How to cheer yourself up: useful tips. What foods treat depression and lift your spirits? Depression in the family: rules of survival

Negative mood, pessimism, slow perception of events are signs of depression. Until recently, psychiatrists dealt with this disorder, but today this term is used more in everyday meaning. To know how to get rid of depression, you need to find out why it occurs.

Causes of depression

Life problems, an unfulfilled personal life, conflict with the inner “I” can be the reasons for the state of apathy. There are people who know how to cope with difficulties in life. There are also those who, without overcoming the problem, plunge into a depressive state. This is largely due to a person’s lifestyle. A hectic life schedule, lack of sleep, and lack of rest are a kind of platform for the emergence of a depressive state. There are also genetic reasons for depression, but much less frequently. Although it is recommended to seek treatment from a medical specialist, you can try to cope with bad mood yourself.

Do you want to get out of depression? Change the world around you!

The first thing I would like to recommend is to change the environment around you. A place where there is no telephone, TV, computer or any other connection with the civilized world is very suitable. A trip to the village to visit your grandmother or tourism will not only lift your mood, but will also have a positive effect on your life. general state your body.

The best way out of deep depression is to unload your day. After all, our mood also depends on how tired we feel. Take a walk in the fresh air, buy a bike, pay attention to your appearance. Such “small” things will set you up to positive thinking, and will even increase your self-esteem. If you don’t want that either, then try to just relax and get some sleep: maybe you’re just tired.

You may find it hard to believe, but a mess like personal life, and in the house, plays an important role in a negative mood. Therefore, cleaning the house will create comfort and cleanliness, and the effect of the work will be pleasure.

You can’t ignore sports and an active lifestyle. We all know how important it is to see ourselves not only healthy, but also beautiful. If you have a desire to improve your internal and external appearance, sign up for classes in gyms, a swimming pool, or go in for sports on your own. Visiting spa salons, relaxing massage, yoga classes, morning jogging or exercise is an ideal option to relieve fatigue and depression. Aromatherapy helps a lot in the fight against bad mood. Lavender and orange oils, light music, calm atmosphere - and you feel an emotional surge of strength.

Weather is just as important to human perception. Rainy, cloudy, cool weather only causes us negative emotions. Therefore, do not waste time: the weather is excellent - run outside, get sunbathing and have a great mood.

If we fail to fulfill our own demands on ourselves, we very often get a dose of frustration. You need to learn to objectively assess your capabilities and enjoy even small victories. After all, small victories lead to great things. Therefore, if something doesn’t work out for you this moment your life, do not be upset: this is a temporary phenomenon. You need to learn from mistakes, not repeat them.

Positive emotions also depend on our perception of events. If we characterize everything only from the bad side, then our mood is also bad. Learn to see something positive even in negative moments.

Communication with family, friends and simply helps to drive away bad thoughts. strangers. After all, communication is important factor our formation as an individual and just a person. Go to see a comedy or just go to the theater with people close to you: believe me, this also helps. If some people make you feel negative, then protect yourself from communicating with them.

One cannot ignore this type of antidepressant, such as chocolate. Everyone knows its miraculous properties in the fight against bad mood. However, don’t get carried away: this is a very high-calorie product.

The desire to overcome depression depends on ourselves. Believe in yourself and learn to enjoy life.

How to cheer up in 5 minutes? 15 ways or depression, go through the forest!

Bustiness, lack of sleep, stress, snacking on the go are commonplace signs of impending fatigue, which can provoke depression. Everything is on the run - this lifestyle has become everyday for people. From everywhere you can only hear the phrases: “Live? I am busy! The work is worth it!”, “Gatherings with friends? No time!”, “Children? After 30 years, we’ll think about them!”, “We’ll sleep it off in retirement, nonsense!”

But the body rebels, it lacks drive, bright emotions, adrenaline, impressions, happiness! But they don’t hear him, people don’t have time. And then it begins: Bad mood, blues, insomnia, irritability, aversion to noisy companies. But with the help of such psychological problems, the body calls on a person to pay attention to itself. But they don’t hear him! Then it gets worse: the tired body gives up and loses its last protective barriers.

"Voila!" - and a bouquet of various diseases ready. Depression does not sleep, and along with it, viral and bacterial infections.

But you are talented, smart, beautiful, wise! And you won’t let it come to that, will you?

15 ways to cheer yourself up in 5 minutes

Method number 1. Light it up to the fullest!

Incendiary music will help to do this. Select fun songs from your playlist and play them at full volume. Or play dance hits. And dance! Yes, yes, just dance! In just a minute, your body will move to the beat of the music, and a wave of adrenaline will cover your head!

Method number 2. Draw!

Take a landscape or notebook sheet and draw whatever comes into your head! Tired of your boss's attacks? Make a caricature of him! Do you want to relax? Draw the sea, the beach, palm trees!

There is an artist in every person! Let your imagination run wild! At first you will get angular drawings, but after a short period of time the lines will become rounded and your mood will improve.

Drawing is an excellent antidepressant, having the ability to put thoughts in order and calm the nervous system.

Method number 3. Do exercises!

Have you been doing exercises lately? Do you know how it has a beneficial effect on your well-being? After just 5 minutes of warming up, you will feel a pleasant weakness spreading throughout your body! And after another 10 minutes you will think that you shouldn’t have used this method before. Exercise perfectly tones the body and makes the muscles work. And along with the muscles, your brain is actively involved in the work, tuned after the exercises only to positive thinking.

Exercise is always invigorating!

Method number 4. Do some spring cleaning!

You heard right! Turn on your favorite music and get busy cleaning. Throw away all the old things that you haven’t worn for a long time, clear the shelves of unnecessary junk, and clean the rows of household items. Clean the chandeliers, wipe down the furniture, and wash the floors until they shine. Rearrange your apartment! Free up space! Feel liberated!

Do you know that old things freeze the energy in your home? By getting rid of them, you give energy flow circulate freely throughout your apartment and feed yourself with its beneficial energy!

Method number 5. Smile!

Smile at your reflection in the mirror! Right now, get up and go to the mirror! Confess your love to yourself by looking into it! Praise yourself! Mark your strengths: big eyes, beautiful lips, excellent figure, gorgeous hair, smooth skin! Blow a kiss to your own reflection!

Smile at your colleagues, friends, relatives, children, and just passers-by! A reciprocal smile will definitely lift your spirits!

Method number 6. Do a good deed!

Have you done good deeds lately? Have you given up your seat on the bus to pensioners or children? Have you given alms to a needy person? Have you fed animals and birds outside? Have you complimented your friends? Did you help old women cross the road?

There are many good deeds! All you have to do is do one good deed! And then the soul will ask for more. It is very pleasant to help people and do good deeds. This is inspiring! People become volunteers because they begin to feel needed.

Method number 7. Make faces!

Become children! Feel like them! Children are sincere in their expressions of emotions! Pull your girlfriend's pigtail, stick your tongue out at a friend, blow a kiss to a relative! Stop the conversation mid-sentence and make your colleagues laugh with an unexpected joke!

Make faces at your loved ones, play around in front of the mirror, be spontaneous. Why force yourself into limits? Allow yourself to have some fun! You will get a colossal release of endorphins!

Method number 8. Go for a walk!

Fresh air invigorates! A walk in the park will help you take your mind off unpleasant thoughts. You can even go for a short run in the summer, and in the winter, put on your skis and go conquer the snowy expanses! Spend at least half an hour outdoors! You will be cheered up in the first 5 minutes, but in the next minutes you will begin to notice the beauty around you and be inspired by it.

Nature is amazing when you start to notice it.

Method number 9. Watch a comedy or a funny video!

Positive emotions from watching will not keep you waiting. Choose a funny comedy, make yourself coffee and sandwiches, create comfortable viewing conditions: dim the lights, cover yourself with a blanket, relax.

You can call your friends and go to the cinema in a friendly group. Your strength will quickly be restored, your mood will improve, your love for life will return!

Method number 10. Take a bath!

Treat yourself to a luxurious bath! Add aromatic oils and foam to it. Soak up in it, close your eyes, think about the beauty! Dream on! Or remember something good that happened in your life.

In return, you will receive not only a wonderful calming effect, but also healthier skin. And what bliss will you experience while lying in hot water and with your thoughts in the clouds!

Method number 11. Do something you love!

Every person has a hobby. Some knit, some make wood crafts, some embroider, and some just read. Do you also have a favorite pastime? How long have you been doing it? Only honestly?

It's time to take the bull by the horns! Put aside household chores, work, responsibilities. Routine and everyday life will not escape you. Let everything wait! And the world too! Organize a holiday for the soul: allow yourself to enjoy the minutes spent on your favorite hobby. You will not regret it!

Method number 12. Hug with your loved ones!

There's nothing better than a hug. A tight hug relieves stress, normalizes sleep, and helps get rid of feelings of loneliness. They have a rejuvenating effect, giving happiness and peace.

Hug with your loved one, with your children, with your parents, hug them tightly. In just a moment you will feel a colossal charge of energy, tune in to the positive and forget about any worries!

Method number 13. Keep a wish diary!

You can make it by hand, or you can buy it in a store. Now there is enough of this goodness at every step. What is a wish diary? Yes, an ordinary book in which you will write down all your goals and dreams. You can even make a list of small wishes that can come true very quickly, and then move on to Napoleonic plans.

Do you want to visit the Mediterranean Sea? Write! Learn to play the flute? Write! Give a birth to a baby? Write! Once you start filling out your wish diary with dreams, you will be surprised: there will be more and more of them, and they will come true more and more often! Don’t forget to just paste photos into the book that show your fulfilled wishes! They will not only warm your soul, but also spur you to new achievements!

Method number 14. Eat your favorite cake or chocolate!

Or any product you love! Have you been treating yourself to sweets lately? That's it! It's time to pamper! You want to feel a surge of strength and lift your mood?

In addition, sweets are the main source of carbohydrates and are a great way to cope with hunger!

Method No. 15. Do something unusual!

Jump with a parachute! Leave the job you don't like! Change your place of residence! Get married! Get married! This is if it is radical. If not, then just step out of your comfort zone by doing something special. Something that makes the soul rejoice.

Sing a serenade under your beloved’s window. Challenge a friend to a comic duel with twigs. Have an evening of pleasant revelations! Make a date on the rooftop!

And don't forget to dream! Remember: dreams always come true!

How are you feeling? Are you in a better mood? Did you smile? Are you in the mood for a positive wave? Do you want to live? Do you want to sing? Do you want to glow with happiness? What about reaching new heights?! Great!

And depression. What about depression? Let it go through the forest, this depression! And it never comes back to you!

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How to cheer up: what saves you from spring depression

So hello to you: spring has come, the titmice are whistling, the willow is fluffing up, the men again remembered Women’s Day and bought all the stale tulips and roses for crazy money, and there are dark clouds in their souls. And I want to cry all the time.

According to statistics, spring depression, or - scientifically - seasonal affective disorder (SAD), knocks you down twice more women than men. What kind of animal is this?

Five questions about depression

1. Why does it come in spring and autumn?

But no one knows. There are a lot of hypotheses. The most plausible is that seasonal changes (from winter to summer and vice versa) dramatically change hormonal processes in the bodies of all living beings. This is, as it were, a legacy of the entire chain of evolution: in cold times, living beings slowed down everything life processes up to suspended animation, and by the warm time a hormonal release occurs in them - preparation for mating and having offspring. People violated this schedule a long time ago, and hormonal waves are still raging in our bodies. And where there are hormones, there are emotions, tears, anger, resentment, then inappropriate fun, then desperate melancholy. Other hypotheses are an excess or lack of vitamins, a decrease or increase in daylight hours, accumulation of metabolic products, i.e. toxins in the body and their poor elimination in winter due to low mobility, etc. - still look like derivatives of the first one.

2. Is depression just a bad mood or an illness?

Depression depression is different. Seasonal (SAD) is often a functional disorder, malaise, low mood, in women - tearfulness, indifference to one’s appearance, etc. Real or, as psychiatrists say, “major” depression is a severe mental disorder characterized by a depressed state, pessimism, a feeling of worthlessness, rejection, and is often complicated somatic diseases and suicide attempts. It usually begins with severe and prolonged stress - conflicts at work, with loved ones, loss of loved ones, severe resentment, etc.

3. Which doctor treats depression?

About seasonal depression It is best to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. True depression is treated by psychiatrists. However, choosing a psychotherapist should be taken seriously. Unfortunately, now a great many people who call themselves psychologists undertake to solve problems about which they have no idea. Thus, psychologists who graduated from pedagogical or psychological faculties have no right to engage in either diagnosis or treatment as such. The limits of their capabilities are the resolution of personal, social or professional conflicts, analysis of the client’s personality, helping him in difficult life conflicts, choosing a profession, finding himself, etc. Only doctors have the right to treat. When seeking psychotherapeutic help, find out what kind of diploma your consultant received, what practical experience in medicine has.

4. Is it possible to cope with depression on your own?

In fact, most of us do just that. As the name implies, seasonal depression does not last forever - by summer (or by winter, if it came in the fall), it will pass on its own. But is it worth living in melancholy and sadness for two or three months if you can do without it? If you have a mild form of SAD, you can try “at-home” methods: take vitamin complexes, arrange furniture differently, buy new things, turn on more lights, move more, take a vacation in warmer climes, or do something that you didn’t do before. there wasn't enough time. That is, shake yourself up and start life over with a new leaf. In severe cases, it is better to consult a doctor.

5. How can a doctor help with seasonal depression?

Medicines that will quickly improve your condition;

Changes in your daily routine that will improve your mood;

General strengthening procedures that normalize metabolism;

Vitamin complexes that participate in this exchange;

Light and hydrotherapy, which acts on light receptors in the eyes and tactile ones on the skin;

A massage that will help relax muscle tension that accompanies depression and improve the overall condition of the body;

Psychotherapy sessions where you will learn to “negotiate” with your body.

Red, yellow, green. These three colors will also help lift your mood

No, we're not talking about traffic lights. With seasonal depression, it can be the same provocateur of a bad mood as bad weather, the need to get up early, or a boring boss, especially if you are stuck in a traffic jam. Nevertheless, these three colors will also help fight seasonal depression.

Red is generally a color that has a beneficial effect on a person, invigorating, mobilizing. Buy a red dress or coat, a scarf or shawl, put it on yourself - and you will see that your mood immediately changes. And if you choose a handbag, boots or gloves to match them, life will turn brighter on you, and those around you will certainly notice.

Yellow - the sun does not appear often at the beginning of spring, and we miss it so much. Give your home a solar makeover and introduce a couple of new things in bright yellow into your interior. This could be curtains, a bedspread, pillows, a lampshade, a rug, kitchen or bath towels, plates - whatever. You'll see, yellow will also change you in some ways.

Green - but we need this color not outside, but inside! Since there are almost no living vitamins left in last year’s and imported vegetables and fruits in March and April, press on greens these days. Leaf lettuce, dill, parsley, cilantro, celery shoots, young zucchini - all this appears in early spring and every day turns from purely greenhouse to more and more natural. Eat as much greens as possible. And in April-May, young shoots of nettles, nettles, and dandelions will appear. This is a storehouse of vitamins and micronutrients! Add a couple of leaves to the salad, season with lemon juice and olive oil- no amount of depression will take you away.

Catch the cat and the bird

Spring depression is also familiar to animals. Zoologists believe that this is due to winter exhaustion, changes in the body, and in some animals, hormonal preparation for the reproductive period. In spring, animals are more likely to suffer from colds and other diseases; nervous disorders: a domestic dog can run away from its owners, become aggressive, and not obey commands. Cats may hide in a corner, refuse to eat or play, and even scratch. Parrots and other birds pull out feathers and peck at their paws. All animals have fluctuating body temperatures.

This period lasts two to three weeks. At this time, you should not force your pets to do things that they refuse. Try not to leave them alone for a long time; if no one is home for days, or even weeks, depression will only worsen. If there is absolutely no one to talk to them from morning to night, at least leave the radio or TV on - live voices are necessary for pets.

Their food should be nutritious and light, dogs and cats need vitamins, greens, birds need water baths and also food enriched with vitamins. And, of course, your love and understanding.

Are you prone to seasonal depression?

IN National Institute US Mental Health has developed a test that allows you to determine whether you are susceptible to the problem of seasonal depression.

I. To begin, circle the number corresponding to the degree of change in the attribute over the seasons: (0 means that this attribute does not change at all; number 1 - changes slightly; number 3 - changes a lot).

1. Duration of your sleep: 0 1 2

2. Your sociability: 0 1 2

3. Your mood: 0 1 2

4. How you feel: 0 1 2

5. Your activity: 0 1 2

6. Your weight: 0 1 2

7. Your appetite: 0 1 2

II. Are the difficulties caused by these changes great? Please mark one:

III. Circle digital designations months when you feel:

1. Worst: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

2. Best: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

How to understand the results of the questionnaire. If in the first point you scored at least 11 points, and difficulties arose noticeable or serious, it means that there are fluctuations in your physical and mental state reach the level of seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

With autumn depression, a deterioration in well-being is observed between November and February, and an improvement - from March to September. In spring it’s the other way around. With autumn-spring depression, deterioration occurs twice a year, as well as improvement.

If you scored at least 11 points, but this period does not cause noticeable difficulties, or you have a score of 9-10 points with noticeable or serious difficulties, your condition is more soft form seasonal depression, or the so-called SAD subsyndrome.

Depression how to cheer up

Many people have moments when everything seems complicated and useless. It turns out that such sensations are just a byproduct of the interaction of components of the body's neural network. For most, they pass quickly, like a breeze. But each person's neurophysiology is unique, so for some of us, depressive moments develop into long-term and severe conditions.

Neurophysiologist, Doctor of Science and author of the new product “The Ascending Spiral” Alex Korb knows how neurophysiology helps to cope with depression, negative thoughts and conditions that “attack” us from time to time. Today we’ll talk about the symptoms of depression, what a “downward spiral” is and how to cheer yourself up even on the gloomiest day.

Depression is a downward spiral

We all know what it's like to be caught in a downward spiral in life. For example, one Friday night you are invited to a party, but you suddenly decide: “I don’t think it’s going to be fun,” and don’t go. Instead, you lie on the couch and watch TV until late. The next day you sleep for a long time, and when you wake up, you feel exhausted. Nobody calls, you feel lonely, and even more so you don’t want to communicate with anyone. Nothing is interesting, and now you're lying on the couch all weekend.

Depression is a very stable psychological situation: with its occurrence, the brain begins to issue commands for such actions that only aggravate everything - source.

Downward spirals occur because the events around you and the decisions you make change the way your brain works. If the direction of your thoughts changes for the worse, you begin to lose control over the situation, your brain switches to negativity, which grows like a snowball.

Fortunately, for most people, the activity of various neural groups “reverses” in time and stops the brain from going into a tailspin. But many are not so lucky.

What depression really looks like

A common belief is that being depressed is simply being sad all the time. In fact, everything is much more serious. In reality, a depressed person is not just sad - he is emotionless. He is empty inside. The person feels defenseless. He has no hope. Those things that you once liked no longer please: neither food, nor friends, nor hobbies. The energy goes somewhere.

Apathy is consuming more and more, - source.

Everything seems very difficult, fears appear, but it is not possible to find an explanation for this. Nothing seems worth the effort it takes. A person has difficulty falling asleep and difficulty staying asleep. Pains and ailments reverberate throughout the body more acutely than before. It is impossible to concentrate on anything; anxiety, shame and loneliness constantly oppress.

Life changes that can overcome depression seem difficult to implement. Would help out healthy sleep, but insomnia takes over. The joy of communicating with friends would be very helpful, but there is no desire for contact and no desire to bother anyone. The brain gets stuck.

How depression occurs: a neurophysiologist's view

Depression is caused by a failure in the interaction of neural circuits with each other and with the outside world. Imagine the simplest pair of neurons in the form of a microphone and a speaker.

If you arrange them in a certain way, it occurs unpleasant effect echo, scratching the ear. Position the microphone and speaker a little differently and the problem will go away. But it did not arise because of the microphone or speaker - separately, they work fine. This is a matter of adjusting the system and its individual parts.

The neural circuits in your brain are capable of everything: both happiness and depression - source.

At its core, depression is associated with the problem of “breakdown” of neural groups responsible for thinking and feeling. Although our brain is divided into dozens of sections, the neural circuits that cause depression are concentrated in just a few of them.

Two parts of the brain can be blamed for the occurrence of depression in people: the prefrontal cortex and the limbic system. To put it simply, the prefrontal region is responsible for thinking, and the limbic part is responsible for sensations. In depression, something goes wrong in the normal mode of interaction between these two areas.

The brain is a complex thing. And the further, the more secrets scientists reveal, - source.

The rational prefrontal cortex should actually help the limbic system, but in depression something in this connection goes wrong. Fortunately, it is possible to make adjustments to their mutual influence, you just need to work on yourself, and this is what the book “The Ascending Spiral” is about.

3 ways to cheer yourself up

And now - a little practice. If you are depressed, upset and don't want anything, try (even forcefully!) these techniques. You'll see, it will become easier for you.

  • If you feel like your mood is rapidly deteriorating, try going somewhere where there will be people around, such as a library or a cafe. You don't even need to contact anyone. Simply being in the same physical space with other people will help.
    • Reflections on different options one event activates the medial prefrontal cortex, and this enhances control over how limbic system controls emotional state. As a result, it improves.
      • As a result of its diverse activities, the brain leaves a lot of “garbage,” primarily in the form of decomposed neurochemicals. Just like in your kitchen, these residues must be removed from the body or they will begin to accumulate and become harmful. In a dream, a similar “cleaning” plan takes place, which is extremely important for normal functioning brain So sleeping is a great solution.
      • In general, there is always hope. Scientific research showed how small adjustments in a person’s lifestyle and behavior can change the functioning and neurochemical component of the activity of certain sets of neurons. And as the functioning of the brain and the neurochemicals it produces changes, so does the course of depression.

        You can't always change your location, but you can change the direction you're moving. What if, instead of diving, your life took an upward spiral? Give it a try.

        Warning: if you suspect depressive disorders, consult a doctor! Recommendations from the book can help, but in no case should they be the only way out of the current situation. Be healthy!

        How to get out of depression and quickly cheer yourself up

        Perhaps the most common problem that each of us regularly faces is a bad mood. Unfortunately, there are enough reasons for this, and no one has yet been able to avoid temporary decline.

        Ours is in a bad mood energy potential weakens greatly and we become unable to behave intelligently and make effective decisions.

        But this does not mean at all that we should put up with it and meekly fold our paws. Although our bad mood can poison our lives, we are quite capable of changing it.

        First of all, you need to want it and be ready to perform a few simple steps. The time spent on this will definitely result in multiple wins in the end.

        There is a lot of great material out there that outlines a whole host of great ways to overcome depression. There is a lot of excellent advice and recommendations on how best to proceed in each specific case.

        But in order to get acquainted with all this and even figure it out, you need God knows how long. Most people don't need fancy theories. What they really need is short practical advice, which can be put into action immediately. Everything else is superfluous.

        And what we will talk about now is from this series. I apply the most for each situation suitable way, and this is quite enough for me to solve the problem.

        Apply the “Emotional Release” method

        You must release excess tension by loosening your body and clearing your thoughts.

        Give yourself at least half an hour for this, and you will be happy to watch how your mood changes and ideas bubble up in your head with renewed vigor.

        Find yourself a place where no one will see you if there is a possibility of being misunderstood. Turn off your critical thinking for a while, stop analyzing and evaluating everything around you and, most importantly, yourself.

        And do whatever comes to your mind. Run, jump, scream, turn up the music and dance until you drop! Laugh for every reason and for no reason, if you so desire. Someone will come to mind to do physical exercise-do it. Forget all your great merits, age, great positions and academic degrees. Don't be afraid to look funny or stupid.

        Look how relaxed and easy the children behave. Give yourself the opportunity to mentally return to childhood and just enjoy everything that happens. Give yourself to him without reserve.

        When you get tired from all the physical movements and you want to sit down or lie down, be sure to rest. Even if you start to feel sleepy, don’t fight it. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep that served as the catalyst for your decadent mood.

        Remember, in a bad mood you will still not do anything outstanding. It is much better to spend some time on yourself, so that later you can catch up with new forces.

        Learn to use the Muscle Corset

        I first learned about this method from Mirzakarim Norbekov’s book “The Experience of a Fool,” and my first thought that arose immediately after that was “all this is nonsense, it cannot be.” It cannot be that such results could be produced by such a simple, and I would even say primitive, method. I’m such a smart and well-read man, so I have to prove that this is pure nonsense and bring the scammers to light.

        Moreover, it took about five minutes to do this, and even less effort. Just what you need. It couldn't be easier to do.

        You just need to straighten your back, straighten your shoulders, raise your head high, and smile broadly. Well, tell me, what’s so difficult about that? Right for me!

        And if you are like me and don’t like to make extra efforts, be sure to take it on board. Best effect achieved when you look at yourself in the mirror. It turns out Feedback, which enhances the positive impact, and it becomes much easier to control the correct execution.

        The most interesting thing, of course, was observing myself as if from the outside, or rather, observing the thoughts that were swarming in my head. After just 5-7 minutes, thoughts with a negative charge disappear on their own, and instead they are replaced by thoughts and memories that make you happier.

        Now we will not consider in detail the mechanism itself, how and why it works. Let me just say that this is a truly unique technique, which is the basis of a whole series of trainings and the author’s system of success.

        Listen to motivational audio recordings regularly

        In fact, I myself have always considered the best source of knowledge to be reading useful books and other printed materials. And if you are an equally avid reader, great, keep doing it.

        I regularly buy various motivational literature, and in addition, I re-read the books that are already in my library. This is great, but the fact is that until recently there were no other accessible sources of the information I needed.

        There was simply no alternative as such...

        Now the situation is changing for the better. A new form of presentation is gaining momentum - audio recordings in MP-3 format. Products worthy of attention are appearing and this cannot but rejoice. Compared to printed materials, they have a number of serious advantages, among which I would highlight the following.

        1. You can study while relaxing by simply putting on headphones and launching your favorite MP-3 player. At the very time when your body and eyes tired of the monitor are resting, time passes with great benefit.

        When my mood plummets and I can’t do anything about it, I put on a CD with motivational audio lectures and listen to it. Charges great!

        Except quick lifting mood and momentary positive effect Audio recordings have many hidden benefits that are not immediately apparent. But I won’t tell you anything about this. Let this be an unexpected and pleasant gift for you.

        Emotional mood is an integral part of the life of any person. But there are often days when nothing pleases you, you are overcome negative thoughts. Prolonged depressed mood can lead to the development of depression. Therefore, every person should have an idea of ​​how to cheer up and get rid of negativity.

        Causes of bad mood

        There are many reasons that can ruin your mood. Moreover, each individual is affected differently by the same events. However, among the most common are the following:

        • Opinion of those close to you. The emotional background of each person is directly dependent on those people who are nearby. And this is no coincidence, because it is very important for each of us what our family and friends think, and if this opinion differs from what we expect to hear, then the mood will be ruined.
        • A calm and peaceful environment is very important for a person. Any conflict can lead to emotional condition will get worse.
        • The mood may deteriorate due to the expectation of trouble. The person is worried and in a state of tension that he cannot cope with. Such manifestations are fraught with deterioration of the emotional background.
        • Financial problems are also often the cause of mental depression.
        • If our desires diverge from our capabilities, disappointment and decline in emotional state arise.
        • Poor sleep can also cause a negative attitude. If such a problem is not uncommon in a person’s life, then depression is not far away.
        • Monotonous work or the need to do something you don’t like usually leads to negative emotions and a feeling of hopelessness.

        Having an idea of ​​what resulted in a negative emotional state, you can figure out how to quickly lift your mood when it is at zero.

        Express methods to correct the situation

        Are you interested in learning how to cheer yourself up in 5 minutes? Use proven methods that will take a little time.

        • Watch a good comedy movie or show.
        • Listen to your favorite fun music.
        • Read jokes.
        • Accept cold and hot shower, wash your hair.
        • Get busy doing good deeds.
        • Just take a walk in the fresh air. Communication with nature works wonders.

        The most effective ways to lift your mood

        According to psychologists, the mood of each person is determined by the characteristics of thinking. We need to be optimistic about the world, and all negative points just ignore it. Only a person himself is capable of creating conditions for himself in which he will feel happy.

        Let's learn how to cheer ourselves up if everything is bad. Among the most effective methods, it is worth noting the following points:

        1. Conversation. If you are overcome by negative emotions, then you do not need to stay at home alone with bad thoughts, this will only worsen the situation. You need to talk it out, talk to someone close to you. This method will definitely help.
        2. Tears help someone get rid of sadness and negativity. You just need to cry.
        3. Every person has a creative element. You need to find what you do best. Draw a picture, write a poem, cook a culinary masterpiece - such activities will help you redirect your attention and bring real pleasure.
        4. Changes. You can relieve the melancholy in your soul by making changes in your appearance. Perhaps you should change your hairstyle, shade your hair a little, experiment with clothes. By the way, this advice is good not only for women, but also for men.
        5. To cheer yourself up, you can go to gym or swimming pool. Physical activity “unloads” the brain well.
        6. Relaxing treatments will also help keep you in good shape. Yoga classes are suitable, giving peace and confidence.
        7. Ten minutes of meditation can restore peace of mind.
        8. Cleaning up the house - good way put your thoughts in order and get rid of a bad emotional state. Try to throw out the trash from the house, rearrange the furniture, put things in order.
        9. Music and dancing will help lift everyone's spirits. You need to choose a cheerful melody and dance.
        10. Delicious sweets will very quickly lift your spirits. Such treats promote the production of endorphins - happiness hormones. It is useful to eat bananas, citrus fruits, strawberries, nuts, dried fruits, honey. Having pampered yourself with these products, you won’t even notice how your energy will begin to surge.
        11. Smile. Psychologists recommend using the “tight smile” method if you are in a bad emotional mood. You need to stand in front of the mirror and smile at your reflection. Let it be unnatural at first, but then the corresponding signals will begin to arrive in the brain, and the mood will become noticeably better.
        12. Get busy good deeds and charity. By helping others, you will be able to set priorities, take your mind off gloomy thoughts, and feel like a useful and significant person.
        13. Playing with pets can't help but fill you with positivity. Pet the cat that lives at home, play with the dog, and you will quietly cheer yourself up. If there are no pets, then you can go to the forest or park and watch animals and birds in their natural environment. We bet you'll make a lot of discoveries!
        14. Contrast shower is a method that works flawlessly. Hot and cold water is a kind of beneficial stress for the body. After the procedure, you will immediately feel invigorated and full of energy.
        15. Expose your face to the sun's rays whenever possible - even in autumn or winter. The fact is that a lack of ultraviolet radiation can have a depressing effect on the human psyche. When warm days arrive, be sure to get out into nature.

        Creating a positive emotional mood is work that will definitely pay off in good health, vigor and mental balance. There are many ways to improve your mood. Everyone can find something suitable for themselves. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment, and then the world around you will become brighter and kinder.

        In this article, I will answer the question of how to cheer yourself up and give you 21 powerful ways that are guaranteed to lift your spirits. And if in the future, you are again in a bad mood and wondering how to cheer yourself up, just go back to this article. So let's get started!

        How to cheer yourself up?

        The first way to cheer yourself up this is your hobby. Make time for yourself and do what you love. Nothing makes you happier than doing what you love. After some time, you will 100% cheer yourself up and feel a taste for life. This method is very powerful and always works!

        The second way to cheer yourself up it's about pampering yourself with shopping. Surely you have things that you love very much, but do not often allow yourself for some reason. A bad mood is a case when pampering yourself is not only possible, but simply necessary.

        Buy yourself a luxurious bouquet of flowers, visit a cafe and drink a cup of coffee, the price of which was previously unthinkable for you, or in case of fire, buy yourself high-quality chocolate or a delicious cake. Sweets always lift your spirits because they produce endorphins in the brain, and endorphins are considered hormones. Therefore, this method also always works. So eat for your health.

        The third way to cheer yourself up this is a fun song. Turn on your favorite song and sing along out loud! Just be sure to choose a joyful composition. Sad melodies will make you even more sad.

        The fourth way to cheer yourself up it's a walk. Answer me this question: how long have you been in the park? When was the last time you went out into the countryside? Or at least just walk around the modest corners of your city? It doesn't matter what time of year it is. Try to get off the Internet, drop everything and allow yourself at least an hour of silence, in which you will certainly hear yourself. Get away from the bustle and noise of the city, give yourself a little peace, silence and unity with Mother Nature, and you will feel with your entire skin how vital energy returns to you again.

        The fifth way to cheer yourself up these are jokes. Now there are a lot on the Internet funny stories. Just surf the internet and start reading funny jokes! Usually after five funny jokes the mood rises and a smile begins to appear on the face.

        The sixth way to cheer yourself up this is dancing! Dancing is my favorite way to cheer myself up. Anyway, in kindergarten you danced together as a group "Dance of little ducks". So why don't you remember? And if you start "quack" where it’s needed, it’s absolutely wonderful! You will not only lift your spirits, but also recharge your batteries for many days to come. Tested - it works!

        The seventh way to cheer yourself up This . If your bad mood has specific reason, try to eliminate it as quickly as possible. There is no need to wait for the problem to solve itself. Pull yourself together and solve it. You yourself know very well that there is a way out of any situation. Tell your loved ones about your problems, ask your friends to help you, think about what you can do yourself to solve this problem. The action will return to you, and this will lift your spirits.

        The eighth way to cheer yourself up it's going to the cinema or watching your favorite movie at home. Of course, you only need comedy. Watching melodramas while in a bad mood is highly discouraged. But comedy is just what will definitely lift your spirits. You can also find it on the Internet funny videos involving animals and children. I also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video section. There you will find a lot of interesting things.

        The ninth way to cheer yourself up is to treat yourself to SPA treatments. You will please not only your darling, but also your body by visiting a beauty salon and ordering your favorite SPA procedure, especially if you previously regretted money on it. A full body spa massage, spa manicure, spa pedicure, as well as body wraps and various facial spa programs will help you to lift your spirits. Believe that by allowing yourself this luxury, you will feel like a new person.

        The tenth way to cheer yourself up This . You can find out more about meditation by visiting the section. A ten-minute meditation will help you restore your strength and... During meditation, imagine that you are filled with the light of joy and... This is a great way to lift your spirits.

        Eleventh way to cheer yourself up this is creativity. Each of us has our own Creative skills. Try to find your talents! Try to draw a picture or write a poem, prepare a culinary exclusive - in other words, do something that will bring you pleasure, and you will certainly feel much better.

        The twelfth way to cheer yourself up is to divert your attention. This method is quite simple, but it can be done sometimes. Look at an object and focus all your attention on it. Silently or out loud, describe this item in every detail. I don't know about you, but this method works great!

        The thirteenth way to cheer yourself up is to do something useful. I don't mean a hobby. You can eliminate a bad mood if you sign up for a gym, foreign language courses, or any other activity that will provide you with new knowledge or skills. Why am I confident in this method? Firstly, you simply won’t have time for negative thoughts, and secondly, in this way you will also effectively and quickly drive away the sad mood.

        The fourteenth way to cheer yourself up this is to change the image. Sometimes in order to, you just need to refresh your image. For example, try changing your hairstyle to a more fashionable one. But this should be done with a trusted master, and this is very important. Otherwise, it may turn out that the new image will not please you, but will aggravate your bad mood. But high-quality work done by a hairdresser can for a long time provide you with a joyful mood and significantly.

        Fifteenth way to cheer yourself up This is a game with pets. It is well known that our pets are the best at lifting our spirits. To do this, it will be enough to pet your cat or play Frisbee with your dog - and you will be in a good mood! If you don’t have a pet, then go to a zoo or dolphinarium, or just go outside and feed a stray animal. Communicating with animals will definitely improve your mood.

        The sixteenth way to cheer yourself up this is a dream. Yes, that's not a typo. The cause of a bad mood is often tiredness and exhaustion. The dream is the best way recover. So allow yourself this luxury and go to bed. One hour of sleep per daytime day replaces four hours evening sleep. After you wake up, you will feel different - renewed.

        Seventeenth way to cheer yourself up it is doing good deeds. People who give to charity are much more satisfied with their lives. And it doesn’t matter how much you sacrifice for the sake of others. Scientists have found that such people are much more likely to notice and appreciate all the good things in their lives. So join us charitable foundations and organizations.

        Eighteenth way to cheer yourself up It's a cold shower. Yes, it works flawlessly. The fact is that a cold shower is bad for the body. That's just it beneficial stress. You will instantly feel cheerful after taking a cold shower, and your mood will increase many times over. So go ahead and sing... to the bathroom.

        The nineteenth way to cheer yourself up this is visualization. or always helped lift my spirits. Surely you have goals that you want to achieve, but they are still far away. So, in order not to wait for the moment when you, just lie down on the sofa and start imagining how you have already achieved your goal. The fact is that a bad mood is sometimes associated with dissatisfaction that arose due to the path to achieving a goal. For example, you were not promoted at work. In this case, you lie down on the sofa and begin to imagine how you were promoted at work. After this, your mood will lift, and the next promotion will be yours.

        The twentieth way to cheer yourself up is to remember some pleasant moment from the past. Try to remember an event in your life that made you truly happy. This method is very similar to the previous method, only in this case you do not invent, but remember real events that happened to you. This method will make you understand that you are not what you thought. Pleasant memories from life always lift your spirits.

        Twenty-first way to cheer yourself up it's allowing yourself to fool around. My FAVORITE method. You just stand in front of the mirror and start making faces at yourself, making stupid sounds, running around the entire apartment like a three-year-old child. And don't care what others think. Just start fooling around. THIS IS THE MOST POWERFUL WAY TO LIFT YOUR MOOD. And if you still find yourself a partner who will make faces with you, then... I won’t even talk about it.

        In fact, there are many more ways to improve your mood than are given to you in this article. Try to find your own ways and share them with others, and you will notice that the world around you will become happier and brighter.

        And at the end of the article, I suggest you lift your spirits right now by watching this video.

        how to cheer yourself up, how to improve your mood, how to cheer yourself up


        Even the most optimistic people sometimes experience bouts of melancholy: bad weather, a high dollar exchange rate, or a smug boss may be to blame - none of us is immune from a bad mood.

        You can, of course, be sad for a couple of days, lie on the couch, overeat fast food and watch your favorite films, but prolonged depression must be fought. Long periods of melancholy are fraught with problems at work and in your personal life, because no matter how much your loved ones love you, no one will tolerate a whiner around for long. So, let's try to find some ways to cheer yourself up.

        Cheer up at home

        If you decide to get rid of sadness and melancholy, but you still don’t have the strength to leave the house and leave your home, use our list of fun home activities:

        We leave the house

        If you managed to improve your mood even a little while sitting at home, you can try more effective ways, which also involve other places.

        Prevention of sadness

        In order to avoid looking everywhere for ways to cheer yourself up next time, try to change your attitude towards life events and look at what is happening in a more positive way:

        Top tip: any time difficult situation behave with dignity, do not get depressed and do not throw tantrums. The release of emotions will not provide a solution to the problem that has arisen. In order to neutralize the source of negative experiences, you need, first of all, to solve the problem, and not indulge in gloomy thoughts. Be strong and consistent, and then you will no longer have to be sad and try to cheer yourself up.

        Elena, Moscow

        Psychologist's comment:

        How to cheer yourself up? Let's figure it out.

        Trying to solve a problem without understanding the reasons that led to it is usually a pointless waste of time and effort. This also applies to low mood. Trying to improve a mood that keeps getting worse is like trying to fill a barrel with water that has a hole in it.

        Depressed mood is a condition in which the level of vital energy person is significantly reduced. And until the hole through which his energy leaks is found, any mood boost will only give a short-term and rather weak effect.

        Let's immediately understand the concepts. If you have a deterioration in your mood for several hours or a couple of days, then this is one situation, and all the tips described above will work great. But if the period of low mood lasted not for a day or two, but for several weeks; if you sleep a lot, but still don’t have enough strength; if you don’t want anything, and former joys no longer give you pleasure, then this means that the matter is serious and we can already talk about real depression. This is exactly the case when, for some reason, a “hole” has formed through which your life energy escapes.

        What to do?

        What should you do if you notice the above signs in yourself? You will need to do two very important things.

        First of all, you need to see a psychotherapist as soon as possible. Because the symptoms described indicate that you are no longer just “something sad”, but have developed signs of a painful condition, which should already be addressed by a doctor, because self-medication will most likely lead to a prolongation of the disease, and, as a result, to a worsening condition.

        To get a qualified, and, importantly, free help a psychotherapist, you need to see this doctor at your place of residence - usually this is either a clinic (however, such a doctor may not always be there) or a psychoneurological dispensary (PND, this specialist will be required here). There is no need to be afraid that you will be “registered” or something like that: only patients with severe mental disorders such as schizophrenia are registered.

        People suffering from depression are constrained by their own negative emotions, thoughts, doubts and prejudices. These limits put pressure so much that a person cannot sensibly assess the situation and listen to the opinions of other people.

        Fighting depression takes a lot of effort. However, even the most seemingly simple actions will help cope with this problem.

        1. Meditate

        Meditation has been proven to stimulate the production of serotonin and norepinephrine. Low level these two important neurotransmitters lead to feelings of sadness. Regular meditation helps you pacify negative thoughts, see the beauty of the world around you, and feel energetic and alive.

        Start practicing meditation for one minute a day in the morning and before bed. If desired, the time can be increased.

        2. Chat with friends

        Even if you can't talk to anyone, force yourself to do it. Isolation from society will only strengthen your depression. Friends can lift your spirits and energize you.

        3. Play sports

        Increases the level of endorphins - the hormone of joy and happiness. Regular exercise will help cope not only with depression, but also with other diseases. Sport strengthens the body, restores blood pressure, and reduces the risk of heart disease.

        Scientists advise exercising in moderation physical activity, for example, walking, 30–60 minutes 3–4 times a week.

        4. Eat right

        Our health can directly affect our thoughts and emotions. The disease takes away energy and worsens mood. Proper nutrition is the key to good health.

        Eat a balanced diet. The body must receive all the vitamins it needs.

        5. Read motivational books

        Constant self-development is very important for every person. And we mainly get knowledge from books.

        IN Lately Motivational books have become popular. They talk about how to think positively, teach self-analysis and help cope with many problems. You can choose what suits you.

        6. Talk to a psychiatrist

        A qualified psychiatrist can help you cope with depression. He will listen to you and tell you how to start thinking positively.

        There are also support groups where people share their experiences with each other. Fighting depression alone is much harder. This is also a great opportunity to make new acquaintances.

        7. Get involved in your community

        Don't sit within four walls. Attend social events, communicate with people. Good mood surrounding people is contagious. This will give you the necessary boost of energy and relieve negative thoughts.

        8. Keep a gratitude journal

        Every evening, write down all the good things that happened to you during the day. Describe in detail why these events make you happier. List what you are grateful for this day.

        This method will reduce your stress levels and calm you down before bed.

        9. Set three goals for the coming day.

        Planning helps you focus on the specific task you want to complete before the end of the day. When you achieve a goal, your mood improves and you gain confidence in your abilities. You won’t even notice how small steps will lead you to big results.

        10. Listen to energetic music

        Music has an amazing ability to influence our emotional state. Therefore, there is no need to aggravate the situation by listening to depressive songs about unhappy love.

        11. Laugh more often

        Everyone knows that laughter prolongs life. During laughter, the brain produces dopamine - the hormone of joy and pleasure. Therefore, the more often we laugh, the happier we become.

        With a smile, then you will feel much better all day.

        12. Go on a seven-day mental diet

        To get rid of depressive thoughts, you need to reprogram your thinking. To do this, work on changing it for one week.

        As soon as you feel yourself immersed in negative thoughts, switch to something positive. Think about what gives you pleasure. Become the master of your thoughts.

        13. Let go of old grudges

        Being angry is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.


        When we dwell on grievances, negative energy accumulates in us. Anger affects our state, not other people.

        14. Forgive others

        Unresolved problems, like old grievances, are a source of depression. It is quite easy to forget about minor offenses. But not everyone can forgive a person for something really bad. This requires mental strength and self-control.

        But if you cannot forgive someone, this feeling will gnaw at you for many years and will not allow you to live in peace.

        15. Help people

        It has been proven that we experience pleasure in helping other people. At this moment, as during laughter, dopamine is produced. By doing good we receive positive emotions and get rid of the feeling of emptiness and uselessness.

        16. Expose yourself to the sun more often

        In the sun, the body produces vitamin D, which takes part in all vital processes. It also lifts your spirits.

        17. Surround yourself with people who will support you

        Be with those who care about your life. It is very important that you feel comfortable and confident with them. Protect yourself from those who pull you down.

        18. Analyze your negative thoughts

        Self-doubt and depressive thoughts lead to feelings of worthlessness and worthlessness. Try writing down what's bothering you. Then figure out which of these thoughts and statements are actually true.

        19. Get enough sleep

        Of course, in adult life It’s not always possible to sleep eight hours a day. However, unhealthy sleep also aggravates depression.

        20. Devote time to activities you love

        Do what you liked before: go to the movies, swim in the pool, ride the carousel. Of course, in depressed state It's hard to enjoy life. You need to relearn this. At first, you may even have to force yourself. But over time, you will again experience the same pleasure from hobbies and interests.

        21. Eliminate perfectionism

        Perfectionism provokes constant stress and leads to despair, self-doubt, mental exhaustion, insomnia and health problems.

        Nothing in life is perfect. Everything and everyone has shortcomings. Be happy with what you have. If you are not happy with something, correct it, but do not take it to extremes.

        22. Take time for yourself

        Break out of your usual environment. Spend the weekend in an unfamiliar place. Rest, be a little alone with yourself, clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. This is a great time to try the tips in this article.

        23. Be open to new things

        Do something completely new to you. Visit an unknown place. You don't even need to go anywhere for this. Surely there is some museum or gallery in your city that you have never been to. Read a book, study, start learning a foreign language.

        24. Take a walk in nature

        Nature has an amazing power to heal our spiritual wounds. Clean Fresh air, birds singing, rustling leaves and a beautiful landscape. Peace and quiet. There is only the present moment and no worries. And if you go for a walk with your loved one, then there will be no limits to happiness.

        25. Don't give up

        Anyone can give up. But fighting and enjoying life is much more difficult. Every person faces difficulties and experiences. If you learn to overcome them, you will be able to handle anything.

        There is only one life. Don't waste it on sadness and negativity.
