Sinusitis in dogs: symptoms and treatment. Perianal sinusitis in dogs. (Paraanal sinusitis). Symptoms and treatment. Causes of sinusitis in dogs

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remember, that veterinarian It is very difficult to assess the condition of an animal using the phrase “The cat/dog is sick.”
To get the most complete and quick answer, do not force our doctors to ask leading questions. Please state your problem as follows:
- Breed, sex and age of the animal, its feeding and maintenance regime
- Previous illnesses
- When did the symptoms of the disease begin?
- Symptoms of the disease, the current state of the animal
- Have there been any additional research. If so, which ones? Be sure to include your research results. Be sure to indicate the units of measurement in which the test results and laboratory standards are presented.
- Has treatment been carried out? What drugs? In what doses? Is there an effect?

If the treatment does not bring results, you need to show the dog an ENT specialist (or a surgeon) and have the sinuses punctured and washed out! If it really is sinusitis, you won’t be able to cure it with rinsing!


Thank you. Is there a highly specialized doctor in Moscow (ENT specialist, I mean)

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    Sinusitis in dogs

    Sinusitis is called inflammatory process, affecting the mucous membrane of the maxillary cavity. With this disease, there is an accumulation of inflammatory fluid, severe intoxication, and softening of the bones in the area of ​​the affected cavity.

    Causes of sinusitis in dogs

    The development of primary sinusitis is associated with bruises and wounds in the area maxillary sinus. Secondary form diseases develop as a result inflammatory lesion nasal mucosa, frontal sinuses. Caries can also lead to this disease. The occurrence of symptomatic sinusitis in dogs occurs due to infectious diseases. We are talking, for example, about actinomycosis.

    The accumulation of mucous or purulent inflammatory fluid in the maxillary cavity is accompanied by the entry of part of the exudate into the middle nasal meatus. The rest of the inflammatory fluid decomposes, which is accompanied by the appearance of a purulent odor. Entry of exudate breakdown products into the blood vessels and lymphatic vessels leads to intoxication. In addition, conditions are created for the emergence of a flow of abnormal impulses to the cerebral cortex. As the disease progresses pathological process can spread to the nasal mucosa, frontal cavities, and brain.

    Clinical picture of sinusitis in dogs

    In most cases, the course of this pathology is chronic. With this disease, serous or purulent fluid. This process is enhanced by lowering the head, sneezing and movement. In some cases, symptoms of rhinitis may appear. Enlarged lymph nodes on the affected side are characteristic. When palpating the affected sinus, pain is detected. Purulent sinusitis is manifested by a rise in body temperature, inflammation of the conjunctival membrane, sharp decline appetite. Possible severe depression of the animal.

    Diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis in cats

    Domesticated cats have to pay for the benefits of civilization, and the price is the same as for people - diseases atypical for wild “relatives”. Sinusitis in cats, in a broad sense, is sinusitis, which is not only uncomfortable, but also a painful illness that “triggers” more serious diseases.

    What are sinusitis and sinusitis?

    The concept of sinusitis generalizes all inflammatory conditions, most often turning into chronic diseases nasal sinuses and adjacent mucous membranes. Above the jaw apparatus, in the animal’s skull, there are cavities - the maxillary sinuses, which fill with mucus with progressive sinusitis, which causes sinusitis.

    The causes of sinusitis are varied:

    • Hypothermia, sudden temperature changes, getting wet (rain, swimming).
    • Decreased immune defense.
    • High humidity in the home.
    • “Healed” viral and colds, very often, an unfinished course of antibiotics “results” in sinusitis.
    • Inflammation oral cavity of various types, including tartar and pulpitis.

    The causes of the disease are most often viral or bacterial in nature. Pathogenic microbes enter the sinus through the nostrils or through the bloodstream. The maxillary sinuses are filled with secretions from the mucous membranes, and this is literally an incubator for bacteria. Reproducing with " geometric progression“, microorganisms transform “ordinary snot” into a caustic mass that can “eat through” the thin walls of the partitions and is also a source of infection for other animals.

    Diagnosis of sinusitis

    You need to understand that ignoring the first symptoms can provoke chronic sinusitis in cats, the treatment of which lasts for life and is based on antibiotic therapy, with all the ensuing consequences. The first signs after which one should suspect sinusitis are:

    Diagnosis and treatment of sinusitis in dogs

    Above the dog’s jaw, nose and eyes are the so-called maxillary sinuses, in other words, cavities that are designed to maintain normal intracranial pressure and depreciation of possible changes due to impacts, changes in altitude, etc. Filling of these cavities with mucus or pus causes sinusitis in dogs, which varies in type and nature of origin.

    Causes of sinusitis in dogs

    In human medicine and veterinary medicine, sinusitis is considered a complication of sinusitis - an inflammatory process, causing swelling mucous membranes of the nose and nasopharynx. Sinusitis, essentially a runny nose, can occur literally out of the blue, and sinusitis is a complication for which there must be “help”:

    • Trauma to the skull or nasal septum.
    • Excessive “enthusiasm” for antibiotics or, conversely, an interrupted course of treatment, destroys colonies of “friendly” bacteria, which should displace pathogenic ones.
    • Inhalation of toxic fumes or scalding gases, soot.
    • Diseases of the oral cavity that are inflammatory in nature.

    Like all body systems, the maxillary sinuses are equipped with “fuses” - villi that “capture” pathogenic microbes, envelop them in mucus and remove them from the body. Sinusitis occurs when the “protection system” has failed and microorganisms have entered the sinuses. Most often, infection occurs by inhaling sputum dispersed in the air from a sneeze or cough, or less often, through the bloodstream.

    Signs of sinusitis in dogs

    Diagnosis is usually divided into home and clinical. Sinusitis is easy to “miss” early stage, but on average symptoms are quite clear:

    Pyoderma in dogs: symptoms and treatment

    All dog owners want their pets to not get sick and to always be beautiful. However, sometimes the wool loses its natural shine, and skin become rude. The animal becomes itchy. The dog’s skin protects the body from the introduction of pathogenic bacteria, and therefore, if problems arise with it, it is necessary to take care of their prompt solution. What to do if your pet has acne?

    Pimples are a sign of pyoderma

    If you accidentally see pimples on your pet's skin (they may be located on inner surface thighs, head, gums and lips), this indicates that streptococcus or staphylococcus has penetrated into the deep layers of the epidermis and has begun to spread. This disease called pyoderma. It is a pustular lesion of the epidermis. Pyoderma in dogs causes inconvenience not only to animals, but also to their owners.

    Why is this pathology becoming more and more common?

    IN Lately This disease has become very common. This happens because dog owners give their pets freeze-dried food, rarely walk them (especially for city animals), and engage in breeding without knowing all the intricacies of this matter. As a result, individuals appear with poor condition body. Therefore, it is not surprising that pyoderma in dogs is not a rare phenomenon. We should also not forget that the environment is getting worse, and this can also be considered one of the factors provoking the disease we are considering.


    The disease can be suspected if a pustular rash forms on the dog’s thighs and abdomen. As a rule, it soon disappears if it is not a sign of a viral illness. Pyoderma in dogs, the symptoms of which should certainly alert the pet owner, is a serious disease. You should always remember this.

    The disease develops and the rash transforms into pyoderma, divided into two types:

    Staphylococcosis is a separate disease. It is quite dangerous.

    Staphylococcal - secondary - infection that aggravates all types of dermatitis.

  • Diseases of the excretory organs often lead to very severe consequences, which is not surprising, since this system designed to remove processed products from the body. Moreover, this list includes not only enteritis, colitis and similar diseases, but also peri-anal sinusitis. This disease is common in dogs and many breeders are familiar with its manifestations.

    You should know that there are several glands around the anus, the secretion of which does not have a particularly pleasant appearance or smell, but plays an important role in the social behavior of dogs. We are talking about the paraanal sinuses, the contents of which, a liquid with an oily consistency and a brownish-yellow color, give a special “refinement” to the smell of dog excrement and allow animals to carry out “color differentiation.” Not by the pants, of course... Simply put, this secret helps dogs mark their territory and instill fear in their competitors.

    So here it is. If for some reason the contents of the sinuses are not sent to feces, it accumulates in the glands themselves. If after some time the secret still goes as intended, nothing bad happens, but otherwise it causes severe inflammation And pain reaction.

    Why does it arise?

    There can be many etiological factors, but we will try to list the most important of them. Firstly, any infectious and invasive pathologies can play a negative role. For example, if your pet is plagued by worms, the females or segments of which regularly visit the area around the anus, then irritation will inevitably develop in this area, which will high degree chances are it can develop into an inflammatory process. The same trouble can befall dogs whose owners do not particularly bother with feeding their pet, constantly feeding it with dry food. Such a diet not only has a detrimental effect on the condition of the liver, kidneys, Bladder and intestinal mucosa, but also leads to.

    Sinusitis(catarrhus sinus maxillaris. empyema sinus maxillaris)

    Sinusitis- inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary cavity, accompanied by the accumulation of exudate, severe intoxication, a large flow of pathological impulses to the cerebral cortex and often softening bone tissue in the area of ​​the affected cavity. When an ichorous mass accumulates in the cavity, the disease is called empyema.

    Etiology. Primary sinusitis develops with bruises and wounds in the sinuses, secondary - as a complication of inflammation of the nasal mucosa, frontal sinuses and dental caries, symptomatic - with malignant catarrhal fever of the large cattle, actinomycosis and some other infectious diseases.

    Pathogenesis. Mucopurulent or purulent exudate accumulates in the maxillary cavity, part of which enters the middle nasal passage, part of it disintegrates and acquires an ichorous odor. Decomposition products strongly irritate the receptors of the mucous membrane, are absorbed into the blood and lymphatic system, which creates intoxication and a flow of pathological impulses to the cerebral cortex. Inflammation can continue to the mucous membrane of the nose, frontal cavities and meninges

    Symptoms Patients have unilateral nasal discharge, initially serous, then serous-purulent, purulent and ichorous, which intensifies when lowering the head, sneezing and movement. Sometimes symptoms of rhinitis appear. Lymph nodes are enlarged, especially on the affected side. In the area of ​​the cavity, dullness or dull sound, increased pain response, and sometimes protrusion of bone tissue are found. With purulent and putrefactive sinusitis, body temperature rises, conjunctivitis develops, and appetite sharply decreases. When inflammation spreads to adjacent tissues, other symptoms appear, including a weak reaction to the environment.

    Flow. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary cavity most often occurs chronically.

    Forecast. With catarrhal sinusitis the prognosis is favorable, with purulent and putrefactive sinusitis - cautious, with inflammation spreading to the meninges and medulla - unfavorable.

    Diagnosis is made based on the results clinical trials. Typical signs of sinusitis include unilateral discharge, pain and dull sound in the cavity area. WITH diagnostic purpose trepanation or puncture of the sinus is performed. The resulting exudate is examined to exclude or confirm the infectious origin and determine the sensitivity of the microflora to medicinal substances.

    Treatment. For catarrhal sinusitis, heating pads, Minin and Sollux lamps, UHF therapy, sulfa drugs and antibiotics are used. During purulent processes, exudage is removed from the cavity by lowering the animal's head, for which the feeder is set lower than usual, and trepanation. After removing the exudate, the mucous membrane of the cavity is irrigated with solutions of furatsilin (1:5000), sodium norsulfazole, penicillin containing 20 thousand units in 1 ml, potassium permanganate (1:1000), cameton from a spray can 1-2 times a day. IN severe cases antibiotics are prescribed intramuscularly, phthalazole - orally, sodium salt norsulfazole - intravenously at a concentration of up to 10% (at the rate of 40-50 mg per 1 kg of body weight).

    Treatment of dogs: Directory of veterinarian Arkadyeva-Berlin Nika Germanovna

    Sinusitis, frontal sinusitis

    Sinusitis, frontal sinusitis


    Irritation of the nasal mucosa by caustic gases and chemicals.

    Infection, helminthic infestation, intoxication, allergic manifestations. Inhalation of hot or cold air, cold.

    They develop as secondary diseases during rhinitis. More often they become chronic and are accompanied by green-yellow discharge with an ichorous odor.


    The manifestation of the disease is short-term bleeding from one or both nostrils. With a unilateral inflammatory process, a characteristic turn of the dog's head to one side is observed. Increased sensitivity upon palpation of the maxillary (frontal) sinuses. Percussion: unilateral or bilateral dullness. Complications: otitis media, hearing loss, transition of inflammation to the olfactory labyrinth.

    Injection of antibiotic powders, solutions, ointments, liquid liniments into the cavity under local anesthesia.



    Novocaine, trimecaine.

    Penicillin on novocaine, sulfadimethoxine (powder).

    Liniment of streptocide or synthomycin, streptocide and streptomycin ointments.

    Sinusitis (Higmoritis) is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus, accompanied by the accumulation of exudate, severe intoxication of the body, a large flow of pathological impulses to the cerebral cortex and often softening of the bone tissue in the area of ​​the affected cavity.

    When an ichorous mass accumulates in the cavity, the disease is called empyema.

    According to their course, sinusitis in animals can be acute and chronic, according to the nature of the inflammatory process - serous, catarrhal and purulent.

    Sinusitis occurs in horses and dogs, but is rare in other animals.

    Etiology. The disease mainly occurs in animals as a result of an infection entering the maxillary cavity as a result of complications with rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, osteomyelitis, dental caries, frontal sinusitis, etc. Primary sinusitis in animals occurs with penetrating wounds of the maxillary cavity, fractures of the facial bones, malignant tumors. The occurrence of rhinitis in animals is predisposed by: colds, deficiency of vitamins A and D in the animal’s diet.

    Pathogenesis. During the process of inflammation in the maxillary cavity, mucopurulent or purulent exudate accumulates, part of which enters the middle nasal passage, part of the exudate undergoes decay, acquiring an ichorous odor. The resulting decomposition products strongly irritate the receptors of the mucous membrane, are absorbed into the blood and lymphatic system, causing intoxication in the sick animal; in addition, a flow of pathological impulses from the maxillary cavity goes to the cerebral cortex. Inflammation from the maxillary cavity can continue to spread to the mucous membrane of the nose, frontal cavities and meninges of the animal.

    Clinical picture. At acute course With sinusitis in a sick animal, a decrease in appetite and gradual weight loss are noted. Body temperature within physiological norm or increased by 0.5 - 1 ° C. A characteristic symptom of sinusitis is unilateral mucous or mucopurulent discharge from the nose. The discharge intensifies when the head of a sick animal is tilted, after being driven away, during coughing, sneezing and snorting. When palpating the area maxillary sinus the animal responds with a painful reaction. When percussing the area of ​​the maxillary cavity, instead of the normal boxed sound, we hear a dull or dull sound. Using rhinoscopy of the middle nasal meatus, we identify hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane, which may have stripes of pus. In some sick animals, we note a disturbance in the act of chewing on the affected side. Submandibular The lymph nodes, especially on the affected side, are swollen and painful upon palpation. Some affected animals may have collateral eyelid edema and conjunctivitis.

    For chronic sinusitis general state the sick animal is depressed, we note a decrease in its productivity and performance. Sometimes, when examining the head of a sick animal, due to thinning of the bones, you can notice a change in the configuration (protrusion) of the area of ​​the maxillary cavity on the affected side of the head. The nasal mucosa in a sick animal becomes thick and is secreted in small quantities. X-ray examination in the area of ​​the affected sinus gives us a darkening. In severe cases of purulent sinusitis, as a result of untimely treatment, the inflammatory process from the maxillary cavity can spread to the mucous membrane frontal sinus, ethmoid and sphenoid bones, the brain membranes of the animal, causing visual disturbances in the sick animal, difficulty breathing and the appearance of oglum-like symptoms and will end in death.

    Flow. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary cavity most often occurs chronically in animals.

    Forecast. With catarrhal sinusitis, the prognosis is favorable. In purulent and putrefactive conditions, be careful. When the inflammatory process spreads to the meninges and brain, the prognosis is unfavorable.

    Diagnosis The diagnosis of sinusitis is diagnosed comprehensively, taking into account the collected medical history, characteristic clinical symptoms diseases. Blood tests reveal neutrophilic leukocytosis and increased ESR. X-ray examination shows darkening of the area of ​​the maxillary cavity. In doubtful cases, diagnostic trepanation is performed.

    Differential diagnosis. In case of purulent discharge from the nose, it is necessary to exclude glanders, myot, rhinitis, and frontal sinusitis. We exclude helminthic diseases and actinomycosis.

    Treatment. Treatment of a sick animal begins with eliminating the cause of sinusitis. For catarrhal sinusitis, a sick animal is treated with heating pads, Sollux, a Minin lamp, UHF therapy and diathermy. Inhalation of menthol vapor is prescribed. With purulent sinusitis, removal of exudate can be achieved by lowering the head; for this purpose, the animal feeder is set lower than usual. Sick chronic sinusitis Trepanation of the maxillary cavity is performed. Through the trepanation hole, the maxillary cavity is washed with warm disinfectant solutions– 0.1% ethacridine, 0.1% potassium permanganate, 0.02% furacillin, 3% boric acid etc. After washing, an antibiotic solution or sulfa drug(previously, the sensitivity of the pathogenic microflora of the maxillary cavity to antibiotics is determined in a veterinary laboratory).

    Neoplasms, overgrown granulations, polyps are removed with a knife, a sharp curette, followed by cauterization. In case of odontogenic sinusitis, the carious tooth is removed, followed by regular rinsing of the mouth with disinfectant solutions.

    In severe cases of the disease, the sick animal is prescribed antibiotics, including modern cephalosporins.

    Prevention is timely treatment patients with rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, osteomyelitis, dental caries, frontal sinusitis, actinomycosis, infectious diseases and protecting animals from traumatic injury heads.
