Interdigital pododermatitis in dogs: causes and treatment methods. Interdigital dermatitis in dogs occurs in the autumn-spring period, with a lack of vitamins

Atopic is chronic illness skin, bothering pets with itching and rashes on the body. It develops as a result of a pronounced reaction to allergens, which have a pathological effect on the animal’s body. That's why it's called atopy. According to numerous studies by veterinarians, the disease in four-legged friends is associated with a genetic predisposition.

Allergic dermatitis in dogs: risk group, causes and signs of pathology

The disease often affects young individuals between 1 and 5 years of age. According to the breed criterion, the main part of the risk group consists of:

  • Shar Pei;
  • pug;
  • boxer;
  • Cocker Spaniel;
  • chow-chow;
  • beagle;
  • Labrador;
  • German Shepherd;
  • setters - English and Irish;
  • bulldogs - American and French.

Regardless of its source, the allergen is introduced into the pet’s body as a foreign substance, which causes the immune system to actively produce antibodies that neutralize the irritant. The first manifestations of AD in dogs are observed at 6 months of age, and subsequently the disease periodically recurs throughout life.

Factors that provoke the development of atopy may include:

  • seasonality or pet's habitat. Unusual air temperature, high humidity, features home environment and other environmental conditions can affect the health of the animal.
  • Microclimate of the habitat. Most allergens are concentrated in the yard, house or apartment, that is, where the animal is located. It may also suffer from food allergies and reactions to household dust or houseplants. Lack of changes in the habitat threatens the pet with persistent dermatitis.
  • Concomitant diseases as the cause of the development of atopy in dogs are hypothyroidism, giardiasis, urolithiasis disease, biliary dyskinesia, etc.
  • Reception medications prescribed by a veterinarian for any purpose.

How do they manifest themselves? clinical symptoms dermatitis, shown in the photo.

The owner can recognize the disease by a number of signs:

In case of severe itching, the dog becomes worried, licks the problem areas, and tries to scratch itself. Pathological areas are easy to notice on the paws and between the toes, on the face, in the outer ear area, in the groin and under the limbs. The fur becomes greasy, the body becomes covered with scales and begins to peel off.

A clear sign of atopy in dogs is the frequent incidence of otitis media and pododermatitis. In the 2nd case, the pet’s paws are so affected that it develops lameness.

Basics of treating dogs for allergic dermatitis

A pet with signs of atopy should not be treated on its own; it should be shown to a specialist as soon as possible. At the first visit, the veterinarian will ask the owner about the characteristics of the disease and clarify the dog’s living conditions. Collection of anamnesis continues with examination of the animal. If there is a suspicion of the influence of a hereditary factor, samples of feces, blood, skin scrapings and bacterial cultures are taken from the pet.

If the doctor detects a connection between allergic dermatosis and the dog’s diet, he prescribes a diet that makes it easier to identify the food irritant. To ensure accuracy of the assessment, it will have to be observed for about 6 weeks. Subsequently, the dog is switched to hypoallergenic food.

The success of treating atopic dermatitis in dogs depends on how quickly it is removed from the environment. The owner can easily exclude a reliably identified and unique pathogen from the conditions of keeping the pet, so the problem is easily solved. If an animal is influenced by a whole group of stimuli, it will not be easy to cope with them. You can reduce the number of relapses by doing the following:

Treatment for AD in dogs may be prescribed as a long course of immunotherapy. In 70% of all cases, hyposensitization completely relieves the animal of itching sensations. Therapy is carried out by subcutaneous administration identified irritant with a gradual increase in concentration. In this case, the veterinarian must take into account the data from the medical history and allergy tests.

Drug therapy for atopic dermatitis in dogs

Symptomatic treatment allergic dermatitis in dogs can be carried out both initial stage immunotherapy, and after it, if the effect is not fully manifested. The specialist prescribes medications for internal use from different groups, for caring for the dog’s body, he suggests special shampoos. The dosages of all drugs are calculated based on the pet’s body weight. They are given once every 24, 48 or 72 hours.

Of the glucocorticoids for atopy in dogs, the following are indicated:

  • Dexamethasone;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Triamcinolone;
  • Methylprednisolone.

Possible side effects of their use are: polyuria, skin calcification, drowsiness, shortness of breath, polyphagia.

From antihistamines prescribe:

Drugs in this group have a sedative effect. While taking them, the dog may develop polyuria or polydipsia.

Excellent antipruritic agents are:

  • Fluoxetine;
  • Misoprostol;
  • Cyclosporine;
  • Oxpentiphylline.

These medications may cause nausea, agitation, drowsiness, diarrhea, skin rashes, polydipsia and polyuria. They are given to the animal once every 12 hours or once a day.

For the treatment of interdigital dermatitis in dogs that has developed due to atopy, polyunsaturated fatty acids are prescribed.

These are:

  • Linoleic acid;
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid;
  • Linseed oil;
  • Safflower or sunflower oil.

Oils must be cold pressed. Acids are contained in fish oil or supplements with omega acids (3 and 6). Side effect their use may cause diarrhea. The dosage is determined taking into account body weight. The frequency of administration is once every 24 hours.

External treatment of atopy in dogs

How to treat dermatitis in a dog externally? Doctors recommend using cold herbal teas as lotions. To relieve itching and relieve pain, you can apply applications with echinacea infusion. To accelerate skin regeneration, decoctions of chamomile, famous for its anti-inflammatory properties, are used.

Since dogs (usually) do not wear shoes, their paws are exposed to increased risk damage when driving on frozen ground, rocky soil, asphalt, etc. Against this background, animals often suffer from damage to the pads on their paws, wounds and abrasions. When the latter are contaminated with pathogenic microflora, interdigital pododermatitis occurs in dogs.

The term “pododermatitis” should not be considered a definitive diagnosis. The fact is that this word means inflammation of the paws, but this can be caused by a huge number of reasons and pathogens. In addition, “interdigital” pododermatitis is rare - as a rule, the pathological process spreads over the entire sole.

It is for this reason that it is extremely important to make a correct diagnosis by identifying the true root cause of the disease. Medical history, age of the animal, the presence of other dermatological pathologies (presence of itching), systemic diseases are predisposing factors. They often serve as “triggers” for pododermatitis. Let's describe other pathological conditions, as a result of which the disease may develop.

Her characteristic featureconstant itching, skin problems, development on other parts of the body. In addition, pathology allergic origin will most likely be seasonal (that is, it is less likely to occur in late fall, winter, or early spring). As a rule, in this case the animal's limbs are noticeable swell and become hot. The dog's legs become like stockings because pet them constantly licks. It is worth remembering that the tendency to allergies increases with age.

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Autoimmune diseases such as pemphigus and can also cause pododermatitis. The skin lesions in this case are much more severe than in the previous case. The pads first swell greatly, become dense, and become painful. It is difficult for the animal to move on hard surfaces. In most cases appear lesions on other parts of the body(for example, scabs on the face and ears), the pet feels depressed, he is apathetic and does not eat.

Other causes of the disease

Diseases and can also provoke the appearance of pododermatitis. The paw pads become very hard and hard, the spaces between the toes also become coarser, and deep spots appear there. cracks unpleasant looking. Small wounds, ulcers and erosions occur on all visible mucous membranes. Making a diagnosis is difficult - systemic examinations of the dog’s body are required, tissue samples are taken (biopsy).

- The second common cause of inflammation of the paw pads. Pathogenic fungi fall on the paws while the animal moves through the soil. The worst thing is when the claws are affected: they become “loose” and grow into the interdigital spaces. This type of pododermatitis is very difficult.

Please note that this variant of the disease can be dangerous for people.

Sometimes the disease develops against the background. There is a pruritic variety (which is contagious to other animals and people) and a theoretically non-contagious one. With demodicosis, damage to the paw pads is quite typical - they become very swollen and painful.

The entire surface of a dog's skin is known to be densely covered with hair. It would seem, what is this “revelation” for? The fact is that furry pets often suffer from dangerous skin diseases, which the owners simply do not notice until the very end. Because of this, the pathological process quickly starts, and the health and even the life of the pet are in serious danger. K very unpleasant consequences can (and does, by the way) lead to weeping dermatitis in dogs.

is an acute inflammatory process of the skin, the cause of which is various unfavorable factors, such as: allergies, pathogens, stress, burns etc. The most common signs of this disease are rash, itching, redness, blisters and crusts. In general, weeping dermatitis develops in exactly the same way, but in the process the affected area begins to ooze ichor or exudate.

It gets wet, which creates excellent conditions for the development of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. That is why practically all cases of weeping dermatitis are accompanied by the appearance of unpleasant and even disgusting smell , as well as the phenomena of general intoxication.

Predisposing factors

Causes of dermatitis may include various factors. Physical (insect bites), chemical (skin contact with acids or alkalis), psychosomatic (stress), biological (infections).

Other predisposing factors include:

  • , including intolerance to some food components.
  • (dermatitis often occurs due to infection with Sarcoptes scabei or Cheyletiella mites).
  • Poor care.
  • Splinters, including grass stubble getting into the thick skin.
  • Interestingly, weeping dermatitis often develops in animals suffering from joint problems. Most likely, this is due to serious metabolic disorders, which is normal for such pets.

If there are disturbances in the functioning of vital organs such as the kidneys or liver, as well as interruptions in the functioning of the lymphatic or immune systems, the skin will begin to react first. Very often (and quickly) with such violations to pathological process infection occurs. General deterioration the condition of the skin, caused, among other things, by an insufficient amount of vitamins and microelements in food, will only contribute to this.

Read also: Gastritis in dogs: forms, symptoms and manifestations

Clinical picture

The symptoms of weeping dermatitis and the distinctive symptoms of the disease are simple: itching, swelling, redness, burning, peeling, roughening of the skin and covering it with crusts, blisters, blisters. With the disease we are describing, the latter have an unpleasant habit of opening, after which ichor begins to ooze abundantly onto the surface of the skin.

Dermatitis can also have its own complications, for example, secondary infections can develop, which subsequently appear scarring and skin pigmentation may change greatly. All this is important for owners of dogs that have high breeding value and constantly participate in exhibitions.

Read also: Psoriasis is a skin pathology in dogs

Therapeutic techniques

Let us immediately describe the main provisions of all therapeutic techniques, actively used in the treatment of this disease:

  • It is necessary to completely get rid of the irritating factor and protect the pet from the action of the identified allergen (only a doctor can determine it in an equipped clinic).
  • Treatment of damaged dermatitis with chlorhexidine. This is a good and inexpensive antiseptic that will help prevent bacterial contamination.
  • Application antibacterial drugs, of which the most accessible to the “mere mortal” is ordinary chloramphenicol.
  • To remove skin itching nessesary to use antihistamines. If the dog is completely unbearable, the pet is literally tearing the skin, you can use half a tablet of Suprastin. But it’s better to take your pet to the vet right away.
  • Nutritional adjustments are required. Again, we strongly advise you to talk to your veterinarian for this.
  • At sharp deterioration skin condition, you must urgently contact a veterinarian-dermatologist or allergist.

Treatment should be aimed at immediately eliminating the cause, and only then at suppressing clinical manifestations diseases. In many dogs, fleas are the primary predisposing factor. In addition, you need to look at the localization of skin lesions. If they are located near ears , you can suspect the presence of otitis when there are foci of inflammation around anus

– inflammation of the anal glands, etc. Regardless of the type of identified root cause, it should be eliminated simultaneously with the elimination of the dermatitis itself, since otherwise the treatment may be completely ineffective.

What should be done to eliminate weeping dermatitis?
First, you need to carefully cut and shave (if possible) the hair around the areas of inflammation. E this makes it much easier to clean the surface from dried crusts of exudate, and even to apply medicines

simplified. It is recommended to use Nolvasan to wash inflamed areas of the skin, but chlorhexidine also cleans everything well. To achieve drying of constantly weeping foci of inflammation, use medicinal powders (you can use simple streptocide powder). Interdigital dermatitis

dogs" url=""> Experts note that the visual manifestation of inflammation in the above areas may be a consequence of many systemic diseases . Often dog owners independently carry out, but it usually does not give a noticeable effect, since it does not eliminate the main factor that caused the development of the disease.

The main causes of interdigital dermatitis in dogs include:

    Injury, skin damage, irritation, scratching, cracks, bruises and other mechanical damage to the skin. Traumatic dermatitis occurs here.

    Exposure to irritating physical or chemical factors on the skin. Here there is contact dermatitis, which occurs when the skin comes into direct contact with factors that cause irritation. Its main signs are: redness, mild itching, swelling, and the formation of blisters on the surface of the skin. Certain areas are affected, and eliminating the cause of the disease quickly leads to recovery. Contact dermatitis is quite difficult to distinguish from eczema, which is chronic inflammation surface layers.

    The influence of allergens, in this case allergic dermatitis occurs.

    Bacterial infection, against which inflammation develops. This is the case here bacterial dermatitis. Its cause is most often staphylococcus intermedius. When treating the latter, a culture of yeast-like fungi of the genus candida often develops.

    The influence of psychogenic factors, for example, separation from the owner or change of residence. Psychogenic dermatitis occurs here.

Prevention and treatment of dermatitis.

Preventive and curative measures for dermatitis depend on the type and causes of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to consider each type separately.

    Traumatic dermatitis. In urban living conditions it is quite difficult to protect against mechanical damage dog paws. During street walks, you constantly come across broken bottle glass, dangerous construction debris and other objects. When damage occurs, it is important not to “start” the process, to carry out timely competent treatment wounds, control their healing, preventing inflammation from turning into chronic form. You need to know that the wound surface must be dry and well ventilated. To do this, when walking the dog, it is necessary to protect the damaged paw from moisture. Special boots will cope with this function perfectly. At home, shoes must be removed, since the wound must be in contact with air. It is also prohibited for the dog to lick the wound.

    Contact dermatitis. Dog owners often encounter this type of disease in winter, when the road is generously treated with de-icing chemicals. While walking, the dog may squeal and tuck its paws. Here it is important to completely eliminate contact of the animal’s skin with the chemical irritant. The best way– this is the use of special boots for dogs.

    Allergic dermatitis. This is the most difficult type of dermatitis to diagnose and treat. In such a situation, if there is an allergy, the damage is always systemic in nature, that is, not only the paws are affected. Primary lesions inflammatory process found on the skin of the ears, the area around the eyes and mouth, and at the base of the tail. They can also be generalized, when almost the entire surface of the skin is affected. If you suspect a food allergy, you should definitely start hypoallergenic diet. Feeds based on hydrolyzed protein are best suited here. The duration of diet therapy should not be less than 8-10 weeks. With the right nutrition for this long time inflammatory the allergen stops entering the body, and regenerative processes. An improvement in the pet's condition is noted visually - the itching disappears, bald areas on the skin begin to grow back with hair. If this happens, then the diagnosis is confirmed food allergy. If any positive dynamics are absent, we can talk about atopy - non-food allergies. Here, any environmental factor can be an allergen for the animal’s body, for example, pollen, house dust, poplar fluff, etc. It is not always possible to accurately identify the allergen, so first of all, the veterinarian prescribes treatment to help eliminate secondary fungal or bacterial complications of allergies. Immunocorrective therapy (Forvet) can provide good help.

    Bacterial dermatitis. This is usually a secondary infection, which occurs when there is damage to the paw pads and interdigital folds, as well as if vitamin and mineral metabolism in the body is disrupted or there are hormonal changes.

Holding only laboratory research will allow you to most correctly and accurately establish the diagnosis. At the same time, select from peripheral blood staphylococcus is very difficult, since active staphylococcal persistence is observed in the blood only during sepsis. In case of generalized staphylococcosis, seeding from ear canal or from skin ulcers. The reason for this is their contamination with streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other microorganisms. If generalized staphylococcosis occurs, then seeding from the genital organs will have the greatest effect, because this is where the pathogenic pathogen is definitely present. Staphylococcus isolated from an animal must have pathogenic properties - the ability to destroy red blood cells and clot blood plasma.

The diagnosis of staphylococcal dermatitis in dogs is made when characteristic clinical signs and receiving positive results laboratory tests. In this case, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. For mild forms of this disease, for example, for superficial dermatitis, it is enough symptomatic treatment. Skin lesions must be treated with antimicrobial agents with a drying effect, antiallergic drugs, and if severe itching occurs, with painkillers. If interdigital pyoderma occurs, applications of 50% dimethyl sulfoxide can be made. The doctor may also prescribe antibiotic therapy. It is important here that the isolated strain of staphylococcus is sensitive to the selected drug. However, the most effective way experts recognize the treatment of staphylococcosis specific immunotherapy. It consists in the use of staphylococcal bacteriophage. It is also noted that with pyoderma, and especially if the skin is damaged quite deeply, corticosteroids can significantly complicate the course of the disease, as they suppress immune reactions. This is why doctors strongly recommend the use of immunomodulatory drugs (Forvet).

    • Sarcoptes canis is a pruritic intradermal mite that causes sarcoptic mange. With this disease, the animal's head is primarily affected, especially in the area around the eyes and mouth, nose and ears. Small nodules appear on these areas of the skin, which gradually fill with fluid. The lesion may then appear in the groin area, paws and armpits. The disease has a number of unpleasant signs: severe itching in the affected area, hair loss in specific areas, the appearance of bloody crusts. Treatment in this case is carried out by external treatment of damaged areas on the animal’s body with insecto-acaricidal preparations.

    Psychogenic dermatitis. This type of disease affects animals with thin nervous organization. In cases where a pet has difficulty moving from place to place, separation from its owner, and other unusual situations and events, it needs to be given sedatives prescribed by a veterinarian. This helps you cope with stress without harmful consequences to your health. This type Dermatitis has been studied less than all others.

Today, dermatitis in domestic dogs is one of the most common diseases. Delayed treatment illness can cause serious consequences. In this article you will learn what dermatitis in a dog is - the symptoms and treatment are described below, and you will also see how it manifests itself in the photo.


As a rule, flea dermatitis is diagnosed in animals in the warm season - then insects are most active. It should be noted that once on the dog’s body, the flea will look for a place with the highest humidity, this could be the groin, stomach, or ear area.

The main symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • the first symptom is that the dog develops severe itching in certain areas of the body;
  • Scratching and bald patches may form at the site of itching, as well as redness and rashes;
  • the pet becomes more nervous and irritable because it is constantly bothered by insects;
  • another symptom that may not appear - in some cases, flea dermatitis causes loss of appetite (video author -


If you decide to rid your pet of this problem at home, there are many ways. For treatment, you can use shampoos, special sprays, drops or collars. Today, many dog ​​breeders are increasingly using chewable tablets.

Of course, any treatment must be accompanied by disinfection of your living space, as well as the dog’s bedding, because you need to eliminate the larvae. In the event that the disease has caused serious wounds, special ointments can be used to heal them. One way or another, it would be better to check pet see a doctor so that a specialist can make a more accurate diagnosis.

Atopic dermatitis

Less common, but also common is atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is a reaction of the canine body to elements in environment. Dust, feathers or household items can act as allergens. As a rule, atopic dermatitis is diagnosed in young pets; animals over 6 years of age are extremely rarely affected. The atopic type is difficult to diagnose.

If you want to detect a specific allergen that provokes atopic dermatitis, then the dog must be thoroughly tested in the laboratory. Not all veterinary clinics in the Russian Federation have the appropriate diagnostic equipment. Accordingly, there are no other diagnostic options (video author: Lake Charles Pit Bull Rescue).


As for the symptoms, both flea and atopic dermatitis are similar. One common symptom of this reaction is severe itching and areas of inflammation in the muzzle and groin area. Also, lesions can be located in the armpits, in the areas between the fingers, and in the ears. As a result of the fact that atopic dermatitis reduces defense mechanisms skin, redness may appear on it. The dog will also develop bacterial inflammation, redness and rashes.


Veterinarians sometimes practice another method - treating allergies with special immunotherapy. It should be noted that treating a dog in this way will be quite expensive, especially since not every veterinary clinic provides such services. More details about how atopic type treatment is carried out are described in the video below (the author of the video is Vet clinic Doctor Sotnikov).


Pododermatitis affects the animal’s body in such a way that the dog’s protective functions skin. As a result, the pet's body becomes inflamed and red. Often in animals, the affected areas are located in the interdigital areas.

It should be noted that pododermatitis can occur in any dog, but the following breeds are most susceptible to this disease:

  • bull terriers;
  • mastiffs;
  • Pekingese;
  • Labradors;
  • basset hounds;
  • dachshunds;
  • Great Danes;
  • German Shepherds;
  • Shar-Pei.

It should also be added that bald patches and lesions in the interdigital areas with pododermatitis are possible due to the constant licking of these areas. Since the areas are really problematic, the dog will try to heal them in this way.


As for the symptoms of pododermatitis, this allergic reaction manifests itself as severe pain and itching. Accordingly, an attentive breeder will in any case notice the symptoms when the dog constantly licks its paws. Pododermatitis causes redness and inflammation in the interdigital area on the limbs of a pet. The animal's activity may decrease, as it will be painful for him to move. If the inflammation is very severe, the dog may also limp.


How to properly treat pododermatitis at home? Of course, as in the case of other diseases, it will be impossible to cure your pet if you do not find out the reason why the allergy manifests itself. For example, if the disease is caused by demodicosis or malassezia, then these diseases must be treated first. Only when you rid your dog of these problems will the allergic reaction go away.

To prevent signs of illness, always practice basic hygiene. For example, after walking an animal, in any case, it is necessary to wash the pet’s paws, and they also need to be dried very carefully to avoid any moisture in the spaces between the toes. Exacerbation is typical in the wet months of the year.

Excess fur should always be trimmed between the toes. If you walk your dog in rain or snow, we recommend using special dog shoes.

Photo 3. The dog is itching

Video “How does pododermatitis manifest in a dog?”

Find out more about how this disease manifests itself and how to get rid of it from the video below (the author of the video is cryoveterinary medicine).
