How to take a blood test for the Wasserman reaction - test indications, preparation and interpretation of the results. When is a false positive test for syphilis possible? Blood on the Wasserman reaction

Syphilis is a common sexually transmitted disease, if it is not detected in time, the body will get serious damage and possible death. Wasserman reaction - special analysis which should be done if this pathology is suspected, timely diagnosis will help to immediately cure the disease if the result is positive. You can become infected with syphilis not only through sexual contact, but also through household items, hygiene products, and bedding.

Methods for diagnosing syphilis

Tests should identify the main causative agent of the disease - treponema pallidum, also known as treponema pallidum. To do this, blood is drawn on an empty stomach for serological analysis. Such a study is considered to be the main type of laboratory diagnostics for detecting syphilis. The most common research methods are:

  • blood test for RW (RW) - Wasserman analysis;
  • RPHA – passive hemagglutination reaction;
  • ELISA – linked immunosorbent assay blood;
  • RIF – immunofluorescence reaction;
  • RPR – microprecipitation reaction with cardiolipin antigen;
  • RIBT – immobilization reaction of Treponema pallidum.

What is the Wasserman reaction

This laboratory analysis blood for syphilis, which is aimed at determining the immunological reaction to the penetration of the pathogen into the body. They begin in the human body characteristic processes when infected. The causative agent of the disease contains the antigen cardiolipin. The patient's blood serum, due to the presence of reagins in it, enters into a complement fixation reaction. The result is a specific complex with this antigen, which RV can detect.

When infected with syphilis, a person will definitely have antibodies to Treponema pallidum in his blood, which is characterized as a physiological response of the immune system. During the test, the drug cardiolipin is added to the collected blood. If the causative agent of syphilis is already in the body, the result will be visible RSC, which binds the introduced antigen and antibodies. In the decoding, the number of “+” signs indicates the intensity of the formation of complexes or “-” in their absence.

Indications for the study

It is recommended to carry out regularly general analysis blood in order to promptly identify any abnormalities in the human body, early stage staging the reaction can significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment. The following indications exist for donating serum to RW:

  1. During medical examinations, medical examinations on a regular basis with employees of trade, medicine, and education.
  2. During pregnancy. There is a possibility of infection of the fetus with syphilis in the womb, so it is important to identify the result of the Wasserman test in women who are planning to give birth to a child or are already carrying one. Pathology can cause serious harm to the baby.
  3. People who have had long-term contact with pathology at work or at home.
  4. If a person suffers from alcoholism or drug addiction.
  5. During urgent hospitalization of a patient with signs of syphilis.
  6. After intimacy without using a contraceptive with a random person.
  7. Anyone wishing to become a blood or sperm donor must be tested.
  8. If the pregnancy was terminated unnaturally.
  9. The test is carried out during and after serving time in prison.
  10. The reason for performing RV is the hospitalization of a patient with enlarged nodes lymphatic system and elevated temperature.

Blood for the Wasserman reaction during pregnancy

This is the initial test that your OB/GYN will ask you to take. A blood test for the Wasserman reaction may be inaccurate because the woman’s condition during this period affects the results. According to statistics, 32% of cases are false positive result. If there is a “+” in the decryption, you must go through differential diagnosis. It is recommended to perform the test once per trimester, regardless of the presence or absence of sexual intercourse. There are no contraindications for RW for pregnant women; this is a standard collection of material.


Some tests require specific preparation before taking. Wasserman's analysis will be as reliable as possible if 2 days before the test you do not drink any alcoholic beverages (even low-alcohol ones). It is recommended not to eat fatty foods during this period, so as not to distort the results. You should not take any digitalis preparations while preparing for RV.

How is the procedure performed?

Blood testing for the Wasserman reaction is carried out only on an empty stomach, this important condition. The last meal before collection should be no later than 6 hours. The employee who performs the manipulations sits the client on a chair or places him on a couch. The analysis requires 8-10 ml of blood from the cubital vein. If the study is carried out small child, then the material can be taken from the jugular or cranial vein.

How many days does a blood test for RW take?

There are two stages in conducting material research. Wasserman's rapid test will be ready in 2 hours, but it can only confirm or refute the presence of syphilis antibodies in the patient. To obtain quantitative information on the state of the blood and the concentration of antibodies to treponema, it takes from 1 to 7 days. The duration of analysis and interpretation depends on the laboratory and the number of ongoing tests.


A blood test according to Wasserman should only be deciphered qualified doctor. The results may indicate not only a negative or positive reaction, but also something in between. Only a specialist will be able to correctly interpret the data and not frighten the patient ahead of time. A typical negative result is indicated by a “-” sign and indicates the undoubted absence of syphilis in the human body.

Positive reaction

When assessing the concentration of antibodies, a positive manifestation can be marked by one, two, three or four pluses. The following symbols may appear in the decoding:

  1. “+” and “++” - the result indicates a dubious, weakly positive microreaction. Additional diagnostic tests and examination are necessary. After some time, you can repeat the analysis of August Wasserman, because there is no complete confidence in the absence or presence of syphilis. The reason for this result may be a violation preparatory procedures before donating blood.
  2. “+++” is a positive reaction. No additional or repeated confirmation is required; the patient has syphilis and should undergo full examination. Women are prescribed a smear from the vagina or uterus, men donate material from the urethra. This result is rarely erroneous, but clarifying tests may be prescribed if the patient’s symptoms are similar to other diseases.
  3. “++++” is the final positive result. High reaction intensity.
  4. “++++” is the final positive reaction. The result obtained is 100% reliable and does not require any additional analysis. The diagnosis is syphilis.

Wasserman reaction

Wasserman reaction (RW or EDS-Express Diagnostics of Syphilis) is an outdated method for diagnosing syphilis. Currently replaced by microprecipitation reaction ( anticardiolipin test, MP, RPR- Rapid Plasma Reagin). Named after the German immunologist August Wasserman, who proposed the method for carrying out this reaction. IN clinical practice Often all methods for diagnosing syphilis are called RW or Wassermann reaction, although in laboratory diagnostics this technique has not been used in Russia since the end of the 20th century. The advantage of the reaction is the ease of its implementation, the disadvantage is low specificity, which leads to false positive results.



A positive manifestation of the Wasserman reaction is also possible in healthy people for some other diseases other than syphilis (tuberculosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, blood diseases) and physiological conditions (pregnancy) and after childbirth. For malaria, tuberculosis, some viral and protozoal diseases, leprosy, pemphigus, leptospirosis, neoplasms, during menstruation, after anesthesia, after drinking alcohol on the eve of blood collection, fatty foods, medications, and the introduction of foreign serums, a positive response can also be obtained. In such cases, other methods (RPGA, ELISA, RIF) are used to clarify the diagnosis.

In culture

Boris Pasternak gave the name “Wasserman Reaction” to one of his early critical articles.


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See what the “Wasserman reaction” is in other dictionaries:

    WASSERMANN REACTION- (Wassermann reaction) Previously, this reaction was widely used to diagnose syphilis. In this case, a sample of the patient’s blood is taken for analysis; in the process of its study, the complement fixation reaction is used, which makes it possible to detect the presence in ... Dictionary in medicine

    Previously, this reaction was widely used to diagnose syphilis. In this case, a sample of the patient’s blood is taken for analysis; in the process of its study, the complement fixation reaction is used, which makes it possible to detect the presence of antibodies to... ... Medical terms

    WASSERMAN REACTION- WASSERMAN REACTION. The problem of sero-diagnosis of syphilis is interpreted in world literature since 1906, when Wassermann, together with Neisser and Bruck, proposed a reaction that received his name. A huge amount has accumulated on this issue... Great Medical Encyclopedia

    The Wasserman reaction (RW) is currently one of the main methods for diagnosing syphilis at any stage and has great importance V practical work dermatovenerologists. Named after the German immunologist August von Wasserman. When... ... Wikipedia

    Option PC K, used for serol. d syphilis (see). (Source: “Dictionary of Microbiology Terms”) ... Dictionary of microbiology

    Wasserman reaction- (Wasserman, 1906) serological reaction of complement fixation (see) for syphilis. Carried out with blood, topical or potential patient. * * * (named after the German immunologist A. Wassermann, 1866–1925) – serological... ...

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    - (medical) method of recognizing syphilis using serological reaction(see Serodiagnosis). Named after A. Wasserman. V. r. is based on the property of the blood serum of patients with syphilis to form with the corresponding antigen... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Method for diagnosing syphilis. Named after him. bacteriologist and immunologist A. Wasserman. (

There are many in biology and medicine nominal reactions, but everyone has heard about Wasserman’s test for syphilis. And although today these samples are very different from what he invented in 1906 German doctor August Wasserman, but this analysis retains his name. Syphilis remains one of the the most dangerous infections, an analysis form for the Wasserman reaction will be given to you upon passing medical examination, and upon admission to the hospital, and especially during pregnancy.

What does the average person know about syphilis?

For most of us, knowledge about this disease is limited to the famous poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky and the story “The Pit” by Ivan Kuprin.

Not a marginal disease at all

So, syphilis is systemic venereal disease which is transmitted exclusively through sexual contact or blood. The disease has been known to mankind for a long time, but only from the end of the 19th century the etiology of the disease was established, and blood tests for RW appeared, which made it possible to begin specific treatment from the earliest stages of infection.

The disease has a wave course; primary, secondary, and tertiary syphilis are distinguished. Moreover, several years may pass from the moment of infection to the tertiary period of development of the disease. Incubation period illness - 3-5 weeks, no symptoms at this stage.

This is what makes the disease dangerous. Absence discomfort even in the primary stage leads to the transition of the disease to chronic form. Moreover, it is in the first stages that the disease is highly contagious. By modern estimates, the incidence of syphilis today is 70-80 people per 100 thousand.

Periods of flow

  • Primary syphilis- this is the stage of development of the disease when the first syphilitic chancre appears. This is a painless ulcer or tubercle at the site where Treponema pallidum enters the body. At this stage, enlargement of the lymph nodes also occurs, but it is also painless and does not bother the person. Sometimes this stage of the disease is generally asymptomatic, without chancre.
  • Secondary syphilis - begins 9-12 weeks from the moment of infection. It is characterized by the fact that it already overcomes the barrier of the lymphatic system and enters the blood, with which it is distributed throughout the body. As a result, pronounced signs appear throughout the body. varying degrees rashes (roseola) that do not itch and go away, appearing elsewhere.
  • Tertiary syphilis - last stage a disease characterized by the appearance of tertiary chancre, roseola, tubercles and gummas. But the worst thing is: at this time, internal organs are already beginning to be affected.

Treatment of the disease includes the use of antibiotics penicillin series, the dosage and duration of treatment is determined only by a dermatovenerologist.

Test for syphilis

Wasserman's reaction is the only one effective diagnostics syphilis. And although it is not used in its original form today - it has been replaced by more sensitive RPR), the diagnostic principle remains the same. And the inscription on the blood test form for RW has remained a medical tradition.

The essence of the reaction is as follows. Artificial antigens (aggressor proteins), which are now synthesized from bovine heart, and complement (binding protein) are added to the patient's blood serum, which is supposed to contain antibodies (protective proteins) to Treponema pallidum.

If the antibodies in the patient’s blood match the Treponema pallidum antigens, they bind and precipitate. Accordingly, if there is no sediment, then there is no Treponema pallidum in the patient’s blood.

The results of Wasserman's analysis look like this:

  • ++++ precipitate, sharply positive reaction;
  • ++ there is sediment, but not much, a weakly positive reaction;
  • +/- partial flakes fall out, questionable reaction;
  • - no sediment, negative reaction.

But not everything is so simple with deciphering Wasserman’s analysis.

A questionable result is also a result

A blood test for syphilis (Wassermann reaction) is considered low-sensitive, since it is not the treponema itself that is used, but its substitutes. This means that quite often it gives a false positive result (the probability of error is 5-7%). This is a non-treponemal screening method, the main purpose of which is mass examination of the population.

A positive Wasserman test in the absence of disease may appear in the presence of the following factors:

In addition, there is a questionable result that requires re-checking.

Statistics say that in 4-6% of healthy citizens, the Wasserman reaction consistently gives a false positive result. So don’t immediately despair when you receive an analysis form for the Wasserman reaction with a “+/-” mark.

The basis of medical examinations and more

A blood test for syphilis (Wassermann reaction, or RW) is required in following cases:

  • Screening medical examinations for employees Food Industry, medicine and pedagogy.
  • Upon admission to hospital treatment and in preparation for surgical intervention.
  • Testing for syphilis is mandatory for pregnant women. At the same time, it is done at least three times - upon registration, in the second trimester and immediately before childbirth.
  • When moving into dormitories and during periodic inspections.
  • If a person wishes to be a donor.

In addition, you should know that treatment in in this case exclusively voluntary and should only be carried out in government institutions. The Criminal Code provides for liability for persons who know that they have syphilis and refuse treatment.

How it's done

This is a fairly simple analysis, but it is necessary to prepare for it. The day before blood sampling, you must avoid alcohol and not eat for at least 4 hours before the test. These simple rules will help minimize the possibility of false positive results.

For analysis, 10 ml of blood is taken from the cubital vein. Serum is made from the blood in the laboratory within no more than 2 days.

A rapid test for syphilis provides results within 2 hours. Conventional tests take from 1 to 7 days. How much Wasserman analysis is done depends largely on the specific medical institution.

Who will the doctors tell?

Answer: no one. In a relationship of this disease The rules of medical confidentiality are maintained. The doctor has no right to disclose the results of the patient’s examination to either employers or relatives. But at the same time, the infected person must remember that syphilis is a contagious disease, and therefore take the following recommendations from doctors very seriously:

Congenital syphilis

Despite free observation and management of pregnancy in antenatal clinics, the problem of congenital syphilis remains relevant. And this happens because many women neglect to register and come to the maternity hospital immediately to give birth.

Treponema pallidum can cross the placental barrier and enter the fetal bloodstream if the mother has syphilis during pregnancy. Fetal lesions occur in the 16th week of pregnancy, but in most cases miscarriage occurs before this. If treatment is started before this period, it is quite possible to prevent the development of congenital syphilis in the fetus.

Before the end of the second trimester (28 weeks), a woman has the right to make her own decision about prolonging pregnancy if congenital syphilis has already been established. In the third trimester (after 28 weeks), pregnancy can be terminated by medical indicators if the fetus shows significant signs congenital pathology.

What will this mean for the child?

If the baby becomes infected with syphilis in the womb, then the development of events follows several scenarios:

  • Early infection of the fetus leads to miscarriage or stillbirth.
  • Early congenital syphilis manifests itself in an infant under 2 years of age. The symptoms of this pathology include the appearance of syphilitic blisters and skin infiltration, which are often located on the palms and soles of the child, and the appearance of syphilitic rhinitis.
  • Late congenital syphilis may appear at an older age. Symptoms include reliable and probable signs. Reliable - Hutchinson's teeth, labyrinthine deafness, parenchymal keratitis (clouding of the cornea of ​​the eyes). Probable - hydrocephalic skull with enlarged frontal lobes, Robinson-Fournier scars (radiant scars at the corners of the lips), spider fingers.

If the child is diagnosed in the first months of life and given adequate and qualified treatment, then treatment of syphilis gives very good results.


Syphilis is a scary word that is very scary. But today this disease is completely curable. You should not immediately panic when you receive questionable results from Wasserman’s analysis. Everything may be completely wrong, and this needs to be confirmed by additional examinations.

But do not forget that treponema pallidum is quite widespread in the human population. And it is precisely the asymptomatic course initial stages syphilis leads to its spread. And since the main route of infection is sexual, how to protect yourself from infection is clear to every adult.

Syphilis is the name of a sexually transmitted disease that develops as a result of the penetration of a pathogen into the human body - the bacterium Treponema pallidum (treponema pallidum). In order to avoid serious consequences and begin treatment in a timely manner, it is necessary to recognize the disease as early as possible; this can be done by performing a blood test for RW.

A blood test for syphilis is carried out to determine the presence in the patient’s blood of antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis or Treponema pallidum, as well as decay products of damaged cells.
It is important to remember what the blood test for syphilis is called - RW.

The Wasserman reaction is one of the most known methods, which are used in diagnosing this disease, to carry it out, a sample is taken venous blood supposed patient.
Diagnosing syphilis is quite difficult, since due to the characteristics of the disease, its presence can only be determined during certain periods.

This can be done from 3 to 5 weeks after infection, and from 7 to 10 days after the first signs appear chancre. If the results make it clear that there are an order of magnitude less antibodies, this may be a sign of secondary syphilis. Strange as it may sound, but late stage a negative result may appear.

Reasons for appointment

When are blood tests prescribed for RW?

  • in case of planning pregnancy and contacting antenatal clinic(registration);
  • if inpatient treatment or diagnostic or therapeutic procedures are required;
  • conducting an annual survey;
  • if you suspect a sexually transmitted disease;
  • when donating blood;
  • to monitor the effectiveness of drugs used during the treatment of syphilis;
  • during casual sexual intercourse;
  • it is recommended to do a blood test for syphilis for varicose veins, lupus erythematosus and many other diseases;
  • people in prison.

Preparing for analysis

  1. It is recommended to do a blood test for syphilis on an empty stomach, that is, not eat for at least 8-12 hours before the procedure.
  2. Drinking tea, coffee, and alcohol is prohibited; drinking plain water is allowed.
  3. The day before, you should refrain from eating fatty foods.

Positive reaction

If the presence of the causative agent of syphilis or its waste products is determined in a person’s blood, this means the presence of the disease. In this case, shown additional methods research.

The causative agent of syphilis is Treponema pallidum.

Negative reaction

If during the analysis the Wasserman RW reaction is negative, then there is no disease. However, in some cases the analysis may need to be repeated.

False positive reaction

The Wasserman reaction can be positive even in the absence of disease in the following cases:

  • within a year after cure of syphilis;
  • in the period after the postponed serious illnesses: malaria, pneumonia, smallpox, typhus, etc.;
  • pregnancy period;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • presence of cancer;
  • viral hepatitis;
  • if the procedure is carried out incorrectly;
  • improper preparation of the patient.

Interpretation of the result

How to interpret the results of analysis on RW?

  1. "-" negative reaction.
  2. “+”, “++” weakly positive reaction.
  3. “+++” positive reaction.
  4. “++++” is a strongly positive reaction.

If the Wasserman reaction is positive, a person should immediately consult a venereologist to prescribe further research, and if the disease is confirmed, prescribe adequate treatment and observations.

Referral form for blood test Wasserman reaction

After all, with timely treatment, there is a greater chance of complete relief from the disease and prevents its transition to a chronic form. Moreover, such a disease as syphilis does not go away without a trace, it can cause serious consequences and threatens human life.

RW positive

What tests are prescribed after RW + (positive)? If the result of a blood test for syphilis is positive, do not get upset ahead of time, as this does not always accurately indicate the presence of the disease. In order to confirm or deny the presence terrible diagnosis it is necessary to undergo a number of additional studies.

We know that RW is a nonspecific test, that is, when it is carried out, it does not determine the presence of the bacterium itself, but only signs of its vital activity are visible, and this gives rise to the possibility of errors during diagnosis.

The final diagnosis of syphilis can only be made after three different tests: one nonspecific and two specific (treponemal) tests, which determine the presence of the pathogen.

Nowadays, blood can be tested for syphilis in almost any clinic or medical center. Due to the fact that the incidence of syphilis in the country ranks first among STDs, great assistance is provided in the diagnosis and prevention of this disease.

Preventive measures

But, despite all the measures taken by our medicine, this does not stop the spread of the disease completely, so every reasonable person must take care of his own health.

  • avoid casual sex;
  • eliminate the use of alcohol and drugs;
  • using a condom;
  • in case of unexpected contact, within two hours it is necessary to use an antiseptic, for example miramistin or cidipol. If more than 6 hours have passed, all measures will be in vain.

To prevent infection, you must adhere to several of the above rules. “Many diseases are much easier to prevent than to treat.” This statement, like nothing else, fits the disease - syphilis.

Knowing what a blood test for rw is is necessary to take care of the health of any person, starting from adolescence.

The problem of the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, in part, develops from people’s ignorance of methods for diagnosing diseases.

What kind of analysis is this?

Wasserman reaction (RW) or EMF- one of the most effective ways early diagnosis syphilis.

On RV has become the basis for most modern rapid tests.

The test determines the presence of Treponema pallidum, the causative agent of syphilis, in a person’s blood.

The mechanism of action of the analysis is to determine the level of production immune system the body's antibodies against the pathogen.

– one of the most common representatives of sexually transmitted diseases. Methods of transmission of the disease include sexual intercourse, infection through incest and salivary exchange. There is also a possibility of catching treponema through other body secretions.

Syphilis is divided into three stages, the so-called “course”:

  • Primary, the symptoms of which are ulcerative formations in the area that has become infected. Next, the lymph nodes enlarge near the affected area. Ulcerative formation goes away on its own, 3-6 weeks after its occurrence;
  • Secondary, symptoms appear 4-10 weeks after the formation of ulcers. It is expressed in a pale rash distributed throughout the patient’s body, headaches, bodily weakness and increased body temperature. These signs are similar to precursors. Then, in a random order, an increase occurs lymph nodes. Symptoms have a wave character, periodically appearing and disappearing.
  • Tertiary. This stage of the disease is expressed in damage nervous system human, skeletal and internal organs. This stage is reached after several years of absence of proper treatment measures.

A person infected with syphilis may not be aware of the diagnosis for many years. In some cases, syphilis does not develop, but remains in the human body.

As a result, the latter becomes a carrier of a sexually transmitted disease and is unaware of the danger threatening him and his environment.

With this variant of the course of the disease, the rw blood test is the preferred diagnostic method. The advantage of this method is that it can reveal the period of time during which a person is infected with syphilis.

Early diagnosis is the key to a successful treatment outcome for a syphilis carrier.

Indications for taking a blood test rw

A person may not be aware of his illness, since symptoms do not appear immediately. Therefore, a blood test is mandatory for a wide range of people. Representatives of this circle are:

  • workers in the field Catering, production and sale of food products;
  • citizens registering with treatment and preventive organizations;
  • people with drug addiction;
  • employees of health and medical organizations;
  • donors of any part of the body;
  • patients with prolonged fever.

Anyone can take rw by at will. Analysis for rw is the key to a trusting relationship between sexual partners, as well as a guarantor of long-term happiness.

Mechanism for submission and verification of analysis

Before taking a blood test for rw, you should prepare. Blood for rw is collected only on an empty stomach, or 8 hours after last appointment food.

It is prohibited to drink any liquids 12 hours before the procedure, except clean water, smoke, take medicines. Analysis for rw is contraindicated in:

  • body temperature is higher than normal;
  • the person has recently had an infectious or viral disease;
  • during menstruation;
  • 2 weeks before a woman gives birth;
  • earlier than 2 weeks after the woman gives birth;
  • the person took an alcoholic drink less than 24 hours ago;
  • child less than 14 days old.

The rw blood test proceeds as follows:

  • blood is collected from the ulnar vein;
  • the minimum blood volume requirement is 9 ml;
  • in newborns, blood is collected from a surgical incision on the heel;
  • at the time of the reaction, the blood storage period should not exceed 48 hours from the moment of collection;
  • The temperature regime for storing blood is strictly in the range of 3-4 °C.

Wasserman reaction technology:

  • Serum is prepared from blood - the blood is kept at certain temperatures in a thermostatic apparatus, rotated at a speed of 1000 rpm, then red blood cells are separated.
  • The serum is divided into 3 test tubes and mixed with special substances and solutions. Treponemal antigen is added to one of the tubes. One test tube remains as a control.
  • The tubes are inserted into a thermostatic apparatus for primary incubation of the possible causative agent of syphilis. After a certain period of time, the blood serum data from all three tubes are compared. The research result is ready.

The principle of decoding the result of RW analysis

Analysis on rw is understandable to anyone. Only the meaning of its symbolic designation should be studied.

The process of hemolysis of red blood cells (destruction of the membrane of red blood cells, as a result of which a red sediment remains at the bottom, the serum itself is transparent and colorless) is the norm for the blood of a healthy person.

A positive rw test is assessed by comparison with a control blood sample.

The result of the reaction to syphilis pathogens is indicated by:

  • “-“ – negative reaction, hemolysis of erythrocytes occurs in the standard mode;
  • “+” or “1+” – indicates a short-term delay in the hemolysis process;
  • “++” or “2+” – weak positive reaction, indicates a partial delay in the process;
  • “+++” or “3+” – positive value, significant delay in hemolysis;
  • “++++” or “4+” is a sharply positive reaction, hemolysis does not occur.
  • “+/-“ is a dubious reaction.

The Wasserman reaction does not show with absolute accuracy the presence or absence of a disease, however most of results is correct.

A false positive Wasserman reaction occurs when:

The positive and false-positive Wasserman reaction during pregnancy and not only is a kind of impetus for carrying out comprehensive research state of the body.

The result of the rw analysis may be erroneous, but during the study the presence or absence of other diseases may be revealed.

If the result is with varying degrees of positivity, you should undergo 2 more studies, similar to the rw blood test, to confirm or refute the presence of syphilis:

  • Immunofluorescence reaction, abbreviated as “RIF”. This procedure determines the presence of treponemes at an early stage of infection. By adding a pathogen to the collected human blood and observing the reaction to illumination, the presence of the disease can be determined. If the contents of the test tube begin to glow, then syphilis is confirmed.
  • Treponema pallidum immobilization reaction, abbreviation “RIBT”. Such a study will accurately distinguish a false positive result from other types, confirm or refute positive test blood on the ditch

When repeating the analysis and confirming the diagnosis, it is necessary to immediately begin therapeutic measures. This sexually transmitted disease can be cured at the primary stage.

At subsequent stages of the disease, thanks to medicines, you can maintain stable health and prevent further development diseases.

A positive Wasserman reaction during pregnancy threatens the transmission of the disease to the unborn child. The development of the fetus is likely to occur with disturbances and complications, and there is a possibility of death of the embryo.

In order to avoid such unpleasant consequences for the newborn, pregnancy proceeds under the strict supervision of a whole group of specialists. Various measures are being taken to prevent transmission of the disease to an infant. The Wasserman reaction during pregnancy is carried out regularly in order to exclude an erroneous result.

Immediately after the birth of the child, doctors visually examine the placenta for the presence of infection sites and assess its density. If the density of the placental tissue is low, part of it may remain in the mother's body. It's threatening unpleasant consequences and complications, and also requires urgent cleaning of the reproductive tract.

14 days after birth, the mother and child are subjected to a series of tests to determine the level of health, the presence of diseases and disorders in the development of the baby. During the initial 12 months of life, the child is registered with a venereologist and regularly undergoes blood tests for rw and preventive measures. As they grow older, repeated studies are carried out every few years.

What is a blood test for rw is necessary for every person to know to ensure safe coexistence with carriers of the disease, as well as self-diagnosis for the presence of syphilis.

Syphilis is a difficult diagnosis, but it can be corrected and cured at the primary stage. Therefore, knowledge about the disease and methods for diagnosing it can save the lives of many people.

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