From what the memory of a person disappears. Memory disorders at different ages, causes of pathology and solving the problem

It is believed that families with memory arise in the elderly. But in fact, this problem has every 4 inhabitant of the planet. Do not worry if you have forgotten the address or the name of an unfamiliar person. Such forgetfulness refers to the selectivity of memory. The brain does not remember what you do not try to remember.

But when you are not able to remember the events of yesterday or you can not remember what is happening directly at the present time, this is a serious problem. With such symptoms, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Memory problems modern man may occur at any age. The reasons are very different, starting from the lack of a permanent training to serious problems with health.

The most obvious causes of deterioration or even complete memory loss are: brain injury, stroke (when the blood circulation of the brain), brain tumor, metastase damage, infectious diseases (meningitis, encephalitis).

Also, the worsening memory may be a "warning" of the body about the approaching scarmel sclerosis, Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer. Whatever it is, it is best to contact a specialist to clarify the situation.

The following reason for the deterioration of memory can be associated with some diseases of the internal organs. These diseases include:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system, when the proper blood supply is broken.
  • Some kidney disease (scientists proved the relationship between kidney problems and verbal memory).
  • Metabolic disease.

Negatively affect the memory and adverse environmental factors:

  • a lack of necessary vitamins. For quality work brain and memory needed useful material, including vitamins of B. vitamins are vital.
  • Colossal information overload. IN modern world Our brain turns out to be under the "bombing" chaotic and often unnecessary information.
  • Stress blocks processes associated directly with memory.
  • Lack of high-quality sleep. In a dream, the whole organism and the brain is restored too.
  • Unhealthy food, including tonic drinks.

Another reason, scientists call constant intoxication of the body. This is what can poison our brain:

  • Smoking. Substances that come with smoke into our body practically "corrupt" the brain, and in connection with this, memory is significantly reduced.
  • The intake of alcohol and drugs is very much damaging the serotonin brain system.
  • Heavy metals poisoning, such as lead, mercury.
  • Eating some groups of drugs: antidepressants, antihistamines, cholinolics.

The last reason is age-related changes in brain centers. Walls blood vessels In the brain, with age, they lose their elasticity and can "crack", causing fine-point hemorrhages in different departments brain. Also " elder diseases", such as the multiple sclerosis, also provoke memory loss.

Prevention of memory deterioration, attention training

How can you save yourself from such "troubles" as a loss of memory? If the deterioration of memory quality is not related to some serious health problems, then you can try several working methods to "return the memory". High-quality sleep, healthy food and rejection of bad habits will be the first step to restore memory.

Memory complaints are not always associated with any violations. Large flows of information received by a person are not taken seriously and remembered by fleeting. As they say, "listens in the voused". The brain considers such information insignificant and discarded it as unnecessary. Therefore, in this case you can not worry.

As for the inattention, its manifestations are peculiar to people aged, but currently there are already enough young people. Fighting with inattentive syndrome, it is necessary to work on yourself, focus on important details, learn to read in the mind, record the events in the diary.

Daily training in the form of a development of new information, analysis of the studied material and the world will make the brain work, as an athlete makes his muscles work with permanent training.

Study foreign languages, learning new songs, "Changing" of poems and works of literature, the study of the cultures of the peoples of the world and much more will return the brain of the tone. All new and interesting, if you show perseverance and patience, will definitely begin to be gradually postponed in memory, and with the time "trained" brain will begin to remember more and more information.

Periodically, each person begins to notice that simply does not remember some of the events that occurred or acts absent. In most cases, such symptoms are completely natural, they pass on themselves, it is worth only to reduce the load and sleep well. But if you notice them constantly, do not leave such ailment without attention. Deal with the problem bad memory And it is quite possible to scattered on its own, adhering to non-hard recommendations of qualified specialists. So, if you have worsened memory and attention, what to do to eliminate such violations?

According to experts, bad and attention is far from always explained by the age of a person. Quite often, such symptoms arise from.

What substances help improve memory and attention?

To improve memory and attention, you need to teach yourself to drink more liquid. Sufficient fluid consumption ensures full brain activity, helps to cope with fatigue and. Specialists advise you to take at least seven glasses of water for the day.

In the diet, it is necessary to include more, they are kept in the liver, many croups and whole grain products. In addition, when violations of memory and attention is worth more bananas. The menu should include dried fruits, nuts, milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits, including in the form of salads ( vegetable salads It is recommended to refuel unrefined vegetable oil). At the same time, it is desirable to abandon the consumption of frankly harmful food - fried, oily, smoked, as well as canned food, semi-finished products, etc.

To improve the activity of the brain (to activate memory and attention), multivitamine compositions and vegetable stimulants () can be taken. We will talk about them just below.

What to do if memory deteriorates and attention?

You can cope with memory violations and attention using some changes in lifestyle. So specialists advise people with such problems to show maximum attentiveness - concentrate on one activity and not attempt to perform several cases at the same time. Often, forgetfulness and scattered are explained by a banal lack of concentration.

Also, in memory violations and attention, you need to train the brain - create logical connections. To memorize the new necessary information, try to create associations with various data learned earlier. In addition, it is worth training a figurative thinking.

Specialists have long proved that the work of the brain (including memory, and attention) depends largely on human memory. After all, with active physical Loads A very much oxygen comes to the brain. Systematic physical exercises help also cope with stress that adversely affects brain activity.

To improve memory and attention should keep the brain in working condition. To do this, you can learn new languages, study new information, memorize poetry, solve crosswords and decide logic tasks.

It is worth noting that good memory and attention is simply impossible at. If you systematically sleep less than eight hours per night, soon you will come across different violations in brain activity.

Folk remedies To improve attention and memory

Specialists folk Medicine advise to use the very different means based medicinal plants To activate the brain, to improve memory and attention.

So an excellent effect gives an infusion. Cutting spoon of crushed raw material brew glass boiling water. Suppose such a means on the fire of minimal power for ten minutes. After cool down the medicine and strain it. Take an infusion in a pair of tablespoons twice and three times a day shortly after the meal.

The remarkable effect gives the reception of plants adaptogen, for example, Eleutherococcus, ginseng, etc. Such medicines can be purchased in any pharmacy without a recipe, but they can be prepared on their own.

So you can prepare fifty grams of crushed roots pink Ramiol, Pour them with three milliliters of vodka and send a fairly warm place for one week. All this time do not forget to shake the prepared medicine every day. Take a liquid tincture on a teaspoon three times a day for about twenty minutes to meals. In the late afternoon of drinking it is not worth it, as it can cause sleep disorders.

To prepare the eleuterococcus tincture, it is worth combining two hundred grams of dry roots of this plant with one liter of vodka. Insert in a dry place for two weeks, not forgetting to periodically shake. Personal tincture to a glass container and take on twenty-thirty droplets half an hour before meal.

There is evidence that you can cope with memory violations and attention. For cooking medicinal composition On its basis, combine a table spoon of vegetable raw materials with one glass of boiling water. Weganize the mixture on the fire of minimal power for five minutes, then insist five hours. Straighten the medicine, plant vegetable raw materials. Follow the decoction of pre-boiled water to the initial volume in one glass. Take it on a tablespoon three times a day.

With a strong impairment of memory and attention, it is necessary to apply for advice to the doctor.

Catherine, www.Syt.

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The process of aging in our brain beginsimmediately after twenty yearswhen we start to lose brain cells and produce less chemical substancesnecessary for optimal work of the brain.

While the aging process continues, the information may become more difficult for memorization, since the brain changes the way he processes our memorization (memories).

Where is the information from memory and why does her elderly disappear faster?

German psychologists argue that the problem of forgetfulness is based on the fact that with age, the brain becomes unable to separate secondary events from important.

The brain of young people is able to manage memory, throw away the secondary and "write" the main thing. With the age of the same, this ability disappears. But why is it losing?

Elder memory lossnot only age problem; it's the same Cause of our restless lifestyle.

In the world around us today, we are surrounded huge number information, and as a result, we cannot pay attention to all over our brain. In the digital age with high information pressure, it is not surprising that many of the daily parts penetrate relatively unnoticed: they simply do not have time to be saved safely in our brain for memories later.

"Anyone who has the memory of the 20-year-old young men at the age of 70, can not be considered quite normal."

Another plus healthy sleep

It was during our sleep that the memory sorts the information - erases unnecessary, lay out an important cell on the cells. If a person is inappropriate, the memory does not cope with the amount of information, as a result of which failures in the nervous system appear - irritability, scattered.

For full sleep Man requires at least 6 hours. During this time and memory is able to cope with their work, and the nervous system will relax from stress.

Memory loves vitamins

Vitamin B12 is the most important vitamin for us, it is necessary for the absorption of iron. Intestinal microflora A person, alas, is not able to fully provide the body B12, in itself, he is not formed in the tissues. The body requires help. If there is no help - a long lack of vitamin can cause damage to the brain cells.

Help the body in B12 is very simple. The main source of vitamin - animal products(liver, kidneys, beef, pork, eggs, milk, cheese). The vegetarians should also be taken to receive B12 in the form of special drugs. Otherwise, Amnesia will not wait for himself.

Over the years accumulate fatigue and all less people, items and events cause curiosity. Lack of interest is the right way to fading the memory.

Recognizing the inevitable, you already overcome half the way. Irritation about the forgotten word or name only complicates the recovery process.

In addition, unrealistic expectations make us mining the commercialization process of aging. approves Dawwe Draisma (Douwe Draaisma) in the book "Nostalgia Factory" Sets the "forgetary market" and exposes the idea that the memory allegedly looks like a muscle, whose indicators can be improved with the help of exercises in brain training.

He believes that the man does not need ready-to-use incentives In order to get a little more of this tank. "The good news is that social activity is enough. It includes all the variety and all the calls necessary in order to maintain memory in proper form. "

As for the rest, some simple techniques are capable of doing wonders: pay attention to what you are doing, remove the place for items and keep them there, as well as write the necessary things.

The driver reminds us of attributed Confucius Reception: "The most pale ink is more reliable than the strongest memory."

The memory of an elderly person has even some benefits.. The striking feature of memory is that, as our early memories are becoming more distinct. This is the so-called memory effect (Reminiscence Effect) was recorded during several experiments, and their results suggest that the most lively and valuable memories of older people relate to their childhood and to the beginning adult lifeAnd the peak of this process falls on the period of 25 years.

The reasons for this phenomenon are still to be discussed, but the driver supports the idea that after 60 years, early memory begins to occupy a disproportionate place. And it becomes more intriguing. "When the effect of memories reaches its full strength, the memory returns a person in those of its places, access to which was closed before," the author emphasizes. What discoveries prepared us our memory? I can't wait to know.

Causes of memory deterioration.
To make it easier to understand, the reasons for the deterioration of memory were divided into several components:

Those related to the lesion of the brain, for example, the brain injury, its oncological diseases and stroke;
Associated with the deterioration of other no less important organs;
Other adverse factors, such as sleep disorders, permanent stress, a sharp transition to another lifestyle, increasing the workloads to work the brain, especially for memory.
Chronic alcohol abuse, tobacco-sedative medicinal preparations and heavy drugs.
Changes associated with age.

Species of our memory are a lot: There is visual, motor, auditory and others. Someone remembers well if the material hears, and someone if sees. Someone easier to write and remember, and to submit to someone.

One of the most common causes of the violation of the functionality of the memory is brain Blood Disturb. In atherosclerosis of vessels there is a decrease in blood flow to all parts of the brain, which is the main provocative of development acute violation brain circulation. Any of the types of stroke develops in the cerebral zones, and therefore the flow of blood completely ceases to it, which violates their functioning.

Similar symptoms of memory deterioration, and manifest for sugar diabetes One complications of which is the defeat of the vessels, their seal and closure. All these factors will further lead to the defeat of not only the brain, but also other important organs.

Such so famous diseases, as inflammation of brain shells - meningitis and inflammation of the substance of the brain - encephalitis, reflected on all the work of this body. And they arise due to the defeat nervous system Various viruses and bacteria.

True, you can not say about inheritance diseasesone of which is alzheimer's disease. Most often, it meets in the elderly people of 70-80 years and is characterized by a decrease in the intelligence and loss of memory up to the loss of orientation on the ground.

She begins unnoticed, but as soon as you notice that memory worsens and attention began to decline - consult a doctor, because it may be exactly. A person does not remember the latest events, begins to dream past, becomes a difficult and selfish person, apathy reigns above him.

If he does not provide need treatment, he will completely stop navigate, does not recognize his family and will not even be able to pronounce the number today. According to medical research it has been established that Mostly Alzheimer is inherited. It is not curable, but if the patient provides the necessary treatment and care, then its process will leak without consequences and complications, quietly and even.

Worsen memory can and because diseases thyroid gland , that is, due to the lack of iodine in the body. A person will have a tendency to completeness, apathy, depressive state, irritability and muscle swells. To avoid this, you need to eat correctly, use more iodine-containing products, seafood, persimmon, seaweed, solid cheese and, of course, dairy products and nuts.

Beach modern society. The problem with memory may occur at any age. The reasons for the deterioration of memory in adults set is not proper nutrition , and the lack of saturation of the organism oxygen, bad habits , information overload and inability to use it (the absence of memorization skills and remember). In order for your memory to be not letting you, and at the right time you could always rely on it, you need to figure out the reasons for bad memory in more detail and eliminate them.

Causes of bad memory

The possible reason for the deterioration of memory is the harmful habits, such as alcohol use (it is not about a little bit both on holidays) and tobacocco ( after abandoning smoking, personally he felt changes to the better, and not only in memory - the concentration of attention and observation). About the dangers of smoking and alcohol is said and written a lot, and you yourself understand everything perfectly. If you are the road your memory and health in general, throw these detrimental habits!

Bad memory can be a sign information overload. The oversupply of information leads to superficial perception of this information. A large number of all kinds of information generates reluctance, and further and inability to concentrate on one source (sometimes some people are managed, talking on the phone, watching TV and at the same time to actively search on the Internet the information they need). And if you can't concentrate your attention on the subject of memorization, you will have nothing to memorize.

Another reason for bad memory is incorrect meal. " Memory for memory"- These are vitamins and trace elements that accelerate the biochemical processes in the human brain, have a stimulating effect on brain cells. Scientists have long found out - proper nutrition saves and improves memory.

The lack of oxygen in the blood is another cause of bad memory. Sufficient saturation of the body with oxygen provides high performance and activity of the brain, and, therefore, and good memory. Comething more often, breathe fresh air, Suit.

Often the reason for the deterioration of memory becomes bad state of health, depression, anxiety and stress. All this narrows the perception of the outside world, to the framework of the internal experiences. Memory weakens and worsens in proportion to the concern of man. Keeping calm, you preserve the possibilities of your memory, and experiencing even about your forgetfulness, then you only complicate the situation.

That you don't fall out sufficiently, There can also be a bad memory. Without a healthy sleep, memory at the chemical level cannot work in full force. Besides, you need to sleep at night (it is in the dark day full recovery Cerebral cells), as a person is configured to the biological rhythms of the change of day and night.

Memory deterioration may be the first symptom of approaching severe diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer. Therefore, if you have any problems with memory and a number of signs says about the "sneaking" disease, you need to consult a doctor.

Sometimes the reason for the fact that we cannot remember something is the lack of interest in the subject, and not a bad memory. It is easy to notice and just track. Please note how you remember the information related to your favorite thing, with your hobbies and hobbies. If you are easy to keep a huge array of information on the topic of increasing you, if you easily reproduce any schemes and appeal with a bunch of numbers and special terms and with all this I did not spend on a cramp and memorizing this information not a minute - do not speak, that you have bad with memory. Just that you can't remember, you do not care and interests, and this is not helps focustherefore, a lot of time and energy goes to memorization.

Of course, the main reason for bad memory is to use it inappropriate. A person's memory works according to its laws, using which you facilitate the memorization and remember of the information (even the one to which there is no interest). There are different methods and Memory Development (competent repetition of information, association, the ability to get impressions of the information that you remember, the ability to extract it from memory, etc.), memory Development Exercisesto improve the ability to memorize and efficient information extraction. So that the ability to memorize and remember is not a gift over, it is a skill that can be learned.

Causes of bad memory W. different people Can't be the same. Assistance in the event of a deterioration in memory depends on the reasons that caused this disorder. Finding out the reasons (y), you can always take concrete measures and to restore the memory in time.

Good memory to you!

P.S. Constantly maintain the mind and memory in excellent condition will help the online simulator Vikium and neuroker exercises. Read - " Neurobika - Charging for the mind!ยป

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Hello everybody! Forgetfulness and scattered, such minor at first glance, the nuances are actually able to destroy professional and personal life man, and if not destroyed, then it is greatly complicated. You will agree, it's hard to move towards your goal when a bunch of information crashes from my head?

Basic concepts

If you come to assign information, remember it and then reproduce when it is necessary - you have excellent memory. But as soon as the failure occurs in one of these stages, it is time to think about it, but do you contact yourself? Because forgetfulness or inattention are not congenital, except in cases of psychiatric deviations. So they arise as a result of our misfortune. Let us first delete these two concepts, because they denote a little different states.

Forgetfulness - This is directly difficult to memory. Remember, in the article , Have you considered that it happens short-term and long-term? So, the information that fell into a short-term reservoir is evaporated very quickly. To preserve it in a long-term zone, you should pay attention to it. And here there is a scattering, namely, difficulties with the concentration of this particular attention. And these two factors may be the cause of entire disasters, in case a person with any of the above violations is responsible for other people, for example, managing an aircraft or train.

Symptoms, I think, are familiar to everyone: the feeling of indifference to some processes and events, the inability to focus and concentrate, the accommodation of powerlessness, excessive relaxation, inconsistency. Frequent accommodation boredom, unsuccessful attempts to recall something important, leading to irritability and dissatisfaction. Sometimes there is a deja vu effect, that is, when it seems that what happened now has already happened earlier. Excessive relaxation, sometimes similar to irresponsibility and carelessness, as a result of which the surrounding occurs the desire to take control of any of your obligations or in general, your life.

But before looking for methods, how to deal with it, let's explore probable reasons The occurrence of violations in cognitive processes.

The reasons

1. The modern life of man

It is not what is filled with a series of events, it is just overflowing. It is not surprising that his body periodically gives a failure. A huge amount of information is simply impossible to catch and keep in the head. After all, we expose this attack as on the street, watching countless beards and announcements, and at home, unwittingly looking through advertising and news, rewriting in social networks and communicating in mobile phone. So it is not surprising that the brain, in trying to defend, simply disables some processes.

2.Bessone or just intense

And we know with you, to what devastating consequences leads a lack of sleep, so that forgetfulness is still a flower compared to depression, severe chronic disease or oncology. If you do not remember all the consequences of a lack of sleep, read.

3. Water titles

Our body consists of 70% of the water, it knows every schoolchild, but the use of carbonated drinks, coffee and other things does not saturate it with the necessary amount of fluid, which is why the brain suffers very much, giving failures.

4. Alcohol, drugs and smoking

Reduce the effectiveness of thinking, the speed of perception and cause vessels spasms, disturbing the activity of not only the brain, but also the body as a whole, causing even changes in the psyche.


Poor memory is sometimes a consequence of diets, which simply plunge the brain in shock due to lack of carbohydrates, fats and other things. Most often, it is sinning by women, not in vain, after all, there is even a formulation of "maiden memory".


Can lead to chronic fatigue, that is, to neuropsychic weakness. With such a weakness, it becomes very difficult to concentrate and in general, remember information, at least due to the fact that it becomes not relevant for a person. About this disease can.

7. Surprising concentration

No matter how paradoxically looks like, but inattention can occur due to excessive concentration. I'll explain now. When we are passionate about some kind of process, we can not track the moments that occur around. Well, who did not happen that he thought, you did not notice how you got from work to home? So inventors, overly immersed in their ideas, they are able to create brilliant creations, but at the same time are completely helpless in everyday life.


Outdays also interfere with concentrate and track events. After all, when the process goes along the rolled, it does not require our inclusion, and therefore consciousness sends attention to internal processes.

9.nutrient condition

If we noticed that there was a scattering, try to listen to general statusAfter all, often these problems cause diseases such as a tumor, epilepsy, atherosclerosis, provoke crank-brain injuries, infections and disorders in the work of the thyroid gland.

  1. Try to use a large number of clean drinking water, excluding sodes and sweet drinks. And, of course, control their food, including vegetables, fruits, greens and other products rich in vitamins, minerals in the diet, and generally necessary for the body of the substance.
  2. Sports, especially yoga, will help to saturate each cell of your body with oxygen, which is why it increases its activity and efficiency. To improve your attentiveness, enter into the habit of meditative practices aimed at concentration and ability to stop and simply watch what is happening as inside yourself, as for the surrounding reality. I am quite accessible for beginners described these ways.
  3. Use reminders, in the form of stickers, alerts and boards to be clinging leaves with tasks and thoughts.
  4. Examine the article carefully. Because it is very difficult to keep a lot of thoughts in my head, start up to solve several cases at once and in general, not understand which direction in this moment move. Such multisascy will lead not only to the scattering, but in general, depression.
  5. Remove behind your desktop, each thing should be your place. Then it will disappear in the excessive overload of your brain. You do not have to remember where you put your mobile or keys, you will just know where exactly they should be in any case. Therefore, before wondering how to get rid of forgetfulness, you should spend general cleaning, both in the head and in the house, office.
  6. Play Association, that is, if you have problems with memorizing names - repeat it to yourself several times and come up with an association that is consonant with him. In some cases, it will have to create a whole associative series associated with the place and actions. For example, if you need to call parents as soon as you get home, then imagine a home phone and how you call it. Then, hitting the apartment and being near him, you immediately remember what they are worried about you and you need to let yourself know.
  7. Many also recommend this tool. It improves the function and work of the brain. In more detail, you can read on that website.


The most important thing is to learn to notice yourself in the present moment, then with the concentration will not arise difficulties. Whatever everyday life seemed, it is still diverse, it is only worth looking back, and you will notice all its diversity. If you do not know how, read the article And today everything, dear readers! By the way, on the rights of advertising, VKontakte I created a group of self-development, I will be happy to see you there. See you soon.

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