Dental treatment with anesthesia during pregnancy. Is it possible to treat teeth during pregnancy: at what period is treatment possible, is anesthesia acceptable?

Pregnancy is a special period in the life of every girl. At this time, the expectant mother should special attention take care of your health, because the baby’s well-being depends on it. During pregnancy, a woman must undergo full examination which includes a visit to the dentist. After all, even those girls who have not previously had dental diseases often experience dental problems during pregnancy.

Why is caries dangerous during pregnancy?

While carrying a baby, a serious restructuring occurs in the body of the expectant mother. Violation hormonal levels, significant energy costs, increased body need for useful microelements, changes in the composition and acidity of saliva - all this greatly affects the condition of the teeth. Doctors say that caries during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the woman, but also for the fetus.

The development of carious processes in the oral cavity increases the risk of various diseases in the expectant mother and her child. Negative influence caries on the fetus has been confirmed by clinical trials.

Bacteria accumulate in the mouth and then enter the gastrointestinal tract. This reduces the body’s natural defenses, provokes the development of cardiovascular disorders and diseases. digestive system, and in the future can lead to intoxication of all organs. That is why it is necessary to treat the teeth of pregnant women when the first symptoms of caries occur.

Carious processes in the oral cavity are caused by special bacteria. Some of them provoke increased production of cytokines (proteins synthesized by the body) immune cells). High levels of cytokines in a woman’s blood can cause enlargement cervical canal and provoke uterine contractions.

If you don't carry out timely treatment teeth during pregnancy, there is a risk of developing such serious illnesses, like pulpitis and periodontitis.

In addition, caries, as in other cases, causes severe pain, which negatively affects not only emotional condition women, and also injures the fetus.

Strong pain

What dental diseases can be treated during pregnancy?

  1. Caries – infection, in which damage to the hard tissues of the tooth (enamel and dentin) occurs. It is possible to treat caries and place fillings during pregnancy! This will help avoid the development of severe inflammatory processes in the body of the mother and child.
  2. Periodontitis is a disease accompanied by the formation of gum pockets. Treatment of periodontitis is mandatory and is carried out at any stage of pregnancy.
  3. (dental nerve). The disease is accompanied by acute pain. In this case, pain relief for the inflamed nerve is necessary.
  4. Periodontal disease and periodontitis are an acute inflammatory process localized in the tissues that support the tooth. Delayed treatment periodontal disease causes intoxication of the body.
  5. Gingitis is a dental disease accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gums.
  6. Stomatitis – damage to the mucous membranes oral cavity.

Listed above dental diseases can be treated during pregnancy. However, there are a number of problems that should be postponed until after the baby is born. What procedures are contraindicated for pregnant women?

  • Correction of bite using hardware method.
  • stone
  • Teeth whitening is prohibited during pregnancy.
  • It is not recommended to remove or treat wisdom teeth.
  • Implantation is prohibited. It is carried out after the birth of the child.

Implantation prohibited

When can teeth be treated?

Dentists say that dental treatment during pregnancy is not only acceptable, but necessary to reduce the risk of developing serious diseases for the mother and her child. When the first symptoms of inflammation appear, such as bleeding gums, increased tooth sensitivity and acute pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. Dental treatment during pregnancy early stages development of the disease is the key to successful therapy. At the same time, at certain stages of fetal development, the dental procedure has its own characteristics.

  • The first trimester of pregnancy includes the first 13 weeks of the fetus's life. This period is considered quite dangerous. At 5-6 weeks, serious changes occur in a woman’s body: hormonal changes, toxicosis, emotional disorders. In addition, during this period the embryo is just beginning to develop and any shock (including dental treatment) can lead to severe consequences. In the first month of pregnancy, the embryo's sensitivity to toxins and mechanical stress is increased, so any surgical intervention increases the risk of spontaneous abortion. Dental treatment in the first trimester of pregnancy is dangerous and is carried out only in special cases- at acute inflammation pulp and periodontitis.
  • The second trimester includes weeks 14-27 of fetal development. This period is considered the most calm and favorable. This is why doctors recommend dental treatment during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester. During weeks 14-27, the process of placenta formation and development is completed. internal organs baby, and the negative impact of toxins and bacteria on the fetus is reduced. teeth during pregnancy during this period is actively used. However, the dentist must take into account the toxic properties of all drugs used during the procedure. In addition, pregnant women can have their teeth removed under anesthesia only in the second trimester.
  • The third trimester includes 28-40 weeks of fetal life. During this period, the development of the cerebral cortex and sensory organs of the fetus continues. At 38-40 weeks the baby is completely ready for independent breathing. However, in the third trimester there are also major changes in psycho-emotional and physical condition women. Most pregnant women experience sudden changes in blood pressure, frequent headaches, and increased heart rate. During this period, any stress or exposure to anesthesia can cause premature labor. That is why dental treatment in the 3rd trimester, as well as in the first, is carried out only in emergency cases.

Can pregnant women have their teeth treated with anesthesia?

Anesthesia is a method of pain relief using special drugs. In dentistry, often with adrenaline. Before answering the question whether dental treatment during pregnancy is possible with anesthesia, you should consider the principle of operation of painkillers. Anesthetics are injected into the gums using an injection. A few minutes after the active substance enters the body, the patient ceases to feel pain and the doctor’s touch. On early stages caries development, treatment is carried out without anesthesia. However, in certain diseases such as deep caries, periodontitis (formation of gum pockets) and when removing teeth, it is impossible to carry out the procedure without the use of anesthetics.

Painkillers are used for dental treatment during pregnancy.

This allows you to avoid stress that negatively affects the health of mother and child.

However, there are a number of drugs that cannot be used during pregnancy.

Use of anesthesia during pregnancy

Pregnant women can have their teeth treated with anesthesia, but the dentist must take into account the particular situation of the woman when choosing a painkiller.

What drugs should not be used during pregnancy?

  1. Drugs in which adrenaline is the main active substance. Adrenaline causes vasoconstriction, which leads to increased blood pressure. Increase for expectant mothers blood pressure is very dangerous. Painkilling injections for dental treatment during pregnancy based on adrenaline are not used.
  2. "Lidocaine." This drug has a number of side effects (low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, convulsions), the manifestation of which is very dangerous during the period of bearing a child.
  3. "Stopangin." This drug contains methyl salicylate, which causes pathologies in fetal development.
  4. "Mepivacaine." This painkiller is not used during pregnancy. Drugs based on mepivacaine can pass through the transplacental barrier and cause a slowdown in the baby’s heart rate.

Today, drugs that do not contain adrenaline are used as anesthesia for the treatment of pregnant patients. Among such anesthetics, the most common are those based on ultracaine and primacaine. The first substance does not penetrate the placenta and does not affect the fetus. In addition, preparations based on ultracaine can be used during breastfeeding, since they do not penetrate into breast milk. Primacaine can penetrate the placenta in small amounts, but this substance has a short half-life.

The issue of dental treatment during pregnancy causes a lot of controversy. Expectant mothers are afraid of harming the child, because dental treatment usually occurs with the use of anesthesia. But the opinion of gynecologists and dentists is adamant: it is possible to treat a pregnant woman’s teeth; necessary measure for the full development of the fetus and the health of the expectant mother.

It’s good if the pregnancy is planned in advance, and the expectant mother takes her health with full responsibility, understanding that her health is the health of the baby and the guarantee of it normal development from the very first days.

But families do not always plan pregnancy, and often a woman has to heal her teeth while already pregnant. Many expectant mothers avoid visiting the dentist, naively believing that any doctor’s intervention, especially pain-relieving injections and anesthesia, can harm the child.

In fact, untreated teeth are much more harmful to the woman’s body and the fetus, since an infection in the oral cavity can lead to local inflammation, and subsequently to infection and intoxication of the entire body.

Photo: Bad teeth have a bad effect on the fetus

In the early stages, when the placenta has not yet fully formed and cannot serve as a protective barrier for the fetus, there is a high probability of damage to fetal tissue.

Unfavorable factors

The main unfavorable factor that is responsible for tooth decay during pregnancy is hormonal changes in the body.

Hormonal changes - natural process aimed at the full development of the fetus. But at the same time, changes at the hormonal level negatively affect the condition of a woman’s teeth and oral cavity.

In this situation, even healthy and pre-treated teeth are subject to destruction, and infection in the oral cavity only activates the processes of destruction. Why is this happening?

The formation of the child’s skeleton occurs due to calcium found in the mother’s plasma. If there is not enough calcium in the plasma, the process of leaching calcium from the mother’s skeletal system begins.

Calcium absorption occurs with the required amount of magnesium and phosphorus. IN accessible form calcium, magnesium and phosphorus are found in skeletal system, including the mother’s teeth. Under normal conditions, when there is a lack of minerals in the oral cavity, saliva delivers them.

During pregnancy, a woman changes the production, acidity and composition of saliva. A change in acidity promotes the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity. The consequence of this process is the thinning of tooth enamel and the rapid development of caries.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, gynecologists usually prescribe a maintenance vitamin course, which should not be neglected under any circumstances.

The choice of a dentist should be taken responsibly. The selected specialist must thoroughly know the techniques of dental treatment for pregnant women, the timing at which treatment can be carried out, and painkillers approved for expectant mothers.

Video: is it possible or not?

What dental diseases can be treated during pregnancy?

The following symptoms may be a reason to visit the dentist during pregnancy:

  • bleeding gums, which can be observed when brushing teeth or eating;
  • tooth sensitivity, pain response to cold and hot;
  • toothache , periodic or constant.

All these symptoms indicate the beginning inflammatory process. During pregnancy, it is necessary to treat any diseases of the oral cavity. The timing and method of treatment is determined by the doctor, and visiting a dentist in the early stages of the disease is the key to successful treatment and preservation of teeth.

A late visit to the dentist can lead to dire consequences. For example, with shallow caries, treatment can be carried out without anesthesia; with a deep degree of damage, the nerve will need to be removed, in which case an injection of anesthesia will be required.

There are no restrictions when choosing a filling. You can choose a “chemical” filling or a light-curing composition. The lamps used for the light method are not dangerous to the fetus.

We list the diseases that can be treated during pregnancy:

  • caries- infectious disease, consequences - inflammation of the jaw bone and problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pulpitis and periodontitis- complications of caries, inflammation of the dental nerve, accompanied by acute pain;
  • odontogenic periostitis- a consequence of caries, expressed in inflammation of the periosteum (flux), which can lead to tooth extraction;
  • periodontal disease and periodontitis- inflammation of the gums and bone tissue responsible for holding the tooth, leads to intoxication of the body as a whole, contributes to the development of rheumatism and heart disease, joints, affects immune system body;
  • gingivitis- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the gums, a common disease in pregnant women;
  • stomatitis- local damage to the oral mucosa; the mechanism of the disease has not been fully identified; it is considered a disease of weak immunity.

Photo: caries, pulpitis and periodontitis require treatment during pregnancy

Removal of a tooth surgically performed with anesthesia in the second trimester of pregnancy, when the placenta is fully formed and protects the fetus from negative factors.

During the gestation period, you can have prosthetic teeth. Prosthetics has no contraindications, with the exception of dental implantation. To implant implants, the body spends energy, which is necessary for the development of the baby.

Prohibited procedures during pregnancy include all cosmetic dentistry procedures:

  • strengthening and whitening enamel,
  • removal of dental stone,
  • correction of the bite and position of the teeth.

This is due to the use of special chemicals which are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Dentists recommend removing wisdom teeth at the stage of planning and preparing for pregnancy. But the removal of diseased teeth is necessary, but surgical intervention is not performed in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Prohibited drugs

If we talk about prohibited drugs, we can highlight:

  • Sodium fluoride;

Lidocaine - topical anesthetic, which is not recommended during pregnancy due to a number of side effects:

  • muscle weakness,
  • convulsions,
  • labored breathing,
  • a sharp drop in pressure.

Stopangin contains two main substances - hexetidine and methyl salicylate.

And if the first is safe and even useful for pregnant women, since it destroys fungi and bacteria without consequences, then the second refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Non-steroidal drugs cause a teratogenic effect, that is, they contribute to the appearance of deformities and pathologies of the fetus. Side effect The drug may cause pregnancy to continue.

Sodium fluoride is an anti-caries agent; in dentistry it is used to strengthen tooth enamel.

IN Food Industry Sodium fluoride is used in production technology drinking water, the drug is also added to toothpastes. Large doses of sodium fluoride can disrupt the functioning of the heart and negatively affect the fetus.

Strengthening enamel at home Sodium fluoride can completely destroy tooth enamel and lead to tooth loss.

Imudon is an immunomodulating agent used to treat diseases of the oral cavity.

There are others medical supplies, which only at first glance seem harmless. During pregnancy, medications should only be taken as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician.

When is it possible?

In the first trimester, the placenta is still forming and cannot serve as a protective barrier from negative impact. In the third trimester, a woman’s body is already quite exhausted and the general physiological condition may become a contraindication.

If urgent medical intervention is necessary, the duration of pregnancy does not play a role. The only question is the choice correct technique treatments and medications.

When treating teeth and oral diseases in the first and third trimesters, the dentist will need Additional Information and recommendations from a gynecologist about the woman’s condition and fetal development.

In the first trimester

During the first trimester, the formation and laying of soft tissues, organs and systems of the unborn baby occurs; the placenta is not yet formed.

Entry into a woman's body medicines may have a negative effect on the fetus, so treatment is not recommended. An exception may be emergency cases associated with acute pain.

But diseases such as periodontitis and pulpitis require immediate treatment. Consequences infectious infection and intoxication of the body is much more dangerous than exposure medical drugs.

Treatment of caries can be postponed until the second trimester if the disease is not accompanied by pain.

In the second trimester

The period of the second trimester is the most suitable time for dental treatment, when a woman must undergo an examination by a specialist.

The dentist is obliged to heal not only teeth in critical condition, but also to assess the condition of the oral cavity and possible exacerbations in the subsequent third trimester of pregnancy.

In the third trimester

Treatment and removal of teeth in the third trimester is not recommended due to the special sensitivity of the uterus to all types of external influence, including medications.

In the third trimester, there is an increase in pressure on the aorta by the fetus. To reduce pressure, dental treatment should not be performed in the traditional supine position.

The woman should be in the dental chair, turning towards left side. This measure will reduce the risk of possible fainting during the procedure and eliminate a decrease in blood pressure.

Should also be taken into account general state women. In the third trimester, the mother’s body is quite exhausted, and stress during dental treatment can provoke a deterioration in the physiological condition.

Radiography in pregnant women

X-rays are contraindicated during pregnancy.

It is prohibited to conduct research in the first trimester. If the need to take an x-ray does arise, a lead apron must be used to protect the abdomen and pelvic area.

The best option would be to choose a clinic where dental photographs are taken using a radiovisiograph - a modern device with minimum indicator radiation.

Video: radiography and anesthesia during pregnancy

Treatment with a painkiller injection

The question of whether it is possible to treat teeth during pregnancy with anesthesia has been resolved. But what painkillers can be used for treatment? The danger of using painkillers lies not only in the effect on the fetus, but also in the fact that they constrict blood vessels.

Drugs should be used for anesthesia in pregnant women local action, do not penetrate the placenta barrier, with a low degree of impact on blood vessels.

Such drugs include Ultracain and Ubistezin.

When visiting the dentist, it is necessary to indicate the exact stage of pregnancy; the choice of drug will depend on this.

You should know that treatment is under general anesthesia Absolutely forbidden. Ask what medications the dentist uses.

Prevention and dental care at home

The condition of the oral cavity during pregnancy deteriorates sharply not only due to hormonal changes and the body's costs for fetal development.

Oddly enough, dental diseases often appear due to the fault of the woman herself.

Photo: Dental hygiene during pregnancy

Regular care, as it was before pregnancy, is no longer enough. During pregnancy, your diet, frequency of meals and daily diet changes, which means you should reconsider methods of prevention and dental care at home.

What to pay attention to:

  • Brushing your teeth should be done twice a day;
  • use after meals dental floss and rinsing agents;
  • use toothbrush normal or soft degree of hardness;
  • do not use whitening pastes for daily care;
  • purchase therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes;
  • do not use one brand of toothpaste;
  • include dairy products in your diet to get daily norm calcium;
  • do not neglect taking vitamins and microelements prescribed by your doctor.

To prevent gum inflammation, you can massage.

To do this, apply a little toothpaste to the gums, after which a large and index fingers movements are performed towards the gum. Movements should be light, massage is performed daily for 5-7 minutes.

Pharmacy preparations for the oral cavity can be replaced with homemade elixirs. For example, an infusion of a mixture of St. John's wort, mint and oregano will strengthen gums and prevent caries. The ingredients are taken in equal parts and brewed with boiling water, the decoction should steep for an hour.

Video: dental care during pregnancy

The effect of diseased teeth on the fetus

The negative impact of caries, as well as its complications - pulpitis and periodontitis, on the development of the fetus has long been proven by scientists.

Untreated caries threatens a woman with premature birth and low fetal weight at birth. Periodontitis and pulpitis contribute to the spread of infection throughout the maternal body, intoxication and damage to the soft tissues of the fetus.

Gingivitis, a gum disease, often results from hormonal changes in pregnant women. Bacterial breakdown products have the ability to enter the bloodstream, causing inflammation of a woman’s gums and negatively affecting fetal tissue.

In severe cases, infection can lead to termination of pregnancy. The same processes occur with stomatitis, so any diseases of the oral cavity must be treated immediately.

We must not forget about the stressful state of a woman during exacerbation of oral diseases and the occurrence of acute pain. Pain can cause changes in the body of a woman and fetus at a physiological level. When pain occurs, an additional release of hormones occurs, which can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Modern dental anesthesia during pregnancy causes a lot of controversy. Expectant mothers are often afraid to have their teeth treated so as not to harm the baby. But you shouldn't rush to this extreme.

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Dentists and gynecologists are confident that a visit to the dentist is necessary for a woman’s health and the full development of her child, because teeth are often destroyed during pregnancy. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. At the same time, this is a natural process that is aimed at the development of the child.

During pregnancy, it is very important to treat teeth in a timely manner with safe anesthesia. Even healthy teeth can begin to decay due to hormones. An infection forms in the oral cavity, which only contributes to the destruction process. Let's take a closer look at what anesthesia is allowed and prohibited during pregnancy.

When is pain relief needed?

Before deciding whether it is possible to treat teeth using anesthesia while pregnant, think about whether you need it? After all, simple, uncomplicated caries can be cured without it. The doctor will carefully clean the canals and will not affect the nerve, so it will not hurt, and dental anesthesia, which is so undesirable during pregnancy, will not be needed.

Visit to the dentist

It’s another matter if you need to cure complicated caries, when you have to remove a nerve. Or during pregnancy you have to remove the entire tooth, so without local anesthesia not enough. In this case, you must tell your doctor about your situation.

It all depends on your individual sensitivity. If you understand that you can endure it, it is better not to use painkillers. However, during pregnancy, the baby senses the mother’s mood, so if you experience a lot of pain during dental treatment, you need to inject anesthesia. Think not only about your well-being, but also about your child. Find out about the best and.

The effect of painkillers on the body

Many women believe that any anesthesia is very harmful to the fetus. This is why they put off visiting the dentist. If you are pregnant, be sure to check with your doctor to see if you can have anesthesia. It is usually permitted in the following cases:

  • no individual intolerance;
  • the painkiller is selected correctly;
  • treatment is carried out in 2-3 trimesters.

You need to understand how dental anesthesia works during pregnancy. Doctors usually use adrenaline-based drugs. It can narrow blood vessels, have an analgesic effect. These drugs are prohibited during pregnancy because they can cause an increase in uterine tone and blood pressure. Therefore, expectant mothers should be treated only with modern medications with a minimum amount of adrenaline.

When you have dental treatment during pregnancy, anesthesia is administered through an injection, so it takes effect within a few minutes. The woman does not feel any pain or manipulation by the doctor, so she can do any procedure, even remove a diseased tooth. Neither mother nor baby will feel anything. During pregnancy, dentists should not undergo anesthesia in the following cases.

  1. First trimester.
  2. Last month.
  3. Allergy to the components of the pain reliever.
  4. The type of painkiller used is dangerous for the woman and baby.

There are several types of pain relief that are prohibited during pregnancy. The consequences may be irreversible.

When and how to treat teeth

Numerous studies have been conducted that have identified drugs with minimal adrenaline content. The use of these products is safe for women, because harmful components are not able to penetrate the placenta. This means that they will not enter the fetal body. The most common anesthetics are Primacaine and Ultracaine. Some doctors believe that they can be used even in early pregnancy.

Ultracaine not only cannot cross the placenta, but also does not pass into breast milk. Therefore, it can be used even during the lactation period. The doctor individually calculates the required dose, taking into account the duration, health and age of the woman. Primacaine penetrates the placenta in a minimal percentage. Moreover, it is characterized by a very short half-life. That is why conduction anesthesia with this drug is allowed during pregnancy.

The first trimester is very responsible, because during the first three months, systems and organs are formed in the fetus. You should not treat your teeth until the fertilized egg has implanted, because the embryo has increased sensitivity to external stimuli. A woman often experiences stress and anxiety when visiting the dentist, which usually affects the well-being of the baby and can lead to miscarriage.

There is no point in even asking the dentist whether the anesthesia performed will affect pregnancy. The answer is obvious, because treatment during organ laying is not recommended, because any intervention can disrupt the process. Postpone the procedure until the fourth month if you do not have pulpitis or periodontitis. These diseases are very harmful to the fetus and require treatment.

The most the right time To visit the clinic is the 2nd trimester. By this time, the fetus has already formed systems and organs, so there is little chance of harming it. However, if you are 4-6 months pregnant, you should ask your doctor if you can have local anesthesia.

Carry out all necessary preventive procedures and take care of teeth that need emergency treatment. However, even during the 2nd trimester it is prohibited to carry out bleaching, implantation and prosthetics. If you have the opportunity to go to the dentist after giving birth, it is better to postpone the visit.

There are many misconceptions about dental treatment among pregnant women. We refute myths and give unambiguous answers to the questions: is it worth enduring the pain, how dangerous is x-ray and is it possible to treat teeth under anesthesia? We have made notes for all procedures - from “prohibited” to “required”.

Visits to the dentist in every trimester of pregnancy

Necessary. Immunity decreases during pregnancy. And this is not surprising: a woman bears within herself a new organism, different from herself. What changes from the dentist's point of view? Firstly, the risk of bone tissue destruction increases. Secondly, changes occur in the functioning of the glands that produce saliva. The rate of saliva secretion decreases, its viscosity increases, and the pH shifts to the acidic side.

As a rule, during pregnancy a deficiency of calcium and magnesium occurs - this reduces the mineralizing ability of saliva. She stops performing very important function: wash teeth, remove food debris, supply tooth enamel with minerals. The risks of gum disease and tooth decay increase. Therefore, a pregnant woman should be responsible for brushing her teeth and regularly visit the dentist for professional cleaning, as well as prevention and treatment at the earliest stages.

Highly undesirable. Avoid any dental intervention (except professional hygiene) in the first and third trimesters: in the first, all organs and systems of the child are formed, in the third, the excitability of the uterus increases, so any irritants can lead to the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

Can. The second trimester (this is approximately 14-20 weeks), when all the baby’s systems are smoothly developing, is the safest for dental treatment.

Dental treatment under anesthesia

Can. If treatment to the expectant mother still necessary, preference is given to modern local anesthetics. They are hypoallergenic and well tolerated by the body. Such anesthetic injections do not penetrate the placental barrier and will not harm the baby.

Forbidden. Anesthesia with high content adrenaline. Such drugs have been used in clinics before, they could provoke muscle spasms. This is exactly what obstetricians-gynecologists and pregnant women themselves are afraid of, completely refusing any pain relief.

In most modern clinics, such compounds have not been used for a long time, however, to protect yourself, it is better to do this: when making an appointment with a doctor, explain that you are pregnant and that you cannot use anesthesia with a high content of adrenaline. When you visit your dentist, make sure the anesthesia is safe again.

Highly undesirable. Surgical interventions in pregnant women at any stage are carried out only by urgent indications. What kind of evidence is this? Dental injuries and purulent-inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. All other operations can be considered elective and postponed until the postpartum period.

Is toothache worth enduring?

In no case! Many women still refuse any pain relief and endure pain. “It’s more harmless for the baby,” they say. And it’s good if you still go to see a doctor - many simply suffer at home, use the most unimaginable home remedies, but never go to the dentist! The Internet is full of messages from women who consider themselves almost heroines because they endured severe pain, not wanting to harm their unborn child.

But in fact, it only gets worse: pain, especially severe and prolonged, disrupts the functions of internal organs and metabolism. And that's not all! Pain has another aspect - psychological. A woman may be afraid of pain, worry about it, lose her temper, and commit rash acts. All this is not at all beneficial for the pregnant woman and the child. Excruciating pain actually goes beyond the control of the central nervous system and can cause serious harm to the body.

By the way, why is toothache so bad? The fact is that pain receptors are located in almost all tissues of the body (except for the nervous tissue of the brain and spinal cord). And the greatest density of nerve fiber endings that record pain is located precisely at the border of dentin and tooth enamel.

X-ray during pregnancy

Only under strict indications! We quote sanitary rules and regulations (SanPiN): “The appointment of pregnant women for X-ray examination carried out only by clinical indications. Studies should, if possible, be carried out in the second half of pregnancy.” This means that the dentist will order an x-ray only if there is a serious threat to the patient’s health. Also, studies using a tomograph and visiograph are not recommended - radiation exposure is still present, although it is less than with a regular x-ray.

Can. Is there an alternative? Nowadays, some clinics use DIAGNOcam for research - a modern device that allows you to take pictures of the coronal (visible) part of the tooth without x-ray exposure. This will not replace x-rays 100%, but in many cases it will help cure a pregnant patient. With DIAGNOcam, for example, caries can be detected at an early stage and minimally invasive treatment can be carried out.

Prevention of oral diseases before and during pregnancy

Necessary. Even at the stage of pregnancy planning, you need to visit the dentist. The doctor will perform a complete sanitation of the oral cavity: examination, prevention and treatment. During pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe professional cleaning teeth - every trimester or only twice (depending on the condition of the oral cavity).

Important and home care. It includes choosing the right toothpaste with minimal (or no) lauryl sulfate content; the paste should also not contain mint oils.

It is useful to use remineralizing gels (sold in pharmacies). They help reduce tooth sensitivity that may appear during pregnancy, strengthen the hard tissues of the tooth and stabilize caries in the staining stage. Consultation on home prevention can be obtained at an appointment with a hygienist.


Yes, treatment can be done under local anesthesia.

Comment on the article “Can pregnant women have their teeth treated under anesthesia and 5 more questions”

Naturally, with pain relief. I think, if there is a need for this, the question is whether to treat or not. Who treated teeth during pregnancy? I made an appointment with the dentist for tomorrow, but in all the books Is it possible to treat teeth in the first trimester of pregnancy, I especially mean...


no, only in the second trimester with a light painkiller, special for pregnant women, the gynecologist allowed it, and then they put a temporary filling, put a crown on, they said come back after giving birth

I was treated at the very beginning, I didn’t even know about B, of course with pain relief.

I had a tooth done with anesthesia, and even a computer scan - I found out about the pregnancy a day later - my son was born healthy. and then you were treated for different periods. Anesthesia was always given, but X-rays were refused even in the second trimester - the crown was placed without a picture...


How is the tooth doing ahead of the weekend?

I had a tooth done with anesthesia, and even a computer scan - I found out about the pregnancy a day later - my son was born healthy.
and then you only have a temporary one - it should hurt - then a filling they will put it again It can hurt for up to a week...

Dental treatment during pregnancy. X-ray, anesthesia in the first, second, third trimester of pregnancy. Section: Nutrition, vitamins, medications (I was treating my teeth and found out that I was pregnant). I treated my teeth with strong local anesthesia, a week before...


Not knowing that I was pregnant, I took a panoramic photo. The child is two and a half. You are happy that all the teeth have been healed. There will be no infection in the body, and the teeth themselves will be preserved better. I took a photo like this, but I didn’t have time to treat and replace them with prosthetics. K I lost three teeth at the end of breastfeeding. Relax.

02/18/2008 12:48:20, Oksana 1969

I was treated at 9 weeks and, since I’m a coward and always do anesthesia, I specifically asked the gynecologist’s opinion, she said not to worry about it.

Wait in good clinics normal anesthesia:) that is, it is possible during pregnancy, not Section: Medical issues (ingrown toenail anesthesia for breastfeeding Question: Is it possible to do anesthesia during dental treatment, and also to do x-rays teeth...


The Natadent clinic opened specifically for treatment during pregnancy, so with the issue of anesthesia there.
At breastfeeding You can express milk a day in advance.

Wait, in good clinics there is normal anesthesia :) that is, it is possible during pregnancy, the placental barrier does not pass through. It’s better to cure now than to wait and grow caries and germs :)))

At any stage of pregnancy, anesthesia can harm the developing fetus. It is used as one of the components of general anesthesia at the beginning or end of anesthesia. With epidural anesthesia, an injection is given in the lumbar region, medicinal substance introduce...


OFF. Hello fellow countrymen - we are from Gelendzhik. And your girl is super simple, if you want you can look at us, everything was perfect for me: pregnancy, childbirth, and as a result, congenital scoliosis grade 4, aplasia of the left lung, but mental development above the norm, which is already a miracle given our pathologies

There was no anesthesia, but here acute pyelonephritis I suffered, but they didn’t pierce me with anything like you, although they threatened me if antibiotics didn’t help.

Dental treatment during pregnancy modern medicine allowed. Moreover, if a woman in a position suffers because of painful sensations caused by toothache.

Cure or wait?

Obviously, most painkillers are simply contraindicated for her in this case - she can only use some drugs that are not very effective. And the excruciating pain will clearly not help improve her mood, which will also affect the baby. Ultimately, in more serious cases, intoxication of the body may begin, which is extremely undesirable for the baby.

Simply put, you shouldn’t start a problem even when you’re already “deeply pregnant,” because the end result may be unexpected. Don’t even ask yourself this question: to treat or not to treat? The answer here is clear. Also do not forget that a woman’s body is in interesting position due to hormones, he is able to react unconventionally in response to diseased teeth.

Babies will also have caries.

Ideally, pregnant women should be examined by a dentist long before conception. The reason is obvious - pregnancy will definitely cause the body to lose calcium, which means that the existing problem may worsen in the future. As a result, a small problem will “grow” into a huge one: the mother may develop periodontitis, the enamel may be destroyed... Such diseases are not so easy to treat during pregnancy.

Unfortunately, even a microcrack can lead to such a sad outcome. Still, teeth are in a difficult position during pregnancy, since the microflora in the oral cavity changes, becoming more aggressive. How does this happen? Saliva, which before pregnancy protected the oral cavity from microbes, simply loses its unique properties for 9 months.

Along with this phenomenon, the mother’s immunity also weakens, which makes her body more susceptible to the penetration of viruses or microbes. Statistics compiled by modern scientists indicate that a third of expectant mothers with bad teeth give birth to children with low immunity, gastrointestinal problems and, of course, their predisposition to caries increases significantly.

Looking forward to the second trimester

Please note that during pregnancy you will in any case have to visit the dentist twice (you can do this more often - it all depends on your condition). The first time was in the first trimester, and the second time in the third. The procedure is planned, since most women develop many problems with their gums, in particular, pregnancy gingivitis develops.

But dental treatment during pregnancy is best done in the second trimester. This particular time is considered ideal because the baby will not yet be able to be scared by the sound of a working drill if his teeth have to be drilled, and the placenta is already mature enough to provide him with protection from certain drugs. Often, a woman who is found to have the same caries in the second month is offered dental treatment only a few weeks after the problem is discovered.

Remove only as a last resort

Treating teeth during pregnancy is more difficult than before it occurred. There are many reasons for this. For example, after 20 weeks, not every woman will be able to sit still in the dental chair for even half an hour. But most of the problems are associated with tooth extraction. Why?

The process is potentially dangerous and involves the use strong drugs. Therefore, the doctor will recommend tooth extraction during pregnancy only in case of urgent need. You can, of course, refuse the procedure, but it is better to remember that diseased teeth are a serious source of infection, which means that the baby may be at risk.

If you have encountered this unpleasant procedure, then be sure to follow all your doctor’s instructions for oral care. Pregnant women do not need to be afraid of pain relief - it can be safely used - nowadays there are drugs that practically do not penetrate the placenta to the baby. Of course, you should never have your teeth removed under any circumstances. general anesthesia, which is contraindicated during pregnancy. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to postpone all complex dental operations until later.

X-ray: safety precautions

But if everything is more or less clear about whether it is possible for pregnant women to have their teeth treated, then the issue of performing an X-ray remains controversial for many. Is it possible to do it? Of course, only the mother can decide here, but there are times when it is simply not possible to treat teeth without this procedure. In these cases, you need to remember that, firstly, the X-ray rays are directed precisely at bone tissue moms. And, secondly, modern equipment can reduce the time of exposure to a body area to a few fractions of a second. So the baby will be safe - but the main thing here is to strictly follow all precautions.

  • be sure to use a special apron that will protect the baby from radiation
  • remember that X-rays are not recommended for pregnant women in the first and third trimesters; they can only be done in the middle of the term
  • in some cases, its use can help the dentist understand the situation thoroughly. Perhaps he will even reschedule the treatment for another time, because the resulting image will “tell” him that this is acceptable
  • be sure to tell the doctor the exact date of your pregnancy - this information is very important for him

Don't go too far

One of the most frequent illnesses oral cavity in pregnant women is gingivitis. It occurs due to the fact that the ratio of hormones in a woman’s blood changes. The result is inflamed and painful gums. It will seem to many that this disease is harmless, but it has been established that the decay products of bacteria in a woman with this pathology are able to penetrate the blood and even “reach” the fetus. Unfortunately, in some cases such features of the course of the disease lead to miscarriage or premature birth. Therefore, if your gums start to bleed, start treating them immediately - consult your doctor for advice
