Viral hepatitis in dogs symptoms. Hepatitis in dogs - description, treatment. Forecast and consequences

Animals of all breeds are susceptible to foodborne hepatitis. The disease is especially hard on the following breeds: boxer; bullmastiff; Mastino Neapolitan; English bulldog; French Bulldog; Shar Pei; pug; Doberman; whippet. Foodborne hepatitis is not infectious inflammation liver, caused by poor quality feed or unnatural additives in the animal’s diet.

Foodborne hepatitis in dogs - symptoms and signs

The disease begins with depressed state animal. The dog lies curled up in a ball. Refuses food and water. He gets up with difficulty, his breathing is heavy. After a few hours, the disease manifests itself with severe vomiting, first with food, orange and yellow flowers. Diarrhea appears within 24 hours. The stool becomes liquid, light mustard color with pungent odor sauerkraut. Inner surface acquires mouth yellow tint. The animal's breath becomes foul. The stomach is constantly tense. Movements are constrained due to pain in the right side of the abdomen. At the beginning of the disease, the temperature fluctuates between 38.5 - 39 degrees, and the next day drops to 37.

The disease begins with a depressed state of the animal

Foodborne hepatitis of dogs - causes and development

  • adding smoked meats and sausages to your dog’s food;
  • an attempt to season the animal’s usual diet with sauces, incl. tomato, mayonnaise, etc.;
  • loss of quality of dry food when stored in the open air, under the influence sunlight and high temperatures;
  • low quality of animal feed and mixture components.

The components of these products contain substances that are safe for people, but poisonous for dogs. Once in the stomach, the food decomposes into chemical components. Toxins in food are released and their absorption into the blood begins.

The vessels carrying blood from the stomach and intestines pass through the liver. They are only partially neutralized; a significant part ends up in the blood. The functioning of blood vessels and the heart, brain and kidneys is disrupted. The animal's body tries to remove toxins. Substances neutralized by the liver enter the bile. At the same time, the release of bile into the intestines increases, leading to diarrhea. Some of the toxins return to the stomach along with the blood flow. Subsequently highlighted together with gastric juice. Then it provokes vomiting and is partially expelled. The rest are thrown into the intestines.

Another part of the toxins enters the kidneys and is excreted in the urine. However, the vast majority of toxins remain in the body and bind to substances in the blood. The resulting compounds affect the brain: they cause and intensify vomiting. The described mechanisms operate for about two days. Loss of water and minerals due to vomiting and diarrhea causes the blood to thicken. The metabolism between blood and body tissues slows down. Removal of toxins is not possible during this phase.

Death occurs on the fourth to sixth day as a result of dehydration and (or) cardiac arrest. If you do not contact specialists in a timely manner, the mortality rate from foodborne hepatitis reaches 20%. Without treatment, death occurs in 95%.

Food hepatitis in dogs - treatment

It is advisable to treat foodborne hepatitis in a clinic. The procedures are aimed at restoring fluid loss in the body, the functioning of the heart, liver and kidneys.

Water losses are restored by introducing solutions (trisol, disol, etc.) through droppers. The composition of the solution depends on the individual loss of minerals. Solutions are administered only intravenously. Medicines administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly are not absorbed on the first day of treatment. Hence, therapeutic effect do not give.

The dose and daily number of droppers are determined according to the condition of the animal and the approximate amount of losses.

The animal's body tries to remove toxins.

To stop vomiting, metoclopramide or cerucal is usually used. Due to severe vomiting, tablets are not used. The tablet is expelled from the stomach before the medicine is absorbed and begins to act.

Heart function is supported by administration of mildronate and cocarboxylase, or similar drugs. Administered intravenously or in a dropper. Essentiale, B vitamins, and glutargin are used to restore liver function.

The body's strength will be supported by a dropper with a 5% glucose solution. It will also speed up the elimination of toxins. Special means It is almost never used to stop diarrhea. Sick food hepatitis by the end of the second day the animals have nothing to defecate with. At proper treatment The urge to diarrhea goes away within 4 hours.

Typically, a course of drips lasts 3 days, injections - 5. Within three days, the dog begins to drink and eat. However for full recovery Carsil is prescribed to the liver for 2 to 3 months. For the same period, it is advisable to give the dog only medicated dry or canned food for animals with hepatitis. Similar foods are sold in veterinary pharmacies.

A signal for an urgent visit to the veterinarian is a deviation from the dog’s normal behavior and refusal to feed.

In the case of infectious viral hepatitis in dogs, as Wikipedia writes, one has to deal with a viral disease that affects the liver, central nervous system, digestive and respiratory tract.

Infectious hepatitis in dogs symptoms

The problem is similar to the infectious laryngotracheitis virus, and among the frequently occurring symptoms are the following:

heat animal body;
poor appetite or complete failure from food;
- thirst;
- diarrhea;
- vomit;
- lethargy;
- weakness.

In rare cases, a coma occurs, but it is no longer possible to get out of it.

Does hepatitis occur in dogs, can it be cured, prognosis

The problem may be acute, chronic, non-infectious or infectious form. According to representatives of the VNB, one of known forms Every third dog has hepatitis or hepatosis, and one of the reasons is poor diet and poor food.

If treatment is timely, there is a small chance of success, including in eliminating toxins from the body.

Treatment of infectious hepatitis in dogs: vaccination and vaccination

Polyvalent serums are most often used. As with canine distemper or parvovirus infection, it can be used either intramuscularly or subcutaneously. You need to look at the instructions for the drug. In some cases, 3 ml is enough for a four-legged patient weighing up to 5 kilograms, and above this, 5 ml is taken - this is to prevent the problem from occurring, and direct treatment involves doubling the dosage.

If you manage to get sick and survive, then the vaccine will not be needed, but here it is worth making a vaccination schedule and getting vaccinated as the veterinarian advises.

Is viral hepatitis in dogs contagious to humans, is it transmitted to humans?

Any member of the canine family can get sick, including raccoons and foxes. People have nothing to worry about.

Hepatitis in a dog in old age - treatment at home

Alas, in most cases you should immediately prepare for the worst.

Chronic hepatitis in dogs: how and how to treat it

If the blood test and series specific factors If they point out exactly this problem, then there is no need to worry too much, since the dog can live with it all its life, but constant treatment will be necessary.

In such a situation, the use of polyvalent serum and the use of immunomodulators and Essentiale are practiced, as well as vitamin complexes And balanced diet. Blood and gastric lavage may also be one of the components of the course of treatment, which is decided by the veterinarian after examining the patient.

Toxic hepatitis in dogs: symptoms and treatment

The problem may occur due to an overdose of drugs or toxic substances. The viral and toxic forms are similar, so an accurate determination and choice of treatment is beyond the power of a non-specialist.

Vaccination is used as a preventative measure, and treatment will be similar to that mentioned earlier.

Acute parenchymal hepatitis in dogs and cats

This is about inflammatory process, which may manifest as loss of appetite and fever. Constant constipation, alternating with diarrhea, is not uncommon. Urine tests show increased levels of urobilin and bilirubin. In the case of a cat, there may be bloody fluid coming from the nose.

During treatment, attention is paid dietary nutrition with complete protein and virtually no fat. Subcutaneous insulin solution and glucose can be used.

As a rule, a person remembers the liver only after particularly “turbulent” holidays... And this is good, since a lot depends on the work of this organ. And this is quite true not only for us, but also for animals. Thus, liver damage, that is, hepatitis in dogs, often leads to the most tragic consequences if the dog’s owners do not react in any way to the severe deterioration in their pet’s well-being.

If you simply decipher the term, you will simply get “inflammation of the liver.” It is accompanied by a massive blood flow to the affected organ, degenerative and necrotic phenomena. The performance of the liver is greatly impaired, which contributes to an increase in signs of general intoxication of the body and the appearance of other negative symptoms.


It can be acute and chronic, infectious and non-infectious. For some reason, it is generally accepted that only infectious hepatitis in dogs is widespread, although this is far from the case. Experts in internal non-communicable diseases (internal non-communicable diseases) say that in one form or another, hepatitis occurs in almost every third dog. This is due to the fact that not all owners try to select at least a more or less suitable food diet for their pets. As a result of feeding (about ten years) only dry food and water, even the strongest and most unpretentious liver can go to rest!

Feeding old, moldy food is extremely dangerous. Many owners believe that dogs “can eat everything,” giving their pets old and spoiled food. If an animal eats such food for a long time, then it may well “catch” not only hepatitis, but even cancer liver. By the way, the same applies to people who eat moldy bread, which is “a shame to throw away.” It should be noted that last years were marked by the emergence of a huge number drug-induced hepatitis. Why did this happen?

It's all about the availability and uncontrolled use of antibiotics.“Compassionate” owners not only “treat” themselves, but also stuff their pets with them with or without reason. Modern, powerful antibacterial agents really often help, but their constant use can lead to very unpleasant and extremely dangerous consequences, among which hepatitis is perhaps the “easiest” outcome. In addition, there is also steroid hepatitis. As you can understand, the cause is steroids.

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In general, their appearance in a dog’s body is due to the same factors... Unreasonable treatment hormonal drugs, their unauthorized prescription and use by animal owners - all this affects the development of the disease. Here it must be especially emphasized that hormones are a rather poorly studied area, and therefore medications should be prescribed only when there is really a need for them, and throughout their use the animal must be under strict control veterinarian! The same applies to serums and vaccines. These products should be used only by specialists, in the required doses!

Quite often, hepatitis is indeed of infectious origin. Perhaps this is the most dangerous and difficult to treat group, since not in all cases liver damage manifests itself immediately. Leptospirosis and other infections can lead to this outcome. Viral hepatitis in dogs is also common. Called 1 (CAV-1). This virus is specific (!) specifically for canines. Simply put, it is not transmitted to humans under any circumstances. So a sick dog can be safely kept in the same apartment with small children and elderly people: it will not pose any danger to them.

Read also: Dropsy in dogs: causes, diagnosis and treatment

What signs can you use to determine if your dog has a pathology?

As in all other cases, when something bothers an animal and something hurts, the dog becomes sharply depressed. If your dog has liver hepatitis infectious origin, her temperature rises. Most often there is a complete absence of appetite, thirst remains. The dog is lethargic, tries to lie down more, avoiding lying on the right side (the liver is greatly enlarged). When trying to palpate the right hypochondrium, he squeals and whines in pain. However, it is possible to feel the swollen, greatly enlarged organ without much difficulty. What other symptoms are there?

Yellowness of all visible mucous membranes quickly begins to appear, and toxic phenomena increase. In this case, the animal’s body temperature drops below normal, and the mucous membranes become unpleasantly cold. The dog may begin to itch a lot, often tearing out entire pieces of fur along with the skin. The skin itself is dry, there are numerous pockets of irritation and inflammation. The animal’s overall nutritional status drops sharply, and all signs of exhaustion and weakening of the body appear. Urine becomes saturated, yellow And bad smell. Diarrhea often occurs, and feces liquid, and again colored dark yellow.

Due to the appearance of bile in the general bloodstream, nervous phenomena are often recorded: the dog develops seizures (like epileptic seizures), paraplegia, tetraplegia (paralysis of two or all limbs).

Adenoviral hepatitis is especially pronounced. The fact is that this pathology can occur at lightning speed. The dog suddenly, “out of the blue,” develops a fever, the temperature goes through the roof, and some animals immediately go into a comatose state. If there is no good one nearby veterinary clinic, or they simply don’t have time to take the dog there, death occurs within a couple of hours maximum. Acute form leaves more chances for salvation.

Hepatitis in dogs is a very serious and dangerous disease. The sooner your pet is diagnosed, the greater the chance that the treatment will pass successfully. Today we will talk about the types, causes, symptoms and methods of treating hepatitis in dogs.

It can be acute or chronic. At the first sight, all the symptoms of hepatitis in a dog are bright and noticeable. With the second, the “clinic” is blurred and practically unnoticeable. Periodically chronic course the disease worsens, and it is at this time that the signs of hepatitis in the dog become most noticeable.

Primary and secondary hepatitis still occurs. Primary is also called toxic. But the secondary one develops as a result of a bacterial, viral or fungal infection in the mustache.


Infection. The most common type of hepatitis in dogs is viral. More precisely, adenovirus leads to pathological changes in the liver. But if the owners take care of their pet on time (vaccinate according to age), then the risk of the dog contracting viral hepatitis (and, consequently, its death) is reduced to almost zero. However, in addition to adenovirus, there is great amount causative agents of infectious diseases (plague, piroplasmosis, leptospirosis and others).


A dog doesn’t have to eat something bad (spoiled food, moldy, or poisonous) to get poisoned. Medicines also destroy and lead to inflammation of the liver. Heavy metals, poisons of insects or snakes, dangerous plants, household chemicals and so on can lead to disruption of the work of this body.

Ways of infection with hepatitis

The saliva of an infected dog contains most of the infectious agent. Therefore, most often the transmission of hepatitis by dogs occurs through contact. An animal can also become ill by sniffing urine and excrement, and in them the virus remains active for up to a year. But the virus also lives in the external environment for a certain time. Therefore, the likelihood of infection through dishes, toys, etc. is also quite high.

Scenario of the course of the disease

For infectious hepatitis, the incubation period lasts no more than a week. Clinical manifestations may appear as early as the third day. The disease lasts about three weeks and if successful, the dog receives lifelong immunity.

The disease scenarios are as follows:

  1. If the disease affects weak dog, the pet may die within a few hours. There is little chance of a favorable outcome in this case.
  2. Acute hepatitis. Acute infection A day is enough to kill a dog. Especially when it comes to puppies. But most of pets survive if the correct treatment is applied in a timely manner.
  3. Chronic hepatitis in dogs. This form of the disease has less severe symptoms and a slower course. Death is rare.


Enlarged liver

In a healthy mustache, this organ does not protrude beyond the boundaries of the last rib (with right side). The inflamed liver extends beyond the costal arches. If the organ is slightly enlarged, it is not always possible to palpate it, but after an ultrasound, changes in size will be visible. Often the liver is so huge that upon palpation and percussion of the right hypochondrium area, the animal shows all signs of pain (whines, bends over, moves away from the doctor).

Liver dysfunction

All liver functions are impaired. An inflamed organ is not able to perform its functions fully. Therefore, knowing about them, one can suspect serious problems with the health of your mustache.


Yellowness of the sclera, visible mucous membranes and skin in a dog - a sure sign of hepatitis. At chronic hepatitis(or at the very beginning of the disease) yellowness is weakly expressed. In addition, it does not always indicate hepatitis. It could be cirrhosis of the dog's liver or a blockage. bile ducts stones, and other liver diseases.

Vomiting and diarrhea

Vomiting and diarrhea. They are light, with bile. Then blood appears in them, which is why their color turns brown.

Other symptoms

Other symptoms of hepatitis in dogs:

  • Due to bile pigments, which are already in excess in the blood, urine becomes dark and brown. But feces, on the contrary, are almost colorless.
  • Body temperature may rise.
  • The heartbeat is arrhythmic.
  • At the onset of the disease, poor appetite and lethargy are noted. It may suggest that the problem is with the liver. biochemical analysis blood.

Signs viral hepatitis The dog's symptoms are as follows: temperature up to 41 degrees, vomiting and diarrhea. The tonsils are very inflamed, so much so that the dog cannot swallow anything normally. That’s why it’s hard for a mustache to turn his head. The neck may even swell. If you look at the eyes, you will notice clouding of the cornea (keratitis). Sometimes only on the eye, but more often on both eyes.


Even an experienced veterinarian will not be able to immediately give an unambiguous analysis in the case of hepatitis. Research will be required full history disease, compiled from anamnestic data, examination of the animal and the results laboratory tests for blood research. Among other things, sometimes a biopsy is also performed.

The doctor needs to figure out if the animal is sick with any infectious disease, which can show a similar clinical picture. X-rays are also used to analyze how much the liver is enlarged.

Treatment of a dog with hepatitis

How to treat hepatitis in a dog? The disease, you understand, is not simple and treatment must be comprehensive:

  • Treatment for a dog with hepatitis begins with a diagnosis. In case of a viral disease, it is necessary to begin specific (hyperimmune serum) and symptomatic treatment as soon as possible.
  • Hepatoprotectors are prescribed, which allow you to restore at least a little of the liver. Antibiotics will also be needed (but the name, dosage and duration of the course will be prescribed only by a veterinarian).

Droppers with glucose and ascorbic acid or saline solutions with Riboxin. But this is not the main therapy, but only supportive therapy to reduce the concentration of toxins and bile pigments in the blood, and also help liver cells regenerate faster.

Possible complications

An adult dog with hepatitis may experience the following complications:

  • infertility, premature birth, fetal death before birth;
  • increased susceptibility to pyelonephritis;
  • some disturbance of digestive functions;
  • acute failure liver and kidney functions;
  • hepatic encephalopathy;
  • development of glaucoma;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Diet for a dog with hepatitis

A dog with hepatitis must special food. Keep proteins to a minimum and fatty foods and exclude it altogether (this is an additional blow to the liver). More carbohydrates, clean water (add a little glucose powder to it, maybe sugar, but just a little). If your dog is on dry food, then look for a specialized one (for dogs with a diseased liver or digestive system with a minimum of protein, without soy).

Prevention of hepatitis in dogs

Prevention of hepatitis in dogs includes vaccinations (starting with puppy age, then annually “updating” vaccinations), avoiding contact with toxins/bad foods. Do not self-medicate. Do not increase the dosage of the drug or the duration of treatment on your own (a blow to the liver, especially when it comes to antibiotics or “illicit drugs”). Many medications for dogs are completely prohibited. Visit your veterinarian. Donate blood biochemistry (at least once every six months).

To prevent hepatitis in dogs, you also need:

  1. Carefully monitor your pet's contacts with other animals and control the food consumed per day. The same applies to drinking.
  2. Timely disinfection of the place where the dog is kept and its care items.
  3. Proper feeding and keeping four-legged pets.

Every dog ​​owner should remember that timely detected hepatitis can be cured faster and more reliably. Therefore, the first signs of an animal’s illness are a reason to visit a qualified specialist. There is no need to self-medicate under any circumstances. After all, lubricated clinical picture The disease will complicate subsequent diagnosis, and will also contribute to the development of complications, which can lead to death of the pet.

Details about viral diseases on video:

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