Actovegin gel analogues are cheap. Analogues of "Actovegin", their comparison and reviews. Other foreign substitutes

This page provides a list of all Actovegin analogues by composition and indication for use. A list of cheap analogues, and you can also compare prices in pharmacies.

Cheap analogues of Actovegin

# Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
1 albumin black food grade
6 rub 5 UAH
2 mumiyo
20 rub 15 UAH
3 Similar in indication and method of use 29 RUR --
4 Common celandine
Similar in indication and method of use
29 RUR 5 UAH
5 Rose hip
Similar in indication and method of use
30 rub 9 UAH

When calculating the cost cheap analogues of Actovegin taken into account minimum price, which was found in price lists provided by pharmacies

Popular analogs of Actovegin

# Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
1 Analogue in composition and indication 70 rub 26 UAH
2 thioctic acid
Similar in indication and method of use
719 RUR 255 UAH
3 thioctic acid
Similar in indication and method of use
165 RUR 103 UAH
4 thioctic acid
Similar in indication and method of use
744 RUR 14 UAH
5 thioctic acid
Similar in indication and method of use
359 RUR 66 UAH

The list of drug analogues based on statistics of the most requested drugs

All analogues of Actovegin

Analogues in composition and indications for use

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
70 rub 26 UAH
albumin black food grade 6 rub 5 UAH
Calendula officinalis, Chamomile officinalis, Licorice glabra, Tripartite series, Salvia officinalis, Eucalyptus rodoformis 40 rub 9 UAH
580 rub. 182 UAH
75 RUR --
extract donated blood -- 9 UAH
vitreous 1700 rub. 12 UAH
homeopathic potencies of various substances 487 RUR 77 UAH
-- 28 UAH
homeopathic potencies of various substances 3600 rub. 109 UAH

The above list of drug analogues, which indicates Actovegin substitutes, is the most suitable because they have same composition active ingredients and coincide in indications for use

Analogues by indication and method of use

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
-- 230 UAH
mumiyo 20 rub 15 UAH
Alder 46 RUR 6 UAH
human placenta extract 1727 RUR 71 UAH
Chamomile officinalis 31 rub. 7 UAH
Rowan 43 RUR --
29 RUR --
-- --
Rose hip 30 rub 9 UAH
Immortelle sandy, St. John's wort, Chamomile officinalis -- 4 UAH
bioglobin-y -- --
Rowan, Rosehip 123 RUR --
Argentum nitricum, Acidum arsenicosum, Pulsatilla pratensis, Stryсhnos nux-vomica, Carbo vegetabilis, Stibium sulfuratum nigrum 270 rub. 46 UAH
-- 12 UAH
dalargin -- --
dalargin -- 133 UAH
combination of many active ingredients -- 17 UAH
Marshmallow, Blackberry, Peppermint, Plantain, Chamomile, Licorice, Common Thyme, Common Fennel, Hops -- --
St. John's wort, Calendula officinalis, Peppermint, Chamomile, Common yarrow 30 rub 6 UAH
Cinquefoil erecta 55 rub. 9 UAH
Kelp -- --
lecithin -- 248 UAH
combination of many active ingredients -- 211 UAH
sea ​​buckthorn -- 13 UAH
combination of many active ingredients -- --
Rowan chokeberry 68 RUR 16 UAH
Valerian officinalis, Stinging nettle, Peppermint, Oats, Great plantain, Chamomile, Chicory, Rose hip -- --
Hawthorn, Calendula officinalis, Flax, Peppermint, Great plantain, Chamomile, Yarrow, Hops -- --
Calamus, peppermint, chamomile, licorice, fragrant dill 36 rub. 20 UAH
Common celandine 29 RUR 5 UAH
encad -- 680 UAH
-- --
-- 29 UAH
Alpha lipoic acid -- 51 UAH
-- 272 UAH
thioctic acid 359 RUR 66 UAH
thioctic acid -- 26 UAH
thioctic acid 300 rub 29 UAH
thioctic acid 719 RUR 255 UAH
Alpha lipoic acid 71 RUR 219 UAH
thioctic acid 165 RUR 103 UAH
222 rub. 430 UAH
thioctic acid 744 RUR 14 UAH
thioctic acid -- 38 UAH
thioctic acid -- --
thioctic acid -- 103 UAH
thioctic acid 1012 rub. 119 UAH
thioctic acid 168 RUR 570 UAH
thioctic acid 1465 RUR 2200 UAH
thioctic acid 169 RUR 246 UAH
thioctic acid -- --
thioctic acid -- --
Nitisinone -- 42907 UAH
miglustat RUR 199,900 80100 UAH
sapropterin 34200 rub. 35741 UAH
uridine triacetate -- --
uridine triacetate -- --

Different composition, may have the same indication and method of use

Name Price in Russia Price in Ukraine
Calamus, Elecampane, Leuzea safflower, Dandelion, Licorice, Rosehip, Echinacea purpurea -- 15 UAH
Actinidia, Artichoke, ascorbic acid, bromelains, Ginger, inulin, Cranberry -- 103 UAH
valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine hydrochloride, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, calcium pantothenate -- --
Levocarnitine -- 74 UAH
levocarnitine 218 RUR 335 UAH
levocarnitine 1014 rub. 635 UAH
levocarnitine -- 156 UAH
levocarnitine -- 68 UAH
levocarnitine -- 178 UAH
-- 204 UAH
levocarnitine -- 213 UAH
-- --
-- --
levocarnitine 287 RUR 570 UAH
ademetionine -- --
ademetionine 791 RUR 292 UAH
ademetionine 1320 rub. 211 UAH
ademetionine -- 704 UAH
ademetionine -- 546 UAH
ademetionine -- 282 UAH
citrulline malate 433 RUR 10 UAH
imiglucerase RUB 66,000 56242 UAH
agalsidase alfa 119900 rub. 86335 UAH
agalsidase beta RUB 158,000 28053 UAH
laronidase 29000 rub. 289798 UAH
alglucosidase alpha -- --
alglucosidase alpha RUR 49,600 --
galsulfase 75150 rub. 53001 UAH
idursulfase 120,000 rub. 115235 UAH
velaglucerase alfa -- 81770 UAH
taliglucerase alpha -- --

To compile a list of cheap analogues of expensive drugs, we use prices that are provided to us by more than 10,000 pharmacies throughout Russia. The database of drugs and their analogues is updated daily, so the information provided on our website is always up to date as of the current day. If you have not found the analogue you are interested in, please use the search above and select the medicine you are interested in from the list. On the page of each of them you will find everything possible options analogues of the sought-after medicine, as well as prices and addresses of pharmacies where it is available.

How to find a cheap analogue of an expensive medicine?

To find inexpensive analogue medicine, generic or synonym, first of all we recommend paying attention to the composition, namely the same active ingredients and indications for use. The same active ingredients of a drug will indicate that the drug is a synonym for the drug, pharmaceutically equivalent or a pharmaceutical alternative. However, do not forget about inactive components similar drugs, which may have an impact on safety and effectiveness. Do not forget about the instructions of doctors; self-medication can harm your health, so before consuming any medical product Always consult your doctor.

Actovegin price

On the sites below you can find prices for Actovegin and find out about availability at a pharmacy near you

Actovegin instructions

for use of the drug

Protein-free (deproteinized) extract (hemoderivate) from the blood of calves. Contains 40 mg of dry matter in 1 ml.

Pharmacological group:
Medicines that primarily affect tissue metabolic processes
Biogenic stimulants

Pharmachologic effect:
Actovegin activates cellular metabolism (metabolism) by increasing the transport and accumulation of glucose and oxygen, enhancing their intracellular utilization. These processes lead to an acceleration of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid) metabolism and an increase in the energy resources of the cell. Under conditions that limit normal functions energy metabolism (hypoxia / insufficient supply of oxygen to tissue or impaired absorption /, lack of substrate) and with increased energy consumption (healing, regeneration / tissue restoration /), actovegin stimulates the energy processes of functional metabolism (metabolism process in the body) and anabolism (process absorption of substances by the body). The secondary effect is increased blood supply.

Indications for use:

Failure cerebral circulation, ischemic stroke(insufficient oxygen supply to brain tissue due to acute disorder cerebral circulation); traumatic brain injuries; disorders of peripheral circulation (arterial, venous); angiopathy (impaired vascular tone); trophic disorders(skin nutritional disorders) with varicose veins veins lower limbs(changes in veins, characterized by an uneven increase in their lumen with the formation of protrusion of the wall due to dysfunction of their valve apparatus); ulcers of various origins; bedsores (tissue death caused by prolonged pressure on them due to lying down); burns; prevention and treatment of radiation injuries.

Damage to the cornea (the transparent membrane of the eye) and sclera (the opaque membrane of the eye): burn of the cornea (acids, alkali, lime); corneal ulcers of various origins; keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), including after corneal transplantation; corneal abrasions in patients wearing contact lenses; prevention of damage during selection contact lenses in patients with degenerative processes in the cornea (for the use of eye jelly), as well as to accelerate the healing of trophic ulcers (slow-healing skin defects), bedsores (tissue necrosis caused by prolonged pressure on them due to lying down), burns, radiation damage to the skin, etc.

Mode of application:

Doses and route of administration depend on the type and severity of the disease. The drug is prescribed orally, parenterally (bypassing digestive tract) and locally.
1-2 tablets are prescribed orally 3 times a day before meals. Do not chew the pills, wash them down with a small amount of water.
For intravenous or intraarterial administration, depending on the severity of the disease, the initial dose is 10-20 ml. Then 5 ml is prescribed intravenously slowly or intramuscularly, 1 time per day every day or several times a week. 250 ml of solution for infusion is injected intravenously at a rate of 2-3 ml per minute once a day every day or several times a week. You can also use 10, 20 or 50 ml of solution for injection, diluted in 200-300 ml of glucose or saline. A total of 10-20 infusions per course of treatment. IN infusion solution It is not recommended to add other drugs.

Parenteral administration of Actovegin should be carried out with caution due to the possibility of developing an anaphylactic (allergic) reaction. Trial administrations are recommended, and conditions for emergency therapy must be provided. No more than 5 ml can be administered intravenously, since the solution has hypertonic properties (the osmotic pressure of the solution is higher than the osmotic pressure of the blood). When using the drug intravenously, it is recommended to monitor indicators of water and electrolyte metabolism.

Local application. The gel is prescribed for cleansing and treatment open wounds and ulcers. For burns and radiation injuries, the gel is applied to the skin in a thin layer. When treating ulcers, the gel is applied to the skin in a thicker layer and covered with a compress with Actovegin ointment to prevent sticking to the wound. The dressing is changed once a week; for very weeping ulcers - several times a day.
The cream is used to improve wound healing, as well as weeping wounds. Used after the formation of bedsores and prevention of radiation injuries.

The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the skin. Used for long-term treatment of wounds and ulcers in order to accelerate their epithelialization (healing) after therapy with gel or cream. To prevent bedsores, the ointment must be applied to the appropriate areas of the skin. To prevent radiation damage to the skin, the ointment should be applied after irradiation or in between sessions.
Eye gel. Squeeze 1 drop of gel directly from the tube into the affected eye. Apply 2-3 times a day. After opening the package, the eye gel can be used for no more than 4 weeks.

Side effects:
Allergic reactions: urticaria, feeling of a rush of blood, sweating, increased body temperature. Itching, burning in the area of ​​application of the gel, ointment or cream; when using eye gel - lacrimation, scleral injection (redness of the sclera).

Hypersensitivity to the drug. Prescribe the drug with caution during pregnancy. During breastfeeding, the use of Actovegin is undesirable.

Release form:
Dragee forte in a package of 100 pieces. Solution for injection in ampoules of 2.5 and 10 ml (1 ml - 40 mg). Solution for infusion 10% and 20% with saline solution in bottles of 250 ml. Gel 20% in tubes of 20 g. Cream 5% in tubes of 20 g. Ointment 5% in tubes of 20 g. Eye gel 20% in tubes of 5 g.

Storage conditions:
In a dry place at a temperature not exceeding +8 * C. All information is presented for informational purposes and is not a reason for independent prescription or replacement of medication.

Article rating

Actovegin is currently one of the most popular drugs prescribed to restore metabolic and regenerative processes, improving cell nutrition. The substrate used in this drug is prepared from the blood of calves using a special method.

Treatment with the drug helps normalize blood supply and ensure proper intake of all necessary substances in fabric. There are analogues of Actovegin, which have a lower cost and high efficiency.

Comparative price table of analogues and substitutes

Name average price Analogue or substitute
Actovegin ~1165 -
Solcoseryl ~646 A
Kurantin ~642 Z
Cavinton ~378 Z
Mexidol ~892 Z
Celebrolysin ~1627 Z
Cortexin ~1009 Z

When calculating the average price, all forms of release were taken into account. The exact cost of drugs can be found in online pharmacies. or


A well-known analogue of Actovegin, Solcoseryl, contains a substance made on the basis of hemoderivat. The drug activates metabolic processes in damaged tissues, stimulates and accelerates their recovery. The release form of the medication, like its analogue Actovegin: tablets, solution, gel, ointment, paste.

Medicinal properties of Solcoseryl:

  • elimination of cell hypoxia by ensuring oxygen transport;
  • activation of tissue regeneration;
  • increased collagen production;
  • activation of cellular respiration;
  • growth stimulation healthy group cells;
  • restoration of capillaries damaged by impaired blood flow;
  • accelerating the regeneration of skin damaged as a result of cuts and burns.

Solcoseryl or Actovegin in the form of an ointment is used not only for burns and frostbite, but also for bedsores and trophic ulcers. The gel is successfully used in the cosmetology field for skin rejuvenation. Analogs of the antioxidant drug Actovegin help improve general condition skin, getting rid of scars, evening out facial tones.

Solcoseryl gel, as well as Actovegin ointment, showed good results in the treatment thermal damage cornea, its xerosis, keratitis and mechanical injuries. Actovegin, like its substitute Solcoseryl, can be used when getting used to contact lenses. The medicine rarely causes allergic reactions and is usually well tolerated by patients of all ages.

The drug Solcoseryl is cheaper. Its price in pharmacies ranges from 350 rubles to 1000 rubles, depending on the form of release. Actovegin and its analogues are available over-the-counter.


The drug Curantil belongs to the group of antithrombotic and angioprotective agents and is used as a vasodilator that reduces the manifestation of hypoxia. It is not identical structural composition. The main component is dipyridamole, which not only has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels, but also increases the synthesis of interferons. This property of the drug allows it to be used as antiviral drug during influenza epidemics.

Indications for the use of Curantil, an analogue of Actovegin, are as follows:

  • cardiac ischemia, angina pectoris;
  • atherosclerosis and associated hypertension;
  • hypoxic condition of the fetus with placental insufficiency;
  • brain dysfunction with weakened blood circulation in its vessels;
  • strengthening immune system during an influenza epidemic.

Like many other cheap analogues of Actovegin, Curantil has a number of contraindications:

  • acute infarctions of the heart and brain;
  • exacerbation of angina pectoris;
  • low blood pressure, tendency to faint;
  • arrhythmia and aortic stenosis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • obstruction of the lungs and bronchi.

Actovegin can be replaced with a cheaper analogue, Curantil, provided there are no contraindications and as prescribed by the attending physician. The medicine is available in tablets of 25 and 75 mg. Before buying the drug Curantil, you must read the instructions. If side effects you need to consult a doctor.

The price of the drug Curantil, an analogue of a drug with hemoderivat, is cheaper and amounts to 642 rubles.


Cavinton belongs to a group of drugs with cerebrovasodilating properties. The drug helps restore metabolic processes in the brain and improve the supply of oxygen to it thanks to vinpocetine, the main component. Actovegin analogues, such as the drug Cavinton, have a stimulating effect on the cerebral metabolism of norepinephrine and serotonin. The medication does not affect arterial pressure and heart rate, which allows it to be used in the treatment of patients prone to hypertension and hypotension.

Indications for use of the medicine are:

  • transient ischemia;
  • atherosclerosis and associated manifestations of encephalopathy;
  • cephalgia, memory impairment;
  • eye diseases;
  • hearing impairment, tinnitus.

Before using cheaper analogues of the drug Actovegin, for example, Cavinton, you should consult a doctor. The medication can cause dizziness, migraines, feelings of weakness, and increased frequency of arrhythmia attacks, which are contraindications to taking the medication. Preparations with vinpocetine in some cases lead to the appearance of dyspeptic disorders and heartburn. Intramuscular injections with the medicine Cavinton are prohibited! Medicine, like other cheap ones similar means with vinpocetine, administered only by drip under the supervision of medical professionals.

Cavinton is much cheaper than imported and domestic ones medicines based on hemoderivat. The average price for the drug, an analogue of the drug Actovegin, is 378 rubles.


The drug Mexidol, which is based on ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate, is used as a nootropic, anxiolytic and membrane stabilizing agent. The medication, like its analogue Actovegin, has antihypoxic and antioxidant effects. Mexidol improves memory and reduces the body's sensitivity to stress.

A course of drug therapy is indicated for the following conditions:

  • presence of symptoms of somatovegetative disorder;
  • disturbance of wakefulness and sleep patterns;
  • deterioration of the memorization process;
  • the presence of disorders in brain tissue;
  • suffered stress;
  • states of intoxication due to alcohol abuse;
  • the presence of purulent-inflammatory processes in the digestive tract.

Before replacing the medication Actovegin with another, cheaper analogue, you need to carefully read the contraindications and study information about what the difference is, and find out from your doctor which is better. Mexidol is not used if the body is prone to an allergic reaction to ethylmethylhydroxypyridine succinate.

The cost of Mexidol, an analogue of the drug Actovegin, is slightly cheaper and is about 400 rubles.


The drug Cerebolysin belongs to the group of nootropic drugs. It contains a substrate obtained by hydrolysis from pig brain. The drug has high bioavailability due to its natural composition. Cerebrolysin is an analogue of Actovegin in its effect on the body. The medicine increases metabolism in the brain, helps increase protein synthesis, and restores tissue during intoxication, hypoxia and other damage.

Cerebrolysin therapy is indicated for:

  • dementia syndromes;
  • cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • attention deficit and signs of hyperactivity in childhood;
  • senile dementia;
  • depressive syndrome that cannot be treated with antidepressants.

Injections with Cerebrolysin solution, like Actovegin in ampoules, can be used intravenously and intramuscularly. The dosage is determined depending on the age of the patient and the severity of symptoms.

An analogue of the drug Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, is not used during pregnancy, in case of allergies to the components of the drug, a tendency to epilepsy, or acute kidney dysfunction.

The drug can cause a number of side effects:

  • hyperthermia, sweating;
  • dysfunction of the digestive tract;
  • insomnia and nervousness;
  • attacks of epilepsy with convulsions, tremors;
  • cephalgia and pain in the back, arms, legs;
  • manifestations of shortness of breath, chills;
  • skin irritation;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • depressive syndrome with fatigue, apathy;
  • symptoms similar to a viral infection.

Analogue of the drug Actovegin, Cerebrolysin - not cheap drug. Its cost in pharmacies ranges from 1200 - 2000 rubles.


The drug Cortexin belongs to the group of nootropics, peptide bioregulators. The main component is dry pig brain substrate. Cortexin is a cerebroprotective, nootropic, anticonvulsant and antioxidant drug and is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • skull injuries;
  • neuroinfections;
  • encephalopathy;
  • developmental delay in children;
  • impaired thinking;
  • learning difficulties.

The drug protects the brain from the effects of free radicals, lack of oxygen and other adverse factors. Cortexin has an anticonvulsant effect, reducing the manifestation of the activity of the pathological focus. The tissue-specific effect is due to the activation metabolic processes in brain structures. The drug can be used for acute encephalitis, asthenic syndrome and manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Both Actovegin and its analog Cortexin do not lead to a deterioration in the ability to drive vehicles. No cases of overdose have been identified. The medication can be used at any age, including children. Contraindications are pregnancy, lactation, allergies to components. Reviews of Cortexin, an analogue of the drug Actovegin, are positive and indicate high effectiveness with correctly prescribed dosages.

The drug is not cheap. Its price ranges from 800 to 1300 rubles.


The drug Actovegin, generics and other analogues, are widely used in medicine as antihypoxic and nootropic drugs. Medicines are prescribed for ischemia, traumatic brain injury, and atherosclerosis. Actovegin ointment, Solcoseryl gel are successfully used in ophthalmological practice for corneal damage, keratitis. Creams and gels with hemoderivat (synonyms for ointments) are widely used in cosmetology as a regenerating agent. Cheaper analogue medicinal ointment Actovegin, Solcoseryl, is prescribed for burns and frostbite.

Actovegin is classified as a medication that improves the absorption of oxygen by the body. This is a kind of accelerator of cellular metabolic processes, due to which the medicine is widely used for therapy various pathologies. It has a high price category, so the question often arises: what analogues does Actovegin have? This is what our article is dedicated to.

In medicine, Actovegin is classified as natural remedies. It does not consist of chemically produced substances, but of a natural component. It is a hemoderivative of calf blood, which is used to treat many diseases.

As a result of the elimination of large protein molecules, unique substances are obtained. They activate the body's metabolic processes without causing increased sensitivity.

This is an Austrian-made product that is available in the following forms:

  • in ampoules in the form of 20%, 10% solution for intravenous, intramuscular administration;
  • in tablets containing 200 mg of active ingredient;
  • in the form of an ointment, which consists of 5 ml of the active ingredient;
  • in the form of a gel containing 20% ​​hemoderivative (this form of release is more effective for external use).

The tablet form consists of the following substances that do not affect the human body:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • dried gum arabic;
  • cellulose;
  • sucrose.

Ampoule Actovegin, in addition to the active ingredient, contains water for injection and sodium chloride. The ointment consists of the following auxiliary ingredients:

  • paraffin;
  • water for injections;
  • alcohol;
  • cholesterol.

In gel form there are:

Why is it prescribed for adults and children?

The medicine is used to treat children and adults. The purpose depends on the form of Actovegin.

The external form of the drug in the form of ointment and gel is used for therapy:

  • wound surface, inflammation skin, mucous membrane;
  • burn condition of any nature, as a result of solar, water, steam thermal exposure;
  • bedsores;
  • ulcerative lesions;
  • consequences of radiation exposure on the skin.

Ampoule Actovegin is prescribed to combat the following problems:

  • brain pathologies (eliminates the consequences of stroke, memory disorders, injuries);
  • disorders of the functioning of blood vessels of the lower extremities;
  • consequences after chemical and radiation exposure due to cancer;
  • impaired blood circulation.

The tablet form of Actovegin is used to combat the following ailments:

  • disorders of the functioning of cerebral vessels;
  • peripheral vascular disorders;
  • diabetic condition.

On a note! During pregnancy, the medicine is prescribed if the expected benefit for the mother exceeds potential risk for the fetus.

Analogues of the drug:

Due to Actovegin’s high pricing policy, the issue of purchasing analogues of Russian and foreign production is often considered. The original and the analogue have approximately the same therapeutic effect. But it should be remembered that these drugs may differ in contraindications and side effects. Analogs of the drug Actovegin should be selected by the doctor based on the individual patient.

Solcoseryl - gel

Actovegin substitute Solcoseryl has the same active ingredient. It is also made from calf blood with the protein pre-removed. But Solcoseryl gel contains 8.3 mg of active ingredient, which is significantly lower than Actovegin.

Thanks to the use of Solcoseryl, cellular resistance to oxygen starvation increases. Oxygen accumulates in tissues, which affects the cellular energy resource.

The drug is widely used for therapy:

  • mechanical damage to the cornea;
  • corneal burns;
  • dystrophy.

Solcoseryl is prescribed after surgery to improve adaptation to wearing contact lenses. In addition, the medicine is known to be used for the treatment of weeping wounds and burns. It is recommended to apply the product only to a previously cleaned area. Because it does not have an antimicrobial effect.

Important! It is necessary to select cheaper substitutes for Actovegin only after consultation with a doctor.

Curantil tablets

An analogue of Actovegin in tablets is Curantil. He has similar pharmacological action. Medicine endowed with a vasodilating effect. Its active ingredient improves blood microcirculation, increases the synthesis of interferon, increasing the body's resistance to viruses. In this regard, there is data on its use during the epidemiological period.

Curantil is used to treat:

  • impaired cerebral circulation;
  • encephalopathy;
  • ARVI;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • venous complications;
  • memory disorders;
  • thrombosis.

Chimes are widely used in obstetric practice, for elimination oxygen starvation fetus Tablets have a minimum quantity side effects, are recommended for the treatment of children over 12 years of age and adults. To improve memory, another analogue in tablets is often prescribed - Mexidol, which also increases the body's resistance to stress.

Cerebrolysin in ampoules

The ampoule analogue is made from pig brain peptides. Thanks to Cerebrolysin, energy metabolism, protein synthesis, and cognitive functions improve in the aging or developing brain.

The medicine is used to combat the consequences of:

  • stroke;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • brain injuries.

Cerebrolysin is prescribed during pregnancy after assessing the benefit to the mother and the risk to the fetus. Since injections can have toxic effects per child. There is a cheaper analogue of Cerebrolysin that has a similar effect, Cinnarizine. Cerebrolysin is administered intravenously and intramuscularly.

Actovegin is a naturally produced product and has a high pricing policy, which is why there are cheaper analogues that improve oxygen saturation of tissues.

pharmachologic effect

An antihypoxant is a hemoderivative, which is obtained through dialysis and ultrafiltration (compounds penetrate molecular weight less than 5000 daltons).

Increases the utilization of glucose by cells, increases oxygen consumption, enhances oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, thereby increasing ATP levels and normalizing cell metabolism and energy balance in tissues.

Actovegin ® increases the concentrations of ATP, ADP, phosphocreatine, as well as amino acids (glutamate, aspartate) and GABA.

The effect of the drug Actovegin ® on the absorption and utilization of oxygen, as well as insulin-like activity with stimulation of glucose transport and oxidation are significant in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy.

In patients with diabetes mellitus and diabetic polyneuropathy Actovegin ® significantly reduces the symptoms of polyneuropathy ( stabbing pain, burning sensation, paresthesia, numbness of the lower extremities). Sensitivity disorders are objectively reduced and the mental well-being of patients is improved.

The effect of Actovegin begins to appear no later than 30 minutes after oral administration and reaches a maximum, on average, after 3 hours (2-6 hours).


Using pharmacokinetic methods it is impossible to study pharmacokinetic characteristics (absorption, distribution, excretion) active ingredients Actovegin ® drug, since it consists only of physiological components that are usually present in the body.

To date, no decrease in the pharmacological effectiveness of hemoderivatives has been found in patients with altered pharmacokinetics (including hepatic or renal failure, changes in metabolism associated with old age, due to the metabolic characteristics of newborns).


- included complex therapy metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain ( various shapes cerebrovascular insufficiency, dementia, traumatic brain injury);

- peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences (angiopathy, trophic ulcers);

- diabetic polyneuropathy.

Dosage regimen

Prescribe 1-2 tablets orally. 3 times/day before meals. Do not chew the tablet, wash it down with a small amount of water. The duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks.

At diabetic polyneuropathy Actovegin ® is administered intravenously at a dose of 2000 mg/day for 3 weeks, followed by switching to taking the drug in tablet form - 2-3 tablets. 3 times/day for at least 4-5 months.

Side effect

Allergic reactions: urticaria, swelling, drug fever.

Contraindications for use

increased sensitivity to the components of the drug or to similar drugs.

WITH caution the drug should be prescribed for heart failure II-III stages, pulmonary edema, oliguria, anuria, overhydration, during pregnancy and lactation.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug Actovegin ® during pregnancy and lactation is allowed, but caution should be exercised.


Information on overdose of the drug Actovegin ® is not provided.

Drug interactions

Drug interactions with Actovegin ® have not been established.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is available with a prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 3 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Use for renal impairment

WITH caution the drug should be prescribed for oliguria and anuria.

special instructions

During development allergic reactions Actovegin should be discontinued. If necessary, carry out standard therapy for allergic reactions ( antihistamines and/or GKS).

There are cases in which the use of drugs prescribed by a specialist is impossible. This may be due to the composition of the drug, the presence of contraindications or any other restrictions.

An important advantage of Cortexin is its anticonvulsant effect. Also, the medicine has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, due to which patients who receive this tool, improves memory, motor coordination, reduces stress sensitivity.

Unlike Actovegin, Cortexin is not used in the treatment of wounds, burns or skin lesions, since it is not characterized by a pronounced property of tissue regeneration.

In general, there are several drugs that can be used as analogues of Actovegin.

Find out more about the drug Actovegin from the video:

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