Dandy Diamond Terrier. Dandy Diamond Terrier (Great Britain). Health of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier, typical breed diseases

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a small dog bred for hunting purposes. He has a pleasant appearance and a cheerful, cheerful disposition. Therefore, now it is used as a regular pet. Today's article will discuss the main features characteristic of representatives of this breed.

A little history

The origins of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier are still not fully understood. According to one version, his ancestors are the ancients Scottish dogs, used for hunting rodents and small predators.

The first mentions of representatives of this breed date back to the 16th century. Soon gypsies and farmers became interested in these dogs. They were originally bred to catch rats. Later it turned out that small dogs With long body are able to penetrate any burrow and have since been used for hunting. In 1886 they were brought to America. A few months later, these animals were officially recognized by the local kennel club.

Description of the breed

Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a small dog with a highly elongated body and short legs. On a large massive head with a wide convex forehead and well-developed jaws there are widely set hazel eyes and drooping ears that fit tightly to the cheeks.

These dogs have a powerful chest with rounded ribs. Under the elongated body of the animal there are two pairs of short and strong limbs. Moreover, the hind legs are noticeably longer than the front ones.

The entire body of representatives of this breed is covered with short, coarse hair. These dogs have well-defined mustaches and beards on their faces. The breed standard provides two options for acceptable colors. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier can have a pepper or mustard colored coat. In the first case, the color palette varies from bluish-black to silver-gray. In the second - from red-red to pale fawn. As for the parameters, the height adult is 20-28 centimeters with a weight of 8-11 kilograms.

Character traits

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier has a sociable, cheerful disposition. This is a very emotional and devoted dog, kindly treating all members of the owner’s family. She gets along well with children and gets along well with small pets such as hamsters, cats or rabbits. But if there is another dog of the same sex in the apartment, then fights will periodically arise between them.

These animals are distrustful of strangers. But, like other small breeds of dogs, they will not be able to protect you from an attack by an intruder. They tolerate loneliness well and do not impose their company. If the owner is busy, the dog will calmly wait until he is called to play.

Representatives of this breed have a strong, stable psyche, which allows them to quickly adapt to changing conditions. They are not prone to idle talk and only give voice in exceptional cases. If a forced change of owner occurs, the dog may become stubborn and begin to ignore well-known commands.

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a fairly unpretentious animal. Due to the presence of thick, coarse fur, this dog is insensitive to sudden temperature fluctuations. However, in very coldy It is better to wear a special overall for this dog.

Representatives of this breed require regular trimming. It is strictly forbidden to use ordinary scissors for such purposes. Otherwise, you risk ruining your pet's luxurious coat. In addition, the dog needs to be brushed daily special brush, and several times a year - make an appointment with the hairdresser. Among other things, it is important to keep your dog’s teeth and ears clean.

Like many other small dog breeds, these animals are different increased activity. Therefore, they need regular walks. Take your pet to the park more often, where he can run around to his heart's content without a leash. During walks, keep your pet away from larger relatives, as they may accidentally injure the miniature terrier.

The diet of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier can consist of both industrial and natural food. By choosing the first option, you will make your life much easier, because together with high-quality super-premium dry food, your pet will receive everything vital essential vitamins and microelements.

Having settled on the second option, you should remember that the basis of the dog menu should be meat and offal. You need to include beef, lamb, turkey or chicken in your dog’s diet. It is recommended to replace meat with lean meat a couple of times a week. sea ​​fish. It is also necessary to include some cereals, vegetables and fruits in your dog’s diet. Several times a week, the animal can be given boiled chicken eggs, cottage cheese and kefir. Plus, a dog eating natural products, should periodically receive vitamin and mineral complexes. Thanks to this, you can correct minor shortcomings made when preparing the diet.

Life expectancy and health

In general, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a relatively strong dog. With proper care, she can live up to the age of fourteen. This dog is in good health, but, like any living creature, it is prone to certain diseases.

The most common health problems associated with this breed include cancer, epilepsy and glaucoma. They are often diagnosed with hypothyroidism and Cushing's syndrome. In addition, the particular structure of the body is the cause of frequent problems with the spine.


Representatives of this breed differ high intelligence. They are very smart and almost instantly understand what their owner requires of them. However, under certain circumstances, these miniature terriers become willful and independent. Therefore, in the process of training them, you will have to be patient and persistent. It is important to set boundaries for your dog from the very beginning. No need to allow little puppy something that will subsequently be prohibited for an adult dog. During training, you should not scream. Because abuse will turn a sweet dog into a nervous and aggressive creature.

Representatives of this breed are characterized by increased excitability and, in the absence of proper education and sufficient physical activity may bark a lot. Dandie Dinmont Terriers need a demanding owner with well-developed leadership qualities. Despite its small size, a properly trained dog can be a worthy competitor in competitions in general obedience courses and in steeplechase.

What the owners of these funny dogs have not heard from those passing by. It would be good if they simply asked what breed it was. After all, sometimes they called me: mestizos, brownies, dachshunds in a hat. How offensive it would be for Sir Walter Scott to hear something similar about his favorite breed - the Dandie Dinmont Terrier. Once upon a time, these small, energetic dogs with an original appearance were bred for burrow hunting. Today they are exclusively companions, and if not rich story, could be classified in the section of decorative dogs.

Very little is known about the origins of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier. Apparently, dogs of this type appeared in the mid-17th century on the border between Scotland and England and were artificially bred on the basis of old Scottish terriers for burrow hunting. Also took part in the selection. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is depicted on the canvases of famous artists, which allows you to clearly see the changes that have occurred to them over more than 3 centuries.

In the 18th century, Dandie Dinmont Terriers were popular among wandering musicians, traveling craftsmen and gypsies. They were not used for rough work, but were participants in demonstration badger hunts, during which bets were placed. From 1882 to 1982, the Edinburgh firm produced whiskey under the name Dandie Dinmont Scotch Whiskey, which indicates their popularity.

The breed got its name thanks to the writer Walter Scott. He was a big fan of little terriers with a cap on their heads. His novel Guy Mannering was published in 1815. One of the characters in the work was a hunter named Dandy Dinmont, he kept six dogs, which he called the “immortal six.” The man insisted that his terriers were capable of catching anyone with fur. From the description of the dogs, you can guess that these are exactly the Scottish terriers that are today known as the Dandie Dinmont. The prototype of Dandy Dinmont was the famous hunter from Oxham, James Davidson. His tombstone even says "Dandie Dinmont" next to his name.

The first Dandie Dinmont Terrier club was opened in Selkirk in 1875, and the first standard was written in Scotland in 1876.

Video about the Dandie Dinmont Terrier dog breed:


The Dinmont Dandie is very different from other dogs in the terrier family. It has an elongated body, short legs and quite large head with a cap of silky wool characteristic of the breed. The weight of dogs in working condition is 8-11 kg. A minimum value is encouraged.

The head is large, but consistent with the size of the dog. Well developed muscles, especially upper jaw. The skull is wide, gradually narrowing towards the eyes. The forehead is convex. The entire head is covered with very soft hair. The ratio of the length of the muzzle to the length of the skull is 3:5. In the upper parts of the muzzle, the triangular area is devoid of hair. The top of the area is directed towards the eyes, and the base is approximately 2.5 cm wide at the nose. The jaws are strong and have a scissor bite. The teeth are very well developed, the canines seem large for such a small dog. The eyes are hazel-colored, set low and wide, large, round, the whites should not be visible. The ears are set close to the back of the head, low, hanging. Due to the cartilage, they lag slightly behind the head at the base. The color of the fur on the ears should be darker than the main color, but in harmony with it. The decorative fur on the ears is formed by the age of two.

The neck is well developed, very muscular and strong. The body is flexible, long, strong. Topline with a noticeable curve: low at the level of the shoulder blades, then rises to form an arch and falls to the base of the tail. Highest point falls at the junction of the back and lower back. The chest is dropped between the front legs and is well developed. The ribs are arched. The tail is short and rather thick. When calm, it is carried cheerfully, just above the line of the back; when excited, it is almost vertical. The limbs are short with well-developed muscles and bones, widely spaced, straight and parallel. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front legs, with good angulation. The feet are rounded with black claws and strong pads, the hind feet are slightly smaller than the front ones.

The Dandie Dinmont is the only terrier whose exterior does not have a single straight line, which is, in principle, not typical for this family.

Wool is important feature breed, it is double with a soft undercoat and a tougher outer coat, but not wiry. The fur on the back lies in strands and passes through the soft undercoat. The legs have feathers about 5 cm long. The upper part of the tail is covered with hard hair, the lower part is softer, which forms a dewlap. The muzzle is entirely covered with soft hair, the longer one in the upper part forms a cap. The feathering on the ears should also be well developed.

  • Pepper - from dark black to light silver. Preference is given to intermediate shades. In the lower part of the body and on the legs, the color varies from intense red to fawn. The cap on the head is pale silver.
  • Mustard - pale cream cap. The body is reddish-brown to fawn. The limbs and paws are darker in color than the head.

For any of the colors, the feathering must be lighter than the coat by anterior surface legs Small white spots on toes and chest are allowed. The fur on the lower part of the tail is lighter than on the upper part.

Character and behavior

The unpopularity and small number of the breed outside its homeland gave rise to great amount rumors and speculation. They write so much about these little “dogs in hats.” That they were bred by gypsies, that they were designed to catch rats and mice, that they were clumsy decorative dogs. For a very long time now the Dandie Dinmont Terrier has not lived on farms and is not working dog. At one time he was popular breed in French and English nobility, today is regarded as something between a decorative dog and a true terrier. Fully embodies the truly Scottish character: “small, but very proud.”

Dandie Dinmont Terriers are cheerful, friendly dogs, infinitely devoted to their family, very gentle and affectionate with children, energetic and playful. They treat strangers with caution, but upon closer acquaintance they are quickly relegated to the category of friends. As a rule, only one person is recognized as the owner; the rest are listened to reluctantly or selectively.

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier has a balanced temperament, he is determined and independent, but not headstrong. He is obedient and, with good upbringing, does not try to take a dominant position in the family, but with a spoiled dandy there are often problems. Owners should remember that they have an innate sense of self-esteem, strong character and a tendency to make decisions independently.

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is serious and calm, for which he received the nickname “a gentleman in the dog world.” He is not quarrelsome, it is difficult to anger him, but if this does happen, the sweet miracle turns into an evil fury who knows no fear in battle. Does not pay attention to the number of opponents of the cat, animal or dog tribe. IN Everyday life The dandy is non-confrontational and gets along well with other animals in the house, but often shows a hunting interest in cats, birds and other small animals on the street.

Education and training

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is very smart and amenable to training, but raising an obedient dog, let alone teaching it basic commands, will require a lot of time and patience. Dandies are independent and not prone to unquestioning obedience. Even in puppyhood, they often prefer to mind their own, more important, affairs rather than work with the owner. As he grows up, provided he has close contact with his owner, the dandy becomes more obedient and responsive to commands.

Lessons with a dandy should be short. The dog is taught, one by one, simple commands first. After they are completely mastered, they move on to more complex ones. During the training process, it is important not to follow the cunning puppy’s lead and demand that the command be followed. You can’t spoil Dinmont too much. He should grow up in conditions of moderate severity, realize who is boss in the house. This does not mean hitting the dog or using other physical methods of punishment. A stern tone and a dissatisfied look are usually enough.

Content Features

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier adapts well to any living conditions. But keeping a dog in a house or apartment is optimal. At the same time, the volume of living space is not particularly important. The dendik will not take up much space.

With regular care, the coat practically does not shed and has no specific odor. In addition, the dog is distinguished by its innate cleanliness and accuracy.

Moderate physical activity is needed. A twice daily walk of about 60 minutes with games and activities is enough to keep the dog in good shape. It is worth noting that dandies adapt well to the character and lifestyle of the owner. With inactive people he learns to be content with little. With energetic ones, he gets used to leading the same active lifestyle. He happily supports any idea, is capable of long hikes and tolerates travel well.


Caring for a Dandie Dinmont Terrier will take time and material costs. Owners claim that daily dog ​​care is not as difficult as it might seem. Once every 7-10 days, the dandy needs to be bathed with shampoo and conditioner. After washing, wet hair is combed with a comb. If tangles begin to appear, they are carefully untangled, after moistening with a special product that makes combing easier. As it grows, the hair on the body is counted, and the cap, beard and feathers are trimmed with scissors.

The eyes are prone to excessive tearing, which is why the tear tracks are often stained Brown color. For lightening, use special bleaching agents or peroxide.

To keep floppy shaggy ears dry and prevent infection from developing, it is recommended to use drying powder. Hairs inside auricle removed with fingers or forceps. Eyes are wiped daily. It is important to keep them dry and clean. Ears are cleaned and plucked once a week. Trim the nails as they grow, usually once every 3-4 weeks. From puppyhood, it is advisable to accustom your dog to brushing its teeth. Young dogs are rarely affected dental diseases, but from the age of 6-7 they begin to deposit stones, causing related problems.


The issue of nutrition needs to be taken seriously. A lack of any nutrients will affect not only the condition of the coat, but also the health of the pet. Balanced diet can be organized in two ways: using natural products or ready-made dry food. This should be super premium or holistic food for small dogs that lead a normal lifestyle. Feeding with natural products implies periodic introduction of vitamin and mineral supplements into the diet.

Dandies tend to overeat and gain excess weight, so it is important to monitor the regimen, caloric content of food and the number of treats.

Health and life expectancy

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a healthy breed. Centuries-old natural selection has given these dogs good health and good immunity, which the breeders were able to preserve as much as possible until today. A few hereditary diseases are rare and most of them are not life-threatening:

Due to poor ventilation of the auricle, a predisposition to otitis is noted. In addition, a thick coat does not always allow you to notice cuts or scratches in time, which can lead to damage. infectious diseases skin.

The Russian population of Dandie Dinmont Terriers numbers only a few dozen dogs, and only a few kennels professionally breed them.

The average cost of a Dandie Dinmont Terrier puppy from a kennel is RUB 45,000. The price is greatly influenced by the parents' exhibition merits, but, unfortunately, they do not guarantee that all babies will become champions.


The gallery contains vivid photographs of Dandie Dinmont Terrier dogs.

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a sweet family pet, but deep down the dog retains a hunting instinct. A cute face, pleasant, cheerful disposition, lack of aggression, the ability to be kept in a small apartment are the advantages of the Scottish breed.

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is an ideal four-legged pet, a good-natured animal that is good at home and on a walk. Anyone interested in dogs small breeds or is planning to get a decorative pet, the material about a small terrier will be useful.

Origin and history of the breed

It is believed that the breed was bred in Scotland (the Dandie Dinmont should not be confused with the modern Scotch Terrier) as a result of crossing two types of hunting dogs. Previously, the agile, active pet chased rats and mice in castles, hunted foxes, otters, badgers, and rabbits. Even the weasel and marten were afraid of the appearance of the dandy dinmont.

The new breed became highly decorative, while hunting qualities faded into the background. The cute pet with an original wool cap on his head quickly caught the fancy of people of different classes. In 1955, the International Canine Association recognized the breed standard.

The modern Dinmont Terrier is a favorite of adults and children, an intelligent animal with whom it is not boring to spend time. Like a true gentleman, the pet will not bark in vain, although it has a loud, sonorous voice: it will only allow itself to be stroked and slightly raise its head to check who has come.


Basic information about the breed:

Options Breed standards
Coat types Dense, length - up to 5-6 cm, hairline hard in certain areas: on top of the tail and in the back. On the muzzle, belly, sides, ears, the hairs are delicate and silky. A beard with a mustache and a “hat” of fluffy wool on the head - characteristic features breeds
Appearance The dog is strong, the body is down to earth, long, the front legs are slightly longer than the hind legs. The tail is up to 20 cm, straight, saber-shaped, hard. Rib cage wide. The ears are hanging, medium length, covered with hair. Large dark nose on a wide muzzle, scissor bite. The eyes are large, set wide apart, and the color is dark, almost black.
Weight From 8 to 11 kg
Height of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier (height at withers) From 20 to 28 cm
Lifespan 14 to 15 years with good care

Two varieties: brown and black with silver. In the first option, all shades from bronze and reddish with gold to chocolate are acceptable. In the second color option, all shades of gray are acceptable: from light to dark

Type Hunting - in the past, decorative dog - modern stage, section - small terriers

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Character and intelligence

Despite its modest size, the dandy dinmont protects its owner and home, even when the size of the enemy is significantly greater. The dog is smart, cheerful, moderately energetic, has a pleasant, non-aggressive character, and is good with children and adults. If there is a cat or other four-legged friend, then the terrier will find mutual language with animals, but it is desirable that the pets grow up together.

The dog is independent, smart, interested in family affairs, most events are not complete without the participation of the four-legged pet. With early socialization and learning commands in the house, true friend, a good watchman and a pet with a pretty face. Once at an exhibition, the Dinmont dandy received an award for “the most beautiful eyes.”

On a note! The Dandie Dinmont gets along well with other animals, but two or three terriers in the house is not an ideal option. The reason is simple: dogs will begin to compete, to find out who is the leader, which will worsen their character and relationships.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier has many positive qualities:

  • true friend;
  • protects household members;
  • “quiet” terrier: the dog does not bark in vain;
  • takes up little space;
  • can be held decorative dog in a small apartment;
  • understands commands well;
  • quickly gets used to the tray and walking;
  • non-aggressive;
  • independent nature;
  • cute, cute, communicating with a pet is a pleasure and improves your mood;
  • gets along with cats and dogs of other breeds;
  • good health;
  • sociable dog;
  • loves to participate in household chores.

There are also disadvantages:

  • with attention deficit, the dog gets bored and can spoil things in the house;
  • You should not keep two or three terriers in your home;
  • show stubbornness during training;
  • you need to comb the fur, periodically take it to the groomer;
  • the dog is a leader by nature; in the absence of training, the animal completely ignores the comments of its owners and becomes uncontrollable;
  • the pet reacts poorly to pain, which can cause serious problems;
  • Possible damage to the vertebrae against the background of a long body under high loads.

Care and conditions of detention

Terriers are smart animals, litter box training, bathing, hygiene procedures easier to carry out than for more capricious dogs. Main: take care of your upbringing in time, otherwise there will be a little stubborn person living at home who is difficult to deal with. The owner must immediately show the hierarchy so that the animal obeys, and teach the pet to follow commands.

How to train to a litter box and to go out for a walk

This question future owner should discuss with the breeder or experienced dog handler. Dandy Dinmont is a rather stubborn creature, but with timely training, success can be achieved. You will have to spend time, at the first stage, sit the puppy on a diaper that smells of dog urine, so that the pet understands that you need to relieve yourself in the litter box.


How to care for:

A leash is required when outdoors: the pet often gets into fights with other dogs, even larger ones. On the playground or in the park you can let the dandy dinmont run around. The pet is less active and rarely participates in dog agility.


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Who is the dog suitable for?

The Dandie Dinmont is an ideal pet for any family, but before buying a puppy, you should think about whether the owner has the desire to devote time to raising and training. If there is a shortage of time or lack of desire to take care of a pet, the dog will show one of the negative character traits - stubbornness. An ill-mannered terrier becomes the leader in the family, and the owner now and then has to deal with tricks and disobedience. It is no coincidence that you need to weigh the pros and cons before buying a dandy dinmont.

If a dog of the same breed already lives at home, then you should not buy a Dundee Dinmont Terrier: two leaders do not get along well in the same area.

Choosing a puppy

The cost of a Dandie Dinmont Terrier ranges from $1,000 to $1,800. The more awards and titles the parents have at exhibitions, the higher the price of the pet. Nurseries are located in different countries.

At the time of buying purebred puppy there is no need to rush: it is important to carefully check the documents, vaccination card, and clarify whether an analysis has been done to identify genetic diseases. The terrier must be of legal color, not lethargic, and without health problems. It is important to choose “your” puppy, the one you immediately liked the most.

The small, pleasant-looking dog called the Dandie Dinmont Terrier is one of the ancient breeds that originated from Scottish representatives. Bred to help in hunting, possessing by nature excellent qualities of quick reaction and speed of movement, as well as special sensitivity, today the breed has forgotten its purpose, turning into a domestic companion.

Breed Features

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier owes its origin to the Old Scots and Bedlington terriers crossed with each other. The main task facing the breed was to fight rodents and small predators such as foxes and badgers. Terriers began to be called dandies after the character of Scott’s work, in which he mentioned the representatives of the dandy Dinmont Terrier as a hardy and courageous dog, capable of accepting and being devoted to the owner.

Gradually moving from hunter to status pet Diamond (as it is also called) feels great being the only animal in the house; enclosures or a nursery with many relatives are not the best option for them. Moreover, the dandy dimont terrier is suspicious of strangers, ready to give his love exclusively to one owner. Despite his unsightly appearance in the photo, the loud-voiced dandy dimont terrier can also be a good watchman.

For a long time, the Dandie Dinmont Terrier was popular among nomadic gypsies and wandering musicians, bringing them prey.

Standard breed characteristics

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier standards were approved in 1997.

  • Representatives of the breed have a powerful head of rather large size, which should be built proportionally, with developed jaw muscles. Their forehead is convex, wide, gradually descending towards the eyes. A woolen cap, characteristic of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier breed, is placed on the head, and it is believed that the lighter in color and the more fluffy, the better.
  • The irises of the large, round and wide-set eyes of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier are dark brown.
  • The drooping ears are set relatively low and close to the cheekbones.
  • Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a dog with a fairly long body short legs. It gives her good opportunity when hunting, penetrate into rodent burrows. Moreover, the front legs are slightly longer than the hind legs.
  • Representatives of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier breed have long coats with a soft undercoat. The color names include “pepper” and “mustard”. The color of pepper can be blue-black or gray with silver, and mustard can be brown with a reddish tint and fawn.
  • Almost all representatives of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier breed have white markings on the chest, sometimes the claws may also be white, but white paws are considered a disqualifying fault.
  • The fur on the ears is similar to the general color of the body. Hind legs pepper-colored dogs can have a red tint, while mustard-colored dogs can have a dark tint.
  • The Dandie Dinmont Terrier greets its owner with a short tail, no more than 25 centimeters long.
  • The breed reaches 30 centimeters in height, gaining body weight up to 10-11 kilograms by adulthood.

Features of Dinmont's temperament

Breeders of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier love their representatives for their kind and cheerful disposition and boundless devotion. Ready to accompany their owner anywhere and everywhere, the selfish Dinmont is not inclined to let strangers get close. He tries to give his love, demanding in return to be the only beloved pet. Therefore, before you decide to buy a Dandie Dinmont Terrier puppy, you should think about the relationship with other animals in the house.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier. ZooPlace.Ru

All dog breeds. Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Among the advantages of a dog is its independence. He is ready to play alone for hours when the owner is busy, does not like to impose his company, but is always on guard, waiting to be called. The Dinmont Terrier has a very stable psyche, which helps the dog cope with a change in place of residence without any problems. At its core, the rather silent Dandie Dinmont Terrier barks only in exceptional cases to warn its owner about strangers.

Many owners note traits of stubbornness in the breed. This is especially evident when there is a forced change of owner, whom the dandy chooses once and forever. They begin to ignore commands and resist the instructions of strangers. It is important to control your dog's behavior while walking. The brave dandy Dinmont Terrier is ready to fight an opponent much larger than him.

The most best place for the Dandie Dinmont Terrier breed, of course, it will not be a cramped apartment, but a house with an area where a hunter can roam freely. But the apartment space can also become a full-fledged home for your beloved pet.

Caring for a dog is easy. The animal's fur is combed using a baby brush and a special comb. To participate in exhibitions, breeders do not recommend resorting to trimming. To maintain the shape of a fur coat, it is enough to cut the wool several times a year.

The main diet of the Dinmont includes lean meats; up to 50 percent of the menu consists of vegetables and cereals. Like any other dogs, the Dandie Dinmont is contraindicated in sweets, smoked foods and saltiness.

Among the diseases characteristic of representatives of the breed are: ocular glaucoma, epilepsy is common, as well as problems with the spine.

If you are inclined to have a Dinmont in your home, then you should be prepared to shell out a considerable amount Money. The price of puppies with a good pedigree starts from $1000.

Old Scottish breed, first recorded in 1700 and made famous by Walter Scott, whose main character in the novel "Guy Mannering", was surrounded by six such dogs.

They were originally used as hunting dogs. They hunted otters and badgers with them.


The dog is small, with a long, well-developed, muscular and flexible body. The head is large, wide, conical towards the nose. The eyes are large, round, dark brown. The ears are long, hanging with long hair at the tips. The entire head and muzzle are covered with long hair. Colors include "pepper" (which ranges from black to silver-light gray) and "mustard" (which ranges from reddish brown to pale beige).

  • If your Dandie Dinmont Terrier becomes overweight, he may develop back problems. Be sure to monitor his food intake and give him regular physical exercise to keep your dog in shape.
  • Dinmont Dandies are independent and can be stubborn when it comes to training.
  • Dandie Dinmonts are wary of strangers and good watchdogs. Their bark is surprisingly loud and rich.
  • The Dandie Dinmont is a rare breed. Therefore, it can be difficult to find a breeder.
  • Dandie Dinmonts are not typically aggressive dogs, but they will not back down from trouble with other dogs, no matter their size.



Like most terriers, Dandie Dinmonts have a lot of self-confidence and are independent. They are not aggressive like most terriers, but this should not be ruled out... This one is lively and beautiful small terrier a wonderful companion and will bring a lot of joy.


Temperament is influenced by a number of factors, including heredity, training and socialization. Puppies with a good temperament are curious and playful. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier gets along well with older children. It is not recommended to keep this breed together with other pets. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is an entertaining and intelligent breed that loves to play and obey its owner.


The Dandie Dinmont is easy to train, but don't forget that it can sometimes be stubborn. Therefore, the preparation should be firm, consistent, without being heavy or rough.

A haircut

This dog's coat should be brushed regularly and clipped once or twice a year.

Long wool on the legs, body and head - can be trimmed, also between the pads of the paws. Ear hair should be removed regularly.
