Beagle dog breeds with photos and names. Features of the Beagle dog breed. Key signs of a healthy puppy

The Eagle is a relatively small, but very cute dog. The small Beagle dog is characterized by traits that are characteristic of many hounds, for example, the presence of a keen sense of smell, lightning-fast reaction, and sociality. However, at the same time, these dogs are unusually playful and kind.

Today, representatives of this breed are very popular in America. And in Europe, the main role of these dogs is hunting game, for example, rabbits. Individuals of this breed are also called English beagles. Since it is in America that the history of the breed can be traced.

History of the breed

There is a legend that individuals of this breed accompanied the knights under Arthur. Naturally, this is just a legend. According to experts, hounds were brought to Great Britain from Greece by the Romans. These dogs were crossed with local dogs for a long time.

The first ancestors of modern beagles were noted in the 19th century in England. During the same period, these dogs were brought to America, where they crossed with local hounds. However, this is not the beginning of a new breed. English beagles remained English, although they had certain differences in comparison with the Americans. English dogs are smaller and have a different color.

It is generally accepted that the ancestors of the beagle are foxhounds, more large dogs, used for fox hunting. At the same time, the beagle dog, the description of the breed whose character matches its appearance, was used primarily for hunting hare. During the reign of Elizabeth 1, the size of these dogs became so small that they could fit in a pocket. However, over time, representatives of this breed grew to their current size.

Regardless of how old the breed is, its standard was approved only in the middle of the 20th century, and clarifications were made only in 2010. For this reason, the breed is just beginning to gain popularity among breeders, which makes it possible for dogs to retain their original qualities.

This accordingly affects the cost of individuals of this breed. However, in addition to decent financial costs, beagles require a large amount of time, effort, and patience from the owner.

Description of the breed

According to modern standards, beagles are quite small, but at the same time strong and hardy dogs. They are well built and have a muscular body. However, at the same time, representatives of this breed do not have a rough appearance.

The height of the dog is on average 37 cm with a weight of 12 kg.

A cute Beagle dog is active and mobile; overly timid puppies are not welcome as a standard, since the main purpose of this dog is to hunt hares. And in in this case you need an excellent sense of smell, lightning-fast reaction, and, naturally, a loud voice. Another significant detail in the appearance of beagles is the tip of the tail. white.

During the hunt, dogs lower their heads and raise their tails. It should be noted that the animal’s tail should stand straight, without curls, and be densely covered with fur. Thanks to the presence of a white tip, the owner can easily notice the dog. For this reason, the standard does not allow other colors of the tail tip.

The body of individuals of this breed is proportional and balanced. The even features of the back, forelimbs, and tail, which is raised quite high, contribute to the creation of a harmonious figure, light, but at the same time hardy.

Muscular, strong hind legs provide the ability to push off, which ensures quick, easy steps. Dogs' paw pads are knitted and dense, and their claws are short.

Representatives of this breed have a flexible, rather long neck. This allows the animal to lower its muzzle to the ground without bending down. The head is of sufficient length and moderately massive. The muzzle is not pointed, the jaws are strong, the bite is almost perfect. The beagle has a fairly wide nose; in individuals with light colors it may be lighter.

These dogs have large dark brown or hazel eyes. The standard places emphasis on the cute and affectionate eyes of the animal. The fur around the eyes is darker, giving the impression that the dog’s eyes are rimmed.

The ears are long, mostly reaching almost to the tip of the muzzle, lying close to the cheeks, with a fine, silky texture.

When learning everything about the Beagle breed, you need to know that the fur of individuals of this breed is thick, fits very tightly, and does not get wet. The color can be any of those that are typical for hound dogs. However, predominantly representatives of the breed have a 3-color color: black with red and white, or blue with the addition of red and white. Often there is a 2-color color, where white is the main color. But in any case, the tip of the tail is in mandatory should be white, there should be a red mask on the muzzle.

The standard clearly defines the character of the dogs. They are cheerful, kind, loving, but at the same time determined, intelligent, inquisitive and active.

Features of care

Caring for individuals of this breed is not special and can be done very easily at home. Mostly, these dogs are clean, except in cases where it is impossible to overcome the hunting instinct in an animal. Having smelled the smell, the dog may fall out in the source, for this reason the dog may have to be bathed quite often. Although, due to the small size of the animal, frequent washing does not bring much trouble.

At the same time, provide additional care for the animal due to the possibility frequent washing No need. The age of this breed has developed in dogs excellent health. Having made a row of puppies necessary vaccinations, you don’t have to think about the risks of any illnesses. It is necessary to care for the animal according to standard rules.

Keeping a pet in an apartment does not bring much trouble if you have enough time for walks. We must remember that beagles are active dogs and they need physical exercise. As the description of the Beagle breed testifies, walks are significant for these pets, since the opportunity to throw out accumulated energy helps prevent obesity. But after walks, it is imperative to clean your pet’s ears to avoid otitis media and all kinds of infections.

It is also worth noting that individuals of this breed are unpretentious in food. You can feed them ready-made feed or natural food. Mixed nutrition is also possible. But in the process of choosing food, you need to purchase only high-quality products.

Education and training

In accordance with the description of the breed, it can be noted that these dogs are harmonious in almost everything. And the fact that all aggressive qualities have been almost removed from the animal makes it an ideal pet for the whole family. However, we must remember that ideal dogs A loving and caring owner is needed.

Beagles are pretty wayward dogs. With the patience of the owner, you can raise an obedient and intelligent pet, since beagles happily follow and repeat commands. Naturally, until they smell it.

Also a beagle, the breed description of which character indicates mass positive qualities animals is social dog. They are able to get along in any flock. In relation to the family, the dog's owner must be a leader.

The Beagle is the oldest breed of hunting dog. This compact dog with a charming exterior and cheerful, good-natured character belongs to the English hounds. It was with these dogs that true gentlemen from England once hunted deer and rabbits. In the modern world, the popularity of the breed is constantly growing. Dogs are increasingly used not as hunters, but as domestic companions.

Why is this breed chosen? How is a beagle different from other dogs? What do current and future owners need to know about the nature, characteristics of care and maintenance of these dogs? You will find answers to all these questions in our material.

Family attachment 5

Cheerful and friendly dogs cannot imagine their life without human society and affection. They lack the tendency to dominate, so they quickly learn to interact with people. Beagles quickly become attached to members of their family. They get very bored when they are apart and can behave destructively when alone. Fits perfectly into large and active families, suitable for families with children of different ages. They support their owners in active games and long walks in nature.

Attitude towards children 5

The breed is ideal for families with children. Dogs often choose a child as their owner, actively support him in all his endeavors, and keep him company on walks and in active games. Aggression is not inherent in them, but dogs can grab a child’s arm or leg in play - do not leave small children alone with a dog!

Attitude towards strangers 4

Beagles are very friendly and love to be the center of attention. They will not protect you from strangers, but they will happily sniff you at home and let you pet them. The only thing you can teach your pet is to bark when a stranger approaches.

Security qualities 1

As we have already said, natural friendliness is what prevents beagles from becoming guards. These are real hunters! They know how to pursue anything they consider prey, but they will not protect the owner and his family.

Guard qualities 1

Co guard characteristics It's all sad too. The maximum you can get is a “live” call, which will notify you with a loud bark that a stranger is approaching your house. We bark everything and it will be limited. Don’t be surprised that after barking at a stranger, the dog will begin to lick his hands.

Hair loss 3

The dog's smooth and dense double coat does not require special care. In winter, the coat becomes thicker and is shed by summer. Beagle owners should be aware that dogs shed moderately year-round. To get rid of dead hair, you need to comb your dog's hair twice a week with a massage mitten or brush. During the period of active seasonal molting, this procedure is carried out daily.

General health 3

This breed cannot be called absolutely healthy. Beagles have a row genetic diseases, which can be inherited. For more information about breed pathologies, read the “Health” subsection.

Playfulness 5

Cheerful dogs are very playful and active. They require a lot of attention and daily exercise. Representatives of this breed will never refuse to play with children; they will run and frolic with younger family members until they drop. Activity and excessive curiosity sometimes cause animals to act out, displeasing their owners.

Tendency to train 2

You'll have to struggle with training! These “charming impudents” do their best to shirk training and education. They want to do everything their own way and use the owner’s weaknesses for their own purposes. To teach a beagle something, you need to make learning fun. exciting game. He needs to be interested. If something is uninteresting and unprofitable for this dog, he will diligently pretend that he did not hear the command. The whip method does not work with this breed - it is impossible to force the dog to do something without offering it a treat.

History of the origin of the Beagle breed

In the official FCI Beagle breed standard, in the “Origin” section you will find one word – Great Britain. And this is the only thing that can be said reliably about the origin of the breed. Historians still argue about the origin of the name of the breed and the dog itself. According to one version, the name of the breed comes from the Celtic “beag”, which means “small, low”. According to another, from the French “beugler”, which translates as “to yell”.

It is believed that the first dogs similar to modern beagles were described in 400 BC. According to this version, the ancient Romans brought such dogs to England, where they used them to hunt rabbits. The dogs quickly gained popularity among the local population; they were called “glove hounds.” The popularity of beagles as hunters fell several centuries after the English hounds appeared. But, English farmers saved small dogs from complete extinction. They continued to hunt hares and rabbits with them.

The true ancestors of modern beagles are considered to be dogs from the pack of the Reverend Philip Honeywood, who began breeding dogs for hunting in 1830. The breed owes its revival and popularization to him. A little later, American breeders imported beagles to the United States. Dogs of this breed lived in the White Palace. The first breed club opened in 1890, and five years later the first breed standard appeared. And in 1896, the first breed exhibition was held in the English city of Birmingham.

Description of the breed

IN official standards The breed is described as a compact, powerfully built hound. Representatives of the Beagle breed are distinguished by their friendliness, cheerful disposition, good nature and incredible mobility. Dogs created for hunting are devoid of cowardice and aggression. They are resilient and determined.

Breed standard

Exterior features by German standard FCI breeds

  • Body type. Well balanced, athletic.
  • Back. Smooth and straight. Durable.
  • Small of the back. Short.
  • Limbs. The front ones are with the shoulder blades well laid back, straight and vertical. Hinds – with muscular strong thighs, well defined knee joints and strong, low-set hocks.
  • Paws. Gathered into a ball, durable, “not rabbity”. With compact fingers and dense pads.
  • Gait. With straight movements and free steps. When moving, the front legs do not rake or braid.
  • Breast. Wide. With well sprung ribs. Dropped below the elbow joints.
  • Neck. Has a small suspension. Quite long. Slightly curved.
  • Head. Powerful, but proportionally built. No wrinkles or folds.
  • Scull. Moderate width and convexity with a weakly defined occipital protuberance.
  • Muzzle. No pointing.
  • Nose. Wide lobe and nostrils. Black color is preferred.
  • Jaws. Strong with a regular scissor bite.
  • Ears. Long. Low-slung. The ends are rounded. Soft, adjacent to the cheekbones.
  • Eyes. Large ones. Widely spaced. Color – nut and dark brown.
  • Tail. Medium length, thickened. Set high. Doesn't curl onto the back.
  • Coat. Double wool. Short and very dense.
  • Color. Solid white (no specks); black and white; lemon white; red and white; pied badger; motley hare; lemon variegated; black-red-white; blue-red-white. All colors can be spotted. The tip of the tail is always white.
  • Weight. From 9 to 11 kg.
  • Height at withers. Males – 36-41 cm, females – 33-38 cm.
  • How long do they live?. Average life expectancy is 11-14 years.

Characteristics of the Beagle breed

The Beagle is a hunter by nature and is currently used as a general purpose dog. Compact size and exceptional sense of smell allow dogs to work in various services. This breed is used in customs service, to track down criminals and search for missing people, to search for explosives and contraband at airports.

At the same time, beagles are ideal family companions, loyal friends for their owners. They get along well with younger family members. Like real mass entertainers, they are ready to support the child for hours in any active games, allowing him everything. They often choose the child as the main owner and obey him. Non-aggressive, friendly and very positive dog is perfect for use in rehabilitation therapy for disabled children.

Relationships with other pets are not as smooth as with children. Hunting instincts do not allow the dog to calmly react to small pets. Ferrets, chinchillas, hamsters, rabbits, guinea pigs, parrots and even cats seem like game to the dog, which needs to be hunted. This must be taken into account when taking a dog of this breed into a home with other pets.

The beagle gets along easily with its relatives. These dogs were previously kept in packs, so they do not have a tendency to dominate. They feel great in a large company of dogs. People who are too busy are advised to get a second companion dog so that their pets do not suffer alone.

Like most hunting breeds, these miniature hounds are intelligent and quick-witted. Plus, they are incredibly inquisitive and willing to constantly explore. the world. This is not to say that this is exceptional positive characteristics. Representatives of this breed have a sophisticated mind. They diligently avoid training and may pretend that they do not hear commands. They try with all their might to achieve their goal, taking advantage of the owner’s weaknesses. And natural curiosity sometimes leads dogs to completely undesirable places.

One of the distinctive features of this breed is that they are very noisy dogs. It is best to find out about this before you take this into your home. adorable dog. Dogs may bark, howl, and whine loudly. To prevent this vocalization from annoying your neighbors and you, you need to take your dogs for a lot of active walks, and also not leave them alone for a long time. A bored dog will howl, communicating his boredom to everyone who can hear him.


Out of boredom, a beagle can scatter the owner's clothes, chew shoes and furniture, ruffle a pillow, or stir up a trash can.

Care and maintenance

Content Features

Beagle breeds of dogs require daily active physical activity. You need to take them for long walks, but not just walk them, but play and train them. It’s good if the dog has a companion from among its relatives - this breed is accustomed to living in packs. Walking a beagle does not mean just letting it out into the yard or walking around the house on a leash. You need to run with him through the field, forest, park, throw him a stick and Frisbee, play with a ball.

Firstly, this way he will be able to spend all the accumulated energy and it will not turn into a destructive destructive force. Secondly, these dogs can only be released without a leash in their own yard with a high fence that cannot be jumped over. Moreover, this fence must have a deep foundation so that the dog cannot dig a tunnel. If these conditions are not met, there is a high probability that the dog will run away.

Dogs can get along very well on a large farming or in a city apartment. But, you should know that you need to support them as family members. Living in a backyard enclosure or kennel is not suitable for them! Don’t be afraid to get these dogs in the city if you are willing to take them for long, frequent walks, play and let them use your “nose.” It is not necessary to sign up as a hunter if you have a beagle; it is enough to take him with you to the forest, fishing or hiking. Let him run around to his heart's content to find new smells.

What is care?

The short, smooth coat does not require much long-term grooming. If you walk regularly and a lot, most of dead hairs will be lost during the walk. But, this breed is prone to moderate year-round shedding. To keep the house clean and help your dog get rid of dead hairs, they need to be combed out with a massage mitten or a brush with natural bristles 1-2 times a week.

To give a beautiful shine to the coat, after combing the dogs, wipe them with a suede cloth. During active seasonal shedding, brushing should be done daily. It is recommended only when necessary if they are smeared in something foul-smelling, sticky or greasy. IN for preventive purposes bathe no more than once a month. If this time interval is not observed, dogs may develop itchy skin.

Claws are inspected after walks and the dog should not knock its claws when running on a hard floor. Cut carefully, trying not to touch the blood vessels. The eyes are examined every day and washed once a week using cotton pads soaked in chamomile decoction.

The teeth are also regularly examined with a special paste and brush. Puppies are taught to brush their teeth with early age. It is imperative to show your dog’s teeth to a veterinarian-dentist once or twice a year. Special treats are used to clean stones.

The dog's long floppy ears require special attention and care. When swimming, you need to make sure that water does not get into your ears. They need to be inspected daily for discharge, scratching, and dirt. It is recommended to clean your ears weekly. To do this, you will need a cotton pad, an ear cleaner recommended by a veterinarian, or regular saline solution.

How to properly clean your ears

  1. Gently place 2-3 drops of the ear cleaning solution into each ear.
  2. Massage with outside 2-3 minutes each ear at the base of the auricle.
  3. Clean with a dry cotton pad inner part ear from pollution.
  4. Clear ear canals very careful. Do not go deeper than one knuckle of your finger.
  5. Then wipe the inside of your ear a second time with a new pad soaked in the cleaning solution.
  6. At the end of the procedure, wipe dry with a dry cloth.


It is unacceptable to use alcohol solutions or hydrogen peroxide to clean the inner surface of the ears.


Not every dog ​​may have these pathologies, but they need to be taken into account if you are going to get a puppy of this breed. Don't believe those breeders who claim that the Beagle is a 100% healthy breed!

Genetic pathologies

Diseases transmitted by inheritance:

  • Disease intervertebral disc – a pathology in which the inner jelly-like layer of the disc protrudes into the intervertebral canal and compresses the dog’s spinal cord. Characterized by strong pain syndrome in the neck and back, loss of sensation. May lead to paralysis, uncontrolled urination and bowel movements. Under treatment surgically. May lead to irreversible consequences.
  • Hip dysplasia– a genetic malformation in which the femur does not fit completely into the hip joint. May manifest as pain in the hind limbs and lameness. Often passes without symptoms, without causing discomfort to the pet. In old age, such dogs may develop. Dogs with dysplasia should not be allowed to breed.
  • Progressive retinal atrophy– a degenerative disease that leads to blindness in one or both eyes.
  • Idiopathic epilepsyneurotic disorder, which is quite often inherited.
  • Hypothyroidism– developmental pathology thyroid gland. Leads to various disorders in the development of the dog. Hormonal drugs are used for treatment.

Tendency to other diseases

This breed often has a condition called dwarfism. Some unscrupulous breeders sell these puppies as rare "pocket beagles". In fact, you cannot buy such puppies - these are sick dogs with physical deformities: shortened crooked legs, too short a neck, a wide skull. Such individuals often suffer from arthritis.


Beagle puppies require early socialization and professional training. We'll have to stock up on patience and carrots, The “whip” method does not work with this breed! For a tasty morsel, these brats are ready to complete your tasks, but at the first opportunity they will stop hearing your “commands.” They don't hear the owner not because they are stupid. Against! Because they are too smart and quick-witted. Therefore, they always try to get away from training and beg from the owner what they want.

Kind, cheerful, mischievous and cheerful dogs will often make you laugh with their behavior. But these same pets can make you cry with their naughty behavior. Often the reason for this will be the sensitive hunting nose of the animal, which will lead the dog to any interesting smell or lure him into a garbage container.

In order for your dog to obey you and restrain its natural instincts, you need to accustom it to new impressions, sounds, smells and people from a very early age. It is best to entrust the upbringing and training of a puppy to experienced dog handlers, and have time to complete a training course before the pet reaches puberty. Sexually mature individuals are more difficult to train.

  1. The main rule that you must adhere to is that boring, monotonous training is not suitable for this breed of dog! A bored dog does not respond to the owner's words. Each training session should take the form of a fun, exciting game.
  2. Don’t forget about the “carrot” method – beagles are greedy for treats and praise. Praise your dog and give him a treat every time he fulfills your request.
  3. The hardest thing is to stop picking up on the street. This is the main problem! There are several methods, try everything until you find one that works:
  • teach the commands “Spit!” and “Give!”;
  • scatter heavily peppered pieces of food;
  • make a rattle - an empty aluminum can with coins or pebbles, throw it at the dog as soon as it picks up something on the street;
  • you can throw a leash or keys at the dog, preferably aiming at the side;
  • Take your favorite treat for a walk and exchange it for something your puppy picked up from the ground;
  • Scatter pieces of meat and walk the dog around them on a short leash, prohibiting them from picking them up.
  1. Immediately stop all attempts to growl and bite. The dog must understand that the leader of the pack is the owner. To do this, when trying to bite or while growling, strictly and immediately grab the dog by the withers and press it to the floor or ground. Continues to snarl - lift her by the withers above the surface. Wait until the dog calms down and only then release it.
  2. Train your dog only in a calm state, never get nervous and be patient. Yes, it's not easy! But this is the only way the dog will learn to obey you.

What and how to feed a beagle

Beagle breeders use two types of food: natural feeding and feeding with industrial feed. Be sure to ask what diet your puppy was raised on. When you arrive home, you can continue to feed your baby as he or she is used to, or gradually transition him to a different type of feeding. The choice of feeding scheme is yours and depends on your capabilities and preferences.

Adult dogs need two meals a day (morning and evening). They are fed immediately after a walk to avoid stomach volvulus. Beagles are prone to gluttony, so uneaten food should be removed after feeding and not left in a bowl all day. Dogs are excellent artists; they put pressure on their owner’s pity by begging for food. We must learn not to react to these staged scenes - if you indulge your pet’s whims, he will become obese! Only water should be in free access, but it needs to be changed to fresh 1-2 times a day.

For feeding, purchase two bowls from of stainless steel: one for water, the second for food. To prevent your dog's spine from curving, choose bowls on a stand. The height of the stand should reach the dog’s shoulder so that it only puts its muzzle there. As your pet gets older, the height of the stand increases. Plastic bowls are not suitable - dogs love to chew on them, and pieces of chewed plastic can injure the animal’s throat or get stuck in the gastrointestinal tract.

Natural nutrition

The total amount of natural food is calculated using the formula: 5% of the dog’s weight. This volume is divided into two times.

The diet should consist of:

  • Lean meats. It is given in finely chopped form, after preliminary freezing in freezer within 2-3 days. Before serving, the meat is thawed at room temperature.
  • Offal.
  • Marrow bones for cleaning teeth.
  • Low-fat fermented milk products: fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, kefir.
  • Vegetables (10% of the diet): raw and boiled.
  • Quail eggs - 2-3 per week.
  • Lean sea fish fillet (boiled) – once a week.
  • Cereals in the form of porridges (25% of the diet). Oatmeal, buckwheat.
  • Vitamin and mineral supplements.

Industrial feed

If you choose to feed commercial food, buy high-quality premium, super-premium and holistic brands for medium-sized dog breeds. Choose for active dogs if your pet gets sufficient quantity physical activity. Or for dogs prone to excess weight, if the dog leads a sedentary lifestyle.

Daily feeding rates are calculated individually depending on the weight, age, health and activity of the dog. For calculations, use the information that the manufacturer provides on the packaging.

Best food for a beagle:

  1. Acana Heritage Light & Fit Grain-Free;
  2. Orijen Adult Dog Fit & Trim Grain Free;
  3. Eukanuba Adult Small Breed;
  4. Brit Care Adult Small & Medium Salmon & Potato Grain Free;
  5. Royal Canin Adult Beagle.


Dogs of this breed cannot control their appetite - make sure that your pet does not overeat or steal food from the pantry and trash can!



Tricolor (three-color)

The standard color of beagles includes three colors: white, black and red. Less common are dogs with blue, white and red spots.

Bicolor (two-color)

In Europe, this color is valued most highly. There are dogs of white-red, lemon-white, variegated badger and variegated hare shades.

Black and white

Animals with this color are rare. Slight speckling is allowed on white areas of the coat.

Pure white

The rarest color of beagles. The coat is snow-white throughout the body, without the slightest speck.

Main questions

We want to adopt a beagle puppy, we heard that they are very noisy. We are afraid that the neighbors will not like it. Is it so?

This is a hunting breed, so the dogs love to bark and howl. This is the norm for hunting dogs. If you go away all day and leave your pet alone, be prepared for the dog to howl from boredom. It's unlikely your neighbors will like it.

Why do they say that dogs of this breed should only be walked on a leash?

They also say that a beagle is a nose on legs! He, like all hounds, turns off his brain when his nose smells something interesting. In pursuit of this smell, the dog can run away wherever his eyes look. You can't stop him with a command! And if he also encounters some kind of game, then you will have no chance of stopping him. A leash and your own yard with a secure fence are what you need to keep this dog.

Our dog happily lunges at every stranger he meets. We taught him the “Nearby” command, but it doesn’t help. As soon as we meet someone on a walk or guests come to the house, the dog is unrecognizable. She rejoices at everyone she meets! What to do about it?

Yes, what you described is about beagles! They are! Spontaneous impulses are good for hunting, but not desirable when home care. You need to take this into account when adopting a dog. They need to be trained from early childhood under the guidance of an experienced dog handler.

We would like to give a teenage girl a beagle as a guard. Is this breed suitable?

You can give it as a gift. This breed gets along well with children. But she will not protect! If you need a guard, choose from other breeds: German Shepherd, Bullmastiff or.

What to do? A dog on a walk picks up bones, all kinds of garbage, and strange substances. When you try to take it away, he growls and doesn’t give it back.

We have already written that beagles are controlled by their nose! When dogs sense the smell, they may run away or pick up anything lying on the street. Beagles can tear apart garbage cans and pick them up from city garbage dumps. They need long and demanding training. Teach the commands “Give” and “Spit.” It is best to seek help from professional dog handlers.

Who is the breed suitable for?

  1. For families with children. Beagles are active, inquisitive and incredibly playful. They love children very much and become for them true friends and companions. They like to choose a child as the main owner.
  2. Active people and tourists. The breed needs long daily walks. Dogs love to run through the forest, park, field and along the shore of a pond. The beagle will be happy to go on a hike with you, morning jog and will support any noisy company.
  3. Owners of country houses, farmers. Closeness to nature and the ability to voice as much as you want without disturbing the peace of your neighbors is what representatives of this breed need.
  4. Hunters. The ideal owner for dogs of this breed is a person who loves hunting. Only life with a hunter will give the dog everything that is inherent in it by nature.

Who is the breed not suitable for?

  1. For busy city dwellers. It is not advisable to leave dogs alone for a long time. Dogs have a hard time with separation. Out of boredom, they can howl loudly and for a long time, gnaw furniture and things, and turn everything upside down. Such people will be suitable.
  2. For owners of cats and other small ornamental animals. The hunting instincts of dogs are so great that they consider all small animals and birds as prey. Yes, you can try to teach your puppy to live in the same house as a cat. But there is no guarantee that one day the dog will not grow up and attack them. U guinea pigs, hamsters, decorative rabbits, ferrets and chinchillas, there is absolutely no chance of coexistence. You'll have to make a choice! To prevent problems for cats and other pets, choose , and .
  3. Inexperienced weak-willed owners. These pets require early socialization and training. The owner must be consistent, unyielding and demanding. Training will require a lot of strength and patience from the owner - dogs of this breed are stubborn and willful. Without proper training, beagles become uncontrollable and inadequate. If you want a dog that is easy to train, get one.
  4. For those looking for a bodyguard dog. Hounds are not guards! They are hunters! The Beagle is no exception to this rule. You won't be able to teach him to guard a person. Don't even waste your time on this. Take a better look at or.

The Beagle is one of the smallest breeds of hound dogs in the world, with an interesting and attractive appearance. Currently, beagles are widely known throughout the world. Moreover, they are used not only as working dogs, but also as companions, who make wonderful pets.

History of the breed

Beagles are descended from ancient English hounds. But even the name of the breed itself causes a lot of controversy among researchers, since no one can say for sure why these dogs are called beagles.

Currently, there are two versions of the origin of this name. According to one of them, the word “beagle” is derived from the French “begueule”, which can be translated as “steel throat”. Apparently, supporters of this hypothesis attribute the origin of the name of the breed to the fact that these dogs have a very loud voice with an unusual timbre. Proponents of another hypothesis believe that the word “beagle” is derived either from the obsolete British “begle”, or from the old French “beigh”, or from the Celtic “beag”, meaning the same word - “small”.

The history of this breed is also full of mysteries and covered in legends. One of them says that the appearance of beagles is associated with King Arthur and his knights. But due to the fact that it is not known for certain whether this ruler himself even existed, this version can hardly be considered reliable.

A more plausible hypothesis is that beagles descended from dogs from the pack of William the Conqueror, who arrived with him to the territory of modern Britain from Normandy. But these dogs were not the beagles themselves, but their supposed ancestors - the Talbot hounds, which were later very common in the Middle Ages, but have now become completely extinct. Talbot's dogs differed from another St. Hubert hound, also popular in those days, in white or spotted color, had a rather stretched body format and a certain squatness, making them more like . It is these hounds that are considered the ancestors of modern beagles and.

The first mentions of small hounds, similar to modern beagles, appear in the third century AD.

It is also known that, as an already established breed, these dogs were known in the 16th century AD, and that they were one of the favorite breeds of Queen Elizabeth I.

And in total, by the end of the 16th century in England there were 4 breeds resembling modern beagles:

  • Dwarf beagle, whose height was no more than 20 cm.
  • Small Beagle, whose dimensions did not exceed 35 cm.
  • Northern beagle height up to 40 cm.
  • Southern Beagle measuring 40 to 45 cm or even larger.

To date, the dwarf variety of beagles is considered completely extinct, and although attempts have been made by breeders to revive this breed variety, they have not been particularly successful.

In the Middle Ages, beagles were used to hunt small game, mainly rabbits and hares, and hunters delivered them to the place of “work” in special baskets tied to their saddles.

By the 18th century, two breeds continued to be bred in England - the southern and northern hounds, which were used for hunting rabbits and hares. However, due to the fact that fox hunting became fashionable among aristocrats at this time, small dogs, became less and less, as the emphasis was on breeding larger individuals, like modern Foxhounds.

The appearance of beagles modern type associated with the name of Reverend Philip Honeywood, who lived in Essex. In the 1830s he had a pack of small white hounds. And, although there is no information regarding the origin of these dogs, it is assumed that among the pets of the Reverend Honeywood there were representatives of both the northern and southern breeds of English hounds.

Interestingly, at that time, along with the smooth-haired variety of beagles, wire-haired dogs were also bred, which existed until the 1920s, and one of the representatives of this, by that time, almost extinct breed variety was even presented at one of the exhibitions in 1969 .

The National Beagle Breed Club appeared in Britain in 1890 and the first standard was written at the same time. The current current standard dates from September 10, 1957.

Recognition of the breed in the USA occurred somewhat earlier than in the historical homeland of the Beagle: this happened back in 1885. True, it should be recognized that American beagles were somewhat different from traditional English ones and more closely resembled dachshunds with taller and straighter legs than traditional English hounds. Now in America beagles are more common English type, and their quality is in no way inferior to British-bred dogs. At the same time, in America there are also dogs of native local lines that differ from English-bred beagles in their taller stature.

Nowadays, the beagle has become a world famous breed. Moreover, not only as a popular show dog or, but also as a dog that can work on a wide variety of game. So, in Sudan and Palestine they are used to hunt jackals, in Sri Lanka they are used to hunt wild boars, in Scandinavia - for deer, and in Canada and the USA - as gun dogs.

Beagle description

The Beagle is a medium-sized English breed of hound dog, similar to the Foxhound. But he is shorter, his legs are shorter, and his ears, on the contrary, are longer.

Appearance, dimensions

The Beagle is a medium-sized hound with a strong build and compact format. This dog, distinguished by its energy and mobility, despite its small size, does not seem frivolous or funny. On the contrary, she gives the impression of a noble and stately animal.

The height of this breed is not regulated separately for representatives of different sexes and is 33-40 cm at the withers for both males and females. The average weight is from 9 to 14 kg, although heavier dogs are also found.

Coat color

Beagles are allowed all the colors common in hound dogs, with the exception of red-brown, also called liver. With any of the colored colors, the tip of the tail must certainly be white.

The most typical colors for this breed are two-color (bicolor) and three-color (tricolor).

All beagle colors are divided into the following groups:

  • Bicolor. This type of color includes black and red-white, as well as weakened red-white, red-white, lemon-white, cream-lemon-white.
  • Tricolor. This group of colors includes the most typical black-red-white for beagles, as well as blue-red-white, brown-red-white and lilac-red-white tricolors.
  • Spotted. This color, also called the torn tricolor, consists of small spots of any shades acceptable in the tricolor scattered on a white main background.
  • Motley. TO variegated colors include badger, hare and lemon. The main difference between motley-colored beagles and bicolors and tricolors is that their nose has a dark edge, and the main type of coat is not pure white, but rather cream. In addition, the spots do not have clear outlines, since the colored hairs on their borders mix with the white ones.

Important! For beagles it is also allowed by the standard white color, but it should not be white and speckled.

Breed standards

The head is proportional to the body, of normal length, with a pronounced occipital protuberance. In males it may be somewhat more powerful. The convex forehead is divided by a shallow vertical groove and a marked, but not sharp, transition to an almost rectangular muzzle, the length of which is approximately the same as the length of the skull.

Quite thick and loose, but not drooping lips emphasize the shape of the muzzle and head as a whole.

The teeth are complete, white, strong, the bite is correct, scissor-shaped.

The nose is quite wide, with well-opened nostrils, and, as a rule, black. Although in dogs with lightened colors, brown pigmentation of the nose is also acceptable.
The eyes are slightly protruding, widely spaced, and usually brown. Beagles with lighter coat colors may have lighter eyes - amber or hazel.

The ears are set above the eye line, rather soft and long, with rounded ends, falling in folds along the cheekbones.

Important! The length of the ears should be such that, if extended, their tips reach the nose.

The neck is of medium length, strong and strong, but at the same time noble in outline.

The depth is wide enough chest, reaching to the elbow joints, is approximately half the dog's height.

The withers are well developed, leading into a strong and broad back. The loin is somewhat convex, the croup is moderately sloping, smoothly merging into strong, well-muscled thighs.

The abdominal line is smooth, slightly tucked, without a sharp bend.

The forelimbs are strong and level, and should not be too thin or too massive. Hind limbs strong and quite muscular. The paws are quite large, with closed, somewhat raised toes on thick and dense pads, the claws are not long.

The tail is strong, moderately thick, medium in length, covered with short hair. Carried quite high, on the line of the spine or slightly lower. When moving, the dog raises it up, but the tail is never curled into a ring or thrown over the back.

The beagle's coat is typical of hounds: with a thick coat that fits tightly to the body and a short, uniform undercoat, slightly lighter than the main color.

Dog character

Beagles are non-aggressive, they are quite friendly towards both people and animals, although it is not recommended to keep them in the same room with mustelids and rodents.

These dogs are great with children and make excellent playmates. Beagles usually become especially attached to someone they consider their owner. But they are just as affectionate and friendly towards other family members.

They are usually indifferent towards strangers, do not show aggression, but are not too inclined to trust. At the same time, if necessary, this dog is quite capable of defending its owner or his property.

However, those who are planning to get a beagle should take into account that he, like most hounds, likes to wander around the surrounding area without being accompanied by his owner. These dogs are quite capable of escaping and going in search of adventure on their own, and the only thing that can stop them is a tightly locked door or an enclosure with deepened and concreted bottom walls, so that the dog cannot dig under them.

Important! The Beagle is stubborn and, if he gets on some particularly exciting trail, it can be difficult to get him to stop.


On average, these dogs live 12-15 years, but much depends on the conditions in which the beagle lives and how actively it is used for work.

Care and hygiene

Daily care consists of regularly examining the dog’s eyes and ears and, if necessary, wiping with a damp towel any areas that get dirty during a walk, such as the paws.

It is enough to brush your beagle 2 times a week; during the molting period, however, you will also have to resort to brushing special brush, removing dead undercoat. You can also use a furminator at this time.

These dogs are bathed infrequently: only when there is an urgent need for it, that is, if the dog gets dirty in something too sticky or smells unpleasant.

Eyes and ears should be cleaned as needed, that is, also when dirt appears.

Beagles' claws grind down perfectly on their own, but if this does not happen, then you need to trim them from time to time with a nail clipper.

Representatives of this breed do not need special dental care, but in order for the dog to be able to clean them of plaque, it is recommended to give him special toys or treats to chew on.

Diet, diet

Most beagles have an excellent appetite, and therefore, as a rule, there are no problems with feeding them.

If desired, the dog owner can choose one of the options for feeding the pet: either natural food homemade, or ready-made complete food of good quality.

Natural feeding is not food from your own table, but food that is prepared exclusively for the dog, in compliance with the required proportions of meat, cereals, vegetables and other products and slightly under-salted.

In the Beagle's diet, the share of meat or meat products should be at least 30%, and for working dogs it should be at least 50%.

In addition to meat, the dog must also receive other products: buckwheat or rice porridge, raw or boiled vegetables, dairy products, greenery. Once a week it is recommended to give the dog 1 egg (raw yolk, boiled white), and replace the meat with boiled sea ​​fish without bones, and fish should be given 1.5 times more than meat.

Small puppies up to 3 months are fed 5-6 times a day, later, the number of feedings is reduced: by six months - to 3-4, and by a year the pet is fed 2-3 times.

Important! It should be remembered that adult beagles are predisposed to obesity, and therefore they need to be fed in small portions, dividing the daily intake into 2-3 feedings.

Diseases and breed defects

Beagles are not a sickly breed; they are cheerful, cheerful, active, and therefore rarely get sick. However, representatives of this breed may be predisposed to the following ailments:

  • Diseases of the spine and joints.
  • Eye diseases such as inflammation of the third eyelid, cataracts, glaucoma or corneal dysplasia.
  • Amyloidosis.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Eczema.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the ears.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Obesity.

Some beagles suffer from chronic overeating because no matter how much they eat, they cannot satisfy their hunger. With such a pet you need to be especially careful in terms of feeding: give him only the prescribed amount and do not feed him additionally.

TO breed defects may include inharmonious build, liver color prohibited by the standard, missing teeth or malocclusion, aggressive or cowardly behavior.

In general, all serious deviations from the norm that make the beagle’s appearance atypical for a representative of this breed or make it difficult to use it as a working hunting dog should be considered disqualifying defects.

Training and education

Considering that, like many other hounds, beagles have a stubborn disposition and are not always obedient, you need to start raising a puppy literally from the very first days of his appearance in the house or apartment. First of all, the pet must be taught “rules of decency”: maintaining cleanliness in the house, as well as behavior in the house. You should not allow your dog to grab yourself or your children’s arms, legs or clothing, or to growl or snarl. It is also necessary that the dog learns from puppyhood that it is unacceptable to bark over trifles or chew and spoil things out of boredom when the owners leave home.

In the very first days after purchasing a dog, you can already begin to teach it the simplest commands, such as “Place”, “Come to me”, “No” or “Fu”. But it is not recommended to encourage aggressiveness or, especially, try to set a beagle puppy against people or animals: even though these dogs are not aggressive by nature, you can make them angry, which in the future is fraught with serious problems, including with the psyche of such a pet .

Beagles are very active and mobile by nature, and therefore the owner of such a dog must do everything possible to direct the energy of his pet in a peaceful direction.

For this, it is recommended to simply take long walks with mandatory jogging without a leash (they must be carried out in a fenced area so that the beagle cannot escape), as well as sports, for example, canicross.

Of course, the best use of the Beagle's irrepressible activity would be hunting, for which these dogs were created. You can begin training or training a representative of this breed from the age of six months; for this, it is best to conduct classes under the guidance of a professional and in the company of other dogs.

Beagle is cheerful breed dogs, which has a long history of its appearance. A pet of this breed has true English roots.

The breed is believed to be over 2,500 years old. The Beagle is considered an ancient breed of hunting dog. Thus, the first information about these cute dogs dates back to the 5th century BC in Ancient Greece, when they were used to hunt hares. A little later, the Romans transported these hounds to the islands of the future Great Britain, where their active crossing with dogs of local breeds began.

Already by the middle of the 18th century, English breeders brought the Beagle breed to its modern look. It is believed that the beagle was Elizabeth the first's favorite breed of dog. Today the breed is considered very popular in England, Italy, France, Australia and the CIS countries. The name of the breed has several possible versions of its origin. So, from Celtic “begel” means small, and from French “begueule” is literally translated as “tinned throat”. These cute dogs received this name for their shrill voice and ringing bark.

In 1861, a book was published - A Manual of British Sports, which mentioned fox-hunting beagles, long-haired terrier beagles and dwarf beagles. Thanks to this book, it is clear that as a result of the small number of dogs, the dog began to lose its breed characteristics. This was also influenced by factors such as:

  • small number;
  • crossing with other breeds;
  • fading interest in small hounds.

But fortunately for the beagle, lovers of the breed decided to take the initiative to keep the population under control. On the other hand, the practical Englishmen were led common sense. After all, keeping small hounds was much cheaper than raising their larger competitors, which means keeping them was simply profitable.

Be that as it may, the breed not only survived, but also became popular throughout the world. By the mid-19th century, dogs began to be exhibited at hunting shows, and in 1890 the Beagle Club opened. Five years after the opening of the club, the first breed standard appeared. The popularization of beagles developed in two directions. Some breeders wanted to revive hunting traditions with the participation of a pack of beagles, others looked at the dog as a possible participant in exhibitions and sought official recognition of the animal.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the beagle survived better times. Slowly but surely the dog population fell. The second wave of popularity overtook the ancient hounds almost 50 years later by the mid-20th century. In 1957, the beagle received the final breed standard and since then this small animal has been victoriously patronizing the world, winning more and more hearts.

In the UK, beagles are still used as hounds, but this is rather the exception. In other countries, the animal has taken root as a pet and a reliable companion. Although in some cases the dog’s sensitive nose serves the law. Beagles serve at customs and airports, looking for explosives. For more than 100 years, the pet has been included in the Top of the most prestigious breeds.

Breed standards

In appearance, the Beagle is very similar to other breeds of hunting dogs that were used to catch game (for example, the Jack Russell Terrier or Foxhound). This dog is of medium height. The height at the withers ranges from 33 to 44 cm.

The weight of the average representative is 8-14 kg. This dog has short legs and a strong, compact, well-built body, which is characterized by well-developed muscles. Beagle dogs have a slightly elongated head shape, which looks quite powerful. Beagles' eyes have a good-natured expression, and their color can be hazel or dark brown. The long ears reach to the end of the nose, which is preferably black in color. The color of this pet is a combination of white, black and red. In this case, light brown color can also be combined with white or other shades of the colors described above.

In the UK, bicolor is the most valued color. Black and white coloring is also possible, but it is extremely rare. Equally uncommon are all-white beagles. By the way, a single-color option for the breed is only possible in this design. Variegated individuals are another rarity. In the color of such dogs, two colors against a white background are not located in the usual, solid areas, but scattered. There is also a clarification of the color according to the predominant color:

  • badger-pied;
  • lemon variegated;
  • hare-variegated.

Beagles also had blue-red-white ancestors, whose color contained a blue tint instead of black. Nowadays such dogs are very rare, but sometimes they are born. Although, from the point of view of experts, such a color is not typical of hounds, just like the gray shade of black.

So it turns out that the color of beagles is not only the familiar tricolor, but a wide variety of colors and shades, which makes this animal even more interesting.


The Beagle is an excellent companion dog. He is particularly cheerful and optimistic. Such a pet has unusually positive energy, and he will never be bored. Because of its hunting nature, the beagle loves to be in large, noisy companies, constantly attracting its attention. Interestingly, the larger the company of people around such a dog, the happier he feels.

Even those people who are not very fond of dogs will be impressed by the Beagle's charm. Because of his mischievous and nimble character, he can do a lot small dirty tricks in the house. At the same time, the cute creature gets away with everything, since he is sincerely loving eyes they say that he does not play pranks out of malice. Of course, the dog will never exhibit barbaric behavior if you give it enough attention.

The beagle is not at all aggressive, and even if the owner shouts at him, he will try to smooth everything over with his cheerful disposition. For example, if the owners of the house begin to quarrel among themselves, the beagle will try to lure their attention to itself in order to reconcile the situation. This dog is ideal for those who lead an active lifestyle. The pet gets along well with children, establishing the closest and most friendly contact with them. This inquisitive dog gets along well with almost all pets, with the exception of cats. For a beagle, a cat is a real enemy or prey, so it is better not to create such an alliance. Beagles always need attention, as they can become aggressive and irritable when left alone. If the owner works a lot, then the ideal option would be to buy a pair for the beagle. If this is not possible, then, leaving your pet alone, provide him with a large variety of toys.

One can say about representatives of the breed that they are smart and quick-witted. This is an inquisitive breed that loves to be exercised, but interestingly, when it comes to training, it's not that simple. The fact is that beagles are characterized by charming arrogance, which they use without a twinge of conscience at any opportunity. The pet does not like to live by established standards. For example, it is difficult to accustom him to a certain place. The beagle loves to run around the house and goes to sleep wherever he wants.

Beagle owners say their dogs' inquisitiveness is more like an insatiable curiosity. The animal is ready to stick its nose wherever it gets. This character trait causes a lot of trouble, especially when the pet is left at home alone.


These dogs are very easy to care for. So, they shed almost imperceptibly, and their cleanliness is at the highest level. It is enough to comb their fur once a week, and during the molting period - 2-3 times. The “fur coat” of these perky creatures perfectly repels dirt, and therefore they should be bathed only in cases of heavy contamination.

Caring for your dog's eyes is also extremely simple: just wipe them with a napkin that has been pre-moistened in a special disinfectant made from specialty store. Enough big ears Such a pet must be cleaned at least once every 2 weeks. If you decide to purchase a puppy of this breed, you must first hide all open sockets, shoes, chargers and remote controls, hanging wires, books and plants from visible places. Once again, it is worth recalling that the dog should have many small toys, for example, special bones or rubber toys. During a walk, the dog will happily play frisbee with its owner. Be sure to take care of his personal space for relaxation.

It is worth remembering that the beagle has a lot left of the former hound. The dog needs full-fledged physical activity, first of all, long runs. In a day, a pet can run tens of kilometers without the slightest effort. But a running dog is a guarantee of a calm evening and order in the apartment.

Such conditions of detention make one think. Can you provide the animal with such a load? And if not, can you stand an animal that has irrepressible, unspent energy, which will certainly affect the state of the home environment.

Playing and running outdoors is not only necessary to keep the house tidy, it is also an important point regarding the health of the beagle. Some owners believe that there is a way out. You just need to isolate or tie up the dog during your absence. This may save things, but it is clearly not good for the pet. A beagle forced to sit idle and exercise quickly begins to gain weight, which immediately affects the pet’s health.

The first to suffer is the spinal column, which is not designed to bear a lot of weight. The spine begins to sag, and the first problems with movement appear. Then comes the heart's turn. In general, this is no longer the same beagle that first crossed the threshold of the house, but a sick animal in need of veterinary care.


Beagles are one of those dogs that love to eat heartily. The Beagle is completely unpretentious in its choice of food, and can devour it in huge quantities. The owner needs to monitor how much their pet eats, since the beagle is prone to extreme gluttony.

A well-fed beagle is a rarity. The dog always seems a little underfed, which forces the compassionate owner to feed him more and more.

Overeating like this can make your dog obese, which can lead to health problems. Beagles need to be fed 2-3 times during the day and strictly at certain times. It is better to give preference to natural food. At the same time, 70% of the entire diet should be meat (preferably low-fat varieties), the remaining 30% should consist of cereals, fruits and vegetables.

Dry food is another feeding option that has its own advantages. The main advantage here is to calculate the rate of food consumption, taking into account the weight of the beagle, which will eliminate the possibility of overfeeding the pet. In addition, there is no need to work on compiling balanced menu and eliminates the cooking process.

The following foods should be excluded from your pet’s menu:

  • smoked meats;
  • salty and fatty foods;
  • liver;
  • chicken;
  • Hercules.

These foods can cause digestive problems and allergic reactions.


The average cost of such a little cutie is 20,000 rubles. In this case, of course, it is better to purchase a puppy from official nurseries or from registered breeders. As for training and education, a puppy of this breed needs to be taught from childhood what he can do and what he cannot do, since this little bully can do a lot of little pranks.

Beagle: pros and cons of the breed

Like any dog, the beagle can be characterized both on the positive and negative side. Let's start with the advantages of the breed:

  1. The animal is neat, sheds little, has almost no smell, and does not slobber.
  2. The Beagle loves children and is quite good at finding a common language with them.
  3. Gets along well with other pets.
  4. Smart and savvy.
  5. Devoted and faithful.
  6. Cheerful.

Now about the disadvantages of the beagle:

  1. Difficult to train.
  2. If he gets carried away, he can run away from home.
  3. Hunting instincts often appear.
  4. If not fed properly, he is prone to obesity.
  5. May bark loudly and continuously for no reason.

Let's sum it up. If you are looking for a kind, cheerful dog as a pet, then you can turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of a Beagle dog. After all, a pet has many more advantages.


Photos of beagles:

Beagles are practically ideal: friendly character, excellent sense of smell, short thick hair that does not require special care, endurance, activity and bright appearance - these are just some of the advantages of dogs of the ancient British breed. They are suitable for living in apartments and country houses; they are excellent hunters and search dogs. The beagle's nose is unique; there are about 220 million olfactory receptors on its mucous membrane, and the animal's long ears help it better capture and retain odors.

Breed characteristics

Beagle - dog breed, belonging to the hound family. Their the main objective- do not bark and guard, but seek out and catch prey, and now beagles have been adapted to search for drugs and other harmful substances. An active lifestyle is important for such dogs, without which they cannot feel well. They are ideal for living in a country house and relaxing in the country. Apartment keeping is also possible, but in this case you need to remember one feature: they are very noisy and have a loud voice, so the owners’ neighbors will also have quite a bit of “fun”.

Beagles are extremely friendly and not prone to aggression; they strive to “be friends” even with strangers. However, under certain circumstances, dogs are ready to bravely protect their owners.

Residents rural areas do not forget about the beagle's calling - hunting, so they should not be left unattended with poultry, small cattle etc. The animal may develop an instinct not even to catch the “game”, but simply to run after it, playing, which can have fatal consequences for the “prey”.

I noticed that my dog ​​needs to walk outside for at least 3 hours; in winter, of course, we walk less, and when severe frosts We put on a vest.

Natalia Kotova

It is ideal if there are children in the family who will happily play with the animal without letting it get bored.

For people who love silence and a quiet lifestyle, this breed is absolutely not suitable. One of the main needs of a beagle is almost continuous activity, playing with its owners, friends and even other pets.

Gallery: Beagle dog breed (25 photos)

Origin and description of the breed

It is very difficult to reliably find out the time and place of origin of the breed. There are many versions and speculations on this issue. The title of “homeland of the beagle” was disputed by two countries: England and France. However, it is still England that is considered their original place of residence, since, most likely, they descended from the original English hounds - the Foxhounds.

The first written mentions of dogs with similar features date back to the 3rd century. n. e. It is known that during the reign of Henry VIII (15-16 centuries), they were already widespread and loved by the British. Also, some sources indicate that this breed of dog was common in the Roman Empire. And in the 16th century. Beagles became the favorites of Catherine I.

These are very cute, proportionally built dogs.. They have a strong and neat physique:

Etymology of the name

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the breed, here are the most common ones:

  1. From the French word “beugeule” - “to shout”, this name is associated with the unusual, very loud voice of these dogs.
  2. French "begle" - "small". In this case, it indicates the small size of the animal.


The most famous varieties of the breed are:

Beagles are very unpretentious in keeping, so caring for them is quite simple, but you still have to adhere to some rules for caring for an animal:

Beagles are the original hunters, known since the times of the Roman Empire. Their main task is to drive rabbits or other small game. Nowadays they are also very popular among hunting enthusiasts. These dogs produce three types of sounds: bark - when they ask for something, are afraid or protect the owner, howl - when they are sad, or make a characteristic sound, something in common between a howl, a bark and a scream - indicating that they have drunk on the scent and drive away game.

Only purebred dogs are allowed to hunt, which must have a number of hunting qualities: strict obedience, instant reaction to the owner’s response, endurance, the ability to see things through to the end - to go after the chosen game without switching to sniffing out the tracks of another animal and the ability to work in a “team” dogs, if we are talking about corralling a large animal.

Dog in the family

A dog of this breed - excellent "family man", finding an approach to everyone, they especially love children, since they can frolic with them, and this is the animal’s favorite pastime.

An English beagle settled in our apartment several years ago, since then we have not ceased to admire and rejoice with Hunter, and the children are simply delighted with him!

Dog lover

A Beagle should only be owned in an active and “loud” family, where they love funny Games and long walks in the fresh air.

Beagle puppies are incredibly cute and playful. For the animal's future life in the family circle, the little beagle should be trained and trained. Especially a lot of physical exercise and stress is required in “ adolescence"- you can take him as a companion on bike rides, and in winter - on the hills, where the puppy will happily run after the sled - in general, he needs to be provided with a lot of active activities.

The disadvantages of the animal include the following:
