Airedale Terrier: description of the breed. The Airedale Terrier is a magnificent hunter and a cheerful house dog. The small Airedale Terrier is called

It is not for nothing that the Airedale Terrier is considered the king of all terriers. This is a universal dog with unique working qualities. He copes excellently with the duties of a watchman and security guard, is a devoted friend and companion, and can also be a passionate hunter.

Quick wit
Hair loss
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Friendly with children
Country of origin Great Britain
Lifespan 10-13 years
Price20-70 t.r.
Male height58-61 cm.
Bitch height56-59 cm.
Male weight23-29 kg.
Bitch weight18-22 kg.

History of the Airedale Terrier breed

The Airedale Terrier breed was created in England at least a hundred years ago. Like a significant part of terriers, they appeared in Yorkshire, on the banks of the River Aire. Residents of the town annually held competitions with dogs, and it became important for them to create a breed that would meet all the requirements of athletes. The dog had to be adapted to work both on the shore and in the pond, to be hardy, fearless and assertive.

In production universal dog Several breeds participated, but reliable information has been preserved only about the mating of a black Old English Terrier with an Otterhound.

Getting a proportionately large dog was not an easy task, since the sires were so diverse that it was impossible to identify them as representatives of a single breed. They differed in size, color and type of coat, ear placement and skull shape.

Puppies of the same origin had such different appearances that they could be exhibited in the class of hounds, black terriers and Airedales.

But selecting for mating best representatives breeds, enthusiasts in short time achieved the desired result.

The first Airedale was shown in the show ring in 1860. And 13 years later, the first entry about him appeared in the book of the English Kennel Club.

Initially, the breed was called the Great Bedlington, and only towards the end of 1886, the official name Airedale Terrier was approved.

In the USSR, the peak of the breed's popularity occurred in the 80-90s. More than 100 representatives of the breed from all over the union participated in monobreed exhibitions. But the increased demand made adjustments to the quality of the dogs. They were strikingly different from their English counterparts. In size, coat structure and color, Airedale Terriers often contradicted the standard.

But since all representatives of the breed had the same type of flaws, the judges did not take them into account, and the titles were given to the most impressively trimmed dogs.

IN last years The popularity of the breed subsided, and more attention began to be paid to quality. Nowadays, worthy representatives of Airedale Terriers are presented at Russian exhibitions, which can easily compete for championship titles even with their English relatives.

Appearance of the Airedale Terrier

The Airedale Terrier is a medium-sized dog with well-developed muscles. Height at the withers for males is 58-61 cm, females are slightly less than 56-59 cm. Weight adult can range from 18 to 29 kg.

Breed standard

  • The slightly elongated head should correspond to the overall proportions of the body. A skull that is too heavy or too light is considered a serious defect according to the standard. The transition from the nose to the forehead is not clearly expressed.
  • The nose is clearly defined, with open nostrils, and should have black pigmentation. The bridge of the nose is straight.
  • The length of the muzzle is approximately equal to ½ the length of the skull. The jaws are powerful, with lips tightly pressed. Cheekbones are poorly developed. The bite is scissors, but a pincer bite is not considered a defect according to the standard.
  • The medium-sized oval eyes are set deep. The color of the iris can range from brown to black.
  • Nature has endowed the Airedale Terrier with neat ears with sharp tips and a wide base. They hang on the cartilages and are directed forward.
  • The neck is prominent, slightly elongated, with well-defined withers.
  • The body is wide with a straight loin and a sloping, muscular croup.
  • The rib cage descends below the elbow joint.
  • Limbs straight, parallel. The wide paws are compressed into a tight ball.
  • The tail is usually docked at 3-4 vertebrae. When at rest it is parallel to the line of the back. Excited, he looks up.

Coat type and color

The Airedale Terrier has a thick, coarse coat with a short, silky undercoat. The guard hair is wavy, springy, and repels water well. The beard and mustache are clearly visible on the muzzle.

The color is red with bright tan marks. Isolated white hairs on the chest and fingers are allowed.

Interesting! The Airedale Terrier has a “smaller brother”, the Welsh Terrier, which is a smaller copy of it. But despite their identical appearance, the character of these breeds has fundamental differences.

Character of the Airedale Terrier

The Airedale Terrier has a cheerful and moderately stubborn disposition. Dominant traits do not allow him to obey a soft and weak-willed owner, but with a firm hand, unbending character and respect of the owner, the dog will become an ideal pet for any family.

This breed is not typical causeless aggression, but she will not allow familiar relations between strangers towards her. She is wary of strangers. Gaining the trust of such a guard is not easy; the dog will not leave the guest unattended.

The Airedale Terrier has an excellent relationship with children. The dog understands the pranks of children and steadfastly endures all their pranks.

Important! No matter how well the dog treats the child, you should not leave them unattended. By negligence, a large animal can injure a baby.

The Airedale Terrier lives in peace and harmony with other animals, if they do not try to take leadership positions. If his rights are infringed, the neighbor will be instantly put in his place. On the street, cats make him want to hunt, and without proper education it will not be easy to keep him from chasing.

Unfamiliar dogs arouse interest, and if a relative does not show dominance, he is happy to play with him according to his own rules.

Airedale Terrier training

Every dog, no matter what breed it belongs to, should be easy to keep and not cause inconvenience to others during a walk.

When training an Airedale Terrier, it is worth taking into account its innate stubbornness. If some breeds can be influenced by force or treats, then the Airedale will stoically endure violence, eat all the goodies, but will not budge.

The secret of his stubbornness is simple, he is bored. And if you do not interest him in work from infancy, then further training will become torture for the owner. Even having forced him to obey, you cannot be 100% sure of him; at the most critical moment he can do such things that the owner will give up from powerlessness.

An independent, cunning and quick-witted dog, he perfectly masters the “technique of disobedience.” Other representatives dog world They would have given way to a human long ago, but not the Airedale Terrier. He will always find a way out of any situation and figure out how to evade work.

Taking into account the independent nature of the breed, training should begin from the first minutes of appearance in the house. The owner’s goal is to interest the pet so that he perceives the work not as punishment, but as fun and exciting game. If his passion is directed in the right direction, then it is impossible to wish for a more obedient and disciplined dog.

The dog has an excellent memory, grasps everything on the fly and then remembers it for the rest of its life. The airedale will not endlessly carry out memorized commands, it will simply lose interest in classes, and it is impossible to force it to do what it does not want. Therefore, training should be varied, with regular “changes”.

The contact between the owner and the dog is greatly affected if the dog is constantly walked on a leash. The pet's curiosity is not satisfied, and the overflowing energy does not find a way out. Inaccessible freedom occupies all her thoughts, and the person fades into the background, the connection is lost.

The Airedale Terrier should be able to run without a leash, occasionally running up to the owner on command and receiving a treat for this.

The first lessons should be carried out in home environment, or a quiet corner of the yard, where there are not many irritants. As you master the commands, you can practice them in a more busy area.

The main influence on the baby should be the voice. You need to praise the puppy in a gentle tone, while stroking it. Scold quietly, but sternly; you can shake him by the scruff of the neck. He will quickly learn the connection, and soon physical influence will become unnecessary.

Important! You cannot ask your dog to follow a command. The order is given three times. At first calm and firm. Then strictly. If the dog still does not obey, give the command a third time, and by cunning or force force him to do what is required. This must be followed by praise and treats.

The basic commands that any dog ​​must follow are those that ensure its safety and the owner’s peace of mind.

  • "To me". Always speaks in a calm and gentle voice. If the dog comes on command, you cannot punish him.
  • "Ugh". It is given in a sharp tone and is accompanied by a jerk of the leash or shaking. Punishment can be imposed only at the moment of committing an offense. Later, the baby will not associate mischief with a spanking.
  • "Place". The fallen puppy must be transferred to its bedding, and with the words “place”, put down. Then pet, praise and leave alone. The baby will soon learn that no one bothers him there, and will go there on his own. It is unacceptable to punish a baby on his mat. If he has done something wrong, you should get him out of there (not call him over), and then punish him.

Important! Beginning dog breeders should seek help in raising an Airedale Terrier from a professional dog handler who knows this breed first-hand.

How to choose a puppy

For a person ignorant of the intricacies of the breed, choosing an Airedale puppy from a litter can become an insoluble problem. Breeders watch their babies every day, and it would be more advisable to turn to them for help. They will select a pet for the future owner that fully meets his requirements.

Is the dog's show career planned in the future, or is it just needed? pet, when choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to the compliance of some rules by the breeder:

  • Comfort and cleanliness of the room;
  • Condition of the bitch and babies;
  • Character and socialization of mother and puppies.

A nursing bitch should be well-groomed and not exhausted, with clean hair. Wary, but not aggressive towards strangers.

Airedale terrier puppies are pleasant to the touch, with shiny fur without sticky food or excrement.

Skull box purebred puppy almost flat from the nose to the back of the head, with flat cheekbones and a short, square muzzle.

You can predict what kind of fur it will have adult dog. Rough in infancy, it will become hard and smooth. But it happens that the structure of the coat changes to springy only after the first trimming.

The character of the baby also plays an important role. Don't expect a timid puppy to outgrow his fears and turn into a brave dog. Most likely, he will remain indecisive and shy.

Airedale terrier puppies can go to a new owner at the age of 45 days. “As a dowry” with the baby, the new owner receives: puppy metrics, where they are written:

  • Ancestors up to the 4th generation, nickname with kennel prefix;
  • Height and weight of the puppy;
  • His date of birth;
  • Nursery address and full name breeder;
  • Place of residence and full name of the new owner;
  • Brand number.

Important! The puppy must have a veterinary passport with notes on vaccinations and all manipulations performed on it.

High-breed Airedale terrier puppies with a brilliant pedigree can cost up to 70,000 rubles. Babies unsuitable for participation in exhibitions have a significantly lower price, 20,000-25,000 rubles.

Airedale puppies

Airedale Terrier Care

The Airedale Terrier has an undeniable advantage over its long-haired and smooth relatives. It does not require daily and painstaking care.


The dog's coat has almost no specific odor. It is easy to care for; just brush it weekly with a wide-toothed iron brush. Experts do not recommend cutting the Airedale Terrier; after this, the coat will lose its rigidity and water-repellent properties and turn into soft, silky fluff.

But there are also some disadvantages. The Airedale Terrier dog breed requires a rather expensive procedure - trimming. You will have to invite a dog groomer at least 2 times a year, but these inconveniences are more than compensated by the lack of hair on carpets and sofas.

The groomer will pluck the pet's guard hair along with the undercoat and tidy up the beard. Don't worry, trimming your Airedale is not painful, and the new coat will grow back within 4-6 weeks.

Particular attention should be paid to the dog's face. The beard and mustache should be wiped after each meal. If you don’t do this, your pet will soon emit a not entirely pleasant smell.

Eye care

The dog's eyes should be regularly wiped with a clean cloth, and the hair around them should be trimmed as it grows. Otherwise, guard hair caught under the eyelid can injure the pupil and cause inflammatory processes.

Ear care

A dog's floppy ears need careful observation. Since air circulation in sinks is difficult, accumulated dirt and sulfur begin to become wet, causing fungal diseases. Therefore, clean ear canal the pet should weekly, and occasionally bend the hanging ends onto the cartilage to ventilate and dry inner part ears.

Nail care

The animal's claws also require regular care. They need to be trimmed as they grow back with a special nail clipper, and then sharpened with a large file so that there are no nicks.


The Airedale Terrier has a unique coat. Not only does it not fade, but it also has dirt-repellent properties. Dirt does not linger on coarse hair and simply rolls off, leaving no traces. Therefore, there is no need to wash your pet often, and you can bathe it once a month. The Airedale Terrier loves water and in the summer enjoys swimming in natural bodies of water. You shouldn’t forbid him to do this; in the lake he will wash away the settled dust and throw out the accumulated energy.

Features of feeding

An energetic pet can be fed commercial food for large breeds, the packaging of which is marked “active dog”. Prepared food should only be of the highest quality and from a reputable manufacturer. You should not choose “economy option” food; the animal will only fill its stomach with useless food, which contains nothing valuable for the body. But such nutrition can cause significant harm to health. A lack of vitamins and microelements will immediately affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and the well-being of the pet.

A good option is natural feeding. The menu can be varied with different types of meat (beef, poultry, horse meat), liver and sea fish. Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, zucchini) will serve as a good vitamin supplement to the diet. Cereals (rice, buckwheat, rolled oats) will be a necessary source of energy.

Presence required fermented milk products, they normalize intestinal function and saturate the body with calcium and protein. It is better to give cottage cheese, kefir or yogurt in the morning, after a walk.

The Airedale Terrier's diet should not contain legumes, potatoes and pasta. Feeding "from the table" is also not advisable.

Health and illness

The Airedale Terrier is a strong and resilient dog, its average lifespan is 10-13 years, but they also have health problems.

Like most large breeds, they are prone to dysplasia hip joints. This disease is hereditary, so when buying a puppy you should inquire about health tests for the parents. In professional nurseries, it is customary to x-ray puppies before selling them.

The breed often suffers from itchy skin. It may have several causes: hyper or hypothyroidism, allergic reactions or ingrown hair in the absence of trimming. All these troubles can be easily cured by taking medications, diet and timely plucking.

Gastric volvulus, which mainly affects young individuals, cannot be excluded from the list. The dog's irrepressible temperament does not allow him to behave calmly after feeding, and the ligaments do not hold the heavy stomach. In this case, immediate surgery, otherwise the animal may die.

Important! Although the list of breed diseases is small, annual preventive vaccinations should not be ignored. They will protect the Airedale Terrier from infectious and viral diseases.

Photo of Airedale Terrier

The graceful and proud Airedale Terrier, the photo of which is presented below, can become a faithful ally and cheerful companion to a responsible and active owner.

The Airedale Terrier dog is a complex and multifaceted pet. He is able to love and hate, be jealous and sacrifice his life for the sake of his owner, be bored and rejoice. It is important to understand it, and not use it as a soulless automaton. Then the dog will reveal itself in all its glory and will be the best, the most obedient and the most devoted.

Lifespan: 10-12 years.
Origin: Great Britain (England).
Applicability: hunting dog, herding dog, companion, family dog, security guard, watchman, service dog, detection dog, sport.
Size: Medium dog.
Weight: Female 18-20 kg. Male 23–29 kg.
Height: Female 56–59 cm. Male 58–61 cm.
Contents in the apartment: fits.
Need for physical activity: high.
Tendency to disease: not inclined.
Owner experience: average, suitable as a first dog professional help in training.
Training: easy.
Dominance: high tendency.
Child Compatible: good enough.
Compatibility with other animals: good enough.
Average price: 12-70 thousand rubles.

Molt: no.
Hypoallergenic wool: Yes.

Airedale terrier (English airedale terrier, from Aire - the name of the river and dale - valley) is a lively and active, strong and muscular medium-sized working dog breed with short, curly hair. Airedale terriers are hardy and have shown their best in several zones at once: hunting dog, companion, family dog, search dog, sports dog, guard dog, herding dog. The breed is truly versatile, has a sharp mind and quick reaction. The Airedale Terrier's high adaptability allows it to live comfortably in different climatic conditions (it tolerates both heat and cold well), and to work on land and water.

Characteristics and features of the Airedale Terrier breed: habits, character, specialization

Airedale Terriers are distinguished by their friendliness towards people and their lively, sharp mind. When communicating with this dog, one gets the impression of complete understanding. They are emotional, very adaptive, and easy to train.

With all the wonderful qualities of this breed, Airedale Terriers have a high tendency to dominate, which means that in interaction with a dog there should be a partner model, without suppression and aggression. This point can be solved by correct behavior and consistent training.

If at one time the Airedale does not see in its owner a tough, but not cruel, but a fair partner, it will be almost impossible to achieve respect for itself. However, all this does not prevent the Airedale Terrier from becoming strongly attached to the family in which he lives, protecting it and taking care of it.

Airedale Terriers are independent, capable of making their own decisions, which means they are characterized by considerable stubbornness. Also, these dogs have a very good memory - storing both good and bad in it.

Erdeli are socially active. They are happy to receive guests if they do not feel threatened by them, they communicate, play, and make contact. In case of conflicts, the Airedale will give a long warning. These dogs rarely attack first unless the situation directly threatens the life, health or property of the family.

Despite their emotionality, Airedales are not alarmists and do not bark in vain. If a dog starts barking, it means something is really agitating it.

These dogs are friendly, playful, and love outdoor activities and sports. Erdel will be a wonderful partner in games and walks for children, but before leaving
When small children are alone with a dog, it is important to study the dog well. The Airedale Terrier is not prone to aggression for no reason, however, the tendency to dominate can serve a disservice if the dog misunderstands the baby’s actions. The emotions of this breed of dog are easily read by the expression of the eyes, the position of the ears, and sudden outbursts of irritation are not typical for it, so negativity can be predicted in the vast majority of cases.

If a dog grows up with a child, or with pleasure, without the slightest manifestation of anger, quietly spends time with him, after appearing in the family, there is nothing to be afraid of, the Airedale Terrier has accepted the baby.

A similar situation is with other domestic animals - animals smaller than the Airedale, which the dog gets used to from puppyhood, will most likely become the object of care and “grazing”, but with large dogs, especially those who are also characterized by a dominant type of behavior, conflicts may arise. If the Airedale Terrier appears in your home as an adult - small animals, not dogs, may suffer (for example, if the dog was actively hunting or was not trained) - you should pay attention to this point. Here we are not talking about the fact that a dog can kill them, it’s just that games in which natural instincts and genes are manifested, specially instilled during the breeding process, can be dangerous, for example, for rabbits. The advantage is that the Airedale will understand your explanations, and in most cases will correct its behavior.

Applicability and specialization of Airedale Terriers

The working qualities of the breed are universal, and are due to centuries of improvement. Airedales have developed the best and most important qualities for a person:

  1. Like other terriers, Airedales are primarily hunting dogs. They can hunt both large and small game. These dogs swim well and generally feel great in the water.
  2. This is wonderful guard dog for home, property, and also bodyguard.
  3. Airedale Terriers are widely used as service and detection dogs, border guards, police, and military. They work successfully in the army, state drug control and customs.
  4. An excellent companion dog, also for sports and travel.
  5. A properly raised Airedale Terrier can sit with children, accompany them on walks - play, take care of and protect them.
  6. Among the working qualities of Airedales there are also herding genes. They are able not only to protect herds from predators, but also to bring in stray livestock.
  7. A dog for winning. Be it exhibitions or agility competitions, the Airedale Terrier is capable of taking first place everywhere. In addition to strength and endurance, Airedales are beautiful, graceful dogs, in whose every movement one can read dexterity and confidence.

Education and training

As mentioned above, the Airedale Terrier is a breed highly prone to dominance. That. Training should begin at an early age, about two months. A puppy can understand commands well and perform various tricks at the age of six months.

Adult dogs can also be trained, but much more difficult.

It is best for the training to be done by a person who already has experience in this. It will be quite difficult for an inexperienced owner to achieve obedience from a dog.

Due to its innate stubbornness, the puppy will not follow commands if it is too playful, or, conversely, is tired and wants to sleep or eat. Here you should adapt to the baby’s regime, and not try to change it.

For small puppies the best place training is one that is well known to him, since the Airedale’s innate curiosity in a new place will lead him to unknown smells and sounds.
The Airedale Terrier will never recognize a leader in a person - come to terms with it. It is more important to develop trust in yourself and convince the dog of the benefits of a partnership. Patience and perseverance are mandatory qualities for a trainer.

All the difficulties described above do not negate the fact that with the proper skills, training an Airedale Terrier is easy. Thanks to their quick reaction and intelligence, these dogs grasp literally “on the fly”, and good memory allows you to record commands and necessary actions.

From the very first days of his arrival in the house, the puppy should have his own place where he will feel safe. The dog cannot be punished there; its toys will be kept there. No one, including children, should be allowed to take the dog’s place or touch its “personal belongings.”

Maintenance and care of Airedale terrier dogs

General content:




  • If the dog does not walk sufficiently on a hard surface (asphalt), and natural grinding of the nails does not occur, they need to be trimmed. This is usually done once a month, using a sharp nail clipper for large dogs.
  • Dear pet owners! Don’t skimp on nail clippers; cheap Chinese devices will cause a lot of pain for both you and your dog.
  • A healthy Airedale Terrier ear has a pinkish tint, the skin is smooth, bad smell absent.
  • If there are any visual abnormalities, or if the dog shakes its head, immediately contact your veterinarian. Even if the reason for this is trivial sulfur plug, a specialist will do a much better job than you. And about the dangers ear diseases In dogs, you’ve probably already heard it yourself.
  • You need to inspect and wipe your dog’s ears 2-3 times a month. For wiping, it is better to use a clean, fiber-free cloth, dry or soaked (and then wrung out very well!) in a special dog ear lotion. Do not use water or improvised means under any circumstances. It is best to trust your veterinarian's advice.

Feeding the Airedale Terrier

You should adhere to the calculation of the diet for medium and large animals, depending on their activity, age and lifestyle.

The dog should have at least 2 bowls (for food and water), which are always kept clean and located in a designated area for feeding. The dog must have continuous access to water at any time of the day or night.

It is advisable to immediately, and for the entire life of the dog, make a choice between ready-made balanced food, dry or wet, or natural food.

A veterinarian or your kennel club can help you develop a diet. When feeding natural products It is important to include in your diet:

  • Meat (except pork and lamb) is the basis of the diet, making up at least 80%.
  • Eggs.
  • Cereals (for example, buckwheat, in small quantities).
  • Neutral vegetables and fruits (not too sweet or too sour).
  • Sea fish (boiled only).
  • Low-fat fermented milk products.
  • Vitamins and mineral supplements.
  • Any bones.
  • Sugar.
  • Salt (you can salt food, but about 10 times less than you would salt for yourself).
  • Bread.
  • Any “human” sweets, incl. and dietary ones with sweetener.

In terms of the number of meals per day, Airedale terrier puppies are fed the same as others:

  • From 0 to 4 months - 6 times a day;
  • From 4 to 6 months – 4 times/day;
  • From 6 to 12 months – 3 times/day.
  • After a year, the dog is gradually transferred to two meals a day.

The amount of feed is calculated individually, but many owners come to the required norm gradually - if you see that every time after feeding the dog is looking forward to
supplements – increase the norm. If you don’t eat all the food before licking the bowl, reduce it.

It is important to adhere to the regime and feed the dog at a strictly defined time. It is advisable not to cook immediately a large number of feed to keep it fresh. Do not give your dog very hot or very cold food.

Diseases of Airedale Terriers

Overall this healthy dogs, not prone to diseases, however, characteristic problems may be present in all purebred dogs:

  1. Hip dysplasia;
  2. Hot spots (raw eczema);
  3. Demodectic mange;
  4. Melanoma;
  5. Hyperadrenocortism (Addison's disease);
  6. Hypothyroidism;
  7. Dilated cardiomyopathy;
  8. Von Willebrand's disease;
  9. Entropion (inversion of the eyelid);
  10. Pannus (chronic superficial keratitis);
  11. Progressive retinal atrophy;
  12. Dystrophy of the cornea of ​​the eye.

History of the origin and development of the Airedale Terrier dog breed

The birthplace of the breed is England, the beginning of its formation is the 19th century. The Airedale Terrier got its name from the Airedale Valley, located in the west of Yorkshire, between the rivers Aire and Wharf. As we already know, the word “terrier” came from France, it means “fox hole”, and unites a huge group of dogs, originally only hunting ones.

As with most things, there are several stories about the breed's original origins. According to one of the versions, which is described on Wikipedia, the workers of Yorkshire were puzzled by the breeding in order to obtain the unique working qualities of the dogs.

According to another version, the breed was bred to order, for otter and water rat hunters. The direction of the hunt was more sporting than prey.

In any case, the roles of the breed have changed over the years, contributing to the development of new and new useful qualities with each new generation of Airedale puppies.

The Airedale terrier breed was created by crossing the Old English Wirehaired Black and Tan Terrier, the Red Terrier (today red terriers are called Welsh Corgis) and the Otterhound.

In 1864, dogs similar to modern Airedales took part in a dog show. The representative was the Airedale Terrier Breeding Society. These dogs performed under different names, among which were:

  • Coast Terrier;
  • Bingley;
  • Wirehaired Terrier.

As a breed with its original name, Airedale Terriers were officially recognized and registered with the National Dog Fanciers' Club in 1886.
Terriers at that time were widely used for hunting, including sport. Airedale terriers could not be used as burrowing dogs due to their rather large size, but their agility and speed, as well as the ability to run quickly and for a long time through water, distinguished these dogs.

In the Eyre Valley they regularly held sport games with a hunt for breeding river rats, which the ferrets drove out of their holes, and the terriers chased, overtook and killed.
Soon people came to the need to hunt larger game with terriers.

In old paintings and frescoes you can see hunters surrounded by a pack of hounds and several terriers. And if owning a pack of hounds was the prerogative of the rich, then citizens with average incomes could also afford terriers. The specifics of hunting formed the qualities the terrier needed - courage, strength, endurance and bravery. They independently suppressed the resistance of the beast in its den, driving it into a corner, without the participation of the hunter. The Airedale Terrier is a suitable size dog - its average height does not deprive the animal of dexterity, but muscle strength allows it to cope with a large enemy.

In 1880, Airedales first “arrived” in North America. The very first emigrant was an Airedale named Bruce. Very soon after his arrival, he took part in the New York Dog Show and took first place in the Terrier class.

In America, the Airedale Terrier Club of America (ETCA) was organized and gained considerable popularity. In 1910, he proposed a regular category - the Erdel Cup, which is still popular today.

During the First World War, as well as during the Russo-Japanese War, Airedale Terriers took an active part in military service. They served in the Red Cross - they found
wounded soldiers, delivered them food, water and medicine; carried mail; helped signalmen in laying communication lines and much more. etc.

In 1904, the Russian embassy in London asked for help in acquiring and training Airedale Terriers. Russia used dogs mainly for communications and medical services. In addition to searching for the wounded, the Airedale Terriers also transported them. In 1920, the breed, which had taken root well in Russia, served in the Red Army. And in 1923, special dog services were created, working with sappers, demolitionists, rescuers, and the police.

After World War I, the popularity of Airedale Terriers increased greatly due to their military exploits, and also because many American presidents kept these dogs. And in 1949, the breed was ranked 20th in the United States out of 110 breeds by the American Kennel Club.

Later, the Airedale was used as one of the breeds for breeding the black terrier.

In Russia today there are several large clubs for breeders of this dog breed. Some of the largest are the National Club of the Airedale Terrier Breed and the Terrier Union of Russia.

Interesting facts about the famous Airedale Terriers

This is a real king of terriers, who has absorbed best qualities retriever, spaniel and pointer. The Airedale Terrier is a universal dog that, with proper training, guards, plays sports with you, babysits children, and hunts.

Height of males at withers: 58-61 cm

Male weight: up to 29 kg

Height of the bitch at the withers: 56-59 cm

Bitch weight: up to 20 kg

Color: The tail, upper part of the neck and body of the dog should be black, while yellow and brown colors predominate on the remaining parts of the body. White fur is allowed between the paws.

Additional characteristic:

  • Wool hard, thick, water-repellent. It is located on the body in two layers - internal and external. It is undesirable for a dog to have wavy and soft fur.
  • Head small in size, with smooth skin, covered with soft hair, which forms lush “mustaches” and “beards” on the muzzle.
  • Ears medium size, set high, hanging on cartilages.
  • Body has deep chest. The line of the back is short, level, and does not “sag.”
  • According to standard Tail docking is permitted. If it is docked, then the dog holds it upright. If not docked, the tail should not curl back. The length of the tail should be such that the tip of the tail, when raised vertically, is level with the dog's skull.

History of the Airedale Terrier breed

The breed was developed in the mid-19th century in England in Yorkshire by mixing the blood of Otterhounds and black and tan terriers. The name of the breed is derived from the name of the River Aire.

At the beginning of Airedale Terriers used for hunting for waterfowl, otters and for baiting waterfowl rats, due to the dog’s ability to stay in cold water for a long time. Erdel also hunted large animals, and could even control the beast without the help of a hunter.

IN war time Airedale Terriers were used as messenger dogs, delivering messages and mail to soldiers behind the front lines. And in peacetime they served in the police to protect and accompany officers. Thanks to its courage and developed protective qualities, the Airedale was also used for security.

At first Russo-Japanese War Airedales came to Russia: dogs were purchased to work for the benefit of the Russian army - the dogs served as messengers and carried the wounded from the battlefield. From that moment on, Airedale Terriers “took root” in Russia and for a long time were used for the needs of the Red Army, working in search services, rescue services, as demolition dogs.

The Erdel became one of the dog breeds that was used to breed "Stalin's dog" - the Russian black terrier.

Character and temperament

pros Airedale Terrier character:

  • sociable and sociable;
  • confident;
  • smart;
  • brave;
  • not aggressive.

Minuses in the behavior of the Airedale Terrier:

  • has a changeable character;
  • stubborn;
  • prone to dominance;
  • proper upbringing requires a firm hand and experience.

Dog and man

Erdel is emotional and active, so it is best to buy him young family or a person who is ready to work a lot and systematically with a dog. He's coming up athletes, hunters. The owner of an Airedale must be strict, but a fair man, be able to build a partnership with your pet.

The Airedale Terrier is a wonderful friend for both large and small families, gets along with children, can play with them for a long time and tolerate their tricks.

It will be difficult for an Airedale to live with older people - he is too active for older people.

Airedale will get along with any other pet, provided they meet in puppyhood. It is difficult for the Airedale to find a common language with adult individuals.

born guard. No one will dare to encroach on property in the presence of a vigilant Airedale.

The practical coat allows the Airedale Terrier to live like in the apartment, and in a country house in a booth on the street(provided that severe frosts no residence in the region).

The Airedale's feeding and walking schedule is the same as that of other dogs. At least once a day, one of the walks should be intense and filled with games and training so that the dog can “let off steam.”

The Airedale sheds little, and its coat does not emit scents. Even allergy sufferers can buy a dog of this breed, because wool is hypoallergenic.

The Airedale's coat requires plucking several times a year - trimming, then there will be even less wool in your apartment. It is advisable that this hygiene procedure was carried out by a professional groomer, because the wrong pinch can ruin the entire appearance dogs.

The Airedale Terrier should also be brushed several times a week. When the dog has eaten or taken a walk, its “beard” should be wiped with a damp cloth, removing any remaining food or debris from the street.

If the Eredl walks enough, then the nails do not require special care - trimming only if the dog has not ground them on the surface of the ground or asphalt.

It is important to regularly examine the dog’s ears and eyes; if necessary, clean the ears with a cotton swab moistened with a special ear spray or lotion. Teeth are brushed once a week.


Erdel is distinguished by his remarkable intelligence and understanding. He easy to train and will do anything, but provided that he is interested. If a dog gets bored, it becomes stubborn.

cunning and quickly finds “pressure points” on the owner, and therefore it is important to keep it strict, but in moderation - do not forget that dogs also need praise and affection.

To achieve success in training an Airedale Terrier, you need to start as early as possible: immediately after the puppy gets into the house. Moreover, you conduct classes V game form – the Airedale will not like dry, strict training.

Health and life expectancy

Airedale Terriers live on average 10-12 years. This is a hardy and healthy dog. Common diseases:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • skin diseases – weeping eczema, demodicosis, melanoma;
  • von Willebrand disease – hereditary disease, characterized by spontaneous bleeding;
  • eye diseases - entropion of the eyelids, retinal atrophy, corneal dystrophy.

How much does it cost and where to buy

Buying an Airedale in Russia is not a problem. In our country there is a National Club of the Airedale Terrier breed, where there is information about reliable kennels and breeders.

Puppy price: from 25-25 thousand rubles.

Breed photo

A selection of photos of Airedale Terriers.


A dog is the embodiment of the dream of an ideal friend who will unconditionally love, protect and enjoy every millimeter of attention to himself.

People sculpted dogs like sculptures - carving different breeds to suit their needs and aesthetic tastes. One of these brilliant creations is the Airedale Terrier.

Residents of Great Britain are famous not only for their love of dogs, but also for their great professionalism in breeding them: the mists of Albion, Scotland and Ireland have become the cradle for huge amount amazing breeds, especially hunting ones.

The Airedale Terrier is a native breed of Great Britain, from the Yorkshire region, its history begins in the mid-19th century. Many "Bank Terriers" from the lowlands of the Rivers Wharfe, Calder and Aire were represented at the Airedale Show, swelling the ranks of the exhibitors. One of them, the Airedale Terrier, the largest, has absorbed all the characteristics of this group of dogs, he is also known as the Terrier King.

The Airedale Terrier has an extraordinary sense of smell, has been used in Africa, India and Canada for tracking work, helped the Red Cross in wartime, and served in the police and armed forces in both Britain and Russia.

Exterior description

FCI standard No. 7 dated May 27, 2014 “Airedale terrier”
Group 3 "Terriers".
Section 1 "Terriers of large and medium sizes."

The FCI standard specifies the height at the withers parameters:

  • approximately 58 - 61 cm for males;
  • approximately 56 - 59 cm for females.

The name Airedale terrier comes from Aire - the name of the river and dale - the valley.

The whole appearance of the animal screams about its active temperament, desire for adventure and need for movement. Refers to . A graceful, muscular and strongly built body is a combination of sharp lines: no flabbiness or weakness in appearance is acceptable.

Airedale Terrier: description of the breed allows only one color - saddleback (black or gray with red), the wool is hard, thick and wire-like. The undercoat is well defined. A photo of an Airedale terrier dog clearly reflects the described exterior features.


What kind of Airedale are you? Fighter, athlete, hunter! His character does not tolerate regularity and peace. Despite his balanced disposition, he is active, passionate and fearless. Lacking aggression or malice, but nevertheless a good protector, a true comrade and an intelligent companion.

The breed is characterized by true terrier stubbornness, possessiveness, difficulty getting along with other animals, and developed hunter instincts.

Airedales need a firm and confident owner who is willing to spend effort on proper upbringing animal. They gravitate toward leadership and a leading role in relationships. The advantage will be that the Airedale Terrier is “busy” in hunting, sports, and protection: they have enough energy and intelligence even for everything at once!

How long do Airedale terriers live? Average life expectancy is 8-12 years.

Nuances worth paying attention to:

  • intensity of walking and exercise;
  • persistent training and education.

We have already emphasized more than once that the Airedale is an active animal and, For comfortable coexistence, it is necessary to give an outlet to his violent energy. The characteristics of the Airedale Terrier breed preclude timid walking on a leash around the house.

This will make the dog unhappy; all she can do is jump around the apartment and destroy the interior. Active games with the owner, other animals, repetition of training elements are necessary attributes for the joy of your pet.

Strict drill plays an important role. Raising a young terrier must be done from the first day.

Of course, such cute puppies make you want to pamper and protect the baby, and not persist in raising her. However, this charming little bundle is already an Airedale Terrier: smart, stubborn and agile. Kind of a rogue who can easily and comfortably settle on his master’s neck.

The advantages are that if you raise an Airedale well once, he will be a golden dog all his life. And his powerful intellect will make him such a “wide-profile specialist” as you want your pet to be.


Along with many other wire-haired breeds (,), the Airedale needs special care for its fur - trimming or simply plucking. A huge plus is the absence of traditional dog shedding.

You cannot cut your dog's hair - this will make the coat soft and curly, which is a deviation from the conformation standard.

If desired, the owner himself can learn how to trim a dog, because... the procedure is not technically very difficult. The fur is plucked everywhere except the paws and muzzle. Furry areas need periodic washing or wiping: paws after going outside, and the face after a meal (if the food is natural).

The Airedale Terrier is a breed of dog that considered universal. Dogs are endowed with a hunting disposition, intelligence, curiosity, dexterity and inexhaustible energy. They perform and feel great in forests and fields, meadows and swamps, in cold and heat. The Airedale Terrier is an excellent service dog, but at the same time it is an excellent companion.

Airedale Terrier: history of the breed

Hunting with a dog was very popular in 19th century Britain. Mainly they hunted various coastal animals. The hounds found prey and drove it into holes. Old English terriers waited at the entrance or climbed into a hole, where they prepared to fight the beast.

It was the Old English terriers and hounds that gave the world the fearless, playful, persistent and intelligently vicious Airedale Terriers. These terriers received special endurance from hounds.

By 1865, a breed club was created in England. The first descendants of Airedale Terriers had different names. The modern name was approved in 1887. So, Ayr is a large river in Yorkshire, del is a valley (homeland).

At the beginning of the representatives breeds were used strictly for their intended purpose, that is, for hunting game. But over time, noticing other qualities of the dog, they began to attract it to gun hunting and baiting of large animals, to search and police work, to protection and security.

The Airedale Terrier, like the Shepherd, contributed invaluable assistance during the Second World War. The dogs were involved in transporting the sick and searching for the wounded; they were entrusted with courier work (delivery of medicines, urgent reports).

Airedale Terrier: description of the breed

Dogs of this breed combine three great qualities– small size, physical endurance, cheerful disposition. Airedale Terriers (photo) are the largest representatives of terriers, but their physique is proportional and harmonious.


Adult dogs have no standard limits. But weight and height at the withers are clearly regulated:

  • male weight 24–30 kg, height 59–62 cm;
  • bitch weight 19–21 kg, height 57–60 cm.

Males are stronger, with a wide and large muzzle, with clear and strict features. Bitches can be distinguished by peculiar expression of the face and look. Otherwise, all characteristics for females and males are similar.

Dogs of this breed are agile, active, temperamental, but completely controlled by the owner. The state and mood of an animal at a certain moment can be easily determined by its reaction, the expression of its eyes, and the position of its ears and tail.


Dogs with well-developed muscles. Despite their height, they should not appear large or elongated. In 2009, the last time was breed standard established:

Thus, the price for puppies with a good pedigree and excellent breed characteristics is 60–70 thousand rubles. You can buy an Airedale Terrier for 20–25 thousand rubles, but with deviations (breed defects).

Temperament and training

Airedale Terrier – cheerful, energetic and active dog. For irrepressible and interesting character They are loved by both adults and children. Representatives of the breed are not suitable for people who are tough, phlegmatic and measured.

Airedale Terrier: character

Dogs of this breed are very attached to the family, and they divide people into friends and strangers. They respond well to the kindness of all family members. They love affection, but not to the point of being completely dependent on it. If the animal’s psyche is not disturbed, then dogs it's easy to stay home alone.

The attitude of puppies towards otherworldly people is different, depending on the character of the baby. Some are cautious and bark, others immediately make contact. Undoubtedly, main role education plays a role, but this aspect is also subject to heredity.

According to many owners, the Airedale Terrier has a strong hunter's instinct, so it is difficult for them to get along with other pets.

These dogs very rarely provoke conflict, but they can respond to aggression. Terriers often remember those dogs that harmed them in childhood (scared or offended them), and then hatred towards them persists for a long time or even forever.

Children are treated with toleration and restraint. But because large sizes It is not recommended to leave dogs alone with small children. An active and cheerful pet may accidentally push or scare the baby. It is important to explain to the child that a dog is a family member and must be treated with respect.

Some pets (mostly females) may nip the child lightly as a form of training. Such behavior should be strictly discouraged, but physical force should never be used.

Raising an Airedale Terrier

The main thing is to choose the right puppy. When choosing, you should explain to the breeder what qualities should be a priority, for example, hunter, protector, companion, family pet. It's fair to say that this should be the case with any terrier, but this is especially true for Airedales.

Emotional maturity comes quite late, around two years. The advantage is that there is time to correct the dog’s behavior, but the disadvantage is that teenagers are restless, foolish, and poorly controlled.

Socialization of the animal is also very important. With little contact with other dogs or strangers, quarrelsome or overly cowardly dogs often grow up.

Airedale Terriers are very smart, so training begins at early age, although during this period they are distinguished by stubbornness and cunning. A pet can suddenly turn into a stupid creature that jumps around the owner, wags its tail and calls for a game.

Thus, the dog understands that with its charm it is cajoling its owner, who, in turn, often succumbs to this skillful move. For this behavior, it is recommended to conduct training in a playful way. Such training The dog will like it and will happily follow commands for a treat or praise. You should play together with your pet as often as possible, this will strengthen the bond.

All training should begin after the dog has been fully walked. Definitely in familiar territory, where every corner has already been sniffed by the dog.

Of course, any pet - business card its owner. A well-groomed and healthy pet not only takes first place at exhibitions, but also arouses the interest and admiration of others.

Airedale Terriers are unpretentious, they can live in an apartment or a private house. People who plan to keep dogs outside need to build an enclosure and designate an area for walking, where they will dig holes in the ground (a favorite pastime).

Despite its considerable size, the animal feels comfortable in an apartment. If necessary physical activity, they are quite calm. But if there is a lack of activity, they can show their character (they destroy everything in their path).

You need to walk your dog for a long time and constantly, while doing some kind of sport with it. Active recreation, hiking, outings into nature, into the forest are the best pastime for the Airedale Terrier. The dog also enjoys running next to a cyclist or skier.

It is not necessary to dress your dog in the autumn-winter period. After all, the undercoat perfectly protects it from wind, rain, and frost. There is little wool from the Airedale Terrier, since shedding is very weak.


Caring for an Airedale Terrier is not particularly different from caring for dogs of any other breed. The only exception is trimming.

It is not advisable to trim your dog's hair, since the newly grown wool will be soft (after all, the breed is wire-haired). To get rid of overgrown hair, resort to trimming:

After walks, in any weather, you should wash the animal’s paws and face. They love to swim, so they rarely resist this procedure. To prevent tangles, you need to comb out the hair on your head and the hair on your legs. A dog's beard and mustache also require maintenance. If for some reason the owner neglects to care for them, then the dog sometimes emits an unpleasant odor. Important every time wipe after feeding or wash the animal’s beard and then comb it.

The nails of a dog that often walks on hard surfaces wear down on their own. If not, then the nails should be trimmed regularly.

Ear cleaning is mandatory. Once a week, remove accumulated dirt in the auricle, using special means for cleaning the animal’s ears.

Airedale terrier nutrition

The pet should be fed top or premium food. It is better if the food is marked “for active dogs" The economical option may not only be useless, but can also harm the health of the animal. Flaw useful substances will immediately affect the health of the pet.

Undoubtedly, the best optionnatural food. You can include different meats in your dog's menu. Rabbit and poultry meat, horse meat or beef, offal and fish. The presence of vegetables and fruits in the dog’s diet is mandatory, as they will be an additional source of vitamins and microelements. Cereals – important source energy.

You can improve the functioning of your gastrointestinal tract with the help of fermented milk products. They also enrich the body with calcium and protein. Cottage cheese, kefir, and yogurt are usually given after a morning walk.

Potatoes, pasta and legumes should not be present in the Airedale Terrier's food. Feeding “from the table” is also undesirable.

Diseases and health

Airedale Terriers – hardy and strong dogs, their average life expectancy is 10–14 years. Health problems are rare.

The most common disease is hip dysplasia. The disease is believed to be inherited. Therefore, it is important to choose the right puppy. In professional nurseries, before sale, they take x-rays of the puppy’s joints.

Often found in dogs of this breed itchy skin, which may be due for various reasons. For example, allergies, improper trimming, ingrown hair and others. This is usually treated with anti-allergy medications, diet and regular trimming.

Young dogs are susceptible to volvulus. Restless and active, they cannot behave calmly after feeding. The stomach ligaments are sometimes unable to hold a full stomach. For this disease, surgery is indicated. Therefore, it is very important to feed your pet after a walk.

Airedale Terrier: owner reviews

« Wonderful breed, I have never regretted that I got one for myself. The dog is very positive, you never get bored. And most importantly - practically complete absence wool and dirt, which is so important when keeping apartments. Yes, the price for an Airedale terrier puppy is considerable, but the pleasure of communication and life next to him is much more expensive. For me, a dog of this breed is ideal in everything.”

“My dog ​​is 7 years old. I can safely say that life without her would be boring and dull. Positivity and energy can be felt in every movement, and what smart eyes she has are beyond words. I think that the Airedale Terrier is not for passive and dull people. But still, it requires a lot of attention and strength of character of the owner, since training can be long and difficult.”

“I think the main advantage of the Airedale Terrier is friendliness and lack of fur in the house. I don’t know about other owners, but my dog ​​has an obedient and reserved character. I often hear that they are very stubborn and difficult to train. Nothing like that, my dog ​​is ready to stand on his head even for praise. I teach myself, there were no difficulties with basic commands. I recommend this breed to everyone."
