Chlorhexidine gel instructions for use. Storage conditions and shelf life. International nonproprietary name

Many of us have home medicine cabinet You can find various antiseptics. As a rule, this is iodine, brilliant green, potassium permanganate. Recently, these drugs have begun to replace chlorhexidine. What kind of drug is this, and is its use justified instead of well-proven antiseptics?


IN Soviet time in our country this drug was almost unknown, while in the West it has been used for a long time. It was opened in Great Britain in the early 1950s. However, data on its high effectiveness and safety did not appear immediately. At first, the drug was treated with caution, since it was unknown what side effects its use could lead to. And only after they were not found did its widespread use begin.

Chlorhexidine is a universal bactericide wide range actions. There are few bacteria that can resist it. In addition, the drug is active against many fungi and even against some viruses, such as the herpes virus.

From a chemical point of view, the drug belongs to chlorine-containing biguanide derivatives. In ready dosage forms ah chlorhexidine is contained in the form of bigluconate. The principle of action of the drug is based on its interaction with the membranes of bacterial cells. Chlorhexidine reacts with phosphate groups on the surface of membranes, which leads to disruption of osmotic balance and subsequent destruction of the membrane, as a result of which microorganisms die. Those fungi and viruses that, like bacteria, have lipid membranes, can also be affected by the drug. Although in in this regard The drug is still inferior to antifungal and antiviral agents.

The drug is active against both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is characteristic that bacteria have not yet been able to develop resistance to the drug. Chlorhexidine is weakly active only against some strains of pseudomonas, bacteria of the genus Proteus, and bacterial spores. Fungal spores are resistant to chlorhexidine. The drug weakly affects the vital activity of lactobacilli.

The activity of the drug increases with increasing temperature. However, when it reaches +100 ºС, the drug begins to partially decompose. The advantage of chlorhexidine over other antiseptics is its high activity in the presence of pus. Not every antiseptic can boast of this. True, pus and blood reduce the activity of the drug, but only slightly. In addition, the drug remains active for a long time. At local application the substance does not enter the systemic circulation.
The price of the drug is low, it is available without a prescription.


The scope of application of the drug is varied. This is the treatment and treatment of cuts, pimples, acne, prevention and treatment venereal diseases. The drug is widely used for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity - stomatitis, periodontitis, gingivitis, upper respiratory tract– and tonsillitis, for the treatment of dentures.
The drug is also often used to disinfect the surgeon’s hands, surgical instruments, surgical field during operations and other medical procedures, disinfection of medical equipment, thermometers, etc. In addition, the drug is necessary for disinfecting the hands of catering workers, Food Industry and public services.

The drug has high degree security. It can also be used in childhood and during pregnancy. True, since the drug has been used relatively recently compared to most other antiseptics, caution is recommended.

Side effects

An important feature of the drug is its relatively low toxicity. It has almost no effect on cells human body. However, this, of course, does not mean that the drug is completely harmless. It is still not recommended to use it internally. If this happens, then sorbents should be used, such as Activated carbon and perform gastric lavage. In addition, it can cause burns to mucous membranes. For this reason, chlorhexidine cannot be used to treat infectious inflammation eyes such as . If the drug gets into your eyes, rinse them thoroughly with water. You should also avoid getting the drug on meninges, for example during open head injuries. It is prohibited to use the drug to treat ear diseases with a damaged eardrum.

It is not recommended to use the drug as a means for the constant prevention of skin diseases, since this can lead to death not only harmful microorganisms, but also beneficial bacteria, living on the skin. Occasionally, allergic reactions to the drug may occur - skin rash, dermatitis.
When using the drug as a rinse, taste sensations may change. Tartar formation and discoloration of teeth may occur.

Interaction with other substances

Chlorhexidine generally interacts favorably with other substances. However, there are a few exceptions. Simultaneous use with iodine can lead to dermatitis. It is not recommended to use the drug together with soap and other anionic alkaline substances, as this significantly reduces its effectiveness. In this case, chlorhexidine can be combined with cationic substances, such as alkonium benzoate. Ethyl alcohol increases the activity of the drug. For this reason, alcohol solutions of the product are very popular.

Dosage forms

There are several dosage forms of the drug. The main one is water solution. It can be of different concentrations - 0.01%, 0.05%. 0.2%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 5%.
In everyday life, the most commonly used solution is 0.05%. It is sold in small polymer or glass bottles. Solutions with high concentrations are most often used for disinfecting medical equipment and the hands of medical personnel, processing medical instruments, as well as for preparing solutions of lower concentrations from them.
There are also other dosage forms:

  • Sprays
  • Creams
  • Alcohol solutions
  • Vaginal suppositories

Instructions for use of chlorhexidine

Using chlorhexidine is very simple. However, it must be remembered that for treatment various diseases solutions of different concentrations are required.

Treatment of diseases of the mouth and throat

For sore throat, pharyngitis and tonsillitis, a solution of 0.2% to 0.5% is suitable. Before gargling with chlorhexidine, you should first rinse your throat. warm water.
For rinsing, take a tablespoon of solution (10-15 ml). The duration of the procedure is approximately 30 seconds. After rinsing, it is advisable not to eat or drink anything for an hour. If a burning sensation occurs when rinsing your mouth, it means that the concentration of the solution is too high, and you should take a less concentrated solution.

It is not recommended to use the solution yourself to treat the nasopharynx with sinusitis, as the drug may get into the inner ear. If necessary, you should consult a doctor who will tell you how to use the drug.

In dentistry, you can use the solution as a mouth rinse after tooth extraction. Rinse three times a day for 1 minute.
When treating the oral cavity, remember that swallowing the drug, especially in high concentration(0.5%) should not be used. If this happens, you should take activated carbon.

Sexually transmitted diseases and gynecology

Chlorhexidine is most effective in the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, including gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, and chlamydia. In particular, in case of unprotected sexual intercourse, men should inject 2-3 ml of the product into the urinary canal. Women need to insert 1-2 ml into the urethra and 5-10 ml into the vagina. After treatment with the drug, you should refrain from urinating for about 2 hours. In addition, it is recommended to treat the surface of the skin around the genitals with the drug.

Chlorhexidine is also often used in gynecology. At gynecological diseases such as vaginitis and vulvovaginitis, can be used vaginal suppositories. They can also be used in childhood. Chlorhexidine is also used in the treatment of thrush. For this purpose, douching with a solution of 0.05% is used.

Disinfection of wounds and skin surfaces

In dermatology, the drug is used to treat mucous membranes affected by bacteria sensitive to its effects. When disinfecting wounds and burns, apply a small amount of the drug - 5-10 ml - to the surface to be treated. In this case, you should take solutions from 0.05% to 0.5%. Application time is 1-3 minutes. You can also use a spray for this purpose.

Disinfection of medical personnel and medical devices

When treating the hands of medical staff, it is necessary to take 5 ml of solution. This amount is rubbed into the skin for approximately 2 minutes. When treating the surgical field or elbow bends, when taking blood, the surface is wiped twice with a swab generously soaked in the product. Exposure time – 2 minutes.
To disinfect the skin before surgical intervention used alcohol solution chlorhexidine. To prepare it, take 1 part of a 20% solution of the drug and 40 parts of 70% alcohol. Medical instruments are treated with a 0.5% solution heated to 70 ºС.

Chlorhexidine ointment

Ointments and creams containing chlorhexidine are also used to disinfect hands and skin. After application to the skin, the ointment begins to act within 15 seconds. A thin layer of substance forms on the skin, preventing the penetration of microbes. The bactericidal effect of the ointment lasts several hours.

From this medical article You can familiarize yourself with the drug Chlorhexidine. The instructions for use will explain in what cases the medicine can be taken, what it helps with, what are the indications for use, contraindications and side effects. The annotation presents the forms of release of the drug and its composition.

In the article, doctors and consumers can only leave real reviews about Chlorhexidine, from which you can find out whether the medicine helped in the treatment of sore throat, stomatitis and other infections in adults and children. The instructions list analogues of Chlorhexidine, prices of the drug in pharmacies, as well as its use during pregnancy.

Chlorhexidine is antiseptic, intended for topical use.

Release forms and composition

Chlorhexidine is produced in the following dosage forms:

  1. Solution for local and external use (bigluconate) 0.05%, 0.2%, 1%, 5%.
  2. Spray for external use (alcohol) 0.5%.
  3. Vaginal suppositories 8 mg and 16 mg.

The active substance of the drug is Chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Pharmacological properties

The instructions for use indicate that Chlorhexidine has a bactericidal (destroying bacteria) and antiseptic (disinfecting) effect. The drug has pronounced bactericidal properties. Many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms are highly sensitive to it.

According to reviews, Chlorhexidine has a good ability to stop the growth and division of fungi. The fungistatic activity of the drug manifests itself in relation to trichophytes (pathogens ringworm), dermatophytes (causing skin diseases) and fungi of the genus Candida.

What does Chlorhexidine help with?

Indications for use include the following pathologies:

  • treatment bacterial vaginosis, colpitis (including nonspecific, mixed, trichomonas);
  • cleaning the hands of the surgeon, medical staff and the surgical field before diagnostic procedures and surgery;
  • rinsing for sore throat, gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, alveolitis, disinfection of removable dentures;
  • disinfection of working surfaces of instruments (including thermometers) and equipment, heat treatment which is undesirable;
  • prevention of infectious and inflammatory complications in obstetrics and gynecology (before surgical treatment of gynecological diseases, before childbirth and abortion, before and after installation intrauterine device(IUD), before and after diathermocoagulation of the cervix, before intrauterine examinations);
  • prevention of sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, genital herpes and others);
  • treatment of wounds, burns and surfaces; disinfection of the patient's skin;

Instructions for use

Chlorhexidine bigluconate (aqueous solutions at a concentration of 0.05, 0.2 and 0.5%) should be used for rinsing, irrigation, and applications. Apply 5–10 ml of solution to the affected area of ​​the skin or mucous membranes 2–3 times a day for 1–3 minutes (you can apply a tampon soaked in the solution). To treat work surfaces: moisten generously with the solution, rinse with warm water after a few minutes.

For disinfection medical instrument: Soak in the solution for several hours. Plaster: remove the protective tape from the surface without touching the surface of the bandage with your fingers, and apply the patch to the affected area of ​​skin. To prevent sexually transmitted diseases: as soon as possible after the end of sexual intercourse (no later than two hours).

Disinfection treatment is carried out as follows: the tip of the nozzle is inserted into urethra men and spray 2 - 3 ml of solution. Women irrigate the vagina with 5–10 ml of solution (leave it in the vaginal cavity for 2–3 minutes). Treat with solution skin With inside thighs, pubis and genitals. After disinfection treatment, you should not urinate for two hours.

IN complex therapy urethroprostatitis and urethritis. When treating these diseases, 2-3 ml of a 0.05% solution is injected into the urethra once or twice a day for 10 days (procedures are carried out every other day). When using the drug intravaginally, 1 suppository is administered 3-4 times a day for 7-20 days.

Side effects

When using Chlorhexidine Bigluconate 0.05 during treatment (the instructions for use confirm this), the following side effects were observed in some patients:

  • dry skin;
  • itchy skin;
  • the appearance of a rash;
  • photosensitivity;
  • dermatitis.

With prolonged use of mouth rinsing and irrigation, taste sensations may change, tartar may appear, and teeth will discolor.


According to the instructions, they are marked the following contraindications to use Chlorhexidine:

  • It is not advisable to use it for disinfection of the surgical field before surgery or after interventions on the central nervous system and auditory canal.
  • Not used to treat patients suffering from dermatitis.
  • Not used in ophthalmology (the answer to the question whether it is possible to wash the eyes with this product is negative, since in ophthalmology only a specially prepared solution is used).
  • Do not use at the same time with other antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, etc.).
  • High sensitivity to the components of the product.

Chlorhexidine is used with caution in children.

special instructions

Do not apply to wounds or mucous membranes. In case of contact with the eyes, they should be quickly and thoroughly rinsed with water and a 30% solution of sodium sulfacyl (albucid) should be instilled, and if necessary, consult a doctor. In case of accidental ingestion, you should immediately lavage the stomach with plenty of water, then give an adsorbent (10 - 20 tablets of activated carbon).

If necessary, carried out symptomatic therapy. The product is highly flammable! Avoid contact with open flames and switched on heating devices.


If the pH of the medium exceeds 8, a precipitate forms. If hard water was used when preparing the solution, its bactericidal effect is reduced. Does not combine with anionic compounds, in particular soap.

Not compatible with chlorides, carbonates, phosphates, sulfates, borates, citrates. Under the influence of the drug, the sensitivity of microorganisms to the influence of neomycin, kanamycin, chloramphenicol, and cephalosporin increases.

Ethyl alcohol enhances the bactericidal effect.

Children, pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is possible to use Chlorhexidine during pregnancy and lactation if the expected benefit to the mother exceeds potential risk for the fetus and child. The drug is contraindicated in children.

Analogues of the drug Chlorhexidine

The following drugs are analogues of Chlorhexidine:

  1. Amident.
  2. Hexicon D.
  3. Hibiscrub.
  4. Hexicon.
  5. Katedzhel S.
  6. Plivasept P.
  7. Plivasept.
  8. Chlorhexidine Gifrer.
  9. Chlorhexidine bigluconate.
  10. Citeal.


In pharmacies, the price for Chlorhexidine solution (Moscow) 0.05% is 13 rubles per 100 ml bottle. For a 100 ml spray you will have to pay 20 rubles. You can buy vaginal suppositories for 114 rubles per package of 10 suppositories of 16 mg each.

An antiseptic that is active against a wide range of microorganisms. The effect of the drug occurs quickly. It is used externally to prevent skin infection, and is also administered into the urogenital tract if it is necessary to avoid sexually transmitted infections after unprotected sexual intercourse. Prescribed by dermatologists and gynecologists, and is also suitable as a home first aid kit.

Dosage form

Currently, Chlorhexidine is produced in various domestic pharmaceutical companies. The drug is provided in several pharmaceutical forms:

  • Aqueous solution 0.2 or 0.5%.
  • Throat spray 0.05%.
  • Gel 0.5%.
  • Vaginal suppositories 8 or 16 mg.
  • Cream 1%.

In practice, the most commonly used solution is Chlorhexidine, which is sold in 100 ml bottles. To treat diseases of the throat and oral mucosa, you can use a spray that is easy to use. Depending on the form of release of the drug, any product contains auxiliary components.

There is also a 20% solution of Chlorhexidine, but it is used to disinfect surfaces or sterilize medical instruments.

Description and composition

Chlorhexidine is a local antiseptic, widely used as a universal agent with pronounced disinfectant and antimicrobial properties. A particularly popular drug in post-Soviet countries. The drug can be classified as universal means, since it is used in various fields of medicine. It has bactericidal and fungistatic properties against many pathogenic bacteria. The drug cleanses and disinfects the skin and mucous membranes of the throat and mouth well, and is prohibited for internal use.

The drug Chlorhexidine can be used in various fields of medicine. Clinical trials have proven that the use of this drug in therapy bacterial infections significantly increases recovery time and minimizes all risks of complications. Under the influence of the drug, the death of pathogenic microorganisms occurs, which do not have the opportunity to multiply and secrete waste products that cause intoxication of the body.

The active component of the drug is chlorhexidine bigluconate in different doses. Any form of release of the drug has its own auxiliary components.

Pharmacological group

Chlorhexidine is a local antiseptic with a pronounced bactericidal effect. The drug has an oxidative effect on the microbial cell, destroys the cytoplasmic membranes, which ultimately leads to the death of bacteria. Chlorhexidine is highly effective in treating and destroying big list pathogenic bacteria, including gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases. The drug is less effective against viral and fungal infections.

Chlorhexidine solution has the ability to disrupt the integrity of the cell walls of microorganisms, blocks the transport of ions, thereby having a pronounced bacteriostatic effect. The drug is able to maintain its antimicrobial activity for a long time, while not being absorbed into the bloodstream and digestive tract.

Indications for use

Chlorhexidine can be used for a wide range of diseases of bacterial origin. Besides this remedy can be used as a prophylaxis for chronic diseases throat or oral cavity.

For adults

Main indication for use local antiseptic may act:

  • itching of the vulva;
  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • gingivitis;
  • aphthae in the mouth;
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontitis;
  • disinfection of dentures;
  • wound treatment;
  • skin burns;
  • disinfection of the surgical field;
  • hand treatment of medical staff, doctor.

The drug can also be used for other diseases, but before using it in practice, it is important to consult a doctor.

For children

The drug is contraindicated for children under 6 years of age. You can use the medicine for a child only in a 0.05% solution for gargling at,. When using the product, it is very important to ensure that the child does not swallow the solution. Considering all the risks of taking the drug internally by a child, doctors, as well as parents, prefer to use safer antiseptics.

Pregnant women can use the drug only after consulting a doctor, and only in diluted form.


The instructions for the drug contain a number of conditions and diseases for which the use of the drug is unacceptable:

  • intolerance to the composition;
  • skin dermatitis;
  • combination with other local antiseptics;
  • children under 6 years old;
  • pregnancy period (as recommended by a doctor);
  • breast-feeding.

Applications and dosages

Chlorhexidine can be purchased at the pharmacy in solutions of 0.1%, 0.0 5%, 5% and 20%. You can use a solution of 0.1 or 0.05% in pure form, all others must be diluted with distilled water. More often this drug used to treat and other diseases of the throat and oral cavity. Can only be used externally or topically.

for adults

For injuries or wounds, you need to moisten a sterile napkin in the solution and apply it to the sore spot, secure it with a bandage or bandage on top. You can perform this procedure 2 – 3 times a day.

For gynecological diseases, the solution can be used to treat the pubic skin, inner surface thighs and genitals.

Before using the drug, it is very important to read the instructions, consult a doctor, and eliminate possible risks.

For children

Children can use the drug at a concentration of 0.05%, and before the rinsing procedure itself, the drug is diluted 1: 1 with water. After rinsing, do not eat for 1 hour. You need to rinse 3 times a day.

For pregnant women and during lactation

Women during pregnancy need to be extremely careful, use the solution only in diluted form and only after preliminary consultation with a doctor.

Side effects

Adverse reactions of the body after taking the drug are extremely rare, but their development cannot be ruled out.

  • itching, redness of the skin;
  • vaginal bleeding (when using vaginal suppositories);
  • dermatitis.

The appearance of such symptoms should be a reason to discontinue the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Chlorhexidine interacts well with other medicines, but still this drug is prohibited from being used with neomycin sulfate, drugs from the cephalosporin group. Antiseptic not compatible with iodine preparations, also with soap. Ethanol enhances the properties of the drug.

special instructions

  • When using the drug, it is important to follow some recommendations for use:
  • If you accidentally take the drug orally, you should urgently take the sorbent and rinse your stomach.
  • It is prohibited to use solutions with a concentration of more than 0.2% on open wounds or mucous membranes.
  • If the drug accidentally gets into your eyes, you need to rinse it under running water and drop it into your eyes.


Instead of Chlorhexidine you can use the following drugs:

  1. contains chlorhexidine as an active ingredient. The drug is available in a solution for external use, suppositories and tablets that are inserted into the vagina. can be used during pregnancy and lactation. The solution can be used with caution in children.
  2. Bactoderm is a combination medication that contains chlorhexidine and benzalkonium chloride. It is produced in a solution for external use, which can be used for prevention and treatment infectious diseases skin and mucous membranes in patients of all ages. In children of the first year, the medicine should be used with caution, as there is a risk of absorption active ingredients and the development of systemic adverse reactions.
  3. Aquazan is a substitute for Chlorhexidine in the therapeutic group. It is produced in the form of a solution for external and local use, which can be used for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. The drug should not be prescribed to pregnant women.
  4. Baliz is an antiseptic that is a substitute for Chlorhexidine pharmacological group. It is produced in a solution for oral administration, external and local use. It is prescribed to adult patients with infected wounds, diseases of the rectum, stomach ulcers.


Cases of drug overdose have not been recorded, but still, when using this antiseptic, you must strictly adhere to the instructions and rules of administration.

If a person mistakenly takes the drug orally, more than 0.5 liters, death will occur within a few hours due to renal failure.

Storage conditions

You can buy the drug without a prescription at any pharmacy in the city. Chlorhexidine should be stored in a dark place away from children and fire, at a temperature not exceeding 25ºC.

Drug price

The cost of the medicine is on average 85 rubles. Prices range from 8 to 191 rubles.

Chlorhexidine is a medicines, which has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It is widely used in medical institutions for disinfection of various instruments.

Its popularity is due not only to its ability to effectively destroy bacteria, but also to the ability to retain its properties for a long time after use.

Chlorhexidine is produced in various forms: tablets, solution, gel, aerosol. But for rinsing the mouth, it is a liquid product (0.05% aqueous solution) that is used. Let's talk further about how to use the drug in dentistry.

Chlorhexidine used in dentistry (0.05% solution) consists of the active substance, namely chlorhexidine bigluconate in an amount of 0.05 g and water to a total volume of 100 ml.

Indications for use of the product in dentistry

This antiseptic is often included in oral compositions. Their main purpose is to prevent and eliminate diseases such as.

In the photo there is gingivitis

By its nature, this disease is inflammatory in nature. Occurs due to accumulation and rapid reproduction large quantity pathogens on teeth and gums.

Without timely and proper treatment, the disease can worsen and lead to more serious complications.

How to use an antiseptic in this case? Rinsing your mouth with a solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate allows you to cope with gingivitis in the early stages.

The solution is used for rinsing with and some other inflammatory diseases oral cavity (,).

How to use the solution for prevention?

Chlorhexidine is an excellent remedy to prevent the formation of plaque and tartar.

Due to its antibacterial properties, it provides good protection against these unpleasant phenomena. Used for processing removable dentures.

Instructions for use of the drug

For achievement maximum effect You should rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution immediately after brushing your teeth.

By analogy with brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth should be done 2 times a day. To do this, take 10 ml of a 0.05% aqueous solution into your mouth and rinse it for about 30 seconds.

After this, it is not recommended to eat or drink liquid for 15-20 minutes. This will wash away the chlorhexidine digluconate from the teeth and gums.

Despite the fact that chlorhexidine solution is considered safe, it is still best to avoid swallowing it.

Mechanism of action

The product has an effective ability to modify the properties of the cell membrane of bacteria and microorganisms.

When it is used, the cytoplasmic membrane is destroyed in most bacteria. They lose osmotic balance, which leads to inevitable death.

When treated with a solution in the oral cavity, it only provides local action, without being absorbed into the tissues and without entering the blood. After rinsing, part of the product remains on the mucous membranes of the mouth for up to 24 hours. During this period they have an antiseptic effect.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The widespread use of the drug, including in dentistry, is due to the following points:

The disadvantages of the drug include:

  • unpleasant taste with a hint of bitterness;
  • low effectiveness in fighting viruses;
  • presence of side effects.

Contraindications and side effects

The product is contraindicated for use by people with high sensitivity to the main active substance– chlorhexidine bigluconate.

When used, it may occur allergic reaction. Just over 50% of patients using the product as a mouth rinse will notice pronounced change colors of tongue, gums, teeth. At the same time, they acquire light or dark Brown color. In some cases, even black.

To more rare but possible side effects relate:

Review of the use of Chlorhexidine as a mouth rinse for aphthous stomatitis:

Release form and storage conditions

In dentistry, chlorhexidine is used in the form of a 0.05% aqueous solution that is colorless and odorless. An undiluted solution is used to rinse teeth.

The drug should be stored in the packaging in which it is supplied. Transfusion into another container is not advisable. The product must be protected from direct sunlight and overheating above 25 °C.

Keep out of reach of children. Valid for 3 years from the date of manufacture.

Sibicort ointment with chlorhexidine

Chlorhexidine in an amount of 1% is included in Sibicort ointment. In addition, the drug contains hydrocortisone (1%) and excipients.

The ointment is intended for the relief and treatment of diseases and skin lesions such as eczema in acute or chronic form, dermatitis (skin inflammation), neurodermatitis, concomitant infections of bacterial origin.

Only external application of Sibicort is allowed to eliminate dermatological problems. The drug is not used in dentistry. Treatment of the oral cavity is unacceptable.

The high effectiveness of the product has been proven over the years and is not controversial. Widely used in dentistry and other fields of medicine. He deservedly occupies a leading position among others antiseptic drugs not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

For some time now, a drug called Chlorhexidine bigluconate has become increasingly popular. What it is? What is it used for? Let's look at what Chlorhexidine bigluconate is.

Instructions for use, comparison with Chlorhexidine, which solution is used for what - all these and other aspects are covered in the article.

In contact with

Composition and release form

The main component, which contains an aqueous concentrate of 0.05%, is Chlorhexidine bigluconate. This substance is transparent and does not require dilution. It is placed in bottles with a volume of 100 milliliters. Today the product is produced in polymer containers. But there are also glass bottles. It can be water or alcohol based.

Attention! For the throat, mouth or nose, use only Chlorhexidine 0.05% solution. Compositions having a concentration of 0.1% to 0.5% are intended for external processing affected skin.

Only a doctor should prescribe Chlorhexidine bigluconate for gargling, for example, or for other purposes. He takes into account general state the patient and his age.

The drug is available in sealed containers and can be stored for two years. In this case, the temperature must be maintained from 1 to 25 degrees.

In addition to the solution, the product is available in the form:

  • gel;
  • cream;
  • patch.

These forms are intended for external use only. The effect depends on the concentration, for example:

  • bactericidal at 0.02% solution;
  • fungicidal at 0.05% solution.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate: instructions for use

So, the medicine is used for different purposes. Let's take a closer look at which ones.

Concentration agent 0.1% and 0.05% is used for infectious diseases, for treating affected areas. It is also effective for the prevention of diseases transmitted through sexual contact. To do this, apply within two hours after the act. They also disinfect the skin and treat purulent wounds, burns, problem areas on the skin. A 0.1% solution is used to treat the genitals for therapeutic or diagnostic procedures, disinfect dentures.

What is 0.5% Chlorhexidine bigluconate used for? The instructions for use recommend using it to treat open mucous membranes, cracks and severe abrasions.

Medical devices are disinfected with a 1% solution. To do this, the solution is heated to 70 degrees. Then they sterilize the equipment with it, and also disinfect surfaces that are highly not recommended to be subjected to heat treatment. In addition, it is used to wipe the surgeon’s hands and treat burns and wounds before and after surgery.

From a concentration of 5%, solutions of 0.01% - 1% are prepared in water, alcohol and glycerin. Used for patient care in dentistry.

Aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine bigluconate: instructions for use

The water-based preparation is intended for the following processing:

  • throat;
  • oral cavity;
  • genital tract;
  • open wounds, purulent;
  • burns and other skin lesions.

How is Chlorhexidine bigluconate used? Instructions for use depend on the purpose. For example, the most weak solution on water without dilution:

  • the genitals are treated after intercourse (men inject two to three milliliters into the urethra for two minutes, women are also injected, but in addition, the vagina and genitals are treated with 5 to 10 milliliters; then do not go to the toilet for two to three hours);
  • for sanitation, treat the genitals with 5-10 milliliters, leaving the tampon on for two to three minutes;
  • for rinsing, use from five to ten milliliters of solution;
  • the wound is treated for two to three minutes;
  • wipe their hands.

Alcohol solution

To understand how to take Chlorhexidine bigluconate according to the instructions for use, it is important to understand the differences in the base. So, an alcohol-based drug is necessary for the following purposes:

  • treatment of areas before surgery;
  • rubbing the surgeon's hands;
  • washing instruments used during surgery;
  • processing of medical devices;
  • wiping equipment.

In addition to employees of medical centers, similar hand treatment is also required for workers in public utilities, as well as in restaurants, canteens, cafes and food production. How to use Chlorhexidine bigluconate according to the instructions for use in this case?

  1. The surgeon thoroughly washes his hands with soap and water, and, after drying them with a clean napkin, applies 5 milliliters of the product to the skin at least twice, rubbing it in.
  2. The donor's elbow or the area undergoing surgery is rubbed twice with sterile swabs, previously generously soaked in the solution.
  3. Equipment and tools are first cleaned of dirt and then wiped with a cloth soaked in the preparation.
  4. Chlorhexidine alcohol solution should not be applied to wounds.
  5. This product is flammable. Therefore, it is kept away from flames or heating devices.


The safest and at the same time cheapest drug is an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine. Instructions for use depend on the concentration. The most commonly purchased solutions are 0.05%, 0.1%, 0.5% and 1%. Then you don’t have to worry that it will harm you.

Being completely safe, the solution is highly effective. For medical purposes, a minimum concentration is used, and a higher concentration is used for processing instruments.

But whatever Chlorhexidine bigluconate is, the instructions for use require caution. It should not come into contact with the eyes or inside the body. In childhood, as well as for women bearing a child and during feeding, it is allowed to take only with the permission of a doctor. You cannot treat injuries on your own serious illnesses. Before using a disinfectant with an aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine bigluconate, the instructions for use must be thoroughly studied.

What is it needed for?

The main purpose of using the drug is antiseptic treatment. It is able to prevent the appearance, stop the reproduction and destroy harmful microorganisms.

Other antiseptics (for example, iodine, ethanol, brilliant green and so on). However, the product in question, unlike them, is odorless and tasteless.

There are no marks left on the skin, and there is no pain during treatment. At the same time, healing occurs as usual, and scars are not provoked. The product is classified as low-hazard. Chlorhexidine in the form of a solution will be needed in any first aid kit: both at home and on a hike.

For this purpose, a concentration of 0.05% Chlorhexidine bigluconate is purchased. The instructions for use do not require additional dilution. Gargling with it helps get rid of various infections not only in the throat, but also in the oral cavity, including dental diseases. The effect will be felt after the first use, as the pain will go away and the swelling of the mucous membranes will significantly decrease.

Large concentrations cannot be used, as this will cause a burning sensation. But if a product with a concentration of 0.05% accidentally gets inside, then nothing bad will happen. For gargling, it will help with the following diseases:

  • alveolitis;

Gargling will help you quickly get rid of the disease and regain health. The infection will not spread further. And in just a few procedures the drug will destroy harmful microorganisms. Therefore, it is often recommended for inflammation of the tonsils.

Instructions for use when gargling with it are as follows.

  1. Place one to two tablespoons in your mouth. spoons of solution.
  2. Gargle for at least 40 seconds.
  3. Swallowing liquid is prohibited.
  4. The procedure is repeated three to four times a day.

After rinsing, Chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.05% concentration is effective for 18 hours. This means that during this period the number of harmful microorganisms on the mucous membrane will significantly decrease. It should be borne in mind that the drug cannot be combined with other medications, for example, iodine.

How to rinse your mouth with Chlorhexidine bigluconate? Instructions for use in this case are as follows.

  1. First rinse with warm water.
  2. After this, take from one to two tbsp. spoons of Chlorhexidine and rinse your mouth with it for half a minute.
  3. The rinsing can be repeated again.
  4. 2-3 procedures are done per day.
  5. To achieve maximum effect, do not eat for two hours and do not brush your teeth for the same amount of time.

If you first brushed your teeth and then decided to rinse your mouth, you should rinse thoroughly toothpaste. The fact is that there are pastes that contain substances that act in such a way that they greatly reduce the effect of the procedure.

Difference between Chlorhexidine bigluconate and Chlorhexidine

These two drugs are often compared to each other. Is there a difference between them?

They do not differ in scope. In addition, both drugs have the same effect in terms of duration of action.

Therefore, use for the purposes for which the drug is needed will lead to the same result.

  • Excellent disinfectant.
  • Due to the identical composition, it acts similarly to Chlorhexidine.

The concept of hydrogen peroxide is known to everyone. The Latin name is almost never used in everyday life. Therefore, many are interested in the question: Is Chlorhexidine bigluconate hydrogen peroxide or not? To answer the question, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate formula: C22H30CL2N10. His lat. name Chlorhexidine bigluconate. The formula of hydrogen peroxide is: H2O2, and lat. name Hydrogen peroxide. Are they identical? Is chlorhexidine bigluconate a peroxide? Hardly. However, it is a fact that they have very similar effects.

Both one and the other drug are antiseptics that are used externally. What is hydrogen peroxide and Chlorhexidine bigluconate used for?

The instructions for use of the latter contain, first of all, recommendations on how to successfully fight infections. The drug has a bactericidal and disinfectant effect and is able to stop the growth of cells of harmful microorganisms.

Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidant, a reactive form of oxygen. H2O2 generates free radicals, acting as an oxidizing agent. In addition, after the reaction, no substances remain except water and oxygen. Thus, purification from pus or blood occurs faster. However, at the same time, the wound healing period increases. The fact is that it has a destructive effect on cells. Therefore, it is only permissible to use it as a treatment once first, to disinfect the area.
