizziness, headache. It is very rare, but the development of allergic reactions of the body to taking Duphaston occurs.
