Symptoms of nervous tics in a child. Nervous tics in a child under one year of age: symptoms and treatment. — Physiological reasons

A nervous tic is an uncontrolled, repeatedly repeated muscle contraction. Outwardly, it is manifested by rapid, identical movements (twitching of the eye, cheek or limb, blinking, sniffing, shrugging, etc.) or vocalization (coughing, smacking, and even pronouncing sounds and words). In children, nervous tics most often develop during critical periods: at 3-4 years or 7-11 years, and boys get sick about five times more often than girls. The prognosis for a cure for this disease is very favorable, but only if parents understand the reasons for its occurrence in time and competently provide help to the child.

Why do nervous tics occur in children?

The immediate source of a tic is an incorrect signal periodically transmitted from the brain to the muscles. The causes of nervous tics in children can be:

  • Psychotraumatic factors. In this case, the disease occurs against a background of acute stress or constant psychological discomfort. The risk of developing a psychogenic tic increases both with a lack of attention to the child and with its excess;
  • Traumatic brain injuries or organic brain diseases. Tics of this origin are very persistent, and their treatment is associated with the treatment of the underlying disease;
  • Prolonged local irritation of tissues, for example, the eyes with conjunctivitis or the nasal mucosa with rhinitis. Initially, stereotypical movements (blinking, sniffling) arise as a way to get rid of discomfort, but do not go away immediately after recovery from the underlying disease (the so-called reflex tic);
  • Hyperactivity, increased anxiety or nervousness of the child. Neurosis-like nervous tics in children are characterized by variability of symptoms and recurrent nature;
  • Heredity. In children whose parents suffered from nervous tics, the disease is diagnosed more often. One type of genetically determined tic is Tourette's syndrome - a pathology in which multiple uncontrolled movements (contractions of several muscle groups) are observed, sometimes in combination with coprolalia (screaming obscene language), echolalia (repeating someone else's words) or palilalia (repeating one of your own words) .

Tics also include the so-called tic-like hyperkinesis - violent movements of the face or hands that are observed in children suffering from stuttering or other speech defects. In such cases, children use gestures to help themselves pronounce words. Often the causes of nervous tics in children are generally difficult to determine; in such cases they speak of the idiopathic nature of the disease.

Treatment of nervous tics in a child

The decisive role in the fight against the disease is to determine the causes of its occurrence. Depending on this, therapy may be:

  • Etiotropic (treatment of the underlying disease with secondary tics);
  • Symptomatic (getting rid of obsessive muscle contractions with the help of psychotropic drugs);
  • Behavioral (psychotherapy to eliminate anxiety and tension).

When deciding on treatment, specialists take into account the duration of symptoms of nervous tics in children. In 40% of babies, the problem disappears without any intervention within a few weeks. Symptomatic drug therapy Only those cases where signs of the disease have been observed for more than 12 months are required.

What to do if your child has a tic

The correct behavior of parents plays a huge role in the treatment of nervous tics in a child. Unfortunately, adults often mistake the symptoms of the disease for bad behavior and are trying to eliminate them through educational methods. Under no circumstances should you do this! Increased attention to the child’s personality, prohibitions or punishments fixate him on the problem and make the illness more persistent. Having noticed symptoms of a nervous tic in children, parents should:

  • Behave calmly. The anxiety and fear of adults is immediately transmitted to the baby, and the course of the disease becomes more complicated;
  • Assess and optimize the psychological situation in the family. If adults talk nervously, in a raised voice, and are constantly unhappy with each other, then the child feels insecure, tense and excited. Discomfort in family relationships– excellent soil for the emergence and complications of psychogenic tics;
  • Try not to focus the baby’s attention on the peculiarities of his condition. The less others notice the tic, the easier it is to get rid of it;
  • Analyze your attitude towards your child. Equally bad are a dismissive (“fed, dressed, washed, no time for you”) and an overly demanding (“you are the meaning of life and the hope of the family”) style of communication. In both cases, the baby feels uncomfortable, his level of anxiety increases, and recovery from tics becomes problematic;
  • Limit stimulating activities (watching age-inappropriate television programs, computer games). It is better to give preference to walks in the fresh air, gentle sports, artistic creativity (drawing, modeling, etc.);
  • Try to raise the child's self-esteem. It is necessary to affectionately hug the baby and praise him as often as possible. The baby should feel that adults love him, appreciate him, are interested in his affairs and are proud of his successes. Increasing self-confidence often becomes a decisive factor in the treatment of nervous tics in a child;
  • Seek qualified help in a timely manner. The baby sometimes “forgets” about the illness during an exciting game, and mom and dad have false confidence that he can control tic-like movements. This is wrong. If symptoms do not go away within 2-3 weeks, consultation with a neurologist is required.

Parents should be aware that nervous tics in children have nothing to do with bad habits or provocative (“to spite mom”) behavior. Tic is an independent disease that is the result of a serious illness or an unfavorable psychological situation. Correct behavior in the family and timely consultation with doctors usually help cure the child and save him from big problems in the future.

Nervous tics in a child are not uncommon, and although mild form does not cause any visible harm, parents begin to worry. And with good reason. Most often, this neurological disorder manifests itself in uncontrolled blinking, twitching of facial muscles, and raising of the eyebrows. They occur in every fifth child, accompanying the age period from 2 to 10 years, and are more often observed in boys than in girls. By adolescence, nervous tics usually go away. And although some neurologists believe that tics are not pathological condition, and the property of being easily excitable and mobile nervous system, inherent in smart and emotional kids, the majority of the medical community tends to believe that nervous tics require treatment and serious treatment.

Rule 1. If you notice signs of a nervous tic in a child, contact a qualified medical care neurologist.

Nervous tics are divided into two categories:

Motor or movement tics. Facial and motor muscles contract spasmodically and spontaneously;

There is another classification of nervous tics, according to which they are divided into:

Simple. They capture only one specific muscle group. By the way, the child may even involuntarily jump or squat because of them;

Complex. Several muscle groups are involved at once.

Rule 2. Determine what it is nervous tic, or obsessive movement syndrome?

Motor tics have nothing to do with constantly repeated movements (twisting hair on a finger, biting nails, checking a closed door and turning off the light). And although some parents independently diagnose their children incorrectly, obsessive movements have not a neurological, but a purely psychological basis. If you want to rid your child of them, a good child psychologist will help.

Rule 3. Remember that a nervous tic can “migrate”

Tics can involve different groups muscles, however, it cannot be said that this is a new disease that began separately. Don't be alarmed if you see new manifestations - this is just a modification of old symptoms.

Nervous tic. Reasons for its appearance in children

Rule 4. Find out the cause and, if possible, prevent repeated exposure to the factor.

There can be several reasons for the occurrence of a nervous tic:

— Hereditary factor

If parents suffered from nervous tics in childhood, or were diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is likely that the child will inherit these features of the nervous system of mom or dad. In addition, given modern acceleration, the baby’s symptoms may appear at a somewhat earlier age.

- Constant stress

The child may simply be restless. Family troubles, school problems, or troubles in kindergarten can make him nervous.

In the family, these are conflicts between parents or relatives, an excess of demands, too much strong pressure on the child's fragile psyche, too much or, on the contrary, too little limiting factors. It also happens that a child suffers from a banal lack of attention. Tired after work, parents feed, wash, put to bed, but do not emotionally participate in the child’s life. Here everything is in your hands.

- Fear or serious illness

It was noticed that in most cases of the appearance of a nervous tic, this was caused genetically, some conditions in the family were not suitable for the child, and the impetus for the manifestation of these two circumstances was an illness or some kind of severe fright.

— Physiological reasons

It also happens that the causes of a child’s tics are purely medical. This serious illnesses Central nervous system or lack of certain minerals, for example magnesium.

Rule 5. Identify a number of local factors that enhance and activate a child’s nervous tics, and, if possible, minimize their impact.

In fact, a child can stop a mild nervous tic through an effort of will. In addition, the degree of its manifestation is influenced by several factors - time of day, overexcited emotional state of the baby, excessive watching of TV and prolonged computer games. By the way, it has been noticed that an enthusiastic and concentrated child suffers from tics much less. Find him an interesting activity - a construction set, an educational book, something that will really captivate him.

Nervous tic. Treatment - rules and methods

Treatment of nervous tics is carried out in several directions at once and consists of a set of simple psychological and medical manipulations:

Rule 6. Show in every possible way your interest in the child’s opinion, listen to him;

Rule 7. Don't let your child overexert himself;

Rule 8. Make sure your child follows a regular daily routine: he should have enough time to sleep, walk and study, let their life be more predictable and calm for them;

Rule 9. Make an appointment with a family therapist. Most likely, there is a certain breakdown in the family, discord, which is reflected in the neurological and psychological state child. Understand that disharmony in the family arises for many reasons, there is no one specifically to blame, but it is vital to solve this problem.

Rule 10. If the child is of primary or secondary school age, he will benefit from psychological trainings with peers.

Rule 11. Don't put pressure on your child, try to praise him and, if possible, show affection and care.

Rule 12. Find a common activity with your child, which will be interesting to both you and him. This could be walking, cooking or drawing.

Rule 13. Don’t focus on a nervous tic, do not make your child feel not normal, not healthy, not like everyone else.

Rule 14. Turn to physiotherapy and aromatherapy. Therapeutic massages, baths, soothing essential oils, and sashimi with various aromatic herbs can help.

Rule 15. Do not forget about the calming effect of medicinal herbs. On the Internet you will find many recipes for decoctions of plantain, chamomile, linden, with the addition of zest or honey. There will be no harm from such pleasant and aromatic drinks, and the appearance of positive effects is quite predictable.

Useful video

Tic spasm in children is a neurological disorder that is a type of hyperkinesis (uncontrolled body movements). Today, almost every fifth baby suffers from this pathology.

The disease occupies one of the leading places among neurological disorders. It increasingly affects newborns, although most cases occur in children over two years of age. How to recognize and treat this disease? How serious is he? What are the main reasons for its sudden appearance?

What is a nervous tic and how does it manifest itself in children?

Spasmodic movements of the same type that occur spontaneously and cannot be controlled are called nervous tics. Such reflex muscle contractions manifest themselves mainly in stressful situations. Most often, tics are observed on the neck and face in the form of twitching of the lips or eyelids, blinking, sniffing, shaking of the shoulders and head. Less commonly, tic affects the arms and legs. In some cases, the spasm may first manifest itself as a twitching of the eyelid, and then move to the lips.

About 25% of children are susceptible to tic movements younger age. Most often, tic symptoms appear between the ages of 6 and 7, when children become first-graders and have to adapt to a new team.

In children, this disorder can manifest itself in the form of teeth grinding, pulling out hair on the head, swinging legs and arms, noisy breathing, sneezing, grunting, etc. This disease is more common in boys.

Classification of ticks

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The main types of nervous tics in children:

  • motor;
  • vocal;
  • generalized;
  • ritual.

According to etiology, nervous tics are:

According to the nature of the flow:

  • transient;
  • chronic (remitting, stationary, progressive);
  • Tourette's syndrome.

According to symptoms:

  • local;
  • common;
  • vocal;
  • generalized.

Depending on the severity of the pathology:

  • single;
  • serial;
  • tic.

Main types


Vocal tics (or sound tics) in children are expressed in the form of coughing, sniffing, shouting obscene words, and repeating the same words and expressions over and over again. This type muscle spasms divided into simple and complex tics. The first type is represented mainly by low sounds: noisy breathing, coughing, grunting, “clearing the throat.” Sometimes there are also high-pitched sounds such as whistling, squealing, “ugh”, “ay”, “i”, “af”.

The second type of vocal tics occurs in 6% of children suffering from Tourette syndrome. Patients repeat curses, shout the same words, and say something quickly and unintelligibly.


Motor tics include muscle spasms of the upper and lower limbs: stomping and shuffling feet, high jumping, clapping hands, rocking, knocking, various movements of the head and shoulders.

If a child turns his head to the side or throws it back, blinks quickly, grimaces, sniffles, taps his fingers on the table, opens his mouth wide, or makes other body movements that are beyond his control, then this means that the child has a motor muscle tic.

This type of tic pathology is divided into:

  • simple (uncontrolled head movements, tension of the abdominal muscles and retraction, squinting of the eyes, etc.);
  • complex (vulgar gestures, jumping in one place, hitting own body, repetition of the same gestures).


If nervous tics involve several muscle groups in one child at the same time, for example, the child purses his lips, jerks his shoulders, blinks frequently and at the same time makes repeated sounds, then we are talking about a generalized form of tics. The main reasons for the simultaneous contraction of all muscles in a child are:


The group of ritual nervous tics includes muscle spasms associated with any action. For example, involuntary monotonous walking from one side to the other or in a circle, winding hair around a finger, straightening it, biting nails, twitching the earlobe, etc. Some children begin to develop complexes due to the fact that they do not notice such behavior in themselves.

Classification according to the nature of the flow

Transient tics

Most often they occur on the neck, arms, torso, and in the eye area. They do not last long and are not dangerous to the child’s health. Manifest in the form:

  • frequent licking of lips;
  • blinking, twitching and blinking of the eyes;
  • tongue sticking out;
  • frequent grimacing.

Transient tics are characterized by:

  • high frequency of manifestation;
  • lack of rhythm;
  • short duration;
  • spontaneity of manifestation.

Chronic tics

Tics that do not go away for more than one year are called chronic. This pathology is quite rare. It is sometimes called a mild form of Tourette's syndrome, but is still identified as a separate group.

This type of tic disorder is characterized by facial (nervous tic of the eye) and motor disorders. The disease is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission of varying durations.

Tourette's syndrome

This pathology is characterized by a combination of vocal and motor tics. Tourette's syndrome affects children as young as 5 years old and can last until they are 15 years old, after which the symptoms begin to subside.

The pathology first affects the face, then the muscles of the arms, legs, neck, and torso are involved. In some patients, muscle spasms disappear without a trace, in others they remain for life.

A child with Tourette syndrome is distracted, restless, and too vulnerable. Half of adolescents suffering from Tourette's pathology develop obsessive-compulsive disorder. It manifests itself through groundless fears, thoughts and actions. These phenomena are beyond the control of the patient, so he cannot suppress them.


The main causes of tic movements in children:

Tic movements can also occur due to:

  • taking certain medications;
  • skull injuries;
  • intoxication;
  • infectious brain damage;
  • neoplasms (malignant or benign) in the brain;
  • genetic pathologies.

Features of the course of tics in children

Tic disease in children occurs in different ways. A problem may appear suddenly in a child's life. It can just as suddenly disappear without requiring treatment. However, there are cases when the disease drags on for several years and is accompanied by severe severe symptoms and changes in the child's behavior.

Children with tics are very irritable, constantly in a state of anxiety, it is difficult for them to concentrate on anything, and they have impaired coordination of movements and sleep. Such children do not like to travel to public transport, cannot tolerate stuffiness, have difficulty falling asleep and sleep restlessly.

The disease makes itself felt when the child begins to worry about something. As soon as the baby's attention switches and he concentrates on something else (for example, a game), the tics go away on their own. The severity of the pathology depends on the child’s mood and psycho-emotional state, as well as on the time of year and time of day.


In order to diagnose a child with a nervous tic, he must be examined by a neurologist, psychologist and psychiatrist. Comprehensive examination includes the following activities:

In approximately 15 cases out of 100, the primary symptoms of the disease go away on their own without requiring therapy. Other cases require immediate treatment to prevent undesirable consequences.

Treatment of tics

First of all, after diagnosing a nervous tic in a child, it is necessary to exclude the factors that provoke it. You can get rid of the problem by:

  • creating a favorable psychological environment in the family;
  • eliminating excessive physical and psychological stress;
  • rational nutrition;
  • limiting time spent at the computer, listening to loud music, reading books in a supine position;
  • good sound sleep.

If the pathology is severe, the child is prescribed medication. However, in some cases, nervous tics can be cured using methods traditional medicine.


At the core drug treatment lies in the use of sedatives and sedatives. The type of drugs prescribed by the doctor depends on the duration of the disease and its symptoms. These can be weak (motherwort, valerian) and very strong (even psychotropic) drugs. Groups of drugs prescribed against tic:

Folk remedies

If the disease is mild, then positive effect can be achieved using traditional medicine methods. Such therapy is usually aimed at reducing nervous tension. Before treating your child with home remedies, you should consult your pediatrician to prevent complications. Folk recipes to help overcome nervous tics in a child:

  1. Hawthorn decoction - 2 tbsp. fruits pour 1/2 tbsp. hot water and let it brew for 15 minutes. You should drink the resulting tincture 15-20 minutes before meals.
  2. Chamomile tincture - pour a handful of the plant’s petals into a glass of hot boiled water and let it brew for about 15 minutes. The finished decoction should be drunk every 4 hours, half a glass at a time.
  3. Valerian root decoction - 1 tsp. the crushed root must be boiled for 15 minutes in 1 tbsp. water. The resulting medicine should be given to the baby before bedtime or 30 minutes after meals, 1 tsp.
  4. Bath with pine needles and sea ​​salt has a relaxing effect.

Famous pediatrician Komarovsky E.O. believes that nervous spasms in children are psychogenic in nature. For this reason, treating them with medications is not recommended. Evgeniy Olegovich emphasizes that in most cases this pathology disappears without outside help. All responsibility for the rapid improvement of the baby’s condition rests with the parents.

What should moms and dads do if their child is diagnosed with a nervous tic? The main task is to eliminate the disease through confidential conversations with the child. The sooner the cause of muscle spasms is discovered, the sooner the child will get rid of the habit of transforming the pathology into a nervous tic.

Hyperkinesis is a pathological phenomenon that consists of the brain sending erroneous commands muscular system. If uncontrolled movements are repeated frequently and become fast, they speak of a nervous tic. In a child, it may involve smacking, twitching eyes or shoulders, or coughing. Let's try to figure out why this disease occurs and whether there are effective ways cure for it.

What causes nervous tics in childhood?

It turns out that experts still do not have accurate information about the causes of the development of obsessive movements and body jerks. At the same time, scientists have come to almost a unanimous opinion about the influence of genetic and psychological factors. Intrauterine damage to brain structures can also cause a nervous tic in a child.

There is an opinion among experts that most often the disease is provoked by a combination of the following factors:

  1. Hereditary predisposition. Often during the examination it turns out that relatives in the direct ascending line suffered from a similar problem.
  2. Incorrect upbringing. The development of neurosis-like conditions is facilitated by strict control on the part of parents and an uncompromising approach to building family relationships, a lack of trusting communication and frequent conflicts, and a biased attitude towards the child.
  3. Experienced stress or complex illness. Children tend to have increased anxiety. Frequent experiences and frustrations lead to the fact that the child’s brain goes into a mode of constant anticipation of danger, losing the ability to fully rest and recover even in sleep.

Babies under the age of one year often experience tremors, which may simultaneously cause slight twitching of the limbs, chin, and lips. Crying, colic, bathing, and cold can trigger tremors in a baby. Normally, this phenomenon goes away as they grow older, by 3-4 months. If this does not happen, and in addition to everything, the baby’s head begins to noticeably twitch, a consultation with a neurologist is urgently needed.

Classification and features of the disease

Symptoms and treatment of nervous tics in a child largely depend on the type of disease. The typology of the disease is based on several basic indicators. First of all, the etiology, i.e., the root causes, is taken into account. They usually carry psychogenic or somatic character. Based on the duration of their course, nervous tics are classified as transient and chronic, and based on the degree of severity - complex (a complex of uncontrolled movements) and simple (elementary twitching). Hyperkinesis is also distinguished by the location of the muscles involved (limbs, facial expressions, vocal cords, eyes, etc.).

The most striking symptoms of the disease are:

  • motor smacking;
  • loud sniffing;
  • tongue clicking;
  • noisy and deep breathing;
  • hissing and snorting;
  • repeated utterance of curse words and individual words;
  • coughing;
  • frowning forehead;
  • uncontrolled shoulder movements;
  • antics;
  • unnatural blinking;
  • twitching of limbs or head;
  • picking at folds in clothing.

Even to a non-specialist, the manifestation of a nervous tic in children will be obvious. Komarovsky O. E., a well-known pediatrician, notes that such manifestations, once occurring, can disappear without any intervention. It would be more correct to say that this is exactly what happens in most cases. To do this, it is important to provide the child with support from others, thanks to which it is possible to prevent the transformation of a pathological habit into a nervous tic. What should you do if your child still has this problem? There is always a solution, but it will be purely individual for each little patient.

The tic often appears after past diseases infectious nature. Since a nervous tic in most cases is chronic disease, its symptoms may subside (for example, in summer time). Relapses in children occur in autumn and winter, which is explained by increased mental stress during the period schooling.

Complex manifestations

Obsessive movements that involve several muscle groups (legs, arms, back, abdomen, neck, limbs, face) are considered a complex form of nervous tic. In this case, individual symptoms that appear for more than a month should be addressed Special attention. First of all, we are talking about blinking. A nervous tic in a child begins precisely with uncontrolled movement of the eyelids. If the problem worsens, this symptom may eventually be joined by raising the shoulders, bending or turning the head, swinging the legs and arms. Jerking prevents the child from concentrating on any homework.

The next stage in the development of complications is the occurrence of coprolalia (pronouncing swear words), echolalia (repetition of the same words), palilalia (unintelligible rapid speech). It is important to note that the clinic becomes more complex from top to bottom. Thus, the problem usually begins with the innervation of the facial muscles, after which the tic seizes the arms, shoulders, and later the torso and lower limbs join.

One form of the disease is Tourette's syndrome. This pathology was first described in the century before last. It was mentioned as a disease of multiple tics, which, in addition to vocal and motor movements, is characterized by obsessive-compulsive neurosis due to attention deficit.

According to statistics, boys get sick ten times more often than girls. Traditionally, the seriousness of the problem is indicated by a slight nervous tic of the eye in a child aged 3-7 years. Next, body shudders are added to the blinking. In this case, one type of teak can be replaced by another. Coprolalia, echolalia or palilalia occurs at an older age. The peak of the disease is usually observed in patients 8-11 years of age.

The peculiarity of a complex form of a nervous tic in a child is that the patient’s consciousness is completely preserved, despite the inability to control his own movements. Jerking may cause muscle pain. Particularly relevant this problem for children suffering from uncontrolled turning or tilting of the head. With such recurrent manifestations and symptoms of a nervous tic in a child, treatment takes place at home. Since during the period of exacerbation children lose not only the opportunity to learn, but also the ability to self-care, they will not be able to attend school.

In the normal course of the disease, by the age of 12-15 years the child reaches the final stage. Pathological process stops clinical picture stabilizes - only residual signs of the disease are observed. Regardless of the initial causes of the twitching eyelid or the corners of the mouth, shoulders, or head, patients have every chance of a complete cessation of tics.

What is the essence of treatment

Therapy is based on integrated approach, taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the body and the nuances of the course of the disease. In the process of compiling an anamnesis, talking with parents, the neurologist finds out the most probable reasons development of the disease, discusses options for adjusting educational methods. In the initial stages of the disease, the use of drugs is out of the question.

The duration and severity of the pathology is influenced by the patient’s age at which the disease began to develop. It also indirectly indicates the cause of the disease:

  • In children under three years of age, a nervous tic is a sign of a more serious illness (brain tumor, schizophrenia, autism).
  • At the age of 3 to 6 years - most often the problem is psychogenic in nature, regression occurs only in adolescence.

Consequently, a nervous tic in a 5-year-old child has a favorable prognosis; in the majority of cases, the problem goes away without a trace.

Therapy at home

To resolve the described problem in childhood, it is important to remove provoking factors:

  • Often, the severity of uncontrolled movements and twitching is minimized after correcting the education method.
  • Besides, great value has a daily routine - the child must rest fully at night and sleep during the day. However, this does not mean introducing a complete ban on physical exercise.
  • The diet should also be reviewed: it is important to eliminate high-calorie sugar-containing foods that do not provide any benefit to the body.

If a child grows up in an unfavorable psychological microclimate, it is most likely impossible to do without the help of a child psychologist. Parents must understand that it is important for their baby to get rid of internal tension. This can only be achieved through established close contact with the child. Joint crafts, applications, cleaning the apartment, baking a pie, praise and affectionate communication - all this will help the little patient calm down and become more self-confident. It is especially useful to take evening walks (in the warm season) and take a bath with relaxing essential oils.

Professional medical approach

To establish the cause of a twitching eyelid or other part of the body, the child will have to be shown to several specialized specialists. A neurologist directly makes the diagnosis. As a rule, the disease can be determined after examination. Video recording of manifestations of a nervous tic in a child at home will be especially valuable, since during communication with a doctor the clinical picture may be blurred.

In addition to a neurologist, it is advisable to show the child to a psychologist. The specialist will evaluate his psycho-emotional background, ability to remember and control impulsive behavior. You may need to consult a psychotherapist, undergo a magnetic resonance imaging scan or an electroencephalogram.

Treatment of nervous tics in children in an unadvanced form is a course correctional classes in a group or individually. The use of medications is resorted to only if all of the above methods turned out to be ineffective and did not give any significant results.

Medicines for nervous tics in children are prescribed by neurologists; self-medication is unacceptable. After the symptoms of the disease disappear, the drugs are used for a long time (at least 6 months), then the dosage is gradually reduced until complete withdrawal.

What medications are suitable for nervous tics?

Here is a list of drugs used to treat the disease:

  • Neuroleptics. Representatives of this pharmacological group have complex action, pain relief, preventing convulsions, dulling the gag reflex. These drugs include Tiapride, Risperidone, Fluphenazine, Haloperidol, Pimozide.
  • Antidepressants. These drugs are included in therapy in the presence of neuroses, depressive and obsessive states (Prozac, Clofranil, Anafranil, Clominal).
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes. Used as an aid to maintain general well-being. The most common are “Pentovit”, “Neuromultivit”, “Apitonus P”.

When prescribing drugs, the form of release is taken into account, which is of particular relevance when undergoing a long course of treatment.

Recipes from traditional healers

As alternative means used to treat nervous tics various tinctures herbal infusions, decoctions. You can buy raw materials for home medicines at a pharmacy or collect them yourself. However, before giving folk remedies to children, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to avoid unforeseen complications. Among the components that help in the treatment of nervous tics, it is worth noting herbs and roots:

  • cucumbers;
  • thyme;
  • valerian;
  • chicory;
  • heather

The simplest recipe is mint and lemon balm tea. The preparation is simple: for 1 cup of boiling water you will need one teaspoon of each component. Infuse the drink for 10 minutes, then sweeten it slightly, strain and drink half a glass in the morning and evening.

Gymnastics and massage

Treatment of nervous tics in children is often complemented by massage and gymnastics. Efficiency this method the fight against the disease depends to a large extent on the cause that provoked the disorder.

In any case, the essence of massage is to relax the most tense areas of the body by stroking, rubbing, kneading. Strong and sudden impacts are unacceptable, since they will only give the opposite effect, leading to muscle tone.

To improve blood supply to brain tissue, massage the collar area and cervical spine. An underwater massage shower does an excellent job of relieving tension.

In the treatment of children over 6 years of age, the technique is often used breathing exercises Strelnikova. However, the selection of a therapeutic exercise complex that will change muscle tone and affect brain function is the prerogative of the doctor.

The desired effect is achieved due to the biological connection between nerve endings in the muscles and brain neurons - constant training of sections of this physiological chain can change existing behavioral programs. The load is built in such a way that not only individual muscles relax, but the entire body, including the spine, hip and shoulder joints.

How to deal with nervous tics in infants

For children under one year of age suffering from pathological tremor, massage is prescribed in mandatory. The timeliness of the measures taken will avoid severe complications diseases in the form of changes in intracranial pressure, hypocalcemia, hyperglycemia and stroke.

In order to prevent nervous tics in children, Komarovsky recommends using massage from the age of one and a half months. With its help, spasms are eliminated and the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems is normalized. However, it is preferable to contact specialists for massage, at least in the first sessions. The technique is not complicated, but it should be performed correctly, according to the instructions. A children's massage therapist will tell you which areas of the body to treat infant preferably avoided.

The duration of the procedure depends on the age of the baby. For children under 3 months of age, the session lasts no more than 5 minutes. The duration of the session must be increased over time, but it should not exceed 20 minutes. Another important criterion is the child’s behavior. If the baby behaves restlessly, stop the massage.

In order to prevent the development of a nervous tic in a child, it is extremely important to provide a friendly and calm environment in the family, make appropriate adjustments to the diet, exclude any foods that can excite the nervous system (chocolate, black tea, sweets), limit watching TV and computer games.

The psychological aspect is especially important - all parents, without exception, need to remember this. Listen to your child’s opinion, do not give him difficult and overwhelming tasks, do not forget to praise him for good deeds and help around the house. Be more patient with your baby, take care of his development and upbringing, and don’t let the problem take its course.

Noticing that the child is making involuntary obsessive movements, twitching or making strange sounds, parents begin to worry.

This is a nervous tic in a child, the symptoms of which will be discussed in this article. Most often, they do not pose a serious threat to health, other than psychological discomfort. But the reasons for this condition may be different.

Tics can be both muscular and auditory. The general thing is that movements and sounds are made involuntarily, uncontrollably and intensify during the period of greatest nervous excitement. Often children, especially young ones, do not notice these manifestations and do not experience much discomfort.

Older children are aware of the deviation and may try to control it, which is not always successful and, as a result, causes even greater anxiety in the baby. Teenagers can achieve control, but it requires a lot of effort. In any case, nervous tics in children worry parents much more and attract unnecessary attention from others.

Tics affect far more boys than girls (6:1 ratio). They can appear at any age, but the peak occurs at 3.5-7 years and 12-15 years, when the child’s nervous system is most actively rebuilt. By the age of eighteen, in most cases, all manifestations of tics disappear. Only in exceptional cases the tic continues after reaching maturity.

If a tic is not a symptom of more serious disorders of the nervous system, then it makes itself felt in daytime and in moments of especially strong excitement of the child. At night the patient relaxes and sleeps peacefully. This disorder usually goes away on its own. However, if involuntary movements continue for more than a month, are accompanied by grinding of teeth during sleep and urinary incontinence, this is serious symptom, with which you should definitely consult a doctor.

Consultation with a specialist will be useful even with mild manifestations of tics. A neurologist will help determine the causes of the disorder and reassure parents. And when known reasons You can adjust your child’s life so that nervous disorders become a thing of the past.

Classification of ticks

All ticks are divided into four categories.

  • Motor tics. These include involuntary movements. In children, most often this is a contraction of the facial muscles: blinking, twitching eyebrows, winking, lip movements. Less often - movements with arms or legs, fingers: fiddling with folds of clothing, twitching a shoulder, sharply tilting the head, retracting the stomach, repeating gestures, jumping and even “beating” oneself. They, in turn, are divided into simple and complex. The former involve movements of one muscle, the latter involve muscle groups.
  • Vocal tics involve the involuntary production of sounds. They, just like motor ones, can be simple and complex. Simple vocalisms include snorting, grunting, whistling, sniffling, and coughing. When difficult, the child repeats the words, phrases and sounds that he heard. Including obscene language - this condition is called coprolalia.
  • Ritual tics are accompanied by the repetition of peculiar “rituals”. For example, drawing circles, an unusual walking style.
  • Generalized tics include combined forms of this deviation. For example, when a motor tic is combined with a vocal tic.

In different children, tics manifest themselves in different ways and in different combinations.

Tourette's syndrome

Generalized tics include Tourette's syndrome, a pathology of the nervous system. Most often occurs between the ages of 5 and 15 years. The peak occurs at adolescence. In some cases, the disease goes away on its own, less often it persists for life. However, over the years the symptoms weaken.

The development of the syndrome begins with the appearance of facial muscle tics, then they move to the limbs and torso. Involuntary movements are accompanied by vocalizations, these can be either meaningless sounds or shouting curse words.

Other manifestations of the disease are absent-mindedness, restlessness, and forgetfulness. The child becomes overly sensitive, vulnerable, and sometimes aggressive. At the same time, 50 percent of children and adolescents develop unreasonable fears, panic, obsessive thoughts and actions. These symptoms are uncontrollable, and only a competent specialist can alleviate the condition.


The causes of nervous tics in a child can either lie on the surface (the situation in the family, at school) or be deeply hidden (heredity). Tics are most often caused by three types of causes in children.

Heredity. If one of the parents suffered from tics in childhood, then their child has a predisposition to their occurrence. However, heredity does not guarantee that a child will certainly get sick.

Physiological reasons

  • Past infections. It could be chickenpox, jaundice, flu, herpes. After this, not only the child’s immunity is lowered, but also the nervous system is most vulnerable.
  • Long-term poisoning. With prolonged intoxication of the child's body, the child's nervous system also suffers. This could be a trick medicines, antibiotics, living in unfavorable environmental conditions. A blow to a child's health is caused by parents smoking in his presence.
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements. Occurs with a poor, monotonous diet. The nervous system suffers most from a lack of B vitamins, potassium, and magnesium.
  • Lifestyle. Lack of sufficient physical activity, rare exposure to fresh air, sitting for many hours at the computer or in front of the TV can cause disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Brain diseases. This includes tumors, benign and malignant, injuries, including birth injuries, encephalitis, trigeminal neuralgia, and vascular pathologies.

Psychological reasons

  • Stress. Problems with family, at school, with peers, especially if the child tries to suppress them and keep them to himself, often lead to the appearance of tics in children. Change educational institution, moving to another area or city, parental divorce, bullying or rejection from classmates are the most severe emotional stresses for a child. There is even such a thing as “tick September 1”.
  • Fright. Most often, it is this that becomes the impetus for the appearance of tic. Anything can scare a child: a scary movie, nightmare, thunderstorm or storm, even a sharp sound. A deviation can occur if a child witnesses a major quarrel, scandal, fight, or is attacked by a large animal, for example, a dog.
  • Increased loads. Often parents try to give their child comprehensive development and education. And they forget that the child’s psyche is not always able to cope with such an intense load. The child goes to school, then to a tutor, then to language courses or to an art school. At some point children's body can't stand it constant pressure. Tick ​​is the least terrible manifestation of an unbearable load.
  • Attention deficit. If parents do not pay due attention to their child, spend little time together, rarely talk and praise, then the child tries to earn this attention. As a result, he is constantly in nervous tension.
  • Overprotectiveness or authoritarian parenting style. In this case, frustration may also arise as the child is stressed due to increased parental interference in his life. Especially if the mother or father is too strict. Then the child’s companion becomes the fear of making a mistake and being guilty.

Parents are often skeptical about the availability psychological problems The child has. Firstly, many do not believe that children can experience stress at all. Secondly, almost everyone is sure that this will definitely not affect their children.


Only a doctor - a pediatric neurologist - can determine for sure nervous tics in a child, symptoms and treatment. The symptoms are often frightening for parents. Of course, the child sometimes changes beyond recognition, doing strange and even frightening things. obsessive actions. However, in 90% of cases the disease is successfully treated.

You should consult a doctor if the nervous tic is generalized and lasts longer than a month, causes psychological or physical discomfort to the child, is very pronounced. The initial diagnosis is made based on a survey. The doctor needs to find out how the disease manifests itself, when it began, whether the patient had experienced severe stress whether you received a head injury or what medications you took.

In addition, the child may need to see other specialists. Psychotherapist - if a young patient has recently experienced stress. Infectious disease specialist, if there is a suspicion of infectious diseases. A toxicologist if the body has been exposed to toxins. If you suspect a brain tumor, you need to consult an oncologist, and if there is nerve lesions relatives have genetics.

Therapy for the disorder

If the disorder is serious reasons, like brain diseases, tumors and injuries, treatment is aimed primarily at eliminating these causes. Tick ​​as a consequence will disappear when full recovery child.

If children's tics are primary, that is, they exist on their own, getting rid of them involves, first of all, creating a favorable environment.

Psychotherapy will not be superfluous. And not only for children, but also for parents. Not everyone will be able to independently notice, admit their own mistakes in behavior and upbringing and correct them. Therapy for a young patient can be carried out either individually or in a group with children who have similar disorders.

Parents must establish contact with their child. Adjust your pastime so that you can be together more often, find common activities. Heart-to-heart conversations are also necessary. During them, the child will be able to express all the emotions accumulated during the day and calm down. You need to speak words of love to your child and praise him more often.

We need to establish a daily routine. Adequate sleep, regular moderate physical activity, alternating mental and physical work, reducing time spent at the computer or TV can significantly improve the condition of the nervous system. It's a good idea to adjust your diet.

A growing body must receive enough proteins, vitamins and microelements. In the case of teak - B vitamins, potassium and magnesium. These elements are found in animal foods, grains and cereals, especially oatmeal and buckwheat, and fresh vegetables. Bananas and dried apricots are rich in potassium and magnesium.

Treatment with drugs

IN severe cases Treatment of nervous tics in children can be done with medication. First of all, sedatives are prescribed. To calm the baby, light herbal preparations based on extracts of valerian, motherwort, and chamomile are enough. In more severe cases, antidepressants and antipsychotics may be prescribed.

As aids vitamins are prescribed - complex or magnesium with vitamin B6, as well as vascular drugs and improving metabolic processes in the brain. To avoid unpleasant consequences For a fragile body, homeopathic medicines are preferable, or remedies in which the proportion of the healing substance is negligible.


Tics can be treated using physiotherapeutic methods. They also imply a calming effect on the nervous system.

These include:

  • electrosonotherapy (the child sleeps during a special electric shock) reduces nervous excitability and accelerates metabolic processes;
  • galvanization of the brain activates inhibition processes;
  • therapeutic massage stimulates blood circulation;
  • acupuncture improves blood flow to the brain;
  • medicinal electrophoresis of the neck and shoulders has a calming effect;
  • ozokerite applications on the neck and shoulders reduce excitability;
  • aerophytotherapy reduces susceptibility to stress, improves mood;
  • baths with pine extracts relax and restore healthy sleep.

Based on the doctor's opinion, other treatment methods may be prescribed.

The healing power of creativity

In children, nervous disorders can be treated through creativity. Such methods arouse genuine interest in the child, calm him down and lift his spirits. If parents come up with a creative activity for themselves and their offspring, it will be doubly valuable. A child’s excellent mood after such activities is a sure sign of a speedy recovery.

Dancing is useful, especially rhythmic and fiery. For example, tectonic, in which the dancer makes movements reminiscent of teak. It is important that the child finds it interesting, so that during classes he “dances” all bad emotions, relieves nervous and muscle tension, and improves his mood.

Also useful are all types of needlework and creativity that involve hands, fingers and fine motor skills. This is modeling, classes with sand. Drawing will help you free yourself from fears, especially if you draw their cause and then destroy it.

Quick tick removal

Muscle twitches often cause discomfort to the baby, especially if he tries to suppress them. When a tic appears, you can try to alleviate this condition. Distraction will help: offer to do something interesting that will occupy the child’s full attention. And it’s better that it’s not a computer or TV.

For eye tics, acupressure relieves the attack. You need to consistently press on points in the center of the brow ridge and in the corners of the eyes for several seconds. Then the child should close his eyes tightly several times for a few seconds. From traditional methods A compress of geranium leaves, which in crushed form should be applied to the affected area (but not to the eyes), helps.

However, such methods can only relieve the attack for a while, and not cure the tic completely. After some interval (from several minutes to several hours) everything will return, especially if the baby is nervous.


The rhythm of life, especially in the city, is accelerating, which cannot but affect children. They are especially vulnerable to stress. Therefore, it is important not only to know how to treat nervous disorders, but also how to prevent their occurrence.

Prevention of tics is the correct daily routine, good sleep and nutrition, exercise, Fresh air and the absence of overstrain, a favorable environment at home, good and trusting relationships with parents.

In order for children to be calm, parents must be calm. After all, even if mom or dad don’t outwardly show nervousness, the baby will still feel it. Therefore, anyone who wants their children to be healthy and happy should start with themselves.

We hope that our article helped you understand the causes of tics in children (including generalized type tics) and the features of treating nervous tics in children of different ages.
