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With the arrival of a kitten in the house, many owners begin to ask questions - what to feed the new four-legged family member and is it possible to give him natural food? Homemade food, of course, is perfect for feeding a kitten, but it also has its own specific nuances.

A kitten who is only a couple of months old will certainly Not suitable food adult cat. Of course, a kitten can be fed with specialized industrial food, which is available in abundance in veterinary stores, but many owners still lean towards a diet consisting of natural food.

The choice of natural products for feeding a kitten is quite reasonable. Firstly, the owner prepares the food himself and knows exactly about all its ingredients, and certainly does not flavor it with all kinds of dyes and preservatives that are present in ready-made economy-class food. But since many kittens are prone to allergies, stomach upsets, and their immunity is still quite weak, especially in the first months of life, it can be very problematic for an inexperienced owner to create a natural diet. So what kind of homemade food can you feed two-month-old kittens and are there any prohibited foods?

How to properly create a diet: basic rules

As a rule, by 2 months, kittens are already able to lap up milk from a bowl on their own and are weaned from the cat's breast. During this period, it is already possible to switch from feeding milk to natural food. Make the transition from milk to solid foods necessary gradually so as not to harm the growing body of the pet.

It's no secret that a balanced and nutritious diet is the key to the health of any cat. A growing body needs a diet enriched with vitamins and minerals that contribute to the active growth of fluffy.

If the diet chosen by the owner is not to the kitten’s liking and he stubbornly refuses to eat the dishes prepared for him, then there is no need to insist. The best thing in this situation adjust your diet.

The owner must also take into account the fact that preparing dishes for pet may take a certain amount of time. It is impossible to give a kitten everything from a common table, and the owner will have to cook for it separately. In addition to the baby’s tastes, it is necessary to take into account beneficial features products, the breed of the fluffy, his health condition and gender.

How many times should you feed your little pet and should you give him food at night? This question is also of great concern to furry owners. So, as for the quantities of food intake, per day two month old kitten you need to feed up to 7 times, and a little later up to 6 times. At the same time, it is no longer necessary to feed the baby at night. Until the baby reaches 2 months of age, he needs to be fed 8 times a day - 7 times during the day and 1 at night.

Homemade food is absolutely harmless to the kitten, provided that the diet is formulated correctly. Adhering to these basic rules and having familiarized yourself with the list of useful and approved foods for feeding a two-month kitten, which will be presented below, make correct menu It won't be that difficult for the furry gourmet.

Advantages and disadvantages of feeding homemade food

To the main advantages natural nutrition for a 2-month-old kitten may include:

There are far fewer disadvantages to feeding natural foods than there are advantages. So, the owner must constantly ensure that the kitten’s diet includes: the prohibited product was not included, which can cause food allergies or harm digestion.

A lack of vitamins can also be considered a deficiency. But this problem can be easily solved - just feed the kitten with vitamin supplements. You can buy them at any veterinary pharmacy and add them to your baby’s meals, while observing the dosage.

What foods can you feed a 2 month old kitten?

The first thing the owner needs to remember is that the baby’s daily diet should be 60% consist of protein products. It's better for him to be an animal. Largest quantity Protein is found in meat and fish.

In addition to protein, the growing body of a small cat needs a variety of microelements and vitamins. Calcium is especially important for promoting growth healthy teeth and strengthening bones. Products fortified with calcium include dairy and fermented milk products.

Many people wonder whether it is possible to feed a 2-month-old kitten kefir and other fermented milk products. The answer is obvious - not only possible, but also necessary. As mentioned above, these products are rich in calcium and therefore you can feed your baby not only kefir, but also fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and thin natural yogurt without fillers.

As for meat products, it is advisable to add lean chicken, veal and turkey to your small pet’s diet. It must be passed through a meat grinder (you can also use store-bought ready-made minced meat) or added to the broth after boiling thoroughly. Raw and fatty meat (pork) is contraindicated for a tiny pet.

Over time, you can gradually add it to the diet of a two-month-old kitten. low-fat cottage cheese, flavored with low-fat sour cream or ready-made children's cottage cheese.

You can also feed your baby porridge. It is necessary to cook porridge with milk, cereals or cereals. Diet soups with rice, buckwheat or oatmeal are also suitable. Porridge can also be mixed with meat or fish so that the kitten does not get used to meat in its pure form and at the same time receives the protein its body needs.

Vegetables are also beneficial for a growing cat's body. In their raw form, grated, you can give carrots, pumpkin, white cabbage. Vegetables, if desired, can also be added to soups made with meat broth.

As for fish, which is a source of phosphorus, it must be low-fat and marine. Fish for a two-month-old baby needs to be thoroughly boiled and pitted.

A small pet will also benefit from sprouted wheat or oat sprouts, half a teaspoon of vegetable oil three times a day, and brewer's yeast for kittens.

To the list foods prohibited for feeding a two-month-old kitten include the following:

There are also a number of certain products that are allowed to be given to your pet only in very limited quantities. These include:

Basic rules for caring for a 2 month old kitten

We must not forget that the kitten is not funny soft toy, but a living creature that needs attention and care. The kitten needs not only to be fed, but also to be looked after during this difficult period for it. Since babies are separated from their mother cat at 2 months of age, they experience stress and therefore need the love of their owner. Compliance simple rules will be quite enough for the baby to grow up happy, energetic and cheerful.

Firstly, the most important thing is not to shout, and especially not to hit in case of disobedience or refusal to eat. The baby is just getting to know this world and it is quite difficult for him to get used to new conditions right away. The baby needs to be gradually accustomed to being held, played with and caressed more.

Secondly, with other pets in the house 2- one month old baby There is no need to introduce you right away. He needs to be given time to adapt to new conditions. Over time, the baby himself will show interest in other animals and get to know them.

Thirdly, a kitten at this age is still very small and vulnerable, so you should not let small children play with it, who may cause accidental harm to the baby.

Restless and inquisitive kittens love to explore the world. Like small children, kittens taste everything. As a result, they chew on wires, ropes, litter, and fringe. To avoid injury, kittens should be monitored and try to keep them away from electrical wires.

It’s not worth playing teasing to develop aggression in a small pet. It’s better to play with it with a string or a piece of paper tied to it.

Many owners also allow kittens to play with their hand, and if the claws of a baby do not harm a person, then the sharp and tenacious claws of an adult cat they'll scratch her pretty bad. You should not accustom your pet to such games - as he grows up, he remembers and gets used to them, and it will no longer be possible to wean a cat from such pranks in adulthood.

It’s also not worth forcing games on. If the baby is hiding, then it is better to leave him alone for a while and not try to pull him out. As soon as the furry baby wants to eat or communicate with the owner, she will come out of her hiding place.


First you need to weigh your pet. It is better to use electronic scales, which are more accurate. Weight is the main criterion for proper feeding, since the kitten must gain weight. You need to weigh yourself regularly, first every day, then every three to four days.

The amount of food also depends on the age of the kitten. Up to eight weeks of age better nutrition is a cat milk replacer. But if extra funds There is no way to purchase this expensive product; you can use its analogues.

Of all the things you can feed kittens, we can recommend “ milkshake" It is very simple to make: you will need 1 glass (250 ml) of whole milk, 2 egg yolks, 30 ml of cream, 30 ml of organic yogurt without additives (lactobifid can be used). Mix all this in a mixer, blender or by hand.

This cocktail is especially suitable for small kittens who still have a hard time coping with solid food.

You can also cook porridge from baby food or use powdered eggs dissolved in cow's milk. In the first week of life, for a kitten's approximate weight of 100 grams, he should be given 30 ml of the mixture.

Moreover, in the first four days you need to feed every two hours. From the fifth day at night you can feed every three hours. Starting from the second week, the volume must be increased to 50 ml every 4 hours.

If you feed your baby regular food and don’t know how much to feed the kitten, the approximate norms are as follows:

After another 2-3 weeks, provided that the new food is digested well, give the kitten boiled fish (oceanic, low-fat) and homemade minced meat.

The first solid food at the age of three to four weeks can be cottage cheese or porridge with water. Cook thin oatmeal porridge, add finely chopped carrots or zucchini. If your baby eats the porridge with pleasure, next time you can cook it in chicken broth. By one and a half months, the kitten should receive 6-7 feedings per day. In the morning it is better to give porridge with vegetables; throughout the day, portions of finely chopped lean meat(chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef), and in the evening treat it with cottage cheese or a boiled egg.

It's up to you to give your kitten raw or boiled meat. There is no clear answer on this matter. If you are confident in the quality and freshness of the meat, then rinse it well, freeze it, and scald it with boiling water before feeding. Under no circumstances should you give boiled bones to adult animals. It is better to buy special treats or bones at the pet store to strengthen the teeth that the cat will chew.

After two months you can switch to dry food. To begin with, all food is given soaked at one of the feedings. Gradually, the entire daily diet should consist of “drying”, and meat or cottage cheese is given to the animals 2-3 times a week as a treat.

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Helpful advice

At 2-3 months, kittens no longer need to give milk, because... it is not digested by the cat's body and can cause diarrhea. But kefir or cottage cheese can be given once a week to strengthen bones.

It often happens that a mother cat cannot feed her newborns herself. This can happen for several reasons, for example, when the cat does not have milk, or she refuses to accept her babies. Then caring for the babies, including feeding, rests entirely with their owner.


During its first week, the kitten should eat every 2 hours, even at night. A two-week-old should be fed every 2-3 hours during the day and once at night, and a three-week-old should be fed every 4 hours during the day and once at night. The intervals between feedings of a month-old baby can be increased by providing him with five meals a day.

Unfortunately, not only liquid gets into the pipette, but also air. Therefore, during feeding, it is necessary to give the kitten time to regurgitate the swallowed air.

A one-week-old kitten can be fed using a disposable plastic syringe, the spout of which is located on the edge. The piston of such syringes is quite tight. By adjusting the pressure on it, you can only help the baby suck out the liquid on his own. The main thing is not to let the kitten lose the sucking reflex, because it is almost impossible to restore it later.

It is advisable to feed with a special mixture, which can be purchased at any pet store. It should be prepared strictly according to the instructions included with each package of the mixture, focusing on the age of the baby.

A one-week-old kitten should be given 30 ml of the mixture per 100 g of its weight, a two-week-old baby - 38 ml per 100 g of its weight, a three-week-old - 46 ml per 100 g of its weight, and a month-old - 53 ml per 160 g of its body weight. To correctly calculate the portion for feeding a kitten, it is recommended to weigh the baby daily.

Sometimes a cat who has just given birth becomes ill or refuses to feed her newborn kittens. There are more tragic cases. And someone had to pick up completely blind kittens, who for some reason were left without a mother. How to prevent a defenseless baby from dying and feed it yourself?


If you were unable to find a nurse cat, get ready to feed the baby yourself. Decide what exactly you will feed him - a ready-made substitute from a pet store or you will prepare a mixture yourself that is close to. If you decide on such a mixture, mix 4 parts cow's milk with 1 part protein chicken egg. Milk must be boiled - raw milk is not suitable for kittens! It happens that cow's milk is poorly tolerated - then you can try infant formula for newborns, just dilute it twice as thin as indicated in the instructions. The mixture should be warm, but not hot - 38-39°C for the first week of life, 30-32°C for the second, then 26-28°C.

During the first days of life kitten will have to be fed from pipettes, if you were unable to get a special cat bottle with a nipple. The pipette must be clean and rinsed thoroughly after each feeding. hot water. Place the kitten in a box with low sides on its tummy, let its front paws rest on the side. Hold the baby by the back and neck with your left hand and feed him. The pipette can have either a sharp end or a blunt end - whichever is more convenient for you, and it is better if it is plastic rather than glass. Remember that you do not need to squeeze the entire contents of the pipette into the kitten’s mouth - he should sort of suck it out; If he forgets how to suck, it will be impossible to teach him again. Since a lot of air enters the kitten's stomach when feeding from a pipette, you will need to give it the opportunity from time to time. When the kitten is a week old, try switching to a medical syringe without a needle.

Newborns are fed every 2 hours, including at night; from day 3 at night you can feed once every three hours. From 5 to 21 days of life, kittens are fed once every 4 hours. When the kitten is 2 weeks old, you can sometimes let him lap up the mixture from a spoon or small saucer, but he still doesn’t know how to eat on his own. From 3 weeks, kittens can be introduced to other foods.


The cat is one of the most popular pets. As soon as little kitty moves to a new family, all its members have many questions about caring for a tiny defenseless creature. Therefore, to the appearance kitten In the house you need to prepare in advance. It is especially important to carefully consider how and what to feed your baby.


A baby who has not yet reached three months of age should have access to food throughout the day. Don't be afraid that your baby may overeat. Kittens at this age usually most They spend their days rushing around the house at breakneck speed, burning all the extra calories.

The growth period of a kitten is of particular importance. Right now all the foundations are being laid with which he will live for the rest of his life. Usually, babies spend up to 8-10 weeks with their mother, in their native nest, and only then begin to leave it and go to their new owners. That is why, when we are invited to a breeder, older kittens (2 months old) are waiting for us there. What to feed and how to care for them are the first two questions that arise for a new owner. Today we will try to cover the topics of feeding and vaccinating your baby as fully as possible.

Every loving owner should know how kittens develop (2 months). We'll figure out what to feed them a little later, but now let's determine how to assess normal growth rates and when to sound the alarm. It is very important to weigh your pet daily. Normal weight gain is 10-30 g per day. If your kitten has not gained weight or lost weight in a week, you need to urgently go to the veterinarian. Depending on the breed, the weight of a kitten at 2 months may vary, but on average it should be approximately 600 g. From 4 months, you can switch to weekly weighing.

If the first complementary feedings were carried out mainly through baby food, now the time has come to introduce new foods. So, you have kittens (2 months old), what to feed them? Gradually you need to add solid food to your diet. This can be finely chopped meat, porridge, vegetables, mashed fish. It is very good if the food is natural. Having decided to transfer the baby to ready-made feed, be sure to pay attention to the brand. Only super-premium food can be rated as suitable for a fragile child's body. At the same time, dry food is not suitable for such babies - only canned food can be used.

Feeding a kitten (2 months) should be as natural as possible for its biological needs. In nature, a cat first feeds its children with milk, then begins to bring birds and rodents. This is exactly what should happen in captivity, but it is better to make dietary changes as smooth as possible. It will take the kitten about two weeks to get used to the “new things.” At this age, the baby is actively developing and growing, and he should receive 120-150 g of food per day. You should give him 30-40 g of meat per day. If the baby refuses to eat, you should immediately show him to the veterinarian.

Like all babies, kittens (2 months) eat little and often. What to feed them and how? You cannot organize feeding as if you were dealing with adult cat. The daily portion of food set out in the morning is not a suitable option if we are dealing with a kitten. The baby should share daily norm feed for five times. The menu should be as varied as possible. The diet is based on the individual characteristics and size of your pet. The most important thing is that there is always pure water for drinking. Kitten food must be fresh every time, room temperature. During breaks, you can leave a small amount of food in the bowl, as the baby can approach the cup up to 20 times a day.

We have already mentioned how many times to feed a kitten (2 months). Only if you are very busy, you can immediately leave him food for the whole day, but it is advisable to give him fresh food every time (4-5 times a day). After eating, all babies need rest, and your kitten is no exception. Therefore, do not play with him immediately after a meal; digestion of food at this age is a very important process, and excess activity can only do harm.

Usually everyone thinks very useful product milk for kittens, but this is not true. However, you can give low-fat kefir, fermented baked milk and sour cream. Cream is also perfect; you should definitely pamper your baby with it, but it should be introduced into the diet in small quantities. For full growth and development, grains are also necessary. Therefore, cook different cereals for your baby every day (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat). You can mix meat into the porridge to make the kitten eat more willingly. It would also be very good to prepare a vegetable mixture with meat. To do this, boil cauliflower, carrots and green beans until soft and prepare the puree. Fish should only be given when exceptional cases, no more than once a month. In addition, do not forget to buy special vitamin and mineral complexes for kittens. Now you know what to feed Scottish kitten(2 months). Anyone can create the right diet for a baby. Even if you have never kept cats, you can easily cope with this. Let's find out now whether feeding kittens of other breeds is different.

Milk is not a suitable food for all cat breeds, without exception. But British kids eat milk porridge with great pleasure. Rolled oats, semolina or buckwheat will do. Any fermented milk products are very useful; it is better to choose low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, fermented baked milk, and sometimes a little sour cream. Cream (10%) two to three times a week will be very beneficial. You can give an egg yolk once every two to three days.

Many experts advise feeding kittens boiled lean fish. Prepare soups for your pet, to which you can add finely chopped meat, grated cheese, liver, and beef heart. Chicken meat, boiled and chopped, is also perfect. As you can see, there are no particular differences; any breed of cat can be fed approximately according to the same scheme. But if there is intolerance to foods by representatives of your particular breed, the breeder must warn about this. When feeding natural food, kittens are given vitamin supplements daily: “Beofar”, Kitzim, “Farmovit”, “Doctor Zoo”.

Should kittens be vaccinated at 2 months or wait a little longer? This question often arises for owners. On the one hand, while children's body protects maternal immunity. On the other hand, he is weakening every day, which means there is a high risk of contracting a dangerous disease. Many experts advise giving the first comprehensive vaccine a week after you take your baby home. This time is enough for him to survive the stress and cope with the procedure more easily.

Regardless of the breed, the kitten should receive a vaccine from a number of dangerous diseases. These are plague and leukemia, infectious peritonitis, panleukopenia, viral rhinotracheitis. At the same time, the rabies vaccination is still too difficult for a fragile organism; it will be given when he reaches the age of 6-8 months, after changing his teeth.

Vaccination for kittens at 2 months should only be given veterinarian. You can consider options in which the doctor comes to your home so that the baby does not experience unnecessary stress, but choosing a vaccine on your own is not recommended. After the vaccination is carried out, a three-week quarantine is required. During this period, you need to provide the baby with a home regime and regularly monitor his condition. If the vaccination is tolerated normally, it is followed by revaccination. This scheme allows you to provide protection against serious diseases in 99% of cases. Separately, at the request of the owners, vaccination against chlamydia and ringworm. Further vaccination should be carried out annually,

to renew the body's defenses.

Before vaccination, you need to make sure that your pet is healthy. To do this, just watch him. He must be cheerful and active, have a good appetite. Body temperature should not exceed 38.5 degrees. Before vaccination, the kitten must be given anthelmintic drugs. After 10 days you can go to the doctor. After vaccination, the baby needs increased monitoring. Any deviation in behavior is a reason to immediately contact your doctor. This may include refusal to eat or lethargy, cramps, vomiting and much more. Do not forget that the choice of a veterinarian is often decisive, so pay attention to the status of the clinic and the doctor’s experience. It is better if you are assigned to one specialist and will be monitored by him for the rest of your life.

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🐱 About self-feeding little kitten without the participation of a cat. What to feed and what food is suitable for a kitten 1.5 - 2 months old. What not to feed


When a small kitten appears in the house, which for some reason has lost its mother’s milk, the owners are faced with the question: “What to feed kittens for 1.5 months and how many times a day? In this article we will try to answer questions related to feeding kittens aged 1 to 2 months or more. We will give advice and recommendations on the question: “What to feed a kitten from one month to older age.”

If your kitten is left without mother's milk, then there are two options for getting out of this situation:

  1. Find a nursing cat that will accept an extra feeder.
  2. Learn to feed your baby correctly and take responsibility for his life.

Compliance with the rules of feeding a kitten

A 1.5 month old kitten is still very weak, he is not able to exist on his own, he constantly needs care and affection. At this age, you should not separate the baby from the cat’s mother. But if this happens, you will have to follow certain rules and make decisions about what to feed the kitten. Proper nutrition at 1.5 months can put the baby on his feet and give him excellent health.

Basic Rules proper care for newborn kittens:

  • do not give meat products, including minced meat;
  • add vitamins to the diet;
  • gradually introduce solid food;
  • give enough water.

What to feed kittens at 1.5 months

A kitten at this age should be fed with cat's milk. It can be purchased at a pet store as a substitute. Infant formula is quite suitable, although it does not contain enough protein.

You can prepare milk yourself: boil regular milk and add egg whites(4:1). Give this mixture to your pet and see his reaction. If he will not accept such “food”, then take the usual dry formula for newborns and dilute it. The milk should be thinner than stated in the instructions.

If you can’t feed your kitten, then you should seek qualified help from a veterinarian. There may be problems with your pet and advice from a specialist will help resolve the issue.

Power frequency

Do not overfeed your pet. It is better to feed often, but little by little. This way his fragile body will develop and grow faster. Two-week-old kittens should be fed at least 10 times a day, including at night. Should be divided into equal periods of time. After two weeks, you can reduce to 6 approaches. A one-month-old kitten should be fed small portions 5-6 times a day. After 1.5 months you can switch to 4 meals a day.

In terms of nutrition, you should adhere to the following rules: no more than 50 ml per 100 g of weight.

Proper nutrition for a kitten

The question: “What to feed kittens at 1.5 months?” worries all owners of small kittens. When should you transition them to solid foods and how?

Dairy products

A newborn kitten needs formula milk. Try giving your pet a mixture of boiled milk and honey. You only need one spoon per glass of drink.

You can opt for heavy cream (8% or more). If your pet is quite accepting of fermented milk products, then you can try kefir, fermented baked milk, and yogurt. There is no need to strictly follow the instructions. You need to look at your baby’s reaction and make your own decisions about what to feed your 1.5-month-old kitten.

Solid food

From birth to one year, a kitten should be fed only milk with added vitamins. After a year, you can gradually introduce solid food. The best option will semolina. Only it should be quite liquid and boiled in milk. You can't use sugar!

Gradually, you can add cottage cheese to the semolina porridge, which must be thoroughly ground to obtain a liquid porridge. Try giving your kitten a little egg yolk to taste with the porridge. It should be given twice a week. To do this, mash the yolk and dilute it a little with water or any fermented milk product. You can’t give it in pieces!

The same goes for meat and fish. At first, it is better to grind it and give it no more than once a week along with porridge. Smoked and salted fish You can’t give!


Feeding kittens from 1.5 months provides a sufficient amount of vitamins and fiber in the food. Vegetables and fruits in mandatory must be present in the kitten's diet. The following products are quite suitable:

  • apples,
  • greenery,
  • carrot,
  • cucumbers

For successful digestion of such products, vegetables should be grated on a fine grater. They should be given 2 times a week. The fiber your pet needs is found in cooked soup without any seasoning. You can feed your kitten with it starting from 2 months of age.

If you follow these rules and take proper care of your baby, your baby will quickly get stronger and will delight you with an excellent appetite and good mood. A sufficient amount of vitamins will help the kitten develop and grow healthy and cheerful.

How to train a kitten to eat from a bowl

What to feed a kitten at 1.5 -2 months is up to you. It is necessary to be patient and gradually accustom him to independence without haste.

We have discussed what to feed kittens for 1.5 months, but we will look at how to accustom them to a bowl below.

At three weeks of age, the kitten begins to show interest in the bowl. This is the most suitable period to start teaching him to eat on his own. You should start with dairy products. Pour some milk into a saucer, dip your finger in it and let the kitten lick it. Then poke his face into the bowl. This must be done carefully and carefully so that your baby does not get scared. After the kitten licks its face with milk, it will gradually understand what is there and will itself reach for the saucer.

You may not be able to train it the first time, but repeating the procedure will make the kitten again feel the taste of milk on its face.

Only your patience and attention can teach your pet to feed itself.

appeared in your family new friend. Now you are responsible for him, and you must raise a healthy cat. The most important thing at the initial stage of life is nutrition. From sufficient quantity calories and vitamins, the animal will grow and develop well. From lack necessary substances Fluffy may get sick. Therefore, be responsible about how and what to feed your little kitten.

Cats are carnivores, so the predominant component of their diet should be meat. But the baby should not consume only it, include it in his diet different products. The body needs to receive proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The choice of a cat bowl is also important, because the correctly selected accessory determines how much the cat will enjoy the process of eating and the amount of food consumed.

How many times should you feed a kitten?

  • from 1.5 to 2 months - meals 5 times a day;
  • from 4 to 5 - 4 times a day;
  • from 6 to 8 - 3 times a day;
  • the older ones gradually switch to 2 meals a day.

There is a proven rule, and above it is indicated how many times a day to feed a kitten. Deviation from the regime will lead to improper development of the baby. Eating less will cause exhaustion, and eating more will lead to obesity. And subsequently serious harm to health.

Your pet must eat a certain amount of food per day:

  • 1.5 months - 120 grams per day;
  • 2 - from 160 to 180 grams;
  • from 3 to 6 - 240, minimum 40 grams of meat;
  • 6 months - 180;
  • From 10 to 12 months the animal becomes calmer, and its portion per day is 150-200 grams.

Decide in advance what food is best to feed your kitten, and do not change your choice. Cats are quite stubborn, if you change their usual diet, expect a strike.

It is important to know:

  • It is forbidden to give canned food other than specialized ones. This also applies to sausages;
  • The cat's body is not able to digest milk. It is better to give sour cream or kefir;
  • egg yolk is very useful. It contains biotin, which promotes development. Do not give protein, it neutralizes the effect of biotin;
  • if the kitten agreed to eat vegetables or fruits, this is very good. You can eat absolutely everything raw. Salted, pickled, spicy - prohibited.
  • additional vitamins. IN at a young age the animal really needs a lot of vitamins and minerals, and you can help him with this. It will be useful to add brewer's yeast to your food; it is easily accessible and will provide the body with everything it needs.

Don't forget to keep an eye on your kitten's teeth and mouth to avoid serious problems with health. We recommend that cats love to feast on it. The composition is designed to help clean teeth and oral cavity from leftover food, as well as maintain the necessary microflora.

Natural nutrition

If you decide to feed your pet natural products, then you should know some nuances. WITH early age pamper yourself with variety, if you don’t teach yourself to eat this or that product from childhood, then nothing will come of it. An adult cat will go through food and go on hunger strikes, and this will not benefit anyone.

Human food is not suitable for animals. The result may be diarrhea or serious poisoning. In addition, by treating your tailed cat from the table, you risk spoiling it. And a beggar cat is already a problem.

Try to completely limit your puppy from bones, especially chicken and fish. They can hurt internal organs or get stuck in your throat.

If your ward will live in an apartment and you are not going to let him outside, you need to provide him with fresh grass. With its help, he will cleanse the body. Sow it in pots on the windowsill or bring it fresh from the street.

Meat is the basis proper nutrition. Beef, chicken, duck or rabbit are best. Pork meat is quite harmful, it contains harmful fats and can give you worms. The presence of fish in the diet is not at all necessary. As an exception, you can slightly sea ​​fish, several times a month will be enough. The meat should be cut into small pieces so that it is convenient for the baby to eat. Serve either raw or cooked.

Porridge is very suitable for small lumps. With the exception of legumes, they are poorly absorbed by the body and cause bloating. The rest are ideal in the diet. It is better to cook them in broth, adding grated vegetables and pieces of meat.

Dry food

Switching to dry food will make life much easier for the owner. There is no need to cook porridge, grate vegetables, cut meat, just pour it in and you're done. There are several rules that must be followed:

  • the ward must eat food intended for kittens. It contains the necessary substances for the healthy development of the baby. Food for adult cats can harm the baby;
  • Give only one type of food. This is very important, a variety of feeds will lead to calcium imbalance;
  • don't buy cheap food. Premium and super-premium are ideal for kitties. Food of a lower class will only harm your health.

The baby will also like canned food. They consist almost entirely of water and are easily absorbed by the child’s body. Since this is a highly perishable product, it must be kept in the refrigerator and reheated before serving. Put everything that is not eaten back into the refrigerator.

Important: you cannot alternate dry food and natural food, they are absorbed by the body differently.

When consuming dry food, do not forget to pamper your pet sometimes vitamin products. We recommend it, which contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for a growing body. All cats love to eat grass, there is no reason to deny them this.

What to feed newborn kittens?

Newborns sleep most of the time. If he behaves restlessly: tries to crawl, grabs his finger, then he is hungry. Babies at this age are not yet able to eat food or meat.

The ideal option would be mom, but if one month old kitten I found myself without a cat, what should I feed him? Arm yourself with a pipette or syringe without a needle, and prepare a special mixture.

The best options are presented:

  1. Egg yolk, raw and milk;
  2. Boiled egg, beaten raw egg white, vegetable oil;
  3. Egg yolk, corn oil, milk.

You can feed your kitten baby food. The mixture will ideally act as an analogue of cat milk, as it is similar in composition. Then you can use baby formula. You can rest assured that they will not cause any harm to your pet.

If you are worried that you cannot cope on your own, contact a specialist. He will tell you what to feed a one-month-old kitten at home.

What to feed a two month old kitten?

A slightly older baby already has teeth and can gradually learn to eat on his own. It grows and develops quickly, so its diet should contain many useful substances.

It's up to you to feed your 2-month-old kitten dry food or homemade food. It all depends on your employment and financial situation. It will not take much time to pour food into a bowl, and using natural food will be much more economical. But it's your choice.

If you have a furry friend, you must be aware of the responsibility. After all, this is not a toy, but a creature with feelings and emotions for which you are now responsible. Prepare thoroughly for the arrival of your baby in your home and follow the rules proper feeding. Then your pet will be healthy and happy.
