Social support for people with disabilities. Accompanying disabled people on public transport

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Accompanying a disabled person

For what diseases is rehabilitation of disabled people with support for SCL indicated (disease criteria)

Hello Svetlana! The right to receive a trip to Spa treatment have persons accompanying citizens with labor restrictions activities III degrees and disabled children.

Does the mother have the right to be accompanied by her child? Disabled person 2nd degree sugar. Diabetes on insulin. To the sanatorium. Thank you.

Only after receiving a conclusion from a medical advisory commission on the need to accompany a disabled child to sanatorium and resort treatment.

My husband is disabled with 1 degree of epilepsy and side effects, can I accompany him to the dacha for free?

Well, accompany me, what’s the problem? Have you read your question?

A disabled child is sent to a medical sanatorium. A retired, working grandmother will travel with her. The clinic refuses to give her sick leave. Is this legal?

Hello. Of course it's not legal.

Can the grandmother of a disabled child receive sick leave to accompany him to rehabilitation center, child is 4 years old.

A certificate of incapacity for work is issued to any of the closest relatives (taking into account the requirement that this person actually supervises the sick person). The main condition for issuing this document, in addition to the requirement to have a source of official wages, is the official payment from earnings of all necessary contributions - especially to social funds (meaning the Social Insurance Fund). Accordingly, if there is a need to register a child’s sick leave for a grandmother who will take care of her grandson, then the law determines that she must be officially employed, i.e. with registration of labor relations.

My mother is a group 2 disabled person and needs to go to a sanatorium. She moves with difficulty and requires assistance. Am I, as a daughter and accompanying person, entitled to a second voucher for accommodation and meals at the sanatorium?

Contact the department social security at the place of registration of the disabled person. There you must be provided with a volume of documents to submit to this Department, proof that your mother needs constant care even when undergoing preventive treatment in a sanatorium, but you must pay for travel as an accompanying person with a disability. But as far as I remember (experience): an accompanying person with a disability of the 1st group has the right to a benefit.

Am I entitled to accompaniment for disabled people of group 3? I have ankylosing spondylitis.

Hello! In connection with the approval of new criteria, social support is more relevant in the provision. Its implementation includes hiring a nurse using funds from the social services agency. assistance to citizens of the Russian Federation.

A disabled child must be hospitalized in Moscow. What benefits for travel and accompanying parents are provided by law? Is sick leave issued to the accompanying parent at the place of residence? The child is 17 years old, KhMAO-Yugra region.

The Federal Law “On the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” regulates the right of a disabled child to one free ride per year. If you get any obstacles, please contact me.

With what disability does a group 2 disabled person have the right to be accompanied by a spinal patient?

It is necessary to record this circumstance (accompaniment when leaving) in an individual rehabilitation program. Get advice from the Social Insurance Fund about the possibilities of receiving compensation for care.

Can I request a vacation in the summer to accompany the father of a group 1 disabled person to a sanatorium?

Hello dear site visitor, you cannot demand anything, you can just write a statement. And the employer will decide. Good luck to you and all the best, with respect, lawyer Ligostaeva A.V.

You need to take time off from work. According to the federal law “On State Social Assistance”, you have the right to free travel on suburban railway transport, on intercity transport to and from the place of treatment, and sanatorium-resort treatment. To receive treatment services, the accompanying person registers at the clinic’s place of registration. health resort card No. 072 u-04. A voucher for an accompanying person is provided under the same conditions and includes accommodation, meals, and treatment.

Article according to the law for registration of leave to accompany a disabled person 1 gr. to the sanatorium.

In accordance with Art. 128 Labor Code of the Russian Federation For family reasons and others good reasons an employee, upon his written application, may be granted leave without pay, the duration of which is determined by agreement between the employee and the employer. If there collective agreement, study it, perhaps it contains additional benefits not provided for by law.

Can I get sick leave while accompanying a disabled person of group 1 (cerebral palsy), age 44 years old? sanatorium treatment?
I am a mother, and as an accompanying person I received a ticket to the Social Insurance Fund.

If we are talking about disabled child, then you have this right and vice versa. The issuance of certificates of incapacity for work is regulated by the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624 n. Cases of issuing a certificate of incapacity for caring for a sick family member are provided for in paragraph 35 of the specified Procedure, according to which a certificate of incapacity for work is issued in the case of caring for a sick disabled child for the entire period of treatment of the child in outpatient setting or staying together with a child in medical organization when providing him medical care V inpatient conditions, but not more than 120 calendar days in a calendar year for all cases of caring for this child.

Do I have the right to receive a certificate of incapacity for work as the mother of a 5-year-old disabled child when accompanying him to a sanatorium,

Hello. You can get a vacation. Certificate of incapacity for work in this case not allowed. It is issued only when staying in a hospital together, or outpatient treatment and then no more than 120 days a year.. And sanatorium-resort treatment in this list does not qualify. The only case when a certificate of incapacity for work is issued is in the case of sending patients for further treatment to specialized sanatorium-resort institutions located on the territory of Russian Federation, immediately after hospital treatment. The certificate of incapacity for work is extended medical worker by decision medical commission specialized sanatorium-resort institution for the entire period of follow-up treatment, but not more than 24 calendar days(clause 32 Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 N 624 n (as amended on November 28, 2017)

A disabled person 2 gr 2 st has the right to be accompanied to a sanatorium in 2018.

It’s a strange question, what is written in your rehabilitation program, are you entitled to support or not, that’s the whole question, good luck to you

Required to accompany a disabled person of group 1, born in 1998. on railway transport to the place of study to refer when writing a report to the commander of the military unit in order to be released from duty for the duration of the trip there and back.

Hello, first take a certificate from the attending physician that you are an accompanying person and then write a report to your commander. Thank you for your request.

Apply for additional leave for personal circumstances, please attach a document confirming the circumstances. Article 31 of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 16, 1999 N 1237 “Issues of passing military service"(together with the "Regulations on the procedure for military service"): Leave for personal reasons is granted to a military personnel for up to 10 days in the case of: a) serious condition health or death (death) close relative a serviceman (spouse, father, mother, son, daughter, sibling, father, mother of the spouse or person under whose care the serviceman was); b) fire, other natural disaster that befell the family or close relative of a serviceman; c) in others exceptional cases when the presence of a serviceman in the family is necessary, by decision of the commander of the military unit. The circumstances for which such leave is granted must be documented. The duration of leave for personal reasons granted to a military personnel in accordance with this paragraph is increased by the number of days required for travel by land (water, air) to the place where the leave is used and back.

What documents are needed for an accompanying person? Accompanying a disabled person of group 1 on the bus.

Good day! The accompanying person needs a passport and documents confirming the disability of the person being accompanied. Good luck to YOU! Always happy to help

I am a disabled person of group 1, is it true that once a year I can fly with an escort for free and where, please explain?

You can fly for treatment with a citizen accompanying you, but once a year. Good luck in resolving your issues. Sincerely, lawyer Yu.V. Kolkovsky

A disabled person of group 1 who has not refused the social package has the right to free travel with an accompanying person once a year to the place of treatment and back.

Does a disabled child, accompanied by his mother, have the right to one preferential seat in a minibus, that is, in the arms of his mother, but for free? Many minibus taxis have rules for transporting passengers, which indicate that there is one preferential seat on the route for categories of citizens provided for by federal law. But we are constantly refused, citing the fact that the disabled child does not belong to these categories, or that federal regulations“how have Russia recently changed”, or arguing that each carrier sets its own rules. Perhaps it depends on the region? We live in the Moscow region. If my demand is unlawful or, on the contrary, legal, I would like to know what law governs this.

Hello. The fact is that the minibus taxi, although it operates on city routes, is de jure privately owned on the basis of a license. That's why it turns out this way, unfortunately...

Good evening. In minibus taxi benefits at the federal level are provided only to certain categories of citizens such as heroes of socialist labor Hero Soviet Union and so on, and at the regional level you need to look at the law of the Moscow region. However, in no region there are benefits for disabled children. Usually these are labor veterans, home front workers, orphans and children without parental care.

Help in resolving the issue: a disabled child goes to a competition accompanied by his mother; the traveling party pays for the child’s travel, accommodation and food, and according to what legislative documents can the same party pay for the accompanying mother? Help me find reasons for payment.
Thank you, Yulia.

Hello Julia. There are no legal grounds, don't look for them. By preferential certificate The Pension Fund (which you receive annually) may only provide your mother (or other accompanying person) with free travel on suburban routes. If, according to the conclusion of doctors, the child needs to be accompanied, and the mother does not have the funds for this, then you can present the organizers of the competition with a fait accompli and if they refuse to pay, both of them refuse the trip.

Please tell me the name of the law according to which disabled people of the first group are entitled to be accompanied to a sanatorium?

Hello. This right is provided for in paragraph 2 of part 1 of article 6.2 Federal Law"On state social assistance" dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ.

Disabled person 1 gr. they refuse to accompany you to the dignity. resort. Treatment... Is this legal?

Hello. If a disabled person has ITU certificate and (or) the IPR is indicated: needs outside care, then the refusal is unlawful. Generally - 1 gr. by definition with accompaniment. All the best. Thank you for choosing our site.

Are there any benefits for a swallow for disabled people of group 1 with an escort?

On the Russian Railways website there is information on preferential travel for disabled people of group 1 with an escort, including on all categories of trains; the information varies depending on the category of train and departure time.

I have a disabled child (12 years old). For rehabilitation treatment he, accompanied by me, is hospitalized at the Center for Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation, but in sick leave they refuse me. At the same time, it is not possible to hospitalize him without an escort. For hospitalization, I, along with the child, undergo the entire range of tests, in the center I am provided with a bed, I, like him, are provided with food, but I am still denied a sick leave certificate.

Hello Tatiana. I understand your situation perfectly (I know it first-hand), except for one thing: who exactly refuses to issue a certificate of incapacity for work and for what reason?

We are a large family. The youngest child is disabled. The child needs constant supervision. We encountered a problem while traveling on public transport. We live in Udmurt Republic, city of Glazov. Conductors in our city claim that an accompanying person of a disabled child must pay the fare. At the head office of this motor transport enterprise in the city of Izhevsk, I was informed that when accompanied by a disabled child, I have every right to free travel. We kindly ask you to explain, WHETHER THE PERSON ACCOMPANYING A DISABLED CHILD HAS THE RIGHT TO FREE TRAVEL IN PUBLIC CITY TRANSPORT.

Hello! Disabled children have the right to free travel on all types of public transport in urban or suburban transport (with the exception of taxis). These types of transport are: metro, trams, buses, trolleybuses, etc. This benefit applies to parents, guardians, trustees and social workers caring for disabled children.

I am 80 years old, group 2 disabled, do I have the right to be accompanied on transport by a resident of B.L.

Hello! If you mean escort on transport to the medical center. institution, then yes, you have the right to do so. You need to contact the clinic with an application so that you can be registered or on social media. protection.

The right to be accompanied on transport by an 80-year-old disabled person of group 2.

Good afternoon In accordance with clause 1.2 of the Procedure for providing the kit social services certain categories of citizens, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 N 328, the following have the right to be accompanied: disabled children; citizens with disability group I; citizens recognized in accordance with the established procedure before January 1, 2010 as disabled people of groups II and III with a III degree of limited ability to work, who are provided with state social assistance in the form of a set of social services for group I disability until the next re-examination.

How to arrange for accompaniment of a group 2 disabled person on high-tech operation to St. Petersburg from Togliatti if there is a quota for epidural stimulation. Should the accompanying person have a document releasing him from work? How do you solve the problem of boarding an airplane when movement is difficult on crutches?

Hello, you need to contact your doctor and get a certificate stating that you are an accompanying person. Then he will explain to you the entire procedure for tickets. Thank you for your request.

These issues need to be addressed with the health committee. And boarding the plane directly in advance with the airline you will be flying with.

Check with the health department about this issue, since, of course, there must be documents that would allow the accompanying person to confirm the legality of absence from work. It all depends on the disease and family ties with the person being accompanied. And also, does the enterprise have any benefits in such a situation?

Does an accompanying person with a group 2, 3 degree disability have free travel on the metro and ground transport? If so, what documents are needed and what laws to rely on. The Unified Settlement Center has information: Persons accompanying a disabled child, a disabled person of group I or a disabled person with a third degree disability are issued a transport card without a photograph. It can be used by any person accompanying a disabled person when traveling on public transport. The transport card indicates for which person (disabled person) it was issued. That is, disabled people of group I, disabled people with a disability of third degree, or disabled children are issued two transport cards at the same time: the disabled person and the person accompanying him.

Who can accompany a disabled person of the second group?

If you have a group with a degree of limitation, therefore, did you receive disability after 2010? Or am I misunderstanding you? Just answer this question. In addition, even a disabled person of the second group must indicate the need for constant outside care in order to obtain the right to be accompanied.

I say this from my own experience. All the best. Thank you for choosing our site. Drawing up any documents, remote assistance, representation of interests in courts, including those from other cities. In personal mail, by telephone, responses are paid.
Personal consultation Thank you for helpful advice! Similar questions I am a group 2 disabled person, I have the right to free travel on the suburban railway. transport and public transport Please, does a group 2 disabled person have the right to issue a certificate for free parking in Moscow.
Transport Disabled 2 gr. enjoy benefits for travel on public transport within the city and surrounding areas. To do this, at the institution where you receive your pension (bank, PF), you must purchase a personalized travel document “Unified Social Travel Ticket”, which must be presented in public public transport (except different types taxi), both urban and suburban.


Property and housing law According to the civil and family codes, a group II disabled person has the right to a share of the inheritance of 50%. Disabled people who need better housing conditions must be provided with housing, taking into account the benefits specified by the laws of the Russian Federation and legislative documents of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In addition, disabled people can receive preferential treatment land to build a house, run a farm or garden, or garden.

List of benefits for people with disabilities for 2018

24-hour legal advice by phone GET FREE CONSULTATION WITH A LAWYER BY PHONE: MOSCOW AND MOSCOW REGION: ST. PETERSBURG AND LENIGRAD REGION: REGIONS, FEDERAL NUMBER: Benefits and discounts on travel for disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3 in public transport Disabled people - these are citizens who have “persistent” disorders in their health, which lead to restrictions in their life activities. Depending on the degree of the resulting disorder, three groups of disability are distinguished (Article 1


Law No. 181-FZ). Assignment to one or another group is carried out by authorized specialists of federal medical institutions who conduct a medical and social examination of the patient. It is depending on the degree of the assigned group that citizens receive the right to benefits, the amount and list of which are regulated by the government of the Russian Federation.

On the right to be accompanied by a disabled person of the second group

Transport benefits for citizens with to varying degrees The amount of disability travel benefits depends on the degree of the assigned disability group - first, second or third. Travel benefits for disabled people of group 1. Disabled people of group 1 have the right to free travel:

  • all types of public transport (except for private minibuses and taxis);
  • in rural areas - in public vehicles;
  • all types of suburban public transport (again, with the exception of taxis);
  • providing a 50% discount on the cost of travel on international lines by all modes of transport (rail, air, road and river), but only during a certain period:

— from October 1 to May 15 (there are no restrictions on the number of trips); - at other times of the year, but only once.

The state provides free travel to places of treatment and rehabilitation for disabled children. The possibility of free travel exists for both parents and social workers, but only when their accompaniment is required by a disabled person of group 1.

To receive benefits, you must present your pension certificate when purchasing a ticket. Benefits for disabled people of groups I and II: travel, treatment, medicines, education Today, upon reaching the age of 18, a disabled child receives the appropriate disability group. Those who were assigned the abolished status before 2014 have the right to the previously introduced benefits for disabled children.
Disabled people of groups 1-2-3 in our country have benefits and rights! Tax benefits disabled people of group 2: 1. Disabled people of group II are exempt from property tax for individuals. 2.

Group 2 disabled people have the right to be accompanied

  • Nizhny Novgorod region.
  • Novgorod region
  • Novosibirsk region
  • Omsk region
  • Orenburg region
  • Oryol region
  • Penza region
  • Perm region
  • Primorsky Krai
  • Pskov region
  • Rostov region
  • Ryazan region
  • Samara region
  • Saint Petersburg
  • Saratov region
  • Sakha (Yakutia) rep.
  • Sakhalin region
  • Sverdlovsk region.
  • Sevastopol
  • North Ossetia-Alania rep.
  • Smolensk region
  • Stavropol region
  • Tambov region
  • Tatarstan, rep.
  • Tver region
  • Tomsk region
  • Tula region
  • Tyva rep.
  • Tyumen region
  • Udmurt Republic
  • Ulyanovsk region
  • Khabarovsk region
  • Khakassia rep.
  • Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region


Annual travel allowance for disabled people Separately provided by local authorities additional benefit for travel – an annual travel allowance for disabled people. So, for example, B Sverdlovsk region local governments adopted Resolution No. 1426-PP dated December 30, 2008, which provides for the payment of an annual allowance for travel through the region by all types of public urban and suburban transport.

Thus, the amount of the annual travel allowance was:

  • · for disabled people of groups 2 and 3 – 825 rubles;
  • · for disabled people of group 1 and disabled children – 1650 rubles.

Please note that the amount of travel allowance for disabled people is established “on the spot” by local authorities, so their availability and size must be clarified separately.

Good afternoon1 At the age of 18, my son was given the second disability group and the second degree of OTD (he was disabled from childhood, cerebral palsy). In connection with this, he lost the right to be accompanied to the place of treatment. But he was prescribed a technical means of rehabilitation (a wheelchair).

Until the age of 18, I could accompany him to the place of treatment and we received “Mother and Child” vouchers. Now this right no longer exists. He cannot get to the place of treatment (in this case, a sanatorium) on his own. They offered me a way out - to buy a ticket at my own expense in order to be close to my disabled adult son, who can only partially move and take care of himself. I simply don’t have that kind of money to buy a trip every year, but I need to treat him, the IPR and recommendations are given accordingly. This is the only benefit (spa treatment) that my son uses (we don’t buy medicine), and now I can’t find a way out.
Register Forgot your password? Return to login Join us! Registration information: E-mail (this will be the login) Password First and last name Gender Male Female Date of birth Region Adygea rep. Altai, rep. Altai region Amur region Arkhangelsk region Astrakhan region Bashkortostan rep. Belgorod region Bryansk region Buryatia rep. Vladimir region. Volgograd region. Vologda region. Voronezh region. Dagestan republic. Jewish Autonomous Republic. region Transbaikal region Ivanovo region Ingushetia rep. Irkutsk region Kabardino-Balkaria rep. Kaliningrad region Kalmykia rep. Kaluga region Kamchatka region Karachay-Cherkess Republic Karelia rep. Kemerovo region Kirov region Komi rep. Kostroma region Krasnodar region Krasno Yarsky region Crimea Kurgan region Kursk region Leningrad region Lipetsk region Magadan region Mari El rep. Mordovia rep. Moscow Moscow region Murmansk region Nenets auto.

  • Social taxi with 50% payment;
  • Once a year voucher to a sanatorium
  • Free public transport;
  • Free medical care;
  • Free medicines;
  • 50% payment for utilities;
  • Providing free technical means rehabilitation;
  • Right to employment;
  • Non-competitive admission to a university;
  • Social services at home;
  • Let's look at each of the benefits in more detail. Social taxi. Main benefits for children with disabilities in 2018 Important Download for viewing and printing Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2004 No. 817 Benefits for traveling in public transport Children with disabilities, as well as persons accompanying them, receive the right to free use of public transport running on urban and suburban routes .

The accessibility of public transport for people with disabilities, including trains, planes, buses, taxis and other types, is declared in Article 15 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 N 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation”.

This article obliges us to make transport infrastructure facilities accessible, including train stations and bus stops. They must be equipped with ramps. Traffic lights, in turn, use special signals. It is also mandatory to have information in Braille for people with visual impairments. In addition, the state is obliged to provide accompaniment for people with disabilities and provide them with assistance in movement. In addition, the mandatory admission of guide dogs is stipulated.

The law also states that the costs of equipping vehicles and infrastructure facilities are borne by state and municipal authorities.

Moreover, the law prohibits in principle the planning and development of cities, as well as the production of public transport without taking into account accessibility for people with disabilities.

  • 2

    What rights do disabled people have in railway transport?

    Rights of people with disabilities when using railway transport secured Art. 80.1. Charter of railway transport of the Russian Federation.

    It states that the station should be equipped with low-lying telephones with a volume control function, as well as text phones for communication with information services and emergency assistance. In addition, information about the conditions of transportation must be provided in a format accessible to humans. Assistance with disembarkation and boarding is a free service, like others: assistance with moving around the station, including to the boarding point, checking in luggage, and receiving it. Stations are also required to provide people with disabilities with auxiliary aids, including wheelchairs. Persons with disabilities are allowed with guide dogs if they have permits.

    DISLIFE has previously spoken in more detail about other human rights with a guide dog:

    On long-distance trains, passengers with disabilities are provided with free transportation of guide dogs, mobility aids, and transportation of canes, crutches, stretchers and wheelchairs in excess of the established baggage allowance.

    Before traveling, a person with a disability should contact the Russian Railways Mobility Assistance Center. Contacts of the 24-hour service are listed in the corresponding section on the Russian Railways website.

  • 3

    What rights do disabled people have at airports?

    Free services for disabled people at the airport are specified in Art. 106.1 of the Air Code of the Russian Federation.

    First of all, this is accompaniment and assistance when moving around the airport, including at the boarding and disembarking points, during check-in for the flight and baggage check-in, passing inspections, border and customs control, as well as receiving baggage upon arrival.

    In addition, as at train stations, at airports people with disabilities are provided with special means for movement, including wheelchairs, as well as the possibility of using a special lifting device (ambulift) when boarding and disembarking an aircraft.

    On board the aircraft, the carrier is also obliged to provide certain services to passengers with disabilities free of charge. Among them is the opportunity to get acquainted with information about the conditions of transportation in accessible form, the use of a wheelchair for movement on board if a person cannot move independently, as well as permission to carry wheelchairs and other mobility aids in excess of the established baggage allowance.

    Please note that when purchasing an air ticket, a person with a disability is required to inform about their limitations. You can also contact the call center before visiting the airport and let them know in advance what kind of assistance you will need. On site, you can contact the airport staff at the information desk.

    The procedure for providing services at airports and on aircraft for passengers with disabilities has been established in more detail. By Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated February 15, 2016 N 24.

  • 4

    How to use social taxi services?

    People with disabilities also have the opportunity to use social taxi services.

    In Moscow, such services are provided by the Moscow Social Taxi service. However, in order to use it, you must be a member of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People.

    The cost of the service is 210 rubles per hour within Moscow, including TiNAO and ZelAO, within the Moscow region - 420 rubles per hour. Members of large families receive a 50% discount on these rates. At VOI you can get special coupons for paying for a taxi with a limit of up to 15 or 30 minutes.

    However, social taxis only carry a certain list addresses: to work or to the country, to a hospital, clinic, rehabilitation center, public services, airports and train stations, sanatoriums. Full list can be found in paragraph 1.3 of the “Regulations for the provision of transport services to persons with disabilities (disabled people) and large families living in low-rise housing in the city of Moscow.”

    Information about social taxi services in other cities can be obtained from the relevant websites of government social protection agencies, or from regional organizations of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People.

  • 5

    What are the consequences of violating the transport rights of disabled people?

    The law establishes administrative liability for failure to comply with requirements to provide conditions for access for people with disabilities to engineering, transport and social infrastructure. Violators face a fine: in the amount of 2-3 thousand rubles for officials and 20-30 thousand rubles for legal entities (Article 9.13 of the Code of administrative offenses RF).

    If your rights to use vehicles are violated, we recommend contacting the social security authority, which will draw up a protocol on the fact of the offense, as well as the transport prosecutor’s office.

  • 6

    What travel benefits are there for disabled people?

    Entities can establish preferential fares for people with disabilities on city public transport. For example, in Moscow there is free travel for people with disabilities on public transport - bus, metro, and so on.

    At the same time, discounts on trains and air tickets are no longer valid - people with disabilities had the right to a 50% discount until 2005. Nowadays, free travel on commuter trains, as well as intercity transport, can only be used to travel to the place of treatment and back (Article 6.2 of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 N 178-FZ).

  • Lawyer Oleg Iskakov provides legal assistance citizens and organizations in the fields of civil, criminal, family and labor law

    • all types of public transport (except for private minibuses and taxis);
    • in rural areas - in public vehicles;
    • all types of suburban public transport (again, with the exception of taxis);
    • providing a 50% discount on the cost of travel on international lines by all modes of transport (rail, air, road and river), but only during a certain period:
    • free travel for disabled people of group 3 on public transport of urban and suburban services;
    • discounts on railway tickets for disabled people of group 3 are 50% of its cost in the period from October 1 to May 15; as well as a 50% discount on one trip at other times of the year.

    There is a benefit for accompanying a group 2 disabled person over 80 years old

    Persons of retirement age who have crossed the 80-year mark belong to the most vulnerable social category of citizens. To improve the quality of life of elderly people over 80 years of age, various measures have been developed to support them from the state, providing for a number of benefits and increasing the amount of pension accruals.

    The article presents all types of benefits in force in the Russian Federation for disabled children, benefits for disabled people of group 1, benefits for disabled people of group 2, as well as benefits for disabled people of group 3 for 2018. ? disabled people of group 2 (from February 1, 2018), disabled children - 2590.24 rubles;

    Benefits for disabled people in Moscow

    This benefit, like the previous one, is provided to disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, as well as disabled children under 18 years of age and their parents. They have the right to free travel in public transport: metro, buses, trolleybuses and trams. This benefit is implemented using a Muscovite social card. Also, a person accompanying a disabled person of the 1st group or a disabled child also has the right to free travel on public transport. But in order to exercise this right, a person accompanying a disabled person should contact the district department of social protection of the population.

    In Moscow there is a specially created social taxi organization that serves disabled people in Moscow and the Moscow region. This organization provides benefits to disabled people of groups 1, 2 and 3, including disabled children. Service is provided with priority. First of all, orders are accepted from those who have musculoskeletal disorders. A disabled person has the right to take with him one person and all the necessary means of transportation, for example, a wheelchair.

    Benefits for disabled people of group 1 in 2018

    To implement construction, state banks offer preferential lending programs specifically for people with disabilities. Some of these programs involve interest payments from the federal budget, while the monthly payment is made directly by the borrower.

    For those citizens who have not yet reached retirement age, but have been assigned disability group 1, a monthly social pension is established. In 2017 it is 2974.03 rubles. This amount is allocated every month to a person’s current account from the funds of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The pension amount is set at the federal level and is subject to annual increases taking into account inflation.

    Benefits for disabled people of group 1

    The status of a disabled person of group 1 is established based on the results solutions medical and social examination (ITU) when there are extreme degrees of health impairment. In this case, a person cannot independently care for himself, move, navigate in space or time, is unable to communicate, control his own behavior, learn, or engage in any labor activity. IN Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection No. 1024 all the criteria on the basis of which group 1 is determined are outlined.

    Disability refers to a condition in which a person has serious physical, mental, sensory or mental impairments that prevent normal life. Persons with the most severe disorders are assigned 1st disability group. The state provides such citizens with pensions, certain benefits, and also provides for social and welfare measures.

    Benefits for disabled people of group I, group II, group III, disabled children, disabled people since childhood

    1. Free travel in public urban transport (however, except for taxis), and in public motor transport when a person with disabilities lives in rural areas.
    2. Once a year, free travel to needed by the patient places of treatment, the return trip to home is also paid.
    3. The opportunity to purchase medications prescribed according to the prescription of the attending physician at discounts, as well as receive them for free dressings, and also, if there is an ITU conclusion, medical products.
    4. Compensation in the amount of 50% of the cost of rent (if the housing is state or municipal), as well as compensation in the amount of 50% of the cost utilities provided that the ownership of the housing stock is not important in this case.
    5. Discount of up to half the price on electricity and telephone bills.
    6. Providing a discount (depending on the complexity of the product) when purchasing orthopedic shoes.
    7. A person with disabilities has the right to receive additional living space provided that his illness does not allow the rest of the family to live comfortably with him (that is, either in the same room or in the same apartment).
    8. The right to priority provision of housing, provided that the person has been recognized in the appropriate manner as needing to improve the quality of current housing conditions, or he has the right to receive additional living space on the same basis.
    9. The right to free dental prosthetics (with the exception of dentures made of precious metals).
    10. The right to a benefit of 50% (exactly half) of the cost of notary services.
    11. Non-competitive admission to higher and secondary vocational schools educational establishments, owned by the state, will enter only on condition of positive (successful) delivery. exams and compliance with the profile of the educational institution, that is, training should not be contraindicated for the disabled person medical report. If a disabled person has entered and is studying at a state or municipal educational institution, then he mandatory a scholarship is awarded and special teaching aids are provided free of charge (or on preferential terms).
    • The right to compensation, indicated by a value of 50% of the amount of services (in other words, travel) of intercity lines of all types of transport: railway, air (air), road or river for the period from October 1 to May 15, as well as other time of year, but only once (respectively, there and back).
    • Right to acquire individual species medicines And medical products appropriate prescriptions (that is, prescribed by attending physicians) with a 50% discount.
    • Providing discounts on certain types of orthopedic shoes.

    Benefits for people with disabilities in Kazakhstan in 2018

    • receive free medicines;
    • issue a ticket to a sanatorium once a year, including for an accompanying disabled person;
    • receive diapers, urine bags and other necessary personal hygiene products from a government-funded hospital;
    • take advantage of various health-improving activities when receiving treatment in an inpatient or outpatient setting;
    • patients have the right to apply for a free wheelchair;
    • production of prosthetics such as crutches, canes, walkers that help a person move;
    • orthopedic shoes, the prescription must be prescribed by the attending physician;
    • issuance of free hearing aid to improve hearing;
    • in order for a hard-of-hearing disabled person of group 1, 2 or 3 to lead a more or less full life, he is offered a special phone that allows him to receive and send text messages;
    • watches designed for use by deaf or blind citizens of Kazakhstan;
    • transfer of ownership of a video computer - this innovation came into force for people with disabilities in 2018;
    • glucometer, tonometer, which can be used by people with low vision or complete blindness.
    1. The employment agreement is concluded with the fixation of clauses on special conditions for organizing the workplace, taking into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of an employee with poor health.
    2. An employee is prohibited from being involved in business trips without his consent.
    3. Limited working hours – up to 7 hours.
    4. Going to work on weekends and holidays only at the request of a disabled person of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd groups.
    5. For disabled people of the 3rd group, there is a minimum working week - no more than 36 hours per week.
    6. Sick people are entitled to additional leave for a period of 6 days, which is paid at the expense of the employer of the workforce.
    7. If there is a reduction in workforce at a company, the disabled person remains preemptive right to maintain position and workplace. That is, other specialists will be fired first, and only after that the citizen of Kazakhstan, who needs work more than ever.

    What benefits are available to disabled people of group 1?

    In 2016, compensation is 1200 rubles and is paid along with the disabled person’s pension. Parents or guardians of a minor disabled person of 1st group receive an additional payment in the amount 5500 rubles. Persons who have no family ties with the child, but who care for and educate the minor – 1200 rubles (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2013 No. 175). If care is provided for several people at the same time, then compensation is paid for each person separately.

    Federal benefits for disabled people of group 1 include, of course, material payments from the state in the form of pensions, daily allowance and compensation. Working disabled pensioners also have the right to receive these payments. The amount of these benefits is indexed every year depending on the economic situation in the country.

    Benefits for disabled people of groups 1, 2, 3 in 2018: latest news

    • extraordinary admission to secondary and higher educational institutions (upon passing entrance exams);
    • increased scholarship – for students (its amount is established by the management of the educational institution);
    • shortened working week (35 hours) – for working disabled people of group II.

    In addition to material benefits in the form of pensions, this category of citizens can count on numerous benefits that affect the most different areas: healthcare, education, transport, labor, etc. To understand what benefits disabled people have for each separate category, let us consider the set of preferences separately by group.

    Group 1 disability – what are the benefits and rights of disabled people, the size of the pension

    Disability of the 1st group is assigned to citizens with the most severe health disorders. The main purpose of recognizing a person as disabled is to provide the citizen with the necessary social assistance. Right to social protection- this is the fundamental and inalienable right of every citizen who has received the status of a disabled person.

    Group 1 disabled people living in the capital can become recipients of a Muscovite social card (for more details, see: How to get a Muscovite social card, who is entitled to it and what does it give?). Such plastic cards, to which funds can be transferred if desired, help disabled people receive social assistance according to the law of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 No. 70.
