Chinese onion: medicinal properties and cultivation. Treatment of joints with Chinese onion tinctures - effective recipes

They speak the truth. My mother made the entire balcony with this onion in jars .. But in fact, we have not used it yet.

Medicinal Indian onion

My adult Indian onion is from early spring to late autumn on the floor of a glazed loggia, it grows well there, it usually blooms twice a season. Last year, I conducted such an experiment: I planted "kids" of Indian onions in the garden for the summer, and soon noticed how quickly they began to grow and get fat in natural conditions.

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  1. Recipe 1. Cut chestnuts into quarters, fill a jar with them, add vodka to the top, seal tightly and leave for three days in the sun. After transfer to the room and stand for another 40 days. The filtered liquid has miraculous power. Apply it to the joints, rub them, make compresses. Every day the pain will become less and less. This tincture is also suitable for the treatment of dilated veins.
  2. Chinese onions are grown on the windowsill. This plant has a number of biologically active substances that help cure many diseases. Here are present essential oils, trace elements, amino acids and even alkaloids.
  3. During treatment, symptoms such as itching and burning may be detected. It is necessary to wash off the medicine, and lubricate the affected area with any oil. In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with running water.​
  4. Grind a couple of plant leaves and mix with 150 ml. alcohol and close the lid tightly. Separately mix 30 ml. camphor oil with 150 ml. alcohol. After two hours, connect everything and put it in a dark place for two weeks. As soon as the tincture is ready, it will need to be filtered. Apply the medicine to a bandage or any tissue and apply it to the diseased joint. Then be sure to wrap this place with a woolen cloth. This tincture is ideal for periods when joint disease is exacerbated.
  5. A part of thoroughly washed and crushed leaves is taken into three parts of vodka. Infused in darkness and warmth for ten days. Used for tincture glass jar. The finished tincture will need to be filtered.
  6. Compresses with tincture will save you from radiculitis and get rid of salt deposits.

Preparation and application of Indian onion tincture

This remedy is infused for a month (while it is advisable to shake the jar from time to time).

Indian onion fights itching with insect bites.

  1. This lily-like plant is most likely familiar to you. Original appearance and healing properties, which the birdman (this is the real name of the onion) has quite a lot, helped the plant win the favor of many flower growers. Traditional medicine recommends a flower for treatment various diseases. And Indian onion tincture on vodka is considered one of the most popular and effective forms use of this medicinal plant.
  2. Official medicine has not yet ranked the Indian onion as a medicinal plant; a study of its composition and possibilities for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, for the healing of wounds and the removal of edema, and for getting rid of other ailments is being carried out. In folk medicine, this plant is widely used as an external anesthetic for bruises, joint pain (as part of complex treatment), as a healing agent for abscesses, for the treatment of headaches, acute respiratory infections.
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Recipe 2. You will need chestnut flowers. Take a tablespoon of dried chestnut flowers, pour a bottle of vodka, leave for two weeks in a dark place. Then strain and use twice a day to rub on sore joints.​

Onion relieves pain, accelerates blood circulation in the joints, reduces blood clotting, reduces gouty changes. Recipe 1. Select the fleshy leaves of the plant. It is better if they are collected during the flowering period - from November to December. Also use onions and arrows. Rinse the raw materials, chop and place in a glass container with a lid.


  1. Vaseline ointment recipe
  2. You can also prepare a less concentrated composition. Everything is the same, only the ratio is one to ten. Sore joints with this tincture can be lubricated three times a day.

For another tincture recipe, you will need all parts of the Indian onion, combined:

Then it is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

  1. Flower juice relieves inflammation and reduces swelling, so it is often used to combat abscesses, wounds, tumors, bruises.
  2. Indian or as it is also called - Chinese onion - a very useful plant. Traditional medicine discovered it for itself several decades ago. The secret of the success of the flower is in the composition rich in useful substances and microelements. Moreover, you can benefit from absolutely any part of the plant: bulbs, leaves, arrows with a flower - healing juice stands out from them very actively.

The doctor Alevtina Korzunova in her book "Healing Indian Bow" writes:

Miracle bow | Sore joints?

Preparation of tinctures


A simple and original way to treat joints is to use earthworms for tincture. Collect worms in May, after rain. Recipe 1. Take a glass of earthworms, rinse thoroughly under running water. Then fill with 50% alcohol or vodka, so that the liquid covers the worms. Leave the mixture for three weeks and then filter.​

Pour one part of the leaves with three parts of vodka or alcohol and place for ten days in a dark and warm place. Strain and pour into a clean bottle, which should be stored in the refrigerator.​

Individual intolerance.

You will need freshly squeezed juice from Chinese onion greens and petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1: 5. First, melt the vaseline in a water bath, then slowly pour in the juice. The resulting composition is well mixed and kept in the refrigerator. It will be enough just to apply the ointment to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin where the diseased joint is located. The ointment can not be washed off and kept on the skin for a long time.

Methods of treatment

You can also prepare a tincture for compresses. This recipe uses onions. Grind two large or five small heads, combine with 500 ml. vodka in a glass jar. Insist in a dark and not quite warm place for two to four weeks. It will be necessary to stir the tincture, preferably every other day.

The cut parts of the plant are mixed with vodka (usually 700 grams are required, but the dose may vary depending on the size of the plant) and infused for a month.

Use Indian onion tincture for compresses and rubbing.

Indian bow can be used as a local anesthetic- the pain with its help is removed in a matter of minutes.

You can use the plant fresh, lubricating the sore spots with juice, but still, mostly experts resort to using Indian onion tincture on vodka. In general, you can use a flower (in any form) to solve such problems:

"Indian onion cannot be taken inside, it is poisonous! The active substances contained in the Indian onion juice, when it comes into contact with the skin, increase blood flow to the sore spot, which ensures a quick subsidence of pain (this action is similar to the effect of warming ointments and balms). Fresh juice Indian bow is very severe burning rubbed area - this should be borne in mind by those who have sensitive and delicate skin, and also have a tendency to allergic reactions. Before using the Indian onion (as well as other herbal remedies), you need to conduct a test: attach a leaf for 5-7 minutes to sensitive skin on the elbow bend: if over the next hour the reddened skin constantly itchs and rashes appear, then it is better not to use this herbal remedy for treatment.

The tailed bird, or the Indian onion, or the Chinese onion settled relatively long ago on the window sills of indoor plant lovers. This healing bow, like the Golden Mustache, earned the title of "miraculous doctor" from the people.

Alcohol tincture on earthworms for the treatment of joints relieves tension, a feeling of stiffness after sitting, removes crunching and limited mobility.

Recipe 2. Another way is to use plant bulbs. Take five or six medium-sized heads, rinse and chop, put in a glass dish and fill with a bottle of vodka. Store in the dark for about a month, stirring the contents every other day. Use these tinctures in the form of compresses, applying at night to the affected joints and bandaging.

Contraindications and side effects


There are other equally effective ways treatment.​

After that, the product is filtered and poured into a tightly closed bottle.

  • The recipe for tincture on the leaves is similar, but the proportion is chosen one to ten, and the remedy is infused a little less - up to two weeks. Then it is used for rubbing. Ten minutes after the procedure, the patient feels relief.
  • In addition to the fact that the tincture made from Chinese onions is very useful, you can easily make it at home. There are a lot of recipes for preparing the remedy, and we will share the most effective of them with you.

The most common use is for the treatment of sciatica, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and other joint diseases.

Tinctures for the treatment of joints at home

To avoid strong irritation Indian onion juice should not get on the mucous membranes, especially in the eyes.

Outwardly, the Indian onion looks rather modest: a large green bulb strongly sticking out of the ground with thin white-cream scales, alternately narrow and long drooping leaves growing from it. Near the bulb of the Indian onion, many "babies" regularly appear, which are used for vegetative propagation. In an adult plant (and it can live up to 30 years old!) A tall peduncle periodically grows with an elongated racemose at the end. Numerous small flowers of the Indian onion are greenish; they are discreet, but, on closer inspection, very elegant. Ovary - a box with seeds. I cut off the peduncle immediately after the end of flowering at the top of the peduncle, so that the plant does not waste energy and nutrients on setting seeds ("children" are quite enough for reproduction).

Recipe for tincture for the treatment of joints from Chinese onion

Recipe 2. Pour a glass of washed worms olive oil up to the top. After two weeks, the filtered oil can be applied to the joints, covered with a cloth and bandaged overnight.​

Fly agaric tinctures for the treatment of joints do this: Recipe 1. Clean the collected fly agaric from debris, fill them with small glass jars. Put together with the jar in a plastic bag and tie tightly. Then bury in the ground so that the edge of the bag sticks out. After a month, dig out the jars, strain the resulting liquid and mix with alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1 Recipe 2. Grind the freshly collected fly agarics, place the mass in sealed glass vessels. Put for a month in a dark room. Then separate the liquid and rub it on painful and inflamed joints.

Chinese bow recognized the best medicine in folk medicine for the treatment of joints. If used correctly and carefully, it is completely harmless and, as practice has shown, is very effective. The plant can replace drugs that have many contraindications. However, before you start using it, consult your doctor.​

This type of medicine should not be done in large quantities, as it quickly deteriorates. In 30 ml. finished tincture three leaves are added egg whites and mix thoroughly. Rub the sore joints with the resulting healing ointment. Be sure to attach woolen fabric for insulation. Soak for 2 hours, then rinse and re-wrap sore spot.​

How to cure sore joints with fly agarics

Chinese onion with eucalyptus oil

Dead bee tincture

As you can see, making Indian onion tincture is not at all difficult. But, when starting treatment, one should be very careful: the bird-man is a poisonous plant, and therefore it is impossible to apply it too much on the skin so as not to get burned. Inside, flower-based products are taken extremely rarely and in scanty doses.

How to make horse chestnut tincture

Tincture on the arrows of the Indian bow is used for compresses:

A tincture can be prepared from a bird bulb:

With the help of a birdman, you can fight dermatological diseases.

Earthworms for joint pain

Healing old leaves are used for juice treatment (their tips are often dried up, the dry part is removed), cutting off a part of the green leaf from the plant as needed. A piece of a sheet about 1-2 cm long is rubbed on a sore spot (for arthritis ...

The Indian bow is very unpretentious; it grows well on northern and shaded windows, where hot sunlight does not fall. I water it after the soil dries up; in spring and summer, I sometimes add liquid fertilizer based on biohumus to irrigation water. In winter, Indian onions are best kept cool (about + 8-10 degrees) to protect them from growing.

Blackberry has a number of advantages. Blackberries reduce inflammation, relieve fever, swelling, redness, restorative action on the body. Blackberry tincture in the treatment of joints, also has a diaphoretic effect, removes excess fluid from the joint bag, which reduces pain and limited movement.

blackberry tincture recipe

You can buy dead bees in the apiary, but before that, make sure that it is fresh and the bees are dead naturally and were not poisoned by chemicals. The best is considered to be summer death, which ate natural nectar, and not sugar. A tincture of dead bees for the treatment of joints is prepared as follows: First, dry the dead bees at a temperature of 50 degrees. This can be done in an open oven. Carefully crush a tablespoon dead bee in a mortar or coffee grinder. Fill with a glass of alcohol or vodka. Keep the mixture in a tightly closed dark glass jar away from sunlight. Shake contents daily. Then strain through one layer of cheesecloth. Soak gauze with liquid and apply to the sore joint for two to three hours.

Joint diseases are rapidly getting younger, now even teenagers sometimes experience discomfort when physical activity, long walk, run. You can treat joints at home, the main thing is to know which remedies will be effective and how to prepare them correctly. There are many different tinctures for the treatment of joints from natural plants that will relieve pain, relieve inflammation, swelling, and allow you to forget about the crunch or excessive joint mobility for a long time, which often leads to subluxations and sprains.

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In addition to the fact that Chinese onions are very useful, they are also very poisonous. You need to touch it only with rubber gloves. You need to be wary of getting the plant into your mouth and on the mucous membranes. Extremely careful attitude requires Chinese onion. Chop a couple of Chinese onion leaves, add 20 g of any oil. Pour all 50 g. medical alcohol. Put the resulting mass into a bottle and close tightly. Keep a week in a dark place, shaking well every day. Treatment of the joints will become more effective if the lubricated area is wrapped with a woolen cloth.


What kind of indoor plant "Chinese onion" is it? Is it true that its alcohol tincture helps in the treatment of joints?

If the joints hurt, the juiciest and largest leaves are used for healing. As a rule, they are collected from November to December. During this period, the plant blooms. Bulbs may also come in handy.

The plant needs to be finely chopped, rubbed well and poured with vodka (half a liter is the optimal dose).
Finely chopped parts of the flower must be poured with vodka in a ratio of one to three.
Lubricating whiskey with plant juice, you can quickly get rid of a headache.
Delicious bitch =)))
In spring or summer, if necessary, I transfer the grown plant into a slightly larger pot (there should be a layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot) with the addition of fresh earth at the bottom and sides of the pot. I use ordinary garden fertile light soil for planting Indian onions, mixing coarse sand and pieces of charcoal into it. In spring, a pot with a plant can be put on a balcony or transplanted into a garden. Before the onset of cold weather, Indian onions are transplanted from the garden into a pot of the appropriate size (the bulb does not need to be buried in the soil) and brought into the house.
To prepare the tincture, take the stems of blackberries that grow in the forest. You will need 2m stems. Grind and dry in the shade. Then pour 500 mg of vodka, close the jar and leave in the dark for a month. Take a tablespoon twice a day. When treating joints, do not forget that it is difficult to manage only home methods, so go through thorough examination and get a doctor's recommendation.​
Horse chestnut helps in the treatment of tired legs, with varicose veins veins, with sprains. Tincture from horse chestnut for the treatment of joints is an effective and reliable remedy.
Here are simple and available recipes to help relieve joint pain short term. You can speed up the healing process by using these tinctures.​
Before you start using this plant for healing purposes, you need to carry out a small procedure by which you can determine whether it is worth starting treatment or not. To do this, drop a small amount of juice on the elbow bend. If the skin turns red, the treatment is not suitable for you.​
Compresses with camphor oil

There are a lot of tincture recipes, besides, they are very easy to prepare.

The product is poured into an airtight container and infused from a couple of weeks to a month in warmth.

Chinese onion refers to perennials. It has several names: Indian onion, hellish root. In the bow are useful material which help in the treatment of many diseases. It can be all year round grow at home, and in the summer it can grow in the front garden.

The plant has useful properties, as it contains substances such as:

  • a number of amino acids;
  • colchicine;
  • essential oil.

The healing properties of the Chinese onion are given by useful substances that are not only in the bulb itself, but also in the leaves of the plant. Colchicine alkaloid is an active substance with which joint diseases are treated,.

It provides an anti-inflammatory effect, dulls pain, prevents the formation salt deposits in organism.

Since colchicine is a poison, it cannot be used uncontrollably. High risk of poisoning.

Chinese onion treatment has several advantages:

  • the activity of microbes is reduced;
  • edema is eliminated;
  • blood circulation increases;
  • the inflammatory process is removed;
  • the use of the plant contributes to pain relief;
  • decrease in blood clotting;
  • useful substances of the plant interfere.


The most important thing in treatment is not to use Chinese onions inside. Based on it, there are drugs, but they are all taken strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

When using onion externally, its juice or leaves, care must be taken. Large doses of the active substance can lead to a decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood. After all, colchicine is easily absorbed by the skin, and also penetrates through the mucous membranes.

Thus, onions can be used, but the duration of the course should not exceed a month, or even less. Then you need to take a break.

Attention! Onion juice acts aggressively on the mucous membrane. It must not be allowed to get into the eyes, otherwise there will be inflammation. In this case, the eyes should be immediately rinsed with plenty of water.

If the patient has hemophilia, then drugs based on Chinese onions should never be used.

Individual intolerance is possible. Before use, it is recommended to do an allergy test by dropping a few drops of onion juice on inside arms. If no reactions followed, the plant can be used. If you can’t do without the drug, and the skin turns a little red, it is allowed to dilute the juice with water.

Features of cultivation and care at home

The poultry farmer (this is another name for the onion) breeds well. If you plant one large head, very soon a dozen "children" will appear around it, which you can safely seat.

You can also grow Chinese onions from seeds:

  1. Prepare a plastic container with drainage at the beginning of winter.
  2. Pour universal soil into it.
  3. Make grooves about 5 cm deep, place the seeds in them and sprinkle with earth.
  4. Don't forget to water your crops.

Toward the beginning of spring, the first sprouts will sprout. They should be transplanted into flower pots when they have 5-6 leaves.

Growing onions at home is not difficult. The plant is very unpretentious. It should be watered in moderation, to prevent the accumulation of water in the root system. The Chinese bow is picky about light. Most the best place for him it is a window sill. If you put an onion in the shade, then sooner or later it will wither.

In summer, the plant can be planted in the ground. Then the process of reproduction will go faster. For the winter it is transferred to a heated room.

Another feature of the onion is its flowering method. It is not a flower that blooms in a Chinese onion, but a peduncle. It consists of many flowers that open in different time. It is shaped like a cone.

If you choose the right place for the onion, it will bloom throughout the year. For connoisseurs rare plants You can always take a photo of this unusual and healing plant.

Chinese onion recipes

From Chinese onions, you can prepare effective remedies.

Ointment based on plant juice

Juice is one of the main ingredients in any recipe. In order to prepare an ointment from it, you will need:

  • petrolatum;
  • thermometer.

First, grate the leaves of the plant on a fine grater. Squeeze out the juice with cheesecloth. For the preparation of any means used only Fresh Juice. Mix the liquid with vaseline in a ratio of 1:5.

To bring Vaseline to the desired temperature regime, you will need a water bath and a thermometer that will control the heating temperature. It should reach 40°C. After that, juice is poured into the vaseline. The mixture must be constantly stirred. After turning it off, it should cool down well. The product is stored in the refrigerator.

This ointment is good for joint pain. To do this, it must be applied to the skin and left for half an hour.


To prepare the tincture, you need to prepare:

The leaves of the plant are thoroughly washed and crushed. This can be done with a knife or grater. The resulting slurry is transferred to a clean container and poured with alcohol. The ratio is 1:3. Infuse the mixture should be in a dark, but not cool place.

Application is possible after 10 days. For convenience, the tincture is filtered and poured into a new jar.

This is the usual version of the tincture. You can make it more concentrated. To do this, use a ratio of 1:10.

This folk remedy helps relieve pain when joints hurt. Depending on the concentration, the tincture is applied 1 to 3 times a day.


The use of a compress helps to locally cope with joint pain.


  • eucalyptus tree oil - 20 ml;
  • Chinese onion leaf - 1 pc.;
  • alcohol - 50 ml.

The leaf must be well rubbed or kneaded until it releases the juice and turns into a homogeneous mass. Add oil and alcohol to it. This mixture must be infused in a place where light does not penetrate for a week. After that, it is recommended to store the product in a clean container (jar, bottle).

The solution is applied to the area where the diseased joint is located. For best effect Wrap him up in something warm.


Many people know that Chinese onions are treatment plant. Its most important advantage lies in the anti-inflammatory effect that it has on the joints. The substance colchicine contained in the plant provides this effect. Based on the Chinese onion, tinctures, ointments, and compresses are prepared. Their action is aimed at relieving pain in the joints.

Since the plant is not the easiest, it is worth discussing the precautions with a specialist before using it. If a person is prone to allergies, a skin test should be performed before using Chinese onion products.

Chinese onion (tailed bird) is a wonderful medicinal plant that everyone can grow on their own windowsill. Initially, it was called the Indian onion, but since it came to Russia from China, the second name appeared. It is widely used in many diseases, but is of particular value for the treatment of diseases of the joints.

What is useful Chinese onion

Both the leaves and the bulb itself have healing properties. The composition is not fully understood, but it is known that the plant contains biologically active substances that help in the treatment of diseases: essential oils, amino acids, trace elements and organic acids. Alkaloids are also present here, which are the strongest poisons, but in small doses they also turn out to be useful.

Colchicine is of particular value. This alkaloid reduces the activity inflammatory process, reduces pain syndrome, prevents the deposition of salts uric acid in tissues. In case of overdose, this substance causes poisoning.

Recipes traditional medicine based on Chinese onions, they do an excellent job with pain in the joints and spine

The main properties of Chinese onions:

  • painkiller;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antigout;
  • antimicrobial;
  • improves blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • reducing blood clotting.

Methods for making tincture

For diseases of the joints, you can use the leaves, which are best collected during the flowering of the plant. This period lasts from November to December. Choose the largest and fleshy leaves. Bows and arrows may also come in handy.

Most often, tincture is used for treatment. There are many cooking options, but they are all quite simple.

  1. It will take one part of the washed and crushed leaves and three parts of alcohol (vodka). All this is placed in a glass jar. Keep out of the reach of light, where it should be warm. After 10 days, the product is suitable for use, but it must first be filtered and poured into a bottle.
  2. You can also prepare a less concentrated composition, where the leaves and alcohol are taken in a ratio of 1:10. The cooking method is similar. Such dosage form suitable for lubricating sore joints. The procedure can be repeated three times a day.
  3. This recipe will require one or two large onions. 5-6 small heads can be used. Grind the raw materials, put them in a jar and pour 500 ml of alcohol or vodka. Send for storage in a dark place. For 2-4 weeks, mix thoroughly, it is better to do this every other day. This tincture is used for compresses.
  4. The most effective is a recipe using all parts of the plant: leaves, arrows and bulbs. For cooking, you need an average onion head, a couple of sheets and one arrow finely chopped and pour vodka (1 l). Close the jar with a capron lid. Keep in a cool place for two weeks. Compresses with this tincture are good for gout, arthritis and heel spurs.

How else can you be treated

Other treatment options for Chinese onions are also of interest.

Chinese onion with eucalyptus oil

It will take one or two leaves of the plant, previously mashed with a wooden mortar. Add 20 g of oil and 50 g of medical alcohol. Place the mixture in a bottle and close tightly. Keep in a dark place and shake daily. The drug will be ready in a week. Used to lubricate joints. The effect is enhanced if the sore spot is additionally wrapped with a woolen scarf.

Compresses with camphor oil

It is necessary to take two or three leaves of the plant, finely chop and pour 150 ml of alcohol. Put in a bank. Top cover with a lid. Mix in another bowl camphor oil(30 ml) and another 150 ml of alcohol. After two hours, mix everything and forget for 14 days where it is dark. Then strain the mixture and use. This recipe perfectly helps during the period of exacerbation of joint diseases. For a compress, it is enough to moisten the cloth with the mixture and put it on the sore joint. Be sure to wrap with woolen cloth.

Vaseline based ointment

For this recipe, you must use freshly squeezed leaf juice and petroleum jelly in a ratio of 1:5. In a water bath, heat the vaseline to 40 °, after which they begin to slowly pour in the juice, mixing thoroughly. This ointment is stored in the refrigerator. It is applied to the skin in the joint area. Can be left for a long time.

Ointment with egg white

It is necessary to take 30 ml of ready-made tincture from the leaves and add the protein of three eggs. Mix all this thoroughly. The resulting ointment is rubbed on the joints. You can put compress paper on top, insulate and leave for two hours. After that, wash the joint and wrap it again. Such an ointment deteriorates very quickly, so it is not worth harvesting it for the future.

Side effects and contraindications

Despite their amazing medicinal properties, Chinese onion is very poisonous. It must be used very carefully. Avoid contact with mucous membranes and mouth. It is recommended to work with the plant only with rubber gloves.

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct a test. To do this, take a leaf, crush it, and apply a few drops of juice to the place of the elbow bend. If the skin does not turn red, then you can be treated.

Since the plant is used externally, the side effects are manifested in the form of local reactions: redness, itching, burning and burns. If such symptoms appear, treatment should be discontinued. Apply sea buckthorn or any other oil to the affected area. If the juice accidentally gets into the eyes, rinse with plenty of water and drip 2 drops of Taurine (Taufon).


  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy;
  • hemophilia.

Chinese bow, although not recognized official medicine as medicinal plant, but proved to be effective in the treatment of joint diseases. This plant is available correct use it is safe. Might be a good alternative medicines, which has many side effects. But before using it is still worth consulting with your doctor.

The tailed bird or Indian onion is better known to us under a different name - Chinese onion - since the plant was first brought from the Middle Kingdom. It was found that all parts of the plant have healing properties; on their basis, you can cook at home. various means from many ailments.

How good is that unique plant can be safely grown indoor flower, if necessary, use its parts in therapeutic purposes.

The leaves contain substances that have a strong analgesic and antiseptic effect, stimulating blood flow. The range of therapeutic applications is extensive:

  • pain: toothache, headache;
  • neuralgia;
  • injuries, bruises, hematomas;
  • arthritis, rheumatism, radiculitis;
  • irritation after an insect bite;
  • salt deposits.

The plant is of particular value in the treatment of joint diseases.

Means (home and industrial production) based on poultry are highly efficient and fast. Basically, the plant is harvested for cooking alcohol tinctures and water infusions. The following is a recipe for Chinese onion tincture used in the treatment of joints.

Alcohol tincture: recipe

As already mentioned, all parts of the plant can be used for therapeutic purposes: leaves, bulbs, arrows. The leaves are fleshy, which are cut during the onion flowering period (November-December). Baby bulbs appear on the parent bulb.

The recipe for Chinese onion tincture for the treatment of joints is quite simple. By the way, there are several ways to prepare it. Here are some of them.

Recipe #1

Ingredients: crushed leaves and vodka (alcohol) in a ratio of 1:3.

Preparation: combine in a glass bowl, close with a tight-fitting lid, insist in a dark, warm place for 10 days. It is advisable to pour it into another container after straining through cheesecloth.

Recipe #2

Ingredients: the same, but in a ratio of 1:10 (so the tincture will turn out to be less concentrated).

Preparation: similar.

Recipe #3

Ingredients: 1-2 large onions (5-6 small ones), 500 ml of alcohol.

Preparation: peel and chop the onion, place in a jar, pour alcohol. Store for 2-4 weeks in a dark place, shake the container every other day.

Recipe #4

Ingredients: 1000 ml of vodka, one onion, a couple of leaves and one arrow.

Preparation: the plant is crushed, filled with liquid, infused for 14 days.

Application of tincture

A weakly concentrated tincture is used as a rubbing of sore spots 2-3 times a day. Usually, the fabric is soaked with tincture and applied like a compress.


Any medicine requires compliance with the rules of administration and dosage, as well as permission for use from a specialist. You should be very careful with the birdman, as some of the substances contained in the plant are poisonous and can provoke burns and other undesirable reactions of the body. While working with the plant, rubber gloves are used, protect the mucous membranes from getting onion juice.

The healing properties of Chinese onions have been known for a long time. Due to the mass content nutrients it is effectively used in the treatment of various diseases, including. The plant can be grown at home, in addition, it will be a good addition to any interior.

The Chinese onion is also called the tailed birdman, brandushka or Indian onion. All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Its juice has antiseptic properties and promotes wound healing, the leaves reduce swelling.

It gained the greatest popularity due to its ability to reduce pain in the joints. With radiculitis, arthritis, plant-based products are used to perform compresses, lotions, rubbing.

The beneficial effect of onions is determined by the content of the following substances:

  1. various amino acids.
  2. Colchicine. Reduces pain, has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the deposition of salts.
  3. Essential oils.

Carefully! Colchicine is a toxic substance, so it uncontrolled reception unacceptable due to the high risk of poisoning. Prepared products should not be taken internally.


The use of caudate poultry for diseased joints should be carried out only externally, observing all precautions. Due to the fact that colchicine, which is active ingredient plants, easily penetrates the skin, mucous membranes, it in large doses can cause a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood. For this reason, throughout the course of therapy, it is recommended to be under the supervision of the attending physician, to undergo regular examinations.

In order to avoid the adverse effects of Chinese onions, the duration of therapy should not last more than a month. After a break, it is possible to repeat the treatment course.

The use of the plant is prohibited in the following situations:

  1. With existing hemophilia.
  2. With individual hypersensitivity to some components medicinal product. Before using it, it is recommended to conduct a sensitivity test. For this purpose, a small amount of the product is applied to the skin and the reaction is monitored. In the event of any discomfort or manifestations of its use is better to refuse.
  3. During pregnancy and lactation.

Carefully! The plant has an aggressive effect on the mucous membranes. Therefore, in case of contact with eyes or other mucous membranes, they should be immediately rinsed with plenty of water.

Features of cultivation and care at home

Chinese onions can be grown at home. It is completely unpretentious and does not require special care. The most suitable place for him is where there is a lot of light. In the summer it can be put outside.

The optimum temperature for onions is above 10 degrees Celsius. It is not recommended to transplant the plant more than once every three years. Chinese onions do not require additional fertilizers, as this may cause their healing properties to be lost. It should be watered only after the soil has dried, avoiding the accumulation of water in the root system.

The Chinese onion multiplies rapidly. When planting one bulb, there will soon be a significant increase in their number.

You can plant a plant with the help of seeds. For this you should:

The first sprouts usually appear closer to the onset of spring. It is recommended to transplant them into pots only after they have 5 petals.

The main feature of Chinese onion flowering is the absence of a flower, the presence of a peduncle. It consists of a large number petals blooming in different period time. It is shaped like a cone. With the right place, the plant can bloom continuously throughout the year. On the Internet you can find many beautiful photos flowering Chinese onion.

Chinese onion recipes

Thanks to their healing qualities and ease of preparation, recipes based on Chinese onions are very popular. You can buy ready-made drugs in a network of pharmacies. In the treatment of joint pathologies, you can use juice, prepare tinctures, perform compresses based on this plant.


Plant sap is used in most recipes medicinal products. For diseases of the joints, you can prepare an ointment using juice. This requires:

The ointment is effective against soreness in the joints. For this purpose, it is applied to the affected areas and left for half an hour.

Juice can be used in its pure form. To obtain it, you should cut the leaf of the plant at the very base. The secreted juice is lubricated, covered with a warming bandage on top.


  1. Take fresh leaves of the plant, rinse them thoroughly and chop them with a knife or grater.
  2. Pour the resulting slurry with vodka in a ratio of 1:3.
  3. The agent should be infused in a dark place.

You can make the tincture less concentrated. To do this, mix the components in a ratio of 1:10.

You can use the resulting tincture after 10 days. It is recommended to strain it before use.

Tincture lubricates the affected joints. It effectively helps to get rid of pain. The duration of its use is usually from one to three days.

Reference! For the preparation of tincture, the leaves of the plant are mainly used, but the bulbs themselves and arrows can also be used. Remedy from various parts the most efficient.


Compresses are highly effective against soreness in the joints. To prepare them you will need:

The resulting solution lubricates diseased joints. From above they wrap well.

When performing compresses, there is a possibility of itching and burning at the site of application of the composition, the appearance of burns. In case of occurrence, the compress should be stopped, the affected area of ​​the skin should be lubricated with vegetable oil.

Attention! Cooking all products using Chinese onions should only be done with gloves.


Chinese onion treatment of various diseases, including joint pathologies, has proven itself, thanks to healing properties plants. Preparing funds based on it is quite simple. You can also buy ready-made drugs in pharmacies. The plant is quite unpretentious, so it will not be difficult to grow it at home.

Before using products prepared from Chinese onions, you should consult a specialist, as there may be contraindications to their use. It should also be remembered that the plant is poisonous, so it should be used with extreme caution, avoid contact with mucous membranes.
