Protargol drops for newborns. Children's nasal drops Protargol - instructions for use, analogues. Are there any contraindications to the use of Protargol?

Protargol - drops based on silver ions, which have antiseptic properties and effectively relieve inflammation in the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The solution is used in the treatment of complicated rhinitis and sinusitis in children of different ages, helps stop viral infection from influenza and ARVI. The medicine is low in cost, has a short shelf life, but has storage features.

Rhinitis, better known as a runny nose, is an inflammation of the mucous membranes in the sinuses and nasal passages. The disease in most cases is provoked by aerobic viruses and harmful bacteria. Sometimes the cause is an allergy to dust, wool or seasonal flowering of plants. Increased mucus secretion is often a symptom of more serious pathologies:

  • sinusitis;
  • frontitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • sinusitis.

In children 1–3 years old, a runny nose often occurs as an independent disease: the mucous membranes react acutely to hypothermia or contact with allergens.

The main problem is that inflammation quickly spreads to the middle ear, throat and bronchi, which are closely connected to the nose. This is fraught dangerous consequences, therefore treatment and removal of mucus must begin as early as possible.

Composition of the drug

The basis of the drug is chemical compound silver proteinate with same name"protargol". The natural component in the form of a yellow or whitish powder is mixed with proteins and is perfectly absorbed into the mucous membrane. It dissolves well in water to a homogeneous solution.

Until recently, the composition of the drug did not change and did not contain preservatives:

  • silver up to 7–8%;
  • purified water;
  • protein hydrolysis products.

Medicine for classic scheme It is prepared directly in the pharmacy by pharmacologists in a small dose, and is characterized by increased requirements for storage conditions. A modern version of the drug is Sialor Protargol, which is produced for self-cooking at home. It has an identical composition to silver.

Release form

Protargol is prepared in a pharmacy from powder and purified water. The specialist carefully mixes it to a homogeneous yellow-green solution. Depending on the recommendations indicated on the prescription by the otolaryngologist or pediatrician, it has a concentration of 1 to 8%. The composition is sold in a glass bottle, and a pipette is used for dosing.

The release form of Protargol Sialor is tablets that must be diluted in water. Includes an empty mixing bottle, pipette and detailed instructions by application.

pharmachologic effect

Thanks to silver ions, Protargol drops have the following properties:

  • antibacterial;
  • wound healing;
  • astringent;
  • antifungal.

Thanks to protein molecules, the main component easily penetrates the tissues of the mucous membrane and destroys pathogenic pathogens at any stage of development and growth. Silver effectively destroys spores of anaerobic fungi, staphylococci and streptococci. The drug has little resistance to influenza and ARVI viruses, so it is used in combination with other medications.

After instillation, Protargol forms an invisible film that protects the nasal passage and sinuses from further spread of infection. It reduces the hypersensitivity of nerve endings and normalizes the outflow of fluid. These are great vasoconstrictor drops, stimulating the natural removal of mucus.

The composition is recommended for the treatment of chronic runny nose. At a concentration of 1% it becomes prophylactic, reducing the activity of pathogens. When the silver level increases to 2%, destruction begins dangerous fungi and bacteria.

Protargol instructions for use in children

The drug is used for instillation into the nasal passage, less often - for washing the eyes and Bladder. The product is stored in a cool place, so it should be left at room temperature a few minutes before use.

Instructions for use contain the following recommendations:

  • be sure to rinse your nose with saline solution, water from sea ​​salt or special compounds as prescribed by a doctor;
  • the child lies on his back;
  • a few drops of the drug should be placed into each nostril with a clean pipette;
  • Infants should carefully insert cotton swabs soaked in medicine into the nostril and wipe the mucous membrane with gentle movements.

Protargol - nasal drops for children must be shaken slightly before use so that the solution is more homogeneous.

At what age can you take Protargol?

The drug has a complex and natural composition and does not contain heavy preservatives or toxins. Therefore, many pediatricians recommend their use for infants up to one year old. But research from the World Health Organization raises concerns that silver content and high dosage may provoke allergic reaction, Quincke's edema and other unpleasant problems.

There is no consensus on the age at which Protargol can be used. But if there are contraindications, a tendency to seasonal or food allergies, it is better to give the child safer and more proven products. The vasoconstrictor Protargol is not recommended for newborns.

How many times a day can the drug be used?

If not available special instructions pediatrician, Protargol should be dripped in the morning and evening. First, the nose is freed from mucus accumulation by rinsing. In severe cases of rhinitis or sinusitis, you can additionally use vasoconstrictor drops or a nasal spray to ease breathing. The duration depends on the severity of the disease.

How to dose drops for a runny nose

When calculating the dosage of Protargol drops, the specialist takes into account childhood and weight, his diagnosis. Komarovsky recommends strictly following the recommended volume and not violating the treatment regimen:

  • The baby receives the medicine 1 drop 2 times a day. After 6 months, the dose is increased to 2 drops.
  • For children over one year old, Protargol 2% solution is dripped 2 drops into the nostril no more than 2 times a day.
  • At acute inflammation on days 1–3 you can use the drug 3 times a day.

Indications for use

Protargol drops for children have a wide range therapeutic spectrum, are often used to treat diseases in otolaryngology:

  • bacterial inflammation of the nasopharynx;
  • acute rhinitis against the background of otitis media;
  • adenoiditis;
  • sinusitis;
  • Frontitis.

The drug is not recommended for getting rid of viral runny nose and nasal congestion. But doctors allow its use as a means of prevention for bacterial infection throat and adenoids, which can spread to the sinuses.

Are there any contraindications to the use of Protargol?

The only contraindication to the use of the drug is an allergy to any component. Therefore, before first use, you need to apply a drop to the skin, evaluate its color and reaction. Doctors do not recommend the medicine during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

How to store Protargol

Before purchasing, you need to clarify how to store Protargol correctly so that the solution does not lose medicinal properties. This is due to the absence of chemical preservatives, the addition colloidal solution based on natural proteins. The average storage period in the refrigerator is up to 30 days.

Side effects from Protargol: what to look for

Silver has a powerful antiseptic and antibacterial effect, but at the same time is an allergen. Therefore, for the first instillation it is better to use the minimum amount - 1 drop into the nasal passage. It is necessary to pay attention to the appearance the following symptoms The child has:

  • complaints of pain and burning 10–15 minutes after the procedure;
  • redness around the nasal passage;
  • headache;
  • severe weakness;
  • skin rashes;
  • dry mucous membranes.

If swelling appears, the baby should be given antihistamine, call a doctor.

Analogues of Protargol in the treatment of prolonged runny nose

Replacing the drops is necessary if there is no improvement in health within 3-5 days, or constant nasal congestion is observed. A common analogue of Protargol - complex drops, which are made individually according to a doctor's prescription. A good and effective remedy may include iodine, antibiotics, Dioxidin and hormonal components.

Among the drugs produced by pharmacologists, you can choose ones similar to Protargol in composition and price:

  • Sialor;
  • Argosept;
  • Collargol.

A replacement is selected by the doctor after a visual examination and tests.

The price of Protargol drops depends on the concentration of the main component - silver colloid. It ranges from 95 to 160 rubles per 10 ml bottle.

The body of young children is more susceptible to viral infections than others, infectious diseases and common colds. In many cases, such diseases are accompanied by a runny nose and stuffy nose. Ordinary snot or congestion can develop into sinusitis, rhinitis and other acute respiratory diseases. The drug Protargol will help the child cope with this kind of inflammatory processes. It is suitable even for small children.

Protargol is a drug based on silver ions for the treatment of children and adults

pharmachologic effect

Given medicine is a combination of proteins and silver. Protargol is intended to protect the nasal mucosa. Once on its surface, the drug forms a foam, which serves as a barrier to the further spread of inflammation. The effect of using the drug becomes noticeable the next day after the start of treatment.

To the row useful properties Silver ions also include:

  • decreased sensitivity of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • inhibition of the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • constriction of blood vessels, which reduces swelling and eases difficulty breathing.

Indications for use of Protargol

The range of applications of Protargol is quite wide. It is used in gynecology, urology, otolaryngology and ophthalmology. Such a wide range of uses is based on the fact that the silver ions contained in it effectively affect gram-positive, gram-negative, anaerobic and aerobic flora.

A runny nose and inflammation of the adenoids are indications for the use of Protargol

Protargol nasal drops for children and adults are used for:

  1. Rhinitis or sinusitis (we recommend reading:). If thick, profuse snot appears, with a characteristic green or yellow tint, the doctor may well prescribe this drug or its full analogue Sialor. Timely use of silver-containing drops can prevent runny nose purulent discharge and prevent complications such as otitis media or sinusitis from developing.
  2. Adenoids. Adenoiditis with accompanying chronic runny nose and inflammation of the nasal mucosa is a reason to prescribe Protargol. Adenoids are dangerous due to their complications. When sick, the patient may have hearing loss, breathing problems, and may lack oxygen. At correct use Protargol drops (or any drug similar action and composition) do an excellent job of drying out the mucous membrane of the tonsils, preventing inflammation and leading to the death of pathogenic microbes. This drug can eliminate the need surgical intervention to remove adenoids (see also:).
  3. Conjunctivitis or blepharitis. Purulent inflammation eyelids and eyes is another one of those problems that Protargol solution in the form of drops can help cope with.

Another option for using this drug is the prevention of sinus diseases in children that are inflammatory and infectious in nature.

Having no age restrictions, Protargol is approved for use by adults and newborns. However, it should only be prescribed by a doctor with a prescription. Self-medication is not safe for them.

Release form of the drug

When prescribing Protargol, the drug is prepared in a special department of the pharmacy

Initially, Protargol is a powdery extract of yellow-brown color. Subsequently, it is used to prepare water solution. It should be mixed with purified water. It dissolves easily and quickly, the maximum dissolution time is 30 minutes. However, the process of preparing the solution is carried out only by pharmacies upon request. This is due to the fact that manufacturing requires accurate weighing of the components.

From the powder you can get 1-5% solutions. The concentration of the drug depends on the amount of water. The smaller the volume of water taken, the higher it will be. The percentage influences the disinfecting effect that Protargol gives. It grows with increasing percentage. However, at the same time the probability increases side effects, therefore, 1% or 2% drops are most often prescribed.

The final solution has dark brown and bitter taste. It has no smell. The packaging is usually a 10 ml glass bottle. It indicates the pharmacy data, date of manufacture, expiration date and storage conditions.

Instructions for use by children

What percentage of the medicine to use directly depends on the age of the child. Infants up to one year are prescribed a one-percent option, and for older children - 2%. The duration, dose, and number of doses per day should be determined by the attending physician, based on the diagnosis and age indicators.

For conjunctivitis or other inflammatory ophthalmological disease, 1-3 drops are usually prescribed 2 to 4 times a day (we recommend reading:). For various types of ENT diseases, children need to instill 1-4 drops twice a day.

Before carrying out therapy, an allergy test is carried out: it is enough to apply one drop of the solution to the skin on the bend of the elbow and monitor the reaction after 15 minutes. If redness, itching, or other negative reaction Protargol should not be used for babies.

The effectiveness of the action is also ensured by the correct instillation of the product into the nose. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  1. Flushing the nose with saline solution. For example, AquaMaris, Dolphin or regular saline (we recommend reading:).
  2. Cleaning the nasal cavity. For infants, a nasal aspirator is used; for older children, this is done with a cotton swab.
  3. Burial. Only freshly prepared solution should be used. The child should lie in a supine position. Before instillation, the bottle with the solution must be shaken. Then drop the required number of drops into each nostril using a pipette purchased separately. It is advisable for infants not to drip, but to apply the medicine to the nasal mucosa using a cotton pad.
  4. The procedure is repeated every day in the morning and evening.

Use cotton pads to lubricate the baby's nose

The body does not get used to the medicine, but the maximum duration of use should be no more than 14 days. It is advisable to instill Protargol in your nose for 5-7 days.

This limitation is due to the properties of silver, which tends to spread to other organs and be deposited there. This excessive accumulation of metal in the body can trigger argyrosis. This is enough rare disease, the symptoms of which are changes in eye and skin color. They take on a silvery tint.

Storage of the drug

The conditions in which the drug is stored also play an important role in its effectiveness. Once prepared, the solution is good for a month. Because of this, you will not find it on the shelves in pharmacies. It is made to order in special departments of the pharmacy.

Protargol drops should be stored in a cool, dark place. Without these requirements, the silver will precipitate and dissolve. As a result, the drug will lose its qualities. You can tell that the product has expired by signs such as heterogeneity of the solution and the appearance of a silver sheen on the bottle.

It is necessary to drip Protargol into the nose of a child only as prescribed by a doctor and in accordance with the indicated dosage

Protargol can cause some side effects. Its reception may be accompanied by:

  • burning and itching during instillation;
  • headaches;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • thirst and dry mouth.

An allergy in a child to a drug is no exception. This is quite rare, but the baby may develop urticaria, dermatitis or Quincke's edema. In this case, treatment should be canceled and consult a doctor.

It is absolutely safe to use Protargol externally for infants, but its use internally is prohibited according to the instructions. Silver tends to provide toxic effect on the baby's body. It is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body, penetrating the internal organs.

As for an overdose, it poses a serious threat in the form of poisoning and other consequences. It is very important to follow the instructions and store the solution in a place where it will not fall into the hands of a child.

Plus, it has contraindications. Its use is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for those people who cannot tolerate at least one of the components of the medicine.

If side effects occur, stop using the drug and consult a doctor immediately

Protargol's analogs

Protargol is not the most easily accessible medicine, since not every pharmacy has a production department. Because of this, parents need to know what can replace this drug. Below are a number of analogues of Protargol:

  1. Sialor drops or spray. They also contain silver ions, and they have a similar effect to Protargol. There are two main differences between the drugs: cost and method of preparing the solution. 10 ml of Sialor costs an average of 200 rubles. The kit includes tableted powder and water. This allows you to dilute the solution at home.
  2. Collargol. The silver content in this analogue is higher, about 70%. The solution is mixed only in pharmacy conditions subject to strict adherence to percentages. Its use is not so widespread and is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor.

The following drugs are not direct analogues of the drug in question, but can act as substitutes:

  1. Polydexa (we recommend reading:). Release form: spray. Has anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor and antibacterial effect. The composition contains phenylephrine and polymyxin. It has almost no side effects, but it has many contraindications. Allowed for children only after 2.5 years.
  2. Isofra (we recommend reading:). It is an antibiotic spray. It is based on framycetin sulfate. Rarely provokes allergies. Allowed for infants.
  3. Albucid. As eye drops, they are often used for a runny nose. The drug is characterized by an antibacterial effect.

These analogs help only in cases where the cause of a runny nose is a bacterium. When choosing what exactly to treat your baby, it is better to consult a doctor.

The drug Sialor is a complete analogue of Protargol and is prepared independently

General conclusion

Like any medicine, Protargol has its pros and cons. Disadvantages include:

  • short shelf life;
  • difficult to get, since not all pharmacies have a prescription department;
  • possibility of side effects and allergies;
  • should not be given too often;
  • bitter taste.

However, the product boasts:

Protargol is very effective and can come to the rescue where other medications are powerless, but you should not take it often. It may cause harm children's body. You need to start treatment with the drug after your doctor has established the exact dosage and how long to take the drug. Self-medication of nasal congestion or green snot with Protargol is dangerous. According to Dr. Komarovsky and other pediatricians, the abuse of these drugs is not beneficial.

The description is valid on 05.10.2015
  • Latin name: Protargolum
  • Active substance: Silver proteinate
  • Manufacturer: Echo NPK ZAO, PFK update (Russia)

Composition of Protargol

Protargol contains active ingredientPsilver roteinate (protargol) , polyvinyl-N-pyrrolidone.

Release form

Protargol Sialor produced in the form of tablets for the preparation of a 2% solution.

Ready-made 1%, 2% Protargol aqueous solution is also produced. The prepared solution is contained in glass vials with a pipette.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacopoeia indicates that this medicine is antiseptic (disinfectant ) drug. The use of Protargol solution provides anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent action. At the same time, in contrast to , when using it there is no development .

After contact with areas of the skin and mucous membranes damaged due to inflammation, the medicine forms a protective film, as a result of which the sensitivity of the mucous membrane and skin is reduced, and active tissue healing is noted. Also, under the influence of the medicine, blood vessels narrow. The mechanism of action of this drug ensures the suspension of the development of inflammatory reactions.

The body is also affected by silver ions, which actively suppress the reproduction process different forms bacteria, viruses, fungi. The drug prevents the penetration of bacteria and microbes into the mucous membranes and skin.

Medicines are used for the common cold, in children, and also for the treatment of other inflammatory processes. Stimulation occurs under the influence of the drug .

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

No description provided.

Indications for use

Wikipedia testifies that Protargol is used as a remedy with an astringent, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect for inflammatory diseases affecting the mucous membranes urinary tract, upper respiratory tract. It is also used in the treatment of conjunctivitis and blenorrhea.

Protargol (Sialor) is used as conservative treatment for adenoids, Protargol nasal drops are also recommended as a prophylactic drug for children with infectious, inflammatory diseases paranasal sinuses nose


The following are contraindications for use:

  • intolerance to any component of this medicine and manifestation;
  • period and .

Side effects

Instructions for use of Protargol Sialor (Method and dosage)

Instructions for use Protargola Sialora assumes that the product is used exclusively topically, given its composition. If tablets are used, you must initially prepare a solution of Protargol. To prepare a 2% solution, you need to dissolve one tablet in 10 ml of the solvent that is included. To prepare the solvent, you need to pour the solvent into the bottle, add the tablet there and, closing it, shake thoroughly until it is completely dissolved.

Instructions for use Protargola for children stipulates that before using the solution, the child must thoroughly clean the nasal cavity. The child should be placed on his back, and then the product should be instilled. The medicine is administered in the morning and evening, as a rule, treatment lasts two weeks. 3-5 drops of the product are instilled into the nose.

When treating inflammatory eye diseases, a 1-2% solution of the drug, 2-3 drops, is instilled into the eyes; this should be done, depending on the patient’s condition, 2-4 times a day.

In urology, a 2% solution is used for rinsing urethra and bladder.


When using Protargol, an overdose is unlikely.


There is no data on interactions with other medications, but before starting use, be sure to tell your doctor about the medications you are using.

Terms of sale

The medicine can be purchased without a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

You should clearly know how to store and where to store the prepared solution. It is important to keep it in the refrigerator and keep in mind that after preparation the solution can be used for 30 days. Therefore, it must be prepared immediately before starting the course of treatment.

Best before date

The shelf life of Protargol is two years, the shelf life after opening and preparation is 30 days.

special instructions

It is important that patients use this remedy only after being prescribed by a doctor, who specifies the dosage of the remedy and the specifics of its administration. You should not use the product yourself for children with “green snot” or other conditions. Both Komarovsky and other pediatricians advise against abusing this medicine.

It is important for both adults and children to rinse their nose thoroughly before starting to take the product.

The medicine does not affect the speed and speed of reaction.

Protargol's analogs

An analogue of this drug in terms of the active substance is a medicine . However, there are a number of other drugs related to the same pharmacological group, therefore, you should ask your doctor about what to replace the drug with.

Collargol and Protargol - differences

Collargol also contains silver ions that are bound to proteins. However, the percentage of silver in this medicine is ten times higher compared to Protargol.

Protargol for children

There is evidence that WHO does not consider it advisable to prescribe this medicine to children under 5 years of age. However, there are many positive reviews for children about the use of this remedy, and pediatricians sometimes prescribe nasal drops for children under 5 years of age. In this case, the instructions for Protargol for children must be strictly followed. Also, parents are often attracted by the low price of the product. However, you should ask your doctor individually about how to administer Protargol to your child and how many days you can administer this medication to your child.

Protargol for newborns

There is a practice when Protargol for newborns is used directly in maternity hospitals: A 1% solution is instilled into the baby's eyes immediately after he is born. However, the product can only be used for newborns under strict medical supervision.

Protargol during pregnancy and lactation

Protargol is not prescribed during pregnancy, nor is it used during breastfeeding.

Reviews of Protargol (Sialor)

Exist various reviews doctors and user opinions about this medicine. There are many positive posts about how effective the drops were for treating children. However, when reading reviews about Protargol for children from a runny nose, adenoids, etc., you should take into account that this remedy cannot be used independently. It is important that the patient's condition is assessed by a doctor.

Price of Protargol (Sialora), where to buy

The price of Protargol (Sialor) averages 220-260 rubles per 10 ml package for the preparation of a 2% solution, which is used as nasal drops for children and adults. Those who are looking for where to buy Protargol in Moscow should ask about this at places where medicines are sold. How much the drug costs in other cities of Russia (in St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Omsk, Yekaterinburg) can be found in pharmacies or on specialized websites. In Minsk, the drug can be ordered online.

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
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    Protargol-lor tab. d/prig. size for places approx. 200 mg No. 1 (includes 1 bottle + 1 lid-dropper)

    Lextor protargola solution 2% drops fl. 15 ml lekstore Esko-pharm LLC

    Lextor protargol solution 2% spray 15 ml lekstore Esko-pharm LLC

    Protargol-lor tab. d/prig. size for places approx. 200 mg No. 2 (includes 1 bottle + 1 lid-dropper)OJSC "Pharmstandard-Leksredstva"

    Protargol 2% pharmaceutical solution fl. 10ml PHARMNOVATION LLC

Pharmacy Dialogue

    Sialor (Protargol) tablets 2% 10ml + solvent spray

A symptom such as a runny nose can bother you at any age. There are many reasons for its appearance. An effective remedy Protargol is considered a treatment for a runny nose. It contains silver proteinate. A pediatrician may prescribe Protargol for infants.

Protargol is available in two main forms: a liquid solution and a powder intended for self-dilute with water. Silver ions are the active ingredient against microbes and bacteria.

Color liquid solution– light or dark brown. There is no smell, the taste is bitter.

After opening the bottle, the drug is stored for 10-20 days. It all depends on the storage conditions. Light should not shine on the bottle, so it should only be stored in a dark place. If a cloudy sediment appears, the medicine should not be used.

The medicine, getting on the mucous surface of the nose, creates a protective film. At the same time, it has the effect of constricting blood vessels, swelling subsides, and it becomes easier to breathe.

The number of microbes decreases and their spread stops due to the accumulation of ions on the bacteria themselves. As a result, the inflammatory process decreases and stops.

The medicine gives results in complex therapy with other antiviral and antibacterial drugs. Symptoms of a runny nose quickly go away, and residual effects are eliminated by other drugs.

The drug is most effective on early stages development of respiratory disease.

Indications for use of the medicine

Protargol is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses: sinusitis, sinusitis.
  • ARZ, ARVI.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the inner and middle ear.

  • Adenoids.
  • Blepharitis in newborns.
  • Conjunctivitis.

The medicine perfectly fights bacteria. But he will not be able to cope with viruses and allergic rhinitis on his own, so additional drug therapy is necessary.

Bacterial runny nose can be easily distinguished from other types. Nasal discharge has a thick consistency and may be yellowish or greenish in color. At night time infant may cough. This is explained by the fact that snot envelops the larynx and causes a cough reflex.

Improper use of Protargol or its overdose can lead to side effects. Sleep is disturbed, the child looks lethargic, drowsy, has a headache, dry mouth oral cavity, burning and itching in the nose. For parents whose children are prone to allergies, it is better not to use this remedy against runny nose. A rash, urticaria may appear, and less commonly the condition leads to anaphylactic shock.

The medicine Protargol is not addictive, does not reduce immunity, does not affect the functioning of the digestive system, therefore the intestinal microflora is not formed infant will not be harmed.

The product should not be used simultaneously by a nursing mother and a baby. This will avoid overdose.

Rules of application

Before each use, shake the bottle of solution vigorously. The earlier the drug is opened, the less silver particles will precipitate. If a cloudy dark sediment appears, or when the expiration date has expired, the drug cannot be used.

The drug is intended for instillation into the nose or lubricating its mucous surface with a cotton tourniquet. A single dosage for an infant is 1-2 drops in each nostril twice a day. For adenoids, the doctor may decide to increase the dosage.

If the drug is used in the treatment of runny nose in children under one year old, then some important points need to be taken into account.

  1. Before instillation, the nasal passages should be cleared of crusts and accumulated mucus. For this, any saline solution will be useful, for example, saline or Aqua Maris.
  2. After instilling the saline solution, you need to use a respirator to suck out excess mucus.
  3. The baby is placed on his back or picked up. Tilt your head back a little and tilt it to the side. After this, the required amount of medicine should be instilled.
  4. Lubricate the nasal passages using a cotton swab.
  5. Clothes and bedding should be covered with a towel, as the solution is difficult to wash off and leaves stains.

If the child is newborn (up to 3 weeks), then the solution is first diluted with water to reduce the concentration active substance.

The course of treatment most often lasts 6-8 days, in some cases it can be extended to 14 days.

A developing runny nose, pharyngitis, or rhinitis in an infant should be stopped in time to prevent further health consequences. In such cases, it is customary to prescribe protargol for infants, which has a time-tested effect.

Protargol for infants is prescribed mainly in the form of drops with 1-2% active ingredient. The color of the medicine is often transparent or light brown, has a bitter taste, but no odor. They contain silver ions, which act as an active substance. These components contribute to the envelopment of the mucous membrane and suppress pathogenic microorganisms. Due to this there is a reduction inflammatory process, and the baby’s nasal mucosa dries out a little, preventing a strong flow. Drops produce a vasoconstrictor effect. Main advantage medicinal product a complication such as dysbacteriosis is considered impossible.

Sialor with protargol for the treatment of runny nose in infants

Keep pharmaceutical product follows, following the recommendations. After opening the bottle, place it in a dark, cool place, observe the composition, if a black or golden precipitate appears, do not take the medicine. Is it possible for a baby to receive protargol drops if the storage requirements are not met? This question worries parents. E. Komarovsky believes that it is better to refrain from using this drug.

Indications for the use of protargol for infants

Protargol for infants is prescribed as the main drug when diagnosing nasopharyngitis acute form, sinusitis, rhinitis, as well as diseases visual organs, blepharitis, dacryocystitis. Please note that the medicine is prescribed only if the baby’s disease is caused by bacteria, and in antiviral therapy other medications are involved.

It is advisable to clarify how long you can drip protargol to an infant. The medicine is known to be non-addictive, so it can be used for seven days. Protargol is also used to treat middle ear diseases in infants.

Children say! Daughter (4 years old):
- Mom, stop hugging dad! He won’t get away from us anyway...

Protargol: instructions for use for infants, reviews from parents

The drug Protargol for infants in the form of drops is used topically for the nose and eyes. It is worth performing cleaning procedures first. Before starting treatment you must:

  • wash your hands well with antibacterial soap;
  • prepare cotton buds, saline solution, aspirator and Protargol itself;
  • Now we drop a little saline solution into both nostrils of the child, after a minute we suck out the mucus with an aspirator or syringe, and be sure to wipe it with a turundum in the baby’s nasal passages;

    Before using protargol for infants, you should rinse the nose with saline solution

  • We place the newborn on his back and drop 1-2 drops into the nostrils.
  • Children say! In the evening before going to bed, my son gently hugged, kissed and confessed his love:
    - Mommy, my beloved, my concrete mixer!

    This procedure must be performed 2 times a day.

    • if you need to put drops in your eyes, you should first wash them with chamomile decoction, and then drop 2 drops into each lacrimal sac;

    We repeat this procedure two to three times a day.

    For babies who are only two to three weeks old, it is recommended to use the most weak solution Protargol or simply lubricate the turunda with the product and apply to the nasal mucosa several times a day. This procedure is suitable for children when treating various types of runny nose, but the effect is not achieved immediately.

    Note to moms! A nursing mother is not advised to take the drug on her own or give it to her baby. This combination often causes an overdose, and, as a result, side effects in infants from the use of Protargol.

    The total course of treatment with this drug should not exceed five days.
