Geographical zones where people live longer, and why it happens. Book of the month: "Blue zones" about the rules of longevity those who live longer than all

In many countries, the world is conducted scientific researchThese to identify the identification of factors and habitats that promote the increase in the life expectancy of people on our planet. Most recently, the famous American traveler discovered the "blue zones" longevity ...

On our planet there are only a few "Blue Longebating Zones", where the population continues active life Even at a tantomic age. All these zones, as scholars found out, are located in mountainous areas. The strongest of them are the zones found in the following areas of the world: Sardinia (Italy), Okinawa (Japan), Southern California (USA), peninsula on the Pacific Coast (Costa Rica). In Russia, such zones are mainly in the Caucasus and Altai

For the first time the concept of "Blue Long Zones" introduced Dan Buttner who explored places with the highest life expectancy of people. He began to refer to these places "blue zones." In the process of research, the scientist acquainted and communicated with people who lived longer than others on our planet. It was found that the inhabitants of these "blue zones" were much less likely serious diseases And much more often than other people lived to century.

Experts revealed seven major factors that contribute to an increase in the life expectancy of people in these zones and are actually secret of eternal youth:

1) Breathing and mountain air . Professor Oxford University Federico Formeni considers this factor in the main recipe for longevity. In his opinion, the reason is that the mountain air is discharged and to compensate for the reduced amount of oxygen, which enters the blood in the blood of the process of producing red blood bodies - erythrocytes that deliver oxygen to the muscles. People living in the mountains are gradually adapted to the reduced level of oxygen. As a result, the body's endurance increases and, as a result, the life expectancy increases. Especially useful, in his opinion, alternate in the mountains with life in the valley. Not accidentally famous athletes prefer from time to time to train high in the mountains.

2) solar vitamin . Scientists from university american state Colorado, together with the researchers of the Harvard School of Global Healthcare, came to the conclusion that the cause of the long-limit horses is not only mountain air, but also increased solar activity in the mountains. Because of this, vitamin D is synthesized in large quantities in the body. This is very beneficial effect on the state of the heart, and also prevents the appearance of cancer cells.

3) Healing Mountain Water . The unique composition of the purest mountain waters enriched with special minerals is a real "elixir of health", which contributes to a significant increase in the life expectancy of people.

4) constant activity . It is known that the highlanders lead an active lifestyle and regularly for a long time make climbs and descents from a mountain plateau, which supports their vital tone on very high level. The "secret" of their longevity is high physical activity. It is connected not only with the need to move around uneven areas, but with their native classes - most of the horses are engaged agriculture or animal husbandry.

5) Mountain Diet , I report the site. An important feature Their food is that the mountaineers never prepare her came. In their diet, they have a lot of raw and non-temperature processing of vegetables and fruits. Instead of ordinary bread, they prefer to eat useful restless lespots. The way of cooking food itself is significantly different from the one to which we are accustomed. Highlanders cook their food, and not fry.

6) Healing herbs . American scientists were amazed when they found out that the action of mountain phytoncides and various cocktails (tinctures) increases the life expectancy by 24%.

7) Simple truths . The mountaineers tried to always live according to certain rules and avoided unnecessary stress and experiences on trifles.

Recently, not far from Krasnodar in the Maykopsky district of Adygea opened unique logo-Naki's health resort In which all these seven factors are used for recovery. In addition, ancient methods of Eastern Medicine and other modest technologies are involved for a more effective effect.

On average, in places that received the name "Blue Zones", people live for 10 years longer than the inhabitants of neighboring regions. Currently, it is known about five such zones.

On average, in places that received the name "Blue Zones", people live for 10 years longer than the inhabitants of neighboring regions. Currently, it is known about five such zones:

  • Iskaria Island (Sea Sea)
  • Sardinia Island (Estracted Sea)
  • Okinawa Island (East Sine Sea)
  • Niko Peninsula in Costa Rica.
  • Town of Loma Linda (San Bernardino County, California)

And so what is of particular interest: men in these places live almost as long as women. It is not just unusual, it is unheard. Worldwide, the average life expectancy in women is significantly higher (NB: For example, in Russia, the gap is almost 12 years old!).

What is in them so special, which provides the opportunity to live here longer.

Let's start with Okinawa Island (Japan)

Okinawa is the poorest region of the country, but with a high life expectancy of citizens (in men - up to 88 years old).

Partially this can be explained by the features of nutrition. So, the locals instead of rice use the batt (also known as sweet potatoes). It reduces cholesterol levels in the body and has anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains a lot of potassium, vitamin C, carotenoids and fiber. And unlike white potatoes, his regular use It does not cause an increase in blood sugar.

Prolonged life is also due to local customs to gather in groups of four or five friends ("MOAI"), whose members helped each other money and food. The custom has been preserved in the form of daily or weekly meetings, which people are going to simply talk (some researchers do from here the conclusion that older people with a low degree of involvement in social life faster die from heart disease or cancer than their more sociable Peer) So, another - an explanation - the presence of a circle of people with whom you can communicate in a friendly.

Perhaps the island of Sardinia (Italy) - the second in fame region with a high life expectancy

Of the 17,865 people born from 1880 to 1908 in the Mountain Area Jennargent in the center of this island, 91 lived to 100 years. Scientists are confident that the cause of Sardinian longevity will eventually explain genetics. Inhabitants of Jennarzhet for centuries lived secluded in the mountains, concluding marriages inside the communities. It is believed that this leads to the accumulation of failures in the structure of genes, to genetic diseases, however this casePerhaps it helped this fastening the appearance of mutations that provided longevity.

The role of local wine is also important. Like other Italians, the inhabitants of Sardinia drink on average two glasses are red on the day. But wine here is special - in the local grape varieties of Cannonau, three times more substances that reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases than in any other grade.

Work all life. Residents of Sardinia continue to work even at the achievement of the 90th age, says Michelle Poolen, a demographer from the University of Luvan in Belgium. "In 60, no one comes to retire." It is not necessary to plow all my life at all, the main thing is to continue learning a new one, not to give the brain of the bony.

Niko Peninsula (Costa Rica)

According to Louis Rozero-Bikxby, Director of the Center for Population of Central America at the University of Costa Rica, sixty-year-old men living on Niko Peninsula have a high probability to live to 90 years in comparison by North American. And on average, local stronger representatives live up to 80 years (59 years old - the average life of the Russian).

Scientists analyzed the blood samples of the elderly residents of Nico and found that they have longer telomers (chromosomes). Scientists binds a telomere length with a lifetime in general, poetomas should be avoided by everything that can shorten them, starting with stress. "Nico residents lead a simple and poor life, "says Rosero Bikxby. - They do not soar about investment, because they have no investment. They do not care about the price of gasoline, because they have no cars. The smaller you have a junk - the better it is the easiest way to avoid stress. " Therefore, the Council does not buy things, but spend earnings on the impression.

Products from your own area. To eat, as inhabitants of Nico, grow food yourself. First, food from your garden is more useful than the purchase, since already a week after harvesting, the vegetables begin to lose vitamins C and V. In a recent study of the University of A & M (Texas), it has been established that older gardeners are more active and more satisfied with their lives than them City peers.

Loma Linda (California)

The city is located just an hour drive from Los Angeles, what makes it "Blue Zone"? Answer: He is inhabited by the followers of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, which do not smoke, do not drink alcohol and coffee. Men from this religious organization Live on average for seven years longer than the remaining Californians.

The Adventist Diet is based on the croups and vegetables, which is one of the cause of their excellent health.

In addition, according to publication in the magazine "Issues of Epidemiology", people who weekly visiting religious services have a "more favorable forecast of life for the next 8.5 years."

Icaria Island (Greece)

On this island in the Aegean Sea everywhere, weaklyradioactive hot springs are beaten. But the main reason for the longevity of the ikarian is that they know what is and when to sleep.

The inhabitants of the island eat a lot of fish (sardines, dorada and sharks are perfectly catching off from the coast of Ikaria, because residents consume fatty omega-3 acids in sufficient quantities.

Day sleep. 84% of the elderly population of Ikaria and all who for 90 years old are practicing afternoon sleep. Such a lifestyle reduces mortality from heart disease by 37%. If on weekdays work schedule does not give you relax, sleep at least on weekends and on vacation. Ideal time to sleep shortly after lunch.

Load and relaxation

"People in the" blue zones "do not go to the rocking chairs and do not run by marathon distances," says Leslie Lightl, Professor of the University of Minnesota. - activity is part of them everyday lifeThey work with their hands, go to the market for a dozen kilometers, graze sheep. " In addition to this, four of the five "blue zones" are located in the mountainous location, and therefore life here is a training itself. From here Recommendation: We go as much as possible, use stairs instead of an elevator, in a word Walk everywhere where you can walk.

November 24, 2015.

For several years, the researcher Dan Butver and his team study the "blue zones" of the world - places with the highest rates of longevity. In numerous interviews the most healthy peopleLiving longer than others in the world shall be divided with researchers secrets of their rich life. They tell about their nutrition, family, useful habits and their attitude to life. In his book " Blue zones"Dan Butver tells about the results of his large-scale study and shares simple principles that will help us live a long and happy life and support vigor at least up to 100 years.

Material prepared: Olya Malysheva

Barbaja Region on Sardinia Island in Italy, Okinawa in Japan, Volind Linda community in California and Niko Peninsula in Costa Rica - There is its own culture in each of these places. Residents of these zones are much more likely to live up to 100 years and are much less susceptible to serious illnesses. Dan Butuer team takes an interview with long-lived stars, explores their life, history, traditions and culture, explaining with scientific View why these people live longer. What do they eat for breakfast? What time do you go to bed? What exercises do? Each "Blue Zone" offers its recipe for longevity, but, as it turned out, the basic components are the same everywhere.

Sardinia, Italy

Sheep cheese instead of meat

"They usually exchanged animals on the grain, from which then they made a paste and traditional bread made of barley flour or flour from bran and potatoes. Foods made of sheep milk served as the main source of proteins. In the afternoon, the peasant lunch is more accurate consists of bread with cheese, most are limited to a bulb, a fennel and a beam of radishes. For dinner, the whole family is going to be served by Minestron vegetable soup. "

"In most areas, meat is served only once a week, on Sundays. In 26 Municipalitis from 71, where the study was conducted, the meat was considered a luxury and prepared it only on holidays, no more than two times a month. Unusual for Mediterranean cuisine diet has not been abounded and fish "

Feel loved and necessary

"Thanks to the combination of family debt and sincere affection for the older generation, old people live with their family to death. It provides people over eighty years a huge advantage: they immediately receive assistance in case of illness or injury and, probably more importantly, feel loved and necessary. Special joy of grandparents and grandmothers brings their participation in the life of children and grandchildren. "


"Men in this" blue zone "are known for their bare humor. Every day they are going out on the street to laugh and joke over each other. Laughter relieves stress and, accordingly, reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. "

· Okinawa, Japan ·

Many vegetables and little meat

"The older isgered generation most of the life was fed by products vegetable origin. The diet consisting of roasted vegetables, bathata and tofu, rich nutrient substances And at the same time contains little calories. Although Okinawa's long-livers eat pork, traditionally prepare it only on holidays and eat small portions. "

Miso and Tofu for lunch

Okinawa long-livers regularly use fermented soy products - Tofu and Soup Soup. It is important that traditional fermentation methods are very different from industrial production methods. Classic fermentation significantly improves the quality of soybeans, it becomes easier to assimilate. Therefore, that tofu, who eating long-livers Okinawa is very different from Tofu, which we buy in the supermarket.

"IN medical literature Contains evidence greater nutrient value fermented soybean. And Okinawan Tofu contains more proteins and useful fats than Japanese and Chinese counterparts. "

May the light be!

"Vitamin D, produced by the body with regular finding in the sun, strengthens the bone and general health status. Thanks to the daily stay in the sun, Okinawa residents round year Get optimal doses of vitamin D. »

Movement - Life

"Okinawa long-livers move and work in the garden. There are few furniture in houses islanders, residents take food and rest sitting on mats on the floor. The fact that the elderly people have to get up from the floor and sit on it for several decades a day, strengthens the muscles of the lower body and improves the balance, which in turn protects against dangerous falls. "

· Loma Linda, USA ·

Loma Linda is one of the rare places in the United States, where there is a "blue zone". At 96 km from Los Angeles, nine thousand representatives of the Seventh Day Adventist Community are lived here.

Religion and Health

"Adventists profess the faith, which categorically does not encourage smoking, drinking alcohol or food, called unclean, for example, pork in the Bible. This religion does not approve of meat use at all, as well as fatty food, caffean-containing drinks and even "stimulating" seasonings and spices. "

Saturday Sabit

"Shabby serves as an ideal means for removing stress and soul soothing. They have time to stay with family, friends and god, relax and restore forces. In the year 52 of such days, and they change a lot. Sabbath gives Adventists the opportunity to turn off the TV, do not think about work or business, and just communicate with your expensive people "

Niko, Costa Rica

"Costa Rica spends only 15% of America's spending on health, but at the same time its inhabitants live longer and differ much more strong healththan the population of any country in Europe. "

"They caught Nico to believe in God, follow the strict work ethics and passionately to the family. Their diet consisted mainly of corn, beans, vegetables and a wide variety of fruits (papaya, mango, oranges), most of which grows in the garden or the near forest. "

The need to help others

"Saving activities Elderly residents of Niko older than ninety have some common features. They have an acute need to help others or take care of their family. As soon as this need is lost, life in them seems to go out. "

And again the Sun.

"Nikitsy are much in the sun, which contributes to the production of vitamin D, which contributes to strengthening bones and overall health. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a whole "bouquet" of problems, such as osteoporosis and cardiac diseases; Regular "reasonable" solar baths (approximately 15 minutes per hand and legs) complement the diet and fill the lack of this important element. "

Faith, activity, vegetables and love

At the end of the book, the lessons of wisdom of long-livers of all four "blue zones" are collected, whose experience and lifestyle we can adopt and adapt to themselves.

25% - genes, 75% - our choice

"Scientific studies indicate that only 25% the cause of long life is laid in genes. The remaining 75% is due to conditions and lifestyle. If we improve the quality of life, we can maximize its duration in the biological limits allocated. "

"The oldest inhabitants of the planet live not just longer, but also better. They are tied with close bonds with family and friends. Lead an active lifestyle. Wake up in the morning, hosted by their goal, and the world around us helps them go ahead. The vast majority of long-livers get pleasure from life. Among them there are no whisers. "

Do not run marathons

"The oldest people on earth do not run marathons and do not participate in Troyboard, and in the mornings on Saturday they do not depict sports stars. On the contrary, they are engaged in low-intensity physical activity, which is an integral part of their routine of the day. Men-long-livers in the "Blue Zone" Sardinia worked most of their life to the shepherds, and they had to go through a lot of kilometers a day on foot. Okinawa residents are working every day in the garden. Adventists walk a lot on foot. It is such a plan physical activity Specialists in longevity are recommended for long and healthy life. "

Food long-lived

"Most of the inhabitants of Nico, Sardinia or Okinawa have never tried products that have been technological processing, sweet carbonated drinks or pickled snacks. Most They were fed by small portions of untreated food. They abandoned meat, more precisely, they simply did not have the opportunity to eat, except in rare cases. Traditionally, the inhabitants of these places feed on that they are grown in their own vegetable garden, complementing the main products: a solid wheat of the grade "Durum" (Sardinia), a battoo (Okinawa) or maize (nico). Especially consecutive Adventists generally completely refuse meat. "

"Scientists analyzed six different studies in which thousands of vegetarians took part, and found that those who reduced meat consumption to a minimum live longer."

"The basis of all food cultures that contribute to longevity makes legumes, grains and vegetables. Sardinian shepherds take with her pasture bread from the flour of the Semoline variety. Niko residents do not have one meal without corn lepolyek. And solid grain products are an essential component of the Adventist diet. These products are a source of fiber, antioxidants, anti-cancer agents (insoluble fiber), substances that reduce cholesterol levels and preventing blood clots, as well as all necessary minerals. "

Know how to relax

"Inflammation is the body's response to stress, which manifests itself in the form of infection, injury or increased anxiety. Small stress is useful - it helps to fight the disease, heal or prepare for some events. But with chronic inflammation, our organism "inflicts". Italian endocrinologist Claudio Frances saw the relationship between chronic inflammation and speed of aging. Over time, claims French, the negative effects of inflammation accumulate and accelerate the development of such age diseasĕ like Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The slowdown in life does not give chronic inflammation to develop and exit from under control and theoretically prevents the emergence of concomitant diseases. "

The benefits of faith

"Healthy long-livers have faith. Sardinians and Nikitsy are predominantly the potatoes. Okinawans belong to a mixed religion, honing ancestors. Loma Linda long-livers - Seventh-day Adventists. All of them enter this or that religious community. Faith in God is one of the useful habits that increase the chances of a long healthy life

"Belonging to the religious community contributes to the establishment of extensive social connections. People visiting the Church are distinguished by self-esteem and a higher feeling. own dignityBecause religion stimulates positive expectations, which in turn improves health. When the behavior of people exactly responds to their roles, their self-esteem rises. To a certain extent, belonging to a religion allows you to get rid of stresses of everyday life, transferring them to the highest strength. They follow clearly prescribed rules of behavior and thanks to this, they gain peace of mind, knowing that they live "right." If today everything is fine, then you deserve it. If bad, it does not depend on you. "

Family in the first place

"The most long-lived people, whom we met in the" Blue Zones ", have always put a family in the first place. All their life was built around marriage and children, family debt, rituals and spiritual intimacy. Especially this statement relates to Sardinia, where residents are still passionately committed to family and family values. Somehow I asked one owner of the vineyard, wasn't it easier to send his weak mother to the nursing home. He indignantly picked my finger at me: "I can not even think about such a thing. This is a shame for my family. "

"By that time, the long-livers are 100 years old, their attachment towards the family brings their fruits: children are responsible for love and care. They constantly visit their parents, and in three of the four "blue zones" the younger generation with joy takes the elders. Studies show that the elderly people living with children are less susceptible to diseases and stress, they feed more healthy foods, serious accidents happen to them less often. A study of healthy aging MacArthur, in which 1189 people aged 70 to 79 years took part in seven years, proved that people living next to children are distinguished by a clearer mind and best social skills. "

Friendship and communication

"People with the greatest number Social connections live longer. Social ties Conditions long life. As it turned out, people with a smaller number of social connections died two or three times more often than those who had a lot of them. The nature of the ties does not matter for longevity, provided that it is really a connection. Even the absence of a spouse or the second half can be compensated by other unity forms. "

"More extensive social contacts serve as one of the reasons that women live longer men," says Dr. Robert Butler. - They have more cohesive support groups, they take more active participation in each other's life, more often help each other, more willingly and openly express feelings, including sadness, anger and other aspects of close relationships. "

"In time, our bones softened, and the arteries are hardening, the rumor is dulled, and the vision loses sharpness. We slow down. Finally, our body is finally destroyed and we die. But what will be accompanied by the aging process depends on us. Old age offers us two options to choose from: we can live short life And for a long time to suffer or live a long life, having raised the physical suffering to a minimum. "

Listen to Dan Butuer on the main conclusions of the study of "Blue Zones"

Andrew Gross

Dear friends!

Perhaps you have already read some of my books, even bought them, but still do not know about my name. The fact is that I am a co-author of five novels, bestsellers "New York Times", with James Patterson. The latest - "bodyguard" and "judge and jury". I also helped when creating it an incredibly popular criminal series "Female Detective Club".

With great pride I endure your first novel, "Blue Zone", about a young woman forced to go in search of my father, who disappeared from the field of view of the Witness Protection Program. She has to penetrate the secrets of this program to find his father and learn about his gloomy past.

For many years I learned a lot from James Patterson, but I'm not going to imitate him at all. I want to write a breathtaking story about people who came to a difficult position. "Blue zone" is just such a story, and I hope that readers will agree with me. I'm sure you are waiting for an exciting reading.

FROM best wishes,

Andrew Gross

"Instructions for witness protection and federal marshals agency that oversees the Program of Witness Program, determine the three stages of the Agency's involvement in the process.

Red zone - when the subject is detained, in prison or in court.

Green zone - When a subject, together with his family, is provided with a new biography and new residence and lives under the name, known only by his agent for the program is sewn witnesses.

The blue zone is the most dangerous situation when there is a suspicion that a new biography of a witness can be revealed or already revealed. When he or she are unknown where and have no connection with the leading agent or left a certain program safe place. When there are no official data, a person is alive or died. "

Dr. Emile Varga took just a few minutes to get to the old man's bedroom. He slept tightly and saw a woman in a dream, followed by even while studying at the university, a hundred years ago. But, having heard the alarming hand of the maid at the door, immediately threw a wool robe over the night shirt and grabbed his suitcase.

"Please, Dr.," the maid said, hurrying in front of him, "please quickly."

Warga's road knew. He lived on this Asienda for several weeks. In fact, this stubborn, unbending old man who resisted death for so long, was in lately His only patient. Sometimes Varga wondered about a glass of brandy on the night, which accelerated the completion of his long and successful career.

Did she really come to the end? ..

The doctor a little delayed at the door of the bedroom. The room was dark and badly smelled; Narrow arched windows interfere with the penetration of the first light morning Dawn. The smell told him everything he needed to know. This is the old man's chest, which for the first time during these weeks did not publish any sounds. The mouth was open, the head is slightly tilted aside. Yellow saliva was accumulated on the lips.

Varga slowly approached the huge bed of mahogany and put his suitcase on the table. No devices needed to him. In his life, his patient was a real bull. Varga thought about how many acts of violence he committed. But now sharp cheekbones were tightly covered with thin skin. There was something in this, according to the doctor, deeply undeserved. How could someone causing so much fear and grief in his life, look now so fragile and dried?

- He really died?

Dr. nodded:

- He finally released life from the hands. Eighty years he kept her for eggs.

Bobby's wife, Margarita, pregnant with the third grandson of the old man, standing in the door, began to cry. The son gently squeezed to bed, as if he was chosen to sleeping Lion, who could at any time jump and rush on him. He knew and touched the face of the old man, to his dried cheeks. Then he took his father's hand, which even now was coarse and curetles, like a worker, and kissed the knuckles of fingers.

"Todas Apuestas Se Terminaron, Papa," he whispered, looking into the dead eyes of the Father.

Then Bobby got up and nodded:

- Thank you, Doctor, for everything you did. I will take care of learning about this my brothers.

No, rather, in these eyes the question was read. Long years The old man kept everything in his hands only thanks to his own will.

What will happen now?

Bobby took his wife to his hand, and they came out of the room together. Varga approached the window. Opened blinds, letting in the bedroom morning light. Zarya was already washed the valley.

The old man belonged here everything for many miles around, far beyond the goal: meadows, pastures, sparkling mountains height in three thousand meters. A stable stood two SUVs. A couple of bodyguards with automatic pistols, leaning around to the fence, drank coffee, nothing else about what happened.

- Well, yes, - muttered Varga, - I will tell everything to your brothers. - He turned back to the dead old man. "You see," the doctor sighed, "you are dangerous even dead, the old bastard."

Gateways opened. Current will be strong. Blood never washed off.

Only here.

A portrait of a Madonna with a baby hung over the bed, in a frame that, as was known to Warg, was donated by the old man of the church in Bunowentura, where the old man was born. The doctor was not a religious person, but still crossed himself, then raised the wet sheet and closed her face of the deceased.

"Wherever you are, an old man, I hope you found peace ... because here there will be a real hell.

I do not know, sleep is or reality.

I go out of the bus on the second Avenue. From here all the couple of quarters before the place where I live. I

On Earth there are "blue zones", residents of which are distinguished by enviable longevity - the island of Sardinia in Italy, Niko Peninsula in Costa Rica, Okinawa Prefecture in Japan and the community of Loma Linda in California. A group of scientists committed several expeditions to these regions to reveal the secrets of health and high life expectancy.

Dan Buttner in the book "Blue zones. The 9 longevity rules from people who live longer than everyone "says that they managed to learn during these expeditions - on the characteristics of the diet, physical activity and the everyday habits of people living in the" Longevity zones ". "Theories and Practices" published the most important advice from book.

Natural motion.

The oldest people on earth do not run marathons and do not participate in Triathlon, and in the mornings on Saturday they do not depict sports stars. On the contrary, they are engaged in low-intensity physical activity, which is an integral part of their routine of the day. Men-long-livers in the "Blue Zone" Sardinia worked as a mustache, and they had a lot of kilometers a day on foot. Okinawa residents are working every day in the garden. Adventists walk a lot on foot. It is such a plan that physical activity specialists in longevity are recommended for long and healthy life.

Perfect mode.

The ideal mode you should discuss with your doctor includes a combination of aerobics and exercises for the balance and strengthening of muscles. Dr. Robert Butler recommends training the main muscle groups at least twice a week. Equilibrium is also of great importance, since the falls are a frequent cause of bodily harm and death among the elderly (in the US every year every third person over 65 receives fractures due to fall). Even standing on one leg (for example, when brushing your teeth) - a small step to an improvement in equilibrium. Yoga classes also help to maintain balance, strengthening all muscle groups, increasing the flexibility, conceiving joints and reducing pain in the lower back of the back. In addition, yoga serves as a means of communication and spiritual enrichment, like religion. In all the cultures of longevity regular low-intensity exercise stress Responsible to all the requirements described above and does not create a load on his knees and thighs. This is what Dr. Kane says about this: "You must act as a sprinter, but as a runner a few kilometers. It is impossible to say: this year I will train like crazy, but next year we will rest, since it has already been worked out. " The main task is to make the habit of doing exercise for 30 minutes (ideally for an hour) at least five times a week. It is possible, but still undesirable to break these half an hour to a few goals.

Proper nutrition.

Reduce calories by 20 percent. If you ever be lucky enough to meet at dinner with the elderly Okinawans, you will surely hear how in front of meal they utter ancient Confucian saying: Hara Hati Bu. This is a reminder that it is not worth it to be formed, and it should be stopped there when the stomach is full of 80 percent. Even today, the daily volume of the calorie consumed does not exceed 1900 kcal (a rather meager diet of Sardinsev is also about 2000 kcal per day).
Dr. Craig Wilcox argues that this tradition is a kind of painless way to restrict consumption. And this method is really effective: it increases the length of the life of experimental animals and improves the work of the heart in people. To some extent, the benefit of the calorie restriction is due to less harmful cells of free radicals. But there is another plus: weight loss. As you know, a decrease in 10 percent of body weight helps reduce the level blood pressure and cholesterol, and this in turn reduces the risk of developing heart disease. But how to achieve this? We do not live in the Japanese archipelago and are not surrounded by century-old cultural standards.
Traditional tool Fighting the growing waist is a diet. But none of the long-livers known to us ever sat on the diet and none of them suffered from obesity.
"Today there are no diets that suggest all people," says Dr. Bob Jeffrey from the University of Minnesota. - As a rule, the diet is observed about six months, and then 90 percent of people just sang. " Even with the most effective programs, only a small number of participants receive a long-term result.
Secret proper nutrition - Follow the habits of the most long-lived people of the world. Dr. Brian Wansink, author of the "mindless food" (Mindless Eating), carried out, perhaps, the most innovative study of the causes of our food habits. As subconsciously known to the elderly Okinawans, the amount of food eaten depends not so much from the feeling of satiety, as from the environment. We overeat due to the circumstances - friends, family, plates, dishes, numbers, labels, lights, flowers, candles, smells, shapes, distracting factors, buffets and containers.
During one of the experiments, Wamsink offered a group of participants to view the video and handed each of them either 500 grams, or a 250-gram bag M & M's. After watching the video, he asked both groups to return unbearable candy. Those who received 500 gram sachets, ate on average 171 candy, the same to whom 250 grams got - only 71. We usually eat more if we take a big packaging. Wamsink conducted similar experiments using 47 different products, and every time I received similar results. He also noted the influence that dishes exerted on the volume of the eaten. At least three quarters of the food eaten are served on plates, bowls or glasses. Experiments of Osinka showed that from low wide glasses, people drink 25-30 percent more than from high and narrow, and eaten from a liter bowl of 31 percent more than from half-liter.
The amount of food eaten is only one of the factors. The other is the calorie number. The standard portion of the fast food consisting of a large hamburger, a large portion of fried potatoes and a glass of a carbonated drink, contains approximately 1500 kcal. Craig and Bralli Wilcox counted that Okinawa food contains calories on average five times less. In other words, a hamburger with fried potatoes and a complete plate of Okinawa roasted tofu with green peas Have the same volume, but Okinawa food is five times less than a calorie.

Plants - our all.

Most of Niko residents, Sardinia or Okinawa have never tried technological processing products, sweet carbonated drinks or marinated snacks. Most of the life they fed into small portions of untreated food. They abandoned meat, more precisely, they simply did not have the opportunity to eat, except in rare cases. Traditionally, the inhabitants of these places feed on that they are grown in their own vegetable garden, complementing the main products: a solid wheat of the grade "Durum" (Sardinia), a battoo (Okinawa) or maize (nico). Particularly consecutive Adventists generally completely refuse meat.
Scientists analyzed six different studies in which thousands of vegetarians took part, and found that those who reduced meat consumption to a minimum live longer.
Some people are experiencing that vegetable food does not provide sufficient number Proteins and iron. But the thing is, as Dr. Leslie Little says, that people over 19 years old need only 0.8 g. Proteins for every kilogram of body weight, that is, on average 50-80. Squirrel daily.
The basis of all food cultures contributing to longevity is bean, grain and vegetables. Sardinian shepherds take with her pasture bread from the flour of the Semoline variety. Niko residents do not have one meal without cornpople. And solid grain products are an essential component of the Adventist diet. These products are the source of fiber, antioxidants, anti-cancer agents (insoluble fiber), substances that reduce cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of thrombus, as well as all the necessary minerals. Bean - an integral component of the kitchen of all "blue zones". The diet rich in legs contributes to a decrease in the frequency of heart attacks and the probability of developing an intestine cancer. In the legumes contain flavonoids and fiber (reduced risk of heart attacks); This is an excellent source of proteins.
Tofu (cottage cheese from soybeans), a mandatory product in the Okinawans diet, often compared with bread in France or potatoes in Eastern Europe. True, it is impossible to live on one bread or potato, and Tofu is a practically perfect product: there are few calories, a lot of protein and minerals, there is no cholesterol, but there are all amino acids required human organism. In addition, he is environmentally friendly. Excellent source of proteins without harmful side Effects Meat, Tofu contains phytoestrogens that have a beneficial effect on the heart in women. In addition, phytoestrogen significantly reduces cholesterol levels and contribute to strengthening blood vessels.
All of the above does not indicate that long-livers never eat meat at all. Festive meal on Sardinia necessarily includes meat dishes. Okinawans cut a pig on the lunar new year. Niko residents also refill the piglet. However, the meat is used in eager: just a few times a month. Most concerns are associated with red and technologically treated meat, for example ham. Dr. Robert Kane and Robert Batler argue that when planning the diet, it is very important to correctly distribute calories between complex carbohydrates, fats and proteins, minimizing the transgira, saturated fats and salt.

Nuts are a striking product longevity.

Nuts - the most likely a striking element from all "longevity products." According to the study, the object of which became the Seventh-day Adventists, those who used nuts at least five times a week, are twice as much as they suffer from heart disease compared to those who use nuts not so often. The management of a sanitary surveillance of the quality of food and US drugs included nuts in the first declaration of health. In 2003, the Office issued a "Health Declaration", which said: "Scientific evidence suggests, but do not prove that everyday consumption of 42 g of nuts with low content Saturated fats and cholesterol can prevent the risk of developing heart diseases. "
Studies show that nuts protect the heart, lowering blood cholesterol. During a large-scale study of the population of the medical school of Harvard University, it turned out that people who used nuts, less often suffer from ischemic heart disease compared to those who use them rarely or do not eat at all. Adventist health research (AHS) has shown that people who consume 56 of nuts five times a week live on average for two years longer than those who do not eat nuts.
One explanation suggests that nuts are rich in monon-saturated fats and soluble fiber, which reduce LDL cholesterol levels (low-density lipoproteins), he says. They are also a good source of vitamin E and other substances that are useful for the heart. Almonds, peanuts, pecans, pistachios, hazelnuts, walnuts and cedar nuts are considered the best. Brazilian walnut, cashews and Australian walnuts contain a little more saturated fats and are less desirable. But nevertheless, all nuts are useful.

A glass of red wine will not hurt the day.

According to the results of epidemiological studies, it is assumed that the glass of beer, wine or other alcoholic beverage A day brings some health benefit. However, the secrets of "blue zones" indicate that constancy and moderation are decisive factors. On Okinawa, this daily cup of Sake with friends. On Sardinia, a glass of red wine with every meal and at every meeting with buddies.
A glass or two wines per day reduce the risk of heart disease, but the unlimited use of alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer. Alcohol really relieves stress and weakens harmful effects. chronic inflammation. Moreover, a glass of wine, complementing the meal, allows you to eat less.
TO additional advantages Red wine can be attributed and its property to purify the arteries due to polyphenol contained in it, which are struggling with atherosclerosis. For an additional antioxidant effect, choose the Sardinian "Cannonau". It should not forget about the toxic effects of alcohol on the liver, the brain and others internal organsIf you exceed daily servings. In this case, the risk of abuse will significantly translate any useful property. One buddy recently asked if it was possible to refrain all week, and on Saturday evening to drink fourteen glasses at once. The answer is no.

Religion helps to live longer.

Healthy long-livers have faith. Sardinians and Nikitsy are predominantly Catholics. Okinawans belong to a mixed religion, honing ancestors. Loma Linda long-livers - Seventh-day Adventists. All of them enter this or that religious community. Faith in God is one of the useful habits that increase the chances of a long health life. Religious affiliation does not matter: you can be a Buddhist, a Christian, Muslim, Jew or Hindu.
Studies argue that visiting church services is even once a month - a positive effect on the life expectancy. 3617 people became the object of a recent study published in Journal of Heath and Social Behavior. The study lasted seven years and found that people who visited the service at least once a month, the risk of death decreased by about a third. Parishioners had a greater average life expectancy, for which faith had the same impact as moderate physical activity.
In the course of the health research of Adventists, similar results were obtained. In it, 34 thousand people participated in it. It turned out that those who often visit the Church, the risk of death at any age decreases by 20 percent. People who do not forget about the spiritual aspect are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseasĕ, depression, stress, less often commit suicide, and their the immune system It functions much better.
Belonging to the religious community contributes to the establishment of extensive social connections. People visiting the church are distinguished by self-esteem and a higher sense of self-esteem, because religion stimulates positive expectations, which in turn improves health. When the behavior of people exactly responds to their roles, their self-esteem rises. To a certain extent, belonging to a religion allows you to get rid of stresses of everyday life, transferring them to the highest strength. They follow clearly prescribed rules of behavior and thanks to this, they gain peace of mind, knowing that they live "right." If today everything is fine, then you deserve it. If bad, it does not depend on you.

Family in the first place.

The most long-lived people who can be found in the "blue zones" have always put a family in the first place. All their life was built around marriage and children, family debt, rituals and spiritual intimacy. Especially this statement relates to Sardinia, where residents are still passionately committed to family and family values. Somehow I asked one owner of the vineyard, wasn't it easier to send his weak mother to the nursing home. He indignantly picked my finger at me: "I can not even think about such a thing. This is a shame for my family. "
Tonino Tola, Sardinian shepherd, adored work, but admitted: "Everything I do is for the sake of family." On the Niko Peninsula, all family members live nearby. So, all 99 inhabitants of one village were descendants of one 85-year-old man. They still gathered on meals in a family restaurant, and his grandchildren and great-grandchildren were visited daily to his grandfather to help with cleaning or just play checkers with him.
Devotion of the family of the inhabitants of Okinawa goes beyond the limits of earthly life. Okinawans older than seventy begin their day with the glorification of the memory of ancestors. The graves often stand tables so that family members can organize a Sunday meal with dead relatives.
How does this contribute to longevity? By the time, the long-livers are 100 years old, their attachment towards the family brings their fruits: children are responsible for love and care. They constantly visit their parents, and in three of the four "blue zones" the younger generation with joy takes the elders. Studies show that the elderly people living with children are less susceptible to diseases and stress, they feed more healthy foods, serious accidents happen to them less often. A study of healthy aging MacArthur, in which 1189 people aged 70 to 79 years at the age of seven years have acted, proved that people living next to children are distinguished by a clearer mind and best social skills.
"The family is the highest step in a social hierarchy," says Dr. Butler. - Parents give you a feeling of reality, teach to a healthy lifestyle, help to gain a goal, and in case of illness or problems, family support becomes extremely important. " We do almost all our life any investment, he says. Here you make investments when we go to school and get an education in a certain area. Then you invest in children when they are young, and then they invest in you when you build up. Return? Older people living in the family, longer retain sensible mind compared to those who live one or in the nursing home.
In America, there is an opposite trend. In many families, where there are working parents and downloaded children, a joint pastime becomes rare, since everyone is busy with their affairs. Joint meals and rest disappear from our life, become rare.
How to counteract this trend? Gale Hartmann, a certified psychologist, believes that the output will be found when all generations of the family wish to spend time together. "In strong families, at least once a day, there is a shared table, go to a joint holiday and spend time together. No need to stop the usual life. Children can cook homework, and parents - dinner, but such a family will be distinguished by strong ties and the feeling of unity. "

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