What is dental sanitation and why is it necessary? Sanitation of the mouth before surgery, what does it mean to sanitize the cavity

Sanitation in medicine includes medical procedures aimed at improving the health of the body. The main goal of the intervention is to remove the infection that interferes with healing and normal functioning.

Sanitation of the oral cavity

One of the indicators of human health is a snow-white smile. According to STAR, the oral cavity requires sanitation in 87% of the population.

  1. presence of chronic diseases;
  2. preeclampsia or bacterial infections suffered by a woman in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  3. taking medications during pregnancy;
  4. improper oral care or lack thereof.

When carrying out orthodontic procedures, which can last 2.5 -3 years, dental sanitation is carried out in mandatory. During this time, you may have to visit the dentist up to 8 times.

To prevent negative consequences from visiting the clinic, as well as for certain diseases of the central nervous system, allergic reactions, fear of manipulation, large volumes of dental work, sanitation of the oral cavity under anesthesia is allowed. During manipulations, nervously - mental condition the little patient is relaxed, there is no pain or tactile sensations, which makes the whole process calm and comfortable.

Sanitation of the oral cavity during pregnancy

Dental sanitation during pregnancy is mandatory. It is recommended to undergo health procedures oral cavity before conception.

Important! Visiting the dentist during pregnancy will keep the mother's teeth healthy and prevent Negative influence infections on the child's health.

During the period of bearing a baby, significant hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body, which provokes inflammation of the gums. In addition, the acid-base balance changes, mineral composition saliva. This leads to a loss of calcium, a weakening of the density of dental tissue, as a result of which the enamel becomes thinner and the teeth are destroyed.

If sanitation of the oral cavity was not carried out during pregnancy, a pathogenic infection enters the body of the expectant mother, changing the properties of breast milk (it becomes bitter), and becomes the cause of the development of caries of the newly formed baby teeth. It has been scientifically proven that harmful microflora is located and actively develops in the grooves of the tongue of even a toothless baby.

Research results show that almost every pregnant woman suffers from bleeding gums due to inflammation. If you do not consult a dentist in time, gingivitis can gradually develop into a more serious form - periodontitis, which is difficult to cure. The constant presence of harmful microflora in a woman’s mouth provokes Negative consequences to form all life processes future child. Therefore, sanitation during pregnancy is simply necessary.

It is worth considering that treatment procedures are carried out only in the second trimester. In the second and third, only procedures associated with acute pain are performed.

The examination and a set of measures to improve the oral cavity are carried out without harm to the baby’s health. There are certain contraindications for tooth extraction; if such a need arises, the doctor uses special anesthesia for pregnant women.

Dental treatment

Complete sanitation of the oral cavity is considered completed if all carious cavities are filled and inflammatory processes are eliminated. This safe procedure will keep your teeth healthy and your smile beautiful.

People not connected with medicine have little idea of ​​what oral sanitation is, confusing it with professional cleaning. This term hides a set of procedures that have preventive value to prevent the development of diseases.

The term, translated as “health improvement,” involves a professional examination of the oral cavity. Its goal is to identify diseases and carry out preventive procedures. The result is healthy teeth and doctor's recommendations on how to care for them. The event includes:

Oral cleanings are performed every six months as recommended by standard care guidelines. With such regularity, caries can be noticed early, while there is no extensive carious cavity. There is a concept of planned sanitation of the oral cavity. What it is? A set of therapeutic dental measures provided to workers in certain industries:

  • employees of food industry enterprises;
  • workers in child care institutions;
  • military personnel, cadets and conscripts;
  • women planning to conceive.

Regular sanitation is carried out for people suffering from chronic diseases, which can be aggravated due to poor hygiene:

The procedure is carried out before operations to prevent bacteria and viruses from entering the body. It is important from the point of view of the health of the whole organism. Infections that develop in the mouth can spread to internal organs. For example, they often become the reasons chronic tonsillitis, cause rheumatic changes in bones, joints and heart.

How is oral sanitation done?

The procedure is carried out according to an algorithm, compliance with which allows us to identify most problems:

Sanitation of teeth in children

Complex preventive measures It is important to regularly spend 6-12 years when baby teeth are replaced with permanent ones. Diseases will progress and lead to problems in the future, and abnormal growth or the shape of permanent units is much easier to adjust in childhood.

Sanitation is carried out for children before entering kindergarten or school.

Sanitation of the oral cavity in children is carried out according to an algorithm similar to work with adults. The difference lies in contacting an orthodontist - if the teeth grow incorrectly, and the need for prosthetics arises less often than in adults. It is important that the doctor explains to the young patient how to take care of their teeth on their own.

Features of the procedure during pregnancy

Waiting for a child - difficult period, including from the point of view of the condition of the teeth. They are influenced by negative factors:

  • loss of calcium, causing deterioration of the enamel;
  • hormonal changes that provoke;
  • violation acid-base balance- the cause of caries;
  • The composition of saliva changes, which causes weakening of dental tissue and a decrease in density.

Dental treatment for pregnant women is carried out at a time when it is safe for the fetus.

The type of treatment that is safe for the pregnant woman and the fetus will be selected by the doctor. He will be guided by the duration of pregnancy, the characteristics of the course, and the state of health. Sometimes it is necessary to use a radiovisiograph (a study with local exposure to X-rays), but the doctor will prescribe it only at a time when there is no harm to the fetus.

Certificate of reorganization

A certificate confirming that sanitation has been carried out is an official document containing information about the patient, a dentist’s report, signature, and seal. Detailed description There are no procedures performed in the certificate, only confirmation that the oral cavity has been sanitized. Document required:

  • During pregnancy. After registration with antenatal clinic future mom receives a referral for a dental examination.
  • To admit a child to an educational institution - a kindergarten or school.
  • Before some elective surgeries.
  • During a medical examination carried out annually.
  • When working in hazardous industries, where employees are at risk of developing dental pathologies.

To obtain a certificate, you need to contact a dentist at your place of residence or services paid clinic.

To obtain a certificate, you need to contact a dentist at your place of residence or use the services of a paid clinic. If the doctor finds no problems, the document will be issued on the same day. If diseases requiring treatment are discovered, a certificate can be obtained after treatment procedures.

To avoid a situation where a certificate is urgently required, but the doctor does not issue it due to the presence of oral diseases, it is important to undergo the sanitation procedure voluntarily and regularly consult a dentist, even without obvious reasons. Proper care, eliminating problems is the basis of peace and health.

Everyone knows that to achieve a beautiful and mesmerizing smile, you need to maintain daily oral hygiene and devote at least 10 minutes a day to it. If this procedure is not taken seriously, then after a certain time, serious illnesses.

Have beautiful teeth- this is half the battle; they also need to be healthy. Today, dentistry has come a long way and doctors, with the help modern technologies and equipment can do a real miracle. Dreams of a flawless and healthy smile can actually become a reality.

To achieve this dream you need to fulfill complex of dental activities, which is called oral sanitation. What does the concept of rehabilitation mean? Sanitation is a preventive procedure that is primarily aimed at improving the health of the oral cavity, but also getting rid of the source of inflammation in order to prevent dental diseases. Even when translated, this word means treatment and recovery. Sometimes during sanitation the dentist may discover the following diseases:

  • periodontitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis.

A set of measures for rehabilitation and its types

To begin with, you should find out what set of procedures done by a dentist while sanitizing the oral cavity:

There are three types of sanitization:

  • periodic, it occurs during the annual medical examination;
  • planned;
  • individual.

Planned rehabilitation is usually carried out in kindergartens, educational institutions, sanatoriums, camps, boarding schools, and should also be done during pregnancy. In addition, planned sanitation should be done by people who suffer from dental diseases.

Periodic sanitation occurs for conscripts, disabled people and pregnant women. If an infection appears in the mouth, it can become a source of infection of many organs in the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out sanitation of the oral cavity before surgery, which reduces the risk of developing various complications, including purulent inflammation. Dentists are confident that if the source of inflammation is identified in a timely manner and then treated, this will lead to a quick recovery.

There are several diseases for which oral cavity sanitation is performed 2 times per year:

  • allergy;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of ENT organs.

When carrying out reorganization, it is necessary to determine all its stages. Below is an example step-by-step plan:

The patient also receives recommendations from the dentist regarding proper cleaning teeth, the best toothpaste and toothbrush. Most people want sanitization took just one visit, but this is impossible. In most cases, all dental work cannot be completed in one day, especially if it is required before surgery.

Rehabilitation procedure

To begin with, the doctor completely examines the patient’s oral cavity, and then opens a card in which he indicates all the stages of treatment. If the dentist discovers serious illnesses or the patient needs surgery, then you will definitely need to take a photo. Not all patients require dental treatment; in this case, the doctor simply prescribes row hygiene procedures:

  • teeth are cleaned of various deposits;
  • The spaces between the teeth are cleaned;
  • cleaning gum pockets.

After completion of all manipulations, the specialist, at the request of the patient, can issue a certificate of sanitation. Usually such a certificate necessary for employment, for registration sick leave, when admitting a child to kindergarten or school or before surgery.

During pregnancy, it is imperative to sanitize the oral cavity. During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes restructuring due to hormonal changes and this can cause gum inflammation. There are also changes in the acid-base balance of saliva. Thus, a woman quickly loses calcium, and her teeth may become thinner.

If sanitation was not performed during pregnancy for some reason, then pathogenic infection can enter the body, affecting the fetus and breast milk. For this reason, many children in early age Caries appears on baby teeth.

According to the research results, every second pregnant woman suffers from bleeding gums and inflammation. If this problem is not resolved, then gingivitis progresses to more dangerous disease, for example, periodontitis and it is no longer so easy to cure. For these reasons, during pregnancy it is mandatory to undergo oral sanitation. It should be taken into account that all sanitization measures are best carried out in the second trimester.

The entire range of measures is carried out without harm to the health of the fetus. If a pregnant woman suddenly needs to have a tooth removed, there are now special painkillers for pregnant women, which do not affect the child.

Sanitation in children

As planned this procedure covers almost all children's institutions. Everyone knows that baby teeth are much more susceptible to caries and other diseases for many reasons. Therefore, the child’s oral cavity should be sanitized constantly. If, during the first sanitation, the dentist discovered caries in a child, then the repeated procedure should take place a year later, but after that, sanitation should be carried out 2-3 times a year.

This can have a positive effect on the condition of children's teeth, when baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth, and then the child will have only strong and healthy teeth in the future. And the improvement of the child’s oral cavity plays a big role in normal development child's body generally.

Those people who take care of their health will definitely follow all the dentist's instructions and carry out a set of hygiene procedures. These measures can be carried out at home, but no more. Oral hygiene is important for dental health, but in addition, it is the prevention of dental diseases.

It should be remembered that full oral sanitation cannot be performed at home. After all, there is no special equipment for this at home, and this research is distinguished by its complexity.


If you regularly sanitize the oral cavity, you can avoid many dental infections and diseases; the teeth will remain intact and there will be no need for their removal or prosthetics. This will save money and time. This the procedure is safe and she should devote her time at least once a year. Without a dental examination, people have no way of knowing what is happening in their mouth. Therefore, you should not save on the health of your teeth and the whole body as a whole.

Oral sanitation - what is it? This simple question may arise in many people's minds. So there is nothing complicated here and in translation from Latin language, sanitation is translated as treatment or recovery. This is a set of procedures aimed at preventing and necessary treatment diseases affecting the oral cavity. When the mucous membranes of the mouth and teeth are sanitized, an examination is carried out, diseases, such as caries, are identified, and the necessary treatment is carried out.

Also, during the examination, various histological defects are identified and eliminated, decayed teeth are removed, and dental plaque is eliminated. In addition, if gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis and other diseases are detected, the necessary anti-inflammatory measures are taken.

The procedure involves a number of necessary measures which include:

Examination of the oral cavity by a dentist. Identification of possible diseases;

Elimination of dental deposits (bacterial soft plaque, tartar);

Treatment of detected diseases and their complications (caries, periodontitis);

Treatment of non-carious lesions;

Carrying out the necessary gum and periodontal therapy. Anti-inflammatory treatment is carried out in case of detection of gingivitis, periodontitis, stomatitis, tongue diseases;

Necessary removal of decayed teeth and their roots, wisdom teeth, if they are in the way or located in the wrong position;

Carrying out measures to correct bite and prosthetics, if necessary.

During sanitation they use everything required types therapies that are aimed at eliminating the source of infection. Antibiotics are usually not used in order to avoid developing bacterial resistance to it.

Conventional instruments are used, for example a dental bur, which is used for mechanical cleaning. Ultrasound or laser treatment is carried out, and antimicrobial rinsing of the mucous membrane and teeth is mandatory.

Impact of Oral Infections on General Health

In this regard, rehabilitation measures are aimed at improving health and treatment. After all, as you know, the oral cavity can be a source of various common diseases. That is, an infection that develops in the oral cavity easily spreads throughout the body.

For example, according to dental experts like chronic infections cause the development of atherosclerosis. In this case, a direct connection can be traced: the more infectious foci in the mouth, the more atherosclerotic plaques appear in the blood vessels.

In addition, such infections are one of the main causes of the development of chronic sore throat in children, as well as the cause of rheumatic lesions heart, bones and joints.

Except infectious diseases, also distinguish viral diseases mucous membrane and are found quite often. They can have a chronic or latent course, that is, they develop slowly and imperceptibly. The most common disease is herpes.

The symptoms of the herpes virus are similar to other viral diseases, e.g. chickenpox. First, a bubble filled with liquid (vesicle) appears on the mucous membrane, after which it turns into a painful ulcer. Viral diseases, usually are a manifestation of general diseases of the whole body.

Often on the oral mucosa are detected and fungal diseases. These include, for example, the well-known candidiasis (thrush).

Thus, we can say with confidence that classical sanitation of the oral cavity is the key to good health the whole body.

Forms of reorganization

There are three forms of conducting these events:

- Individual. When a patient goes to the dentist on his own. After which he is given a full course of necessary measures.

- Periodic(one-time). It is carried out in certain, limited groups of the population, based on a plan of developed medical examination measures.

- Planned sanitation of the oral cavity (therapeutic and prophylactic). Systematic work to detect and treat oral diseases in certain groups of people who are undergoing dispensary services. For example, it is mandatory in all preschool institutions, schools, military units and commissariats (conscripts) and industrial enterprises.

There are also centralized and decentralized methods of reorganization.

In case of centralized treatment, procedures are carried out in medical institutions.

When decentralized, procedures are carried out in special treatment rooms that are available in enterprises or schools.

Often a team method is used, in which a medical team consisting of doctors with nurse and a nurse on a specially equipped bus. They carry out rehabilitation of workers or the population.

This procedure is absolutely necessary for patients awaiting surgery. This will help prevent possible complications. Sanitation is also necessary for those who are going to go on a long business trip or expedition. But this is especially true for women who are planning a pregnancy or are already expecting a baby. Be healthy!

Sanation is a Latin word that implies two actions - healing and treatment. Dentists define oral debridement as a series of procedures that allow an examination to identify problems with the teeth and the inner oral region. In addition to the examination, the doctor also conducts therapeutic measures, eliminating identified diseases. If there are no problems, then sanitation of the oral cavity is a preventive measure that works to prevent diseases.

What is included in the complex of rehabilitation measures?

The initial appointment for sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out by a dentist. If certain problems are found, the patient may be referred to an orthopedist or surgeon. Sanitation of the oral cavity consists of several stages:

  • performance panoramic photo teeth;
  • professional cleaning of the oral cavity;
  • drawing up a treatment plan if treatment is required.

Having completed the examination and drawn up a treatment plan, the doctor is obliged to correct all identified problems and bring treatment to positive result. Only after all necessary procedures rehabilitation can be considered completely completed. This approach is relevant for all categories of the population, including children and pregnant women, for whom sanitation is doubly important.

If during the examination certain problems are noted that require treatment, it is carried out in accordance with the plan developed by the dentist. Some actions to treat inflammation are carried out at home using special gels and ointments.

What may be included in treatment procedures:

  • removal of teeth that can no longer be cured;
  • cure caries;
  • anti-inflammatory therapy;
  • dental restoration;
  • preparing the oral cavity for prosthetics;
  • procedures to correct bite;
  • removal of plaque and tartar, whitening procedures;
  • filling teeth and replacing fillings;
  • orthodontic procedures.

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After checking the condition of the teeth and gums, the doctor tells the patient about the presence of problems or their absence. A specialist can advise which toothbrush and toothpaste to use and how to brush your teeth correctly (this information is especially important for children). If necessary, the doctor recommends the use of a certain dental elixir. In addition, when serious problems With teeth, the dentist prescribes a course of treatment or gives a referral to other specialists whose competence lies in correcting the detected problem.

When is planned rehabilitation prescribed?

Planned sanitation is equivalent to general medical examination and is indicated for all people. In addition, it is mandatory to carry out when:

  • pregnancy;
  • preparation for long-term hospitalization and before surgery;
  • prescribed installation of braces to straighten the bite;
  • upon arrival preschool age child;
  • planning a trip to another country.

Doctors rightly believe that every person who cares about their health regularly undergoes the procedure of their own free will. For the dentist to work effectively and to maintain dental health, oral sanitation should be carried out twice a year. This period is established by medical standards; it allows you to identify all problems in time and solve them at the initial stages.

How is sanitation performed during pregnancy?

An oral health check should be carried out during pregnancy planning or directly during pregnancy. A woman should understand that the condition of her oral cavity determines normal functioning her own body at the time of global restructuring. In addition, microbes formed during caries and inflammatory processes can harm the child. If your mouth is sanitized on time, it means that you have taken proper care of the normal development of the fetus.

What problems can be identified?

The hormonal changes in the body that occur during pregnancy cause an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the oral cavity. Pathogenic microbes take advantage of the moment and begin to multiply rapidly, causing the formation of caries and inflammatory processes. Every second mother carrying a child complains of:

  • painful sensations in the mouth when eating;
  • noticeable swelling of the gums and the appearance of a bluish tint;
  • bleeding gums.

Annoying changes are a consequence of violations in hormonal background which can lead to gingivitis. When examining a pregnant woman, the dentist removes tartar, if any. After removing the plaque, the doctor treats tooth enamel fluoride to strengthen and protect her during pregnancy. All actions of specialists are aimed at ensuring comfortable gestation of the fetus and protecting it from pathogenic microbes, capable of penetrating the mother's body.

Healing procedures are not contraindicated during pregnancy; they are performed using anesthetics permitted during this period

Visit plan

As a rule, dentists advise sanitation before conception. If for some reason a woman is unable to undergo the procedure before pregnancy, she should go to the doctor as soon as possible. Diseases discovered during a dental examination are treated in the second trimester. An exception is made if the patient suffers from acute pain or inflammation.

Treatment with anesthesia is carried out with drugs that are approved for use on pregnant patients. The composition of such products means that they are harmless to the mother and fetus. After you visit the doctor, appropriate treatment will be carried out, he will write down in your card that you have undergone sanitation. Such a record means to the gynecologist that everything is fine with your teeth and gums, and there are no threats to the child.

Carrying out the procedure in children

The formation of the body, diet and developmental characteristics are good reasons for children to visit the dentist frequently. Children undergo oral sanitation much more often than adults. Scheduled examinations of children are established for kindergartens and schools, which include sanitization. A dental examination can be carried out in children's camps and sanatoriums. If during rehabilitation it is revealed that the child needs treatment from an orthodontist, braces may be installed. The duration of wearing them can last for 1.5-2 years, during which time the small patient needs to undergo sanitation several times.

Timing of inspections

If the baby’s teeth are all clean and without problematic changes, routine examinations at school or kindergarten. If a child has teeth affected by caries, in order to avoid complications, sanitation must be carried out according to the following plan:

  • initial degree of caries - once a year;
  • second degree – once every 6 months;
  • third degree – once every 3 months.

Preparing for treatment

Dental treatment for young patients requires a careful and attentive approach from the doctor. It is often performed under general anesthesia. Many children are unconsciously afraid of dentists, so a few days before the procedures it is useful to give the child sedatives, promoting calm nervous system. If the baby is in a stressful state, a specialist may resort to general anesthesia. Sanitation is considered complete if the child has received full treatment and all defects have been corrected.

When is a remediation certificate issued?

A person’s life is full of different events: he grows, enters educational institutions, gets sick, changes profession, travels. Some of the events fall within the requirements specified in regulatory and legal acts, and then we may need to obtain a certificate from the dentist, which will indicate the completion of sanitation. When help is needed:

  • when registering and collecting documents during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • if a doctor has prescribed elective surgery;
  • when employed in a government agency;
  • if children are planning to visit institutions involved in children’s health;
  • when working in hazardous industries;
  • employment in production areas with mandatory regular medical examinations (when working with food products);
  • long business trips and expeditions.

A certificate is also required if the patient is undergoing a complex operation. The surgeon is obliged to exclude any sources of infection of the patient in order to avoid complications when performing internal intervention in the patient’s body.

The certificate is issued by the doctor who performed the examination. The document has a prescribed form; it contains a record of a complete reorganization.

Take checking the condition of your mouth and teeth very seriously. If you start negative processes, you can acquire a lot of unpleasant and even dangerous diseases. Harmful germs, inhabiting your mouth, freely penetrate into the body and continue their dangerous activities there. Particular sanitation activity is required from parents who are responsible for the health of their children, and from mothers preparing for the birth of a baby.
