Water pollution as the main threat to hydro resources. Water resources of Russia. Oxygen starvation as a factor in water pollution

Pollution of water bodies- discharge or otherwise enter water bodies (surface and underground), as well as the formation of harmful substances in them that degrade water quality, limit their use or negatively affect the state of the bottom and banks of water bodies; anthropogenic introduction of various pollutants into the aquatic ecosystem, the impact of which on living organisms exceeds the natural level, causing their oppression, degradation and death.

There are several types of water pollution:

The most dangerous at present seems to be chemical water pollution due to the global scale of this process, the growing number of pollutants, among which there are many xenobiotics, i.e. substances alien to aquatic and near-water ecosystems.

Pollutants enter the environment in liquid, solid, gaseous and aerosol form. The ways of their entry into the aquatic environment are diverse: directly into water bodies, through the atmosphere with precipitation and in the process of dry fallout, through the catchment area with surface, subsoil and underground water runoff.

Sources of pollutants can be divided into concentrated, distributed, or diffuse, and linear.

Concentrated runoff comes from enterprises, public utilities and, as a rule, is controlled in terms of volume and composition by the relevant services and can be managed, in particular, through the construction of treatment facilities. Diffuse runoff comes irregularly from built-up areas, unequipped landfills and landfills, agricultural fields and livestock farms, as well as from atmospheric precipitation. This runoff is generally not controlled or regulated.

The sources of diffuse runoff are also zones of anomalous technogenic soil pollution, which systematically "feed" water bodies with hazardous substances. Such zones were formed, for example, after the Chernobyl accident. These are also lenses of liquid waste, for example, oil products, solid waste disposal sites, the waterproofing of which is broken.

It is almost impossible to control the flow of pollutants from such sources, the only way is to prevent their formation.

Global pollution is a sign of today. Natural and man-made flows of chemicals are comparable in scale; for some substances (primarily metals), the intensity of the anthropogenic turnover is many times greater than the intensity of the natural cycle.

Acid precipitation, formed as a result of nitrogen and sulfur oxides entering the atmosphere, significantly changes the behavior of microelements in water bodies and on their watersheds. The process of removal of microelements from soils is activated, acidification of water in reservoirs occurs, which negatively affects all aquatic ecosystems.

An important consequence of water pollution is the accumulation of pollutants in the bottom sediments of water bodies. At certain conditions they are released into the water mass, causing an increase in pollution with a visible absence of pollution from sewage.

Dangerous water pollutants include oil and oil products. Their sources are all stages of production, transportation and refining of oil, as well as the consumption of petroleum products. Tens of thousands of medium and large accidental spills of oil and oil products occur in Russia every year. A lot of oil enters the water due to leaks in oil and product pipelines, railways, on the territory of oil storage facilities. Natural oil is a mixture of dozens of individual hydrocarbons, some of which are toxic. It also contains heavy metals(eg molybdenum and vanadium), radionuclides (uranium and thorium).

The main process of hydrocarbon transformation in the natural environment is biodegradation. However, its speed is low and depends on the hydrometeorological situation. In the northern regions, where the main reserves of Russian oil are concentrated, the rate of oil biodegradation is very low. Some oil and insufficiently oxidized hydrocarbons end up on the bottom of water bodies, where their oxidation rate is practically zero. Substances such as polyaromatic hydrocarbons of oil, including 3,4-benz (a) pyrene, exhibit increased stability in water. An increase in its concentration poses a real danger to the organisms of the aquatic ecosystem.

Another dangerous component of water pollution is pesticides. Migrating in the form of suspensions, they settle to the bottom of water bodies. Bottom sediments are the main reservoir for the accumulation of pesticides and other persistent organic pollutants, which ensures their long-term circulation in aquatic ecosystems. In food chains, their concentration increases many times over. Thus, compared with the content in the bottom silt, the concentration of DDT in algae increases 10 times, in zooplankton (crustaceans) - 100 times, in fish - 1000 times, in predatory fish - 10000 times.

A number of pesticides have structures unknown to nature and therefore resistant to biotransformation. These pesticides include organochlorine pesticides, which are extremely toxic and persistent in the aquatic environment and in soils. Their representatives, such as DDT, are prohibited, but traces of this substance are still found in nature.

Persistent substances include dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls. Some of them have exceptional toxicity, which exceeds the most strong poisons. For example, maximum allowable concentrations of dioxins in surface and groundwater ax in the USA is 0.013 ng/l, in Germany - 0.01 ng/l. They actively accumulate in food chains, especially in the final links of these chains - in animals. The highest concentrations were noted in fish.

Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) enter the environment with energy and transport waste. Among them, 70–80% of the mass of emissions is occupied by benzo(a)pyrene. PAHs are classified as strong carcinogens.

Surface-active substances (surfactants) are usually not toxicants, but form a film on the surface of the water that disrupts gas exchange between water and the atmosphere. Phosphates, which are part of surfactants, cause eutrophication of water bodies.

The use of mineral and organic fertilizers leads to contamination of soils, surface and groundwater with nitrogen, phosphorus, microelements. Pollution with phosphorus compounds - main reason eutrophication of water bodies, the greatest threat to the biota of water bodies is posed by blue-green algae, or cyanobacteria, which multiply in large quantities in the warm season in water bodies prone to eutrophication. When these organisms die and decompose, acutely toxic substances, cyanotoxins, are released. About 20% of all phosphorus pollution of water bodies enters water from agrolandscapes, 45% is provided by animal husbandry and municipal wastewater, more than a third - as a result of losses during transportation and storage of fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizers contain a large "bouquet" of trace elements. Among them are heavy metals: chromium, lead, zinc, copper, arsenic, cadmium, nickel. They can adversely affect the organisms of animals and humans.

A huge number of existing anthropogenic sources of pollution and numerous ways for pollutants to enter water bodies make it practically impossible to completely eliminate pollution of water bodies. Therefore, it was necessary to determine indicators of water quality, which ensures the safety of water use by the population and the stability of aquatic ecosystems. The establishment of such indicators is called standardization of water quality. In sanitary and hygienic regulation, the impact of hazardous concentrations of chemicals in water on human health is at the forefront, while in environmental regulation, protection of living organisms of the aquatic environment from them is put at the forefront.

The indicator of maximum permissible concentrations (MAC) is based on the concept of the threshold for the action of a pollutant. Below this threshold, the concentration of a substance is considered safe for organisms.

To distribute water bodies by the nature and level of pollution allows the classification, which establishes four degrees of pollution of a water body: permissible (1-fold excess of MPC), moderate (3-fold excess of MPC), high (10-fold excess of MPC) and extremely high (100 -fold excess of MPC).

Environmental regulation is designed to ensure the sustainability and integrity of aquatic ecosystems. The use of the “weak link” principle of an ecosystem makes it possible to estimate the concentration of pollutants that are acceptable for the most vulnerable component of the system. This concentration is accepted as acceptable for the entire ecosystem as a whole.

The degree of pollution of land waters is controlled by the system of State monitoring of water bodies. In 2007, sampling by physical and chemical indicators with simultaneous determination of hydrological indicators was carried out at 1716 points (2390 sections).

In the Russian Federation, the problem of providing the population with good-quality drinking water remains unresolved. The main reason for this is the unsatisfactory condition of the water supply sources. Rivers such as

Pollution of aquatic ecosystems leads to a decrease in biodiversity and impoverishment of the gene pool. This is not the only, but an important reason for the decline in biodiversity and abundance of aquatic species.

Protection of natural resources and ensuring the quality of natural waters is a task of national importance.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 27, 2009 No. 1235-r approved the Water Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020. It states that in order to improve the quality of water in water bodies, restore water ecosystems and the recreational potential of water bodies, the following tasks need to be solved:

To solve this problem, legislative, organizational, economic, technological measures are needed, and most importantly, political will aimed at solving the formulated tasks.

Pollution of rivers, lakes, seas and even oceans occurs with increasing
speed, since a huge amount of suspended and dissolved substances (inorganic and organic) enters the reservoirs.

The main sources of pollution of natural waters are:

1. Atmospheric waters carrying pollutants (pollutants) of industrial origin washed out of the air. When flowing down the slopes, atmospheric and melt waters additionally carry organic and mineral substance. Especially dangerous are runoff from city streets, industrial sites, carrying oil products, garbage, phenols, acids, etc.

2. Municipal wastewater, including predominantly domestic
effluents containing faeces, detergents (surfactant detergents), microorganisms, including pathogens.

3. Industrial wastewater generated in a wide variety of industries, among which the ferrous metallurgy, chemical, wood chemical, and oil refining industries consume water most actively.

With the development of industry and the increase in water consumption, the amount of liquid waste - wastewater - is also growing. Back in the 1960s, about 700 billion m3 of wastewater was generated annually in the world. Approximately 1/3 of them are industrial wastewater contaminated with various substances. Only half of industrial liquid waste has been treated in one way or another. The other half was dumped into water bodies without any treatment.

During technological processes, the following main types of wastewater appear.

1 Reaction waters contaminated with both starting materials and reaction products.

3. Wash water - after washing of raw materials, products, equipment, mother water solutions.

4. Water extractants and absorbents.

5. Cooling waters not in contact with process products and used in circulating water supply systems.

6. Domestic water from catering establishments, laundries, showers, toilets, after washing rooms, etc.

7. Atmospheric precipitation flowing down from the territory of industrial enterprises, contaminated with various chemicals.

In the wastewater of the hydrolysis industry, there are alcohol and furfural components, post-yeast mash, fusel, ethereal
aldehyde and turpentine fractions, various acids.

Agriculture is also a source of pollution of aquatic ecosystems. Firstly, an increase in productivity, land productivity is inevitably associated with the use of fertilizers and pesticides (pesticides). Once on the surface of the soil, they are washed off from it and end up in water bodies. Secondly, animal husbandry is associated with the formation of large masses of dead organic matter (manure, bedding), urea, which again can end up in water bodies. These wastes are non-toxic, but their masses are huge (remember that obtaining 1 kg of meat "costs" 70-90 kg of feed) and, despite their non-toxicity, they lead to serious consequences for aquatic ecological systems.

Water pollution by radioactive substances poses a great danger. Suspended solid particles contribute to the formation of stable aqueous suspensions, while the transparency and appearance of water deteriorate, and the photosynthesis activity of aquatic plants decreases.

Warm wastewater from thermal power plants pollute the water: since this changes the temperature regime in the water body, and then there may be a discrepancy with its sanitary requirements.

Pollution of rivers, lakes, seas and even oceans takes on such dimensions that in many areas it exceeds their ability to self-purify. Already now in some countries the shortage of fresh water begins to be felt.

Pollution of water systems is a greater danger than air pollution, according to the following reasons: the processes of regeneration, or self-purification, proceed in the aquatic environment much more slowly than in the air; sources of water pollution are more diverse. natural processes that occur in the aquatic environment and are exposed to pollution are more sensitive in themselves and are of greater importance for life on Earth than those that occur in the atmosphere.

Introduction: the essence and significance of water resources ……………………….… 1

1. Water resources and their use …………………………………….. 2

2. Water resources of Russia………………………………………………….... 4

3. Sources of pollution …………………………………………………... 10

3.1. General characteristics of pollution sources …………………...… 10

3.2. Oxygen starvation as a factor in water pollution ……….… 12

3.3. Factors hindering the development of aquatic ecosystems …………… 14

3.4. Waste water …………………………………………………...……… 14

3.5. Consequences of sewage entering water bodies ………………..…… 19

4. Measures to combat water pollution ……………………... 21

4.1. Natural purification of reservoirs …………………………………..…… 21

4.2. Wastewater treatment methods …………………………………….…… 22

4.2.1. Mechanical method ……………………………………………….… 23

4.2.2. Chemical method ………………………………………………….….23

4.2.3. Physico-chemical method ………………………………………...… 23

4.2.4. Biological method ……………………………………………….... 24

4.3. Endless production ………………………………………………… 25

4.4. Monitoring of water bodies …………………………………………… 26

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………….. 26

Introduction: the essence and significance of water resources

Water is the most valuable natural resource. It plays an exceptional role in the metabolic processes that form the basis of life. Great value water has in industrial and agricultural production; its necessity for the everyday needs of man, all plants and animals is well known. For many living beings, it serves as a habitat.

The growth of cities, the rapid development of industry, the intensification of agriculture, the significant expansion of irrigated land, the improvement of cultural and living conditions, and a number of other factors are increasingly complicating the problem of water supply.

The demand for water is enormous and is increasing every year. The annual water consumption on the globe for all types of water supply is 3300-3500 km3. At the same time, 70% of all water consumption is used in agriculture.

A lot of water is consumed by the chemical and pulp and paper industries, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. Energy development also leads to a sharp increase in demand for water. A significant amount of water is spent for the needs of the livestock industry, as well as for the domestic needs of the population. Most of the water after its use for household needs is returned to the rivers in the form of wastewater.

The shortage of clean fresh water is already becoming a global problem. The ever-increasing needs of industry and agriculture for water are forcing all countries, scientists around the world to look for various means to solve this problem.

At the present stage, the following areas of rational use of water resources are determined: more complete use and expanded reproduction of fresh water resources; development of new technological processes to prevent pollution of water bodies and minimize the consumption of fresh water.

1. Water resources and their use

The water shell of the earth as a whole is called the hydrosphere and is a collection of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, ice formations, groundwater and atmospheric water. The total area of ​​the Earth's oceans is 2.5 times the land area.

The total water reserves on Earth are 138.6 million km3. About 97.5% of the water is saline or highly mineralized, that is, it requires purification for a number of applications. The World Ocean accounts for 96.5% of the planet's water mass.

For a clearer idea of ​​the scale of the hydrosphere, its mass should be compared with the mass of other shells of the Earth (in tons):

Hydrosphere - 1.50x10 18

Earth's crust - 2.80x10"

Living matter (biosphere) - 2.4 x10 12

Atmosphere - 5.15x10 13

An idea of ​​the world's water reserves is provided by the information presented in Table 1.

Table 1.

Name of objects

Distribution area in million cubic km

Volume, thousand cubic meters km

Share in world reserve,

World Ocean

The groundwater

including underground

fresh water

soil moisture

Glaciers and permanent snows

underground ice

Lake water.



swamp water

river water

Water in the atmosphere

Water in organisms

Total water supply

Total fresh water

At present, the availability of water per person per day in different countries of the world is different. In a number of advanced economies, there is a threat of water scarcity. The scarcity of fresh water on earth is growing exponentially. However, there are promising sources of fresh water - icebergs born from the glaciers of Antarctica and Greenland.

As you know, a person cannot live without water. Water is one of critical factors, which determine the distribution of productive forces, and very often the means of production. The increase in water consumption by industry is associated not only with its rapid development, but also with an increase in water consumption per unit of production. For example, for the production of 1 ton of cotton fabric, factories spend 250 m 3 of water. Lots of water required chemical industry. So, about 1000 m 3 of water is spent on the production of 1 ton of ammonia.

Modern large thermal power plants consume huge amounts of water. Only one station with a capacity of 300 thousand kW consumes up to 120 m 3 /s, or more than 300 million m 3 per year. Gross water consumption for these stations in the future will increase by about 9-10 times.

Agriculture is one of the most significant water users. It is the largest water consumer in the water management system. For the cultivation of 1 ton of wheat, 1500 m 3 of water is required during the growing season, 1 ton of rice - more than 7000 m 3. The high productivity of irrigated land has stimulated a sharp increase in the area worldwide - it is now equal to 200 million hectares. Making up about 1/6 of the total area under crops, irrigated lands provide about half of agricultural production.

A special place in the use of water resources is occupied by water consumption for the needs of the population. Domestic and drinking purposes in our country account for about 10% of water consumption. At the same time, uninterrupted water supply, as well as strict adherence to scientifically based sanitary and hygienic standards, are mandatory.

The use of water for economic purposes is one of the links in the water cycle in nature. But the anthropogenic link of the cycle differs from the natural one in that in the process of evaporation, part of the water used by man returns to the desalinated atmosphere. The other part (component, for example, in the water supply of cities and most industrial enterprises 90%) is discharged into water bodies in the form of wastewater contaminated with industrial waste.

According to the State Water Cadastre of Russia, the total water intake from natural water bodies in 1995 amounted to 96.9 km 3 . Including for the needs of the national economy, more than 70 km 3 were used, including for:

Industrial water supply - 46 km 3;

Irrigation - 13.1 km 3;

Agricultural water supply - 3.9 km 3;

Other needs - 7.5 km 3.

The needs of the industry were met by 23% due to the intake of water from natural water bodies and by 77% - by the system of circulating and re-sequential water supply.

2. Water resources of Russia

If we talk about Russia, then the basis of water resources is river runoff, which averages 4262 km 3 in terms of water content of the year, of which about 90% falls on the basins of the Arctic and Pacific oceans. to the basins of the Caspian and Seas of Azov, where more than 80% of the population of Russia lives and where its main industrial and agricultural potential is concentrated, less than 8% of the total river flow falls. The average long-term total flow of Russia is 4270 cubic meters. km/year, including 230 cubic meters from adjacent territories. km.

The Russian Federation as a whole is rich in fresh water resources: 28.5 thousand cubic meters per inhabitant. m per year, but its distribution over the territory is extremely uneven.

To date, the decrease in the annual runoff of large Russian rivers under the influence of economic activity on average, it ranges from 10% (Volga river) to 40% (Don, Kuban, Terek rivers).

The process of intensive degradation of small rivers in Russia continues: degradation of channels and siltation.

The total volume of water intake from natural water bodies amounted to 117 cubic meters. km, including 101.7 cubic meters. km of fresh water; losses are 9.1 cubic meters. km, used on the farm 95.4 cubic meters. km, including:

For industrial needs - 52.7 cubic meters. km;

For irrigation -16.8 cubic meters. km;

For household drinking -14.7 cubic km;

Us / x water supply - 4.1 cubic km;

For other needs - 7.1 cubic km.

In general, in Russia, the total volume of fresh water intake from water sources is about 3%; however, for a number of river basins, incl. Kuban, Don, the amount of water withdrawal reaches 50% or more, which exceeds the environmentally acceptable withdrawal.

In public utilities, water consumption averages 32 liters per day per person and exceeds the norm by 15-20%. The high value of specific water consumption is due to the presence of large water losses, which in some cities are up to 40% (corrosion and deterioration of water supply networks, leakage). The question of the quality of drinking water is acute: a quarter of water pipes public utilities and a third of departmental supplies water without sufficient treatment.

The last five years have been marked by high water levels, which has led to a 22% reduction in water allocated for irrigation.

Discharge of sewage into surface water bodies in 1998 amounted to 73.2 cubic km, including 28 cubic km of polluted waste water, 42.3 cubic km of standard clean water (without the need for treatment).

Large volumes of waste (collector-drainage) water in agriculture are discharged into water bodies from irrigated lands - 7.7 cubic km. Until now, these waters are conditionally classified as standard-clean. In fact, most of them are contaminated with pesticides, pesticides, mineral fertilizer residues.

The quality of water in reservoirs and streams is assessed by physical, chemical and hydrobiological indicators. The latter determine the class of water quality and the degree of their pollution: very clean - class 1, clean - class 2, moderately polluted - class 3, polluted - class 4, dirty - class 5, very dirty - class 6. According to hydrobiological indicators, there are practically no waters of the first two purity classes. The sea waters of the internal and marginal seas of Russia are experiencing intense anthropogenic pressure, both in the water areas themselves and as a result of economic activities in the catchment basins. The main sources of marine water pollution are river runoff, wastewater from enterprises and cities, and water transport.

The largest amount of wastewater from the territory of Russia enters the waters of the Caspian Sea - about 28 cubic meters. km stock, incl. 11 cubic km polluted, Azov - about 14 cubic km runoff, incl. 4 km3 contaminated.

The sea coasts are characterized by the development of abrasion processes, more than 60% of the coastline is experiencing destruction, erosion and flooding, which is an additional source of pollution of the marine environment. The state of sea waters is characterized by 7 quality classes (extremely dirty - class 7).

The reserves and quality of natural waters are extremely unevenly distributed over the territory of Russia. Scheme 1 reflects the level of provision of the territory with running water from surface sources .

The lower reaches of the Ob, the Ob-Yenisei interfluve, the lower reaches of the Yenisei, Lena and Amur are best provided with water resources. Enhanced level water availability is typical for the European North, Central Siberia, Far East and Western Urals. Of the subjects of the Federation, the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Kamchatka Region (without autonomous districts), the Sakhalin Region, and the Jewish Autonomous Region have the highest indicators. In the center and south of the European part of the country, where the main population of Russia is concentrated, the zone of satisfactory water supply is limited by the Volga valley and the mountainous regions of the Caucasus. Of the administrative entities, the greatest shortage of water resources is noted in Kalmykia and the Rostov region. The situation is slightly better in the Stavropol Territory, the southern regions of the Central, in the Chernozem region and the southern Trans-Urals.

Scheme 2 characterizes the volumes of water taken from natural water bodies for household, drinking, industrial and other (irrigation, pumping into wells, etc.) needs .

The volumes of water intake per economically active inhabitant are of high importance in the group of regions of central Siberia (Irkutsk region, Krasnoyarsk region with Taimyr region, Khakassia, Tuva, Kemerovo region). The water intensity of the economy here is based on the powerful Angara-Yenisei water system. Even more water intensive is the economy of the south of Russia from the Orenburg region to the Krasnodar region. The maximum water consumption per capita is noted in Karachay-Cherkessia, Dagestan and the Astrakhan region. In the rest of the European territory of the country, local zones of increased water capacity are typical for the economic complexes of the Leningrad, Arkhangelsk, Perm, Murmansk regions and, especially, the Kostroma and Tver regions (in the latter case, the consequences of distant water intake for the needs of Moscow are likely to be manifested). The minimum water consumption for the needs of the economic complex is noted in the underdeveloped autonomies - Evenkia, Nenets and Komi-Permyak districts.

An analysis of imbalances in water use by the resource concentration/intensity of use criterion indicates that for most of the country's regions, including the industrially developed middle Urals, the center and northwest of the European part, water consumption is harmonized with the possibilities of the external environment.

The relative shortage of water resources has a serious limiting effect in the regions lying south of the Kursk-Ufa line. Here, the growth of the ratio of water withdrawal to the volume of water resources directly proportionally reflects the growth of the necessary restrictions on extensive water use. In the water-deficient south of European Russia, many areas of life are extremely dependent on climate oscillations. Climatologists of almost all schools agree that in the near future the humid phase of the climate in Eurasia will change to dry, and on a secular scale, which will be even drier than the previous secular drought of the 1930s. According to various estimates, the beginning of this stage will take place in 1999–2006, and the discrepancy of 7 years for such forecasts is very insignificant. The drought will be more acute in areas with insufficient moisture, high pollution of water bodies and water-intensive types of production. Using data on the water reserves of the regions, the volume of polluted effluents and the economic intake of water, it is possible to predict the degree of impact of future climate change on natural complexes, human health and the economy of Russia.

The driest regions in Russia, Kalmykia and the Orenburg region, will suffer the most. Somewhat less damage will be suffered by the Stavropol Territory, Dagestan, Astrakhan, Rostov and Belgorod regions. The third group, in addition to the arid Krasnodar Territory, Volgograd, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Penza, Novosibirsk regions, also includes the Chelyabinsk and Moscow regions, where water supply is already quite tense. In other regions, the drought will primarily cause a decrease in agricultural productivity and exacerbate problems in cities with strained water supplies. In ecological terms, concentrations of pollutants will increase in almost all water bodies. The greatest probability of economic recession during drought in Russia is in the regions of the Ciscaucasia (Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, Dagestan, Rostov and Astrakhan regions). The decline in agricultural productivity and economic profitability, combined with deteriorating water supply, will exacerbate employment problems in this already explosive region. The change of the humid climatic phase to the dry one will cause a change in the sign of the movement of the level of the Caspian Sea - it will begin to fall. As a result, in the regions adjacent to it (Dagestan, Kalmykia, Astrakhan region), the situation will be more acute, as it will be necessary to restructure from modern measures to overcome the consequences of the increase in the level of the Caspian Sea to a system of measures to overcome the consequences of its fall, including the restoration of many objects flooded since 1988. G.

Under the current conditions, the most relevant is the development of a regional strategy for water use for southern and central Russia. The main goal is to stimulate recycling water use while reducing direct water withdrawal, which implies a set of measures to turn water into an economically significant resource for all business entities, including agriculture and the population. The ubiquity and dispersion of water use makes the strategy of centralized management of its distribution and consumption unpromising, which is why real shifts can only be provided by everyday incentives to save it. In fact, we are talking about paying for water use and the priority transition in the communal and agricultural sectors of southern Russia to accounting for all types of water consumption.

3. Sources of pollution

3.1. General characteristics of pollution sources

Sources of pollution are objects from which discharges or otherwise enter water bodies of harmful substances that degrade the quality of surface waters, limit their use, and also negatively affect the state of the bottom and coastal water bodies.

The protection of water bodies from pollution is carried out by regulating the activities of both stationary and other sources of pollution.

On the territory of Russia, almost all water bodies are subject to anthropogenic influence. The quality of water in most of them does not meet regulatory requirements. Long-term observations of the dynamics of surface water quality have revealed a trend towards an increase in their pollution. The number of sites with a high level of water pollution (more than 10 MPC) and the number of cases of extremely high pollution of water bodies (over 100 MPC) are increasing annually.

The main sources of water pollution are enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical and petrochemical industries, pulp and paper, and light industry.

Microbial pollution of water occurs as a result of the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into water bodies. There is also thermal pollution of water as a result of the inflow of heated wastewater.

Pollutants can be conditionally divided into several groups. By physical condition allocate insoluble, colloidal and soluble impurities. In addition, pollution is divided into mineral, organic, bacterial and biological.

The degree of risk of drifting pesticides during the processing of agricultural land depends on the method of application and the form of the drug. With ground processing, the risk of pollution of water bodies is less. During aerial treatment, the drug can be carried by air currents for hundreds of meters and deposited on an untreated area and on the surface of water bodies.

Almost all surface water sources in last years exposed to harmful anthropogenic pollution, especially such rivers as the Volga, Don, Northern Dvina, Ufa, Tobol, Tom and other rivers of Siberia and the Far East. 70% of surface waters and 30% of underground waters have lost their drinking value and moved into the categories of pollution - "conditionally clean" and "dirty". Almost 70% of the population of the Russian Federation consume water that does not comply with GOST "Drinking Water".

Over the past 10 years, the volume of financing for water management activities in Russia has been reduced by 11 times. As a result, the conditions of water supply for the population have worsened.

The processes of degradation of surface water bodies are growing due to the discharge of polluted wastewater into them by enterprises and objects of housing and communal services, petrochemical, oil, gas, coal, meat, timber, woodworking and pulp and paper industries, as well as ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, collection of collector - drainage water from irrigated lands contaminated with pesticides and pesticides.

The depletion of water resources of rivers continues under the influence of economic activity. The possibilities of irretrievable water withdrawal in the basins of the Kuban, Don, Terek, Ural, Iset, Miass and a number of other rivers have been practically exhausted. The state of small rivers is unfavorable, especially in the areas of large industrial centers. Significant damage to small rivers is caused in rural areas due to violation of the special regime of economic activity in water protection zones and coastal protective strips, leads to river pollution, as well as soil washout as a result of water erosion.

There is increasing pollution of groundwater used for water supply. In the Russian Federation, about 1200 centers of groundwater pollution have been identified, of which 86% are located in the European part. The deterioration of water quality was noted in 76 cities and towns, at 175 water intakes. Many underground sources, especially those supplying the large cities of the Central, Central Chenozemny, North Caucasian and other regions, are severely depleted, as evidenced by the decrease in the sanitary water level, which in some places reaches tens of meters.

The total consumption of polluted water at water intakes is 5-6% of total groundwater used for domestic and drinking water supply.

On the territory of Russia, about 500 sites have been found where groundwater is polluted with sulfates, chlorides, nitrogen, copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, and mercury compounds, the levels of which are ten times higher than the MPC.

Due to the increased pollution of water sources, traditionally used water treatment technologies are in most cases not effective enough. The efficiency of water treatment is negatively affected by the shortage of reagents and the low level of equipment of waterworks, automation and control devices. The situation is aggravated by the fact that 40% of the internal surfaces of pipelines are affected by corrosion, covered with rust, therefore, during transportation, the quality of water further deteriorates.

3.2. Oxygen starvation as a factor in water pollution

As you know, the water cycle consists of several stages: evaporation, cloud formation, rainfall, runoff into streams and rivers, and evaporation again. Throughout its path, the water itself is able to be cleansed of the contaminants that enter it - the products of decay. organic matter, dissolved gases and minerals, suspended solids.

In places large cluster natural clean water is usually scarce for people and animals, especially if it is used to collect sewage and move it away from settlements. If not much sewage gets into the soil, soil organisms process them, reusing nutrients, and already seeps into neighboring watercourses. pure water. But if the sewage immediately enters the water, they rot, and oxygen is consumed for their oxidation. The so-called biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) is created. The higher this requirement, the less oxygen remains in the water for living microorganisms, especially for fish and algae. Sometimes, due to lack of oxygen, all living things die. Water becomes biologically dead - only anaerobic bacteria remain in it; they thrive without oxygen and emit hydrogen sulfide in the course of their life. The already lifeless water acquires a putrid smell and becomes completely unsuitable for humans and animals. This can also happen with an excess of substances such as nitrates and phosphates in the water; they enter the water from agricultural fertilizers in the fields or from sewage contaminated detergents. These nutrients stimulate the growth of algae, which begin to consume a lot of oxygen, and when it becomes insufficient, they die. IN natural conditions the lake, before silting up and disappearing, there are about 20 thousand. years. An excess of nutrients accelerates the aging process, or introphication, and reduces the life of the lake, making it also unattractive. Oxygen is less soluble in warm water than in cold water. Some businesses, especially power plants, consume huge amounts of water for cooling purposes. The heated water is discharged back into the rivers and further disrupts the biological balance of the water system. Reduced oxygen content prevents the development of some living species and gives an advantage to others. But these new, heat-loving species also suffer greatly as soon as water heating stops.

3.3. Factors hindering the development of aquatic ecosystems

Organic waste, nutrients and heat interfere with the normal development of freshwater ecosystems only when they overload those systems. But in recent years, ecological systems have been attacked huge quantities absolutely foreign substances from which they know no protection. Pesticides used in agriculture, metals and chemicals from industrial wastewater have managed to penetrate into food chain aquatic environment, which can have unpredictable consequences. Species at the top of the food chain can accumulate these substances at dangerous levels and become even more vulnerable to other harmful effects.

3.4. Wastewater

Drainage systems and structures are one of the types of engineering equipment and improvement of settlements, residential, public and industrial buildings, providing the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions for work, life and recreation of the population. Drainage and treatment systems consist of a set of equipment, networks and structures designed to receive and remove domestic industrial and atmospheric wastewater through pipelines, as well as to treat and neutralize them before being discharged into a reservoir or disposed of.

The objects of wastewater disposal are buildings for various purposes, as well as newly built, existing and reconstructed cities, towns, industrial enterprises, sanitary resorts, etc.

Waste water is water used for domestic, industrial or other needs and contaminated with various impurities that have changed their original chemical composition and physical properties, as well as water flowing from the territory of settlements and industrial enterprises as a result of precipitation or street watering.

Depending on the origin of the type and composition, wastewater is divided into three main categories:

household (from toilet rooms, showers, kitchens, baths, laundries, canteens, hospitals; they come from residential and public buildings, as well as from domestic premises and industrial enterprises);

industrial (waters used in technological processes that no longer meet the requirements for their quality; this category of waters includes waters pumped to the surface of the earth during mining);

atmospheric (rain and melt; together with atmospheric water, water is drained from street irrigation, from fountains and drainages).

In practice, the concept of urban wastewater is also used, which is a mixture of domestic and industrial wastewater. Household, industrial and atmospheric wastewater is discharged both jointly and separately. The most widespread are all-alloy and separate water disposal systems. With a combined system, all three categories of wastewater are discharged through one common network of pipes and channels outside the urban area to treatment facilities. Separate systems consist of several networks of pipes and channels: one of them discharges rain and uncontaminated industrial wastewater, and the other or several networks carry domestic and contaminated industrial wastewater.

Wastewater is a complex heterogeneous mixture containing impurities of organic and mineral origin, which are in an undissolved, colloidal and dissolved state. The degree of wastewater pollution is estimated by concentration, i.e. mass of impurities per unit volume mg/l or g/cu.m. The composition of wastewater is regularly analyzed. Sanitary-chemical analyzes are carried out to determine the value of COD (total concentration of organic substances); BOD (concentration of biologically oxidizable organic compounds); concentration of suspended solids; active reaction of the environment; color intensity; degree of mineralization; concentrations of biogenic elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), etc. Wastewater from industrial enterprises is the most complex in composition. The formation of industrial wastewater is influenced by the type of processed raw materials, the technological process of production, the reagents used, intermediate products and products, the composition of the source water, local conditions, etc. the general flow of an industrial enterprise, but also wastewater from individual workshops and apparatuses.

In addition to determining the main sanitary and chemical indicators in industrial wastewater, the concentrations of specific components are determined, the content of which is predetermined by the technological regulations of production and the range of substances used. Since industrial wastewater poses the greatest danger to water bodies, we will consider them in more detail.

Industrial wastewater is divided into two main categories: polluted and unpolluted (conditionally clean).

Contaminated industrial wastewater is divided into three groups.

1. Contaminated mainly with mineral impurities (enterprises of the metallurgical, machine-building, ore and coal mining industries; factories for the production of acids, building products and materials, mineral fertilizers, etc.)

2. Contaminated mainly with organic impurities (enterprises of meat, fish, dairy, food, pulp and paper, microbiological, chemical industries; factories for the production of rubber, plastics, etc.)

3. Contaminated with mineral and organic impurities (oil producing, oil refining, textile, light, pharmaceutical industries; factories for the production of sugar, canned food, organic synthesis products, etc.).

In addition to the above 3 groups of contaminated industrial wastewater, there is a discharge of heated water into the reservoir, which is the cause of the so-called thermal pollution.

Industrial wastewater can vary in the concentration of pollutants, in the degree of aggressiveness, etc. The composition of industrial wastewater varies considerably, which makes it necessary to carefully justify the choice of reliable and effective method cleaning on a case-by-case basis. Obtaining the design parameters and technological regulations for the treatment of wastewater and sludge require very long scientific research both in laboratory and semi-production conditions.

The amount of industrial wastewater is determined depending on the productivity of the enterprise according to the aggregated norms of water consumption and water disposal for various industries. The water consumption rate is the reasonable amount of water required for the production process, established on the basis of a scientifically based calculation or best practice. The aggregated rate of water consumption includes all water costs at the enterprise. Consumption rates of industrial wastewater are used in the design of newly built and reconstruction of existing industrial wastewater systems. The consolidated norms make it possible to assess the rationality of water use at any operating enterprise.

As part of the engineering communications of an industrial enterprise, as a rule, there are several drainage networks. Uncontaminated heated wastewater is fed to cooling plants (spray ponds, cooling towers, cooling ponds) and then returned to the water recycling system.

Contaminated wastewater enters the treatment plant, and after treatment, part of the treated wastewater is fed into the recycling water supply system to those workshops where its composition meets regulatory requirements.

The efficiency of water use in industrial enterprises is evaluated by such indicators as the amount of recycled water used, the coefficient of its use and the percentage of its losses. For industrial enterprises, a water balance is compiled, including the costs of various types of losses, discharges and the addition of compensating water costs to the system.

The design of newly built and reconstructed sewerage systems of settlements and industrial enterprises should be carried out on the basis of schemes for the development and location of a branch of the national economy, industries and schemes for the development and placement of productive forces in economic regions approved in the prescribed manner. When choosing water disposal systems and schemes, technical, economic and sanitary assessments of existing networks and structures should be taken into account, and the possibility of intensifying their work should be provided.

When choosing a system and scheme for wastewater disposal of industrial enterprises, it is necessary to take into account:

1) requirements for the quality of water used in various technological processes;

2) the quantity, composition and properties of wastewater from individual production shops and the enterprise as a whole, as well as water disposal regimes;

3) the possibility of reducing the amount of polluted industrial wastewater by rationalizing the technological processes of production;

4) the possibility of reusing industrial wastewater in the system of circulating water supply or for the technological needs of other production, where it is permissible to use water of lower quality;

5) expediency of extraction and use of substances contained in wastewater;

6) the possibility and feasibility of joint disposal and treatment of wastewater from several closely located industrial enterprises, as well as the possibility of a comprehensive solution for the treatment of wastewater from industrial enterprises and settlements;

7) the possibility of using treated domestic wastewater in the technological process;

8) the possibility and expediency of using domestic and industrial wastewater for irrigation of agricultural and industrial crops;

9) the feasibility of local wastewater treatment of individual workshops of the enterprise;

10) the self-cleaning capacity of the reservoir, the conditions for the discharge of wastewater into it and the required degree of their purification;

11) the feasibility of using one or another cleaning method.

In case of variant design of drainage systems and treatment facilities, on the basis of technical and economic indicators, the optimal variant is adopted.

3.5. Consequences of sewage entering water bodies

As a result of wastewater discharge, the physical properties of water change (temperature rises, transparency decreases, color, tastes, odors appear); floating substances appear on the surface of the reservoir, and sediment forms at the bottom; the chemical composition of water changes (the content of organic and inorganic substances increases, toxic substances appear, the oxygen content decreases, the active reaction of the environment changes, etc.); the qualitative and quantitative bacterial composition changes, pathogenic bacteria appear. Polluted reservoirs become unsuitable for drinking, and often for technical water supply; lose their fishery importance, etc.

The general conditions for the release of wastewater of any category into surface water bodies are determined by their national economic significance and the nature of water use. After the release of wastewater, some deterioration in the quality of water in reservoirs is allowed, but this should not noticeably affect his life and the possibility of further use of the reservoir as a source of water supply, for cultural and sports events, and fisheries.

Monitoring of compliance with the conditions for the discharge of industrial wastewater into water bodies is carried out by sanitary and epidemiological stations and basin departments.

The water quality standards for reservoirs for domestic and domestic water use establish the quality of water for reservoirs for two types of water use: the first type includes sections of reservoirs used as a source for centralized or non-centralized domestic and drinking water supply, as well as for water supply to enterprises Food Industry; to the second type - sections of reservoirs used for swimming, sports and recreation of the population, as well as those located within the boundaries of settlements.

The assignment of water bodies to one or another type of water use is carried out by the bodies of the State Sanitary Supervision, taking into account the prospects for the use of water bodies.

The water quality standards for reservoirs given in the rules apply to sites located on flowing reservoirs 1 km upstream of the nearest water use point, and on stagnant reservoirs and reservoirs 1 km on both sides of the water use point.

Much attention is paid to the prevention and elimination of pollution of the coastal areas of the seas. Sea water quality standards, which must be ensured when discharging wastewater, refer to the water use area within the allotted boundaries and to sites at a distance of 300 m away from these boundaries. When using coastal areas of the seas as a receiver of industrial wastewater, the content of harmful substances in the sea should not exceed the MPC established for sanitary-toxicological, general sanitary and organoleptic limiting indicators of harmfulness. At the same time, the requirements for the discharge of wastewater are differentiated in relation to the nature of water use. The sea is considered not as a source of water supply, but as a medical, health-improving, cultural and household factor.

Pollutants entering rivers, lakes, reservoirs and seas make significant changes to the established regime and disrupt the equilibrium state of aquatic ecological systems. As a result of the processes of transformation of substances polluting water bodies, occurring under the influence of natural factors, in water sources there is a complete or partial restoration of their original properties. In this case, secondary decomposition products of pollution can be formed that have a negative impact on water quality.

Due to the fact that wastewater from industrial enterprises may contain specific contaminants, their discharge into the city drainage network is limited by a number of requirements. Industrial wastewater released into the drainage network should not: disrupt the operation of networks and structures; have a destructive effect on the material of pipes and elements of treatment facilities; contain more than 500 mg/l of suspended and floating substances; contain substances that can clog networks or deposit on pipe walls; contain combustible impurities and dissolved gaseous substances capable of forming explosive mixtures; contain harmful substances that prevent biological wastewater treatment or discharge into a reservoir; have a temperature above 40 C. Industrial wastewater that does not meet these requirements must be pre-treated and only then discharged into the city drainage network.

4. Measures to combat water pollution

4.1. Natural cleaning of reservoirs

Polluted water can be purified. Under favorable conditions, this happens naturally during the natural water cycle. But polluted basins (rivers, lakes, etc.) take much longer to recover. In order for natural systems to be able to recover, it is first necessary to stop the further flow of waste into rivers. Industrial emissions not only clog, but also poison wastewater. And the effectiveness of expensive devices for purifying such waters has not yet been sufficiently studied. In spite of everything, some municipalities and industries still prefer to dump their waste into neighboring rivers and are very reluctant to do so only when the water becomes completely unusable or even dangerous.

In its endless cycle, water either captures and carries a lot of dissolved or suspended substances, or is cleared of them. Many of the impurities in the water are natural and get there with rain or groundwater. Some of the pollutants associated with human activities follow the same path. Smoke, ash and industrial gases, together with rain, fall to the ground; chemical compounds and sewage introduced into the soil with fertilizers enters the rivers with groundwater. Some waste follows artificially created paths - drainage ditches and sewer pipes. These substances are usually more toxic but easier to control than those carried in the natural water cycle. Global water consumption for economic and domestic needs is approximately 9% of the total river flow. Therefore, it is not the direct water consumption of hydro resources that causes a shortage of fresh water in certain regions of the globe, but their qualitative depletion.

Waste water treatment is the treatment of waste water to destroy or remove harmful substances from it. The release of wastewater from pollution is a complex production. It, like in any other production, has raw materials (waste water) and finished products (purified water).

Wastewater treatment methods can be divided into mechanical, chemical, physicochemical and biological, but when they are used together, the method of wastewater treatment and disposal is called combined. The application of this or that method, in each specific case, is determined by the nature of the pollution and the degree of harmfulness of impurities.

4.2.1. mechanical method

The essence of the mechanical method is that mechanical impurities are removed from wastewater by settling and filtration. Coarse particles, depending on their size, are captured by gratings, sieves, sand traps, septic tanks, manure traps of various designs, and surface contaminants - by oil traps, oil traps, settling tanks, etc. Mechanical treatment allows you to isolate up to 60-75% of insoluble impurities from domestic wastewater, and from industrial - up to 95%, many of which, as valuable impurities, are used in production.

4.2.2. chemical method

The chemical method consists in the fact that various chemical reagents are added to the wastewater, which react with pollutants and precipitate them in the form of insoluble precipitates. Chemical cleaning achieves a reduction of insoluble impurities up to 95% and soluble impurities up to 25%

4.2.3. Physico-chemical method

In the physicochemical method of treatment, finely dispersed and dissolved inorganic impurities are removed from wastewater and organic and poorly oxidized substances are destroyed, most often coagulation, oxidation, sorption, extraction, etc. are used from physicochemical methods. Electrolysis is also widely used. It consists in the destruction of organic substances in wastewater and the extraction of metals, acids and other inorganic substances. Electrolytic purification is carried out in special facilities - electrolyzers. Wastewater treatment using electrolysis is effective in lead and copper plants, paint and varnish and some other industries.

Contaminated wastewater is also treated with ultrasound, ozone, ion exchange resins and high pressure, and chlorination has proven itself well.

4.2.4. biological method

Among the wastewater treatment methods, a biological method based on the use of the laws of biochemical and physiological self-purification of rivers and other water bodies should play an important role. There are several types of biological wastewater treatment devices: biofilters, biological ponds and aeration tanks.

In biofilters, wastewater is passed through a layer of coarse-grained material covered with a thin bacterial film. Thanks to this film, the processes of biological oxidation proceed intensively. It is she who serves operating principle in biofilters. In biological ponds, all organisms inhabiting the reservoir take part in wastewater treatment. Aerotanks are huge reinforced concrete tanks. Here, the purifying principle is activated sludge from bacteria and microscopic animals. All these living creatures are rapidly developing in aerotanks, which is facilitated by the organic matter of sewage and the excess of oxygen entering the structure by the flow of supplied air. Bacteria stick together into flakes and secrete enzymes that mineralize organic pollution. Silt with flakes quickly settles, separating from the purified water. Infusoria, flagellates, amoebae, rotifers and other smallest animals, devouring bacteria (not sticking together into flakes) rejuvenate the bacterial mass of sludge.

Wastewater is subjected to mechanical treatment before biological treatment, and after it, to remove pathogenic bacteria and chemical treatment, chlorination with liquid chlorine or bleach. For disinfection, other physical and chemical methods are also used (ultrasound, electrolysis, ozonation, etc.)

The biological method gives great results in the treatment of municipal wastewater. It is also used in the treatment of waste from oil refineries, the pulp and paper industry, and the production of artificial fibers.

4.3. Drainless production

The pace of development of the industry today is so high that one-time use of fresh water reserves for production needs is an unacceptable luxury.

Therefore, scientists are busy developing new drainless technologies, which will almost completely solve the problem of protecting water bodies from pollution. However, the development and implementation of non-waste technologies will take some time, before the real transition of all production processes to non-waste technology is still far away. In order to accelerate in every possible way the creation and introduction into national economic practice of the principles and elements of waste-free technology of the future, it is necessary to solve the problem of a closed water supply cycle for industrial enterprises. At the first stages, it is necessary to introduce water supply technology with minimal consumption of fresh water and discharge, as well as to build treatment facilities at an accelerated pace.

During the construction of new enterprises, settling tanks, aerators, filters sometimes take a quarter or more of capital investments. Of course, it is necessary to build them, but the radical way out is to radically change the water use system. It is necessary to stop considering rivers and reservoirs as garbage collectors and transfer the industry to a closed technology.

With a closed technology, the enterprise then returns the used and purified water to circulation, and only replenishes losses from external sources.

In many industries, until recently, wastewater was not differentiated, but combined into a common stream; local treatment facilities with waste disposal were not built. At present, in a number of industries, closed water circulation schemes with local treatment have already been developed and partially implemented, which will significantly reduce the specific water consumption rates.

4.4. Monitoring of water bodies

On March 14, 1997, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the "Regulations on the introduction of state monitoring of water bodies."

The Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring monitors the pollution of land surface waters. The Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation is responsible for the sanitary protection of water bodies. A network of sanitary laboratories operates at enterprises to study the composition of wastewater and the quality of water in reservoirs.

It should be noted that traditional methods of observation and control have one fundamental drawback - they are not operational and, moreover, characterize the composition of environmental pollution only at the time of sampling. One can only guess what happens to the water body between samplings. In addition, laboratory analyzes take considerable time (including what is required to deliver the sample from the observation point). Especially these methods are ineffective in extreme situations, in cases of accidents.

Undoubtedly, more effective control over the quality of water, carried out with the help of automatic devices. Electrical sensors constantly measure contaminant concentrations, enabling quick decision making in the event of adverse impacts on water sources.


The rational use of water resources is currently an extremely pressing problem. This is primarily the protection of water spaces from pollution, and since industrial effluents occupy the first place in terms of volume and damage that they cause, it is in the first place that it is necessary to solve the problem of their discharge into rivers. In particular, it is necessary to limit discharges into water bodies, as well as to improve production, purification and disposal technologies. Another important aspect is the collection of fees for the discharge of wastewater and pollutants and the transfer of funds collected for the development of new waste-free technologies and treatment facilities. It is necessary to reduce the amount of payment for environmental pollution to enterprises with minimal emissions and discharges, which in the future will serve as a priority to maintain a minimum discharge or reduce it. Apparently, the ways to solve the problem of water pollution in Russia lie primarily in the development of a developed legislative framework, which would make it possible to actually protect the environment from harmful anthropogenic impact, as well as to find ways to implement these laws in practice (which, in the conditions of Russian realities, will certainly face significant difficulties).


1. Yu. V. Novikov "Ecology, environment and man." Moscow 1998

2. I. R. Golubev, Yu. V. Novikov “Environment and its protection.”

3. T. A. Khorunzhaya “Methods for assessing environmental hazards.” 1998

4. Nikitin D.P., Novikov Yu.V. "Environment and Man." – M.: 1986.

5. Radzevich N.N., Pashkang K.V. "Protection and transformation of nature." – M.:

Enlightenment, 1986.

6. Alferova A.A., Nechaev A.P. "Closed systems of water management of industrial enterprises, complexes and regions." – M.: Stroyizdat, 1987.

7. "Methods for the protection of inland waters from pollution and depletion" / Ed. I.K. Gavich. – M.: Agropromizdat, 1985.

8. "Environmental Protection" / Ed. G.V. Duganov. - K .: Vyscha school, 1990.

9. Zhukov A. I., Mongait I. L., Rodziller I. D. “Methods of industrial wastewater treatment” M.: Stroyizdat, 1999.

The chemical properties of natural water are determined by the amount and composition of foreign impurities that are present in it. As modern industry develops, the issue of global pollution of fresh waters becomes more and more urgent.

According to scientists, in the near future, water resources suitable for use in household activities will become catastrophically small, since sources of water pollution, even in the presence of treatment facilities, negatively affect surface and groundwater.

Pollution drinking water- the process of changing the physical and chemical parameters and organoleptic properties of water, which provides for some restrictions in the further exploitation of the resource. Of particular relevance is the pollution of fresh water, the quality of which is directly related to human health and life expectancy.

Water quality is determined taking into account the degree of importance of resources - rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoirs. When identifying possible deviations from the norm, the causes that led to the pollution of surface and ground waters are determined. Based on the analysis obtained, prompt measures are taken to eliminate pollutants.

What causes water pollution

There are many factors that can lead to water pollution. This is not always the fault of people or the development of industry. Man-made disasters and cataclysms, which can lead to a violation of favorable environmental conditions, have a great influence.

Industrial companies are capable of causing significant harm to the environment by polluting water with chemical waste. Biological pollution of domestic and economic origin is of particular danger. This includes effluents from residential buildings, utilities, educational and social institutions.

The water resource can be polluted during periods of heavy rains and snowmelt, when rainfall comes from agricultural land, farms and pastures. High content pesticides, phosphorus and nitrogen can lead to an environmental disaster, since such effluents are not subject to treatment.

Another source of pollution is air: dust, gas and smoke from it settle on the water surface. Oil products are more dangerous for natural reservoirs. Polluted effluents appear in oil production areas or as a result of man-made disasters.

What kind of pollution are underground sources exposed to?

Sources of groundwater pollution can be divided into several categories: biological, chemical, thermal, radiation.

biological origin

Biological contamination of groundwater is possible when pathogenic organisms, viruses and bacteria enter. The main sources of water pollution are sewage and drainage wells, inspection pits, septic tanks and filtration zones, where wastewater is treated as a result of household activities.

Groundwater pollution occurs on agricultural land and farms where a person actively uses strong chemicals and fertilizers.
No less dangerous are vertical cracks in rocks through which chemical contaminants penetrate into pressure water layers. In addition, they can seep into autonomous system water supply in case of deformations or insufficient insulation of the water intake column.

thermal origin

Occurs as a result of a significant increase in groundwater temperature. Often this happens due to the mixing of underground and surface sources, the discharge of process effluents into treatment wells.

Radiation origin

Groundwater can be polluted as a result of testing for the explosion of bombs - neutron, atomic, hydrogen, as well as in the process of manufacturing nuclear-fueled reactors and weapons.

Sources of pollution - nuclear power plants, storage of radioactive components, mines and mines for the extraction of rocks with a natural level of radioactivity.

Sources of drinking water pollution can cause significant harm to the environment and human health. Therefore, we need to conserve the water we drink in order to ensure a long and happy existence.

For a long time, the problem of water pollution was not acute for most countries. The available resources were sufficient to meet the needs of the local population. With the growth of industry, the increase in the amount of water used by man, the situation has changed dramatically. Now the issues of its purification and preservation of quality are being dealt with at the international level.

Methods for determining the degree of pollution

Water pollution is commonly understood as a change in its chemical or physical composition, biological characteristics. This defines restrictions on further use of the resource. The pollution of fresh waters deserves great attention, because their purity is inextricably linked with the quality of life and human health.

In order to determine the state of water, a number of indicators are measured. Among them:

  • chromaticity;
  • degree of turbidity;
  • smell;
  • pH level;
  • the content of heavy metals, trace elements and organic substances;
  • coli titer;
  • hydrobiological indicators;
  • the amount of oxygen dissolved in water;
  • oxidizability;
  • the presence of pathogenic microflora;
  • chemical oxygen demand, etc.

In almost all countries, there are supervisory authorities that must, at certain intervals, depending on the degree of importance of a pond, lake, river, etc., determine the quality from the contents. If deviations are found, the reasons that could provoke water pollution are identified. Then steps are taken to eliminate them.

What causes resource pollution?

There are many reasons that can cause water pollution. It is not always associated with human activities or industrial enterprises. Natural disasters that occur periodically in different areas can also disrupt environmental conditions. The most common reasons are considered to be:

  • Domestic and industrial waste water. If they do not pass the system of purification from synthetic, chemical elements and organic substances, then, getting into water bodies, they are capable of provoking a water-environmental catastrophe.
  • . This problem is not spoken about so often, so as not to provoke social tension. But the exhaust gases that enter the atmosphere after the emissions of road transport, industrial enterprises, along with rains, end up on the ground, polluting the environment.
  • Solid waste, which can not only change the state of the biological environment in the reservoir, but also the flow itself. Often this leads to flooding of rivers and lakes, obstruction of the flow.
  • Organic pollution associated with human activities, natural decomposition of dead animals, plants, etc.
  • Industrial accidents and man-made disasters.
  • Floods.
  • Thermal pollution associated with the production of electricity and other energy. In some cases, water is heated up to 7 degrees, which causes the death of microorganisms, plants and fish, which require a different temperature regime.
  • Avalanches, mudflows, etc.

In some cases, nature itself is able to clean up water resources over time. But period chemical reactions will be big. Most often, the death of inhabitants of reservoirs and pollution of fresh water cannot be prevented without human intervention.

The process of moving pollutants in water

If we are not talking about solid waste, then in all other cases, pollutants can exist:

  • in a dissolved state;
  • in a balanced state.

They may be droplets or small particles. Biocontaminants are observed in the form of live microorganisms or viruses.

If solid particles get into the water, they will not necessarily settle to the bottom. Depending on the current, storm events, they are able to rise to the surface. An additional factor is the composition of the water. In the sea, it is almost impossible for such particles to sink to the bottom. As a result of the current, they easily move over long distances.

Experts draw attention to the fact that due to the change in the direction of the current in coastal areas, the level of pollution is traditionally higher.

Regardless of the type of pollutant, it can enter the body of fish that live in a reservoir, or birds that are looking for food in the water. If this does not lead to the direct death of the creature, then it can affect the further food chain. There is a high probability that this is how water pollution poisons people and worsens their health.

The main results of the impact of pollution on the environment

Regardless of whether the pollutant enters the body of a person, fish, animal, a protective reaction is triggered. Some types of toxins can be rendered harmless immune cells. In most cases, a living organism needs help in the form of treatment so that the processes do not become serious and do not lead to death.

Scientists determine, depending on the source of pollution and its influence, the following indicators of poisoning:

  • Genotoxicity. Heavy metals and other trace elements are ways to damage and change the structure of DNA. As a result, serious problems are observed in the development of a living organism, the risk of diseases increases, etc.
  • Carcinogenicity. The problems of oncology are closely related to what kind of water a person or animals consumes. The danger lies in the fact that a cell, having turned into a cancer cell, is able to quickly regenerate the rest in the body.
  • neurotoxicity. Many metals, chemicals can affect nervous system. Everyone knows the phenomenon of the release of whales, which is provoked by such pollution. The behavior of sea and river inhabitants becomes inadequate. They are not only able to kill themselves, but also begin to devour those who were previously uninteresting to them. Getting into the human body with water or food from such fish and animals, chemicals can provoke a slowdown in the reaction of the brain, destruction nerve cells etc.
  • Violation of energy exchange. By acting on mitochondrial cells, pollutants are able to change the processes of energy production. As a result, the body ceases to carry out active actions. Lack of energy can cause death.
  • reproductive insufficiency. If water pollution causes the death of living organisms not so often, then it can affect the state of health in 100 percent of cases. Scientists are especially concerned that their ability to reproduce a new generation is being lost. Solving this genetic problem is not easy. Requires artificial renewal of the aquatic environment.

How does water control and treatment work?

Realizing that pollution of fresh water endangers human existence, government agencies at the national and international levels create requirements for the implementation of enterprises and people's behavior. These frameworks are reflected in the documents regulating the procedures for water control and the operation of purification systems.

There are the following cleaning methods:

  • Mechanical or primary. Its task is to prevent large objects from entering the reservoirs. To do this, special gratings and filters are installed on the pipes through which the drains go. It is required to clean the pipes in a timely manner, otherwise the blockage can cause an accident.
  • Specialized. Designed to capture pollutants of a single type. For example, there are traps for fats, oil slicks, flocs, which are deposited with the help of coagulants.
  • Chemical. It implies that wastewater will be reused in a closed cycle. Therefore, knowing their composition at the outlet, they select chemicals that are able to return water to its original state. Usually this is technical water, not drinking water.
  • Tertiary cleaning. In order for water to be used in everyday life, agriculture, and in the food industry, its quality must be impeccable. To do this, it is treated with special compounds or powders that are capable of retaining heavy metals in the process of multi-stage filtration, harmful microorganisms and other substances.

Everything in life more people tries to install powerful filters that eliminate pollution caused by old communications and pipes.

Diseases that dirty water can provoke

Until it became clear that pathogens and bacteria can enter the body with water, humanity was faced with. After all, epidemics observed periodically in a particular country claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

The most common diseases that bad water can lead to include:

  • cholera;
  • enterovirus;
  • giardiasis;
  • schistosomiasis;
  • amoebiasis;
  • congenital deformities;
  • mental anomalies;
  • intestinal disorders;
  • gastritis;
  • skin lesions;
  • mucous burns;
  • oncological diseases;
  • decrease in reproductive function;
  • endocrine disorders.

The purchase of bottled water and the installation of filters is a means of preventing diseases. Some use silver items, which also partially disinfect the water.

Water pollution has the power to change the planet and make the quality of life completely different. That is why the issue of water conservation is constantly raised by environmental organizations and research centers. This allows you to attract the attention of enterprises, the public, government agencies to existing problems and stimulate the beginning active action to prevent disaster.
