Breeds of Japanese dogs: names and photos. Japanese dog breeds Japanese guard dog 5

A lot of books and films about the devoted friendship between a dog and a person have been written / shot. But the most memorable and most touching of all was and remains the story of Hachiko. The one who, after the death of the owner, came to the railway station every day for nine years, was waiting for the deceased owner. In Japan, this dog has become a national treasure, and around the world - a symbol of unlimited devotion to man. The description of the Akita Inu breed will allow you to understand whether an ancient dog with a disposition can become a friend for you and family members.

It is believed that the breed is divided into two different types... The first is "Japanese" and the second is "Americans." Adepts of the Japanese Akita "recognize" only a few colors. While their "opponents" are sure: the American Akita can wear a "fur coat" from snow-white to deep black. Even options are allowed in which the "Americans" have a dark monophonic "mask" on their face and a spotted fur coat. Outwardly, the two types of breed are also slightly different. Basically, in the shape of the head. The Japanese Akita looks like a fox, its muzzle is slightly elongated. The American has a blunt skull, but taller at the withers.

Akita Inu is one of the 14 oldest breeds, among which there are also "voiceless" Besenji, Afghan Hound and Alaskan Malamute.

Description of the Akita Inu breed

The first and the most main characteristic Akita Inu breeds - restraint in its maximum manifestation. The dog immediately shows that it oriental blood... The dog will not pull the leash, get nervous over trifles, test the strength of the owner's nerves. In public, he behaves like an aristocrat. And only in the society of loved ones gives vent to emotions, unrestrained inner strength that whips over the edge, forcing the dog to chase the ball for hours in the backyard. Such animals are called companions. They are wary of strangers, but they are ready to “kiss them to death”.

  • The weight . Average mass adult ranges from 30 kg to 45 kg.
  • Height . Average height in bitches - 50 cm. In males, the height at the withers is significantly higher - up to 72 cm.
  • Color. The breed of dogs Akita Inu is represented not only by red color. These fluffy beauties can be black, white, gray and even brindle.
  • Life span... With proper care and nutrition, a dog will live a decade. The maximum life span of the Akita Inu was previously 15 years. However, after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki life cycle the breed has decreased by a third. It is noteworthy that females usually die later than males.
  • Character . The carriers of the breed have a difficult character. Despite the friendliness and tenderness towards their owners, they are very stubborn. This becomes the main reason for the difficulties of education and training. four-legged friend.
  • Intelligence. On a five-point scale, an animal's intelligence deserves a solid four. They are quite intelligent and understanding dogs that, living in the same family for a long time, remember the habits and habits of their owners. Therefore, sometimes it may seem that the pet understands you perfectly.
  • Security and sentry potential... The owners' comments about the Akita Inu confirm the high security and sentry potential. True, if a thief gets into your territory, the dog will not fight him to death. He will in every possible way block his path and prevent him from getting into the dwelling, but he will not lose his composure.

A real blow for the breed was the Second World War... During this period, the Akitas had the same hard time as the people. The breed was on the verge of extinction. Some of the dogs died of hunger. Another part was eaten by the starving population.

Height and weight change table

Representatives of the ancient Japanese breed grow extremely slowly. Fully formed can only be called a dog that has reached the age of three. The table will guide you in the approximate height and weight of the animal at different age periods.

Table - Standards for height and weight of Akita Inu

Age, monthsHeight, cmWeight, kgNote
6 56 21 - Puppy roundness disappears;
- the dog takes on forms that fully correspond to an adult
10 62 25 The dog gains from 4 kg to 7 kg per month
12 64 30 By this time, the bitches are in heat, but an adult cannot be considered yet.
24 70 40 Physical development is much slower than before.

Deceleration physical development occurs when the pet gains 35 kg. However, the dog continues to change. Over the next 12 months, her chest expands, she becomes taut, gains a proud look.

History of origin and interesting facts

The Japanese who inhabited the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido were born hunters. Therefore, it is not surprising that it was they who bred one of the oldest dog breeds on planet Earth - the Matagi Inu. Translated into Russian, this breed is called hunting. It is believed that the history of the Akita Inu breed began with Matagi.

The latter got their name from the prefecture in which they were bred. Therefore, from time to time in some sources there are other names for the breed. For example, odate-inu - according to the name of the Odate district, in which the above-mentioned prefecture is located.

Born at the foot of Fujiyama

Mount Fujiyama is considered the most high point Japan. It was here, at the foot of an active stratovolcano, in the north of the island of Honshu, that the oldest remains of dogs were discovered, which, according to the characteristics restored by scientists, resemble the modern Akita. Inu means dog in Japanese. And if you translate the name of the breed literally, you get "a dog from Akita". It is noteworthy that there is no merit of the breeders in the development of the breed. Only Mother Nature can and should be grateful for the pretty "fluffies".

Mixing blood

During the Second World War, a special law was in force on the territory of Japan, which - if it appeared today - would have plunged into a deep shock not only ardent defenders of animals, but also the entire civilized society. The law said that four-legged friends who were not fit to participate in the war should be destroyed.

It is worth recognizing that in those dark times, not only canine lives, but also millions of human lives were at stake. To preserve the breed, the Japanese began to crossbreed Akitas with alien dogs. As a rule, these were german shepherds, mastiffs, mastiffs and St. Bernards. Very few pure Akitas have survived since World War II. But it was thanks to them that the breed was restored.

Mating and pregnancy of Akitas is permissible from 15 months. Until that time, the bitch is considered a puppy. The optimal period for meeting a potential groom is from the tenth to the 14th day after estrus. If all goes well, labor will take place in 56-72 days.

Do you know that…

The Akita Inu breed is, in fact, a living legend. It is enough to look at the smiling face to understand: it was these four-legged friends that became the prototype for the creation of the famous Internet meme - the ulybaki dog.

  • Hachiko means "eight"... The University of Tokyo professor gave an unusual numerical name to his pet for one simple reason: the dog was his eighth in a row.
  • Monument during life... In April 1934, a monument to the most faithful dog was erected in Tokyo. The hero of the occasion was personally present at the event. During the war, the monument was melted down into metal, and in 1948 the monument was restored again. Today the square at the railway station, over which the statue rises faithful dog, is a popular meeting place for lovers.
  • A dog for good luck. The ancient Japanese believed that the Akita Inu attracted good luck to the house. Therefore, communication with the four-legged favorites of the emperors and nobility took place strictly according to the ceremonial. Long time in the country rising sun there was a law according to which a person who offended an Akita was punished with all severity.
  • Rescuers and bodyguards... In the United States of America, Akita is used as bodyguard. Dogs confirm their title of bodyguard at the annual competitions. The Japanese, on the other hand, train representatives of the breed to participate in rescue operations.


There are two types of Akita Inu - Japanese and American. The first is the result of the hard work of Japanese dog handlers, who restored the breed, which was virtually extinct during the Second World War. American Akita is a merit of breeders who began working on the breed in the post-war years, when puppies began to be exported en masse to the United States.


The Japanese Akita is often called a triangular dog due to characteristic structure heads. The breed is given by narrow small eyes and an upturned nose like a fox. About varieties and distinctive features Japanese Akita will be told by the table.

Table - Types of Japanese Akita Inu

Periodically, in both forms, puppies with a snow-white color are born. They are distinguished as a separate species - the white akita. The main requirement is pure white coat and black nose.

There is also a mini-Akita, which differs from the usual "Japanese" only in size. The parameters of a miniature animal are half the size of a standard individual. All other characteristics are unchanged.


The "Americans" are distinguished by their apparent stockiness. Individuals of this species are larger, higher at the withers. A few decades ago, the breed, bred by breeders from the United States, had a different name - the large Japanese dog. However, today the name of the breed sounds like the American Akita Inu. It is noteworthy that it is the Akita-Americans who are especially popular on the territory of the Russian Federation. They have more pronounced qualities of fighters; in case of danger, they can protect not only property, but also the owner.

About 25% of the puppies of the total number of Akitas are born long-haired. This is a genetic trait, not a breed standard. a separate kind... Long-haired puppies can appear in both American and Japanese litters.

Requirements for content and nutrition

The size of an adult Akita Inu, as well as the unpretentiousness of the breed in care, allow you to keep a smiley dog ​​not only in a country house, but also in a city apartment. The main thing is not to neglect the basic rules, to be prepared for the fact that twice a year (usually in the off-season) the dog sheds heavily.

How to care

Even a schoolboy can take care of a representative of the oldest Japanese breed. Sore spots are teeth, ears and hair. Below - about everything in order.

  • Brushing schedule... Wool is the main advantage of the Akita. And at the same time - the main problem of the owner. In winter and summer, when the pet does not shed, it is enough to comb it with a special brush once every seven days. If the molting period has started, more effort will have to be made: you need to scratch the dog at this time three to four times a week. Otherwise, the wool will clump, and on the carpet, armchairs and sofa you will find woolen "presents" every now and then. Pet grooming should be taught from childhood. It is extremely difficult to force adults to cut their hair. But dogs, accustomed to the process from puppyhood, perceive grooming as something ordinary, for granted.
  • Teeth cleaning . Teeth are the calling card of the breed. The owner must make sure that they are healthy, not covered with stones and plaque. Correct feeding and regular cleaning is a guarantee healthy teeth... To carry out cleaning, you need to purchase a dog toothbrush... But if the animal in every possible way denies the hygienic procedure, or the owner cannot, for certain reasons, carry out it regularly, special chopsticks can be dispensed with. It is a chewable product that, when consumed weekly, helps to remove plaque from the dog and prevents the formation of stones.
  • Ear cleaning. This is another must hygiene procedure to be done every seven days. The peculiarity of the breed is erect ears, susceptible to all kinds of pollution. Every week, using an ordinary cotton swab, the auricles should be cleaned, carrying out the procedure carefully so as not to injure the animal.

It is necessary to bathe the dog every two to three months, with the obligatory drying of the wool. However, you are unlikely to be able to carry out bath procedures less often - Akita loves to jump through puddles, roll out in the mud.

What to feed

The feeding rules that apply to Akitas are practically no different from similar rules for other breeds. First of all, this is a categorical refusal to feed from the table. Even if the pet asks very much. But Akitas are cunning and can skillfully play on the owner's feeling of compassion, which in this case turns out to be completely inappropriate.

  • Dry food . The best option is high-quality and balanced feed for representatives of this particular breed. Food selection is best done in the presence of a veterinarian or on the basis of his recommendations.
  • Alternating feed and traditional food... If desired, dry food and traditional human food in the Akita's diet can be alternated. Three to four times a week, one meal of a four-legged friend can be replaced with a vegetable or meat broth cooked with white meat (for example, based on chicken breast), cottage cheese, kefir or porridge with dietary meat and vegetables.
  • Pure water . The dog's bowl should always contain a clean drinking water... Even if the bowl is full, the water needs to be changed to fresh water every two days.

During the molting period, you need to feed the Akita Inu with a special fortified food that promotes the growth of healthy wool.

Training issues

Akita Inu training is not an easy task. The dog handler, of course, can handle it. But a novice dog breeder is unlikely. It is highly discouraged to start the Japanese breed as a firstborn. Education should be started at an early age, without delay.

  • My home is my castle... An important rule that an Akita must understand from childhood. Remember, the breed was bred as a hunter and guard. And genes are a stubborn thing. Therefore, having brought the puppy into the house, tell him daily and hourly that this is not a place to hunt, and be sure to back up the words with demonstrative actions. The dog must understand that home is a place where people are loved, expected and never hurt.
  • Early socialization... The dominant character trait of the Akita Inu is alertness. Understanding and the ability to distinguish "good" from "bad" must also be learned by the dog in puppy age... It is the owner's job to facilitate this. The dog should show family ties, relentlessly visualizing them in the form of hugs and kisses. An emotional reaction to those who find themselves in the house as an uninvited guest will also help.

Akitas are aggressive towards other dog breeds, especially of the same sex. Bitches react aggressively to other people's bitches, and males - to their own kind.

Diseases and treatment

Each dog breed has diseases to which representatives of a particular species are more predisposed than others. The Akita Inu also have those. In the first place in the list of breed ailments - dysplasia hip joint... If a dog is intended for selection and breeding, then at the age of 24 months it must be sent for an X-ray examination. The dog must receive a certificate denying the presence of dysplasia. Otherwise, the individual is not suitable for breeding. Unfortunately, this is not the only "sore" that Japanese dogs suffer.

  • Hypothyroidism Thyroid dysfunction often entails skin diseases... When observing the animal by a specialist and unconditionally following the treatment program, the function thyroid gland is restored, and skin ailments disappear without a trace. It has been scientifically proven that hypothyroidism in Japanese dogs it is inherited - from mother to cub.
  • Congenital eye diseases ... Problems with vision and with the organs that are responsible for this are also hereditary. Most often in dogs of this breed, there is an inversion of the eyelid, cataract, retinal dysplasia. The result wrong treatment or a master's oversight (and as a result - an untimely appeal to the veterinarian), blindness can become. For this reason, all Japanese dogs are advised to visit an ophthalmologist once a year.
  • Erythrocyte abnormalities... Dog breeders should be aware of this feature of four-legged pets. In their blood, K + erythrocytes are contained in increased number and that's okay. Ignorance of this feature leads to false diagnoses. For example, hyperkalemia - a condition in which an excessive amount of potassium is detected in the blood of a living being.
  • Volvulus of the stomach. This is a dangerous and common disease in Akita Inu. Prevention consists of frequent feeding in small portions, increased activity immediately after a meal and preliminary soaking of dry food in a small amount of water.

Top nicknames

The pet's nickname must correspond to its character, be easily pronounced for the owner. After all, subsequently, over the course of ten years, you will have to pronounce it dozens of times a day. And since you have chosen a difficult, but very beautiful name, come up with a simplified version of it in advance.

For boy"

Experienced dog breeders recommend, after buying a puppy, to abstract from the need to decide on his nickname. Watch the dog, do not call the first name that comes across. Perhaps some habits or habits of the animal will be a hint or impetus for you. The table offers top nicknames for the Akita-inu - "boy" in the Eastern and European versions.

Table - Top 20 nicknames for a dog Akita

European nameEastern nameTranslation
MarsNatsumiBeautiful summer
HugoHarukoSpring baby
CasperMatikoChild of beauty
WallyRokuroSixth son
LeicesterHosicoStar child
HarryOkiThe open sea

For girl"

When choosing a name, it is worth considering the purpose of the dog. A service pet or a dog designed to perform a security function should not become a bearer of an overly “soft” name. The pronunciation and pronunciation of the nickname plays an important role in the formation of character. And even when it comes to a bitch. The table offers 20 most popular nicknames for akita-inu - "girls". Perhaps one of these nicknames will become familiar to your family.

Table - Top 20 nicknames for Akita - "girls"

European nameEastern nameTranslation
LuliI knowBlooming plum
RubyAkikoAutumn child

Photo review

Many potential dog breeders are worried about how Akitas relate to children and the elderly. In principle, there are no problems with the latter. In Japan and the United States, these dogs are often used in hospices for proper maintenance. psychological state terminally ill old people. It's a little more difficult with children. If the child is part of the family, then the Akita will consider him family. With friends who come to visit, the dog will be careful.

Photos of puppies and dogs of the Akita Inu breed cause sheer affection, but appearance is often deceiving.

Cost and where to buy

It is impossible to accurately answer the question of how much an Akita Inu puppy costs. The average price ranges from 40,000 to 70,000 rubles. Having a spare time, you can travel to exhibitions and fairs to find the "right" puppy for your family. True, the cost of exhibition specimens, as a rule, is too high for the average buyer and can reach 170,000 rubles (data as of January 2018).

If you do not intend to win medals with your future pet, you can purchase a dog “without a passport”. In this case, no one guarantees 100% purity of the breed, but the savings in the family budget will be very tangible.

How to choose a puppy

If you decide to choose an Akita Inu puppy on your own, without the help of specialists, you should pay attention to five main points.

  1. The ratio of muzzle to ears... Taking the puppy by the face with both hands and lifting it slightly, evaluate how the ears look against this background. It is important that they are proportional. Too small or too large auricles - evidence not in favor of the purity of the breed. Cartilage auricles should be quite dense, even thick.
  2. "Knocked down" to become. Feel the baby, feel the thickness of the bones with soft pressure. A distinctive feature of Akitas is dense and large skeleton... The bones should feel very strong to the touch. Pay attention to the paws - they should be large, weighty.
  3. "Femoral" wool... The quality of the puppy's coat differs from that of an adult. But there is one point: both in adult Akitas and in babies in the area of ​​the thighs, the hair is somewhat stiffer than on the rest of the body.
  4. Playfulness. Akita puppies are alive in every sense of the word. They are jumping, fooling around with brothers and sisters, they cannot stand still for a second. If your chosen baby shuns his relatives, there is a risk of psychological problems at a later age. The alienation of the Japanese dog is not at all peculiar.
  5. Health . The activity of the baby is a litmus test of the state of his health. A sluggish and inactive baby may be sick with something. Such things are difficult to hide. If visually everything is in order with the puppy, ask the breeder what vaccinations he managed to get, what vaccines were used for this. A competent breeder will give you a list of vaccines with empty vials without prompting, so that you can continue the vaccination he started.


This is not to say that Akita Inu kennels are a rarity for the country. But there are really not so many of them on the territory of Russia. The largest ones are stationed in the capital, however, Japanese dogs are also bred in other cities of Russia:

  • Kennel Indigo-Smile in St. Petersburg-;
  • Mai Hoshi kennel in Moscow-;
  • Kennel Milana Light in Penza-;
  • Kennel MOOO Zoomir in Podolsk-;
  • Hangy's Anet kennel in Ramenskoye-

Thinking about making the Akita a member of your family, weigh all the pros and cons. The first are many times more. This is the aristocratic restraint of the animal, resistance to stress and cheerfulness. Japanese dogs are friendly to their owners, strict with their enemies. They are very loyal, possess high level intelligence.

The disadvantage of a four-legged pet can be strength and dexterity: if the owner fails to curb these qualities, in the future they can entail significant problems associated with damage to property, socialization of the animal. Akita puppies do not perceive training through force at all. And it doesn't matter what name your Japanese Akita Inu dog gets, it will certainly become "Hachiko" for your family - the most loyal and most devoted.

Reviews: "Very curious, they stick their nose everywhere"

Our Japanese Akita has been living for more than two years. The dog is kind, very beautiful, not difficult to care for, cleanliness. On the street, outsiders calmly come up to stroke, react adequately. She treats all family members evenly, not hysterical, not intrusive. He loves to be with people, but even one remains calmly. Knows his place, gets along with the cat and protects him from stranger cats with whom there are clashes. It can surprise you with its quick wit. I do not recommend giving it to people who are unbalanced or those who require blind obedience. Restrained in showing emotions. If he does not like the person, he may try to protect the owner from contact with him. A very peculiar dog. We love very much and are glad to communicate!


We have an American Akita, a wonderful dog, lives on the street. Our particular feature is that he cannot stand other animals. But we have a place to walk through the fields. Extremely child-friendly, silent, does not bark for no reason at all. Until one and a half years old there was a straight stupid child, now it's easy with him, he listens in general. But if somewhere in the vicinity there is a bitch in heat, then she strives to run away.


By the way, many people turn on after the movie "Hachiko". They make a big mistake, as the character of this breed is completely different. This breed of dog is for those faithfully and faithfully ready to deal with their dog. Daily training is the key to success. This is such a creepy breed, in order to get along together you need to have a lot of patience and love your pet. They are very curious, they stick their nose everywhere, but as for a walk, you need so much strength to keep it. This breed has its own philosophy.

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Japanese breeds dogs are easy to distinguish among other animals by their appearance and character traits. They are the same loyal friends and irreplaceable helpers in everyday life and certain life situations... What is special about the "Japanese" and what are the characteristic features of each species? Let's talk further.


General characteristics of Japanese dogs

All Japanese breeds of dogs are distinguished by soft triangular ears, deep-set intelligent eyes, impeccably clean and fluffy hair. The muzzles of these pets often have a characteristic wedge-shaped shape, like eyes with ears. The tails of the eastern dogs are also fluffy, wrapped in funny rings towards the back.

Despite such an attractive and even touching appearance, the main feature of these pets is impeccable dedication, which can be called the standard for all four-legged friends. They are ready to protect their master even at the cost of their lives. That is why the Japanese often call their favorites “samurai dogs”.


Japanese dog breeds differ mainly in height, weight and coat color. Otherwise, they are very similar to each other both in external data and in liking. Among the most famous breeds in the world are Akita Inu, Japanese Chin, Spitz, Terrier, Kai, Kishu, Shiba, Sanshi, Shiba Inu, Husky, Tosa Inu, Hokaido, Shikoku. We will talk about some of them further in detail.


Akita does not require thorough grooming, it can be kept in an ordinary city apartment. You should walk your pet at least two (or even three) a day, while using active physical activity. Gets along well with other pets and gets along well with children.

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Color: white, brindle, sesame, red. Akita is the largest in size of all eastern dogs. Previously used exclusively as a hunter, today it is a faithful friend of man and a loving member of the family.


Kai is an active dog that requires attention from the owner. During walks, you should physically load your pet. Representatives of this species are distinguished by their amazing beauty due to the beautiful spotted color(brindle tricolor with brown, red, black stripes). Despite the hunting past, these pets are completely devoid of aggression. Pet grooming is minimal thanks to the short and thick coat that retains beautiful view over a long period.


Calm, balanced animals Kisyu can stay in the apartment for a long time, but at the same time they really need long walks. They are distinguished by their silence, thoughtfulness. Smart and quick-witted, amenable to education. Color: white, red, brindle, sesame. These pets are distinguished by their patience, they do not like strangers. Ideal for people who cannot stand the smell of dog hair. Kishu are completely odorless.


This breed is not recognized by international canine associations. The color can be completely white, as well as fawn, piebald, red, gray. Sanshu feels great both in a private house and in a city apartment. This pet will be the perfect guardian for its owner and his family. It lends itself to training well with a competent approach to education. There is also a miniature analogue of these dogs. The growth of these animals reaches a maximum of 30-35 cm at the withers.

This breed is not recognized by international canine associations. The color can be white, fawn, piebald, red, gray. Sanshu feels great both in a private house and in an apartment. This pet will be the perfect guardian for its owner and his family. It lends itself to training well with a competent approach to education. There is also a miniature analogue of these dogs. The growth of these animals reaches a maximum of 30-35 cm at the withers.


A very active and hardy dog, it needs regular physical activity and constant walks. It adapts to its owner, rarely makes noise, shows friendliness towards people and other animals. It can be stubborn, but at the same time it is quite easy to educate. Hair care is minimal. The color can be black, red, gray, brindle, tan. Shiba Inu (Shiba Inu) pets are subject to strong molt twice a year.


Shikoku (Shikoku) are very active and need constant long walks. Not suitable for living in an apartment, but they feel great in the courtyard of a private house. Devoted, but can show willfulness in upbringing. They can make friends with other animals, but can be arrogant towards them. Grooming is limited to occasional brushing and even more rare bathing. Only brindle or red is allowed.


Difficult to raise pets, Hokkaido is not suitable for apartment life. They are not easy to educate due to their difficult nature. Show aggressiveness towards strangers and animals that meet on their way. Can only be affectionate with family members. Only a person with a strong character and experience in raising tetrapods can keep such a pet. Hokkaido color: white, red, gray, brindle, brown.

Japanese Chin

A miniature domestic dog, does not require heavy loads, gets along well with all the people living nearby and other animals. It is unpretentious in care: the wool needs to be combed out from time to time and, if necessary, bathed with special shampoos... The color can be white-red or white-black. These pets do not tolerate hot weather, they quickly recognize their enemies. They do not bite just like that, they are jealous of their owners.

Japanese Spitz

Decorative breed. It has an exceptionally white coat that does not require weekly bathing. The pet should be combed regularly to maintain the beauty of the fluffy coat. Spitz is the perfect companion and true friend, reliable protector and watchman. He is wary of strangers and will warn in advance with a loud exclamation of an approaching stranger. These pets are trainable if persistent.

Photo gallery

Video “Shiba-Inu. Dog show"

In this video you can see a representative of the ancient oriental.

All breeds of dogs known today are traditionally "tied" to some state. At the same time, not in all cases it is the country in which the breed appeared that acts as its “owner”. According to the FCI rules, the breed is given under the patronage of the territory that was able to achieve recognition for the animals. The category "Japanese dog breeds" is represented by a wide variety of species, in more detail we will consider all of them below.

All Japanese dog breeds are characterized by the presence of soft triangular ears, as well as very close to each other smart eyes and impeccable clean coat.

The animal's muzzle is characterized by a typical wedge-shaped shape. Dogs have fluffy tails that are wrapped in funny rings towards the back.

Japanese dog breeds are not only very attractive in appearance, but also have impeccable loyalty (this quality, perhaps, can be considered the standard for all four-legged pets). For this reason, the inhabitants of Japan often call their favorites. "Samurai dogs".

Representative overview

Considering the world-famous Japanese dog breeds, the following representatives stand out. The main differences between Japanese dog breeds occur in such parameters as height, weight and coat color. In all other respects, there is a very large similarity between animals with regards to external data, and character, and demeanor.

Akita Inu

The dimensions of the animal are:

  • for males - from 35-55 kilograms with an increase of 61 to 70 centimeters
  • for bitches - from 35 to 50 kg with a height of 57 to 66 cm.

Akita is distinguished by its fearless character, intelligence, obedience and affectionate character. Represents a reliable guard and companion.

A dog of this breed lives on average from 12 to 15 years.

For Akita, there is no need to perform complex grooming, the animal can live in an apartment without any problems. For a pet, regular long walks (at least 2-3 times a day) with active physical activity are important. Akita easily gets along with other pets, finds mutual language with kids.

There are such types of color - brindle, white, red and sesame.

American Akita - "big Japanese dog"

Dimensions: height is within 60-70 centimeters.

This breed was obtained when the first variant of the breed (Akita Inu) was exported to the United States of America. Noticing the growing popularity of loyal and calm dogs from Japan, American breeders decided to start breeding a similar breed.

Animals vary greatly in size, as well as in constitution and character. The reasons for such changes are explained quite simply - Akita was bred based on the tastes of Americans with an admixture of blood from other breeds.

Interesting fact! The Japanese demanded that the Akita Inu and the American Akita be separated as two separate breeds, which was done in 1988.

By nature, the American Akita is also very jealous and intolerant of strangers, no matter who it is - animals or people. You should abandon the idea of ​​having a dog of this breed if you do not have enough time to raise it or other animals already live in the house.

In all other respects, American Akitas are very positive creatures, devotedly loving their master and seeing in him the meaning of their whole life.

Regarding content issues, it is important to adhere to one strict requirement - to provide your pet with space, as well as regular active walks on fresh air... Dogs of the described breed have an almost inexhaustible physical potential, it is quite difficult for them to get tired and exhausted. Taking care of the American Akita is very simple - by providing it with proper and high-quality nutrition, you will save yourself from possible problems.

All about the American Akita breed -.


Representatives of the breed have the following parameters:

  • males - body weight up to 21 kilograms, height from 46 to 59 centimeters
  • bitches - weigh up to 18 kilograms with a height of 46 to 55 centimeters.

They are distinguished by a calm, devoted, non-aggressive character. The life span is 12 to 15 years.

Kai is very active dog, requiring a lot of attention from its owner. Significant physical activity is also extremely important for her.

Representatives of this breed are easily recognizable by their unusual spotted color (brindle tricolor with the addition of brown, red or black stripes).

Although the dog has a hunting background in the past, it is completely devoid of any aggression. The Kai pet will need minimal grooming, thanks to the short and thick coat that provides an attractive appearance over a long period of time.


Dogs of the breed with such a cute name differ in the following sizes:

  • males - weigh up to 25 kilograms with an increase of up to 45 centimeters
  • bitches - body weight reaches 20 kilograms with an increase of up to 40 centimeters.

Among the characteristic traits of the breed, one can single out: calmness, devotion, friendliness. The Kishu dog is also a reliable friend and was originally used as a hunter.

Kishu's life span can reach 15 years.

Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their calmness and balanced character. They are able to stay in the apartment for a long time, but at the same time long walks are vital for them.

Kisyu's dogs are distinguished by their silence and thoughtfulness, as well as a sharp mind and quick wits. They are very trainable.

They can be red, white, brindle or sesame seeds. These pets are characterized by patience, but they have a negative attitude towards strangers.

Interesting fact. Getting a dog of the Kisyu breed is the right decision for people who do not tolerate the smell of dog hair. Animals of this breed are completely odorless.


Dogs of the breed have the following body parameters:

  • males - height varies from 40 to 46 centimeters and weighs up to 26 kilograms
  • females - have a height of up to 40 centimeters with a body weight of up to 21 kilograms.

They are distinguished by increased devotion and distinctive calmness. They will become a reliable friend and companion, and can also act as a watchman.

The lifespan of representatives of the Sanshu breed varies from 10 to 17 years.

Noteworthy is the fact that international association dog handlers never officially recognized this breed.

The color of the animal can be either completely white or fawn, piebald, red and gray.

Sanshu will feel equally at home in a private home or apartment. The pet of the described breed is an ideal watchman.

The animal is very easy to train with a competent approach to education. There is also a miniature version of this breed, the growth of animals does not exceed 30-35 centimeters at the withers.


According to the parameters, animals of this breed correspond to the following indicators: they have a height at the withers from 36 to 40 centimeters and a body weight from 8 to 10 kilograms.

Like all Japanese dog breeds, Shiba is distinguished by a calm disposition with an admixture of some stubbornness, and also has a high degree of loyalty to its owner. Having decided to get yourself a representative of this breed, you will find in his person a reliable watchman, an excellent hunter and a wonderful companion.

If we talk about life expectancy, then dogs of the Siba breed live on average from 12 to 16 years.

Photo: Breed of Japanese origin Shiba Inu

Shiba is different increased activity and endurance, she needs regular exercise and long walks. The dog adjusts well to its owner, does not cause noise and is kind to other people or animals.

It can show such a quality as stubbornness, but even so, it is easy to train. The Siba breed needs minimal grooming. In color, the animal can be black, red, gray, brindle or tan.

Note! Representatives of the Shiba Inu (or Shiba Inu) breed are characterized by strong molt which happens twice a year.


The sizes of animals of this breed are as follows:

  • for males - height up to 53 centimeters, body weight up to 18 kilograms
  • for bitches - height up to 43 centimeters, weight also up to 18 kilograms.

Characteristic traits include cheerfulness, devotion and independence. The dog will become a reliable hunter and companion.

Shikoku dogs live from 10 to 13 years.

For representatives of the Shikoku breed (otherwise known as Shikoku), regular long walks are extremely important. This animal will feel bad in an apartment, it is intended for life in the yard. Of the typical character traits, one can name loyalty, but at the same time there is some waywardness in the upbringing process. Shikoku dogs easily find common language with other animals in the house, but they tend to show a certain arrogance towards them.

Hair grooming procedures involve infrequent combing and even more infrequent bathing. Animals have a brindle or red color.


The parameters of the representatives of this breed are as follows:

  • for males - height up to 53 centimeters, weight up to 25 kilograms
  • for bitches - growth up to 50 centimeters, body weight up to 22 kilograms.

Hokkaido dogs are quite complex with high degree aggression in temper. They are excellent hunters and watchmen.

Life expectancy ranges from 11 to 14 years.

It should be noted that Hokkaido dogs are quite difficult to educate. They are completely unsuitable for living in an apartment. Due to their heavy nature, the animals are difficult to train. They tend to be aggressive towards unfamiliar animals and people that come their way. The animal shows affection exclusively towards members of its family. The maintenance of such a pet can only be entrusted to the strong, a strong-willed person, who has sufficient experience in raising tetrapods.

Hokkaido can be white, red, gray, brown or brindle in color.

Japanese Chin

In size, representatives of this breed correspond to the following indicators:

  • for males - height up to 25 centimeters, body weight up to 3 kilograms
  • for bitches - height up to 20 centimeters, weight is the same.

Japanese chins have personality traits such as friendliness, ambition, jealousy, and calmness. They are a reliable friend and a great companion.

The lifespan of representatives of the breed is up to 12 years.

This is very miniature dog, which, unlike most Japanese breeds, does not require significant physical activity, it gets along well with people living nearby and animals. The Japanese Chin is very unpretentious in matters of care: only occasionally it is necessary to comb out the wool and, if necessary, bathe the animal with the help of special means.

Chin can be white-black or white-red in color. Representatives of this breed can hardly tolerate high temperatures, they recognize enemies very quickly. Dogs are not inclined to bite, and thus simply show jealousy towards their owners.

Has the following dimensions:

  • for males - height up to 40 centimeters, weight up to 8 kilograms
  • for bitches - body weight up to 6.5 kilograms with an increase of up to 35 centimeters.

The animals are characterized by a cheerful, extremely friendly, companionable character. Live from 10 to 13 years.

Japanese Spitz is also decorative breed... Has only white color wool, does not need frequent bathing. At the same time, it is important to regularly comb the coat in order to maintain it in perfect condition.

Japanese dog breeds belong to a small group. All animals have a certain similarity to each other. However, if you look closely at them, you can immediately find significant differences, both in character and in conditions of detention. So what breeds are classified as "Japanese", and what is the difference between each of them?

It's pretty large breed, which was bred about 2000 years ago. Its weight can reach 45 kg, and its height at the withers is 71 cm. It is interesting that it was originally used to protect the imperial family and noble people of Japan. The dog is amazingly loyal to the family.

The appearance of the Akita, like other Japanese breeds, is unique. She has a big head and triangular eyes(or eyes, as they are quite small). The animal's body is strong enough, and this is the main argument in quarrels with enemies. But for the owner, such a dog is, first of all, a loyal and devoted friend.

These dogs do not know how to bark for a long time, but they can make a lot of snorting, grunting sounds. Sometimes people get the impression that such dogs are muttering something, as if talking to themselves.

The dog has one amazing trait - it loves to lick its body. In this way, she looks like feline representatives. In hunting, such an animal behaves like a tiger. It silently, like a cat, tracks and pursues its prey, and at the right moment attacks it.

The distinctive character traits of the Akita are as follows:

  • reacts poorly to aggressive behavior and resentment;
  • requires mutual understanding with the owner;
  • always stand up for the owner and members of his family;
  • unpretentious in care;
  • needs socialization;
  • requires a balanced diet;
  • daily loads are required.

Such a dog requires great attention and special care. Only then will he respond with love and reciprocity. The dog should always live under the same roof with the owner. The pet can show boundless love and care towards other animals.

The origins of this breed date back to the 6th century. Even then, the strongest representatives of the breed were used for hunting or grazing. There are cases when they even hunted bears.

The character of the American Akita is quite strong. She is very devoted to her master (like Hachiko). But in order for an animal to respect a person, he should work not only on himself, but also on raising a pet. Forceful methods of persuasion are categorically unacceptable.

It is recommended to train and educate such a dog with early childhood... Otherwise, he will grow up disobedient. But no one at home wants to have a naughty 50-kilogram animal (it is to this weight that Akitas grow). And boring and monotonous training will be completely unacceptable. It may sometimes require the help of an experienced handler to develop useful skills in your dog.

The American gets along very well with children. But often noisy children's games can be misunderstood by the dog. She will try to put things in order. This suggests that when children play with Akitas, you should carefully watch the process.

The dog often behaves like a cat and pursues any living creature. So the animal must be kept on a leash while walking.

Akitas have one feature - a heavy skeleton. Therefore, puppies should not be overloaded during physical activity. Before working with pets, you need to wait until their joints, muscles and ligaments get stronger.

Other features of the breed:

  • despite the beautiful and luxurious coat, the dog does not need to be combed often;
  • during molting, grooming must be done daily;
  • you need to take the animal for a walk more often, because at home it will be bored and not quite comfortable;
  • the dog does not often get along with other relatives, and if it is in the same company with them, it very often shows dominance;
  • the dog needs socialization from puppyhood.

The breed was developed in the mountainous regions of Japan. The isolation of this region made it possible to somewhat preserve the purebred breed. It was originally developed for hunting purposes. But the dog can be easily kept in a city apartment.

This animal has a pronounced hunting instinct. The dog belongs to the gregarious, so from an early age it needs socialization. He successfully masters all the necessary communication skills with his relatives.

This dog can grow up to 55 cm. The main character traits of the kai are as follows:

  1. Is prepared to hunt in extreme conditions... Does not suffer from excessively high or low temperatures.
  2. Dogs are peaceful, but do not tolerate disrespect for themselves.
  3. Get along well with children. But with little kids, you should not leave her unattended in order to avoid trouble.
  4. For a dog, the owner is, first of all, the leader.
  5. Kai representatives are quite temperamental and tough. Without too much hesitation, they will rush to protect the family.
  6. Shows independence in character. Very dexterous and agile.
  7. The dog barks infrequently.
  8. Is somewhat suspicious of strangers. When threatened, he shows himself as a fighter, and merciless.
  9. Shows no signs of aggression.

The dog can grow up to 55 cm. First of all, attention is drawn to its straight coat, curled tail and erect ears. The breed has been known since medieval times.

The dog is characterized by multifaceted talents. Interestingly, he is even capable of fishing. Kisyu has established himself as an excellent shepherd. After the end of World War II, the breed was classified as national treasures Japan.

These are pretty hardy animals. Although they are somewhat rude and cold, they are by no means aggressive. If there is a desire to have such a pet, then it should be remembered that kisyu are difficult to educate and train. To do this, you need to show perseverance and patience. Dogs often show tenacity during classes. Physical impact is highly undesirable.

Kishu are loyal to their masters, always ready to protect them. The best place for her is a country house - there she can spend her energy with might and main. Dogs rarely bark, even when hunting.

This breed has been known to man since the times Of the ancient world... Traditionally considered the best draft animal. Today, it is increasingly bred as an original decorative pet.

Thoroughbred representatives are rather large in size. Animals have an elongated body, strong and strong skeleton. The breed has small pointed ears, large and strong limbs, allowing it to withstand heavy loads... It is characterized by a thick and beautiful coat.

At first glance, the Sakhalin citizen is calm, but he loves active games. It does not differ in aggressiveness, but it can always stand up for itself. The animal does not like to draw attention to itself and rarely barks. All representatives of this breed are distinguished by exceptional intelligence, and this facilitates the training and training of the dog.

The dog really needs contact with the owner. Otherwise, he will suffer from loneliness, which will reflect badly on his health. In any situation, the pet will protect the owner from enemies. However, he is almost always friendly to all strangers.

Husky can only feel good with a strong and strong-willed owner who has time for his four-legged friend and patience. He is required to organize physical activity for the dog, because it constantly needs them due to the strength of the structural features of the skeleton.

It is better to train a dog under the supervision of an experienced dog breeder. He will never tolerate physical punishment. In the process of upbringing, all family members must adhere to a single opinion, as otherwise this will negatively affect the pet's behavior. One more nuance - from an early age he will try to dominate.

This breed was created at the beginning of the last century. There is a version that her distant ancestors were chow-chow. In Japan, it is considered a common breed, but outside the country it is quite rare. The breed has its own individual characteristics:

  • wedge-shaped skull with a slightly wide forehead;
  • full cheeks that complement the unusual skull;
  • scissor bite;
  • narrowed tip of the muzzle;
  • dark and deep-set eyes;
  • short, but strong neck;
  • well developed chest and muscles with a flat and strong back;
  • very strong hind limbs which are somewhat contrasted with the graceful and handsome front ones;
  • a tail twisted in a steering wheel, which is raised high;
  • height reaches 46 cm, weight - 25 kg.

An interesting fact is that these dogs are mostly centenarians. Under excellent conditions of keeping and feeding, they can live up to 17 years.

Sanshu should constantly clean the ears. For this, there are special cotton swabs and veterinary lotions. Nails should be washed and trimmed only as needed. It is not recommended to bathe your pet frequently. For water treatments it is worth purchasing veterinary shampoos. Once a week, you need to comb your pet. You should regularly brush your teeth with specially selected toothpastes.

All sanshu learn commands quickly and easily. In the process of education, it is necessary to avoid violence, which the dog will never tolerate. The diet of such dogs should be balanced and enriched with vitamins. It is forbidden to give chicken bones, river fish, spicy or salty food - animals will get sick from such food.

This is one of the most common dog breeds in the land of the rising sun. In the Middle Ages, animals were often used for hunting entertainment - for a wild boar, deer, or, in rare cases, for a bear. Dogs also hunt game birds. In addition, the breed is a Japanese national treasure.

Shiba Inu is up to 41 cm tall and weighs up to 10 kg. She is characterized by enough strong muscles and strong bones. The head is somewhat similar in structure to a fox. The skull is broad enough with a sharp and noticeable transition to the muzzle. The tail is rolled up in a steering wheel, set high. The feet are strong and compact.

They are active, courageous and independent animals. Shiba requires a resolute and strong-willed owner who knows how to reckon with the overly stubborn character of his pet. The owner should immediately establish dominance over the dog, otherwise the animal's behavior may deteriorate.

The dog has a pronounced and noticeable hunting instinct. Since childhood, it needs socialization and communication with relatives. The dog should be kept on a leash at all times. public place because she can be very suspicious of strangers. During the game and playing sports, the dogs behave very actively, so they can be taken for jogging, walking.

Shiba Inu bark very rarely. They can emit high pitched barks if something is bothering them. However, they signal the danger with loud barking, which helps the owner to use them as a watchman.

The Tosa Inu, or Japanese Mastiff, is a large breed. Specially bred for active participation in battles. This breed is distinguished by exceptional resilience, strength and ability to attack at the most crucial moment. This pet will perfectly cope with the duties of a watchman. Since these dogs are aggressive, it is very important to educate the correct character traits in them in a timely manner.

The breed is small in number. Tosa looks very noble, despite her inherent aggressive character traits. Weight can reach 70 kg, although there are representatives of the breed weighing 100 kg or even more. Other features of the Tosa Inu breed:

  • broad and massive head, with a large and strong muzzle;
  • hanging ears that are slightly attached to the cheekbones;
  • strict and intelligent look;
  • excellent and strong body, with well visible muscles;
  • strong skeleton with a wide loin and chest;
  • straight and tucked back;
  • straight paws;
  • short and dense coat.

Such dogs can test their fighting qualities on strangers. To avoid this, the pet is recommended to be trained and trained. If done correctly, the dog will grow good friend and a companion.

Such a pet is not suitable for those people who do not have the skills of raising fighting breeds or do not have the opportunity to constantly walk them. Also, they are not suitable for those families in which children grow up. The animal requires long training and long walks, and sufficient time must be allocated for this.

This famous hunting dog breed is also called the Ainu. It is referred to as Spitz. Such animals are among the most rare and expensive. The first information about it is found in 1000 BC.

The dog has a very beautiful and original appearance. She knows how to perfectly adapt to life in the highlands. It was in such regions that the basic qualities of character were formed. In difficult conditions, Hokkaido grow up to be resilient, loyal and devoted. All this allows them to be used in hunting.

Hokkaido is a primitive dog breed. Its "primitiveness" means that it was formed only under the influence natural selection... The main features of this breed:

  • wide skull and flattened forehead;
  • straight, almost wedge-shaped muzzle;
  • height - up to 51 cm, weight - up to 30 kg;
  • very strong jaws with the correct bite;
  • eyes are large, dark brown;
  • strong, firm, muscular neck;
  • the presence of spots on the tongue (this indicates a relationship with the Chow Chow breed);
  • pronounced withers;
  • a toned belly along with a well-developed and regular back;
  • straight forearms;
  • strong limbs, especially the hind ones;
  • claws and paw pads are black.

Hokkaido can be very affectionate or, on the contrary, ferocious. Their main character trait is courage. They are able to navigate the terrain in any conditions. Always confident in their own strengths, brave and decisive. All these qualities, of course, attract dog lovers looking to get themselves such a pet.

Some dog owners note that this is a kind of "pool" in which "devils" are still found. If you do not give the dog proper education, then he will grow up aggressive, vindictive. Often in such situations, he can simply run away from home.

This is one of the oldest dogs in Japan. Most close relative breeds - Shiba Inu. The birthplace of the breed is the island of Shikoku. Height adult dog reaches at the withers 52 cm.

The animal has a short coat, dense undercoat. Thanks to this, the pet practically does not need hair care. The tail of the dog is sickle-shaped. The body is strong and muscular.

Shikoku have a rather active temperament. They can live in an apartment, but in these conditions they need constant physical activity. Even in a closed environment, such animals need due attention.

Every day, dogs must take long walks, because they have developed a hunting instinct from birth. They should be trained and educated with great care and some caution.

The best place to stay for a four-legged pet will be a cozy and spacious country house. Here the pet can frolic and play in plenty. It should be remembered that the animal has an independent character. If he is raised correctly, he will get along well with other relatives and animals.

This is a wonderful hunting dog, capable of working on land and in water. Today, Japanese terriers are kept mainly as hunters. They belong to rare breeds, as their population is quite low. Breeding of the breed began in Japan in the 20s of the last century. Animals are distinguished by a very keen sense of smell and hearing.

The Japanese Terrier has a graceful and proportional appearance:

  1. The skull is rather flat, the muzzle is narrowed.
  2. The eyes are medium in size with a dark iris.
  3. The back is straight, muscular and strong.
  4. Various colors.

The structure of the coat in representatives of the breed is such that they cannot long time be in low temperature conditions. Therefore, a home apartment is an ideal place to keep a pet. In the home, the dog will play the role of a calm and loyal companion.

It is best to walk the dog in a park area. If the walk takes place in winter time, then the animal must be dressed in overalls. At home, the pet should be protected from drafts so that he does not catch a cold.

Japanese terriers are very attached to a person, they know how to feel it and catch all changes in mood. Animals love when the people around them are happy with them. Pets love to be in the spotlight all the time. If you do not play with the dog and leave him alone at home, then it can turn the home into a mess.

In no case should you accustom your dog to foods that people eat. This is especially true of sweets, which cause diabetes in the Japanese. Also, they cannot be fed with sausages. Feed should only be of high quality, for which they are bought in specialized veterinary stores.

Japanese chins were bred back in the 14th century. They weigh no more than 3.5 kg with a height of no more than 26 cm. Animals are considered the best companions for humans. An interesting fact - they have some of the habits typical of cats.

A hin can live in any room, including a small closet. On the street, these dogs will not be able to survive, therefore the open-air cage conditions are completely unsuitable for them, and even more so living on a chain.

Dogs have small ears, a very beautiful tail, thick hair. Sometimes it may appear that this dog is shedding heavily. This is not true - if the pet is regularly combed out, then it will not cause any problems with molting.

Hina is easy to train, he will easily and naturally carry out all tasks. But when the training is monotonous and boring, then the pet will not perform a single task. You should also prepare for the fact that all activities can be very difficult, because the animal requires attention to itself.

The dog behaves somewhat shyly with strangers. And if they are silent all the time, then the animal will copy exactly the same character traits.

These are miniature dogs bred in Japan at the end of the nineteenth century. They are excellent companions for humans. Sometimes the Japanese Spitz can be found in the circus. The growth of these dogs reaches 40 cm, and the weight - up to 8, rarely - up to 10 kg.

The dog has an interesting pointed muzzle with a somewhat rounded forehead, as well as erect and triangular ears. Its bushy tail falls over its back. Only White color wool.

Pets have a cheerful and courageous character. Very attached to the owners, devoted to them. With other people, such dogs can be distrustful, often bark at them. In this regard, the animal can be used as a watchman.

Dogs of Japanese breeds can be purchased only in specialized kennels. Since most of them are rare in our country, their prices can be very high. It is strictly forbidden to buy pets from breeders' hands - there is a huge risk of getting a fake mestizo for elegant breeds.

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