Strepsils Plus - effective tablets and spray for sore throat. Strepsils plus lozenges - official instructions for use Is it prescribed to expectant mothers

Strepsils Plus is a local disinfectant for use in ENT practice. It has a wide therapeutic range and affects most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as demonstrated in laboratory conditions. Shows antifungal activity. Has a local analgesic effect, prevents excess fluid accumulation in the mucosa upper sections respiratory tract. It is used to eliminate pain in the oral cavity, oropharynx with sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis (including in persons whose professional activity associated with constant loads on vocal cords– teachers, announcers, etc.), as well as when allergic diseases oral cavity, manifested by ulcerations of the mucous membrane, inflammation of the gums without compromising the integrity of the periodontal junction, candidiasis. Strepsils Plus is not used in case of individual intolerance to the active or auxiliary components of the drug. In pediatric practice, it is used after the patient reaches 12 years of age. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not direct contraindications to the use of the drug; however, when prescribing the drug during this period, special care should be taken and sensitive to the slightest manifestations of undesirable effects. adverse reactions for timely consideration of the issue of discontinuation of pharmacotherapy. The drug is available in the form of a spray and sublingual tablets. A single dose of the spray is a double press of the bottle head. The maximum frequency of use is 6 times a day. The interval between injections should be at least three hours. The maximum duration of the medication course is five days. For sublingual tablets single dose– 1 tablet, frequency of administration – every three hours. Maximum daily dose- eight tablets. The duration of the medication course as part of responsible self-medication (as self-prescribed without a prior visit to the doctor) is five days.

Strepsils Plus has a favorable safety profile and is well tolerated by patients. In rare cases possible allergic manifestations and numbness of the tongue. An overdose of the drug is unlikely due to high threshold toxicity. At long-term use Strepsils Plus in doses exceeding the recommended ones, anesthesia of the upper gastrointestinal tract is possible. When used simultaneously with other drugs, no quantitative or qualitative changes in the effects of these drugs, as well as Strepsils Plus, were observed. If your tongue is numb, you should be careful when consuming hot food. Strepsils Plus contains two antimicrobial components - amylmetacresol and dichlorobenzylethanol, as well as the anesthetic lidocaine. In addition to this, the drug contains flavoring additives. Strepsils Plus has confirmed its effectiveness in a number of clinical trials. One such study involved patients with acute inflammation mucous membrane and lymphoid tissue throats and pain syndrome after removal of tonsils. As a result uses of Strepsils Plus painful sensations disappeared or became significantly blunted in the vast majority of participants. In addition, signs of discomfort such as dryness, soreness, sore throat, and coughing were eliminated. The drug eliminated dysphonia ( qualitative violations voices that are manifested by nasality, hoarseness, hoarseness) - at the end of treatment, this symptom remained in only one study participant, which necessitated the need for additional use antibiotics and inhaled glucocorticosteroids. On the third day of the drug course, the severity of hyperemia of the mucous membrane decreased, and on the fifth day, complete elimination of this symptom was noted.


Antiseptic combination drug For local application in ENT practice and dentistry. It has an antimicrobial, local anesthetic and anti-edematous effect.

Active regarding wide range gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms in vitro; has an antifungal effect.


Pharmacokinetic data drug Strepsils® Plus are missing.

Release form

Spray for topical use, dosed in the form of a transparent red solution with a characteristic odor.

Excipients: ethanol 96%, citric acid, glycerol, sorbitol solution 70% (uncrystallized), saccharin, levomenthol, peppermint leaf oil, anise seed oil, azorubine (carmazine edicol), purified water, sodium hydroxide, concentrated hydrochloric acid.

20 ml (at least 140 presses on the valve (70 doses)) - glass bottles (1) with a dosing device - cardboard packs.


The drug is used topically.

The duration of use of the drug is no more than 5 days.


An overdose of Strepsils ® Plus is unlikely.

Symptoms: upper anesthesia digestive tract.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy.


No clinically significant interactions of the drug Strepsils ® Plus with drugs from other groups have been identified.

Side effects

Maybe: allergic reactions, loss of sensitivity of the tongue.


  • symptomatic treatment of pain in oral cavity, pharynx, larynx for infectious and inflammatory diseases (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis /including those of a professional nature - among teachers, speakers, workers in the chemical and coal industries/);
  • hoarseness;
  • inflammatory diseases mucous membrane of the oral cavity and gums ( aphthous stomatitis, gingivitis, thrush).

Registration number: P N014746/02

Tradename: Strepsils ® Plus

Dosage form: dosed topical spray

TIN or group name: Amylmetacresol+Dichlorobenzyl alcohol+Lidocaine

One click on the valve contains active substances: amylmetacresol -0.29 mg, 2,4-Dichlorobenzyl alcohol - 0.58 mg, lidocaine - 0.78 mg, and Excipients : ethanol 96% 52 µl, citric acid 0.19 mg, glycerol 13 µl, sorbitol solution 70% (non-crystallized) 13 µl, saccharin 0.026 mg, levomenthol 0.104 mg, mint pepper leaves oil 0.156 µl, anise seed oil 0.065 µl, azorubine (carmosine edicol) 0.008 mg, purified water up to 130 µl, sodium hydroxide q.s., concentrated hydrochloric acid q.s.

Description: a clear, red solution with a characteristic odor.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: antiseptic.

ATX code: R02AA20.

Pharmachologic effect. The drug has an antiseptic effect and is active against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms in vitro, has an antimycotic effect. It also has an anesthetic and anti-edematous effect.

Indications for use.
Symptomatic treatment pain in the mouth, throat, larynx due to infectious and inflammatory diseases: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis (including professional ones - among teachers, speakers, workers in the chemical and coal industries), hoarseness, inflammation of the oral mucosa and gums ( aphthous stomatitis, gingivitis, thrush).


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • children's age (up to 12 years). Carefully:
    pregnancy, lactation period. Use during pregnancy and lactation:
    The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation is possible only under the supervision of a doctor.

    Directions for use and doses

    Locally. Adults and children over 12 years of age: Irrigate the inflamed area by pressing the head of the bottle twice (one dose). If necessary, repeat the procedure every 3 hours, no more than 6 times within 24 hours. The duration of use of the drug is no more than 5 days. Side effects:
    Allergic reactions, loss of tongue sensitivity. Overdose.
    Unlikely possible overdose may lead to anesthesia of the upper digestive tract. Interactions with other drugs.
    No clinically significant interactions with other drugs have been recorded. Special instructions.
    If there is a possible loss of tongue sensitivity, it is recommended to be careful when consuming hot food and water. You should not use the drug if you have increased individual sensitivity to any component included in the drug. Release form.
    Dosed spray for topical use. 20 ml of spray (at least 140 valve presses (70 doses)) in a glass bottle, closed with a white plastic cap with a dispensing device, with a white plastic cap on top. The bottle is placed in a cardboard box along with instructions for use. Best before date.
    3 years.
    Do not use a drug that has expired. Storage conditions.
    At a temperature not exceeding 30 °C, in a dry place out of reach of children. Release from pharmacies.
    Over the counter. Manufacturer:
    Owner RW: Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare International Ltd, UK;
    produced: BSM Ltd, Thane Road, Nottingham, NG2 ZAA, UK; Famar Netherlands B.V., Industriweg 1.5531 AD Bladel, The Netherlands. Representative in Russia:
    Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare LLC Russia 115114 Moscow, Kozhevnicheskaya st., 14.
  • Aerosol Strepsils has an anesthetic and antibacterial effect due to its combined composition. The medicine is intended for the treatment of ENT diseases of various types. Strepsils spray (instructions for use are described below) is a medication approved for use according to officially approved instructions.

    Composition of the combination drug

    The spray solution contains three active antiseptic components. With one press, the metered spray releases 0.29 mg of amylmetacresol, 0.58 mg of 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol and 0.78 mg of lidocaine. The transparent red solution has a characteristic odor; it is bottled with a 20 ml dispenser-sprayer, placed together with an annotation (instructions for use for children and adults) in a cardboard package. One bottle of the drug contains 70 doses.

    The composition of the medicine includes citric acid, carmazine edicol, glycerol, 96% ethanol, levomenthol, purified water, sodium hydroxide, hydrochloric acid, saccharin, 70% sorbitol and levomenthol.

    I enhance the antiseptic effect essential oils contained in Strepsils spray. They soften the mucous membrane, making breathing easier. Anise and peppermint oils instantly eliminate swelling and pain.

    Pharmacological effect of the spray on the throat mucosa

    Strepsil plus spray is a broad-spectrum medicine. Potent decongestant, antimycotic, antiseptic and antibacterial effect quickly eliminates the symptoms of the presence of staphylococci, streptococci or diplococci. The components of the drug are effective against many gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms.

    Due to the presence of lidocaine in the composition, the anesthetic drug has local anesthetic properties. Lidocaine suppresses nerve impulses by depolarizing neurons.

    Dichlorobenzyl alcohol has bactericidal and bacteriostatic properties. It leads to dehydration of harmful microorganisms, which causes their death. Microorganisms produce a protein that disrupts the microflora of the throat mucosa. The active substance amylmethacreazole, when it gets on the mucous membrane, inhibits the production of this protein, it destroys harmful microorganisms from the inside, which leads to their death.

    Important! Adsorption active ingredients is insignificant, therefore Strepsils spray with lidocaine does not have a systemic effect on the body.

    Strepsils spray: indications for use

    A potent remedy is indicated for patients over 12 years of age. What is Strepsils spray taken for? The medicine is intended for the treatment of chronic and acute diseases oral cavity and nasopharynx. These include:

    • inflammation of lymphatic components pharyngeal ring(tonsils);
    • yeast fungus in the mouth ();
    • acute and chronic;
    • periodontal diseases.

    The medicine relieves, regardless of the cause that caused it. Strepsils is not only intended for the throat, it has found its application in dentistry. It is effective for gum disease characterized by inflammation, redness, swelling and bleeding. The medicine is also used after minor operations in otorhinolaryngology and dentistry. For example, after tooth extraction, opening an abscess, tonsillectomy or cyst removal. Quite often the medicine is prescribed in for preventive purposes at chronic diseases gums, mouth and nasopharynx.

    Since adsorption active ingredients very small, the medicine can be used during pregnancy. Components getting into breast milk has a very low percentage, however, during the period of gestation you cannot independently select medications, even for the treatment of ENT diseases.

    It is especially dangerous to take Strepsils spray in the first trimester of pregnancy. The medicine contains lidocaine, which can negatively affect the health of the unborn baby. If there is a strong need to take this remedy, it is better to visit a doctor or extreme case call an ambulance.

    Dosage schedule for adults and children

    The dosage regimen is prescribed individually. But since the drug is available without a prescription, it is important to know how to use it. Strepsils spray with lidocaine - instructions:

    1. The drug is used topically.
    2. Place the dispenser in the mouth and irrigate the inflamed area (2 presses equal one dose).

    Attention! Before using the medicine, consult your doctor, this especially applies to pregnant women.

    The medication is used every 3 hours. You can repeat the procedure up to six times a day, no more, otherwise an overdose cannot be avoided, which happens very rarely. The duration of use of Strepsils spray is 5 days. If during this time the patient’s symptoms of illness and inflammation do not go away, the use of the medicine must be stopped and replaced with an analogue.

    Single spray dose - 2 presses. After irrigation of the mucous membrane, you should not eat food for 30 minutes. The spray takes effect within 10–30 minutes.

    Contraindications to the use of the drug

    The spray solution has some contraindications. The medicine should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy and in the following situations:

    • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
    • if the child is under 12 years of age.

    With extreme caution, Strepsils spray is prescribed to patients prone to bronchospastic syndrome ( pathological condition, accompanied by obstruction of the bronchi), as well as persons diagnosed with laryngospasm (sudden contraction of the muscles of the larynx, causing narrowing or complete closure of the glottis).

    Side effects and overdose

    Side effects occur quite rarely. Sometimes patients complain of rash, hives, and itching. Due to the presence of lidocaine in the composition, loss of sensitivity of the tongue occurs.

    Cases of overdose are as rare as side effects. However, exceeding the prescribed average daily dose may cause:

    • lethargy;
    • headache;
    • nausea.

    Even less often, the patient becomes too excitable and complains of pain in the epigastric region. In addition, the drug can cause a coma.

    Analogs and their prices in Russian pharmacies

    The price of the drug ranges from 113 to 460 rubles. The cost depends on the manufacturer and the selling pharmacy. If it is not possible to buy Strepsils spray, it is not suitable for the patient or is too expensive, it can be replaced with cheaper analogues. For diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity, you can purchase the following products similar to Strepsils spray (the cost of drugs in rubles is indicated in brackets):

    • Agisept (from 101 to 140);
    • Coldact-Broncho (80);
    • Terasil (from 80 to 90);
    • Suprima-ENT (from 50 to 74);
    • Gorpils (from 38 to 60).

    Strepsils tablets, Orasept, Proposol, Hexoral and Tantum-verde are effective. Before using analogues, you should carefully study the indications, contraindications and possible side effects. Medicines have different composition, restrictions and dosage, so the patient needs to visit a doctor to make sure that the drug is used correctly.

    Strepsils is one of the most popular antiseptic drugs to treat sore throat. The history of this product goes back decades. The drug was developed by the famous British company and first went on sale back in 1958.

    By 2010, Strepsils took the leading place in sales among all drugs for sore throat. The growing popularity of the famous lollipops is associated with both their high safety and the variety of forms offered. Almost every patient can choose a drug based not only on clinical symptoms, but also taste and even color preferences.

    IN different countries worldwide, lollipops can be sold under different brands. So, in Italy on the shelves of pharmacies you will find lozenges for sore throat Benagol, in Germany - Dobendan Strepsils, and in the USA - Cepacol. But from the world-famous bright packaging, you will, of course, recognize the lozenges loved by many.

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    Composition and pharmacological action of Strepsils

    Most forms of Strepsils contain two active components:

    • amylmetacresol. It has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect, destroying the bacterial membrane;
    • 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol. Promotes dehydration pathogenic microorganisms, as a result of which they die.

    Both components are active against several gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria associated with sore throat. These include strains of streptococcus, staphylococcus, including aureus, diplococcus, Klebsiella, Proteus.

    It's interesting that famous name Strepsils owes its name pathogenic bacteria, which most often provoke inflammatory diseases of the pharynx - Streptococcus, streptococcus.

    In addition, there is information about the activity of allylmetacresol and 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol against respiratory syncytial virus, which causes ARVI. However, it has been proven that the virucidal effect of Strepsils components does not apply to adenovirus and rhinovirus, which are also common cause respiratory infections.

    It is known that some types of pathogenic fungi, in particular, fungi of the genus Candida, responsible for the development of pharyngitis, are also sensitive to the antiseptics included in Strepsils. This means that the drug also works for fungal pharyngitis.

    Enviable diversity

    Today Reckitt Benckiser produces 11 products under trade name"Strepsils". Of these, ten forms are lozenges, and one is a throat spray. Each of these products, without a doubt, found its buyer.

    Let's try to understand this diversity and understand how they differ different shapes from each other.

    Strepsils original lollipops: the name speaks for itself


    In addition to allylmetacresol and 2,4-dichlorobenzyl alcohol, this product contains:

    • anise essential oil;
    • peppermint essential oil.

    Anise oil has an antiseptic effect, and mint oil has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

    In addition, essential oils promote hypersalivation - increased salivation. It is known that saliva contains the enzyme lysozyme, which destroys the bacterial wall and has a bactericidal effect. Increased saliva production leads to increased lysozyme levels and therefore increased antibacterial effect. Besides a large number of saliva has to be swallowed willy-nilly, while lysozyme works not only in the oral cavity, but also in the pharynx.
