How to do vibration facial massage at home? The benefits and harms of the procedure. Techniques for various types of children's chest massage Conducting vibration massage algorithm

Vibration massage is a physical effect on the body through vibration to obtain an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and stimulating effect.

Vibration in physics refers to oscillatory movements with varying frequencies, durations and amplitudes. Back in the 19th century, it became known about the effect of vibration vibrations on the human body. Doctors have found that a dosed intensity and time-limited effect has a positive effect on many body systems.

Vibration massage causes mechanical irritation of skin receptors, internal organs, muscles and ligaments. As a result, blood vessels dilate, blood flow and lymph drainage are stimulated, nutrition and oxygen supply to tissues improves. Nerve endings are excited and neuromuscular conduction improves. Thus, the therapeutic effects of vibration massage are as follows:

  • anesthesia;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieving muscle tension and restoring performance;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • positive effect on the endocrine system and autonomic nervous system.

Indications for vibration massage are:

  • pain syndrome in diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • osteochondrosis therapy, intervertebral hernia and protrusions;
  • and neuritis of the nerves;
  • subacute and chronic forms;
  • rehabilitation treatment of strokes;
  • cosmetology.

Like many physiotherapeutic procedures, vibration massage is contraindicated:

  • in the presence of damage to the skin, dermatitis;
  • oncological processes;
  • mental disorders;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heat;
  • blood diseases with high risk development of bleeding;
  • in the presence of cardiovascular diseases (defects, arterial hypertension, heart failure);
  • vibration disease.

Currently, there are many devices for vibration massage: in the form of a belt, devices for foot massage, mats, vibration massagers for individual parts of the body.

Vibration massage for osteochondrosis has found wide application. It strengthens the muscle corset, promotes the resorption of “salt deposits”, and helps to recover after operations. This method of physiotherapy relieves pain well and improves the delivery of drugs to tissues. Mostly, tape massagers are used that have a zonal effect on the affected areas: cervical, lumbar, thoracic.

Vibromassage technique

It is better to conduct a course of vibration massage after the recommendation of a doctor, in a medical center. You should trust a specialist who knows how to do vibration massage; he knows the points and zones to achieve a therapeutic effect. In addition, it is necessary to be under the supervision of a doctor, who will evaluate the progress of treatment or cancel the procedure if something goes wrong.

But medical procedure can also be done at home. To do this you need to purchase. If you are selecting a vibration massage device for the purpose of... home use, then follow the recommendations:

  1. Read the operating instructions for the device.
  2. The device must have a regulator of the frequency and amplitude of oscillations. Their penetration into the body and healing effect. For example, analgesic effect noticeable at 100 Hz.
  3. To massage the back muscles, you need a device that you can lie on. This ensures better relaxation.
  4. Do not forget that portable devices, despite their simplicity, have a fairly strong effect on the body. Overdose of procedures can cause negative effects on general state patient. Therefore, carefully study the manipulation technique before starting a course of treatment.

Rules for vibration massage

  1. First, carry out the procedure sessions every other day, and if the condition improves, the procedure can be repeated daily. Typically, the course of treatment consists of 10–12 procedures. After 20 sessions, it is necessary to take a break of one to two weeks, as the body becomes accustomed to the effects and the beneficial effect decreases.
  2. Increase the amplitude and time of exposure gradually, at first their values ​​should be minimal. The first sessions should not exceed 3–5 minutes, subsequently they last 20 minutes.
  3. Exposure to bare skin or through clothing is allowed. But in the lumbosacral region, to work out the layer of deep muscles, it is allowed to apply a fatty cream to the area of ​​the procedure.

Vibration massage should not cause painful sensations. For patients with sensitive skin You should select special soft nozzles.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel by finding ways to combat diseases and aging of the body. Many of them are suggested to a person by nature itself; you just need to correctly interpret its signs. Take, for example, the vibrations that do not stop in our body for a second. Without them, the heart will stop pushing blood through the vessels, lymph flow will stop, which will cause excessive accumulation of waste and toxins, the stomach will refuse to digest food, we won’t even be able to speak without trembling vocal cords. It turns out that oscillatory movements of a certain intensity are very important for normal life body. Man has long guessed to use them in medicinal and for preventive purposes. And the most popular method has become vibration massage.

During the procedure, a specialist uses his hands or using special equipment to transmit oscillatory movements of different frequencies to the human body. As a result of such manipulations:

  • Nerve receptors located in the skin are irritated, activating the activity of internal organs reflexively associated with them.
  • There is an impact on the muscles, the fibers of which get rid of tension and stretch. As a result, spasms and clamps weaken, tissue performance increases.
  • Functioning is normalized of cardio-vascular system: blood flow improves, blood pressure stabilizes. Moreover, low-frequency vibrations reduce it, while high-frequency vibrations, on the contrary, increase it, accelerating the heartbeat.
  • The body begins to increase the production of endorphins - special substances that help get rid of pain.
  • The keratinized scales of the epidermis are removed, the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands is activated, the flow of oxygen increases several times and nutrients, which helps improve appearance and skin texture.
  • Metabolic processes are stimulated.
  • The mucus accumulated as a result of inflammation or infection is softened and removed from the respiratory tract.

Taking into account the effective healing effect, the procedure is prescribed for:

  • respiratory tract diseases: asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, pleurisy, pneumonia, cough;
  • problems with the intestines and stomach: gastritis, dyskinesia, inflammatory processes;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias, convulsions, spondylosis, consequences of fractures;
  • deviations in the functioning of the central and peripheral parts nervous system: convulsive or inhibited states, neuralgia and even paralysis.

Vibration techniques are used to massage various parts of the body, but for greater efficiency, special attention is paid to painful and segmental reflex zones, as well as biologically active points.

Manual vibration massage: techniques and technique

It is known that if handled improperly, even the most effective remedy can turn into poison. Massage is no exception. Do not begin the procedure until you have undergone a thorough medical examination and do not consult your doctor. Only he will help eliminate the presence of contraindications and select the most appropriate technique for you.

Thematic material:

Anyone can learn how to perform manual vibration massage, the main thing is to master the basic techniques of influence and adhere to the special rules for conducting a health procedure:

  1. Set the most appropriate position for the patient's body. It is better to massage the back, stomach and legs while lying down, the chest - in the knee-elbow position, and the rest of the body - while sitting.
  2. Do not use cosmetic or massage lubricants: the massage therapist's hands will slip from the surface of the skin, which will significantly weaken the therapeutic effect.
  3. Start the procedure with stroking and rubbing. These movements will warm up the tissues and prepare them for more active work.
  4. In the main part of the session, combine the technique of continuous and intermittent vibration, alternating it with light stroking.
  5. Adjust the vibration strength depending on the desired result. This can be done using the angle of inclination of the fingers: the closer it is to 90 0, the stronger and deeper the surface is worked.
  6. The back massage is performed from the bottom up, excluding the area of ​​the spine and kidneys.
  7. Exposure to the abdomen may be harmful, so consult your doctor first. You need to be 100% sure that there are no stones in the kidneys or gall bladder. During the procedure, movements are directed clockwise from the navel.
  8. The legs and arms are massaged, moving from the toes upward.
  9. The session ends with the same rubbing and light stroking.

Manipulations can be performed with fingers, fists or the edge of the palm. The following techniques are used.

Continuous vibration(performed without taking your hands off the patient’s body):

Continuous exposure is important to perform correctly, otherwise the massage therapist himself risks making money. discomfort, muscle spasm and cramps in the fingers. These movements are trained by acting on a small surface, in the center of which a glass of water is placed. When vibration is performed correctly, the liquid remains practically motionless, but if it is applied incorrectly, it splashes out.

Intermittent vibration:

The manual method of vibration massage is good because the specialist feels the condition of the body tissues and has the ability to adjust the intensity and change the methods of influence. Pain and discomfort in the problem area usually go away after 2-3 sessions. The advisability of continuing the procedure should be considered by a doctor.

Hardware vibration therapy

Even the most skilled fingers of a massage therapist sometimes get tired, especially if you need to perform monotonous continuous movements for a long time. At this moment, special devices come to the rescue, replacing human hands and performing monotonous work. The first such device was created back in the 19th century in Sweden to treat neuralgia. Much time has passed since then, massagers have become more diverse, more sophisticated and have spread widely throughout the world. Today, every salon offers vibration therapy sessions using special devices.


The device was developed by the American corporation General Physiotherapy Inc. This stationary vibro-impact installation is equipped with various applicators, which allows you to use almost all known techniques, including thermal and cryomassage. The system is designed so that the applicators simultaneously affect the problem area in two directions:

The created shock-vibration movements under a certain pressure affect the skin, deep tissues, muscles and even fluid in the human body, which leads to amazing results:

  • cleansing of waste and toxins occurs;
  • blood flow is stimulated;
  • the appearance and turgor of the skin improves;
  • signs of cellulite disappear;
  • there is a reflex effect on internal organs;
  • the pain subsides;
  • muscle tone decreases;
  • leaves excess weight;
  • aging processes slow down;
  • the psychological mood improves noticeably.

Thanks to these results, therapy using the Cellutec device has become widespread in sports clubs, spas and various health centers.


This mobile massage complex, produced by the same American corporation General Physiotherapy Inc. Massagers of this type have a variety of replaceable attachments and are designed to the following types massage:

  • therapeutic, for diseases of internal organs and during the rehabilitation period;
  • segmental-reflex;
  • periosteal;
  • sports;
  • spot;
  • percussion;
  • lymphatic drainage;
  • cryomassage.

The complex is especially effective in combating respiratory diseases. Procedures using this device, which allow for postural drainage, are prescribed to both children and the elderly. Two components enhance the vibration massage effect:

  • vertical helps to soften accumulated secretions and separate them from the walls of the respiratory tract;
  • horizontal helps remove it from the bronchi.

The Vibramatic massage complex control program allows you to choose between vibration and percussion (tapping) effects and alternate them in any sequence and intensity. The procedure is considered completely safe, since the patient’s condition is constantly monitored during the session.

This vibration device is made in the form of a pillow and is intended for the treatment of a number of genitourinary diseases in men and women. It eliminates:

  • prostate problems;
  • pathologies of the bladder;
  • enuresis;
  • chronic pelvic pain;
  • vaginal dysfunction;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • congestion of the pelvic veins.

The therapeutic effect of the Avim-1 device consists of a pulsating magnetic field combined with thermal effects. The massage is carried out in sitting position, while the patient himself has the opportunity to regulate the strength of vibration and thermal radiation thanks to a convenient remote control. Vibrations are transmitted not only to the pelvic area, but also higher. As a result, venous congestion decreases, capillary blood flow increases, swelling and inflammation go away.

Externally, the device resembles a regular massage couch. But there are rollers built into it that work out every element of the spinal column. Rubbing, kneading, pressing are repeated up to 300 times per session. In addition, the rollers also vibrate, complicating the trajectory of impact on the surface of the back. As a result, the back tenses and then relaxes again, correcting the position of the vertebrae. In addition, lactic acid breaks down in overtrained muscles, their fibers become elastic and stretched, breathing is evened out, heart rate and pressure are normalized, and the nervous system calms down.

"Ormed-relax" is indicated for:

  • protrusions;
  • intervertebral hernias;
  • scoliosis;
  • osteochondrosis.

The procedure is suitable for adults and children over 6 years old.

swing machine

A very popular spinal simulator today, the action of which is based on the classic exercise “ gold fish", borrowed from Japanese health gymnastics. The device is a special support for the legs, which begins to vibrate, transmitting wave-like vibrations to the spine. As a result, the muscles of the back and abdomen are stretched, blood circulation and lymph flow improves, and the body receives more oxygen.

The procedure is very simple to perform. You only need:

  • lie down on the floor or other flat and hard surface;
  • place the shins on special supports provided in the swing;
  • relax completely.

The sensations during the massage are very pleasant: wave-like movements are replaced by a feeling of relaxation and stretching in the muscles. But you shouldn’t force things: the first lesson on a swing machine should last no longer than 5 minutes, then you can gradually increase the procedure time to a quarter of an hour.


This device affects the human body using electrostatic impulses. Moreover, not only the surface layers are worked out, but also the deep ones. body fat, connective tissue and even blood vessels.

Oscillatory movements, attraction and shaking are felt by the patient when the massage therapist either brings his hands in special gloves to the body or moves them away. Indications for use of the technique are:

  • muscle weakness;
  • pain syndrome of various origins;
  • damage to skin and tissues;
  • respiratory pathologies: asthma, bronchitis, cystic fibrosis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • arthritis;
  • obesity, cellulite.

Interestingly, the procedure with the Khivamat system greatly helps to heal bruises, scars and scars, including post-operative ones, by stimulating the formation of new cells.

During the session adhere to the following algorithm actions:

  1. The problem area is exposed.
  2. The skin is sprinkled with talc to keep it completely dry.
  3. The patient picks up a special neutralizing plate.
  4. The massage therapist puts on gloves connected to the generating electrical impulses panels.
  5. Treatment of the problem area involves simply touching, stroking, rubbing and kneading the surface.
  6. After the procedure, the skin is cleansed and a soothing agent is applied.

The number of sessions and their intensity is determined by the doctor based on the patient’s condition. The cost of the procedure depends on the massaged area, duration and intensity of exposure. On average, the price per session ranges from 500 to 3,500 rubles, but the high cost is more than compensated by excellent results, as evidenced by many positive feedback left by grateful patients.

Oleg, 45 years old. After the injury, severe back pain began. I couldn’t sleep at night: it ached and twitched to the point of tears. I went to doctors, even turned to healers - nothing helped. A friend recommended taking the Ormed-relax course. I didn't really believe in all this newfangled stuff. But there was no limit to surprise when after the 5th session I suddenly felt better. The pain dulled, sleep returned, and with it good mood. Effective procedure to relieve the back. I recommend.

Irina, 54 years old. Last fall I became very ill – I contracted an infection that developed into obstructive bronchitis. The cough simply tormented me: there was chest pain and shortness of breath. The doctor prescribed a course of Vibramatic. After only 3 procedures, a wet cough appeared and sputum began to disappear. A week later I completely forgot about my problem. Thanks to the Vibramatic complex.

Rules for using massage devices

You can also organize hardware vibration therapy sessions at home. To do this, it is enough to purchase one of the massagers that are widely available on the modern medical equipment market. These can be manual, portable or stationary devices (for example, an Ogulova massager or a Su-Jok set). They not only have an effective therapeutic effect, but also help relieve physical and psychological fatigue, improve performance and mood. With their help, massage is performed in two ways:

  1. Labile. When the device, pressed tightly to the skin, slowly moves across the entire area.
  2. Stable. When the impact is strictly directed to one point.

The movements are performed:

  • rectilinearly, along the lymph flow;
  • transverse;
  • streak-like;
  • zigzag, with great pressure;
  • round;
  • in a spiral, rubbing and kneading movements.

The nozzles can be located at different angles to the surface being treated: vertical ones provide the most intense impact, and tangential ones – the most gentle. When performing a hardware massage, it is worth remembering its basic rules:

  • We prepare the body by stroking and kneading it with our hands.
  • We apply a special gel to the rollers of the device, which will make it easier to glide over the body.
  • First of all, using circular and linear movements towards the lymph nodes, we work out the back for 5–10 minutes.
  • Then we massage our hands for 2-3 minutes, moving from the fingers to the elbow and higher, to the armpits.
  • Later we move on to the lower back and buttocks, directing movements towards the groin.
  • We start the foot massage from the back of the thigh, moving from the heel to the knee and above, to the groin area. We also process the front surface from bottom to top, not forgetting knee-joint.
  • We massage the chest towards the spine, and the stomach in a circle, bypassing the liver area. But you need to remember that these areas are very sensitive, and vital organs are located here, so we carry out manipulations only after prior agreement with the doctor.
  • We finish the whole procedure with light stroking with our hands.

When buying a vibrating massager, do not forget to check the certificate of conformity and registration certificate. Their presence will insure you against purchasing low-quality counterfeit products that can cause harm to health.

Vibromassage is useful for the face, décolleté and neck. It is carried out using special compact devices with sponge, rubber or plastic nozzles.

This procedure has a drainage effect, accelerating lymph flow and removing waste and toxins from the body. Blood vessels dilate and dead skin cells in the upper layer of the epithelium are sloughed off, leaving the skin smooth, elastic and a healthy pink hue. The main thing is to make movements following the main massage lines. In 10–15 sessions, such a device copes with fine wrinkles, increases skin elasticity, gets rid of acne and age spots, making you several years younger.

Is vibration massage indicated for children?

Vibration therapy is prescribed starting from the age of six months. Moreover, they mainly affect the chest using a manual method. The fact is that until immunity is formed, infants are susceptible to frequent colds and infectious diseases, which are often accompanied by a cough. The reason for its appearance is sputum accumulated in the respiratory tract. Increased body temperature and lack of moisture lead to the fact that the mucous secretion thickens and sticks to the walls of the bronchi, constantly accumulating. In such conditions, pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria thrive. They multiply quickly, aggravating the child’s condition and often leading to serious complications: obstructive bronchitis or pneumonia. The baby’s fragile body is unable to cope with the problem on its own and requires outside help, including in the form of a vibration massage, which provides for a certain algorithm of actions:

The duration of the procedure is determined by the age and condition of the child: from 1 to 5 minutes. To distract a capricious baby, play a video of your favorite cartoons during the massage. Under the influence of the massage therapist’s hands, the baby’s body warms up, blood flow increases, which helps to liquefy phlegm.

The bronchi begin to vibrate in unison with the tapping, the mucus lags behind the walls and comes out, which contributes to a speedy recovery and relief from painful coughing attacks.

Vibrating massage, vibrating massagers

It is simple, very affordable and effective means relieving fatigue, increasing performance, preventing and treating certain types of disease. - This is a type of hardware massage. It is based on a technique for transmitting oscillatory movements of various amplitudes and frequencies using a vibration apparatus (vibromassager). The degree of impact of such vibration on the human body is determined by the frequency and amplitude of vibrations, and the duration of exposure.

Vibromassage effectively affects various systems human body. For example, it excites, or, on the contrary, calms overly excited nerve endings. To stimulate nervous activity, it is recommended to influence the body with weak vibrations, and to restrain it with strong ones.

Numerous studies in the field of hardware massage have led to the conclusion that daily vibration massage can significantly improve a person’s performance. At the same time, the human body, including the tissues being massaged, under the influence of vibration massage is exposed to a tonic effect, as well as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The maximum effect with this type of hardware massage is achieved through the directed impact of the device on biologically active points (BAP) and segmental reflex zones.

To improve the functioning of the vascular system, normalize blood circulation and cardiovascular activity, vibromassage has been used for quite a long time. This massage is indicated for people suffering from hypertension and hypotension. In this case, you should follow the recommendations for adjusting the effects: low oscillatory frequencies (up to 50 Hz) cause a decrease in blood pressure, and high-frequency oscillations (up to 100 Hz), on the contrary, increase blood pressure and also increase the number of heart contractions.

Vibromassage can improve the functioning of the respiratory system, activate metabolic processes, and have a beneficial effect on the neuromuscular system. Hardware vibration massage improves the performance of tired muscles because it causes positive reactions nervous system and improves blood supply to muscles, and also improves oxidative recovery processes in muscle tissue.

For therapeutic and preventive purposes, vibration massage is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the consequences of fractures and injuries, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, diseases of the central nervous system.

Contraindications should not be neglected: vibration massage is dangerous for spinal injuries, osteoporosis, endarteritis and atherosclerosis lower limbs, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers, Raynaud's disease, etc. Doctors do not recommend vibration massage before bedtime.

As a means of rehabilitation after significant stress, after injuries and illnesses, it is widely used in modern sports.

All devices used for vibration massage can be divided into devices for local (private) vibration and devices for general vibration.

Vibrating devices are used in massage, which, in addition to vibration, have a thermal effect on the massaged surface. They are able to change not only the oscillation frequency, but also the temperature of the vibratodes.

All of the listed devices belong to devices for local vibration and are used for massage of individual areas of the body.

You need to start the vibration massage session from the back. Movements of the vibrating device attachment should be made towards lymph nodes(To armpits). The massage is performed with circular and longitudinal movements. The back massage should be performed for 3-5 minutes; you can linger a little on the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Then you need to massage the upper limbs, starting to massage the inner surface of the shoulder, elbow joint and flexor of the forearm, then - outer surface shoulder and forearm. Then you should massage the hand and wrist joint. You can use two vibratodes when massaging the limbs. Massage one hand should be performed for 1-1.5 minutes.

The next stage is a massage of the lumbar back and pelvic area. Movements should be directed towards the groin area.

Next is a massage of the back of the leg, about 1 minute is allotted for it. First you should massage the knee joint and the back of the thigh. You need to direct the movements from the knee joint to the gluteal fold (it is not recommended to use a vibrating massager on the inner surface of the thigh). Then you need to massage calf muscle and Achilles tendon, directing movement from the heel towards the knee joint. The same amount of time is devoted to massaging the front surface of the leg. First, massage the front surface of the thigh in the direction from the knee joint upward, then massage the knee joint, the front surface of the shin from the ankle joint.

After this, massage the pectoralis major muscles towards the spine for 1 minute.

The abdominal area should be massaged along the course of the large intestine.

The vibration massage session should begin and end with manual stroking.

When performing vibration massage, you should not use ointments and gels, as this weakens its effect.

It is necessary to carefully follow the safety rules when using a vibration device:

1. The vibrator must always be in good condition.

2. Do not overheat the device.

3. The vibration device must be connected to the network only at the voltage for which it is designed.

4. At the end of the session, the vibratodes should be disinfected.

On our website you can purchase the following massagers:


Low physical activity modern man inevitably leads to functional changes in the body and disruption of normal functioning. Physical education and sports, massage and self-massage allow you to avoid this and neutralize the negative effects of stress and physical inactivity.

Influenced vibration massage the working capillary network expands and reserve capillaries open. This promotes better blood supply to the massaged areas of the body, as well as through reflex mechanisms to other areas of the body. The lymph flow accelerates 7-8 times, which means that toxins and waste products are removed faster, and metabolic processes are accelerated.
Impact on reflexogenic zones located on the skin causes responses from internal organs. Biologically active substances (histamine, acetylcholine, etc.) formed at the site of exposure are carried through the blood and lymph flow, exerting a stimulating effect on the body.
The positive reactions that occur during vibration massage determine its use for cosmetic and hygienic purposes, as well as for the treatment and prevention of a number of diseases.

IN last years became widespread hardware vibration massage. Studies have shown that mechanical vibration activates blood circulation and metabolism, accelerates tissue restoration processes, and has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
Vibrating massagers stimulate blood and lymph circulation, tone muscles, and prevent the accumulation of fluids in the body. And all this is a massage that regulates oxygen consumption by tissues, reduces excess weight, and has a relaxing effect.
brings therapeutic benefits, because during a massage you stimulate processes in the body that slow down due to a sedentary lifestyle.

Could be wonderful a gift for the holidays for you and your loved ones!

Types of vibration massage


Carrying out hygienic vibration massage allows you to increase the overall tone of the body, improve the functioning of all its organs and systems, create a cheerful mood and, ultimately, ensure high performance. Hygienic self-massage is an active means of body care that promotes health.

The effectiveness of morning hygienic self-massage increases by combining manual massage with hardware vibration massage.
At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to take a warm shower (36 - 37 degrees) or perform a wet wipe, followed by vigorous rubbing of the body with a dry, hard towel.

To improve performance and relieve fatigue, preliminary and restorative massages are performed.
Preliminary self-massage is carried out for 4-5 minutes, right at the workplace. It allows you to “tune” the body to the upcoming work and is a partial massage that is performed on areas of the body that bear the main load.

Restorative massage is carried out in the middle of the working day (2-3 hours after the start of work) to reduce fatigue and increase efficiency. Performs within 4-5 minutes. on the most loaded areas of the body (arms, chest, lumbosacral region, etc.). It is recommended to repeat the restorative self-massage procedure at home, 1.5 - 2 hours after finishing work. The effectiveness of both preliminary and recovery massage increases when combined with several physical exercises.


Particular importance is attached to foot massage. Constant stress on the legs requires good recovery and rest. This is especially true for people who spend “on their feet” all day.

Vibromassage of the feet relaxes the leg muscles, improves blood supply and metabolic processes in tissues. This helps relieve both local and general fatigue and restore performance.
Massage of the reflexogenic zones of the sole of the foot has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs.

A deeper effect is achieved when using a foot vibromassage bath. In this case, in addition to vibration massage, water and air have a healing effect.


Vibromassage can improve the functional state of the nervous system, provide analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect. This should explain its high effectiveness in the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases.
The use of vibrating massagers for therapeutic purposes can only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor.


  • acute febrile conditions;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • tendency to bleed and bleed;
  • tumors of various localizations;
  • severe varicose veins, thrombosis or acute inflammation veins;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes and blood vessels;
  • some skin diseases;
  • skin irritation, increased sensitivity to mechanical stress.

Vibromassage is not recommended for use without prior consultation with a doctor if you have diseases of the internal organs. Vibromassage should not be used immediately after heavy physical exertion or during sudden fatigue.
It is not allowed to massage the abdomen during pregnancy and during menstruation, kidney stones or gall bladder, or hernia.

This often leads to sputum stagnating in the bronchi, gradually falling into the lungs. Vibration massage for children is a great way to cope with this problem. It also improves blood circulation and normalizes muscle function. This procedure should be performed an hour before meals. Age limit in in this case is six months. This massage is not recommended for children under six months of age. Flu, elevated temperature body and skin hypersensitivity are also contraindications. It is best to give vibration massage to children in a cool room with an air temperature of no more than 22 degrees. Half an hour before the session, the child should be given an expectorant that thins the mucus.

How to give a vibration massage to a child?

There are two types of this procedure. It is classified depending on the age of the small patient.

  1. The skin of infants under one year of age is too delicate, and the spine is very fragile, so vibration massage for such babies is done through the palm. Mom can do it herself. The main thing is not to overdo it with the load. Place your baby with his stomach on your lap and lightly massage his skin from his shoulders towards his lower back. This is necessary to improve blood circulation. After this, the baby’s back needs to be moistened using Vaseline or massage oil. Place your palm along the baby's spine and begin to methodically tap it with your other hand clenched into a fist. Start with smooth movements, gradually increasing their rhythm. Repeat the same on the other side of the spine. Fist strikes can be alternated with tapping with the edge of the palm.
  2. Vibration massage for children over one year of age can be performed without placing the palm of your hand. In this case, the baby can not be placed on his stomach, but placed, for example, in front of the TV, so that during a fairly long session he will be captivated by watching cartoons. Start vibration massage for children with pinching movements, moving from the middle of the back to the shoulders. After this, knock along the spine with your fists in the same direction. Each movement should be performed at least thirty times. Replace sharp and dynamic tapping with stroking movements. This normalizes blood circulation. After stroking, proceed to cutting movements with the edge of your palm. They also need to be done along the spine, gradually moving away to the sides. After this, you should pat the baby on the back and dress him warmly.

It is not recommended to give vibration massage to children in the chest area. In order to improve blood circulation in this area of ​​the body, you should place the child on his back and bend his knees. After this, thoroughly rub your breasts using moisturizers.

Vibration massage

Vibration massage can be performed with an electric massager or with the hands of a massage therapist.

Manual vibration massage

Description of the technique: during vibration, the massage therapist uses fast oscillating and jerking movements, causing tissue shaking.

Effect on the body. A slight shaking of the tissues has a calming effect on the nervous system, while an intense shock has a stimulating effect. Vibration vibrations have an analgesic effect, which should be used for injuries.

Vibration massage techniques improve the movement of lymph, interstitial fluid and venous blood, increasing muscle contractility. The intake stimulates the work of the adrenal cortex, activates regeneration and reduces the time required for the formation of callus. The shaking of tissues that occurs in response to vibration enhances intestinal motility and improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

There are several types of vibration manual massage: shaking, felting and vibration.

In the image: shaking the entire palm in the back area.

Shaking technique - the hand is placed across the course of the muscle fibers, lightly presses on the muscle and produces small amplitude but maximum frequency vibrations (more than 4 per 1 second) from side to side, that is, across the muscle fibers moving forward along the massaged area and back.

On medium and small muscles (shin, shoulder, etc.), shaking is performed with the fingers. The thumb is placed on one side, the rest on the other, and quick movements of the hand are performed from side to side, moving along the muscle fibers.

In the image: felting in the shoulder area.

Felting technique. The massaged area is grasped on both sides by the palms, slightly compressed, and both hands alternately make quick movements back and forth or up and down while simultaneously moving along the muscle fibers. The palms should not slide over the skin, but rather squeeze and rub the muscle between the palms.

This massage technique is convenient to use on the arms and legs.

Vibration technique. This technique is characterized by oscillatory movements carried out with maximum frequency by the tips of one or two fingers or all fingers clenched into a fist. Finger vibration is usually performed along nerve trunks or at acupuncture points.

In the image: point vibration on the shin.

On large muscles, the technique is performed with the heel of the palm or fist.

Performing vibration, the massage therapist directs vibrational forces into the depths of the tissues. The technique is usually repeated several times.

The most common mistakes when performing vibration massage:

1. large amplitude and non-maximal tempo of oscillatory movements;

2. when shaking and felting, the movement is not made across the muscle fibers, as it should be done, but in other directions;

Contraindications for vibration massage, both manual and mechanized, are the same as for classical massage.

Vibration massage using electric massagers

Recently, there has been a widespread proliferation of electric massagers of various appearances and intended for massage. different parts body (face, feet, legs, back, etc.). The main massage technique used by mechanical massagers is vibration. But we must remember that manual vibration and vibration using a massager differ in their effect on the body.

Vibration massage. Vibration therapy, as one of the oldest methods of hardware physiotherapy, developed in accordance with the technical capabilities of a particular period. At first, vibrators were set in motion manually: like foot-operated sewing machines or even using tuning forks of various designs.

Based on the principle of vibration generation, modern electric massagers can be divided into:

1) electric motor - through an eccentric;

2) electromagnetic - when passing an alternating electric current through an electromagnet;

3) pneumatic - due to variable air pressure;

4) hydraulic - due to variable water pressure created by the compressor.

Modern vibration massage devices most often use electric motors. The defining characteristics of vibration are the amplitude and frequency of vibrations. First of all, you should pay attention to these indicators when choosing a massager and procedure modes, since the body’s response primarily depends on them.

The amplitude of oscillations is the amount of deviation of a point from a stable position (in mm). The larger it is, the deeper the vibrations penetrate into the tissue. The amplitude of the oscillations depends on the degree of pressing of the massager to the patient’s body, and on the size of the massager rollers that directly press on the skin.

The oscillation frequency is the number of times a point moves through its steady state positions per unit time. It is measured in hertz. Hertz is one complete oscillation in 1 second. In practice, frequencies of the audio range from 16 to 2000 Hz are used.

For example, at a frequency of 100 Hz, an increase in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate is more often observed, and at lower frequencies, a decrease in blood pressure and the pulse become less frequent.

The vascular, muscular and nervous (in particular, autonomic) systems are most sensitive to the effects of manual vibration and electric massage.

Under the influence of mechanical vibrations, a feeling of warmth appears at the site of exposure, redness of the skin occurs and the temperature rises. After the first procedure, oxygen absorption by muscle tissue and performance increase, and oxidation-reduction processes in the body are activated. Vibration massage using an electric massager tones the nervous system, improves metabolic processes and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

The nature of the body's response to vibration influence depends not only on the frequency and amplitude of mechanical vibrations, the duration of the influence, but also on the localization of the influence.

IN modern world Devices for local vibration massage have become widespread. There are several reasons for this: such devices are quite cheap, take up little space, are easy to use, and what is very important is that local vibration has not only a local, but also a reflex effect, affecting organs and systems located far from the site of influence.

Vibromassage using an electric massager can be carried out using a labile or stable method. The labile technique consists in the fact that the source of vibration constantly moves without detaching the massaged area from the skin, usually along the flow of lymph, that is, to the nearest lymph nodes. According to the stable technique, the source of vibration is located in one place for from several seconds to several minutes.

Vibromassage can be performed daily, every other day or once in a row, followed by a one-day break. Optimal time exposure to one area - from 3 to 5 minutes. The number of massage sessions is determined individually and depends on the general condition of the body and its reaction to the action of vibration, usually sessions.

Combination massage is also effective, that is, a combination of manual massage with vibration massage with an electric massager. Its technique is as follows: after manual techniques of stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration is applied for minutes on one area. The session ends with other manual massage techniques.

Mechanical vibration, having a strong reflex effect, significantly complements and deepens the physiological effect of manual massage.

History of vibration massage

Even in Ancient Greece and Rome, special scrapers were used - arched pieces of wood 5 - 7 centimeters long with coils at the end, rotating during massage and pressing on the skin and underlying human tissues during movement.

The famous physician Asklepiades was the initiator and promoter of vibration massage and self-massage, recommending various types of concussions. He also introduced massage using jets of falling water, which became the ancestor of modern hydromassage. Hippocrates used the vibration of a sounding tuning fork, bringing it to a diseased area of ​​the body.

Additional articles with useful information

Vibration massage

Vibration massage or vibration massage.

Vibration massage may seem like a new type to some, but it has long been successfully used by many masters and health centers.

Nowadays, probably every third person is familiar with the manifestation various types pain in the back, neck or joints. And it’s not surprising that there are a lot of office workers, or simply sedentary lifestyle life makes itself felt. By loading yourself with work or simply spending time at the computer in this way, a lot of emotional strength and energy is spent, much more than when doing physical labor. Fatigue from physical labor or physical activity passes faster, the body recovers better than with mental stress. This results in frequent manifestations of nervousness and decreased resistance to stress. There is not enough time and energy to visit the gym, let alone sign up and attend a massage. And then people begin to look for some other ways to alleviate this situation. Vibration massage (vibromassage) has become one of these solutions for many.

What is vibration massage?

This method of hardware massage is based on transmitting oscillatory movements of various amplitudes and frequencies to the massaged surface through a vibration apparatus. The degree of impact of hardware vibration on the body depends on the frequency and amplitude of vibrations, as well as on the duration of exposure. Vibromassage has an effect on the nervous system: vibration excites nerves that have ceased to perform their functions; Vibration can calm overly excited nerves. Weak vibrations stimulate nervous activity, while strong ones, on the contrary, restrain it.

Vibration massage has an effect on vascular system, it improves blood circulation and normalizes cardiovascular activity. It has been proven that low oscillatory frequencies (up to 50 Hz) can cause a decrease in blood pressure, and high-frequency oscillations (up to 100 Hz), on the contrary, increase blood pressure and also increase the number of heart contractions.

Hardware vibration improves the functioning of the respiratory system and activates metabolic processes in the body. Vibromassage has beneficial effects on the neuromuscular system. Vibration massage can improve the performance of tired muscles, because it causes positive reactions in the nervous system and improves blood supply to the muscles, as well as improves redox processes in muscle tissue. It has been scientifically proven that daily use of vibration massage leads to a long-term increase in human performance. Vibromassage has a tonic effect on the tissues being massaged, as well as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

For achievement maximum effect It is best to use hardware massage on biologically active points (BAP) and segmental reflex zones. Hardware vibration is used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the consequences of fractures and injuries, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, and diseases of the central nervous system.

Vibration massage is performed not only using special equipment for local vibration, but also various massage chairs and beds are used, the effects of which have a beneficial effect on the entire body. The popularity of this type of massage is growing every day. It is due to the fact that a fairly simple effect on the body can completely relieve physical and psychological fatigue, fatigue after a hard day at work, and also increase performance.

For what purposes can vibration massage be used?

Typically, the indications for this type of massage are:

  • Infectious nonspecific polyarthritis (acute or chronic forms).
  • Various manifestations of ailments associated with the musculoskeletal system.
  • Various diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
  • Recovery from injuries or fractures.
  • Chronic pneumonia.
  • Chronical bronchitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Intestinal discrepancies.
  • Some gynecological forms of diseases (consult a doctor).
  • Chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency.

In addition, vibration massage has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, so it is often used in therapeutic, preventive and for cosmetic purposes. Through vibration massage, a significant improvement in the activity of the cardiovascular system is observed.

Vibration massage technique.

Vibration massage is performed in two ways:

  1. Labile, with this method the massager moves around the body with slow movements, pressing tightly to the skin;
  2. Stable, in this case the massager is installed in one place, it is not moved to achieve a local effect.

When performing vibration massage, use various techniques, This:

When performing a straight-line technique, the massager moves in a straight line, along the lymphatic system. All movements are performed with minimal pressure, moving easily and smoothly throughout the body.

When performing a zigzag technique, the effect is more intense than a straight one. In this case, the massager moves from side to side, in the form of a zigzag. When a spiral massage is performed, rubbing and kneading techniques are performed.

The nozzle is located vertically, horizontally or tangentially in relation to the body. If the position is vertical, then the attachment presses the muscles to the bone tissue. When positioned horizontally, the effect is softer. When performing horizontal techniques, vibrations of muscles and skin occur in horizontal plane. The tangential position of the nozzle acts with low intensity. The intensity can accordingly be increased by increasing the pressure of the nozzle on the massaging area.

Depending on what result is needed in the end and what nature of the process, the place where vibration massage is applied is selected. These can be massages of the face, abdomen, back or chest. The abdominal area should be treated with special care. This procedure can only be performed with the permission of a doctor, 1.5 hours after lunch. Very good this type massage copes with cellulite.

Depending on the disease, the number of procedures and their intensity are determined, and the overall reaction of the body to massage also plays a role. Basically, sessions are carried out every other day, but if the procedure is well tolerated and the results are positive, sessions are allowed to be performed 2-3 times in a row. As a rule, the course of procedures consists of sessions.

Vibrating facial massage helps to cope with the first signs of aging, eliminate fine wrinkles, and improve skin elasticity. Your complexion will improve and begin to glow from within. Before use, be sure to consult a cosmetologist.

Recently, quite a lot of types of vibration devices have appeared. Their shape depends on where the massage will be performed and the area of ​​the massaged surface. Basically, spherical, flat, concave and other shapes are used in practice. As a rule, flat devices have the largest surface area. They are recommended to be used for massaging large areas. When massaging in the recesses of the body, it is most convenient to use ball nozzles, and for convex surfaces of the body - concave nozzles. For a more delicate and careful effect, it is recommended to use rubber or sponge attachments. When affecting the area of ​​joints, ligaments and tendons, a hemispherical nozzle is used. When it is necessary to achieve a more intense and energetic impact, in this case solid vibration massagers are used.

Vibration massage and its contraindications.

Just like other types of massages, vibration massage has contraindications:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • general infectious diseases;
  • cardiovascular failure of 2-3 degrees;
  • hypertonic disease;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • spinal injuries;
  • active forms of tuberculosis;
  • pronounced neuroses.

Therefore, if you decide to undergo vibration massage procedures, it would be a good idea to first consult a doctor.

Nowadays, many different vibrating massagers have appeared that allow you to use them at home. But I want to immediately advise those who decide to purchase them. You shouldn’t give in to this temptation, despite all the tempting benefits (which the advertisements just scream about), in reality, not everything is so wonderful.

  1. Firstly, when using a vibrating massager, you need to know the type of ailment against which you are thinking of using this device.
  2. Secondly, you need to know the location of biologically active points and zones of interaction with these points.
  3. Thirdly, in what mode (many proposed vibrating massagers have several of them), for what time and with what frequency of tension to act on the points.

And those manuals that supposedly come with such devices are either incomprehensible to people or carry the complete opposite of the promised effect. What can we say about home vibrating massagers, if not all professionals in spa salons understand these subtleties. Or, for example, let’s take a vibrating massager such as the Seragem massage bed. There were so many rumors about her that she was supposedly almost a panacea for many diseases. But in reality everything is much more complicated and even dangerous.

Taking therapeutic procedures on the Seragem massage bed is strictly prohibited if:

  • Postoperative discectomy is observed and integrity is compromised bone structure spine;
  • The spine is reinforced with some kind of metal structures;
  • The patient uses a pacemaker;
  • There is a fever of unknown origin.
  • Sharp pain when lying on your back;
  • Recent operations in the field of mechanical massage;
  • Individual intolerance to thermal massage;
  • State of intoxication caused by taking alcohol or drugs;
  • Hyperthermia;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Especially in the presence of malignant neoplasms.

I’ll make a special note about the latter. As soon as this miracle bed appeared and was advertised, being among people absolutely far from even a simple massage, but pursuing the goal of making money, people with neoplasms also attended these sessions. As a result, they unfortunately hastened their death. So be more careful when choosing such procedures. Well, in general, having knowledge or performing a vibration massage under the supervision of an experienced specialist, you will get a lot of pleasant moments.

Features, indications and contraindications for the use of vibration massage

Vibration massage is a physical effect on the body through vibration to obtain an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and stimulating effect.

Vibration in physics refers to oscillatory movements with varying frequencies, durations and amplitudes. Back in the 19th century, it became known about the effect of vibration vibrations on the human body. Doctors have found that a dosed intensity and time-limited effect has a positive effect on many body systems.

Vibration massage causes mechanical irritation of skin receptors, internal organs, muscles and ligaments. As a result, blood vessels dilate, blood flow and lymph drainage are stimulated, nutrition and oxygen supply to tissues improves. Nerve endings are excited and neuromuscular conduction improves. Thus, the therapeutic effects of vibration massage are as follows:

  • anesthesia;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieving muscle tension and restoring performance;
  • improvement of skin condition;
  • positive effect on the endocrine system and autonomic nervous system.

Indications for vibration massage are:

  • pain syndrome in diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • therapy for osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias and protrusions;
  • neuralgia and neuritis of the nerves;
  • subacute and chronic forms of arthritis;
  • rehabilitation treatment of strokes;
  • cosmetology.

Like many physiotherapeutic procedures, vibration massage is contraindicated:

  • in the presence of damage to the skin, dermatitis;
  • oncological processes;
  • mental disorders;
  • tuberculosis;
  • heat;
  • blood diseases with a high risk of bleeding;
  • in the presence of cardiovascular diseases (defects, arterial hypertension, heart failure);
  • vibration disease.

Currently, there are many devices for vibration massage: in the form of a belt, devices for foot massage, mats, vibration massagers for individual parts of the body.

Vibration massage for osteochondrosis has found wide application. It strengthens the muscle corset, promotes the resorption of “salt deposits”, and helps to recover after operations. This method of physiotherapy relieves pain well and improves the delivery of drugs to tissues. Mostly, tape massagers are used that have a zonal effect on the affected areas: cervical, lumbar, thoracic.

Vibromassage technique

It is better to conduct a course of vibration massage after the recommendation of a doctor, in a medical center. You should trust a specialist who knows how to do vibration massage; he knows the points and zones to achieve a therapeutic effect. In addition, it is necessary to be under the supervision of a doctor, who will evaluate the progress of treatment or cancel the procedure if something goes wrong.

But the treatment procedure can be carried out at home. To do this, you need to purchase a portable device. If you are choosing a vibration massage device for home use, then follow the recommendations:

  1. Read the operating instructions for the device.
  2. The device must have a regulator of the frequency and amplitude of oscillations. Their penetration into the body and therapeutic effect depend on the strength and duration of vibrations. For example, the analgesic effect is noticeable at a frequency of 100 Hz.
  3. To massage the back muscles, you need a device that you can lie on. This ensures better relaxation.
  4. Do not forget that portable devices, despite their simplicity, have a fairly strong effect on the body. An overdose of procedures can cause a negative impact on the general condition of the patient. Therefore, carefully study the manipulation technique before starting a course of treatment.

Rules for vibration massage

  1. First, carry out the procedure sessions every other day, and if the condition improves, the procedure can be repeated daily. Typically, the course of treatment consists of 10–12 procedures. After 20 sessions, it is necessary to take a break of one to two weeks, as the body becomes accustomed to the effects and the beneficial effect decreases.
  2. Increase the amplitude and time of exposure gradually, at first their values ​​should be minimal. The first sessions should not exceed 3–5 minutes, subsequently they last 20 minutes.
  3. Exposure to bare skin or through clothing is allowed. But in the lumbosacral region, to work out the layer of deep muscles, it is allowed to apply a fatty cream to the area of ​​the procedure.

Vibration massage should not cause pain. For patients with sensitive skin, special soft attachments should be selected.

Vibration massage


Vibration massage

Vibration massage is one of the promising directions in physiotherapy. When used skillfully, it organically fits into the system of healing the human body.

But, you must remember that poison differs from medicine only in the dose of exposure. Any medicine can be a poison if overdosed, just as poison in minimal quantities can be a medicine.

The nerve receptors of the skin react primarily to vibration massage. In response to irritation of receptors, reflex reactions occur from the nervous system, as well as blood and lymph circulation. Under the influence of vibration, processes in the cerebral cortex are strengthened or weakened, depending on the task being performed, as well as on the amplitude and frequency.

Weak amplitude and frequency fluctuations increase the excitability of damaged nerves (with cuts, paralysis); medium-intensity vibrations further enhance excitation; strong vibrations reduce the excitability of nerve fibers (for neuralgia, convulsions).

The vibration effect on muscle tissue helps relieve pain from them. During a vibration massage, the epidermal scales of the skin are removed and expanded. blood vessels, blood and lymph circulation in the skin and muscle fibers increases. At the same time, there is a feeling of warming up the skin due to the influx of warmer blood from the deep muscle layers, and the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands improves, the skin becomes pink and elastic, and its nutrition increases. Skin hyperemia leads to increased metabolism in tissues.

Vibration massage can be classified as a biomechanical effect, which has a pronounced effect on the muscles, causing contraction of muscle fibers and changes in the muscles themselves. muscle cells. In the muscles, reserve capillaries begin to function, which receive additional blood, and therefore oxygen. The elasticity and performance of muscles increases, blood and lymph circulation increases, which helps reduce and eliminate swelling. Vibration effects are performed mainly to affect painful areas, and in some cases to affect internal organs and tissues (the walls of the stomach, intestines, bladder, prostate, muscles, etc.).

There are CONTRAINDICATIONS FOR WORKING WITH VIBRATION MASSAGE. Vibration massage should not be used in acute febrile processes, bleeding and bleeding, in eczema, purulent and tuberculous processes, vascular diseases (aneurysms, vein thrombosis, varicose veins) in acute inflammatory processes (appendicitis, kidney inflammation, inflammation of the female genital organs), malignant tumors and hemophilia. Vibration massage should not be used, especially with large amplitudes and reduced frequency if there is acute cholecystitis and duodenal bulb ulcer. If you have high blood pressure, immediately after a stroke or heart attack, it is recommended to refuse massage if the first procedure led to a deterioration in your health.

VIBRATION MASSAGE TECHNIQUE. Vibration effects on the abdomen, lumbosacral region and lower extremities are performed in a lying position, and on the remaining extremities of the body - in a sitting position. The area of ​​the body to be affected is exposed, but in some cases exposure through clothing is also allowed, especially on the stomach and muscle groups in the lower back.

Lubricating the surface of the leather to be treated with fats is not recommended. But when working deep muscle layers, for example, the paravertebral region of the spine, this is allowed. The device is moved with a nozzle over the body part being massaged or held in an area subject to vibration. By choosing different attachments, we have the opportunity to have a more dosed effect on body tissue.

The massage should begin with weak and low-amplitude vibrations, gradually increasing the frequency and amplitude.

The intensity of vibrations should be individualized. Vibration effects should not cause or intensify painful sensations. The area with significant sensitivity is approached gradually, from the surrounding parts of the body, massaging with a soft nozzle.

Simultaneously with the change in vibration intensity, the duration of the vibration massage increases or decreases. At feeling good massage can be performed 2 times a day. The first time a vibration massage is performed in the morning or afternoon, the second time a few hours before bedtime.

Massage of individual parts of the body (limbs, abdomen, back) is not recommended for more than 5 minutes. at the beginning and 10 min. at the end of the course of treatment. After each patient, it is recommended to wipe the attachments with a disinfectant solution.

Vibration massage of the heart area is performed very carefully and as follows. The lowest amplitude of the vibrator and the normal frequency mode are set (the mode in which the patient feels comfortable), after which a gentle effect on the painful muscle areas of the chest begins (sometimes for greater softening through a foam pad). A preliminary massage is performed with light pressure on the surface of the skin; as the pain is eliminated, the pressure increases, and rubber nozzles are used more often. The force of maximum pressure is determined individually for each patient. After treating the area of ​​the heart on the back between the edge of the scapula and the spinous processes of the spine until pain is eliminated, it is advisable to switch to treating the thoracic region from the front of the chest. In terms of time, vibration exposure should not be prolonged in one limited area of ​​exposure. If the pain is not eliminated during this period of time, then the continuation of the massage is postponed to another day. With subsequent effects on the heart area, the massage time can be increased, focusing on the patient’s sensations and if his well-being, indications and electrocardiogram allow, then switch to a more accelerated mode of treatment.

If there are existing cardiac disorders or deterioration in well-being that occurs during the massage, the massage is stopped. It is advisable to carry out dosed vibration massage in the heart area in a sitting position.

The back muscles are massaged using a vibrating massager using straight-line movements. After relieving pain from the muscle groups of the back, it is recommended to perform a manual massage.

The vibrator is used for tense, tight muscles with thick and hard skin, which is found in obese patients. The duration of the procedure at the beginning of treatment is 5 minutes, at the end up to 10 minutes. with increasing vibration. The number of procedures is selected according to the patient’s well-being.

Massage of the lumbar region is most often performed with a semicircular attachment, but the massage therapist has the right to choose another attachment depending on the task assigned to him. The degree of intense exposure is determined by the patient's condition. Acute pain is relieved with a small amplitude and maximum frequency. The duration of the procedure is from 5 minutes. daily. The number of procedures is selected based on the reaction of the area treated or the patient’s well-being.

Vibration massage of the abdominal area with flabby muscles, atony of the intestines and stomach is performed over the skin and through underwear using wide convex and concave attachments.

The walls of the abdomen are massaged with semicircular back-and-forth movements from right to left and vice versa, using fatty or moisturizing creams.

Intense vibrations along the colon go from the cecum to the sigmoid colon. Pressure increases in the right or left hypochondrium.

Weak vibrations of the small intestine area are produced in a clockwise circular motion around the navel. Duration of massage is from 8 to 12 minutes. Number of procedures.

Vibration massage of the limbs is carried out in the same way as manual massage, starting from the fingers and then from above, but it is advisable to carry out the biomechanical effect only according to the degree of need, i.e. by pain zones, areas and points. After pain relief, the massage therapist continues the massage with his hands.

Massage of the sciatic nerve is performed along the entire length of the nerve from the gluteal to the heel region with intensification and increased amplitude at pain points, in the gluteal region and the popliteal fossa. Massage of the femoral nerve is performed with little effort for a duration of 3 to 5 minutes. at one of the points of application of force.

Massage of the bladder in case of weakness of its muscles is performed with a vibrator after emptying the bladder through the skin of the anterior wall of the abdomen above the pubic joint. The initial application should be low amplitude and with a small applied force, then the amplitude changes according to the patient’s comfort. Duration of work from bladder from 3 to 5 min. at one application point.

For the prostate, a similar sequence of actions is used. Massage is performed through the anterior wall of the abdomen and the wall of the bladder prostate gland. After eliminating pain from the abdomen, the procedure is continued from the back. When treating the gluteal area, one achieves a feeling of warmth or warming up at the point of application, thereby increasing blood circulation in the pelvis, while paying attention to the presence of painful areas, which are also treated until they are eliminated.

For arthrosis hip joint the patient lies on his healthy side, the leg is bent at the knee and hip. The articular surfaces of the damaged joint are treated with medium amplitude. It is advisable to treat the most painful areas of the joint capsule, after which the patient lies on his back and the joint is treated with inside hips. Initially, high vibration amplitudes are not allowed. The formation of bruises on the body indicates weak immunity and a tendency to hemorrhagic manifestations.

After a properly performed biochemical massage, the pain in the joint should disappear or significantly decrease. The vibration massage lasts no more than 10 minutes. The number of times is based on the patient’s well-being; the first stimulations every other day, with subsequent easing of pain and improvement of well-being, can be performed every day. It is advisable to perform a manual massage of the hip joint after performing a vibration massage.

For pain in the knee joints, the attachment points of the ligaments, lateral and external, are treated. cruciate ligaments in the area of ​​the popliteal fold in a prone position with the obligatory placement of the knee on a softened surface (there should be no hard contact between the couch and the knee). Processing time ranges from 3 to 10 minutes. (individually).

For pain in the ankle joint, the areas between the inner and outer ankles and the instep of the foot are treated with a rubber nozzle. Just like everywhere else, you need to pay more attention painful areas. When working with joints, various creams can be used simultaneously to relieve pain, improve microcirculation, and warm up. As the painful manifestations are eliminated, the vibrator is advanced throughout the joint.

For pain in the Achilles tendon, the places where it attaches to the heel bone and where it attaches to the calf muscle are treated.

When spurs and thorns form on the soles of the patient’s feet, mechanical treatment with a vibrator is performed on those areas that are most painful. The work begins with small amplitudes, gradually, as pain sensitivity dulls, the amplitude and pressure increase. Stimulation can be carried out every day at a time, focusing on the patient’s sensations and well-being. Nozzles for work are selected individually.

Vibration devices in medicine are also used in such physiotherapy as intestinal dialysis, when feces, compressed for years in the patient’s intestines, are washed out aqueous solutions. Simultaneous work on washing and treating areas of accumulation of feces with vibration devices relieves intoxication and restores intestinal motility.

In terms of the strength of the reflex effect, there is no equal to vibration massage, especially hardware massage, carried out using special massagers.


The invention of such a method of treatment as vibration created with the help of hands is attributed to the ancient Greeks. The first mention of vibration massage, which was performed by special mechanisms, dates back to the 19th century. At first their work was based on the use of arms and legs, later - electricity.

The first mechanisms were imperfect - a vibrating element mounted on the forearm transmitted vibration to the massage therapist’s hands, and over time they began to shake on their own. The first developments in the field of hardware massage belonged to the Swedish doctor G. Zander, the founder of mechanotherapy - a system of exercises using various devices, the work of which is based on mechanical vibrations.

As a result, it was found that vibration can have a certain effect on human organs and systems, and if it is correctly distributed and dosed, then an excellent therapeutic and healing effect can be achieved. Since then, vibration has been widely used for massage and in medicine.

Depending on the area of ​​influence, modern devices for vibration massage come with general vibration (for example, a vibration platform, bed or chair) and with local vibration (for example, massagers), with a frequency of 30 to 1,000 vibrations.

Impact of vibration massage

The impact on the massaged area causes irritation of the nerve receptors of the skin and, as a result, reflex reactions from the nervous system and the circulatory system. By adjusting the strength of amplitude and frequency fluctuations, it is possible to achieve an increase or decrease in the excitability of nerve fibers and, as a result, the desired therapeutic effect.

By affecting muscle tissue, vibrations relieve pain, increase blood and lymph circulation, and also remove dead pieces of the epidermis. Due to the flow of blood from the deep layers, there is a feeling as if the skin is warming up, due to which the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands improves, and metabolism is activated. As a result, the skin acquires a healthy color, becomes more elastic, and its nutrition improves. And all this thanks to regular 15-minute vibration massage sessions using a massager.

Vibration massage is indicated for diseases and injuries peripheral part nervous system, asthma, polyarthritis, chronic gastritis, gynecological and diseases biliary tract. In cases where there are untreated acute infections, malignant tumors, dysfunction of the endocrine system, as well as for tuberculosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, cardiovascular failure, neuroses and thrombophlebitis, this type of massage is strictly contraindicated.

Vibration massage techniques

There are only two methods of vibration massage. According to the first, the massage therapist fixes the massager on a certain area of ​​the body and acts only on it during the session. In accordance with the second method, the massage therapist moves the massager, performing circular or longitudinal rubbing and stroking movements.

At first, the duration of the vibration massage should not exceed 10 minutes; later, you can increase the session time to 15 minutes. In general, the amount of time that needs to be spent on this type of massage is determined, first of all, by the nature of the damage and the person’s well-being at the beginning of the session. If the vibration effect causes pain, then, naturally, it is necessary to stop it.

Vibromassage technique

Before starting the session, it is recommended to stroke the massaged area with your hand, then, after checking the secure fit of the massager attachment, you can proceed directly to the massage, carrying it out in the direction of the nerve trunks, around the joints and in pain centers. It’s better to start from the back: make circular and longitudinal movements for 3-5 minutes, paying special attention to the latissimus dorsi muscles. Next, massage your arms, starting from the inner surface of the shoulder with a smooth transition to its outer surface and forearm. The brushes are massaged last - not for long, no more than 2 minutes.

Using movements directed towards the groin area, using a semicircular nozzle, massage the lumbar and pelvic area, smoothly moving to the back of the legs, knee joint, back of the thigh, calf muscle and, finally, the Achilles tendon. The duration of the foot massage should not exceed one minute. In this case, the degree of intensity of exposure is regulated depending on the person’s condition. In the presence of acute pain, the vibrating massager is switched to the highest frequency and low amplitude mode. The pectoralis major muscles are massaged for one and a half minutes, making movements towards the spine. The abdomen is massaged clockwise. The vibration massage session ends the same way it begins - manual stroking that will soothe the skin. Massage of the heart or damaged areas of the body should be carried out with extreme caution and only after consultation with a doctor.

Nuances of choosing a massager

When choosing a vibrating massager, you should consider what surface (character, area) you plan to use it on. So, for massaging large areas of the body, it is better to buy a flat vibrating massager, for massaging convex areas of the body - with concave attachments, for sunken areas - with a spherical attachment, for massaging the head - with attachments that are equipped with latex extensions.

Another important parameter is the intensity of the massage. For light massage It is necessary to use massagers with rubber attachments; for stronger ones, use plastic attachments.
