Duphaston for delayed menstruation. Frozen pregnancy when using duphaston. Repeated cases of abortion

Duphaston is a hormonal drug that is prescribed to replenish the amount of progesterone in the body. With its help, they normalize the menstrual cycle, prevent fetal rejection, and improve the quality of the endometrium. Menstruation after taking Duphaston becomes regular, and a woman can become pregnant.

How to take the medicine

The exact treatment regimen is prescribed by the doctor. He establishes how many tablets should be taken per day, on what days to take them, when to finish the course, and describes a drug withdrawal plan.

Duphaston can be taken without interruption as follows:

  • For endometriosis you need to take three tablets per day, starting from days 5 to 25 monthly cycle.
  • Hormonal infertility begins treatment 3-6 months before the planned conception. A woman takes one tablet of the drug from days 14 to 25 of the cycle. Treatment should be continued after pregnancy. The dose is left the same or doubled.
  • In case of threatened abortion The initial dosage is 4 tablets at a time, and then 10 mg of the drug is taken every 8 hours. The duration of admission depends on the duration of the disappearance of signs of miscarriage.
  • Dose of medicine with habitual abortion is 20 mg daily. The drug is used without interruption until the 20th week of pregnancy, after which a withdrawal regimen is prescribed.
  • For painful and pronounced PMS The product is used from days 11 to 25 of the cycle, 2 tablets per day.
  • For dysmenorrhea Duphaston should be taken from days 5 to 25, 20 mg.
  • For normalization menstrual cycle The drug is used in the morning and evening from days 11 to 25.
  • If you don't have your period, then additional estrogens can be prescribed. The regimen for using Duphaston is the same as for irregular menstruation.
  • Presence in anamnesis uterine bleeding is the basis for taking progesterone 20 mg from days 11 to 25. To stop blood loss that has already begun, the drug is drunk twice a day for a week.
  • With replacement hormone therapy with estrogens, Duphaston is used once for two weeks.
    Possible deviations from the scheme are associated with the individual characteristics of the female body.

Course duration

Patients are interested in how much progesterone can be taken without consequences for the body. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor, but there are some general rules:
  • During pregnancy, week 20 is the deadline for using the medicine.
  • In case of threatened miscarriage, treatment is stopped after complete disappearance of symptoms.
  • Infertility treatment begins six months before the planned conception, and continues throughout the first few months of gestation.
You can drink Duphaston without a break for a very long time, as it does not give side effects. The main thing is that the treatment is correct and approved by a gynecologist. Trying to take medication on your own will only worsen your reproductive health.

For many patients, the prescription of hormonal drugs causes negative emotions. With progesterone deficiency, there is a risk of miscarriage. Hormone therapy has long been used in gynecology and obstetrics. Medical drug Duphaston is safe during pregnancy. It is an analogue of natural progesterone. This is a new, highly effective hormonal medicine that has no serious side effects.


The drug is available in 10 mg tablets. Molecular structure active substance(dydrogesterone) and its physical properties very close to natural progesterone. The instructions for use say that the medicine does not have a contraceptive effect.

The drug is prescribed for such conditions that are accompanied by progesterone deficiency:

  • infertility due to luteal insufficiency;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • endometriosis;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • secondary amenorrhea;
  • uterine bleeding.

The medicine is also taken during menopause.

Mechanism of action

Progesterone is a hormone that affects the process of conception and maintenance of pregnancy. It is produced when the egg is fertilized. In order for it to successfully attach to the wall of the uterus, progesterone is needed. The hormone also helps prepare the mammary glands. If its level decreases, a miscarriage may occur.

In order to compensate for the lack of the hormone, Duphaston is prescribed during pregnancy. Dydrogesterone is a synthetic hormone that replaces natural progesterone. It is necessary for the survival of the embryo.

The medication is prescribed only after determining the level of progesterone. Tests must be done in the second half of the menstrual cycle. The results may not be objective if the research is carried out before or after the due date.

In what cases is the drug prescribed?

If there is a threat of miscarriage

The first trimester of pregnancy is considered the most difficult. During this period there is early development embryo and the placenta is formed. If there is a threat of miscarriage, hormonal therapy is also prescribed. Doses are selected individually depending on the cause of the threat of miscarriage. Hormone therapy for early stages not shown. The medicine is prescribed from 6-7 weeks 2 times a day, 10 mg.

The gynecologist can change the treatment regimen for a threatened abortion by prescribing 4 tablets at once for the first dose. In the following days, take 1 tablet every 8 hours. The dosage is determined by the doctor after mandatory blood tests.

Repeated cases of abortion

Miscarriages most often occur during pregnancy important organs. During this period, there is a high probability of a frozen pregnancy. One of the most common reasons is hormonal disorders. If you have previously had a miscarriage, Duphaston may be prescribed during pregnancy. One miscarriage does not mean that the medicine should be taken.

During IVF preparation

"Duphaston" is prescribed when transferring an embryo into the uterine cavity. In infertility patients, ovarian function is altered and testosterone levels are reduced. The drug takes special place in the embryo donation program. The medicine prepares the uterus for the implantation process. All patients must take Duphaston when preparing for IVF. The tablets are prescribed to be taken 21 days before the transfer, and for 12 weeks after.

The drug can be taken for a long time, and all thanks to its advantages:

  • no side effects;
  • high bioavailability.

When planning a pregnancy

The drug helps in the treatment of infertility. You can read about this in the instructions. The annotation says that the medicine must be taken in 10 mg doses. You should start drinking it from the 14th to the 25th day of the cycle. It is recommended to take the drug for six months.

It should be remembered that only a doctor can determine the required dosage based on the test results and all studies. Treatment is carried out under the constant supervision of a gynecologist. He must be notified if pregnancy has occurred. You should not stop taking the drug on your own, as this is dangerous for the fetus and mother. With a sharp decrease in hormone levels, there is a risk of miscarriage. The gynecologist will adjust the dose and determine how much longer you need to take the pills.

How to use?

During pregnancy, the drug “Duphaston” is prescribed by a doctor, which means he will select the dosage regimen individually. If a woman took the medicine before conception, she continues to do so in the early stages of pregnancy. Duphaston is taken 1 tablet 2 times a day. The placenta is formed by 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. By this time, the need to take the medicine disappears.

Only the gynecologist determines how much longer to take the drug. He can prescribe Duphaston during early pregnancy, as well as after the 20th week. During this period, the placental layer is already formed and begins the synthesis of progesterone. Teratogenic effect of the drug on the fetus later excluded. After 36 weeks it is stopped.

What to do if the patient forgot about taking Duphaston during pregnancy? The medicine must be taken as soon as possible (6 hours). The dose should not be increased even if more time has passed.

How to stop the drug?

The drug is taken until 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. The tablets are taken in the dosage calculated by the doctor. After this, the use of the drug is gradually reduced, reducing the dose by 0.5-1 tablet per week. Reducing the dose when taking Duphaston during pregnancy is possible if hormonal levels are normal.

Contraindications and side effects

"Duphaston" - safe medicine, but it should not be taken without supervision and prescription from a doctor. The instructions for the drug indicate contraindications:

  • liver diseases and dysfunctions;
  • hereditary Dubin-Jones and Rotor syndromes;
  • allergic reactions on the components of the drug;
  • neoplasms of the mammary glands and genital organs;
  • thrombophlebitis and tendency to thrombosis.

Sometimes Duphaston can cause:

  • rash and itching;
  • dizziness and drowsiness.

What you need to know about the drug

Cost of the drug

Tablets are sold in packs of 20 pieces. Prices in Moscow pharmacies range from 487–604 rubles, but for example, in Khabarovsk you will have to pay 517.60 for a medicine. You can buy the drug in an online pharmacy for 470–553 rubles. The price is approximately the same everywhere.

Drug safety

Duphaston does not provide negative impact for ovulation. He doesn't have contraceptive effect. Most often it is prescribed from the 16th day (second phase of the cycle). The drug does not change carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The pills only affect progesterone levels.

Duphaston is a hormonal drug that doctors have been prescribing to women for a long time to get pregnant. For what diagnoses is it prescribed? For the treatment of irregular periods, premenstrual syndrome, for hormonal therapy and when planning pregnancy.

For conception

To understand the principle of action of this drug, it is better to start by familiarizing yourself with its component. This is dydrogesterone - a synthetically synthesized hormone progesterone, which is the “pregnancy hormone”. Normally, the corpus luteum of a woman’s ovaries produces this hormone in the second half of the menstrual cycle. If conception does not occur, the level of this hormone decreases. If everything went well and the egg is fertilized, then the level of progesterone increases, because the placenta also begins to produce it. This hormone also prepares the uterus for childbirth and the mammary glands for feeding the baby.

Immunomodulation is the key to successful pregnancy in women who are susceptible to spontaneous abortions and miscarriages. Approximately 60% of miscarriages are associated with structural chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, infections, endocrinological and anatomical disorders (for example,) in the mother's body. In other cases, the cause is unknown, but is presumably an abnormal immune response to paternal antigens in the fetus.

The success of pregnancy depends on tolerance to the genes of the child's father or fetus. Progesterone plays an important role in this case.

Thus, the drug helps the development of the fetus and reduces the incidence of rejection. But only theoretically. Why? Read the article to the end and you will understand.

Taking Duphaston when planning pregnancy

If a woman’s menstrual cycle has 28 days, then gynecologists usually prescribe the drug for 3-6 cycles, from days 11 to 25. In other cases, it all depends on the length of the cycle. Dosage - one tablet 2 times a day. If pregnancy occurs while taking this drug, you should never stop taking it. If a woman suddenly stops taking the synthetic hormone, the overall level of progesterone in the body will drop and this will lead to a miscarriage. In this case, the drug is discontinued approximately between 4-5 months of pregnancy.

Do not take Duphaston without prior examination and consultation with a specialist.

Many gynecologists are not supporters this method treatment in certain cases, but some women, against the advice of a doctor, begin to take the drug on their own. It is unacceptable! An excess of this hormone and its uncontrolled intake can lead to metabolic failure, and this is fraught with dangerous complications.

Do not take the drug if it has been prescribed to you as a preventive measure without additional examinations. Look for another doctor!

Side effects

Women are especially often interested in whether they get better from taking Duphaston. No, if this hormonal therapy was prescribed by a doctor after detailed studies.

Cannot be accepted this drug for vaginal bleeding, asthma and depression, as well as for diseases of the liver, heart, and sickle cell anemia.

Possible side effects:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • allergic reactions;
  • dizziness;
  • vaginal bleeding.

What do foreign experts think about Duphaston?

In March 2008, this drug was withdrawn from the market in the UK. Why? For several decades, progesterone and progestins (eg, dydrogesterone) have been used to support early pregnancy. However, this practice appears to have been based only on theoretical considerations rather than reliable evidence of effectiveness. There are many methodological and ethical difficulties associated with conducting efficacy trials of these drugs. IN additional materials We attach a report assessing the effectiveness of dydrogesterone (in English).

Planning a pregnancy

In cases in which 30 years ago doctors would have made the sad diagnosis of “infertility”, modern doctors Duphaston is prescribed, which helps to conceive and successfully bear a healthy child.

Unfortunately, many married couples experience difficulties conceiving children. According to statistics, infertility affects about 10% of couples in our country, and the basis for establishing such a diagnosis is the fact that conception does not occur after two years of sexual activity without the use of contraception. All existing reasons ailments are divided into female and male depending on whose reproductive system There has been a breakdown. In turn, one of the most common reasons female infertility, along with endometriosis and obstruction of the fallopian tubes, is progesterone deficiency. It is precisely this very serious, but potentially solvable problem that will be discussed.

Often, women, for one reason or another, experience insufficient production of progesterone, which leads to the impossibility or early termination of pregnancy. Fortunately, today there are medications, which allow you to successfully replenish the hormone deficiency without causing significant side effects. So, many women, on the advice of gynecologists, take Duphaston to get pregnant. This drug is an analogue of progesterone, created artificially, in laboratory conditions. The molecule of the main active ingredient of Duphaston - dihydrogesterone - is close in its structure to the natural hormone, therefore, when it enters the body, it performs the same functions. It is noteworthy that such hormonal agents existed before, but were obtained from the male sex hormone, and their use was associated with such unpleasant side effects as increased hair growth, changes in voice timbre, and metabolic disorders. Modern drugs are devoid of pronounced adverse properties, which makes possible the successful use of Duphaston when planning pregnancy and in its early stages. To get a better idea of ​​how this works medicinal substance in the body, you must first become familiar with the effects of progesterone and its characteristics.

Progesterone is a hormone produced by a woman's ovaries. Along with other important female hormone estrogen, it affects the uterine mucosa, causing its changes associated with the menstrual cycle. So, at the beginning of the cycle, the concentration of progesterone in the blood is relatively low, but the influence of estrogen is great, which causes the growth and reproduction of cells lining the uterus from the inside. After ovulation, when the egg leaves the ovary, a corpus luteum forms in place of the former follicle, which produces progesterone. The concentration of this hormone grows rapidly and it is its turn to act on the mucous membrane. Cell growth now stops inner layer the uterus becomes very loose, many blood vessels- these changes are necessary so that the fertilized egg can easily attach to the uterus and receive from it nutrients. It is easy to guess that if a woman’s body produces little progesterone, pregnancy either cannot begin at all, or is interrupted in the early stages. The latter situation is called in medicine “ recurrent miscarriage pregnancy" and in some cases is very successfully corrected by taking hormonal medications. When planning pregnancy, Duphaston is prescribed precisely to increase progesterone levels and make implantation possible.

Usually, if a woman turns to a gynecologist with complaints about the absence of pregnancy, she is prescribed a hormonal profile examination. It is very important to know that blood is tested for progesterone in the middle of the second phase of the menstrual cycle - exactly halfway between ovulation and the beginning of the next period. You must know exactly when ovulation occurred and how long your cycle is for the analysis to be reliable. In the case when the cycle is irregular or you were unable to trace the moment of increase basal temperature, it is advisable to take the test within the approximate time frame twice with an interval of several days. If all tests show a significant decrease in the level of progesterone in the blood, then you need to take Duphaston to become pregnant and carry a child to term.

When planning a pregnancy, Duphaston is prescribed only by a doctor who selects an individual treatment regimen. Keep in mind that it is difficult to give universal advice on taking this drug, and relying on a regimen prescribed for another woman or taking the medicine yourself is not only not recommended, but may even be dangerous to your health. Usually, when taking Duphaston to get pregnant, they start taking it the day after ovulation and continue until the start of menstruation. It is very important to know that Duphaston should be discontinued in each cycle only if pregnancy has not occurred. You need to either wait until your period and then stop taking the drug, or take a test. The fact is that a sudden drop in progesterone levels can cause deterioration in the nutrition of the fertilized egg and its rejection.

If you are taking Duphaston to become pregnant, you need to take it for at least 6 months to achieve the full effect. In the case when you have been taking Duphaston for more than a year and pregnancy has not yet occurred, as a rule, the doctor changes treatment tactics and prescribes alternative drug and additional examinations.

Duphaston and pregnancy.

Once favorable conditions are created in the uterus for the attachment and growth of the fertilized egg, pregnancy is likely to occur, but drug support does not stop there; on the contrary, it intensifies. Please note that if you have been prescribed Duphaston and pregnancy has occurred, you should under no circumstances stop taking the drug on your own. You need to immediately inform your doctor about your pregnancy and he may adjust the dose of the drug.

It will be useful for pregnant women to know that Duphaston is used during pregnancy for a slightly different purpose than before. Among the many effects of this hormone, there is also an effect on the muscles of the uterus - progesterone and its analogues relax it, reducing tone and creating comfortable conditions for the fetus. In addition, the same hormone causes relaxation of the intestines, the formation of a dominant pregnancy at the level of the brain and the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation. Conclusion about the need to maintain progesterone levels high level suggests itself. Duphaston during pregnancy is prescribed not only for initial progesterone deficiency, but also in case of threatened miscarriage in the first half of pregnancy in healthy women.

In the case when pregnancy occurs while taking Duphaston, how much to drink further and in what doses is decided only by the doctor who is caring for the pregnancy, taking into account concomitant pathologies, ultrasound data and laboratory research, conditions of pregnancy. It is worth noting that in the body of a pregnant woman, progesterone is produced not only in corpus luteum ovary, but also in the placenta. By about 18-20 obstetric weeks, the placenta develops so much that it becomes able to produce sufficient quantity hormones to maintain pregnancy. At this point, it is advisable to stop drug support. However, the cancellation of Duphaston at any time should be very smooth, since a sharp decline the level of the hormone in the blood, the body reacts by increasing the tone of the uterus and deteriorating nutrition of the placenta.

They help to get an idea of ​​how effective Duphaston is during pregnancy, reviews from users of the site and numerous women's forums with experience in using the drug.

Questions for the article

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Reading time: 7 minutes

Not all women are able to have a child right away; in some cases, it takes several years. Duphaston - instructions for use when planning pregnancy indicate that the drug will be useful in the treatment of gynecological diseases, the threat of bleeding from the uterus, and is part of the treatment of infertility. Take the drug in the first stages of planning conception and to maintain health expectant mother already during gestation.

In what cases should I take it?

During consultations, many doctors advise taking Duphaston for pregnancy. If you have any doubts regarding use, you can refer to the instructions that are included in each package of the medication. Infertility or difficulties in planning a conception are not the only reasons to take these pills. A girl can take Duphaston in the following cases:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • endometriosis (insufficient amount of the hormone progesterone);
  • infertility due to luteal insufficiency;
  • threatened or habitual miscarriage due to progesterone deficiency, which is confirmed by tests;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • secondary amenorrhea (treated together with estrogen therapy);
  • dysfunctional uterine bleeding;
  • substitution hormone therapy(HRT): carried out to neutralize the effect of estrogen on a woman’s endometrium, which is associated with menopause (natural or surgical) with an infarcted uterus.

The main purpose for taking Duphaston according to the instructions is planning pregnancy for endometriosis, confirmed by tests that indicate a clear lack of the hormone progesterone. If you follow the rules of admission, then positive result will be noticeable almost immediately. Such dynamics can only be achieved if the woman follows all the rules of the medication treatment regimen.

How to take Duphaston when planning pregnancy

The instructions that are sold along with the drug contain a dosage regimen, but it is better if it is confirmed by your attending physician. Self-medication is not recommended because effective therapy will only be when correct dosage and frequency of pill use. Taking duphaston when planning pregnancy is carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Recommended use immediately after ovulation from 16 to 25 days of the cycle. You need to take the tablets at regular intervals several times a day. The course of treatment usually lasts at least 6 months.
  2. If a woman started taking Duphaston when planning a pregnancy, then she needs to continue taking it after conception in the first stages of pregnancy to avoid miscarriage.
  3. You need to take it until the placenta is formed and can independently provide required level progesterone. This usually happens between 12 and 16 weeks of pregnancy.
  4. After conceiving a child, you need to drink the drug until week 20, then begin to reduce the dose (half or a whole tablet per week). You should not suddenly stop taking the drug, as this can lead to miscarriage.
  5. An early conception will occur only if the drug is used according to the instructions.
  6. Stop drinking Duphaston completely after 36 weeks.
  7. If you miss taking a pill while planning to conceive, you need to drink the right dose in the next 6 hours.
  8. There is no need to increase the number of tablets per day on your own, even if you missed taking it, to avoid an overdose.

Dosages of the medication indicated for use according to the instructions:

  1. Infertility due to luteal insufficiency. You need to take 10 mg per day from days 14 to 25 of the cycle. You need to take the product for 6 cycles without breaks. In the future, use can be continued for 2-3 months after pregnancy.
  2. Threatened abortion. You should take 40 mg of Duphaston once, then 10 mg every 8 hours until symptoms disappear.
  3. Habitual abortion. Take 10 mg twice daily until week 20, then gradually reduce the dose.

Drug interactions

If Duphaston is taken simultaneously with inducers of microsomal liver enzymes, for example, rifampicin, phenobarbital, the metabolism of dydrogetesron may be accelerated, which will lead to neutralization therapeutic effect drug. No other cases of incompatibility with drugs have been recorded for this medication.

Composition of Duphaston

The medicine is produced in the form of biconvex, round tablets with beveled edges. There is a mark on one side, on each side of it there is an engraving 155. Available in blisters of 20 pcs. tablets. The composition of the drug is as follows:

Pharmacological properties

According to its molecular structure, pharmacological and chemical properties Dydrogesterone is close to natural progesterone. This element is not a testosterone derivative and does not have the side effects that are inherent in almost all synthetic progestogens, which are also called androgenic progestogens. Dydrogetestrone has no glucocorticoid, anabolic, androgenic, estrogenic or thermogenic activity.

According to the instructions, Duphaston is part of complex HRT for menopause; the drug retains a beneficial effect on lipid profile blood from estrogen. Unlike estrogen hormones, which negatively affect the blood coagulation system, dydrogestron has no effect on the coagulation rate. The drug does not have instructions for planning conception negative influence on liver function, carbohydrate metabolism.

At orally Dydrogesterone selectively acts on the endometrium, this helps prevent an increased risk of developing hyperplasia or carcinogenesis due to excess estrogen. The medication according to the instructions is indicated for endogenous progesterone deficiency. Duphaston does not have a contraceptive effect, because it is used when planning pregnancy. The remedy does possible conception, ensures the preservation of pregnancy during therapy.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated during pregnancy and pregnancy planning, but in rare cases symptoms appear Negative consequences applications. There are no cases of drug overdose reported in medical sources. If the dose is exceeded, gastric lavage is necessary. The following side effects are possible:

  • migraine (headache);
  • allergy symptoms (itching, skin rash, hives);
  • liver dysfunction (jaundice);
  • breakthrough bleeding from the vagina;
  • increased toxicosis;
  • increased fatigue, weakness, drowsiness;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • excessive sensitivity of the breast (glands).

As a rule, Duphaston is well tolerated, but sometimes they can still manifest themselves unpleasant effects, characterized by headache (migraine), liver dysfunction, allergy symptoms ( skin rash, itching), breakthrough bleeding, which requires an increase in dose. Previously, no cases of drug overdose have been identified, however, when taking a dose that exceeds the required dose, it is worth performing a gastric lavage.


A doctor should prescribe the use of Duphaston after examination and diagnosis (if there are pathologies). The required dosage is determined based on the condition of the expectant mother. The drug is contraindicated when planning conception according to the instructions in the following cases:

  • There is malignant tumors in organism;
  • liver pathologies were identified;
  • there are blood clotting disorders;
  • in the presence of acute heart failure;
  • in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the product;
  • at diabetes mellitus 1 type;
  • with a tendency to thrombosis;
  • if any serious damage liver, kidneys;
  • while breastfeeding.

Terms of sale and storage

The medicine is dispensed in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The product should be stored in a dry place out of reach of children. If you do not open the package, the temperature should not exceed 30 degrees Celsius. Shelf life – 5 years.


Duphaston does not have identical structural analogues. There are other patented names for this medication:

  • Prajesan;
  • Utrozhestan.

Duphaston price

The medication is available at any pharmacy; if you wish, you can order it from the Internet. The cost will depend on the point of sale and the region in which you live. The approximate price for the medicine when ordering from the Internet is as follows.
