It is important for a patient to know where to complain about unscrupulous doctors. About medicine, or why it’s not profitable for doctors to treat us Why do we need doctors if they don’t treat?

That’s how it is... But modern Man does not have reliable information about the methods comprehensive prevention diseases... And few people have even an indirect idea about their own body. Not to mention functional features. That is why I created my own (free) SITE, so that people could get information both about their own body and about diseases, their symptoms and course.

Greetings to the members of the healthy group!

Regarding the question of why doctors don’t treat...

They heal, they really heal! After all, it is from treatment that they get their bread and butter. And that is why almost no one is cured... doctors are vitally interested in the presence of sick people and diseases, and not in ensuring that there are as few sick people and diseases as possible. And I’m not the first to notice that it is medicine that produces more and more larger number patients, incl. spiritually people.

And this will continue as long as doctors feed themselves on treating patients, and not on eliminating diseases and their causes.

I wish you health and a healthy life.

a doctor in the east in the service of the emperor received a salary only when the emperor was healthy, and when he fell ill, during the period when the doctor was treating the sick, he did not receive money, that is, the doctor was interested. But with us, on the contrary, the more people come to the doctor ( primarily and repeatedly), the higher his salary (to be honest, I would be embarrassed to call this money a salary, it’s so crumbs). They (doctors) even do registrations on the sly in order to reach the norm. And oh, how they don’t like to be treated themselves. But I I think doctors themselves are hostages of the current system (where there is no money, where pharmacists rule the roost, doctors have a very narrow specialization, there is no system for retraining and advanced training, etc., etc.). And reforming the system is a very long and painful task, so our health for the most part only in our hands and heads. That's for sure!

Everything is of course true. But this is mostly philosophical reasoning.

The main reason for all the troubles with medicine is that doctors “trusted” entirely the pharmaceutical industry, completely ignoring natural medications. Most modern doctors have no idea about medicinal herbs Oh. On the other hand, the well-being of doctors depends on the sales of chemicals. That is why doctors, knowing about the possibilities of medicinal herbs, nevertheless completely reject these possibilities... At the same time, there are quite a lot of doctors who prefer to be treated with medicinal herbs rather than chemicals. And this is quite logical. This vicious circle The dependence of doctors on pharmacological campaigns can only be broken if the dependence of doctors’ salaries on the number of patients admitted is abolished.

I would not attack doctors so categorically... Modern medicine is part of the state life support system for the population, along with public utilities, the police, the traffic police, etc. The local administration of our godforsaken settlements can also be included in this category... They say: “Like the Pop, so is the Parish”... In our case, we can say: “Like the Power, so is the Medicine”... After all, everything is connected with the attitude of the Authority towards its own Citizens (or comrades?!).. In general, something like that. Therefore, as the “great leader of the proletariat” would say: “Your health, comrades, is in your guts, so TAKE CARE OF YOUR HANDS”...

Pounce, don’t attack the doctors, nothing will change for a long time. The only way out- this is taking responsibility for your health upon yourself. This is exactly the case about which everyone says: “When we have we do not keep, but when we lose we cry.” Well, if we ourselves, frankly speaking, do little to save own health, then why do you think that doctors need it. This is the site the State plans to make with huge investments. Please look for information, take measures to preserve Your health and do not Expect that the State needs your Health more than you

I agree with you! But the fact is that, first of all, we ourselves need Health, and we rely on anyone, just so as not to do anything ourselves. Moreover, most people are interested in anything, but not their own body...

Doctors have forgotten the Hippocratic Oath. Patients are treated at a discount, cars are bought, houses are built, shops and pharmacies are opened... and patients go and go... they get worse and under the knife and... There are other ways to restore health Professors recommend they say what the doctor will say but the doctor refuses from them! Like this. There is a solution to their troubles and problems. Statistics: doctors are 20% sicker than their patients.

Don't be offended by doctors! The Hippocratic Oath has long become a ritual, just like the policeman’s oath...As my friend says younger son: “We’re not like that, life is like that”... Therefore, if possible, we need to turn as little as possible to those services on which we may not depend, if we really want it... Health should be protected from a young age, and not look for ways to preserve the remnants of it in mature years. How to achieve this? Yes, very simple! Dress not according to FASHION, but according to the WEATHER. There is everything that “the soul desires,” but in small quantities. Drink water only when “When you can no longer drink”... There can be no standards for water consumption! You need to drink exactly as much as your body requires, and not one and a half to two liters, as “doctors recommend.” In most cases, one liter of water per day is enough for a person! No " separate meals"according to Malakhov. No vegetarian food is dangerous for health, because it leads to brain dystrophy. However, why repeat yourself?! Go to my SITE:

Don't go to doctors, they will kill you, heal you, etc. So why are you contacting them? Nobody wants to do prevention, and when it comes down to it, you start cursing everyone and everything. Treat yourself with traditional and other methods, but they also help mainly with early forms. But the body is not a machine, you can’t change the parts.

Resource HUMAN body designed for 150-300 years of life without any outside intervention. You don't even need to PROVE this! There are quite a lot of people in the world who have lived 120-130 years... They say that the most LONG LIVERS are in JAPAN. Some scientists suggest that this is the result of eating a lot of seafood?! The statement is absolutely not true. The reason is that the Japanese are adherents of natural, natural food, firstly, and secondly; The Japanese, and not only them, but also many others Eastern peoples never overeat!!! This is the MAIN CONDITION OF HEALTH and LONGEVITY... In my 57 years, I have never consulted a doctor... But I treated them myself in large quantities...

I talked to doctors - killers. In their community there is a commotion about nothing. They do not want to treat in their hospitals the breadwinners of peripheral hospitals - the homeless. With the help of these homeless people, many departments could always make a plan for a bed-day, by the way.
Knowing the mood of my colleagues, I figured out who else we didn’t want to treat.

We do not want to treat alcoholics and drug addicts. Dangerous, scary, dirty, no money. Those who “can’t bear it” and narcologists don’t want to treat.
We do not treat without insurance policies. We don't want to treat the old. Anyway, it’s time for them to die. And the majority have a bastard character and, again, they don’t bring money.

Children are treated “for scrap”. It's not like that with children. Mothers spoil my nerves and don’t give me money. We direct you to the center, to the luminaries in children's emergencies. And treatment from luminaries is expensive. Not every fund will collect so much money.

Oncologists treat cancer by full program They don’t know how and don’t want to. Chemotherapy costs so much money! The oncologist has nothing left for donations. Give it to the oncologist! Maybe it will at least help you with painkillers - you'll die high.

I wonder if all these funds allocate money for bribes to doctors? They need to be allocated, otherwise it will be like with birth certificates.
For obstetricians, what are the benefits of these certifications? A certificate is a certificate, but for the birth it is better to give money to the birth attendant.

I heard this from one oncologist: “If we learn to treat oncology, humanity will perish.

How is it now? A person should not be immortal, and the main mechanisms of human death are cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Some old man will dodge a heart attack and intend to live to be a hundred years old, which is contrary to nature, but here you have CANCER!
As Davydovsky said: “For every old man there is his own cancer.”

After all, if we learn to cure cancer, there will be so many old people that we won’t be able to feed them. Apartments will not be vacated. Transport on preferential transportation alone will go bankrupt. There will be a shortage of doctors: can you imagine what lines there will be at clinics and pharmacies? Gradually, the entire population will be divided into doctors, sick streaks and pharmacists. Can such a society exist? Complete collapse of the economy and life on Earth"

Such a wise oncologist.

What else do we not want to treat? We don’t want to treat like outpatient doctors. Not prestigious. But we don’t want to do anything that is prestigious and requires work and dedication: after complex operations, patients can die. Well then, should I give away the money I brought?

That is why there are so few neurosurgeons, cardiac surgeons, burn doctors, phthisiatricians, and resuscitators. Those who go into these professions are completely stupid, those who could not become a medical representative for a pharmaceutical company, an administrator, a plastic fatsucker, a dentist, a doctor in a private sanatorium, etc.

Neurologists do not want to treat strokes according to guidelines: there are no fools messing around with smelly old people. Neurologists have become chiropractors and acupuncturists.

Psychiatrists do not like to treat schizophrenics. They are smarter than them and don’t want to be cured. Psychiatrists swam in shoals into chattering psychotherapists. We don’t like to treat women aged 45-50: unbearable menopause. Bosses are poorly treated and can be punished.
It is unbearable to treat the Hegemon - a stupid and rude boor. It’s disgusting to treat colleagues: “There are no worse bastards than sick doctors.”

Treating yourself is bad manners and unprofessional, but what to do if the only professional in the entire hospital is you? We would be happy to treat a clean, blonde girl, 16-20 years old, with non-dangerous pain in the lower abdomen. So many possibilities for taking anamnesis morbid et vitae and palpation, palpation...

Yes. It’s better that we don’t have treatment. Take the money (it’s theirs after all!) and go to Israel, Germany, the USA. And give a bribe to the official who will send you there.

Confession of a Moscow doctor

In the branch where I work, everything is very strict with sales. Failure to comply with the plan the first time results in a fine and minimum wage. Failure to comply a second time means dismissal. In any paid medical institutions There is a plan - the average bill per patient.

If the doctor fails to cope with this check and does not fulfill the monthly plan, then he is reprimanded, fined, or even fired altogether if this happens several times.

The financial plan must be implemented!

Every medical Center calculates this amount specifically, how much the average monthly revenue should go to a doctor. To motivate doctors not to insert caps and tell them every day how important it is to bring profit to the branch and recoup their crazy expenses, they give them a minimum salary and a good interest rate from each patient, that is, from those services that the doctor sells.

This system is almost no different from some Euroset or Svyaznoy, which have exactly the same technology. Sellers have an average salary and a direct motivation to sell as much as possible in order to earn a percentage of sales, which then results in an interesting salary.

Today I had a patient complaining of pain in the lower abdomen and groin area. He described the following symptoms: discomfort when walking, pain in the groin area after lifting weights, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. After describing the symptoms, clear suspicions arose of inguinal hernia. And after examination and palpation it became quite obvious. When the patient stood, he experienced a subtle swelling that varied in size, disappearing in the supine position.

This is a simple situation that does not require additional examination. It was possible to calmly diagnose him and send him to a surgeon for planned surgery. But in our clinic (as in any paid clinic) this cannot be done. Surgeries to eliminate hernias are not performed in our clinic, and sending him to the hospital means losing a client and receiving a reprimand/fine from management for failing to meet the average bill for each patient.

Therefore, I started running him through our standard sales scheme: general blood tests, urine, stool, ultrasound abdominal cavity. He also sent me to a urologist in the next office, where he will most likely get tested for prostate secretions and pay for the consultation itself.

The approximate total cost of all listed services is 35-40 thousand rubles.

I have been working at this clinic for 6 years. The situation described above is a normal workday. And even after all this time I still sometimes have remorse. They are already weak and almost unnoticeable, but memories still arise of the thoughts and hopes with which I went to study at the medical institute to help people and treat them, as Hippocrates bequeathed. There was no thought then about any deception or scam on the average bill.

But as the head of the clinic where I work says: “Hippocrates is not relevant now, and he died a long time ago, but my family and children are alive and want to eat.”

This was one of the first comments I received on a previous post. The comment is quite fair, I perfectly understand the feelings of this woman and sympathize with her. The situation she described occurs quite regularly. For each patient I receive a whole stack of tests and examination results.

As a rule, I order all these tests to be completed in two appointments, so that the patient does not immediately shy away from the impressive cost and does not suspect the excess of the prescribed examinations.

Firstly, there is usually no need to take so many tests. But you already know very well about the plan, norm and check for each patient.

Secondly, you most likely cannot even imagine how your tests are done and how they are falsified in laboratories. There are several options:

Clinics that save on testing

You were prescribed a lot of tests, and you paid the appropriate amount for them, but the research, at best, is carried out only the most basic ones, or is not carried out at all. Why is this happening? Most likely, the clinic you came to is doing poorly, so they save on tests.

Accordingly, you get an unreliable picture of your examination, and, as a result, inadequate treatment. As a result, health not only does not improve, but, most likely, will worsen, which will provoke the appearance of other diseases. But this is not bad, because now you will be going to this clinic for a long time and regularly. But this is not done in all clinics, but only in those where sales are poor, and the clinic does not even break even.

Clinics that do not miss the opportunity to make money even on a healthy patient

They prescribe tests for you according to the standard procedure, but they falsify their results. They “discover” something that you actually don’t have. And this, by the way, is not the worst thing, because here they discover only a minor “disease” that can be “cured” by instilling several droppers and taking a course of medications. The patient most likely will not feel the difference, but then he will undergo tests again, which will show that he has been “cured.”

Clinics that detect a patient with a severe or fatal illness

Most likely, these are clinics with lazy and stupid management with post-Soviet thinking, who only know by hearsay about management, marketing and internal sales. They save on everything, doctors are paid a modest salary. These are greedy managers who have only one clinic, because they will never expand to network scale due to their greed and stupidity. Therefore, in order to somehow stay afloat, and at the same time earn their bread and caviar, they engage in outright fraud. The atmosphere in such clinics is depressing, the doctors are evil, and this can be seen with the naked eye.

And the last option

These are clinics that do not fake anything, but, thanks to competent management and marketing, manipulate the patient so that he passes a large number of analyses, additional analyzes and examinations. The patient is diagnosed only after the plan has been completed, and then an adequate treatment regimen is prescribed.

This is exactly the clinic I work in. And I’ll tell you that this option is not the worst. Moreover, today, even the best in Russia. Yes, the patient will spend 3-5-10 times more than necessary, but he will definitely know a reliable picture of his situation.

A few words about free medicine

In the comments they wrote to me a lot that, once in paid clinics This is how they profit from patients, therefore, it is better to go to a free district clinic. But tell me, what is better for you, to be cured, even at a great cost, or not to be cured at all, because “for free” no one will care about you? In the next world, money will no longer be needed.

Time is running out now. I am writing down the most memorable situations over the past week - later I will describe everything in more detail. The other day we had an extraordinary meeting. The management was extremely dissatisfied with the falling income of our branch - everyone was reprimanded and threatened with dismissal. Main complaint: “All you do at work is drink tea and don’t treat your patients properly.”

This is despite the fact that I’m the only one for 20 working days a month I bring to the cashier from 3.5 million rubles.

They set the task: “Break into any patient and, if the described symptoms even remotely resemble complex diseases, then intimidate the patients and prescribe local procedures and additional ones. examinations."

Our ultrasound specialist, scared that she would be fired, was pregnant healthy girl she said that she had premature oligohydramnios, the placenta was all in cysts, that everything was very bad, she urgently needed to put on IVs and carry out full examination, otherwise she may lose the child.

A pharmaceutical company that promotes its “miracle drugs” through us has released a new remedy for gastrointestinal diseases. The result is that several patients have already complained of diarrhea and bleeding.

When collecting material for PCR, the urologist provoked bleeding from the urethra. The patient stained the doctor’s white coat with blood and began to fuss with fear, spattering drops of blood on the floor of the office. When the doctor opened the door slightly and went to call the cleaning lady, the patients waiting in line, when they found out what had happened, got up and left. Something tells me that our urologist will be fired.

For those who were interested in what the salaries are in our clinic and how sales are stimulated, I’ll tell you. We have a minimum salary - on average 10-15 thousand. rubles Everything else is interest. From the patient's appointment, the doctor receives 20% , six months ago it was 15. For a referral to another specialist 5% , six months ago it was 3%. For referral for testing 8% , six months ago it was 5%.

If you are studying at medical universities and want to earn a decent salary, I recommend studying to become doctors in non-therapeutic specialties. You will receive even more money. Those who can count have already guessed why.

A funny moment that many of you have probably noticed, but don’t know the details. If you have noticed, in many medical centers in Moscow there are “boards of honor” with photographs hanging at the reception. the best doctors months, and I can guess what patients think about this. But in fact, these are the doctors who brought to the cash register this month most money. It's like employee of the month at a furniture store.

Many ailments for which patients go to clinics can be cured after one or two consultations, based on the basic general tests. This is enough to determine the picture and prescribe an adequate treatment regimen. But this is not the way to treat unprofitable, and if you try, you will get a slap from management.

By the way, the patient does not even need to be intimidated when he comes with his problem. It is enough to simply reinforce his existing fears with all sorts of hints and shaking his head. And the most stable patients are those who carefully study their symptoms on the Internet. They read all sorts of horrors and agree to any kind of examination.

It is not profitable to treat the patient, it is beneficial to relieve symptoms and delay until the last minute. And if the patient has managed to develop dysbiosis from taking an endless number of drugs, then this is not bad. The patient becomes completely sad, obediently goes to appointments and is ready for all procedures and additional ones. examinations.

Surely some of you have had cases when you long time you were treated in some medical center, but there was no improvement at all, and then at some point you lost patience or financial problems began, and you quit this business.

From the Editorial Office of RuAN

Doctors (from the word lie) do not know how to treat, first of all, because they know absolutely nothing about the structure of the human body. Nothing at all! They have no idea how human systems and organs function, what and how they are controlled, and where the control system that ensures the entire life process is located.

Medical education has always been primitive, very narrow and limited. All training was based on rote learning, because real knowledge Doctors have not had one for a long time. Today, medicine is a commercial stall for swindling money from sick people. So you should only go to the hospital in case of major injuries, because there is currently nothing to replace traumatic surgery. In all other cases, it is better to treat yourself - there will be more benefit.

My wife and I have been for 17 years we don't buy any medicines. At all! We don't have a single tablet or ampoule in our apartment. And everything is fine! When we become infected with specially spread flus in spring or autumn, we treat ourselves with lemon, honey and garlic. Every day we watch free “Health Sessions” by Nikolai Levashov. This is quite enough to get rid of everything that the pharmacological mafia imposes on us to increase sales of their drugs.

So, if you want to be healthy, don’t eat chemicals, don’t drink chemicals, don’t breathe chemicals, and constantly watch Nikolai Levashov’s free “Health Sessions.” It’s much cheaper and easier than going to hospitals and getting infected with more and more new diseases.

On the topic of doctors who kill for a long time, expensively and painfully, according to all the rules medical science. An oldie but a goodie from The Wall Street Journal.

A medical doctor from Southern California explained why many doctors wear pendants with the inscription “Do not pump” no matter what they do. indirect massage heart in case of clinical death. And also why they prefer to die from cancer at home.

Many years ago, Charlie, a respected orthopedic surgeon and mentor of mine, discovered a lump in his stomach. He underwent exploratory surgery. Diagnosis: pancreatic cancer. The operation was performed by one of the best surgeons countries. He even developed an operation that tripled the likelihood of surviving five years after diagnosis of this particular type of cancer from 5 to 15%, although the quality of life would be very poor. Charlie was completely uninterested in the operation. He left the hospital the next day, closed his medical practice and never set foot in a hospital again. Instead, he devoted all his remaining time to his family. His health was as good as it could be when diagnosed with cancer. A few months later he died at home. Charlie had no chemotherapy, radiation or surgery. The state insurance for retirees, Medicare, spent almost nothing on his maintenance and treatment.

This topic is rarely discussed, but doctors die too. And they die differently than other people. What's striking isn't how much medical treatment doctors do before they die compared with other Americans, but how rarely they see a doctor when it's nearing the end. Doctors struggle with death when it comes to their patients, while they themselves have a very calm attitude towards own death. They know exactly what will happen. They know what options they have. They can afford any type of treatment. But they leave quietly.

Naturally, doctors do not want to die. They want to live. At the same time, they know enough about modern medicine to understand the limits of science. They also know enough about death to understand what all people fear most - dying in agony and dying alone. They talk about it with their families. Doctors want to make sure that when their time comes, no one will heroically save them from death by breaking ribs in an attempt to revive them with chest compressions (which is exactly what happens when it's done correctly).

Almost all health care workers have at least once witnessed a “futile treatment,” when there was no likelihood that a terminally ill patient would improve from treatment with the latest advances in medicine. The patient's stomach will be ripped open, tubes will be stuck into it, connected to machines and poisoned with drugs. This is exactly what happens in intensive care and costs tens of thousands of dollars per day. With this money, people buy suffering that we will not inflict even on terrorists. I have lost count of the number of times my colleagues have told me something like this: “Promise me that if you see me in this state, you will kill me.” They say this in all seriousness. Some doctors wear pendants with the inscription “Do not pump” so that doctors do not give them chest compressions. I even saw one person who got such a tattoo.

Treating people while causing them suffering is painful. Doctors are trained to collect information without showing their feelings, but among themselves they say what they experience. “How can people torture their loved ones like this?” is a question that haunts many doctors. I suspect that the forced infliction of suffering on patients at the request of their families is one of the reasons for the high rates of alcoholism and depression among health care workers compared to other professions. For me personally, this was one of the reasons why I have not been practicing in a hospital setting for the last ten years.

What's happened? Why do doctors prescribe treatments that they would never prescribe for themselves? The answer, simple or not, is patients, doctors and the medical system as a whole.

To better understand the role patients themselves play, imagine the following situation. The man lost consciousness and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. No one foresaw such a scenario, so it was not agreed in advance what to do in this case. This is a very common situation. Families are frightened, overwhelmed, and confused by the myriad of treatment options available. The head goes all around. When doctors ask, “Do you want us to “do everything”?”, the family says “yes.” And all hell breaks loose. Sometimes a family really wants to “get everything done!”, but more often than not they just want everything done within reason. The problem is that ordinary people often do not know what is reasonable and what is not. Confused and grieving, they may not ask or hear what the doctor says. And doctors who have been told to “do everything” will do everything, whether it is reasonable or not.

Such situations happen all the time. To make matters worse, people have unrealistic expectations of what doctors can do. Many people think that artificial heart massage is reliable way intensive care, although most people still die or survive as profoundly disabled people. I have received hundreds of patients who were brought to my hospital after intensive care artificial massage hearts. Only one of them healthy man with a healthy heart, he left the hospital on his own feet. If the patient is seriously ill, old, has fatal disease, the likelihood of a good outcome from resuscitation is almost non-existent, while the likelihood of suffering is almost 100%. Lack of knowledge and unrealistic expectations lead to poor treatment decisions.

Of course, not only patients are to blame for the current situation. Doctors make useless treatments possible. The problem is that even doctors who hate futile treatment are forced to satisfy the wishes of patients and their relatives. Imagine again a trauma center in a hospital. Relatives are crying and hysterical. They see the doctor for the first time. To them he is a complete stranger. In such conditions, it is extremely difficult to establish a trusting relationship between the doctor and the patient’s family. People tend to suspect the doctor of not wanting to bother with a difficult case, saving money or their time, especially if the doctor does not advise continuing resuscitation.

Not all doctors know how to talk to patients in accessible and understandable language. Some people get it better, some get it worse. Some doctors are more categorical. But all doctors face similar problems. When I needed to explain to the relatives of a patient about various options treatment before death, I told them as early as possible only about those options that were reasonable under the circumstances. If my family offered unrealistic options, I in simple language conveyed to them all the negative consequences of such treatment. If the family still insisted on treatment, which I considered pointless and harmful, I suggested transferring them to another doctor or hospital.

Should I have been more persistent in convincing relatives not to treat terminally ill patients? Some of the times I refused to treat a patient and referred them to other doctors still haunt me to this day. One of my favorite patients was a lawyer from a famous political clan. She had severe diabetes and terrible circulation. A painful wound appeared on her leg. I tried everything to avoid hospitalization and surgery, realizing how dangerous hospitals and surgical intervention for such a patient. She still went to another doctor, whom I did not know. That doctor almost did not know this woman’s medical history, so he decided to operate on her - to bypass the thrombotic vessels in both legs. The operation did not help restore blood flow, but postoperative wounds did not heal. Gangrene developed on her feet, and both legs were amputated. Two weeks later she died at the famous hospital where she was treated.

It would be too much to point the finger at patients and doctors when often both doctors and patients are victims of a system that encourages overtreatment. In some sad cases, doctors simply get paid for every procedure they do, so they do whatever they can, whether it helps or hurts the patient, just to make more money. Much more often, however, doctors are afraid that the patient’s family will judge them, so they do everything that the family asks, without expressing their opinion to the patient’s family, so that there are no problems.

Even if a person has prepared in advance and signed the necessary papers, where he expressed his preferences about treatment before death, the system can still devour the patient. One of my patients' name was Jack. Jack was 78 years old, had been ill for many years and had undergone 15 major surgeries. After all the troubles, Jack quite confidently warned me that he never, under any circumstances, wanted to end up on the devices. artificial respiration. And then, one Saturday, Jack had a stroke. He was taken to the hospital in an unconscious state. Jack's wife was not with him. The doctors did everything possible to pump him out and transferred him to intensive care, where he was connected to an artificial respiration apparatus. Jack feared this more than anything in his life! When I got to the hospital, I discussed Jack's wishes with the staff and his wife. Based on my documents, compiled with Jack's participation, I was able to disconnect him from life-sustaining equipment. Then I just sat down and sat with him. Two hours later he died.

Even though Jack made it all up necessary documents, he still didn’t die the way he wanted. The system intervened. Moreover, as I found out later, one of the nurses slandered me for disconnecting Jack from the machines, which means I committed murder. Because Jack wrote down all his wishes in advance, I didn’t have anything. But still, the threat of a police investigation strikes fear into any doctor. It would have been easier for me to leave Jack in the hospital on the equipment, which was clearly against his wishes, prolonging his life and suffering for several more weeks. I would even make more money, and Medicare would receive a bill for an additional $500,000. It's no wonder that doctors tend to overtreat.

But doctors still don’t re-treat themselves. They see the consequences daily overtreatment. Almost everyone can find a way to die peacefully at home. We have many options for pain relief. Hospice care helps terminally ill loved ones last days living comfortably and with dignity, instead of suffering from unnecessary treatment. It is amazing that people cared for by hospice live longer than people with the same illnesses who are treated in hospital. I was pleasantly surprised to hear on the radio that the famous journalist Tom Wicker “died peacefully at home, surrounded by his family.” Such cases, thank God, are becoming more common.

A few years ago, my older cousin Torch (torch - lantern, burner; Torch was born at home by the light of a burner) had a seizure. As it turned out later, he had lung cancer with metastases to the brain. I made an agreement with different doctors, and we found out that when aggressive treatment his condition, which means three to five hospital visits for chemotherapy, he will live for about four months. Torch decided not to undergo treatment, moved to live with me and only took pills for brain swelling.

For the next eight months we lived happily, just like in childhood. For the first time in my life I went to Disneyland. We sat at home, watched sports programs and ate what I cooked. Torch even gained weight on home-cooked food rather than hospital food. He was not tormented by pain, and his mood was fighting. One day he didn't wake up. For three days he slept as if in a coma, and then he died. Price medical care for eight months - about 20 dollars. The cost of the pills he took.

Torch was not a doctor, but he knew that he wanted to live, not exist. Don't we all want the same thing? If there is a super-duper end-of-life care, it is death with dignity. As for me personally, my doctor is informed of my wishes. No heroism. I'll quietly go into the night. Like my mentor Charlie. Like mine cousin Torch. Like my fellow doctors.

In the spring, my mother went to a district clinic near Moscow complaining of heart pain. The ECG showed acute arrhythmia. A local cardiologist prescribed her “pills” and sent her home to rest after 5 hours of standing in line among sighing, wailing, and sometimes groaning elderly people. After taking the “pills” I had a heart attack. Next - the circles of hell: an ambulance that did not go (until the operator was promised to thank the whole team well), a hospital in which there were no beds (until they caused a scandal with the head physician), treatment that led to resuscitation and three clinical deaths. They paid everyone - the resuscitation team, every nanny, and when the crisis was over - the ward doctor, nurses and all the specialists who took tests.

What's happening in district hospitals with people whose relatives are not able to shell out several thousand every day - it’s scary.

Such people are not only not treated, they are literally killed. They don’t approach you, they don’t take tests, they don’t give you the necessary medications. One woman, who accidentally ended up with a stroke in this particular hospital (she was going to her dacha), instead required drug saline solution - water - was injected through a dropper. Moreover, the medicine was available, but, according to the head of the neurological department, it was not intended for people with Moscow registration! I wouldn’t have believed this story if that woman hadn’t turned out to be my mother’s neighbor in the intensive care unit. She did not last long on the saline solution, and as soon as the device connected to her began to show a straight line, they covered her and took her to the morgue.

The nurses mix up pills, are rude, refuse to measure the blood pressure of seriously ill patients (“We’re all like that here!”), the cleaning lady looks into the room once a week, and the “professionalism” of the doctors generally makes your hair stand on end. The local cardiologist literally did not understand what language the doctor from First Med, whom we invited for a consultation, spoke. God bless him, she didn’t understand - she didn’t even want to listen to him, she wasn’t interested. After 4 o'clock in the afternoon, you have to run around the floors in search of the only doctor on duty in the entire hospital. The food servers hiss “Hurry up!”, and those who do not have time to reach the pots with their plates in time are left without lunch. Patients speak to medical staff in a humiliated, pleading tone. This all looks disgusting.

If you don't buy hospital staff day after day, you can immediately prepare for the worst. In the mornings, corpses are taken out of the wards - prove later whether this is a medical error or fate. Thank you for the fact that as soon as my mother became transportable, she was discharged: “We did everything possible.” It was a blessing to get out of there.

Once in Federal Center them. Bakuleva, we have found ourselves in a parallel reality. The doctors understand (!) and clearly explain to the relatives the causes and essence of the disease, they are in the department until 9-10 pm, the canteen workers smile (it seems like something alien). People from all over Russia - the lucky ones - come to Leo Bokeria and his subordinates to undergo heart operations, which give them a chance for new life. It is extremely difficult to obtain a quota for treatment, you have to knock on the thresholds of numerous authorities, and time does not wait, your heart can stop at any moment. There are at most three such centers throughout the country, while cardiovascular diseases ranks first on the list of causes of death for Russians. Find out, find, achieve - all this requires huge amount strength, time, material costs. And often patients and their relatives simply do not know that there is a chance for salvation!

And sometimes it’s simply impossible to break through the bureaucratic wall. I saw dozens of desperate people in the Moscow Department of Health. They are all trying to get referrals to hospitals for operations. The old man sat and silently cried, and then, when for the tenth time he could not get a ticket to a hospice for his wife with cancer, he snapped: “I won’t come again.” Such people have only one option - to pay for qualified treatment out of their own pocket. But do you know how much a bed costs per day in a good (state) Moscow hospital? On average 2500-3500 rubles. Not counting the cost of tests, operations, procedures. In private clinics it is more expensive. And the cost of operations often tends to the cost of apartments. We were lucky, we were saved. But millions of Russians do not.

The other day I went to the ill-fated district clinic to pick up my mother’s card, which recorded blatant medical incompetence. It’s easy to open a criminal case against a doctor who sent a patient home rather than straight to the hospital during an arrhythmia attack. And I am sure there are many such precedents in his practice. But no one goes to court. The doctor is still treating... After a funeral, it is common for us to cry and complain about fate, rather than deal with those who are responsible for the death of loved ones.

Why don't Americans swallow such things? They do not forgive pain and loss of loved ones. At least remember trial with Michael Jackson's doctor. Perhaps it is thanks to the civic consciousness of our overseas neighbors that their doctors receive decent salaries and value their profession. And ours work part-time as salespeople in pharmacies - at best. They spend their free time from work not on improving their skills, but on getting food for their own children. And how can they not take bribes?

At the clinic, I heard a fat woman in a white coat scolding an elderly woman: “No, but what do you want, you are already over 60. You don’t need to come to me for trifles!” None of the pensioners crowding around were indignant. I wonder if they know that their European neighbors do not hesitate to have operations at 80 and 90 years old? And they continue to enjoy life, travel, study. No one drives them to the grave after 60, no one says, they are old, what can you do.

When you go to a good metropolitan clinic with corporate insurance, you don’t even suspect that the lives of those “non-Muscovites” who exclusively use public services, literally - hanging by a thread. The other day, Yuri Luzhkov set a task for the capital’s doctors: a patient should wait for an ambulance no more than 3-4 minutes. Considering the enormous difference between regional and Moscow medical institutions, the mayor’s order seems quite feasible. For everyone outside the Moscow Ring Road, this is fantastic.
