What to do if your dog ate a sock. Intestinal obstruction. What to do if your dog swallows a rubber ball? The puppy swallowed a foreign body symptoms

Dogs love to chew on bones, but sharp edges and pieces can be harmful. digestive system. If your pet is lethargic, coughs, refuses to eat, trembles its stomach and body, and blood is visible during bowel movements, these may be signs of damage to the intestinal walls and other organs. digestive tract bone fragments.

When a dog ate a bone and symptoms later appeared feeling unwell, she needs to be given first aid at home and then taken to the veterinarian.

Chicken bones from young broilers are not dangerous for dogs. They can be given boiled or raw. They are easily chewed and are malleable to healthy dog ​​teeth. If your dog eats a chicken bone from a supermarket bird, there is no need to worry.

Much worse for your pet's health chicken bones village laying hens, which were raised for more than a year. Bones poultry hard and strong, when broken, they have dangerous sharp edges that can cut the dog’s intestines or stomach, pierce the walls of organs, cause internal bleeding and death of the animal. At the first symptoms of damage internal organs The dog should be taken to the veterinary clinic for an x-ray.

The dog ate a fish bone

Fish bones are very thin and sharp. They are not visible on x-rays and can only be detected by an experienced specialist. On the one hand, fish bones are not very dangerous for the pet’s life. They don't overlap Airways, do not lead to suffocation. However, when pierced, the needle-like bones cause unbearable pain, the dog begins to whine, suffer from insomnia, and refuse water and food.

If the dog ate fish bone, and it is stuck in the larynx, you can get it out with tweezers. To do this, one person fixes the mouth in an open position, the other, armed with tweezers sterilized with alcohol, must pick up, securely clamp the tip of the bone and pull it out of the larynx in one confident movement.

A dog that has swallowed a bone should not be offered solid food, as it may dig the bone further into the tissue or break it. This will make it difficult to remove the pointed object. If you cannot help your dog at home, you should always contact a veterinarian. When examining the larynx, specialists use an oral speculum.

Veterinarians strongly advise against giving adult dogs and puppies tubular bones. They can simply be swallowed whole or chewed into small pieces with sharp edges. In both cases, harm is caused to the health of the pet.

What dangers can await if a dog has eaten a tubular bone:

  • Infection from chicken, rabbit, beef or pork bones, if the slaughtered animal suffered infectious diseases. Even high temperatures Cooking does not destroy some types of bacteria in the bones.
  • Damage to the fragile enamel of the baby teeth of puppies, and grinding down of the molars of adult dogs. Sharp edges tubular bone gums are often damaged.
  • Bones and their fragments are not digested by the gastrointestinal tract of dogs, but are compressed into dense masses. This causes constipation and gas formation.
  • A dog can choke on sharp fragments. Bone particles can injure the esophagus, stomach, intestines, cut the walls of organs, and cause peritonitis.

Dog owners should monitor their dog's behavior and condition after noticing that their pet has swallowed a bone. If the dog begins to cough, even vomiting, wheezing, choking, experiencing weakness, pain, or difficulty swallowing, it is necessary to provide immediate assistance.

What to do if your dog swallows a bone and gets sick:

  1. It is necessary to inspect the mouth with a flashlight. If the bone is embedded in back wall larynx and is visible, try to pull it out with your hands or tweezers.
  2. If the pet is coughing, small dogs are grabbed by the hind legs and lifted. Big dogs tilted upside down. Foreign objects come out with a strong air stream when exhaling sharply.
  3. When a dog cannot clear its throat, has choked on a bone and is suffocating, the Heimlich maneuver is used. The dog is pressed with its back to itself, the hand, gathered into a fist, is placed in front of the sternum. In the area of ​​the diaphragm, apply 4-5 sharp pressures with your fist. If after this the bone does not come out, urgent hospitalization of the animal is required.
  4. For abdominal pain and blood in feces ah, the dog is given 10 ml from a syringe without a needle vegetable oil, which facilitates the passage of bone fragments from the intestines.
  5. It is recommended not to give food or water to the dog for 3 days. Fasting helps restore damaged walls of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. When the dog begins to feel better and blood stops coming out in the stool, a strict diet should be followed for several days. The dog is fed bread soaked in milk and oatmeal. Solid food is temporarily not given.

Opinions about this are mixed. Pets react positively to some types of bones.

Young healthy dogs They do not suffer much from swallowed bones and quickly recover from damage. But still at severe symptoms If you feel unwell, you should definitely contact a veterinarian to alleviate your pet’s condition and avoid complications.

People love to have dogs as pets, especially for lonely individuals who want to communicate.

Young animals can quite often eat some obviously inedible item, which can bring many negative consequences for their digestive tract in particular and the body as a whole. Therefore, owners need to carefully monitor their dog at all times.

But very often it is impossible to keep track and the dog eats various, sometimes surprising, objects, such as socks.

Why might a dog eat socks?

Do not forget that any dog ​​is a carrier of the genes of wild ancestors and their instinctive base. Dogs are representatives of predators; in nature they are constantly in search of food. They do the same thing in houses, but sometimes it turns out that they eat inedible objects that they mistake for edible, for example, because of their smell.

Socks, especially those that have been worn for a long time, make strong smell , which is very irritating to sensitive receptors olfactory system dogs, the hunter's instinct is triggered and the animal can swallow them.

Danger of getting a sock inside the stomach

If it gets into the stomach, the sock may split into threads due to exposure to an aggressive environment. gastric juice, can pass down the intestines (if it is small in size compared to the stomach), or can get stuck in the stomach.

If the product gets stuck in the stomach, this can lead to indigestion of food and subsequently to peritonitis. Cotton socks are the most insidious when swallowed; such products will swell more and more from internal moisture, leading to rotting of food and bloating of the stomach. Without qualified assistance provided in a timely manner, the consequences for the animal in this case can be fatal.

What to do if the dog ate

If the dog ate a sock and it didn't come out naturally along with the chair, the owners will need to take certain measures.

If the sock was recently swallowed, less than 6 hours ago, you can try to induce vomiting in the animal so that the sock comes out along with the vomit. Vomiting is caused in the following ways:

  1. With salt. Salt can be carefully poured onto the root of the tongue or made brine and inject it inside the dog using a syringe.
  2. With mustard. Mustard has irritating properties and applied to the root of the tongue, it can cause vomiting.
  3. Using hydrogen peroxide. Experienced dog breeders especially praise this method as extremely effective and efficient. Hydrogen peroxide along with clean water mixed in a one to one ratio and then, using a syringe, poured into the dog’s larynx.

If the sock has been swallowed relatively recently, you can try to remove it using an endoscope, naturally not on your own, but with the help of a veterinarian.

Using Vaseline oil as a laxative will help if more than 12 hours have passed after swallowing the sock and it has not come out in a natural way. Vaseline oil should be given to the dog every two hours until the desired effect occurs; the dog should not be fed.

Vaseline oil will not harm the dog’s body and will come out unchanged, since it is mineral and will not be absorbed by the body.

If the sock does not come out of the stomach, despite the measures taken, you will need to contact a qualified veterinarian to perform intracavitary surgery to remove the product from the animal’s stomach. After such an operation, mandatory compliance with the postoperative rehabilitation regime, wearing a special bandage, antibacterial drugs, vitamin therapy, dosed walks, avoiding conflicts with other dogs.

Measures to prevent socks from getting into your dog's stomach

Basic preventive measure negative consequences a dog eating socks is cleaning of all socks, especially cotton ones, out of the dog’s reach.

Constant and thorough cleaning of the home space from objects potentially dangerous to the dog will guarantee the peace of mind of the owners and the health of their pets.

It would be useful to periodically train the dog competently to develop negative attitude for socks and fabric items.

Eating obviously inedible objects, in particular socks, can also be an indicator of the dog’s general nervousness and anxiety. Maintaining a walking schedule balanced nutrition, games - all this will reduce the dog’s anxiety level and lead to greater harmonization of the relationship between the dog and the person.

What actions should you not take if your dog ate a sock?

Under no circumstances should you yell at your dog if it has swallowed a sock, because it is already in a stressful state. If the body is in stressful situation, the condition of the gastrointestinal tract may worsen, and spasms may occur.

If a dog swallows a sock in front of its owner, you should not try to pull it out on your own if it has already entered the esophagus from the mouth - this can lead to much greater trauma. You should not try to pull the sock out of the stomach on your own by massaging the abdominal area; this can also lead to a worsening of the situation.

After accurately stating the fact, you should remain calm and strictly follow the above steps.

It is very important to remember that Vaseline should be given as a laxative, and not vegetable or olive oil.

First, let's talk about safety precautions: do not allow situations in which the dog has the desire and opportunity to eat bags.

  • Close the garbage can (if necessary, use the latch!).
  • Do not leave shopping bags (meat, sausages in packaging) unattended. (Don’t leave it without packaging either, if you want the food to come to you too.)
  • Any packaging containing something tasty should be immediately thrown out of the reach of the dog. Dogs rarely swallow bags without an attractive smell, but such perverts do exist. In this case, you can only sympathize: hide all the packages, do not leave the dog unattended, lock your pet in a room in your absence. safe place(dog cages are not evil or violence, they are a safe house while the owner is away).
  • Walk your pet on a leash and/or muzzle.

But I think if you are reading this article, the above tips are overdue.

What to do if your dog has already eaten the bag

If your dog ate the bag, don't panic. It is very likely that it will come out naturally, especially if the dog chewed it.

Observe the dog's condition for several days: if vomiting appears, do not feed the dog, do not give it any medications and immediately take it to the doctor, warning that the dog recently ate the bag.

The doctor will conduct a series x-rays with contrast (this will take several hours, you will have to leave the dog in the hospital or come several times) to detect intestinal obstruction. X-ray without contrast may not be useful: polyethylene does not block x-rays, but the first image is usually taken before insertion contrast agent. If intestinal blockage is confirmed, you will need surgical intervention. (And no, “lots of x-rays” are not bad for your dog!)

Very rarely foreign body can lie in the stomach for a long time, without showing itself in any way for the time being. At some point it moves and clogs the intestines. Even if you are sure that your pet is Lately did not ingest anything “like that”, do not refuse an X-ray examination with contrast to detect intestinal obstruction if the dog has persistent vomiting.

Ultrasound by indirect signs can also help detect intestinal obstruction, but x-rays with contrast are still more reliable.

If nothing bothers the dog, wait for the package to come out naturally. To be on the safe side, you can give Vaseline oil(not castor oil or any other oil!) - it will facilitate the passage of feces. Vaseline oil (sold in a pharmacy) is given orally at the rate of approximately 1 teaspoon per 10 kg of dog weight, 2-4 times a day, until stool appears. You shouldn’t give it for more than a couple of days: the oil disrupts normal processes absorption in the intestines. If, after defecation, only half of the bag comes out of the dog, and the rest sits firmly in the intestines, do not pull on the hanging part. Just cut off what's on the outside with scissors and wait for the rest to come out on its own.

And always, always hide bags and other packaging from dogs. The dog will not draw any conclusions from what happened and, whenever possible, will again eat what attracts it.

We all love to play with our pets with a ball or other toys. But what should you do if, during the game or through negligence, your pet swallows this same ball? At first glance, this problem may not seem so scary, but in reality this “little trouble” can cost your animal its life!

The whole danger of this situation lies in the blockage of the intestines (intestinal obstruction), which is created by the ingestion of the pet. foreign object. And sharp objects can cause intestinal rupture. The fact is that objects of the correct shape (oval and round), which are able to pass through the lumen of the pharynx, can be larger in diameter than the lumen of the esophagus, since in dogs the entrance to the pharynx is very wide, because they do not chew food, but swallow in large pieces. If these objects are also resistant to the effects of juices and enzymes in the stomach, but have passed through the esophagus, then the next obstacle for them is the small intestine.

What is the mechanism this phenomenon? It is true that both the esophagus and intestines are a very elastic organ, capable of great stretching. Moreover, inner surface lined with a mucous membrane, which promotes the sliding of feed masses, and the walls are equipped with rings of smooth muscles that ensure the pushing of the contents into lower departments. This is where the answer lies - it is the strongly contracted smooth muscles that form a spasm around the foreign object, fixing it tightly in the lumen of the organ. Then there is a local circulatory disorder, tissue necrosis and intestinal rupture. Death occurs as a result of peritonitis.

Most often, surgeons veterinary center"Zoovet" has to be removed: rubber balls, marbles, children's toys, potatoes, threads, chicken bones, and more.

Symptoms of intestinal obstruction are general malaise, nausea, lack of stool, pain in the abdominal wall.

How should you behave if you suspect your pet has swallowed a foreign object?

Firstly, under no circumstances try to deal with this problem yourself, for example, by giving your pet Vaseline oil. Moreover, in such a situation it is impossible to give drugs to the animal, vomiting, increasing intestinal motility.

By doing this you will not only not help your pet, but will also aggravate the situation.

You should immediately contact a veterinary clinic. And the sooner you do this, the greater the chance that your pet will be able to be helped without using surgical method removal of a foreign body (surgery). Also in this situation it is important right choice veterinary clinic. Due to the fact that even with a timely visit to the clinic, it is not always possible to make a diagnosis “ intestinal obstruction“Based on a physical (examination) and x-ray examination, since not all swallowed objects are radiopaque and palpable.

The Zoovet veterinary center has the necessary equipment, namely: a gastroscope and a colonoscope from Olimpus. Thanks to this, not only diagnostic studies gastrointestinal tract animals, but also effectively removes foreign objects from the stomach using an endoscope (in a minimally invasive way). The main thing is not to delay and contact the clinic on the same day that your pet swallowed the ball!

The doctors at the Zoovet veterinary center are always happy to help your pets and are ready to help at any time of the day.

Hello! The Jack Russell Terrier puppy is 6 months old. He swallowed something (presumably a piece of “chew” bought in a specialty store) 5 days ago. He is coughing, but not intensely. Eats and drinks without visible discomfort. Occasionally (3-4 times in the evening) short asmatic attacks. Apparently no pain, cheerful, vaccinated. Yesterday it started leaking from the peepholes. Quite intensely. We live abroad. There is no opportunity to visit a doctor.
How dangerous is this? Can the body cope on its own? The stuck object is clearly sitting in the trachea area. It is not visible from the throat. We made the puppy sneeze, it didn’t help... What should I do? Help me please!

It is difficult to advise you on any specific option for getting your puppy out of trouble without knowing what the “chew” is actually made of, a piece of which your puppy swallowed. As far as I know, “gnaws” can be made from both natural (tendon) and artificial (plastic) materials.

If the “gnawing” is natural, then perhaps you are worrying in vain and this condition of the puppy will go away by itself.

If it doesn't pass for a long time, then before contacting the veterinarian, try pouring Vaseline oil into the edge of his mouth. However, it is difficult to say exactly how much of this liquid should be poured into the puppy. After all, Vaseline oil is a laxative. Try to give no more than one tablespoon to begin with.

Also, if a solid object is swallowed, for example, glass, rubber, wire, you can give him castor oil with milk and bread.

You can cleanse your stomach using the following methods. Prepare a solution of table salt at the rate of one teaspoon per 500 ml warm water. The finished solution is given to the dog in the same way as liquid medicine (by infusion into the cheek) until vomiting occurs.

The following can be used as improvised emetics:

1. Salt- two teaspoons per glass of warm water. Forcefully inject through the mouth using a syringe.

2. Mustard - one tablespoon per glass of warm water.

Watch closely when your puppy vomits. If you notice a foreign object already in the throat, quickly try to grab it with your hands and pull it out.

If none of the above helps, you still need to contact a veterinarian. Contact veterinary clinic, in which gastroscopy is performed, it is possible that the foreign body can be removed using a flexible endoscope through the mouth.

Many foreign bodies, even very large ones, can freely pass through the intestines in dogs.

Your puppy may need x-rays and surgery. Especially if you are not entirely sure what exactly he swallowed.

The puppy puts everything in his mouth. Make sure that there are no small objects, needles, pens, children's cars, etc. within your reach. Another problem when keeping a puppy is the objects surrounding it.
