To teach the technique of performing simple tubing for cholelithiasis. Tubage technique. Tubage with magnesia

Plutonium metal is used in nuclear weapons and serves as nuclear fuel. Plutonium oxides are used as an energy source for space technology and find their application in fuel rods. Plutonium is used in spacecraft power supplies. Plutonium-239 nuclei are capable of a nuclear chain reaction when exposed to neutrons, so this isotope can be used as a source of atomic energy. The more frequent use of plutonium-239 in nuclear bombs is due to the fact that plutonium occupies a smaller volume in the sphere, therefore it is possible to gain in the explosive power of the bomb due to this property. A plutonium nucleus during a nuclear reaction emits on average about 2.895 neutrons versus 2.452 neutrons for uranium-235. However, the cost of producing plutonium is approximately six times higher than that of uranium-235.

Plutonium isotopes have found their use in the synthesis of transplutonium elements. Thus, mixed oxide of plutonium-242 in 2009 and bombardment with calcium-48 ions in 2010 of the same isotope were used to produce ununquadium. At Oak Ridge National Laboratory, long-term neutron irradiation of Pu is used to produce 24496Cm, 24296Cm, 24997Bk, 25298Cf and 25399Es and 257100Fm. With the exception of Pu, all remaining transuranium elements were produced in the past for research purposes. Thanks to neutron capture of plutonium isotopes in 1944, G. T. Seaborg and his group obtained the first isotope of americium 24195Am Am). To confirm that there are only 14 actinides, the synthesis of rutherfordium nuclei was carried out in 1966 in Dubna under the leadership of Academician G.N. Flerov:

24294Pu + 2210Ne → 260104Rf + 4n.

δ-Stabilized plutonium alloys are used in the manufacture of fuel cells, since they have better metallurgical properties compared to pure plutonium, which undergoes phase transitions when heated.

“Ultra-pure” plutonium is used in US Navy nuclear weapons and is used on ships and submarines under lead nuclear shielding, which reduces the dose burden on the crew.

Plutonium-238 and plutonium-239 are the most widely synthesized isotopes.

  • The first plutonium-based nuclear device was detonated on July 16, 1945 at the Alamogordo test site.

Nuclear weapon

Plutonium was very often used in nuclear bombs. Historical fact is the dropping of a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki in 1945 by the United States. The bomb dropped on this city contained 6.2 kg of plutonium. The power of the explosion was 21 kilotons. By the end of 1945, 60-80 thousand people died. After 5 years, the total death toll, including deaths from cancer and other long-term effects of the explosion, may have reached or even exceeded 140,000.

The principle by which a nuclear explosion involving plutonium occurred was the design of a nuclear bomb. The “core” of the bomb consisted of a sphere filled with plutonium-239, which, at the moment of impact with the ground, was compressed to a million atmospheres due to the design and thanks to the environment surrounding this sphere explosive. After the impact, the core expanded in volume and density for tens of microseconds, while the compressible assembly jumped through the critical state on thermal neutrons and became significantly supercritical on fast neutrons, that is, a nuclear chain reaction began with the participation of neutrons and nuclei of the element. It should be taken into account that the bomb should not have exploded prematurely. However, this is practically impossible, since in order to compress a plutonium ball by just 1 cm in ten nanoseconds, it is necessary to impart to the substance an acceleration tens of trillions of times greater than the acceleration of gravity. During the final explosion of a nuclear bomb, the temperature rises to tens of millions of degrees. It should be noted that in our time, 8-9 kg of this element is enough to create a full-fledged nuclear charge.

Just one kilogram of plutonium-239 can produce an explosion that is equivalent to 20,000 tons of TNT. Even 50 g of the element during the fission of all nuclei will produce an explosion equal to the detonation of 1000 tons of TNT. This isotope is the only suitable nuclide for use in nuclear weapons, since the presence of at least 1% Pu will lead to the formation of a large number of neutrons, which will not allow the effective use of a cannon charge scheme for a nuclear bomb. The remaining isotopes are considered only because of their harmful effects.

Plutonium-240 can be present in a nuclear bomb in small quantities, but if its content is increased, premature destruction will occur. chain reaction. This isotope has a high probability of spontaneous fission, which makes it impossible to contain a large percentage of it in fissile material.

According to Al-Jazeera, Israel has about 118 warheads containing plutonium as a radioactive substance. It is believed that South Korea has about 40 kg of plutonium, the amount of which is enough to produce 6 nuclear missiles. In 2007, the IAEA estimated that the plutonium produced in Iraq was enough for two nuclear warheads per year. In 2006, Pakistan began construction of a nuclear reactor that will produce about 200 kg of radioactive element per year. In terms of the number of nuclear warheads, this figure will be approximately 40-50 bombs.

Several treaties were signed between Russia and the United States throughout the first decade of the 21st century. So, in particular, in 2003, an agreement was signed on the processing of 68 tons of plutonium at the Balakovo NPP into MOX fuel by 2024. In 2007, the countries signed a plan for Russia to dispose of 34 tons of plutonium created for Russian weapons programs. In 2010, an agreement was signed on the disposal of nuclear weapons, in particular plutonium, the amount of which would be enough to produce 17 thousand nuclear warheads.

In 2010, on November 17, an agreement was signed between the United States and Kazakhstan to close the BN-350 industrial nuclear reactor in the city of Aktau, which generated electricity using plutonium. This reactor was the first pilot fast neutron reactor in the world and Kazakhstan; His term of service was 27 years.

Nuclear contamination

During the period when nuclear tests based on plutonium began, and when its radioactive properties were just beginning to be studied, over 5 tons of the element were released into the atmosphere. Since the 1970s, the share of plutonium in radioactive contamination of the Earth's atmosphere began to increase.

Plutonium reached the northwest Pacific Ocean mainly through nuclear testing. Increased content element is explained by the US conducting nuclear tests on the territory of the Marshall Islands at the Pacific Test Site in the 1950s. The main pollution from these tests occurred in 1960. Based on scientists' assessments, the presence of plutonium in the Pacific Ocean is increased compared to general distribution nuclear materials on earth. According to some calculations, the radiation dose emanating from cesium-137 on the atolls of the Marshall Islands is approximately 95%, and the remaining 5 are isotopes of strontium, americium and plutonium.

Plutonium in the ocean is transported through physical and biogeochemical processes. The residence time of plutonium in surface ocean waters ranges from 6 to 21 years, which is generally shorter than that of cesium-137. In contrast to this isotope, plutonium is an element that partially reacts with the environment and forms 1-10% of insoluble compounds of the total mass that enters the environment. environment. Plutonium in the ocean falls to the bottom along with biogenic particles, from which it is reduced to soluble forms as a result of microbial decomposition. The most common of its isotopes in the marine environment are plutonium-239 and plutonium-240.

In January 1968, an American B-52 aircraft carrying four nuclear weapons crashed on the ice near Thule, Greenland, after an unsuccessful landing. The collision caused an explosion and fragmentation of the weapon, releasing plutonium onto the ice floe. After the explosion upper layer The contaminated snow was demolished and as a result a crack formed, through which plutonium entered the water. To reduce damage to nature, approximately 1.9 billion liters of snow and ice, which could be subject to radioactive contamination, were collected. It subsequently turned out that one of the four charges was never found.

There is a known case when the Soviet spacecraft Cosmos-954 on January 24, 1978, with a nuclear power source on board, fell into Canadian territory during an uncontrolled deorbit. This incident resulted in the release of 1 kg of plutonium-238 into the environment over an area of ​​about 124,000 m².

The release of plutonium into the environment is not only associated with man-made incidents. There have been known cases of plutonium leaking from both laboratory and factory settings. There were about 22 accidental leaks from laboratories of uranium-235 and plutonium-239. During 1953-1978. accidents resulted in the loss of 0.81 to 10.1 kg Pu. Industrial incidents resulted in a total of two deaths in Los Alamos due to two accidents and the loss of 6.2 kg of plutonium. In the city of Sarov in 1953 and 1963. approximately 8 and 17.35 kg fell outside the nuclear reactor. One of them led to the destruction of a nuclear reactor in 1953.

Isotopic radioactivity levels as of April 1986.

There is a known case of an accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which occurred on April 26, 1986. As a result of the destruction of the fourth power unit, 190 tons of radioactive substances were released into the environment over an area of ​​about 2200 km². Eight of the reactor's 140 tons of radioactive fuel ended up in the air. The contaminated area was 160,000 km². Significant resources were mobilized to eliminate the consequences; more than 600 thousand people participated in eliminating the consequences of the accident. The total activity of substances released into the environment was, according to various estimates, up to 14×10 Bq, including:

  • 1.8 EBq 13153I,
  • 0.085 EBq 13755Cs,
  • 0.01 EBq 9038Sr
  • 0.003 EBq plutonium isotopes,
  • noble gases accounted for about half of the total activity.

Currently, most residents of the contaminated zone receive less than 1 mSv per year above the natural background.

Source of energy and heat

As is known, nuclear energy is used to convert into electricity by heating water, which, evaporating and forming superheated steam, rotates the turbine blades of electric generators. The advantage of this technology is the absence of any greenhouse gases that have a detrimental effect on the environment. As of 2009, 438 nuclear power plants worldwide generated approximately 371.9 GW of electricity. However, the disadvantage of the nuclear industry is nuclear waste, of which approximately 12,000 tons are processed per year. This amount of waste material represents a rather difficult task for nuclear power plant employees. By 1982, it was estimated that ~300 tons of plutonium had been accumulated.

Plutonium-238 dioxide tablet.

The yellow-brown powder, consisting of plutonium dioxide, can withstand heating up to temperatures of 1200 °C. The synthesis of the compound occurs through the decomposition of plutonium tetrahydroxide or tetranitrate in an oxygen atmosphere:


The resulting chocolate-colored powder is sintered and heated in a stream of moist hydrogen to 1500 °C. This produces tablets with a density of 10.5-10.7 g/cm³, which can be used as nuclear fuel. Plutonium dioxide is the most stable and inert of the plutonium oxides and by heating to high temperatures decomposes into components, and therefore is used in the processing and storage of plutonium, as well as its further use as a source of electricity. One kilogram of plutonium is equivalent to approximately 22 million kWh of thermal energy.

The USSR produced several Topaz RTGs, which were intended to generate electricity for spacecraft. These devices were designed to work with plutonium-238, which is an α-emitter. After the fall Soviet Union The United States purchased several such devices to study their design and further use in their long-term space programs.

RTG probe New Horizons.

Polonium-210 could be called a completely worthy replacement for plutonium-238. Its heat output is 140 W/g, and just one gram can heat up to 500 °C. However, due to its extremely short half-life for space missions, the use of this isotope in the space industry is severely limited.

Plutonium-238 found its use as a power source for the probe during the 2006 launch of the New Horizons probe to Pluto. The radioisotope generator contained 11 kg of high-purity Pu dioxide, which produced an average of 220 W of electricity throughout the entire journey. There were concerns about the unsuccessful launch of the probe, but it still took place. After launch, the probe reached a speed of 36,000 mph thanks to the Earth's gravitational forces. In 2007, a gravity maneuver around Jupiter increased its speed by another 9,000 miles, allowing it to make its closest approach to Pluto in July 2015 and then continue its observation of the Kuiper Belt.

The Galileo and Cassini probes were also equipped with power sources based on plutonium. The isotope will also be used on future missions, for example, the Curiosity rover will receive energy from plutonium-238. Its descent to the surface of Mars is planned for August 2012. The rover will use the latest generation of RTGs, called the Multi-Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator. This device will produce 125 W of electrical power, and after 14 years 100 W. To operate the rover, 2.5 kWh of energy will be produced from nuclear fission. Plutonium-238 is the optimal energy source, releasing 0.56 W g. The use of this isotope with lead telluride, which is used as a thermoelectric element, forms a very compact and long-lasting source of electricity without any moving parts of the structure, which allows “saving” spacecraft space.

RTG SNAP-27, used in the Apollo 14 mission.

Several kilograms of PuO 2 were used not only on Galileo, but also on some of the Apollo missions. The SNAP-27 power generator, whose thermal and electrical power was 1480 W and 63.5 W, respectively, contained 3.735 kg of plutonium-238 dioxide. To reduce the risk of explosion or other possible accidents, beryllium was used as a heat-resistant, lightweight and durable element. The SNAP-27 was the last type of generator used by NASA for space missions; previous types used other sources of electricity.

During the passive seismic experiment on the Moon, the Apollo 11 mission used two 15 W radioisotope heat sources that contained 37.6 g of plutonium dioxide in the form of microspheres. The generator was used on the Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 missions. It was designed to provide electrical power to scientific equipment installed on spacecraft. During the Apollo 13 mission, the lunar module deviated from its trajectory, causing it to burn up in the dense layers of the atmosphere. Inside SNAP-27, the above-mentioned isotope was used, which is surrounded by corrosion-resistant materials and will be stored in them for another 870 years.

Plutonium-236 and plutonium-238 are used to manufacture nuclear electric batteries, the service life of which reaches 5 years or more. They are used in current generators that stimulate the heart. As of 2003, there were 50-100 people in the United States with a plutonium pacemaker. The use of plutonium-238 may extend to the suits of divers and astronauts. Beryllium, together with the above isotope, is used as a source of neutron radiation.

In 2007, the UK began demolishing Calder Hall's oldest plutonium nuclear power station, which began operations on October 17, 1956 and ended on September 29, 2007.

Breeder reactors

Schematic representation of fast neutron breeder reactors with liquid metal coolant, with integral and loop equipment layout.

To produce large quantities of plutonium, breeder reactors are built, which make it possible to produce significant quantities of plutonium. Reactors are called “breeders” because with their help it is possible to obtain fissile material in quantities exceeding its production costs.

In the USA, the construction of the first reactors of this type began before 1950. In the USSR and Great Britain, their construction began in the early 1950s. However, the first reactors were created to study the neutronic characteristics of reactors with a hard neutron spectrum. Therefore, the first samples were not supposed to demonstrate large production quantities, but the possibility of implementing technical solutions included in the first reactors of this type.

The difference between defrosting reactors and conventional nuclear reactors is that the neutrons in them are not slowed down, that is, there is no neutron moderator in order for as many of them as possible to react with uranium-238. After the reaction, atoms of uranium-239 are formed, which subsequently forms plutonium-239. In such reactors, the central part containing plutonium dioxide in depleted uranium dioxide is surrounded by a shell of even more depleted uranium-238 dioxide, in which Pu is formed. Using U and U together, such reactors can produce 50-60 times more energy from natural uranium, thus allowing the use of reserves of uranium ores that are most suitable for processing. The breeding factor is calculated by the ratio of nuclear fuel produced to consumed. However, achieving high reproductive rates is not an easy task. The fuel rods in them must be cooled by something other than water, which reduces their energy. The use of liquid sodium as a cooling element has been proposed. Breeder reactors use uranium-235 enriched to more than 15% by mass to achieve the required neutron irradiation and a breeding factor of approximately 1-1.2.

Currently, it is more economically profitable to obtain uranium from uranium ore enriched to 3% with uranium-235 than to multiply uranium into plutonium-239 using uranium-235 enriched by 15%. Simply put, the advantage of breeders is the ability, during operation, not only to produce electricity, but also to utilize uranium-238, which is unsuitable as a nuclear fuel.

Description of plutonium

Plutonium(Plutonium) is a heavy chemical element silver-colored, radioactive metal with atomic number 94, which is designated in the periodic table by the symbol Pu.

This electronegative active chemical element belongs to the group of actinides with an atomic mass of 244.0642, and, like neptunium, which received its name in honor of the planet of the same name, this chemical owes its name to the planet Pluto, since the predecessors of the radioactive element in periodic table Mendeleev's chemical elements are neptunium, which were also named after the distant cosmic planets of our Galaxy.

Origin of plutonium

Element plutonium was first discovered in 1940 at the University of California by a group of radiologist and scientific researchers G. Seaborg, E. McMillan, Kennedy, A. Walch when bombarding a uranium target from a cyclotron with deuterons - heavy hydrogen nuclei.

In December of the same year, scientists discovered plutonium isotope– Pu-238, whose half-life is more than 90 years, and it was found that under the influence of the most complex nuclear chemical reactions The isotope neptunium-238 is initially obtained, after which the isotope is formed plutonium-238.

In early 1941, scientists discovered plutonium 239 with a decay period of 25,000 years. Isotopes of plutonium can have different neutron contents in the nucleus.

A pure compound of the element was only obtained at the end of 1942. Every time radiological scientists discovered a new isotope, they always measured the half-lives of the isotopes.

At the moment, plutonium isotopes, of which there are 15 in total, differ in time duration half-life. It is with this element that great hopes and prospects are associated, but at the same time, serious fears of humanity.

Plutonium has significantly greater activity than, for example, uranium and is one of the most expensive technically important and significant substances of a chemical nature.

For example, the cost of a gram of plutonium is several times more than one gram, , or other equally valuable metals.

The production and extraction of plutonium is considered costly, and the cost of one gram of metal in our time confidently remains at around 4,000 US dollars.

How is plutonium obtained? Plutonium production

The production of the chemical element occurs in nuclear reactors, inside which uranium is split under the influence of complex chemical and technological interrelated processes.

Uranium and plutonium are the main, main components in the production of atomic (nuclear) fuel.

If it is necessary to obtain a large amount of a radioactive element, the method of irradiation of transuranic elements, which can be obtained from spent nuclear fuel and irradiation of uranium, is used. Complex chemical reactions allow the metal to be separated from uranium.

To obtain isotopes, namely plutonium-238 and weapons-grade plutonium-239, which are intermediate decay products, irradiation of neptunium-237 with neutrons is used.

A tiny fraction of plutonium-244, which is the longest-lived isotope due to its long half-life, was discovered in cerium ore, which is likely preserved from the formation of our planet Earth. This radioactive element does not occur naturally in nature.

Basic physical properties and characteristics of plutonium

Plutonium is a fairly heavy radioactive chemical element with a silvery color that only shines when purified. Nuclear mass of metal plutonium equal to 244 a. eat.

Due to its high radioactivity, this element is warm to the touch and can heat up to a temperature that exceeds the boiling temperature of water.

Plutonium, under the influence of oxygen atoms, quickly darkens and becomes covered with an iridescent thin film of initially light yellow, and then a rich or brown hue.

With strong oxidation, the formation of PuO2 powder occurs on the surface of the element. This type of chemical metal is subject to strong oxidation processes and corrosion even at low levels of humidity.

To prevent corrosion and oxidation of the metal surface, a drying facility is necessary. Photo of plutonium can be viewed below.

Plutonium is a tetravalent chemical metal; it dissolves well and quickly in hydroiodic substances, acidic environments, for example, in chlorine, .

Metal salts are quickly neutralized in environments with a neutral reaction, alkaline solutions, while forming insoluble plutonium hydroxide.

The temperature at which plutonium melts is 641 degrees Celsius, the boiling point is 3230 degrees.

Under the influence of high temperature conditions unnatural changes in the density of the metal occur. In its form, plutonium has various phases and has six crystal structures.

During the transition between phases, significant changes in the volume of the element occur. The element acquires its most dense form in the sixth alpha phase (the last stage of the transition), while the only things heavier than the metal in this state are neptunium and radium.

When melted, the element undergoes strong compression, so the metal can float on the surface of water and other non-aggressive liquid media.

Despite the fact that this radioactive element belongs to the group of chemical metals, the element is quite volatile, and when it is in a closed space over a short period of time, its concentration in the air increases several times.

To the main physical properties metal can be attributed to: low degree, level of thermal conductivity of all existing and known chemical elements, low level of electrical conductivity; in the liquid state, plutonium is one of the most viscous metals.

It is worth noting that any plutonium compounds are toxic, poisonous and represent serious danger exposure to the human body, which occurs due to active alpha radiation, therefore all work must be performed with the utmost care and only in special suits with chemical protection.

You can read more about the properties and theories of the origin of a unique metal in the book Obruchev "Plutonia"" Author V.A. Obruchev invites readers to plunge into the amazing and unique world the fantastic country of Plutonia, which is located deep in the bowels of the Earth.

Applications of plutonium

The industrial chemical element is usually classified into weapons-grade and reactor-grade (“energy-grade”) plutonium.

Thus, for the production of nuclear weapons, of all existing isotopes, it is permissible to use only plutonium 239, which should not contain more than 4.5% plutonium 240, since it is subject to spontaneous fission, which significantly complicates the production of military projectiles.

Plutonium-238 is used for the operation of small-sized radioisotope sources of electrical energy, for example, as an energy source for space technology.

Several decades ago, plutonium was used in medicine in pacemakers (devices for maintaining heart rhythm).

The first atomic bomb created in the world had a plutonium charge. Nuclear plutonium(Pu 239) is in demand as nuclear fuel to ensure the functioning of power reactors. This isotope also serves as a source for producing transplutonium elements in reactors.

If we compare nuclear plutonium with pure metal, the isotope has higher metallic parameters and does not have transition phases, so it is widely used in the process of obtaining fuel elements.

Oxides of the Plutonium 242 isotope are also in demand as a power source for space lethal units, equipment, and fuel rods.

Weapons-grade plutonium is an element that is presented in the form of a compact metal that contains at least 93% of the Pu239 isotope.

This type of radioactive metal is used in the production of various types of nuclear weapons.

Weapons-grade plutonium is produced in specialized industrial nuclear reactors that operate on natural or low-enriched uranium as a result of the capture of neutrons.

It is carried out with the help of a duodenal probe (tube tube) and without it (probeless, or blind tube). Tubage is a blind probing of the liver. Tubage is an unsafe procedure. Tubazh - therapeutic event, which consists in stimulating bile secretion in order to empty the gallbladder. Therefore, the doctor prescribes tubage only if an ultrasound shows the absence of stones in the gall bladder, ducts and liver.

A method of examining the gallbladder using a special probe; probing. IN modern medicine Tubage is used to eliminate stagnation of bile and, consequently, the risk of stone formation.

In addition to oil, before and after tubage, folk aesculapians suggest fasting, doing enemas and eating only plant foods. From a medical point of view, this is unnecessary stress for the body. Regarding tubage, I want to say that there are a lot of people around me who clean the bile ducts and, for example, the liver in this way. Although I have never seen a real alternative to tubing. And it is necessary to clean the liver and bile ducts.

Tubage at home

Indications for the procedure are the same as indicated above. It differs from passive tubing in that it does not require lying on a heating pad. It can also be produced at home. If the stool has the usual consistency, but has a greenish tint, then the tubing went well.

What is tubage and when is it used?

In the morning on empty stomach have a drink mineral water. Lie with a warm heating pad for about 1.5 hours. The signs of tubage are the same as with the first method indicated. For some people, this method of tubing can cause mild pain in the right hypochondrium. During tubage, you need someone else to do it with you, so that this person can monitor your well-being. You need to eat this salad 20 minutes after tubage.

Tubage with magnesium – liver cleansing

Except choleretic effect, tubage has a laxative effect. That is, an enema on the eve of the tube will not be superfluous, but, on the contrary, will enhance the effect of cleansing the body. Target this method– cleansing the liver of excess bile using a probe. IN modern conditions They also carry out tubeless liver cleansing using choleretic agents. Tubage is not an easy or harmless procedure, so when carrying it out you should strictly follow all instructions.

The main method of cleansing the liver is called “tubage”. Its meaning is washing biliary tract, which eliminates bile stagnation - the cause of stones. You can do this simple procedure yourself at home: in the morning on an empty stomach you should drink choleretic agent, lie on your right side, put a heating pad on your right hypochondrium and lie there for an hour and a half to two hours. Vera Solntseva, gastroenterologist and hepatologist at the SM-Clinic diagnostic and treatment center: “Oil, especially when combined with lemon juice, as healers recommend, can be extremely dangerous.

When should tubing be performed?

Since the bile duct is a maximum of 5 mm in diameter, large stones cannot be removed using oil.” The fact is that with a sharp discharge of bile without the supervision of specialists, the stone can move and clog the ducts.

Blind probing (tubage) to expel opisthorchiasis

You can take vitamins that will improve metabolic processes, or lose excess weight, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver and gallbladder. Best Product for the liver - low-fat cottage cheese, it protects against toxins and helps restore liver cells.” Allergies do not occur for a long time, your complexion is wonderful, swelling goes away, and you lose weight. In general, if there are no stones, do it.

Taking large doses of oil is not " ethnoscience”, and one of the methods of cleansing according to Ayurveda, when by “oiling” not only the liver is cleansed, but also the intestines, for example. But corn silk has the ability to dissolve stones in the liver (and this is a fact recognized not only by Ayurveda, but also by official medicine).

However, in Ayurveda, completely different oils are used - ghee with dissolved herbal extracts. Moreover, each dosha requires a gi of its own composition. You can read about how and with what Ayurvedic doctors do cleansing in our encyclopedia, in the health section, “Ayurveda” tab. The human liver is the so-called laboratory of the body’s health.

Liver tubage with radish

After this procedure, you should have the urge to go to the toilet. Loose stools indicate that less magnesium should be used in the next procedure. At home, to carry out such a procedure, you need natural cognac, since such cognac dilates blood vessels, and Castor oil gives a laxative effect.

There is another way to carry out tubage. The tubing itself must be carried out by pre-warming the liver with a heating pad. Mild pain in the right hypochondrium during tubing can also be a variant of the norm and be explained by too intense contractions of the gallbladder. Not to be confused with tubage - a procedure alternative medicine, which has the same name. If grains of sand or stones have formed in the liver, then performing tubing at home is very dangerous; it is better to consult a specialist.

In contact with


There is an opinion that a person’s beauty and well-being directly depend on the condition of the liver. Persons suffering from various pathologies of this organ are often irritable and grouchy. They are often tormented by headaches, high blood pressure, irregular bowel movements, nausea and discomfort in the right hypochondrium. These symptoms indicate that it is time to cleanse the body. Liver tubing will help with this. This procedure is prescribed not only for treatment pathological conditions, but also as a preventive measure.

Not everyone can say with confidence that they understand the intricacies of carrying out a cleansing event and understand its purpose. So what is tubage, what are its features and methods of implementation? Let's try to answer these questions.

Tubage is a gentle and effective warming procedure that can improve the activity of the bile ducts and increase the contractility of the gallbladder. It is carried out with or without a duodenal tube (blind tubage or dubage). The latter method is usually used to cleanse the liver and gallbladder at home.

The big advantage of this, essentially medical event, is the lack of need for special equipment and the optionality of specialized education. All the necessary components for performing tubage at home can be purchased without a prescription at the pharmacy or taken from your own kitchen.

Advice. In order for blind probing to be beneficial and relieve bile stagnation, it is necessary to carry out the procedure competently, taking into account all the subtleties and contraindications.

Restrictions on the use of tubage

Liver cleansing, just like any other medical event, is not always useful and safe. Large stones located in the gallbladder, under the influence of heat and choleretic agents, can move and block the ducts. In this case, the patient usually requires surgical assistance.

  • infectious diseases;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • increased body temperature;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • high blood pressure;
  • various chronic pathologies in the acute phase.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding, although not a direct contraindication to liver tubing at home, nevertheless require mandatory consultation with a specialist. If you are not careful about the restrictions, the procedure will cause more harm than good.

Advice. Before you start dubage, you should make sure that there are no stones in the gall bladder, for which you need to visit a doctor and do an ultrasound.

Indications for blind probing

Despite the apparent safety and ease of implementation, you should not do tubage just like that, without good reasons for the procedure. It would be better if a doctor recommends liver cleansing as an addition to the main therapy for the following diseases:

  • inflammation of the duodenal mucosa;
  • gallbladder motility disorder (GBL);
  • chronic non-calculous cholecystitis;
  • cholestatic hepatitis (difficulty in the outflow of bile);
  • high blood cholesterol levels;
  • headaches, irritability and tearfulness;
  • obesity;
  • allergic reactions;
  • various rashes on the skin, dermatitis and dermatoses.

Blind probing will improve the flow of bile, cleanse the bile ducts and liver, alleviate symptoms, and eliminate spasms and discomfort.

Advice. If during tubing or immediately after it there were painful sensations in the right hypochondrium, dizziness and vomiting, and blood appeared in the stool - it is recommended to stop cleaning and immediately consult a doctor.

Preparatory stage

The result of tubing at home will be much better if you prepare for the event in advance. 3–4 days before blind probing, it is necessary to remove meat, fatty and fried foods from the diet. You should eat exclusively vegetable and dairy dishes, drink more sour juices and hot liquids. It can be plain water or tea from choleretic herbs.

Advice. Despite the fact that the procedure does not take much time, it is better to plan it on weekends.

Methods and methods of blind probing

To perform the procedure at home, you can use various choleretic agents. The most popular of them are:

  • sorbitol;
  • magnesium sulfate (magnesia);
  • mineral water;
  • vegetable or olive oil;
  • medicinal herbs.

After 20–25 minutes, you should take the main choleretic drug and lie on your right side for 2 hours, applying a hot heating pad to the liver area. Heat activates the production and flow of bile.

If during the procedure there is pronounced pain in the right hypochondrium, you should take an antispasmodic: Papaverine hydrochloride, Drotaverine, No-shpu, Spazmalgon or Nikoshpan.

Tubage is often accompanied by nausea and belching. In rare cases, vomiting occurs, so it is advisable to prepare in advance for such surprises: bring a basin and a pack of wet wipes. In case of prolonged and persistent vomiting, the procedure should be stopped, take an antispasmodic tablet and consult a doctor.

Liver cleansing with sorbitol

Blind probing with sorbitol is simple and effective way treatment. Medical sugar can be purchased at any pharmacy. In addition to it, for tubage you will need mineral water with a strong choleretic effect, for example, Essentuki. The bottle should be opened the night before to release the gases.

To carry out the procedure, sorbitol is mixed with water until the powder is completely dissolved and drunk. Then apply a heating pad with hot water to the liver area and lie down in bed for 2 hours.

The combined use of these components gives a powerful cleansing effect. Therefore, do not be alarmed by excessive urination and bowel movements.

Tubage with magnesium sulfate

With the help of magnesia, blind probing is carried out according to the Demyanov method. To prepare a choleretic solution, magnesium sulfate powder is mixed with warm boiled or mineral water no gases.

A liter of the resulting solution should be drunk in small sips over 20 minutes, then lie on your right side with a heating pad in the liver area.

Magnesium sulfate has a pronounced laxative effect and activates the removal of toxins. Within a few hours after the procedure, pain in the right side, bitter belching and hepatic colic are possible.

Liver cleansing according to Demyanov is carried out in a course consisting of 13–15 sessions, which are done at least once every 7 days.

Dubazh with mineral water

The procedure of tubage with mineral waters is considered the softest and most gentle of all cleaning options. To carry it out, you need to purchase a bottle of sulfur-alkaline water and leave it open the evening before blind probing.

The tubage with mineral water can be repeated every 3 days. This cleaning perfectly restores acid-base balance and improves metabolism. An indicator of a successful event should be greenish feces.

Advice. To completely clean the bile ducts and liver, it is recommended to carry out a course of 6 procedures. If after treatment the patient does not feel better or the health condition, on the contrary, has become worse, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

With current inflammation of the gallbladder, the cleansing method should be more gentle. Medical procedure It is enough to do it once every 7 days. To prevent bile stagnation, you can do dubazh once every 3 months.

Tubage with olive oil

Another great liver cleanser is olive oil. The procedure is not very complicated, but it is quite effective and has its own characteristics. With this blind probing method, it is very important preliminary preparation. The day before the event, it is recommended to start drinking as much hot liquid as possible. It is better if it is tea made from choleretic herbs. A warm decoction will open the ducts and facilitate the movement of bile.

You should take olive oil 2-3 hours before tubing. To avoid the urge to vomit, it is recommended to drink it with lemon juice or another sour drink in a 1:1 ratio. All liquids must be room temperature. Then you should lie quietly with a heating pad. After the procedure, it is not recommended to eat for at least 3 hours.

Attention. Tubage with olive oil is prohibited for patients suffering from gastritis with increased secretion of hydrochloric acid. Fruit and berry drinks will further shift the pH balance and increase acidity gastric juice.

Cleansing the liver with herbal infusions

Probeless tubing can be performed using medicinal plants with a choleretic effect. To prepare a medicinal decoction, it is recommended to use the following herbs:

  • dandelion flowers;
  • corn silk;
  • immortelle;
  • agrimony;
  • celandine;
  • birch leaf;
  • mint;
  • rose hip root;
  • chicory;
  • nettle.

All these plants have a strong choleretic effect, but affect different liver functions, so it is better to use them together.

Medicinal tea should be prepared in advance. A herbal mixture purchased at a pharmacy or made independently is brewed in a thermos and left overnight.

In the morning, on an empty stomach, you need to drink a glass of decoction and lie down with a heating pad. After an hour, you should take another 200 ml of infusion. You can drink the rest of the tea after the procedure.

This dubage is mild in nature and helps to gradually cleanse the gallbladder and liver.

Active cleaning

Another type of liver cleansing is active tubage. This one is more complex and effective procedure requires some physical training. Do it like this:

  1. In the morning, drink a liter of still mineral water on an empty stomach.
  2. Then apply a heating pad to the liver area for 30 minutes and immediately begin the exercises. The exercise includes rotating the pelvis, bending forward and sideways, squats and lifting the legs bent at the knee.
  3. At the end of the gymnastics, drink another ½ liter of heated mineral water and repeat the entire exercise complex again.

Bowel movement after the procedure occurs at different times for everyone and depends on the characteristics of the body. The result of a successful cleansing should be copious stools.

Complications of tubage

If the procedure is performed for the first time and without prior consultation with a doctor, it is possible that negative consequences. The cause is diseases that are not detected in a timely manner, about which the patient may not even be aware.

In some cases, hypoglycemia develops after tubing. The first symptoms of illness, as a rule, appear within an hour after the cleansing event. The patient complains of drowsiness, dizziness, darkening of the eyes and increased sweating. To replenish glucose levels, it is recommended to suck on a piece of sugar or drink a mug of sweet tea.

Somewhat more often, patients experience short-term poisoning of the body caused by disturbed microflora. It is noted:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • headache;
  • nausea and chills;
  • a sharp deterioration in health;
  • constipation.

To stop the intoxication process, it is necessary to take an adsorbent and after 60–90 minutes the patient’s condition returns to normal.

Attention. If an ultrasound scan was not performed before tubing to determine the presence of stones in the gall bladder, there is a risk of blockage of the ducts. When symptoms develop acute attack you should stop the procedure immediately and call an ambulance.

Therefore, it would not be superfluous to once again remind you that liver cleansing should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Only the doctor decides how often tubage can be done and what products should be used. Self-medication in this case is dangerous and may end on the operating table.

Attention! This article is not a guide to action. Be sure to consult a therapist or specialist.

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause?

The human liver is a completely unique organ. When damaged, hepatocytes (liver cells) are able to regenerate or be replaced by new ones, which has great value to preserve their functions. However, habits and lifestyle: abundant nutrition, frequent medications, addiction to coffee and alcohol, work in harmful conditions, cause significant harm, forcing cells to work with increased load. Tubing will help unload and restore damaged hepatocytes, a procedure that, in the absence of contraindications, should become a useful habit.

Before planning any wellness treatments at home, you need to consult a doctor. This is a prerequisite for a good and safe result. If you neglect a visit to the clinic, you risk still ending up at the appointment, but on the surgeon’s operating table.

Understanding the terms

The tubage procedure (tubage, sometimes you can find the spelling “dubazh”) is a forced cleansing of the bile and hepatic ducts from stagnant bile. The procedure is simple, but requires some preparation and time. Therefore, it is better to plan it on a weekend.

If you have had a liver tubation once and already consider yourself healthy, you are very mistaken. High-quality cleansing is possible with the following course - 1 procedure in 2 days, in total you need to do 3-10 sessions.

It happens that a doctor at an appointment for another disease recommends that the patient undergo blind probing at home. Don’t wonder what it is, blind probing is synonymous with the concept of tubage, a term doctors used in Soviet times.

Who can do it and who can't

There are contraindications to tubing, and there are many of them. We list the diseases and conditions for which it cannot be done:

The list can be continued with relative contraindications. They are stress and overwork, weakness and others. How can you figure out whether you need cleaning or whether you can easily do without it? Let's figure it out.

Who needs tubing and why? Doctors recommend it to people who have zero or severe low acidity gastric juice. Stimulation of bile excretion activates activity digestive tract, significantly improving the patient’s well-being.

Various paramedical “specialists” praise the procedure to the skies, telling miracles about kilograms of toxins and stones removed from the body. All these are myths, designed for illiteracy. No advertisements or convincing conversations by home-grown “medics” without a diploma should be a reason for action.

Only do a liver cleanse if your doctor recommends it. And nothing else.

Essence and mechanism

So, if you are diagnosed with a slight stagnation of bile, liver tubing will correct it. There are many cleaning methods, from which it is difficult to choose; it is better if a doctor recommends a specific method. He will also tell you how often the procedure can be done in your case.

Let's start with the description classical technique according to Demyanov:

  1. After waking up, take 2 tablets of no-shpa or drotaverine.
  2. Then you need to drink a glass of water with magnesium heated to 40 degrees. Ratio – water 200 ml, magnesium – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  3. Lie in bed on your right side, placing a warm heating pad under the liver area. Stay in this position for at least 2 hours.

The subsequent bowel movement indicates that the procedure was carried out correctly. If the stool has a greenish tint, this is a sign of the presence of bile in the stool.

Important! Bitterness in the mouth at the beginning of the procedure, discomfort in the right hypochondrium are acceptable. But be sure to tell your doctor about them.

Now let's talk about other types of tubage that are popular.

The choice is yours

We recommend that you opt for those manipulations that are recognized by official medicine and not rush into the exotic. The principle of cleansing is the same for all methods - taking a choleretic agent and applying heat to the liver area. We do not consider sources that advise performing enemas before cleansing, fasting or drinking only juices to be advisable.

When is the best time to cleanse? Optimally - at 7 o'clock in the morning, i.e. immediately after you wake up. This time most active intestines, so the cleansing process will be active.

The best natural choleretic compounds:

  • Water with sorbitol (sweetener)

You will need 2 tbsp. spoons of sorbitol per glass of warm water. The algorithm is the same as in the classic version.

  • Mineral water

Sulfate waters (Smirnovskaya, Essentuki) are suitable for liver tubing with mineral water. Before the procedure, the water is opened and placed in a warm place - it is required that the gases come out and the liquid warms up to 40 degrees. Mineral water without gases can be used in combination with magnesia or sorbitol, the effect will be better.

  • Egg yolks

Instead of heated water, drink 2 raw egg yolks on an empty stomach.

Now let's talk about alternative methods, the so-called gentle cleansing. There are a great many of them in the literature, especially popular are Ilyina’s cleaning methods and oil-lemon recipes. Let's sort it out in order.

Tubazh according to Ilyina

Whether you use the method or not is up to you, its basis is regular use oatmeal jelly made from unrefined grains.

  • As the main ingredients, take 3 full glasses of unpeeled oats, add 75 grams of dry birch buds and 50 grams of lingonberry leaves. Mix and add 4 liters of cold filtered water. They insist for a day.
  • At the same time, a rosehip infusion is prepared, the ratio: a liter of water - a glass of crushed rose hips. Boil for 10 minutes.
  • The next day, the decoction from the first container is put on fire, boiled for a quarter of an hour, then 50 grams of corn silk and knotweed are added. Boil again and leave everything together for 45 minutes - 1 hour.
  • The next stage is straining and mixing the prepared infusions. The finished medicine is stored in dark glass bottles in a cool place.
  • It is recommended to take: adults 150 ml 4 times before meals, children a dessert or teaspoon. Course – 10 days.

We deliberately do not indicate more detailed recommendations on taking the drug, because they did not find officially confirmed and verified data. However, the authors of the method claim that such drinking cleanses the liver slowly and efficiently, and has almost no contraindications. We have presented the method for informational purposes only.

Oil, lemons and results

Another technique is based on a recipe with oil and lemon juice. The recipe is extremely simple - in the morning, every day, on an empty stomach, drink 2 tablespoons olive oil mixed with the juice of half a lemon.

According to the description of the method, liver tubing will take place gently and regularly. We will not dispute the positive properties of olive oil and lemon juice, in particular, but we will allow ourselves to doubt the result. It is clear that regular intake of oil on an empty stomach will lead you to the fact that the stool will become not only regular, but also watery, and the stones present in it are by no means stones from slag.

The method was invented by a man, undoubtedly literate, who understood that oil, interacting with acidic juice and bile, when heated to body temperature, forms dense clots (those that you mistake for stones removed from the body).

In the structure of the liver and bile ducts there are no adapted pathways - openings for the removal of large stones. The diameter of the bile duct is from 3 to 5 mm, so think about what stones the would-be doctors are talking about. Trust only certified doctors, you can’t go wrong.

Necessary preparation

All preparation for the procedure can be divided into that recommended by doctors and that described in medical sources.

Recommendations from unofficial sources suggest drinking natural juices 3 days before cleansing, and doing this instead of food. It is also advised to do cleansing enemas daily, supposedly in order to speed up/intensify the effect of tubage.

Let us again object - daily enemas are not recommended for anyone, as they weaken intestinal motility. An organism accustomed to forced bowel movements is unlikely to want to “work” on its own, and muscle atrophy will develop. Natural juices Not shown to everyone and not always, especially for freshly squeezed vegetable juices. They greatly irritate the stomach, increase gas formation in the intestines, and must be handled with care. Juice therapy is also a science and is carried out only under strict control and very gradually. So limit yourself to your doctor's recommendations.

Let's summarize

If you need a liver cleanse, do the following:

  • Visit the clinic and submit biochemical analysis blood, get an ultrasound abdominal cavity. Show the results to the doctor, he will advise the optimal method of cleaning, and at the same time confirm the absence of contraindications.
  • Follow the rules of healthy eating.
  • Live actively, move more.
  • Avoid animal fats, fried and smoked foods, making such food an attribute only on the holiday menu.
  • Do not abuse coffee, alcohol, strong tea, eat 5 servings of vegetables and fruits daily.

We think that if these simple rules You simply don’t need a tube.

It is carried out with the help of a duodenal probe (tube tube) and without it (probeless, or blind tube). Tubage is a blind probing of the liver. Tubage is an unsafe procedure. Tubage is a therapeutic measure that involves stimulating bile secretion in order to empty the gallbladder. Therefore, the doctor prescribes tubage only if an ultrasound shows the absence of stones in the gall bladder, ducts and liver.

A method of examining the gallbladder using a special probe; probing. In modern medicine, tubage is used to eliminate stagnation of bile and, consequently, the risk of stone formation.

In addition to oil, before and after tubage, folk aesculapians suggest fasting, doing enemas and eating only plant foods. From a medical point of view, this is unnecessary stress for the body. Regarding tubage, I want to say that there are a lot of people around me who clean the bile ducts and, for example, the liver in this way. Although I have never seen a real alternative to tubing. And it is necessary to clean the liver and bile ducts.

Tubage at home

Indications for the procedure are the same as indicated above. It differs from passive tubing in that it does not require lying on a heating pad. It can also be produced at home. If the stool has the usual consistency, but has a greenish tint, then the tubing went well.

What is tubage and when is it used?

In the morning, drink mineral water on an empty stomach. Lie with a warm heating pad for about 1.5 hours. The signs of tubage are the same as with the first method indicated. For some people, this method of tubing can cause mild pain in the right hypochondrium. During tubage, you need someone else to do it with you, so that this person can monitor your well-being. You need to eat this salad 20 minutes after tubage.

Tubage with magnesium – liver cleansing

In addition to the choleretic effect, tubage has a laxative effect. That is, an enema on the eve of the tube will not be superfluous, but, on the contrary, will enhance the effect of cleansing the body. The purpose of this method is to cleanse the liver of excess bile using a probe. In modern conditions, tubeless liver cleansing is also carried out using choleretic agents. Tubage is not an easy or harmless procedure, so when carrying it out you should strictly follow all instructions.

The main method of cleansing the liver is called “tubage”. Its purpose is to flush the bile ducts, which eliminates stagnation of bile - the cause of stones. This simple procedure can be carried out independently at home: in the morning on an empty stomach you should drink a choleretic remedy, lie on your right side, put a heating pad on the right hypochondrium and lie there for an hour and a half to two hours. Vera Solntseva, gastroenterologist and hepatologist at the SM-Clinic diagnostic and treatment center: “Oil, especially when combined with lemon juice, as healers recommend, can be extremely dangerous.

When should tubing be performed?

Since the bile duct is a maximum of 5 mm in diameter, large stones cannot be removed using oil.” The fact is that with a sharp discharge of bile without the supervision of specialists, the stone can move and clog the ducts.

Blind probing (tubage) to expel opisthorchiasis

You can take vitamins that will improve metabolic processes, or lose excess weight, which will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver and gallbladder. The best product for the liver is low-fat cottage cheese, it protects against toxins and helps restore liver cells.” Allergies do not occur for a long time, your complexion is wonderful, swelling goes away, and you lose weight. In general, if there are no stones, do it.

Taking large doses of oil is not “traditional medicine”, but one of the methods of cleansing according to Ayurveda, when by “oiling” not only the liver is cleansed, but also the intestines, for example. But corn silk has the ability to dissolve stones in the liver (and this is a fact recognized not only by Ayurveda, but also by official medicine).

However, in Ayurveda, completely different oils are used - ghee with dissolved herbal extracts. Moreover, each dosha requires a gi of its own composition. You can read about how and with what Ayurvedic doctors do cleansing in our encyclopedia, in the health section, “Ayurveda” tab. The human liver is the so-called laboratory of the body’s health.

Liver tubage with radish

After this procedure, you should have the urge to go to the toilet. Loose stools indicate that less magnesium should be used in the next procedure. At home, to carry out such a procedure, you need natural cognac, since such cognac dilates blood vessels, and castor oil gives a laxative effect.

There is another way to carry out tubage. The tubing itself must be carried out by pre-warming the liver with a heating pad. Mild pain in the right hypochondrium during tubing can also be a variant of the norm and be explained by too intense contractions of the gallbladder. It should not be confused with tubage, an alternative medicine procedure of the same name. If grains of sand or stones have formed in the liver, then performing tubing at home is very dangerous; it is better to consult a specialist.

In contact with

Anxiety and nervousness go away.

So, what is tubage? Tubage or so-called “blind” probing is a procedure that involves gently washing the bile ducts, liver and gallbladder. This procedure cleanses the body and facilitates the excretion of bile.

Tubage is recommended to be carried out when various diseases as an additional remedy for complex treatment, and also after childbirth. Especially if the woman took medications during pregnancy. And, in essence, the state of pregnancy itself does not affect the body in the most in the best possible way, in particular, stones form in the gall bladder. It is also recommended to carry out tubage after a stormy feast if you are abusing alcoholic beverages.


  • chronic acalculous;
  • frequent or chronic;
  • disturbance of intestinal motility;
  • cholestatic hepatitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • acne;
  • Giardia in the liver.

Signs that tubing needs to be done:

  • white coating on the tongue;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • frequent, especially after and during meals;
  • chronic headaches;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • pain in the right side;
  • chronic constipation;
  • bloating, colic;
  • problematic skin;
  • yellow sclera of the eyes.


Tubage is STRICTLY contraindicated at home if:

  • 1 type;
  • pregnancy at any stage;
  • menses;
  • a week before menstruation and immediately after it;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • gallstones or liver stones;
  • duodenal ulcer.

MirSovetov strongly recommends not to carry out tubing at home without consultation and examination by a doctor, and also if you are not sure that you can complete the procedure. Remember, the tubing procedure is lengthy and under no circumstances should you stop halfway. Damage to the body will certainly be caused.

So, if you decide to carry out the tubing procedure, you need to prepare your body in advance for various types of stress.

Preparing the body

Colon cleansing.

It is necessary to cleanse the intestines so that the contents of the intestines, which are usually polluted, do not harm the body. If cleansing is not carried out, toxins will not be removed from the liver or gallbladder, but will quickly be absorbed into the blood and poison the body even more.

There are different methods of colon cleansing:

  • enema;
  • taking water acidified with lemon juice or citric acid (citric acid on the tip of a knife per glass of water);
  • taking salt water;
  • complex therapeutic exercises, which will be selected for you by your attending physician.

Changing your diet.

3-4 days before the tubage, you must completely eliminate animal products from your diet. Eat exclusively plant foods, excluding legumes.

Drinking regime.

You need to drink 3-4 days before the procedure a large number of water and sour juices. It is best if it is freshly squeezed juice from sour varieties of apples, oranges or beetroot-apple juice (1:5).

Moral preparation.

3-4 days before the procedure you must:

  • relax;
  • get some sleep;
  • tune in to the positive;
  • be confident in a favorable outcome of the procedure;

Refusal from all types of alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks.

If you have done all this, cleaned yourself and tuned in, then you can begin the tubing procedure. There is an opinion that it is necessary to start cleaning only on the full moon, but the choice is yours.

MirSovetov suggests considering several basic methods of tubing.

Methods of performing tubage

With sorbitol.

With this method of tubing, fecal deposits are removed. Necessary:

  • you need to drink at night choleretic drugs, for example, Allochol, one tablet will be enough;
  • We also take 1 tablet at night;
  • pour into a glass on an empty stomach in the morning warm water or mineral water without gas;
  • dissolve 1 tbsp in it. l. sorbitol;
  • drink the solution;
  • apply a warm heating pad to the right side;
  • lie down for 1.5 hours.

With cognac and castor oil.

With this method of tubing, small pebbles and mucus come out. Necessary:

  • In the morning several enemas are done with warm water until the water is clean;
  • During the day we under no circumstances eat anything, you can only drink a little sour fresh juice from apples and oranges;
  • after 19-20 pm you need to drink natural cognac (50 g);
  • after 25-30 minutes the same amount of castor oil;
  • You can’t eat anything, you can drink clean warm water.

With magnesium sulfate (magnesia) or tubage according to Demyanov.

This is a strong laxative, which is given to children for tubing with the utmost caution. It is used very carefully, starting with small doses. MirSovetov strongly recommends that the first dose of magnesia be calculated for you by an experienced doctor. It is not recommended to increase the dose yourself, because you will get trouble in the form severe diarrhea. The subsequent dosage is also determined by the doctor, based on the results of previous procedures.

If you decide to use this method of cleaning, you must:

  • take 1 tbsp. magnesia powder, and for children – 1/3-1/2 teaspoon;
  • before going to bed, dilute this powder in 1 glass (250 ml) of boiled water, and for children - in half a glass of hot boiled water;
  • cover with a lid and leave to brew until morning;
  • after waking up, drink this solution on an empty stomach;
  • lie down for 1.5 hours with a warm heating pad applied to your right side;
  • the main condition for the cleaning to be successful is the release of green feces;
  • Repeat tubage with magnesium once a week for 3 months.

Tubage using lemon juice.

This is a complex type of tubage that requires a sufficient amount of free time, stamina and willingness to do all the procedures at a certain time. In total, it will take 3 days to cleanse the body, so workers are advised to start cleansing on Friday evening.


  • on the first day (16 pm) eat a light dinner, exclusively from plant foods, excluding legumes;
  • at 19 o'clock on the same day you need to drink magnesium - 3 tsp. per glass of water;
  • Magnesia must be washed down with a glass of warm boiled or mineral water;
  • at 21:00 the same day we do enemas with a total volume of 6 liters;
  • the next day you can’t eat, you can drink juices (preferably apple) at 8, 10 and 11 am, 1/2 cup;
  • in the evening at about 20.00, drink 2 tablets of Allochol, diluted in a glass of warm water;
  • after an hour, you need to drink 50 ml of high-quality olive oil and immediately wash it down with 30 ml of lemon juice (squeeze it yourself, never store-bought);
  • apply a warm heating pad to the right side in the liver area;
  • lie down, press your legs to your stomach;
  • after 1.5-2 hours, remove the heating pad and go to bed;
  • attacks of nausea are possible;
  • at 6 am the next day, do an enema with a total volume of 6 liters;
  • You can only eat plant foods, but without adding vegetable oil and;
  • we continue the next day vegetable diet by adding a little vegetable oil;
  • every other day - we eat a little of everything, and then we switch to a normal diet, excluding sweets, smoked foods, alcohol, and fatty foods from the diet;
  • after tubage, drink more freshly squeezed sour juices.

With mineral water.

This is the easiest method because it does not require any special expenses. Necessary:

  • take mineral water of low and medium mineralization (“Borjomi”, “Narzan”);
  • before use, warm it to 45-55 C;
  • take in the morning, always on an empty stomach;
  • drink 1 glass of mineral water;
  • apply a warm heating pad to your right side;
  • lie down for 2-2.5 hours.

With exercise.

This type of tubage is not based on medications, but on a selected complex physical exercise which will cause large bowel movements:

  • drink 2 glasses of still mineral water on an empty stomach;
  • you need to drink in quick/small sips;
  • Be sure to do a set of exercises in the fresh air;
  • Exercise 1 – place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist, rotate your hips 10 times in each direction;
  • Exercise 2 – from the starting position, do 10 bends to the right, left and in front of you;
  • Exercise 3 – sit down with your arms stretched out in front of you 10 times;
  • Exercise 4 – stand on right leg, and raise the left one and, as closely as possible, press it to the chest;
  • Exercise 5 - do the same as in exercise 4, but with the other leg;
  • drink 2 glasses of still mineral water;
  • do exercises 1-5 again.

With olive oil.

For this type of tubage you need:

  • 3 days before the procedure – a plant-based diet and sour juices;
  • on the day of the procedure - drinking plenty of fluids(water, decoctions of choleretic herbs, teas without sugar, sour juices);
  • at 16:00, put on warm clothes and apply a warm heating pad to your right side;
  • lie down until 20.00 so that the liver and gall bladder warm up well;
  • at 20.00, on an empty or semi-empty stomach, drink 200 grams of heated olive oil;
  • drink the oil gradually, in small sips;
  • To prevent nausea, drink warm water or tea without sugar (not strong);
  • again apply a warm heating pad to the right side;
  • lie down until you feel very relaxed.

MirSovetov warns: when tubing, some people may experience pain in the right side. You should not be afraid of this, since spasms are caused by contractions of the gallbladder. Drink an antispasmodic immediately before the procedure.

Please note that it is not enough to do procedures for 1-2 days, regularity is necessary. Do the procedures once a week for 15 weeks, and everything will be great.
