Why is it called night blindness grass? Why is night blindness flower called that? Night blindness - treatment with folk remedies

Behind the popular name night blindness the caustic buttercup (Ranúnculus ácris) is hiding. The herbaceous perennial belongs to the buttercup family and is considered poisonous.

Other names of the plant are black henbane, medicinal black root, stinging herb, oil flower.
Our ancestors associated the acrid buttercup with pagan god Ancient Rus'– Perun, who was the patron saint of Russian warriors.

According to one version, the name of the plant is associated with volatile, toxic substances that affect the eyes. As a result, a person’s vision deteriorates for some time. If Domestic bird will even eat a small part plants, the poisonous juice can blind her. Another version says that the shiny flowers reflect the sun's rays and blind the eyes.

Night blindness is used as medicinal plant and is valued as a honey plant. One of the varieties of caustic buttercup “Flore pleno” has beautiful double flowers. Large inflorescences are shaped like a yellow dahlia or a rose. Due to its decorative value, it is grown in culture.


The height of the straight and branched bush with cylindrical stems is 30-80 cm. The rhizome of the caustic buttercup is short, with fibrous roots.

The upper leaves are sessile, trilobed with a serrated margin. In the lower part of the stem the leaves are pentagonal, separate, 5-10 cm long. Planted on long petioles.

Night blindness blooms with single small flowers, as can be seen from the photo. Sometimes the inflorescences form an umbrella. The color is bright yellow, and the diameter of the flowers does not exceed 2 cm. They are located in the upper part of the stems. The calyx is formed by 5 glossy petals and many stamens and pistils. The inflorescences close at night, sheltering from cold and dew.

The flowering period lasts from May to the end of August. Then the fruits appear in the form of smooth nuts with egg-shaped seeds.

For life, night blindness chooses coniferous and birch forests, fields and the edges of vegetable gardens, coastal zones of reservoirs, forest and floodplain meadows. The plantings form a thick, dense carpet. The plant is distributed in the temperate climate zone, in Western Siberia and in the Caucasus.

What substances does night blindness contain?

Night blindness has a rich chemical composition. The main feature of the plant is the content of a very poisonous, volatile substance - protoanemonin. The oily liquid has a sharp, burning smell and taste. It is easy to deactivate because it has an unstable molecular formula. The toxic component causes irritation to the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes, throat and affects internal organs.

Found in the buttercup inflorescence

  • glycosides,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • carotenoids,
  • alkaloids,
  • saponins,
  • tannins,
  • flavoxanthin,
  • anemolone.

The achene of the plant contains fatty oils.

Use in folk medicine

Small doses of protoanemonin stimulate the activity of the central nervous system, increase the content of red blood cells in the blood and are used for anemia. Based on the plant, preparations are prepared for the treatment of tuberculosis, fungal infections, staphylococcus and E. coli infections.

Buttercup has earned the greatest popularity as an external remedy for diseases of the skin and joints, treatment of wounds, burns and boils. Infusions successfully treat urticaria, ulcers and scabies. Night blindness is also effective for headaches, neuralgia and fever.

Folk remedies with ranunculus promote tissue regeneration. Recommended for

  1. hemorrhages,
  2. suffocation,
  3. arrhythmias,
  4. constipation,
  5. inflammation of the eyes.

The juice of the plant removes warts and relieves toothache.

The young leaves of the plant act as mustard plaster and are used for rubbing for muscle and joint pain, and pulmonary diseases.

The procurement of raw materials is done during the flowering period, because it is the flowers that represent the greatest medicinal value. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from them, and they are also used fresh. The paste from the petals is used to treat ulcers and skin rashes; it is also used as mustard plasters. The root is used as a powder, which heals wounds well. Alcohol tincture rhizomes are taken for malignant tumors.

The leaves of the plant are collected less frequently. The work is carried out very carefully so as not to burn the skin or mucous membranes. When dried, the plant is harmless.

Side effects

When using night blindness, you need to remember that it slows down heartbeat and provokes spasms blood vessels And respiratory tract. The smell of flowers evokes allergic reaction, irritation of mucous membranes, pain in the eyes and severe cough. In case of juice poisoning, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, fainting, cramps, abdominal pain, and involuntary salivation occur. First aid consists of gastric lavage. It is recommended to take activated carbon tablets at the rate of 1 piece per 10 kg of body weight.

The plant is so poisonous that it poses a danger to health and even life. Admission to medical purposes must be under the supervision of a physician.

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Night blindness, Kuroslep, the popular name for some herbaceous plants, mainly with yellow flowers. Most often K. s. called buttercup, mainly caustic buttercup (Ranunculus acris) ≈ perennial plant 20≈80 cm high with pubescent stem and for the most part palmate leaves. The flowers are golden yellow, on long stalks. Blooms in early summer. Grows in the temperate zone of Eurasia, in the USSR - in the European part, Western Siberia and Central Asia≈ through meadows, clearings, bushes, forests. Poisonous plant; its juice causes severe burns on the skin, as well as lacrimation and sharp pain in the eyes (hence, apparently, the name). Meadow weed, almost not eaten by livestock.

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night blindness, also popularly called gout or burning herb and oil flower, and in scientific medicine - caustic buttercup, is herbaceous plant, blooming with bright yellow flowers that serve as a source of nectar for insects throughout the summer.

Acrid buttercup - night blindness, application

Mostly buttercup grows in regions with temperate climates. Thickets of the plant, which can be found in meadows, fields and forest clearings of rare coniferous and deciduous forests, can grow to form a thick carpet. ()

Night blindness belongs to the category of very poisonous plants, so you need to be very careful, since protoanemonin, which is part of buttercup, can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth and nose. For treatment purposes, the above-ground parts of the plant are harvested, in particular flowers, which are most useful when eaten fresh, although dry raw materials can also be used to prepare infusions and decoctions. ()

What unique properties does night blindness have?

All kinds of chemical substances were found in the plant: cardiac glycosides, the carotenoid flavoxanthin, anemolone, flavonoids, alkaloids, fatty oil, saponins and vitamin C. Preparations prepared from buttercup have a wound-healing, tonic, analgesic and antibacterial effect on the body. ()

The plant has long been widely used to treat diseases skin and joints. When used internally, it supports the body in the fight against with fungal and intestinal infections, rheumatism, fever, neuralgia, arthritis, staphylococcus and tuberculosis. With the help of infusions and decoctions of burning herbs, you can successfully treat erysipelas, itching, burns, purulent wounds, skin tuberculosis, eczema, urticaria, boils and even scabies. They act destructively on various microorganisms - rods, fungi and bacteria. ()

In addition, buttercup preparations help quickly restore damaged tissue, promoting more intensive regeneration of healthy skin cells. To people suffering oncological diseases, inflammation of the eyes, suffocation, arrhythmia, constipation, internal hemorrhages, liver and respiratory diseases It is recommended to use night blindness periodically to maintain health. Fresh leaves have a mustard plaster effect, so they can be actively used for rubbing during pain in muscles and joints. ()

  • Ointment recipe

For treatment colds , and with inflammation of the lymph nodes prepare an ointment based on interior fat, which is mixed in equal parts with the flowers of the pungent herb. Every day before going to bed, rub the ointment into the throat area and bronchi lungs movements, and then wrap yourself in a warm scarf. ()

  • Treatment with fresh buttercup petals and leaves

Using flower petals, you can effective treatment skin tumors (non-cancerous) and warts, and also reduce painful sensations at arthritis and rheumatism. To do this, the affected area of ​​skin is first lubricated with Vaseline or any vegetable oil, and then apply the freshly picked leaf for 10 minutes. ()

  • Infusion recipe

Night blindness works well for dropsy, edema, dizziness, pleurisy, enteritis, colitis, asthma and pneumonia. To do this you need to prepare an infusion. Recipe: fresh or dried flowers (5 g) are placed in a thermos and brewed with boiling water (500 ml). After half an hour, the infusion can be taken orally, 15 ml three times a day. If you have a sore throat, you should gargle. (

This is a plant with yellow flowers is a honey plant. In addition, it has long been used by healers in folk medicine. Its leaves were used as mustard plasters for treatment. pulmonary diseases. Due to the antiseptic and antimycotic properties of protoanemonin, the main active substance contained in the plant, buttercup was used externally for burns, cuts and abscesses in the form of compresses.

IN medieval Europe there was night blindness traditional means against warts, and its disinfecting and warming effect helped in the treatment of gout and rheumatism. The plant’s detrimental effect on scabies mites was also established.

A decoction of dried buttercup leaves and stems was used to relieve headaches and stomach pains of a neuralgic nature. Thanks to high content ascorbic acid, glycosides, saponins, tannins and asparagine, the plant stimulates the work of the central nervous system, and also helps to increase the number of red blood cells in the blood, which caused effective application Ranunculus causticum in the treatment of all kinds of anemia.

The toxic effect of small doses of night blindness herb is expressed as light form poisoning, indigestion. This property of buttercup has been used to solve the problem of severe constipation.

Doctors later determined that it was poisonous plant can be effectively used as an adjuvant therapy in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Poisonous effects of night blindness

Despite its external harmlessness and the presence of medicinal properties, caustic buttercup is a poisonous and extremely dangerous plant. Yes, accidental ingestion fresh leaves and flowers often leads to illness and even death in cattle.

If the caustic juice gets on the skin, it can cause severe burns, including the formation of blisters and cell death.
Strong irritant effect Buttercup has an effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. Acute poisoning accompanied by severe pain and cardiac dysfunction.

Official modern medicine We are categorically against the use of ranunculus in therapeutic practice, so recommending night blindness for the treatment of a particular disease means endangering human health and life.

There are probably no plants in nature for which traditional medicine has not found application. These include the night blindness flower - gouty or stinging herb, caustic buttercup. This very thing, when freshly picked, poses a serious threat to the health of both people and animals. Only after complete drying is the stem not dangerous, so buttercup can be given to large cattle in the form of hay, but animals should not be grazed in areas where flowers grow.

Homeland perennial plant Ukraine, Belarus, and the European part of Russia are considered. The erect stems of the stinging grass can reach a height of up to one meter; small colors form at the ends of the branches in May-June. Night blindness grows mainly in meadows, as well as clearings of sparse birch and coniferous forests. The flower has not only poisonous, but also medicinal properties, therefore it is actively used in folk medicine.

Fresh grass contains protoanemonin, as well as ranunculin, which is an oily liquid with unpleasant smell. Buttercup also contains tannins, flavonoids, alkanoids, saponins, carotene and vitamin C. The most dangerous substance is considered a protoanemonin, which has irritant effect on mucous membranes and skin. The flower has fungistatic and antimicrobial effects. If used in small doses, it perfectly stimulates the central nervous system.

Used for skin tuberculosis, gout and various diseases skin. It is also used in homeopathy. A remedy prepared from freshly picked herbs is used for irritation of the mouth, nose, eyes, pain in the muscles and chest, with the formation of ulcers and skin rashes. Night blindness flower is used in folk medicine for severe constipation as a laxative. To do this, the patient eats several leaves of the plant or drinks a decoction made with milk.

In the old days, they treated warts on the body, removed thickenings from nails, and used the plant as a local irritant and vesicant for headaches, furunculosis, burn wounds, and rheumatism. At stomach diseases, hernia, tuberculosis, these flowers were also used. Night blindness (a photo of the plant will allow you to recognize it in natural environment habitat) used to be part of an ointment for colds, and cotton wool moistened with grass juice was applied to a sore tooth.

Be that as it may, fresh caustic buttercup is very poisonous, therefore it has side effect. At local application night blindness flower can cause irritation and dryness of the mucous membranes, leading to spasm of the larynx and lacrimation. Injections of its drugs can also provoke general poisoning, which is accompanied by a rapid or weakened pulse, fainting, and dizziness. Buttercup juice causes severe irritation digestive tract, decrease in the number of heart contractions. For this reason, self-medication with hot herbs is contraindicated. In case of poisoning, immediately induce vomiting and drink activated carbon and consult a doctor.
