How the red thread on the wrist works: history and sacred meaning. Red thread - what it means and where to buy a real one

Helps a person realize their full potential and contributes to achieving their goals in life.

Moreover, a simple thread does not have such miraculous properties. Kabbalists use special threads brought from Israel, supposedly separated from the shroud in which Rachel herself, the ancestor of the Jewish people, was wrapped. However, given how revered the relic is by Jews, the idea of ​​anything being cut off from it to be tied around a pop star's wrist seems dubious. Perhaps the threads are really from the Israeli city of Netivot, perhaps some rituals are performed on them to charge them with power. And most likely, Rachel’s shroud serves only as an image, a symbol of the unification of a certain group of people.

Many celebrities consider themselves followers of Kabbalah. Among them are Madonna, Danny DeVito, Demi Moore, Britney Spears. Russian stars Reds wear the same thing on their left wrist, but few can say why they wear it. For example, Vera Brezhneva considers her thread to be an ordinary bauble - from an admirer, and Lena Temnikova is simply a beautiful accessory. But Lera Kudryavtseva, Philip Kirkorov, Lolita Milyavskaya and Andrei Makarevich wear the thread and do not hide their passion for Kabbalah.

Most young people wear such threads simply to imitate their favorite celebrities, often without understanding their significance. And even if they do and understand, most of them are still not true Kabbalists. Sometimes the red thread on the wrist or wrists has a completely different explanation. A red woolen thread is tied on the hands for sprains, injuries, or simply for pain.

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  • why is there a red thread on my hand?

Tip 2: Why do celebrities wear red thread on their wrist?

A considerable number of both domestic and foreign celebrities are united not only by high-profile scandals surrounding their name, but also by such a generally unnoticeable detail as a red thread tied in a certain way on the wrist of each of them. Is this a sign of belonging famous person to a certain organization or maybe there is some kind of sign in this regard?

If you at least from time to time switch the TV to entertainment channels or leaf through glossy magazines, then you probably paid attention to which celebrities and what accessories they use. You may have noticed that some of them wear a bright red thread on their wrist. Fans have always been interested to know what significance this strange decoration has for each of the celebrities.

Why do they wear a red thread on their left hand?

Today we can say with confidence that at one time the trend of wearing a red woolen thread on the left wrist was introduced by Louise Veronica Ciccone, better known as Madonna. She is a follower of the ancient Jewish esoteric movement of Kabbalah. In her interviews, Madonna has repeatedly said that it was following the basic tenets of Kabbalistic teachings that allowed her to become what she became. According to this teaching, the red woolen thread that was tied with seven knots on your left wrist close relative or a loved one, having read a special Jewish prayer, is able to perform the functions of a powerful amulet against envy and the evil eye.

A considerable number of film actors and music stars follow Madonna’s example and wear this Kabbalistic talisman on their left hand. They sincerely believe that they owe their popularity and success to the power of a red woolen thread tied in a certain way. IN different time Such amulets were seen on the hands of Paris Hilton, Demi Moore, Sting, as well as Ksenia Sobchak and Maria Malinovskaya.

Other reasons to wear a red thread on your hand

Since ancient times, it was customary among Slavic tribes to tie a red all-wool thread on a child’s wrist in order to protect him from negative impact the views of unkind people. In addition, it is believed that such a simple amulet can protect a child from inflammatory diseases. skin diseases which may bring upon him evil spirits. The meaning of wearing a red thread is that the spirits mistake it for something they already have. inflammatory process and do not harm a child who is already ill, in their opinion.

Sometimes a red thread made of cotton or wool is tied on a person’s hand to prevent a bulging bone on his wrist from “growing.” Its increase is not only aesthetically unattractive, but may also be accompanied by aching pain.

Video on the topic


  • Red thread on the wrist: what it means, what it protects from and how to tie it

According to the beliefs of Kabbalists, a red woolen thread tied on the left wrist is one of the strongest amulets against the evil eye and envy. It is curious that for the past 15 years the most famous follower of the Jewish esoteric movement - singer Madonna - has been wearing this “red bracelet” on her wrist. According to her, with him she found peace of mind and confidence.

Red thread rules

According to Kabbalah, a close relative or loving person should tie a red thread around the wrist of the left hand and tie it with seven knots. In this case, it is necessary to read a special Jewish prayer. If the thread is tied independently or with the help of an outsider, then, unfortunately, it will not contribute to the rejection of negative energy and the removal of ill-wishers from its owner.

For the full effect, the red wool thread must be purchased for money or woven independently. In addition, it is better to tie this thread loosely on the arm so that it cannot squeeze the veins. If all these rules are followed, the talisman will certainly begin its magical effect.

What does the red thread symbolize?

The ancient teachings of Kabbalah say that the red thread on the left hand is capable of dispersing forms of negative energy directed at its wearer. With such protection, a person is not afraid of the evil eye, slander, and evil conversations behind his back. Followers of Kabbalah also claim that in this way an ordinary person can receive constant support from otherworldly forces.

The color red symbolizes the energy of blood, the Sun and life. Therefore, a thread of this color serves as a talisman that protects the human biofield from outside influence and the evil human eye. The fact that the thread is made from natural raw materials (wool) indicates the concentration in it natural strength, which provides positive influence, standing guard over his master.

According to the teachings of Kabbalists, this thread should be worn on the left hand, since the outer negative energy penetrates into a person precisely from the left side, and the miraculous amulet prevents its entry. It is also important that the red thread is tied at the place where the pulse is felt. The point is that this wool rope is able to charge pulsating blood with positive impulses that spread throughout the human body. Thus, the owner of this talisman finds himself surrounded by an invisible protective shell - energy field.

In addition to protection from the negative energy of ill-wishers, the red amulet is capable of restraining its owner from negative thoughts and envy, as well as positively influence his behavior in society and his thoughts. This thread guides a person to the right path in life, helps him become better, reach professional heights, and sometimes even heals him.

The red thread on the hand is a rather powerful amulet, which has already been recognized by millions of people around the world. This accessory can often be seen on celebrities, and ordinary people People are increasingly starting to wear red attribute. What motivates them - fashion, superstition, religious ritual? This remains to be seen.

What does the red thread on the left hand mean?

According to one of the most ancient Jewish teachings - Kabbalah, against the background of which people's interest in wearing a red thread on the wrist, tied by a loved one or loved one, has increased. left hand The amulet will be able to protect the owner from evil thoughts, the evil eye, and will bring luck and good fortune. It is the ritual of tying the thread that gives the amulet magical power.

Followers of Kabbalah believe that the left hand is the gateway for negative energy into a person's aura. According to Kabbalah, negative energy has only one portal into a person’s aura - through the left hand, therefore it is this that should be protected. The thread hanging on the left wrist acts as a kind of border, a lock at the entrance.

Most amulets are made of woolen thread, which, when worn, rubs against the hand, causing the appearance of small electrical discharges. These discharges affect the energy channels in the hand. This mechanism ensures the appearance of a protective shell around a person.

All human aspirations to achieve success and achieve something have always been associated with the wrist of the left hand. After the red thread bracelet is put on the wrist, the person will not be afraid of evil, mystical creatures and supernatural forces emanating from other people.

At the same time, not any scarlet segment can become a good and effective amulet. Strings made from sacred places. The most common of them are the cities of Jerusalem and Netivot.

On which hand is it correct to wear a red thread?

The teaching of Kabbalah suggests that a person needs the right hand to give, and the left hand to receive. This theory can be taken both in practical and spiritual meaning. It is believed that if a person takes any objects with his left hand, then evil of any nature can penetrate the body through the hand and reach the very heart.

In Kabbalah, the color red is a sign of danger. It is not for nothing that the thread has a similar color, so that evil, envy and evil spirits can immediately understand - all their efforts and efforts are in vain, this person has powerful security higher powers.

Which hand is the thread worn on? different peoples:

  1. Kabbalah fans focus exclusively on the left wrist.
  2. Since ancient times, Slavic peoples could wear a thread on any hand. Among the Slavs, a thin red thread on the left wrist, according to the instructions of the ancient Slavic goddess Swan, protected people from negative energy directed in their direction. If the rope was worn on right hand, which means they wanted to achieve success, find wealth and good luck in business. Children wore such an accessory if they were sick, while tying additional knots on the thread.
  3. Since ancient times, adherents of Hinduism have tied a crimson thread on the right wrist of unmarried women. You can see the attribute on the right hand of Hindu men, but in their case the bracelet protrudes protective amulet. For men, their sisters can knit a thread on their hands; masters tie a red amulet to their students.
  4. Buddhists also wear a red woolen thread on their left hand. To put on a lace healing power, it must be illuminated in the temple before putting it on. In Buddhism, it is customary to wear a protective accessory not only on the wrist; it is tied on animals, valuable and important items in order to protect them from an unkind gaze.

What should the red thread be made of?

The most common amulet is considered to be a red woolen thread. Such a rope can be worn on the wrist even without any magical or protective intent, but just like that. To do this, you can even tie it yourself, without the help of loved ones.

A wool thread will have a beneficial effect on capillary blood circulation, stimulate rapid healing of wounds, eliminate inflammation, sprains and tendons. Natural wool material is a conductor of a small static charge of electricity, which has a healing effect.

The talisman is able to solve the following problems in the body:

  • aching joints;
  • spasms in lumbar region, head and toothache;
  • normalize blood circulation;
  • have a strengthening effect on the body, especially during serious illnesses and during the recovery period after them.

If any failure occurs in normal life body, you can safely tie a scarlet protector on your arm.

The second most popular is red silk thread. It is believed that it is endowed with no less power than a thread made of wool. This thread is a natural material, as it is produced by silkworm larvae. It is the natural nature of the appearance of the silk thread that gives the bracelet magical power, protection from the evil eye and the ability to fill it with positive energy human body.

Taking advantage of the success and popularity of the red amulet, many well-known jewelry companies and brands produce various variations of wrist bracelets made of silk thread with the addition of gold and silver details and stones. Such a thing is a decorative accessory, nothing more. It cannot protect a person from evil spirits, no matter how much he believed in the effectiveness of the rope, even the most expensive one.

How to tie a red thread on your wrist correctly

You can get creative and attach a magic rope to your hand yourself, but you won’t be able to detect any effect from its action. You need to attract for the procedure someone who has learned the mystery of Kabbalah, or at least a loved one who sincerely loves you and wishes only the best.

You need to start the ritual with pure thoughts and intentions, and a prayer should be read throughout the ritual. With this ritual, good thoughts and sacred prayers united together block the channel for the passage of negative energy into a person’s aura.

The thread should also be tied correctly - seven knots. In most religions, the number 7 has a special sacred interpretation. The thread is tied in such a way that it cannot slip off the wrist, but also does not dig into the body. A correctly tied talisman will not be felt on the body while being worn.

Slavs may adhere to slightly different rules when tying a bracelet. It is possible to tie a bracelet on the wrist of the left hand yourself. In this case, you need to ask yourself the necessary positive attitude, without unnecessary evil and negative thoughts. For all nations, this rule is the same - do not allow threads to be put on during the procedure. bad thoughts, otherwise the negative message will go into the bracelet and weaken its protective powers.

Over each of the seven protective knots you need to say a cherished phrase - what you want from life and what you lack in it. You need to not only pronounce, but also think about the cherished one, and also draw its image in your head in bright colors so that it can subsequently materialize.

Don’t be upset or worry if the scarlet “protector” suddenly breaks. Kabbalists regard this sign as positive. It means that the amulet was able to ward off trouble from a person, sacrificing its own integrity. You just need to tie a new rope around your wrist.

Rules for wearing red thread on your hand

From diversity useful information about the red thread, it will be useful for everyone to highlight and summarize the basic rules for tying and wearing a talisman:

  1. To protect against the evil eye and slander, the thread should be worn on the left wrist.
  2. The left hand serves as the only portal for evil spirits into the inner world of a person.
  3. Before tying the first knot, you need to perform a preparatory ritual according to the teachings of Kabbalah.
  4. Only those closest to you should be trusted to tie a shoelace. to a loving person.
  5. You need to choose an accessory made of natural material – wool or silk.
  6. The bracelet should be tied slightly loosely on the hand so as not to squeeze the veins or hinder movement.
  7. There should be 7 nodes on the amulet, each of which is a spiritual dimension of reality.

Threads are not only red, other varieties are less common. Each color is responsible for normalizing the processes assigned to it. Red is the most powerful - it is the color of the planet Mars, symbolizing strength and protection.

How to correctly cast a spell on a red thread

When tying a scarlet amulet as standard, it is important to endow it with magical powers. This can be done with the help of a conspiracy, which must be recited constantly during the process. Must give a special speech close person, who ties the knots.

There are 2 other options for tying a bracelet that you can do yourself:

  1. With a spell through candles.
  2. With a spell through holy water.

In the first case, you need to prepare a piece of wool and three church candles. The ritual must be performed after sunset at 12 lunar day. The thread must be held firmly in the fist of your left hand and carefully moved over the candle flame clockwise three times. You need to feel the warmth of the candles with your hand, but this feeling should not be painful or irritating. In this case, you should pronounce a conspiracy on each of the 3 circles about lighting the thread with fire, like protecting life from the evil eye. This ritual will last for three months; the lace will need to be tied into three knots. After this time, the ritual will need to be repeated.

Another version of the spell through holy water also requires the presence of 1 church candle. The optimal day for the ritual is the new moon. lunar calendar. At night, you need to turn off all the lights in the house, light a church candle and lower the scarlet rope into a glass of holy water. While the future red thread of fate is placed in a glass, you need to whisper words of comparison to the changing better life with an energy-feeding thread.
After the incantatory words, the thread must be removed from the water, the candles dried over the fire, repeating the same speeches. This protective rope is knitted with 9 knots, saying that you are doing good for yourself. After each speech, you should not forget to say “Amen!” You can wear the amulet as much as you want.

A bright fiery accessory can also be used in a love ritual in order to attract a certain man to your person. You need to take a long piece for the ritual, about 20 cm, charm it, winding it around your index and middle finger according to the figure-eight-infinity principle. There is no need to wear this piece; it is stored under the pillow and then transferred to a secret place in the same figure-eight position.

Prayer while tying a red thread on your wrist

The red thread on the left hand will effectively protect its owner if it is imbued with the most sincere and pure intentions and prayers.

Before you put a wool amulet on your left hand and thereby protect your body from damage and adversity, you need to say the following prayer over the amulet:

Have mercy on me (name), Lord, and save me, Mother Holy Mother of God, Father Savior of the world Jesus Christ, all, all saints. Lord, bless, have mercy and preserve, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When things are a little different, if not worse, and you are already convinced that you have damage, then a properly sanded burgundy talisman will help get rid of it. To do this, when tying a small protector, you need to read a special prayer against the evil eye.

Red threads these days are not only a bright detail of the image, it is a powerful amulet that gives protection from the evil eye and damage and eliminates various problems with health. A scarlet cord can even attract love. In order for the amulet to act correctly and bring benefits, it simply needs prayers for energy recharging. Negative energy with such a talisman will no longer be scary to its owner.

Since I've been living in Israel, all my Moscow friends have been asking me to bring them the famous red thread. Thousands and thousands of tourists return from Israel every year with such strings around their wrists. What kind of thread is this, and where to get it, do you know?

The teachings of Kabbalah - about the origin of the red thread

People have believed in the evil eye (in Hebrew “Ain Ara”) for centuries - this is a very powerful and negative force that we receive through the views or words of envious people. That is why since ancient times we have been looking for effective ways protection from the “evil eye”. One of these methods is a red woolen thread tied around the wrist, which Jews and Kabbalists wear (for thousands of years) on their left hands, protecting themselves and their children from everything bad.

According to Kabbalists, it was the red thread that was wrapped in the coffin of Rachel, one of the ancestors of the Jews, who dedicated herself to protecting humanity. Now the threads are sold in Jerusalem, near the Western Wall and, of course, they have not been removed from tombs for a long time, but are of the most ordinary industrial origin.

According to Kabbalah, Rachel symbolizes the strongest energy of protection in our world, since her main purpose during life was to save and protect her children from everything bad and dangerous. In contact with Rachel’s tomb, the red thread absorbs the energy of the foremother, and then protects the people wearing it from the evil eye and negativity.

It is also believed that the red Kabbalistic thread can influence a person’s behavior and thoughts. She guides a person in the right direction life path, helps to become better, develop, reach new heights in your career and even heals...

Why is the thread red?

Red is the strongest and most negative color in nature. In order, like an injection against a virus containing a little of the virus itself, to protect us from everything negative, the thread should be red. At the same time, it is extremely important that the thread is made of wool, since this material is considered the warmest and most “merciful”.

The thread must be tied on the left wrist, since, according to the teachings of Kabbalah, the left hand symbolizes the desire to receive for the soul and body. So red gives us “vaccination” from surrounding negativity, wool gives us energy "mercy", and we get it all through the left “host” hand.

How to tie a red thread

The thread should be tied by a person who loves you or wants only the best for you. To begin with, a red thread is wrapped around the left wrist and tied in one knot - but not too tightly so as not to interfere with blood circulation, and then six more knots are tied. At this time, the tyer must read the Ben Porat prayer, which protects against the evil eye.

When I opened my online jewelry store, customers began to ask if I could give them this treasured amulet. Well, since I cannot deal in my life exclusively with the supply of red threads to acquaintances and friends, as well as strangers and non-friends, I simply decided that I would put it as a gift with every jewelry order.

IN in this case I tie 6 knots myself, and I suggest tying the seventh, final knot on the hand of your closest and most loving person - parent, husband, brother or sister, good friend. Thus, the law on maintaining positive energy will remain and will work even better than if someone tied the thread for you stranger in Jerusalem.

You can wear the thread as much as you like until it breaks. You can also remove it from yourself if necessary, without fear of any bad consequences (as Kabbalists say) - but there are different opinions on this matter, so usually the thread is honestly worn until its “natural death”.

Where can I get the red thread?

Of course, in Jerusalem. Already on the approaches to the Western Wall, you will see many people who want to “ring” your hand with it - for a reward. And in Kabbalah centers (and, of course, Safed, a city in the north of Israel, where the teachings of Kabbalah originated), you can purchase a set with a thread that visited Rachel’s tomb and the Ben Porat prayer, printed on packaging with English (or Russian - in Russia ) transliteration.

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Today, show business stars, not only women, but also men, appear in the world with such an extravagant “bracelet”. The singer Madonna was the first to introduce this “bracelet” into fashion, and foreign and domestic pop stars followed her. In our modern society a red thread is almost as fashionable an attribute as an iPhone or a Chanel bag.

Today, a red thread is often tied to the hand if one suffers from high blood pressure. Youth - for beauty, along with a dozen more bracelets. Sometimes we see red threads on the hands of show business stars and politicians. But where did this tradition come from and what does it mean? What should the red thread be like, how should it be tied and on which hand should it be worn?

Threads of cultures

The red thread on the hand is present in many cultures, including the ancient Slavic. The most popular thread that came from Israel and Kabbalah is the symbol of the red thread that was wrapped around the tomb of Rachel, one of the ancestors of humanity.

Kabbalists believe that everything negative penetrates a person through left side(the right hand gives, the left hand receives). And the red thread, which they charge in a special way, tied on the wrist is a kind of amulet that solves two problems at once: it does not release negative energy into a person and has a positive effect on fate.

According to an ancient gypsy legend, the Holy Seer Sarah saved the holy apostles from persecutors. She was awarded the right to choose the gypsy baron. Then Sarah pulled a long thread from her red shawl, cut it into several pieces and tied them on the hands of the applicants. One thread on his wrist began to glow. Since then, many gypsy movements have maintained the tradition of tying a red thread to applicants for the title of first baron. Fortune tellers by nature: truth and myths about gypsies

Among the Slavs, a red woolen thread on the hand was considered a talisman against damage and the evil eye. She also brought health and happiness, as she absorbed the power of the sun and the power of the animal. There was a belief about the goddess Lybid, who taught how to tie a red thread on a fence and thus gave the secret of protecting home and family. The thread was worn on the left hand for protection, on the right hand for success.

There are other legends, beliefs and traditions. So, the goddess Gray, revered North American Indians, used red thread for healing. A red rope on the wrist in Hinduism indicates that the girl is not married; men use it as a talisman. Some occultists wear a red thread on their arm as a sign of opposition to Orthodoxy and Christianity.

There are a lot of stories about the red thread. But despite the differences associated with the cultural and religious characteristics of peoples, it is everywhere endowed with a special sacred meaning.

What should the red thread be made of?

Why the color is red – there are also a great many versions. There is even an astrological one. This is the color of the most energetic planet of positive influence - Mars. Red is a symbol of power, strength and protection. It is not for nothing that many decorations, including clothes, homes and temples, are red. In Kabbalah, this is the color of danger, therefore, a red amulet should repel all kinds of evil spirits (which can penetrate through the left hand and reach the heart).

Why does the thread have to be wool? There is a completely modern explanation here. Wool is a source of small static electricity, which provides positive effect. Interaction with wool affects blood circulation in capillaries, can relieve inflammation, accelerate the healing of wounds and sprains. Of course, our ancestors did not think about electricity. But, thanks to the accumulated experience, this material was used quite effectively. For example, to survive premature baby, it was laid in sheep's wool.

How to tie a red thread correctly?

It is believed that the red thread will become a talisman only if it is properly tied. And this thread must be specially purchased by the future owner, and not found at home or given as a gift. And it is very desirable that it be purchased in sacred, special places.

The thread must be tied around the wrist seven times, securing each circle with a knot. It is often stated that the thread should be tied by a loved one who sincerely wishes you well. It’s even better if it’s not an ordinary person, but one with abilities or a cult minister. However, the Slavs tied the thread themselves, but with the obligatory reading of a prayer before each knot.

What is it - a tribute to fashion, a religious symbol, “grandmother’s” stories, a talisman, or does it have industrial significance?

Everyone will find their own answer to this question based on their personal worldview. For myself, I have long decided that, just like in everything that surrounds us, there is harmony in the meaning of the red thread, based on the combination of many factors.

Rather, it is a talisman and a strong cabalistic symbol, but I am glad that it entered the world of fashion, as if uniting different people regardless of location and religion.

Personally, I never attached any special meaning to this symbol; it was as familiar to me as my grandmother’s dumplings with sour cream. Even as a child, having nothing to do with Judaism or the teachings of bondage, I knew that the red thread was used against the evil eye, because my mother said so...
And my mother learned this from her mother, and she, in turn, from hers, and so on...

Today, when I live in another country and often visit Jerusalem, the red thread has acquired a completely different meaning, because when you understand the meaning, the world takes on different colors!
Maybe, just like me, some of you, due to circumstances, have never thought about or attached importance to this symbolism?!

Therefore, today we will talk about the meaning of the red thread, where it is taken and why, why the color red..., where this tradition came from, who introduced this accessory into fashion, how to tie a red thread correctly and much more...

From childhood memories, when someone had a baby, they tied a red thread on his wrist. During the “why” period, none of the adults could explain the meaning of this ritual. The answer always sounded the same: “from the evil eye.”
She lived and lived... - I thought it was a tradition among grandmothers to knit threads for children... and then scarves...
And in general, I was sure that this was a purely Christian symbol.

The girl grew up (this is, of course, sometimes a controversial issue) and went on an excursion to Jerusalem... In the local markets there was an abundance of red cord bracelets and then the suspicion crept in that this very red thread was somehow connected not only with “grandmother’s” stories from the evil eye, and with the place where I am now.

The meaning of the red thread

Grandma was right, the red thread serves as protection against the evil eye and evil forces that can harm. The red thread is like some kind of cure for this disease!
Only a person who wears such an attribute must himself be pure in spirit and not wish harm to others, otherwise the red thread loses and cuts out its magical powers, and according to the teachings of the cabal, she is actually endowed with magical powers.

History of the red thread

A long time ago, there lived a woman named Rachel, she is considered the ancestor of the Jewish family, who even after death protects her children and descendants. Rachel is buried in Israel along the road from Jerusalem to Bethlehem. According to Kabbalists, her tomb was wrapped in red thread. Hence the meaning of the symbolism of the red thread as a talisman.
The color of the thread surrounding Rachel’s tomb was also not chosen by chance, since this color has strength and energy.

Where do you get the red thread?

This thread cannot be bought on the counters of market utensils, which are so loved by every tourist. The thread must be wool, often made in Jerusalem, Safed, Bethlehem, Netivot. Then there is a ritual that is performed to give the thread strength and protection, usually this ritual is carried out at the tomb of Rachel. The thread is wound around the tomb seven times while prayers are recited. By the way, the place where the tomb is located is not very safe; sometimes, to get there you need armed guards (boooo, did I scare you???).

How to wear red thread?

According to the teachings of the cabal, the red thread should be worn on the left wrist. Because, according to Kabbalah, the left hand reflects the receiving side of the soul and body. It is through the left hand that we receive streams of energy that we pass through ourselves... The red thread serves as a barrier, preventing bad energy from breaking into our soul and body, thereby protecting us from bad influences and the evil eye.
The thread should not be tied tightly; it should sit loosely on the hand. It must consist of a single unit.
A thread tied to itself does not carry any power and is only an accessory. The thread should be tied by a person who loves you and whose intentions are pure; this could be one of your parents, loved ones, loved ones, to whom you are dear and loved. While the thread is being put on your hand, you need to think about good things and ask for protection.
The one who ties this very thread can read the Ben Porat prayer
(I will write the words from the prayer at the end of the text)
The thread must be tied into seven knots. This number also has its own magical meaning in bondage.
Don't worry if your thread breaks. This means that a strong negative energy passed by the person to which the thread gave all its miraculous powers. After that, just tie a new amulet.

Another meaning of the red thread

The red thread can be tied on both the left and right wrist. With a change in the location of the thread, both the meaning and the history of the origin of this ritual change. Tying a thread on the right wrist came from India as a sign indicating that the girl is free and unmarried.
The Slavs have beliefs that a red thread is worn on the right hand by people who want to attract wealth and good luck into their lives.

I thought that you could wrap yourself in a red thread like a caterpillar in a cocoon and you would be happy!

Red thread and fashion

The first person to introduce the red wool thread on the wrist to the masses was undoubtedly the queen of pop music, Madonna. After which many fashionistas and fashionistas, catching the popular trend, began to copy and repeat this element in their outfits, so with the red thread one could notice most celebrities all over the world, the list included stars from Philip Kirkorov (who for some reason wore a thread on his right wrist), Vera Brezhneva and Ksenia Sobchak to world-class stars such as Demi Moore and Lindsay Lohan.
I don’t know whether the red thread on their wrist was a talisman and a symbol, or whether it was just a matter of fashion. In any case, I am sure that you were able to learn a little more about the symbolism and meaning of this element.

Who is first in line to be bandaged with red thread????

Prayer Ben Porat in Russian letters:
Ben porat Yosef ben porat aley ain banot tsaada aley shur ammalach agoel oti mikol ra yevarekh et annarim veyikare baem shemi vesham avotay Avraham veYitzchak veyidgu lyarov bekerev haaretz.

Ben Porat Prayer (translation):
Like fish on earth are covered with water, and evil eye has no power over them, so the evil eye has no power over the descendants of Joseph. An eye that does not covet what does not belong to it is not subject to the evil eye.
