Rehabilitation after endoscopic midface lift. Endoscopic face (forehead) lifting: prices, contraindications and reviews. Indications and contraindications for endoscopic face lifting

The essence of any surgical rejuvenation comes down to relief changes in muscle and skin tissue, reverse age-related changes. Endoscopic facelift is one of the safest methods of this type of surgery.

What is an endoscopic facelift

Rejuvenation surgery involves peeling away the skin, cutting and moving muscle tissue, removing fat deposits if required, attaching muscle fibers, and stretching and fixing the skin. This involves excision of excess skin and connective tissue.

Endoscopic lifting belongs to the category of minimally invasive methods. Its fundamental difference from traditional plastic surgery is the absence of excision. And skin, and muscles, and connective tissue are redistributed in such a way as to take their “rightful” place and thus level out age-related changes. Can only be deleted adipose tissue, since it is definitely superfluous.

To hold muscles and skin in a new place, special sutures or endotins are used - staples and tapes with “tweezers”. The latter fix the tissues for a sufficiently long period of time, so that by the time they disappear, the newly formed connective tissue secures the skin and muscles. Endotins dissolve on their own and do not need to be removed.

This approach provides many benefits:

  • minimum number of incisions and their very small size – within 1.5–2 cm;
  • high precision of the operation: the use of an endoscope allows you to obtain an image and constantly assess the condition of the surgical field;
  • minimal intervention guarantees a minimum of consequences and complications;
  • the recovery period after a facelift is significantly lower;
  • The operation can be carried out locally - in certain areas, or comprehensively.

The only drawback of the intervention is that it requires a highly qualified surgeon. In addition, there are restrictions based on age, and not just the patient’s condition.

The video below will tell you what an endoscopic facelift is:

The essence of the procedure

The correction got its name – endoscopic – due to the method. In a conventional operation, it is necessary to completely peel off the skin, literally removing it from the operated area, which requires large incisions and significant blood loss.

Endoscopic technology allows us to do things differently. Small incisions are made in the required places - up to a maximum of 2 cm. Silicone tubes are inserted into the incisions. The lighting and recording system – the endoscope, and the instruments themselves – move along them. As a result, the doctor does not need to peel off the skin, since he receives the image using an endoscope. Accordingly, there is no need to enlarge the incisions.

The small size of the incisions allows modification of the techniques used. To correct the middle zone of the face, a vertical lift is possible, when the skin of the cheeks is raised to the lower ciliary edge and at the same time does not affect the nerve nodes located in the middle part of the cheek. The effectiveness of a vertical lift is higher; a minimal amount of skin needs to be redistributed, but it cannot be done in the usual way.

Endoscopic technology allows you to combine interventions on different areas, and with multi-vector tension. Although many plastic surgeons believe that A complex approach justifies itself to the greatest extent.

Professor A. M. Borovikov, one of the most famous practicing surgeons, claims that patients return after local rejuvenation literally a year later, because they discover that compared to the younger part of the face, the remaining areas do not look aesthetically pleasing. After comprehensive rejuvenation, over 10 years of practicing this procedure, no one has yet applied for re-restoration.

The operation lasts from 40 minutes to 6 hours, depending on the scale of the intervention. Local anesthesia is only possible for partial correction or blepharoplasty. All other types of lifts are performed under general anesthesia, which serves as a limitation for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The result of rejuvenation lasts on average 5–7 years: this is due to individual characteristics and general condition health. A complex operation, as already mentioned, provides a more lasting result.

Photos before and after facelift


The division of the face into zones is associated with the mechanisms of aging and understanding the subject of plastic surgery.

The face is divided into lateral and central - medial parts, along a conventional vertical line running along the nose. According to this division, it is immediately clear why a vertical lift, if possible, will give more tangible results. Signs of aging are concentrated mainly in the medial part, and lateral skin tightening is effective only in relation to the lower part of the face and the lateral area. Although, of course, it still reduces relief changes.

The face is divided into 3, or rather, 4 zones. Conditional lines run horizontally at the level of the eyebrows and nostrils.

  • – neck, jaw line, chin, corners of the mouth. Nasolabial folds are no longer included in this zone, as they appear when the skin of the cheeks sagging and, in fact, correction in in this case not available. Signs of aging here include a double chin, jowls, drooping corners of the mouth, and folds from the corner of the mouth to the chin. Excess fat most often accumulates in the lower zone, so correction must be combined with liposuction. The mechanism for correcting the lower third of the face is as follows: an incision is made around the ear and the soft tissue of the cheeks is redistributed. At the same time, the jowls are removed, the folds around the mouth take on an inclined position and are smoothed out. For a lift, no incisions are made under the chin. Lifting the lower part of the face does not affect the condition of the middle zone.
  • – the space between the horizontal lines at the level of the nostrils and eyebrows. Includes the nasolabial folds and lower eyelids, although the latter are often separated into a separate zone 4. The middle zone ages the fastest; signs are the zygomatic sac, the relief between the tear groove and the ciliary edge, and, of course, the most obvious sign of aging is the nasolabial sweetness formed by overhanging tissue. Mid-zone correction provides the brightest pronounced effect rejuvenation, especially when combined with a lower eyelid lift. The operation takes from 1.5 hours if it concerns only the orbicularis facial muscle, and up to 3 hours if a check-lift is performed.
    • The technique is as follows: incisions are made along the lower eyelash edge in a natural fold. The muscles are cut through them and moved to their original position, secured with endotins, then the skin is stretched. The resulting folds in the corners of the eye are removed with a lift in the temporal region. The complexity of the procedure lies in the fact that you have to work with facial muscles. If they are incorrectly shifted, synchronous work is disrupted, and this is fraught with asymmetry and disturbances in facial expressions with different sides faces.
    • Another option is also possible: in this case, a lateral lift is combined - incisions are made near the ear, and a lift through incisions on the oral mucosa. The technique is safe, since the nerve nodes in the center of the cheeks are not affected.
  • - forehead and eyebrows. Signs of aging here: drooping eyebrows, sagging upper eyelid, horizontal sweetness and wrinkles on the forehead. Drooping of the eyebrows and eyes may not be associated with age and can be corrected. The essence of the operation: incisions are made along the border of hair growth in order to hide the roller that appears when the skin is stretched, and the stitches themselves, of course. At the same time, the drooping disappears, wrinkles are leveled out, but the height of the forehead increases. If this is a problem, a variety of techniques are used: oblique tilt, sawtooth pattern, etc. An upper face lift is often combined with other types of correction. The fact is that peeling off the skin on the forehead opens up many opportunities for rejuvenation of the eyes, the middle zone of the face, and even the lower one - it would be a shame not to take advantage of this. You can remove folds at the temples, change the shape of the nose - a hump, and fill in the cheekbones. Moreover, in this case, the need for side incisions for lateral skin tightening disappears. True, the result of such an operation is initially fixed not with sutures or endotins, but with titanium screws, which are removed after 20 days.
  • Zone 4 – eye socket. Its upper part belongs to the upper third, the lower part to the middle third. However, the operation is often performed only here, since the eye socket focuses the most obvious signs aging: wrinkles and folds in the corners, drooping of the upper eyelid, inversion and drooping of the lower eyelid, increasing the distance between the ciliary edge and the tear groove. Often, patients who are not ready for radical rejuvenation undergo eye socket correction as a compromise between the desire to get a more youthful face and the fear of a lift. There are no physiological or anatomical justifications for separating the orbit into a separate zone. On the contrary, the surgeon works with two different zones during the operation, which, of course, is unprofitable. However, blepharoplasty as a separate procedure is in great demand, which has to be taken into account.
  • Comprehensive rejuvenation involves working on the entire face at once. This decision should be considered the most rational. A minimum number of cuts are made, since maximum actions are carried out through them. In relatively mild cases, the entire correction is performed through incisions on the forehead and in the crease of the lower eyelid. In addition, the results last longer.

This video explains clearly and with useful diagrams how the operation is performed:

At what age can you do it?

There are practically no age restrictions for correcting cosmetic imperfections - drooping eyelids or eyebrows. But for anti-aging procedures, age matters.

The endoscopic technique does not involve excision of muscles and skin. The calculation is that relatively elastic tissues take root on their own in the “new” place, and connective tissue is formed quickly enough to secure this position. Alas, in old age this is impossible.

Skin with too low elasticity simply will not be able to hold on and will sag again. The same can be said about muscle fibers: The better condition they are, the greater the chance of success of the operation. Accordingly, any endoscopic procedures after 60 years are meaningless.

  • This kind of midface rejuvenation can be done as early as 30–35 years of age. Ages from 35 to 50 are optimal.
  • Correction of the lower part of the face, as a rule, is performed later - from 45 to 60 years. However, in combination with liposuction, it is done earlier if the double chin and jowls are caused by excess adipose tissue.
  • The age limit for rejuvenation of the upper facial zone is 60 years.
  • Blepharoplasty is performed between the ages of 35 and 60 years.

Photo of the patient

  • website
  • 30.01.2015

It is not enough for modern women to look simply attractive; they want to be impeccably beautiful and young, so that not a single wrinkle reveals their true age. But over time, the most careful care fails to meet the high bar set for one’s appearance. You have to think about lifting a specific area of ​​the face or a total one. For various reasons, classical plastic surgery becomes taboo for many women. A seamless facelift method is recognized as an alternative.

What is this procedure: endoscopic face lifting?

The innovation of plastic surgery rejuvenation, when the operation is performed through micro-incisions, is an endoscopic face lift. It has significant differences in the technology of the procedure compared to the classic method of lifting. The procedure got its name due to the use of a special optical endoscope with a microcamera that transmits an enlarged image to a monitor. This allows the surgeon:

  • control everything that happens during the operation: every action or movement of the instrument;
  • see every muscle, nerve and blood vessel of the patient;
  • avoid mistakes or damage to internal tissues and blood vessels.

Operation endoscopic lifting face and a short period of recovery after it occurs only in a hospital setting.

How does endoscopic face lift differ from a classic facelift?

During the procedure, the skin is not affected or changed, therefore, after endoscopic lifting, facial skin care appropriate for age and problems has not been canceled.

Types of endoscopic face lifting

Endoscopic face lifting is possible at a fairly young age, when aesthetic correction of only certain areas is required. Moreover, these can be both age-related changes and congenital features facial features that cause dissatisfaction with one's appearance. Therefore, when it comes to a facelift, we consider three zones: upper, middle and lower. Endoscopic lifting lower zone is carried out least often, in contrast to rejuvenation of the remaining 2/3 of the face, which is most effective. With correction of imperfections in upper zone Endoscopic lifting of the forehead and eyebrows is successfully performed.

The habit of frowning leads to the fact that over time a deep fold forms on the forehead or between the eyebrows, giving a sullen or dissatisfied expression on the face. Mental or facial wrinkles across the entire forehead also do not always adorn women. Correct these shortcomings, reduce motor activity muscles, and as a result endoscopic forehead lifting can look younger, reviews of which indicate the popularity and effectiveness of the procedure among a wide age range of patients - from 30 to 60 years.

This type of lift is also attractive because after it there are no visible traces of the operation: they are very small (no more than 1-2 cm) and are hidden in the hair above the forehead. No hair shaving is required.

How often age is revealed by drooping eyebrow tips, “ crow's feet» around the outer corners of the eyes, the eyelids hanging over them. If only it were age. A heavy look from under frowning eyebrows gives a depressing impression, and if crow’s feet make you look kinder, they don’t make you look younger. Endoscopic eyebrow lifting:

  • removes traces left by time;
  • corrects congenital defects (asymmetrical location of eyebrows or their shape);
  • corrects the shape of the eyes to the desired one.

Depending on the specific problem, micro-incisions are made in the upper or temporal part of the forehead under the hair, which makes them invisible.

Hiding age becomes more difficult when in the middle zone of the face:

  • the nasolabial fold is clearly visible;
  • there are always bags under the eyes;
  • the corners of the mouth droop, turning into pronounced wrinkles;
  • the cheeks lose their elasticity, skin ptosis occurs.

Endoscopic midface lifting eliminates age-related changes. To carry it out, incisions are made in oral cavity and as a result, they are completely invisible after the operation.

What is the result after endoscopic face lifting?

According to reviews from those who have undergone endoscopic face lifting, especially in several areas at the same time, the result is a powerful rejuvenating effect: the face looks like it did 10 years ago. Deep wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, in the middle zone disappear or become almost invisible, while the skin remains natural, without tension beyond recognition. The look becomes open, and the cheeks gain volume.

Endoscopic face lifting with photos before and after 4-6 months inspire those who were afraid to undergo such an operation. Women who are older or about 50 years old become especially decisive. Younger people take this step to correct natural imperfections in their facial features.

Endoscopic lifting: contraindications

As with any operation performed under general anesthesia, endoscopic facelift has contraindications. Those that are associated with serious metabolic diseases, blood clotting, cancer, cardiovascular or infectious diseases are detected on initial consultation. Others may arise after a prescribed examination and based on the results of tests taken.

In all well-known clinics, the patient is offered a questionnaire, which to fill out truthfully is in the interests of the person being operated on, because Complications after a cosmetic facelift can also occur in a heavy smoker with experience. Endoscopic face lifting is contraindicated in cases of significant ptosis of the skin, its excess and sagging. In these cases, a classic facelift or other types of plastic procedures are used. The final decision on the need or contraindication for endoscopic face lifting is made by the plastic surgeon you have trusted.

Endoscopic face lift price

Endoscopic face lifting, the prices of which, according to some reviews, are quite high, justifies the 10-year effect of the achieved result.

According to leading Moscow clinics operation price midface amounts to 150,000-200,000 rub. An endoscopic lift of one eyebrow will cost 90,000-110,000 rubles. Endolifting of the forehead and eyebrows costs at least 130,000 rubles. Simultaneous endoscopic lifting of the upper and middle areas of the face reaches 300,000 rubles.

The specific price is announced only during a face-to-face consultation, because it depends on the complexity of the operation and the problem being solved. Full price in addition to the operation itself, it includes anesthesia, hospital stay in the clinic for a period of short rehabilitation lasting 2-5 days, an applied compression support mask, and endotins when used.

Endoscopic face lifting reviews

Women go for endoscopic lifting only after they have studied all the reviews about the facelift and its effect. On the forums they are also looking for a specific plastic surgeon who can be entrusted with such an important operation with guaranteed result. Therefore, most often there are positive reviews about the resulting rejuvenation effect and words of gratitude plastic surgeons, who performed the lifting operation on them. Disappointed with the result, former patients rarely name the doctor, the specific time after the operation, and what they are not happy with about their new appearance.

Positive reviews

Anna, 54 years old

Only after 45 years did I realize that I still needed plastic surgery: I looked at my photos from the sea. Yes, an older woman, whatever one may say. It was scary to decide. And then I met my former colleague and didn’t recognize her. She is much older than me, but began to look youthful, and most importantly, her eyes radiated the energy of a woman who is pleased with herself and knows her worth, and not like an aunt. I learned everything about the clinic where she was so transformed. I went for a consultation with the same surgeon, who explained that I needed a safer endoscopic full face lift. I relied entirely on his professionalism.

For 8 years now I have been in harmony with my youth in my soul. But still, I’ll go back to my surgeon for a lift of the lower third of my face and neck. It's great to be younger than your age!

Yulia, 43 years old

I just need to look young: my youngest son is 3 years old, and I don’t even work at the company. last post I'm borrowing. Cosmetic procedures no longer saved from some sagging of the cheeks and wrinkles on the face that had become noticeable. I attended consultations with different surgeons, everyone assured me that endoscopic face lifting would help me and advised me to do just that. Then I began to choose a specialist in this technique.

I didn't regret my decision. A young and fit face without nasolabial folds and bags under the eyes, facial expressions are preserved. I'm beautiful and happy. Thanks to the doctor for his golden hands and the clinic staff!

Dasha, 36 years old

If I had known about such plastic miracles, I would have corrected my shortcoming long ago. I underwent an endoscopic forehead lift more than 2 years ago, I don’t remember the details, but the effect is amazing! A clean forehead without a single wrinkle, the eyebrows are slightly raised, the seams are not visible at all, even to the touch. So don't be afraid of surgery.

Neutral reviews

Victoria, 38 years old

I believe that this operation is not as harmless as they claim. After the anesthesia, it was difficult to come to my senses. Removing stitches too unpleasant procedure. I had an endoscopic midface lift. On the 3rd day such swelling appeared, it’s scary to remember. But my surgeon assured me that this was normal and that everything would pass. And so it happened. I can’t deny the amazing effect: the oval of the face is clearer, the cheekbones are raised, and the cheeks don’t look like a separate part of the face.

Maria, 40 years old

Me on full recovery After endoscopy of the midface it took no more than 2 weeks. Yes, I could have gone out into the world in 5 days, but it would have been better if I hadn’t: my face was swollen with bruises, everyone was shying away from me. And when I went back to work after the “vacation”, I had to laugh it off about the color of my jaundiced face. Therefore, you need to undergo such an operation with a reserve of at least a month for complete rehabilitation.

Now I don’t regret having the lift done. There is an effect, I assure you, but not earlier than 6 months.

Negative reviews

Inna, 34 years old

A month ago, for some reason, I went for an endoscopic lifting of my forehead and eyebrows, out of envy for my friends. Even in my youth, I always had heavy, overhanging eyebrows. And what I received. One disappointment, not rejuvenation. Eyebrows became at different levels, the eyes are kind of square. The hair around the seams was falling out. Just awful.

Veronica, 42 years old

I wish I could believe the photo unsuccessful operations endoscopic lifting of the midface. It’s been 4 months since I had this operation, and the results are not encouraging: the cheekbones are unnaturally high and rounded, the lower eyelid does not completely cover the eyes, and on one cheek the depression from the nose to the lips is still visible. If I had known, I would never have agreed to this.

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"Endoscopic face lifting (forehead): prices, contraindications and reviews" 11 comments

    11/20/2015 @ 11:58 am

    I’m just getting ready for a facelift, now I’m looking at information on surgeons on the Internet on forums. I read and found a lot of positive things about the surgeon Valery Grigorievich Yakimets.
    here is a video of him on this page. I plan to go to him for a consultation, we’ll see what he immediately tells me to do. I read that these operations are expensive..

    02/25/2015 @ 3:57 pm

    For more than a decade endoscopic operations replace the standard ones. And now I’m already reading about plastic surgery on the face, carried out using endoscopy. I myself am 39 years old and Lately I'm thinking more and more about getting a lift. I thought I would do it according to classical technique, on the advice of a friend who rejuvenated herself in this way. However, as I read and learned about this procedure, I think that I will decide on it.

    02/22/2015 @ 2:28 am

    I want to give you a couple of tips. Any intervention in appearance is a risky and responsible matter; if you are thinking about doing endoscopic lifting, you must first understand whether you need it. Then such an operation must be trusted to professionals; don’t even try to save money here if you don’t want to disfigure yourself for life. I did the same thing at one time, I was happy with the result, there were no incisions, the skin became surprisingly smooth.

    02/19/2015 @ 2:46 pm

    What I absolutely do not regret spending free money on is maintaining beauty. It's especially disappointing to lose it when you have it. Such women will understand me perfectly. I won’t be afraid for a minute. The scars and tightness of the skin from plastic surgery scare me, and I would use endoscopic lifting to raise my eyebrows, which at the age of 39 suddenly sagged a little - but this already noticeably spoils my face. I would also raise the lower part of my face slightly. Unfortunately, even slight sagging adds many years.

    02/18/2015 @ 4:39 pm

    A friend of mine (she’s 45) had an endoscopic lift (removed crow’s feet, wrinkles on the forehead, and drooping eyelids). Paid 230,000 rubles. The result is good - I definitely look 15 years younger, the operation is worth the money. As she explained, this operation is safer and you recover from it faster, there are fewer subsequent procedures than circular braces. But it is not suitable for smokers.

    02/12/2015 @ 1:50 am

    I read and learned a lot about this procedure, and for a long time doubted whether to do it. My main problem was the forehead area. Still, after a while, I made up my mind and did it. Everything went well, the result is impeccable. None side effects I don't see yet. I hope there won’t be any in the future. I want to touch up some minor imperfections a little more. I'm satisfied overall.

    02/10/2015 @ 3:52 pm

    All this, of course, is very interesting, however, the main thing is to love yourself as you are, then everyone around you will love you. But if you decide to take such a step, then only by scouring the entire Internet and all your friends to find the most educated and skillful surgeon who can offer one or another method of performing the procedure. I’m thinking about such an intervention, but I haven’t decided yet.

    02/10/2015 @ 12:15 pm

    In the near future, fortunately, I definitely won’t need such a procedure. But now I look at the before and after photos and understand that someday I will definitely resort to such a procedure. Although, maybe by then they’ll come up with something else. The price, of course, is quite impressive for such pleasure. But, as they say, beauty requires sacrifice. Sometimes it’s a financial sacrifice. But what a beauty you will look like later!

    02/08/2015 @ 9:53 pm

    This procedure really works wonders on your appearance; it can correct even very significant flaws in your appearance, but it is very dangerous, because any intervention in the body entails irreparable health-related consequences. Also, no one will give you a guarantee that everything will be as originally discussed with the doctor, no one is responsible for this, so girls be careful. You can ruin your entire future, or, on the contrary, you can make it the most unforgettable thanks to changes in your face.

    02/05/2015 @ 7:32 pm

    I am very worried about any surgical intervention. Whether it's surgery or a facelift. I am 56 years old, and accordingly deep wrinkles have appeared between the eyebrows and my eyelids have drooped like bags over my eyes. The consultation was successful and I went to the lifting appointment not so worried. She easily endured the anesthesia, and this is the result. Virtually no swelling or bruising. The best part is that the incisions are not visible at all, everything is somewhere under the hair. Now I feel younger than years at 10, and I look good, I just have to get used to my rejuvenation.

    02/04/2015 @ 12:58 pm

    I believe that any intervention in appearance, and especially surgical, is a lottery - you will be lucky or unlucky. We are all different, we have different skin and different problems. I read a lot good reviews about this lifting. But for my friend, the effect never came, although a lot of time had passed. It took her more than 2 months to recover. A working woman cannot afford this. I’m still afraid to do such a procedure, although I really want to.

Very often, women who want to undergo rejuvenation surgery turn to plastic surgery clinics, but they do not yet have indications for a circular facelift (women aged 35-45 years), and other cosmetic procedures for non-surgical rejuvenation do not satisfy them with their results. What to do in such cases? The answer is a new surgical technology for rejuvenation - endoscopic facelift.

Endoscopic facelift: what is it?

Endoscopic facelift or endoscopic facelift surgery is a minimally invasive surgical plastic intervention that is aimed at rejuvenating the face and décolleté.

The main difference between this technique and the classic lift is the absence of large surgical incisions and tissue excision. All manipulations are performed using modern endoscopic technology.

Endoscopic intervention techniques are now actively used in all areas of medicine. They have practically driven out operations with large skin incisions from practice. Endoscopes have been used in aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery since the late 90s of the last century.

Despite its relatively recent introduction into practice, endoscopic face lifting has become an indispensable method of surgical rejuvenation in aesthetic medicine.

Types of endoscopic facelift

There are several types of lifting, depending on the location of the problem area:

  • endoscopic forehead lift - when problems are present on the skin of the forehead, between the eyebrows, with drooping eyebrows and upper eyelids;
  • endoscopic lift middle region faces - used to correct drooping corners of the mouth, nasolabial folds and some other defects in this area;
  • endoscopic neck skin tightening.

What is the essence of the operation?

The operation is performed under general intravenous or combined anesthesia. Accordingly, the preparation for the procedure is very serious. Before the operation, the patient is hospitalized in a hospital and undergoes complete clinical examination(takes 1-3 days).

Endoscopic lifting is performed in a hospital. The operation itself lasts from 1 to 4 hours, depending on the lifting range of services.

An endoscope with a camera is inserted into the incision on the skin and slowly advanced to the site of manipulation. In the same way, special surgical instruments. The picture is displayed on a large monitor screen, which is monitored by the surgeon.

During the operation, excess fat tissue is removed, the skin is tightened, and the muscles are securely fixed. Thus, the main causes of tissue ptosis are eliminated.

Benefits of endoscopic lifting

If you ask what are the advantages of this procedure over a conventional circular facelift (after all, both are operations), then you cannot answer this question in one sentence:

Minimal skin incisions

This is the main advantage of this operation. To visualize subcutaneous structures, the surgeon does not require an open approach through large dissection skin and skin flap detachment.

The image is displayed on the monitor from an endoscope camera inserted under the skin through a minimal incision (approximately 1 cm). Surgical instruments are similarly inserted through additional small incisions. A total of 3-4 minimal incisions are required.

In addition, they are performed in inconspicuous areas. For example, an endoscopic forehead lift requires 3 incisions in the scalp, a mid-face lift requires 3 incisions in the mouth, between upper lip and gums or on the lower eyelid under the eyelashes; during a neck lift, incisions are made under the chin and behind the ears. Thus, there are practically no traces of the manipulation left, which is why the procedure is also called “seamless lifting.”

The rehabilitation period is much shorter

During endoscopic lifting, except for small incisions and a minimal number of stitches, tissues are not resected, they are only tightened, and there is no need for detachment of skin flaps. All this contributes to much less expressive traces of the intervention (bruises, swelling, bruising). Accordingly, the recovery period is much easier.

Less risk of complications

Various complications after endoscopic face lifting, as confirmed by reviews, are much less common than after a circular facelift. All thanks to minimal tissue trauma and a short period of the manipulation itself.

Complications such as damage very rarely develop facial nerve, blood vessels, because the image is displayed on the monitor and enlarged, which allows the surgeon to very accurately perform all manipulations.

The result is more natural

Due to the fact that the tissues are not excised, there is no risk of developing their tension and distortion of facial proportions after surgery.

Possibility of even the most technically complex manipulations

With a seamless facelift, the surgeon can simply correct defects in those areas of the face that are difficult to reach with a conventional facelift. For example, vertical wrinkles on the forehead, nasolabial folds, marionette lines.

Duration of result

The effectiveness of such an operation is not inferior to a circular lift. But if the tissues are very sagging (women over 55 years old), then only a full facelift can cope with such gravitational ptosis.

Indications and contraindications for surgery

First of all, endoscopic lifting is indicated for patients with initial and moderate age-related changes (35-45 years). They can easily fix the following problems:

  • drooping and drooping eyebrows;
  • overhanging tissue of the upper eyelids;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • marionette wrinkles;
  • drooping corners of the eyes and mouth;
  • horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and folds between the eyebrows;
  • “crow's feet”;
  • sagging of the skin of the cheeks and neck (not very pronounced).

There are many contraindications, both to the operation itself and to anesthesia. Therefore, before manipulation, a thorough medical and clinical examination is necessary.

Main contraindications:

  • diseases that are accompanied by reduced blood clotting;
  • high arterial hypertension;
  • cardiovascular pathology in the stage of decompensation;
  • decompensated somatic diseases;
  • infection;
  • purulent inflammatory processes in the field of manipulation;
  • allergies or increased sensitivity on anesthesia components;
  • oncological pathology;
  • pathological addiction to plastic surgery;
  • fever.

Recovery after endoscopic facelift

An indisputable fact is that recovery after an endoscopic facelift is much faster than after a classic operation. But still, this is a surgical intervention and you will not be able to completely avoid bruises, hematomas, and pain. As a rule, they appear in the area of ​​incisions.

While recovery from a circumferential facelift takes 4-6 weeks, recovery from an endoscopic facelift will only take 1-2 weeks.

  • after surgery, you need to sleep on a high pillow so that swelling and hematomas go away faster;
  • local treatment must comply with all doctor’s recommendations (heating pad with ice, ointments, compresses, etc.);
  • for 3-4 weeks after the lift, it is necessary to exclude severe physical exercise and sports;
  • do not take any medications other than those prescribed by the plastic surgeon.

Possible complications:

  • bruises, swelling, hematomas, pain;
  • wound infection;
  • development of scars, including keloids;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • damage to nerve fibers and blood vessels;
  • focal alopecia.

If you decide to have an endoscopic facelift, then first of all you need to choose an experienced specialist and a qualified clinic, undergo a full preoperative set of examinations, and follow all medical recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

Then everything will go well, and after two weeks you will be able to enjoy your new and improved reflection in the mirror.

Modern plastic surgery offers endoscopic lifting as an alternative to classic plastic surgery. This minimally invasive method of rejuvenation enjoys well-deserved popularity, but at the same time causes concern among the fair sex.

Are the fears justified? Partially yes, because whatever one may say, it involves a scalpel, anesthesia, a fairly long recovery period, a number of restrictions and the possibility of developing complications. These are not horror stories, but a reality that could very well happen.

Therefore, before making a decision on such a serious step, you should weigh the pros and cons, assess the risks and expected results - both positive and negative.

Let us immediately make a reservation that we are considering the advantages of this operation compared to classical plastic surgery, which involves complete peeling of the skin and carrying out the necessary manipulations.

Endoscopic face lifting is a minimally invasive technique. It is also called seamless facelift, since there is no need to make large incisions, completely “remove” the skin, or remove all “extra” tissue.

The operation is performed using endoscopic instruments through small incisions (no more than 1.5-2 cm) in those areas of the face where possible scars will be almost invisible.

During the intervention, an endoscope is used to exfoliate the skin, remove fat deposits if necessary, secure the tissues in the desired position with special endotins (self-absorbable sutures with small hooks that secure layers of tissue), and tighten the skin.

This “invasion” does not require repeated surgery to remove sutures, which is again a significant advantage of endoscopic lifting. Excision of the skin and muscle layer is carried out quite rarely, only for strict indications.

Important! The operation is performed primarily under general anesthesia, which expands the list of contraindications for its implementation.

Under the influence of time, visible tissue changes occur, which become most noticeable in open areas of the body. For a woman, signs of aging on her face are a real disaster. For those who are not afraid to go under the surgeon’s knife and want to achieve instant results long years endoscopic lifting will be wonderful and relatively safe method rejuvenation

But contrary to the wishes of the patients, this method has clear indications for the procedure:

  • soft tissue ptosis;
  • blurred facial oval, loss of structure and relief;
  • sagging, sagging skin on the face;
  • the appearance of fatty deposits in the cheekbones and cheeks;
  • double chin;
  • wrinkles around the eyes, bags and circles, drooping corners;
  • perioral wrinkles, drooping corners of the lips;
  • pronounced nasolacrimal groove;
  • folds and deep wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • drooping, “heavy” eyelids, wrinkles in the temporal zone;
  • deep folds on the forehead, drooping eyebrow arches;
  • asymmetry in the face;
  • the need for beauty.

Endoscopic lifting of the middle zone is most often performed, since only with this plastic surgery technique is it possible to carry out high-quality correction without complications, which will be noticeable throughout the face due to vertical tightening of tissues and skin.

In connection with surgical intervention and the use of general anesthesia, there is a whole list of prohibitions for carrying out this method of rejuvenation. These include:

  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • chronic diseases internal organs with frequent relapses;
  • oncological processes of any localization;
  • hypertension of any stage;
  • diabetes;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • blood diseases affecting clotting;
  • inflammatory, infectious, viral and fungal diseases acute course;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • anatomical features of the forehead structure (high, convex);
  • significant age-related changes, severe sagging of tissues.

Diseases will be a contraindication to any kind of surgical plastic surgery, as well as other anti-aging procedures. nervous system, mental disorders, epilepsy, seizures And allergic reactions on the medications used both during the operation itself and after it.

Surgery at a young age – for or against?

Age is the criterion that is put at the forefront when deciding whether to undergo surgery. Endoscopic lifting younger than age 35 years of age (in special cases, before 30 years of age) is not recommended. During this period, it will be more justified to use conservative rejuvenation techniques - biorevitalization, mesotherapy, mechanical and chemical peels, and other cosmetic procedures.

It should be remembered that after 30 years, the production of certain substances that affect the condition of the epidermis and are responsible for its youth, firmness and elasticity decreases. The operation does not guarantee the restoration of these processes, but will only remove excess fat deposits and tighten the skin.

In any case, women who have decided to undergo endoscopic lifting should know that skin care using all available methods (in salons or at home) is mandatory to consolidate and prolong the result.

There is also a factor of age restrictions on the upper limit. After 60 years, the effectiveness of the operation will be practically zero, since age-related changes are already too visible and pronounced. With the exception of blepharoplasty, patients are not recommended to resort to this method of rejuvenation.

To be honest, women over 60 for the most part have a whole bunch of chronic diseases, which, in addition to being ineffective, can become a direct ban on the operation.

With this they read: forehead lift – endoscopic method.

You can expect the following results:

  • formation of the structure and relief of the face, restoration of the oval;
  • elimination of fat deposits, removal of double chin;
  • contouring cheekbones;
  • elimination of wrinkles around the eyes and mouth;
  • raising the drooping corners of the eyes, mouth, eyebrow arches;
  • tightening the skin all over the face.

Endoscopic midface lifting usually gives good results if done on time. Then a comprehensive impact on all problem areas is not required.

The advantages of the endoscopic method are:

  • a small number of incisions no larger than 2 cm in inconspicuous areas;
  • minimal tissue trauma and accuracy of surgical intervention, since the use of endoscopic equipment guarantees full review area of ​​influence;
  • shorter manipulation time;
  • the ability to influence both specific problem areas and comprehensively;
  • reduction of rehabilitation period due to low invasiveness.

Armed with this knowledge, it would be nice to also find out how the procedure itself goes.

The endoscopic lifting procedure is performed under general anesthesia. The only exceptions are “spot” and quick operations - for example, blepharoplasty, which can be performed under local anesthesia.

The stages of the operation are as follows:

  • several small incisions are made in places where the marks will be least noticeable (scalp, oral cavity, inner side lower eyelid);
  • An endoscope with a mini-camera is inserted into one of the incisions to view the operated area, and the necessary instruments are inserted into the others;
  • Excess fat deposits are removed, tissues are fixed with endotins, and skin is tightened;
  • sutures, sterile bandages and a special compression bandage are applied, which holds the tissue in the desired position.

Recovery after endoscopic lifting is a fairly lengthy process, although less lengthy than with classical plastic surgery. Compliance with all the necessary points will minimize the risk of side effects and complications, and will also predetermine the future result.

  1. The patient spends the first day in the hospital, observing bed rest. The only exceptions are small-scale operations in the absence of complications.
  2. Dressings and examination by a doctor are carried out every day, unless otherwise directed by the treating specialist.
  3. You need to wear a compression bandage for a week, removing it only for a short time. If fat deposits have been removed, it should be worn at night for two weeks.
  4. After 7 days, the external sutures are removed. After this, a bandage, if necessary, is applied only to the incision sites.
  5. You can wash your hair only after removing the stitches. Dry your hair with a hairdryer only after swelling and bruising have disappeared.
  6. Bleeding, bruising and swelling usually subside by the end of the second week. Sometimes this process can take up to 3 weeks.
  7. You can visit saunas, steam baths, solariums and sunbathe no earlier than a month later. The same restriction applies to sports and visiting a swimming pool or open water.

During this time, smoking and drinking alcohol, even red wine or low-alcohol drinks, is strictly prohibited. To speed up the healing process and subsidence of hematomas, the doctor may recommend ointments or creams, as well as physiotherapeutic procedures.

After surgery, one way or another, uncomfortable consequences will arise, which are generally considered inevitable. side effects. These include:

  • hematomas, edema;
  • numbness at the incision sites;
  • swelling of the entire face;
  • formation of scars at the incision sites (rare);
  • hair loss in the same places.

But complications that are more serious are those that require additional medication or physiotherapeutic treatment, and sometimes repeated surgical intervention. These include:

  • infection causing inflammatory processes, sometimes even with the threat of sepsis;
  • facial asymmetry (may occur due to incorrectly performed surgery or due to individual indicators);
  • damage to large nerves passing through the affected area.

One of the unpleasant moments may be dissatisfaction with the results of the operation. There can be many reasons for this - from the inexperience and unprofessionalism of the surgeon, to inflated expectations of the results of the operation.

You will learn more about endoscopic lifting from the video:

How " visual material”, which may influence the decision-making, we provide a photo of the face before and after the introduction of the endoscope - so to speak, “endoscopic lifting in action.”

Stories of unsuccessful operations with photos

It would be disingenuous to say that there are no unsuccessful endoscopic lifting operations. Reviews from “affected” women confirm this.

Olga, 46 years old, Moscow

“According to a friend’s assurance and looking at her transformed appearance, decided to undergo endoscopic midface lifting, despite reviews about the statistics of unsuccessful operations. And I regretted my decision a thousand times. Not only did the swelling and hematomas go away for almost a month, but my face also became distorted. And in the places of the incisions, hair began to fall in and ugly scars appeared. I have no idea what to do with all this now. I don’t want to go to this clinic again, and I don’t know where to look for another one. So, ladies, think a million times before you go under the knife for the sake of beauty."

Lyudmila, 39 years old, St. Petersburg

“Those who have not yet made such a stupid mistake can learn from my story of endoscopic lifting. You can imagine all the “delights” postoperative recovery– pain, blood, bruises, swelling. And this despite the fact that I only had blepharoplasty. As the surgeon told me, it’s a minute operation.

The result after recovery was that the eyes became half-closed, and sensitivity was never restored. On top of that, tears flow with every breath of even a light breeze. Now I’m looking for someone who will “fix” my trouble.”

Natalya, 52 years old, Tyumen

“I specially went to visit a friend in Kazan, as she sang praises to the clinic where she had an endoscopic facelift. I got a distorted face and even with ugly scars behind my ears and on my forehead. I had to urgently look for a doctor who would correct the situation. So far I have only had the first examinations, but they tell me that too little time has passed since the anesthesia. repeat surgery dangerous. I’m waiting, what else do I have left?!”

Endoscopic lift face is an inexpensive and convenient alternative traditional methods surgical facial rejuvenation. This is a minimally invasive procedure, the main advantages of which are a short recovery period and minimal risk of complications. Therefore, the endoscopic method is effective method eliminate the signs of aging on the face and neck while avoiding many of the inconveniences associated with traditional plastic surgery.

This type of facelift is carried out using special endoscopic equipment, which is inserted through tiny incisions (up to 2 cm) located in inconspicuous areas, such as: the lower side inner eyelid, mouth or scalp. Endoscopic lifting is less aggressive compared to or, and this entails a number of advantages:

  • No scars.
  • Natural results without distorting facial features.
  • Low morbidity. The operation requires only a few tiny incisions.
  • Safety and shorter duration of plastic surgery.
  • Short rehabilitation period.

The results of endoscopic lifting last for a long time up to 7 - 10 years.


Lifting the forehead, eyebrows and temple areas (or upper third of the face) is recommended in the presence of the following age-related changes:

  • wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows;
  • ptosis of the eyelids and eyebrows;
  • changing the shape of the eyebrows;
  • crow's feet;

Mid zone lift will help eliminate:

  • nasolabial folds
  • ptosis of the corners of the lips
  • initial changes in facial contours

Neck and chin lift performed in rare cases. The endoscope, in most cases, is used for lifting the upper and middle areas of the face. If you want to rejuvenate your chin and neck, it is more advisable to resort to traditional types, for example.

Stages of the procedure

The operation is performed within 1.5 - 2 hours under general or local anesthesia. The surgeon makes several small (less than 2 cm) incisions in places where traces of the intervention will not be visible, namely: the mouth, scalp or the inside of the lower eyelid. After that, an endoscope with a micro-camera installed on it is inserted into one of the incisions, which allows you to accurately monitor the progress of the operation, and surgical instruments are inserted into the remaining incisions, through which excess fatty tissue is removed, as well as muscle and facial tissue are tightened.

Rehabilitation period

Because the this method It is low-traumatic, and the risk of complications is extremely small, the rehabilitation period is only 10 - 14 days.

Swelling and bruising disappear within 1-2 weeks, then you can return to your daily routine.

The first days after surgery you must wear a bandage. During rehabilitation, active activities should be limited. physical activity, you also cannot visit the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool or sunbathe.

You will be able to evaluate the final results of endoscopic lifting after 1 month.


  • Infectious diseases.
  • Diseases of blood vessels and heart.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Presence of oncological pathologies.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Disorders of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland.

Complications and risks

The following side effects may occur:

  • Asymmetry.
  • Hematomas and swelling.
  • Hair loss (rare).
  • Infections.
  • Bleeding.
  • Loss of sensation at the incision sites.
  • Scar formation.
  • Dissatisfaction with the results of lifting.


Zone Prices in rub. Moscow Prices in rub. Saint Petersburg
Face from 70,000 to 798,000 from 42,600 to 168,000
Forehead and eyebrows from 20,000 to 310,000 from 33,000 to 150,000
Middle face area from 25,000 to 230,000 from 11,000 to 135,000









Before and After Photos
