Methods of professional teeth cleaning, photo of the process. Hygienic teeth cleaning How to do professional teeth cleaning

Going to the dentist is scary for most people. After all, everyone knows how painful and unpleasant it is to treat dental diseases. But it is much more comfortable if you use professional teeth cleaning - we will provide what it is, price, reviews and photos below.

To prevent problems such as caries, gingivitis, pulpitis and other diseases oral cavity, it is necessary to clean the plaque in time. If you accustom yourself to such a procedure on a regular basis, then the dentist’s services will cost much less, and the teeth themselves will be healthy, and you will forget about the pain and unpleasant manipulations of the doctor.

What it is?

Professional dental cleaning is a painless but smart way to keep your mouth in perfect order. Any of the available methods will remove plaque of varying complexity, including tartar. After all, it is these formations that help bacteria accumulate and multiply intensively, which subsequently lead to a variety of diseases.

This means that by eliminating plaque in time, you can prevent most of the unpleasant consequences that no one likes to treat. It is also worth noting that professional cleaning is much cheaper than treatment, restoration, and even more so prosthetics and implantation. Those patients who visit the doctor once a year for specialized cleaning forget about pain and cease to be afraid of dentists and their equipment.

Why do you need professional teeth cleaning?

In the process of daily consumption of food and drinks, plaque appears on its own and can be cleaned with toothpaste and a brush. Initially, these formations are soft and easily removed, but only in accessible places. But once they get into the spaces between teeth or periodontal pockets, they become practically inaccessible for removal at home.

Over time, this soft plaque will begin to mineralize and harden, turning into tartar. And you can’t clean it with a brush; more aggressive methods are needed. Why does this happen? It's all very simple - the hardened surface is practically resistant to soft brushes.

The resulting tartar causes a lot of harm to the entire oral cavity. And it's not even about appearance smiles and darkened teeth. Much worse is that hardened plaque becomes an excellent environment for the active growth of bacteria. And they, in turn, destroy hard and soft tissues, leading to caries and other dental diseases.

Doctors say that even a healthy tooth can fall out simply because a lot of hard stone has accumulated around it. In addition, and appears, and the smile leaves much to be desired.

There is only one way out - visit the dental clinic once a year for professional cleaning in any way suitable for you.

Photos before and after

Indications and contraindications

Unlike medical procedures, which are used only for certain indications, it is advisable for absolutely everyone to perform dental cleaning. Once a year, or even better, every six months, get examined by a doctor and clean the plaque before it leads to the formation of more serious problems.

There are few restrictions for carrying out such manipulations; they mainly relate to some particular method, for example, laser cleaning, but all others remain available.

So, you should carefully select a method in the following conditions:

In these cases, you should cure the initial problem or wait a while, and sometimes opt for a more gentle cleaning method. An experienced dentist will select the appropriate option and tell you which one is best for you.


There are several ways to clean plaque, and the doctor selects each of them depending on the sensitivity of the patient’s enamel, as well as the complexity of the deposits. So, the very initial procedure will be regular cleaning with special brush and professional paste, which is used to process enamel.

But most often this is only the initial stage, followed by special manipulations, the features of which will directly depend on the chosen cleaning method.

Air Flow

One of the simple and accessible methods for cleaning the tooth surface from plaque and tartar is Air Flow. The method of such cleaning is based on a stream of air and water with the addition of ordinary soda. Thanks to high blood pressure soda perfectly breaks up deposits of any complexity, reaching the most inaccessible places. And water gently cleanses away plaque residues and softens the harsh effects of soda, lowering the temperature of the tooth surface.

It is important to correctly adjust the jet strength, taking into account the thickness of the enamel, the sensitivity of the patient, and the hardness and neglect of tartar. The advantages of the method are:

  1. Painless.
  2. Availability.
  3. Efficiency and complete safety for the patient's health.

The disadvantages may be minor contraindications and a relatively short-term result - it will last on average for six months.


This method is considered the most effective for dental health, as it can remove not only visible stone and plaque, but also, more importantly, . They are not amenable to virtually any type of cleaning and are difficult to even diagnose. However, such a stone has a much stronger effect on the health of the tooth.

Using a special device and a convenient attachment that can reach any difficult places in the oral cavity, ultrasonic waves are applied to all dental deposits. They are destroyed, and a stream of water gently washes away the remains. Moreover, the procedure is completely painless, safe for the enamel surface, and the effect lasts for a year.

The only disadvantages are some contraindications:

  • Acute viral infections.
  • Diseases of the respiratory system, bronchitis and asthma.
  • Increased sensitivity of enamel.
  • Problems with the functioning of the heart.
  • Childhood.
  • The presence of diseases such as tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis, etc.
  • Any implants not only in the oral cavity, but also in the patient’s body in general.


This type of cleaning, which is more often called, includes much more than previous methods. To understand what is included in the procedure, you need to explain the principle of operation:

  • Under the rays of the device, all moisture evaporates, of which there is much more in plaque than in enamel or dentin.
  • As a result, excess formations come off in layers, leaving the tooth surface clean.
  • If a special gel is used, then when activated with a laser, it can also additionally change the shade of the dentin itself, which is almost impossible to influence in any other way.

Thus, the patient receives not only a clean oral cavity, but also maximum enamel whitening. The results of the procedure will last for several years.

True, laser cleaning has many more contraindications than any other methods, and its price is much higher. Among the restrictions for the procedure are mentioned:

  1. Childhood.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  3. Installed braces or implants.
  4. Hypersensitivity of tooth enamel.
  5. Heart diseases.
  6. Various infections of a general nature.
  7. As well as HIV, tuberculosis and hepatitis.

Despite such caution, everyone resorts to laser whitening more people, since this happens completely without pain, quickly, and the effect lasts much longer than with any other manipulation. Patients also like the noiselessness of the method and the lack of contact of the device with the tooth surface.

Stages of the procedure

To do everything correctly, the doctor must examine the patient’s oral cavity, determine whether there are any contraindications to the procedure, and only then proceed to certain steps:

  1. Exposure to an electric brush and special chemical composition.
  2. Cleaning plaque and stone using the selected professional method, which we described above.
  3. The use of strips - special rigid tapes with a rough surface. It is pushed between the teeth, thereby reaching the sides as much as possible.
  4. Polishing is considered an important step to prevent further plaque formation. After all, if you leave the cleaned surface as is, then bacteria will begin to accumulate in the recesses that appear, invisible to the eye, at a much higher speed than it was before. Only by grinding the tooth enamel can you achieve its smoothness, which will make plaque formation difficult.
  5. To protect dental tissue, the doctor last stage applies a special fluoridating composition that can improve the health of the enamel, strengthen it and protect it from harmful effects.

Only after going through all the stages of cleaning can you be sure that the procedure was successful. But it is equally important to follow the doctor’s further recommendations, which should be applied at home after the professional procedure.

Obviously, if hygiene rules are not followed, bacteria will very quickly fill all cleaned areas and the effect of the procedure will be short-lived. To prevent this from happening, doctors must teach the patient the basics. This includes:

  • Daily, performed with the correct movements and a high-quality toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • for cleaning the interdental space.
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal.
  • It is also important to give up some bad habits, such as drinking alcohol, smoking and overindulgence coffee and carbonated drinks.

Recommendations include regular visits to the dentist. Doctors advise to perform an examination every six months and carry out regular cleaning on time using professional methods. Only in this case can you be sure not only of a constant radiant smile, but also of absolute health dentition and gums.

Professional cleaning for children

Ultrasound and laser cleansing have contraindications for children. This is due to the fact that until the age of 16-18 the enamel structure is formed and is not able to protect itself from aggressive influences. Therefore, regular cleanings remain available special brushes and compositions, as well as Air Flow.

If you accustom your child to regular cleaning in the dentist's chair, this will bring good results:

  • The baby will not be afraid of the doctor, and in the future it will be easier to agree to various procedures and manipulations.
  • Keeping your mouth clean helps keep your teeth and gums healthy, which means you will visit dentists less in the future because you won’t have any dental problems.
  • Under the influence of communication with a doctor, the child becomes accustomed to regular, and most importantly, correct hygiene procedures.

Do not think that baby teeth will fall out quickly and therefore do not need to be treated or carefully cared for. The health of permanent teeth, which will gradually replace temporary ones, completely depends on the condition of such units.

If you have braces

Braces have become the most popular system for correcting bites. It is worn by children, teenagers, and sometimes adults. But for all their positive effects on the bite, they make daily cleaning of the oral cavity difficult. Being non-removable structures that are sometimes present on the teeth for several years, braces can worsen their condition due to poor surface cleaning.

Therefore, it is important to periodically seek professional cleaning, which can wash away food debris, bacteria and remove plaque even in the presence of such structures. Using special devices, the doctor will be able to reach hard-to-reach places and completely remove plaque, remove tartar and clean out stuck pieces of food from all spaces.

Can it be done during pregnancy?

Most dental procedures, including whitening or professional cleaning, are not available to women in such a delicate position.

But in each case, the doctor decides on what term and what manipulations can be performed. Moreover, high-quality cleaning and timely dental treatment contributes to better condition both woman and fetus.

Video: beauty and health - professional teeth cleaning.

How much does professional teeth cleaning cost?

Today prices for dental services vary greatly depending on the specific clinic, city and region of the country. And yet, the average price range for such procedures is as follows. The most easy cleaning will cost 1000-1500 rubles, Air Flow will cost more - 2500-3500, ultrasound is estimated at 1500-3000 rubles.

Laser cleansing is more of a professional whitening procedure and is the most expensive. Depending on the specific clinic, the experience of the doctor and the equipment used, such a procedure will cost at least 3,000 rubles, and sometimes much more.

There is also a special type of cleansing called ClinPro. The price for it varies between 5000-6000 rubles, but the result may turn out to be the highest quality of all the previous ones.

In any case, professional cleansing prevents many diseases that would be much more expensive to treat. Therefore, more and more often people began to use such simple manipulations to prevent serious and expensive problems.

Depending on the intensity of plaque and the appearance of tartar, ultrasonic teeth cleaning is needed once every six months or once a year, and also for everyone who has developed caries, has bad breath, and has begun to bleed. Ultrasonic teeth cleaning is carried out using an ultrasonic laser. Compared to chemical or mechanical methods, this procedure is much safer. Tartar is difficult to remove mechanically; in this case, the enamel may be damaged. When using an ultrasonic laser, deposits on teeth are easily separated, while the enamel remains intact.

Ultrasonic cleaning teeth is a good prevention of the development of oral diseases. She deletes harmful bacteria, thereby helping to maintain healthy microflora.

Removing tartar prevents possible problems, since deposits on the teeth can contribute to the development of bleeding gums, which leads to the development of periodontitis and gingivitis. Subsequently, the teeth begin to hurt, become loose and fall out. Ultrasonic cleaning is often recommended immediately before dental treatment, as heavy deposits can reduce its effectiveness. This procedure helps to increase the strength of the connection between the teeth and, therefore, it directly affects the long-term results of treatment. Ultrasonic cleaning helps restore the natural color of teeth, making them one or two shades lighter and thereby adding attractiveness.

How to do ultrasonic teeth cleaning

For ultrasonic teeth cleaning, a special device is used - a scaler. The doctor applies a special gel to the patient's teeth. Under the influence of ultrasound, this substance releases oxygen, which destroys deposits. Ultrasonic vibration cleans the surface of the teeth and deeply rinses the periodontal canals. During cleaning, root canals are performed, plaque and tartar are removed. At the end of the procedure, the enamel is polished by fluoridation or using a special paste. Ultrasonic cleaning takes about an hour.

The procedure for removing stone is usually painless, but in some cases anesthesia may be used, for example, during the removal of subgingival plaque.

After ultrasonic cleaning, gums may become damaged, so on the first day after the procedure, you should exclude rough foods from your diet and you should not brush your teeth with a rough brush. You can rinse your mouth with infusion of sage or chamomile.

Ultrasonic cleaning is harmless to teeth, but in some cases it cannot be done. The procedure is contraindicated in case of dental hypersensitivity, patients with acute respiratory diseases, chronic bronchitis, arrhythmia or asthma, patients with orthopedic structures, implants, women in the first trimester of pregnancy, children and adolescents with a change in occlusion, patients at risk for hepatitis, HIV and tuberculosis.

A lot of bacteria are concentrated in the oral cavity of every person - according to recent research, there are about 200 billion different microorganisms in one gram of saliva. If hygienic procedures are carried out poorly or in insufficient quantities, then bacteria are able to actively multiply and settle on the teeth, gum tissue and tongue in the form of dental plaque. If it is not promptly removed, the soft plaque hardens and turns into a dense stone, which is no longer possible to get rid of at home. It is plaque and tartar that are the main causes of the development of most oral diseases, namely caries, gingivitis and their dangerous consequences.

Professional oral hygiene packages


The goal of comprehensive hygiene, which is carried out in dental office- removal of plaque and hard stone from the interdental spaces, from the surface of the teeth, as well as from under the gums. The complex must be carried out every six months - as deposits accumulate. For patients with sensitive enamel, procedures are prescribed less frequently - no more than once a year.

Why carry out a comprehensive cleaning?

We apply Newest technologies in everything, including caring for your own teeth, dentures and implants. Modern equipment and preparations have made hygiene methods effective and even pleasant - many patients compare them to a SPA procedure for teeth. While the doctor does his job, you relax in a comfortable chair, relax in BORK eye massage glasses, listening to pleasant music without any unpleasant sensations.

After comprehensive oral hygiene, the condition of the gums noticeably improves, their inflammation decreases, bleeding decreases, and teeth whiten due to their natural cleansing. Thus, the removal of plaque and stone is recommended in the treatment of gum disease, as well as as a prevention of caries and inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes if you smoke or drink a lot of coffee, tea or other drinks/products containing coloring substances.

What results can professional hygiene achieve?

All our patients who regularly undergo comprehensive dental cleanings can boast of strong, snow-white teeth and healthy gums!

How is cleaning carried out?
5 procedures for the health of your teeth

Hygiene is carried out only in a comprehensive manner - this is how you can achieve high results. These are five stages or five procedures, the purpose of which is to remove deposits and restore the health of enamel and gums.

Professional oral hygiene at the Smile-at-Once center is carried out by professional hygienists. We practice an exclusively individual approach, selecting a personal method and frequency of cleaning for each specific patient. Our main goal is to take care of teeth and gums, so our patients do not complain about unpleasant consequences in the form of pain, chipped enamel, fallen fillings. Neither during nor after the procedure.

Stage 1: removal of soft and hard dental plaque

This is the main method of removing tartar and plaque from the surface of the teeth, as well as from under the gums. And this is the first thing a dental hygienist begins to work with.

Used special device, which is called a scaler (scaler or skyler - such names also occur). Ultrasonic waves or microvibrations are applied through a special tip, which break the stone into tiny particles. At the same time, a small amount of water is supplied - firstly, for cooling, so that the enamel surface does not overheat and there is no burn to the gums, and secondly, to wash out crushed pieces of plaque and stone.

The procedure is often painless, but for some patients (especially those with sensitive enamel or tartar located under the gums) it may cause discomfort. discomfort- in this case, surface anesthesia in the form of a gel is applied to the mucous membrane.

In addition to ultrasound, laser can also be used. Unlike an ultrasonic scaler, it does not create vibrations, but light waves. It acts selectively - on those areas and tissues that contain a maximum of water molecules. Namely, plaque and hard stone contain the most of them - this is how deposits are broken down.

Wherein laser ray does not come into contact with either the enamel or the gums, so this procedure is considered very gentle. Removal of crushed pieces of deposits is carried out again using a jet of water.

Gentle removal of plaque and stone without pain!

Keep your teeth and gums healthy long years. Prevention is smart savings!

Stage 2: Air-Flow abrasive cleaning

  • advantages: plaque removal, fresh breath, no contraindications and gentle cleansing without damaging the enamel and gums.

After removing solid deposits, air-abrasive cleaning is carried out using Air-Flow technology. It can be used as an independent product, but, as a rule, with comprehensive hygiene it still complements ultrasound/laser treatment, because it does not remove solid deposits.

A special device delivers a stream of water under high pressure through a tip. At the same time, abrasive substances are used - this is a special powder that consists of microscopic granules. Their size is no more than 14 microns (micrometers). Due to this combination, soft plaque is effectively washed out both from the surface of the teeth and from under the gums, as well as from the interdental spaces, where it is extremely difficult to reach with other devices and means. In addition, the surfaces of dentures, composite restorations, orthodontic structures and even dental implants are gently cleaned.

Air-Flow is not only effective cleaning, but also polishing at the same time. The procedure is often even called “Air-Flow whitening” - this effect is achieved by cleansing the enamel, returning natural shine and smoothness. This is a pleasant addition to the hygiene complex. And the powder particles are so small that they do not lead to cracks and scratches either on the enamel of living teeth or on the materials of denture crowns.

The powder, which is served simultaneously with water, contains flavorings - flavoring additives that refresh the mouth and make the procedure more pleasant. However, if the patient has allergic reactions to citrus fruits, mint or eucalyptus, it is important to tell your hygienist.

Stage 3: polishing the enamel

  • pros: the enamel becomes smooth - this is an effective protection against re-accumulation of plaque.

Our teeth have a porous surface. In addition, composite restorations (if you have extended teeth or fillings) also gradually lose their density and again become porous. It is in these micro-gaps that the smallest bacteria accumulate. Therefore, it is important to make the enamel smooth, level the surface of the fillings and the joints with the tissues of the living tooth. Only then pathogenic microorganisms will not “cling” to the enamel surface.

The procedure is carried out after hard deposits and soft plaque have been completely removed. That is, after ultrasound, the Air-Flow procedure, as well as manual cleaning with curettes (special instruments) if necessary - in those places where there was a large accumulation of stone (usually under the gums).

To polish the entire surface of the teeth, special abrasive pastes are used, which are selected individually - taking into account the condition of the enamel, the number and quality of the fillings installed. The paste is applied using a brush with a high rotation speed of the head - the doctor carefully passes over all the teeth, polishing the lateral and chewing surfaces.

Stage 4: strengthening the enamel

  • pros: the enamel is saturated with useful microelements and becomes stronger.

The final stage of hygienic cleaning is fluoridation or strengthening of the enamel. A special protective fluoride varnish is applied to the surface of the teeth in the form of a gel, which relieves the increased sensitivity of the enamel, strengthens it, forming a special film that will help protect against bacterial attack.

Important! Inexpensive domestically produced fluoride varnishes can change the shade of the enamel - make it yellow. Therefore, it is better to make a choice in favor of Japanese and European-made products.

Stage 5: strengthening and restoration of gums

  • pros: inflammation of the gums decreases, the mucous membranes become more elastic and healthy.

Due to the removal of deposits, it occurs natural recovery the condition of the gums, since there is no factor that provokes inflammation - plaque and bacteria. However, after cleaning, the gums need to be helped to recover. To achieve this, our clinic uses several means:

  1. gums are treated with a special disinfecting solution,
  2. a soothing and regenerating hydrogel is applied,
  3. A self-absorbing collagen plate (membrane) enriched with medicinal plant extracts is applied.

Once placed, such a membrane begins to absorb oral fluid, after which it is easily fixed to the mucous membrane. They immediately begin to actively release drugs of natural origin, which act precisely at the site of fixation. They have a strengthening effect and relieve inflammation. The membrane dissolves within 1 hour on its own and does not require removal.

Preventing diseases and whitening teeth!

Professional teeth cleaning in 5 stages for only RUR 5,000. Carefully and scrupulously!

Features of cleaning with braces

Why are tartar and plaque dangerous?

“Fresh” stone and plaque are invisible and do not yet have time to cause damage to your teeth. But as they grow, they become noticeable and lead to pathological processes not only the oral cavity, but also the entire body.

  • visual disturbances: plaque has yellow and visible to others. Your teeth change color, crowns often appear shorter due to the presence of deposits along the gum level,
  • bad smell from the mouth, which occurs due to decay of food debris, the contents of periodontal pockets,
  • caries and pulpitis occur, since bacteria gradually corrode first the enamel, and then dentin - the internal tooth tissue,
  • periodontitis occurs - inflammation of the periodontal tissues surrounding the tooth root,
  • the risk of formation of cysts and granulomas increases, especially when the deposits “deepen” and are localized under the gum, on the roots,
  • gums become inflamed - first gingivitis occurs ( superficial lesion), and then periodontitis. The mucous membranes move away from the surface of the teeth, the ligamentous apparatus is destroyed, the teeth begin to loosen, and then completely fall out of the sockets.

Remember! There is a direct connection between early tooth loss and poor oral hygiene! Periodontitis and inflammation of the gums along with periodontal tissues are the main and main reason why our teeth fail.

But in addition to the fact that teeth and gums are destroyed, it is important to remember that plaque is bacteria, and pathogenic ones. We swallow them, they are carried along with the bloodstream throughout the body. Therefore, maintaining oral health is protection against the development of cardiovascular pathologies, problems with gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system.

Why does plaque accumulate on teeth?

The very first and main reason is the lack of, poor-quality oral hygiene or omissions. But there are also third-party factors that cause increased plaque accumulation.

  • incorrectly selected hygiene products: a brush that is too hard leads to injury to the gums and enamel, a soft one does not clean enough,
  • transition to a gentle care regime when the first signs of inflammation of the mucous membranes appear - in such situations, hygiene, on the contrary, should be strengthened to the maximum,
  • eating “sweet” foods that are rich in light carbohydrates: sweets, buns, candies,
  • lack of solid foods in the diet, which helps strengthen gums and naturally cleanse enamel,
  • smoking, taking drugs, drinking tea and coffee,
  • disturbances in the composition of saliva, which leads to its inability to clean teeth,
  • lack of vitamins in the body,
  • malocclusions that do not allow hygiene in certain areas of the dentition,
  • common diseases: diabetes, endocrine and hormonal disorders, diseases gastrointestinal organs,
  • therapy with antibacterial drugs.

Indications and contraindications for comprehensive cleaning

Professional hygiene should be carried out at least once a year - these are WHO recommendations, even if you don’t see any external manifestations- gums may look healthy, but there is no plaque. Deposits may be located under the mucosa and not yet lead to inflammatory process- the changes may simply not be noticeable to you yet. Therefore, hygiene will be the best prevention.

In addition, this complex (with some restrictions) is necessarily carried out in the presence of implants and prostheses supported on them - to maintain healthy condition tissues, maintaining guarantees and treatment results. Hygiene is also mandatory during any orthodontic treatment, especially when wearing braces (can be done every 3-4 months).


  • the presence of plaque and stone of any location, incl. under the gums,
  • enamel pigmentation,
  • inflammation and bleeding of gums,
  • "smoker's touch"
  • frequent consumption of coffee and black tea,
  • preparation for the installation of braces, dentures, veneers, lumineers or implants,
  • hygiene during presence of braces,
  • the presence of any dentures, including those supported by implants,
  • prevention of diseases of teeth and gums.

Contraindications (mainly to Air-Flow)

  • pregnancy,
  • lactation,
  • ENT diseases: asthma, bronchitis (with caution),
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases of the oral mucosa,
  • abundant caries, pulpitis,
  • acute viral diseases,
  • weakened tooth enamel,
  • allergic reactions to the drugs used.

Brushing your teeth actually has no contraindications. They mainly relate to Air-Flow processing, but if there are restrictions, then this stage is simply excluded, or the drugs used are adjusted.

Does the method have any disadvantages?

If teeth cleaning is carried out by a professional doctor, then the method has no disadvantages - pain after the procedure is either absent altogether or goes away quickly, tissues are not injured, plaque and tartar are removed very efficiently. The only disadvantage can be considered the need for professional hygiene on an ongoing basis, so self-control is required from the patient (along with undergoing classical examinations of the condition of the teeth). In combination with high-quality self-hygiene, this will be an excellent prevention of many diseases of the teeth and gums.

Rules for rehabilitation after comprehensive hygiene

After carrying out comprehensive hygiene, during the first 24 hours it is necessary to refrain from brushing your teeth (in the evening it is enough to rinse your mouth and use dental floss), as well as consuming coloring drinks and foods.

To maintain the result, it is advisable to strengthen self-hygiene. To do this you need to follow only 3 simple rules:

  • choose correctly toothbrush: The bristles should be of medium hardness, the brush itself should be changed every 3-4 months. Your attending hygienist will definitely recommend the most suitable option and teach you how to use it,
  • choose correctly toothpaste: this recommendation your doctor will give it to you - again based on the condition of your teeth enamel and gum health,
  • Maintain regular hygiene: you need to brush your teeth in the morning before meals and in the evening before bed, and after each snack, remove food residues using dental floss.

It is proper and regular oral hygiene that is the best prevention of the appearance of dental plaque, which can cause great harm to teeth and gums. Don't forget about undergoing preventive examinations and professional hygiene - this will be an excellent addition to maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

What are the alternatives?

Cleaning teeth from plaque and tartar should be carried out in a comprehensive manner: the patient himself must independently remove deposits with a brush and toothpaste in the morning and evening, and also use dental floss and mouthwash after each meal.

At home, a unique alternative (but not a complete replacement!) to the professional cleaning procedure can be the use of an irrigator. The device allows you to cope quite effectively with soft dental deposits.

A more serious alternative to cleaning at the dentist may be gum curettage. This procedure does not exclude the use of all of the listed methods, but additionally implies surgical intervention- the gum exfoliates, which allows you to get to deposits located deep under the gum.

1 According to WHO - World Health Organization.
2 Kirillova E.V. Possibilities of modern remineralizing compositions in aesthetic dental treatment. Modern dentistry, 2010.

Dazzling white teeth and fresh breath- the main components of a beautiful and bright smile. In addition, well-groomed teeth are an indicator good health person. However, not always standard daily procedures for caring for them can guarantee protection against stone and plaque. Doctors recommend visiting a dentist every six months for hygienic (professional) teeth cleaning.

What is professional teeth cleaning?

Hygienic teeth cleaning is a procedure for removing tartar and plaque, which is carried out exclusively in conditions dental clinics experienced doctors. In this case, special equipment is used.

During this procedure, all pathogenic bacteria are destroyed, which is a huge plus in maintaining human immunity. In addition, all manipulations are painless, i.e. It is possible to restore the natural beauty of your teeth without feeling any pain. Hygienic (professional) teeth cleaning does not require much time. In a short period of time, you can not only get rid of tartar and plaque on your teeth, but also carry out high-quality prevention of oral diseases.

Indications for the procedure

Hygienic teeth cleaning has virtually no contraindications. With its help, a number of problems related to the oral cavity are solved. These include:

Hygienic procedures for brushing your teeth should be done at least once every six months. The doctor may prescribe additional cleaning if necessary.

Types of hygienic cleaning

There are two types of professional cleaning:

  1. manual;
  2. hardware room

In the process of performing the latter, the following techniques are used:

  • Air Flow;
  • ultrasonic cleaning;
  • laser correction.

Since hygienic cleaning is primarily a deep cleansing of tooth enamel, it is better to combine different methods. This combination of alternative actions will enhance the effect of this procedure and give your teeth whiteness and health. Each of the methods is worth considering in more detail.


This technique is based on 3 components: air flow, water flow, baking soda. Each of them plays a special role in cleaning teeth. The air flow delivers soda to the problem area, which, under pressure, hits the plaque and helps it peel off from the enamel. Water washes away peelings and helps reduce body temperature, which rises as a result of friction of soda particles against plaque. For a fresh effect, menthol, lemon, mint and other flavors are added to the water.

The advantages of the Air Flow method include:

  • safety;
  • painlessness;
  • efficiency;
  • availability;
  • low price.

By using this method You can not only clean your teeth, but also polish the enamel. This will give it shine and partially illuminate it. It will not be possible to achieve complete lightening, since the method only involves cleaning the enamel from contaminants.

The effect of Air Flow lasts up to six months. The duration of the cleaning process itself ranges from 20 minutes to 1 hour.

This cleaning method also has contraindications:

  • acute form of periodontal disease;
  • damage to tooth enamel;
  • problems with respiratory system(asthma, obstructive bronchitis);
  • allergic reaction to the components used in this method;
  • enamel is too thin;
  • caries.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Water is supplied in the same way as with Air Flow. A water jet removes destructible deposits from tooth enamel and washes away their remains from those places where it is very difficult to reach. At the same time, partial lightening of the tooth enamel is carried out. For this manipulation, dentists use a dental scaler, with the help of vibration you can easily remove tartar and get rid of plaque (we recommend reading: how to remove tartar at home).

This method cleaning is characterized by the following advantages:

  • painlessness (although sometimes local anesthesia is still used);
  • antiseptic effect;
  • promotes the destruction of germs and bacteria;
  • safety;
  • gentle effect on enamel.

Ultrasonic cleansing is contraindicated in patients who:

Today, ultrasound technology has become very popular. This led to its cost significantly decreasing. The effect of this procedure lasts about a year, but only with careful home care for teeth.

Laser cleansing

Modern medicine does not stand still, and today, instead of mechanical teeth cleaning, laser cleaning has become widely used. This method is based on the process of evaporation of liquid, which contains a lot in the thickness of dental plaque and tartar, compared to enamel. Using a laser, this liquid is gradually evaporated and deposits are destroyed.

Due to the fact that the instruments do not come into contact with tissue, this procedure is absolutely painless. In addition, the likelihood of any infection, the development of caries and other diseases of the oral cavity is minimized, since the laser is a kind of antiseptic.

After laser treatment, teeth are not only freed from tartar and plaque, but also become several shades whiter at once (we recommend reading: methods of teeth whitening and photos of beautiful white teeth). Thus, there is no need to undergo additional whitening procedures. To verify this, just look at the photos taken before and after laser cleaning.

Despite many advantages, this hygiene procedure also has disadvantages. It is contraindicated:

This method is characterized by a high price, which can be several times higher than the cost of teeth cleaning using other methods, but this does not stop those who want to get a spectacular snow-white smile as a result. In addition, it will be able to please its owner and the people around him for at least a year.

Mechanical method

The mechanical method of hygienic cleaning is one of the oldest. Unlike modern ones, it has many disadvantages. Carrying out this procedure, the dentist uses special instruments. It takes a lot of time to perform a complex of manipulations in this way. Plus, they are very painful.

With the mechanical method, even the oldest plaque is removed, and the teeth become naturally white. This method is contraindicated for those who have very sensitive enamel, as there is a high probability of injury to the dentition. Cases often occur when pieces of enamel break off along with the stone.

Sequence of dentist actions

Professional cleaning is carried out in 4 stages:

  1. Removal of tartar and hard plaque using ultrasound. The dentist uses a scaler, which quickly removes all deposits on the tooth enamel. If the patient has sensitive gums, he is offered anesthesia so that he does not feel discomfort during the procedure. In general, this stage is painless.
  2. Cleaning teeth from soft plaque using the Air Flow method (we recommend reading: Air Flow teeth brushing: what it is and its advantages). To destroy bacteria and plaque on tooth enamel, apply special composition, which fills all the hard-to-reach places. As a result of this procedure, teeth return to their natural color and smoothness.
  3. Polishing tooth enamel. At this stage, the dentist uses a special abrasive paste, which is selected individually for each patient. As a result, tooth enamel acquires shine and whiteness, as well as protection from pathogenic microflora.
  4. Application of fluoride varnish (a special film containing fluoride) to tooth enamel, which not only strengthens it, but also prevents sensitivity.

Pros of the procedure, before and after photos

Pros of professional cleaning:

Disadvantages and contraindications

There are no disadvantages as such to professional teeth cleaning. These include only the presence of some contraindications. There are few of them, but you shouldn’t close your eyes to them:

  • developing pregnancy;
  • arrhythmia and heart failure;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • spicy respiratory diseases, asthma, chronic bronchitis;
  • erosion of tooth enamel.

Regular visits to the dentist guarantee a beautiful and snow-white smile. Hygiene at home is an integral part of dental care.

Dental measures to remove deposits on teeth (tartar, plaque on enamel) are professional teeth cleaning. Tartar on teeth arises from dental plaque on planes inaccessible to a brush.

Such plaque cannot be removed with a toothbrush; food debris, calcium, phosphorus and iron salts crystallize into stones. If darkening appears on the enamel, this is a signal about the need for cleaning at the dentist.

Timely consultation with a doctor is effective prevention caries. Additionally, it gives your teeth an attractive appearance and your smile a natural whiteness.


Some patients, out of ignorance, do not distinguish between teeth cleaning and teeth whitening - these are different activities, each aimed at its own result. Several types of cleaning have been developed in dentistry, the most popular:

  • ultrasonic scaler;
  • laser machine;
  • "air flow";
  • hygienic (manual).

Each of these types of cleansing has pros and cons. The methods are designed to get rid of problems (according to severity level).

  • Ultrasonic cleaning optimizes the condition of the gums and stops bleeding. The scaler has several contraindications.
  • Laser cleaning kills microorganisms and has a healing property - it heals mouth ulcers.
  • “Air flow” cleaning is performed using an air stream with an abrasive. There are contraindications.
  • Hygienic cleaning is a method of removing plaque using specialized dental brushes and hooks - this is a gentle method of removing tartar. Today, hygiene procedures at the dentist are used less frequently than others.

Choose The right way Only a dentist can clean the enamel. When choosing, he takes into account the method suitable for a particular patient, age, and dental condition.

Ultrasonic teeth cleaning

This technique requires the presence of special equipment that produces ultrasonic waves. Under the influence of ultrasound, the stone crumbles and peels off from the enamel. The wave is directed and focused using a special hook (scaler). There is a negative side to the technique - ultrasound causes vibrations that heat not only the stone, but also the enamel.

Modern ultrasonic devices even remove plaque concentrated on the gums, maintaining their health. Ultrasound cleaning in a normal oral cavity is painless and safe for an absolute number of patients.

For some patients with hypersensitivity and chronic dental diseases, ultrasound is contraindicated - it can cause pain and relapse of the disease.

Laser teeth cleaning

Enamel and tartar have different percentages of water content - the mechanism of action is based on this laser procedure. There is much more water in tartar, so the laser beam promotes explosive boiling of water and crushing of harmful deposits.

In addition to removing unwanted deposits on teeth, the laser has a bactericidal effect. Thanks to this, pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity die and the enamel is strengthened.

Laser treatment is an effective measure even in terms of external effect - the enamel becomes lighter by one or two tones. In addition to cleaning, there is also laser whitening - you need to understand that these are different events.

Teeth brushing “air flow”

This type of procedure requires a dental device that performs cleaning with a highly targeted, powerful air jet. Air under enormous pressure quickly blows away plaque, traces of nicotine and food.

Some patients experience teeth whitening by several shades after this medical procedure, but this is a side effect and does not always happen.

After removing the plaque, if a person returns to the old lifestyle, the color of the teeth returns to their original state, they again acquire their natural shade. For the procedure to be effective, an abrasive and water are used. The abrasive used is baking soda, which does not harm the body and enamel. The advantage of this option is that the results last for a long period.

A variation of the “air flow” technique is the “perio-flow” procedure, which focuses on crushing stone under the gums. For this procedure, instead of soda, another abrasive based on a medical substance is used. Contraindications to the use of “perio-flow” are gum diseases, because it provokes an inflammatory process.

Hygienic cleaning

To maintain hygiene at home, manufacturers produce a number of products. It will not be possible to completely clean the enamel at home; with the greatest efforts, only 55% of plaque is removed. The remaining 45% are in hard to reach places- under the teeth or gums.

These unremoved plaque residues are enough to cause caries, periodontitis, and tartar in a person.

Hygienic cleaning by a doctor is carried out using a brush and specialized hooks. This measure completely prevents the development of caries and ensures a naturally snow-white smile and surprisingly smooth enamel. Manual cleaning The dentist has no contraindications and is performed twice or thrice a year.

After this hygiene procedure Sometimes the sensitivity of the gums and teeth increases. This is not dangerous, the discomfort goes away and does not cause further complications. To carry out prevention, a special gel with an antiseptic and antimicrobial effect is applied to the gums. local use. The gel is applied twice a day for 14 days after the procedure.

The second option to avoid discomfort is to rinse your mouth. weak solution antiseptics or other special drugs. It must be taken into account that alcohol solutions during the first seven days after the procedure are prohibited.

In the first week, it is useful to use soft toothbrushes, gradually replacing them with hard bristles. Useful to use dental floss or low power irrigator.

What is prohibited after professional teeth cleaning?

The procedure increases the sensitivity of the enamel, so dentists are categorically against smoking during this period. You should also not eat food containing artificial and natural colors - coffee drinks, any types of tea, wine made from red grapes.

They act similarly beet juice, carrots, berries that have an intense black, blue, red color.

It is forbidden to drink liquids that increase the sensitivity of tooth enamel. These include highly carbonated drinks, lemon and apple juice. It is forbidden to use rinses containing alcohol for two weeks; a brush with hard bristles is not recommended.

Contraindications to professional teeth cleaning

There are many positive effects from the procedure, but there are also negative sides and associated contraindications for use. These contraindications do not apply to every patient, but only in exceptional cases when the patient has individual distinctive characteristics of gums or teeth.

  • Sensitivity of the gums and enamel - the procedure can be performed, but it will be painful, which is negatively perceived by patients.
  • Periodontitis and other oral pathologies are present.
  • Age less than 18 years.
  • Bacterial and viral diseases.
  • Allergy to medications and products used in the process.
  • Increased heart rate, arrhythmia.
  • Dangerous infections (hepatitis, tuberculosis, AIDS or HIV).
  • Multiple lesions caries.

The dentist's duty is to ask the patient about all of the above. Even if the disease or condition is not directly related to dental matters, it influences the doctor's decision.

A dentist who values ​​his reputation will not agree to perform a procedure even for money if it harms the patient.

The harms and benefits of professional teeth cleaning

There is much controversy regarding the procedure. Some patients find it useful, while others claim that the procedure is dangerous for dental health. Dentists have long spoken out on this issue: the procedure is useful in moderation. Too frequent cleaning causes harm instead of benefit.

The norm is to perform the procedure twice a year (with an interval of six months). If you follow this simple schedule, no harm will be caused to the enamel.

The exception is the presence of crowns, bridges, removable dentures. In patients with such elements in the oral cavity, tartar and plaque from the remains of bacterial activity form more quickly. Therefore, these patients receive cleanings every three to four months. Cleaning is a useful procedure, all causes of caries are removed, the enamel is not damaged.

The first step is to remove the stone using specialized tools, laser or ultrasound. Then the plaque, which is finer in structure, is removed. For this, specialized pastes and brushes are used. Then the teeth are varnished with fluoride to strengthen the enamel layer. As a result we get healthy teeth no signs of stone or plaque. At the same time, the smell from the oral cavity disappears. Therefore, no damage to the teeth from the procedure is observed.

Professional teeth cleaning for pregnant women

Pregnancy is an important stage in the fate of a woman and her baby. Future mom wants to look attractive, but does not agree to put the baby’s health at risk for this. It is not surprising that pregnant women are constantly wondering whether the event will harm the baby?

The pregnant woman's body undergoes a powerful restructuring, in which the teeth also participate - their condition changes dramatically. The enamel becomes thinner, the tooth becomes vulnerable to the slightest infection. The procedure, performed competently and professionally, will protect the teeth by reducing the number of bacteria in the mouth. It is safe for the fetus and the pregnant woman, does not affect the systems and organs. None medical drugs is not used during the procedure, which is fundamentally important for pregnant women.
